What are face masks for oily skin? Masks for oily skin: homemade recipes. For oily problem skin

How much grief a mirror brings when a shiny face looks at you from there, and even with hated pimples. How many girlish tears have been shed because of this, how many dates have been thwarted ...

Not everyone has the opportunity to put themselves in order in a beauty salon. And you want to look good. So, we must act. Cleansing, moisturizing, anti-aging, nourishing masks for oily skin, prepared at home, will certainly help you.

Secrets of Aphrodite

A few words about how to care for oily skin. It is advisable to prepare the mask in advance. However, before applying it to the face, it should be cleaned and slightly steamed. For cleansing, you can use an oatmeal scrub filled with hot water. Lightly massage your face after applying the scrub. Rinse. Now your skin is ready. The mask is applied in the direction from the chin to the ears, from the wings of the nose and from the forehead to the temples, usually left for 15-20 minutes. Rinse for comfort warm water. It is advisable to carry out such procedures no more than 2 times a week.

Purifying masks

Cleansing masks are made from the most common products of our table, which can be found in almost every home - these are apples, oatmeal, better known as Hercules, lemon and much more.

  • apple masks

Making apple masks at home is not particularly difficult.

Let me offer you some flavorful recipes..

  • The easiest way, so to speak, for the lazy. Apply a finely grated apple on your face in an even layer for 15 minutes.
  • Recipe two: cut the apple into slices, boil until soft, grind to a puree-like consistency. Add fresh lemon juice to the resulting mass, about the size of a coffee spoon, and a few drops of oil, which is recommended for oily skin: lavender, almond, clove.

Oatmeal mask or Hercules mask

Let's start simple again. Pour oatmeal with hot water in a ratio of 1: 3, grind to a mushy state. Apply to the face after the oatmeal has cooled.

Another mask for oily skin: mix well ground oatmeal with whipped protein. 20 minutes after application, gently remove with a dry towel, and then rinse your face with cool water.

Oatmeal is perfect for clearing up acne.

Kefir masks

At home, cleansing kefir masks are quickly and easily prepared for oily skin.

The simplest: the face is smeared with kefir in its pure form. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water. In summer, when there are a lot of berries and fruits, you can fantasize as you like.

Mix half a glass of kefir with 100 grams of strawberries or strawberries. Pound and mix well until smooth. Apply to a cleansed face for 15 minutes. By the way, the combination of kefir and strawberries or strawberries helps not only cleanse the skin of the face. These are also rejuvenating masks. In addition, they are an excellent remedy for acne.

Fighting acne

What if it's not strawberry season? Ordinary soda will help you against acne. Make a soda mask before going to bed, after evening dress. Dilute the soda a small amount water and spread evenly on the face. You can wash off after 15 minutes.

Regular laundry soap excellent tool against acne. Soap the tip of a cotton swab and wipe each pimple with it. This operation should be carried out before going to bed. Wash off in the morning with cool water.

A few words about the green first aid kit. For acne, try an infusion of nettle leaves. Leaves should be poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Wipe or rinse your face with this infusion several times a day.

Also, against acne and problematic skin, try a mask based on honey and citrus juice. This mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Nourishing masks

The next step in facial skin care: nourishing it. Nourishing masks at home are prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, yeast, honey and even potatoes. You just need to choose what suits your skin and does not cause irritation.

Everyone knows about the benefits of cottage cheese. It contains nutrients useful material both for our body and for our skin.

In a mixture of honey and cottage cheese (1: 1), add kefir and a little lemon juice. Apply to face for 15 minutes. The skin of the face will not only be nourished, but will become softer and brighter.

Help fight pigment spots, acne, saturate our skin nutrients found in carrots. In a mixture of cottage cheese with carrot juice or grated carrots on a fine grater, add milk and vegetable oil. At the end of the procedure, to improve blood circulation, you can wipe your face with a piece of ice.

And here's another one nourishing mask for oily skin: grate raw peeled potatoes. Beat the protein with a pinch of salt into a strong foam. Mix the ingredients, add a teaspoon of oatmeal or oatmeal.

Moisturizing masks

When dehydrated, the skin on the face loses its elasticity, flakes, turns red. The man looks older, he looks tired. To look younger, you must not forget about moisturizing the skin of the face.

I want to offer you several recipes for a moisturizing mask for oily skin.

  • Beat the protein, adding lemon juice to it. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. This mask tightens the pores. In addition, it has a whitening effect.
  • Cucumber pulp mixed with half a teaspoon of boric alcohol is an excellent moisturizing mixture.
  • Banana-honey mixture - soothing and moisturizing at the same time, will save you from oily sheen. Grind a ripe banana with one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon or orange juice. For viscosity, you can add oatmeal.
  • For oily porous skin, a moisturizing tonic mask is perfect, consisting of one apple, mashed in mashed potatoes, 2 bananas and a tablespoon of honey.
  • When caring for problematic oily skin, prone to inflammation, covered with acne, you can use chamomile substance. To do this, chamomile flowers are poured with hot water, brought to a mushy state, and then applied to the face.

Rejuvenating mask

Who wants to part with youth? At home, anti-aging masks for problematic oily skin are often made using yeast.

For 50 grams of yeast, you need to take a tablespoon of flour and half a teaspoon of sugar. Dilute all this with warm water to a mushy state and put in a warm place before fermentation begins. Then apply the mixture for 15 minutes on the face. After the procedure, apply a light moisturizer.

A rejuvenating mixture of yeast diluted with warm milk with the addition of sour cream works effectively.

Rejuvenating mashed potato treatment. Boiled potatoes in "uniform" should be peeled, crushed with a tablespoon of milk and egg yolk. Apply the puree heated in a steam bath to your face, cover with a towel to keep warm. Rinse your face with cool water after 20 minutes.

Folk anti-aging ways to care for problem skin:

  • separately from each other, pour hot water over the leaves of nettle, dandelion and pepper. After an hour, combine in equal proportions of infusions, cottage cheese and warm honey. The duration of this drug is 30 minutes.
  • mix 3 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese with the same amount of berry or vegetable juice and fine non-iodized salt. It is recommended to wash off such a mask mineral water.

Masks for porous skin

For porous skin, especially careful care is needed to prevent the appearance of acne.

Several recipes for masks that are used for porous skin.

  • At home, it is easy to prepare a mask from a fresh tomato, which is cut and ground to a puree state. Tomato puree is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It is washed off, like most other masks, with warm water.
  • Parsley mask, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory and whitening agent, helps with porous skin. Grind the green part of the plant, mix with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and a teaspoon of starch.
  • A mask of lettuce leaves, low-fat cottage cheese and liquid honey (1:2:1) is also recommended for porous, problematic skin. The mixture should stand for at least 3 hours in a cool place. In its action, it is quite intense, therefore, it is not recommended to leave it on the face for more than 15 minutes. For effectiveness, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 10 procedures.
  • Juicy cherry is your assistant in the care of porous skin. Mix cherry gruel with starch (2:1) and apply a thick layer on the face. However, it should be remembered that abuse fruit acids not recommended, so as not to harm yourself.

For problematic skin, clay masks are used, which are diluted in a small amount of water and applied to the face. Removed after complete drying.

However, it should be remembered that no matter how you look after your appearance, no matter what masks you make, without proper nutrition, regular walks on fresh air, the ability to abstract from problems and enjoy small joys, you will not achieve desired results. And therefore - beautiful healthy skin and good mood!

Stories from our readers

Oily skin is a real nuisance. However, crazy complex care behind it can be reduced only to the weekly application of the "correct" cosmetic masks, daily use of the "correct" fat-dissolving tonics.
How to prepare a simple but very effective mask for oily skin?

It will not be difficult to choose the appropriate option from the presented heap of recipes. Below are collected many times rechecked and worthy of the most spoiled girls compositions.

Cleansing mask for oily and problem skin from acne

From the ingredients here:

  • onion gruel is a strong antiseptic;
  • pea flour - soft sorbent;
  • turmeric is a ready-made natural composition of deep penetration with a tinting effect.

IMPORTANT: Grind, mix, hold for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Just be sure to remember that any "color" compositions should be applied to the face 10-20 hours before going out.

This cleansing mask for oily and problematic skin for acne can drastically change the tone of the face in a negligible amount of time. Destroys the pathogenic flora as deep as possible in the pores, accelerates the removal of accumulated toxins.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin

We connect the components in it:

  • rose water - a natural soothing tonic;
  • aloe gruel - an extreme moisturizer with a tightening effect;
  • cornmeal - a matting vitamin complex.

This is a means of exclusive regeneration for tired and sun-dried epidermis. As positive as possible moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin face acts on the processes of tissue metabolism and cell division.

IMPORTANT: The mixture is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as a set of 25 superactive amino acids.

A lifting and rejuvenating mask for oily skin

Mixing ingredients:

  • applesauce is one of the most affordable sources of ascorbic acid;
  • wheat flour is a valuable reservoir of copper, choline and vitamin PP;
  • grated sea buckthorn is a storehouse of antioxidant bioflavonoids.

IMPORTANT: This three-component tightening and rejuvenating mask for oily skin provokes accelerated collagen synthesis, while increasing capillary blood flow and normalizing increased sebum secretion. The tool is just as effective for evening out the color of the skin.

Natural masks: simple masks for oily skin

Monomasks are distinguished by ease of preparation and good comparative efficiency. Here is some of them:

  • peach - nourishes, gives a light lifting effect;
  • from tar soap- deeply cleanses and strongly dries, used to treat acne;
  • tomato - tones, eliminates oily sheen;
  • from sauerkraut- gives a visible rejuvenating effect.

However, keep in mind: natural maskssimple masks for oily skin faces more often than their constituent "brothers" provoke allergic reactions. The selection of suitable monovariants should be done with great care.

Night masks for oily skin from wrinkles

An ideal soothing option for use during sleep, we will prepare from:

  • potato juice - a good sorbent of mud particles and a vitaminizer;
  • frayed bell pepper- an effective enhancer of the synthesis of natural collagen;
  • crushed kelp algae - an active regenerator of cellular structures;
  • rice flour - a source of a large set of essential and non-essential amino acids.

Plus a chic variation for protein amplification, saline and vitamin metabolism from:

  • live beer - portions of useful macronutrients;
  • cranberries - an activator of the growth rate of healthy cells with active participation manganese, copper, vitamins C, B5, B6;
  • dill - supplier folic acid, which is a universal building block at the cellular level;
  • potato starch - a neutral thickener with a certain set of macronutrients.

Night mask for face

Represented night masks for oily skin from wrinkles cook both with a dry component and without it.

It should also be noted that leave clean bedding with the use of these compositions is unlikely to succeed.

We use proven components for generations:

  • lime juice - the perfect inclusion for a gentle chemical peel;
  • cabbage juice - a catalyst for metabolic processes;
  • buckwheat flour - an absorbent with record-breaking mineral and amino acid composition.

The ingredients balance each other and form an excellent result through the "mechanics" of the rapid shedding and building up of cell layers.

Whitening mask for oily skin aged 20-25 minutes. It is desirable to finish the procedure with a soft soothing tonic.

Ideal components of winter care:

  • tea tree oil - a strong multicomponent bactericide;
  • tooth powder - an effective duct cleaner sebaceous glands;
  • apple cider vinegar - fat regulator;
  • black bread made from coarse flour - a storehouse of amino acids, B vitamins and minerals;
  • pumpkin - a universal nutrient thinner;
  • soda is a drying, anti-acidotic agent.

winter mask from oily face

Summer provides a wide range of vitamin ingredients. For example: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants will deprive the skin of excessive fat content, enriching it with rare vitamins.
And plantain, lilac and green pea- treat, help get rid of serious dermatological problems.

IMPORTANT: Winter and summer masks for oily skin contain all the possibilities of seasonal nutrition of cells.

Do not neglect the opportunity to really preen without much effort.

Exfoliating procedures are extremely popular among the female half of humanity. They create silky and velvety structures of the skin, resist the uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the pores.

  • One of the simplest and healthy recipes exfoliation includes:
  • coffee grounds - a mass of microparticles for mechanical peeling;
  • salt extrusion - a natural mineral balm for healing microtraumas;
  • parsley gruel - a storehouse of chemical compounds urgently restoring the skin.

Renewing peeling mask for oily skin applied to a well-cleansed and slightly steamed face with hot water.
The exposure time of the composition is 25 minutes. The frequency of massaging the treated areas is 5 minutes. Rinse the mixture without soap.

Creams, lotions and tonics should not be used immediately after treatment.

Getting rid of the greasiness of the skin involves the use of products that dry out each layer of the epidermis. In this case, the traumatization of cellular structures should be minimal.

Composition that perfectly meets the requirements:

  • disinfecting gruel from spruce needles;
  • nourishing deep and drying the upper layers of the skin orange juice;
  • decongestant and anti-inflammatory sesame oil;
  • restoring and supporting potassium metabolism, crushed tablet of asparkam.

Spruce needles - the active ingredient of the scrub mask

Drying scrub mask for oily skin It is applied in a dense layer and aged for at least 40 minutes. The composition should be washed off good soap several times in a row.

Egg mask for oily skin

The synergistic combination of life-giving components gives a wonderful rejuvenating effect. Fabrics are quickly updated under the action of the mixture:

  • superbly nourishing and narrowing the pores of the egg;
  • delivering impressive doses of vitamins A and C oxalic gruel;
  • removing excess fat and increasing skin immunity yogurt.

This egg mask for oily skin Good for combination skin as well.

Deep restorative functions balance the slight drying effect. Waste sludge should be washed off cold water.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

Oatmeal is a powerful source of minerals and amino acids.

  • The gelatinous mass, which is formed after the swelling of its flakes, easily gives all the beneficial substances to the tissues.
  • Complemented by strong brewing of black tea and
  • fir oil gruel

can be indispensable tool weekly care for skin with increased sebum secretion.

The oil is an excellent disinfectant, and the tea has a strong astringent effect.
Together they significantly limit the development of nutrient media for pathogens.

This oatmeal mask for oily skin can be used with the same efficiency both in summer and winter.

IMPORTANT: The absence of "acidic" components allows us to recommend it even for skin care. combined type skin covers.

Clay masks for oily skin

Nature has endowed man with at least seven medicinal varieties of this sedimentary rock:

  • White - an excellent sorbing substance that draws destructive free radicals from the body.
  • Blue - a luxurious bactericidal mixture of microparticles that removes excess moisture from tissues.
  • Green - a panacea for many dermatological problems, healing with a rich metal composition.

Green and yellow clay applied to the face
  • Red or brown - a saving material for restoring the tone of extremely sensitive skin.
  • Pink - a universal cosmetic base for the preparation of hundreds of corrective masks.
  • Yellow is a productive detoxifier, a good thickener for poultices.
  • Sulfur - an indispensable source of rare minerals that provoke visible contouring of the face.
  • Black - the best remedy from acne.

All clay masks for oily skin have an extremely productive scrubbing effect.
To expand the characteristics of skin nutrition, to play with the potential for drying and cleaning, you can mix clays of different colors, adding other active ingredients.

Simple unicellular fungi Saccharomycetes can be a great help in the fight for attractiveness. They have good indicators of the inclusion of individual minerals phosphorus, potassium, manganese (P, K, Mn) and contain almost all known amino acids and B vitamins.

In the compositions against fat content, we will supplement the yeast with acidic and intensively penetrating components.

Option number 1. Kiwi and milk.
Option number 2. Grapefruit and mint.

Both recipes remove fat, saturate with vitamin C, and intensively rejuvenate.

Yeast masks for oily skin can be kept for 60 minutes or more.
After washing off the proposed compositions, the epidermis remains moisturized for quite a long time.

Both monofloral and mixed options honey forms are equally often used for cosmetic purposes. This product is respected for its beneficial viscosity and ability to enhance the microcirculation of body fluids.

In recipes for increased fat secretion, it is desirable to supplement honey with conditionally acidic, irritating or antiseptic ingredients.

Example 1. cocoa plus spoiled milk. A wonderful composition for accelerating the maturation of purulent rashes. It is good to alternate with black clay treatments.

Example 2 Eucalyptus oil plus pineapple puree. Such gruel deeply moisturizes and at the same time disinfects well.

Face masks with honey for oily skin intensify metabolic processes in the treated tissues, stimulate the accelerated removal of toxins through the pores.

With excess fat on the face, rubbed into a homogeneous mass perfectly cope:

  • sour cream - a product that supports the rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • unconcentrated clove oil - a strong antiseptic;
  • spinach is the exclusive supplier of amino acids and vitamin C.

Kefir as the basis of medical masks

And good alternative"sour cream" version. We mix:

  • kefir - a very acidic substance, perfectly cleansing and whitening;
  • crushed wheat bran - a massive source of potassium and vitamin E;
  • sesame flour - fatty, but extremely effective nutrient.

Masks with sour cream and kefir for oily skin give the covers a velvety, minimize the likelihood of a rash.

The proposed mixtures are aged no more than 30 minutes.

Carrot mask for oily skin

This set of ingredients is loved by many professional cosmetologists:

  • anti-inflammatory and tonic carrot puree;
  • whitening, sebum-regulating lemon juice;
  • gruel from germinated wheat stimulating regeneration processes.

Carrot mask for oily sheen

Such carrot mask for oily skin practically does not stain the epidermis, leaving only a slight shade of freshness on the face. Simultaneous prophylactic application of the gruel on the neck and décolleté is recommended. The composition is washed off 15-30 minutes after application.

The water balance is extremely important indicator condition of the skin, directly affects their appearance. Both swelling and dehydration do not allow inflammation to subside for sufficiently long periods of time.

To return control to similar situations apply a mask mixed from:

  • banana - astringent, removing even strong irritations basics;
  • pomegranate - an excellent moisturizer and peeling agent;
  • olive oil - a hydrophobic substance that makes the skin elastic.

Banana face mask for oily skin promotes rapid recovery protective functions cultivated areas. It prepares the covers for active interaction with more aggressive reducing agents.

When an oily face needs aggressive hydration, this recipe works flawlessly. Mix in a blender:

  • homemade cottage cheese - whitening and nourishing sorbent;
  • basil gruel - an effective moisturizer of the upper skin layers;
  • cucumber puree - a hydroactive substance that moisturizes the deep layers of the skin.

We apply the composition on the face and wait at least 40 minutes.

We wash it off with cold water without soap and categorically do not use any cosmetics for another 6 hours.

An amazing visual effect is guaranteed.

Curd face mask for oily skin shown primarily to people who significantly restrict the flow of fluid into the body. The mixture will also be useful for beachgoers and owners of combination skin types.

Mask with gelatin for oily skin

Gelatinous cosmetic formulations popular among young people. The absence of obvious problems of lethargy and flabbiness of the face suggests a complete focus on the convenience of cleansing the pores.

The effectiveness of activated charcoal gelatin mask is legendary on the Internet. Before hardening, it acts as an effective scrub, and after that it removes all black dots without additional mechanical cleanings.

Apply the composition to slightly steamed skin. We improve the already excellent performance of deep processing of the face.

In addition, any gelatin mask for oily skin removed in one piece. This is very convenient for those who do not like intense or frequent washes.

However, there is a substance that is at the same time effective not only in cleansing, but also in saturating the deepest layers of the skin with vital minerals and amino acids.

The frozen protein of a chicken egg, when dried, tightly holds together all the dirt of the existing oily sheen, simultaneously transferring to the cells the maximum number of useful molecules of the created mixture.

Protein attack will become even more effective with two additional components: hibiscus powder and oatmeal. The first is responsible for the regeneration and cessation of inflammatory reactions. The second is for saturation with a wide range of useful substances.

Protein mask for oily skin always used for the purpose deep cleansing covers without the threat of intense dehydration or loss of tone. The benefits of such care can hardly be overestimated.

You can get a powerful charge of vivacity either directly at the mud deposit, or from a tube carefully filled by a conscious entrepreneur.

Silt, peat, sapropel and hilly muds are mined in different natural environments, therefore they have a heterogeneous elemental composition.

  • Silt - moisturize.
  • Peat - dry.
  • Sapropelic - tone up.
  • Sopochnye - relieve inflammation.

Mud masks for oily skin apply:

  • diluted with water or milk;
  • enriched with medicines or natural foods;
  • composed of materials from different deposits;
  • supplemented with natural essential oils.

Reusable use of the same volume of natural mud is allowed.

Maria. I really like the recipe using onion, olive oil, tea tree oil and starch. With the help of this mask, I completely got rid of teenage acne. Well, you need to eat less sugar.

Lera. I suffer from allergies since childhood. Many store funds Facial skincare products are not for me at all. I got used to refreshing myself with spinach, oatmeal and milk. This is by far the best I have found for my skin. Bananas and orange juice give me a small rash. And I'm afraid to even look at clove oil!

Anna. The compositions of the masks must be selected individually by the method of scientific poke. Not every acidic product will be perceived by oily skin as salvation. I am generally silent about the external use of yeast.

margarita. Girls! Never experiment with carrot masks before the release! The presence of turmeric, borage juice, pomegranate and cranberries should also be alarming. Learn from other people's mistakes! You can try to wash off the stubborn pigment with lemon juice, kefir or vinegar.

Olya. Black clay really works wonders. Although it dries the skin very much, it relieves acne quickly. Rose water will help soften the blow. It turns out a very effective and inexpensive treatment.

Anna. Love gelatin masks! I have already tried adding baby powder, egg yolk and bergamot oil to the gelatin. Most of all I liked the aromatic version. It turned out very similar to ready-made masks.

Oksana. Every day I use a tonic from a decoction of dill. Once a week - a mask of sesame flour, kefir and pumpkin. As a result, I have a pleasant complexion. Get rid of excess sebum.

Masks for oily skin: reviews and tips Runet users are mostly constructive. The high demand for recipes testifies to the real value of homemade beauty products.

Video: Beautiful and healthy skin. Mask for oily skin

Video: Effective mask for problematic and oily skin

Video: Mask for oily skin from acne

In order to warn premature aging facial skin, you need to pay Special attention for proper and systematic care. Skin care depends on the state of it at a given time, since it can change during life.

Oily skin looks untidy, often shiny from the fat covering it, the pores are enlarged, sometimes resembling the peel of an orange. In this article, we will look at what masks are for oily skin and how they will help in solving this problem.

The greatest greasiness is usually observed in the central part of the face. In some people, the skin in these areas of the face may be oily, and on the periphery of the face - normal or even dry. In such a case, it is necessary combined care. Increased greasiness is promoted by spicy foods, alcohol, the abuse of animal fats and salt.

Oily skin care involves systematic cleansing of oil, sweat and dirt. Face washed with lukewarm soft water with gel or foam for washing. Washing with hot water leads to vasodilation and loss of skin elasticity. After washing, a contrast rinsing of the face is very useful. Such a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels perfectly tones the skin.

Owners of oily and problematic skin are advised to wash their faces at night, because the layer of fat left on the face in the evening hinders the normal processes in the skin and, oxidizing in the air, irritate it. Before washing, it is useful to apply some fermented milk product to the skin for 5 minutes, for example, kefir or yogurt.

During the day, it is good to clean the face with lotions for oily skin or water-alcohol extracts from medicinal plants prepared at home. We offer folk recipe lotion for oily skin, which you can easily make yourself: mix the juice of 1 lemon with 100 ml of vodka. By the way, lemon has a slight whitening effect.

A pronounced oily sheen on the face often appears due to the abundance of fatty and sweet foods. Simple procedures will help to solve this problem: wash your face with cool boiled water or mineral water without gas and wipe your face with pieces of ice from infusions of medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, calendula, mint and rowan leaves. Prepare a homemade matting lotion: pour 1 teaspoon of dried calendula flowers with boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and strain. Wipe your face cotton pad several times during the day.

Good masks for oily skin

You can thoroughly mix a tablespoon of fruit and vegetable gruel with whipped foam egg white and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. The addition of egg white gives an additional mechanical tightening effect, which is suitable for sluggish skin with large pores. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 times a week. Course up to 20 times. Before applying the mask, wash your face with water and wipe with a lotion for oily skin. In addition to vegetables and fruits, herbal infusions are useful for treating oily skin.

We offer several recipes for masks for oily skin care:

Recipe 1 - Peppermint tincture mask for problematic oily skin.

This folk remedy is suitable for wide-pore sluggish skin.

brew leaves peppermint boiling water in a ratio of 1:15 and let it brew for 20 minutes, then strain. Masks are applied 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes of courses 15-20 times.

Recipe 2 - St. John's wort mask for oily skin.

St. John's wort has tonic properties, so it is especially useful for oily skin.

Prepare an infusion of St. John's wort (buy at a pharmacy) in a ratio of 1:10, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. Moisten with warm infusion soft tissue, gently squeeze and put on the face for 15 minutes. Masks are made 2-3 times a week with a course of 15-20 procedures.

Recipe 3 - Chamomile mask for oily skin is a very popular folk remedy for problem skin.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile in a ratio of 1:15. Napkins soaked in a warm infusion of chamomile flowers (buy at a pharmacy), wring out and apply to the face 3-4 times in a row every 5 minutes. Masks are made 2-3 times a week with a course of 20 procedures.

Recipe 4 - home mask for oily and problematic facial skin - starch + kefir + lemon juice.

Mix 3 tablespoons of fat-free kefir with 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of starch. Apply the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe 5 - Mask for oily skin at home - oatmeal + honey + cream (kefir).

To 3 tablespoons of cream, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Knead until smooth, massage your face with this mixture for several minutes and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with cool water.

Recipe 6 - Mask for oily skin - raw potatoes+ salt + oatmeal (rice) flour + egg white

Grate 1 fresh potato. Add a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and half of the beaten protein. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then wash with cool water. Blot your face with a tissue and apply a nourishing cream.

Recipe 7 - Mask for oily skin - clay + grapes

If there is inflammation on the skin, matting masks that do not injure it are more suitable for cleansing. Clay masks are highly recommended for problematic skin, as clay absorbs the products of the sebaceous glands. Here is a recipe for a cleansing clay mask for oily skin that perfectly refreshes the skin and gives it a matte finish.

Remove pits from green grapes. Blend the berries into a puree. To 2 tablespoons of grape puree, add 2 teaspoons of clay. Apply to face until completely dry, then rinse with room temperature water and rinse with cold water.

An indispensable tool for oily skin care is cucumber lotion. It is prepared from equal parts of fresh cucumber juice and 40% alcohol. The skin of the face is wiped with lotion three times a day. The skin of the face is cleansed, degreased, blackheads and oily sheen disappear.

When caring for oily skin, do not forget about peeling. You can apply it no more than 2 times a week, so as not to disrupt the natural protection of the skin from dehydration.

Oily Face Mask Recipes

Oily skin, contrary to popular belief, needs nutrition and hydration just like any other. Before application nutritional or moisturizing mask for oily skin it is desirable to do cleansing mask or thoroughly cleanse the skin with cosmetics. Masks for oily skin can be made at home from available products.

Cleansing and pore-shrinking masks for oily skin

Oily skin needs cleansing first. Cleansing masks are designed to remove excess oil from the skin and tighten enlarged pores.

  • Purifying oatmeal mask for oily skin. To get the base of the mask, you need to mix a glass of ground oats and 1 tsp. soda. Put the resulting mixture in a jar, it will last for several times. Take 1 tbsp. mixture of hercules with soda, add a little water until a slurry is obtained, apply on the face for 20 minutes. This mask makes the skin smooth and tightens the pores. Such a mask is well suited for quickly bringing the skin in order. You can use it at least every day.
  • Cleansing mask of honey and birch sap. Mix in equal proportion Birch juice and honey. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Yeast mask for oily skin. 100 gr. dilute yeast with warm water or 3% hydrogen peroxide to a slurry. Apply to face for 15 minutes, wash with warm water. This mask will perfectly cleanse the skin and improve complexion.
  • Mask for sensitive oily skin. Mix 1 tbsp. ground oatmeal with 1 tbsp. natural yogurt, 1/4 grated apple, 2 drops of rosewood essential oil. This mask contains natural acids that gently exfoliate dead cells, remove oil and shrink pores. The essential oil prevents acne, while the oatmeal soothes the skin.
  • Effective mask from oatmeal, protein and lemon. 3 tsp dilute oatmeal with water to a gruel, add 3 drops of lemon juice and 1 whipped protein. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Protein-oatmeal mask. Beat 1 protein into a strong foam, add 2 tbsp. finely ground hercules. Apply to the face in a thick layer, leave to dry. Rinse first with warm, then cool water.
  • Mask for oily skin from citrus juice and kefir. Mix fat-free kefir or natural yogurt with orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice, add flour or starch to thicken. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Scrub mask of oatmeal, almonds and milk powder. Grind oatmeal and almonds in a coffee grinder, mix in a 1: 1 ratio. Add some milk powder and dilute the mixture with warm water. Massage your face with this scrub for 5-7 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Black bread mask. Cut off the crust from a piece of black bread, pour milk over it. When the bread softens, apply the mass on the skin of the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.
  • Brazilian clay mask for oily skin. Mix 1 tsp. white clay with 0.5 tsp. mineral water, 2 drops mint oil and a few drops of lime juice (can be replaced with lemon). Apply for 15 minutes.

Nourishing masks for oily skin

  • Rowan juice mask for oily skin. Mix 1 tbsp. rowan juice, 2 tbsp. kefir and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. This mask will enrich the skin with vitamins.
  • Carrot mask will refresh the complexion and nourish the skin. 1 tbsp grated carrots mixed with 1 tbsp. semolina, put on a knife for 5 minutes. Then gently remove the mixture with a cotton swab, rinse your face with water.
  • Nourishing carrot mask. Grate 1 carrot, add 1 yolk, a couple of drops vegetable oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse.
  • Sauerkraut mask for cleansing and nourishing oily skin. Apply sauerkraut along with brine to the skin for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins and refreshes the complexion.
  • Homemade clay mask. Mix the juice of one orange with cosmetic clay to a mushy state. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  • Oatmeal honey mask. Boil oatmeal with boiling water, cool slightly and add honey. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Honey is contraindicated for those who have vascular network on the face!

  • Grapefruit mask for oily skin. 2 tsp mix honey with the juice of one grapefruit. Apply to the skin for 10 minutes, rinse.
  • Mask for enlarged pores from baby powder. Mix baby powder and calendula tincture until creamy. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing masks for oily skin

  • Mint mask for oily skin. First you need to prepare a mint infusion. 1 tbsp dry mint (or 2 tablespoons fresh) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Add oatmeal or starch to the infusion until gruel, apply to cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  • Moisturizing banana mask. Mash the pulp of one ripe banana with a fork, add slightly warmed honey (1 tbsp) and 1 tsp. orange or lemon juice. If the mixture is too thin, you can add a little oatmeal. Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Moisturizing mask made from potatoes and milk. Dilute mashed boiled potatoes with milk so that the mass remains thick. Apply warm for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mask for moisturizing oily skin from milk and oatmeal. Mix one teaspoon each of sour milk, olive oil and oatmeal. Add a pinch of salt. apply for 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Useful face masks for oily skin

Oily skin has one very unpleasant property - it gets dirty quickly. How to apply cleansing masks for oily skin? The fat that appears on the surface of the skin, actively secreted by the sebaceous glands, contributes to the rapid adhesion of various dirt and dust to the skin. Regular facial cleansing is a very important step that should not be neglected. Black dots, acne, various inflammations and other troubles are just the same due to a frivolous attitude to the purity of their skin.

Skin cleansers

Exists enough facial skin cleansing options: someone uses by special means to clean the skin, which, by the way, are very expensive, others use soap (tar, antibacterial), others use various lotions and scrubs. Today we will talk with you about cleansing masks for oily skin. Such products are not only easy to prepare, but also very effective and can compete with expensive store cosmetics.

Cleansing masks for oily skin prepared from natural ingredients, possess truly great power, after their application the skin becomes clean, healthy and attractive. However, do not overdo it with masks: a couple of times a week is enough. If you use them more often, you can only cause harm. There must be a measure in everything.

Throughout its existence, mankind has collected a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for oily skin care, and no one can put them together in one article. Today we will share with you only a small part of the recipes that are rightfully considered reliable, safe and effective.

Clay cosmetic mask

One such excellent tool, in order to cleanse the skin of all kinds of impurities, can serve as cosmetic clay. Such a clay mask is not difficult to manufacture, moreover, it does not require much time for preparation. Relatively greasy skin best suited white, emerald color or azure shade of clay.

The easiest way to prepare a cleansing mask for this recipe: clay (it is sold in powder form) is mixed with a small amount of warm water, according to the consistency it should be a creamy mass. The resulting mixture must be applied to the skin of the face. After 10-15 minutes of waiting, the dried mask must be washed off under the tap with slightly warm water. Since this mask dries out the skin quite a lot, it is better to apply a moisturizer after it to fatty type skin.

Yeast mask with cleansing effect

Yeast can be used not only in the kitchen, as many believe, but also to care for your problem skin. A serious argument for the use of yeast in cosmetology is the presence of a large amount of vitamins and microelements in them, which can directly affect the beauty of our skin.

1 mask.
To prepare it, you will need 20 grams of yeast and not a large number of cranberry juice or ordinary lemon. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply an even layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water, it is also recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

In some cases, after such a mask, there may be a slight reddening of the skin of the face and a burning sensation. There is nothing wrong with that, it just increases the intensity of metabolic processes.

2 mask.
The components for this mask are as follows: two tsp. yeast, a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at a pharmacy). We mix all the components, the consistency should turn out similar to sour cream, after that we need to apply on the face, we must pay special attention problem areas, in them the mask must be rubbed gently in a circular motion. After a quarter of an hour, the mask must be washed off with a solution freshly brewed tea(can be black or green).

As a result, it is recommended to make a cooling compress from chamomile decoction for 2-5 minutes. This procedure will especially appeal to those whose skin has a large number of black dots. The components of the mask slightly dissolve these sebaceous plugs, making them less noticeable.

Oatmeal Cleansing Mask

Oat flakes are also very effective in counteracting skin pollution and therefore are often used as the main component of such masks. Let's share with you simple recipe, the ingredients for which can be found in any refrigerator.

In order to prepare the mask, we need: 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, which will need to be poured with boiling water and allowed to stand until the water cools down. If you have added too much water, then drain the excess, your mask should be a creamy consistency. Add one teaspoon of lemon and mix well.

The mask is ready and can be applied and applied to the face. Keep for about half an hour, after this time, rinse with warm water from the tap. Useful addition: additional components, such as egg yolks, vegetable or butter, fruit pulp, will make your procedure not only cleansing, but also nourishing and helping to moisturize the skin.

Herbal cleansing masks

Everyone knows that herbs can cure a person from many diseases. Herbs are equally effective in treating the skin, making it healthy and beautiful. The required herbs for masks can be collected in the forest, or you can buy at a pharmacy. The following herbs are great for oily skin problems: sage, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, and coltsfoot.

To make a mask, we need one of these herbs. Two st. l. chopped herbs must be poured with a small amount of boiling water (about half a glass), cover with a lid and let it brew for fifteen to twenty minutes. The resulting gruel from the grass must be carefully laid out over the entire face. For convenience, the gruel can be evenly laid on gauze and subsequently applied as a compress. After a while, the mask can be removed and washed with cool water.

And one more piece of advice: review your diet, because in some cases it is he who provokes the appearance of oily skin. Give up, or at least limit yourself to fatty and sweet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. A change in diet will certainly affect your skin for the better.

We wish you beautiful and healthy skin, which would give you a minimum of problems.

Video: Mask for a greasy face at home

Increased oiliness of the skin beautiful ladies a lot of inconvenience - from unaesthetic greasy sheen to the occurrence of inflammation. Cosmetology offers a large number of care products and home-made masks for oily skin - one of the most affordable and effective.

Advice: before using masks and other means, you must correctly determine your type of epidermis. For this, a visit to the cosmetologist's office will not be superfluous.

A lot of ingredients are used to make masks. Before using a care product (even based on natural ingredients), you must make sure that there is no allergy to individual components. It must be remembered that this is a face and if irritation or acne appears on it, it will not be easy to disguise them.

After discovery suitable prescription masks that can be prepared at home, owners of oily skin should follow a few simple rules:

  • do not use the product more often than indicated in the recipe (most masks for oily epidermis are aimed at drying, you can overdo it, overdry it, break the pH level and get swelling, allergies, irritation and rashes);
  • use only fresh ingredients and only those indicated in the recipe (the initiative to add what is not indicated in the recipe can lead to an unpredictable reaction of the epidermis);
  • it is advisable to make only prepared fresh masks and not store them for a long time (even in the refrigerator);
  • it is undesirable to do several at once in one day different masks(again, the reaction of the skin can be unpredictable);
  • apply the product on a previously cleansed face.

Advice: it is desirable to acquire special devices(synthetic brushes for applying the mixture, a glass or plastic container for mixing the ingredients, not a metal stick or spoon to mix the ingredients).

Dry and degrease

By preparing a mask for oily and problematic facial skin from baking soda at home, you can slightly reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, remove toxins from the cells and eliminate inflammation.

It is enough to mix 1 tsp. soda with raw egg white, apply to a clean face, hold for 5 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Instead of egg white, you can add to soda (until a gruel consistency is obtained) clean water, freshly squeezed citrus juices, liquid honey and dairy products.

To eavesdrop on pimples, you can point soda on them.

Advice: soda is quite aggressive on the epidermis, so it is advisable to use products based on it no more than 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

Say "no" to imperfections

Oily skin is more prone to acne due to the fact that the secretion of the sebaceous glands secreted in excess of the norm creates on its surface not only a lipid (barrier) layer, but also a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms.

Competent daily cleansing and homemade acne masks for oily skin will help get rid of pimples and prevent new ones.

One of simple options- a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt without additives or sour cream in a ratio of 1: 3. The mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

Advice : it is desirable to wash off any masks not with tap water, but with purified drinking or mineral water.

Another recipe is a mixture of egg white, starch (the consistency of not very thick sour cream) and a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Instead of protein with starch, you can use cosmetic clay (white (kaolin) or pink is suitable). The course is 10 times every 2 days on the 3rd.

A mixture of aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and raw egg white has a good anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied to the face for 25 minutes and removed with a sponge moistened with water.

To quickly remove the redness and inflammation of a pimple (which always pops up at the wrong time), spot application of tea tree oil or calendula tincture helps. These substances have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, drying and healing effect. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the product and gently apply to the inflamed area.

Wrinkles are redundant.

Mature skin requires special care. The good news is that oily skin is less prone to early wrinkles than dry skin. Nevertheless, it is advisable to start adding components that promote lifting and rejuvenation to home-made masks for oily skin from the age of 30.

A suitable option is to mix 0.5 tbsp. l. kaolin (white cosmetic clay) with honey (liquid) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 tsp each) and add a little purified water, stirring until a homogeneous paste is formed. The mask will need to be left on the face for 10 minutes, then wash clean water(cool) and wipe your face with an ice cube or a slice of lemon.

Daily rubbing with an ice cube helps to prolong youth and keep the epidermis in good shape (any ingredients that favorably affect oily skin are added to the ice - lime juice, tea or rosewood oil, grapefruit slices, etc.).

It is necessary to wipe the face strictly according to massage lines and do not hold the ice for a long time at one point (especially for the sinuses).

Advice: after overcoming the mark of 25 years, it is advisable to supplement home remedies with professional ones, which include collagen and other substances that help reduce the severity of facial wrinkles.

Egg white is a miracle cure

Homemade egg face masks are suitable for oily and any other skin type. They have a slight exfoliating effect. Egg white, drying, forms a crust on the skin. Together with it, when washing off the mask, dead skin particles and dirt are removed from the pores.

A mixture of egg white with sour cream and grapefruit juice (1 tsp each) cleanses the skin well. The protein is whipped to foam, mixed with other ingredients, applied to a clean face for 15 minutes and washed off with warm clean water.

No less effective are home-made masks for oily skin from lemon juice and egg white. They dry well, make pores narrower and eliminate irritation. It is enough to add 1 tsp to one whipped protein. freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply for 15 minutes and wash with cool water.

delicious masks

Sometimes the dermis needs to be pampered with "delicious". Such procedures are favorable for the epidermis and improve mood. Owners of a type of dermis prone to oily content will suit:

  1. A mixture of warm honey, lemon juice (2-4 drops) and banana pulp (apply for 15 minutes and wash with cool water).
  2. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. coconut milk with liquid honey and crushed oatmeal (1 tsp each) (apply for 20 minutes and make a contrast wash - first wash off the mask with warm, and then with cooler water).
  3. A mixture of 1 tbsp. l. yogurt without additives and a few strawberries mashed in puree (apply for 10 minutes and rinse).

Strawberries are used as an independent means for cleansing and exfoliating. It is enough to knead a few berries and massage the face with the resulting puree.

Clay as a base

In almost any beauty salon, customers are offered cosmetic clay masks. This is an effective way to gently exfoliate the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis and make it smooth and soft.

At home, you can prepare masks for oily facial skin based on cosmetic clay with essential oils, fruits and other components.

For an oily type, it is desirable to use black clay (1 tbsp is enough). In combination with essential oil roses (2-3 drops), aloe pulp and a small amount rose water(1 tbsp) is an effective agent for removing dirt and absorbing excess sebum. The mask is applied to cleansed skin after peeling, left for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Most of the fair sex, who independently prepare masks for oily skin at home, speak with enthusiasm about recipes with clay. Freshly prepared at home, the mask has a result that can be compared with the effect of salon procedures (despite the fact that the cost is several times lower).

The right diet for beautiful skin

Homemade masks for acne and inflammation on the face alone are not enough for the beauty of oily skin.

People with this type of dermis need to reduce their intake of food with animal fats, pickles, spices and spicy foods. The same rule applies to flour and sweets. This does not mean that it is necessary to completely eliminate such products from the diet, but their amount should be minimal.

Instead of smoked meats and chocolates, it is advisable to include fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled meat and fish, cereals, dairy and sour-milk products with a small percentage of fat in the diet.

Fatty, fried, smoked and sweet food promotes acne and clogged pores. If you really want something sweet, it is better to have a snack with dried fruits or a handful of nuts.

The work of the sebaceous glands is enhanced if the body receives during the day an insufficient amount liquids (meaning clean drinking water). Therefore, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (with increased physical exertion and in the hot season - more).

Daily care is the key to beauty

There is mandatory procedures, which should turn into a daily ritual for owners of an oily (and any other) type of epidermis. A lot of time and effort is not required for this, 10-20 minutes in the morning and evening are enough.


  1. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the sebum produced during the night (due to the tendency to oiliness, simply washing with water is not enough). It is advisable to use special cleansing gels or mousses. Washing soap is not suitable - it has too much aggressive impact and disturbs the pH.
  2. Purified dry face wipe with a tonic selected according to the type of skin (preferably not containing alcohol. Although it dries the skin, this effect is not long-lasting and further provokes even more sebum production, violates pH and provokes irritation).
  3. Moisturizing with a product (cream, gel or emulsion with a light texture) with an SPF factor (protects against harmful effects ultraviolet).


  1. Make-up removal (micellar water, gel).
  2. Cleansing, as in the morning (special gel or mousse).
  3. Toning.
  4. Application nourishing cream(a couple of hours before bed).

In addition, especially after 25 years, it is necessary to use gels or creams for the skin around the eyelids (it is tender, thin, practically does not contain a fatty layer and the first one is subject to aging).

Plus, 1-2 times a week, it is necessary to exfoliate dead epidermal cells with the help of scrubs or gommages. The latter have a more delicate creamy texture, they act softer. Scrubbing is undesirable to carry out shortly before going outside.

Can be used for peeling purchased funds or cook them yourself. The main rule is that the composition should contain a moisturizing and softening ingredient and an exfoliating component. Good exfoliants - ground coffee and sea salt. The moisturizing component can be sour cream, plain yogurt, liquid honey, vegetable or fruit pulp, etc.

Oily skin gives the biggest trouble to its owner. Active secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands tightly clogs the pores, which leads to the multiple appearance of acne, pustular acne. Plus, such an epidermis often shines, greasy - any makeup constantly “flows”, and no powder hides the treacherous gloss. Recovery must be taken seriously.

Living with oily skin

Such an epidermis is less prone to aging. But it has constant "companions" - inflammatory processes, comedones, acne, which can ruin your mood for a long time. How to live with such a face? Very simple - you just need to regularly care for him and do it wisely:

  1. Always wash your face with water + 37 ° C or + 25-30 ° C. It is this temperature that reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Use alcohol-based lotions.
  3. Use a moisturizer every time you wash your face.
  4. Eliminate spicy, pickled and fatty foods from food.
  5. Forget about rough scrubs - just a light, delicate peeling for you.
  6. Make a mask every 3-4 days.


Cleansing masks must be applied in a thick layer, which acts on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

  • From kefir

Beat the egg white into the foam and add melted honey (12 gr.) And kefir (18 ml) to it. For density, you can add bran from almonds or oatmeal. First, wipe your face with clean kefir, then apply the product. This mask also tones the skin well.

  • Potato

Finely grated raw potatoes (15 gr.) Mix with protein, honey (12 gr.) And a pinch of salt. The mask refreshes the face well.

  • On herbs

Let's prepare the herbal tea first. Pour sage and chamomile (3 g each) with boiling water (½ cup). We insist 20 minutes. Then, in a decoction of herbs (50 ml), add kefir, rice flour and potato starch(for 50 gr.). Herbal decoction has a calming effect on oily skin.

  • With oatmeal

Mix oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder (15 gr.) with vegetable oil (16 ml) and juice squeezed from birch leaves, strawberries and young nettles (16 ml). This remedy, in addition to cleansing, helps to narrow the pores, eliminates wrinkles.


Moisture is also necessary for oily skin, especially in winter. The following masks will help with this (hold for 15-20 minutes):

  • with banana

Mash the pulp of one banana well and mix with melted honey (18 ml) and orange or lemon juice (5 ml). To thicken the mixture, you can mix in a little oatmeal flakes.

  • From Aloe

Take Aloe pulp (64 ml) or Aloe gel (32 ml), mix honey (24 g) and tea tree oil (10 ml) into it. This remedy also helps with acne. The mass can be stored in the cold for a month.

  • pub

In light beer (32 ml), add grapefruit juice (5 ml) and liquid honey (12 g). Instead of juice, you can use (2 drops). The beer mask well increases the elasticity of oily skin and reduces its fat content.

  • Dairy

In sour milk (16 ml), stir in oatmeal ground into flour (until thickened). Then add olive oil(5 ml).

pull up

The tightening mask is a course procedure. The course is designed for a month, procedures are carried out 2 times a week. The time of masks is 20-25 minutes.

  • From honey and eggs

Mix liquid honey (24 g) with corn oil (10 ml) and egg yolk. This tool has a good tightening effect, it also moisturizes and tones the skin.

  • cucumber

Beat the protein into foam, stir in the mashed cucumber (having previously freed the vegetable from the seeds with the peel) and sunflower or olive oil (5 ml). Protein-cucumber mixture will save you from age spots.

  • Clay

Take cosmetic clay (50 g) mixed with grape juice (16 ml) and wheat germ oil (6 ml). If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it with boiled water.

  • from yeast

Let's make a mixture of dry yeast (15 g), oatmeal (25 g), milk (100 ml) and liquid honey (6 ml). Keep on face until dry.

More tightening mask recipes.


  • Carrot

Make a mixture of milk (10 ml), cottage cheese (12 g), carrot juice (32 ml) and vegetable oil (12 ml). Apply to face in a thick layer. Such a mask mattifies the skin well, giving a shade of gentle tan and deeply nourishing it.

  • Potato

Grate one small potato and add oatmeal, oatmeal flour (8 grams each) and a pinch of salt. Potato relieves inflammation well, effectively narrows pores.

  • from sorrel

Finely chop sorrel leaves 7-8 pieces and grind with yolk. Apply immediately to the skin and secure with a towel on top. Sorrel is very good toning and refreshing. Also, this mask has a disinfectant and healing property.

  • Tomato

Mash ripe tomatoes into puree. Mix their pulp (40 ml) with oatmeal (30 g). The mask perfectly tightens pores, improves skin color and gives it a velvety look.