Is it possible to celebrate a silver wedding earlier. Silver wedding: how many years of marriage, traditions and congratulations. Arrival of the bride and groom

silver wedding - an important event in a couple's life. A lot has already been done, mutual understanding has been reached. Perhaps there are already grown children. At the same time, both spouses are still quite young. The 25th wedding anniversary for them is a kind of crossroads: the results are summed up and prospects are outlined.

Why silver?

It is no coincidence that this wedding is called silver. Once upon a time, names were given to all the dates that spouses celebrate after they get married. These notations have great meaning. Just like in the name of the wedding after 25 years of marriage.

In this name, both the pros and cons of the lived period.

  1. Cons: Silver is a metal, but not very durable. It happens that spouses after 25 years life together lose interest in each other. And the years spent are in vain. We need to strengthen the marriage. Also, silver tarnishes over time. To keep the radiance of this metal, you need to constantly look after it - polish it to a shine. This is how marriage should be treated: do not let it fade, constantly renew relationships. 25 years of marriage is a reason to think about it. They also symbolically congratulate each other on their wedding anniversary.
  2. Pros: silver is a noble metal that can become a setting for any precious stone. Spouses need to do everything to ensure that the 25th anniversary of their marriage becomes a source of personal and professional growth each of them. So that the silver of their relationship becomes an excellent setting for the development of both spouses. And then they'll never stop being interesting friend friend.

When celebrating their silver jubilee, they need to keep this in mind. Try to keep what you have achieved and not stop moving forward in your relationship. This will allow you to live after the silver wedding for at least another 25 years in love and harmony, and celebrate the golden wedding already.

Rules from the past

A silver wedding is popular in our country, and we have celebrated this event for more than one century. Since that time, certain traditions have been preserved. Therefore, the spouses, whose union lasted a quarter of a century, are trying to fulfill them on this holiday.

Morning kiss will set the mood for the whole day

In general, the traditions themselves say what kind of wedding it is:

  1. First kiss. This is how the wedding day should start. In the morning, waking up at home, the husband and wife should congratulate each other on the silver wedding and kiss. In this kiss, they need to put all the strength of their feelings. By doing this, they will lay a solid foundation for their love, which will no longer fade away, but, on the contrary, will become even stronger.
  2. Ablution. Previously, this ritual had to be carried out by the river. But now it’s enough to fill a jug of tap water (preferably silver or silver-plated, in extreme cases, put a silver spoon or coin in an ordinary jug) and wash each other. You need to do this 3 times. Wipe off with a linen towel. These actions have a certain meaning.

When spouses wash each other for the first time, they wash away all diseases. In 2 times they wash away all the bad things that happened in their life, in 3 times they rejuvenate.

Wiping themselves with a linen towel, they symbolically pave themselves new road- open to new feelings, impressions, joy.

Then the rest of the water is poured over the threshold of the house, and a jug is placed there. If the spouses live in high-rise building, then the role of the threshold is performed by the balcony door. The water should dry in the air: both the one that was poured out and the drops that remained in the jug. All bad things will also go away after 25 years of marriage, what a wedding it was! For more information about the anniversary, see this video:

Another 1 tradition - exchange silver rings. If the parents are alive, then their presence at this time was mandatory. First, they checked if the water from the jug was dry, and blessed for the exchange of rings. Otherwise, the husband and wife will have to check whether the water from the jug has dried up. This stage of the ceremony will show how happy their marriage will be in the future. The faster the water dries, the more happiness lies ahead.

On the 25th anniversary of marriage, this is especially true. After all, there is still a whole life ahead of you.

Then the couple, when the sun was at its zenith, exchanged silver rings. And only then they went to celebrate the silver wedding. Rings must be worn throughout the year. You can only them separately or together with gold wedding rings- as evidence of the milestone passed.

Exchange rings on this day

Of course, it is not necessary to fulfill all these traditions. But a silver wedding cannot go the same way as any other event. Should be a highlight. The symbolic meaning of the rites will make you take a fresh look at marriage and strengthen bonds.

How to organize and conduct a celebration?

How to celebrate a wedding, there are no rules. Each couple has their own ideas about how things should happen. There are so many of them that it is impossible to list them all. But many interesting decisions are connected with a silver wedding. For more information on how to organize a holiday, see this video:

Many scenarios have been created where it is played out and silver quality, and the number of the wedding. Here is one such example scenario:

In general, how to celebrate a silver wedding, everyone decides for himself. The flight of fantasy is unlimited. The above can become the basis for your own script, which, of course, will overshadow this one.

What gifts to give?

You can give anything, but silver things are more logical. After all, this is a silver wedding - a 25-year milestone in the life of the spouses.

Give spouses what they love

Here is a small list of gifts that will emphasize both the figure and the quality of the celebration:

  1. Table set - not only silver spoons and forks (knives should not be there, since giving them - Bad sign), but also dishes - cups, bowls, glasses.
  2. Silver jewelry that will remind you of the wedding celebration: rings, pendants, chains, bracelets. Husband and wife - separately, to each his own, depending on gender.
  3. Interior items: silver vases, figurines, commemorative coins, a tray.
  4. Tea or table service with a silver pattern.
  5. Glasses inlaid with silver.
  6. Floor standing or Wall Clock in a silver case.
  7. A picture in a silver frame or in meaning emphasizing the twenty-fifth year of the life of the spouses.
  8. Relatives or close friends can congratulate the spouses by preparing for them and paying for the organization and holding of the wedding.
  9. 25 photos collected in an album that tell not only about the life of the heroes of the occasion, but also photos shared with invited guests. Let them be called, for example, "Your 25 are with us."
  10. And, of course, the husband and wife should give gifts to each other. What they will be, only they know. After all, for 25 years they have perfectly known each other and know how to surprise and please their soul mate.

The silver wedding should end with a joint tea party for the spouses. Only after that you need to start cleaning.

And work together: the husband must help his wife.

This rite is also from the past. It means that this union was and will remain harmonious, that there is a lot of warmth and joy in it (tea should be drunk hot and sweet).

Time will pass, and it will remain to remember the 25th wedding anniversary - what a wonderful wedding it was! What should you think about next? Of course, about gold. And you need to prepare for it literally the next day after the silver one. To do this, you need very little: to store and increase love, to protect and take care of each other.

A quarter of a century of living together for spouses at the present time is almost a feat. The couple who managed to long term save good relations to each other, deserves not only respect, but also a memorable holiday.
It is believed that family relationships that have lasted 25 years become literally precious. In addition, they are cleared by time and adversity from all previous roughness. That is why silver, a symbol of purity, was chosen as a symbol for the celebration of the 25th anniversary.

How to celebrate your silver wedding anniversary

There is nothing shameful in following the traditions that have developed over the centuries. Moreover, they immediately offer answers to many questions. For example, what rituals it is desirable to perform on this day for spouses who have again become newlyweds:

  • The lovers take turns washing each other with "silver" water. For its preparation, some container made of this metal was previously used. Now you can get by with any basin and jugs into which silver jewelry is dipped. For example, a ring or a chain.
  • This is followed by a kiss, as for the first time, and the joint drying of faces with one linen towel.
  • It is believed that this rite lightens the burden of the years lived together and gives the spouses strength for a long life together. And so that all current worries and hardships disappear without a trace, they spread the towel in the sun and put the dishes used for washing on it.

The tradition also prescribes the colors that spouses should wear. For a holiday it is better to pick up things with different shades silvery flowers. All metal accessories, cufflinks, jewelry must also be made of silver. Crown family anniversary should be the procedure for exchanging silver wedding rings. It is believed that the usual golden symbols marital status you need to lie down in a secluded place for a year.

You can also celebrate the anniversary in an unusual way to make it memorable and informal. List of several interesting options holiday attached.

Old movie style

Decor silver jubilee in cinematography, it involves many options for embodiment and an abyss of a wide variety of ideas:

  • Guests can be offered a unique film premiere, the main characters of which will be spouses.
  • Decorate a movie night in black and white of the old Soviet cinema.
  • An interesting option is to be inspired by the Hollywood pre-war film style of the last century or even return to the origins of cinema.
  • It would also be a good idea to organize a film festival of short films dedicated to the life of anniversaries, their children, relatives and friends.

The holiday is usually based on the story of the "silver" newlyweds, and you can play it in a mass of genres to choose from: from a romantic Soviet comedy or a fairy tale to a western in the style of Quentin Tarantino or an action movie about the secretive spouses Smith.

The costumes of the participants and the design are already being selected for the chosen option. festive hall. Such a banquet will definitely be remembered for a long time by all guests and heroes of the occasion.

Like a school exam

If your couple met while studying at school or college, then it would be a good idea to rewind time a little back in order to recreate the atmosphere of reckless youth at the celebration of the anniversary.

A big plus of this holiday option is that it does not require a relatively large investment. Here are the main points to pay attention to:

  • To simulate a school class or a student audience, you will need a bright room with a high ceiling.
  • Decorating a room can be organized with a minimum of funds. A couple of banners with sayings that I remember from my school days, a lot balloons and origami paper figures and several wall newspapers dedicated to the examinees. All this can be hung on your own or ask guests.
  • For invitation cards try using lined paper, reminiscent of good old school notebooks.

As an examiner, do not forget to invite a witty toastmaster to recreate the atmosphere of student youth for the whole company, alternately depicting teachers, head teachers, deans and other academic fraternity.

Evening of pleasant memories

It would be a good idea to hold the event according to the same scenario as a quarter of a century ago. To do this, you will have to restore from memory, photographs and videos the script of the already forgotten wedding celebration. Already one preparation for this version of the celebration will cause more than one bout of nostalgia:

  • Try to literally restore all the contests that were held on your wedding day.
  • With the help of old friends, reproduce the scenario of an almost forgotten celebration by the minute.
  • Be sure to print different variants favorite wedding photos. They come in handy for decorating. banquet hall. From them it will also be possible to make an original collage for viewing.

The event will be decorated by an experienced and witty toastmaster, designed to complement the celebration with various competitions, such as bride price, tests for anniversaries, serenades of lovers to each other, winning a symbolic key from the wife’s heart and many others.

A good idea before the start of the solemn part would be to drive around the city again in a wedding cortege, like 25 years ago.

It would be ideal to place guests at the festive table in the same order as on the wedding day. They will once again have to make soulful toasts and encourage the heroes of the day to hot kisses, just like a quarter of a century ago.

Spouses should also not forget the tradition of cutting wedding cake and personally presenting all guests with a delicacy.

What to give for a wedding anniversary

According to a long tradition, silver anniversaries should be presented with things made using this precious metal. However, it is not forbidden to simply present something useful in the household. It would be a good idea to give some unusual gift, about which the heroes of the day secretly dream, but are not going to get it. True, for this you need to know the spouses well.

Modern children, well versed in information technology, traditionally give parents collages collected from old family photos, videos, favorite music, poems and wishes. The most advanced ones attract masters of art, photographers and cameramen to the congratulations, creating entire congratulatory installations.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

The tradition requires spouses to give each other silver rings and bouquets of five flowers. However, other gifts are not forbidden:

  • In addition to rings, other silver jewelry will also come in handy: chains, cufflinks, bracelets and brooches. You can also present each other with a watch in a silver case with a commemorative engraving.
  • It will not be superfluous to give each other a wedding dance. Thus, the joint preparation for the performance will be remembered for a long time. And the dance itself will be a real decoration of the evening.

What to give guests

by the most simple option for a guest at such an anniversary will come with a gift from noble metal. Traditionally married couple present silverware, souvenir coins and other similar products.

However, more interesting idea will present an unusual and memorable gift:

  • Colleagues can provide colleagues celebrating an anniversary with an extraordinary vacation, provided with a free ticket to a good sanatorium.
  • Invitation to the show program of artists who have some unusual skill. For example, dance, balancing act, training or illusion. If the site allows, then you can order fireworks to arrange a whole fire show.
  • Weightless set Chinese lanterns, which the anniversaries will send in flight under romantic music, will decorate the holiday.

Ideas for a beautiful photo shoot for a silver wedding

If the weather permits, it is best to organize a photo session near the banquet hall. True, the photographer will need to first examine the surroundings in order to choose the most successful angles for future shots.

However, any self-respecting master knows several places in the city and in nature where you can take a good shot. Visit them together to capture the precious moments of the "silver" holiday.

Anniversaries feel most comfortable in a specially equipped studio. There is no unbalancing outside attention in it, which allows the couple to relax and be natural in the pictures. In addition, photographers usually have a variety of props available, allowing spouses to act out a wide variety of scenes for pictures.

Interesting, romantic and solemn scenario holding a silver wedding.

The script for the silver wedding "Non-extinguishing fire"

Silver wedding banquet

To decorate the festive hall, you can use balls, paper branches, large hearts or the numbers "25" from artificial flowers - all this is covered with silver-colored paint from a spray can. And if some attributes from the wedding day of the heroes of the occasion have been preserved, for example, hand-drawn posters, then it will also be good to use them in the design. From such posters and enlarged black and white photographs of that time, an interesting collage on the wall will turn out.

Not only beautiful, but also symbolic will look on a silver "bride" dress in silver color.

After twenty five years family life not bad to refresh in memory the impressions of a distant wedding day. To do this, the "groom" redeems the "bride" again. He must pay with "silver" coins (you need to prepare a lot of little things).

Tamada begins the holiday with the ransom of the bride. It is very good if the groom's witness is again present.


Who is knocking on my door

On a silver horse?

What a sir sir

Didn't just come to us?

Maybe just got lost

Has he lost his way?

Ile came my sir

For a young bride?

The husband answers why he came.


For the bride? That's so amazing!

To act so ugly:

You are a married person

You have a ring on your hand!

The husband explains that he is married to this "bride".


Ah, what an inconsistency!

Decided to deceive cleverly?

No check, sir

We won't give it up!

How old is she

Do you have a beloved wife?

The husband replies: "Twenty-five."

Toastmaster(for guests):

I look at the sir

Let me not put my mind to it:

For what - not everyone will understand -

Marry the same twice?

What a strange reason

Answer like a man!

The husband says he loves this woman.


This occasion is good for everyone!

But you won't find a bride

Well hidden

Hidden from human eyes!

If the sir is brave and honest,

The bride will love it

Will take her home

And throw a feast on the mountain!

Twenty-five years is, of course, a very long time. But love alone is not enough! Years passed, and the husband could already forget what it means to be an ideal husband.

Therefore, he is sent for urgent recertification and must pass the exams! Only then will the spouse be admitted to further family life.

Silver foil "footprints" are pasted on the floor. After passing each stage of the redemption, the spouse moves forward to the next track.

Toastmaster: So, the first exam is mathematics. You have to solve very simple problems, they are for attention and memory. Do not use cheat sheets, do not listen to tips!

All answers are preliminarily learned from the spouse.

The wedding sang and danced

"Lighted" and walked,

Made all guests happy...

How many were on it?

(The husband should remember the number of guests at his wedding.)

How old is your beloved mother-in-law?

Answer fast!

(In order not to get into a mess, you must first find out if the mother-in-law is alive.)

You solved two problems

The third difficult triple:

How many coats did you give

Dear to your wife?

Shine before the chosen one

By his erudition:

Call without hesitation

Children's birthdays!

(If there are children.)

And the last problem

You will never decide!

How many times have you kissed

For joint years?

(Here the answer can be anything - a million, a billion, etc.) If the husband answered incorrectly somewhere, he pays off with “silver”.

The toastmaster asks the guests what rating the "groom" deserves, after which he moves one step forward.

Toastmaster: It was a very easy exam, and of course you passed it with a smile! But do not relax, difficulties are ahead. The next exam is geography!

Spouse is shown enlarged photos different events from the life of the family, the most interesting: trips, meetings, etc. He must correctly name the city (village, settlement) in which the event depicted in the photograph took place.

The husband confesses his love in those languages ​​that he knows.

Toastmaster: In a foreign language, you also prepared well. The next subject is botany!

1. What are your wife's favorite flowers?

2. What flowers were used in her wedding bouquet?

3. What does your wife grow on the windowsill?

4. Her favorite fruit?

Toastmaster: Botany is good too! Now let's check how the respected "groom" learned in twenty-five years to sing serenades for his beautiful lady! The next exam is in singing!

The task of the "groom" is to sing an excerpt from any song about love.

Toastmaster: You sing very well - it can be seen that long practice is taking its toll! And now is the time to stretch a little and move around. Therefore, the next (and last) subject we pass physical education! But do not flatter yourself, the exam is decisive, and a lot depends on it.

While the “groom” is being blindfolded, several women (including the redeemed spouse) sit on chairs. The husband must feel by touch on the legs to the knees to determine which of the ladies is his wife. It is possible to plant a man among women. If he guessed wrong, he pays off and guesses again after the women change seats in a different order.

So, the “bride” is recognized, redeemed, and the “groom” presents her with a bouquet of twenty-five roses.

The march of Mendelssohn sounds, the guests applaud the couple.

Toastmaster: Again Good evening, Friends! Take your seats at this bountiful table! To whom are all eyes in this hall riveted today? Who is in the center of attention, who are the heroes of the occasion? These are our beautiful silver newlyweds! Our good fellow and the red maiden, the swan and the swan, the valiant knight and his lady of the heart!

Silver moonlight,

A scattering of stars in the window ...

twenty five wonderful years

They flew by like birds.

The morning dawn melts

The dew falls

Twenty-five wonderful years

Oh love page!

In every letter and line

Tenderness minutes,

Fire in your hearth

Never goes out!

So many years hand in hand

This is not a joke to you

In the fast river of life

Happiness will not drown!

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "Twenty-five for long years"(from the repertoire of A. Terekhov).

Toastmaster: Our beautiful "bride" has been redeemed. And what do they do after the bride is redeemed? That's right, they take her to the registry office and sign!

Tamada gives the spouses a "certificate of a silver marriage." Such a document can be purchased or printed by yourself, decorated with silver foil.

Toastmaster(to spouse): Do you, (name of spouse), agree to extend your marriage to a citizen (name of spouse) for another 25 years?

The wife replies that she agrees.

Toastmaster(to spouse): Do you, (name of spouse), agree to extend your marriage to a citizen (name of spouse) for the same period?

The husband replies that he agrees.


To strengthen marriage bonds

Today, on a blessed day,

Bond with the sacred signature

Your quarter century union!

The couple signs the "testimony".

The toastmaster specifies in advance whether the spouses have an exchange of silver rings according to the tradition that exists on the 25th anniversary of their marriage. If yes, then the husband and wife put rings on each other middle finger, next to the engagement ring.

Toastmaster: And we announce you silver husband and wife! Get ready for the next recertification in another twenty-five years!

Song for the "silver" couple to the motive of "Songs of the Crocodile Gena" (you need to print more copies and distribute to the guests so that they unanimously congratulate the couple).

Silver glasses,

They have a lot in them

And where there is little - rather a share!

Guests are waiting, guests believe

And the doors are open

For your silver anniversary!


And I play

On the harmonica

About love...

to your couple

Everyone is envious

Twenty five years old!

Toastmaster: Dear guests, and now it's time to present the silver young people with gifts that you have prepared for them with love, and tell them the most important and heartfelt words!

The toastmaster in turn gives the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the couple and give gifts. First of all, congratulations to the children.

Traditionally, things made of silver or cupronickel are given to a silver wedding - these are both beautiful and symbolic, and useful gifts: jewelry, cutlery and crockery, pens, trays. You can also choose something for the house: clocks, paintings, bedspreads, good books.

It sounds like a romantic tune.


Your pair is twenty-five!

What a wonderful date!

Know that love is to blame

What managed to bind you!

Grown firmly together

For years, soul with soul,

Happiness is strong, great

Knocked together - do not break!

Marriage filled with warmth

Deserved and laid down

Doors open for love

To your cozy, generous home!

And I announce the first dance of the silver young!

Tamada performs the song "Silver Weddings" (from the repertoire of Valentina Tolkunova), the couple dance.

Then the toastmaster invites the guests to a round dance to praise the young.

Round dance "Like a silver wedding"(on the motive folk song"Loaf").

The toastmaster leads a round dance with everyone around the “young” and sings, the guests pick up. The toastmaster shows what movements to do, the guests repeat.

Like a silver wedding

The whole family gathered:

That's the width!

(Hands spread wide apart.)

Here is such coolness!

(Fingers are made in a fan.)

Here is such a height!

(Tamada points to the tallest of the guests, everyone raises their hands up.)

Here is such a bottom!

(Pointing to the smallest of the children, everyone squats.)

Like a silver wedding

We would eat and dance,

We would like to hug the young

Shout "bitterly" together!

Everyone shouts “Bitter!” to the young, hugs them.

A dance break is announced, as the congratulations of the guests could take quite a long time.

Toastmaster(after a break): There is one wise saying that a person is the director of his life. Then it turns out that if two people have been together for many years, then their life turns into such a movie that Hollywood screenwriters would simply turn green with envy! And I have one short test for our silver newlyweds. Let's see what a twenty-five-year-long movie they made!

Test "Marriage in Hollywood"

1. Your marriage most resembles:

A. Comedy.

B. Melodrama.

B. Crime detective.

2. Main character this comedy (or melodrama, or crime detective):

3. Which of the movie couples do you look like, in your opinion?

A. Cinderella and the prince.

B. Scarlett and Rhett Butler.

B. Thumbelina and Mole.

4. Your vehicle on set:

A. Limousine.

B. Russian troika.

B. Retro car.

5. Where does the bulk of your film's budget go:

A. On the hairstyles, make-up and dresses of the heroine.

B. For transportation costs.

B. To relieve stress after a day of shooting.

Whatever the answers of the "young" ones, the toastmaster announces one test result.

Toastmaster: On this, as they say, stop, filmed, thank you all! Now let's decipher the result of this test! He talks about how your marriage deserves an Oscar for best script family life, for the best director's work, as well as for the best male and female role! (Tamada gives the couple a porcelain figurine.) We are sure that we will see more than one episode of this film and that there will definitely be a happy ending in the finale!

An excerpt from the song “What kind of people are in Hollywood” sounds (from the repertoire of the group “Combination”).

Toastmaster: Every movie has its own audience.

Let's check if your twenty-five episodes were watched carefully by the audience guests? I'll ask a few questions, and you answer in unison!

Questions should be very simple, for example:

1. What date did the wedding of our heroes take place?

2. Who was born first, son or daughter? (If there are children.)

3. How many grandchildren do spouses have? (If there are grandchildren.)

4. What kind of wedding will we meet in another twenty-five years?

Toastmaster: Wonderful! All viewers are very attentive and remember the history of this family well!

Each family has its own hearth. For twenty-five years, a lot of wood has been broken and bridges burned. But the hearth of this wonderful family is still burning brightly and hotly, warming everyone around with its warmth! Let's throw some more wood into this fire together. What firewood is needed so that it does not fade away?

Guests suggest: love, tenderness, passion, etc.

An excerpt from the song “There is a hearth burning for me” (from the repertoire of Igor Kornelyuk) sounds.

Behind 25 years of family life, a long-awaited anniversary that needs to be grandly celebrated. The event is called a silver wedding, a worthy trait for every family. On this day, guests are called, ceremonies are performed and people have fun in the circle of close people.

Silver wedding: traditions

Spouses passed big way from chintz to silver anniversary. Every year the relationship grew stronger and changed, there appeared more love and respect. After 25 years from the date of marriage, the bonds of the two people have become so strong that they are compared to silver. Feelings shine with a noble light, the family is an example to follow. Despite the quarrels and problems that met along the way, loving hearts managed to maintain warmth and sincerity.

Life and petty quarrels remained in the past, giving way to a comprehensive harmony. Silver is a symbol of experience and nobility. The metal is under the sign of the moon, it envelops the couple with strength and wisdom, inaccessible to people starting their journey along the road of marriage. The precious material is correlated with the same invaluable experience that helped the couple get to the silver jubilee. Husband and wife discovered the secret of a happy family life, the main components of which are love, respect and care.

Rituals that are performed on the day of the silver wedding:

  • The couple exchange silver rings, re-strengthening the union created 25 years ago. Wife clothes Wedding Dress or another beautiful outfit, the husband puts on a suit. The exchange ceremony can be carried out at home, invite witnesses and guests. Silver rings are worn over wedding rings or instead of them. Often the ritual is complemented by a wedding. According to old beliefs, if the weather is sunny and warm on the day of the anniversary, then it will be just as clear future life couples.
  • In the morning, husband and wife kiss each other tightly, putting all the strength of their love into the kiss. Ancestors believed that the longer it lasts morning ritual the happier the next years will be.
  • The traditional action morning wash. The couple collect water from pure source fill a silver jug ​​with it. The wife pours water into her husband's hands, then gives him a linen towel. The ritual is repeated 3 times: 1 time - the husband is getting younger, 2 times - gets rid of negativity, 3 times - tunes in to a renewed life. Then the wife is washed. The water remaining in the container must not be poured out. It is placed in the sun. During the evaporation of the liquid, the problems and troubles that await in the future go away.
  • They start inviting guests 25 days before the silver wedding, it is desirable that the number of guests be at least 25. In addition to the main dishes, a festive loaf and champagne are put on the table.
  • For one evening, husband and wife change roles. The man becomes the "mistress" of the house, puts on his wife's things, the woman becomes the "owner". The ritual can be turned into a fun performance, play a scene in front of the guests.
  • When the celebration is over, the spouses start drinking tea, chat and share their impressions. You need to clear the table together, without stopping the conversation.

How to celebrate a silver wedding

There are many options for holding a celebration, the main thing is to choose a solution to your liking. Spouses, along with their adult children, can reproduce the wedding day. For older children, it will be especially interesting to see the beginning of history, the first step towards creating strong family. Invite witnesses and guests from the first wedding, arrange a sightseeing tour and a grand banquet, capture moments on camera - every detail will remind the spouses of the past moments of happiness. A silver wedding is a great opportunity to fulfill the dream of parents to travel the world and give them a ticket for two.

The official wedding ceremony held in the registry office will be a great addition. Spouses will be able to once again say a solemn "yes" and feel like newlyweds. What wedding is complete without rings? Silver jewelry is worn on one finger with a wedding band, instead of it, or on the adjacent middle finger.

Another gift that children or guests can organize is a festive photo session. It can be a separate event or a permanent component of the celebration. Photos in nature look especially vivid, in beautiful park or near water.

Regardless of whether a silver wedding is celebrated at home or in a restaurant, you need to take care of the beautiful decoration of the room. Garlands, balls, silverware, fine tableware, flower arrangements in luxurious vases - the classic components of the decor. Often, spouses prepare a unique scenario for the anniversary, decorating the venue with themed items.

On festive table put traditional dishes for the family, be sure to cook sweet table. Snacks, hot dishes, salads - for the anniversary you can experiment and prove yourself the perfect hostess. A majestic cake with several tiers is the king of any anniversary.

How to cheer up guests: fun contests for a silver wedding

In order for the spouses to remember the holiday not as an ordinary feast, it is worth taking care of interesting contests.

Anniversary entertainment options:

What to give for 25 years of marriage

Traditionally, a silver wedding is presented with gifts made of silver, practical items for the home or things necessary for anniversaries.

Often guests opt for the following elements:

  • caskets;
  • candlesticks;
  • watch;
  • paintings;
  • table sets and services;
  • jugs and vases with engraving;
  • silver souvenirs;
  • talismans for the family hearth.

You can surprise a couple with fireworks in their honor, a unique laser show, and the launch of sky lanterns. A well-thought-out and planned wedding ceremony will become pleasant surprise for spouses, and a romantic trip will give unforgettable moments of happiness. Another option original gift- professional photo session.

In addition to traditional and original presents, you can give the couple the right things. Set bed linen, plaid, towels, small Appliancesfamily hearth filled with warmth and love.

Husband and wife can exchange beautiful decorations silver, books or handmade items. A woman will please her husband with cufflinks or a new tie, a husband will make his wife happy with a beautiful mirror or jewelry box.


In verse

In prose

SMS congratulations


You can live to see a silver wedding. If the wife has a golden character.


To make a marriage successful, you need to fall in love with the same person many times.


All my life I envy only one person - my husband. This is necessary, so lucky with his wife!


So we got to the Silver Holiday! Dear, our main anniversaries are yet to come!


We are 25 years old! But we do not give up, heading for gold!

A silver wedding is a celebration of reincarnation, when experienced spouses turn into "green" newlyweds. The couple plunge into Magic world romance and magic, is transported back to the past to once again experience the most touching moments in life.

25 years of marriage - a silver wedding. The relations of people who have been married for a quarter of a century are stable and strong, harmony and mutual understanding reign in them. This wedding anniversary must be noted. And in order for the holiday to be a success, you need to know what kind of wedding it is, how to celebrate it correctly and what to give.

What wedding

25 years of marriage is called a silver wedding. For 25 years of marriage, the feelings of the spouses for each other become as strong as silver itself. This metal personifies the wisdom that the husband and wife have acquired over the years they have lived together, the purity that distinguishes the thoughts of the spouses, and the confidence with which the heroes of the day look to the future.

Silver spouses are characterized by warm, deep, trusting relationship based not only on passion, but also on mutual respect, trust, sincerity, devotion, love, the desire to support each other and boundless devotion.

holiday traditions

The celebration of the silver wedding has certain customs. So, on the morning of the 25th anniversary of marriage, barely getting out of bed, the husband and wife must kiss and wish each other have a good day. After that, the spouses conduct a ritual of joint washing. To do this, the husband and wife collect water in a silver bowl and rinse each other's faces three times. According to the hint:

  1. the first ablution removes fatigue,
  2. the second relieves sadness,
  3. the third fills the soul with joy.

If water remains, put it on the windowsill until it evaporates completely. Together with droplets of water, everything bad leaves the relationship of the spouses. And the faster the liquid disappears, the more happy the future awaits the couple.

On the 25th anniversary of marriage, spouses can exchange silver rings as a sign of sincerity of feelings.

On the day of the silver wedding married couple receives dear guests - his parents. The latter bless adult children for many years happy life together. After that, the husband and wife make the most important festive ceremony- exchange silver rings as a sign of love and sincerity of feelings. You can do this alone or in the presence of loved ones. If desired, the ceremony can be held at the registry office at a pre-ordered festive ceremony.

gifts for wife from husband

Wedding anniversary is a great occasion to please your loved one valuable gift. So, the husband can give his wife jewelry silver: bracelet, pendant on a chain, ring, wrist watch, earrings, necklace or brooch. Also lucky gifts become beautiful underwear or perfume.

gifts for husband from wife

A tie clip or sterling silver cufflinks can be a gift from a wife to her husband. You can also give something that is in the interests of a man, for example, for business man loving modern technologies, suitable interesting gadget, and for a fishing enthusiast - a new spinning rod.

Gifts for spouses from relatives

Friends and relatives, as a rule, give silver anniversaries something for the home - silver dishes or souvenirs from this noble metal. Spouses will be pleased to receive a beautiful jug, a set of elegant cups, expensive cutlery or a patterned tray. Figurines of swans or doves will be symbolic - these birds personify marital fidelity.

How to note

To celebrate a silver wedding, spouses can rent a room in which their wedding took place a quarter of a century ago, and arrange a similar evening - make a similar decoration for the hall, remember which contests for guests were popular 25 years ago, put on beautiful outfits(Ideal if the wife has kept her wedding dress and can wear it to the party).

If the spouses do not want to have a noisy party, they can limit themselves to home gatherings with loved ones or even a romantic dinner for two. For the most active and inquisitive anniversaries, a two-day trip on a ship or a short forest hike is suitable.

professing Christianity on the day of the 25th anniversary of their legal marriage can get married in a church. A beautiful ceremony will be remembered for a long time and will mark new stage family relationships.