Old dog - care, nutrition, illness. How to care for an older dog

Unfortunately the arrows biological clock Dogs move much faster than humans. The life expectancy of a dog depends on the breed, on average they live 10-12 years, and dogs of small breeds 15-16 years.

Remember that an old dog needs special care and help, and he appreciates your care more than before. Now it's your turn to pay for the friendship and loyalty that the dog has given you throughout his life.

The old dog becomes lazier, moves less and at the same time spends less energy, so he must be fed special food that has a low calorie content, less protein, fat and carbohydrates. Feeding a dog high-calorie foods can lead to obesity, which, in turn, puts an additional strain on the heart and adversely affects the entire body as a whole.

If you used to walk your dog twice a day, now don't make it endure for a long time and walk at least 3-4 times a day. On walks, do not give her unnecessary physical activity - do not make her run or jump over high barriers, although do not limit her activity if she herself wants it.

Dog eyes require more careful care - tracking them will make it possible to quickly identify any changes. For example, if you notice clouding of the cornea and go to the doctor in time, this will save your dog from blindness. Keep an eye on your teeth at all times, and if you find a decayed or loose tooth, see your doctor to prevent an infection from developing in your mouth. oral cavity. In general, a dog after 8 years should be shown to the veterinarian twice a year for preventive examination. This will make it possible to identify the disease on early stage, do necessary prevention and prolong the life of your pet.

IN last days In the life of a dog, communicate with her affectionately and attentively, but never cry or show your anxiety: dogs are very sensitive and unmistakably capture the thoughts and feelings of the owner. When your dog just got old and not sick, then his death will be natural and peaceful. When a dog is seriously ill and there is no hope of improvement, there comes a moment when you need to take a hard, but correct solution- "lull" her. However, never make such a decision if your old dog, constantly shedding, has simply lost its aesthetic appearance, cannot stand it for a long time, and you have to walk it several times a night, or when you come home from work, you see a puddle on the carpet, because it could no longer wait for you, or ... Think about it, you can always clean the carpet, but will your conscience remain clear?

So, your pet must leave you - this is inevitable. Some people get a young dog ahead of time - this softens the bitterness of parting. But not always an old dog is happy with the appearance of a puppy. Puppy with his boundless energy, disrespect for property old dog, to her place, toy, to dinner, with his appropriation of the attention of the owner will cause irritation and jealousy in your old friend. If you did not take a partner to the dog when he was still young, you should not do this when he feels weak, aging.

Older dogs behave more sedately, with dignity, become conservative in their habits, so they can hardly endure a change of scenery. They can become naughty, irritable and grumpy. The character is especially spoiled in dogs suffering from serious diseases and experiencing in connection with this constant pain. Some dogs become shy, unsure of their abilities. Others hurt young dogs, trying to keep the lead.

To the owner, the dogs become more obsessive, jealous, touchy, can withdraw into themselves and avoid communication. Spending most of the day half asleep, at night the "old men" stagger around the apartment - they suffer from insomnia.

Dogs can hardly endure emotional and physical overload, and stress is simply fatal for them.

Old age brings diseases: rheumatism, arthritis, toothache, liver disease, Bladder and others. You can't treat old age, but you can help an old dog to live out its last years happily. It all starts with caring for the health of the pet, carried out throughout life. This care includes regular veterinary check-ups, deworming, dental and ear care, regular physical exercise appropriate diet.

Reduced in older dogs physical activity and increased susceptibility to obesity. From here it becomes clear how important it is to properly feed the dog.

Do not let her get fat, although this can be very difficult to do. For older dogs, a low-calorie diet is recommended that is low in protein, carbohydrates and high in fiber, vitamins, vegetable oils.

Many older dogs are very worried about severe toothache. The dog resists and trembles when we want to examine its teeth, and then rubs its muzzle with its paws. So she feels severe pain. Sick teeth need to be removed in time. She will become sociable and cheerful again.

Dogs often suffer from earaches. It is more difficult to deal with it than with a toothache. There is only one way - from puppyhood, keep your ears clean and in good condition. Preventive cleansing once a week throughout life will save the dog from pain in old age.

An old dog can become deaf, blind. This will make her treat her even more tenderly than before - there is no other way out.

Sometimes older dogs suffer from urinary incontinence. It is impossible to treat this defect, it remains only not to scold your old friend, but to cover the bedding with a layer of old newspapers at night.

"Old" and wool. She acquires bad smell, thins, the skin becomes oily. Rubbing the wool with a sponge moistened with a solution of vodka and 9% vinegar (1:1) will help. This simple procedure will eliminate the smell.

It is necessary to protect the old dog from rain and cold. On rainy days, it is better to take the dog for a walk in a warm blanket.

Particular attention should be paid to the place of the dog in the apartment. It should be as far away from drafts as possible and be soft and comfortable.

The old dog becomes very slow and does everything after much thought. Don't rush her and don't be nervous. Be careful when you have to go down or up the stairs - over the years, the stairs become a serious obstacle for the dog. Don't jerk it, old dogs feel unhappy when they are spoken to loudly, harshly, or forced to rush. You need to be careful and patient.

Dachshund's old age

Dachshunds live longer than 12 years, but they show signs of aging after 8 years, during this period there are less dynamic behavior, joint pain, dulling of the coat with the appearance of white hairs, and a decrease in appetite. It's too early to talk about old age, but some dietary changes should be taken to reduce the problems associated with age.

Light mode is introduced when the dog shows signs of being overweight. In adults, on the contrary, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient energy value of the diet and improve the quality of the components used to compensate for some of the difficulties that may arise during the assimilation of food. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of protein in the diet of older dogs should be reduced. But proteins allow the dog to maintain muscle and protect against infection. Since aging dogs are less successful in absorbing proteins from food than young dogs, it is necessary to improve their quality.

Reducing dietary phosphorus intake is effective in slowing down the gradual decline in kidney function.

The old dog is heavy on his feet, he sleeps a lot and plays little. She no longer pleases with enthusiasm and energy, she becomes slow, weak. An older dog is looking for a warm, comfortable place and can sleep all day. The dog's coat is changing. Usually it turns gray, becomes thin and brittle. An elderly dog ​​is in no hurry to respond to the call of the owner, being naughty.

Dogs age faster than we would like, and it always happens unexpectedly. For every animal, old age comes in different time and depends on the size of the dog, breed, health status. Small dogs usually live longer. Many dachshunds live up to 20 years, and become old only at the age of 10-12 years, while large dogs age at 6-8 years. For orientation: dogs weighing up to 10 kg live 15 years or more, dogs of medium weight - 11-14 years, and heavyweights - 8-10 years.

How should the owner react to the aging of the dog? First of all, you need to become especially attentive when your pet and friend enters average age. (For a dachshund, this is 10 years.) What is meant by this? Sometimes it's easy to make a mistake and overlook serious illness, considering the decrease in the activity of the dog as a sign of old age. Symptoms of the disease can be considered weight loss, lack of appetite, increased thirst, frequent urination, shortness of breath, exhaustion, vomiting, bad smell from the mouth or inflammation of the gums.

In short, any changes in the behavior of an older dog should alert you - unwillingness to go for a walk, involuntary urination, lethargy. These are signs that your pet is unwell.

Dog lovers have accumulated a wealth of experience in caring for older dogs, let's summarize this experience.

Take your dog to the vet twice a year. Blood and urine tests done on a healthy dog ​​will allow you to know the rate, which will be needed for comparison when he gets sick. Regular check-ups of the dog by a veterinarian should be made a rule. He should listen to her heart, lungs, examine her teeth, eyes, ears and lymph nodes.

There is an opinion that old dogs do not need to be vaccinated. This view is extremely dangerous. As animals age, they become more susceptible to disease and need the protection that vaccines give to a weakened animal. immune system your friend.

In no case should you postpone a visit to the veterinarian if you notice a deterioration in the health of your pet. Do not wait for the situation to worsen when the disease leads to irreversible processes.

The dog's teeth need to be cleaned regularly, on their own, using a special paste for pets. By the way, dogs like the taste of pasta, so they quickly get used to this procedure. (About 85% of all older dogs suffer from dental and gum disease.)

Brush your dog regularly. Older dogs need more frequent bathing and shampooing.

While combing, be sure to feel the dog to check for tumors. Examine the skin and coat, ears and eyes. The mucous membranes of the eyes should be Pink colour(as well as healthy ones).

About sterilization and castration. These operations can prevent tumors of the mammary glands and prostate, but they are best performed on a young dog. In old age, they are also not contraindicated and can be effective.

Do not change the routine, so as not to stress the old dog. She should live in a familiar family environment, eat ordinary food. When a new pet arrives, be sure to pay more attention to your old friend.

About physical activity. They should be moderate - a few short walks a day. If the dog is tired and breathing heavily, you should consult a veterinarian.

Feeding an old dog

The focus should be on the quality of the feed. In this case, it is better to stick to the usual set of products, because abrupt change nutrition ends with indigestion. Dogs with chronic diseases may be transferred to diet food. Dieting in this case is one of the important conditions welfare of the elderly dog.

Older dogs become very picky about food, and some of them are always hungry. Bulimia (satiation disorder) is dangerous not only because of overeating, but also because, by eating everything, the dog runs the risk of poisoning. poor appetite and gluttony - serious occasion for a visit to the doctor.

It is advisable to use complexes designed specifically for older dogs - "Dekamevit" or veterinary drugs. When choosing vitamins, you should consult your doctor. Some preparations contain eleutherococcus and similar substances that increase vitality dogs, but contraindicated in liver disease. "Vitapet" proved to be excellent. It improves well-being, increases activity, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints.

Feed your senior dog quality food that is balanced in vitamins and minerals. In old age, dogs often gain excess weight, and obesity in turn leads to other health problems, so it is important to follow special diets.

To euthanize an old dog or not

If the life of an old dog becomes a torment for him, you must spare him this. It's hard to decide on this, but your last duty is to do it for her.

Take an old friend to the vet yourself. If you can't stand it, ask someone your dog loves and trusts to help you. Do not let your dog die with the consciousness of his own uselessness in the hands of an outsider.

Diseases of older dogs

In older dogs, it is not easy to draw a line between age-related changes and diseases. Symptoms of diseases are mild and the owners do not always pay attention to them in a timely manner. Some dogs become addicted to the weather, which can be confusing to owners when the ailment is attributed to the weather. By old age, animals acquire, as a rule, a bunch of diseases. This must be taken into account when assigning drug therapy so as not to disturb the delicate balance in the aging organism. The sensitivity to drugs also changes. The dosage of even the most harmless drug should be selected taking into account age, since intoxication may occur due to a decrease in the functions of the liver and kidneys.

Exercise is necessary for an old dog to maintain muscle tone and flexibility of the joints, but the dosage of exposure to air should be reasonable. IN good weather you can stay on the street. You should not follow the lead of dogs that have retained their temperament and playfulness until old age.

In older dogs, even minor injuries heal very poorly, so you need to carefully monitor the dog when walking. After playing or fighting with other dogs, an older dog may experience pain in the legs or spine. Overexertion on walks is fraught with weakness, attacks of cardiac arrhythmia and shortness of breath.

Older dogs are most susceptible to diseases such as cancer, kidney, liver and heart disease. If the diagnosis is made at an early stage of the disease, it is possible to extend the life of the dog for several years.

Consider the most common diseases of older dogs.

KIDNEY DISEASES. In dogs, the kidneys age the fastest. Experts believe that every dog ​​over the age of 8 suffers from kidney failure. However, diseased kidneys still serve the dog, which, unfortunately, often leads to the fact that kidney failure is not diagnosed in a timely manner. Serious symptoms may not appear until 60–75% of kidney function is lost. The disease progresses slowly. The first sign is that the dog drinks more and asks to go outside more often. Later, appetite disappears, weight decreases, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, lethargy are possible. Uncleanliness at home can also be a symptom. kidney failure, although some spayed females become incontinent at an older age, even when they are healthy.

If one or both kidneys are diseased, toxic substances accumulate in the body. Diagnosis can be made by blood and urine tests.

Treatment of renal failure. The dog is prescribed phosphorus and salt, as well as antibiotics and steroids. Kidney transplantation is possible, but rarely used.

LIVER DISEASES. The liver eliminates toxins from the dog's body, controls the composition of the blood, and helps to absorb proteins and glucose. Malfunction of this organ in older dogs can be due to inflammation, infection, trauma, or long-term use of drugs that promote liver metabolism. Symptoms of the disease - lethargy, loss of appetite and weight - are often mistaken by owners for age-related changes.

In more serious cases, there is heat, vomiting, icterus, increased thirst, depression, when probing, an increase in the liver is noticeable. Diagnosis is based on blood and urine tests or a liver biopsy. The dog needs a low sodium diet.

HEART FAILURE. The disease occurs in dogs over 5 years of age and can be caused by wear and tear of the heart valves and muscles, age or infections. Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, coughing, weakness, swelling of the legs or abdomen, bluish tongue or gums. Diagnosis includes x-ray examination chest, electrocardiogram, measurement blood pressure and ultrasound.

A sick dog is recommended to feed with a low salt content, potassium is useful, vitamin supplements. The dog is limited to physical activity. It is necessary to strictly monitor the weight, since obesity can lead to heart disease.

CANCER. The most common form of cancer found in dogs is lymphoma. It starts in the lymph nodes but can spread to any part of the body.

How to detect a disease? Older dogs often develop tumors and pomors. It is important to take the dog to the veterinarian to determine if these skin growths could be cancerous.

Treatment. Chemotherapy - standard treatment, which causes some types of cancer to go into remission.

VISION. After eight years, the dog's visual acuity decreases. It is connected with various diseases: glaucoma, atrophy of the retina and optic nerve, age-related changes in the lens. A barely noticeable bluish "haze" in the dog's eyes speaks of a beginning cataract. To stop the process, eye drops are used: catachrom - oftan, taufon 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day in long courses. With a developed cataract, surgery is indicated. If this is not possible, then the blind dog is walked only on a leash along a familiar route. At home, so that the dog is not injured, do not leave dangerous objects in its path.

The deterioration of vision is indicated by such signs as the reluctance of the dog to walk in dark time days, caution, overcoming with difficulty or with a "reserve" of minor obstacles.

Blindness of even one eye can lead to unexpected reactions - fear or aggression at familiar dogs that are on the side of the diseased eye.

Signs of vision loss - cautious gait, sniffing the road. The dog tries on before each step, bumps into objects, behaves insecurely.

For dogs, vision loss is not a tragedy. They begin to navigate with the help of other senses, first of all, smell and hearing. The task of the owner is to reduce the risk of injury as much as possible, to teach the dog elementary commands (for example, “stand”, “quiet”, “forward”) so that the dog feels more confident and reliant not only on himself, but also on the owner.

HEARING. Hearing loss is another natural change in the senile body. More often, dogs with chronic otitis media lose their hearing. Hearing loss is not as obvious as vision loss. Living with a person long life, the dog is guided not only by the voice, but also by the change in facial expressions, gestures, she understands familiar commands and words by lips. Suspicions arise when the dog does not pay attention to commands, gets lost on walks, despite the calls of the owner, runs in the other direction.

Hearing impaired dogs must be walked on a leash. Return hearing, of course, impossible, but timely treatment otitis and proper care behind the ears reduce the likelihood of deafness in old age.

LEATHER. Skin loses elasticity with age sebaceous glands develop less secret, dandruff appears. Wool fades, seems groomed. Regular combing will relieve the skin of fallen hair, dandruff, and improve blood circulation. The brush should be soft so as not to scratch the skin, because scratches in older dogs are easily infected.

The claws of an old dog almost do not wear down, interfere with walking and cause lameness. They should be periodically inspected and, if necessary, trimmed. Old dogs catch colds easily, so they are rarely washed - it is better to do with cleaning with a special shampoo.

ABOUT CLEANLINESS. An old dog may lose control of the administration of natural needs and begins to recover in the apartment. In old animals, many conditioned reflex connections fade away, they “forget” that they need to ask for a walk. Scolding and punishing an old dog for "deeds" in the apartment is pointless, it is better to increase the number of walks.

Some older dogs drink a lot of fluids, which can be the cause of enuresis. Often thirst is associated with a violation of the kidneys. It is very difficult to cope with the disease, but it is impossible to limit the dog's access to water. It is better to withdraw more often so that she does not have to endure for a long time. Increased thirst can be a symptom of other diseases: pyometra, diabetes etc. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to show the dog to the doctor.

How can we help our pet, who has grown old, but has not become less dear to us and continues to be a member of the family?

Most older dogs suffer from osteoarthritis, which is usually manifested by joint stiffness. Worse from cold and dampness. In this case, you can use the drug Zeel. It must be used for a long time - at least 1.5-2 months, usually 2-3 injections per week.

Sometimes in old age the dog becomes nervous, irritable, shy. Improvements can be expected from the use of Berberis-Homaccord and Nux vomica-Homaccord and Phosphorus-Homaccord. The last remedy is indicated for animals that are afraid of thunderstorms, gunshots, sharp sounds. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 months with injections 1-2 times a week.

Diseases of the gums and teeth prevent the dog from eating and serve as a source of infection. Therefore, monitor the condition of your pet's oral cavity, regularly remove tartar. If the dog has already developed periodontal disease, you can use Traumeel injections or orally, as well as treat teeth and gums with oil. tea tree. Processing should be carried out daily for at least 2 weeks.

Older animals often get constipated. As a rule, they are caused by improper feeding, weakness of the abdominal muscles and intestinal atony. Do not give bones to your dog: their sharp edges can injure the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and lead to very grave consequences. If your dog has chronic constipation, give her easily digestible food in small portions. Milk, oatmeal, liver, bran have a laxative effect on some animals. In mild cases, laxatives are given orally - vaseline or vegetable oil 3-4 teaspoons per day, depending on the size of the animal. Do not give laxatives regularly, as the animal will become addicted. Of the antihomotoxic drugs, we can recommend Mucosa-Composium and Nux vomica Homaccord. They can be used for a long time.

A few words about such a preparation as Coenzyme compositum. It is the main "senile" remedy. Its homeopathic components, trace elements, enzymes and vitamins in homeopathic doses have a wide, but not overly strong effect on most systems. This drug is indicated for all aging animals, and also, along with Traumelen, for various malignant formations to improve overall well-being.

dog death

This misfortune falls not only on you, but on everyone in the house - children, adults and animals that lived together.

The death of an animal is a tragedy in the family. The child should feel this tragedy completely if the life of the dog was cut short suddenly: it fell under the wheels of a car, died from infectious disease. If an old decrepit dog had to be euthanized, if the dog has an incurable disease and is suffering, then it is better to tell the baby that the dog was taken to the clinic, where she underwent surgery, and then she was transferred to a sanatorium for aftercare. Otherwise, you can cause severe mental trauma to the child.

If a dog died at home in front of your child, don't talk about getting a new one to replace the old one. new dog will never replace the old child. So you will make an indifferent person out of a child. Wait, maybe the child himself will say that he wants a new dog.

When a beloved dog dies, painful devastation reigns in the soul for a long time. There are regrets that much should have been done differently, given to the dog more love and attention. It happens that people, having lost a dog, remain true to the memory of her and decide that another will never enter their house again. It is difficult to make a choice between the desire to love the muzzle, tail and four legs and loyalty to your first friend. There will be separation and pain again, because people live longer than dogs, but imagine how much happiness awaits you if you again give your heart to a weak and cute puppy.

Konrad Lorenz wrote in his book A Man Finds a Friend: human life all joy is paid for by sadness, and I consider a corpse who refuses a few harmless and ethically impeccable pleasures, accessible to man, only out of fear that sooner or later fate will present him with a bill for them ... "If, having lost a dog, you take a puppy of the same breed, then in the normal course of events you will soon be convinced that he will fill the void in your heart and life that has arisen after losing an old four-legged friend.

When we lose a dog, we lose our future together. Never again will she come running to wake you up in the morning, poking her wet nose and delicately licking your face. After the death of a friend, a person feels lost and, in order to get out of this state to normal life, psychologists advise: do not hold back your feelings in the presence of people close to you.

When several dogs or other animals live in a family, and especially if they are friends with each other, then another problem arises: often the remaining animal is very bored when suddenly, unexpectedly, its partner disappears. On a walk, a dog can tear off the leash for similar dogs flashing in the distance.

And in this case, the proven method usually works best - get a puppy of the same breed. If your dog is accustomed to living with another dog, and they made up a small dog pack together, then left alone, he suffers greatly. Most likely, she will take care of the baby that has appeared in every possible way and raise him according to her own rules.

How to ensure a dignified and painless old age for a four-legged friend?

It must be said right away that big dogs age faster than little ones, and spayed girls live longer than those who have had puppies. large dog reaches a “retirement” age at about 7-8 years, a small one after 10. These figures are very relative, it all depends on the care of the dog, its living conditions and many more factors. However, we must remember: as soon as your pet has passed seven years, he began or will soon begin to age.

Consider main signs of aging, age problems dogs, how to deal with them or at least make your friend's old age as comfortable as possible.

1. First of all, in old age begins to suffer musculoskeletal system . Your pet begins to move more slowly, gets up and lies down with difficulty, you can see how he suffers, going up or down the stairs, in especially difficult cases, the dog may even fall, losing his balance. First of all, pay attention to walks, more precisely, their duration and quality. Of course, the dog must walk, but in bad weather in general, you should not linger on the street for a long time, only to cope with her needs. In good weather, also try not to walk for so long, if there are conditions - close to home and on a flat surface, without any slides and special structures for jumping. Even if the dog used to love to run around there and jump, you should not get carried away now.

2. In old age, like people, dogs begin to deteriorate. vision. Often dogs suffer from cataracts - look closely at your pet's eyes and if you notice a bluish coating, like a haze - this is a 100% sign of a terrible disease! On initial stage Your doctor may prescribe medications to slow it down. The veterinarian may advise surgery if it makes sense. If you know that your dog has become “weak-eyed”, you should only walk it on a leash! At home, try to remove things with sharp corners and free up more space. Do not make cardinal rearrangements - the dog has got used to a certain place of each large thing over the years of living in your house and, with poor eyesight, will navigate from memory.

3. The dog's coat is starting to fade., the skin becomes drier or, conversely, oilier. Now there is a huge selection of different shampoos, including for the "old men". Let your doctor recommend a specific shampoo based on the condition of your dog's coat and skin. In old age, the dog should be washed less often due to the fact that older pets can catch a cold more easily. And there was also a novelty - dry zooshampoo. Friends who have an elderly dog ​​use it from time to time in winter and are satisfied. Now you need to comb the dog very carefully, it makes sense to change the brush to a softer one.

4. Can change a lot dog character. It is ridiculous to draw an analogy with us, but dogs, like people, become capricious, suspicious and jealous in old age! Naturally, you can’t go on about every whim, but why not allow the dog some little thing, if this is not important for you? For example, the dog always slept on the rug, and now it constantly climbs onto the sofa. Or maybe she is not capricious at all, but her joints hurt and it hurts her to sleep on a hard one? .. So let her lie down in comfort, just wash the bedspreads more often!

5. Problems with urination. Not necessarily, but old dogs sometimes pee off schedule, without waiting for a walk. Again, as in puppyhood, we will have to walk not two, but three times a day - what to do, but do not forget that walks should be short and gentle. Maybe your dog is "letting it under him" in his sleep. Place a rubber pad under its rug, it is not so difficult to wash both the rug and the rubber later. It is almost useless to fight this, it is better not to scold the dog for this, but to pay attention to the hygiene of its bed.

6. Your furry companion can go bad hearing. You will often not notice this right away - the dog has lived with you for many years and, with hearing loss, will almost painlessly orient itself to your usual facial expressions. Important Features decrease or loss of hearing - the dog does not respond to the usual commands, standing sideways or with its back to you, gets lost on a walk and does not respond to calls to return. Walk strictly on a leash! Hearing loss is often provoked by otitis, which proceeded imperceptibly in more early age, so the ears should be given Special attention any age.

7. Soo nutrition. Don't waste your money, if you've been feeding your dog mostly dry food so far, switch to premium and higher food. Ask your doctor to prescribe vitamins for older dogs for your pet, try to diversify her diet. Often old dogs do not eat well or, on the contrary, suffer from gluttony. Make sure that the food is even and not heavy, give your dog more often what he likes.

8. The hardest question - your friend's last days… It is very difficult to decide which is better – for the pet to die before your eyes at home or to be put to sleep… If the dog is seriously ill and suffering, consult a doctor and make a difficult decision – to save her from suffering… Helping her to go painlessly to “dog heaven” will be the last an act of your love!

They love us with all their hearts, are devoted to us and are ready to give their lives for us, they forgive us everything and condescendingly perceive our shortcomings and weaknesses. Let us be as kind and merciful as possible to those who give us all of themselves without a trace. Let's make the life of these creatures happy, old age worthy. And let them know to the last breath that we loved them, just like they loved us ...

The following figures testify to the life expectancy of some large ones:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs live from 9 to 11 years,
  • German Shepherds live up to 10-14 years
  • The life span of Rottweilers is 9-12 years.

If we talk about medium breeds, then it should be noted that according to some information english bulldogs, for example, live from 8 to 10 years, while age limit The life span of an English Spaniel is 10 to 14 years.

Long-livers among dogs are small breeds. So, for example, chihuahuas can live 15-17 years, and lapdogs even up to 18-20 years (with more detailed information about the life expectancy of dogs can be found, for example, on the DogSekrets website).

However, the main factor affecting how long your dog will live is proper care. By and large, the attitude of the owner towards the old dog may indicate the degree of his love and affection for her.

The first sign of a dog's aging is a change in its character and behavior.

Older dogs behave differently than in young age. They do not tolerate changes in the environment, do not want to give up their habits, often become irritable and less obedient.

Sometimes old dogs become timid, shy, or, conversely, cease to recognize their young relatives, trying to maintain their leadership.

An old dog is more likely to be jealous and offended by their owners, become obsessive or, on the contrary, begin to avoid communication with people, withdrawing into themselves.

Aging dogs are hard enough to endure both physical and emotional stress.

As older dogs age, their health deteriorates and they begin to get sick more often. However, due to a decrease in immunity, the symptoms of a particular disease are mild, and the owner may accidentally not notice the onset of the disease.

Many dogs in old age begin to suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the fact that the ligaments become less elastic, the bones are more fragile, and injuries do not heal well, walking an old dog becomes a very difficult task for the owner.

In an elderly dog, vision begins to decline, they are afraid to go for walks in the dark. During walks, they show slowness, caution in movements, with difficulty overcoming even minor obstacles encountered on the way.

An aging dog is hard of hearing. But since she is used to responding not only to the owner's voice, but also to his facial expressions and gestures, the owner may not notice the symptoms of her hearing loss. Therefore, when communicating with an elderly dog, the owner should pay attention to the first signs of deafness in the dog. She ignores the commands of the owner, which she simply does not hear, she can run in the opposite direction from him, despite his calls. Since such a dog can easily get lost, it must be walked only on a leash.

Older dogs gradually lose their teeth. In this case, care must be taken to ensure that the food that is fed to the dog is soft enough so that the dog can easily swallow it.

Older dogs change their appetite. Some of them begin to be very picky about food, others constantly feel hungry. In this regard, when feeding old dogs, special attention should be paid to proper feeding and the quality of the diet. In some cases, experts recommend transferring such dogs to a diet. In this case, a significant role should be given to the intake of drugs containing vitamins.

However, it must be borne in mind that any medications, including vitamin supplements, should be used only for their intended purpose. veterinarian. The fact is that with age, the functioning of the liver and kidneys deteriorates in dogs, which can lead to intoxication. Therefore, when choosing medicines, experts must take into account the age of the dog.

Most drugs sold in veterinary pharmacies intended for older dogs certainly improve their well-being, increase activity and have positive influence on the condition of the joints. So, for example, to increase the tone of older dogs, you can give preparations containing eleutherococcus. However, it should be borne in mind that such substances should not be given to dogs that suffer from liver diseases.

And how sad it is to talk about it, if the dog became seriously ill due to reaching old age, and the help of specialists positive results does not give, as a rule, she is euthanized in veterinary clinic. Of course, not all owners easily decide on this. However, in most cases, such a step is the only possible and correct act of mercy towards your dog.

More recently, you have acquired a funny puppy who delighted you with pranks, but a little time has passed and the already elderly dog ​​does not run so briskly after a stick and does not hear when you call him. Aging is a naturally occurring part of the development of the body. The lifespan of our four-legged friends, unfortunately, is much less than a human.

With age, eyesight and hearing deteriorate in old dogs, chronic diseases become aggravated, and “it hurts the paws, then the tail falls off.” Old animals demand from you special relationship and care.

Dogs age the fastest large breeds. Mastiffs and Great Danes are considered seniors after 5 years of age. These giants rarely live past 12 years of age. Dogs of small breeds of dogs (toy terriers, toy poodles, Yorkies) can remain active up to 17, sometimes even up to 20 years. In old age, the dog needs special attention. Pets need to see a doctor at least once every six months. With the appearance of small signs of malaise, you do not need to delay, but you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely prescribed treatment can maintain health and prolong the life of a four-legged friend.

IN old age most common in dogs: disease of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system, hearing and vision impairment, diseases of the genital area and oncological diseases.

If your dog develops shortness of breath with little exertion (when climbing stairs), coughing, blue tongue, and swelling on the paws, do not hesitate and contact your veterinary cardiologist. You need to do an EKG. Many cardiac pathologies are well corrected by the constant intake of drugs.

Have you noticed that the dog does not get up well, walks with difficulty, limps or fills up his butt when walking? Osteoarthritis, arthritis, discopathy frequent companions old dogs. You need a visit to the veterinarian. X-ray of the extremities or spine will identify the problem and make a prognosis. At chronic diseases joints, physiotherapy (heating, UHF, laser) and oral medications are indicated. Dogs with joint pain, just like people, react to changes in the weather, to damp and cold weather. It must be remembered that treatment must be carried out constantly.

- In female dogs, regardless of the number of matings, after 5-6 years, the risk of inflammation of the uterus - pyometra - increases. With lethargy combined with increased thirst, discharge from the loop should immediately consult a doctor. When accumulated a large number pus in the uterus, the life of the animal is threatened. The only treatment for pyometra is surgery. Tablets and injections worsen the condition and prognosis of the operation.

In old males, frequent painful urination is the first symptom of inflammation of the prostate or its cystic degeneration. With an enlarged prostate, the lumen of the rectum decreases and defecation becomes difficult. Timely castration helps to stop the process and prolong the life of the animal.

Older dogs often suffer from dental disease. Please note that if the dog has a smell from the mouth, it hurts to chew, saliva is sometimes mixed with blood, she needs the help of a doctor. In such cases, a thorough sanitation of the oral cavity, removal of tartar and decayed teeth is required. In advanced cases, three-quarters of the teeth have to be removed. After their removal, the dog needs a wiped diet, since she will simply have nothing to chew on.

Older dogs tend to appear. In the first place in terms of frequency of occurrence, they are in females, then tumors of the skin and soft tissues, then neoplasms of bones and internal organs. A small "ball" under the skin or in the breast tissue should not be ignored. Poor appetite, weight loss, lethargy are non-specific signs, but may occur due to the presence of a neoplasm in the abdominal or chest cavity. A doctor's examination and examination (ultrasound and x-rays) is needed.

- With age, 60% of older dogs develop cataracts - clouding of the lens. The lens of one or two eyes begins to "whiten". The refraction of light changes and vision deteriorates. The dog stumbles upon objects, does not see the owner and his favorite toys. She tries to navigate more by voice and smell. Try to talk to your dog more, do not touch him silently, this can scare him, first call out or say his name. No need to rearrange the furniture in the house, it will disorient the dog. Walk the route she is used to, so she will feel more confident and calm. An operation was developed to replace the lens. It gives good results and restores vision. The main condition for such an operation is the absence of cardiac pathology, since the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Many older dogs are prone to obesity. Do not let the dog get fat, watch the weight. This is important because overweight ultimately leading to diabetes mellitus, a complication cardiovascular diseases and poor movement. Older dogs should eat low-calorie, low-fat, low-carbohydrate foods. A increased content fiber, the addition of vegetable oils and vitamins will have a good effect on bowel function and overall tone.

Many dogs change their behavior with age. They sleep a lot during the day, and wander around at night, sighing or whining. Restlessness at night can be caused by joint or abdominal pain. From constant discomfort or pain, the dog can be grumpy and irritable. You need to find out what is bothering the dog and, if possible, eliminate the cause or reduce the pain. If you have several dogs living in your house, then younger ones can oppress the old man. After all, he is now unable to answer the young. Protect him from claims, do not allow dog fights. Feed first, pay more attention. This will show the "pack" that you recognize the older dog as a leader. Many dogs refuse to go for a walk in rainy and cold weather, walk slowly, and do not immediately respond to commands. Don't get annoyed with your elderly friend. Show patience and kindness.
(author of the article Skorodumova S. veterinarian)
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