What to wish for a girl's birthday. Congratulations to your girlfriend in your own words. Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of a girl

You are my sea! You know, I really love the sea (you), and always loved it special love. It, like you, is boundless, deep with rich inner world. The deeper, the more amazing. But not everyone can dive that deep. But the one who dives will be amazed by the beauty of the depth and the bright palette of colors. The sea beckons, it is like a magnet. He has every day different colors. You want to return to it, you can admire it endlessly, it is beautiful in any state, both in a storm and in calm, but most of all it is beautiful when the sun shines and illuminates the depths with light. I wish you the sun, so that the light is inside you. I wish you calm in your soul, so that your shores never wash away. Of course, the sea is beautiful even in a storm, but ships do not sail in such weather. And I really wish you to wait for your ship. Dear, I love you very much, thank you for being like me! Happy birthday, love!

My dear girl, happy birthday! Thank you for your explosive character, for your sensitive understanding, for your spiritual kindness! For a million different little things in life, which made you and I practically relatives! May wide horizons of opportunities and prospects be opened to you! Let your heart visit unearthly love! Let your life be full of touching moments and a kaleidoscope of bright events! I wish you to be happy right here and now! May all your dreams come true and make you even happier! Be happy and take care of yourself for us, for your loved ones and relatives! The main thing - do not lose yourself and do not forget that you will overcome everything, no matter what! We have a dream that you be happy and healthy, and that we have the wisdom to live life in such a way as to become your friends!

My little positive person I hasten to congratulate you on your day! May everything you dream about come true! Let the hardships of life bypass you in a roundabout way! Let your eyes cry only from happiness! So that your man is always there and supported in difficult moment! Boundless happiness! Good luck in all your endeavors! Thank you for supporting, understanding and uplifting at any moment! There are few people who suit me in spirit, but you are the right person! Thank you for always being there! I am very glad that after so many years we still communicate and support each other! I'm always there too! I rarely say such big words to someone, but you rightfully deserve them! Let every minute of time be a reason for joy! May your time of happiness be endless!

Happy birthday to you, my dear girl! Thank you for choosing me, my sunshine! Here are 365 days, we are together, you make me happy with every second! I love you more life, you are my Everything! I live and breathe for you! You gave me everything that I did not see and did not understand! You are my bright ray! I don’t know how to describe this love for you, but I love you so much that the whole Universe is not enough to show it! You are my heart! You were born, and I realized that you are incredible, you are my precious! You are my spark in this world that kindles my heart and love for you! You make me happy every day! I wish you the very good health! So that you are always happy, that only the closest and dearest people surround you! May your path be bright! Otherwise, I'll help you! I will walk beside you until the end of my life, and I will do everything for you so that you are happy and do not need anything! You are my treasure!

Precious, beloved, irreplaceable! I don’t remember from what moment we began to be friends and communicate, but I can definitely say that I am very glad about this! Congratulations my dear girl my soul, the joy of my days! You, like no one else, know how to support and help, even when everyone turns away, and you will sincerely rejoice at any of my successes! Enjoy every moment of this amazing life and let happiness stick to you at every step! May the most worthy and caring man of your dream carries you in her arms, and every morning gives you bouquets of your favorite flowers! I wish, of course, never to get sick, not to worry about trifles and smile more often to loved ones! After all, your smile is like a sunrise! I adore your smile! I love you all from head to toe! You are my treasure! I won't give you up to anyone! Hugs and kisses gently!

My kitty, happy birthday! My sugar marmalade! My orange is ripe! Lovely my! The girl of my dreams! Today is just your day! Your birthday! You can't even imagine how much I love you! My love can not be described in words, not conveyed by feelings! You are my whole life! On such a day I want to wish you many, many female happiness! A huge amount of money, an incredible amount of health! I wish you great amount strength and an infinite amount of patience! Thank you for always understanding me, appreciating me, supporting me! Thank you for having me! Forgive me that sometimes I do not appreciate your care! But, you know, you are everything to me in the world! I want to wish you, my sun, all the best, love and support from loved ones, success in your career and, of course, be healthy and truly happy!

Today personal holiday from a charming, gorgeous, chic and incomparable girl! Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, smart, smart and flirtatious girl! Birthday only happens once a year! So let's congratulate her so that positive emotions go off scale! So that the evening held in her honor will leave a shocking impression in good sense! Our joy, our pride, hope and good luck! With all our hearts, we wish you to always remain an inimitable personality, never to be influenced by negative human dialects, to be confident in the future and in your principles! Give your loved ones your sincerity, enjoy the bright moments in life and go through life with your head held high! We wish you to live without knowing diseases, to give your friends and family people your lovely smile every day and enjoy every new day!

Congratulations on your birthday! You were born for a reason - thanks to you our life is in full swing! There are no words that could express all the love and gratitude for you! Live a long, long time, our dear, because your care, your always understanding eyes with a splinter of kindness, guidance and wise advice we need! Despite the difficult obstacles and blows of fate, happiness is to see you smiling and watching how your eyes shine and wrinkles are smoothed at the sight of people close and dear to you! We wish that the warm sun always shines for you, so that every day is filled with positive emotions and pleasant events! So that your loved one pleases you, surrounds you with care, love and happiness! We love you very much and appreciate that you are with us! Health to you infinite!

Forgive me, but today, as if by chance, but no matter how, I will remind you of your age! Happy birthday, darling! Infinitely happy for your success and in the future I wish you to blossom and sparkle with happiness! You deserve it like no other! You wonderful person and I realized this a long time ago! Therefore, I ask you to avoid stress, more often illuminate your neighbors with your smile and caress their ears with laughter! There were many ups and downs in our friendship, quarrels and hugs, laughter and tears! But, despite many obstacles, interference, and so on, I continue to love you! You always saw the good in everything. I probably never met such a self-confident person in his abilities! Continue to be a person who can provide impeccable support at any moment! I hope that you will spend this day colorful and unforgettable!

You have very kind heart and not everyone is able to understand it! You are the same girl whose upbringing and endurance any man on earth can envy! You never cease to amaze! You have very right advice but, unfortunately, I don't always listen to them! And what is most interesting - you are always right in everything! My attitude towards you will always remain the same wonderful, always remember this! I can safely call you mine sister And honestly, these are not empty words! Forgive me for my impudence, but on your day I want to wish myself first of all, never need you! I believe that the person who will be worthy of you has not yet been born! To be honest, maybe I'm jealous of you, but I'm not going to share you with anyone! For now, time will tell! Maybe I'll give you up worthy person but not otherwise!

Dear, happy birthday to you! You are completely adult girl! You are my happiness, support and inspiration! I wish you just to be happy, to live from day to day, bathing in happiness and attention from your beloved and dear people! So that you never get upset over trifles, and that there would not be any sorrows in life at all! Let everything be in life, as you want, I know that in your plans you are strong and very wise and that all your ideas will surely come true! I wish you great and mutual love, because it is so important! Health, without it anywhere! Patience, because without it this life cannot be sustained! Relax today so that there would be something to tell the children! I love and hug! I wish you to fly through life like a bright butterfly! Fly towards your dreams! I wish you good news every day, determination and interesting moments!

Happy birthday! You are the most wonderful, dear and charming to me. I would like to congratulate you on this sunny day and wish you all the best. Thank you to your parents for such a miracle as you. You deserve the best, so I wish you to spend this day bright and unforgettable. I want you to be full of energy and vitality and good luck in all endeavors.

You are an example for many girls. You are very attractive, stylish and smart. You are kind and sincere. It is always a pleasure to communicate with you and it is pleasant to congratulate you on your birth. I want to give you as much attention as possible. Let everything turn out great in your life, and friends will always be there and be ready to help you!

Happy Birthday good girl and a great beauty and cleverness. I wish you never grow old either in body or soul, but always remain as sweet, attractive, light and cheerful. Let every day give you something new, and let fate prepare many incredible surprises.

Sweet, tender, most beautiful, happy birthday to you, beloved! I wish you happy life and good days, faithful and devoted friends, care and support of loved ones, respect for others, positive results in all endeavors. Illuminate everyone with love and warmth, and also receive doubly what you give. Let the path of life be covered with soft grass and colorful flowers.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a girl in your own words

I wish you, our birthday girl, a simple woman's happiness. Cook delicious borscht, hurry home from your favorite job, love sincerely your chosen one and let him answer you with mutual passion and boundless adoration. You are impeccable in everything and your man should know about it and carry it in his arms, give flowers every day.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck wonderful years ahead, warmth, prosperity, prosperity! Let the beautiful ones wait for you happy Days and there will always be something new, positive and sunny in your life!

Flower, sunshine! Today is not just a day, today YOU were born! You are that boundless radiant firmament that illuminates my life! May for you today all the colors of the world merge into an unforgettable sparkling rainbow, for you today all desires will come true! Blossom, fragrant, remain the most beautiful, kind, sweet! May your life always be only a holiday filled with happiness and love!

Happy Birthday Beauty! This bright day is a pleasant event for all of us, and age is just a number that will remain a mystery to everyone who does not know her, because for such a sweet, energetic, charming girl like you, years mean nothing. May your eyes always glow with happiness, your closet is bursting with clothes, and your dearest person hugs your shoulders.

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you joy - to go through life with a big smile and a great mood. More pleasant surprises and wonderful impressions, health, prosperity, perfection. Stay forever beautiful, slim and, truly, satisfied and happy girl without any personal and vital complexes.

Today I am happy to congratulate you on a wonderful day - your birthday! For this day, I have a bunch of compliments in store and I’m not afraid to embarrass you, because how can you embarrass crystal pure truth? I'll tell you - you're just a miracle! Your beauty is not inferior to your kindness, you are smart and talented in any business that attracts you! I wish you to always remain as beautiful as I know you today, but if you wish to become even better, you will succeed!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words beautiful

My dear girl, happy birthday! Thank you for your explosive character, for your sensitive understanding, for your spiritual kindness! For a million different little things in life, which made you and I practically relatives! May wide horizons of opportunities and prospects be opened to you! Let your heart be visited by unearthly love! Let your life be full of touching moments and a kaleidoscope of bright events! I wish you to be happy right here and now! May all your dreams come true and make you even happier! Be happy and take care of yourself for us, for your loved ones and relatives! The main thing is not to lose yourself and do not forget that you will overcome everything, no matter what! We have a dream that you be happy and healthy, and that we have the wisdom to live life in such a way as to become your friends!

My dear, sweet, gentle, bright! I congratulate you and I want to say that you are incredible happy man. Nature has generously endowed you not only with beauty and intelligence, but also with the ability to rule over it. The wind loves to play with your hair, because they are obedient to it. Birds from the skies look enviously at you: after all, even on earth you are able to inspire everyone who knows you. Seeing you, the sun instantly comes out from behind the clouds, because it wants to be like you and strive to see the object of its adoration as soon as possible. And all the flowers of the world fade next to you, because they only shade beauty, and you are beauty itself. Happy birthday!

My gentle beauty, my mischievous moth! I wish the girl that I really like to go through thousands of roads, I wish happiness to find. I want to believe, hope and not give up! I wish you love, I wish you to enjoy life! Let the salute thunder in your honor, scattering with multi-colored lights, let the stars write about you on a moonlit night in the sky! Happy birthday my kitty!

There are many flowers on earth, but they cannot be compared with you, my best flower! Stay cute and adorable long years. May the light of your kindness and cordiality illuminate life and make it joyful! Giving a holiday to loved ones, be always happy! Health to you, success everywhere and in everything, respect and prosperity! My love and devotion will become your faithful and reliable support. Cloudless birthday!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful princess, beloved goddess, cheerful, smart and charming girl! My one and only doll, I am extremely happy that on this day you, my angel, descended to earth and bestowed the whole world with your warmth and dazzled with beauty. I am glad that I got such a precious gift.

Girls are cute gentle creatures who believe in miracles at any age. For them, a birthday is not just a holiday, it is a little fairy tale where they feel like a queen. They dream of receiving gifts, postcards, pictures, flowers, hearing only pleasant things. Therefore, happy birthday greetings to a young girl - a sister, colleague, girlfriend or lover should be unusual, sincere, a little cool and funny.

On this significant day, every woman is waiting for attention, care and compliments. Beautiful words another proof of her perfection and capable of moving her to tears.

What to please the birthday girl? It's not as difficult as it seems to men. It is important here not to be banal in choosing a way to congratulate a friend on her birthday. She will like even a trifle, the main thing is that something original is hidden in it.

You are like a magical, sweet dream,
I want it to last forever!
You are my angel, the keys to paradise,
Happy birthday dear!

You are not a girl, you are just a miracle!
And the whole world is at your feet.
On your birthday you are so beautiful
Like the first, spring flower!

May everything be fine with you
You are the only one in the world.
The sun is shining brightly for you
The moon is white in the sky.

Give the stars a necklace,
Write the word "I love" clouds.
And congratulations fly to heaven
To congratulate the rain from above!

I wish on your birthday
Stopped so that the year!
And you are so young
Stayed forever!

We will all come, in twenty years
Congratulate you - both!
You are sitting, and you are seventeen,
As before you are fresh, young!

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.

So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Be strong and weak
Be wise and crafty
Be kind and sweet
But most importantly - HAPPY!

I wish a beautiful girl
Love, so that without end and edge.
Surprise everyone with the radiance of the eyes,
And never be discouraged.

What is good about life:

And an eternally young soul.

colleague can be found interesting postcards, close friend funny pictures, funny images, comic poems, beloved - to say in your own words about overwhelming feelings and hand interesting gift. It is necessary in any congratulation to pick up sincere warm regards then it will definitely be successful. That is what we are suggesting you do today.

Surprise in verse. As you know, girls are romantic creatures and for them poetry has deep meaning. So best congratulations happy birthday to a girl, colleague, girlfriend, relative or just an acquaintance will be presented in a poetic form.

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
but not 2-color, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green
Green - hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine yellow
Red - life illuminates with love.

Blue will rise above the vanity,
he will be a true and good dream
I wish you such a colorful
happiness, health, love and longevity!
Happy birthday!

"You are beautiful, no doubt," -
The book was written by a poet.
Only you, perhaps more beautiful
Even this Snow White.

We don't need gnomes either.
Let the prince be near
Provided by a horse
capital and palace.

Let everything be like in a fairy tale:
Kisses, tenderness, caresses.
To live a happy age
Be loved and love.

Balance of mind and beauty
And impeccable style clothing,
You are the hope of all accountants -
With any program you - on "you"!

Your proud Nifertiti profile
And a look that is clear to everyone -
There are no unsolvable problems
And if there is - you solve them!

You are the decoration of the team
Congratulate you - a great honor!
Smart, talented, beautiful
The advantages of all can not be counted.

Happy birthday to you,
A beautiful day for us, for all
Let new achievements await you
Luck, happiness and success!

You are beautiful and slim
Charming, honey.
You have a super walk.
Happy birthday pretty!
You admire everyone
Grief never know
Smile and joke
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
May it live in your soul
Only happiness all year round.

Today is a holiday with a gorgeous lady:
You are beautiful, you are young, you are good.
Both the appearance and the parameters of the model,
And at the same time - a luxurious soul!

We wish you luck on your birthday
And the fulfillment of all the desired blessings.
And live like in a fairy tale, like a queen,
And to be held firmly in your arms!

You are a dream girl, charm.
Someone like you, green light everywhere.
So let your wishes come true
And there will never be trouble in life!

It can be funny to tears pictures with quatrains, cute postcards and photos with poems, funny, funny sms on the phone or just sincere beautiful phrases sent by mail. The choice is huge, so everyone can find something that suits the young beauty, based on her taste and preferences.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl you know - a classmate, colleague, neighbor, and any one you want to show a sign of attention, does not have to be pretentious and catch everyone's eyes. If you do not like to act in public, this does not mean at all that your gift will not be successful. Every girl is delighted with secrets and surprises.

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with tenderness...
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
For that road to be long
Where did you go in life?
For people to respect you
And everything was brighter around
And to stay by your side
At least one, but your reliable friend.

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

Can choose original postcards, beautiful photos and pictures, download them and send them by mail, accompanied by words of admiration and admiration for her beauty.

To become the very first on the list of congratulators, to earn the respect of the birthday girl, you should wait until midnight and send cool or deep SMS birthday greetings to the girl. Or send photos, pictures, postcards with wonderful words to E-mail at 12 o'clock at night. They will prove that you remember her triumph and it has for you great importance. Such a sign of attention can move her to tears and raise your rating to unprecedented heights.

I wish you to be more beautiful than dawn,
And happiness is a lot of true for many, many years.
I wish blue stars in your palm,
I wish you love as strong as fire.
I wish roads in life are not cool,
Live for yourself and for others.

May you be happy every day
Every moment is beautiful
Success, joy, kindness,
love, good luck,

Happy birthday!
Let life go carefree
Easy as butterflies flight.
May joy bring every day
May you be lucky in everything.

I want to live and not grieve,
To endure misfortune and grief.
And be as kind, sweet,
To love and be loved!

What do you wish? Don't know...
To be beautiful? No, I don't.
Happy to be? Maybe yes:
Who is happy is always beautiful!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood
never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile
Like this birthday!

If you like to pronounce wishes in your own words, then congratulations on the birthday of a girl in prose is what you need. They can be presented to every beauty - a friend, sister, daughter, work colleague, friend. Poems are beautiful, but prose is more soulful, because wishes come from the heart.

Here you can show figurativeness, add creativity, and then even the most short congratulations happy birthday girl, spoken with your own phrases in prose become the most successful of all.

Congratulations and I wish so that your life is like champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing.
Happy birthday! I heartily congratulate the birthday girl!
I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life!
Always stay the way you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them! Stay always the same sincere person! Let life's circumstances develop super-successfully! I wish you LOVE, Love with capital letter, mutual, beautiful and of course HAPPY!

Let them fall at your feet the most beautiful flowers and the most amazing fans!
After all, a woman like you deserves the best in the world!

You are a true star! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you always remain as bright and beautiful! Let all the planets revolve only around you, and failures bypass you! Universal Love and Happiness to you!
Happy Birthday!
Always stay
Blooming and Charming -
Merry, Joyful, Burning -
How is summer.
Bright, Colorful, Mysterious -
Persistent, Strong, Fabulous -

I don't know what to wish you... It is foolish to desire beauty, the most beautiful girl. You do not need luck, because you can achieve everything yourself. Wish you happiness!? But what is happiness? I wish you what every person needs, what makes a person beautiful, what becomes for him the greatest luck and happiness ... I wish you to love and be infinitely loved! Happy birthday!
I wish you all the best, as pure and sincere as you yourself! I wish that dreams come true and all today's wishes turn into reality! May fate love and pamper you, give good and dedicated people around! Thanks for being you!!! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday greetings to your girlfriend, colleague, relative can be not only beautiful, but also funny, with humor. After all, all princesses love jokes, laughter and practical jokes. Cool pictures, which you can’t look at without tears, funny photos, comic poems written in postcards - this lovely gift for name days. They will not only cause joy and a smile of the hero of the occasion, but also give her the whole positive attitude and great mood.

Birthday - great way tell a friend, colleague, beloved, sister about how you value and respect her. And here you do not need to prepare a long speech to express your feelings. Original congratulations they will do everything themselves.

Touching postcards, sensual pictures with wishes and confessions, comic surprises, funny sms- all this in the best possible way will give that reverent attitude that you are experiencing for the birthday girl.

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Hello, friends!

If you want to beautifully congratulate your girlfriend or colleague, but don’t know how, look at the congratulations in prose on the girl’s birthday in my today’s review.
Girls especially appreciate the attention and will be happy, especially if you say it not corny and in your own words.

But even this does not mean that you should not use quotes or interesting places in the works of your favorite authors.

Known words you can remake in your own way. touching words pleasantly please and demonstrate your creative approach.

actually come up with right words to congratulate your girlfriend or friend is not so easy.

It is often very difficult for young people to find the right words. This happens because men prefer to show their feelings not with words, but with deeds.
By the way, not all girls love poetry. So beautiful prose may be the best solution.
You can use and, but with soul and spoken in your own words. Do not copy ready-made phrases.

You can choose them as a base and make up your individual wish.
Each person treats his birthday in a special way and expects unprecedented miracles on this day.

To make a sincere congratulation, you need to pay attention to some points.
First of all, it is worth considering the appeal. At the same time, it is important to add a beautiful epithet - sweet, dear or beloved.

Think of funny and pleasant associations that you have when you remember this person.

For example, the sun, a flower or a dawn.

Nuances of congratulations

A variety of epithets should be present in the wish: stunning, delightful, exquisite, amazing.

You can choose universal adjectives or come up with those that characterize the individuality of a particular girl.

For your beloved, you should also choose compliments about her appearance.
An extended compliment should include a whole set of associations that you have chosen in advance.

It is not enough to state the association, but it is also necessary to explain why you think so. Congratulations must be true so that there is no doubt about their sincerity.

Congratulations examples

Now I offer you some examples of congratulations for girls for different situations.

Wishes to a colleague

Consider how to write beautiful words to a young and cheerful colleague.

Here is an example:

A lovely colleague, with excellent holiday you! Always be a professional in your field and be as open, cheerful and friendly.

And let life reward you enough for your perseverance, diligence and optimism!

I want to congratulate my colleague and beautiful girl! I wish you to always be in good shape, immensely happy and forever young.

Let work bring not only wealth but also fun, development and new opportunities! Bright life, mass positive emotions and prosperity in everything!

And here's an option:

My dear colleague let me congratulate you! I wish you not to stop on the way to success, believe in yourself and live for your own pleasure!

May your plans come true, and hopes be justified.

Congratulations to your beloved girl

Congratulations for your girlfriend requires special attention and effort.
Here are some examples:

Always beautiful charming girl and my beloved congratulations on the holiday! You are irresistible like the sun, soaring and fragrant! You can only admire, you are amazing!

May every day in your life be unforgettable and give happiness!

Here is an example:

The unique, sweetest and most beautiful girl in the world is you, my joy! You are the most important thing in my life, without you I am like a plant without heat.

I will do everything for your happiness. May your dream come true today! I wish you much happiness, love and excellent health! And may your guardian angel always keep you - my sun!

Another example:

You yourself know that not only today, but also on other days, I wish you all the most cheerful and beautiful!

Bright meetings, real and reliable friends, and creative achievements!

And more options:

Happy birthday, love! May your life be the happiest and only joyful events surround you, and all troubles fly by.

Today all wishes are only for you, my dear man! You are the most kind, beautiful and gentle!

I thank fate for meeting you! May this day bring you a lot of joy, good mood and smiles!

Let only kind people surround you! All the best to you my only one!

Here is a congratulation on 30, 25 and 18 years:

My beloved, I congratulate you on your anniversary, on the 30th anniversary of irresistible beauty and kind soul. I wish you to always believe in the best, strive for your goals, live in joy and catch the air of inspiration and optimism.

My gorgeous girl, I wish you a happy birthday! At your 25 years old, I wish you never to lose the cheerful gleam in your eyes and always remain as natural and real.

Let only joys and miracles meet in life, and there will be no obstacles to success on the way. May all your dreams come true in an instant!

Congratulations on your 18th birthday. This is a magical age when a girl turns into a princess! This is the time when the world is colored with the whole palette of colors, and not just pink shades!

Therefore, we congratulate the sweet girl on coming of age and wish that guardian angels guard you on this significant milestone! Be always the same young, beautiful and cheerful!

How to congratulate a friend

Now I propose to see how you can make a congratulation to your girlfriend.

Here are some interesting examples:

My dear friend! It's good that I have you. On your holiday, I wish you all the best: all-consuming love, unforgettable meetings and undying optimism!

I wish you never need anything! May you have everything you want and need! Be extremely happy!

Girlfriend, you are awesome! You support me like no other. Be happy and let everything in your life be easy and without problems! I wish you great health happy love and may your eyes always shine with enthusiasm!

Let it warm you loving people, beauty and kindness! You amazing person and your smile makes this world brighter.

Easy victories for you, more reasons for fun and laughter.

Girlfriend! I wish you to enjoy every day you live, appreciate what you have and strive hard to achieve your goals!

May all your plans come true, and all will open before you magic roads! Remember that I am always there and ready to support you in your endeavors!

Short SMS wishes

Pay special attention to SMS congratulations. They should be short and contain the main point.

Here are some options:

  1. Congratulations on wonderful holiday- Happy birthday! I wish you to be the most stylish, bright, successful and fashionable! May you have a happy fate!
  2. What does a woman need? Love, family, success and strong man near! May you have all this. Happy birthday!
  3. Accept my congratulations on your birthday! I wish you a sea of ​​gifts and flowers, more joy, a guiding star and faithful man near!
  4. Cheerful, young and perky - it's all about you! You illuminate everything around with light - and it is a great happiness to be your friend! Stay like this in your new age and let there be more in your life sunny days!

A little fantasy and fresh traditional congratulations bloom with new colors. Congratulate each other and be happy!

If you know good wishes write in the comments! Before see you soon my dear guests!