Collective work new year senior group. Creative collective work "under the New Year" using non-traditional techniques. New Year's crafts suspension

Purpose: Development of creative abilities, imagination. Satisfying the children's need to create something new, beautiful. Disclosure creative potential Children. Creation in the course of collective creativity conditions for the creative interaction of children. Formation of children's skills to work creatively in the team.

Expected results: As a result of the project, the project will be able to positively affect the development of aesthetic perception of the world, artistic creativity of children, cognitive and communicative abilities. The guys will become more percussion, will strive to bring the started to the end, is activated speech activity. Cause the desire to please your loved ones surrounding people.

Tasks: introduce kids with unconventional material (Fig). Consolidate geometric shapes: Circle, ball. Continue to develop the ability of children to use in your work applique-breaking (tear off the sheet of paper small pieces, apply glue on them and stick to Watman). Consolidate blue color. Continue to develop the ability of children to gently apply glue with a tassel, use a napkin. The story of the teacher about the upcoming holiday. Cause a desire to please lovely (show new Year's postcards, Consider the New Year's balls).

The work is performed in three stages: 1. Preparatory stagethat will allow you to deepen own knowledge on the subject of future work will allow you to form bright imageswho generate a desire to embody them in their own collective appliqué. For this purpose I use conversations, reading books, viewing reproductions, illustrations, as well as joint training decorative Punkwhere the collective composition will be performed. 2. The main stage is the execution step, it includes planning, execution and assessment of collective work. 3. The final stage - a period of interaction of children with already completed work.

What is needed for the manufacture of postcards: watman sheet, gouache paint, wide brushes, brushes for glue, colored ribbons, croup rice. Postcard Making: 1. Watman Sheet, Paints Gouache Blue, wide brush. Children paint watman leaf in blue color. They like it very much!

2. Give children sheets of colored paper: breaking paper into small pieces. 3. Work in pairs. Printing pieces of paper on shared background. Give children more independence in choosing a color. Follow the children carefully applied glue, used the napkin.

Working with unconventional material: Crooked rice. 1. Draw circles of different values. Need help adult. 2. Lubricate the circles of PVA glue using a brush for glue. 3. Pour rice into circles. In the work of using napkins. When the work will be ready, the surplus of rice pour out into the plate. There may be assistance to the adult.

We continue to work: 4. Suggest children to paint rice in different colours. Children paint rice circles with brushes for drawing and paints gouache. More to give creativity to children. Let the child himself decides which color and how to color. In the preliminary stage, the children considered new Year's balls And dressed up the Christmas tree. It will help to paint your "ball". We got like this:

5. Make bows of ribbons and glue each circle. You can add glitter or cotton, draw what will want. Decorate a postcard to your taste. I do this work with children not the first year and each time gets differently. The results of the project as a result of the implementation of the project managed to positively affect the development of the aesthetic perception of the world, the artistic creativity of children, cognitive and communicative abilities. Children showed more independence: "Mosaic" - had pieces of paper at their request; "New Year's balls" - the child himself chose the color, drawing for his ball. The guys have become more prettier, attentive. Children gladly talked about their work native and loved ones, proud of her. Thus, attracting the attention of parents. Together with the children, they consider discussing, praise the child for the work done. So the desire to continue work on fine activities At home.

Preparation for the new year is an interesting time for the children and their parents. Each family wants their baby to stand out, and not only on the matinee, but also in the decoration of the group and the Christmas tree. Now ideas new Year's crafts for kindergarten great set, and objects from which you can do original products, often there are the most unexpected.

Crafts for Christmas topics in kindergarten

As everyone knows, for kids you need to choose products that would fit their age. So for three-year-old karapusov it is recommended to do simple New Year's crafts to kindergarten: from strips multicolored paper, simple snowmen and christmas trees, plasticine toys and various infirred materials ( plastic cups, Corps from Kinder Surprise, etc.). Besides recent times The original New Year's crafts in kindergarten made of flasks and ribbons are becoming increasingly relevant. In order to make a Christmas tree or festive wreath, it is necessary to prepare long flap and frame. In the case of a Christmas tree, it will be a wand, and with a wreath - wire, bent in the form of a circle. After that, the rags are tied on the frame, giving the volume and shape that is necessary to the toy.

For children of senior groups, you can advise to make a bulk New Year's craft to kindergarten from a glass vessel, dishwashing, wool, artificial snow and paints. For her manufacturer, the rash is cut in the form of a Christmas tree, paint paint and decorated with decor. Next, it is placed in a glass container with "snow flakes" and cotton. After that, the Christmas tree is fixed with the wire of the vessel cover.

New Year's crafts in kindergarten

If the baby was asked to bring a toy to decorate green beauty on the street, then you can do uncomplicated crafts of plastic bottles. It can be snowflakes volumeful toysBlowed from the bottom of the bottles, different figures, for example, Penguin or Santa Claus. However, if it is frosty, then you will surprise all ice crafts that are very simple. For their manufacture, take red rowan, spruce branches etc. All this place in plastic dishes And fill with water, without forgetting to put a ribbon there, on which the toy will hang. After that, freeze the product and remove it from the form. Believe me, such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Collective New Year's crafts in kindergarten

Now the most relevant are works in which the individuality of every pupil of kindergarten can affect. To do this, you can offer children to make a Christmas tree of palms or frames toilet paper. For the manufacture of the latter, each kid paints his frame into green and decorates it with decor. After that, the blanks are collected using a stapler and glue into one wonderful Christmas tree.

Make interesting, original, simple and not very, toys for the holiday along with your baby. And so that your work is easy, we offer examples of New Year's crafts to a kindergarten that will pleasantly surprise you.


Grishina E.A., Zinoviev E.V. - reader primary classes,

Berdyugin V.V.- Teacher Technology

Topic: Collective project

"Design for the new year"

Main stream: Development of artistic creativity

Practical significance: Decoration for the holiday.

Purpose of the study:: Production of a product for decorating a school to New Year holiday. Develop creative skills, interest, ability to contemplate the beauty of the surrounding world.

Hypothesis: We suggested that we can make New Year's decorations and decorate them to school.

Research tasks:

  1. Thinking up the design and design of the New Year's decoration.
  2. Show your creative abilities.
  3. Making christmas decoration According to the selected idea.

Object of study:new Year decoration.

Subject of study:production of Christmas decorations with their own hands, the use of various materials for the manufacture of toys.

Duration of the project:

December ( medium duration)

Project Type:

According to the composition of participating, group (children, parents, teachers.)

On target installation - information and practical oriented.

Project curators:Grishina E.A, Zinoviev E.V., Berdyugin V.V.

The project was made by.

Pedagogues: Grishin E.A, Zinoviev E.V., Berdyugin V.V., Belik L.S.

Parents: Naumova V.V., Kovrina E.V., Nazarova L.A., Dovgolyuk G.A, Krotkova E.L., Lobas Yu.A.


2 A class-Nazarov D, Carrin in, Krotkov in, Hakobyan A, Stolyarova L, Bannov S., Lobas S.

Grade 8: Lobachev T, Zekina C, Popova K, Maslennikova N., Kozlova A., Naumova V.

11 Class - Grishin D, Babyuk and, Lazy K, Andryukhin A, Golovko F.

Introduction The urgency of the chosen topic.

How do we decorate school

For New Year holidays?

There are lanterns with us

And, of course, the balls!

Beads, clappers, bright toys

We will think, arguing -

School must be decorated!

From a long time, the tradition of decorating the home for the New Year holiday.

Actually this is today.

Problem The significant, on the solution of which the project is directed:

Little decorations. Decided to make decorations with their own hands from various material. The product should differ novelty;

it must be convenient in storage so that it can be used more than once (justify material costs).

So the idea of \u200b\u200bworking on the project was born."Design for the new year"

Today, perhaps, no area is no longer real lifewhom did not touch the designer's fiction. Design is a special kind creative activityaimed at a reasonable organization of the subject-spatial world according to the laws of beauty. Design (OT english word. DesiqN- design, drawing, project, plan, drawing) as an independent type of art begins to actively develop at the beginning of the XX design, the design right is called the latest and all-pervastory art of the century. Its meaning - in creating things that preserve their functionality, utility in the presence of highly artistic appearance reflecting actual problems His time. The meaning of the word "design" absorbs the function of the subject, and all phases of its manufacture: formal, conceptual, utilitarian.

In school institutions, children traditionally attach to the forms affordable for them. decorative activities In preparing the decoration of premises to cultural and mass events, such as entertainment and holidays. The purpose of any holiday conducted in school - upbringing and child development. Holiday in school is not only social meaningful ideabut also a way to artistic incarnation of this idea. The decoration of the holiday is made up of the artistic and expressive components of many types of arts - music, words, choreography, dramatization, visual and applied. Each type of art with its artistic and expressive means highlights and complements the main idea - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday.

We believe that the visual design of the school premises for the holidays should be viewed as a work of decorative-formational art (design). The fascinating world of fairy tales reveals the holiday of the New Year's holiday before children. Children of our school love holiday and willingly take part in his decorative decoration: Prepare costumes, gifts and toys on the Christmas tree, as well as elements of the decoration of entertainment and decor the hall for the holiday. The design of the holiday, if possible, should be colorful, flowery, diverse.

Deepening in the terminology can be said that the design isartistic - technical activities By design subject environment. The main thing is aesthetic understanding and design of objects. Designer activity - this isartistic design, helping to create comfortable, useful products with high aesthetic qualities.

Design for children - professional activity for children. In school such professionals are teachers, parents of pupils. They actively attract all those who can create comfortable, useful products that have high aesthetic qualities.
Preparation K. festive events At school, it is painstaking, long, all-encompassing process. It includes adults themselves - teachers and parents, and pupils. The process of preparing for the holidays, and even more so for the decoration of the interior, one cannot be allowed to be allowed. the main task Pedagogues - be ready to be ready for any kind of unexpected. That is why it is necessary to first prepare teachers. To do this, at school on initial stage Elementary classes conducts methodological consultation information work with teachers (general and individual consultations, conversations, shows, information gathering), then learning - practical work (Educational practical seminars, master Classes, manufacture of layouts, creation of collections, studying Internet resources), in conclusion, demonstration - final. Upon completion of the training of teachers, the preparation of parents to the upcoming events begins. Forms of work with parents can the same, may be more simplified, more modern ( round tables, discussion meetings, creating projects, collections) with the involvement of interested and experienced parents. You can share this work on the age of the principle (for grandparents, moms and dads, brothers and sisters). The work done is the introductory part before important work - Work with children. It will require the knowledge of modern knowledge from teachers pedagogical technologies, unconventional look at, it would seem simple and everyday things.

Working with students is built a little on another scheme:

  • informational - informative (stories, shows, conversations, viewing, reading artistic, technical, encyclopedic literature);
  • search - analytical (search for the required object, studying its origin and use - project activity, analysis of it from the position of the need for its manufacture and application, children's practical and creative skills, source materials etc.);
  • decision problem situations (from which and how can be done than to replace, for what to use, is it necessary to help adults);
  • actually, the actions of children (and, accordingly, help adults);
  • perfect - Applicable (exhibitions, collections, gifts, interior decorations, game, theatrical activities, used in work practice.

Expected results: .

1. Development of interest in children and parents to artistic creativity.
2. The ability of children and parents to make a toy different ways, applying various material.
3. The emergence of interest and joy from the results of their labor.

Work plan:

1 . Collection of information from various sources About what Christmas toys make their hands. Choice functional purpose new Year's toys: Suspended christmas tree toy; toy for decorating the room; new Year's souvenir.

2. Find out what material can be used to make toys.

3. Select product model. Sketch sketch. Use of materials and ready-made auxiliary forms. Preparing tools. Thundering of technical techniques.

4. Practical part - making decorations. Registration decorative elements.

5. School decoration for New Year holiday ..

6. Observation, photo - fixation.

7. Summary of experience, creating a project presentation.


1. We were able to make themselves for the new year christmas decorations.

2. Making toys, we were able to decorate them to school.

3. Decorations can be made of everything that is at hand.

4. We are own experience found out that family manufacture New Year's decorations has always been a tradition that gives the New Year and Christmas joyful mood. Tradition for longer leaving warm memories!

In the course of the project, we learned how to cooperate - together planned work, worked together, helped each other. Work united children and adults.

We will be happy if you like it!After all, every Christmas decoration is a particle of magic, which so you want to believe under New Year! And they say that in each of them hidden its mystery ... Happy New Year!

"Poinsettia or Christmas Star"

Christmas flower "Poinsettia, a native of Mexico, and the tradition to give this plant for Christmas and decorate them housing in the days of Christmas holidays came to us from Europe.
So we will need:
1. Philled paper or dense dining paper napkins Red I. green color
2. Berbs (or any other tree), or kebab chopsticks, or toothpicks
3. Tonnaya wire or ordinary threads for sewing
4. Cool PVA or other paper glue
5. Shipping or thin rope

We begin with the fact that cutting the paper into small rectangles from 5 * 3 cm to 9 * 5 cm. Krasny-15-17 pcs, green-3-5.

If you use corrugated paper, then I draw your attention to the fact that the folds of the paper should be located along the long side of the rectangle.

Twist every strip like a candy candy (only without candy inside)

Then carefully deploy the central part (the tips should remain twisted!)

That's what you should get.

I make a small knitting chopsticks. On the one hand, it will be a middle of a flower.

Then begin to fix on the core-knitting red petals, first the smallest, then large, and the most recently green. To do this, we apply the petals with a convex side to the core and tightly screw the wire or tie the thread

As a result, you should get big flower. The resulting stalk cut and glue a piece of green paper.

I turn over the flower "face" to yourself and spread the leaves-petals.

Actually, this can be stopped .. to make several such puancenets and decorate them, for example, Christmas fir.

Products from DVP

For most people, the new year is the most favorite holiday. New Year celebrate adults and children around the world! It is called magic, mysterious, fabulous, amazing, unique. Everyone expect light fairy tales, new happiness, pleasant moments In life, wonderful performance of desires and the most intimate dreams ... And, of course, gifts!

Gifts are always nice not only to receive, but also to give. And if you give a gift made by your own hands, it is doubly pleasant.

Exist a large number of Gifts, which and adults, and kids can make their own hands, and many of them are not so complex, despite the fact that they look very beautiful.

If you and your children are full creative ideas and love to delight loved ones new Year's giftsMade with your own hands - We invite you to take part
in the competition "New Year at the gate!",
which organizes the Internet magazine "Planet Childhood" together with the Center for the Development of the Personality "New Generation".

The period of the competition

From 01.12.14 to 31.12.14.

We accept work from 01.12.14 to 25.12.14

Results summarize after 12/31/14.

Competition status: international.

Competitory order:

Download the order of the Competition (indicating the status of the competition).

Options for participation:

  • Collective - a group of kindergarten children, or a whole class elementary school (children's age from 4 to 11 years);
  • individual - one child;
  • group - 2 children.

On one competitive work We send one electronic certificate to a curator of the work (free of charge).

How to make an organizal exercise?

If the participation is individual: orgivsos 200 rubles.

If group participation: 400 rubles orgivsos (send to email Two individual certificates).

If a collective group participation (a group of children's garden children, or a whole elementary school class): Certificate of 200 rubles (the participant's certificate is sent to email indicating the name of the group (class) and institutions).

The curator also receives a certificate (free), which confirms the placement of materials in the Internet magazine "Planet Childhood". For one competitive work, we send one electronic certificate of the work curator (free of charge).

Payment method 1.

Through Robokass (by pressing the "Pay" button).

You can do it right now by clicking on the button and following the instructions. You will be offered to choose any way convenient for you (removing money from the phone, any bank card or electronic money).

If you paid in this way, we just need to know only your electronic addressto see the payment. Those. No receipt or a copy of the check you do not need to be sent, just specify in the letter the date of payment and the payment method (through Robokass).

To pay this way, click on the button and follow the instructions:

Make HD 200 rubles

Make HDI 400 rubles

Note: Pay attention to the correctness of the data you specified when paying through the "Pay" button, namely: last name, name and necessarily email address. The address of the specified mail must match the email address with which you plan to send material.

Payment method 2.

You can pay through the replenishment of the electronic wallet in the WebMoney system.

To do this, you can see in Yandex, where you can replenish the electronic wallet in your city. To this end, enter the phrase in Yandex to search "where to replenish the webmoney e-wallet in ... (specify your city)."

Also, the electronic wallet is replenished in many compartments of mail, in mobile stores and many banks (must be clarified). You can also replenish through the terminal (there, where you replenish your account on the phone). Most often replenished through the terminal.

Details for replenishment:

Wallet number: R176963765215

If you paid in the second way, send a scanner (or photo) check in the letter with the material.

For residents of Ukraine

Payment for one certificate 50 UAH. Translation of funds to the Card Privat Bank.

Map number: 5168 7572 8277 1387

Organization for one child or group (class) (send one certificate) - 50 UAH.

Organization for two children (send two certificates) - 100 UAH.

What should be sent to participate?

  • Material for participation in the competition
  • Information about the participant (participants) and curator
  • Information on organizal knowledge

1. Material for participation.

  • 5 photos (if necessary, maximum 8) step-by-step work from any girlfriend
    Pay attention to the quality of photos.
  • Description for photo (in arbitrary form)
    In the description, be sure to specify the material required to perform work, and step-by-step instruction (short story) About each stage of performance.

For example, a photo may look like this:

2. Information about the participant (participants) and curator

If the individual is part of: the name of the child, the name of the group (class), the name of the kindergarten (school), the city, the region (region), the country, the full curator and his position.

If two children are involved: the name of each child's name, the name of the group (class), the name of the kindergarten (schools), the city, the area (region), the country, the full curator and his position.

If the collective participation (a group of children's garden children, or a whole elementary school class): the name of the group (class), the name of the kindergarten (school), the city, the area (edge), the country, the full curator and his position.

3. Organizing information:

The letter must have information on the Organization:

  • let you know how you contributed to the Organization;
  • check scanner (or photo); If you paid through Robokass - check scanner is not needed, just write that they paid through Robokass (specifying the date and sum).

Who wins?

Top works Determines the jury, which will include experts of the "Planets of Childhood". These works will take 1, 2 and 3 places.

Criteria for assessing works:

1. Compliance of the content of the work of the competition.

2. Original idea.

3. Clearness and accuracy of execution.

4. Accessibility of work to perform in pedagogical activity.

5. The possibility of solving comprehensive tasks in the process of performing work with children. Possibility to integration.

Work, received the greatest number recommendations in Google, will receive the title " Choice of readers" When counting votes, the number of recommendations in the Google + network is taken into account (on the site under your article, the visitor must recommend your article by clicking the "G +" button).

The result is summing after 12/31/14.

Winners will be awarded diplomas winners and sets for creativity from "".

All participants receive a certificate!

All materials and questions send at:

[Email Protected]website

Wish victory !!!