Merry Christmas greetings: poems, pictures, prose, SMS. Beautiful cards, gifs Merry Christmas. Christmas Wishes and Funny SMS

Christmas is one of the brightest religious holidays, which is celebrated annually by believers all over the world. As the biblical legend says, on this day in 5508, from the creation of the world, over the small town of Bethlehem lit up brightest star and illuminated the path to one of the mountain caves, where Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus, the future Savior of mankind.

The Catholic canon orders to accept congratulations and celebrate Christmas on the night of December 24-25, while Orthodox Church celebrates the birthday of Jesus from January 6 to 7 and advises his parishioners during this period to send each other beautiful and touching congratulations on Christmas 2017 in verse and prose. Good congratulations can be spoken aloud at the moment of a personal meeting with relatives and friends, written on beautiful postcards with pictures of a religious plot, sent to friends on the phone in the form of short funny SMS messages, or posted on personal pages in in social networks. Complementing congratulations is pleasant, good wishes love, happiness, peace and prosperity.

Short funny congratulations for Christmas 2017 in verse

It would seem that Christmas 2017 is not the most right moment for laughter and jokes, however, this does not mean at all that you need to sit all day with stern faces and not even allow yourself to smile. This is especially true for youth and youth companies, where not a single celebration can do without humor and jokes, even where at first glance it is not very appropriate. Guys and girls join the Christian religious culture with great pleasure, but they make their own amendments to this process and instead of serious, restrained words cook for each other at Christmas short, funny and funny congratulations containing greetings on the holiday and good, sincere wishes.

The guys read funny poetic congratulations aloud to each other at matinees and parties, write on beautiful postcards with religious plots and hand them to friends and girlfriends personally, send them in the form of SMS messages to phones and post them on the pages of friends on social networks. Lovely, kind and touching congratulations on Christmas 2017 create a pleasant atmosphere around, cheer up, inspire optimism and make hearts open to the brightest and most blessed emotions.

Every year around Christmas
Not lazy and not shy
May goodness come to you
Embodied in your happiness.

May good luck and success
Every day your soaked,
Laughter brings you joy
Let life play with colors!

Merry Christmas congratulations -
We wish you sober thoughts
So that the earth does not shake,
And the soul - enjoyed!

And here comes Christmas
And I want to wish you
To have a lot of money
Better yet, don't count at all.

I also wish you happiness
Less cases, empty worries,
Let bad weather go by
And happiness will come soon!

Merry Christmas 2017 greetings in pictures and postcards

At Christmas, it is not too customary to give each other any gifts, but to present to a friend or girlfriend, relative, acquaintance, colleague or neighbor on the porch as a small present bright postcard with a thematic picture and congratulations is quite appropriate and even welcome. For older people, it is better to choose pictures with a classic religious plot, depicting the appearance in the sky of the first star announcing the birth of the Savior, St. Mary, rocking the newly born Jesus and the wanderers who came to bow to the baby Christ. On them you need to write a congratulation on the holiday and a few pleasant wishes.

For junior schoolchildren it is appropriate to prepare congratulations on colorful postcards with angels, winter landscapes, decorated Christmas trees, toys and other festive attributes accessible to children's understanding. Teenagers and young people can be presented with Merry Christmas 2017 greetings on postcards made in a more modern style, harmoniously combining secular and religious aspects Christmas story.

Greeting cards with cool, funny pictures dedicated to Christmas are also acceptable, however, such gifts are best reserved for very close middle-aged friends with a good sense of humor. Human advanced age may not understand the joke and will be offended by your frivolous attitude to a very respected and significant event for believers - the Nativity of Christ.

Beautiful congratulations in verse Merry Christmas for family and relatives

The most beautiful, tender and inspirational congratulations in verses Merry Christmas should be dedicated to people of respectable age - parents, grandparents and other close relatives of the older generation. On such a wonderful day, they will be extremely pleased to hear warm rhymed lines of congratulations from young people, glorifying the appearance in the sky of the first star, announcing the birth of little Jesus. Thus, children and grandchildren will show adults that they respect the traditions of their ancestors, honor the customs of the Christian religion and do not disregard such a significant religious holiday as Christmas.

You can recite congratulations in verse at night, directly on Christmas Eve or the next day in the morning, when the whole family comes together to taste the festive meal. Sublime and vibrant poetic congratulations will give a special cordiality to the solemn feast on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ and will make the connection between the younger and older generation stronger.

If you don’t want to publicly read Merry Christmas greetings in verse due to some personal reasons, you can buy or make some beautiful postcards with thematic stories with your own hands, write congratulation texts on them and give them to each of the relatives along with small pleasant souvenirs. It is necessary to supplement the presentations with the kindest, sincere and touching wishes family happiness, mutual love prosperity and God's blessing. Such congratulations will be met with the most reverent joy and will surely sink into the hearts of relatives and friends who have gathered together to celebrate the wonderful and bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Merry Christmas congratulations!
I wish you light in my soul and love.
Let a good heart beat in your chest
And faithful companion there will be in life.

Let there be a strong spirit, a happy life
Good luck will fly into your house like a bird,
And happiness will gladly come to the light
They won't stay with you for one day.

Christmas is a mystery
Joy in the soul
And prayer and hymns
We sing already!

We observe rituals
Family dinner,
Our Christ will protect
And save us from trouble!

We wish each other
Faith is great!
Be open to the world
Beautiful soul!

Beautiful coming of Christmas
How quiet this holiday is and bright!
We hear kind words -
Adults are happy with them and children.

So may the Lord on this day
It will take away all troubles from you.
Jesus invisible shadow
Let it lead through the years.

Congratulations on Christmas in prose to your beloved friend

Beloved friend for Christmas needs to prepare a very special congratulations. Of course, you can choose for this purpose any beautiful poem with the appropriate meaning, but it is best to spend a little more time and compose a sincere and touching text of congratulations in prose in your own words. After all, the best friend is one of the closest people that only exist in life. Sometimes he knows more about you than your closest relatives and even family members. With this person you share your innermost secrets, experience problems and happy moments, consult and spend a lot of time. Based on this, you need to find for a friend simple, but very quivering words and put them into pleasant, inspirational phrases of congratulations on the occasion of Christmas.

Start your speech with touching congratulations Merry Christmas that came into the world, and then wish your loved one happiness, health, good luck, mutual understanding and God's blessing. Thank your friend for always being there, helping in everything, always supporting, warning against the stupid things common to everyone and helping not to miss the happy chance that is presented. Try to invest in the congratulations maximum of emotions and compliments. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, it is quite appropriate to show feelings and open hearts. Let the most intimate words be heard aloud on this day, which, perhaps, you were embarrassed to say on an ordinary day. After such congratulations, relations with a friend will become warmer, stronger and move to a completely new level cordiality and trust.

Christmas is the day our Savior appeared. He gave us faith, showed us the way. And on this magical holiday, I wish you only the best: well-being, mutual understanding, peace of mind. Never stray from your course, and if there are difficulties, the Christmas Star will show you the right way!

I congratulate you on Christmas! Like more than two thousand years ago good news about the Birth of the Savior illuminated all mankind, the whole world, so let the blessed light of this great holiday today illuminate your soul and fill your heart love for neighbor, inner harmony, saving faith and boundless happiness.

I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! After all, our Savior, Jesus Christ, was born on this day. With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones: peace in the house, peace in the soul. May it come true cherished dreams and come true secret desires! Merry Christmas!

SMS congratulations for Christmas in verse

Unfortunately, good friends and relatives do not always live nearby, and not each of us has the opportunity to visit loved ones for all holidays and send congratulations during personal meetings. But this is not a reason to be sad and sad. His dear people you can send a Merry Christmas greeting in the form of a short, bright and inspirational SMS message. It will fully reflect your most better feelings and demonstrate love and devotion. Relatives and friends will be incredibly happy to receive a short good congratulations with a wonderful blessed holiday Merry Christmas, supplemented with the most sincere and brightest wishes. It will become clear to them that, despite the huge distance that, due to life circumstances, lay between you, mutual feelings have not changed, but rather become stronger and hotter.

Merry Christmas, dear ones!
May the saints in these hours
You will be filled with kindness
Peace, love and beauty!

Merry Christmas.
Let the holiday come to the house
Joy, happiness will bring
And love for the whole year.

Merry Christmas!
And we wish you happiness!
May Jesus protect you
From rain, bad weather!

From enemies and from trouble,
From problems and grief
So that in your life there will be
Pleasures of the sea!

Merry Christmas greetings in English for friends

AT English speaking countries Christmas is celebrated much more magnificently than New Year. It is for the Christmas celebrations that festive dinners, pleasant family gatherings and cheerful friendly parties are timed. If you have friends living in the USA, Canada or Europe, you should take this moment into account and be sure to send them beautiful Merry Christmas 2017 greetings in verse or prose on English language. You can send a classic postcard for Christmas with a thematic picture and write a congratulation text on it or send a short cool congratulation to your phone in the form of SMS. Friends will appreciate such a pleasant sign of attention, and especially the fact that the words of Christmas greetings are written in a language they understand and the phrases do not need to be translated through an online translator, often distorting the original meaning of the message beyond recognition.

Christmas is a very sacred day.
Have an unforgettable holiday
Illuminated with all the lights
Of the world and life's delights!

May Christmas spirit keep glowing
And all the happiness get going.
Be blessed with all the smiles
Gathering good luck into huge piles!

I Congratulate you on Christmas. In this holiday no one should be alone. Let today be with the ones who appreciate and love you. Also I wish your family happiness and success at work!

Celebrate the tradition of giving,
Pray to the Lord for thanksgiving.
I wish you the great joy of family.
Move towards the goal steadily.

Peace, love and laughter!
Don't give up and go after.
Christmas hope and wonder
Have a life without thunder!

Today, January 7, is celebrated great holiday. It is celebrated by the Orthodox in Ukraine, Russia and other countries.

Merry Christmas 2019 short congratulations in prose and verse

Merry Christmas! Let your home be filled with comfort, love, understanding and happiness. Health and good luck.

I wish you for Christmas

So that the magic never ends

Love and happiness full house,

May God help in everything.

Merry Christmas! I wish you health, happiness and love. So that life is filled with only happy moments.

Merry Christmas,

I congratulate

And I wish you happiness

Joy, goodness!

May the Nativity of Christ endow your home with grace and peace, and the Lord will never cease to protect!

sincere joy

On the day of Christmas

comfort, health,

Happiness, warmth.

Merry Christmas! Let the ringing of Christmas bells fill your soul with light, thoughts with purity, and life with grace.

Let the star that shone in the night

Gives faith, hope, warmth,

So that the soul only breathes light,

Happiness, joy to you! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you,

We wish good and love

Prosperity, success,

Sea of ​​sun, strength and laughter!

Christmas is a wonderful, bright holiday. On such a day, I want to say a lot of good and warm words to my relatives and friends. I offer a selection of a variety of beautiful congratulations on Christmas. Catholics usually celebrate Christmas on December 25, and Orthodox on January 7. Despite the fact that different denominations celebrate it on different days, the message of this Bright Holiday is the same for everyone - the Birth of Christ, as major event in the history of mankind.

It is customary to celebrate it with the family. AT church canons there are no clear instructions, but, for many years of celebration, Christians have established a tradition not to sit down at the festive table until the first star appears in the sky, which symbolizes Star of Bethlehem that announced the birth of Jesus.

Christmas Eve, rich kutya, or carol on January 6, 2019 - a holiday dedicated to the meeting have a bright day Christmas. Like any other holiday, it has its own traditions and prohibitions.

Merry Christmas greetings - short sms for relatives and friends

  • Merry Christmas greetings - short sms for relatives and friends
  • Beautiful Merry Christmas greetings in your own words (in prose)
  • Congratulations in verses on the feast of the Nativity of Christ
  • Beautiful pictures with wishes for Christmas
  • Christmas wishes in English (with translation)
  • Christmas January 7, 2019 - the main traditions and prohibitions of the holiday
  • Merry Christmas greetings in prose for relatives and friends
  • Merry Christmas greetings in verses and SMS - short congratulations Merry Christmas
  • Christmas cards for the holiday
  • Merry Christmas greetings in German (with translation)
  • Video congratulations on the bright holiday

It is not always possible to congratulate relatives and friends in person. Now it is easy and simple to do this by sending short SMS by phone.

I hasten to congratulate you on the feast of Christ!
Happy and bright day!
May God protect you from bad
And he will reward you with happiness and kindness! Let it be on Christmas night,
All dreams will come true
Happiness, joy, warmth,
The heart will be filled in an instant! Merry Christmas,
Happy God's day!
Life bright, new!
So that troubles - nothing!
May the star of Christ
The path will light up for you!
Under the family roof
Peace always reigns! Merry Christmas,
The house will be full of happiness
The dish is on the table
Outside the window the snow creaks.
I wish you fun
And the warmth of the hearth.
May your home be love and happiness
Will never leave. Let it be on Christmas night
All wishes come true
Let love reign in the house
And miracles happen! Health to everyone, and happiness, and patience,
Kindness, warmth and peace in every home!
And let the whole world be filled with congratulations
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
I wish you happiness, good joy,
You always be cheerful and healthy,
May life be successful and generous.

Beautiful Merry Christmas greetings in your own words (in prose)

Nice to get warm sincere wishes that are spoken from the heart in their own words. Congratulations in prose are the best suited for this.

On Christmas Day, we are all waiting for a miracle! So let it happen to you on this wonderful night! Let there be no sorrows and disappointments in your life, peace outside the window and bright happiness in the house. May Christmas bring bright hope, strong faith, a beautiful fairy tale and true love. Merry Christmas! May this magical holiday fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May the guardian angel protect you from all troubles and hardships! The January sky will decorate today magic light christmas star. May this light protect you from wiles evil people and hard thoughts. Let comfort, warmth, happiness, love find their place in every corner of your home! Wish you vivid emotions and simple solutions life tasks! On Christmas I wish you prosperity, peace in the house, harmony in the family, prosperity and well-being. May life be kind to you, may many bright, wonderful events await you. I wish that on your way you will meet only good people so that every new day brings joy. On the bright day of the Nativity of Christ, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you a pleasant family holiday. May this bright day bring harmony and joy, prosperity and prosperity, love and warmth to your home. On the occasion of the Christmas holiday, I would like to wish you only the very best, health and great joy, kindness and comfort in your homes! May Christ love and protect you! Prosperity and many years of life to you! On this holy and bright holiday Christmas I want to wish your family happiness, health, good fortune. May Jesus protect your souls from temptations, envy, despondency and anger. May it cover you from troubles, grief and misfortunes, give you great joy and light. I wish that joyful laughter and words of love will always be heard in your house. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations in verses on the feast of the Nativity of Christ

Children are happy to tell Christmas poems for the holiday, they can be read by phone for relatives, friends and colleagues, sign a postcard.

Read alsoWhen will the New Moon be in January 2019 - The New Moon will come on January 6, what to do at this time

May Christmas come to you
Good luck, happiness and luck.
Let the house be filled with warmth
And the mood will be bright.
Success, joy, love,
Good health and strength.
May your dreams come true
And every day will be happy.
May troubles, sorrows and evil
They don't happen often in life.
And let goodness live in the heart,
Warmly warmed by your loved ones.
(Author: Anna Yarchevskaya) Snowdrifts outside the window
Pearls sparkle in the sun.
Sparrows with tits herd
The beginning of the holiday is announced.
We hasten to congratulate you on Christmas.
Let a smile warm your heart!
Let goodness fill your house,
Joy never leaves!
(Author: Tatyana Dementyeva) Snowflakes in a white waltz descend from heaven,
And the sleepy forest covered itself with a blanket of snow.
Today, magic flows from everywhere,
And it always happens at Christmas.
The earth is shrouded in a mysterious fairy tale,
Rivers and fields sleep under a snow blanket.
Today you quietly make a wish,
Keep it under your heart and repeat it often.
After all, on this wonderful evening of crisp beauty
All the most cherished dreams come true! Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want joy to last forever
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but not disappear with it
From our souls, a beautiful kind light.
And let everyone in their hearts believe -
God is love, and He is with us forever! A winter fairy tale is coming,
Visits all houses -
This miracle is happening
Christmas Eve!
Even the stars have become brighter
Shine in the sky above the earth
To make this holiday bright
We couldn't forget!
So that good luck and health,
Joy, happiness and success
Settled in this house
And laughter always sounded in it! On Christmas evening, wonderful
I want to wish you well
So that a beautiful heavenly angel
Brought you a lot of warmth.
So that God guards you in life,
So that He saves from trouble,
So that all your secret thoughts
He turned a dream into reality.
After all, the holiday is wonderful and bright,
It is filled with magic.
Let everything in life be beautiful
And a full cup of the house! Bright holiday of Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.
Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith
To make the world a better place.
Gives sparks of magic
Bright holiday of Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas! The holiday is solemn, clean and bright,
Full of mysteries and good miracles,
On a January night, at the hour before dawn,
It will descend to people from crystal heavens.
Let Christmas boundless joy
He always gives to you and your family.
Childhood serenity and sweetness
Let the star of Christ give you.

Beautiful pictures with wishes for Christmas

On this bright day, more than ever, I want to give kindness and love to a loved one. Beautiful pictures with congratulations lovely way express your feelings and nice gift.

Christmas wishes in English (with translation)

The Internet makes it possible to have friends around the world, a selection of Christmas wishes will help to congratulate those who speak English.

Congratulations on your merry Christmas. On this holiday, no one should be alone. Be today with those who appreciate and love you. I also wish your family happiness and success in your work!

I congratulate you on Christmas. No one should be alone on this holiday. Be with those who appreciate and love you today. I also wish your family happiness and success in your work! Merry Christmas and may this holiday bring much joy and happiness to your life!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and may this holiday bring a lot of joy and happiness into your life! Let your world be filled with warmth and good mood in this holy season and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas filled with peace and love. Merry Christmas.

May your world be filled with warmth and good mood at this holy time of the year and throughout the year! Wish your Christmas is filled with peace and love. Merry Christmas. May Christmas be filled with warmth, love and happiness! May the coming year bring joy and fulfillment of your plans! Merry Christmas!

May Christmas be filled with warmth, love and happiness! May the coming year bring joy and fulfillment! Merry Christmas! Wishing you a merry and merry Christmas to you and your family. Have a nice Christmas day!

I wish you and your family a merry and happy Christmas. Have a nice Christmas day!

Christmas January 7, 2019 - the main traditions and prohibitions of the holiday

One of the most important Christmas traditions is the supper for the godparents. On Christmas Eve it is supposed to carry kutya and holiday treats to the godparents' house. And this should be done by children-godchildren. A must-have dish is rich kutya, but in addition to it, you can please your loved ones with sweets, nuts and fruits. .

In return, godparents usually give children small gifts and treat them to sweets. Kutia is a real delicacy, and given that Christmas Eve dinner should be lean, it will definitely become a highlight on the table. However, in addition to kutya, it is customary to put 11 more dishes on the table, so you need to carry it a little, just a couple of spoons.

By the way, you can’t take dishes from kutya. So it's better to put it in a beautiful pot so that after festive meal he remained at the godparents' house as a Christmas souvenir.

Previously, children in the villages wore a supper to all relatives, godparents, and even the midwife who helped them to be born. They sang special songs praising Christmas and Christ, and received sweets and coins as a token of gratitude. Now the rhythm of life does not allow visiting everyone. Especially in big cities. Don't worry. For example, if the child was baptized by two or three pairs of godparents, you can bring them a treat the next day. It is important to properly organize the process, and therefore - agree with everyone to whom you are going to bring treats in advance.

For believers, Christmas Eve is of great importance, because it is believed that it was on this night that Christ was born. All day on January 6, you can’t eat anything, right up to the appearance of the first star in the sky. This is the last day of Advent. According to tradition, hostesses prepare 12 Lenten dishes for Christmas Eve - in honor of the 12 apostles.

The celebration of Christmas Eve begins when the first star appears in the sky, which once announced the birth of Jesus Christ. This evening the whole family gathers together at the same table.

  • What not to do on January 6:

- to do hard work;

- talk a lot during festive feast;

- leave the table during the meal;

- unmarried people can not sit on the corner of the table;

- celebrate Christmas with debts and old grievances;

- go far from home, because you will wander all year;

- to sit an odd number of people at the table, and if this happened, you need to additionally put another set of cutlery.

  • Things to do on Christmas Eve:

- be sure to wear light-colored clothes, it is impossible for the outfit to be dark, especially black;

- ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended;

- light candles in the house to attract well-being.

  • Signs and beliefs on Christmas Eve

The sky on Christmas Eve is strewn with stars - this year there will be a rich harvest.

If you see a shooting star on Christmas Eve and make a wish, it will surely come true.

On Christmas Eve, it is customary to light candles in the house to attract prosperity and good luck.

To be in black clothes this evening is a bad sign, portending a year of failures and tears.

The day when in the small town of Nazareth the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of the Lord became significant for the whole world, because it was on this day that people received faith and hope for redemption, forgiveness and salvation. And this day, the Nativity of Jesus Christ, Orthodox world celebrates according to the Julian calendar, on January 7 of each year, and in our country this holiday has long been not only church, but also state. Many institutions do not work on Christmas, statesmen from TV screens say beautiful congratulations on Christmas to the whole people, and simple people congratulate each other and gather families and friends for holiday tables. And since it is unlikely that it will be possible to personally congratulate all the acquaintances on January 7, 2019, the easiest way to wish them all the best on this bright day is to send them through instant messengers or social networks cool congratulations Merry Christmas in verse and prose or pictures with congratulatory inscriptions. And such postcards, pictures and texts of beautiful short congratulations for Christmas are presented in the selections below.

  • Beautiful congratulations on Christmas 2019 in verse
  • Beautiful congratulations postcard Merry Christmas
  • Beautiful congratulations on Christmas 2019 in prose
  • Beautiful pictures with inscriptions congratulations Merry Christmas
  • Beautiful short congratulations on Christmas 2019
  • Beautiful funny congratulations on Christmas

Beautiful congratulations on the upcoming Christmas in verse

Since Christmas is a day off, and most people tend to spend this holiday with their families, relaxing and having fun, it is better to congratulate friends and colleagues the day before holiday date. Beautiful congratulations on Christmas in verse, sent on January 6, are a great way to congratulate all your friends, colleagues and distant relatives on the upcoming bright Christian holiday.

Best congratulations on the upcoming Christmas in verse

On Christmas Eve, in anticipation of miracles

I want to wish only good and prosperity,

For the Lord to send happiness from heaven,

And keep your health in order!

May God keep you forever from adversity,

Will give the dreams of all the fulfillment,

Good luck will attract you like a magnet

Send a blessing from the clear sky!

congratulations on the upcoming

I want you Merry Christmas.

Let the holiday envelop you

With its soft magic.

There will be peace, prosperity in the house,

Family understanding.

Your plans and desires

Let everything be fulfilled in an instant.

Relatives will be healthy

Children grow up glorious

Only happiness surrounds you

Kindness, comfort, coziness.

Now Christmas is just around the corner.

Let all worries pass by.

I congratulate you heartily.

Let life be perfect.

May the Lord God protect you

From all adversity and from all troubles.

I wish you love and happiness

I want to live another hundred years.

Merry Christmas,

Let the holiday bring happiness with it

Let smiles guard the house

Taking away sadness and bad weather.

May health, joy and goodness

You are accompanied everywhere.

Let warmth reign in the heart

The light of love and peace illuminates.

Here comes Christmas

And there is magic in our souls.

I want to wish you all the best

Health, peace and warmth.

We put a candle at the icon,

Let us bow to the Lord.

May the house be full of happiness

Always warm to be in it.

Animation cards - the most beautiful congratulations on Christmas

Thanks to high-speed Internet, congratulating loved ones on Christmas, you can not limit yourself to a couple of phrases with standard wishes. Through instant messengers, e-mail and social networks, you can send very beautiful Merry Christmas greetings to all friends and family - postcards with animation and thematic inscriptions.

Beautiful cards Merry Christmas

Touching and beautiful congratulations on Christmas in prose

Touching to tears, beautiful congratulations on Christmas in prose, so similar to good sincere wishes in their own words, can evoke the warmest and brightest feelings in a person’s soul. It is precisely such congratulations that should be sent to the closest and beloved people in order to give them, along with kind words, on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, their warmth and sincere faith in the love of the Lord and His Son for all people.

A selection of congratulations on Christmas in prose

Merry Christmas! Let your home be filled with warmth and comfort. All dreams come true, even the smallest ones. The hearts of loved ones and relatives will be warmed by love and care. The surrounding people will be kind and sympathetic. And the Christmas star always lights the way!

May the Christmas star light up this night and guide you through life in the surest way. Warmth, peace, goodness and peace. On this wonderful bright holiday, dreams become a reality, may the most cherished come true this year. Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I wish good news always come to your house. For the light of the guiding star to guide you along true path. Kindness, care, love, understanding and support to you and your loved ones. Happy holiday!

Merry Christmas, I congratulate everyone! In this sacred hour, I wish you all to be blessed, healthy, sincere and pure in front of each other. So that peace and tranquility reign in every family and house, and a miracle is a frequent guest! Love, appreciate and enjoy life here and now. And may good always triumph over evil in our world, and may there be a bright sun of hope and a peaceful sky above our heads. Merry Christmas to all of us!

May there never be disputes in your house, but only peace, harmony, kindness, love and understanding of each other. I wish that everything in your house is enough so that you do not need anything. May the guardian angel never leave you, and may good luck, luck, creative inspiration always be behind you. I wish that the work was rewarded twice as much as you expect.

Beautiful pictures with inscriptions - congratulations on Christmas

Many Russians will publish beautiful congratulations on Christmas in the form of pictures with inscriptions and poems on pages on social networks on January 6 or 7. These pictures will appear in the news of all virtual friends, which means that all these people will receive such a beautiful holiday greeting. Also, such pictures can be sent in private messages to all friends, supplementing a beautiful image with sincere wishes.

Pictures with congratulatory inscriptions for Christmas

Short beautiful congratulations on the coming Christmas

Below in the selection, visitors to our site will find short beautiful Christmas greetings in verse and prose, which can be sent to all your friends by SMS on January 7th. It will be pleasant to receive these congratulations on the coming holiday both to people who are far from religion and to Orthodox Christians, because wishes in congratulatory texts selected according to the Christian traditions of celebrating Christmas.

The most beautiful short Merry Christmas greetings

Merry Christmas! May the Lord God bless you on a new day, and give you happiness, luck and health.

Angels descend from heaven today

Bringing the good news with them

Everyone is given a miracle, magic,

Here comes Christmas!

I wish you all good, warm,

To make a dream come true

To keep hope alive

And the troubles just receded!

Merry Christmas! Let the guardian angel protect you and your loved ones, and drive away various troubles from your home. I wish you kindness, humanity, honesty and happiness.

Christmas has come

Light faith triumph!

May she protect you

From adversity and from insults!

Keeping kindness in hearts

Do not scold your loved ones,

Live more fun

During the bright, glorious days!

May holy Christmas

Give affection and warmth

And this January day

Will remove all disasters shadow.

Merry Christmas,

All good things come to the house,

And the sacred star

Burning in the sky for you!

Cool beautiful Merry Christmas greetings for friends and girlfriends

Christmas is one of the most significant days for Christians, so it is unlikely that anyone would think of congratulating loved ones on this holiday with comic and dirty words. However, cool beautiful Merry Christmas greetings, in which there is respect for faith, and sincere wishes, and good light humor, will great way congratulate close friends and relatives on January 7th.

Collection of funny sincere congratulations on Christmas

Christ was born that night

What did he bring us today?

There's not a single doubt

that he brought blessing

For happiness, joy and success,

So that all our affairs go up!

Christ will protect everyone from evil,

Kindness will attract like a magnet

Give everyone a lot of health

Shows the right path

So that only on the right path

We could all always go!

Merry Christmas. I wish to be not an imp at all, but a sweet angel in the flesh, I wish to do good and do only miracles, I wish to flutter high in the clouds of love and dream beautifully, and, of course, take care of my angel wings.

Christmas is coming

Snow sparkles - so light.

I wish everyone, everyone,

Smile in the mirror.

Wish yourself well

Happiness, joy, warmth,

Reward with a kiss

And that's all, forgive all enemies.

You'll see, then

Fate will turn to you.

And fulfill all dreams

After all, you are good.

Merry Christmas! I wish you caviar on the crust, a smile from ear to ear with happiness, angel wings behind your back, ruffled feathers from love. May the Lord deliver from lousy days, and give days of bliss and steepness.

If you are sad, let

May blooms in the heart.

If the frost is scary in January,

Let the strength give you courage.

Breathe full chest

Look for the positive in everything

To celebrate Christmas

With joy and celebration!

For the Nativity of Christ, Orthodox believers begin to prepare forty days in advance - all this time they maintain a strict Christmas fast.

A particularly strict fasting day is January 6 - Christmas Eve. On this day in the evening, believers go to festive services in churches, where they celebrate the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

January 7 - on this wonderful day of winter, it is customary to congratulate each other, addressing nice words and wishes. One of the most actual ways Merry Christmas greetings is sending an email holiday card to the addressee's phone or via the Internet.


Back in the Middle Ages, the rich population had a popular tradition of ordering engravings and thematic lithographs for Christmas, which depicted biblical scenes and the newborn Savior. Often such valuable gizmos were given, expressing in this way special treatment to a person.

Later, already in the XVIII century, came into fashion Business Cards. Beautifully decorated by artists, they were personalized and were awarded important people on Christmas Eve.

The first real postcards (similar to those that we are used to seeing today, and we will give, congratulating on Christmas in 2019) were made in 1794.

Their creator is the artist Dobson from England. The first Christmas greeting cards featured winter landscapes and family scenes by a beautifully decorated spruce. That is why even today, when talking about classic Christmas cards, they primarily mean winter-themed pictures.



congratulations on the upcoming
I want you Merry Christmas.
Let the holiday envelop you
With its soft magic.

There will be peace, prosperity in the house,
Family understanding.
Your plans and desires
Let everything be fulfilled in an instant.

Relatives will be healthy
Children grow up glorious
Only happiness surrounds you
Kindness, comfort, coziness.

On Christmas Eve, in anticipation of miracles
I want to wish only good and prosperity,
For the Lord to send happiness from heaven,
And keep your health in order!

May God keep you forever from adversity,
Will give the dreams of all the fulfillment,
Good luck will attract you like a magnet
Send a clear blessing from heaven!

Here comes Christmas.
I heartily congratulate you.
Fun, joy, kindness
And I wish you all the best in the world.

To have prosperity in the house,
And so that happiness does not leave,
Let dreams come true
And the world will become more beautiful.

Christmas is coming
Brings us a story.
Let the magic happen
Everyone who asks for it.

Let dreams come true
Happiness will look into the house.
Time of joy, love,
It will come soon.


With coming bright holiday Christmas! I want to wish you all the best on this day, may heaven bless all your conceived deeds and save you from any troubles. I wish that in your hearts the fire of love of your relatives and people close to you always burns.

I congratulate everyone on the upcoming Christmas! I want to wish everyone faith, hope, love and happiness in every home, may the guardian angel protect and protect, and faithful friends, success and good health will be a real treat for you.

Merry Christmas. May the angel in the basket bring good health, boundless happiness, unexpected joys and will take away illnesses, sorrows and hardships!

Merry Christmas. May well-being and joy walk to your house along with the holiday, may hope and love look into your heart, may the Lord exclude failure and sadness from your life. I wish you a real Christmas miracle and good fairy tale for the soul.



The word "Christmas Eve" takes its name from sochiv, the main dish of this day, which is prepared from boiled or steamed grains of cereals and seasoned with honey, raisins are often added to it.

Women on Christmas Eve get up as early as possible, wash their faces and read a prayer. Before the family gets up, it is important to have time to prepare kutya and uzvar. Belief says that if you have time, then the family will be healthy and prosperous all year.

They do not eat any food all day on Christmas Eve and start the evening when the first star appears in the sky, which means imminent birth Christ.


On Christmas Eve, according to tradition, sochivo is prepared - grains of wheat or rice soaked in water. They add honey, raisins, nuts, poppy seeds.

Also on Christmas Eve you need to decorate the house. This is an integral part of preparing for the celebration of the approaching Christmas.

Unlike many church holidays, on Christmas Eve January 6, 2019, you can do household chores. Moreover, it is necessary to put things in order in the house on the eve of Christmas. It is best to start cleaning in the morning and do it with the whole family. Not only will this help clean up your house on Christmas Eve, but it will bring all family members together.

Of course, the most important thing to do on Christmas Eve, January 6, 2019, is to visit the temple. In that holiday in almost all the churches of our country, divine services are held, to which anyone can go.


You can use a pre-made Christmas card or make your own. Using pictures depicting one or more symbols of the holiday, you can easily make a simple, but very expensive gift to all your loved ones.

Catholic Christmas comes two weeks early Orthodox holiday, December 25. In order not to miss the holiday, prepare gifts and souvenirs in advance. If your loved ones live abroad, you can send them a greeting card in English.


AT classic version the pictures depict Temples and evening landscapes. These pictures are perfect for decorating. small gift or a souvenir. They can be used as a holiday postcard if the appropriate inscription is applied to the image.

The night before Christmas and the newborn Savior surrounded by the Magi is another of the traditional options used for images in pictures. Beautiful postcards with evening and night landscapes can be presented to your loved ones, used to decorate and decorate the room. Images of the newborn Jesus can be used to decorate a festive meal and cards for children.

Images of angels are often used for Christmas greetings. Merry Christmas cards can be attached to a gift or a small souvenir, sent by letter or mail. e-mail. A thematic drawing with angels symbolizes protection and blessing, so it will be a pleasant sign of attention and care for relatives and friends.

An image of any size can be printed or downloaded, and immediately sent to the addressee by mail. It is very simple to do this, and it will take no more than one minute - the algorithm of actions consists of only a few steps.


Classical postcards usually depict winter landscapes and family scenes. They are usually designed traditional congratulations at the top. You can send such a postcard separately or put it in a beautiful festive envelope. They can be used not only to congratulate relatives and close friends. So in a simple way you can congratulate colleagues at work or study on the upcoming event.


In Russia and other Orthodox countries, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. This holiday takes place during New Year holidays, so there is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the celebration with the family. According to tradition, on Christmas it is customary to visit and visit all relatives and close people.

For decoration of souvenirs and gifts, you can use classic postcards or make them yourself. Making them is very simple - you need to print any beautiful picture With thematic pattern and decorate it to your liking. It can be invested in gift set, add it to a souvenir or send it by mail. For this you need to reverse side draw the fields for the address on a homemade postcard.


In many European countries, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. In addition to formal congratulations, it is customary to give gifts and souvenirs for the celebration. Traditional images in pictures and postcards are a family interior, New Year's attributes, Santa Claus, elegant Christmas tree etc. A postcard or a picture can also be used to decorate a Christmas tree - spruce.


Apart from traditional postcards, for congratulating children, you can use beautiful thematic coloring. It will be interesting for the child to paint on their own or together with their parents greeting card. If desired, such a coloring can be done independently, redraw the image by laying a sheet of parchment or tracing paper to it.

For a more complex detailed drawing, already ready-made templates, which are easy enough to print on a sheet of the required size.

The format of Christmas pictures is wide or varied. Choose a beautiful picture to your taste and give it to a loved one