What is the best biowave. What is biowave hair? Required tools and materials

By nature, women are rather contradictory creatures. Ladies with short hair want long strands, and with straight curls - a curly effect. Modern world technology allows you to meet any needs and desires. Biochemical hair curling helps to turn your dreams into reality. Simultaneously with the appearance of beautiful curls, the painful question of hairstyles comes to the background. Perms last long enough, so give your head a break from new ideas!

Biochemical hair curling, otherwise biowaving is an absolutely harmless procedure, which includes less aggressive elements. More than half of the components are of natural origin and practically do not harm hair, which cannot be said about perm, which uses acid and ammonia. Such substances destroy the hair structure.
Cysteamine is protein product, which is part of the biowave product. Also, it promotes the manifestation protective function, and tries to protect curls from negative impact... By the way, such a substance was originally included in the composition human hair, therefore it justifies its usefulness and safety.

Benefits of biowave

Biochemical hair curling is best alternative curling iron or ironing. As mentioned above, the composition of the product combines not only natural substances, but, in any case, curls suffer much less than from other chemical procedures.
Tired of constantly walking around with a curly head? Please! Having worked a little with hair styling products in and out curly hair you can make straight lines, but only before the next head wash. Here comes the variety! In any case, the procedure gives the curls a natural shine and smoothness.
Owners of greasy hair are your salvation! Since the procedure initially dries up the scalp, literally, after 5 days, traces of oily content will not be visible! It turns out that the problem is solved and the strands are in excellent condition.
Bio-curling is a curling of hair on long time... At proper care it will last long enough (up to six months). The procedure can be repeated as the roots grow.
Biochemical hair curling does not interfere with the use coloring agents... Everyone understands that the roots begin to grow over time and on the head it does not look very beautiful! The biological composition of the product is in harmony with the coloring pigments, that is, after some time, you can safely paint the hair.

Disadvantages of biowaving

Do not hide the fact that, like any procedure, biochemical hair curling also contains negative aspects. A product that contains, albeit a small percentage chemicals damages the strands. They begin to split and even fall out. Again, this is purely individual feature and depends on the structure of the hair. With proper care high probability avoid this ailment.
How to get rid of biowave? Oh, no how! If only to cut the annoying curls. Perming hair for a long time provides a rather long-lasting effect.
During lactation or pregnancy, it is strongly discouraged to perform this procedure... Also, below will be given all the contraindications for which you should not perform a biochemical perm.
Tsiastemin has a peculiarity bad smell... Therefore, within 2 weeks after the procedure, you may feel an unpleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of socks or wet wool.
It is necessary to pay due attention to the strands. With ad hoc recovery, you need to maintain them healthy state otherwise the outcome will not be very pleasant.

Contraindications to biochemical hair curling

Open wounds or scratches on the head area;
- lactation;
-menstrual period;
-the presence of hidden inflammatory processes in organism;
- nervous state;
-use of hormones or antibiotics;
- other diseases of the head skin.

If you have at least one feature of the above contraindications, it is best to postpone the entry in order to get positive result.

Biowave classification

Depending on the composition of the product, the procedure is classified:

If the composition contains silk proteins, it is silk biochemical hair curling... With the help of this consistency, it is possible to give shine to the hair and elasticity. Such a composition is considered the most gentle, so if you have dyed or already permed hair, then this is the place for you! Silk proteins strengthen the curls and do not deform the structure of the strands.

Biowave is also classified by hair length. The procedure is on long hair, medium and, accordingly, short. For each, the type of mixture and the size of the curls are individually selected: large, small and medium. The curl should look concise and not cause overwhelming reactions.

Bio-curling for short hair

The Italian blend contributes to giving short curls a spectacular volume. Let's consider the main stages.

Stage 1. Washing the strands with a special tool.
Stage 2. Dividing the head into zones, and twisting the curlers. Please note that it is better not to use bangs at all.
Stage 3. The retainers are processed with a curling agent.
Stage 4. Rinsing and drying takes place by analogy with the above-described bio-curling for long hair.

The steps are absolutely identical to short and long curls.

There are some secrets of the procedure... Let's consider them.

The curling effect will last longer on colored or bleached hair, but it needs constant care... The protein blend contributes to a more optimal effect.
-Bio waving is not done on hair extensions due to uncertain future results.
- As you know, biochemical perm is quite expensive and not everyone can do. Therefore, it is possible to do a similar procedure at home. So, let's begin!

Biochemical hair curling at home

Step 1. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo professional brand... If there is none, then we simply rinse twice with the usual means.
Step 2. We dry the hair and divide it into four or more parts, depending on the type of haircut. Strands that are in this moment not required, fixed with elastic bands.
Step 3. We select the desired shape and the size of the curlers and wind them on strands. We do not tighten too much for the further convenience of twisting the papillotes.
Step 4. When the whole head is wound, we process it with an activator. Apply the product directly to the curlers and rub the concentrate with your gloved fingers.
Dyed hair is enough for the appearance of the effect for about 15 minutes, and if you are the owner natural hair, then extend the procedure up to half an hour.
Step 5. We unwind the curlers and slightly fluff the hair with our fingers, in no case do we comb it with a comb.

You can't wash your hair for three days plain water nor hair care product. This is the kind of test every girl needs to go through in order to achieve the desired result.
It is important to remember that the procedure performed at home may differ from desired effect... Therefore, it is better to entrust your curls to professionals and not take risks!

Professional set:

Sponge and container for the retainer;
-Materials for hair curling;
-Warm hat;
-Restoral balm;
-Oil for the ends.

How long will such beauty last?
The biowave lasts about six months, and the home procedure lasts about 90 days. In order to prolong the effect, adhere to useful tips.

At first, hair requires long-term restoration. In the first week after the procedure, exclude masks and balms, in the second, you can already use silicone mixtures. Shampoo that contains silicone is ideal for curls.
Secondly, exclude, if possible, a vertical shower. At horizontal position The curls feel best and do not stretch.

Thirdly, problems may arise with combing the strands. Therefore, use a wide-toothed comb. In no case should you use massage brushes!
Treat hair with special products for dry and brittle hair... It is recommended to dye hair after biowaving after some time, namely 2-3 weeks.

Benefits of curly hair

No hassle of styling. Getting up every day in the morning, your hair will look like "from the cover": spectacular and magnificent. Curly strands give the image a certain charm, charm and mystery. Hair will noticeably add shine and silkiness. This procedure will always be in demand in the fashion world. Most famous models and actresses, such as N. Kidman, S. Parker and others, constantly do biochemical hair perm. It only says that curly hair will always be at the peak of popularity.
Having slightly diversified your imagination, using biowave, you can create your own new style:
It is not necessary to perform the procedure for the entire length of the hair, but only on the ends.
If you do not use all the strands for the procedure, then cardinal changes in everyday life will follow. appearance... You can curl the strand through the strand or combine the sizes of the curls.
So STOP is banal and harmful means for hair and start a long-lasting and new image. A sexy look will add more confidence and persistence to you. And, most importantly, it will save time on styling, which could be replaced with a favorite thing.

Every woman dreams of a perfect hairstyle. Many people use irons and curling irons every day. This technique worsens the condition of the hairline and weakens it. Over time, hair falls out a lot and becomes excessively brittle. Many girls believe that biowaving on medium hair will help to avoid negative consequences... Thanks to this procedure, the hairstyle will always look perfect. Is it so? The biowave procedure has a lot of nuances. More detailed information you can find about them in our article.

What is biowave? General information about the procedure

Many people confuse biowave with a chemical procedure. They have a huge number of differences. middle length originated seventeen years ago. Hairdressers claim that this procedure eliminates all factors that contribute to the deterioration of the hair condition. In cosmetics used for biowave, there are no harmful substances that destroy

Chemicals that make up cosmetic product are also harmless to the skin. In the event that the biowave on medium hair was carried out correctly, they acquire a healthy shine and elasticity.

Today the process of biowaving can be combined with reconstruction. Thanks to this, you can not only make your hair flawless, but also improve its condition. The faux curling process lasts on average about two hours. Before the procedure, the specialist must carefully examine the structure of the hair in order to choose the most appropriate concentration of the drug.

If the hairstyle has a weakened look, then biowaving on medium hair will begin with wellness procedures. The split ends will be trimmed with hot scissors. This will make your hair more well-groomed and attractive.

Several features of the procedure

Among the fairer sex, biowave for medium hair is especially popular. The features that are present during the procedure should be known to every girl who decided on it. Before making a biowave, a specialist must check the woman's sensitivity to the product. The drug is applied to the elbow from the inside. If the appearance of the skin has not changed, then you can safely proceed to the procedure.

The specialist must clean hairline from possible contamination with shampoo. After that, a remedy is applied for a while, thanks to which the curls will retain their shape. For flawless styling experts use curlers of different sizes, depending on the girl's preferences.

Different types of curls

Many girls do not know how a biowave on medium hair will look after the procedure. Large curls recommend to choose those who have round shape faces. Thanks to this, you can emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages. Girls who have a pronounced oval type face, this hairstyle will not work. She will make him less pronounced and attractive. Hair biowaving is individually selected for each individual. do not always fit. They look most advantageous on a long hairstyle.

Lately, many girls refuse too much long hairstyles... Is biowaving hair suitable for them? Medium curls look great on cascading haircuts... They add volume to the hair.

Small curls are ideal for hair owners short length... Many have flat or asymmetrical bangs... Is biowaving hair suitable for such girls? On medium hair with bangs, the smallest curlers are often wound. A girl can choose the option of both biowaving hair with or without bangs.

Thanks to the small curls, the hairstyle will acquire additional volume. Hair like this is easy to style.

Positive qualities of the procedure

Biowave for medium hair has a mass positive qualities... It is not by chance that the girls decide on such a procedure. Thanks to this, you can significantly save time on your daily hair styling. The effect of the procedure lasts for more than six months. This hairstyle always looks well-groomed and attractive. The procedure has a minimum of contraindications.

V special means not included hazardous substances... It is for this reason that the condition of the hair will not worsen after the procedure. Curls have enough natural look... Bio-curling does not harm the scalp.

The effect of the procedure does not last so long. For many girls, this is another plus, because in this way you can change your image quite often. Biowave is suitable for hair of any length. will tell you which curls on your hairstyle will look the most advantageous.

All types of biowave. The cost of the procedure

There are many types of biowave. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with them before the procedure. One of the most popular methods is Japanese. This type is characterized by a moisturizing composition. Collagen is also among the components of the preparation. Such a substance retains moisture inside the hair for as long as possible. Thanks to this, they will cease to be brittle and dry.

Part Japanese drugs also includes tea leaf extract, proteins and many other substances. It is known that the Japanese biowave for medium length hair works best.

Another popular method is Italian. This procedure is ideal for those with short hair or those who want the smallest curls possible.

The safest is considered to be biowave with silk particles. This method is ideal for those who wish to restore the hair structure and restore it well-groomed appearance.

The cost of biowaving for different girls may differ significantly. The price depends on the thickness and length of the hair. As a rule, the cost of a perm on a medium-length hairstyle ranges from two to five thousand rubles. However, in some salons, it can cost the girl a little more.

Several disadvantages of the procedure

Some girls who have tried bio-curling highlight several disadvantages of this procedure. They claim that after it, a persistent and unpleasant scent remains on the hair. It is felt especially strongly if the hairstyle is wet.

Girls who preferred to make a biowave on weakened and damaged hair, note that the curls are unevenly distributed. V different places curls have different elasticity and size. It is for this reason that they have to regularly use a curling iron on problem strands.

The girls also note that if there are any problems with the scalp, there is a great chance that they will worsen after the procedure. You will need to purchase special tools to get rid of them.


Vertical biowave for medium hair has contraindications. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. In the event that a girl has allergic reaction on anything, there is a high probability that preparations for biowave will not work for her either.

Before the procedure, you should carefully examine the scalp, because if the drug gets into wounds or scratches, it is dangerous to health. It is also not recommended to do a biowave if a girl dyed or highlighted her hair for two weeks before the procedure.

Biowave at home

Many people decide to do biowave on their own. However, the quality of the curls is significantly different from those made in the salon. If you nevertheless decide to perform the procedure at home, then it is important to study all the nuances in advance. First of all, you should purchase only quality and certified materials. If the hair is in poor condition, it is better to consult a specialist and not experiment on your own. Before the procedure, you will need to wash your hair thoroughly and dry it, preferably without using a hair dryer. On dry hair, you will need to apply special solution and fix the desired curls. After the time indicated on the package, wash your hair thoroughly and wait until it dries completely.

In no case should the solution be overexposed on the hair. If this does happen, then your hairstyle will not have a well-groomed look. Hair will become brittle and dry.

who have undergone the biowave procedure?

Any hair requires careful maintenance. If you have done the biowaving procedure, then it is not recommended for you to wash your hair for the first two days. You can not also use a hairdryer during this period. It is recommended to comb your hair with a wooden comb with sparse teeth. All care products should be replaced as soon as possible. After biowaving, you need to purchase cosmetics for wavy hair. It is recommended to use the hair dryer only in special cases, but always in combination with protective balms.

Any coloring can be done only two weeks after biowaving. Otherwise, the hair will lose its appearance.

the effect voluminous curls and mischievous curls confidently came into fashion after the famous shows in the framework of Milan Fashion Week. A cascade of romantic waves has replaced perfectly smooth, straightened hair and has firmly taken the leading positions in fashion trends.

Bio-perm, or bio-perm, provides a unique opportunity get luxurious curls without exposing your hair to aggressive substances. Unlike a perm, there are no chemical ingredients in the active composition of a biowaving preparation, so it does not have a persistent unpleasant odor, does not “eat up” hair color, does not deprive it of its natural shine, does not weigh down the hair and lasts as long as standard chemistry - from 3 months to six months.

Pros of biowave

The main advantage of biochemical curling is the ability to apply it to bleached hair... In addition, biowave also has medicinal properties, thanks to which there is effective recovery hair structure. During hair lightening, molecular bonds are broken, and construction material giving hair vitality and saturating them active ingredients, washed out under the influence of coloring agents. The biowaving procedure takes place in two stages: at the first stage, cystine, which is similar in structure to a protein, penetrates into the hair, and in the second, the fixer saturates the hair with amino acids similar to those of human hair.

Biowave can be repeated without worrying about the condition of the ends and turning them into a lifeless bun. Also, girls often resort to biowaving in order to correct the mistakes of standard chemistry.

Others positive factor in favor of biowave is its soft and natural transition, which makes the border between regrown roots and curls almost invisible. In addition, biostyling provides inorganic opportunities for creative imagination clients: you can easily transform your hair into elastic curls, perky little curls or stylish Hollywood waves.

Disadvantages of biowaving

Despite the above advantages, biowaving still has certain disadvantages:

Compared with perm the technique of performing biowave is more complicated;
- quite an expensive service;
- curls are more demanding for styling products;
- with the result of biowaving, regardless of whether you liked it or not, you will have to walk certain time, because it will be impossible to fix it. To avoid disappointment, use curlers to roll curls, or use tongs or a curling iron. After fixing the result, you can make sure which styling suits you, and then start performing biowave.

Biowave at home

To biowave at home leads to desired result, prepare the following materials and tools:

- preparation for biowave. The package usually includes a biowaving agent and a neutralizer. If you purchase them separately, give preference to one manufacturer - do not mix components from different series.
- towel;
- bobbin-rods (plastic curlers), the diameter of which is selected based on the desired degree of curling. Curls twisted on large or medium bobbins look more natural. Keep in mind that as a result of curling on too large bobbins, the curl will look like a weak wave;
- two small foam sponges, one of which you will process your hair, the other - apply a neutralizer;
- a bowl for preparing the composition for application;
- comb "ponytail" for separating and wrapping strands;
- drape.

Biowave technique

1. Along the hairline, apply fat cream that will protect delicate skin face from accidental ingestion of biowaving composition.

2. To open the hair cuticles, as well as remove various impurities and styling products accumulated on the hair shaft, wash your hair with a deep cleaning shampoo, without affecting the scalp.

3.Using a comb with a metal ponytail, divide the head into the following zones: parietal, temporolateral, upper, middle and lower occipital area.

4. Start curling the hair in the direction of its natural growth, moving from the parietal to the occipital zone. Then, remembering to comb the strands well before wrapping, continue working on the temporal-lateral zones, and finish it on the parietal.

Gradually, choosing strand by strand, wind wet hair on the bobbins, observing the basic rule - the step of the strand should be equal to the diameter of the bobbin, and the thickness of the strand - the width of its working surface. The degree of moisture in curled hair should be directly proportional to its condition. Also, remember to keep your hair moisturized evenly. If your hair starts to dry out during curling, moisturize it with a regular spray bottle.

Wrap the ends of the hair parchment paper to prevent them from creasing. During wrapping on bobbins, the tension of the strands should be the same. Excessive weakening of hair will result in wrong location strands and, as a result, will negatively affect the result of biowaving, and excessive tension can lead not only to deformation of the curl, but also damage to the hair structure.

The angle of the brace also affects the biowave result. Try to keep the strand at a 90 ° angle to the tangent to the head, gradually pulling away from the axis.

5.Using the applicator, apply the biowave preparation, carefully distributing it over the curled strands. Try not to flood bobbins with it, but also avoid dry areas. To moisturize your hair well, walk over the bobbins several times until the curls are completely saturated with the perm.

6. Put a cap on top of the bobbins, and leave the hair for 15-25 (depending on the degree of damage to your hair, as well as its structure) for the effect of the biowave preparation. In order not to overexpose the composition, check if the curl is formed correctly. To do this, after 10-15 minutes from the side of the parietal section, gently unwind one curl. If it is elastic and close to the stickleback size, shorten the holding time of the curling composition, if not, increase the exposure time of the drug. However, periodically, every 5-7 minutes, check the degree of curl curl.

7. After the holding time of the bio-curling compound, rinse the strands warm water without spinning sticklebacks.

8.Using a small foam sponge Apply 1/3 of the neutralizer to all hair and leave on for 10-15 minutes.

9. At the end of the specified time, carefully remove the bobbins, taking care not to deform the curl. After that, apply the remaining neutralizer to the curls without bobbins. The holding time in the second stage is 5 minutes, excluding the time for applying the composition.

10. The final stage. After the time has passed, rinse the neutralizer from your hair, and then wear the conditioner without rinsing it off. Dry your hair.

Refrain from washing your hair in the first 3-4 days after biowaving;
- use quality professional tools for curly hair care, which will not only gently cleanse the hair, but also prevent the curls from weighing down;
- moisturize your hair regularly and intensively, alternating the use of regenerating masks containing panthenol or keratin with hair conditioner;
- for styling your hair, choose foams with medium fixation, since wax will make curls heavier, and if applied excessively, it can give them an untidy look;
- use combs and flat combs with wide sparse teeth that will not destroy the shape of the curls;
- proceed to hair coloring (this recommendation applies as persistent cream colors and tint balms) can be done not earlier than 2.5-3 weeks after the procedure;
- do not comb wet curls. This will cause them to pull out as well as damage the hair. After the bath, you should also not dry your hair intensively with a towel, removing excess moisture. Better to gently blot the curls and allow time to dry on their own;
- turn on the hair dryer only in warm or cold drying mode, and for styling use the diffuser attachment with short "fingers";
- periodically, every 2-2.5 months, cut the ends of your hair. Thus, you will not only remove lifeless split ends, but also save time on subsequent styling;
- some unscrupulous manufacturers add extracts from natural raw materials to ordinary thioglycolic acid and call it biowave, so be careful about the product that is offered to you;
- it is advisable to undergo a course of hair restoration and health improvement after biowaving.

2. Do not use biowave while taking hormonal drugs or strong antibiotics, in critical days, as well as during pregnancy or lactation. To avoid trouble, postpone curling your hair until it is more appropriate.

3. Before starting biowaving, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

If you can't create volume in your hairstyle in any way, you need biowave hair - salon procedure for creating beautiful curls for a long time. With it, you will forget about the dreary daily styling. Find out how it is carried out, what types exist, what formulations are used for it.

Naturally curly women have been trying all their lives to straighten their curls with irons and various salon procedures... Those who have them straight from birth, on the contrary, want to curl them up in order to add volume to the hairstyle and facilitate styling. This is how the fair sex is arranged: they are always seduced by what they do not have. You can achieve slight waviness and steep "lambs" in different ways. Among the hairdressing services offering long-term perm, - the familiar "chemistry", a relatively new carving and biowave hair... The latter procedure is a kind of know-how and has many advantages compared to other techniques.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Externally hair biowaving effect practically no different from "chemistry" or carving. The master can make curls of any size and different angle refraction. But these procedures will not have the same effect on the strands. When biowaving, nutrient solutions are used that do not spoil the hair structure from the inside. That is, there will be no total loss, as after "chemistry", or general fragility, as after carving. These troubles can only become side effects as a result of improper care of curls after the procedure, but this applies to isolated cases, and not mandatory consequences.


  • Luxury curly hair;
  • you can pick up curls of any size: small, medium, large - someone stops at a slight waviness;
  • long-term effect (six months to a year);
  • sparing effect on curls: lack of thioglycolic acid, ammonia, which destroy the hair structure;
  • nutrition: solutions for biowave contain natural ingredients;
  • no need for daily styling;
  • a large selection of drugs;
  • the ability to make a biowave at home.


However, not everything is as rosy as we would like: biowave hair harm also inflicts, although this is rather an exception than an inevitability. The unpleasant consequences of the procedure are associated with an individual intolerance to the components of the selected drug or improper care behind curls in rehabilitation period... Most often, cons are called:

  • dry hair, loss of moisture;
  • fragility;
  • unpleasant smell after the procedure, which lasts for a very long time;
  • a loss natural color;
  • rigidity;
  • sometimes - loss;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • undesirability of staining after biofusion.

As you can see from these lists, pros and cons are balanced in the hair biowaving procedure. Moreover, the latter can always be avoided if you know how to care for newly acquired curls. In addition, it is advisable to correctly choose the solution and type of curlers, on which the appearance of the curls will depend.

Keep in mind. In the prices of beauty salons, this procedure can be found under other names: biochemical or biological perm.

Types of biowave for hair

It's hard to say which one best biowave hair: there are so many of them that even masters cannot unequivocally answer this question... Before you go to bring beauty to the salon, it is advisable to study this variety and select for yourself a few suitable options, so as not to get confused on the spot.

Hair length

  • For medium length hair

According to many experts and judging by the reviews of women, biowave on medium hair is the most the best option this procedure. Highly short strands will not allow curls to play out, too long - will quickly lose initial appearance: their density and severity straightens the curls.

You can make the biowave for short hair look natural and not raise the root part of the hair too much. For this, craftsmen use bobbins of different diameters.

  • Long hair

If you need a biowave for long hair, you do not need to experiment and carry it out at home. It is quite complex in technology, so it is better to entrust it to the hands of a professional.

By the size of the curls

  • Large
  • Average

Hair biowaving medium curls - ta golden mean which you should definitely use. It looks especially good on cascading hairstyles.

  • Small

Hair biowaving with small curls - perfect option for short haircuts... Lasts a long time, beautifully frames the face.

  • Wavy

Wave bio-curling is usually offered to those who have long strands. The result is a slight curl effect that won't last long, but will create a romantic and airy look.

Hair condition

  • Biowave on thin, rare hair is ideal: instead of lifeless icicles, you will get beautiful volume and decent face framing;
  • biowave for weakened hair is better done with a solution from Studio (Studio), since it contains vitamin B5, which restores damaged curls;
  • biowave on clarified hair causes a lot of controversy among specialists: most discourage their clients from such stress for curls; however, the French offer the drug Trioform save - this is innovative technology new generation biowave, which was developed specifically for bleached, bleached, highlighted hair;
  • biowave on curly the hair is not done, otherwise tangled and messy hairstyles are guaranteed.

And other types

  • Vertical- biowave is done from roots to ends, which allows you to distribute the strands evenly over the cone-shaped bobbins;
  • vitamin- enrichment of the solution with vitamins;
  • horizontal- adds volume to the hairstyle;
  • italian- with bamboo extract, gives shine, saturates color, recommended for damaged, thin hair short length, forms small curls strong fixation;
  • keratin- saturation of the solution with keratin (this type includes preparations for biowave from KIS (Holland) and Estel (Russia);
  • classic- without adding additional components into solution;
  • easy- waves;
  • on the ends of the hair- does not create the effect of a shock, a nest on the head;
  • basal- curling is done only at the roots, to add volume;
  • protein- solution enrichment with proteins;
  • spiral- biowaving hair using hair curlers;
  • silk- contains silk proteins, is recommended for the restoration of damaged hair, forms light curls of weak fixation, the duration of the effect is up to 2 months;
  • japanese- with a lipid complex and collagen, moisturizes, prevents brittleness, recommended for medium-length hair, forms curls of medium fixation.

These are the types of biowaving hair that modern beauty salons and hairdressing salons can offer. The choice is quite extensive, the main thing is to make it correctly, according to your length of curls, their condition and type. Here you will also need to focus on cost. Pay attention also to what contraindications are available for this procedure.

The price of the issue. The approximate cost of biowaving hair of medium length is about 5,000 rubles.


Despite the fact that this procedure is considered as gentle and harmless as possible, there are contraindications for biowaving hair. Firstly, the solution used contains very active substances that penetrate the scalp - and therefore into the bloodstream. Secondly, after heat treatment, their effect is enhanced. So in the presence of diseases and serious injuries, they can get worse. It is not recommended to do such a perm in the following cases:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • menstruation;
  • stress;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • dry hair type;
  • biowaving hair during pregnancy is also not recommended;
  • lactation.

In the presence of one of these contraindications, hair biowave may turn undesirable consequences not only for the condition of the curls, but also for health, which is definitely not worth the risk even for such unearthly beauty... But if you don't have anything like this, feel free to start choosing the composition of the solution with which the master will make you irresistible curls.

Through the pages of history. For curling hair in Ancient Greece iron rods were used, which were called "kalamis".

Hair biowaving products

What kind hair biowaving products are used by modern salons? Firstly, these are bio-compositions, solutions that give fixation to curls. Secondly, curlers, on which the strands are wound to create waves or curls.

  • Estel Niagara (Niagara from Estelle);
  • Hahonico SPA'T 7 (Japan) without aldehydes;
  • ISO Option is one of the safest and most gentle bio-curls;
  • Mossa (Mossa) - Italian biowave with bamboo extract;
  • Napla (Japan) with cystine and thioglycolic acid;
  • Paul Mitchell (USA) - the composition that allows you to save natural color hair;
  • Stealth - Japanese biowave hair with keratin, silicon-cysteine, betaine, wheat proteins, lecithin;
  • Studio Bio Permanent (Studio) - a domestic preparation for biowave;
  • Z.One (Italy) with a complex of amino acids.

Hair curlers (bobbins) for biowaving hair can also be used in a variety of ways:

  • boomerangs;
  • hot;
  • wooden;
  • curved;
  • Velcro;
  • foam rubber;
  • cylindrical.

What preparations for biowaving hair is better to use for your type of strands will be determined by the master. You can focus on their cost and choose the most acceptable option... The procedure itself is painless, does not deliver unpleasant sensations so you can relax in the hairdresser's chair and have fun.

Biowave stages

To make hair biowave in the salon, study the main stages of the procedure in advance, so as not to get nervous, why everything is being delayed, and not to ask unnecessary questions to the master.

  1. One of the most frequently asked questions- biowave hair is done on clean or dirty hair? It is better not to wash them before going to the salon, because the first step will be to wash your hair with a special shampoo.
  2. Light towel dry.
  3. Twisting the strands on curlers.
  4. Hair treatment with a special solution.
  5. Maintaining the composition on the head a certain amount of time.
  6. Wash off.
  7. Applying a fixing agent.
  8. Treatment with a preparation for hair restoration.
  9. Styling.

The question of how long it takes to biowave hair is rather controversial. The duration of the procedure depends on the chosen product, the length and stiffness of the curls. On average, it will take from 80 to 120 minutes (1.5-2 hours). So you have to be patient. If you dream of keeping your curls on long time and do not want your hair to deteriorate after the procedure, learn how to properly care for it.

An interesting fact. The first curling iron was created by the French hairdresser Marcel in late XIX century, although they gave a very short-lived effect.

Hair care after biowave

You definitely need to know how to care for hair bio-curling to prolong the effect and not spoil the strands that have undergone stress.

  • How long does biowave hair last?

3 to 12 months.

  • How to style your hair after biowaving?

With the help of mousse or gel, you can make a classic or volumetric styling... The effect of "wet hair" will also work well.

  • How to straighten hair after biowaving?

Ironing, but only for a few hours. Then the curls will come back.

  • What hair masks can be used after biowaving?

Moisturizers. They must include cosmetic and essential oils... Carotene is also welcome.

  • How to restore hair after biowaving?

Use moisturizing masks, do not dye your hair, do not blow dry it.

  • Can I dye my hair after biowaving?

Experts say that it is possible, but only 2-3 weeks after biowaving. But as practice shows, after that the hair becomes very hard, brittle and begins to fall out strongly.

  • How to remove odor from hair after biowaving?

Apply aroma combing.

  • What to do if you burn your hair with a biowave?

Submit a claim to the master and salon. They should provide you with a range of revitalizing salon treatments.

  • Why didn't you use biowave hair?

Incorrectly selected composition or too coarse, oily hair.

Did you know that ... the closest relative of perm is considered the discovery of the German Karl Nessler in 1906? It was he who patented the first apparatus that made curls using steam and electricity: required amount heat acted on the reagent. Since the hairdresser conducted tests on his own wife, before his legendary discovery, he twice burned her hair to the ground.

These are the features of biowaving hair, which most women now choose, preferring this procedure to "chemistry" and carving. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Many people notice that there are few differences from the usual perm: after that, the strands deteriorate in one way or another (fall out, split, break, etc.). It must be understood that the formulations used cannot be 100% natural: for fixation, reagents are needed that can negatively affect the condition of the curls. The result will undoubtedly be amazing in beauty. If only health did not suffer.

Hair biowaving: features of the procedure for creating beautiful and long-lasting curls

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Bio-curling hair

Hair curling, it is also biochemical or biological curling - modern way to make curls and curls on your hair, which can be used both at home and in the beauty salon.

What is biowave hair

Unlike perm, biological perm is carried out without the use of ammonia and thioglycolic acid, which destroy the hair structure. The biowave uses exclusively natural ingredients, including those identical to cysteine, an amino acid responsible for the structure of hair and skin. Thanks to the use of this component, the biowave procedure becomes gentle. The safety of the procedure is possible both with a salon perm and with a biowave at home.

Contraindications for biowaving hair

1. Individual intolerance to the components of the chemical composition of curling solutions.

2. Severely damaged hair.

3. Dyed hair or exposed to others chemical procedures within 2 weeks.

Compositions for biowaving hair:

For normal hair

For colored or highlighted hair

For hair that is difficult to curl.

Types of biowaving hair

- Classic(without adding additional substances to the composition).

- Vitamin biowave... The composition of this type of biowave includes components caring for and restoring the hair structure (beta-keratin, oils, vitamins, silk fibers, etc.).

The most popular biowaves with the addition of useful components:

1. Japanese biowave with collagen and lipid complex, moisturizes hair, prevents breakage. Recommended for hair from medium length, forms a curl of medium hold.

2. Bio-curling MOSSA or Italian hair curling with bamboo extract gives shine and color to hair. Recommended for fine and damaged hair of short length, forms small curls with strong hold.

3. Perm "Silk Wave" or biowave with silk proteins the most gentle on the hair, it makes them smooth and soft. Recommended for damaged hair, forms soft curls weak fixation, which last up to 2 months.

Hair carving

"Bio-curling or hair carving - which is better?" or "what is the difference?"- these are frequently asked questions. Let's clarify.

Hair carving - this is the name of the procedure for curling hair in the line of one of famous brands firm "Schwarzkopf". This is essentially one of the types of biowave, which is otherwise called " light chemistry". A feature of hair carving is that it gives volume to the hair to a greater extent, and the curls are very soft, they can be easily straightened with a tightening. For carving, special curlers are used - carvers, which make the curls more broken. The result lasts from 4 to 8 weeks, therefore this procedure is also called "long-term styling".

Hair carving video

Biowave in the salon

Before biowaving, it is advisable to carry out a course of health procedures for the hair and get rid of split ends, if any, with the help of a thermal cut or pyropharesis.

The biowave procedure consists of several stages:

1. Hair is washed with a special cleansing shampoo, slightly dried with a towel.

2. The hair is rolled up on curlers of the required size.

3. Hair is treated with a special chemical composition and wait for the required time.

4. The composition is washed off and the fixing and restoring agent is applied to the hair.

5. Do the styling.

The procedure takes up to 2 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages of biowave

The main advantage of biowaving is that you get luxurious curls and for a long time you do not have to think about your hairstyle, you will always be irresistible. Content natural ingredients makes biowaving technology more gentle, minimally harmful to hair, compared to conventional perm with ammonia.

At the same time, do not forget about some negative sides question. Biological perm, in essence, is a technology that causes hair loss of moisture, as a result, it leads to a loss of natural color and fragility. But, it is worth noting that the problem is not insoluble, correct complete care behind the hair will easily eliminate this undesirable consequence.

How long does biowave hair last?

It is believed that the effective duration of a biochemical perm is from 3 to 6 months, but the duration is influenced by many various factors such as: the composition applied to the hair, the qualifications of the master, the exposure time, the structure of the hair and much more. For example, small curls last longer than large ones. As a rule, a perm produced by specialists within a beauty salon is more durable and of high quality than one done at home.

Hair care after biowave

■ In the first 2 days, you should refrain from washing your hair and using a hair dryer.

■ With biochemical perm, the main detergents hair becomes shampoos, sprays, balms, gels and other products exclusively for wavy hair. On various experiments, in the form of mixing agents for different types hair should be forgotten to prevent harm to the hair.

■ Use a wide-toothed comb or hairbrush to brush your hair, do not use massage brushes.

■ One of binding rules for hair care with biowave is hair drying naturally, in extreme cases, with a towel. Hair drying with the use of technical means should occur as rarely as possible and only when using means with heat-shielding or heat-shielding properties.

■ Hair styling is done using a diffuser, excluding the treatment of hair with warm air. The use of a diffuser allows you to speed up the drying process of your hair, while making it safe. There are no restrictions on the choice of varnish according to the type of fixation, the varnish is selected based on the desired result.

■ To improve the appearance of the styling, as well as the grooming and health of the hair, it is necessary to use hair masks, at least once a week. As a rule, masks are sold in ordinary supermarkets and pharmacies, but it is still better to seek the advice of a specialist.

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