What should I do to keep my child calm? Prayer to improve children's sleep, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus. Conspiracy so that the child does not steal

If YOU want to understand why a child needs physical contact and how it affects the child, watch this video.

The basic function of parents is when he is scared. This later, when the child grows up, will develop into his own ability soothe yourself.

Surprisingly, even a fur-lined doll, which does not give any response, but is much more pleasant to the touch than a wire doll, can serve as a “soothing mother” to a monkey child. In fear, the little monkey runs towards it, hangs on it for some time and, having calmed down, can even defend itself, showing aggression towards the object that frightened it.

Probably, many have read about experiments with baby monkeys weaned from their mothers in the 60s, which laid the foundation for the theory of attachment.
This video is about these experiments.

attachment theory the most popular theory psychological development, is based on the fact that normal development a child between the ages of 6 months and 2 years old needs to establish an attachment with a person who would feel and respond to his needs. Subsequently, these relationships will become a model of emotions, thoughts and expectations in relationships in adulthood.

Maybe, after watching the video, parents who think that they are being manipulated on purpose will understand how important they are for the child ...

Deprivation- from lat., deprivation.
Under childhood deprivation is understood as depriving the child of biological and mental needs, and primarily maternal love.

Subsequently, these monkeys, who grew up without the warmth of their mother, could not communicate normally with each other: when they were released from the cages, they began to fiercely fight with each other or closed in on themselves, biting themselves until they bled. So Harlow's theory collapsed - because he thought he had found main secret education.

Find out what kind of mothers will be the monkeys who grew up without a real parental love, and failed - the females attacked the males, not allowing them to approach them. When, in the end, it was possible to impregnate some (with the help of a special device), some killed their cubs, the rest were indifferent to them, and only a few were able to behave adequately, like mothers.

Harry Harlow proved in his cruel experiments with monkeys that mother's love is not a theoretical construct, but a vital and most necessary component mental development each person.

The one who did not know true love in childhood, which Harlow defines as a feeling of safety and security, devotes his whole life to finding it. The study of the world around us is a childish curiosity, genetically inherent in each of us, is possible only if there is confidence in the safety of the world around us.

Not conducive to the mental regulation of the child with the help of kind words and gentle hugs, and even more so those that are used in " educational purposes» shouting or beatings deprive children of the opportunity to trust this unfair world, other people and themselves.
Elena Nejman

A common problem for young parents is insufficiently strong and healthy children's sleep. It is necessary for the full growth and development of the child. Easy conspiracy so that the baby sleeps well, will help the baby and the whole family get rid of anxiety as well as insomnia.

You can save your baby from insomnia with the help of a conspiracy

Conspiracy for sound sleep

Children often sleep restlessly due to health conditions, hunger, nervous system. They are more prone to evil eye, slander, envy than adults. Children endure bad information at night, sleep problems begin.

In order for the baby to sleep soundly, it is enough to conduct a small ceremony. To do this, with your fingertips, with light movements, you need to run over your face, eyes and say:

“Angels, you are guardian angels, you are heavenly warriors. Stand at the head of the servant of God (name), stand with him right side, stand on the left side, guard the servant of God (name). Protect him from evil spirits, from black tongues, from all evil. Let him fall asleep sooner and sleep peacefully, a good sleep. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This plot is repeated once. If the next night the baby cannot fall asleep soundly, he had a dream and he woke up, sleeps restlessly, you can repeat the ceremony.

Another slander on a child's sleep

The second version of the conspiracy. If the baby does not fall asleep well, toss and turn, sleeps restlessly at night, you should try this ritual. Hex is read every day before going to bed, throughout the week. If necessary, repeat more than the recommended period.

“Pash, plow from the servant of God (name) insomnia, from a white face and from clear eyes. And I smell white face yes to the clear eyes of sound sleep, both day and night, both morning and evening. And my key words are stronger than stone and damask steel. The key to them is in the blue sea, and the castle is in the green field. Amen".

The rite will work faster if, while pronouncing the words, lightly stroke the child right hand especially with closed eyes.

Impact on infant sleep

Babies are able to confuse day with night, experience pain, to worry about the absence of the mother. Not always modern medicine can help him sleep peacefully and fall asleep. to see good dreams, you need to read the plot.

A conspiracy for a baby is positive energy. It does not harm, these readings are the purest and most powerful.

How to read

For a child to sleep soundly, a mother or grandmother should speak. In the soul and head must prevail positive thoughts and faith in success. The plot is read at sunset, at home. Hands, feet and face of the baby are washed with holy water. You need to take him in your arms, go to the window and, looking at the sunset, read in a singsong voice:

“Don’t ruin my baby insomnia, don’t wake me up. Find an owl bird, walk with it, do not offend the child. Do not discredit the dream, fly away, I drive away.

Repeat the ceremony 3 times, several days in a row.

Before the ceremony, the child should be washed with holy water.

To make the child fall asleep easily

The baby is dressed in white shirt or an undershirt. Mom or grandmother stands at the head of the crib. With light and slow movements, you need to stroke the head and closed eyes, to say:

“Healthy sleep, sweetie! Put my child (name) to sleep, take it to sleepy mansions. So that the spirit rests, so that the child sleeps soundly.

Repeat 5 times.

restful sleep

Conspiracy gives deep sleep all night long. His mother or grandmother reads. Before this, you need to wash the baby with holy water. Should be read aloud:

“Insomnia, sleeplessness, Don’t touch the baby, don’t pull his hair, don’t pinch his heels, don’t tickle his sides. Better swim away to the sea, play with the waves there, run away into the dense forest, run across the field. My words are strong and indestructible. Amen".

Repeat 3 times.

Dream spell with a candle

This ceremony is performed before the evening or daytime bathing of the child. It is necessary to draw water into a container where the child will swim, light a church or white candle, lean over the water with it and say in a singsong voice:

“Dremushki-sleepyheads, respond. Rise, gather to the water. You, Mother Voditsa, quench your thirst. You deliver from weakness and sickness. Wash away all oohs and sighs from the child (name). Night turmoil. Restless nights. I will wash the child (name) with water. I will wash my healthy sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Wash the child well in charmed water and put to bed. Pour water outside.

Prayer for sleep

Prayer is strong conspiracy for restful sleep. She comforts and protects. Why you need to read prayers:

  • create the right energy field;
  • attract the attention of the Guardian Angel;
  • remove nightmares;
  • take away bad thoughts;
  • strengthen protection over a baptized child.

Prayers are universal way talk the child to sleep.

Our Father

most popular and strong prayer for all - "Our Father". She will calm and protect the baby from all evil. "Our Father" is read by the mother, father of the child or grandmother. A cross should hang around the reader's neck. Additionally, during the pronunciation of the prayer, it is recommended to baptize the forehead of the child. Read at least three times, twice a day.

Prayer "Our Father"

The text of the prayer for the Blessing of the mother serves as a cleansing from all that is bad. All sidelong glances, thoughts towards the baby will be canceled. It is aimed at awakening the Guardian Angel.

Faith in the power of the prayer word will give strength to the baby and his Angel, serve as a shield from black magic and conspiracies. It is necessary to read the text when the child is sleeping, standing at the head of the crib. It will not be superfluous to hang a small cross near the baby.

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of Yours. Lord, in the grace of Your power, my child, have mercy and save him for Your name's sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You. Lord, guide him to true path Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, around the house, at school, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession. Lord, save him under the roof of Your Holy from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer (rays of the atom) and from vain death. Lord, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all kinds of troubles, evils and misfortunes. Lord, heal him of all diseases, cleanse him of all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow. Lord, grant him the grace of Your Holy Spirit for many years of life, health and chastity. Lord, multiply and strengthen him mental capacity and bodily strength. Lord, give him Your blessing on the pious family life and pious childbearing. Lord, grant me, unworthy and sinful servant of Yours, parental blessing on my child from morning, day, evening and night for the sake of Your name, for Your Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen".

Prayer for a restful sleep of a child

How to avoid insomnia and restless nights

Insomnia is bad for general condition organism. Children's bad dream is the worst enemy of health. In addition to conspiracies, there are ancient beliefs and tips on how to bring good sleep into your home:

  • the sleeper's head should look south;
  • put a small mirror under the bed;
  • dishes must be washed;
  • all cutlery, especially knives, are put away;
  • every bad dream, must go with the morning water;
  • Before going to bed, slippers should be left with the sole up.

There is also an opinion that golden topaz is the strongest symbol of sound sleep. It can be put under the pillow after reading the plot.

Golden Topaz - a stone for restful sleep


A conspiracy for children's sleep is a good rite to facilitate sleep for all children. All rituals are carried out by mother in good mental state without bad thoughts.

Complete collection and description: a prayer that the child would be calm for the spiritual life of a believer.

For the child to speak.

Angels live there

Protect your soul.

There Christ stands

Looks at you, child,

Say hello to him.

If you remain silent, he will forget you.

He will resent me because of you

On the sea, on the ocean, the holy island lies,

On it stands the holy apostolic church.

In that holy church

The holy fire of forty holy candles burns.

From the heat of those candles

From the entry of clouds into one place,

From Elijah the Prophet His holy word will thunder,

The forest makes noise, breaks and brings down.

The holy island washes with water,

The disease of the servant of God (name) falls asleep with sand,

Hides, forever buries.

He won’t oink, he won’t groan, he won’t groan.

No more grinding teeth

And let all his illness sleep from my word

Until then, until then

The disease in the servant of God (name) will not wake up,

Until the holy island turns upside down.

My words are from the sorcerer, from the sorceress,

From the healer-whisperer, from the healer-whisperer.

Therefore, to be a word, to live my cause.

Key in the sea, tongue in the mouth.

My word has no end and no end,

As there is no church without a dome and a crown.

She left the park on Him.

Lord bless, Lord help!

In the name of the servant of God (name) baptized,

Handles, grow, get fat, vigorous,

Legs, walk, wear your body white,

Baby's tongue, feed your little head.

Grandmother Solomonyushka soared,

Baby, servant of God (name), rules,

I asked God for mercy for him.

Servant of God (name), do not be gray-haired, be a walker.

Bathhouse and water, listen,

And you, servant of God (name), eat plenty of milk.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Walked Mother of God across the golden bridge.

Where are you going, Mother of God,

What are you carrying in your hands?

I'm going to the servant of God (name) to heal the fear,

Ailment to shoot, pronounce!

Go, sick, to a bad farmstead,

Grass doesn't grow there, no one lives there.

I have a golden cross in my hands,

The son gave it to me dear -

Lord Jesus Christ

I say, He echoes:

“Go, sick, to a bad farmstead,

There you live, there your life.

And be, my words, strong,

And stand, my deeds, sculpting.

What I didn't say, what I didn't say

The Mother of God will tell, the Lord God will tell.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Everyone loves you, everyone respects you

Everyone won't live long without you.

God gave you and punished you:

To feed people and to wash off any dirt.

Rinse, rinse, free from ailments,

And you, Mother of God, bless

Help the servant of God (name):

For ease, for health, for God's mercy.

How God's water rips off the ridges,

Washes away from stumps, banks, roots,

So wash off, rinse the water from God's servant (name)

All sickness and pain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

And me - my child.

Like every creature, beast, every beast

Wants to feed her child

To make the breast swell from milk

And it has never been empty. Amen.

Live healthy, be strong

Luckily, slick

Pretty face, like an angel.

Not crooked, not thin, not fat, not empty.

Take, Sorrowful Mother of God,

All sorrows of childhood

All freaks are ghostly,

Any curvature, disease,

The mind is careless, the head is empty.

God affirmed holy my medical affairs.

Blessed One, confirm my medical words.

Mother of God, deliver from all torment and sorrow.

If only my stomach didn't hurt,

It didn’t go, it didn’t kill the disease.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To the health of the servant of God (name),

To lightness, to every light.

Fly to me yourself

No - so the messengers went,

Angels of their strengtheners,

Calm the heart.

Jesus Christ, open three gates:

One for peace, the other for humility,

Third gate for blessing.

Bless, Lord, mother's heart,

So that it does not knock hard,

The mother did not suffer from fear for her children,

In the evening I fell asleep peacefully,

I didn't get up in the morning dazed.

V open field the sea stands

This sea is never swept away:

Not in autumn, not in winter, not in summer and not in spring.

On the sea that eternal rest.

In winter, the sea does not sweep

Doesn't disappear in autumn

In the spring, it does not flow away with streams.

All in one place, all in one measure.

On the sea that is calm,

The wind does not make noise there, the wave does not seethe there,

So it is with the servant of God (name)

For your children, the heart does not hurt,

Doesn't burn, doesn't groan

He won't get tired, he won't scream, and he won't even peep.

Be you, my words, just as strong,

How strong is the alatyr stone,

Sculpting and tenacious and not dissuaded.

Amen to my words, amen to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

For every prayer, for meekness and patience,

For every craft, for household work:

For plowing in the field, mowing, threshing;

Carry uphill, bring down the mountain,

Build, dig, knit sheaves, clean up dirt,

Wash clothes, pick mushrooms, pick berries,

Ferment, salt, paint, whiten,

Prick, chop, saw, hollow,

Keep posts, carry booty to the house.

And you, the laziness of the servant of God (name), step into the old stump,

There you will live your life,

There you will always be

From the servant of God (name) forever lag behind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Show us Your mercy.

Bless the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So all the nonsense from the servant of God (name) would have left.

Prayer for the child to sleep well and calmly

Each loving mother Wishing your baby a good sleep. Knowledgeable people recommend reading prayers at the head of a crib.

Words refer to the Guardian Angel or the Lord. Even when the baby’s sleep is strong, prayer is still needed so that the child sleeps well, so that his dreams are pleasant.

It is advisable to teach the child to pray with early age. Knowledgeable people believe that pure, good thoughts and desires will please the Lord, and he will want to take the child under protection. Instill sincere faith in the heart of the child, so that even in adulthood God's help accompanied him. Then he will live happy life without knowing grief.

The mother worries about the child sleeping well. Sometimes not restful sleep- the consequences of an ailment that requires serious medical supervision. However, sometimes it is impossible to establish the reason why the baby rages and does not sleep. Then the sorcerers claim that demons are tormenting the child. To save a child from violence, it is necessary to read a prayer service every day, as he falls asleep.

prayer service the best solution problems. The psyche of the child is excessively weak, and therefore constantly requires spiritual protection. The Lord gives such protection.

The holy word works better on the baptized. However, it is worth considering that even if the child is baptized, it is also necessary for parents to live in accordance with the commandments of God in order to protect the baby.

Faith and tranquility

Any prayer is learned by heart. Read while in calm state and wishing the fulfillment of the plan. If there are doubts about the power of words - it is better not to read. holy word should be pronounced when you believe in the action and the help of the One to whom it is addressed.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness for sins. The baby is connected with the mother, and therefore her behavior directly affects his well-being. Prayer, uttered with repentance for one's bad thoughts and intentions to correct bad deeds, will certainly have its effect.

Children after such a prayer will try to behave well.

Say the prayer in a whisper, quietly whispering the words in your ear. They save you from nightmares. Some mothers and grandmothers wash the child with holy water at night.

Pray for the children's dream coming

Many appeals to the Lord are made before or during the child's sleep. They are aimed at ensuring that he sleeps peacefully, he has only good dreams and he remains happy. Recommend the following proven words used by many:

Prayer for the child to sleep well, to Jesus Christ. Gives a good, healthy, sound sleep of the child. Reading over the baby's cradle.

Prayer for the child to sleep peacefully, to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Lord. Gives the blessing of the Lord and a restful sleep.

Prayer for infant sleep to the Lord. It can help cleanse the soul of filth, save and preserve, bestow a restful sleep.

Read even such a prayer, which was invented independently. The main thing to keep in mind when addressing the Saints is that faith must be present in your words. Only then is it worth counting on an effective result.

Popular prayers for children:

Prayers for the child to sleep: comments

One comment

Strong prayer for the child to sleep well and serenely

A peacefully sleeping baby is the highest blessing for parents. After all, a child sleeping peacefully in his crib causes tenderness, which indicates his normal health and development. Ask the Lord for our blessing and mercy on your children, may he keep them good sleep. Prayer for the child to sleep well will call on the Holy Spirit and hand over the baby under the protection of the Guardian Angel.

The benefits and necessity of prayer before bed

The sleep of a typical infant can be disturbed due to several reasons. These are digestive problems, and overwork from daily activity, and overexcitation from all sorts of impressions. Night is the time when you need to rest calmly, and the child undergoes processes of nervous satiety. This may add such a negative factor as fear from any event. The reason may be an animal, a person or simply loud noise, which is deposited in the mind of the child, reflected in a restless dream.

  • Prayer before going to bed can calm the tomboy. Affectionate, radiating kindness, mother's voice gives the child a sense of security. And the Heavenly Father, sending his grace to those who pray, will instruct the Guardian Angel to protect the child’s sleep.
  • In addition, teaching prayer from infancy allows children to grow up in piety and respect for their parents, who showed the way to Christ and the Holy Heavenly Patron.
  • The kid, in whose life God is present from the very beginning, understands the seriousness of faith in his life, learns in time to separate good and evil, grows courteous to his parents and the Almighty.
  • To people who have accepted Christ into their hearts, who know how to pray for forgiveness for voluntary or involuntary sins, the Creator reveals everything happy roads saving you from trouble.

Dangerous symptoms of the evil eye or severe fright

The most frequent and dangerous cause sleep disturbance in children is the invasion of demonic entities into a person's life - the evil eye. We are all familiar with this phenomenon, which comes from an involuntary envious glance. It is frustrating that a baby who has not grown stronger in the ability to protect himself from a crooked eye very often becomes a victim of that.

The evil eye is an intrusion into the aura of a child of diabolical influence. It is possible to fight it only with the word of prayer, which Jesus and the saints commanded. The Orthodox Church in every possible way condemns the appeal to pagan conspiracies, as a manifestation of the same devilry from which we save our children. But the appeal to the Holy Spirit and the Guardian Angel, so that he makes the sleep of children calm, is approved and welcomed in every possible way.

Signs of fear or evil eye in a child:

  • Inability and inability to sleep normally at night until morning.
  • Dreams are full of nightmares and fears.
  • Whims, crying and inability to sleep.
  • The child is tormented by seizures nervous breakdown and enuresis.
  • The children's room seems to the child full of fears and monsters. (A child is able to see demons up to the age of seven that are invisible to adults)
  • Infantile seizures, epilepsy, convulsions.

Important! Unhealed before the age of seven, the evil eye can cause chronic health problems. Noticing signs of the evil eye or fear, do not dismiss the problem indifferently. Attract the power of the Almighty and your zeal in prayer, then the night will pass calmly, and the health of the child will be freed from dire consequences that can happen from this misfortune.

Prayers to the Mother of God for a peaceful sleep for babies

Prayer has mass positive qualities– her words give us peace of mind, remove the negative impact of any negative factor. It is difficult to overestimate the effect that it has on a child's sleep. Especially if the baby is under seven years old, parents should take care of him in every possible way and shelter him from adversity and anxiety with his prayer, attracting the mercy of the Virgin to protect their child. Earnestly pray for her protection over the baby at night, so that the Queen of Heaven will be given power over your child.

  • It is necessary to read the prayer to the Mother of God itself three times aloud, laying hands on the child. Her patronage and grace will descend with parental embrace and fill the child with heavenly blessings.
  • If the baby behaves too excited, then give him holy water to drink. A few sips of Epiphany water are capable of a miracle - they remove the evil eye, fear, or another negative factor.

“O Blessed Lady Virgin Mary, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen"

Evening Prayer to the Guardian Angel

If the child is experiencing the consequences of fright or is tormented by fears, then it is best to call on the Guardian Angel. The Lord entrusts him with guardianship over the earthly life of a person - this is why it is important that the sacrament of baptism be performed as early as possible. For, without giving the child under God's blessing, we do not allow the Guardian Angel to become the guide and guardian of our blood.

Read a prayer with your child, going to bed. While he is small, your concern is to read to him at night the words addressed to your Guardian Angel - our intercessor and guardian over us. Over time and growing up, the child himself will begin to pray, protecting his life from troubles and calling on the Angel to help him on his earthly path.

  • When the child goes to bed, be sure to offer a nominal prayer to the saint whose name the child of God was baptized.
  • If you notice signs of fear or the evil eye, read the Psalm with the appropriate counteraction.
  • At the end, a prayer is read to the Guardian Angel, also three times. She blesses the child and gives his sleep into the caring hands of God's Power.

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed, and direct me on the path of salvation.

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen"

Appeal to the Seven Youths of Ephesus - peace and care for your child's sleep

One of the strongest prayers, providing peace to the child in dreams, is the one that appeals to the Seven Saints from Ephesus. This prayer is recognized as canonical and life-giving for those people who suffer from insomnia. Its great ability to calmly influence the sleep of a child is especially noted.

If the child suffers from sleep disturbance, and the mother, having tried all means, does not know what to do and where to look for help, use the power of the holy word of prayer, as the holy fathers recommend Orthodox Church. In popular rumor, the Seven Youths from Ephesus are also credited with the miracle of returning the lost sleep to the unthinking child and to every servant of God.

  • First, the Our Father is read three times, as an obligatory canonical prayer.
  • Further, they cry out to the Seven Youths of Ephesus about the granting of rest for a sleepless child.
  • Prayer is read exclusively at night.
  • When the baby falls asleep, cross his forehead with your fingers in order to give your parental blessing.
  • At the head of the crib, hold an icon dedicated to the seven youths from Ephesus. Its action will become similar to the prayer to these saints - it will take care of the peace of the child and protect them in dreams from demonic invasion.

“Oh, the marvelous holy children of seven, the city of Ephesus praise and all the hope of the universe! Look from the height of heavenly glory on us, those who honor your memory with love, especially on Christian babies, entrusted to your intercession from your parents: bring down on her the blessing of Christ God, rekshago: leave the children to come to Me: heal those who are sick in them, comfort those who grieve; Keep their hearts in purity, fill them with meekness, and plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God in the land of their hearts, grow them from strength to strength; and all of us, the holy icon of your coming, your relics kissing you with faith and praying warmly, vouchsafe the Kingdom of Heaven to improve and silent voices of joy there to glorify the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen"

Importance of Christian Baptism

One condition that must be met before you want to apply the miraculous power of prayer to your child is that every Orthodox soul must be baptized. On the child that, due to an oversight of the parents or their misunderstanding of the importance of the action, the sacrament of baptism was not performed, the prayer will not work. At the same time, an unbaptized child - easy prey any demonic evil.

Remember that having received a name at baptism, the child receives his heavenly mentors, leading him along the earthly path. Prayers for salvation from all sorts of misfortunes can now be offered to the Guardian Angel and that holy saint, whose name was given to the baptized. They will be guardians for this child and answer before God about instructing him along the path of the righteous - Christian.

Psalms to help parents

As in other everyday situations, the problems of sleep disturbance in a child can be solved with the help of the psalms indicated by God. Every complex worldly trouble has its beneficent verse from the songs of David. If you notice features in your child that may be a problem for his dreams, add the reading of the corresponding psalm to your prayers.

  • Psalm 9 - from nightmares and the appearance of demons in a dream.
  • Psalm 13 - if the child complains of fears.
  • Psalm 90 - so that the child does not write and does not scream at night.
  • Psalm 121 - when there are signs of the evil eye.
  • Psalm 7 - if a child is tormented after being frightened by a person.
  • Psalm 27 is about calming a child if it behaves too restlessly.
  • Psalm 63 - from fear, if the problem of falling asleep is acquired due to animal bites.
  • Psalm 108 - a request to heal a sleepwalker.

Do not leave your child in the throes of falling asleep, the word of God, spoken by a kind mother, a caring parent, will surely have healing power from every adversity. Pray to God to grant the child peaceful dreams, and your prayers will be heard by a merciful and caring Father Heavenly.

Involve your child in prayer whenever you yourself pay tribute to the Almighty. . However, there is no better medicine than prayer, which will restore peace and serenity to sleep.

Parents of a newborn baby often face the problem of baby sleep. Sometimes sleepless nights drag on for up to a year or even two years, some mothers do not stop getting up at night to see their baby even by the age of three.

This is terribly hard for mom and dad and of course it doesn’t do anything good for the mental and physiological development child.

Children's sleep problems

Children who do not sleep well often have certain problems:

  • they often cry;
  • have Bad mood(the child himself does not know what he wants, is naughty);
  • very dependent on the attention of parents (grandparents);
  • have a poor appetite;
  • there may be delays in development and growth.

For parents of a restless baby, this carries certain psychological problems such as the:

  • feelings of guilt and insecurity in their methods of caring for the baby (sleep, walking, feeding, etc.);
  • confusion and ignorance of how to proceed;
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • relationship problems between parents.

When should a child sleep on their own?

Up to 5 summer age the child must learn to sleep on his own, without crying, motion sickness, songs and whims. Children at this age are already well aware of what sleep is, when they need to go to bed and take the desire to sleep for granted, and not the whim of their parents. If a child has not yet learned to sleep on his own at the age of 5, this can lead to problems with sleep (insomnia) in the future.

If the child does not sleep

What indicates an incorrectly formed habit of sleeping in a child:

  • the child often wakes up every night (from 3 to 15 times);
  • very light sleep- the child wakes up from any noise;
  • the baby can not fall asleep at all without the help of parents.

From the age of 6 months, babies are quite able to sleep through the night without a break for feeding. It is only necessary to accustom the child to sleep in this mode. From this age, children are able to distinguish day from night. Therefore, parents should create various conditions for day and night sleep of the child:

At night - the baby sleeps in complete silence and darkness, and during the day in subdued light and not excluding light noise.

Different sleep conditions will be associated with different times days, different sleep patterns. Thus, the child will get used to sleeping at night for a long time, calmly and without frequent awakenings.

From the above facts, it follows that absence healthy sleep for a child a big problem for the whole family. There are some very clear rules for independent sleep of the baby. Rules that will help every mother to teach a child a healthy and restful sleep, at least under certain conditions (in her bed, her room, at certain hours).

How to accustom a child to the regime

So, briefly about the conditions and rules:

  1. Your baby needs to get used to certain things or routines that you will do before bed. Daily routine, repetition of habitual actions and sleep associations they will develop a feeling of confidence and calmness in the crumbs, and of course they will help to sleep calmly and soundly . Here is an approximate "set" of procedures and items "for sleep": bathe, put on a diaper, change into pajamas, read a fairy tale, turn off the light, hug and kiss mom and go to bed with your favorite toy. If a child in different days put to bed by different family members - something it is important for everyone to follow the same ritual before going to bed.
  2. While laying down the baby you should be as calm and confident as possible in yourself and what you are doing. Children are very sensitive to the mood of loved ones, and it will be extremely difficult for the baby to fall asleep near an upset, worried mother. In performing the sleep ritual, you must be convincing and calm.
  3. If you want to have restful sleep for yourself and the child - you should not accustom him to the fact that you break down to his bed at any call: drink, eat, just see mom again, just show off, cover the baby or straighten the pillow. Do not think that a one and a half year old child cannot go without food at night, or that he is constantly, every night thirsty - this is how you taught him. To be calm - feed the baby before going to bed and drink.

Here I would like to add separately that all small children, even up to 6 years old, are revealed. Mothers are often very concerned about this. From similar situation there is one reasonable way out - pajamas. Pajamas must match temperature regime in the room. It should warm enough so that the child does not freeze when opened at night, and should not cause overheating - the child will sweat and probably have to change clothes. If it's cold, wear socks. Choose a few pajamas for your baby - for different seasons.

If the child wakes up frequently

If your child wakes up frequently during the night, make sure:

  • he is healthy;
  • does he want to go to the toilet;
  • perhaps the child is cold or very hot;
  • perhaps he is hungry;
  • possibly at ;
  • help your child get rid of the discomfort.

What not to do when teaching your child to sleep on their own:

  • lock the door with a key;
  • swing on the hands;
  • drive a car until you fall asleep;
  • rocking in a stroller and then shifting to bed;
  • feed and drink in the crib;
  • lies down with the child in his bed;
  • let the child frolic in bed until he is exhausted and falls asleep.

It should be noted that for a more restful night's sleep you need put the child to sleep in that bed - where he should sleep all night. Why?


  • A child can wake up at night for only a few seconds or minutes, and once in an unfamiliar place, he will probably cry and wake up completely.
  • If the baby opens his eyes at night in a well-known environment, in his favorite bed, in which he fell asleep, he will most likely close his eyes and fall asleep on his own without reassurance and help from his parents.

From the age of 6 months, the mother may well accustom the child to independent sleep. Of course, there will be exceptions in your life - after all, sleeping in an embrace with a baby is insanely pleasant.

But every day sleeping with a child, and not with a spouse, is not normal for a mother, just like getting up for night feedings and whims is already enough big baby. Calm night sleep equally useful for the child and for his parents - it is only necessary to accustom him to this.

The article is based on the book of the Spanish doctor Estiville "Sleep well".

Dr. Komarovsky: the rules of children's sleep

Even during pregnancy, young women begin to think about the imminent approach of sleepless nights and constantly crying baby. They explain the difficulties associated with the arrival of a new family member, postpartum depression and constant fatigue, lack of outside help and lack of time.
Is it possible to do everything so that a woman calmly carries a baby, calmly gives birth to him and just as calmly continues her life, enjoying the happiness that life has given her? Is it possible that children do not scream at night, be calm and not terrorize their mother from birth?

Even during pregnancy, we can talk about the inextricable contact between the baby and mother. physical connection quite understandable. However, there is another emotional connection between a woman and an unborn baby.

He experiences all the emotions that his mother experiences: whether it be joy or sorrow, happiness or fear. Every emotion that a woman has experienced can positively or negatively affect the psyche of the baby. His small body has not yet developed protective reactions, therefore it is much harder for him to cope with emerging emotions.

When a woman experiences happy moments, her body produces the hormone of happiness, which calms the baby and makes him happy. So calm child remains even after birth. If the mother feels negative about the sex of the child or is nervous for other reasons, this anxiety is transmitted to the child, and after his birth, various neuroses and or allergies, anxiety states or developmental delays may occur.

It is important to future mommy was calm and looking forward to the birth of the crumbs. This will positively add up to the character traits of the child, which begin to be laid even before his birth.

After the birth of a child, a woman should continue to remain calm. No need to constantly worry about the crumbs and ask yourself about the correctness of your actions. Maternal instinct, laid down in girls by nature, will tell you what to do in any situation so as not to harm the baby. A mother will always be the best for her child.

And the baby himself will tell you when he needs to eat, and when he wants affection and tenderness. Only you need to give him the best: not a mixture from a bottle, but warm mother's milk, not lack of attention, but warm mother's hands and tender kisses.

You need to listen to your baby, stay calm - and then the baby will be calm and delight her every day.