How to introduce a second product into complementary foods. From how many months you can feed a child: what must be considered when choosing an "adult" diet. Why early feeding is dangerous

Complementary feeding is not supplementary feeding or a substitute for the main meal. The new product is found in order to diversify the child's diet, introduce them to other tastes, and gradually introduce them to adult food. Many parents mistakenly believe that when breastfeeding everything is enough for the baby, you can wait a little with complementary foods. In fact, a late introduction can also lead to different problems up to the complete rejection of normal products.


When to introduce complementary foods

Breastfed babies are given complementary foods later than artificial ones, unless otherwise indicated. With poor weight gain or emergency situations(separation from the mother is foreseen, she fell ill, etc.) the dates are shifted downward. But under any circumstances, you need to assess the readiness of the child.

The main signs are:

  1. The tongue pushing reflex disappeared. From birth, the child has it, protects against foreign objects from entering the mouth.
  2. Birth weight has doubled. Have premature babies 2.5 times.
  3. The child sits with support or alone. A lying baby cannot be introduced to solid food.
  4. There is an interest in adult food, the baby opens his mouth, stretches lower lip, reacts to parents' spoon and food.
  5. Chewing skills have appeared. The child does not just suck on an object that has fallen into his mouth, but works with his jaw.

Not all of these signs must be present. Each child develops individually. Usually, by six months, you can start complementary feeding with breastfeeding, but many pediatricians insist to wait until 7-8 months. In any case, the readiness will not go unnoticed, the parents themselves will understand everything.

Interesting: Sometimes a sign of readiness for complementary foods is the appearance of teeth. In fact, this sign has no scientific justification... In some children, they appear up to six months, in others 8 or even 10 months.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about complementary foods

Pedagogical complementary foods: all the pros and cons

Pedagogical complementary foods are a common scheme for introducing a child to adult food. It has existed for many millennia, but only recently acquired its name. The kid is gradually given food from the common table. It is convenient, no need to waste time on separate cooking, no need to buy expensive baby puree or porridge, there are no problems with lack of appetite, it always appears in the company. This technique has been popular for a long time. From 5-6 months (sometimes even earlier), infants were given rich soups, meat on mosles, mashed potatoes and other meals prepared for the whole family. However, pediatricians are unanimously opposed to this system:

  1. This technique has no scientific basis.
  2. The dish used is often not beneficial, and sometimes harms the baby's fragile body.
  3. It is difficult to control the size of the portions eaten, especially from the first to the fifth when the count is in grams.
  4. The consistency is not suitable little child... At first, it may choke in pieces.
  5. If an allergy occurs, it will be difficult to track down the culprit, since the reaction may not appear immediately, but after a few days.

Pedagogical complementary feeding cannot be gradual, since the rest of the family is unlikely to want to eat monotonously throughout the week. No less acute will be the question of the methods of cooking, since the baby should not be given fried, salty, peppery, fatty foods.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about pedagogical complementary foods

General rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Diet change requires parents increased attention to the child. It is important to monitor your well-being, mood, stool and skin... If there are any changes, you should immediately stop feeding.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Complementary feeding is introduced only healthy child... If the baby is feeling unwell, teeth are teething, vaccinations are expected in the near future, then acquaintance with the new product should be postponed.
  2. Acquaintance with each product lasts at least 7 days. In the absence of a negative reaction, you can additionally introduce a new species.
  3. You cannot mix several types of vegetables (or fruits) if the child is not familiar with each of them.
  4. The consistency of the complementary foods should be homogeneous, semi-liquid. Gradually, as the child grows up, the dishes can be made thicker, grains can be allowed, then lumps.
  5. You cannot give the same food 2 times a day.
  6. Complementary feeding is not self-admission food. At first, it is offered in addition to breast milk before meals, later it is replaced with one feeding.

Important! Any New Product, regardless of its type, is introduced gradually, starting from 5 g. Even if the child liked the taste, this rule should not be neglected so as not to provoke the risk of developing allergies.

What products to start complementary feeding

Juices are a controversial product. Once they were given to children by the very first. First, from 3 months, then they began to be administered at 4 months. But, as recent studies show, there is little benefit from such drinks, they contain a lot of acid, they seriously harm the children's digestive system, and in the future they can cause gastritis. When breastfeeding, juices do not go well with milk. It is recommended to postpone their introduction until 8-12 months.

Vegetables are ideal for the first feeding, especially if the baby has excess weight... If the child, on the other hand, is gaining little, pediatricians recommend starting with cereals. Popular fruit puree should be added after vegetables. Since it tastes sweet, the baby may simply refuse other food. In general, in certain months of life, parents themselves choose a suitable product based on general recommendations... For example, Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting with baby kefir, but also at 7-8 months you can offer the child meat or fish, especially if the fermented milk drink is not to your liking. If something doesn't go well, there is always an alternative.

Breastfeeding food intake table


Age (months)

Fruit, g

Curd, g

Complementary foods at 6 months: vegetables

Vegetables are ideal for healthy breastfed babies. Usually the child is offered mashed potatoes. It must certainly undergo heat treatment and contain only one component. Canned baby food can be used. V ideal option the zucchini should be the first. It has a neutral taste, light texture, is well absorbed by the child's body and contains a lot of fiber. If your baby has problems with stool, mashed zucchini will help solve them.

What other vegetables are given at 6-7 months:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin.

Potatoes are best introduced after the first 2-3 types of vegetables. You also need to be careful about white cabbage. It provokes bloating in the abdomen, pain, problems with stool. Turnips and radishes fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are offered to the baby only after a year.

Complementary foods at 6.5-7 months: fruit

If the child is happy to eat vegetables, the diet is regularly expanded and replenished, fruits can be postponed for another 1-2 months, that is, introduced after 8. For complementary foods, thermally processed puree, homemade or purchased, is mainly used. Begin your acquaintance with green apples. Further, pears are offered if there are no problems with stool, since they often provoke constipation.

What other fruits are offered to the child:

  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • plum;
  • banana;
  • berries.

Citruses, strawberries and raspberries, and pomegranate are highly allergenic. But do not forget about individual intolerance. A reaction may appear even to regular apple or a pear.

Complementary foods from 7-8 months: cottage cheese

You can offer cottage cheese from six months, if there are indications: rickets, insufficient recruitment weight, calcium deficiency, poor biochemical analyzes blood. But most often babies who are breastfed are strong and healthy. Therefore, cottage cheese is introduced not earlier than 7, but preferably 8 months. It is very important that this is a product for baby food.

Criteria for choosing cottage cheese:

  • fat content (up to 10%, better within 5%);
  • lack of additives;
  • delicate texture;
  • freshness.

Do not give your child dairy products bought on the market. Also, sweet masses with additives, sugar, added fats, especially vegetable fats, are not suitable. A curd product is a legalized analogue of curd, but there is nothing useful in it, especially for a growing organism. If there is no way to buy quality food, that is, the option to cook it yourself.

Complementary foods from 7-8 months: porridge

You should not introduce your child to porridge earlier than 7-8 months if he is gaining weight well. At excess weight body, cereal complementary foods can be postponed for almost a year, instead of actively expanding the diet with fruits, vegetables, dairy products. The main criterion for choosing cereals is the absence of gluten. You can start complementary foods with buckwheat, rice or corn.

You can cook porridge yourself or use instant semi-finished products for baby food. It is important to introduce meals without milk and other additives in the form of fruits, berries, sugar. Only pure cereal, a small amount of salt and oil is allowed.

Complementary feeding from 8 months: fermented milk products

Dr. Komarovsky suggests that breastfed babies be the first to administer dairy products, that is, children's kefir. It is good for the stomach, has a beneficial effect on the intestines, but is not very popular. It is usually given to babies after 8 months. In addition to kefir, you can offer baby yogurt and biolact. All drinks without additives, fruits, sugar and flavor enhancers. The fat content of the products is average, within 3%.

Complementary foods from 8 months: meat, poultry

Children under one year old should be introduced to meat, since it is a source of valuable substances. The product is introduced in the form of a puree, steam cutlets, boiled meatballs. You can use baby canned food, which is also added to vegetables, in the first courses.

What kind of meat (poultry) can be used:

  • turkey;
  • horse meat;
  • beef;
  • rabbit meat.

It is not recommended to introduce chicken early as it causes allergies. Types of meat that are heavy for a child's stomach: lamb, duck, goose, goat meat. In addition to meat, after 10 months, offal is given 1-2 times a week. The most valuable is the beef (veal) liver.

Complementary foods from 8 (12) months: fish

Fish is a necessary product in a child's diet, but it often causes allergies. If there are no prerequisites for a reaction, complementary foods begin at 8 months. But in no case should it be combined with meat or poultry. First one, after happy acquaintance you can start to introduce another. With a tendency to allergic reactions, the product is postponed until the age of one year.

What kind of fish is suitable for a child of the first year of life:

  • pollock;
  • navaga;
  • river perch.

You should avoid oily types of fish, which are difficult for a child's stomach to cope with. As in the case of meat, complementary foods are prepared on their own or purchased canned food. It is advisable to combine mashed potatoes or cutlets with vegetables familiar to the child, savory cereals, soups. The fish does not need to be given daily, it is enough to replace the meat with it 2 times a week.

Video: Fish for children under one year old

Complementary Products

In addition to staple foods, for breastfeeding or any other diet, the baby needs supplements. Usually these are oils, spices, eggs. Until a year, only yolk is given, you can chicken or quail. Also, additives include flour products... You should not get carried away with cookies and bread for up to a year, as they contain gluten, yeast, sugar and others, until necessary for the baby additives.

Additional product introduction table

Cautions and Potential Problems

When introducing complementary foods, 2 problems can arise: allergies and disorders of the digestive system. In any case, you need to immediately stop feeding, temporarily switch to breastfeeding, give the child's body time to recover. Reacquaintance with new food possible only after the disappearance of all symptoms and not earlier than a week later.

Antiallergic medications are required. In case of stool disorder, you will need antidiarrheal medications, for example, "Smecta". With colic, bloating and other problems with the intestines, Espumisan will help, Dill water or fennel tea. Gradual introduction and attentiveness are the key to successful complementary feeding.

The topic of introducing complementary foods is the field for different kinds conjectures and myths. What are they trying to feed the babies with? For example, it is argued that fruits in the form of purees and juices are not the first complementary food at all, but only its predecessor, and that they are quite suitable for babies at 3 months old. There is an opinion that at 4 months the baby should already eat vegetable puree in the amount of 100 grams, and by 5 months - master the porridge with milk.

Some people, out of lack of awareness, try to offer vegetable puree to children as early as 1-3 months.

Such a feeding technique existed before, it was approved by the Ministry of Health and the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences back in 1999, but since then a lot of time has passed and science has refuted all these provisions. Today, the introduction of complementary foods is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO and the International Dairy League.

The question of the first complementary food is very burning, so today we will dwell on all the exciting moments in detail. We will tell you about the timing of the beginning of complementary foods, signs of readiness of the body and others important facts.

Early complementary foods

Child eating breast milk, up to 6 months absolutely does not need any additional nutrients Oh. This is proved by the example of the series scientific research European pediatricians. Scientists at the American Academy of Pediatrics are convinced that breastfeeding does not require early introduction of complementary foods. Children get everything they need from their mother's milk. Meaning to introduce early feeding newborns are conditioned only by a number of significant indications. Until the age of 4 months, the child's gastrointestinal tract does not yet have the necessary enzymes that could digest food (for more details, see the article :). Sometimes these enzymes appear only by 6 months, and sometimes - only by one and a half years.

Why is complementary feeding too early dangerous? It is important for all caring parents to know that the earlier the first complementary foods are introduced, the greater the likelihood of difficulties in digestion in the future and the higher the risk of allergic reactions.

Early complementary foods can cause severe allergies in the baby.

This is due to the fact that the intestines of babies are in an immature state, in the process of development. The food introduced as a complementary food cannot be normally absorbed in a newborn due to a lack of enzymes, which means that the crumb is not saturated. World Organization Healthcare has conducted a number of studies, in the course of which it was found that early and premature start complementary foods several times increase the risk of contracting pneumonia and multiple otitis media. This is due to the fact that the overall resistance of the body is lower.

Children who received only mother's milk for up to six months, compared with their peers who had already received their first complementary foods by this age, mastered crawling and walking much earlier. When to start introducing complementary foods to babies? Based on all the data obtained, pediatricians in most countries, including Russia, came to the conclusion that the most appropriate time for the introduction of complementary foods is from 6 months.

Basic principles

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How to introduce complementary foods correctly? At what age can a child be fed? The main condition for starting complementary feeding is that the child is six months old, regardless of the type of feeding. Infants breastfeeding, mixed or artificial feeding should receive complementary foods based on the following important factors:

  • The main food is milk or mixture. Be sure to prioritize breastfeeding or formula feeding for up to a year. WHO experts are convinced that breastfeeding is justified before two years of age and older. Such conclusions are based on studies of the composition of breast milk, which, with the growth of the crumbs, adapts to the changing needs of the child's body. It contains useful material for the correct formation of the brain, nervous and immune system.

If possible, breastfeeding should be maintained for at least a year.
  • Complementary foods are introduced for information purposes. In no case should the volumes specified in the norms be exceeded, otherwise there is a danger of overfeeding the child. The first feeding of the baby is not intended to saturate; for this, breast milk or an adapted mixture that has great nutritional value is preserved. Adult food allows you to introduce the baby to a variety of tastes, helps to teach correct work jaws, provides socialization of the baby and teaches correct reception food.
  • No violence when introducing new products. The introduction of complementary foods should be based on the child's desire and interest in food.
  • Do not use recreational feeding methods. Fairy tales, jokes, and even more so cartoons are absolutely inappropriate at the table. The child should be interested in the new process, and this can be achieved by regularly planting the baby at the parent's common table.
  • Pay attention not to the timing, but to the child. Starting from six months, you can start the first initial complementary feeding, but if the child is not yet ready, there is no need to rush and artificially adjust it to the specified norms. Focus on the level of his health and development.

Signs of readiness to introduce complementary foods

External indicators of the baby's readiness for new food:

  • the ability to sit independently;
  • the appearance of multiple teeth;

The appearance of the first teeth is a signal of readiness to chew food
  • the reflex of pushing food out comes to naught: food that enters the baby's mouth is no longer pushed back by the tongue;
  • double weight gain relative to the data at birth (for premature babies this figure should triple);
  • the crumb can turn away if he does not like the food;
  • the number of attachments to the breast increases, and when feeding with a mixture, the baby is still hungry;
  • the time of interest in the contents of the plates of mom and dad begins.

Types of complementary foods

  1. Pedagogical. When a baby begins to show interest in adult food, this does not mean that he is not satisfied with what is available. He is attracted by the pleasure that his parents have when eating, and he wants to experience something similar. Principle pedagogical feeding consists in feeding the baby with micro doses of all the dishes that adults eat. The dose is equal in volume to the match head.
  2. Pediatric. Traditional view complementary foods according to WHO recommendations. New food is offered in small doses of ½ teaspoon.

For pediatric complementary foods, the baby is offered a little different types food

Complementary feeding technique

How to properly introduce complementary foods to babies? The feeding rules are as follows:

  • The child must be healthy. Teething, colds, viral infections, the presence of temperature, the preparation time for vaccinations or immediately after the vaccinations - all of the above factors indicate the impossibility of starting samples of food novelties.
  • Initial doses are minimal - from ½ teaspoon. "Adult" food is offered before formula or breast milk. The serving size is gradually increased.
  • Attentive attitude to the well-being of the child. Possible allergies- it's not a matter of two hours, it can appear much later. Supervise your child for two days after the introduction of a new product. Most often after the first feeding negative reaction the baby's body is a rare occurrence. Rash or peeling is most likely to occur after repeated administration. As a rule, it is possible to notice something amiss only by the third attempt to try the introduced product. Reactions such as constipation or diarrhea can manifest themselves within the first day. Any ailments in the baby require immediate cancellation of the novelty.
  • The volume increases gradually. Do not set yourself the goal of feeding your baby the amount specified in the norms - this is the upper limit. You cannot give more than this, but less - please.
  • No more than one new product per week. In the first week, the child experiences an increase in the volume of new food, in the second - getting used to it, and only from the third week the introduction of another new food is allowed.
  • It is strictly forbidden to offer two new products at once.
  • Lack of interest in the product or unwillingness to eat it requires some pause. Try giving it again after a few days.

Only monocomponent purees can be used for testing new products.

Sequence of products

In what sequence should new products be included in children's diet? For many years optimal products there were fruits in the form of mashed potatoes and juices. Pediatric Specialists European countries consider this approach extremely wrong. The acids contained in fruits have an extremely negative effect on the baby's digestive system. In addition, fruits are very high in sugar, so they are generally not recommended for introduction into children's diets under one year old.

Starting from the age of six months, the child begins to experience a lack of a number of minerals, including zinc and iron. To compensate for this deficiency in a baby, it is recommended to start complementary foods either with cereals or with vegetables that contain easily digestible forms of these microelements.

In the presence of poor digestion, combined with loose stools, it is better to start with cereals, and with a fixed stool - with vegetable purees.

The second part of the feeding will be either vegetables or porridge, and the third part is meat puree, after which we introduce everything else into the complementary foods. The second complementary food is offered to the baby at the same time as the previous one. Below we will talk about the timing of the introduction of complementary foods.

Meat puree is introduced into the diet only after vegetables and cereals.

Vegetables - from 6 months

Babies on any type of feeding in healthy condition the first product is vegetable puree. First, we introduce vegetables that grow in the region of residence into complementary foods: zucchini, potatoes, cabbage. Next, the babies are fed with carrots and legumes (we recommend that you read :). Closer to the year, introduce your baby to tomatoes and onions.

All vegetables are pre-washed in running water without using soap, then peeled and seeds are removed. Prepared vegetables for the baby's first feeding are cut into small pieces. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak potatoes in cold water so that it loses all the starch. You can prepare meals yourself in several ways:

  • For a couple. This cooking method is considered to be the most beneficial.
  • In the oven. Chopped vegetables are laid out in the form, filled with boiling water almost half. Cover the top with foil and let it simmer until tender.
  • In a saucepan. Pour water into a container, wait for a boil, put vegetables and cook until tender under a lid.

All vegetables are prepared in different ways: zucchini - 5 minutes, pumpkin and cauliflower - 10 minutes, carrots and potatoes - 25 minutes. According to the recipe, cooked vegetables should be grinded with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, then add a little broth for a uniform consistency. Having pressed everything with a crush, it will not be possible to get rid of hard-to-chew fibers, so it will be difficult for a child to eat such mashed potatoes. You can add milk or mixture to the puree for flavor. It is better to abstain from sugar and salt. Start adding vegetable oil to the baby's meals 1.5 months after the start of the introduction of complementary foods. remember, that this product is also new, so be careful when entering it.

Porridge - from 7 months

When the crumb is gaining weight poorly, porridge can be offered first. Children whose indicators correspond to the norms should begin to give cereal porridges after mastering crumbs of vegetables and fruits.

First, gluten-free cereals are introduced: rice, buckwheat, corn, because the risk of allergies when they are consumed is minimal. For children over 8 months old, it is allowed to cook millet, oatmeal, semolina. The groats are pre-ground in a coffee grinder, and then boiled in water without adding milk. At first, the consistency of the porridge is more liquid, corresponding to the proportion of 4 servings of water per 1 serving of cereals, and closer to the year the porridge is made thicker, reducing the amount of water to 2 parts.

First of all, gluten-free cereals are introduced into the diet.

By purchasing ready-made porridge for children, make the choice in favor of products without milk. Such cereals are very convenient for cooking: the contents are poured with a small amount of water and mixed for homogeneity. Treat the one-year-old baby to cereals in milk, cooked in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

Can I cook porridge for the introduction of complementary foods on my own? You can do everything yourself, only before cooking the cereals should be processed:

  • cereals are washed in water;
  • air-dried or oven-dried;
  • grind the dried beans in a coffee grinder.

Store the ground flour in a jar with a closed lid. The recipe is as follows:

  • Pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Put a teaspoon of porridge in a small container, pour 2-3 tablespoons of cool water, mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the diluted porridge into boiled water, mix and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Stir the porridge constantly while cooking. Pouring the ground porridge into boiling water, you can end up with a lumpy porridge.
  • After this time, turn off the fire and let it brew for about 15 minutes. During this time, the grains will swell, and after cooling, the porridge should be served. You can dilute the porridge breast milk or a mixture. Do not add salt, sugar, or butter, no cow's milk.

The first cereals should not contain salt or sugar.

Fruit - from 7 months

The introduction of complementary foods in the menu continues with fruit. Usually fruit purees are tried by children in the following sequence: apple, prune, apricot, banana, pear (we recommend reading :). You can supplement them with any fruit that grows in your area. Crumbs eat mashed potatoes with great appetite. They help to improve bowel function, therefore available earlier problems with digestion immediately pass. When preparing fruit puree at home, remember that it is better to first peel all products from the skin and seeds.

Meat - 8-9 months

Meat purees are offered from low-allergenic meats: turkey, lamb, low-fat pork. Those varieties that are most prevalent now have a higher allergic index: chicken, veal. You can still eat them, but keep in mind that children whose mothers regularly ate the specified meat have a risk negative consequences will be much lower.

Fresh meat should be minced twice and then boiled. Meat, like any new product, is introduced in small doses. Carefully observe the reaction of the child's body to the novelty. Meat broths are not prepared for children under one year old.

Yolk - from 8 months

Relation to this useful product complex and ambiguous. V Soviet times it was recommended for introduction as early as 4 months, but now the timing of the introduction of complementary foods from the yolk has moved closer to 9 months. When testing, be sure to monitor how the child's body reacts to a new product. You can enter it by adding it to cereals or vegetables. It is undesirable to do meat purees with yolk.

Cottage cheese, kefir - from 9-10 months

How many months should a baby be to be ready for cottage cheese and kefir (more in the article :)? Approaching the age of 1 year, mothers begin to introduce dairy products. Cow's milk protein is foreign to the child's body and the enzyme required for its breakdown appears in the intestines only after 10 months of age. Babies receiving either mother's milk or adapted mixture do not need dairy products too much. For children on the artificial type of feeding, the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet even before a year is more justified, because their body must have time to reorganize itself to process this food before the mother removes the usual mixture from the diet.

Every young mother who has given birth to her first child is puzzled by a bunch of questions about caring for her baby. One of these questions is: at what age should additional food (complementary foods) be introduced into the baby's diet and which foods should be introduced first?

The beginning of feeding the baby (from how many months)

A baby who is breastfed can be introduced to complementary foods no earlier than at 5-6 months. Complementary feeding is very important at this age. Breast milk alone is not enough for a baby, he needs to receive vitamins and everything necessary for healthy development useful substances that are rich in food for adults. Additional food will help your baby develop faster. In this case, you need to continue to breastfeed the baby on demand. To baby started faster get used to new food, complementary foods should be given before breastfeeding.

If the baby is an artificial person, then complementary foods are recommended to be introduced earlier - from 4-5 months. This is due to the fact that the mixture is significantly inferior in quality to breast milk, and is not able to supply the baby with all the substances and vitamins necessary for the child's body. As a rule, the baby himself gives signs that it is time for him to introduce complementary foods - he shows interest in adult food, observes how his parents eat, reaches for a spoon, often requires a breast or a bottle, since he does not gorge himself.

What products to start the first feeding

First, cereal dishes, vegetable purees and fruits are introduced. Overweight children and children suffering from constipation need to start their first complementary foods with vegetables and fruits. The same goes for children of normal weight. If the child is not gaining weight well enough or has loose stools, then the first complementary foods should be porridge.


First of all, it is better to introduce rice and buckwheat porridge. It is recommended to boil cereals in water until fully cooked, and then chop thoroughly and boil along with a small amount of milk.

Vegetable puree

Vegetable puree can be made from boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips, cabbage. Fruits are also brought to the state of puree - bananas, apples, pears, peaches.

Fruit puree

If you can't make a good fruit puree without lumps at home, you can buy ready-made puree in baby food stores or pharmacies. When choosing store puree, be sure to check the expiration date and make sure that the jar lid is not swollen.

After cereals, vegetables and fruits have been introduced into the baby's diet, meat and legumes can be introduced. The meat should be low-fat varieties (preferably poultry), free from veins and skins, cooked in the form of a lump-free puree. Legumes need to be soaked overnight, drain the water, boil well, chop thoroughly and remove the skin. Until seven months, you should not give your baby eggs, nuts, fish and seafood, as well as cereals made from semolina, barley, wheat, corn, oatmeal... It is better to introduce these types of products a little later.

It is very important that in daily diet the baby contained all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the growing body. You need to start giving complementary foods with a teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the volume. Do not expect your baby to immediately like the offered cereals, fruits and vegetables. The baby will take a long time to get used to the new food, because until now he has not received any other food except mother's milk. Complementary foods for the baby should always be warm, brought to the state of puree - not thick and not liquid, soft and thoroughly mashed.

You should not be too delayed with the introduction of the next new dish; at the age of 7 months, the child should already receive almost all types of foods as complementary foods and receive complementary foods three times a day.

The baby's diet must contain meat, vegetables, legumes, cereals and fruits. If now the child refuses to eat new food for him, then there is no need to force him to do it. It is better to offer this dish another time. You should show the baby how adults themselves eat food with a spoon, and soon the baby will try to repeat it himself.

Until the age of three, you should not give your child tea - neither black, nor green, nor herbal. The substances contained in tea (tannins) bind iron from the food consumed, which in turn can lead to anemia (anemia) in the child. It is better to replace tea with compote, natural juices, fruit drinks, boiled water.

Parents instill the child's taste for food, it depends only on them what products the child will eat in the future. Complementary food for infant should be cooked without adding spices, sugar or salt. They will not benefit the baby's body, and a child who has never tasted food with spices will be happy to eat without them.

A seven-month-old baby should be given complementary foods at least three times a day, while continuing to breastfeed the baby on demand. When preparing food for seven month old crumbs you can already use all types of cereals, as well as well-boiled and mashed pasta, boiled dough.


Soft fruits should be crushed, skinless and in small pieces. From vegetables, you can already give carrots, turnips, tomatoes, cabbage. Vegetables are best steamed. Vegetable oil can be added to vegetable purees; it contains a number of useful unsaturated fatty acids.


Every day, the baby should receive meat (finely chopped or minced): beef, lamb, pork, horse meat, rabbit and poultry meat. The meat contains trace elements that will protect the baby from anemia.


It is necessary to introduce other sources of iron into the baby's menu - green peas, green beans, greens, which the child needs to eat several times a week. Legumes should be boiled, mashed, with the skin removed.

Eggs and nuts

At the age of seven to eight months, it is necessary to introduce eggs and nuts into the baby's diet. Hard-boiled eggs must be wiped and given to the child both the yolk and the white. Nuts must be thoroughly peeled and mashed to a paste. In small quantities, you can give your baby cottage cheese, hard varieties of cheese, which can be grated on a fine grater and mixed with the main course.

Milk products

The child's stomach and digestive system are not yet able to whole cow's milk and undiluted fermented milk products. Therefore, dairy products should be given in small amount in order to wash down the main course and diluted. You need to dilute in half with water: add 30 ml of water to 30 ml of kefir. Whole milk can only be used for preparing cereals, you cannot give your baby undiluted whole dairy products up to nine months!

A fish

At nine months, you need to introduce fish into the child's diet, it is better to start with pollock, flounder.

Gradually, the amount of food for the baby increases. At 6-7 months, a child needs to eat at least 150 ml of complementary foods (10-11 tablespoons), at 8-9 months - 180 ml (13-14 tablespoons), at 11-12 months - already 225 ml. Complementary food for breast crumbs should be thick. It is necessary to give the child in his hands small pieces of fruits, vegetables, bread so that he can chew them, since semi-liquid food is not enough for a child of this age.

In what cases is it better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods?

You should not introduce new foods into the baby's diet if:

  • The child is sick or has recently suffered an illness and his body is weakened.
  • The baby was recently vaccinated or should be vaccinated in the coming days.
  • The child has not yet adapted to the previous product introduced into the diet.
  • The introduction of the previous product provoked an allergy.
  • After the introduction of the new product, the baby started having problems with stool.

The introduction of complementary foods is very important period for the health of the baby and sometimes difficult for his parents. But if you follow all of the above rules for the introduction of complementary foods and the recommended sequence of introduced products, then there will be no health problems for the baby, and over time the child will be happy to eat all types of foods that are so necessary for his growth and development!

Video - when and how to start the first feeding

The introduction of complementary foods is an important period of the first year of a child's life. But you shouldn't rush with him. There are indicators of the baby's readiness for the introduction of new food. The danger of early feeding, the timing of the introduction of new food and nutritional recommendations - let's study!

Starting baby feeding: important indicators

An important indicator for starting the introduction of complementary foods is the baby's readiness. This is not only reaching a certain age, but also the presence of certain physiological indicators:

  • baby's weight: by the time the first feeding is introduced, it should be at least 2 times more weight at birth (see weight and height norms);
  • the ability to sit independently;
  • lack of a push-out reflex of the tongue: the baby does not push the proposed spoonful of food out of his mouth;
  • feeling of hunger: the baby does not have enough milk or artificial mixture;
  • an interest in adult food (reaches out, wants to taste the food the parents eat).

An important fact for the timing of the introduction of the first complementary foods is the type of feeding: breastfeeding or artificial. The recommended periods are different: when breastfeeding, pediatricians are not recommended to rush to complementary foods and not to introduce new food earlier than 6 months - until this age, the baby has enough breast milk.

Earlier complementary foods are possible for artificial people.

The "golden rule" in the case of the introduction of the first complementary foods: it is better to be a little late than to hurry.

From what month to start feeding a baby

The time when, symbolizes that the baby has already grown up and is ready to get acquainted with the "adult" food. But when to start doing it?

It is no coincidence that young mothers actively ask the question: "From what month should the baby start feeding?" After all, if you start it ahead of time, the child will not only not eat the offered food, but may also refuse it later.

Breastfed and bottle-fed is different. "Grudnichkov" pediatricians recommend introducing new food from six months of age. Those who eat mixtures a little earlier - from five months. The difference is explained by the fact that the digestive system of babies who eat adapted milk formulas will more easily “accept” new food.

Why is early feeding dangerous?

  • Disruption of the digestive system. Children's organism physiologically unprepared to digest new food. If you introduce the first complementary foods at 3-4 months, it threatens with frequent colic, abdominal pain, vomiting and upset stools. The main danger- complete disruption of the digestive system, requiring serious medical treatment.
  • For a weak immune system and immature digestive enzymes, new food can be a dangerous source of allergies. In the future, this can lead to frequent infectious and chronic diseases.
  • Load on the liver, kidneys and intestinal system. Food offered to the child ahead of time(when he does not have a mechanism for chewing and swallowing) can provoke diseases of the digestive organs. In addition, the baby may choke.
  • Decreased lactation. Early first complementary foods reduce lactation due to decreased breastfeeding.
The appearance of at least one of these signs can cause rejection of food by the child, which will lead to malnutrition in general and a lack of interest in food.

What products to start feeding a baby with

Your baby's first food should include foods that will not cause allergic reaction and are easy to digest. Most often, young mothers, who are faced with a choice - with which products to start feeding a child, prefer zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower.

The decision is explained by the fact that the structure of these vegetables is unusually tender. And, therefore, the texture of the cooked puree will be light. And this is very important - after all, a children's stomach, which previously "saw" only milk or an adapted milk mixture, should not actively work to digest a new product.

The choice of zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower as products for the first feeding is also explained by hypoallergenicity: vegetables of a dull and green color, as a rule, do not cause rashes on children's skin.

First feeding for an infant

Basic rules for the first feeding:

  • start with liquid and semi-liquid foods (juices, mashed potatoes);
  • start with one-component dishes, gradually adding a low-allergenic product;
  • introduce the child to new food gradually, once a week by introducing a new product into the diet, observing the reaction of the body. Start with half a teaspoon (5-10 grams), gradually increasing the rate to 80-100 g.
Breastfeeding does not stop with the first complementary feeding. A growing body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates - nutritional value milk is not able to provide it in the required quantity. The purpose of complementary foods is to supplement breast milk or formula.

Complementary feeding during breastfeeding differs in the timing of the start of the introduction of new food:

How to prepare the first complementary food for a baby

Many young mothers, whose children have already grown up by the age when it is time to introduce the first complementary foods, are faced with a choice: to cook it themselves or to give preference to vegetable puree from numerous brands that produce baby food.

The first feeding of a child is a very responsible matter, due to tender age crumbs. Therefore, if you decide to make mashed potatoes yourself, make sure that the vegetables are of high quality. Be sure to check them for nitrate content.

How to prepare the first complementary food for a child: so that vegetables do not lose their vitamin value, steam them. This way you will save all the "goodies". Then, using a blender, bring the vegetables to a puree state. The texture should be soft, without a single lump. Remember that the child will swallow mashed potatoes - I would not want the baby to choke on accidentally.

  • It is better to start complementary foods with low-allergenic vegetables: squash, cauliflower, broccoli.
  • You can add a few drops to vegetable puree vegetable oil or mashed yolk.
  • From 6 months onwards, one milk feeding replaced by complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree (150-200 gr).
  • The first cereal for complementary feeding should be rice, buckwheat or corn, cooked independently (the cereal is pre-crushed in a blender) or purchased.
  • From 7 months and later, one breastfeeding is replaced by porridge (150 g)
  • Meat is a source of protein, iron and vitamins. You can start with turkey, rabbit and veal (if you are not allergic to cow protein). Until a year, you should not offer meat broths, it is better to grind the meat (1-3 teaspoons) and add to vegetable soup or puree.
  • Fish is a rich source of amino acids, but also in some cases an allergen. You should start with white fish (cod, hake).
With the appearance of the first teeth, the child can be offered finely chopped fruits and vegetables or with the help of a feeding strainer. Instead of meat, include meatballs and meatballs in the diet of the first complementary food, and replace vegetable purees with soups with finely chopped vegetables.

If a woman has her first child, she is often at a loss. Immediately after giving birth, she does not know how to breastfeed, how to swaddle, how to take a baby. When the baby begins to grow, many new questions arise: when to introduce complementary foods, how to develop physically and mentally, how to educate? Everything comes with experience, you should not think that someone is given it from above. With each subsequent child, the parents become more and more confident. They do not worry about trifles and know how to behave in an emergency situation.

First feeding for babies

The basic rule of feeding is a gradual introduction. Adult food can be started from six months. Although, if the child refuses to feed, but at the same time he is gaining weight normally, cheerful and cheerful, you can postpone the introduction of adult food until ten months. The main thing is not to give up breastfeeding for a longer time, pediatricians recommend that mothers feed a baby up to two years old. Mother's milk has no analogues in nature, it not only saturates and quenches thirst, but stimulates development nervous system, brain, heart, muscles, blood vessels and bones.

Guarantee healthy relationship to food and good appetite - this is food interest. If the child does not ask for food and does not want to eat, do not force him. The initiative must come from the children.

From birth, mothers carry babies in their arms, cook with them, clean, eat and do other daily activities. It is very interesting for the child to be in the arms of his mother, he himself still cannot see all this. Being behind common table, the child shows interest in what the mother eats. He is curious how she does it, what kind of manipulations she does with tableware. This is how food interest is formed. First, the baby will require a spoon and a cup, and then food. At this time, you can introduce complementary foods.

The first feeding of the baby should be introduced no earlier and no later than six months, since at this age the child needs additional energy, minerals and vitamins. Mother's milk and artificial mixture are needed, but they are not enough. The first adult meal is mashed potatoes, then the baby is given porridge. Every week, you can give something new, while not forgetting to inspect the surface of the skin for an allergic reaction. If the stool becomes runny and a rash appears on the skin, the new product should be discarded. New food is not introduced if the child is not feeling well, he has been vaccinated or it is hot outside.

Complementary foods are given before breastfeeding, since a hungry baby will react better to new food than a full one. And porridge and mashed potatoes should be given from a spoon.

When to introduce complementary foods to babies?

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for up to two years of age. Until this age, the main food is milk, but you should not ignore adult food, complementary foods are also required. When a child has teeth, he can be given large pieces of an apple or donut, it will be terribly interesting for the baby not only to suck what he was given, but also to gnaw. This is a new action in his life.

When to introduce complementary foods to babies? Many people think that the signal to start complementary foods is the first tooth. If you have teeth, then you can gnaw something. Before mom the children were given primarily fruit puree and semolina porridge. Today, pediatricians believe that both the first and the second are not suitable for starting complementary foods, this food is too heavy. It is better to start with one-component vegetable puree, buckwheat or corn porridge... A one-component puree is given in order to identify allergies, if any, to a specific product. Of the vegetables, preference is given to squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli and potatoes. If vegetables are not grown in your own garden, it is better to buy ready-made puree from a jar. If parents are confident in the environmental friendliness of the products used, then you can prepare mashed potatoes yourself in a blender. Vegetables are cooked in a double boiler or simply boiled and then passed through a sieve or using a blender. You cannot salt and sweeten mashed potatoes. They usually start with five grams, that is, one teaspoon. If the stool is not disturbed and there is no rash on the skin, the portion can be increased.

A month after the baby tastes the vegetables, you can give him porridge. Buckwheat, corn and rice porridge are ideal. Pediatricians do not recommend to introduce oatmeal and semolina porridge... A month after the introduction of the porridge, you can start giving fruits, baby biscuits and meat. It is better for children to give veal, turkey and rabbit meat. Then you can introduce your baby to cottage cheese and fish.

How to properly introduce complementary foods to babies?

All mothers want their children to grow up strong, healthy and happy. The introduction of complementary foods is considered very important. Indeed, not only his well-being, but also his growth and development depends on what the baby eats.

How to properly introduce complementary foods to babies? Pediatricians believe that formula-fed babies should be given complementary foods earlier than breastfeeding babies.

Why is it advisable to give vegetables first? The fact is that vegetables not only do not cause allergies, but also normalize the digestion process. That is why they are the best possible way to start feeding. In addition, fruits are tastier, they are fragrant and sweet. If the child starts with them, then he will not want to eat vegetables. And the child's diet should be varied, because each product contains what is needed for normal growth and child development.

Any new product should be given from one teaspoon or from its half, gradually increasing the portion. In order to make it easier to track the body's reaction to a new product, it should be given in the first half of the day. During the day, mom will monitor whether a rash has appeared, whether the tummy is swollen and whether the stool is disturbed. When teeth are teething, the child should not be given new foods.

Some mothers steam small pieces of vegetables, lay them out on a plate, and invite the child to choose what he wants. This is how the child makes his first choice and gets new taste sensations.

Where to start feeding babies?

In order for complementary foods not to become a problem, it is necessary to correctly approach its introduction. How to start feeding babies? Pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods in a certain age, while giving specific products. In fact, you need to rely on these recommendations, but not consider them the ultimate truth. At what age to introduce complementary foods and what to give depends on individual characteristics baby, which should be the basis for the development, nutrition and upbringing of every child.

How to prepare complementary foods for babies?

Some mothers do not want to overexert themselves and therefore buy ready-made puree in the store. If you do not have your own garden, it is better to do so, because the market sells vegetables that do not differ high quality... If you can give vegetables from your garden, you do not need to buy mashed potatoes in the store. First, it's expensive. Secondly, it is not known what it is made of.

How is vegetable puree prepared? It is advisable to cook vegetables in a double boiler. So they will preserve all the vitamins and nutrients. Finished vegetables need to be chopped in a blender and a little milk added. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to express milk and mix with vegetables. For artisans, an artificial mixture is added to vegetables.

How to prepare complementary foods for babies? As for the porridge. It is better to buy dairy-free porridge, which has already been crushed so much that it can simply be steamed with milk. If it is not possible to buy such porridge, you can rinse and dry the cereal, and then grind it in a coffee grinder. Then just boil it in milk.

Porridge for feeding babies

The most delicious for a baby is mother's milk, but over time, the baby's needs increase and he needs less milk. The time has come for the introduction of complementary foods. They usually start with vegetables, then they give porridge and so on until they introduce the child to all the products allowed for children.

Buckwheat porridge for feeding babies is considered the most useful, since it contains great amount nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat contains magnesium, iron, vegetable protein, potassium and phosphorus. Buckwheat porridge should be the first porridge that a baby will get to know.

Rice porridge is considered hypoallergenic and contains vitamins and minerals. However, it is often impossible to give such porridge, as it can provoke constipation.

Puree for feeding babies

Thirty years ago, children were given fruit puree as their first food. Today, doctors recommend starting with vegetable puree. You can buy it already in finished form or cook it yourself. Squash puree for feeding babies is most suitable. Kids love the taste of squash and pumpkin. These vegetables do not cause allergies and have a positive effect on bowel function.

Complementary feeding for babies by months

Complementary foods are usually not administered earlier than six months. At six months they give zucchini, cauliflower and potatoes. At seven months, you can give buckwheat, corn and rice porridge... At eight months, pediatricians recommend introducing a vegetable soup from previously offered vegetables, to which a fourth of the yolk is added. If buy quail eggs, then you can add a whole yolk to the soup. You can diversify your diet at nine months fruit puree from apple, pear and peach. At the same age, you can already give cottage cheese, kefir and dietary meat: turkey, veal and rabbit. At ten months, the baby is already ready to get acquainted with the fish. Parents usually give pollock, cod, hake, and so on. All these products need to be introduced to a child up to one year old.

The baby does not eat complementary foods

At six months, enzymatic and digestive system the child is already ready to accept new food products... However, not all children agree to the introduction of complementary foods. What if the baby does not eat complementary foods?

If the child does not want to, do not press on him and force-feed him with new products. Perhaps, due to his individual characteristics, he is not yet ready for the introduction of complementary foods. Maybe he's hot, feeling bad, or teething. In fact, there can be many reasons. There is no need to worry about this. As soon as the baby is ready, mom will understand this. You just need to be attentive to the behavior of the child. If the baby has stopped eating too much mother's milk, if he became interested in what his mother was putting into her mouth and he was reaching for adult food, then the time had come. You can enter complementary foods.