What can you drink if you are afraid of childbirth. Techniques for overcoming labor pain. Proper breathing during childbirth

Relaxation, peace by the end of the third trimester are replaced by growing excitement. There are more and more reasons to worry, friends on the forum give birth to new ideas, and the level of fears develops into panic. To calm down before childbirth, the condition must be controlled by a woman to avoid mental disorders or with the help of therapeutic and medical measures.

The alarm bells that awaken the mother from the state of harmony appear after the first screening. The ultrasound doctor tells how the baby looks, how it is located, whether it calmly allows itself to be examined, or hides. There is a feeling of a person, the responsibility for whose life lies with the mother. If you do not control the upcoming excitement, sensations will grow into fears, further into phobias. Cases of serious mental disorders against this background (more often after 36 weeks of pregnancy).

Reason for fear:

  1. pain;
  2. death;
  3. complications in childbirth;
  4. diseases;
  5. loss of attractiveness;
  6. decline social status;
    Ø Responsibility for human life;
    Ø Skip the onset of labor.

In half the cases, the cause of the panic before childbirth is the unknown pain that girlfriends talk about so much. But the individual physiological tolerance threshold will always be higher. pain. That's how nature intended it. Sometimes, if you do not give in to panic, even without screaming. In a state of fear, the hormone adrenaline is produced, which stimulates the power of transmitting a pain impulse to the brain. The less adrenaline, the calmer the nervous system reacts.

The probability of infant mortality, with a successful pregnancy, is 1/1000. And those rare cases are associated with poor-quality medical support. Therefore, the fear of death in childbirth is unjustified, the level of qualification modern doctors inspires confidence.

Every third pregnant woman speaks about the fear of losing attractiveness. But the forms are returned within 6-12 months, with proper nutrition and doing sports.

Women who led business image life, pursued a career, professional development are worried about the loss of social status. The fear develops that the employee will cease to be in demand and useful. Such phobias become more complicated after childbirth, often turning into deep depressions. The help of a psychologist is required.

Parents unloved in childhood design a picture for posterity. They exaggerate the scale of their importance, and reduce the level of independence in future children. Learn how to manage fear of responsibility preparatory courses for parents. Trainings help calm yourself before childbirth, control fear. Recommended from the 22nd week of pregnancy, it is better to visit both parents.

Women who are afraid not to make it to the hospital do it in vain. Since even quick delivery last one and a half hours. There is enough time for transportation, especially since the pregnant woman has the right to call an escort car with a sound signal.

Ways to calm down before childbirth

To combat fear and panic before childbirth, you need to accept the problem and start working on it. Under the influence of hormones, a woman loses the objectivity of self-esteem, so relatives should help. If a mother often talks about the fear of childbirth, while she has a blush on her cheeks, her eyes shine, there are likely to be panic attacks.

How to calm yourself before childbirth and not panic:

  • include bananas, chocolate, oatmeal in the menu;
  • read novels;
  • do needlework;
  • go to the theater, opera;
  • To do yoga;
  • take lavender baths every evening (7-8 drops);
  • study breathing exercises (diaphragm);
  • walk 2 times a day for 1 hour;
  • perform Kegel exercises (in the absence of contraindications);
  • take herbal antidepressants.

NovoPassit is a safe prenatal sedative recommended during the 9th month of pregnancy. The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules, solution, syrup, the cost is 450-500 rubles per pack.

Soothing during childbirth, which will reduce the pain of spasms - an infusion of lemon balm. The leaves of the plant are brewed with boiling water and infused for 30 minutes, the properties are preserved for a day. For prevention, drink 500 ml per day for a week (starting from 36). By the time of the contractions, the nervous and psychological background has stabilized.

A woman needs to imagine a positive outcome of events in her head every day. Visualize situations when the baby is in her arms, how the discharge from the hospital goes.

Others should not overdo it with care, as emotional background pregnant is weak. Focusing on the problem, frequent discussion of fears will lead to a deterioration in the state - tears, ostentatious depression, manipulation.

FROM panic fear before childbirth, the books of Thomas Trobe help to cope. Publications teach to accept and get rid of fear as an entity. After reading, the negative disappears, self-confidence appears, in the future, in the successful resolution of pregnancy.

It is necessary to limit the communication of the expectant mother on thematic sites where, similar in ideas, women discuss their phobias. There will be no advice on the forum, but the panic syndrome will intensify.

Anxiety before meeting with the baby is a normal condition for a pregnant woman. In 20% of women, the fear syndrome is complicated to a phobia. Therefore, the spouse and relatives should carefully consider the behavior of the mother, not to attribute the excitement to hormonal surges.

Methods for eliminating the problem during childbirth

Often a woman, calm and confident during pregnancy, experiences the first fear when the water breaks. While waiting for the contractions, the excitement grows, the mother loses her temper and does not understand what to do with the panic before childbirth. Tea with melissa uterine contractions relax the muscles, calm the nervous system.

How not to panic during childbirth:

  1. invite your spouse, mother in advance;
  2. perform breathing exercises;
  3. rest in between contractions;
  4. follow the recommendations of the obstetrician;
  5. visualize the result;
  6. drink less water.

For patients who are panicky afraid of giving birth, are recommended partnership childbirth. It is allowed to invite any accompanying person - mother, husband, girlfriend. It is necessary to write an application in advance addressed to the head physician of the hospital, signed by the head of the department. Next to a loved one, contractions will be easier, physical and moral assistance is provided.

Respiratory gymnastics dilates blood vessels, stimulates the flow of oxygen to the tissues, pain is easier to bear. It is necessary to take a deep breath in through the nose, draw in the stomach, hold for 2 seconds, then slowly exhale through the “floors” through the mouth, relaxing the press.

You can’t lie between contractions, so the 1st stage of labor will last longer. Calm walking, stroking the abdomen, even breathing will help to recover and gain strength for the next contraction.

Psychologists recommend talking to the child while he is striving outside. encourage, praise, promise see you soon. Imagine how he will be in his arms and join the chest for the first time.
Pressure on the uterus should be kept to a minimum, so water intake is limited once contractions begin. Otherwise, full urinary will create discomfort.

panic in childbirth frequent occurrence. Manifested, in addition to fear, a feeling of hopelessness, despair, anger. The woman screams, does not listen to the medical staff, requires anesthesia. Such behavior - main danger for the fetus.

postpartum depression

Depending on the physical condition, the integrity of the birth canal, the body of a woman is restored in 2-6 months. Gets better after six months menstrual cycle, hormonal background life seems to be on track. But, according to statistics, out of 100 young mothers, 90 go into depression. Common causes are lack of sleep, excess weight, physical activity.

Here you can not do without the help of a spouse, close relatives. A woman needs free time. It has been proven that 2 hours spent on yourself is enough for mom positive attitude. The minutes that have appeared can be spent on sleep, sports, a beauty salon, meeting with friends.

  1. taking vitamin complexes;
  2. food - vegetables, fruits, protein;
  3. yoga, gymnastics;
  4. sleep from 8 hours a day;
  5. help in cleaning the house and cooking (mother, sister);
  6. adjusting to the baby's regimen (sleep-wakefulness);
  7. leave time for romantic relationship with spouse (at least once a week).

The development of depression is stimulated by the reaction to the reflection in the mirror, which the young mother is not satisfied with. In the first 2 months, the changes are temporary, the weight will return to normal (if you do not overeat), the stomach will be drawn in. Gymnastics, separate nutrition and vitamins - the correct postpartum regimen.

But there are situations when depression turns into mental disorder. It often occurs in mothers, without the support of loved ones, at 5-6 months after childbirth. If a woman has stopped smiling, often cries, breaks down on others, while eating little (or, on the contrary, overeating), the help of a psychotherapist is needed.

  • therapy through consciousness;
  • hypnosis.

The method of working with consciousness is to identify fears. Memories from childhood, youth, relationships with parents, connection with a spouse are awakened. After 3-4 sessions, the doctor works on ousting the "memory of the past" from consciousness. During treatment, isolation of the patient is not recommended, the condition will improve contact with the baby. For recovery, 10-16 sessions are enough, depending on the complexity of the situation.

Hypnotherapy also erases the source of negativity from consciousness, but without the participation of the patient. The doctor finds the cause and programs for reassessment. The course consists of 8-10 sessions.

In both cases, after classes, you need to visualize a picture of a happy future, in which the child should appear, as main reason happiness. The development of the baby is projected - Kindergarten, school, college, wedding. So attention from one's own person will switch to the well-being of the child.
Every fear has physiological basis. Adrenaline production amplifies the response nervous system into irritated tissue. But, if control over self-control is achieved, childbirth will be quick and easy. To help women - breathing techniques, yoga, preparatory courses.

We are always afraid of what we do not know. That is why (and also considering that childbirth in the life of a modern woman “meets” only a couple of times) it is not at all surprising that expectant mothers are afraid. So how do you overcome the fear of childbirth?

First of all, it is worth understanding why we are afraid and what scares us. This may be pain, lack of knowledge about the event awaiting us, or simply “horror stories” that have been deposited in the memory, told by women who have already given birth. However, I would like to add that for each woman, childbirth will take place according to her own personal scenario, observing only the sequence of three stages of childbirth.


So, consider the most common option, when the fear of childbirth is caused by possible pain. Unfortunately, pain cannot be completely avoided. But if during pregnancy you pay more attention to classes in appropriate courses with instructors explaining the basics of relaxation, then you can significantly reduce discomfort. It will also help to master the technique of proper breathing and use when labor pains help of mother nature - relaxing ability warm water. Remember also that movement usually relieves pain, and lying on a bed increases it (exceptions can only be for women in labor, who medical indications have to wait for the onset of attempts lying down).

In addition, we should not forget that childbirth is an absolutely natural process for women. And only today it has become the concern of the whole state medical staff maternity hospital, modern woman most often does not lead very well active image life, eats by no means natural products and by the time of her pregnancy manages to accumulate several diseases. It may be easier for you if you approach your pregnancy and childbirth as a kind of pleasant work, starting preparations long before the hour "X": get rid of your bad habits, go in for sports, as you should, rest on clean air, make changes to your diet, work schedule, and more before you get pregnant. And for a healthy female body, childbirth may seem like just a short trip to the hospital for a baby.

To cope with the fear of childbirth will also help knowledge of the physiological processes occurring in female body in this period.

The first stage of labor consists of three phases:

  • latent phase- most often it remains unnoticed by a woman, as it is a weak contraction with a long time interval (more than half an hour), during which you can also sleep (or just relax before the upcoming "work"); at this time, the cervix is ​​“erased” and opens (up to 4-5 centimeters);
  • active phase- here already the contractions become so strong and intense that there is a desire to express your feelings with a couple of "strong" words; this is exactly the time when you should turn to your knowledge and relaxation skills (including plunging into a warm bath); also during this period, the fetal bladder usually breaks (if this has not happened before), the cervix opens up to about 8 cm, and the baby's head drops a little lower into the pelvic region;
  • transitional phase- the final period before the onset of attempts and the most difficult for women who have to endure the most painful and frequent contractions (usually lasts about half an hour).

Second stage:

  • the phase of rest and attempts - there is very little left before the birth of the baby - after strong contractions and the desire to push, there comes a small natural painless break (10-20 minutes), which allows you to rest a little before a decisive jerk;
  • phase of the eruption of the baby's head and delivery - try to listen to the midwife who directs your actions - this will allow you to give birth to a child in just a few attempts and avoid tears and incisions (episiotomy) of the perineum (and this is a 90% chance that childbirth will leave quite pleasant impression); a little effort and ... a son or daughter was born.

Third (and last) stage of labor:

  • the expulsion (birth) of the placenta - compared to pushing the baby out - is just a rest.
  • now you imagine what awaits you at the end of the nine-month wait (this will allow you to cope with the fear of childbirth). Although there may be other scenarios, for example, a caesarean section.

"Scary stories"

Any woman who has given birth to a child can talk about her birth in such a way that the listener will swear to herself never to give birth to children. But the same information can also be presented in such a way that one gets the impression of the ease of the process itself. Therefore, if you do not know how to overcome the fear of childbirth, try to listen to fewer “horror stories” and carefully listen to the advice of those women who have decided to give birth to a third or fourth child. As they say, it would be really bad - they would not become large families.

Human memory is arranged in such a way that we forget most of the information, including bad ones. Pain during contractions may be forgotten in a few days (even before you return home from the hospital) if you managed to avoid stitching tears and incisions under anesthesia. Compared to childbirth postpartum period when everything hurts and it's hard to move, it turns out to be more memorable. But here everything depends more on the actions of the midwife than on yours. Therefore, try to accurately follow all its recommendations.

Also, the impression of childbirth helps to remove the stay in the same room with the baby. This is not only a good stimulus for breastfeeding, but also a guarantee of a quick and less painful contraction of the uterus (and without any medicinal "helpers").

Being afraid is okay. Do not think that you are a terrible coward. Fear will pass with the advent of the first fight - then there will simply be no time to think about it and you will have to focus entirely on your body and the unborn baby. Therefore, if you still do not know how to get rid of the fear of childbirth, and are not sure that you can do it, try to focus on the period of pregnancy and then immediately on the moment when you take the baby in your arms.

Positive emotions from the fact that you will see your baby will push your fears into the background.

Pregnancy is the most long-awaited and amazing period of any woman's life. Approaching the moment of the birth of the baby, the feeling of excitement in the pregnant woman increases. Thoughts about childbirth are characteristic of future women in labor in the process of waiting. Often they are of a negative nature due to the fears of a woman when she approaches a responsible date. To ensure that the pregnancy proceeds without fear, you need to properly prepare. With effort, you will stop wondering how to overcome the fear of childbirth.

Tocophobia (fear of childbirth in a pregnant woman) is one of the varieties of phobias, which consists in inexplicable anxiety, fear of childbirth and changes in connection with the appearance of a child.

Every woman experiences the fear of childbirth. This is normal reaction any pregnant woman, regardless of the first or repeated births. But due to the appearance of tocophobia, a real phobia, a woman can refuse motherhood, provoke an abortion, have difficulty conceiving, and attempt suicide.

Tokophobia is primary and secondary. Primary appears in women who have not previously given birth. Fear can arise due to negative ideas formed in childhood and adolescence, sexual abuse, physical damage, wrong upbringing, bad economic conditions and other reasons.

Secondary tocophobia is characteristic of women who have had childbirth experience. In that case, the hardships they went through, rumors of repeated births, age and other factors can form women's fears.

In addition to the swarm of thoughts that overcome the expectant mother, tocophobia is manifested by nightmares at night, unrest, panic, depression, aggression, loss of strength, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Why do pregnant women have fears on the eve of childbirth?

Before thinking about how to overcome the fear of pregnancy and childbirth, it is worth analyzing the causes of its occurrence. Fear of childbirth occurs due to:

  • release of hormones;
  • physiological changes occurring over 9 months;
  • stories about the birth of other women, told in life or on the Internet;
  • lack of knowledge;
  • lack of consultation with an experienced authoritative specialist;
  • previous bad birth experience;
  • negative experience of going to hospitals;
  • past sexual trauma;
  • insufficient material security;
  • environment;
  • psychological immaturity in early pregnancy;
  • physical injury and disease;
  • accidental pregnancy;
  • absence of a man.

According to psychologists, the primary causes of prenatal fears are in early period the formation of a woman. Often, being a girl or a child, she perceives information from the outside about childbirth and the birth of a child - sources say that this is a danger that promises numerous problems. these thoughts arise and form whole groups of phobias that she will have to overcome, because this is important for her and the unborn child.

What fears do expectant mothers have?

Depending on the physiological characteristics women, upbringing, cultural content, environment, position in society, income level and other factors, she develops a number of fears of childbirth. The main ones include:

  • fear of pain;
  • fear of being late to the hospital;
  • fear premature birth and bad doctors;
  • fear of the possibility of a caesarean section and the procedure itself;
  • if involuntary defecation occurs;
  • fear of being helpless, of losing control over the situation;
  • fear of spoiling the appearance;
  • How will I work then?
  • How will I manage to do everything?
  • fear of responsibility;
  • fear of losing oneself;
  • if I can't cope with childcare;
  • if there is postpartum damage to the child;
  • suddenly childbirth does not begin at all;
  • if I am a bad mother;
  • suddenly my husband stops loving me;
  • fear of major life changes;
  • phobias of postpartum complications;
  • fear of death etc.

How to overcome tokophobia?

In nature, everything is planned wisely, for such a complex process there is a “natural” pain relief. At the end of childbirth, a large dose of the hormones of joy - oxytocin and serotonin - is released into the blood of the woman in labor. For this reason, after the whole process, there is no feeling of pain and memories of the suffering suffered in the woman’s memory after the whole process.

Here are some tips on how to overcome the fear of childbirth.

Study the issue - read the literature on childbirth, the Internet and the availability of various printed literature will help you fully familiarize yourself with the topic of childbirth, thoroughly prepare for upcoming events.

Contact experts for advice. They will answer in detail any fears, advise ways to overcome them. For example, you can contact a psychologist-hypnologist Baturin Nikita Valerievich which will help you get rid of tokophobia.

A good solution would be courses for expectant mothers. You will be able to gain practical skills, communicate with women who are faced with similar problems.

Attend meditation courses. They will help overcome the fear of childbirth, relax, find harmony. Meditation can be practiced at home.

Do not listen to scary stories. Especially often, horror stories can be heard from women who are poorly versed in the issue, but love to talk, or from those who, unfortunately, were not lucky with childbirth. Don't be too impressionable. You have time, use it to your advantage and you can properly prepare for the process.

Do not harbor fears of childbirth in yourself. They arise in a matter that is little known to us. Don't act like you're not afraid of anything, rather expose your fears and work through each one. Get ready for the upcoming event.

Do not be afraid of postpartum "disfigurement". There are many exercises that will help in short term tidy up the body, restore the elasticity of the skin and muscles. The beauty industry has created a variety of means to create perfect figure. Look at the stars of show business, many gave birth, but were able to recover.

Don't be afraid to be late. Contractions are harbingers of childbirth and usually last from several hours to a day. During this time, you will have time to get to the maternity ward from anywhere.

Do not be afraid maternity leave. The birth of a child is the most beautiful stage in the life of every woman. The development of the child will be very exciting for the first 1.5 years of life, and then you can find ways to properly organize time, devote the freed minutes and hours own development, if you wish, you can do work at home, complete training courses, get additional education or improve your skills.

Cheer yourself up. More confidence won't hurt you. A person is always able to cope with the circumstances that overtake him. Prepare, concentrate - everything will work out.

Get involved in something that excites you. Any pleasant hobbies will help to distract, calm the nerves.

Exercise for pregnant women - it should be done a little daily.

Having done all the tips listed above, you will stop thinking about how to overcome the fear of childbirth. You will be able to meet the happiest moment of your life with full readiness.

What do psychologists say about what is the fear of childbirth, and how to overcome it?

How to natural life process. Don't take your position and upcoming birth like a feat, it natural process that billions of women have overcome. And don't take it as something negative. Nature has taken care of everything, at the end of childbirth you will experience a feeling of immense joy from the release of a large dose of happiness hormones.

Career women should look at the process of pregnancy and childbirth as a job that needs to be done. In this case, the woman works on self-control, because her condition affects not only her, but also the child.

Those who are inclined to think in terms of overcoming trials and improving themselves, consider that pregnancy and childbirth are just that. Upon completion, you will receive not only a prize, but also surpass yourself, be able to develop and become something more than yourself.

Collective activities and communication with the same pregnant women in a limited dose will help you understand how to cope with the fear of childbirth. Realizing that there is someone with similar problems, it is easier for a pregnant woman to understand herself and cope with her condition.

Help to deal with the problem experienced specialist, but key role plays own work the future woman in labor above herself.

What should you refrain from, eliminating the fear of childbirth?

Having figured out how to overcome the fear of childbirth, starting to act, you need to exclude from life some unnecessary factors that are unsafe for a woman and her baby. Not recommended:

  • use medicines not assigned by the supervising specialist. It is better not to self-medicate, including not taking herbal medicines. Any substance during pregnancy can cause an allergy in a pregnant woman, which will adversely affect the baby;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking to relieve stress. Remember that there is a baby inside you who can be extremely negatively affected by these actions;
  • read too much negative stories and facts from medical practice about problem childbirth. Try to dose information about childbirth, concentrate more on positive information, ways to solve various difficulties that arise. Don't take the negative experiences of others to heart. What happened to others will not necessarily happen to you;
  • watch negative TV shows and read negative news in the press, especially about pregnancy and childbirth;
  • listen to the stories of other pregnant women, acquaintances, colleagues, girlfriends about someone else's or personal negative experience. Do not surround yourself with negative background. AT ancient China from the very beginning of pregnancy, a noble pregnant lady was taken from her usual home to a special room, where she was surrounded until the very birth beautiful items interior, pleasant aromas, music, flowers and a favorable harmonious background. They tried not to disturb her with anything until the birth of the child. Use the wisdom of the ancient Chinese - take care of the environment.

It is not enough just to take care of how to overcome the fear of childbirth, you need to strengthen achieved result and make sure it doesn't happen again. Give more confidence that you can do it, everything will work out for you. Read more literature, consult with experts, take a walk before going to bed. Don't let your fears of childbirth take over.

Childbirth and maternity hospitals

Not surprisingly, most pregnant women are worried about the fear of childbirth. In particular, this applies to expectant mothers who are expecting a baby for the first time. And, oddly enough, for some reason, most successful parents scare pregnant women even more with terrible stories about childbirth. A woman expecting a baby is already too sensitive, and then there are “well-wishers” climbing with their “support”.

Such advisers should not be listened to at all. They will not explain how to overcome the fear of childbirth, but on the contrary, they will attribute it to the usual natural process own and others' failures. Therefore, you need to understand for yourself that every woman is individual, and every childbirth is an exception.

Consider the most common "horror stories" regarding childbirth.

1. “Give birth is very painful”

This conclusion can often be heard from accomplished mothers. However, in most cases, they confuse pain during contractions with unpleasant sensations during the birth itself. These are completely different things. Yes, the pain during contractions is really unbearable, but this is how nature intended. They will not last forever, and the doctor will inject painkillers if necessary, which will allow you to relax a little.

The birth itself is not so painful. When a child passes through the birth canal, and his head is shown, the woman experiences only a burning sensation in the perineum. It's quite tolerable.

2. "Birth pain will be remembered for a lifetime"

This thought visits in the first hours and days after childbirth. However, gradually the memories of the pain will fade away, and then completely forgotten. This is how the female body works.

3. “During childbirth, the perineum will tear or it will definitely be cut”

A similar fear of childbirth is experienced mainly by primiparas. It all depends on the characteristics of the body of the woman in labor and the size of the fetus. If a woman has elastic perineal muscles, then the risk of rupture is minimal. The incision is made only when necessary (large head of the baby, vision problems in the woman in labor, high blood pressure). In any case, during childbirth, you will not be up to it. After that, all tears and incisions will be sutured under local anesthesia.

4. "Cesarean is better"

As experienced midwives say: “After a natural birth, a woman can get up and go, and after a cesarean, resuscitation, a dropper, a duck, and so on ...”, so draw your own conclusion. C-section used only in extreme cases, when it is vital for the mother and child. In addition, this is no longer childbirth, but abdominal operation, after which the risk of complications increases significantly.

5. "The opening of the fetal bladder is dangerous for the child"

In general, it is not always pierced. And if you have to do this, then only to alleviate the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus. This procedure is not dangerous.

6. “You can give birth anywhere and quite unexpectedly”

Similar situations can be observed in the movies: a pregnant woman’s water broke, terrible pains (contractions) began, she barely manages to get to the hospital, or even gives birth in a car to the general cries of her relatives. In fact, from the onset of contractions to the birth itself, an average of 8-12 hours pass (sometimes more). During this time, you will definitely have time to reach your destination. Rapid delivery, certainly take place, but they happen with a probability of 1 in 200 and last 2-4 hours. This time will also be enough.

7. “Before giving birth, it’s better not to eat so that involuntary defecation does not occur during attempts”

First, there is a must. If you give birth on an empty stomach, you will get tired very quickly. Secondly, you will be given an enema to cleanse your bowels. Don't worry if "big trouble" does happen. Doctors have seen everything in their lifetime, so such a fear of childbirth is not worth attention.

8. "An umbilical cord wrapped around a child's neck can kill him."

Until the child is born, he does not breathe with his lungs. Moving through the birth canal, the baby continues to receive oxygen through the umbilical cord, even wrapped around the neck. As soon as the baby is born, he will be released immediately, and he will take his first full breath.

9. "Doctors in the maternity hospital are boorish"

This attitude towards women in childbirth really took place in Soviet times. Now everything has changed in better side. If acquaintances continue to slander the local maternity hospital in which you will be, then this is not a reason to be upset, and even more so to experience fear of childbirth. Better go for new life» exclusively with good mood. A smiling woman is unlikely to want to be rude. And if suddenly there are those who want to offend you, then you can always complain about them.

10. "All babies are born ugly"

Yes, they are certainly not charming babies from movies, but there is nothing scary about them either. Newborns in the first minutes of life can be blue, wrinkled, sticky ... And you imagine yourself in their place. If you were 9 months in liquid and in complete darkness? Newborns already in half an hour acquire normal color skin and become more and more like ordinary children.

So, now you know how to overcome the fear of childbirth, and you will not panic over trifles. And tell all your “caring” acquaintances: “I will be fine!”

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Man is always afraid of the new, the unknown. But how great it is that we feel not only the fear of the dark, the fear of childbirth, the fear of flying, but also great curiosity and thirst for knowledge of this unknown, new!

Fear is a feeling born from the instinct of self-preservation. Thanks to him. It prevents a child from falling off the couch, an adult from walking in the dark, etc. And this horror before loud noises! Loud means strong and dangerous. Fear of pain protects our mortal body from injury. The fear of death generally contributes to the survival of the species. We must thank nature for endowing us with this quality.

But, as in everything, in the amount of fear, you also need to know the measure. Adjusting its dosage is easy with the help of information and logic.

As a rule, women who know everything about childbirth or those who do not know anything about them at all are not afraid to give birth. Since you are reading these lines, you can no longer be attributed to the second category. And it is impossible to return to this beautiful happy ignorance. Therefore, it remains only to move forward to knowledge.

What are we afraid of?

Of death

Here are the statistics:

  • AT modern Russia female mortality during childbirth is approximately 0.01% or 10 deaths per 100,000 births.
  • Road accidents kill 0.02% or 20 people per 100,000 accidents.
  • In fires every year in Russia, more than 10,000 people die, while 240 women give birth throughout our vast country.

Strange, yesterday, crossing the road at a red light, and then driving around with your husband in a car, you were not afraid. Yesterday, setting fire to dry grass near the dacha and falling asleep by burning candles, you were not afraid. Why are you scared now? Oh, yesterday you didn't think about statistics, about death, and about bad things in general!

So why are these thoughts filling your mind today? Childbirth is not a way to death. This is the path to happiness. So think about it.


Ha, how do you tolerate depilation? In fact, we all have different pain thresholds. Someone pulls his teeth without anesthesia, someone gives blood from a finger in a faint. Stories of intense and prolonged pain are as overblown as any out-of-average event.

Yes, it hurts. But the consequences of this pain are incomparably more valuable than after depilation. In the end, today there are dozens of ways to anesthetize. On the other hand, you and I do not at all appreciate what we get without a fight, free of charge and without suffering.


This problem is solved quite simply - find out:

  • ask your mom, sister, girlfriend;
  • look through the guide;
  • dive into the internet.

In our world of full accessibility of information, it is simply a shame to be in the dark about not “is there life on Mars”, but about ordinary childbirth. Or do you think that you are special, and everything will be different for you, not like for all other women?!

Negative experience of previous births

The most difficult births are the first. The next ones, if there is a short break, will be easier at times, or at least if there is a big one, then no more difficult than the first ones.

Whatever the experience, it's good that you already have it. You no longer need to explain in which place you need to direct your efforts during attempts, how to massage the lower back in order to stop the pain, and with what words you need to scold the nurse who has forgotten about you. Forewarned is forearmed.

We have wonderful, smart, knowledgeable doctors. You just need to have experience, luck, knowledge, or at least money, so that they are next to you. Negative experience is very expensive. not without reason folk proverb claims that for one beaten they give two unbeaten. If you are already broken negative experience Are you afraid of our medicine?!

Not wanting to be a mother

You won't believe it, but more than a half parents become parents by accident, not wanting it. After all, sex for the bulk of people is not at all physiological process to reproduce themselves.

If a future mom did not perceive her child as a part and continuation of herself even after it “massaged” her from the inside, let’s not lose hope that maternal instinct wake up when the baby is born.

If you are just such a mother, then let the epithet “not like everyone else” seem like a compliment to you. You are not afraid of that. In this case, it is better to be afraid of being an outcast. And then, if you do not love your born child, then you will definitely fall in love as soon as you take him in your arms, press him to your chest.

How to overcome the fear of childbirth

1. Fear of deathnormal phenomenon. Just do not turn it on where the percentage of statistics is minimal. Everything is fine with you, there are no anomalies, even deviations from the norm are within the normal range. Don't forget that your emotions are this stage the same is experienced by the born little man.

2. fear of pain hard to overcome. You can forget about it. Stupidity creeps into an empty head. Keep yourself busy with something. What is the most interesting for you? Detectives? Read! Computer game? Play! Knitting a sweater for your husband Knit! The main thing is to keep your thoughts busy with counting, reading or gambling. Not only will your fear disappear, the pain itself will dull and not become so sick.

Look for a position where pain is minimal. Stand up, sit down, bend over…. There is a position in which you will be comfortable. Massage, pain relief, auto-training, etc…. still afraid?

If the pain exceeds some acceptable limits, the brain turns off its perception. Traumatologists call it a pain shock, but the very fact of existence similar effect soothes.

You don't understand how a woman, having experienced this once, decides to give birth to a second, third child? And you ask her. Mommy, who screamed in pain for half an hour, after giving birth, completely forgets about suffering and negativity. This is the only pain that brings so much happiness that it becomes completely unimportant.

3. suspense not only frightening, but also beckoning. To tempt fate, to change everything around and to change herself is very typical of a woman. So what's the deal? Change the world! Turn on curiosity: what will happen there? Are you not interested in what kind of little man you will give birth to? Maybe it's a genius or a future president?

Okay, let's not talk about the distant future. Think about what you will call him, what name you will call him, what clothes to wear, fantasize about the interior of his nursery, mentally look into his bright future and imagine the sand castles that you and he will build on the Crimean beach. What a pleasant surprise!

4. The experience was. Feelings are not the best. Any experience is good because it has already been and with proper preparation and prioritization will not happen again.

5. Don't want to have a child. It's strange why then you are afraid to give birth to him. Now the birth of a child and motherhood do not always become synonymous:

  • If you don't want to, you're afraid to be a mother, give birth, give up and walk through life further.
  • Do you want to, but are afraid of difficulties? Be afraid and give birth. Then you'll figure it out. It's great that future difficulties now excite you more than the present ones. They're harmless because they haven't happened yet.
  1. Pediatrician Komarovsky recommends treating pregnancy as a normal state women at some stage in her life. Perceiving herself as a heroine, and her position as a feat, the expectant mother involuntarily puts on herself a martyr's crown of thorns. Pregnancy is an ordinary, normal state planned by nature, in which almost all women have been, are and will be.
  2. In the blood of a woman during labor activity the amount of hormones of happiness endorphins, which are supposed to reduce pain. Trust them.
  3. The pain is manageable until the fear turns into panic. The more a person is afraid, the more he experiences pain. Drive away fear, get distracted, switch from sensations to something very necessary and interesting, and the pain will subside.
  4. For support, help, organize partner childbirth. The presence of a man who is more afraid of what is happening than you will make your fears disappear.
  5. Do not listen to horror stories shared by friends. Women tend to exaggerate their importance somewhat. If she gave birth without problems, then there seems to be nothing to boast about. No matter what they say, you hear them, you see them. Here she is, the sufferer standing in front of you beautiful, healthy and alive with a cheeky baby in a stroller.

Scarecrows and delusions

  • It hurts to give birth. No. It doesn't hurt to give birth. It hurts when the uterus opens, the child falls below, quick preparation to childbirth. These are contractions. Nature is wise. She warns the woman in advance that very soon she will become a mother. The birth itself takes place quickly and almost painlessly against the general background of physical and emotional efforts.
  • Better cesarean. natural childbirth end in happiness. You can get up almost immediately, take the baby in your arms, feed, swaddle. "Caesarean section" is an abdominal operation with all the usual consequences in these cases. Most importantly, the pain that you tried to avoid will come to you after anesthesia and will accompany you for a much longer time than natural childbirth lasts.
  • Childbirth is a feat. Alas, this is the norm. It would be great, of course, if we were given a monument or a medal for each child. But then men will also have to give at least a certificate for each sexual act.
  • Childbirth is hard. The author of this article completely lost this illusion when, while in the hospital for conservation, she observed the flow of women in labor there and happy mothers back, while reading the documentary notes of one modern journalist who visited the Amazon tribe.

There is a tribe in the center of Africa in which only women live. They do not plow the land and do not raise livestock. These Amazons get their vital products by fighting with other tribes. Males are taken captive to breed. The journalist was watching a pregnant Amazon. She rode a horse when it was time to give birth. She stopped the horse, went into the bushes, about half an hour later she came out with a child wrapped in her skirt. She sat down again on the waiting horse and galloped on. GIVING IS EASY!

Video: How not to be afraid to give birth