How to clean windshield. How is it actually done? Washing methods for normal soils

The windshield of a car should always shine clean. First of all, this is important for the driver himself, because if it is too polluted, especially in rain or snow, an accident may occur.

In addition, it proves that the owner takes care of his car. And also in a clean car interior it is more pleasant to travel long distances.

Therefore, it is useful to know how to clean Windshield independently, because there is not always the means and time for

Rag and soap solution

The easiest way to bring the glass to its proper form is to use a soapy solution and a regular rag. This method does not always help well, but only with minor contamination. But it can be used quite often. If you wipe the windows regularly, then this method of cleaning the glass will save you from a strong accumulation of dirt.

Soap solution can be used to clean the windshield inside and out.

Action algorithm:

  1. Wipe off major dirt with a dry cloth.
  2. Prepare a soapy solution, you can use grated laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Take a clean cloth, only special for cleaning car windows, moisten it in the prepared product and wipe the windows.
  4. Then walk with dry matter.

After such care, the windshield will shine and shine in the sun.


Some motorists use a solution of water and alcohol. Both components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

Alcoholic solution allows without special work wash windows without streaks. As practice shows, this method not only cleans, but also removes from the car interior.


Unusual application tobacco - washing windows. Truckers have been using this method for a long time, and share it with motorists.

Tobacco eliminates dirt, plaque. It will clean even the most stubborn stains.

How to wash:

  1. They take a piece of clean cloth, preferably cotton, moisten it well and wring it out a little. Tobacco from 5-7 cigarettes is poured on a damp cloth in an even layer. It is not necessary to buy expensive ones, you can save money and buy the cheapest ones.
  2. must be left cotton fabric with tobacco to soften it a little.
  3. Then it is necessary to moisten the glass, and put the prepared matter with cigarettes on it.
  4. Then they rub hard on the wind window with a “tobacco cloth”.
  5. With a little effort, leave the material on the windshield for 5 minutes.
  6. At the end, the remnants of tobacco must be washed off with ordinary glass cleaner or a special washer.

The result is a perfectly clean surface. The whole manipulation takes a maximum of 15 minutes.

None chemical agent won't do the same thing as regular tobacco.

It perfectly cleans any dirt, and can also remove paint residue.

Mister Muscle

In hardware stores you can find Mister Muscle with ammonia. This product is better than regular glass cleaner.

It is packaged in 500 ml bottles, but this volume will last for a long time if you wipe the windows at least once a week and do not run until strong pollution forms.

Cleaning windows with Mister Muscle is simple and easy. The agent is sprayed over the entire glass surface, and wiped with a special cloth.

Windows will stay clean and shiny for a long time. The cabin will not smell bad, Mister Muscle quickly disappears.


A tool such as Aquagel is also very good for washing a car windshield. It forms a protective film, thanks to which the opportunity to wash windows will appear much less frequently.

Aquagel is a practical tool that has proven to be an excellent replacement for soft sponges. The gel, when applied to glass in the car, forms a water-repellent, stable layer. Thanks to him, the driver is not afraid of rain and snowfall, the windows will always remain clean.

This product not only cleans the glass, it also prevents it from fogging.

Glycerin is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20, denatured can be used. First, the glass is cleaned with a rag, and then lubricated with a portion of this composition.

old newspapers

You can wash car windows in the same way as you clean the windows in your house. Old newspapers are especially popular.

First, glass cleaner is sprayed on them, the main dirt is removed with a cloth. Then they take newspapers and rub the glasses so that they shine with cleanliness.

That's the whole secret of using old waste paper.

Aerosol defogger

After treating the glasses with cleaning agents, it would be correct to treat them with special anti-fog agents.

They are necessary to prevent fogging of glasses and mirrors. Their action lasts for 2 weeks. There are no harmful substances in these chemical substances so you can use it regularly.

Thanks to the anti-fog, visibility is improved, criteria are raised safe movement. The use of such products will exclude the appearance of condensate if it is raining outside and the stove is working in the cabin.

The effectiveness of the anti-fogging agent directly depends on the purity of the glass. Therefore, they are washed before using such products. Such an algorithm of actions is considered correct.


This tool is bought in stores where spare parts are sold or in automotive markets. Auto cleaner-2 can be used both for washing by hand and for adding to the washer.

Washing glass with this product is a pleasure.

Before use, Auto Cleaner-2 is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, and washed with a special cloth.

This tool can not be used if the temperature outside is less than 5 degrees. In this case, the composition is poured into the washer, but undiluted.

If all the efforts made did not help to cope with the problem of dirty glass, and plaque appears more often, the air conditioning and ventilation may be disrupted. In this case, it is necessary to replace the cabin air filter and clean the systems.

If you don’t want to clean your glass yourself, you can always turn to professionals for help. They will wash the windows and, at the request of the client, they will treat them with an anti-fogging agent.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 6 minutes


A transparent, clean and sparkling mirror is the “face” of a clean housewife. The presence of mirrors in the bathroom, hallway, the appearance of numerous closets with built-in mirrors, of course, made life difficult for housewives in terms of cleaning.

Today, together with the online magazine site, we will put things in order in your mirrors.

Before starting cleaning, let's try to deal with causes of stains on mirrors:

  • Dust and dirt.
  • Poor quality detergent.
  • Insufficiently clean water.

We have decided on the reasons - we begin to act and proceed to washing the mirrors:

  1. Water and newspaper to wash and shine mirrors at home
    Mirror cleaning in a simple way begins with the use of water and newspaper (its substitute can be toilet paper). The only negative is the presence of lead in newspaper paint (harmful for children). If you have already tried this method, move on to other methods.
  2. Adding shine to mirrors at home - salty water+ tea
    How to clean a mirror to a shine? To resort to the method by simple means - to insist strong tea min 15-20, dilute with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt) and blot nylon fabric It's not that hard to clean a mirror.

  3. Giving Shine and cleaning mirrors at home - Chalk + vinegar (method two)
    Prepare a mixture of:
    • vinegar - 1st l;
    • water - 1 tbsp.

    Warm up, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and drain the water. With the prepared “mashed potatoes”, rub the mirror thoroughly with a piece of suede, a rag or newspaper.

  4. Giving Shine - Chalk + Ammonia (third method)
    Prepare a mixture of:
    • chalk or tooth powder - 1st l;
    • ammonia- 1st l.

    Wipe the mirror with the resulting slurry with a soft cloth.

  5. Giving shine to home mirrors when washing - Potatoes (fourth method)
    half raw potatoes rub the mirror, rinse with cool water and then wipe with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of dirt left, and the mirror will shine like new.
  6. Salvation of a mirror from dirt - Bow
    How to clean a mirror with an onion? - Very simple.
    It is enough to rub the mirror with an onion, leave for 5-7 minutes and wipe it with either a cloth or paper. Saves from mosquitoes or flies.
  7. No streaks on the mirror after washing - Water + Dishwashing liquid
    Instead of dishwashing detergent, you can take, for example, liquid for dishwashers Both products have proven effective in removing excess dirt on mirrors.
  8. Alcohol and alcohol-based solutions for cleaning mirrors from traces of hairspray
    Colognes, Sprays "save" from lovers of hairspray. It is necessary to apply a barely noticeable layer of alcohol or solution to the surface of the mirror, then wipe it with a cloth or paper.
  9. Protecting the mirror from moisture for safe washing
    You can save the mirror from dampness by applying to the amalgam (from the back of the glass) a composition of melted wax 1/3 and turpentine 2/3.
  10. General recommendations for cleaning mirrors at home
    To make the care of mirrors complete, you need to clean them regularly with a dry soft cloth and, in addition to this, use a linen cloth without extra fibers 1-2 times a month, wetting it in vinegar.
  11. How to clean a new mirror without dust?
    It is recommended to wash the mirror with a solution of blue water or use green tea infusion instead of blue.
  12. Placement of mirrors in the house for their greater safety and comfort
    Direct Sun rays are not recommended. It is necessary to place mirrors in the apartment in such a way that the light does not fall on the mirror itself, but on the person who will look into it - then it will not show possible stains in the sun after washing, and also blind you when trying to preen in front of him.
  13. How to give a new shine to the mirror when washing?
    It is enough to dip a lint-free cloth in milk and wipe the mirror. After that, the mirror will shine again.
  14. Kapron as an excellent tool for washing mirrors
    Capron will help to rub the mirror to a shine. Just soak it in cold water and wipe the mirror.
  15. Can I clean mirrors at home with car fluid?
    The magazine site asks you to refrain from using car fluid as a mirror cleaner, as it contains many substances that can cause dizziness and headaches.
  16. We hope that the 15 secret ways from the site will help you take care of your home mirrors. You can now Easily clean each mirror yourself and rub it to a shine so that it shines clean again!

Good afternoon everyone! At younger sister wife's first real anniversary - 20 years. We decided to give her beautiful flower in a pot.

We went for him to our largest store selling plants. It has a transparent roof structure, made of slanted windows.

This is to ensure that the flowers get the maximum sun, in our not very sunny area, a good solution.

But who would have thought that the staff does not know how to wash windows at all. They spoiled all the beauty with their divorces. The better to wash windows without streaks, you will learn further.

Long ago, before they invented modern facilities Window cleaning was not considered a problem.

People used ordinary vinegar, water and a rag - and in a matter of minutes it was possible to admire their native street through a window shining with cleanliness. The speed in this matter still depends on the availability of skills and experience.

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with cleaning products for a specific purpose. Advertising billboards, posters with these products flooded busy highways and television.

And, interestingly, the “secret” element in the composition of detergents is ordinary vinegar. In the 21st century, people are accustomed to modern style life, although it gets more complicated.

Some are used to thinking: why do you need to cut garlic with a knife if more than 40 devices have appeared for this, or why remove with an ordinary rag when were special napkins invented? But wouldn't it be better to use cheap and effective window cleaners? The effect is the same.

Window cleaning methods:

1 way

Before getting down to business, you need to take a cotton swab, toothpick, sponge, napkin, linen rag, warm water, vinegar. We clean all the openings with a toothpick and a stick from contamination. Wash with a sponge dipped in warm soapy water window frames, and wipe with a dry cloth.

Then pour clean water into a bucket (with the calculation of 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons of vinegar). We wash the glass with a wet linen cloth and, therefore, a dry one or a sheet of a magazine. All! Windows shine and shine!

2 way

Another way to quickly clean windows. A solution should be prepared: 2 tbsp. l. starch, a little blue, 100 ml ammonia, 100 ml white vinegar, 4 liters a little warm water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on the glass, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.

3 way

Another good way- wash windows with chalk solution. After drying, wipe with a clean cloth.

4 way

The housewives will be impressed by the cleaning method - it's potatoes. We wipe the glass with its half, rinse with water and wipe it with a napkin.

5 way

If someone wants to do this job even faster, then you can purchase a magnetic brush and the window will be transparent in 4 minutes! So, we make a soap solution and spray it on the glass.

Now we fix the double-sided brush in any corner and move along the path so that the water flows in the right direction (left, right and vice versa). Wash the second time with a brush clean water. We remove the magnetic "assistant". Wipe the corners with a dry cloth.

6 way

And yet, some housewives use modern napkins made of ultra-fine fibers, after which there are no smudges, leaves no scratches, and even wipes fingerprints. It is enough just to moisten with water and wash the window. Unusual microfiber fabric has high ability absorb moisture. Wipe a second time with a strongly wrung out cloth.

7 way

A window washer with a scraper and a drive became famous. This special mop is designed for regular and high windows. We remove the dirt with a scraper, and wash off all the remnants of dirty water with a rubber squeegee. And no nasty marks or streaks.

8 way

For those who do not have such devices, there is a simple mop, on which we wind a rag and wash the outer window with water and vinegar, then wipe it.

9 way

An interesting way to clean windows can be done with the help of windshield wipers.

  • Free windows from everything superfluous.
  • When washing frames, do not use soda - it destroys the structure, corrodes the paint.
  • It is advisable to wash the windows not in hot and windy weather, otherwise there will be stains.
  • To prevent condensation from collecting on the windows, you can wipe it with glycerin and alcohol (1:10). And, of course, regularly ventilate the room so that there is normal humidity in the house.
  • In winter, we wipe the icy glass with salt water. In addition, this solution will add shine to the glass.
  • Start washing from the inside, then from the outside.
  • At the end of the work, it is better to wipe vertically, and then horizontally to avoid streaks.
  • Do not let the windowsill get wet. Following these rules, the windows will last longer. Although such work
  • occurs twice a year, but from time to time it is necessary to wipe the frames and glass dry from water and dust.

As you can see, you can adapt and do cleaning in the apartment without extra costs and harm to health.

Consequences frequent use modern detergents can be irreversible. Many people have allergic reaction on volatile substances that are part of window cleaning products, for example.


Also from using household chemicals the window profile and rubber bands for sealing deteriorate. So let's try the best simple means homemade, which were described above.

They don't cause allergies, no pungent odor and efficient. It is very important to look for low-toxic and environmentally friendly window cleaning products.

No matter how long the world exists, there will always be people who have innovative abilities. They come up with all the best house cleaning methods. Many people ask themselves: "Well, what else can you think of, and there are already a lot of all sorts of means."

And yet, over time, something new, interesting and productive appears. Inquisitive women from time immemorial are in search of useful tips for home, soul. And many would agree that necessary information now an incredible amount.

Thanks to the Internet, the libraries of economic women can be called a "living encyclopedia." They can easily answer any question about house cleaning, window cleaning, etc.

real wise woman protects its reputation, therefore, keeps order and cleanliness. The truth is said that the windows are the “eyes” of the apartment. But this hard work can be a pleasure if you organize window cleaning together with the whole family.

This will greatly speed up and facilitate the work. In addition, such joint affairs hold the family together. The benefit of cleaning the house, cleaning windows is that a person will receive a positive charge of energy from the result of their labors.

With the onset of autumn cold or the first warm spring days many housewives remember that it's time to wash the windows.

Cloudy glass, covered with a layer of dust and splashed with rain or snow, looks depressing.

So, it's time to get down to business and thoroughly wash the windows, then the world outside the window will change and appear before you in completely different colors - brighter, sunny and joyful.

The main question that worries all housewives is how to wash windows without streaks. I want the glasses to sparkle with cleanliness, to be perfectly transparent and shiny.

Today, there are many window cleaners on the market, and there are quite a few proven folk methods. However, some of them may leave streaks on the glass.

Let's look at how to properly wash windows so that they do not have streaks:

  • Washing windows is best on cloudy days. Because in the bright sun detergents It dries very quickly and stains and streaks appear on the glass.
  • For washing, you can use ordinary soapy water. Prepare two containers of clean and soapy water and two rags in advance.
  • Wash the windows first with soapy water and then with clean water.
  • Then wipe the glass with a clean, dry microfiber cloth. It perfectly absorbs water and does not leave streaks on the windows.
  • Wipe down the glass at the end regular newspaper, it will absorb all the remaining moisture and give the glass a shine. This is the old tried and true way to keep your windows clean and streak free.
  • And to give the windows a dazzling shine, at the end you can sprinkle the newspaper with Sekunda glass cleaner and wipe the windows again.

What do you need to wash?

  • Others are also good for cleaning windows. folk remedies. For example, salted water with the addition of vinegar or ammonia diluted in water. After using them, you also need to rinse the window with clean water, wipe it with a dry cloth and rub it with a newspaper.
  • Industrial products also do a good job of cleaning windows. Usually they contain the same alcohol. But is it worth overpaying if there is no difference? But such products will be good for washing plastic frames, but it is better to wash classic wooden frames with soap and water.
  • It is not recommended to use soda or washing powder, they clean glass well, but can cause yellowing of white frames and scratches.
  • For cleaning windows, you can also purchase special scrapers with a rubberized and soft nozzle. It is better to move it horizontally so that the water glass to the side. Don't forget to rinse the scraper from dirt. However, many people prefer to use soft, lint-free cloths for washing.


Why are there divorces?

You can quickly wash the windows in the kitchen without streaks using completely inexpensive and available funds, which can be found in every housewife.

In order for the windows to shine with cleanliness, you need to figure out why certain products leave streaks or lead to a quick clouding of the glass.

The sequence of actions to remove dirt and dust is not followed. Residue of detergent remains on the glass, which forms a cloudy film.

How to avoid divorce?

The procedure is very simple. First, the frame is washed, and then the double-glazed window. In this case, there will be no annoying divorces in the corners. It is convenient to clean plastic windows at the junction of the sashes with toothpicks and cotton buds. They get all the dirt out of the grooves.

Glass is washed according to the basic principle:

  • Soak up the dirt.
  • Delete her.
  • Rinse the detergent from the glass surface.
  • Wipe the window dry.
  • Polish glass.

How is it actually done?

  1. Spraying detergent from a spray bottle, soften drops of fat and adhering dust. With a scraper, we remove especially stubborn stains and drive dirt down the windows.
  2. Re-apply the detergent to the window and remove it with a napkin or rubber squeegee. It is important that the washcloth does not leave lint. Suitable for windows linen napkins, microfiber, spandex.
  3. We wipe the glass with clean water, removing the glass cleaner. To make the window shine, you can add vinegar or ammonia to the water. If diluted in water a large number of blue vitriol or blue, we get a greenish or blue tint to the glass.
  4. From the side of the street, an antistatic agent can be used for the window. With it, dust will not stick to the window. If she lies on the frame, she will not stick to it. In this case, subsequent cleaning will be much faster and more pleasant.
  5. We wipe the surface of the double-glazed window dry, often changing napkins. At this stage, it is important that the surface is thoroughly cleaned.
  6. We polish dry glass with paper or unnecessary nylon tights.

Home glass cleaners

  • Vinegar water. Added to pure water table vinegar 9% based on a couple of tablespoons per liter of liquid.
  • Ammonia with starch. For 100 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia, the same amount of vinegar is taken, 4 liters pure water and 30 mg potato starch. If you want, you can add a little blue.
  • Ordinary ammonia. A solution is made at the rate of 15 mg of ammonia per 1 liter of water.
  • Soap solution. Used to wash frames. A grated bar of soap is stirred until completely dissolved with warm water.
  • Starch. A tablespoon of starch is added to a liter of water.
  • Manganese. Dilute a few crystals in water light pink color. Do not allow it to hit the frames.
  • Chalk. Mix a glass of water with three tablespoons of powdered chalk. Treat the glass with this paste and leave for a while. Then wipe off with a dry cloth.

Persistent greasy drops dissolve well with dishwashing detergent. A mixture of glycerin with alcohol 1 to 10 will not allow condensation to settle on the windows during the cold season.

Weak solution table salt prevent windows from freezing. However, it is worth considering the ability of salt crystals to accumulate moisture in themselves.

Helpful advice!

For particularly dirty windows, household chemicals may be required. When choosing a detergent, you need to pay attention to what type of frames it is suitable for. Can it be used on wooden or plastic surfaces, does it destroy lacquer coating and so on.

It happens that you need to put in order the purchased apartment, where, it seems, they have never fought with grease and dirt. In this case, you can turn to automotive glass and mirror cleaners.

They work great on the road and can help out in emergency situations. The main thing is to stock up good mood for the whole day, and any dirt will be defeated.


Necessary means and tools

Necessary means and tools

In autumn and spring, many housewives traditionally arrange general cleaning including window cleaning.

It would seem that the question “how to wash windows” has long lost its relevance, because there are so many effective and affordable products in stores.

However, it is not uncommon to hear calls to ditch the omnipotent household chemicals in favor of more sustainable home remedies.

Indeed, the composition of ready-made glass cleaners sometimes includes substances that are unsafe for health.

By the way, Additional Information about how to properly wash windows will not hurt you even if you are used to using ready-made products for this purpose. Sometimes even after processing special composition there are ugly stains on the glasses.

And modern double-glazed windows in plastic frames are a completely separate issue. For them, not only special cleaners are produced, but also many auxiliary tools that facilitate the washing process and improve its quality.

It is good when at any time of the year every window in an apartment or house sparkles with cleanliness. And, whatever the design of the window in the kitchen or in the bedroom, perfect cleanliness will be its best decoration.

  • Before washing windows, put on rubber cleaning gloves so that intensive contact with moisture and detergents does not damage the skin of your hands.
  • Napkins for cleaning window glass and plastic frames, it is better to choose from microfiber or faux suede: they perfectly absorb both moisture and dirt particles. But for washing wooden frames, a cotton rag is useful.
  • It is very convenient to use such an accessory as a water squeegee when washing windows - with its help, excess detergent or water is removed from the glass. They are equipped with rubber blades that slide well on the glass surface.
  • A holder with a fur coat for washing windows will also be useful, distant relative the familiar mop. Soft, but moderately abrasive fur coat, easily removes from glass old spots, traces of bird droppings and other stubborn dirt.


  1. We pour clean water into the bucket, arm ourselves with a napkin and, wringing it out slightly, wipe the glass, removing the main accumulations of dirt and dust from them. You do not need detergents at this stage. Let stains remain on the windows, you will deal with them a little later.
  2. We replace the dirty water in the bucket with clean water and now wash the window sash. If it is very dirty, you can add a little shampoo or dishwashing gel to the water - these products will not cause wooden frames great harm.
  3. The holder with a fur coat will help you cope with the dirt much faster. Then we change the water again and once again carefully wipe the frames to the last corner.
  4. Let's get back to the glass. We apply ready-made glass cleaner on them or process them according to one of the “grandmother's recipes” (see below). If we are dealing with a cleaner, then remove its remnants with a screed, and then wipe the glass with a synthetic napkin.
  5. If we use " grandmother's recipes”, then, if necessary (see the information published below), we wash them off with clean water, we also remove the remaining moisture with napkins.
  6. The final touch is to wipe the glass with crumpled old newspapers. There will be no trace of stains, and the glass will begin to shine beautifully.

Grandma's recipes

Our grandmothers did not have at their disposal any "Mr. Muscles" and other miraculous chemistry, but they always washed windows perfectly and were known as exemplary housewives. Their recipes have survived to this day and will surely appeal to those who are obsessed with savings in everyday life or eco-trends.

  1. In preparation for the final chord in the process of washing windows, add a few drops of ammonia or vinegar essence. This little trick allows you to give the glass a dazzling shine.
  2. By the way, ammonia is often included in industrial cleaners. In the same way, by the way, you can tidy up the mirror in the bathroom, which over time loses its natural luster.
  3. Dilute 200 g of tooth powder or crushed chalk in a bucket of water. The water must be cold. You will not need any additional detergents. Wash the windows with this water, then rinse with clean water, wipe dry and polish with newspapers.
  4. You can add bleach to the water at the rate of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water. But this solution is only suitable for washing wooden windows.

In the care of plastic windows, it is undesirable to use it, since yellowish spots may remain on the plastic frames, and it is difficult to remove them.

A dirty windshield presents a lot of problems for a motorist. Especially stains and dust on the inside affect visibility in sunny weather. Glare is reflected, and all problem areas of the glass immediately become noticeable. To avoid such a problem, you need to choose the right cleaning products and regularly perform a fairly simple procedure.

How to wash the windshield from the inside

To avoid leaving streaks on the windshield inside the cabin, experts recommend using soft cloth from microfiber. One has only to take into account that it is necessary to perform quite painstaking work. After all, in order for the windshield to be cleared, you need every piece of glass over which you are in this moment work, wipe with a clean piece of cloth. Otherwise, you will get all the same divorces.

To clean glass from the inside, as a rule, special aerosol products are used. They are provided today in specialized stores auto chemistry is very, very much. However, it is best to choose those preparations that are manufactured sufficiently famous manufacturer. But from using universal means, which are suitable for both home glass and automotive glass, it is better to refuse. After all, those aerosols that are intended for household window cleaning may simply not be able to cope with specific automotive pollution.

It is also possible to successfully apply various folk methods. For example, wipe the glass after treatment with water or an aerosol with an ordinary crumpled newspaper. As they say experienced housewives, nothing better than such a tool has yet been invented. Paper perfectly cleans and eliminates various contaminants. The only thing to consider if you are going to replace the newspaper with ordinary paper napkins, try to choose those that do not crumble, otherwise ugly pellets will appear on the glass.

Traditionally, ammonia is used to clean glass. It is enough to add a little of this tool to plain water and wipe the glass. The result will please you. Some car owners use acetone to clean car windows. However, experts are sure that this is not the most best method, since this aggressive agent is very toxic. However, acetone may be used in small quantities when it is necessary to remove grease or other viscous substances from the surface of the windshield.

Glass cleaning products must be chosen carefully and carefully. This is due to the fact that some drugs adversely affect the state of tinting on the glass.

What to do if the glass gets dirty from the inside too often

If, despite all the efforts, stains and plaque appear with enviable regularity, work with the air conditioning and ventilation system of the car. First, change the cabin air filter, and then clean the air exchange and cooling systems in the car. It is especially important to do this for those who smell when the air conditioner or stove is turned on. After all, this phenomenon indicates that bacteria have appeared in the air conditioning system. And they can be quite a serious test for the human body.

For this there are several effective ways, for example, using detergents. Which ones and how? Let's figure it out together. But first I would like to note that it is best to apply these products to glass with a washcloth, rubbing the liquid over the entire surface or area.


One tablespoon of ammonia is added to a liter of warm water, which is used for cleaning. Washing windows with ammonia will not only wash the glass, but will also give it an amazingly crystalline shine.

Laundry soap
Potassium permanganate

Laundry soap

Folk remedies for cleaning windows are presented in a wide variety, but this is the simplest and most effective. Soap is rubbed on a grater with small chips, placed in a vessel, poured a small amount warm water and stir until foamy. Finished product applied to the surface to be cleaned.

Potassium permanganate

Just one drop of potassium permanganate makes the water pinkish. Just one liter of such water allows you to wash a large number of glasses, both window and furniture or any other.

Salt or vinegar

A solution of salt or vinegar not only removes dirt from transparent surfaces, but also gives them a special shine. Add one of these substances to the water - literally a tablespoon per liter - and enjoy the absolute purity of your windows.

Chalk mortar

Chalk mortar

2 tablespoons of chalk crumbs are dissolved in one liter of water. This mixture is ideal solution to deal with heavy pollution.

Mister Muscle and other dishwashing gels

The simplest and most affordable remedy for a modern hostess that does not require preparation and guarantees an excellent result. All that is needed is to spray the glass with a ready-made solution, wipe it with a washcloth until it foams, and wipe it dry.

All dish detergents work in the same way as Mister Muscle. First, the liquid is foamed with a washcloth, and then washed off.

Mister Muscle

Special window cleaners

Most optimal solution for cleaning dirty glass. You can buy it at any store or supermarket. Apply according to instructions.

Working with the majority the above funds precautions should be taken using rubber gloves that protect hands from contact with aggressive components, irritating on the skin. It is also important to remember that it is better to wash glass surfaces with gels and sprays, but not with powders that contain abrasive substances that scratch the surface and violate its integrity, thereby depriving the glass of shine. And one more thing - if you have PVC windows with a snow-white frame, in no case wash them soap solutions, as they contribute to the appearance of yellowness. At the end of the work, clean and.

Protect your hands from contact with aggressive components that cause skin irritation.

Traces of self-adhesive film, adhesive tape, glue and other stains on the glass

We have already figured out how to wash windows quickly and without streaks. Now we propose to consider the types of especially heavy pollution that require the same special efforts. Rather, they were required earlier. Now you will learn how to solve the problem with this or that pollution in a matter of minutes. So, follow these steps:

  1. Apply to pollution Mr. Muscle or any other similar remedy. Also suitable for dish detergent. Important! It must be a gel. Do not use powders, as they will scratch glass surfaces, making them lusterless.
  2. Lather the applied product with a washcloth.
  3. Leave the foam on the glass for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Take a knife or blade and lightly scrape off the dirt.
  5. Wipe the surface to be treated with a newspaper or linen cloth.
  6. If the contamination has not completely disappeared, repeat all over again.

To avoid streaks, wash windows with ammonia. Although, not only to them, since not everyone likes his “fragrant” train and not only he copes with the trouble in the form of divorces. So, how else can you get rid of florid traces of dirt and detergents?

1. Most effective remedy in the fight against divorce alcohol base washing and cleaning solutions. Most often they have special means for washing glass.

2. The agent applied to the surface, after processing and cleaning, must be wiped dry. For this purpose, special scrapers or microfiber cloths are suitable, which can be bought in the departments of hypermarkets for auto products.

3. A crumpled newspaper can help in the fight against divorce! After cleaning, wiping with paper can achieve an incredible result. The main thing to remember is that this method should be used for the simplest glasses that are not afraid of hard materials and will not “please” mechanical damage in the form of scratches.

Crumpled newspaper can help in the fight against divorce

As is already clear. But what to do with frosted glass? This is a more difficult, but quite feasible task, even if the surface is strewn with hundreds of children's fingerprints.

The main difficulty in cleaning matte surface is the inability to wipe the glass dry. Even a scraper won't help. Rather, in this case it does not fit at all, as does the newspaper. But all the same microfiber and microfiber cloths will be a real salvation. But, let's look at the washing process from A to Z:

  1. Application to a matte surface of any of the following products:
    • ammonia solution (1 liter of water + 1 tablespoon of alcohol);
    • chalk solution (a glass of water + 3 tablespoons of crushed chalk);
    • a special alcohol-based glass cleaner;
    • vinegar solution ( hot water+ vinegar);
    • soap solution.
  2. Removing dried-on stains with steam cleaners. If there are none, the stains are additionally treated with the selected solution, left for 10-15 minutes, rubbed with pressure with a cloth with a rough surface or the hard side of an ordinary washcloth for washing dishes.
  3. Moisture removal with microfiber cloths.

Steam cleaner

Old fatty or oily, as well as tea and coffee stains, including glue, can be removed with acetone or alcohol! It is important that when cleaning frosted glass inserted in doors, aggressive means did not get on rubber and silicone seals. If this happens, the product should be washed off with plenty of clean water and wipe the surface dry. Equally important, when cleaning a matte surface, do not use products with silicone, fluorine, abrasives, excessively alkaline and acidic.

Features of washing plastic windows

Is it possible to use a window cleaning solution at home when it comes to PVC windows? It is possible, but only carefully. These windows generally need a special cleaning ritual. Proper care will provide plastic windows with the safety of functionality and presentable appearance. So, what should you pay attention to:

  1. If the design plastic window has a special coating or spraying, you can not be afraid to wash them, as they are applied to the inside of the glass.
  2. Metal fittings, rubber seals and drainage holes need to be increased attention and special care
    • after washing, cleaning and drying, the fittings are lubricated with machine oil;
    • rubber seal is treated with a special silicone grease which prevents drying and cracking.
    • Clean windows are not only regular washing, removal of dirt and stains, rubbing and other procedures, but also the observance of certain simple rules. Want to learn a few secrets that will help keep your windows sparkling clean for much longer? Then be careful reading the following lines:

    1. To prevent flies from landing on the windows, as a result of which they will stay clean longer, wipe them with vinegar after cleaning.
    2. A strong salt solution applied to the glass will allow the windows not to freeze longer during frost.
    3. Small cracks in the glass are visually removed by external processing colorless varnish for nails.
    4. Also, longer-term purity will be provided by treatment with a mixture of glycerin (70 ml) and water (30 ml), to which a couple of drops of ammonia are added. The dried mixture turns into a thin protective film.