How to make sure your nails don't flake. Nails flake and break - what to do? Firming baths for nails: recipes. Oil baths with essential oils

Delamination of nails is a common problem. Everyone encounters it in one way or another. Most often in the spring, when the body's reserves of vitamins are exhausted, and new ones have not yet been accumulated. However, it happens that the nails on the hands exfoliate and in the seemingly most good times- in summer and autumn. Vitamins are a dime a dozen.

It is believed that delamination of nails is most likely evidence of a lack of calcium in the body, and this is true, but only half. In fact, the reason for the delamination of nails can be a lack of elements such as iron, silicon, etc. And besides, this can be the result of exposure to the nails of today's popular detergents, rich in all kinds of chemistry: for washing dishes, bathroom, oven, floor, etc. , other ...

Do we not know how many different "goodies" for the home are in the cabinet in the bathroom.

And since it is very difficult to find out exactly what reason caused the stratification in you, it is advisable to carry out a comprehensive treatment of this problem.

What to do if nails exfoliate, what folk remedies can we resort to in such a situation?

What to do to keep your nails from flaking

Household chemicals

To begin with, let's take it as a rule to carry out all household chores related to washing anything with household rubber gloves.

Even if you are not alien to the concepts of "environmentally friendly", "harmless", "natural" and you wash the dishes with mustard, and the bathroom with soda, it is still better to insure yourself with gloves, because frequent "rinsing" of your hands in water can also negatively affect the condition of your nails. as well as the skin of the hands, in fact.


In order to make up for a possible deficiency of microelements and vitamins in the body, we ... no, we do not run to the pharmacy for a jar of super-multi-vitamins. The very first thing we can do is try to adjust our diet by including foods rich in silicon (green beans, lettuce, bananas, parsley, currants), ( egg yolk, beef, liver, beets, dried fruits, legumes,), calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, fresh herbs). Since all these products are healthy, tasty, rich in vitamins and minerals (not only the above), then you will not only cure your nails, but also replenish the body's reserves, which will also have a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

Manicure wisdom

Regardless of the condition of your nails, you need proper care... In your kit for home manicure required:

  1. Glass nail file (as the metal itself can lead to the problem of delamination of nails).
  2. Healing varnish containing minerals, vitamins, moisturizers, proteins.
  3. Acetone-free nail polish remover.

Give them (your nails) a break from nail polish at least 2 days a week.

Better to use it as little as possible. Ideal French manicure- beautiful well-groomed healthy nails without any traces of varnish :)

And, finally, if this problem has appeared, the nails need to be treated. And you can do this without leaving your home and using folk remedies.

Treatment: folk remedies

A full home treatment will not take less than a month so on quick result don't count. After all, it is important not to hide the problem temporarily, but to cure it.

  1. One of the best natural cosmetology home remedies is. Nails in this case not an exception. Put a few drops of lemon juice in a teaspoon of oil, apply on nails, put on cotton gloves and leave this mask overnight.
  2. except olive oil you can use sea salt. For this in a liter warm water dissolve a tablespoon (without a slide) of salt and lower your fingers there for 5-7 minutes. The procedure is done 3 times a week. Course - 10 times. After a month, if necessary, the course can be repeated. And for the prevention of delamination of nails, it is enough to do this procedure once a week. Do not be afraid to dip your hands completely into the vessel, since the sea has a beneficial effect not only on the nails, but also on the skin of the hands. It strengthens the skin of the hands, makes it more resistant, including to the effects of cold, which is especially important on the eve of winter.
  3. One more interesting recipe, which can be done if nails exfoliate - a bath of wine. To do this, of course, you need to take natural red wine (100 g) and a teaspoon sea ​​salt... Heat the wine to 40-50 degrees, add salt and mix well to dissolve the salt. Dip your fingers (completely immersing your nails) in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hands with warm water, wipe and lubricate with your favorite cream.
  4. Compresses - "thimbles" with the use of natural beeswax... To do this, in the evening, you need to warm it up in a water bath, immerse your entire nails in it and air dry. Go to bed with such "thimbles". The wax can be easily removed in the morning. Natural wax can be purchased from beekeepers in the market. They usually sell it in small pieces.

Whichever method you choose in case the nails are peeling and breaking - the main thing is to be consistent and do not "go out of the way" halfway. The main thing is not to be lazy to do something when the nails are peeling. Then the result will please you pretty soon.

Ksenia Poddubnaya

Most often, delamination of nails appears from a combination of internal and external factors: unbalanced diet, diseases, contact with aggressive chemical means, improper care... Despite the uniqueness of each specific case, there are general recommendations that will help restore health to your nails.

Correct filing

To ensure that the use of the file does not lead to even greater delamination, do not allow chaotic and sharp movements from side to side. The file should be held at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and moved from the edges towards the center. Remember how we cut the stem of a flower - clear movement a sharp knife diagonally. If you act with a blunt instrument and repeatedly drive it perpendicularly, we will get damage to the structure and delamination of the fibers. In addition, peeling nails should be filed not 1-2 times a month during the main manicure, but 2 times a week. For this reason, it is advisable to forget about the gel polish coating until the delamination is completely eliminated.

Shiny cut

Edge nail plate left without finishing after cutting the length can provoke further delamination. V mandatory polish the butt end with a special buff to a shine. Modern nail files provide this effect already at the filing stage. Sometimes changing a regular nail file to a laser file with a sealing effect can be enough to get rid of delamination.

Firming baths

Make special baths once a week, mixing sea salt and lemon juice in warm water. If you have lesions on your skin or if your nails react to sea salt with even more stratification, try a herbal or gelatin bath.

Polishing with wax and oils

The sealing procedure with wax or oils helps to fill in the damaged areas and "glue" the delamination. After the firming bath, when the structure of the nail plate is most susceptible to care, apply to your hands special wax or plain olive oil and flavorful in a circular motion with a soft polishing file (800 to 4000 grit), rub it into the nail plate and cuticle area until completely absorbed. The result of such a procedure is immediately noticeable, and if done regularly (once a week), you can completely get rid of the bundle.

Paraffin therapy

Many people are familiar with the procedure of hot and even cold paraffin therapy to moisturize the skin. The same will be effective for strengthening nails. To do this, melt natural or special manicure wax, dip your fingertips in it, put on gloves and leave it overnight.

Protection with a special coating

Do not leave peeling nails uncovered after grooming procedures. Cosmetics companies have a variety of anti-flaking agents in their arsenal. Some of them protect nails from external negative impact allowing them to recover on their own, others penetrate deep into the nail plate and act from the inside. Most often, treatment coatings need to be renewed every day, applying a new layer over the previous one within a week.

Protection from external aggression

Do not neglect gloves, even for short-term contact with household chemicals... Over and over again, it destroys the structure of the nail plate and contributes not only to the appearance of delamination and yellowing, makes it weaker.

Strengthening from within

Efficiency external care behind the nails will not be maximum without internal support from the body. To restore and maintain the health of the nail plate, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of vitamins (A, E, B5, PP, C and D) and microelements (selenium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, calcium, polyunsaturated fatty acids). Be sure to include in your diet red fish, nuts, pumpkin seeds, legumes and leafy dark green vegetables and vegetable oils (flaxseed, pumpkin, olive, almond, avocado). And of course drink enough clean water.

Do you know other ways to strengthen your nails? Share your experience in the comments!

What to do if the nail plates began to exfoliate? And why do nails start to crumble and break? What is the reason for the weakness and brittleness of the nails, how is it necessary to nourish and strengthen the nail plates? Any person, of course, knows that nails are an indicator of our health, so what are the root causes of brittle nails and how to solve this problem?

Many women face a problem such as flaking or breaking nails. Probably, every woman asked herself more than once: "Well, why do everyone have normal nails, but my nails always exfoliate?" But this problem is not only yours. Very few people have a perfect nail plate.

Most often, the main reason for stratification and fragility is a lack of vitamins and microelements (calcium, zinc, silicon, vitamin D, amino acids). It is possible to eliminate the existing deficiency of amino acids and trace elements by adjusting the diet - by introducing into your diet foods rich in vitamins, trace elements, proteins. Saturation of the diet with fish, beans, liver, dried fruits, nuts and herbs will help stop the process of nail splitting. Vitamin deficiency can also be eliminated with the help of special vitamin and mineral complexes containing all vitamins and microelements necessary for nail growth, or specially designed medicinal varnishes, oils, and creams.

But, there are other reasons that contribute to the delamination and fragility of the nail plates - this is the harmful effect of water and various aggressive environments. At the same time, the nails dry out, become brittle, lose their shine and attractive appearance.

Every day, no matter how beautiful we try to be, it is impossible to avoid such important everyday worries as washing dishes, washing, cleaning. Since ancient times, a woman has been considered the keeper of the hearth, and no one is to blame that everyone, many, many centuries ago, got their own certain household duties, both for a man and a woman. So we sometimes have to sigh, looking at our short marigolds, from which small pieces peel off here and there, once and almost half of the nail left a piece ... It's sad, offensive and ugly, and sometimes there comes such a period when it is simply absolutely necessary not only to wash dishes, and to tear off pots, pans, a stove from burning, and even an iron grater, from the metal wires of which the nails come to a terrible deplorable state, and you cannot hide it all with any varnish, only because already damaged nails begin to exfoliate from the varnish in an even more accelerated mode.

Every woman, looking closely at the hands of her friends, at least once asked herself the question: “Why is everything fine with everyone's nails, but mine are peeling? What is the problem, what are they missing? " But if you take up the answer to this question, then perhaps you will be surprised that many girls and women face this problem, namely, most and only a few have a strong nail plate, given by nature, and not "well-groomed at home."

What are the reasons our nails start to flake? First, very important role detergents play in the life of our marigolds. You will probably be surprised to learn that no matter how expensive dishwashing detergent, etc., it dries the nail plate anyway. Harmful to our marigolds and frequent exposure to a humid environment, therefore, if your profession is directly related to work, in the process of which there is contact with water and detergents, the first thing to do is to get used to doing all work related to the contact of hands with water and aggressive media, wearing gloves. Although at first it may not seem very convenient.

If hands are not protected from constant exposure to water and chemical components of detergents, then not only can suffer in this case appearance nails, but also hands, including too.

Exfoliating nails should be treated. To heal the growth zone of the nail plate (cuticle), you can use oils and cuticle creams. At the same time, you should pamper your hands with sea salt baths - good remedy to strengthen nails. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 liter of warm water, immerse your fingers in it for 15-20 minutes.

Such baths are done within 20 days every other day (only 10-12 sessions), and in preventive purposes, after removing the stratification, it is enough to do the bath once a week. Such compresses will also help well with exfoliating nails: for 50 ml of water, take 20 ml of glycerin and 5 g of alum. Compresses are enough to carry out 2 times a week for a month.

Flaky nails are not a reason to refuse a manicure. Manicure is done at least once every 10-14 days. During a manicure, it is better not to use acetone-based nail polish removers (it dries nails very much), and it is best to apply under colored varnish healing varnish for brittle and peeling nails (it will nourish the nails with vitamins and protect against harmful effects base varnish). Pay particular attention to the file! Metal files scratch and injure nails, the resulting small cracks contribute to the delamination of nails. It will be best to use a file with a special coating (for example, crystal). The file should be filed in one direction, giving them an oval or slightly square shape, but filing nails from the side most often entails the formation of cracks and fractures, making the nails weak. At the end of the manicure, it is necessary to apply a therapeutic nourishing varnish or treat the nails with a special cream.

Lack of vitamins is a very important factor. After all, our nails, like our entire body as a whole, need additional "nutrition", they also lack minerals, vitamins and various microelements. In the event that you are faced with exactly this problem, you can, after consulting a specialist, take some pills for some time, use special creams for hands and nails, as well as nourishing oils.

There is another problem that many face - a lack of calcium in the body. In this case, you can help the body by creating a certain daily fortified menu, as well as drinking calcium tablets. Calcium must be drunk in conjunction with vitamin D, which helps great in this case, since it promotes the absorption of calcium by the body and, moreover, is very useful for those people who do not have the opportunity to often be in the sun or at least just breathe fresh air. Calcium tablets without vitamin D are useless, as they are practically not absorbed.

Calcium can also be obtained independently and at home: for this you need to rinse well and dry eggshell, then crush and pour into a tightly closing jar. It is necessary to store this calcium in a dark, cool place; you can take it within 2 weeks, 1 teaspoon per day. Such calcium is remarkably absorbed by the body and the result is really not a little worse than from taking conventional traditional tablets, along with vitamin D.

It is for the nails themselves that the use of special oils and cuticle creams is very useful. Removing the cuticle is also very important for the nail, because by removing the cuticle, we open exactly the area through which our nail breathes and feeds. Baths are also useful for nails, for example with castor oil which is very strong drug(just do not try to take it inside, there are such cases), a bath with lemon juice, special strengthening varnish, etc. Do not forget, no matter how expensive the varnish is, of course, it will be more gentle than the usual traditional one, but the composition of varnish for damaged nails is in any case harmful, even if it contains a lot of useful substances.

In winter, all these problems are exacerbated, since the lack of vitamins in winter period rises in front of us more sharply than in the summer or autumn period... Therefore, do not forget that not only for your nails, but also for the whole body, good healthy eating enriched with vitamins. Juices, fruits, correct mode days, proper nutrition, Fresh air- all this is necessary for every person. Do not forget that our nails and our hair are an indicator of the state of the health of our body.

Unfortunately, nail plates are not given to everyone from birth strong, strong and healthy. If you want to get a noticeable and significant result, then behind the nails you need constant care, in order to have your own long, well-groomed and beautiful nails- they also need to be protected. But in the event that you do not have the opportunity and time to care for your marigolds, and they also grow poorly and constantly break, then you can think about simple solution in this case - about gel build-up.

7 tips to prevent or repair brittle damaged nails

Many women try to fight dry damaged nails that constantly delaminate, break off and look bad. Even though sometimes weak nails- a hereditary trait, you can help them become stronger, strengthen and enhance their growth. Follow these tips to help prevent breakage and restore health.

1. Soak nails in olive oil. If you have brittle, brittle nails, soak them in extra virgin olive oil for 10-15 minutes every day for a month, then twice a week. This inexpensive home procedure will help you strengthen damaged, brittle nails.

2. Use cuticle oil. Try to choose cuticle oil without preservatives and artificial additives. It will nourish dry cuticles and compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin around the nails. Massage your nails and the area around them with oil before going to bed. Finger massage stimulates the blood flow to the nails, helping them grow better and become stronger.

3. Wear gloves when cleaning the house. Remember to wear gloves when washing dishes, cleaning or gardening. Detergents and cleansers are absorbed into the surface of the nails, leaving them dry, rough and brittle. Earth in time garden work can also create problems.

4. Eat foods rich in biotin. Make sure your diet contains biotin-rich foods such as liver, boiled eggs, whole grains, cauliflower and avocado. In addition to the other benefits of these foods, biotin can strengthen and increase nail strength.

5. Do not overwork your nails. Your nails are not a means to open cans, extract small parts from anywhere, or perform other similar tasks. Use other available means instead.

6. Daily vitamins. Vitamins - necessary elements for correct work organism, as well as substances useful for nails. Inadequate intake of vitamin A, C and calcium can also cause dry, brittle nails... Make sure to consume enough multivitamins and calcium every day. Don't forget about protein-rich foods. Try to balance your diet and get the vitamins you need from food.

7. Drink plenty of water. We all know how important water is for the life of the whole organism. Nails are no exception. Water moisturizes dry nails and provides them with nutrition. The same happens with hair and skin.

Strengthens brittle, flaking nails

Brittle nails are no longer a sentence. To strengthen brittle nails, mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1/2 cup freshly brewed green tea. Dip your fingertips into this solution for 10-15 minutes daily. before bedtime. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, each time warming up to 38-40C. Green tea hand baths with chamomile or pine needles will also help to improve nails. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of chamomile or pine needles, brew 2 cups of boiling water, cool slightly and immerse your hands in the infusion for 20-30 minutes.

As a result of prolonged exposure to water, alkalis, acids, nails are destroyed, become brittle and brittle.

A firming effect on the nails is provided by baths of warmed olive oil, to which a few drops of lemon juice are added, as well as rubbing into the skin surrounding nail bed, lemon juice, and at the base of the nail and nail plate- a mixture consisting of one part of oil solutions of vitamins A, D, E and one part of a cream.

It has been established that nails grow faster and become stronger when using gelatin (it is added to jelly, aspic, etc.).

Brittleness and fragility of the nail plate indicates painful condition nails due to malnutrition, vitamin deficiency. If your nails become thin and brittle due to a lack of calcium in the body, eat more dairy products, in particular cottage cheese.

It is useful to rub into the nail plate table vinegar, lemon juice, cranberry juice, red and black currant juice. By the way, lemon juice not only strengthens nails, but also brightens them. It should be used when the nails have turned yellow. Compresses with solution strengthen nails well next composition: 70 grams of water, 5 grams of alum, 25 grams of glycerin.

Unfortunately, peeling nails are a familiar problem. Salt baths are very useful for their strengthening. You just need constant sea or ocean salt without all kinds of aromatic additives that are fashionable today. Dissolve a level teaspoon of salt in warm water and hold your hands for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated for 10 days in a row. It can be repeated after a month. Well, for prevention, it is enough to do salt bath once a week.

But what is categorically not recommended is soda baths. Sometimes this tool is used to clean the dirt from under the nails. But in this case, the nails will become just "wadded"! True, this procedure is good for the hands, but make sure that your nails do not touch the water.

If your nails are peeling, smear your hands and nails with any nourishing cream... Thin, easily breakable nails will get stronger when rubbed with lemon juice or vegetable oil. Try also, at least temporarily, not to deal with detergents.

Useful for protecting nails from brittleness include in daily diet food products rich in vitamins D and A, calcium, mineral salts, gelatin.

For daily cleaning use antibacterial soap, but get into the habit of washing your hands twice: the first time regular soap, the second - with cream soap. This will relieve the skin of your hands from flaking.

Protects against brittle nails and peeling of the skin common salt... The procedure is most conveniently done in evening hours... Add a little salt to a container with boiling water, then cool the resulting solution to such a temperature that it does not burn the skin. Holding your hands hot for a few seconds saline, wash them in plain water and wipe dry with a towel or napkin. Then you can rub glycerin into your skin.

Brittle yellowed nails will be cleansed with weekly baths of warm vegetable oil to which a few drops of lemon juice and vitamin A are added.

The nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:
* If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a violation of the circulatory system.
* Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
* Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
* Horizontal dents or dimples remain after abrupt, adversely affecting the body, dietary changes.
* Brittle nails most often cause frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious reason brittle nails - metabolic disorders.
* White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
* Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate respiratory diseases.
* The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
* Concave nails(spoon-shaped) can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
* The wells of the nails become whitish or pearlescent if the skin is insufficiently nourished.
* Nails begin to exfoliate or split if there is a malfunction in the ovaries.

Recipes for the treatment and strengthening of brittle and thin nails

1. A firming mask made from olive oil and lemon juice. Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a water bath (to keep it warm) and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice. Massage the resulting mixture onto the nail plates, put on cotton gloves, and leave the mask overnight. The procedure can be performed 1-2 times a week.

2. Firming and nourishing sea salt bath. Take half a liter of warm water and dissolve in it one incomplete tablespoon of sea salt (preferably using salt that does not contain aromatic additives), dip your fingers in the bath and hold them for about 20 minutes. Then wipe your hands dry and massage them with a fat cream, giving Special attention nails. The procedure must be carried out daily for 10 days, then you need to take a break of one month.

3. Mask with red pepper to strengthen and accelerate the growth of nails. Mix half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, 10 drops boiled water and one teaspoon fat cream for hands. Soak the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath and cool, then lubricate your nails with an even layer, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse off the mask with water. You can use this mask no more than once a month.

4. Ointment with wax to strengthen nails. Melt 4 g of beeswax in a water bath. Mash the yolk of a hard-boiled egg with a fork and mix with the wax. Then add a little to the mixture Peach oil until a thick ointment forms. Use every night.

5. Lemon juice with salt to strengthen the nail plates. Squeeze about a tablespoon of lemon juice into a saucer, add a couple of pinches of salt, mix the ingredients, and then use a brush to apply the mixture to your nails. Wait 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

6. Fortifying bath of salt and iodine. Take a glass of warm water, dissolve an incomplete tablespoon of salt in it, add 3-5 drops of iodine. Dip your fingertips into the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes.

7. Iodine to strengthen and prevent delamination of nails. Before going to bed, apply regular iodine to the nail plates with a brush. At first, the nails will turn yellow, but by the morning the iodine will be absorbed and their normal color will return to the nails. We strengthen the nails.

8. Nail care with sour berry juice. Any acidic berries such as currants, lingonberries, cranberries, etc. are suitable for the procedure. Take a berry and rub it on the nail and the skin of the finger around it.

9. Healing mask from natural wax... Melt natural wax in a water bath. Dip your fingertips into the mixture, and then immediately lower your hands into cold water... The fingers will be covered with a layer of natural wax, which must be left overnight, wearing cotton gloves. Use twice a week for three weeks.

10. A decoction of herbs to strengthen and nourish nails. Pour two tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, burdock root and St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, let it brew a little, and then dip your fingertips into the broth. Use once a week.

11. Bath with olive oil, egg and honey. Heat a mixture of two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of olive oil in a water bath, then remove the mixture from heat and add the beaten egg to it. Dip your hands in the resulting bath for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse them with warm water.

12. A bath of vegetable oil, iodine and lemon juice for fragile and peeling nails. Heat some vegetable oil in a water bath, add a few drops to it oil solution vitamin A, 3 drops of iodine and a little lemon juice.

13. Gelatin bath for weakened nails. Gelatin perfectly nourishes and strengthens nails. Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin in one glass of boiling water, wait for the mixture to cool, and then dip your nails into it for 10-15 minutes. The bath can be used 2-3 times a week.

14. Ointment to restore healthy nail color. To restore the natural healthy color nails, you need to rub them daily with an ointment of the following composition: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of rose water.

15. Firming massage with vitamins A and E. To strengthen and nourish the nails with massage movements, rub vitamin A or E, sold in regular pharmacy... It is more convenient to perform the procedure before bedtime.

16. To strengthen fragile and brittle nails 1-2 times a week make baths of warm vegetable oil with the addition of 3 drops of iodine or lemon juice. After the bath, the brushes are cleaned with a napkin and do not soak in water for several hours.

17. Cranberry juice. Regular rubbing of cranberry juice into the nail plate and the skin around it strengthens fragile and brittle nails.

18. Bath for strengthening nails with plantain. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves, 1/2 cup milk. Grind plantain leaves, pour hot milk and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and strain the resulting composition. Dip your hands into the infusion, hold for 15 minutes.
19. Nail bath with apple juice and beer: heat one glass of beer a little, and then mix with 1 glass apple juice... Dip your nails into the bath and hold for 10 minutes. Then rinse them with warm water.

20. At home, compresses with a solution of the following composition are well strengthened with a solution of the following composition: 70 grams of water, 5 grams of alum, 25 grams of glycerin.

21. When boiling potatoes, do not pour the broth. After finishing all household chores, hold your hands in it for 5-10 minutes. And then brush with cream.

A woman's confidence largely depends on important little things that only she knows about. A problem that can ruin your mood is brittle and flaking fingernails. This deficiency is especially acute in spring when the body lacks vitamins and minerals. Overcome this problem you can easily, knowing some of the secrets that will be discussed in this article.

Causes of brittle nails

Nails are an indicator of a person's health in general, so it is important to start taking care of yourself, if necessary, undergo an examination by a doctor, if the nail plate has changed color, it peels off, and pains in internal organs... The specialist will help to identify the reasons that negatively affect the woman's appearance, and will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Brittle nails indicate a malfunction thyroid gland or genital area. In addition, there may be a lack of fluid in the body, you should increase your water intake to 2 liters per day.

Why do nails exfoliate? There is only one answer: a deficiency of important trace elements - calcium, magnesium and iron, as well as vitamins of group B. To replenish their supply, you should eat more legumes, dairy products, dried fruits. Nails also exfoliate when they are susceptible to fungal diseases.

White spots usually indicate problems with gastrointestinal tract, and may also appear due to a lack of protein in the food consumed.

Discoloration of the nail plate is often caused by the banal use of low-quality varnishes or smoking. But if these factors did not work, you should check your blood sugar level, as this may be due to diabetes.

In addition, proper care is necessary for nails, however, as well as for the whole body. With age, more and more attention and care is required.

The function of fingernails is often not fully understood, but for many women, and even for men, they become " business card”And the beginning of a well-groomed appearance.

It is the fingernails that are noticeable in the second place - immediately after the face... And when they become uneven, unattractive, dry and flaking, then a person who often contacts with other people wants to get rid of such a problem faster.

How to strengthen nails at home so that they do not exfoliate and break, they will prompt folk methods and pharmacy products.

TO pathological condition nails can come by different reasons... It is impossible to diagnose them on your own, but you can orientate what to expect from the tests and the doctor's opinion:

The reasons why fingernails exfoliate, and their further treatment should be built from possible diseases... To identify them, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests.

Sometimes the prerequisite for pathological processes, for example, an unbalanced diet:

If the nails exfoliate strongly, then this may also be a sign of a mental illness - stress, depression, a pathological craving to destroy the nails with any tools.

But what to do if nails exfoliate on the hands ... To address the dear ones salon procedures and cosmetologists? No, first you need to visit a doctor, pass required analyzes and find out what is happening in the body.

Only the identification of all the causes of lamination of nails will help to quickly and permanently get rid of this pathology. And here a whole range of methods will help, which can be easily combined with each other and give noticeable results.

Home treatment of nails, if they exfoliate and break, possibly using special means... They should be bought at a pharmacy or ordered from a specialized store:

Another thing is the use of natural home remedies in combination with a minimum pharmacy kit.

The most common method to cure peeling nails is to use vegetable masks with the addition of only natural ingredients.

All masks are prepared only with a very long grinding of the ingredients in a blender - the gruel promotes active penetration nutrients and their assimilation by the nail plates.

Apply the funds to the fingertips for 10-15 minutes, previously using a light massage or a warming bath.

There are many recipes for masks, potato-cabbage mixture with cream is best for treating peeling nails, banana mask, carrots with olive fat and lemon juice, as well as sour cream and curd masochka.

There are other options as well:

  • iodine- mask of 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 drops of iodine with 3 drops fresh juice lemon;
  • essential oils- grapefruit, eucalyptus and tea tree in combination with calendula, bergamot, rosemary or patchouli - be sure to mix with the base in a 1: 2 ratio;
  • lemon pulp- the halves of the fruit are used as small trays, into which the fingers are stuck, they can be pre-salted to enhance the effect;
  • Red pepper- for 1 tsp. dry product take 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Keep it for no more than 10 minutes because of the stinginess. Make sure there are no wounds before using, otherwise it will hurt.

The wax film mask is made from medical paraffin, which can be ordered in the store. It is melted according to the instructions and applied to the fingertips. After hardening, they go to bed, and in the morning the composition is carefully removed and washed off with water.

Folk remedies such as baths do an excellent job with the problem of peeling nails, if it comes from the outside. For the procedure, you can use several types of components per 1 liter:

Baths "take" about 10-15 minutes every day or every other day... So that the nails do not get used to the effects natural components, recipes must be alternated.

If you need emergency help nails or there is no time at all to prepare trays and masks, then you can use clean vegetable oils- olive, sea buckthorn.

They are rich in vitamins and, when heated to 35-40 degrees, are maximally capable of saturating damaged tissues with useful substances.

What to do if nails are exfoliating in children?

The growing body of a child often experiences difficulties: digestion, metabolism are disturbed, there is an excess or lack of certain vitamins. As a result, the nails begin to exfoliate.

The child does not need baths and masks, but inclusion in the diet certain products will help to minimize the problem: cottage cheese, apples, nuts, buckwheat, cabbage. Sometimes babies pick up the fungus by interacting with other babies..

If a woman's or a man's nails exfoliate on her feet, then this is the first sign of a fungal infection, or an incorrect, overly aggressive pedicure. But often for the legs, the reasons that lead to delamination of the plates on the hands are also relevant.

Sometimes the reason is tight shoes: Due to the pressure, the nails can not only exfoliate, but also grow in, hallux valgus develops.

Another reason is poor circulation in the legs due to a sedentary lifestyle.

A simple exercise will help to normalize blood circulation, it will also relieve excess tension from the feet: pull the socks away from you and hold them like this for 20-30 seconds, turning from side to side. Repeat 15 times a day.

Treatment of peeling nails at home will require at least 2 months, and it will be effective when used folk remedies only if the plates are damaged by external factors.

In case of diseases, violations of eating habits, it is necessary to carry out "internal" work to eliminate the causes of exfoliating nails.