Professor of signs. Definition of the theme of the class hour. Magic Chair game

"I'm going to visit"

Objectives: talk to children about the behavior of the guest and the owner, about the culture of behavior at the table; About how the gatherings were held in the Russian skeins many years ago.

Tasks: develop aesthetic taste in children, respectful attitude To those surrounding people.

Class hour.

Hostess. Please, guests dear, please!

Master. Merry you and joy!

Hostess. For a long time we wait for you - we will wait for you, the holiday is not starting without you!

Master. We have for everyone there is a place, and a word!

Hostess. We grabbed the fun for you for every taste. To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth, and all - delicious treats.

Master. Are you comfortable, guests are expensive? Is everything visible? Is everything heard? Is there enough space?

One of the guests. Guests, the famous case, had enough space. Didn't the owners close?

Master. In Tonne, not in the offense.

Leading. So guys, we saw how a long time ago it was customary to celebrate guests. The Russian man has always been considered and is considered a friendly and hospitable owner. But all of you now know how the owner should behave and how should the guest behave? And more difficult: to be a good owner or a pleasant guest? Let's try to figure it out today. But first look at the other story.

Master. And, that's you!

Guests. You invited us today to play a new game.

Host (displeased). Okay. Come down. Only:

Do not go through the carpet -

You wipe the hole in it.

Stand from that sofa

And not there will be a pit there.

And do not touch the bed -

Sheet can be interviewed.

And do not touch the toys.

And do not take the book -

You can break them.

And do not stand on the way ...

Ah, no better go to you?

Leading. Guys, make a conclusion, what should be the owner? (Generous and tactful. He should not regret for guests of books, toys, treats).

What will the tactful owner go if the guest is inappropriate to the Tweak of the Vase or will break anything?

And how will he do, if he needs to urgently go somewhere, and the guest is not going to leave?

And another owner should be able to take its guests and treat it correctly.

Hostess. Fewalts in faces, sit in Terem, Svetlitsy, click nuts and ridicule.

Joking dialogs.

FEDUL, that lips poured? - Thomas. What is not going from the forest?

Kaftan burned. - Yes, the Medvedea caught!

You can sew. - So lead here!

Yes, there are no needles. - Yes, he does not go!

Is the hole great? - So go!

One gate remained. - Yes, he does not allow me!

Son, go beyond the water to the river!

Pubjuno hurts!

Son go porridge is!

Well, since the mother tells - you need to go!

Hostess. Hey Girls-laughter,

Sink-like a chastushka!

Sat as soon as

To please the guests.

Wider circle, wider circle. I did not want to dance. And in our yard

Give a circle wider. Stood and shy, squaby frogs,

Not one go to dance, and the harmonica began to play, and I am with barefoot stove,

We are four. I was not kept. Thought girlfriends.

By the village I was walking, I danced in three legs, sits the hedgehog on birch

And Vanya saw - lost his boots, a white shirt,

Under the bush sat and cried: I looked back: on the head - shoe,

Chicken offended. My boots lie. On the leg of a forar.

Balalalachka-beep If there was no water, boy: there is a cart on the mountain,

It knows my business, there were no mugs, tears drip out of the arc.

She is in the vanisa arms if it were not girls, under the mountain there is a cow.

Plays well. Who would sing a chastushki? Wear boots.

Hostess. Guests expensive do not want to eat sweets. Yes, a tale to listen. I have good alum, and jam, and pickles.

Igor. You know, come to me today at 6. I will show you your brand and the designer is new ... I will listen to the tape recorder.

Victor. Okay. I will come.

Author. Hours in 7 Igor had already stopped waiting for a comrade. He poured in a pelvis warm water And I am going to wash your handkerchiefs. At this time, the call sharply and strongly. While Igor wipe soap hands, She walked to the door, someone several times, I did not let go for a long time by pressing the call button.

Victor. Hello! It's me!

Victor. And you have nothing. Suitable. What's this?

Igor. This father was presented. For memory.

Victor. Great done. And masts from a tree, or what?

Victor. How much is? Where did you buy? And what's that? What are the junk in the house all hold?

Victor. You are sausage devil, Igor. And this is a herring, or what? And give a herring. I know how salty love!

Victor. Well, I went. Until. Tomorrow I will come. And I took your pericoor knife: I need to overtake the stick. I will give somehow.

Leading. Guys, what didn't you like the guest behavior? What should be the guest?

The result of the class hour.

Do I need to remove the header if you came to visit, to the theater or to the library?

If you eaten a candy, what will you do with candy?

If you eating a cupcake and blurred with a cream's nose, as you do: Will you put it out with a sleeve, a nasal scarf, a paper napkin or won't wove it, while you don't get a cupcake and do not give the tea?

Who should wash your dishes - Mom or grandmother?

At the table you asked a question, and you have a full mouth. As you do: first you will, then answer; We break the answer with a full mouth; Of course, you need to ship - it's time, and the full mouth does not stuff - these are two?

As you do if you hear that your neighbor at the table looked loudly: you will start to laugh, so that others laugh with you; You will try not to submit that you heard it to not embarrass him.

As you do if you hear that your neighbor at the table looked loudly: you will start to laugh, so that others laugh with you; Have you been trying not to submit that you heard it not to embarrass him?

Invitation to tea party.

Goals and objectives

- to acquaint children with the rules of behavior on a visit; Develop a guest culture.

Preliminary work

Children are preparing games and contests that can be spent on the bottom of birth.

Classroom time

Birthday talk

Teacher. You received an invitation to put a friend's birthday and began to think that you can make a pleasant. After all, the birthday is the most beloved holiday.

We all love birthday.

And, at least, he is worried,

How nice on jam day

Older to become for the whole year!

On this day, all celebrations perpetrator honored: he is surrounded by attention, they say good wordsThe poems and sing songs in his honor.

How do you need to behave not to darken the holiday of the birthday?

Children write down the rules of behavior.

Rules of behavior

1. Do not be late, but come in the last time.

To good guest. be,

Need to be friends with time

And be on the threshold

Without delay, just on time.

2. Bring a gift and give it right.

Teacher. For a birthday, it is customary to give gifts. Everyone knows how nice to receive as a gift exactly what you want when the doning guess your desire.

It happens both in the poem:

The old woman was sent as a gift a coffee pot,

And the poodle is a weak and a copper collar.

Satisfied with the old woman, and the poodle is not happy

And asks to send a gift back.

Why is the poodle not happy with a gift? (Children answer.)

Teacher. Sometimes as a gift is given what you do not need. How do you think it is polite?

The bobbin struggle in vain schitril.

What is this friendship,

When you gave a friend

What don't you need?

Then gifts are good,

When you give from the soul.

How to make the birthday room remember his birthday for a long time? (Come up different contests and entertainment.)

Game "Ship"

Let's choose a birthday boy and we will sing a song "Causta".

Children get up in a circle, in the center - a birthday officer.


How to Tannins Name Day

We baked a loaf.

Here is such an embroidery

Here is such a Nizhina,

Here is such a width,

Here is such a dinner.

Loaf, loaf,

Who do you want, choose.

I love, of course, all

But ... Best of all.

Magic Chair game

The birthday girl sits on the chair, and all children begin to talk good about him. You can sing a song for a birthday room, for example, "let them run awkward" or any other.

Teacher. Come up with your games and contests for the birthday room.


Class hour "We go to visit"

Objectives:talk to children about the behavior of the guest and the owner, about the culture of behavior at the table; About how the gatherings were held in the Russian skeins many years ago.

To teach guests to be a welcoming owner (hostess),

To acquaint with the rules of behavior: teach culture of behavior based on the management of themselves.

To form a welcome ratio, self-awareness, responsibility, discipline.

Develop communicative skills, analytical and creative skills Children.

Rise the skills of cultural behavior at a party.

Form of holding:workshop.

Equipment: Presentation "We are visiting", drawings of children without indication of the name, costumes to the excerpt from the work of the Ca Marshak "Koshkin House", items on the content of the poem of Oster "Harmful Tips", video "Lessons of good manners"

memo " The rules of conduct when meeting the guests invited to the birthday. "
Class hour.

1. Topics and Goals

Teacher.Gently we are guys, let's go to visit. (Slide 1) And you know that at all times it is a good tradition. See how overseas guests visited Rus. (Slide 2)

The task of our class hour: Find out what it means to be a welcoming owner and a brought up guest. (Slide 3)

2. But first of all -DRAWING COMPETITION. (Slide 4) Children, not knowing the authors of the drawings, choose the best. And the independent jury will announce the winner. And here was the guests in the old days. (Slide 5).

3. Practice in the old days

Now let's look at the crowd. Guys from our class prepared a scene "Meeting of guests in the old days"

Hostess. Please, guests dear, please!

Master.Merry you and joy!

Hostess.For a long time we wait for you - we will wait for you, the holiday is not starting without you!

Master.We have for everyone there is a place, and a word!

Hostess. We grabbed the fun for you for every taste. To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth, and all - delicious treats.

Master. Are you comfortable, guests are expensive? Is everything visible? Is everything heard? Is there enough space?

One of the guests. Guests, the famous case, had enough space. Didn't the owners close?

Master. In Tonne, not in the offense.

Teacher: So guys, we saw how a long time ago it was customary to celebrate guests. The Russian man has always been considered and is considered a friendly and hospitable owner. But all of you now know how the owner should behave and how should the guest behave? And more difficult: to be a good owner or a pleasant guest? Let's try to figure it out today. But first look at the other story.

4. Practice on the contrary "Well, the owner"

Master. And, that's you!

Guests.You invited us today to play a new game.

Host (displeased).Okay. Come down. Only:

Do not go through the carpet -

You wipe the hole in it.

Stand from that sofa

And not there will be a pit there.

And do not touch the bed -

Sheet can be interviewed.

And do not touch the toys.

And do not take the book -

You can break them.

And do not stand on the way ...

Ah, no better go to you?

Teacher. Guys, make a conclusion, what should be the owner? (Generous and tactful. He should not regret for guests of books, toys, treats).

What will the tactful owner go if the guest is inappropriate to the Tweak of the Vase or will break anything?

  • And how will he do, if he needs to urgently go somewhere, and the guest is not going to leave?
5. Practice on the contrary "Well. And guests "

Scene "Koshkin House" (slide 6)


My home is always open for everyone!

I have a dining room here

All furniture in it is oak.

This is a chair -

It is sitting on it.

That's the table -

He is eating.


That's the table -

It is sitting on it.


This is a chair -

It is eaten.


You are mistaken, friends,

I did not say that I said.

Why do you need our chairs?

You can sit on them.

Although the furniture is not edible,

Sitting on it is comfortable.


To tell the truth, we are a goat

There are not accustomed at the table,

We love free

Dining in the garden.


And put a pig at the table, -

I put the legs on the table!

Teacher: I hope that none of you do as the heroes of this

6. Practice on the contrary "sometimes"

Teacher. Gregory Oster in his "harmful councils" makes fun of human defects and in a joking form makes each of us look at yourself from the side and think: we are not like and we look like some of the uncompressed heroes of his humorous tips? For example, can we behave visiting? Watch the staging of the passage from " Harmful Soviets"Ostter.

Children show pre-prepared staging. 1 student - Reader; 2 student - shows a pantomime.

If a birthday party

Invited you to yourself

You leave a gift at home -

Come in handy yourself.

Sit try next to the cake.

In conversations do not take:

You are during conversation

Twice you eat sweets.

Choose slices in bed

To swallow faster.

Don't have enough salad with your hands -

A spoon will go to the spoon.

If you suddenly give nuts,

Rash them carefully in his pocket,

But do not hide there jam -

It will be difficult to remove.

Teacher.Most inhabitants of our planet have wonderful custom Go to visit each other. Thanks to these meetings, we have the opportunity to communicate, the ability to relax, we will find out better friend friend. An integral part of such meetings in many nations, including all the peoples of our country, is festive table. Having received an invitation to visit, you know that a treat was preparing for you there. The rules of behavior at the table in narrow circle It is not necessary to observe strictly, but in no case cannot be disturbed when there are many guests at the table.

7. View video phrase

"Lessons of good manners"

8. Rules "Let's deal with"

Let's figure out what the rules still need to apply visiting. (Slide 7)

1 student.Come to visit better minutes 5-10 before the designated time, but not more!

2 student. Try not to be late. Fallen owners are waiting for no more than 15 minutes. (Slide 8)

3 student. The owner helps those who came to undress and invites them to the room.

4 student. You can sit outside the table when the hostess (owner) invites you, and after the ladies are sitting. (Slide 9)

5 student. Try to eat silently without hurrying. Do not thread for the subject you need through the entire table. Ask you to handle it. (Slide 10)

6 student. No matter how disappointed by any dish, a piece that you bit off must be calm. From mouth can only be removed fish bones and fruit bones. (Slide 11)

7 student. It is impolite to choose the best pieces of a common dish. Take the piece that lies closer to you. Do not stign the full mouth or bite big pieces. (Slide 12)

8 student. Elbows - If you put them on the table - will interfere with your neighbors. Do not lean low above the plate. Linen napkin Put your knees. Hands and mouth wipe with paper napkins. (Slide 13)

9 student. When guests come, the door usually opens the owner of the house.

The hostess does not need to go to each call to the hallway (except in cases when they come especially special guest or older parents). (Slide 14)

10 student.Clearing guests, help them sit comfortably. Men must push chairs for ladies. (Slide 15)

11 student. If you are the owners of the house, never finish your dish first. Wait until you finish the guests. Especially if this is the last dish. (Slide 16)

9. Games with guests

Teacher. With children are held games "Who is this?", "Ha ha ha". Tips for cooking simple and delicious dishes For unexpected guests.

1. Who is it?

Take each piece of paper and draw a person's head, animal, birds from above. Bend the sheet so that the drawn is not visible, only the neck tip. And pass the drawing to the neighbor. Each participant has the game new sheet With the image he did not see. All draw top The torso, again "hide" drawing and transmit a neighbor in order to draw limbs on a new resulting sheet.

Now deploy all drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them.

2. Ha ha ha

This is very simple game. The task of players is not to laugh.

All sit or become in a circle, and one of the players pronounces as seriously possible: "Ha!" The next says "Haha!", The third - "ha ha ha!" etc. The one who utters the wrong amount of "ha" or flashes, drops out of the game. The game continues, and those who dropped out, try to do everything to laugh the players remaining in the circle. Who laughed last - won.

10. Summing up (the owner and manners play in the scene good tone: Friendship, attentiveness, warning, generosity, disintegration, tactfulness and lupification)

MASTER: What does it mean to be a friendly owner?

Friend: It means welcome to meet the guest, to help him undress, invite to a personal room, to take a lot, to take something and entertain him.

MASTER: What does it mean to be attentive owner?

Attentiveness:It means to see all of its guests immediately and everyone separately, to find time to talk to everyone a little, but those who are shy or for the first time in the house, to pay more attention, it is not by chance that attentive host always causes the mutual location of guests to her.

MASTER:What does it mean to be a warning owner?

Preventivity:This means you think in advance not only about what you want to treat your friends, but what will take them, and besides the warning owner guess the guest's desire and performs them if possible, without waiting for him to be asked.

MASTER: What does it mean to be a generous owner?

Generosity: It means not to regret for guests of books, brands, toys, treats, as well as time, efforts and efforts spent to take guests well.

MASTER:What does it mean to be a disinterested owner?

Unselfishness: This means not to demand thanks for what you did for the guest, do not complain about the difficulties and care associated with his arrival, do not remind without end, as well, you all arranged, and most importantly, do not count on a response, treat and presents.

MASTER: What does it mean to be a tactful owner?

Tact: This means not to notice the involuntary misses and the guest errors, do not start talking about the topic unpleasant for it, do not arrange such games and entertainment, where the owner will look good, and the guest is irrelevant.

MASTER:And finally, what does it mean to be a brought up owner?

Pupil: It means to be even, polite and, so that it does not happen, not to show guests poor mood and discontent.
Class hour approached the end.

What does this mean to be a welcoming owner?

And the educated guest?

Are you ready to go to visit? Here you have the rules for memory.
Everyone gets a memo.


behavior at a meeting of guests invited for the birthday.
1. Do you need to meet guests.

2. It is impolite to ask what they brought you as a gift.

3. Gifts are not hiding! You need to open boxes or packages, see and thank guests, even if the gift emerged in the soul.

4. Thank not only for the gift, but also for attention.

5. Presented fruits and candy offer guests.


Class hour "We go to visit"

For 5-7 classes

Prepared classroom teacher 6 Class Pirogova E.V.

2010-2011 academic year

Subject. We go to visit.

Objectives: To form knowledge and skills according to the rules of etiquette, to form students understanding the need to fulfill the rules of ethical behavior, to teach children to be hospitable hosts and pleasant guests.

Equipment: Poster with the image of a book for records of etiquette rules, demonstration material with folding samples serving napkins, Memo with the rules of behavior at the table.

The course of the event.

  1. Teacher's introductory word. In our lives among pleasant events and episodes, visitors are very pleasant. No less pleasant occupation - reception guests. Do we know how to visit, be pleasant guests, invite to them, take guests? I hope today each of you will realize that these skills are very important.

Rules You will try to formulate yourself in the course of observation of situations proposed in children's verses. The heroes of the poems will be animals, birds, but maybe in them you will learn yourself or acquaintances.

Wise Filin this evening, it is important to sit on the branches,

I decided to tell at the meeting, how to behave visiting yourself.

Under the empty pine - Filina to listen

Gathered the people of Forest - put the ears.

Everyone went on guests, it's clear to me.

It was nice there, and others are nice?

About the owners and guests we will tell everything without a job.

You remember on the mustache.

  1. 1 situation. In visit, lovely friends (I must tell you),

Walk, no doubt, only by invitation.

If you came unequivocally - for the owners it is strange!

Once did not invite you, then you did not wait at all

Rule. Do not come to visit without invitation.

"Invitation Etiquette."

A. Nice to get an invitation card.

And what should be written in it? (appeal, goal invitation, holiday place, day, time, additional information) From how you invite, the mood of your guests will already depend on.

Workshop. Registration invitation.

B. Questions on the knowledge of the invitation decidification.

You were invited to visit. Your actions. (thank, ask for permission from parents)

Is it possible to invite a birthday by phone? (you can love friends)

Is it possible to visit the guest. (Indecent)

If for some reason you can't accept the invitation, how to do? (Apologize to explain the reason for the failure)

How to invite: a few hours before the holiday or in advance? (In advance)

3. 2 Situation. The fox convene and bruises, fuss,

The beauty around the eye does not reduce the eye:

Pupies to guests to guests ... just suddenly came the raccoon.

And the Liseza is not ready, the guest met Surovo.

Confused, buried and raccoon did not let

Only we melt could: "I waited for you later ..."

Unpleasant and raccoon, and the fox is sad something,

An intelligent guest, although also called, does not come too early.

Rule. Do not come before the designated period.

  1. 3 situation. Invited puppy ducklings, bunny, kitten ..

Guests are long sitting, only piglets are waiting.

Finally, he appeared, sat down at the table, did not apologize.

Well, and behavior! Ashamed of no doubt.

If you have called you, you need not to dig

And B. a certain hour Together to collect everyone.

You, so that your friends do not offend, do not make yourself wait.

Rule. Do not be late for the designated period.

  1. 4 Situation. Once a ram of two choles invited to a cup of tea.

Looking forwards, and the sky suddenly did the dark one suddenly.

A flock of choles, to drink with a ram of tea.

But Baran fadded, did not invite them more.

You must, friends, remember: you need, so that your friends

You didn't take a visit with you if they were not invited.

Rule. Do not bring friends with you if they were not invited.

  1. Teacher. Everyone is trying to go with a gift. And what rules are guided by choosing a gift?

Guests to the bunny came and gifts brought:

Bear - Möday Bank, Yozh - Swabs Bolden Berry,

Squirrel - a pile of delicious cones, a cat - a bunch of gray mice.

Heron is a frog paw, and Fox is a wing of a chicken.

The hare was very sad, because he wanted a cabbage leaf.

Try not to forget that who needs to be given

To make everyone nice. This is the main thing. Clear?

Rule. Choose a gift for the owner, and not for yourself.

  1. Mikhail's bear was very curious.

And visiting the rhino it is from the very threshold to TV

See movies in a hurry, but does not know how to include:

I started pressing the button, I did not touch there, I broke something important!

Rhino accidentally angry, the guest was kicked out for the threshold.

I ask, friends, Note: You call you - go,

But do not turn the devices, buttons do not press them.

If you want to watch the movie, you ask the owner.

Let it turn on everything that is needed -

So have fun together!

Rule. Do not touch the owner's things.

  1. Once, one of the chaps to visit the hedgehog came.

She began to scandal - everyone led to the confusion!

Rabacked the bird. And it is impossible to yield it!

How not ashamed! Do not go like that, friends!

You have no rights to whims and scandal.

If something is not like, - go! Ball!

Rule. Not a scandal and not capricious!

  1. The hare was visiting the mouse, scattered a book everywhere,

Decomposed around the toys, threw all the pillows on the floor

Behind him did not remove and the explosion ran away.

So do not come! Wear something to take -

Permissions ask. Will be allowed - then take,

Children's books look. And play toys,

But remove the place!

Rule. Do not scatter the owner's things.

  1. Many guests gathered at the kitten: hares, licked, hedgehogs, two mouse.

The protein also rushed there. Only with the guests she did not play.

I thought: "Since I came to the kitten, let him postpone other things!

Should he only play with me, only to treat me at the table!

And the remaining let go away - again they will be brought out. "

So sat stubbornly in the corner, did not run with the guests to the table!

And then it was offended by the kitten! Little attention protein got!

Only guys, I will say without a doubt: I do not understand her behavior.

Each owner - everyone needs to understand - should take attention to the guests to give.

Together with everyone to play and laugh! So it is impossible to be offended!

Rule. Do not distract the attention of the owner only.

  1. You have been singing away. Rested, cut down.

Spruce, sang and danced, gathered together.

In conclusion, of course, I will remind you without a rustle:

Do not forget to heartily praise for all the hostess.

For attention and fate, for the hospitable house.

Wish the house of happiness ... and part on that.

Rule. Leaving, thank the owner.

  1. The word of the teacher. Special attention require the rules of behavior at the table. Much you already know. Recall the most important thing.
  • How many minutes before the holiday should you come to visit? (5-10 min.)
  • If you are late, should I explain the reason for late? (Yes).
  • If you were told: "Dear guests, feel at home," it means that you can walk throughout the apartment, go to the kitchen, to the bedroom, etc. (No. It is tactless).
  • For a festive table, you can sit after the invitation of the owners, the owner himself deals guests. Who knows how? (Girl, young man - alternation; you can not displete newlyweds).
  • You were invited to the table, how to sit right? (Straight, unbelievable, lightly leaning on the back of the chair, hands before eating on the knees or armrests, while eating the elbow do not put on the table).
  • Bike: In the old days, to accustom children not to put his elbows on the table, under the hands put books, and if the book fell during meals, then adult children were punished with a sweet.
  • Do you know how to use cutlery correctly? (Knife - in right hand, fork - in the left).
  • How to use bread in food? (Cancel from a slice in small pieces, fingers of the left hand).
  • If you got a hot chop cutlets, you cut them all right, or will you cut off one piece? (One piece).
  • With what devices eat biscuit cakes and pastries? (Spoons).
  • How to use it linen napkin? (Before the food, the napkin is put on his knees, having twice the bend to himself, the lips do not wipe, in the absence paper napkins Linen can only be attached to the lips)
  1. Historical information about fork, spoon, napkin. At all times, there were norms regulating the process of distribution and food consumption. In Russia, for the first time, the rules of behavior at the table were recorded in Domostroy. Describing the serving, the author emphasizes: "Buckets, peppers, solonts, tablecloths should be clean ... Keywords, cooks, must be purely dressed ... Jerseys and beings should be without ash, mold and ajarina ... Holding a coupie, do not spit, do not blow ancore and do not cough. "You see that these rules are valid in our society. True, people did not always use the usual spoons and forks for us. I think it will be interesting to learn something about a spoon and fork.

About fork. Fork is cutlery from interesting fate. What to say, the subject is useful, but she was not destined to play important role In the history of mankind, what a knife played. Therefore, "thought" to the fork almost 5,000 years after the invention of the knife.

Perhaps the predecessor of the fork was a fishing trident that became Poseidon's regalia, and maybe ordinary peasant forks.

In the XI century, there was one tooth on the fork, and from the beginning of the 20th century four. The first plug in the form of a golden sketch on the handle from ivory It was made for the Byzantine princess, in the early 70s of the XI century. From there she moved to Italy, then to France. But then it was an exceptional rarity. In the XIV century, the French queen Jeanne de Jere, for example, at 64-spoons was 1 fork. She kept her in a special case. More wide application The forks occurred when lush lace collars were made into the fashion. Put food in the mouth turned out not possible, so I had to lengthen your hands. Later, lush collars came out of fashion, and the plug remained.

In Russia, the plug went into use in the time of Peter I. For the first time, the former demonstratively took advantage of Faldmitry I, during marriage with Marina Mnishek at the Kremlin Pomegranate Chamber. This caused an explosion of a fair perturbation of boyars and clergy and served as one of the reasons for the preparation of the Shuisian conspiracy. The plug was a weighty argument, which proven the non-Russian origin of the impostor, since only a spoon was considered a true Russian instrument.

Now in our everyday fork of different typesThey differ in size. The smallest, with two teeth, for lemon, with three - for sweet dishes, with four - dining and for snacks. There are also special fish plugs with recesses for bone separation from pulp, forks - blades. But all these forks are not so needed in home. It is enough to have 2 dining and dinner. Many nations do without a plug, these are not only residents of underdeveloped countries, but also peoples with such an ancient culture as the Chinese, the Japanese.

About a spoon. Without a spoon, it is harder to do what without a plug, so everyone who knows all the peoples. Thus were invented large spoons - scales (midnight) and spoons for food. The shape of them was given different: hemispherical, oval, oval with a pointed end. For the manufacture of spoons used different materials: tree, bone, metal and even ceramics.

When the spoons appeared to say difficult, but, in any case, 2000 years ago they were already known. In the ancient Novgorod, various spoons were in use, decorated with carvings and painting. The center of spoonful fishery was the Nizhny Novgorod province. Since ancient times, Russia was famous for skilled blacksmiths. They knew how to kill and metal spoons, often from silver, and rather, for the sake of prestige, and not for the sake of convenience. Thus, in the "Lavrentheevsky Chronicles" (996), it is described as the prince of Prince Vladimir complained that they eat wooden spoons, as if simple people, and not silver, like princes. The simple person enjoyed wooden spoons, and only in the Russian north was bone. Of course, the main reason for the cutting of wooden spoons in their cheapness, availability of material and ease of manufacture. Make such a spoon could in every family.

However, there were other reasons. Our ancestors loved very hot food. To put on the table almost boiling soup was a matter of honor of the owner. It is not by chance that Catherine II, inviting M.V. Lomonosov, told him: "I hope that soup will be the same hot as you were." Wooden spoon lips did not burn. Of course, boiling soup did not eat, but dragged them very hot and cooled in a spoon. The ineptly man, who burned his lips, said that he "forgot about the fact that there is a wind under the nose."

The second reason was that the tree is a surprisingly plastic material. In the hands of Cleells wooden spoon turned into a genuine work of art.

The owners often metiched spoons with their initials, this custom with deep antiquity was planted in Russia. The strictest purity of cutlery was an immutable law in each family. When Peter I traveled in Europe, who took his hosts surprised that he used only his devices and constantly drove with him a spoon, knife and fork.

The root of the word "spoon" is general Slavic, but his origin is incomprehensible. Some linguists believe that it happens from the word "meadow", "meadow". Others believe that the title is based on the verb "lick", "Contamine."

So the pedigree is lost in the darkness of the centuries.

About napkin. "Napkin" - the word has come. The name is borrowed from german languageIn which it passed from the Italian "Salfette".

IN Ancient Greece Over 3,000 years ago, the sheets of fig tree served with napkins, which slaves wipe the lips of the Lord. Then the ancient Romans appeared napkins from asbestos, which were not washed, and they threw into the fire for cleaning. But later they disappeared from everyday life and in most European countries Napkins appeared in the middle of the XVI century. Before that, the "napkin" served a hunk of bread, at the thin end the sleeve of clothing, and then, when the tablecloth appeared, then her edge. Back in the XVI century, in the etiquette guide, it was recommended to wipe the tablecloth used. Special popular napkins used in those countries where men wore beards.

In Russia, during Peter I, the napkins were rare and spread only in the XVIII century. At first they were intended only for elected honored guests. Now napkin - mandatory element Table setting. They can be different sizes, but must be square form, slightly cuddled. There are many ways to fold the napkins, but in all cases you need to adhere to the rules:

  • as little as possible touch the napkin with hands;
  • choose such a form so that the guest can easily and quickly deploy it;
  • all napkins fold the same.

For a regular breakfast or lunch, the napkins fold simply: four-solid, triangle, tube.

  1. Workshop. Learning to fold the napkins. The teacher demonstrates various options, accompanies the demonstration of the presentation. Pupils try their strength immediately during the demonstration.
  2. Testing on a drinking etiquette.
  1. Summing up, I ask you mentally in the era of Peter to move, the era of the king, much changed in Russian etiquette. What could he tell you, the rays, teenagers of the 21st century.

Acts of departures, diligent and virtuous, praise are worthy.

But when it turns out to sit with others at the table, then contain yourself in order by this rule: first, doomed to my nails, my mind and sideways, do not blow, so that everywhere sprinkled, do not cry when you eat everywhere. Your hands, but do not lie for a long time on a plate, I don't wind your feet everywhere; When you drink, do not destroy the lips hand, but a napkin, and do not drink, while still food has not swallowed.

Do not lick fingers and not hernias of nails. Teeth for a fork not clean, but toothpickle. Often sneeze, blow the rook and cough ithemmer.

Above the Estant Not Chavays and Heads are not Chechi. Do not swallowing a piece, do not say. When you stop estay, thanks God, the mind and face.

And from me a small memo.

  1. Sitting at the table, you need to thoroughly wash your hands. You need to sit at the table straight, not admitting to the back of the chair. The elbows on the table can not be put. You can not talk legs, push the neighbors.
  2. Enjoy the devices correctly. Do not eat with a knife. A spoon, fork, the knife after eating should be left in a plate or put on a special stand.
  3. Bread can be taken by hand. Hands take patties, cookies, candy, fruit.
  4. Fruits from a compote need tea spoons. The bones are growing up with a spoon, brought to the lips themselves. Fold bones in a plate or a special saucer.
  5. It is impossible to take food from a common dish with its spoon or fork, for this purpose there should be special spoons on common dishes.
  6. You can not sort out pieces lying on a community dish, you need to take what is closer to you.
  7. If the kushan come across bay leaf, pepper, bones, etc., all this must be left on the edge of the plate. It is impossible to leave on the tablecloth spots and crumbs.
  8. It is ugly to leave food in a plate, it is better to ask for a small portion in advance. You can talk during meals, but not with a complete mouth.
  9. You should not read during meals - this disrespect for people sitting at the table.
  10. Going out of the table, you need to thank the owners.

Remember, guys that a visit to visit is a joyful occupation, but this will be, if the owners, and guests will be polite and friendly. And the rules of etiquette do not require any effort. Good luck.

Signatures for slides:

Table setting is important

Types of cutlery

Types of cutlery

Napkin - important element Serving

Folding samples of napkins

Make tea drinking beautiful easy

Purpose: Teach children to behave visiting correctly, to receive guests correctly.

Tasks: Consider two cases of coming guests: random and official (at the invitation).

Event flow

Part I.

Teacher. Of course, your friends came to your house, and you, in turn, have been at home. Therefore, you seem you to know perfectly how to behave. Not so easy to go to visit "For all rules," and take guests in general the whole art. Therefore, today we will dedicate the occupation of this topic "Guests and hosts".

Guests are different

Teacher. I wonder if you ever pay attention that guests can be different. Let's wonder what kindages of guests we can allocate.

There are two varieties of guests. Let's analyze these types on the examples. For example, if you came to a classmate for a couple of minutes - this is one, and if you came to some solemn event, for example, the birthday is completely different. Any polite person knows that without an invitation to come to visit you can not, you can put the owners in an awkward position. What do you think you can not come to visit without invitation?

Guys answer

Teacher. Surely for many of you turned out to be a discovery that a polite person will never allow himself to appeal to visit without invitation, and even to the closest friend. Of course, sometimes there are exceptions, but they are therefore exceptions and perform such unplanned visits need as less as possible. If you want to go to visit to a classmate, who fell ill, then it is quite natural that you are going exclusively good intentions. But imagine what awkward position you put it. To avoid this, be sure to inform your intention to visit it. To do this, you can call him or send a message, but in the second case you must definitely wait for an answer, otherwise how you will find out that you will not put your friend by surprise. And what to do if you came to visit without warning?

Unknown guests

Teacher. So, you relax, but suddenly hear the doorbell, open, and there are your friends. You are clearly not ready for the arrival of guests: you are in home clothing With laid hair, in the Bardak room. How to fix the situation. Of course, guests must apologize themselves for such a visit, but in any case they wanted to make you pleasant, so you need to quickly lead yourself and indoors in order. If your room is not removed, then you must apologize for the mess, with a simple and honest excuse. For example: "Sorry for the mess, I did not wait for the guests." If the guests jumped to you for a moment, they will understand you, and they will not even pass, but just report that for what they came. If you immediately noticed that the guests are a little delayed, you will have to try in order to bring everything in order in minutes. To start, offer guests tea and plant in the kitchen, at this time you can change clothes and quickly remove in the room. Just can not be lured longer than 5 minutes, otherwise the guests will think that their visit is unpleasant to you, and this can not be allowed. Of course, you are surprised by their arrival, but he is definitely nice to you, so do not upset your guests. But sometimes you yourself lead to the house of those guests who were not waiting.

Invitation without warning

Teacher. You invite you to visit friends to see some new film. You are going on a whole crowd and you are already going towards your home, as suddenly you understand that they did not warn your loved ones that you will come not alone. You are already approaching the door, call the call, your mom opens the door. When she saw how many people standing in front of her, she was "horrified" to put it mildly, because I expected to see one person, and not ten. Of course, my mother let everyone in the house and you prepared for watching the film. Since the largest TV is in the living room, then you are situated in this room. The film was quite interesting, you watched more of the middle and here ... the dad comes into the room, which in the plans today it was soccer gamewhich is about to begin. You are trying to persuade your father, allow you to watch the film, but dad is not worthy. On this your merry event Ends, and you accompany your classmates at home, and without learning how the film ends. Therefore, if you suddenly decide to look at you next time, I will definitely warn your home about it in advance so as not to put them in an awkward position, because they can have their own plans for the evening. Also warn and love their classmates that the guests do not expect homes, so you can only go on a while. What do you think for what time you can go to visit, if his visit is not planned?

Guys answer.

If someone got sick at home

Teacher. Imagine that you have agreed with friends back on Monday that on Friday after class you will all come home together, but on Thursday in the evening someone in your family fell ill. What do you think you should do in this situation: still call friends, because you promised them or postpone the conceived event until next week?

Guys answer.

Teacher. If one of the members of your family does not feel very well, then postponing the arrival of the guests as another day. You must understand that your visit can only worsen the condition of the patient, because you need peace and peace to recover, and you clearly break such a regime with friends. Therefore, just explain to your friends that you can not. A polite person will always understand the reason for refusal. Maybe someone from your friends will offer to go to visit him, then you can all get together.

What awful and drink?

Teacher. So you came to your friends with friends. Any arrival of guests must be accompanied by a feast, even if the guests jumped to you "for a couple of minutes", tea with sandwiches must be suggested. Very often, guests refuse even from tea. Maybe they really do not want, and maybe just shy. You never need to force to force guests. The rules of decency suggest that it is not worth offering for more than two times. For example, you can say: "Do you want tea with liver? I am sure that you do not want, they are tasty? " If the second time the guest responds with refusal, then it is not worth offering. If you have a separate room, the best thing you are there in order not to distract other members of your family from their occupations. Of course, it is in this case that are the owner of the house, so all the responsibly for what is happening is on you. We talked to you about unplanned guests. The main thing is that you must learn - if possible, never to make such visits, if for some kind of good reason you have to do, then be sure to apologize for the unplanned visit. But if someone looked at you without an invitation, then try not to give the mind that the guest is unwanted.

Part II.

Official celebrations

Teacher. As for the official events, there are here special rules Birthday, nameman, wedding, housewarming - such holidays have a special etiquette. If the event is very important (for example, anniversary, marriage), then if there is an opportunity, even a separate room for a celebration is removed, invited the lead. The celebration needs to be properly organized that the stay visiting all the joy. It is necessary to know the number of guests, the form of the celebration, to consider the evening program, so that the guests do not bounce, draw up the menu - in general, big holiday Requires thorough preparation. The "culprits" of the celebration spend a lot of time to prepare, since no one wants to "hit the dirt face." And now let's think about exactly official holidays Different from a simple visit to the company of friends?

Guys answer


Teacher. It is advisable to invite guests a week before the celebration - this is the most optimal term for a person to prepare, postpone all the case on the other day, prepare a gift. Of course, no one today sends special written invitations, but even an oral invitation should be accurate. Do not say "come on Friday evening." Evening - the concept is relative: for someone evening begins at four o'clock, and for another - at eight, so time you need to call exact. The guest must be confirmed by the invitation, since the owners of the evening make calculations for each person. If the celebration is scheduled in a separate room, then each person is rented a separate place. And you understand that costs and so big, so it's better to know exactly. If for some reason you can not attend the holiday, be sure to report this in the evening. The refusal must be accompanied by gratitude for the invitation, then you must inform the reason for your refusal, and then again congratulate on the holiday. The very term for refusal is considered two days before the celebration. What do you think, why do you need to report in advance?

Guys answer.

If you have to refuse someone

Teacher. Sometimes you can get into a rather delicate situation when you have to deny someone in an invitation to your holiday. The tragedy is not so big if you just do not invite someone. And how to do if you first invited a person, and then you must refuse. We must admit that the situation is rather unpleasant. Of course, ideally you should never allow such a situation, but if you have fallen into such a situation, you should know how to get out of it. Imagine that you invited on your birthday eleven people friends, and my mother allows you to invite only ten, so you have to refuse someone. And it is difficult to do it. To begin with, talk to my mother, maybe you can bring another person, but if it is adamant, you still have to refuse. So, you must choose this "unbelieving", and then apologize to him and explain the reason why you are forced to refuse. Of course, it will not be very nice, but if you are sincerely with him, he will understand that it is not your fault, and forgive you a refusal. Ideally, you need to think over in advance and discuss with your parents, how many people you can invite. This is especially important if you celebrate the holiday is not at home, but in a specially rented cafe. In this case, all places are strictly calculated and the "superfluous" guest on the holiday simply will not be the place.


Teacher. Be sure to take care of the gift. Fantasy in the choice of a gift should work at full capacity. But if you can't choose a gift yourself, ask someone familiar. You can also consult with another person who is also invited to this event. You can even forget and buy one gift for two, of course, more valuable. Never give things if you know exactly that they are unnecessary, it is better to buy flowers. You can not give gifts if they are with a defect you know about. Also, do not prevent the thing as a gift that you have been presented, and you did not need it. Chief Principlewhich you must rely on the choice of a gift - never give what they would not want to get as a gift. But it does not mean that you can give the thing that you like exclusively. In general, the choice of gift is really real art. Can choose standard giftsbut much more pleasant to get the thing that you have long dreamed about, so if you still allow one more time, then do not be lazy and choose really decent gift. It's not worth the same to give too expensive things, because they put in an awkward position and owners, and other guests who brought more modest gifts. Do you think it is appropriate to give clothes? Why?

Guys answer

Start of holiday

Teacher. It is believed that the most important part of the holiday is just his beginning. After all, if from the very beginning everything will go wrong, as you have conceived, then you will worry on this topic all evening. If you celebrate the holiday at home, then try to prepare it in advance to the arrival of guests. First, in the house there should be purely - here it is not necessary to explain anything. To do this, cleaning can be carried out in advance, for example, per day. Secondly, by the beginning of the celebration, all preliminary events should be completed: the table covers, the devices are decomposed, the chairs are placed. The table must be adjusted by all the rules: a beautiful clean tablecloth, a festive service, fruit drinks. You can put flowers on the table. In all of this idyll, there should be not enough guests, which are already about to approach.

Sometimes guests come earlier

Teacher. It happens that for some reason you came earlier. The hosts are still busy cooking. Be sure to apologize for your early visit and offer your help. If these are your close friends, then you, of course, have a service, helping to put on the table. But, if you came to a person for the first time, he will never load you work. If someone from the invited came to you in the house, then you will definitely treat it with anything easy and find it the lesson so that he does not miss alone. For example, offer to see your photo album. But these are advice in the extreme case, but in general, to come much earlier than the designated period or is late considered to be a manifestation of disrespect for the owners. Explain why?

Guys answer.

To guests respect from the threshold

Teacher. When guests come, the owners help them remove upper clothes. What do you think it is so important to guests to help with top clothes?

Guys answer.

Teacher. Many guests have a question: where to put them? If you allow the closet, it is better to hang up the top clothes for the hanger, if there is a lot of guests, then highlight a special place in the room where you fold these things. You can attribute them yourself or you can show guests and they themselves will put them.

Many believe that guests must offer their home slippers. And it is wrong. First, the leg size of all different, and secondly - home slippers are not the best addition to alongside. If the celebration occurs in winter, and you have cold floors, then it is better to warn guests in advance about it so that they can take replacement shoes. If you have warm at home, then nothing to worry about. Show your guest care. They should feel comfortable, because they came to you for a holiday, so they want to relax and have fun. If the guests are first in your home, then introduce them to the location of the rooms, and then spend in the bathroom, where they can rinse their hands after the street. After that, they accompany them to the room where guests are going. Why do you need to collect not in the room where the festive table is, and in another?

Guys answer.

Teacher. Not all guests can be familiar with each other, so it is worth introducing them to each other. It is necessary to do this in the room where all guests are going. You can call people just by name, but you can say about who this person is for you. For example, "Sasha, get acquainted, this is my friend Katya. Katya, Meet, this is my brother Sasha. " Further communication can already be provided with guests. They themselves and the topic will pick up and manner to communicate. Usually, guests come not all right away, so it's not bad to organize a buffet in the room - a table with fruits, sweets, cookies, small sandwiches, nuts and drinks. This will be quite by the way, as it will scratch the atmosphere of waiting and play an appetite.

Invitation to the table

Teacher. When all guests gathered, the owner invites everyone to the table. If the guests approached not yet, it is worth waiting for another half an hour, but you should not wait for people who stayed longer. Thirty minutes is the maximum time that can be "sacrificing" late. During this period of time, the rest of the guests will be able to talk, and if they are easily found mutual language, I will not notice how time will fly. It is not customary for longer. First, because there are agreed deadlines that are the same for all guests, and secondly, you invited friends to festive feastAnd they could well miss dinner at home, that is, by this time they will clearly want to eat. How do you understand the ancient Roman proverb: "Last-dice"?

Guys answer.

Teacher. By old tradition The mistress first sits down for a festive table, thereby showing an example of guests. On official receptions, there is even a tradition - to do the cards for each individual person who put next to the fecents. This card enshrines the place behind that man whose name is written on it. But usually guests are seated independently, but if among the guest guests there are faces that are not very good together, they are better not to plant them together. Here you can use the idea with cards. Girls sit first, and boys should help them take their places: put forward a chair and pushing when the girl sits down.

Table behavior rules

Teacher. Now the rules of behavior at the table are much simplified, but they did not disappear, so you need to own the basics of cultural behavior at the table, so as not to give ignorance. It is worth remembering that a lot of people can say a lot, looking at how he sits at the table. If a person has a straight posture, and he burns with closed mouth, the impression will be clearly positive, and if, constantly shrieking and cannot calmly sit on the spot - on the contrary.

What to try? How to offer?

Teacher. At the desk guests, no one forces to try this or that dish. Usually on domestic holidays on the table there are only salads and drinks, and hot dishes are served separately. Not accepted to abandon the main dish, even if you do not feel strong famine. You can make the hostess to put you a little smaller portion. But what is offered to you on the table, you can choose yourself: what to try and how much try, just do not lean on one dish, even if you really liked it. Otherwise, it will be similar to the situation from the cartoon "Prostokvashino", when the postman Pechkin liked the candy very much, and he ate them one after another while he did not remove the vase with these sweets.

The hostess can tell about the peculiarities of a particular dish, about his taste, but one should not force someone. The guests will be very unattainable to speak out of prepared dishes. It is not worth saying that at some other celebration there was something like that, but much tastier. It can generally be considered an insult. So the only thing that is permissible to speak towards the hostess is compliments, it's not worth buying on them. It is nice to listen to any cook that the dish most liked it very much, but even greater joy will be given to the words supported by the business. So, if you look very much dish, then fly it for both cheeks.

Food and conversations

Teacher. These are already festive eventsthat we combine incompatible things on them: food and conversations. But it is completely easy to do, because it is impossible to talk to the mouth bought. If you really wanted to ask about something my neighbor, then wait until it hits food. And it turns out that as soon as he began to eat, you are marrying him with a question, and thus put in an awkward position. By the way, it is considered to talk to mouth stuffed explicit sign Breaklessness. Explain why you can not talk to the mouthpit?

Guys answer.

What are you talking at the table?

Teacher. Topics of conversations at the table can be different, but necessarily common to all. This is important because all guests must take part in the conversation. Usually, in drinking conversations, guests often learn from one topic to a friend. And it is in the order of things. If guests can discuss various things, it means that they are nice to communicate with each other. True, there are topics that are categorically forbidden to discuss at the table. These are topics that can spoil appetite and the topic "But I", praising your advantages. The rest is provided absolute freedom. But it should not be so that one or two people spoke very long, while others only listened to them. Of course, the ability to listen is very important, but in the drinking conversations the main thing is mutual interest. It should be an exchange of views without any pressure on the interlocutor. Worst of all, if at the table guests will carry a dispute. To stop this meaningless occupation, you will have to intervene the owner of the evening. Why can the dispute spoil the whole evening?

Guys answer.

Teacher. By the way, the owner must constantly be at the table, and it is possible to transmit only at least. Because it can support general conversation, overcome embarrassment to guests who came to his house for the first time. Imagine that you came to the holiday, sat at the table and completely accidentally stained our clothes. You would have to ask for help for help, and how I did not have it all the time. And the stain so much spoiled the mood that you already have a holiday not a holiday. Therefore, you accurately remember that when they themselves wide the master, then you will definitely be in sight. The owner must follow all what is happening, maintain a festive atmosphere.

People who are also prompted

Teacher. If someone was late for the celebration, he must definitely apologize to the owners of the evening, quietly welcome guests, and then take his place at the table. Do not all solemnly report that you came, still not you are the main acting face of the evening. It is better not to attract too much attention at all, but imperceptibly join the total mass. If you have already known the owner of the house, but you do not know many guests, then ask you to imagine. If, on the contrary, you do not know only one of the guests - then appear for yourself. Do not bother the evening owner.

If you need to leave before others

Teacher. Sometimes for some reason you need to leave the holiday before it is completed. In this case, you must definitely approach the owner of the evening, apologize and thank for the celebration. To leave every time before others - it is characterized by a person not the most the best way. If you do not have enough good reasons, and you are leaving for no first time before others, then you should not be surprised that the next time you just do not invite you. Such early leaving say that you just do not like and you do not respect the owners of the holiday.

With other guests, it is not necessary to say goodbye or do it quietly and unnoticed. It is better to attract attention as little as possible to its disappearance.

In these two situations - lateness and early care - there is one common feature. The most important thing is to attract as much attention as possible to your person.


Teacher. Mandatory satellites of any solemn event are music and dancing. They create festive mood, a special lightweight atmosphere, help to get close to people. Dancing can be guided outdoor conversationBut if you are silent in it, I will not be anything special. You never forcing anyone too: if a person wants to dance - let him dance, if not, then there is no. Many guys do not go dancing, as they believe that they do not know how to do it. This is an absolutely wrong decision. How to learn to dance if all the time sit aside? Therefore, it is better to join the guys who dance and just repeat their movements. The main thing is to listen to music, and the body itself will start moving. If you are sitting on the sidelines, then never let yourself criticize the dance abilities of other guests. Explain why it is impossible to do?

Guys answer.


Teacher. Today, many have a karaoke program, and every year she replenishes the Stan of their fans. This is pretty interesting entertainment. Many love to sing, and karaoke just created in order to realize dreams - sing before the public in the microphone. If you sing well, you will surprise your friends, show what you are capable of. The singing includes the same rule as to dances: never criticize others. Even if a person does not always fall into notes, singing gives him pleasure. Just remember that karaoke is created to sing, not in order to just shout

End of the holiday

Teacher. After the dessert is already eaten, all guests danced and discussed all themes, it comes to disperse. Owners need to thank wonderful evening. They put a lot of effort to make a holiday memorable. If you really liked it, you do not miss the praise. You can say: "Thank you for a wonderful time spent!" Or "You made a cool holiday!". Such words will be pleasant to hear, and the main thing they are really deserved.

Guests must leave all together. Do not stand longer than others, since the owners of the evening are also tired, and they still have a grand cleaning. Do you think it is worth helping with the table cleaning to guests?

Guys answer.


Teacher. And now let's summarize our lesson and make up small memos: the first for guests, the second for the owners. For guests:

go to visit only by invitation;

try not to be late;

bring a gift;

behave adequately;

leaving the guests must be thanked the hosts for a pleasant pastime.

For owners:

warn about the celebration in advance;

prepare a festive table before the arrival of guests;

follow the course of the evening, do not let him down on samothek;

always be in sight of the guests.