What does the color of urine indicate? Reasons for discoloration of urine. The color of your urine will tell you all about health problems. Probable causes of urinary retention in women

In ancient times, doctors who did not have the ability modern medicine used to determine the patient's condition the most simple methods... One of them was diagnostics based on the state of urine. By outward appearance and some of the characteristics of the latter, the doctor could determine diabetes mellitus (it was called so - "sweet urine disease") or kidney pathology. In Tibetan medicine, which even today relies on the most ancient traditions, organoleptic urinodiagnostics is still developed: doctors can accurately determine diseases by the appearance of urine. Needless to say, common laboratory analysis urine gives incomparable more information about the state of our body than the listed procedures for making a diagnosis.

Indicators of the general analysis of urine

Urine (urine) is formed in the kidneys, accumulates in bladder, and then excreted from the body along with the end products of metabolism. The formation of urine in the kidneys is a complex process, which is actually a filtration: the blood passing through the kidneys is freed from "toxins", which are later removed from the body along with unnecessary fluid. The amount of urine excreted per day can reach 1500-1800 ml, but this figure largely depends on how much a person drinks.

The kidneys are one of the most actively working human organs. The entire blood volume of the body completely passes through the kidneys in 5-10 minutes. Scientists have calculated that this organ processes up to 1,500 liters of blood per day.

Urine consists of water (approximately 97%), salts, protein breakdown products, urea, various acids, etc. We will dwell on its composition in more detail below.

By the indicators of urine, which are established during the analysis, one can judge the work of the kidneys, endocrine system and urinary tract.

Urine analysis is carried out according to several indicators, the main ones of which are:

Organoleptic characteristics

Volume urine is not always measured: when routine analysis only those cases are noted when very little urine is provided. If it becomes necessary to measure the volume of urine output, the doctor gives special instructions(for example, all urine is collected in a day).

Color urine normal can be from light yellow to saturated. The presence of other shades (red, brown), as well as the absence of color, can indicate various pathologies. However, it is important to remember that the color of urine is influenced by the intake of a number of medications, as well as the food consumed: beets give urine a red tint, and rhubarb - greenish. Therefore, color change does not always speak only of pathology.

Smell urine should not normally be harsh. Its change most often indicates an infection. A sweetish smell may indicate development diabetes mellitus, the smell of ammonia - about the presence of stones in the bladder.

Transparency urine is also an important parameter. Normally, it should remain transparent even after several hours. Slight turbidity can occur due to the presence of epithelial cells or mucus in the urine, which is also the norm. Sediment occurs if urine has been stored for a long time in a container, but in most cases cloudy urine indicates the presence of blood cells, bacteria or salts in it, which is the basis for further examinations.

Frothiness urine also indicates a change in its composition. Normally, a little foam is formed on the surface, however, an increased protein content affects this parameter.

physical and chemical indicators

Density urine (specific gravity) is determined by the amount of salts and urea in it. Density is influenced by many factors, including gender (in men, this figure is usually higher) or even temperature. environment... All these points are taken into account in the analysis.

Acidity urine is its reaction: acidic or alkaline (what is called pH). In medicine, the acidity of various biological fluids (blood, gastric juice, saliva) is often determined, since this indicator allows one to judge the correctness of the body's work. Normal urine pH is 5-6, that is, its reaction is acidic. The pH is influenced not only by pathologies, but, for example, the nature of the diet: the presence in the diet a large number meat "acidifies" urine, but dairy products shift the pH to the alkaline "side". Increased physical activity also changes the acidity of the urine. But there are also pathological conditions that change the pH.

Biochemical parameters

Fine squirrel there is no urine or very little of it. The loss of protein in the urine may increase, for example, after an extremely high physical activity, but similar state typical mainly for professional athletes. Increased urinary protein in ordinary people may indicate either kidney pathology, or, for example, a tumor process.

Increased content in urine Sahara , as we have already mentioned, usually indicates the development of diabetes mellitus. However, other pathologies are also possible: hyperthyroidism, adrenal tumor, stroke, meningitis, and concussion.

Increased content bilirubin - one of the bile pigments - can be determined already by a change in the color of urine: usually bilirubin stains it dark yellow or Brown color... It appears in the urine when different forms jaundice.

Ketone bodies - These are organic compounds that are intermediate products of metabolism. If their content in urine or blood rises, this indicates a metabolic disorder, especially carbohydrate and fat. However, factors such as overload or starvation can affect the content of ketone bodies, therefore, when analyzing urine, these points must also be taken into account.

Microscopic indicators

During this stage of urine analysis, sediment is determined: organic (formed by blood cells, epithelial cells and others) or inorganic (it contains salts). With more detailed analysis sediment can be isolated:

  • Blood cells in urine ... The presence of blood can be detected by discoloration or detected by microscopy. Normally, the urine may contain single blood cells. The presence of their greater number indicates either kidney disease or urinary tract damage. Leukocytes in urine appear, in particular, with inflammation, but they can also be a sign of kidney tuberculosis, bladder tumor, etc.
  • Cylinders ... This is a generic name for a protein that coagulates in the lumen of the renal tubule (that is, where urine is filtered). Depending on the composition, the casts can be hyaline (consisting only of protein, the only type of cylinders that can be normal in very small quantities), granular (contain, in addition to protein, epithelial cells of the tubules), waxy (modified hyaline or granular casts) , erythrocyte, leukocyte, pigmented and others. At alkaline reaction urine cylinders in it, as a rule, are not found, as they quickly dissolve in the bases. The absence of cylinders in this case is not indicative and may not correspond to the true state of the organism.
  • Bacteria ... They appear in the urine in the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system.
  • Fungi in urine are not contained in the norm. They can appear as a manifestation of immunodeficiency, with irrational antibiotic treatment, and in women - with increased content fungi in the vagina.
  • Content salts in urine can be increased both in the case of diseases of the organs of the urinary system, and with an irrational diet. In each case, the doctor makes appropriate recommendations.

The norm of indicators of the general analysis of urine of an adult

For clarity, we present a table with the main indicators for adult men and women (indicators for children differ from those given). However, it should be recalled that these numbers are indicated for informational purposes, and the doctor must decipher the result.

How to get tested?

Urine indicators often depend on how correctly the analysis is collected. In order for the data not to be distorted and to give the doctor an accurate idea of ​​the patient's condition, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • If the doctor does not specifically stipulate this, the morning portion of urine is provided for analysis: it is usually the most concentrated. It is advisable to bring the urine to the laboratory within an hour after collection: when long-term storage cells can begin to disintegrate in it.
  • Before collecting urine, perform a thorough toilet of the genitals.
  • It is better to collect the analysis in special container(usually a plastic container) that can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  • It is better not to collect the first portion of urine during urination: epithelial cells from the urinary tract can get into the container. To collect the analysis, the urination process is divided into two stages: the analysis is collected during the second. When collecting dishes, do not touch the skin.
  • It is advisable to collect 100–150 ml (or 2/3 of the container).
  • It is not recommended to take medications, including vitamins, before the analysis. If you cannot skip an appointment, you must inform your doctor about it. The same applies to alcohol - it is better not to drink it before the analysis. It is recommended to keep the drinking regime unchanged.
  • It is not recommended to have sex on the eve of the analysis.

Can also be collected special analyzes urine: for example, a test according to Nechiporenko, a test of Zimnitsky, Amburzhe, etc. In this case, it is necessary to check with the doctor about the specifics of the collection and the drinking regime.

Deciphering the indicators of urine analysis in adults

Let's dwell a little more on the most serious pathologies, which can be suspected based on the transcript of the urine test.

Discoloration of urine, as a rule, indicates serious illnesses... So, the presence of blood in it may indicate bladder cancer, the absence of color indicates diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus, and dark urine- about liver diseases.

A strong odor in urine, especially when combined with protein, blood, and pus, may indicate bladder cancer.

The appearance of blood cells in the urine will lead the doctor to think about kidney pathology. These can be stones (an increase in the number of red blood cells) or inflammation (an increase in the white blood cell count). The presence of red blood cells can also indicate bleeding.

But if the salt content in the urine is increased, the doctor may ask you to retake the analysis. The fact is that this indicator quite sensitive, including to food and drinking regimes. Only if the increase in salts is constantly observed, the patient will be referred for additional examination.

So, urinalysis is a simple examination, which, even if all the rules are followed, does not take patients much time. At the same time, the study is quite indicative: deviations from the norm allow the doctor to diagnose a number of diseases, including those that are life-threatening.

Urine is a metabolic product formed in the kidneys as a result of filtration of the liquid part of the blood, as well as the processes of reabsorption and secretion of various analytes. It consists of 96% of water, the remaining 4% are dissolved in it nitrogenous metabolic products of proteins (urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc.), mineral salts and other substances.

General analysis urine in children and adults includes an assessment of the physicochemical characteristics of urine and sediment microscopy. This study allows you to assess the function of the kidneys and other internal organs, as well as to identify the inflammatory process in the urinary tract

Physicochemical studies of urine include an assessment of the following indicators:

  • color;
  • transparency of urine;
  • specific gravity (relative density);
  • protein concentration;
  • glucose concentration;
  • the concentration of bilirubin;
  • urobilinogen concentration;
  • concentration of ketone bodies;
  • concentration of nitrites;
  • concentration of hemoglobin.

Microscopy of urinary sediment includes the assessment of the following items:

Grade physical properties urine, such as odor, color, turbidity, is carried out by the organoleptic method. The specific gravity of urine is measured using a urometer, refractometer or assessed by "dry chemistry" methods (test strips) - visually or on automatic urine analyzers.

Urine color

An adult has urine yellow color... Its shade can range from light (almost colorless) to amber. The saturation of the yellow color of urine depends on the concentration of substances dissolved in it. With polyuria, urine has a lighter color; with a decrease in urine output, it acquires a rich yellow tint. The color changes when taking medications (salicylates, etc.) or taking some food products(beets, blueberries).

Pathologically changed color of urine occurs when:

  • hematuria - a type of "meat slop";
  • bilirubinemia (beer color);
  • hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria (black color);
  • leukocyturia (lactic White color).

Clarity of urine

Normally, freshly collected urine is completely clear. Turbidity of urine is due to the presence in it of a large number of cell formations, salts, mucus, bacteria, fat.

Urine smell

Normally, the smell of urine is not sharp. When urine is decomposed by bacteria in the air or inside the bladder, for example in the case of cystitis, an ammonia odor appears. When urine that contains protein, blood, or pus decays, such as in bladder cancer, the urine smells like rotten meat. In the presence of ketone bodies in the urine, the urine has a fruity odor, reminiscent of the smell of rotting apples.

Urine reaction

The kidneys excrete "unnecessary" from the body and delay necessary substances to ensure the exchange of water, electrolytes, glucose, amino acids and maintain acid-base balance. The reaction of urine - pH - largely determines the efficiency and peculiarity of these mechanisms. Normal urine reaction is weakly acidic (pH 5.0-7.0). It depends on many factors: age, diet, body temperature, physical activity, kidney condition, etc. The lowest pH values ​​are in the morning on an empty stomach, the highest after meals. When eating predominantly meat food, the reaction is more acidic, when eating vegetable food, it is alkaline. With prolonged standing, urine decomposes, ammonia is released and the pH shifts to the alkaline side.

An alkaline urine reaction is characteristic of chronic infection urinary tract, also noted with diarrhea and vomiting.

The acidity of urine increases with febrile conditions, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis of the kidneys or bladder, renal failure.

Specific gravity (relative density) of urine

Relative density reflects the functional ability of the kidneys to concentrate and dilute urine. Normal functioning kidneys are characterized by wide fluctuations specific gravity urine during the day, which is associated with periodic intake of food, water and loss of fluid by the body. Kidneys in different conditions can pass urine with relative density 1.001 to 1.040 g / ml.


  • hypostenuria (fluctuations in the specific gravity of urine less than 1.010 g / ml);
  • isostenuria (the appearance of a monotonous nature of the specific gravity of urine corresponding to that primary urine(1.010 g / ml);
  • hypersthenuria ( high values specific gravity).

The maximum upper limit of the specific gravity of urine in healthy people is 1.028 g / ml, in children - 1.025 g / ml. The minimum lower limit for the specific gravity of urine is 1.003-1.004 g / ml.

For rate chemical composition urine tests, as a rule, are currently used diagnostic test strips (method of "dry chemistry") produced by by different manufacturers. Chemical methods used in test strips are based on color reactions that change the color of the test area of ​​the strip at different concentrations of the analyte. Color change is determined visually or by reflective photometry using semi-automatic or fully automated urine analyzers, the results are assessed qualitatively or semi-quantitatively. If a pathological result is found, the study can be repeated using chemical methods.


Protein is normally absent in urine or is present in concentration that cannot be detected by conventional methods (traces). There are several types of proteinuria (the appearance of protein in the urine):

  • physiological (orthostatic, after increased physical activity, hypothermia);
  • glomerular (glomerulonephritis, the action of infectious and allergic factors, hypertension, cardiac decompensation);
  • tubular (amyloidosis, acute tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis, Fanconi syndrome).
  • prerenal (multiple myeloma, muscle necrosis, erythrocyte hemolysis);
  • postrenal (with cystitis, urethritis, colpitis).


Normally, there is no glucose in the urine. The appearance of glucose in urine can have several reasons:

  • physiological (stress, reception increased number carbohydrates);
  • extrarenal (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, diffuse liver damage, pancreatic cancer, hyperthyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, traumatic brain injury, strokes);
  • renal (renal diabetes, chronic nephritis, acute renal failure, pregnancy, phosphorus poisoning, some drugs).


Bilirubin is normally absent in urine. Bilirubinuria is detected in parenchymal lesions of the liver (hepatitis), obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis, cholestasis, as a result of the action of toxic substances.


Normal urine contains low concentration (traces) of urobilinogen. Its level rises sharply with hemolytic jaundice, as well as with toxic and inflammatory lesions of the liver, intestinal diseases(enteritis, constipation).

Ketone bodies

Ketone bodies include acetone, acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids. An increase in the excretion of ketones in the urine (ketonuria) appears when there is a violation of carbohydrate, lipid or protein metabolism.


There are no nitrites in normal urine. In urine, they are formed from foodborne nitrates under the influence of bacteria if the urine has been in the bladder for at least 4 hours. Detection of nitrite in properly stored urine samples indicates an infection of the urinary tract.


Normally, it is absent in urine. Hemoglobinuria - the result of intravascular hemolysis of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin - is characterized by the release of red or dark brown urine, dysuria, and often back pain. With hemoglobinuria, erythrocytes are absent in the urine sediment.

Microscopy of urine sediment

Urine sediment is divided into organized (elements of organic origin - erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells, cylinders, etc.) and unorganized (crystals and amorphous salts).

Research methods

The study is carried out visually in a native preparation using a microscope. In addition to visual microscopic examination, research using automatic and semi-automatic analyzers is used.


During the day, 2 million erythrocytes are excreted in the urine, which in the study of urine sediment is normally 0-3 erythrocytes in the field of view for women and 0-1 erythrocytes in the field of view for men. Hematuria is an increase in red blood cells in the urine above the indicated values. Allocate macrohematuria (the color of urine is changed) and microhematuria (the color of the urine is not changed, erythrocytes are detected only by microscopy).

In the urinary sediment, erythrocytes can be unchanged (containing hemoglobin) and altered (devoid of hemoglobin, leached). Fresh, unchanged erythrocytes are characteristic of urinary tract lesions (cystitis, urethritis, stone passage).

The appearance of leached erythrocytes in the urine is of great diagnostic value, because they are most often renal in origin and occur in glomerulonephritis, tuberculosis, and other kidney diseases. To determine the source of hematuria, a three-glass test is used. When bleeding from the urethra, hematuria is greatest in the first portion (unchanged red blood cells), from the bladder - in the last portion (unchanged red blood cells). With other sources of bleeding, red blood cells are distributed evenly in all three portions (leached red blood cells).


Leukocytes in urine healthy person contained in small amount... The norm for men is 0-3, for women and children 0-6 leukocytes in the field of view.

An increase in the number of leukocytes in urine (leukocyturia, pyuria) in combination with bacteriuria and the presence of clinical symptoms indicates inflammation of an infectious nature in the kidneys or urinary tract.

Epithelial cells

Epithelial cells are almost always found in the urinary sediment. Normally, in the analysis of urine, no more than 10 epithelial cells in the field of view.

Epithelial cells are of various origins:

  • squamous epithelial cells enter the urine from the vagina, urethra, their presence is special diagnostic value does not have;
  • cells of the transitional epithelium line the mucous membrane of the bladder, ureters, pelvis, large ducts of the prostate gland. The appearance in the urine of a large number of cells of such epithelium can be observed with urolithiasis, neoplasms of the urinary tract and inflammation of the bladder, ureters, pelvis, large ducts of the prostate gland;
  • cells renal epithelium are detected with damage to the renal parenchyma, intoxication, febrile, infectious diseases, circulatory disorders.


A cylinder is a protein coagulated in the lumen of the renal tubules and includes any contents of the lumen of the tubules in its matrix. The cylinders take the form of the tubules themselves (cylindrical cast). Normally, there are no cylinders in a urine sample taken for general analysis. The appearance of casts (cylindruria) is a symptom of kidney damage.

There are cylinders:

  • hyaline (with overlapping erythrocytes, leukocytes, renal epithelial cells, amorphous granular masses);
  • grainy;
  • waxy;
  • pigmented;
  • epithelial;
  • erythrocyte;
  • leukocyte;
  • fatty.

Fugitive sludge

The main component of unorganized urine sediment is salts in the form of crystals or amorphous masses. The nature of the salts depends on the pH of the urine and other properties of the urine. For example, with an acidic reaction of urine, uric acid, urates, oxalates are found, with an alkaline reaction of urine - calcium, phosphates, uric ammonium. The unorganized sediment has no special diagnostic value; indirectly, one can judge the patient's tendency to urolithiasis. In a number of pathological conditions, crystals of amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, bilirubin, hematoidin, hemosiderin, etc. may appear in the urine.

The appearance of leucine and tyrosine in the urine indicates a pronounced metabolic disorder, phosphorus poisoning, destructive liver disease, pernicious anemia, and leukemia.

Cystine is a congenital disorder of cystine metabolism - cystinosis, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, hepatic coma, Wilson's disease (congenital copper metabolism defect).

Xanthine - Xanthinuria is caused by the absence of xanthine oxidase.


Normally, the urine in the bladder is sterile. When urinating, germs from the lower urethra enter it.

The appearance of bacteria and leukocytes in the general analysis of urine against the background of symptoms (dysuria or fever) indicates a clinically manifested urinary infection.

The presence of bacteria in the urine (even in combination with leukocytes) in the absence of complaints is regarded as asymptomatic bacteriuria. Asymptomatic bacteriuria increases the risk of infection urinary tract especially during pregnancy.

Yeast mushrooms

The detection of fungi of the genus Candida indicates candidiasis, which occurs most often as a result of irrational antibiotic therapy, the use of immunosuppressants, cytostatics.

In the urine sediment, eggs of the blood schistosome (Schistosoma hematobium), elements of the echinococcal bladder (hooks, scolexes, brood capsules, scraps of the bladder membrane), migrating larvae of intestinal acne (strongylids), washed off by urine from the perineum of the oncosphere tenidobius ) and pathogenic protozoa - Trichomonas (Trichomonas urogenitalis), amoeba (Entamoeba histolitika - vegetative forms).

Sample collection and storage conditions

For a general analysis, a morning urine sample is collected. The collection of urine is carried out after a thorough toilet of the external genital organs without the use of antiseptics. For the study, freshly collected urine is used, which was stored for no more than four hours before analysis. Samples are stable at 2–8 ° С for no more than 2 days. The use of preservatives is undesirable. Before testing, the urine is thoroughly mixed.

External signs are a signal that the body gives. The color of urine, which is formed as a result of blood filtration, is a sign of a person's condition. It is not difficult to determine the disease by urine, having basic knowledge... In a healthy person, urine is transparent yellow, sometimes deep yellow. Indicators depend on the concentration of urine. If it is transparent yellow, it means that you have drunk a lot of liquid. If it is deep yellow, it means that there is not too much water in the body. How to determine the disease by visual sign?

Pathological causes of urine color in kidney disease

Every day, at the norm, a person should excrete from 800 ml to 1.5 liters when urinating. The reasons for the abnormal color of the natural fluid are those components that should not be in the urine (erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, etc.). In the presence of such components, it can be revealed that occurring in the body pathological processes which it is important to pay close attention to. Urine color is an important guideline for diagnosing a disease. The rate often varies with kidney disease.

But not only serious disorders in the body - the reasons for the color:

  • Some vitamins, after which and.
  • Carrots always paint bright orange.
  • Medicines contain dyes that affect the color of the urine.
  • Age is also considered to be a factor in color variation.
  • With physical exertion in adults after 50 years of age, blood particles can enter the urine, staining the urine reddish.

Light urine

It is believed that light urine means that the body is healthy. But too light urine is also found in diseases - diabetes mellitus, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis. During pregnancy, urine takes on a light transparent color. Different kind vitamin leads to the fact that the body cannot digest useful elements... As a result, such elements in urine change color to sandy. The biofluid, yellow with a sandy color, is a consequence of the disease, it happens when stones and sand are formed.

What the bright color says: neon yellow, yellow

Neon color indicates taking vitamins to improve health, or taking medications. The danger is that an excess of vitamin substances leads to a disease called hypervitaminosis. Drugs such as nitrofurans (used for inflammatory processes human body) is able to turn the urine bright yellow. Everyday use of a different caking product ( carrot juice, asparagus) increase the amount of bright yellow pigment.

Dark color: golden or dark yellow

Dark urine indicates health hazards. But don't be in a hurry to worry. The dark varieties range from dark brown, brown to golden. First, determine what color of urine you have. To do this, make sure there is sufficient lighting for correct conclusion... It is important to check that there are no dye residues on the toilet. The spectrum of causes of color change is wide - from harmless to life-threatening.

If the dark color of urine has appeared recently, remember what food you ate in Lately... Blackberries, foods with dyes, rhubarb, and liquorice candy can cause temporary color in your urine. If you accept medications(hypnotic, laxative, medical dyes for diagnostics), the effect of changing the tone of the biofluid occurs. Very dark color possible with kidney disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, bleeding). It is advisable to immediately go to the urologist to determine the definition of the true cause. To do this, you will undergo a urinalysis.

Dark or dark yellow urine

Speaks about kidney disease and these types of problems:

  • Dehydration. At frequent vomiting or diarrhea, low water intake, the biofluid is concentrated in nitrogen slags, which gives it a dark yellow color.
  • Excessive use of food or drug additives.
  • The first symptoms of illness and disorder. Liver infections, anemia, jaundice, hepatitis change the breakdown of red blood cells, which stains the urine in an unusual color.

Urine is considered an indicator of human health, therefore, at the slightest change in its external characteristics, one can suspect any violations or inflammatory processes in organism. One of these signs is colorless urine.

Colorless urine - what does it mean

Urine acquires a certain color due to the pigments contained in it, and the urine of adults is colored more dark color rather than a nursery. Normally, in healthy people, urine has a light yellow tint. If the urine becomes discolored and looks like water, then this may be the result of both completely harmless and pathological factors.

The color of the urine is of great importance. According to this indicator, experts judge general condition urine, detect various renal pathologies, determine the presence of certain elements. But for newborn babies colorless urine considered normal.


The main reason for colorless urine is considered to be the consumption of a large amount of liquid or products containing it in a sufficiently large amount. It's just that the body functions in an increased mode in order to remove large volumes of water. The urine simply does not have time to get saturated with pigment substances, that is, urobilin, which leads to its clarification, up to discoloration. When the drinking regime is normalized, the color of the urine becomes normal, that is, light yellow.

If urine remains like water enough long time, then against the background of such a factor, active leaching of useful microelements and salts from the body can occur. If you have reduced your fluid intake, and urine continues to discolor, then you need to undergo a urological examination to identify the cause of such a violation.


Foods containing a lot of liquid can cause discoloration of urine. These include:

  • Watermelons;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Coffee;
  • Tea, etc.

V similar case, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to exclude these products from the diet, then the frequency of urination will decrease, and urine will become standard yellowish... That is, for the treatment, a small correction of the diet is enough for everything to return to normal.


If the diet and drinking regime can be considered completely harmless factors of why there is colorless urine, then the diseases that cause such deviations cannot be attributed to safe reasons.

Most often, urine becomes watery when pathological conditions like:

  • Neglected renal pathologies;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hepatitis and other hepatic pathologies;
  • Pathological processes in the urinary tract.

To identify pathological factor causing discoloration of urine, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination and the necessary laboratory diagnostics.

In children

In infants, in the first few days after birth, while the genitourinary system is finally formed, the urine is also colorless, which is considered normal. But in older children, urine discoloration is preceded by certain reasons... Medicines can change the shade of urine in a child, the so-called. aquatic products such as watermelons or cucumbers, excessive water intake, and pathological conditions.

With growth and age-related changes child's body, Without pathological causes discoloration, urine soon takes on normal shades. Among the pathological reasons as indicated by colorless urine are diabetes and kidney disease. In this case, the urine will look like regular water.

Among women

In women, the reason why urine has become almost colorless can be not only kidney failure, a lack of pigment substance. Also the reason similar deviation pregnancy may become. Color changes in urine in women in position occur due to hormonal changes.

Also, toxicosis often becomes the cause of colorless urine during pregnancy, since a woman, due to dehydration, begins to consume large volumes of fluid. But when the condition returns to normal, the shade of urine takes on a traditional shade.

Given that women more often than men suffer from diabetes, during which there is a tendency to excessively high intake of liquids, then one of the common reasons discoloration of urine in women is precisely this pathology.

In men

The male population has its own reasons for urine discoloration:

  • Diabetes, forcing patients to drink more fluids
  • Semen entering the urethra. With a similar factor, after a few hours, an independent normalization of urine occurs.

If, after a few days, the shade of urine in an adult does not return to normal and it remains like water, then other reasons should be sought. To do this, it is better to contact a doctor leading urological practice.

In the elderly

In older people, urine normally has more and even with abundant drinking regimen it has a slightly yellowish tint. The most dangerous cause clarification of urine is renal failure, which requires mandatory, qualified therapy.

Dangerous combinations

So, colorless urine does not always indicate the presence of pathology. But if the urine continues to discolor for quite a long time and does not depend on the drinking regimen, then it is necessary to contact a specialist, since diabetes can be the cause of such clarification, while urine acquires a sweetish odor.

You should also be wary if the urine excreted in the morning becomes discolored. A similar sign means the fact that the kidneys have lost their concentration ability. That is, in fact, the patient may develop kidney failure. If there are frequent discoloration of the morning portions of urine, which has a sweetish smell, then there is a high probability of diabetes or organ failure.

Reason for seeing a doctor

As already mentioned, the reason for obtaining a urological consultation is long-term discoloration of the urine. Before you run to the hospital, you need to really assess the physiological aspects that explain the discolored urine.

Our urine is a kind of health indicator that is able to reflect the attack of external and internal changes. You also need to undergo regular medical examinations. Most patients at first do not pay attention to the urine darkening syndrome, and they go to the hospital in the most neglected state. This is not serious, because the easiest way is to remove the problem from the inside and at the very beginning of the pathology.

Human urine is an important and useful diagnostic tool in medicine. Its color, density and smell will tell you a lot about your health. Do the analysis without spending a penny. It can also help pinpoint urinary tract infections and kidney disease.

Visual examination of a patient's urine has been used by doctors for a very long time. Before the beginning of our era, the Greeks understood the full value of this analysis. And European doctors began to regularly carry out this diagnosis in the Middle Ages.

In this article, we will find out the answers to questions about which normal color urine in a healthy person, and what are the deviations from the norm.

What is urine?

Urine is, with medical point vision, a by-product that contains substances that are unnecessary for the body. It is secreted by the kidneys and, during urination, is excreted from the body through the urethra. In other words, urine is a type of human waste.

Consistency, smell, and color are often indicators of your lifestyle and health status. Each of these signs can vary depending on what you ate or drank, or what disease you have (all of which affect the color of a healthy person's urine).

Urine contains more chemical substances than saliva or cerebrospinal fluid. Thanks to this, during its analysis, it is possible to reveal countless informational details: the state of the kidneys, liver, stomach and pancreas, urethra, as well as the degree of exposure to harmful microorganisms. With this knowledge, doctors are one step closer to catching potentially catastrophic health complications before the disease becomes chronic.

Characteristics of "healthy urine"

A urine sample with no evidence of any disease has several characteristics:

Yellow color;

Smell: absent;

PH ranges from 4.8 to 7.5;

Absence of ketones, hemoglobin (from blood), bilirubin (from liver bile) or its oxidized products (biliverdin);

Lack of white blood cells or nitrites.

What color is the urine of a healthy person?

Urine gets it from a pigment called urochrome. This shade usually ranges from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on concentration.

Beets, blackberries, rhubarb, horse beans and other berries are the main foods that influence the color of human urine. A overuse carrots will lead to the formation orange tint... While taking some oral medical supplies healthy person's urine may turn green or blue. Often vitamin preparations make it brighter. And a disease called porphyria can turn urine red.

But sometimes the color change becomes a marker of the appearance various diseases... We will carefully consider the main "unhealthy" shades of urine, as well as find out what are the causes of their occurrence.


When a large amount of liquid is taken, the normal color of a healthy person's urine becomes almost colorless. Excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee drinks and green tea also causes discoloration.

Clear urine is a byproduct of diabetes. This disease occurs when the body produces an insufficient amount insulin, while glucose levels begin to rise, and excess sugar is excreted in the urine. A complete blood count will also confirm abnormal glucose levels.

A colorless shade can also indicate the occurrence of such rare disease, how diabetes insipidus, which affects the disruption of the production of regulating fluid retention in the kidneys. People with these disabilities often develop extreme dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.


This shade indicates not only that you need to consume more fluid during the day, but also the development of serious diseases.

Sometimes the color of the urine of a healthy person (density and concentration is assessed separately) turns orange due to the presence of bilirubin. If its level is abnormally high, this indicates an obstruction of the bile streams in the liver, liver disease, or an increased rate of destruction of red blood cells, which is associated with the appearance of jaundice. Shaking the urine will help determine what pigment is in it: bilirubin forms a yellow foam.

An orange color with a pink tint appears due to the crystallization of uric acid, as well as due to the occurrence of acute and chronic nephropathy, kidney stones.

Fever or sweating results in dark urine.

Many medications, such as dehydrators and antibiotics, turn the shade into a bright tangerine. This is facilitated by the excessive consumption of carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, due to the high content of carotene in products.

Vitamin C and riboflavin have the same effect.


When the color of the urine of a healthy person acquires this indicates the presence of red blood cells, hemoglobin and myoglobin in it (appears from the breakdown of muscle cells).

Hemoglobin can indicate the appearance of a disease such as Nutcracker syndrome, which leads to constriction of veins in the kidneys, destruction of blood cells, accompanied by severe anemia.

Injuries resulting from increased training, where muscle damage is severe, create elevated levels of myoglobin in the urine.

A red tint may appear due to the use of drugs with phenolphthalein. Rhubarb, beets and blackberries create the same effect.

Red urine is also a symptom of mercury poisoning. Porphyria disease and taking medications such as warfarin, ibuprofen, rifampicin, etc., give a reddish tint.


The color of the urine of a healthy person (the norm is described above) acquires pink tint with excessive consumption of sleeping pills and alcoholic beverages.

Adding large amounts of beets, blackberries, or other dark red foods to your food will also result in a pink color.

Peculiar urine odor, pink color, chills, and pain in the lower abdomen and back indicate a urinary tract infection.


This rare shade is often the result of the body's reaction to drugs such as Viagra and methylene.

People with blue diaper syndrome have an impaired ability to break down and absorb the amino acid tryptophan, which leads to its massive elimination through urine, staining it blue.

Consuming food with blue dye produces the same effect.


The color of the urine of a healthy person becomes green when Pseudomonas aeruginosa appears in the body. bacterial infection or a urinary tract infection.

The pigment biliverdin, which appears in the urine, is a likely indicator of the appearance of diseases in the liver and kidneys. In order to confirm its presence, you need to shake the urine sample a little, then a green foam appears.

Dietary supplements with chlorophyll also create a dark green color.


A deep purple hue indicates renal failure as well as on high concentration waste in the blood.

This color can be the result of urinary tract infections.

Porphyria disease leads to an abnormal accumulation of porphyrins in the body, which stain urine red and darken to purple on contact with light.

Brown and black

The color of the urine of a healthy person (its photo is presented above) acquires dark brown shade due to the appearance of an excess amount of bilirubin and oxidized red blood cells, which indicates the appearance of functional abnormalities in the liver.

People with cirrhosis, hepatitis, or Wilson's syndrome excrete urine from brown tint... Phenol poisoning has the same effect.

Black urine is not uncommon once received intramuscular injection gland.


Cloudy urine with pungent odor is often a symptom of urinary tract and kidney infections, and may also indicate the appearance of acute glomerulonephritis, infections in the vagina, cervix, or external urethra.

The milky color is also caused by the presence of red blood cells or mucus.

Calcium and Phosphorus, which are found in some medicines stain the urine white. Consuming a lot of milk has the same effect.

Tuberculosis of the urinary tract also contributes to the formation of a white discoloration.

As a result, it should be noted that the color of urine has essential to identify various diseases. However, more information is required to identify the exact problem. Urine color is only part of the puzzle and a good starting point for exploring the human body. And with any change in it, you should contact a specialist.