How to evoke sympathy with the power of thought. How to make a person think of you at a distance all the time. Two sides of the same theory

Sometimes it is so important to know what your dear and beloved person, being in the distance, thinks of you. It is worth thinking about how to make the person bored and think about you. It is almost impossible to make someone bored, but you can try to make sure that you stay in his thoughts for a long time, while not causing feelings of irritation.

How to make a person bored

Before you can make a person miss you, you need to disappear from his life for a while. If you are around all the time, then it is likely that no one will miss you. Of course, voluntarily leaving a loved one is not at all easy.

But only in this way he will have enough time and space for him to realize your absence and how dear you are to him. Only in this way will he understand how much he needs you.

To make the person bored and think about you, be busy all the time, or just pretend if you’re not. The next time you talk to your partner, do not immediately answer the question of what you are doing right now.

Just laugh it off, tell some funny story that happened to you recently. Thus, you will simultaneously show that you are light and cheerful person and demonstrate the richness of your life. Then your chosen one will have no choice but to recognize you as an interesting person and want to spend more time with you.

If you want to make a person bored and think about you, during a date, ask questions about some pleasant memories that tie you together. For example, ask: "Do you remember when we were last on the beach, you built a beautiful sand castle?" But dedicating the whole evening to memories is also not worth it. Only periodically recalling joint pleasant moments, you make the person think about how much you have in common.

If you live separately from each other, then it would be nice to forget some trinket with him: an earring, a comb or a CD. This will be a good way to make him think of you more often. Every time he comes across this thing at home, he will involuntarily think of you. The most important thing is that your strategically forgotten thing does not need an urgent return. It doesn't have to be a wallet, keys, or a cell phone.

Most effective way to make a person miss you, perhaps, is to be the life of the company. It should always be fun and easy with you. If you are having a great time with your partner and do not swear over the little things, he will miss you anyway if you are not with him.

How to make a person miss you and think about you

Quite often, girls find themselves in such a situation: they get to know a young man, the girl immediately likes him, but whether he liked her is not clear. And then this girl thinks - how to make him think about her and want a closer acquaintance? It is embarrassing to impose, and the guy, well, just as luck would have it, does not react to hints and seemingly "random" looks. And what to do in this situation to make the person bored and think about you?

Just do not be discouraged, do not lose heart. It is likely that the young man simply did not distinguish you from many of his other acquaintances. So you need to think about how to attract his attention to yourself and be better remembered.

Keep in mind - everything unexpected and unusual is best remembered. If you dress like the rest of his acquaintances, behave more or less the same, it is very unlikely that you can immediately get his attention. If you want to make the person bored and think about you, try to be more original, both in dress and in demeanor. But do not rush to extremes, because your goal is to attract, and not shock the guy.

Remember the saying "Like attracts like"? Find out more about the person you like so much. What is his character, what is he interested in? If you have any common interests or hobbies - great, which means there is a chance that he will be interested in you. Important in the right moment as if by chance start a conversation about what he likes. So a conversation will start, and further development events depends on you. Try to behave in such a way that he wants to continue communication.

V special cases it is worth asking a friend or friend for help if they communicate with him. A light hint like "You should look at this girl" can make a guy take an interest in your persona. Let him praise you for something. This may also be of interest. It’s not just that they say “From the sidelines”. He is with very likely can listen to the opinions of you and either take your word for it, or want to check personally whether you are as good as they say.

To make a person bored and think about you, don't be too persistent! Remember, men are not particularly fond of not only unapproachable young ladies, but also too intrusive girls. How to make a person remember you ? Give him time to miss you without your presence.

How to make a person bored and come to you

It is impossible to force a young man to do something against his will. Although the representatives of the stronger sex are no less coquettish than women, therefore in in this case it is not about how to break the will of a loved one, but about how to push him to develop relationships. And to begin with, make you bored and come to you.

1) Try to understand the situation: do you really need this young man that for his sake you are ready to go to a number of small tricks. Try to understand whether he needs you too. Never call or write to him for this purpose. If he himself calls or writes to you, do not start to sort things out before he himself starts a conversation about them.

2) To understand how a young man treats you, try to remember how vividly he paid attention to your words and actions when you were together. If he was silent and indifferent, then you already need to draw conclusions that are very disappointing for your relationship, although here you can make allowances for shyness or uncertainty. But know: in love, as in business, very large discounts can lead to ruin.

3) When he speaks with duty phrases, this does not mean that he is indifferent to you. Firstly, your relationship can last for a long time, and they just need to diversify. Secondly, a man is most likely constantly busy with work, and all his ideas revolve around a career or any obligations, even on vacation.

Workaholism is curable, and its relapses are not directly related to love. Thirdly, including when he looked at the oncoming women in front of you and did not notice that you were in this moment do or say, it only speaks of some impermanence of male nature, and not really of his indifference to you. In the end, maybe he was just comparing you with random passers-by, and the comparison was definitely only in your direction.

4) If, on the basis of such an analysis, you have concluded that your relationship has a future, then proceed to direct measures that will force him to come to you. Go to beauty salon and a hairdresser. Fresh hairstyle and the fresh complexion of a friend will certainly delight the beloved man, and the transformation will undoubtedly benefit you.

5) If you want to make a person bored and think about you and come to you, call him and invite him over. Although you can just invite the guy to romantic dinner without composing fairy tales about a car or a computer. If he happily agreed, then this means that you will have the opportunity to surprise him, at least, with culinary talent.

If such talents are not observed, you can order food in a restaurant. Do not persuade him to come and do not show your displeasure if he refuses you. This means that he is not yet ready for a relationship or he really does not have free time. We hope that our tips have helped you answer the question: “how to make a person bored and come”.


Try to be as clear as possible about who you are expecting a call or visit that you want to make you yearn for. Imagine every detail and expression on his face. Feel what exists between you. Do you really need this one so much that you want to make it yearn for itself? Remember that he will only miss and yearn for you if he cares about you. After you have clearly represented the person, try to imagine where they are at the moment, what they are doing.

Try to analyze the situation - maybe your gentleman is very yearning, but cannot come or for some very important reasons... After all, life is a difficult thing, and anything can happen.

Try to understand what feelings might make this person feel bored and make you want to call or come over immediately. Try to mentally convey these feelings to your loved one. Experts say - many.

And finally, do not forget that there are quite traditional, but very controversial ways. For example, turn off the phone, do not go to social networks, create the illusion complete absence... But in this case, how do you know that someone is yearning for you? After all, a man can call, but you will not see it.

Many have had situations when they really want to make a person who is not indifferent to be bored and yearned. But think: if he is really dear to you, you would not leave pride aside, not call yourself and not say, having heard the voice of your beloved at the other end of the line: “Hello! I miss you…".

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So why not try to give your thought an acceleration first and not send it straight to the head of your beloved? So, to return your loved one and make him call, focus, imagine your boyfriend, close-up of his face, his voice, smell. Recall his most characteristic movements, especially the one with which he takes the phone out of his pocket and dials the number.

Helpful advice

Of course, all girls want to communicate with their beloved guys as often as possible. But this natural need is far from always being satisfied. And often girls want to hear the voice of their beloved guy, but do not know how to make him call first? How else to get a young man to dial your number. If you are hesitant to send a message or call, you can find the guy on social media sites.


Quite often, love pushes you to reckless actions. By loving, you can do what you would not do under any circumstances. Frames are being erased, boundaries are shifting, pride disappears nowhere, which at one time was the most important character trait. Trying to set yourself up not to impose on him, you understand that it is incredibly difficult to do this. How can you force yourself not to call him?


Engage in self-hypnosis. Inspire yourself that he does not need, that this call will not change anything. Convince yourself that he will miss you and will call himself soon. If you cannot set yourself up in this way, try to mentally repeat to yourself the elementary words: “don’t call, don’t call, don’t call”. Say this to yourself in those minutes when the hand itself begins to reach for, trying to dial it.

Make an agreement with yourself. Promise yourself that if you endure and don’t call him, say, within three days, you will buy yourself a new dress or some little thing that you have wanted for a long time. For breaking a promise, punish yourself by depriving yourself of new shoes or the same dress.

Think about your pride. Men love to run after them, constantly call them, remind them of themselves, while not taking them seriously. But when this does not happen, the male sex immediately begins to think about it, and worry why they stopped paying close attention to them. By stopping calls, you create an intrigue that you will certainly want to unravel. Now let him act as an "attacker", and now he will have to worry.

Get distracted. If you are expecting a call from him, and the phone is persistent, switch your attention to something else, or someone. Go with friends to the cinema, restaurant, take a walk - your thoughts will be different. Do not be sad, but cheer yourself up and spend time usefully, without constantly thinking about his call.

Deliberately leave your phone at home, leaving for work or to a friend. This way you won't have to call him. You will not once again ask someone for a mobile to do this. And if he calls himself, he will not hear an answer, which will make him worry about you once again.

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Sometimes you need to know that someone you love misses you even when you are not around. But making you bored is really difficult and requires a lot of effort. There are several behaviors that can help you stay in the person’s mind at all times without causing irritation.

You will need

  • Strategic mindset
  • Sense of humor


The first thing to get bored is to disappear from his life for a while. If you are around all the time, you will not be missed. Therefore, even if it is difficult, make sure that you give the person you want to be bored with enough space so that he has time to realize that he needs you to be there.

Be busy all the time. The next time you are with your partner, in response to the question of what you do, just tell them about all the funny and fun things that happened to you in recent times... First, you will show that you are interesting, and second, you will demonstrate that your life is full of events. After that, your chosen one will only have to think about how interesting you are and think that it would not hurt to spend time with you more often.

Whenever you ask about fond memories. For example, say, "Do you remember when we went to the beach and made this sand castle there?" or "How did you juggle kiwi in the store!" There is no need to remind about what happened in the past, otherwise it will seem that nothing is in the present. But nevertheless, reminders of pleasant moments spending time together make him think about how much good you had. In addition, he will probably remember these funny ones, even when you are not around.

Just be the life of the company, it’s easiest to miss someone with whom it’s always fun and joyful. If you and your partner are constantly having a good time, they will miss you anyway.


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Sometimes it happens that the separation is delayed due to certain circumstances, and it happens that the quarrel is to blame for everything ... And with every passing minute you realize how much you miss your man. A growing desire to hear his voice, phrases characteristic only of him, words full of tenderness that have recently sounded in your address is inexorably arising in you. But time does not stand still, and the phone is still silent ...


You have to cheat a little to get them to call. Dial the number of his mobile, wait for the beeps and, until he is not, interrupt the call. As a result, he will later see the missed call from you. Most likely, he will not call back immediately, especially if you are in a quarrel, but after a while he will definitely call you back. Here it works, firstly, the desire to create the appearance of his importance and employment, and secondly, without calling you back immediately, he increases his demand for you (at least, he thinks so!)

But the fact is, your boyfriend will definitely call you back. Firstly, curiosity will not give him rest, and secondly, any guy, although he is confident that a girl needs him, will not miss the chance to make sure of this once again.

When you answer his call, fill yourself with a haze of some thoughtfulness, mystery. In no case do not bring down verbal chaos on him - I do not like it when there is nowhere to insert your undeniably weighty and always weighty masculine word! Perhaps he will inquire about the purpose of your call. Here, act according to the circumstances: you can admit that you missed him all this time, but if you already understood from the previous conversation that he is close to another fit of narcissism, explain that you dialed his number by accident and called as soon as you noticed this is. It turns out that you kind of called, but inadvertently, which means you didn't call at all. But at the end of the conversation, you can still add (between the times) that you are glad to hear him.

For a guy to you, you need to create, at least a semblance of it. Compose an SMS message, whatever, no matter what or about whom, it is better to do something vague, let it sound like a replica torn from the dialogue, but from a dialogue with a man. Then "randomly" send it to yours. The majority "bite" this technique, not even realizing it. There are two reasons: elementary curiosity, which falls into the hands of women and often serves them faithfully, as well as the notorious possessiveness. If a guy does not go out with you for a long time, in his thoughts day by day you only exist, consumed by sadness and longing for him bright image... And your SMS will become evidence that, even despite his absence in your life, you do not become isolated in your desire to be with him and do not get hung up on waiting for his reciprocal steps towards you.

In order to force a guy to call you, "accidentally" bump into him somewhere: in a cafe, shop or just on the street. To do this, of course, you need to be aware of the places in which he often appears or is about to appear. The main thing is to carefully prepare for this "accident". Neat makeup, beautifully styled hair, clothes that effectively draw attention to your merits. Be fully armed! And do not forget to pretend at the meeting that they did not expect to meet him there at all, and in general they forgot about him. Believe me, his pride will be terribly hurt. In addition, he will be so delighted with the way you look that he will definitely find time not only to chat with you on the phone, but also to arrange a date for you!


If you have already tried to provoke your boyfriend to make calls several times, but your efforts did not bring desired results, there is something to think about. Just answer frankly to yourself the question: "Are you interested in this young man, and is it worth wasting your enthusiasm on it ?! "

Helpful advice

Co-author of the famous best-selling book Women are Crazy, Men are Stupid, Howard J. Morris, advises girls to sometimes take the initiative and feel free to call the guys first.


  • How to get a man to call.
  • how to make a guy call

Sometimes it is so important to know what a dear and beloved person, even when far away, thinks of you. It's almost impossible to get someone to do it, but you can try to make sure that you stay in their thoughts for a long time without causing irritation.


First of all, in order to make a person bored, it is necessary to disappear from his life for a while. If you are constantly nearby, then it is quite natural that no one will miss you. Of course, it's not easy at all - to voluntarily leave a loved one. human... But only in this way will you give him enough space and time so that he has time to realize your absence and how much he needs you.

Be busy all the time, or just pretend if you really aren't. The next time, when talking with your partner, to his question about what you are doing now, do not give a direct answer, but just laugh it off or tell about some funny story that happened to you recently. Thus, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: show that you are funny, easy man and also demonstrate the richness of your life. After that, your chosen one has no choice but to decide that you are a very interesting person and it would be quite nice to spend more free time with you.

When dating, ask about any pleasant memories, but only those that bind you together. For example, say: "Do you remember when we were on the beach last time, you made an incredibly beautiful sand castle?" Just do not go to extremes and all free evening deal with memories. However, periodically reminding you of pleasant moments together, you give the person an opportunity to think about how many good things unite you.

If you do not live together, then a good way to make a man remember you more often would be to inadvertently “forget” some of his little thing: a comb, an earring, a CD. Each time, "bumping" into her in his apartment, he will involuntarily think of you. The main condition is strategically forgotten thing should not need urgent return (keys, wallet, mobile phone).

But perhaps the most effective way to force human to be bored is to be the life of the company, it should always be easy and fun to be around you. If you and your partner are having a great time, do not quarrel over trifles, then in any case, during the forced separation, he will miss and think only about you.


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Undoubtedly, it is nice to know that your loved one is bored and is looking forward to your call, arrival or just news. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes you realize that you are far away, and your man is not bored at all. In this case, you need to make him think about you and wait. new meeting with you, especially since it's not so difficult.


Each person is unique, so the methods of influencing everyone also cannot be the same. Those actions against which one cannot resist will cause only irritation and anger in the other, and the third will remain completely indifferent to your efforts. Therefore, only you can know for sure how to arouse your beloved's interest. However, there are several universal techniques based on two key principles. The first is that you have to become that special for a man that no one else can match. Secondly, communication with you should not become routine for him, you should constantly be a little lacking. Your job is to deftly maneuver between these qualities, applying both to make your beloved bored.

Take care of yourself. Fill your life with useful and fun activities, do not focus only on the man. Work, do yourself, travel, go to the gym, start painting or dancing - no matter what, as long as it brings you joy and contributes to your development. Remember that those who do nothing are boring and monotonous, you don't want to miss them at all, because communication with such people does not bring anything new.

Get interesting. This will automatically happen if you start doing something. The circle of your interests will expand significantly, so anyone intellectually developed man will be drawn to communication with you. The conversation of people equal in their erudition is very pleasant pastime causing friendly feelings, and subsequently a deeper affection.

Be elusive. Even if you were absolutely not busy with anything and painfully waited for his call, do not rush to admit it. Feel confused, as if you would like to meet, but the overwhelming amount of work does not allow you to do so. If you saw each other the day before, postpone the date for a few days, name a specific date, mentioning that you will not be able to find the time earlier.

Be sociable. This does not mean going to extremes and dating several men, it just won't be superfluous if your chosen one finds out that other members of the opposite sex are interested in you. A minimum of specific information will arouse his interest even more.

Become a beauty, because they miss the one they are in love with. Slim flexible body, shiny silky hair, light makeup, well-groomed gentle hands, expressive eyes- it should become a habit for you. Going on a date with your beloved, choose clothes that fit you perfectly, emphasizing all your merits. Clothes and accessories should be simple yet feminine and romantic. A prerequisite is a smile, because a friendly facial expression will make even the most ordinary face attractive.

Have more fun. The mood, the atmosphere that you create around you will make up the lion's share of the impression you make on those around you. Do everything so that in your society, a man feels at ease and free, so that each of your meetings evokes in him pleasant emotions... Try to tune in before your next date. positive mood, which your companion will definitely get infected with. Remember, if a man next to you rests with his soul, he will be drawn to you like a magnet.

Be attentive to his activities and hobbies. Men are selfish, so their disposition can easily be aroused by interest in their person. Find out as much as possible about his hobbies and try to share them. Present him small gift that will remind him of you and the pleasant moments spent together.


If you broke up with your loved one or he is far from you, in such situations, psychologists agree on one thing - you need to speak out. How exactly you do this is entirely up to you. You can write letters in which you will set out everything that is going on in your soul. It doesn't matter if you decide to send them to your loved one or not. Most importantly, write. Talking to a friend or any other close person will also help solve the problem. By speaking out experiences, you thereby rid yourself of a certain feeling of emptiness that arose due to the absence of a loved one. As a result, you will have at least some real idea of ​​the relationship.

You can also try to distract yourself from the problem. Find something to do to help you temporarily take your mind off your sad thoughts. Don't take separation as scary. Believe me, all relationships have some difficulties. Separation is another way to test the sincerity of your feelings. Don't get hung up on worries. Try to distract yourself, so you yourself will not notice, as time passes, and you will meet with your loved one again. Now that he is not around, you have a little free time, so you can start doing something new: sign up for fitness, buy a subscription to gym, start embroidering, drawing, reading something interesting book... Shopping - better medicine for a lonely girl. Buying new things will definitely improve your mood and boost your self-esteem.

If your feelings are not mutual, talking about a relationship is simply pointless. Since they simply do not exist, there can be only one solution to the problem - find yourself something to do that can distract you. It can be a hobby, or it can be completely immersed in work. Of course, at first it will be quite difficult to do this, but you need to force yourself. Yes, exactly to force, otherwise it will not work.

Lack of reciprocity negatively affects a person's self-esteem. He becomes withdrawn. A person loses all desire to get acquainted with the opposite sex. Do not dwell on one representative of the stronger sex. Understand that feelings that are not mutual will gradually fade away, and they will be replaced by a new love that can make you happy. Of course, separation is always difficult, but you must try to pull yourself together and make every effort to improve your life.

The question "how to make a person think about himself" is usually asked by people who suffer from unrequited love or part with a loved one on long time.

To occupy yourself with the thoughts of the chosen one, you can use magic rituals or psychological tricks. It is easy to do this knowing.

Psychological ways

With simple psychological techniques can be another person. The task is simplified if you have the opportunity to contact him.

  • Play closer - further. First, you show an increased interest in the object, flirt, draw attention to yourself with the help of a beautiful appearance... Then change the behavior to the opposite (showing indifference, restraint). This technique makes sense only at the stage of establishing a relationship.
  • Be mysterious. A little mystery always adds to the appeal of both men and women. Without fully revealing yourself to your partner, you will involuntarily make his thoughts come back to you again and again.
  • Remind about yourself. If you break up with dear person for a long time, you can make him memorable gift... It can be a useful little thing that he will use on a daily basis. For example, a flash drive, keychain, coffee cup, or cushion soaked in your perfume. You can also remind yourself of yourself with a sudden call or SMS.
  • Make you bored. For a while, disappear from the object's field of view, do not respond to phone calls... Your sudden disappearance will make him wonder. After a while, call him yourself and see how happy he will be.

How to make a person think of himself with the power of thought

By force own thoughts anyone can use even without special training if you strongly believe in positive result... There are several ways to use the power of thought to make another person think about themselves:

  • Lie comfortably and relax, thinking of the right person. Imagine between you energy channel through which thoughts are transmitted. Continue meditating until you feel warmth being transferred to you.
  • When you are near necessary person, mentally direct a ray of light from your head towards his forehead, while simultaneously saying to yourself the phrase: "Think of me constantly." Try to put all your inner energy into these words.

Often a woman falls in love without memory and begins to worry if her chosen one thinks about her, does he remember her or already carried away by someone else. In this case, on help will come a technique that will make a man think of you even from a distance.

This is also useful in cases when you are far from each other or your partner is forced to leave on business. It will help keep the feelings and strengthen the connection... Our thoughts are material, we have heard about this for a long time, and you can be convinced of this.

On distance

If you direct your thoughts in the right direction, a real miracle can happen. A loved one will remember you, wherever he is - on a business trip, in another country or somewhere else.

This will help one simple technique... Roughly determine the time when your man is sleeping, and go to bed yourself, but do not fall asleep. You need to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, like when meditating... Breathe deeply and make sure that no muscle is tense, especially on the face.

Now imagine the image of your loved one in as much detail as possible. You need to remember all the little things, scars, moles - this is very important. When a complete image of a man gathers in your head, imagine that you are transported inside his body, capture his mind.

Imagine that you are him, imagine his feelings and feelings. When you feel that you have become one, send commands to him. They should be worded as clearly as possible, for example: "Call your wife!" or "Miss (name)." If you do everything right, the person will obey these commands in reality.

Remember, this practice cannot be used when you are sick. In this case, you already have little energy, but it is needed in order to heal. It will be irrational to spend it on instilling the right thoughts in a man and besides, you probably won't be able to do it.

During a period of illness, it is difficult to concentrate, you will not be able to correctly direct the energy. But if you are healthy and have used this method, do not tell anyone about it. Even if you tell best friend, this can negate all efforts, because other people's thoughts can knock down directed energy, and it will not reach the addressee.


A man can be made to think about himself constantly with the help of mental suggestion.

This method includes psychology, magic, and telepathy at once, but it will only work if you can come into contact with a man. , in thought which you plan to infiltrate. You need, at least, to be in the same room with him.

So, finding yourself in the same room with the object of adoration, start sending him a suggestion, consisting of short phrase... It can be something like "You are in love with me", "You constantly think about me", "You want a relationship with me."

The moment you send the suggestion, imagine that a ray is emanating from your forehead. of blue color and connects it to the forehead of the object of adoration. It - energy channel... Through it, you can transmit mental messages. Do this as confidently as possible, you can also send images, such as your face or figure.

Another method will also help you to instill in your beloved thoughts about yourself, but this will not work if you are in love with a person who does not know about your existence. The object must definitely know you.

As a last resort, you can set up a casual acquaintance so that your image is deposited in his memory. But the best way is acts on a man with whom you are or have been in a close relationship. This method was practiced in ancient Egypt.

On a full moon, around midnight, turn off the lights and make yourself comfortable in bed. It is important that nothing distracts you, so it is better to move your watch, phone away, and tune in to the desired mood.

You can light incense or turn on a quiet, calm music for meditation... If you feel that your clothes are bothering and distracting you, strip naked - this will make the method even more effective.

Breathing deeply, put all but one thought out of your head. Imagine your beloved man, how he looks and what he is doing now. Perhaps he is asleep, then you need to imagine how he lies in bed, how warm he is under the covers, how his cheek presses on the pillow.

Now you need to visualize own energy , imagine how it emanates from your solar plexus and pierces space, flies through the night city. She penetrates into the house of a loved one, wherever he is, touches his aura, weaves into it.

She forms a channel from you to the beloved, and through this channel you can transmit mental messages. They can be as daring as you like, they should reflect all your desires for this person. They will be deposited in his subconscious and will constantly remind of you, in a dream and in reality.

You can understand that the method worked by the feeling of warmth - if you felt slight burning or pleasant warmth during meditation or immediately after the end, it means that everything worked out, and an energetic response came to you. Soon a man can make himself known, write or call. If you do this method regularly, you can make a man think of himself constantly.

Psychological techniques

If you parting for a while with your loved one - no matter how much, for a day or for several months, you can make him think of himself using effective techniques.

You don't need to be intrusive to do this, just use some tricks. For example, you can do the following:

  • Sprinkle some of yours on his shirt collar. favorite spirits... The main thing is that the aroma is not intrusive, otherwise it will start to annoy. If it is a light cloud of smell, then the man will think about you and may not even guess about the root cause of the associations that have come.
  • Put a sheet of paper in the stack of documents affectionate confessions in love. He will go through papers and stumble upon him, and this will make him touch. But be careful and make sure first that he did not prepare these documents to give to business partners.
  • Throughout the day while lover at work, write cute sms that do not require an answer, for example: "I think about you" or "I miss you." Don't do this too often. You can also send erotic pictures, for example, of you lying in a bubble bath. The main thing is that his colleagues do not accidentally see them.
  • Secretly put some sweetness in his bag, something that he loves. Ideally, it should be something made by hand, but at worst, a gummy or chocolate bar will go. He will suddenly find a surprise and it will make him smile and remember you.
  • if you have mutual friends v social networks with whom you both regularly communicate, you can leave a note on the wall of one of them. Your loved one will go to his page, see the entry and remember you.
  • Organize on a weekend romantic date or meeting in a place that he will constantly take place when you are apart. The event will always be remembered to him when he will be in this territory.
  • Seeing off your loved one on a business trip, give him memorable thing that will only associate with you. For example, personally knitted scarf... As a last resort, a thing that will always be in his sight will do - a watch, cufflinks, a phone case.

They say that thoughts are material. Many do not believe this and do not use their capabilities, and in fact any task is subject to our subconsciousness. If you trust research, then every goal is feasible. For example, take the case interpersonal relationships between a man and a woman - when the man does not take the initiative. At this moment, a lot of questions come to a woman's head, one of which is how to get a man to call with the power of thought and is it possible? It may seem that this method is ineffective, let's try to find out the details.

So the first example

The situation when you are waiting for a call is quite a standard and common case. Here you need to focus on two points. The first option is when you want to see attention from a stranger. This case is more complicated, since it is quite problematic to capture vibrations and energy. Unfamiliar person always closed to us, it is not a simple object for manipulation through the mind and subconscious.

The first thing to do is focus on the image of a man the call you are waiting for. It must be presented in as much detail as possible. You should free your mind and plunge into the streams of energy that the Universe sends. The evening time is best suited for this, when all worries recede into the background.

Having relaxed and calmed down after a working day, a woman should design the image of her future beau. It is best to represent it in full height every piece of clothing should be in your imagination. It is very important to focus on the face and facial expressions, it is forbidden for it to be sad or sad - after all, these states can overlap the relationship. A person should appear in front of you. good mood and beautiful clothes- then you need to move on to the desires themselves.

Set a goal for yourself, put your mobile phone next to it and combine all the wishes into one whole. Imagine the emotions that a man should experience. before picking up the phone. While looking at the communication medium, do not stop projecting the image in fantasy and think about how you want to hear his voice. Many scientists have already proven that this method is effective. It is popular in different countries and, importantly, does not violate any rights or laws. This simple practice is used in order to continue the traditions of being, it accompanies all the laws of nature.

Of course, it has a result, but it will not be instantaneous. You should not expect that the coveted call will ring in the first minutes of your concentration.

Remember that desires are material when they are sincere. Do not try to turn this method into a game, since all manipulations with energy, thoughts, brain and subconsciousness are complex processes, they not only take energy, they are a unique opportunity creep into restricted areas existence.

So please take time and patience. Imagine and imagine, focus on the thoughts, do not move away from them, and do not overwhelm your mind with secondary concerns. The purity of streams is important, and this can be ensured if you have three important components:

  • clear mind;
  • open biofield;
  • the subconscious mind freed from all worldly concerns.

They will provide you with a supply of opportunity to carry out your plans with the help of thoughts and contemplation. If you practice the method for several evenings, the bell will ring.

Example two

The scheme works somewhat differently when you know a person for a long time. Maybe you already long time if you are friends or have known him since school, it is important that you know enough information about him. Here, the energy costs will be minimal, since there is no need to spend energy on recreating the image. You can easily imagine it, it’s very good if the plot is based on when the person you create will be in a place known to you. Then, it will be easier for you to direct him to the phone and ask for a call.

For example, you can think of a situation where the object is at work. Something reminded him of you, and he decided to call. He will simply feel an irresistible desire - to do it - and you will fulfill your desire.

There will be no result without theoretical knowledge

Scientists and researchers call our time the era of subconscious thinking. Today, opportunities are open to people that were previously unknown. In all countries of the world, many congresses and seminars, research and testing are held, which open the curtain to knowledge in this area. They raise a lot of questions, more and more double-valued concepts are being heard: "the power of reason", "abilities", "the design of models and images by the subconscious." Such concepts get special meaning, which is presented in the perspective of the new time. They have a foundation and give hope to mankind to have its own life, to manage it, it is exalted for new level... Life's simple problems turn into solvable and simple answers. Now each of them gets an answer.

  • How to redirect life on the right track?
  • How do you get what you want?

They all acquire unambiguous answers - wanting it, wanting to receive it, using their thoughts for a purpose.

Two sides of the same theory

Western researches have proved that our thought about something has a form and a color shade. Therefore, they insist that we follow the flow of our thoughts. If inside yourself you think that the desire will not come true, that the man who is interesting to you thinks badly of you, he does not like you, then, believe me, he will start to think so.

Your gray thoughts will be ugly and irregular shape, and streams of consciousness will turn them into reality. It is necessary to bring all streams to the correct format, they should always be colored beautifully and light colors... Good thoughts will lead to good, and sad thoughts will lead to unhappiness.

Understand the main thing that the most insignificant thought or meditation can become reality.

Based on this, we think positively and positively, we create in the subconscious mind projects of situations that have only good result ... Using the example of the desire taken, it is important to draw an outcome for yourself, that is, to think about the result. Try to imagine how an ordinary and expected call from a man might end. Suppose that he offers you a romantic date, that your relationship will gradually turn into love - and then everything will end with the birth of a child. This direction will increase your power of thought, and most likely everything will happen that way.

To believe or not to believe - depends only on you?

Those who are not ready to become the leader of their lives do not believe in the power of thought. Who wants to live in suffering, who is not able to discover new opportunities for themselves. If you stop in life and don't go forward, you can turn life into a gray existence. For those who see the light and own their lives, this theory has been created.

According to statistics, it is female part the population is more open to experimentation. This is due to the fact that skepticism and practicality of men overrides the craving for knowledge. It is the ladies who make their lives complete through the prism of thought. They practice the method more often and train their thoughts in such a way that they get full control... It all starts with simple questions and desires (How to make a man call with the power of thought? Is it possible in this way?), and ends with more and more global tasks (to get a position, improve the child's health by this method) And everything works out, life becomes full, problems disappear, luck and success comes.

Let's turn to the knowledge of the past

There are many examples in history of how the power of desire technique works. In most cases, it is identified with many tales of the peoples of the world. Such an association on illustrative example allows you to experience the possibilities. It is worth remembering any of them, where the hero says the words: "I want!", "I wish!". It is they who encourage the implementation of the plan.

Both in legends and in reality, the main technique of the method is visualization, which allows you to compare three stages in chronological order: concept-thought-result. In this form, work on oneself takes place. Indeed, in a specific case, the intention is a desire to hear a man; thought is a force that forces, to a certain extent, another person to do something, and the result is a ringing call. If you do not create three key stages, then the result, respectively, will not be.

From the point of view of science, we are committing a kind of deception over the brain, we admit the possibility of not recognizing the real from the unreal. This is beautifully presented in the words of the great Albert Einstein, who pointed out that "Imagination is the display of the upcoming events of life." He knew what he was talking about, as a woman knows that the call will take place. But it's not just visualization that matters, there are several more. important processes that affect the power of thought. Each of them has an effect that adjusts the power of supply of desire, suppresses uncertainty.

The relationship of thought and word

It is useful to think about how everything should happen, but you also need to be able to hear desires and formulate them correctly. There are so-called conspiracies, which use phrases and phrases that need to be repeated from time to time. It is these words that are the tool. The essence of such conspiracies is hidden in the fact that a woman's desire is transformed into an affirmation (a verbal formula) that affects reality.

The power of thought with the help of phrases is multiplied, which increases the effectiveness. Many argue that conspiracy is a magical process, but it is not. Conspiracies are just a part of scientific methods that have been discovered and studied for a very long time. They simply call these techniques in a more understandable and accessible language. In the case when it comes to opposite field and about the usual desire associated with it - conspiracies are not appropriate, more practical - formulas that repeat the thought. Here are several options for the formation of desires and how they should be built:

  • I want to hear your voice tonight! ( Required element building phrases is focused on specifics. It is necessary to pronounce not just a desire, but to give clarifications: this morning, at 12.00, in the afternoon).
  • I think now is the time to dial my number!

In this case, you send your thoughts energy that will help to the right person hear your desires. You also set a time criterion that will allow a man to find time to call. Remember, everything that you think should be clearly reflected in your verbal desires, so do not change them or saturate them with additional information.

An important point is the power of people's energy

According to the theory, you need to remember one moment that can become an obstacle to resolving the issue: how to make a man think about you at a distance with the power of thought. Keep in mind that each of you has a different energy, it can differ so much that it was even difficult to imagine. If he (your object of attention) has a stronger and more stable energy than you, then there may be difficulties. You need to be able to use your strength in proportion, without unnecessary emotionality.

We have already decided that the power of thought works, in such a situation more concentration and effort will be required from you. This is not to say that this case is fatal, you just ran into difficulties. If you work on yourself, correctly distribute opportunities, then under any circumstances he will succumb to your command.


To understand for yourself how to make a person call with the power of thought, you need to work out a certain algorithm of actions. You need not just think and think, you need to develop skills and capabilities. There is no doubt that everyone is capable of this, it is important to just do everything right.

Let's summarize what is required of you:

  • Create a desire, work out a clear thought.
  • Take time to concentrate on the object of attention, imagine it, come up with a course of events.
  • Combine thought, illusion and reality.
  • Try to create a detailed and clear affirmation, which will form the answer to the question - how to get a man to call with the power of thought (examples of answers are given above).
  • Repeat the word phrase as often as possible, realize your thought through the words. In parallel, design a scenario of events, all the nuances - they will only make the thought more productive.
  • Direct your gaze to the phone - an object that connects you with a man, so you will be able to send tips to your chosen one throughout the day.
  • Wait time will pass not noticeable - and you will hear the call when your thoughts are already realized. Most often, the call is heard when you are not expecting it, when thoughts and desires are ordered, and you are busy with other issues.

Never, remember, never try to work on the power of thought in the moment of illness.
If a woman feels pain and ailments, fatigue and other unpleasant painful conditions you will only waste energy and your strength. In such cases, the thought cannot be clear enough, it is more a blurry outline. Therefore, work on the power of thought only when there is a charge of energy, time, opportunity.

As already mentioned, words have meanings and therefore you cannot tell other people about your desire.

The energy of other people and their thoughts can change the direction of a situation. Think only about your specific thoughts, and better, without strangers.

After the result is achieved, and the desire is fulfilled, do not forget about training. Set new tasks, increase the volume of desires and then life will take on a new direction; everything will become as you wish. Whatever happens in a woman's life, she should always think only about the good, bear positive energy and follow your dreams. Such is the law of nature, such are the facts of all research.

Remember that life can be as beautiful, vibrant and colorful as you can imagine it that way. Now you know main secret, who revealed to you the secret of how to make a man call with the power of thought. Use your capabilities and knowledge to your advantage!