What you need in the 3rd trimester. Sample menu layout. When to visit antenatal clinic

The third trimester of pregnancy - fetal, or late fetal, lasts from 29 to 40 weeks. This is the trimester, which is characterized by the preparation of mother and child for upcoming birth, the final intrauterine, the formation of organs and systems to the extent that it is necessary to enter the world. The remaining processes of formation and growth will take place outside mother's womb, and for these processes to proceed normally, in perinatal period development must be carried out in a normal way. This period requires compliance with the requirements for a pregnant woman and medical supervision.

In the third trimester, a woman should visit weekly women's consultation and pass scheduled inspection. IN ideal- weekly visits to the doctor throughout the gestation process, but if everything is going well and without visible negative signs, visits to the consultation may not be so frequent. By the 37-38th week, not only more time appears due to the issued maternity leave, but preparation for childbirth is also launched, which should be under strict control. Hormonal changes due to natural course events, during which the prevalence ends, and estrogens come into force, which begin to be actively synthesized as soon as the baby reaches a certain degree of readiness for life outside. Estrogens cause several processes at once:

  • the tone of the uterus increases;
  • training bouts begin to appear;
  • the cervix matures and shortens;
  • the cervical canal opens slightly;
  • the mucous plug leaves;
  • there comes the formation of a generic dominant, a state when all thoughts and aspirations are aimed at early birth child.

When estrogens reach their peak concentration, the fetus stimulates the production of prostaglandins in the mother's body, which becomes the start for the start of the birth process. Beyond measurements blood pressure, weight, height of the fundus of the uterus, diagnostic palpations to determine the tone of the uterus and auscultation of the fetus with a stethoscope, the future woman in labor is checked for the presence of latent edema in order to detect preeclampsia, which also occurs in healthy women. The main purpose of listening to a raft is to determine its heartbeat.

Tests in the third trimester of pregnancy

During this period, an exchange card is issued, which will be urgently needed in the future, first of all, upon admission to the maternity hospital. For clearance exchange card the following tests will be required:

  • once every 6 weeks - a smear from the vagina;
  • biochemical blood test (blood test for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, which are given every half a month during the last 2 months of the trimester;
  • triple screening, which includes ultrasound, cardiotocogram, dopplerography and biochemical research in case of certain contraindications, or diagnosed disorders;
  • to identify hidden processes of inflammation;
  • every 2 weeks, a urine test to monitor the condition of the kidneys and the absence of pathological processes in the body.

All these tests must be taken, because on their basis, and on the results of visual examination, palpation and listening, the doctor can not only draw up a general clinical picture of the course of the last trimester, but also take measures if necessary, or the appearance of pathology, state not only the readiness of the body for childbirth, but also fairly reliably establish the date when childbirth will take place. Modern technologies allow not only to undergo 3D / 4D ultrasound, on which a child can be seen in motion in a three-dimensional visual image, but also to receive a disk with a memory recording.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the third trimester

Expectant mothers at the very beginning of pregnancy often experience fear, hearing from all sides about the increase in cases of missed pregnancy. Often this turns into an obsessive thought.

Continuous monitoring with data laboratory research will give an opportunity to get an impression of how normally the gestation of the fetus proceeds, and whether its condition corresponds to those parameters that, in the average value, indicate the norm for all components. there is a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the gestational age, the cessation of the fetal heartbeat and general negative feelings of severe malaise. Routine surveys are needed to identify them. The pregnant woman herself should also be on the alert, constantly monitoring her condition, and at the first negative observations, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Condition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester

The third trimester is hard to predict possible scenario development of events. In some women, it no longer grows in this period, and the placement of the fetus occurs due to the capacity of the pelvis. In small and thin, on the contrary, it increases. The body of some pregnant women gains weight, despite strict control and diet, more than during the entire period of pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, lose weight. Because the body gets rid of excess fluid, rebuilding in the process of preparation.

The process of the body's activity is purposefully directed towards the implementation of a single goal, the placenta begins to decrease in it and the launch of the corresponding hormones becomes a natural consequence of this. Uterus in recent weeks pregnancy tightly covers the fetus, the adrenal glands of which begin to secrete the stress hormone, which contributes to the emergence of a generic dominant that not only stimulates, but also pushes to the triggering mechanism. Formed a kind of barrier fence female body from external factors response, the hormone produced by the pituitary gland (), stimulates preparatory activities.

In the third trimester, a woman moves apart pelvic bones, the cervix becomes elastic, blood circulation becomes more active, training contractions appear. During this period, under the pressure of an enlarging uterus and a growing fetus, a woman may experience pain in her back and lower back, and sometimes in lower limbs, if blood vessels are pressed down, hemorrhoids can progress, the process of defecation is disturbed, pressure on bladder leads to more frequent urination, and worsened kidney function leads to edema. A fairly large percentage of pregnant women develop varicose veins, there is a risk of thrombosis, and other vascular pathologies. All this is especially true for those who have already had unsuccessful pregnancies, or women in labor after 35 years. The increased weight and size of the fetus leads to fatigue, decrease motor activity, A big belly makes it difficult to bend over, tie shoes, and perform other normal activities.

Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nausea in the third trimester, according to representatives of certain medical circles, may be a consequence natural processes occurring in the body and be the same normal concomitant symptom, as well as similar phenomena in the first trimester. However, it is more widely believed that nausea during this period becomes a sign of any negative diseases present in the body. If a pregnant woman regularly undergoes examinations at the attending physician, and passes everything necessary tests, then she should certainly inform her doctor about such a phenomenon.

In any case, the third trimester requires the utmost attention from the woman in labor to the state of her health, and the indispensable notification of the doctor about the pathological condition that has appeared. The cause must certainly be revealed and eliminated so that its action does not adversely affect the condition of the fetus. We should not forget that nausea is a sign of certain kidney problems, which is very dangerous before future childbirth, and in the process of their course.

Pain in the third trimester of pregnancy

Pain in the third trimester can be both temporary and spastic in nature, and every woman faces this. These can be pain in the back and lower back due to the load on the spine, abdominal pain caused by malfunctions in the digestive tract, which are usually caused by fetal pressure on the intestines. Pain may occur during the discharge of the mucous plug, or training contractions, which sometimes appear a few weeks before childbirth. Many doctors believe main reason- hormonal dysfunction, which involves an increase in the level of male hormones. Women most often face such problems long before conception. Hormonal dysfunction can cause miscarriage. If pain occurs, you should immediately go to the hospital for examination.

If pain accompanied by prolonged, unbearable seizures and spotting, this may be a threat of termination of pregnancy, or premature birth, if the term of normal delivery has not yet come up. In this case, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where they will either help you calm down and calm the pain, or provide assistance, or put it in storage.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

A pregnant woman should normally have leucorrhoea. This is a consequence of the natural processes occurring in the body, therefore, if there is no discharge, or they are very scarce, you should consult a doctor on this topic. The consistency and volume of the discharged whites change as the term of childbirth approaches, they become more liquid and increase in volume. And this is also a normal process. During this period, there may be brown discharge, indicating the placenta adherence, or reddish, which indicate the loss of blood by the vessels of the uterus. The appearance of yellow or green mucus does indicate a pathogenic process, which should be treated immediately by a doctor.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

A cold during this period is an extremely undesirable phenomenon. future mother should carefully monitor their health. Dress warmly in winter time year and avoid drafts and air conditioning in the heat. In any case, taking medications at such a late date is highly undesirable, so the treatment is carried out by proven folk remedies in the form of herbal teas, medicinal decoctions, gargling and other methods. Raspberries, lemons, and citrus fruits should be used with caution because they are potential allergens.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy

The temperature in the third trimester of 37-37.4 degrees may be the norm in individual cases. A slight increase may be due to elevated levels in the body, or general changes hormonal background, the natural course of pregnancy. Heat, without visible reasons in the form of a cold, serves as the basis for immediate appeal see a doctor, as it indicates the presence of an acute inflammatory process.


Nutrition during pregnancy should be as complete, balanced as possible and provide all the necessary nutritional components for a complete pregnancy. In the presence of certain pathologies, it is prescribed therapeutic diet, which must certainly be agreed with a nutritionist, and consistent with the goals of its appointment. In the normal case, the optimal fractional nutrition in small portions, with thorough chewing of food, not having the character of redundancy, but in no case causing the body to starve.

Size and weight of the fetus in the third trimester

The size and weight of the fetus are calculated using various formulas and depend on various individual indicators. The norm can be both 2 kg and 4, depending on many factors, for example, the height and weight of the parents.

The third trimester of pregnancy is a kind of home stretch. After all, the birth of the long-awaited baby is ahead. And during this period, a lot of things change in a woman's body. After all, he is also preparing for.

Many women on last dates pregnancy, they say that it is in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy that they feel better. Indeed, this happens, but not with all pregnant women.

Most pregnant women may experience shortness of breath. And if it appeared earlier, then its strengthening is possible. This is due to the fact that the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy becomes much larger. Therefore, there is simply not enough room for the lungs of a pregnant woman to fully open during inhalation. Breathing will become easier when the uterus with the fetus descends into the pelvic area. This happens about 4 weeks before delivery.

Also, for many women, a growing feeling of fatigue becomes a problem. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for a woman to adapt to her new body. After all, these months have appeared overweight and the proportions of the body have changed significantly. All this prevents a pregnant woman from finding comfortable posture for sleep and relaxation. The cause of fatigue and sleep problems, sometimes reaching insomnia, may be psychological condition women.

Anxiety and anxiety are, of course, quite understandable.. Pregnancy - difficult period in a woman's life, when she worries not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn baby. The support of loved ones will help to cope with experiences, and sometimes professional help psychologist.

Also, due to an increase in body weight in the 3rd trimester by about six kilograms, pregnant women may suffer from impaired coordination of movements, awkwardness. Due to an increase in the size of the uterus and, accordingly, an increase in the strength of its pressure, quite intense pain in the back and lower back can occur. Less commonly, pregnant women experience excessive mobility of the joints of the limbs.

Complications of the third trimester of pregnancy

The most common complication in the third trimester of pregnancy is bleeding. It can occur after a significant physical activity, sexual intercourse, and sometimes even coughing. The reason is placenta previa or low placentation.

With these disorders, the placenta comes into the cervix or is too close to uterine pharynx. Bleeding usually occurs suddenly, the woman does not experience pain, the blood has a bright red color.

If bleeding occurs, seek immediate medical attention medical care! As a rule, bleeding at this time means premature detachment of the placenta. In the vast majority of cases, this condition does not harm the health of a pregnant woman and her baby, but the connection between them is broken.

Pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can usually be safely maintained, but instead natural childbirth A woman is undergoing a caesarean section.

Active movements of the baby can cause inconvenience to a pregnant woman. But it should really alert her prolonged absence child's movements. If the baby does not move for a long time in the womb, an urgent need to contact a specialist.

Of course, most likely, it will turn out that the baby was just sleeping or resting. But it's always better to play it safe, making sure normal course pregnancy rather than risk your health and the life of your baby.

Unfortunately, sometimes a baby dies in the womb and is born dead. The reason for the tragedy is that the child's access to oxygen was blocked due to entanglement of the umbilical cord.

When pregnancy is overstayed, as well as toxemia, amniotic fluid may leak out. This can lead to suffocation and death of the baby. In such cases, preterm labor is usually stimulated with the help of special medications.

preterm birth- this is not a miscarriage, namely childbirth, only earlier due date. For woman fundamental difference there is no difference between normal and preterm births. But for a child - a completely different matter! After all, the baby is not yet ready to be born into this world. Its organs and systems are still underdeveloped to normal level therefore, their correct functioning is not yet possible.

For premature babies in hospitals, there are special departments equipped with modern equipment. Thanks to the competent work of medical personnel, most of them are now safely cared for, even severely premature babies. So the parents this case can rely on doctors and believe in the best.

Dangerous days in the third trimester of pregnancy

The days critical for a pregnant woman are the periods in which the risk of her interruption is highest. Experts believe that this dangerous period is common for women at risk.

Risk premature start childbirth is usually associated with normal physiological processes, which, under the influence of certain negative factors become pathological.

Doctors consider the period from to a week inclusive to be the most dangerous. The fact is that during this period of the third trimester, the uterus grows intensively.

Therefore, it is on these days that preterm labor can begin, provoked by placental abruption, hormonal disruptions, isthmic - cervical insufficiency And late toxicosis(these are such dangerous conditions for the health of the woman and the fetus as preeclampsia and eclampsia).

Of course, all these words do not mean that something similar can happen to you and your child. As practice shows, pregnancy and childbirth in most women proceed quite normally.

Therefore, you should not be very afraid of various complications. You just need to listen to your body, be careful and attentive. At the slightest doubt about your health, it is better to consult a doctor. Best to know mobile phone your doctor so that you can call and get advice at any time. And all will be well!

For more than six months, the baby, who settled 6 months ago, has been successfully developing in the mother's stomach. The third trimester of pregnancy begins from the seventh month of pregnancy. He is last step preparation for childbirth and meeting mother with child.

The little man is already almost formed, and in this moment there is an improvement of its systems and organs. The baby is already growing faster and gaining weight. His movements are now more tangible: either the baby rests on the inside of the leg, or pushes. Now, as the baby's weight increases, there is less space left for him in the uterus. His movements became less frequent, but stronger and more painful.

For 7 months of pregnancy, the uterus increased in size, the stomach was rounded. As the size of the abdomen increases, the woman becomes clumsy to the point that she cannot even put on her shoes or tie her shoelaces without help.

On recent months Pregnancy is characterized by training contractions called Braxton Hicks. This means that the uterus is warming up and preparing for a future birth.

For given period considered normal frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus began to put pressure on the bladder. In addition, in the third trimester of pregnancy, pain in the back and lower back is common, as well as varicose veins veins and edema.

The expectant mother should take care of herself: often lie with her legs raised, laid on a pillow; walk on fresh air over two hours. Weight should also be monitored, the increase per week should not be higher than 300 g.

Nausea in the third trimester

The third trimester, like the first, is very dangerous, so a woman should be alerted to any change in her condition. If nausea in the first trimester is considered normal, then in the third it may indicate a serious complication (preeclampsia). In the second half of pregnancy, preeclampsia is considered a threat to both the development of the fetus and the health of the woman. Also, nausea in the last months of pregnancy indicates problems associated with the functioning of the liver. But, experts reassure, saying that nausea in the third trimester is not always the cause of some serious illness, but simply a change in the size of the uterus. After all, she pushes the stomach up. In any case, when nausea appears, it is imperative to consult a doctor to identify the cause.

Discharge in the third trimester

In the third trimester of bearing a child, the nature of the discharge changes or simply persists. This is considered normal if there is no pain in the abdomen and blood in the discharge. The discharge in the third trimester is thick, watery or liquid. It is important that they do not bad smell, did not have a curdled consistency and were not accompanied by a burning sensation. If there were greenish discharge With bad smell this indicates an infection. To identify the type of pathogen, immediately consult a doctor, who will prescribe proper treatment. A terrible case is one in which the discharge has the nature of bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy, which refers to low placentation or excessive adherence of the placenta to the uterine os. Blood can appear during sexual intercourse or physical effort. They may also indicate premature detachment placenta. Such bleeding becomes similar to bleeding during menstruation, in which abdominal pain also appears. In this case, you should consult a doctor. Might need bed rest or hospitalization. If the placenta does not take right position, then childbirth will be carried out using a caesarean section, and in worst situation will have to induce preterm labor.

A pregnancy that goes without complications, a woman will still have to face changes in discharge. In the last stages of pregnancy, thick mucous discharge of pink color will appear. This means the passage of the mucous plug. From now on you have to wait labor pains In the next few days.

Final trimester of pregnancy

This is the final, third trimester of your pregnancy. Starting at the twenty-seventh week, the chances of surviving a preterm birth increase many times over. Now your child is already really viable and can appear at any moment. Now he is already beginning to learn to breathe on his own, but the lungs will not be fully formed until the thirty-fourth week. The skin thickens. Your baby will easily recognize the mother's voice. He is gaining weight, and may already be more than one kilogram. During the course of the thirty-second week, the laying begins immune system with which his mother helps him. The arms and legs become rounded.

Now the baby can, without fear, swallow clean amniotic fluid because they are updated every three hours. He perfectly hears and recognizes the beating of your heart. Now the uterus is significantly enlarged, in comparison with the first trimesters of pregnancy. Because of this, there is a need to often run to the toilet, because it puts a little pressure on the bladder. The child is already getting cramped, his movements are difficult. Already at the thirty-sixth week, the baby is actively preparing for the birth. His hair color appears, they become thicker. His face becomes noticeably rounder, smoother. Puffy cheeks appear.

He begins to appear sucking reflexes, which stimulate the muscles well and prepare the baby for breastfeeding. Mom's adrenal glands actively secrete a hormone that stimulates lactation. Now mom needs more calcium, because the formation of the baby's bones is finishing. The bones of the skull are not yet so strong. In the remaining time before delivery, the baby continues to grow and gain weight. Before giving birth, the baby is comfortably positioned in the uterus head down. And now, he is completely ready to see the light.

Very often, pregnant women cannot figure out when a woman in position begins the third trimester of pregnancy and how many weeks it lasts.

How to count?

The fact is that it is not possible to clearly understand when this trimester begins and how long it lasts, since in each classification the beginning of the 3rd trimester falls on different weeks. And all because 40 weeks are not divided into segments according to the pie principle - everyone is equally divided. The division of the entire gestation period into trimesters is based on the same principle. - the time when the main systems and organs of the baby are formed, in the second - the baby begins to grow in length and improve, and in 3 - gaining weight. That is, each period has its own characteristics.

Thus, the baby during the 3rd trimester lasts, mainly accumulates fat. In addition to the usual fat, he also accumulates brown fat, which he will need in the first weeks after childbirth. It is this reserve that will “burn out” first when the baby is born, and thanks to this, the baby will receive the nutrients and the warmth he needs. Brown fat accumulates in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. At this time, existing organs are also being improved, some systems acquire a number of properties that allow them to work outside the mother's abdomen in a normal mode.

For example, improving respiratory system, which is “ready” to work in our reality by the 36th week of pregnancy. If the baby is born before this point, then he will be injected with a substance called surfactant so that his lungs do not stick together. This also applies to the immune system - it is even far from perfect, and by 35 the baby is still very susceptible to different kind infections. He will not be able to control the processes of heat exchange if he hurries to be born.

Similarities and differences

If you calculate approximately, then the first trimester in most classifications includes the first 3 months of pregnancy, the second already combines 4, 5 and 6, but in the “composition” of 3 - the remaining 7, 8 and 9 months. Weekly calculation in different options will already be somewhat different, but the variations will not go beyond one month.

So, from what week does the third trimester of pregnancy begin in a woman? In a number of classifications, we are talking about 24 weeks - in this case, the trimester lasts 16 weeks, which makes it the longest trimester of all three. In some cases, the 26th week becomes the start, sometimes even 28 or 25 are mentioned. In fact, the starting point for this period does not affect the development of pregnancy in any way - it is purely symbolic and is needed for a better understanding of what is happening during pregnancy. Doctors, as a rule, calculate terms using only the concepts of “week”, less often they talk about such categories as trimester and month.

One thing is common to all - it is this trimester that ends with childbirth. Also, if the baby appears after the start of the 3rd trimester, he has a chance to survive, however, he will have to be nursed for a long time in special conditions. This cannot be said about the second and first periods of pregnancy - the baby, if born at the end of the 2nd trimester, will simply not be viable. And his "birth" during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is called a miscarriage.

What happens in this trimester?

Pregnancy is important to distinguish between trimesters to understand the difference in approaches to some points, as well as for convenience when monitoring a pregnant woman. For example, if a mother is ill in the first trimester, she should in no case take medication, and in 3 the situation is already simplified by the fact that the placenta functions in full force, because in part it is able to protect the baby from a number external influences, as well as from the microbes themselves that have entered the mother's body.

Dividing the time of pregnancy into trimesters is also important for carrying out official procedures of various kinds. During this period, as a rule, a woman goes to maternity leave- nothing surprising: after all, by the 3rd trimester, at this point, she gains weight up to 7-10 kg, her stomach grows, ease of movement is lost, it becomes harder to find a comfortable position for sitting or standing. That is, all the signs indicate that it is time for a woman at this stage of pregnancy to allocate more time for rest and less for work.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman is especially actively gaining weight. It is during this period, if she overeats, all the excess will go into the reserves of adipose tissue. Moreover, not only she will recover, but the baby himself. Therefore, it is in the 3rd trimester that you need to be especially careful with food that is saturated with carbohydrates and fats. If the baby gains too much, then childbirth can be complicated, and in some cases too large fruit may be a reason for caesarean section. Excessive weight of the mother, gained during the passage of the 3rd trimester, can also affect tribal activity, provoke the development of varicose veins or hypertension.

Trimester duration

How long will the 3rd trimester of pregnancy last? Each woman has her own due date, because childbirth occurs on an individual basis. Someone gives birth a little earlier than planned, and some delay pregnancy by 2-3 weeks - all these cases are considered the norm. Do not forget about the moment that you always need to make allowances for the fact that the moment of conception is always determined approximately. The length of the period in the case when the pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks can be from 16 to 12 weeks. Moreover, in the latter case, the trimester will be the shortest of the three.

So that the 3rd trimester does not end ahead of time, it is important to follow a number of rules - it depends on them how long it will last. First of all, you do not need to burden yourself emotionally and physically. It is important to follow the regimen, eat right, and regularly see a doctor. It is the doctor who, in the event of complications, will notice you have a problem and help get rid of it. The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when the doctor can prescribe to a woman in case of a number of diseases that she has, such a measure as stimulating premature birth.