New Year of the Fiery Rooster: where and in what clothes is it better to meet. What to celebrate the New Year. What the Fire Rooster will not like

On the eve of the New Year the most topical issue for women is the choice of stunning attire. In this article you will learn how to dress better according to the signs of the zodiac and color scheme coming year.

In what colors is it worth celebrating the New Year of the Rooster?

so fleeting, very soon everyone's favorite New Year's holiday will come. Although there is still plenty of time, the most desperate fashionistas are already trying to find out what colors will be relevant in the coming year, and what to celebrate the Year of the Rooster 2017 in.

Moreover, they show interest not only in the main outlines of trends, but are specifically interested in what is right for their zodiac sign. After all, it will take so much effort to prepare, and you also need to purchase outfits, accessories and much more so as not to miss your fortune in the coming year.

Actual colors of 2017

It has long been customary to celebrate the New Year in such a way as to win over its patron and thereby call good luck to your home. People carefully choose suitable clothes and prepare dishes for the table, listening to the advice of astrologers.

The upcoming 2017 year of the Rooster is famous for its fiery element. Definitely, the predominant colors of this year will be bright and fiery. Astrologers advise to celebrate the new year preferably in this color scheme:

  • Ginger
  • Brown
  • Golden
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Scarlet
  • burgundy

Fiery shades in clothes will unconditionally attract the attention of the Rooster and bestow happiness in the New Year 2017. How favorable the fortune will be directly depends on how the celebration of the coming year will go. In addition to bright fiery shades, the Rooster is also sympathetic to such colors as:

  • Green
  • Turquoise
  • Blue

Many different colors are offered to appease the patron saint of the holiday. But the choice is still yours. You need to choose the shades of the gamut for yourself, depending on your hopes for the New Year 2017:

  • If you wish get rich and have kids, it is recommended to choose clothes in red colors .
  • By choosing an outfit in blue shades, you will attract love, family, marriage. Also, the blue color can contribute to the Rooster. career advancement.
  • To attract true wealth you should choose an outfit in yellow and golden colors. A combination of colors such as blue and yellow in tandem will significantly increase the chance of profit in the new year.

It is recommended to celebrate the holiday in shining and bright clothes, but it's important not to overdo it, since the envy of the patron of the year will entail undesirable consequences.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017?

Leave office dresses and unsightly blouses with a skirt for going to work. Coming Year of the Rooster prefers splendor and lightness in outfits. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to loose-fitting clothes that do not restrict movement and give a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. After all, it is important to meet the coming year in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.

When you have already decided on the color and style of the outfit, it is also important to pay attention to material, from which your festive attire is sewn.

Prioritize only natural fabric. Choose :

Linen products

Some advice from astrologers can be confusing representatives of the stronger sex, after all, few people want to wear such bright outfits or complement their image with bright shiny trinkets.

In this situation, men do not need to worry much, since a regular classic suit in dark colors will be quite appropriate. The main one is cleanliness and neatness, because for the owner of the coming year 2017 this is very important.

Also, experts do not advise men to present themselves too confidently and independently, since the patron of the new year prefers to be in first place and does not want to endure competition. This fear does not apply to women, but men should be careful.

Shoes and accessories

Exquisite expensive decorations and stylish clutches help complete your holiday look. The celebration of the upcoming New Year often takes place in a cafe or restaurant, and a handbag will certainly be an indispensable attribute of the evening. The rooster will certainly appreciate small bags, combined with the whole image .

Bags decorated with various shiny and shining decorations will also be a good choice. However, it is important not overdo with the image, if the accessories are too shiny, then the clothes are already selected in a more restrained style and color scheme.

The color of the stones on the jewelry should match the clothes. It would be nice if the accessories were decorated with garnet or ruby. The presence in the image of such stones as citrine, sapphire, amber.

Don't forget about choice of shoes for the New Year celebration. A stable heel on shoes, boots or sandals would be the most suitable option. In such shoes you will feel comfortable, and this is the main point in a successful meeting of the Year of the Rooster. It will also be quite relevant to pick up ballet flats with shimmering inserts and stones.

Choosing an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac for the New Year of the Rooster

It is believed that when choosing an outfit for the celebration of the New Year, it is advisable to take into account all the advice of astrologers regarding your zodiac sign. By following all the instructions, you can hope for favor fate and concomitant good luck throughout 2017.

  • Aries The yellow color will definitely impress. Representatives of this sign can no doubt follow all the advice and recommendations about the celebration. For women born in the year of the Rooster, this festive evening it is better to do without deep necklines, otherwise the coming year may bring love disappointments.

  • Taurus can boldly experiment with a combination of any colors and shades this evening. Taurus is considered an earth sign, so it tends to prudence and a sense of proportion in everything. You don’t have to worry, this sign will definitely not anger the patron of the year of the Rooster with its provocative actions, this is simply not typical of him. Of the decorations for the celebration of Taurus, earrings, in the form of rings, are well suited.

  • The most crazy and unstoppable sign of the zodiac is considered Twins . Also, this sign is characterized by thoughtfulness and thoroughness in the choice. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the twins to choose the right image for themselves for New Year's Eve. Particular attention should be paid to decorations. To lure your hair with a hairpin or weave a red ribbon into your hair.

  • For a zodiac sign like Cancer, will also bring pure pleasure to the choice of festive attire. Especially, some unusual outfit will attract the attention of the Rooster. Perhaps even arrange a themed party in honor of the New Year, where everyone will choose a costume for a certain character. If no one supports this incendiary idea, then you can complement your image decorated masks.

  • Self-confident and a bit arrogant lions, do not believe in signs at all and do not take seriously all the instructions of astrologers. However, there is no reason for concern, representatives of this sign, without any difficulty and troubles, will choose a standing outfit that will please the Rooster. The main condition remains - do not overdo it with decorations, so as not to surpass the patron of the year himself.

  • Representatives of the sign Virgin it is worth picking up clothes in juicy and bright colors. At the same time, you don’t need to make makeup saturated, you should emphasize the lightness and ease. Such conditions should be adhered to when choosing decorations for the holiday, they should emphasize naturalness and naturalness.

  • Scales are very unpredictable sign. The life of Libra is filled with many contradictions, but there is And its positive side. IN New Year's night representatives sign Libra Just obliged be V center attention, That's why outfit must be relevant. Choosing clothes For holiday, costs recall, on what thing more Total fell sight, V flow last time.

  • Representatives sign Scorpion absolutely inexcusably will Not give values everyone advice And recommendations astrologers. chief weapons this evenings must put All dignity this sign zodiac. How never, need to turn on fantasy And get attention And enthusiastic views guests, gathered on holiday.

  • For Streltsov more suitable will Notofficial cozy atmosphere. Hence, representatives beautiful half may boldly demonstrate All their charms, emphasizing their relevant outfits.

  • Representatives sign zodiac Capricorn , V choice ncharge costs fully rely on mine taste. Decorations costs pick up Not catchy, But elegant. Also special attention should be given their hands. Here important grooming And stylish manicure.

  • Aquarius For meetings new of the year should consider dressesmaxi, long skirts And suits. Special accent Can do on open shoulders, covering their shawl. picking up shoes, All same Not costs refuse from heels. By choosing discreet outfit, Aquarius underlined his unusual And stylish accessories.

  • For representatives sign Fish choice new year's image Not will be no labor. chief condition is only That, What cloth certainly must be new. That's why choose outfit Can already start off, directly buying his behind a week to H new of the year. So uncomplicated maneuver Fish Necessarily will attract good luck And success V mine house.

Which would image Not liked To you, costs Not forget, main accent are chic And brilliant decorations And accessories . To conquer attention And favor To yourself patron new of the year, Not costs stint on festive attire. Be bright, refined And happy V new 2017 year.

Video: How to celebrate the New Year 2017?

The element of 2017 is Fire; the element that brings good luck is metal; favorite colors - the whole red-yellow range.

"Golden Cockerel" loves everything bright and shiny. Astrologers recommend choosing costumes in orange, coral, light brown shades - representatives of the world can safely pay attention to them. warm color types appearance - autumn and spring.

Pink, silver, burgundy, lilac, lemon yellow and scarlet will suit girls and women of cold appearance color types - summer and winter.

But let's go down from the stars to Earth and see how to adapt space advice to real life. The final decision is up to you to buy a brand new fiery red dress or assemble a stylish budget set from your own collection of masterpieces.

Many of the colors listed above were popular in spring-summer season. Therefore, if you have a party in a warm room, you can adapt summer set according to the requirements of the cockerel. What can be used: shoes fiery flowers, bright blouse, jacket and stylish jewelry. Let's look at the examples below.

New Year at home, away or in a restaurant

Dark dress with colored vest and gold-plated accessories


Vest of any bright color can be purchased for the holiday or borrowed from the spring-summer wardrobe. Complete with a silk dress you get a feminine look.

When creating evening sets, pay attention to flowing fabrics: satin, silk, satin or brocade. Shine will give the image golden-silver shoes, as well as a handbag decorated with colorful stones. Such chic will be appreciated by the Fire Rooster.

Long skirt, jacket and eye-catching earrings


A long skirt, complemented by a lingerie-style top, will excellent foundation for and cascading earrings, reminiscent of the catchy plumage of a rooster. And do not be afraid to combine dark with bright yellow and red splashes in accessories.

Laconic red dress


It's a great choice! But remember what simpler dress, the more complex the accessories should be. IN this case I propose to complement the dress neck decoration with crystals and feathers and lace metal bracelet. In this case, the shoes should look luxurious. It is desirable that stones and rhinestones be used in their decor.

These three looks are perfect for celebrating the New Year at a party, at home or in a restaurant. They are moderately warm. On the way to a visit or a restaurant, the vest can be replaced with a woolen cardigan. rule good manners is to come to visit with a change of shoes. Moreover, in our case it is stylish element included.

New year in the club

Comfortable shoes and a small bag


Going to a celebration in a club, you should think about comfortable shoes, in which you have to spend more than one hour and a handbag on a belt or chain. She will let you stay free hands and at the same time securely women's secrets, bank card, house keys and lipstick. A velor dress with a golden overflow looks very impressive and luxurious. Earrings in the form of wings will help to complete the image.

New Year in the city


Going out of town, think of a warm and beautiful sweater, a cozy down jacket, warm hat and gloves. You can pick up a beautiful combination of things. When the image as a whole contains color accents, this will certainly please the owner of the coming year - the Rooster.


As practice shows, a woolen skirt with leggings containing a woolen thread stylish sweater And high boots may even be warmer than a set with jeans. Wool warms - tested for centuries. Therefore, when going to a holiday outside the city, think about this version of the kit. A festive touch to the image will help to bring a pattern or print of a skirt or sweater.

new year at work


Separately, there is the situation of creating a kit for corporate party, which begins at the end of a shortened working day on the territory of the company or in the club. Therefore, you need to think about how to convert a business set into an evening one. The best option: jacket hiding in daytime luxury dresses, and replacement of accessories for evening. We change the handbag for a clutch, add exquisite earrings and shoes with a bold design and voila: in 10 minutes you will turn from Cinderella into a Princess!

New Year in the city


When planning to celebrate the New Year in a joyful crowd of people walking on the city square, put warmth and comfort in the first place. Wool trousers and a long down jacket / fur coat should be given more preference than a ski set. It is unlikely that you will spend the whole night on the street. A nice sweater and shoes with moderate heels will keep you confident in your own irresistibility in a cafe where you can stop by to drink a glass of mulled wine with cheesecake, freezing on the city streets.

The Rooster will definitely appreciate the time you invested in preparing for the holiday, and the New 2017 will certainly bring you good luck and become prosperous in all respects. Happy New Year to you! Be stylish and successful every day of the new year!

New Years is soon. By Eastern calendar 2017 is the year of the Red Fire Rooster. What will the new year 2017 be like for all of us, what awaits us? What to cook for the New Year and how to celebrate it? So, here: what to cook for the New Year's table 2017, what to celebrate the coming year of the Red Rooster, what 2017 will be like, what awaits us, the general forecast for 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster.

IN new year's eve even the most inveterate skeptics, raising a glass of sparkling champagne, make wishes and believe that they will come true. Perhaps that is why we check with eastern horoscope which has been in existence for thousands of years. After all, I want the new year to be better than the previous one. And for this, according to astrologers, you need to “correctly” meet the owner of the year - in 2017 it will be the Red Fire Rooster.

How to celebrate 2017?

The question of what to wear for the New Year worries all women without exception. After all christmas dress should be stunningly beautiful, fashionable, stylish, and even like the symbol of the year - the Rooster! How to choose the “right” outfit?

Color. Everything is simple here. Our Rooster is Red, and even Fiery. So we look at the palette of reds, yellows and orange shades. In addition, astrologers "allow" the colors of a dying fire - brown and gray shades. And, surprisingly, purple. Although there is nothing to be surprised - you just have to look at the burning spark - purple is also there!

Materials. Rooster - dandy and. He loves everything shiny and iridescent, so the fabric should also be shiny and shimmering: silk, satin, taffeta, organza, velvet, brocade, etc. Fashionable fabrics with a metallic effect and sequined materials are also suitable. The Rooster also likes brilliant decor - embroidery with gold threads, beads, rhinestones and Swarovski crystals - and, of course, feathers.

Style. Epatage and extravagance. Originality and courage. Only in this way - and not otherwise! Let your favorite little black dress will wait until the next holiday - on New Year's Eve you should shine, conquer and be the center of attention. Neckline in front or on the back, high slit to the thigh, extreme mini, asymmetry, bare shoulders, curly cutouts and original cut - that's what the Rooster will like. But there is one “pitfall” here: the owner of the year, although he is an extraordinary person, has an impeccable taste. So in an effort to impress his imagination, do not overdo it. He will not forgive bad taste and lack of sense of proportion!

Accessories. Any woman knows that a dress is not everything. The integrity of the image is given by accessories: a handbag, shoes, jewelry, etc. For New Year's Eve, you should opt for gold - this metal will perfectly complement a red dress. If you like jewelry with stones, red ones are best - ruby, coral, garnet.

A feather boa, a light chiffon scarf (especially with the image of the owner of the year), and a luxurious evening bag - a clutch or midonier - will successfully complement the image.

Menu for the New Year 2017: what can and cannot be cooked

On the New Year's table should be not only specialties hostesses, traditional "Olivier" and favorite menu household members, but also something that the owner of the year will definitely like - because if you don’t please him, luck will turn away from you for whole year! Like it or not - but, paying tribute to traditions, we will still "ask" the Rooster about his culinary preferences.

Well, the hostesses can breathe a sigh of relief: the Rooster will be pleased with a variety of salads, and vegetable snacks, and meat, and fish, and seafood.

The only thing that can upset him- baked chicken (all a relative, after all) and stuffed eggs. At the same time, chicken meat or eggs as ingredients for salads or other dishes are not negative feelings he will not be called. However, if you really want to see a baked bird on the festive table - take any other: duck, turkey, goose or quail.

He loves Rooster and sweets very much. Therefore, in New Year's menu Dessert is a must. Moreover, even if you do not know how to bake, you should not run to the store for a cake - this is perhaps the only strict ban For New Year's table: there should be no purchased or prepared dishes from semi-finished products! Bake something easy christmas cookies, make jelly or fruit salad - the Rooster will definitely appreciate it, even if the dessert is very simple!

Here's what to give Special attention- so it is the serving of dishes. A great original and aesthete, the Rooster will pay special attention to this. What can surprise him? Try laying out any layered salad (for example, “Mimosa”) in the form of a cockerel or chicken, make rolls with salmon in the form of burning candles or cheese “chickens”, cook stuffed mushrooms and decorate them with “young cockerels”, cut a biscuit into portioned triangles and decorate it a la tree.

As a "decor" you can also use greens, red pomegranate seeds, flowers from tomatoes, carrots or beets and red caviar. In a word, turn on your fantasy to the fullest - and the owner of the year will certainly encourage you!

2017: what awaits us, what will the year be like?

What will the Year of the Rooster bring us? 2017 promises to be a difficult year: after all, the character of the Rooster is complex and cocky, the favorite color of the owner of the year is red, and his element is fire. In addition, the Rooster is a symbol of renewal and the beginning of a new stage in life. And it will concern both each of us and entire countries! So we are getting ready for a bright, turbulent and turning point year, full of high-profile events and changes.

What, however, what these changes will be, largely depends on us. After all, the Rooster does not help everyone.

Fate will favor those, who never looked easy way in his life, he achieved everything with his own strength and diligence, who speaks little, but works hard, does not violate the laws of being, human and legal, and who, albeit grain by grain, bit by bit, but slowly, without haste, rakes his fate into a heap with his paws and your well-being.

To make the Year of the Rooster a good year for you, the main thing is not to be lazy, you just need to work on yourself first of all. The rooster is assertive and will not tolerate lazy people. He does not like those who do not want to develop.

You need to change as much as possible and bring something new into your life. You can radically change your image, work, in which case luck will definitely be on your side.

This year will be successful for self-realization and transition to new job, receiving new profession or advanced training, change of activity and career growth.

As for finance, The rooster will incline you to risky operations - so be extremely careful, especially at the beginning of the year. Avoid taking large sums on credit.

In 2017, there will be no super profits, but there will be enough money to live on. For those who will strive for more, be active, diligent and initiative, the Rooster will help find ways to achieve this and improve their financial condition. Perhaps it will be a good side job or a new, higher paying job.

Personal life. General horoscope 2017 promises many bright moments and emotions. This good year to create a family and have children.

Lonely hearts can safely count on meetings and acquaintances, one of which will become fateful. Therefore, feel free to count on a meeting with your soulmate. The main thing is to choose the right path to meet her. For couples you will also not be bored, you will be able to survive the second Honeymoon and children will delight and amaze. For those couples who have not yet had children, it's time to think about it. After all, 2017 will give a happy and successful fate to children who will be born in the coming year.

And a little about what the year of the Rooster will be for each of the signs


Quite tough "competition" is possible on the personal front and in the professional sphere. Look at everything with calmness and optimism, make decisions deliberately and without emotions. And to be healthy and stay in good location spirit - start fighting with bad habits. Finally, go abroad this year and relax at the resort, devote time to yourself. You deserve it. And the problems will resolve themselves.


The horoscope promises Taurus financial stability and promotion. In matters of the heart, you will need to be persistent, and in the summer you must go to the sea - for impressions and a boost of energy.


Excellent prospects for work and, possibly, a change of residence. The year will be "uneven": luck will alternate with blows of fate, declarations of love - with a possible split in the relationship. How things turn out is up to you.


The first half of the year will be quite difficult both at work and at home. Pull yourself together, throw all your strength into overcoming obstacles - and positive result will not keep you waiting!

a lion

Great things await Leo in 2017. But only if he works in a team. To achieve success, you need to not be lazy, be calm and balanced, and listen to your intuition. In 2017, replenishment is expected in your family, a baby will be born. Unmarried or unmarried Leos will find their second "halves" and play weddings, provided that they do not sit idly by and actively search, become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others.


Virgos can take risks next year - large projects and undertakings will be successful. In addition, the year is good for changing the image and doing creative work. This year is good for bookmarking your financial well-being and your children will delight you with their achievements.


Missed opportunities and disappointments at the beginning of the year, fateful meeting in the spring - Libra will habitually lean in one direction or the other. Listen to the intuition and advice of others - this will help to avoid difficulties and problems. Be extremely careful and careful if you plan to make repairs - injuries are possible.


To achieve success, prioritize things and learn to accept help. You work very hard. Pay attention to friends and hobbies. In the summer, be careful: gossip can complicate relationships with a loved one or harm your career. Take care of your health, "tie up" with bad habits. Get out of your "comfort zone". Start to be interested in something else besides your main job or usual activities. You have already reached high level skill in your work. A new occupation will bring good income, will free up time that you can devote to your family, time for relaxation and travel.


2017 is ideal for harmonizing family relationships and travel. New acquaintances, new perspectives, tempting offers (do not be afraid to take risks!). But the series of “pleasures” will not be continuous - failure is also possible. Accept it calmly as an inevitability - this will save you from committing stupid things. 2017 is also ideal in terms of starting your own business or at least launching a small “source” for additional income. All financial undertakings must be successful.


In the first half of the year, try to work hard and hard - then in the fall you will reap a rich harvest. Take care of your family during the summer. In general, 2017 is rich in new acquaintances, meetings, there will be many interesting trips, events in your life - provided that you keep in touch with family, friends, relatives. And it is on the road that free Capricorns will meet their future husband / wife. And in the coming year you will have to master many new skills, abilities, constantly learn something, but this will bear fruit.


Perhaps the appearance of a person "from the past": you will either put an end to these relationships, or they will receive a new development. A good year for "deepening" in the profession and romantic acquaintances.


Pisces are waiting big changes. You will be able to climb not only the career ladder, but also in terms of self-realization. Listen inner voice, do not rush to make decisions (especially those related to changing the type of activity), in the summer you will be prudent and do not take risks in business and any undertakings.

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We all love the New Year very much, and we are preparing for its meeting in advance. New Year's holiday always brings a sense of magic, miracle, fairy tale. We make wishes and believe that they will come true. Properly chosen clothes for the celebration of the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who do not really believe in horoscopes are interested in what to meet and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. New Year's outfits and decorations, it is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the ruler of the year will like the right colors, and in return he will send successes to personal life, financial well-being and health.

What to wear for the New Year 2017

Since the upcoming 2017 Chinese horoscope considered the year of the Red Fire Rooster, the main colors will be all shades of the flame: red, yellow, orange. You can also include their derivatives: burgundy, coral, cherry, purple. Appearance Rooster allows you to expand the color gamut, complementing it bright colors cock feathers: gold, bronze, white.

The red dress or suit is the most suitable option evening dress for the New Year holiday in 2017. However, this color is not suitable for everyone. He is very conspicuous, and a woman dressed in red is always attractive. increased attention. Therefore, she must be 100% sure of herself. Red - for very self-confident women.

Moreover, this color is not for everyone and not everyone likes it. Many prefer more elegant and modest tones. In addition to the classic red, other shades of flames are suitable: orange, burgundy, cherry, yellow, gold, and even brown or black. You can celebrate the New Year in clothes of these colors, and choose accessories and jewelry to match the main color. It can be a red bracelet on a hand, a bag, a belt, shoes, etc. Jewelry with natural stones shades of fire: garnet, ruby, pink and red tourmaline, coral, red jasper, amber, etc. Men's suit decorate a bright red handkerchief sticking out of a pocket with a corner or an orange tie.

A gold-colored dress would be an excellent choice, because this is one of the fiery colors. Also this good sign to attract wealth and financial well-being. An outfit in red and gold tones will complement the shoes neutral color, for example, cream or beige. Shoes of such shades visually increase the length of the legs and make them more elegant.

Clothing style for the New Year's holiday

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, is very fond of bright things. Perfect fit fashion dress from satin, silk, brocade, organza. At the peak of popularity - noble velvet. The style of clothing should be distinguished by grace and beauty; for girls and women, romantic airy dresses are most preferable. Feel free to wear revealing outfit, after all New Year's celebration - the best occasion show off your charms. You can choose a dress with a seductive neckline or open back, a skirt with a high slit in the front or side. Rooster will also be appreciated bright decorations and shiny accessories. Great additions a brooch with a cockerel or jewelry with feathers will become your image.

If there is one thing that needs to be excluded, it is leopard and brindle colors. Any hints of predators are undesirable, because the leopard and tiger are the enemies of the Rooster. Also, shoes and accessories made of snake skin and its imitation will not work.

As for men, they can deviate from the usual formal suits and relax a bit. good choice for the stronger sex there will be bright shirts or an unusual tie. If an extravagant style seems too bold for a man, then you can choose a shirt that matches with color tone ladies.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Rooster, the owner of 2017, is a lover of order, he is neat and meticulous in everything. Therefore, before you start decorating your house for the holiday, you need to do a thorough cleaning. The rooster is especially picky about details, so try to create coziness throughout the home.

For home decoration, give preference to red, yellow, orange, cherry, purple flowers. The main condition is brightness and naturalness. The rooster will like fluffy multi-colored garlands, glowing lanterns. Let variety reign in Christmas decorations: snowflakes different forms and sizes, shiny tinsel, big balls. Christmas tree, main attribute holiday, it is good to dress up in red colors. The coming 2017 will be a real holiday of needlework. You can make Christmas tree toys and wall decorations with your own hands, crafts made of paper, wood, threads, felt, etc.

Treats and table setting on New Year's Eve

If we talk about the treats of the festive table, then we must remember that the Rooster is a prudent and thrifty bird. Therefore, inexpensive, but hearty dishes will be appropriate on the festive table on New Year's Eve. It’s good if the hostess makes a big cake or pie with her own hands. Treats from fish and seafood, beef, pork will be appropriate, however, in order not to offend the Cockerel, avoid poultry dishes. In addition to the main treat, put fresh vegetable salads and fruits on the table.

Table setting is just the case when the combination is welcomed classical style with country style: wooden and ceramic tableware, linen tablecloths and napkins, compositions from natural materials. You can set the table with a red or burgundy tablecloth, put candles in elegant gold candlesticks.

The rooster is a homely bird, so the New Year holiday is best celebrated with family, with relatives and friends. Let the New Year 2017 be remembered by you with coziness and comfort.

Read about how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog in 2018 in this article.

Interesting ideas New Year's gifts you will find in the article:

Next year 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. This is a proud bird, vociferous, cheerful, with bright beautiful plumage. It symbolizes the beginning of a new, unknown. The rooster is the very first to notify everyone that a new day has come. In the East, it is associated with sunrise, awakening.

The rooster is majestic, attentive, fair. He is constantly in the forefront in all areas: at home, at work, and among friends. A good family man is caring, kind, ready for anything, for the sake of happiness and peace of mind for his loved ones.

The appearance of the Rooster is far from last. He is attentive to himself, likes to look good, to be admired and complimented. The bird is very clean and does not tolerate carelessness and negligence. Reacts negatively to criticism.

Next year, it is fashionable to be extravagant, unusual and original in clothes in order to always be noticeable and not blend into the crowd. The Rooster tends to dress well and impress others at the first meeting. In 2017, many people have a chance to climb the career ladder.

New Year 2017 begins on January 28, and surrenders its powers on the night of February 16. This year will be restless, like the bird itself, full of bright, unforgettable, significant events. The color - red, symbolizes energy, beauty, greatness, power and rapid movement towards victory.

In China, the rooster is the embodiment of five important qualities- courage, fidelity, kindness, goodwill, self-confidence. This year, humanity must develop these virtues in itself. Therefore, sincerity, openness, straightforwardness should become the basis of behavior in the coming year.

However, openness is not always helpful. After all, roosters are inherent in recklessness, recklessness in actions and ordinary straightforwardness may seem rude and simply harm. It is necessary to select information before presenting it to the human court.

How to celebrate New Year 2017

The owner of 2017 is the Fire Rooster, has a multi-colored plumage, looks colorful, the colors are dominated by red and its shades, as well as orange, green, black.

2017 is the year of the Rooster, whose characteristic is represented by such cheerful and extravagant colors, should be met in a catchy, eye-catching outfit. Sleeves, neck can be decorated with sequins, beads, rhinestones. An unusual decision there will be embroidery on the bodice or sleeves. A brooch with a cockerel will help complete the look. If a bright outfit is not to your liking, you can only use a colorful scarf to match the symbolism. As for jewelry, it is better to pay attention to pearls, gold, products made from natural stones.

It is also necessary to think about the color of the outfit in order to meet the year of the Rooster in 2017 according to all the rules, what color should the dress be.

  • Red- the color itself looks rich, popular and loved by many women. Brooches, pendants and other accessories must be carefully chosen so that it is not too gaudy.
  • Coral- rich and very noticeable, catchy color. However, when choosing an outfit of this color, you need to be very careful to consider whether it suits your eyes, skin, hair.
  • Bright yellow- if the outfit is yellow, then the color must be saturated, in no case faded or pale.
  • Orange- the color of joy, fire vital energy, sun. Perfect for New Year's Eve.
  • burgundy- for those who do not like catchy, extravagant colors. This is the color of elegance, solidity. Massive accessories are also perfect here - a brooch, a belt with elements of gold.

For the meeting of 2017, it would be appropriate to use feathers. You can use a few feathers to complete the look, or you can decorate yourself with a stately boa. Fur is also relevant in this case, as always, it looks rich and beautiful. There may be a little fur, for example, a pom-pom on the arm.

How to decorate a table

Because next year implies brightness, catchiness and expressiveness in everything, festive table must also be in this style. Dishes can be very ordinary, but they need to be decorated accordingly. For this, beets are suitable, green pea, red beans, cucumbers, carrots, as well as green onion feathers and ordinary greens.

Regarding the table itself, different color solutions. The tablecloth can be red - white, orange. However, do not forget that a table covered with a dark-colored tablecloth should be served with light plates, and if the tablecloth is light, dark dishes are needed.

Since the rooster is a poultry that usually lives in the countryside, the table should be set in a "rural" style. wicker bread bins, linen napkins, the tablecloth itself made of the same fabric is perfect for this occasion. Chicken dishes should not be on the table. Be sure to put pastries on the table.

Hairstyle selection

There are no clear recommendations in this part of the training. Everything that is beautiful is everything to the face. Suitable and large curls, and a ponytail of straightened strands, cool curls or just straightened hair. You can weave bright bows, hairpins, rubber bands into your hair. Since the rooster is a clean bird, the hair should look well-groomed and clean.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is a time to reflect on what people around you want, think about, and strive for. When 2017 is the Year of the Rooster, the time will come think about the most important values ​​in life: about family relationships, about tolerance, reconciliation and, of course, about health. In the coming year, there is an opportunity to implement everything that was planned and planned earlier. You just need not to go too far and take care of your health and the health of loved ones.

There is an opinion that in 2017 "cock" clashes between different states eager to conquer new territories. However, it is worth hoping that people have the dignity and strength to cope with themselves and the “fiery” characteristic will remain just a beautiful particle of the name of this sign in.