I want to get rid of my love for a married man. Illusions about changing his marital status. How love is different from falling in love

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How to conquer your love for a married man?

There are many types of love, but they all have something in common, which is characteristic of all loving and in love people: cardiopalmus, the desire to always be close to the object of his passion and to do everything for a person to give him (or her) a piece of himself. However, love is often haunted and unpleasant moments... Do we always fall in love with those people who deserve it? Why so often wonderful feeling love is accompanied by the suffering of one side or the other?

Love married woman- a great thing! Not everyone married man managed to test it.

The institution of marriage, as a rule, reinforces the relationship between loving people and makes them legal. As a rule, since there are situations when it is not love at all that keeps people in marriage, but other, often selfish interests. Why, for example, does a woman fall in love with a married person? What pushes her to such uneasy relationship and how to behave with dignity in this difficult situation?

There are several common reasons why women go into close contact with married men.

Most often, the cause of adultery lies in the psychology of a woman, in her inability to correctly and at the proper level evaluate herself as a mature person. Very often this is a young girl who strives for love, and it does not matter to her whether a man is married or he is free. She has not yet experienced the mistakes and disappointments that so often are the constant companions of a strong passion. She sees him, so strong, self-confident, able to solve all her problems and assuring her of his endless love and loyalty. The first thing she sees is not at all his stamp in the passport, but his attitude: care, a manifestation of a seemingly sincere interest and attention. A man, as a rule, at first tries to hide the fact that he is married. It is very convenient for him that he is waiting at home, albeit not so beloved (although not always), but his wife, and now there is a woman nearby who sincerely admires him and does not make unnecessary comments.

Among other things, the man to some extent controls her behavior, using the woman's love, and she becomes dependent on him.

Another reason for some women to have relationships with married men is the thrill seeking and pursuit. There is a type of women who have in their blood a desire to beat off other people's men at their own whim. They are excited by the very risk of being constantly on the blade of a knife, and they experience real excitement from such a hunt. However, this situation is not at all typical - although such women are found, but not as often as shown in numerous TV series. In addition, they do not want to stop such intrigues at all, since they like it and make up a rather significant part of their existence.

It is interesting to see what are the pros and cons of love for a married man. Let's start with the pros, since there are not so many of them, although for some women this is enough.

As already mentioned, a woman in love is blind - at first she does not see any obstacles due to the fact that her chosen one is married. Such a man, as a rule, gives her his love, gifts and compliments. He is gallant, courteous, which is undoubtedly pleasing to any lady. In addition, in such a relationship, both parties to adultery simply, by definition, cannot demand from each other a long and serious continuation of their relationship with all the ensuing problems and obligations. This is a kind of free love, and it will only be worse for everyone if suddenly someone, either a married man or a woman, tries at some point to give this relationship a legal status. However, this can be both a minus and a plus of a relationship with a married man - depending on which side to approach the problem.

Cons similar relationships, as practice shows very eloquently, it is enough. There are much more of them than advantages, which gives reason to write this article.

So, what should a woman do who has managed to fall in love with a married man? How to free yourself from such relationships and start a new life, freer and more dignified?

Finding yourself in such a situation, you simply have to look around and make sure that not the whole world has come together like a wedge on your married friend... After all, there are still a fair number of free, unencumbered men who simply sleep and dream of how they could get to know a woman like you. Pay attention to those men who work with you in the same office, with whom you often come across at work, at your acquaintances or at the acquaintances of your acquaintances. Do not rush to extremes and do not get to know just anyone, but you probably have enough lonely and lovely men, which are quite worthy of your attention - they are looking forward to it!

Another tip is to love yourself the way you deserve it. Very often, women choose married men as close friends precisely because of the lack of self-love, therefore they are content with the dubious role of a mistress without any chance to change the situation in the direction they want. Such relationships, as a rule, humiliate a woman, and only a lack of self-love allows her to put up with this order of things. Finally, love yourself, and then the person who truly deserves you will love you! Pamper yourself, take care of yourself, visit fun parties more often, flirt with free interesting men (within reason, of course).

In order to quickly conquer your love for a married man, we advise you to also find yourself interesting hobby, an activity to your liking, which will be able to distract you from gloomy thoughts and breathe new life into your leisure time. Stop counting the hours and minutes before meeting him, let your free time (which you need to cherish!) tangible benefits... There are so many amazing things and activities in the world - the whole world is at your feet! Class interesting thing will give you the opportunity to expand your social circle, which in turn will help you get rid of the vicious dependence on relationships with a married man. You can finally plunge headlong into work and reach career heights - you will significantly increase your self-esteem, and you will also be respected more.

Try to find flaws in your married friend. Is he as perfect as you think? Look more closely to see if he snores at night or is showing aggression. Is he as smart as you would like? What has he achieved in life and is it worth wasting his precious time on him at all? After all, he is deceiving his wife, one of the people closest to him, so where is the guarantee that he will not do the same with you? Do you need it?

If you really want to get out of your relationship with a married man, be firm. Of course, this cannot be done quickly and immediately. You must demonstrate your firmness to yourself and to him. If you have realized the futility of such a relationship, be determined to dot the and. You have your whole life ahead of you, and you don't need to waste your mental strength on trifles and on people unworthy of you. You deserve more and better!

A woman wants everything - from one, a man - one from all.

It is more difficult if a girl is dating a married man, hoping for serious relationship, loves him, but this love brings her suffering. "... I am a little over 20 years old. The man I love is older than me and is married. We had great relationship which lasted for about a year. I lived with the hope that he would divorce and marry me. But today he told me that despite the very strong feelings, can no longer meet with me. I have no idea how to live without him. What to do? Help..."

The situation is quite typical, although there are many nuances. Typically, in most cases, a relationship with a married man ends in this way. And, despite the fact that the problem is as old as the world, tears flow like a river. And this means that there is a need to remind what it means to "love a married man."

When entering into a close relationship with a married man, a girl must understand that this relationship will almost always be based on lies. And if you are like free woman, there is a need to talk about a loved one, about the time spent together, visit friends, then your partner will hide it in every possible way. Places for dating will be in the darkest and most remote cafes, in order to exclude meeting with familiar people and to protect the family from trouble. At what time these meetings will be, how long, he will also decide, and you just have to wait until he can deceive his wife and give you a few hours. You should also be prepared for the fact that most of the weekend, holidays will spend alone, as he will be busy with the family. And if this does not suit you, then better relationship do not find out, otherwise you may hear a lot of unpleasant things. You knew that he had a wife, children and what you could count on. Nothing more to offer you while he can not. Your chosen one does not plan to radically change anything. Changes may be, but minor. He plays the first violin in your duet. This situation must be accepted and resigned, realizing that such is the fate of a mistress, and not to suffer from unfulfilled expectations. Or, if you can’t come to terms, it’s better to part with this person.

The moment of making a decision can be difficult. Think about the fact that by sneaking time, you are stealing it, first of all, from yourself. Instead of looking at the world through the eyes of a free woman, you do not consider yourself free. You have a loved one, you have hope for a happy end, you are waiting. But, if during the year he still talks about his ailing wife and children, then there will definitely not be a happy end. This year, one might say, has passed in vain.

And also, as a rule, in young age married men are met with insecure girls with low self-esteem who allow themselves to be used. It happens that such a relationship drags on for many years.

"... I dated a married man for over 10 years, I waited for him to divorce his wife and marry me. But constantly there were some difficult circumstances, there were cases, there were problems that he needed to solve, and I could only wait. And now I have been for many years, youth and best years life is in the past, at last I realized that I have nothing to wait. I just ruined my life ... " Every person wants to be happy, love and be loved. This is a natural human need. We wish you to experience great and bright feelings in your life, so that you can be proud of them, and not hide from others. Respect yourself as a person, value your time, do not allow yourself to be manipulated, so that later you will not regret anything.

Hello, dear readers... Today we will talk about how to get rid of love for a man who does not reciprocate or is not free. In the life of every girl or woman, there may come a period when it will be necessary to suppress love in oneself and it is better to know how to do it with the least losses and not to lead oneself into a state of depression.

If feelings are unrequited

In a situation with unrequited love, two options are possible:

  • the relationship was, but the man fell out of love;
  • the object of love is unaware of anything.

When the first option takes place, the worst thing is to try to fix something in order to return the feelings of a man. A woman can call him, write messages, throw tantrums, however, she must understand that the man needs to be released, you will not be forcibly sweet. And such behavior can only anger a person or cause him to feel pity, but not love. In addition, over time, it will still develop into irritation and dislike. Therefore, it is important to perceive the lost love as an event from the past.

  1. To get rid of the unanswered feeling of love, you need to think in the opposite direction. It's time to realize that this person does not owe anything to you. Try to convince yourself that you do not need this person, but you cannot think of him as some kind of evil, provoking yourself to feelings of hatred. You need indifference to appear.
  2. Think about what you have on this moment, the head is filled with thoughts of a man whose feelings will never be mutual. If, seeing you, in public he behaves decently, it is not a fact that in your absence he does not get angry, does not get irritated because of your obsession, and maybe laughs at your feelings.
  3. Try to look at the object of your love from the outside. Surely, he, like many people, has flaws and more than one. There is no need to idealize him. Concentrate on negative qualities your loved one, realize that he a common person... Set yourself up so that you understand that this man is not your ideal, not your significant other.
  4. Imagine that your destinies are nevertheless intertwined, you are together. Months go by, years go by life together and then he begins to criticize you, change, raises his hand, shouts, hates your mother, drinks a lot. Have you been able to forgive this person for such behavior? If it seems that "yes", then you have serious problems, You are ready to endure pain, which means you are not excluded psychical deviations or too low self-esteem. It is also important to think about whether your chosen one will be able to get along with your character and needs. For example, do you like to buy beautiful dresses in a boutique, and a man will become greedy, will refuse such a purchase. Or you are too jealous, and the gentleman is very attractive and is in great demand among girls, will begin to flirt with them. Can you survive this?
  5. Mentally remove this person from your life, try not to think about him. You can imagine that he moved to another city, permanently or permanently. Remember how good it was when you did not yet know about the existence of this man.
  6. Allow yourself what you wanted to do for a long time, but there was no opportunity.
  7. Start flirting with other men just to determine your attractiveness.
  8. Find some, get carried away with it. So you can devote all your free time to your favorite pastime.
  9. Find the strength for auto-training. When thoughts start spinning around your beloved man again, immediately imagine all his negative qualities.
  10. Change yourself. These changes should not be drastic, however, it is important that, looking in the mirror, you see a new person in it. These can be changes in clothes, hairstyle, new makeup... The main thing is to have a smile on your face.

Sometimes a woman never succeeds in controlling her feelings. Pain from unrequited love getting stronger. In such a situation, it may seem that the only way out is to collect things and leave the city where the beloved lives by herself. But this is already an extreme measure and it is better not to bring it up to it. And not always successful. The most the right action is an appeal to a psychotherapist. The specialist will explain how to erase a man from your life, believe in your attractiveness and in your future with another person.

If you love a married man

If you are interested in the question of how to get rid of love for a married man, then you will be very useful valuable advice regarding this.

  1. Become invisible. Do not allow a second meeting with this man, ostensibly for friendship. Often these dates lead to renewed relationships that have no future. Change your phone number if necessary. Sometimes it is necessary to change the address of residence. Be sure that over time, a man will switch to another woman, will find himself a new mistress.
  2. If you want to get rid of feelings for a work colleague, then the most the best option is a change of place labor activity... Especially if your loved one is the boss.
  3. It's time to get rid of illusions. You must understand where you are in the love triangle. It is necessary to realize that your role is deplorable, it is unlikely that a man will take you seriously. Why think about such a person, it is better to look for a man who will become your husband.
  4. Do not withdraw into yourself, expand your circle of contacts, meet new men. But this does not mean that it is necessary to search for a new lover. Just communicate with a different contingent, sometimes allow yourself to flirt. Over time, there will definitely be someone who is worthy of your love.
  5. It is very important to work on yourself. No need to cry, feel sorry for yourself. Life goes on! You beautiful woman capable of developing, achieving great success in her career, in her personal life. You will definitely meet a man who will be worthy to be near, with whom you can create a social unit.
  1. Internal conflict must be overcome. Understand that you have no future with the person you love.
  2. Immerse yourself in your studies or work. It is important that all your free time is occupied. You can also find yourself a hobby that will not allow you to remember your loved one.
  3. Change your social circle if you have mutual friends.
  4. , spend money on yourself to look better or just become a "new person".
  5. Take a look around. Surely, among your friends or close people there are those who need support and care, those who are much worse off than you with your unrequited love. Help them. You can also volunteer.
  6. Don't build up negativity.
  7. Play sports. This will improve your health, and will also give you the opportunity to receive hormones of happiness, to forget about problems.
  8. Deal with your inner peace... Now it seems like my heart is broken. In order to heal him, it is necessary to read the appropriate literature on self-improvement, self-knowledge. If you cannot cope on your own, seek help from a psychologist.
  9. Put a bullet in your mind on your fantasies about a relationship with your love object. Imagine that you have started new life, in which there is no place for this person.
  10. Build your self-esteem. Understand that the man you love right now is not worthy of your attention. Remember how much positive qualities You have, work on yourself. If there is bad habits, get rid of them. Engage in self-development, improve.
  11. Do not try to sit at home and grieve. Be sure to go to the theater, cinema, visit exhibitions, meet new people.

Now you know how to get rid of unrequited love, what you need to do in order to make it easier to get over such a separation. Realize that your love is a serious psychological addiction, you must get rid of it. Of course, this process will be long, difficult, however, it will open up to new relationships with a person who really deserves to be around, who is sent by fate.

Ask a psychologist

About lovers and mistresses, or eternal love front volunteers.

How many times have they told the world that there is no need to mess with the married and married. It's like an unwritten law, or an unwritten one. But, I really want to believe that this law is not for everyone and you can become an exception. Yes, and there is no document, which would have spelled out some rules on this topic and "penalties". And since it is not written down anywhere, then it is possible. You can love a married man. Or if you really want to, then you can. And then, as they say, even the "flood".

Wives treat their mistresses with some contempt and arrogance. Mistresses want to be wives. They want to take someone else's place. And they don't want to look for OWN. With the girlfriends of the mistresses there are conversations something like “He, of course, does not love her. And they haven't had any sex for a hundred years. But, you know, I cannot destroy someone else's family. "

When I hear something like that, it’s right on my tongue to add for my mistress “And I would like to ...”. But I understand that we are talking about different things. She is about her “nobility” and her “generosity” to this unfortunate woman, whom “her husband does not love”. And about the fact that she sincerely believes that she is better and that she has such great power in her hands to destroy someone's family. And I, from the psychologist's “bell tower”, am moved and sneer a little over this sweet illusion of a mistress that she can do anything if she wants. Only for now, for some reason, she doesn't want to. Okay, malice aside. Let's take it seriously and in an adult way. So these conversations of mistresses are classics of the genre. Almost all mistresses say and think so. This is a template. This stereotype. This is some kind of external picture. Fantik. There is also a filling. Put the wrapper aside for now

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that mistresses really are great clever beauties. And they do a lot of things for someone else's husband. They try. Invested. Show unselfishness. And patience. On weekends and holidays themselves somehow get out. And they still remain faithful. In general, almost like wives and even "better" than them. Informally. But in fact, all the same, they have been walking in mistresses for years. Because such a role as a mistress was created not in order to "get out of her in marriage", but in order to strengthen, consolidate and cement.

V Soviet times there was also such a vulgar saying among the people: "a good leftist strengthens a marriage." This is the case. In this proverb, there was only no addition that families have different reinforcers. Some families lack positive reinforcers, For example, in the form of another child, or a common cause, common real estate, friends, travel together, and so on. Then the mistress, as a strengthener of marriage, will come down. Or what a long-standing resentment between the spouses is. So maybe they divorced a long time ago. And the family had a mistress. Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation. That's right, with the family. And you can continue to live. And don't get divorced. And everyone is good. By the way, deceived wives do, at first glance, act as victims, but their contribution to the appearance of a third in a pair is the same as that of a man. But not about wives this time.

In short, I consider lovers to be holy women. Altruists, which are few and still need to be looked for in our time. Arguments? A lot of them. But I will not bother you. I will name just two.

First. In most cases, having a lover will greatly support the functioning of the family. Some families simply do not have enough energy. And the mistress is like an additional power plant, with a power source. In many families, while there is a mistress, and children are second, still others are born, and houses are being built, and the cars of the wife-husband are regularly changed and other benefits are pouring in from the sky. At the same time, there can be violent scenes of jealousy, facts of treason can be revealed, a traitor can seem to walk back and forth, but everything that concerns the material, it is absolutely clear, as a rule, remains in one place. In family.

Second. By karmic laws, the mistress takes care of everything gynecological diseases kind of wife. As if it takes over. Not on their own, probably, will. But in the end it turns out that way. And the wife is something, she is with money, and with children and health. And who after that will turn his tongue to scold his mistresses? They just get Miss Unselfish, maybe they themselves, not understanding much. Therefore, I will join the formulaic conversation: "Well, I can't destroy someone else's family." Obviously, you cannot, since your function, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, is creative. Only, unfortunately, not for myself. In this place, I am very sad.

Evgeniya Kislitsyna, psychologist in Almaty

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Lyudmila, hello!
Is there love between your man and his wife? - this is not so important question. In addition to love, marriage can be based on respect, gratitude, mutual agreements, and habit. Often people simply prefer not to understand their feelings and leave everything as it is - because it is so convenient, understandable and socially approved. And all this does not exclude love between spouses.
In addition, every person in any situation has feelings that he experiences, there are his thoughts, and there are choices that he makes. And they may not always agree with each other. Whatever your man feels towards you and towards his wife, it is obvious that he is making a choice in her favor.
V in this case much more importantly, what do you feel in a given situation and what do you choose?
You say that you have anxiety and emptiness. What are you not getting in this relationship? What relationship needs are important to you? Are you able to freely talk about your desires, needs with this man? Or are they capable of abandoning these relationships for the sake of their interests and building new ones? Do you believe you can love again and be happy?
Put your desires at the forefront, assess the situation and choose those people who will be next to you and who can make you happy.
I wish you success!

Smirnova Irina Fedorovna, psychologist in Minsk or by Skype

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We all dream of falling in love and being happy, but often instead of love comes to us the strongest passion and obsessive emotional attachment on the subject of adoration. Such a feeling brings pain and disappointment, it literally kills a person as a person. In psychology, this state is called "addiction".

What is love addiction

This is the strongest passion, but not love. Psychologists compare it to other types of human addiction, such as alcohol, drug or drug addiction. gambling... Love addiction is psychological problem, which often cannot be cured without the help of a specialist. However, most people mistake this feeling for love and continue to suffer, not knowing how to overcome emotional addiction from a person.

Love and love addiction

Comparing two feelings that, at first glance, seem to be similar, psychologists distinguish whole line differences:

  • If the first is characterized by trust in a loved one, then the second causes passionate desire constantly control your soul mate. Almost always, this dependence is accompanied by a feeling of jealousy.
  • Love and love addiction differ in purpose. In the second case, a person has one goal - to live not his own life, but the life of the object of passion. Their values ​​fade into the background, the desires of the partner turn out to be a priority.
  • Over time, a woman sees many flaws in her man, but she cannot refuse him.
  • Dependence on the subject of passion is almost always accompanied by self-doubt.
  • If in love partners are individuals, then in a relationship of dependence on each other they live according to the scenario: you must become what I want.
  • In a state of love, people spend time together, because they are so comfortable, but they do not suffer in separation. In a relationship of addiction, partners suffer even when parting for several days.
  • Love develops a personality, makes it self-perfection. Depending - the opposite is true. A person loses himself, he grieves, experiences suffering, becomes angry and confused. This condition needs to be treated.
  • The state of dependence in most cases occurs with unrequited, non-reciprocal love.

Passion and love

Books and songs are written about these two feelings, but if the second brings happiness and does not lend itself to time, then the first quickly passes. In addition, other differences can be distinguished in insane passion and love. Man in ardent passion does not obey reason and is capable of the most unpredictable actions. A storm of emotions boils in him, new desires appear, for example, to go in for sports, to start drawing. He wants to do good deeds for those around him.

The following physical signs passions:

  • distraction and inattention;
  • rapid pulse;
  • "formication;
  • dilated pupils;
  • increased sex drive;
  • trembling hands.

How love is different from falling in love

Falling in love, like hypnosis, it is an obsession to always be with your partner, even without reciprocity. Real feeling is always mutual, arises with complete trust and respect for each other. Love differs from falling in love in that the first comes imperceptibly and leaves slowly or does not leave at all, and the second arrives like a hurricane and quickly disappears. Falling in love is happiness, but when it turns into addiction, life turns into torture. A person who does not know how to cure himself, how to get out of love addiction, gradually loses his individuality.

Symptoms of love addiction

How to understand if you are in love or are in love dependence on a relationship? You don't need to study psychology to understand this. Addiction is characterized by specific features:

  • Reassurances from acquaintances that this person is not your match is annoying.
  • A symptom of love addiction can also be called the fact that you constantly think about the subject of passion.
  • You are sure that the most important thing in life is love.
  • Even the thought of being alone is crazy.
  • Parting with him is tantamount to the end of the world.
  • Addiction is always accompanied by jealousy, perhaps a desire to avenge irresponsibility.
  • Self-interest sacrifice for the interests of a partner.
  • In order not to lose the object of passion, you are ready to forgive him anything you want.

How to get rid of addiction

In this case, knowledge from the psychology of relationships will help. To solve the problem, we suggest different methods, for example, such a simple practice as "visualization":

  1. You understand that you are dependent on the person and want to fight it.
  2. Imagine it in your mind and take a good look.
  3. To get rid of the addiction, imagine a rope stretching between you. One end she is attached to you, the other to him. Note where it is tied, how strong it is, how it feels and looks.
  4. Try to break this rope for a moment. Most people feel uncomfortable at the same time, because this connection long time was the goal.
  5. Answer the question: "What do you expect from a partner?" And immediately think: "How will this benefit me?" Take your time, find deep motivation.
  6. Imagine that you are standing on the right, but with resolved problems. How you look, how you move. Touch yourself in thoughts.
  7. Turn to the subject of your addiction and imagine again strong bond between you. Cut the rope and tie the other end to yourself on the right.
  8. Look again at the person you cut the connection with. Imagine that the severed end of his bond rejoins him.
  9. Come back to yourself refreshed.
  10. Think about how easy it will be for you to communicate with other people. That's all, from now on you know how to kill the love for a man in yourself, so start acting. Do the exercise as needed.

How to get rid of love addiction to a man

The psychotherapy technique described above provides only temporary relief. The problem is that codependency relationships are formed in childhood and often cannot be solved on their own. To make love dependence on a man out of your life, do the following:

  • Get rid of all his gifts.
  • Write him a letter of thanks and say goodbye.
  • Do not call, temporarily do not communicate with mutual acquaintances.
  • Don't complain to your girlfriends - they are more likely to harm than help.
  • Go on vacation.
  • Let yourself be imperfect and educate yourself.
  • Do not rush to enter into a new relationship, you need to be alone for a while.
  • Think about yourself and don't remember the past.
  • How to overcome addiction to a person? Free time- your enemy, fill it to the maximum.
  • Write down how you feel in a notebook. After a while, it will be interesting to re-read and understand how everything has changed.

How to get rid of love addiction to a married man

To deal with the trouble Orthodox Church suggests turning to Orthodoxy, praying and asking God for deliverance from obsession. Psychologists advise you to go on a long journey. New meetings, nature, impressions will not let you get bored. How to overcome love addiction? You need to distract yourself. To do this, select extreme sport or learning something new. Someone masters a parachute, someone pottery - all methods are good.

If you don't know , how to get rid of love addiction to a married man , remember the most important thing - you need to expand the range of your interests, because now it has narrowed to one person. Needed new meaning life. You can volunteer or look for a place where you can be of benefit. Getting rid of love addiction will be easier if family and friends support you.

How to get rid of love addiction to a woman

There is a misconception that only a woman can get into an addiction relationship. A girl is also capable of leaving a man at the peak of a relationship. The difference is that the guy will not advertise his depression, considering it a manifestation of weakness. A man prefers to experience everything inside himself and independently cope with longing and pain, so those around him often do not suspect how unhappy he is. How to overcome love addiction for a man?

When a woman feels bad, she goes to see a specialist. A man tries to free himself from attachment on his own. If love cannot be returned, he can plunge into alcoholism or carnal pleasures, commit suicide. According to statistics, every eighth suicide goes to it because of emotional devastation. Addiction in men is caused by low self-esteem and treatment should be to increase it. Start doing what you love or self-development. If such therapy does not give results, you should think about changing your place of residence for a while.

How to get rid of psychological dependence on a person

First you need to understand that the problem exists and try to get to the bottom of the cause of this state. If the child grew up in short supply parental love, then all his life he will look for this feeling in other people. In order to get rid of psychological dependence from a person , you have to learn to love yourself. If you cannot do this on your own, you need to contact a specialist.

Many women were burned by falling in love with married men. Recovering in time, the majority no longer wants to repeat their mistakes and find themselves in a stupid position. Nor propaganda free relationship nor the many temptations around to diversify your personal life, all the same, they do not indulge the need to have that only, their reliable companion in life. Women and men possessing common sense try to avoid the traps called love triangle.

Options for the development of events

Love triangle with a married man - in charge actor, more often than not, it cannot hold out for a long time. Occasionally, such romances can last for years, but if everything becomes clear, and the question becomes an edge, then, as a rule, the family can no longer continue its normal existence after such a crisis. There is either a breakup of a marriage that has come to a standstill, or a break in relations on the side, the probability of the first situation is much higher. A very small fraction of the fact that relationships in love triangles can last for a very long time and suit all parties.

There are examples when all three parties are aware of the existing alliance, but remain silent and do not go to confrontation. Such a Gordian knot can only be untied by the culprit himself, who continues to balance and keep the two women. Although being a cherished lady of the heart is romantic enough, the status of a beloved woman, and not a spouse, in this alliance is far from the most advantageous position.

Become the mistress of your life

By supporting and encouraging meetings with a married man, getting used to all his merits and demerits, over time it will become very difficult to break this connection. The abyss of relationships sucks in, involuntarily a woman begins to hope that everything will be special with her. Begins to push his plans into the background, adjust to not long moments days in which a man can break free. However, such sacrifices on her part turn against herself. Let's look at examples rational behavior women, in which she can erase from her life a fruitless romance with a married man.

Look a little ahead

Do you want to “be the second violin” in an informal love union of three, swallow the next grievances and endure empty expectations without showing any sign. As a rule, men who have mistresses dictate their terms during mutual relations and they choose this form of entertainment - for “letting off steam”, each time returning home with a new charge of vivacity and good mood.

Maybe it's just not enough drive in life, or maybe you want to get already finished result- a successful and wealthy man, without making efforts and time to support the young man... Anyway, disappointment from such one-sided love will come anyway.

There will be no wedding

Enchanting meetings, admiration, gifts always inspire a woman's clouded mind, but the prospect that a married man will break up his marriage for the sake of his mistress is very illusory. It is naive to believe that the scenario of a relationship can develop in favor of a dutifully waiting woman, because a man holds on to what is convenient and beneficial for him.

Without obligations

Still, a free, unencumbered choice for a woman is much better and more reliable than any married partner... To meet a worthy couple in your life, you first need to make room next to you, break off the vicious connection and be open to everything new and unknown.

Free woman

Remember yourself as you were before meeting the insidious voluptuary. Don't be afraid to feel new taste life, confidently break out of the impasse called the love triangle. Lead your own destiny, do not remain a toy in the hands of another person. It is not at all difficult, but even pleasant, to organize leisure for yourself, remember old acquaintances or make new ones, instead of waiting for "alms" from a married male. Feel your importance and take advantage of the opportunities that open up for a free woman.

Change your appearance

Start a change with own appearance: add openness and cockiness in the look. Leave no room for destructive addiction in your soul. Favorite hobbies, travel, finally, work and loved ones - that's what will help you find yourself again.

Let the wind of change overwhelm you with a wave of new emotions and adventures. A bright and glowing woman with joy and confidence, she cannot stay out of sight interesting men... And there - not long and until happy married life and his family cozy nest.

Video how to end a relationship with a married man