How to develop creativity in the project to give good. How can we develop creativity in children and adults. Creativity in domestic situations

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In this article you will find practical advice, how to develop creativity And stop thinking pattern. Because of its nature are not all capable of creatively thinking and non-standard approach important issues. If desired, it is fairly easy to correct and, finally, stop waiting for the inspiration will come on your own.

After reading our article carefully, you will learn a lot useful Sovietsthat will help develop creativity, as well as understand which exercises should be done daily for training creative thinking.

The ability to creatively approach task solutions helps to solve a large number of Problems, as well as to move through the career ladder. Those whose profession is directly related to creative thinking (designers, writers, artists, musicians, etc.) It is especially important to be able to quickly engage in the process. Often, creative people Often tighten the timing of the work, waiting for Muse, however, inspiration does not always quickly come, and sometimes everything disappears for a long time.

Regardless of which area you work, you will still be useful to work on your creative deposits, thereby simplifying my life. We have prepared a few most effective ways To improve your potential.

4. Rest

Sometimes, to tune in to the correct wave and find inspiration must be a little distract. If you worked for a long time over your project, then it's time to switch to another.

Arrange 30 minute holidays. Spread solitaire, drink coffee, talk on the phone with friends. After that, proceed to work. This approach will allow your thoughts to relax a little and re-engage in creative process.

5. Start "Create"!

Many writers have not printed their new masterpiece, because all this time was looking for Muse. Sometimes such searches lead creative people to dope in the form of alcohol or something else worse.

However, in this way, creativity to develop, as a rule, no one does not work. Do not look for inspiration - start doing it now and it will come to you in the process of work. No wonder they say that the appetite comes while eating!

6. Work in a noisy place

An ideal place for creative process will be any coffee shop. Average level Noise helps to develop your creativity and tell me how to think otherwise. For increased level Noise performance on the contrary drops. Therefore, choose a coffee maker for yourself and work. Thus, you differ from home problems and fuss and can create.

If you start regularly exercise, you can easily develop your creativity. In this article we have prepared the most effective techniquesthat will allow you to become better. Perform our exercise regularly and soon notice the first results.

These techniques are most effective:

  • Use items. For example, come up with what you could do with a button or match box. You can play this game together, so it will be much more fun. Find 10 ways that you can do with this thing and compare the results with your friend.
  • Associative series. Choose one word noun, for example, "Cup". Now come up with it 5 of the most suitable adjectives (a cup: beautiful, hot, glass, clay, patterned). After that, pick up 5 adjectives that are completely not suitable for the subject (plush cup, fried cup, etc.);
  • Two words. Open the book on any page and poke your finger into absolutely different words 2 words. After that, try to "play" with words. What is similar between them? How can you compare them or combine into one? Come up interesting storywhich would help link these 2 words;
  • Stay the builder. Write 10 of any words of nouns. For example: Pigeon, Pheasant, Flowers, Tree, Book, Lake, etc. After that, take a pencil and paper. Draw a house and try to draw different details to it, which would be suitable for the value above the words listed. Draw the snow-white walls in the house, as in the case of feathers from "Pigeon". Add the lawn in front of the house, which will walk "Pheasan". Draw a flowerbed to the word "flowers", etc. After the drawing is ready to try to imagine how your home may look live.

Dear friends, we hope that our article will help you to better improve your life and develop creativity. Exercise regularly and soon you will notice pleasant results.

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how many different ways Can I be able to come up with three minutes? If your results relate to most indicators, the answer will be somewhere between 10 and 20.

This famous test was invented in 1967 by Joe Paul Gilford (J.P. Guilford), an American psychologist and professor of a number of leading universities. The test was used to evaluate divergent thinking.

Similar tests, also known as "tests alternative use", Very popular in modern world - Surely you have ever encountered them at trainings or interviews.

In the image above you saw two strange figures - this is part of another interesting test, within which it is proposed to trim the picture in each window. This is another test for divergent thinking - than creative tests, the more interesting images are obtained as a result.

Creative thinking is often considered as a givenness - either it is, or alas. BUT B. lately Such a position loses its strength: according to the results of the study at Harvard, success in creativity is 85% determined by skills of skills. This means that each of us can develop creative thinking.

The question is how to do it?

What is creativity?

Creative thinking is an intangible subject for discussion. It is impossible to put creativity on dinner table And consider it under the magnifying glass. In most cases, meeting with real art and creative people, you just feel it. Maria Popova, creative genius, says that creativity is the art of unique, transforming existing knowledge in new way Visions of the world.

This definition seems to extremely describes all areas of the creative process - but we will look even deeper.


This practice allows you to carry out the lines between, it would seem, absolutely alien to each other things and ideas. Sir Richard Branson (Richard Branson) believes that the entire Virgin Group is built on this method.


Curiosity - frequent quality People have creative professions. Many innologists are constantly interested in all what is happening - they are not satisfied with the current state of affairs in the world.

Leonardo da Vinci was convinced high influence Curiosity on the creative process. In one of his sketches, the inscription was preserved: " I wandered around the surrounding area in the hope of finding answers to things that could not understand».


Maria Konnikov in his book "Think like Sherlock Holmes" (How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes) emphasizes the importance of constant and deep surveillance environmental. To illustrate this thesis, Maria gives an excerpt from the book: Sherlock asks Watson, how many steps on the stairs in the house of Holmes, in which each of the heroes passed hundreds of times. Watson could not answer what Sherlock said:

"You are not observant. Every day you climbed the stairs, and for sure I subconsciously considered our steps, but do not remember this. I know that there are 17 steps on the stairs, as I saw and watched. "


It is not just about expanding the list of contacts on LinkedIn. Networking consists in increasing the number of your social ties and attracting ideas from all sectors of society. Truly creative personalities do not sit in the shell of their circle of communication - they constantly try something new.


To see the latest ways and opportunities, you must get out of the comfort zone and experiment with new ideas and methods of work. Google The first introduced a principle of 80/20 into workflow, which allowed the corporation staff to actively work only 20% of standard working hours.

Since then, the concept has time to arrive in Apple and LinkedIn. These companies understand that creativity is not a joke or entertainment, but hard work. One desire to be creative is not enough to succeed - you should make efforts.

Plan for the development of creative thinking

Now we found out the components of creative work, but how to develop creativity? There are five simple methodsthat stimulate thinking to the exit from the comfort zone and can give you more ideasWhat do you think.

Mind your creative muscles

"Ideas are like rabbits - first you have several of them, but starting messing with them, you will not notice how to get a whole brood". John Steinbeck

Just like the strengthening of the muscles in gymThe development of creative potential requires time and energy - daily efforts are needed for success. Take the obligation to regularly exercise your mind.

For example, James Altuhercher developed a habit that helps him create 3650 unique ideas in year. Everything is very simple: every evening James sits down and comes up with 10 ideas, from business plans to book concepts.

Regular generation process fresh ideas Tears the brain to constantly look for new ways to solve problems. This approach not only creates a nutrient environment for creativity, but also strengthens your mind.

When we do something new, in nervous system There is a signal that we are learning, and this causes a portion of dopamine - neurotransmitter, which is responsible for good moral well-being and is the key component of the learning process. This is a pleasant reward for mental effort, which can serve as motivation to master unpredictable previously creative reserves.

Clear more often

All people are different, and everyone has their own way to generate ideas. Someone fresh thoughts come for dinner: a glass of wine, calm atmosphere, I don't need to think about work - this is where the brain switches and can give something interesting.

Someone uses for similar purposes to running in the morning, shopping, morning coffee - anything, right up to the daily hour in traffic jam. Everyone can remember the situation in which good thoughts come in most often that it is no coincidence.

When we get distracted a little from daily problems, our consciousness is slightly unloaded, which can cause for fresh look on things. Shelley N. Carson (Shelley H. Carson) claims: "Distraction can give the brain a break required to distract from an ineffective solution to the problem."

Too much attentionThe problems payable, as a rule, use all your cognitive resources. Make a step back, do in your household chores, go for a walk - in a word, stop for a minute and give a breather to the brain, clearing it from daily garbage. So you free the space for creativity.

Change the environment

You probably never visited the kitchen of an elite restaurant. Similarly, you have hardly seen a sewage scheme that comes from your office for several kilometers. But when watching the cartoons "Ratatuu" and "In Search of Nemo" scenes in such places seemed to you quite genuine. Do you know how these works appeared?

To create a realistic effect, the Pixar directors themselves plunged on Wednesday that they wanted to build. When shooting "Ratatoo", the creators went on a two-week business trip to France, where local cuisine was investigated. In the case of Nemo, the group spent some time in the city sewage of San Francisco, to study the drainage system of the city.

No one forces you to go to France tomorrow - and even more so climb into the sewer. But it is sometimes necessary to get out of the usual circle to give an impetus creative thinking.

For example, a number of research among immigrants showed that people living in someone else's country often find non-obvious ties faster and show high success in creativity. Adaptation to life in society with a new language, culture and construction is forced to transform old ideas and change the usual behaviors.

Again, you should not emigrate only because you need to develop creative thinking. Just go on a trip - so you are freeing the brain from routine, work tasks and at the same time will give him fresh impressions from new countries and cultures. Good journeylike nothing else changes the ideas about the world and internal installations, At the same time enriching the horizon.

Change your schedule

According to recent studies, we could work more efficiently, bringing some innovations to your usual routine. It is about the following - in periods when activity decreases, our ability to concentrate decreases, respectively. Loss in attention makes it possible to cover a wider range of information. In the state of low activity, our brain generates more alternatives and various interpretations that contribute to all kinds of innovative ideas and insights. In periods of reduced activity, your consciousness is slightly less organized. Instead of linear thinking of thought, seem to run different sides, one clings another, immediately giving way to the third, etc. in similar condition You can subconsciously find non-obvious links between ideas.

Of course, the "owl" should not be forcibly contacting the "Lark" and vice versa. Just sometimes it is useful to break the usual stroke of things.

Consciousness Novichka

The human brain first faced with the theme, is able to prompt many ways to solve. The expert knows only one road, which goes many, many years in a row, not even imaging what can be collapsed.

In Zen-Budyism, this is called "Shoshin", or a sense of beginner. The essence is to feel like a newcomer who does not know the borders and disappointments - as well as all the answers. Two advantages lies here. First, newcomers are more open for new ideas and alternative paths solutions to the problem. Secondly, the desire to explore the new is very important for creative thinking. Studies have shown that people with rich adventure experience tend to think less template than others.

Creativity - important factorpromoting success in many areas of life. Therefore, the desire is logical and natural, as much as possible to learn about the development of creativity. In the previous article, the properties of this unique psychological quality We have already disassembled, so this will be devoted directly to development creative thinking.

Directly connected life experience, knowledge level, human lifestyle, with its interpersonal relationships. Expanding your horizons - becoming more read, travel, communicate with interesting people - you do big step In the direction of the development of creativity of their thinking. After all, the creative solution is, in fact, the result of the plexus of various knowledge.

If you have a small supply of knowledge or they are very superficial, or more worse - if all your knowledge luggage is concentrated only in one sphere, then the chances of the birth of creative thoughts and acceptance creative solutions, due to minor quantity source material, very small. So collecting knowledge, emotions and impressions.

Creativity is not a single ability - this is a set of personal qualities and features of its intelligence. Therefore, wanting to develop creative thinking it is necessary:

  • Perceive yourself as a person creative and versatilely developed;
  • Be a person independent and be able to confront external requirements;
  • Be able to challenge other people's assumptions, as well as to be readiness and desire to act by "what if?!";
  • Be inquisitive, susceptible, uncompressed, ready for something new;
  • Be an energetic person, easy to lift;
  • Have insight observation;
  • Be able to combine incompatible;
  • Be able to present your ideas and thoughts convince man;
  • Have a sense of humor and playfulness ...

From this list, select the first "necessary". There is an interesting opinion - the only thing that distinguishes the "creative" person from "untreat" is that "creative" is convinced that he is so. Therefore, everything he does, he does exactly with this thought. Think about it!

A few words about independence. Develop the cordivity and become creative simple person Independent, because his opinions and decisions are rarely amenable to someone else's influence and destructive criticism. And therefore fewer restrictions and more space and freedom for action.

Psychology understands under creativity - special creative abilities, and creativity in all its manifestations is based on the imagination. Therefore, an important part development of creative abilities - Development of imagination.

Psychologists analyzing the components of creativity concluded that for development of creative thinking Also important components are intuition (intuitive understanding). Read - " How to develop intuition».

Communicate with creative and creative people who have achieved some success, try to spend as much time with them, if you have the opportunity, be sure to observe how they work. It is not necessary to be art people, because a creative person can be found in any profession.

Do not be afraid to experiment. Our strict rules, the framework in which we put ourselves (as you need to behave and think), lead us to the fact that we reject good ideaswhich could contribute to development of creativity . Fearing to become a target for ridicule, we control our behavior on the subject of correctness and acceptability. Experiment and do not be afraid to seem like funny!

An important point that shifts from the dead point development of creativity of thinkingis a call to action. Do not wait suitable momentTo try creating something original, interesting and amazing, do not think that you are not ready. Start to create and already during the work you will understand that you long years So lacked.

Developing creativity, for the sake of training, put the task, whose solution does not give you anything.

The process of development of creativity can be started with borrowing someone else's idea, people working in your field. Do not accept this for calling to the plagiarism. We are talking about the development that learn something new, new trends and trends, and pass them through the prism of your own perception.

How Creative is born

Creative thought sometimes comes suddenly through insight, but is mainly born by the orientation method for the search for ideas. That is, for the beginning, we define what ideas we need (scope), then focus on them and begin to develop (arrange brainstorm) further, after one or more comes to mind decent ideasThe following is fixed and versatile study (grinding). Ask and where is the Council for the Development of Creative Thinking? A significant increase in creativity just gives the ability to develop, catch and fix suddenly flashed thoughts and ideas.

In order to develop creativity and make this process easier and understandable to follow the rules:

  • Taking care of the task or starting to develop an idea - be extremely concentrated (on initial stages This is especially necessary to develop creativity), without distracting anything else, concentrate your attention on some one idea or subject.
  • If you need to create a new original product or to solve the problem you need creativityYour mind should be plastic and flexible. Learn to think no standard, switch from one thoughts to another. Build unexpected combinations, lose all sorts of options, Mix ideas, consider the situation on all sides. To explore all new and new opportunities, make the most unthinkable assumptions.

Create creative abilities The following article will help. Exercises for creativity».

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Creativity - These are the creative abilities of the personality, allowing to create and implement fundamentally new ideas.

The creative component is present in every person from birth. See how children are familiar in any creative activity. Unfortunately, most of us lose freedom of creativity under the influence of upbringing and social environment.

Right now we want to offer a few practical exercisesSuppose to make your mind more sharp and flexible, as well as develop your creativity and will contribute to the further improvement of creative thinking.

Exercise number 1: "Two random words"

As the introductory words to this exercise We quote Steve Jobs: "Creativity is just the creation of connections between things. When creative people ask how they did something, they feel a little to blame, because they did not actually do anything, but simply noticed. It becomes clear with time. They were able to tie different pieces of their experience and synthesize something new. This is because they survived and saw more than others, or because they think about it anymore. "

Now take a thick book or dictionary. Expand on any page and, without looking, stick with your finger. Write the first selected word. Repeat the action again and select the second word.

Then try to find something common between these two words, compare them, analyze, compare, look for interconnection. Come up with a story that would associate two of these concepts, let the most incredible story.

Exercise number 2: "Playing Association"

Look around yourself. What item caught your opinion for what item? Suppose, for the voice recorder, which lies on the table. Now take the paper and handle and write the 5 adjectives that are most suitable for your chosen subject.

For example, and our case: dictaphone…

  • stylish;
  • functional;
  • comfortable;
  • easy;
  • white.

Happened? We will continue. Write another 5 adjectives, which the object you choose is absolutely not suited. Make it will be somewhat more complicated: dictaphone…

  • emerald;
  • winter;
  • fried;
  • sitsevy;
  • wrinkled.

That's what came to our mind. Right in your feelings and perception of the surrounding world and find the right definitions. Attach a little more effort, and everything will turn out, the main thing is not to lend the task unfulfilled. Sit and reflect.

Exercise number 3: "Mad Architect"

How do you look at trying on the role of architect and design, for example, vacation home? Even if you do not know how to draw at all and remember school lessons with horror. Believe me, there is nothing terrible. The skills draw and draw here are not important. The main thing is the process itself. We were able to convince you? Great, then started.

First write 10 of any nouns on a sheet of paper. Orange, Vase, Lawn, Water, Tomato - All that comes to mind. Imagine that these 10 words - 10 mandatory conditions Customer who are designing a house.

For example, "orange" - paint the walls country house in orange color, "water" - let the house be a pond with a waterfall or a small fountain, "tomato" - These are red fish in a pond or curtains in polka dot on windows, etc. Just give the will of your fantasy, turn on creativity. Draw and presenting how it could look in real life.

Exercise №4: "Silence Hour"

Do not be afraid, to gain water in your mouth and do not have to be silent. As follows from the name of the exercise, this task You will dedicate only one hour, but you should not disappear from your usual affairs and the usual routine of the day.

During this time, answer people only on general issuesUsing "Yes", "not" and "I do not know". We naturally, so that none of those surrounding does not suspect anything strange. No one should have the impression that you are not in yourself, they got sick or stood in the morning not from that foot. Try, we are sure you will like it.

Exercise number 5: "Creativity test"

Believe me and discard all doubts. Take a sheet of paper A4 format and draw here such crosses: 6 in height and 9 in length:

Now tune in to the creative wave, deeply inspired and slowly exhaled. We take the handle and begin crossbars into pictures and small sketches, for example, like this:

Finished? And now see what happened and choose the most successful, such for sure will be found.

The initial task may look different, for example, like this:

Generate thoughts, do not stop there. The more you exercise your brain, develop fantasy and creative component, the more interesting ideas And solutions will come to you.

Be creative! The phrase from the film "99 francs" comes to mind: " Creative is not the craft where you have to justify your salary; It is such a craft where your salary justifies you. And Creator Career, as Efemerne, as Career Director TV Program ".

Creative thinking and creativity are undoubtedly useful skills modern man. However, it is difficult to find good courses, trainings, schools, books and textbooks for the formation and improvement of these skills. In this regard, this section of the site was created, which is devoted to methods and techniques for the development of creative thinking. The section is a full-fledged training for the development of creative thinking and imagination and contains lessons, articles, tasks, puzzles, video materials, tests and many other useful materials.

If you read "99 francs" or "Generation P", watching the films of Tarkovsky or David Lynch, saw the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso, you probably thought: how can people create so many new interesting ideas and stunning concepts? If these creative thinking professionals call in you the desire to be similar to them, then in this section you will find a lot of useful information.

What life is more non-standard, the more interesting to live. In life, a creative approach is often required from us. The ability to think unequare makes us witty, resourceful, successful, enterprising, lucky and rich. The ability to be creative can always come in handy.

It is often argued that it is impossible to teach creative thinking. This is not quite so. Of course, congenital human abilities are very important. But usually, it is precisely adult people to truly typify creative thinking, the ability to which is not only innate, and acquired with education and experience. The real works of art make adults who have achieved a certain skill to think and act creatively. And if a person does not develop his creative potential, it is unlikely to reach the ability to create, even if in childhood, he showed any ability.

So, there is something that creative people know and know how. These knowledge and skills they have acquired a genetic pathway from their parents, but have accumulated them during their lives. Let's try to find and solve their secrets.

What is creative thinking and creativity?

Explain and describe what creative thinking and what is its features - the task is quite complicated. One of the few definitions of creativity / creative thinking is given by a psychologist O.K. Tikhomirov:

« Creative thinking - one of the types of thinking, characterized by the creation of a subjectively new product and neoplasms in the most cognitive activity By its creation. These neoplasses concern motivation, goals, assessments, meanings. Creative thinking is distinguished from the processes of application of ready-made knowledge and skills called reproductive thinking »

OK. Tikhomirov
General psychology. Dictionary / under. ed. A.V. Petrovsky // Psychological Lexicon. Encyclopedic Dictionary: In 6 tons / Ed.-Cost. L.A. Karpenko; under total. ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M.: Pen SE, 2005.

This definition allocates main characteristic Creative thinking is the presence of the result, something subjectively new, which created a person.

It is important to understand that creative thinking or creativity is a way to think, a certain process that leads to the creation of a new one. Naturally, there are many techniques to organize their thinking so that it can be as a result to get something new. A number of research and tests indicate that most methods can be adjusted under certain logic schemes, which constitute some of the lessons of this section.

To understand the features of his creative thinking, we suggest you to pass a special psychological test.

Creative Abilities Test

This test is created as the interpretation of the diagnosis technique of personal creativity, developed by E. E. Tunic, and allows you to identify four features creative personality: curiosity, imagination, complexity and risk.

To correctly interpret answers, several rules should be performed during the test:

  • Among the following short offers you will find those that definitely suit you better than others. For them, choose the answer "Yes." Some sentences come to you only partially, they should be answered "maybe." Other allegations will not suit you at all, the answer "No" is intended for them. For those statements relative to which you cannot come to the decision, provided last option - "I do not know".
  • There are no correct or incorrect answers. Check the first thing that will come to your head, reading the offer. This task is not limited in time, but work as quickly as possible. Remember that, giving answers to each suggestion, you must mark what you really feel. For each question, select only one answer.
  • As the test is based on personal perception, you should not expect an objective check of your abilities from it. To a greater extent, he reflects your idea of \u200b\u200byour creative abilities. Remember that creativity is not a congenital characteristic, but the quality that can be developed.
  • Data data will be recorded after you answer the last question and see the confirmation of the end of the test. If you finish the test earlier question and close the data, the data will not be saved.
  • Data data will be recorded after you answer the last question and see the confirmation of the end of the test. If you finish the test earlier question and close the data, the data will not be saved. If this test you already passed, the sign will display in the left menu.

On the other hand, creative thinking is not connected with logical schemes, as with developed associative thinking and the imagination of man. All this can be developed with special exerciseswhich represent another important component of this section.

This section contains development techniques in themselves the ability to creatively think: be able to find always and in all of several options, and choose the best one.

Methods of learning

As already mentioned, there are many approaches to understanding creative thinking, and, therefore, there are many ways to teach such thinking. Among the popular creativity analysis approaches can be noted: the concept of lateral thinking, the theory of solving inventive tasks, syktics, method 6 hats and others. Most of these approaches have similar features, but if you try to engage in all these techniques at the same time, you can get confused.

After analyzing many approaches to creativity, our creative Group It came to the conclusion that the most versatile theory is the concept of lateral thinking of Edward de Bono (as well as its interpretation by Philip Kotler), which is aimed at understanding the logic of building new ideas. It was the concept of lateral thinking that was based on this training. Also in this training used a number important methods Development of creative thinking from other theories to expand the De Bono concept.

In addition, the concepts that deserve separate attention, were put in lesson 5, so that you can try other methods for the development of creative thinking.

Plan of the education

All training is divided into several lessons who are designed to reveal various sides of creative thinking in you. Passing all the lessons, you will receive a handicap, in order to be able to apply and constantly improve your creative thinking.

Creative games

As well as

And on our site you will find useful materials, articles, videos, tasks, puzzles, pictures, photos and much more, which reveals the features of creative thinking of man. As a result, after this training, you will clearly imagine how the process of creative thinking is arranged and you will have sufficient skills in order to create something new.

Ability to be creative and interesting person Partly acquired with education and depends on our innate features. But believe me that this ability can also be acquired and developed, the main thing here, as usual, is a desire.

We wish you good luck in the development of creative thinking!