Cabbage masks for aging skin. Recipes for homemade cabbage face masks. For oily and dry skin

Cabbage is a unique vegetable in many ways. Athletes and adherents healthy way life value it for its low calorie content, and also a large number of fiber and nutrients... Lovers natural cosmetics do not think without her skin care. At the same time, cabbage is quite affordable and is perfectly preserved from the moment of harvest until the next harvest.

Do not forget that fresh cabbage available for sale all year round! That is why it is considered such a valuable vegetable for making home remedies - after all, as you know, in natural cosmetics it is fundamentally important to use maximum number fresh ingredients.

The benefits of cabbage for the skin

A cabbage face mask is considered an excellent cosmetic product with multifunctional action, and it is not difficult to prepare it at home. The effectiveness of such masks consists in a beneficial effect on the skin of the face of any type - both normal and dry, problematic or mixed type... In this case, high results are achieved thanks to natural ingredients that are part of such masks. They cleanse and nourish the skin well, rejuvenate it and make it more elastic, fight against age problems:

  • dehydration of the skin
  • pigmentation
  • tiredness
  • wrinkles and other signs of aging

The benefits of cabbage for the skin are to eliminate problems that often cause whole line complexes in women.

Cabbage mask is able to cope with early wrinkles, age spots, various skin inflammations... And all thanks to the unique chemical composition this white vegetable, which includes:

vitamin A- an irreplaceable substance that has a calming effect on the skin, perfectly moisturizes it, treats various inflammations, and also helps to normalize the fat balance, smooth wrinkles, eliminate stretch marks and vascular networks, and produce substances necessary for skin rejuvenation - elastin and collagen; takes part in skin regeneration, eliminates dark spots;

vitamin C- a component that has a rejuvenating, regenerating and wound healing effect on the skin;

vitamin K- anti-inflammatory and decongestant component;

vitamin B 9- a substance that copes well with acne problems;

choline- a substance that normalizes fat metabolism at the cellular level;

potassium- moisturizing ingredient, irreplaceable assistant when caring for dry skin;

organic acids- eliminate signs of skin aging, make it more elastic.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the components that make up the cabbage, you can achieve desired results in the most short time: after the first use of the mask, every woman will be able to feel how the skin of the face has changed, refreshed, rejuvenated, became more toned and elastic.

Thus, a cabbage face mask can rightfully be considered a cosmetic product from a natural first-aid kit with a wide spectrum of action.

Cabbage mask recipes

Which fresh and sauerkraut masks will help you in facial care?

Milk-cabbage mask for dry, wrinkled skin

Cook a few cabbage leaves in milk until the leaves are soft. Let the cabbage leaves cool and apply to your face and décolleté. Keep it on for 20 minutes. This mask smoothes wrinkles, tones, and stops age-related skin changes.

Natural mask for oily and combination skin

In a deep bowl, combine 1 tablespoon grated fresh cabbage, 1 teaspoon grated cucumber and one pre-beaten egg white. Lubricate the skin with the resulting product and keep until dry. After that, wash off the mask first with warm and then cool water.

Cabbage mask recipe for aging skin

Grind a couple of fresh cabbage leaves well, add 1 teaspoon honey, the same amount of yeast, and a quarter cup apple juice... Rub all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask on face and neck for 15 minutes. It is better to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cool water.

For oily skin

A sauerkraut mask will do. To make it, you need to grind the cabbage into gruel, apply generously to the skin, cover with a dry towel (you can use a napkin) and after fifteen to twenty minutes remove everything with a cotton swab, and then wash with lukewarm water. Experts recommend doing this mask only once a week.

Cabbage masks for dry skin types

Fresh cabbage leaves dipped in boiling water for a few minutes so that they become soft, then moisten them in olive oil and apply on the skin of the face, neck, décolleté;

So that the cabbage mask does not disappoint you, but transforms your skin in the most amazing way, you need to be able to apply it correctly. It is worth sticking to just a few simple recommendations- and you can enjoy the result.

Fresh cabbage is suitable for dry skin, and sauerkraut products can help eliminate oily and combination problems.

When preparing masks from fresh cabbage, it is best to chop it with a thin strip, and then squeeze it with your hands until the juice is released.

Each mask should be tested on the wrist so that the skin does not upset you with allergies.

The mask is best done after steam bath for face.

The duration of the mask is usually 15-20 minutes.

Adhering to simple tips, you will soon see for yourself that the cabbage face mask is a truly unique remedy that is available to each of us at home.

- a vegetable that has long been familiar to us, without which it is difficult to do in cooking various dishes... It is no coincidence that cabbage is so popular. Even in ancient times, such great people as Avicenna, Galen, Pliny, Cato spoke favorably about cabbage. Regular intake of cabbage in food can compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, because this simple and unpretentious vegetable can be called a storehouse of useful substances.

Cabbage contains vitamins A, B, K, C, P, PP, as well as folic, pantothenic acids, minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus.

❧ Scientists claim that 7 cabbage helps prevent cancer.

For the skin of the face and body, cabbage is no less useful, which is why it will be useful to turn to it in the manufacture of various cosmetics.

Cabbage masks for all skin types (universal)

To prepare the mask, you should take 2 tbsp. l. cabbage juice, add 1 tsp. milk, 1 tsp. honey. To mix everything. Apply the mask to cleansed skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

To care for different types skin, you can use a very simple remedy: you need to take cabbage leaves, rinse in cold water... Then put them on cleansed face skin and lie in this position for about 30 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. This method will make the skin smooth, fresh, matte, give a feeling of comfort.

To prepare the tonic, you need to take 3-4 cabbage leaves, fill them with a glass of water. Boil. Cook over low heat, covered for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain. This makes a great tonic that can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. It is recommended to wipe the skin with tonic in the morning and in the evening. It makes the skin moisturized, smooth, velvety and soft, and helps to remove signs of fatigue. The broth can be frozen, and then wipe your face with an ice cube in the morning and evening.

❧ B Ancient rome cabbage was considered a special delicacy, it was served during sumptuous feasts as a delicacy.

Cabbage masks for oily and mixed skin

To prepare the mask, you should take sauerkraut and apply it on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Put a napkin or thin cloth on top of the cabbage. Leave the mask for 15 minutes, then carefully remove it first. cotton pad, then rinse your face with cool water. This mask can be used once every 7-10 days. The mask has a tightening and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to make the skin matte, smooth, and helps to get rid of oily sheen.

To prepare the mask, grate 2–3 cabbage leaves or pass them through a meat grinder. Beat 1 egg white, mix with cabbage. You can add 1 tsp. aloe juice or 1 tsp. lemon juice. Stir everything, apply to cleansed skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.

For oily and mixed skin prone to excess shine and acne and acne, pickle from sauerkraut may be helpful. It should be thinned mineral water in a 1: 1 ratio, and then freeze. The resulting ice cubes should be wiped over the face in the morning and in the evening. This will leave your skin looking fresher, matte and clearer, as well as help fade age spots and make freckles subtle.

To prepare the mask, grate 2-3 cabbage leaves on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Add 1 tbsp. l. chopped cucumber pulp, 1 egg white. Mix everything until smooth. Apply to cleansed face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on until the mask is dry.

Then rinse off with warm water, after which the face should be rinsed with cool water. The mask not only makes the skin matte, fresh and smooth, but also has a whitening effect.

To prepare the mask, you should take 3 tbsp. l. sauerkraut, 1 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 egg white. To mix everything. Apply the mask to cleansed face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water, then rinse face with cool water or rub with an ice cube.

Cabbage juice can help get rid of warts. They should be covered with gauze dipped in fresh cabbage juice. The gauze should be left overnight, secured with a plaster or bandage. Do compresses until the warts disappear.

Cabbage masks for dry skin

To prepare the mask, you need to grate the cabbage leaves. 2 tbsp. l. the resulting pulp, mix with 1 egg yolk, add 1 tsp. peach oil, 1 tsp. honey. Mix everything until smooth. Apply the mask to cleansed face skin, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Folk cabbage face masks - contain a complex of vitamins that harmoniously affects the skin. The effect of masks with cabbage at home: the product rejuvenates the face, tightens sagging skin, whitens age spots, relieves acne, fights wrinkles, skin aging, age-related changes.

Cabbage for skin care

The main difference between cabbage is the presence in the vegetable folic acid(vitamin B9), which stimulates the renewal of skin cells, provides a radiant complexion, guarantees the absence of acne, irritation, inflammation, and skin rashes. Its benefits do not end there, let's take a closer look at other elements of beauty that this vegetable is rich in.

Vitamin A - acts very versatile: moisturizes, rejuvenates, relieves inflammation, eliminates spider veins, removes stretch marks and wrinkles, whitens age spots;

Vitamin C ( vitamin C) - a natural antioxidant that rejuvenates the skin of the face, has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;

Vitamin K - relieves swelling, whitens the skin, soothes inflammation on the face;

Choline - normalizes fat metabolism at the cellular level;

Potassium - provides hydration necessary for dry skin;

Organic acids - stop aging of the skin, make it fresh, smooth, elastic;

The effectiveness of cabbage masks, due to the complex effects of the components, will be noticeable after the first application. In addition, the vegetable perfectly cleanses the face, eliminates oily sheen, and tones the skin.

The use of cabbage in cosmetology

To prepare the masks, the cabbage leaves must first be chopped, then kneaded with your hands until the juice appears. To enhance the effectiveness, apply the product to previously steamed skin. The author of this article got rid of postpartum stretch marks simply by applying white cabbage leaves to the body. But it is better to take a comprehensive approach to solving problems of the skin of the face.

Fresh cabbage is suitable for owners of dry and fading, aging skin, sauerkraut - will help to cope with skin problems bold type, acne, inflammation. Cosmetic properties white and red are identical.

Fresh cabbage must be juicy and firm, before use, two or three top leaves must be removed from the head.

Sauerkraut should be pure, not too sour. The brine should not contain vinegar, natural sauerkraut is prepared with the addition of common salt and small amount sugar, the mass should ferment itself. If vinegar was added to the brine, then for cosmetic procedures this product cannot be used.

V winter period sauerkraut cosmetics should not be done more often than once a week. V summer period These masks can be applied more often, up to two to three times a week.

Be sure to test the product before use. If you feel any discomfort or burning sensation during application, remove it immediately.

Mask recipes

Mask for dry skin: Boil a few cabbage leaves in milk until tender. Let cool and apply to face and décolleté. Keep it on for 20 minutes. This tool smoothes wrinkles, tones, stops age-related skin changes.

Mask for very dry, flaky skin: Boil cabbage leaves in milk until soft, refrigerate and chop. Mix the resulting gruel with one raw egg and a tablespoon vegetable oil... Apply on face for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing Mask for Dry Skin: Take chopped fresh cabbage leaves and add one tablespoon of warm almond oil to them. Mix everything and apply on face. Keep it on for 20 minutes, then wash off with cool water.

Mask for sensitive skin, relieving irritation: Combine a few leaves of chopped fresh cabbage with three teaspoons of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Separately mix one teaspoon of honey with 1⁄2 cup boiled water... Grind all components thoroughly. Apply the mass on your face for 12-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Then give a light facial massage.

Cleansing cabbage mask for acne: Chop a few cabbage leaves and mix with the juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of 5% hydrogen peroxide. Then add one teaspoon of viburnum juice to the mixture. Place the mask on your face and keep it on for 5-7 minutes. This remedy is applied twice a week.

Mask for aging skin of the face and neck: Crush two fresh leaves cabbage, add a teaspoon of honey, a quarter teaspoon of yeast and a quarter cup of apple juice. Mix everything and apply on neck and face for 20 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab soaked in cool water.

Whitening mask for dry and dehydrated skin with age spots: Grind fresh white cabbage into a gruel. Rub the cleansed skin gently with corn or olive oil. Then apply to the skin hot soda compress- one teaspoon of baking soda for one liter of hot water, then soak the gauze (holes for the eyes and mouth area should be cut out in it) in the solution and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Then on steamed skin, apply the cabbage mass for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Mask for oily skin: Mix two tablespoons of sauerkraut juice, one egg white and one tablespoon of wheat flour. Apply the mass on your face and keep it on for 30 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. After 10-15 minutes, wipe your face with fresh cabbage juice.

Anti-inflammatory sauerkraut mask: Half a cup of sauerkraut, squeeze it lightly, then mix with 1/4 cup apple juice and one teaspoon of almond oil. Place the mixture on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse cold water... Such a remedy will relieve skin irritation and prevent the appearance of acne.

For the prevention and smoothing of wrinkles, apply a thick layer of sauerkraut on the skin of the face, leave for 25-30 minutes, rinse with warm water, then apply nutritious cream... Course - 1 time per week, 8 weeks.

Rejuvenating mask: Peel the apples, rub on a fine grater. Same amount received applesauce and sauerkraut mix, apply on the face for 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cabbage leaves for face

To relieve edema, a whole cabbage leaf is applied to the face, previously slightly wrung out by hand. Leave for 10 minutes, then change to fresh, and so three to four times.

Chinese mask, which is made very simply: Take fresh cabbage leaves, rinse in water, spread on cutting board and roll out with a rolling pin like dough for about 10 minutes. Then put the leaves on your face and change them every 10 minutes for fresh ones. Keep the mask for half an hour in total. You can do it daily. This product whitens and rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Boiled Cabbage Leaves Toning Mask: Take some fresh cabbage leaves and cut them into thin strips. Pre-boil the milk and throw the resulting strips into it. Wait for the cabbage to boil down to a mushy state. Cool the mixture and add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one tablespoon of refined vegetable oil to it. Stir everything well, and if the cabbage broth turns out to be liquid, remove excess moisture by squeezing the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. Apply the mixture to the skin for 7 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Use this remedy once a week.

Cabbage juice for face

Moisturizing cabbage juice mask: Squeeze 50 ml of juice from fresh cabbage and mix with one teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of grated carrots, pre-cooked in milk until soft. For 5 minutes, no more, apply on face and wash with boiled lukewarm water.

Toning mask for normal skin: Mix one egg yolk, one teaspoon of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of cabbage juice, apply for 20 minutes on the skin and neck, rinse with cool water. If your skin is inflamed, replace the cabbage juice with sauerkraut brine.

If you regularly drink cabbage juice, the skin of the face becomes smooth, wrinkles and acne disappear.

Purifying mask for oily skin: Mix a tablespoon oatmeal with two tablespoons of cabbage juice, apply the mixture to the skin for 25-30 minutes, rinse with cool water. Such a tool will get rid of oily sheen, will have a tonic effect.

Cabbage pickle for face

Natural acids formed during fermentation in cabbage brine have a beneficial effect on the skin, reduce its oil content, and tighten pores. The action of these acids is similar to the gentle surface peeling, helps to fight freckles and age spots, whitens the skin.

Cabbage brine is used instead of a tonic - they daily wipe the skin of the face before washing, such a remedy tones the skin of the face, increases its elasticity, freckles and age spots are lightened, pores are narrowed. With daily use, the brine should not be left for a long time, the product is washed off 2-3 minutes after application.

Cabbage brine compresses: Dip a cotton swab in the cabbage brine and moisten your face liberally with it, leave it on the skin for 15 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can carry out the procedure in the form of a compress, that is, cover the skin with a film or special cloth mask, after 15 minutes, wash yourself first with warm, then cold water, apply a moisturizer. The course of application is once a week, no more than 15 times for the entire course.

Nourishing mask for all skin types: Mix one tablespoon of sauerkraut brine with one yolk and one teaspoon of olive oil, apply on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This remedy will help get rid of acne and skin irritations.

The benefits of cabbage for the skin

A cabbage face mask is considered an excellent cosmetic product with multifunctional action, and it is not difficult to prepare it at home. The effectiveness of such masks consists in a beneficial effect on the skin of any type of face - both normal and dry, problematic or mixed. At the same time, high results are achieved thanks to the natural ingredients that are included in such masks. They cleanse and nourish the skin well, rejuvenate and make it more elastic, fight against age-related problems: skin dehydration, pigmentation, fatigue, wrinkles and other signs of aging.

The benefits of cabbage for the skin are to eliminate problems that often cause a number of complexes in women. Cabbage mask is able to cope with early wrinkles, age spots, various skin inflammations. And that's all thanks to the unique chemical composition of this white-headed vegetable, which includes:

vitamin A is an irreplaceable substance that has a calming effect on the skin, perfectly moisturizes it, heals various inflammations, and also helps to normalize the fat balance, smooth wrinkles, eliminate stretch marks and vascular networks, and produce substances necessary for skin rejuvenation - elastin and collagen; takes part in skin regeneration, removes age spots; vitamin C - a component that has a rejuvenating, regenerating and wound healing effect on the skin; vitamin K - anti-inflammatory and decongestant component; vitamin B9 - a substance that works great for acne problems; choline is a substance that normalizes fat metabolism at the cellular level; potassium - a moisturizing ingredient, an irreplaceable helper in the care of dry skin; organic acids - eliminate signs of skin aging, make it more elastic.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the components that make up the cabbage, it is possible to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time: after the first use of the mask, every woman will be able to feel how the skin of her face has changed, refreshed, rejuvenated, became more toned and elastic. Thus, a cabbage face mask can rightfully be considered a cosmetic product from a natural first-aid kit with a wide spectrum of action.

Cabbage face mask recipes

Cabbage face mask contains the main ingredient - cabbage leaves (fresh, pickled) or juice obtained by grinding cabbage leaves in a juicer. Widely used in folk cosmetology also seaweed, fortified with iodine and many other substances that are beneficial to skin health. Secret beneficial impact masks from cabbage on the skin is covered in useful properties this vegetable. Cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals; it has long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology to treat inflamed, problematic and dehydrated skin, fight aging, acne and acne. Cabbage can be used to care for any type of skin, it effectively cleanses, whitens, refreshes the skin, and also has a rejuvenating effect.

There are a variety of recipes for cabbage face masks, so every woman needs to choose the one that is most suitable for individual plan, taking into account the type of skin and the main problem to be solved.

Rejuvenating honey and cabbage mask. A handful of chopped fresh cabbage must be carefully squeezed out, and the resulting juice must be mixed well with honey and yeast in equal parts (1 tsp). Add 2 tbsp. To the mixture. tablespoons of apple juice. Toning cabbage mask. it classic remedy from fresh cabbage leaves, not requiring additional ingredients... To obtain a mask, fresh cabbage leaves should be chopped, then squeezed and covered with the skin. Another option for preparing the mask is also possible: you need to take a few cabbage leaves, rinse them thoroughly in cold water, and then put on a wet face with the concave side and leave for 20 minutes. The leaves should warm up in contact with the skin. Then wipe your face with a napkin - the skin will become fresher and acquire matte shade... Cabbage-olive mask for gentle care for dry skin. A medium-sized cabbage leaf must be doused with boiling water, then chopped and mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Cabbage and protein mask for deep cleansing oily skin. Chopped cabbage leaf must be mixed with raw egg white, after which the mixture is applied to the face. Such a mask helps well in the treatment of burns, ulcers and purulent wounds. Cabbage and yolk mask to eliminate skin peeling. A handful of cabbage leaves should be chopped until juiced and then mixed with the egg yolk. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture. Nourishing cabbage mask for all skin types, including combination skin. Grate boiled carrots, mix with honey in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each), and then add freshly prepared cabbage juice (2 teaspoons). Curd and cabbage mask (helps with sensitive skin). Mix chopped cabbage leaves (2-3 tablespoons) with cottage cheese (3 tablespoons), and then add lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and honey diluted in warm water(2 tablespoons). Whitening milk-cabbage mask. The chopped cabbage leaf must be mixed with milk and cottage cheese, taken in equal proportions (1 tbsp. Spoon).

If there are bruises on the face after a bruise or age spots, a mask of chopped cabbage leaves boiled in fresh milk effectively helps. The resulting gruel must be spread with a thick layer on a rag napkin, and then applied to problem place for about an hour. After the procedure, the skin should be washed and gently wiped dry.

Cabbage face mask does not require special preparations, therefore, this option is perfect for skin care in a comfortable home environment. The procedures can be done practically at any time of the year, because under appropriate conditions, cabbage is stored even in winter.

Seaweed for face

Cabbage face mask - natural remedy for skin rejuvenation, which is why many women use it to maintain a youthful and fresh face. For the preparation of such a mask, both leaves and cabbage juice are suitable. To cleanse oily and problem skin of the face, kelp is often used, i.e. seaweed. In addition to the unique taste properties, kelp has a number of indicators for use in cosmetic purposes... For example, with its help you can fight cellulite problems, as well as take care of your face.

Seaweed for the face is effective due to its special biological composition - a complex of vitamins and microelements, which has a beneficial effect on problem skin. This mask deeply cleanses and tightens pores, removes dead skin cells and removes greasy shine, which is especially true in hot weather.

For cooking nourishing mask from seaweed you should use its dry crushed leaves, mixing them with warm water to obtain a creamy mass. Then you need to add to the resulting mixture Peach oil and honey (2 tablespoons each). It is recommended to use this mask once a week, and then wipe your face with a refreshing tonic. After a few procedures, the result will be visible: the skin will become cleaner and fresher, it will stop inflammatory processes, the fat balance will be restored, blackheads, acne and oily shine will disappear from the face. For the preparation of the so-called. "Classical" mask must be filled with water 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry kelp algae, and then leave them for a while until they swell completely, then squeeze excess water, and from the resulting gruel prepare a mask. The mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, previously cleaned of dirt, with a plentiful layer and left for half an hour, then remove its remnants with a cotton swab, and then wash thoroughly with warm water. This mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, and also rejuvenates and refreshes the skin. To prepare an anti-aging mask with a smoothing effect, it is necessary to add 1 teaspoon of slightly melted honey to the seaweed gruel prepared in the above way. Oily skin is perfectly cleaned by a mask made from kelp algae with the addition of raw egg white and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Dry skin will become more hydrated by applying a mask of seaweed containing mayonnaise (2 tsp), as well as raw egg yolk and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Inflamed skin will be clearer if you apply a kelp mask containing a tablespoon of aloe juice that has been refrigerated for two weeks.

A cabbage mask for the face, including sea, will be required if a woman has problems with age-related skin changes, which manifest themselves in the form of stretch marks and wrinkles, vascular networks, dehydration skin... Such a natural remedy will well nourish the skin of the face, make it more elastic and give it a healthy complexion.

Sauerkraut for face

A cabbage face mask is a kind of a real "vitamin bomb", because white cabbage contains a whole complex of vitamins, as well as enzymes, phytoncides, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron salts. Plus, kale is rich in antioxidants and healthy plant fiber. For the preparation of cabbage masks, both fresh vegetable leaves and sauerkraut gruel can be used.

Sauerkraut for the face is a good cleanser to care for problem skin, as well as an assistant in the fight against excessive dryness of the skin and age spots. In addition to various nutrients, sauerkraut contains vitamin B12, which takes Active participation in cell division. For cooking classic mask you need to chop the sauerkraut until a gruel is formed, and then put it on your face and cover with a napkin. After 20-30 minutes, the mask should be carefully removed with a cotton swab, and then washed with warm water. Sauerkraut brine is also beneficial for the skin. It contains ascorbic acid, which effectively eliminates skin inflammation.

Ice cubes, made from sauerkraut brine, have amazing properties. With this tool, it is useful to refresh the skin of the face, massaging it in the morning and before bed. To prepare the cubes, you need to freeze a mixture of sauerkraut juice and boiled water. it cosmetic product lightens freckles well, and also makes them less noticeable vascular networks and age spots.

Sauerkraut juice is used to prepare a nourishing mask that has a beneficial effect on dry skin. To make such a mask, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of juice must be mixed with a tablespoon of wheat flour and egg white. The resulting mixture should be applied to a cleansed face, held for half an hour, and then washed off with water. After this procedure, for better effect you can rub your face with fresh cabbage juice.

To prepare a moisturizing mask, grated carrots, corn flour, liquid honey and almond oil. This mixture it is necessary to beat with a mixer for 1 minute, and then apply on a well-steamed face and stand for half an hour, then wash with warm water.

The most common and accessible product for everyone - common white cabbage - has a unique composition. That is why cabbage is so useful not only as a food product, but also as a natural cosmetic product, in particular for the skin of the face. And Secrets of Perfection will share their knowledge about the benefits of cabbage as a remedy for facial skin.

Cosmetic properties of cabbage.

White cabbage is the owner of the most valuable minerals and vitamins. So, it contains several types of acids, iron, potassium, calcium, fiber, many vitamins, and the content of vitamin C is almost as good as citrus fruits. As for sauerkraut, in terms of the amount of vitamin C, it significantly surpasses fresh one.

One of the functions of cabbage is anti-inflammatory, therefore it is advised to use it for sensitive skin. In addition, it nourishes and softens dry skin, whitens it, refreshes and tones all skin types. Oily shine of the skin can be easily eliminated by regularly making cabbage masks. When it is enough just to apply cabbage leaves to the skin.

When using cabbage for the face, they use both cabbage leaves, crushed to the state of gruel, and the juice of this vegetable. Sauerkraut also actively used to create natural masks.

Cabbage for the face. Natural recipes beauty.

  • Recipe 1.Whitens the skin, aligns her Colour, makes the tan more even cabbage and protein mask: cabbage leaves are crushed and combined with egg white, beaten until foam appears. The procedure takes 20 minutes to complete.
  • Recipe 2. There is a good chinese recipe for whitening and tightening the skin: fresh washed cabbage leaves are rolled well with a rolling pin for 10 minutes and applied to the face, after 10 minutes the leaf is removed and a new one is put. Duration - half an hour. It is better to do this procedure every day.
  • Recipe 3.Tightens dry aging skin and moisturizes such a mask: 3 tablespoons of chopped cabbage leaves are mixed with a teaspoon of honey and half a spoonful of yeast. It is also suitable for the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles.
  • You can take instead of honey Castor oil by mixing the ingredients in the following proportions: 2 tablespoons of chopped cabbage, half a spoonful of oil and 2 teaspoons of yeast. This tool is prepared as follows: cabbage and yeast are mixed and kept warm for half an hour, then oil is added, mixed and applied to the skin, which is cleaned before that. After 15 minutes, wash off with water or cabbage juice.
  • Recipe 4. For smoothing wrinkles and reducing dry skin cabbage leaves are boiled in milk until soft, cooled and used as a regular mask. Withstand the product for up to 20 minutes.
  • Recipe 5. Cabbage for the face will help dry skin too. For example, to feed skin, cabbage leaves boiled in milk are crushed, mixed with an egg and a spoonful of vegetable oil. This mask is liberally lubricated with the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Recipe 6. Improves condition oily skin, cabbage mask, which includes chopped fresh cabbage and flour (they take half the flour). If the skin is combination, a little honey is added to the composition.
  • Recipe 7. Eliminates shine leather mask out cabbage juice and shredded oat flakes: components are taken in a 2: 1 ratio and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. In this recipe, cabbage for the face not only eliminates the oily sheen, but also helps to cleanse and heal the skin.
  • Recipe 8. Sauerkraut for face promotes the renewal of skin cells, however, due to its drying effect, it is recommended to use this product no more than 1 time per week, and with dry skin it should be used with extreme caution. Sauerkraut is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes and washed off. Another option is to soak pieces of fabric with cabbage brine and make lotions.
  • Recipe 9. Decreases sensitivity skin, neutralizes inflammation cabbage-curd face mask with lemon juice... The recipe is simple: a few leaves of a fresh vegetable are chopped and combined with 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, as well as 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. You can add a spoonful of honey by mixing it in advance with 100 grams of boiled water. All components are rubbed, brought to a state of homogeneity and the resulting mask is treated with the skin for 15 minutes, then washed and lightly massaged the face.

Why this particular vegetable? Many people find the use of this ingredient just ridiculous. How can this vegetable help? And how! Cabbage face mask contains almost EVERYTHING possible vitamins, as well as enzymes, antiulcer vitamin U, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron and iodine salts. It is rich in vitamin C, plant fiber and antioxidants.

Cabbage face mask can fight dry skin problems, serve as an excellent cleanser and eliminate age spots. Whatever type of skin nature has awarded you, whatever problems you are trying to eliminate, this vegetable is the product you can safely count on.

For dry. Take half a glass of the juice of our main ingredient and soak a layer of cotton wool, a sterile cloth, or a gauze pad in it. Wipe your face before applying the compress fat cream or cream. Apply this compress for 20 minutes. The napkin will gradually dry out, which means you will need to re-moisturize it with juice. After application, wipe the skin first with a damp cotton pad and then with a dry cotton pad.

For oily. Mix two teaspoons of sour / fresh cabbage juice with two teaspoons of yeast. Bring the mixture to a thick sour cream and place in hot water. When the mixture begins to ferment, stir it and add 15 drops of vitamin A, 20 drops of camphor oil and 15 drops of vitamin E. Apply the mask for 25 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

For normal. Use a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of juice of the main ingredient and? baker's yeast sticks. When you have a soft mass, put it in a dark place to speed up the fermentation process. When the volume of the mixture doubles, apply it for half an hour and wait until it dries. Rinse everything off with water.

In order to rejuvenate

Add a teaspoon to? glasses of apple juice and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Grind two leaves of fresh vegetable and add both mixtures. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply the mixture on the face and neck and leave for about 15 minutes. Rinse off such a mixture only with cold water.

Yogurt and cabbage mask

In order to prepare the mass, you need to use a teaspoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of yogurt and three leaves of fresh vegetable. Chop the leaves, add two tablespoons of yogurt and olive oil... Beat all ingredients with a mixer.

Apply the mixture in a thick layer and let sit for 40 minutes. After application, wash off the mass with warm water.

For a healthy and fit look

Take a few large sheets of vegetable and rinse them in cold water. With the concave side, apply the leaves to the previously cleansed face and hold for 20 minutes. After that, wash yourself with cold water. During the procedure, the sheets heats up, and a reaction occurs, after which the skin acquires a firmer and healthier appearance.

There is one more possible variant... Wipe your skin with corn or. Dampen a clean towel in hot water with the addition of chamomile infusion and a teaspoon of soda. Apply the compress for 10 minutes. Then apply the minced leaves of the main ingredient. Wait 15 minutes and wash off. This procedure must be repeated 3 times a week. Cabbage mask for face can be mixed with wheat flour, yolk or sour cream.

Cabbage face mask- a storehouse of health for your skin. Say no to expensive procedures and start using absolutely safe, effective and available remedy today, so that tomorrow you can feel the changes.

Video, cabbage face masks.