The first months of a newborn baby's life. Development and care of a child of the first month of life. Child mental development

Dozens of years and hundreds of months of life have been waiting for this little man, but critical stage is the first month of a child's life - 4 weeks of responsibility and care of parents, 30 days of learning about the world and new sensations for the baby.

The most wonderful thing in the world is the birth of a new little man! You waited with bated breath for this minute, for 9 months you were preparing for a meeting with your baby. And then it happened: the meeting took place, a week in the hospital, and you are already at home - alone with the new inhabitant. And now many mothers are seized by doubts and fears: fear of not coping, panic due to crying and crying of a newborn, confusion from changing the usual way of life. To avoid similar state easily, knowing the basic facts about the development of a baby at 1 month.

The behavior of a newborn in the first weeks of life is a continuous chain of various reactions to stimuli and sensations received from outside world. Long period the baby was safe, and now it takes time to get used to a new, outside uterine life.

To adaptation period it went most painlessly for you and your baby, you just need to perform a number of absolutely uncomplicated conditions at 1 month.

  • Reduce the number of guests and visitors in your home to a minimum. Let only the closest people be nearby. There should be no more than three people near the newborn at the same time, large cluster people can scare a crumb.
  • Postpone non-urgent activities for later. Things will change sooner or later, and an unforgettable period from 0 to 1 month is extremely important in the development of the baby. A constantly distracted mother will not notice any deviations in behavior in time, and she will simply lose precious time that is worth spending on fruitful communication with the child.
  • For the first two weeks, it is recommended that you keep the feeding and sleep schedule established while you and your newborn were in the hospital, so that the baby will quickly adapt to the new environment. Don't worry too much about this occasion, soon the child himself will establish a convenient daily routine for him, you will only have to adjust to it. Do not consider this as pampering, it will be much calmer for you and him.

Having firmly understood the three points above, you will immediately understand everything, and the first month will not be stressful.

Any actions - on the machine

Each newborn is born with a certain set of reflexes, which are especially clearly noticeable in 1-2 months of life due to natural development all children. In the first month, the presence of such reflexes indicates the correct direction of the baby's development, and by the end of the second month, some of the unconditioned reactions will gradually begin to disappear.

  • Sucking reflex. He immediately greedily seizes the offered breast, bottle, pacifier with his lips and begins to suck it diligently. Such a reflex is associated with feeding and is the most important in the life support and peace of the baby in the first months of life.
  • Grasp reflex. The newborn is gently pressed on the center of the palm, and the baby's fingers immediately firmly grasp the stimulus. At five months, this reaction will be replaced by a conscious grabbing of objects.
  • Protective reflex. Place your baby on his tummy and he will turn his head to the side. This reflex helps the baby not to suffocate, in addition, many children simply love to sleep with their booty up.
  • Crawl reflex. While the baby is lying on its tummy, a palm is applied to the feet or some solid object... The newborn immediately begins to push off with his legs and make movements, as if he wants to crawl away.
  • Swimming reflex. Put the baby down again with his tummy down, and he begins to actively move, making movements similar to swimming.
  • Walking reflex. Take the baby by the body and put it horizontally, letting him rest his legs on a hard surface, then he will start to push off with them, "walk".

The development of basic reflexes is easy to check at home. If the reaction follows immediately, be sure that everything is in order with the baby.

What is the problem?

Sometimes parents start to panic, because, in their opinion, something is wrong with the child. Baby's skin is red or yellowish, small white pimples (wen) appeared on it, her eyes are strangely squinting, her breathing is intermittent, the child is crying without tears, causing serious anxiety in young parents.

However, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. The skin will take normal color after a week or two, and wen appeared on the skin due to long stay v amniotic fluid and will soon disappear. The baby of the first weeks of life still does not know how to concentrate his gaze on a specific object and person, therefore, his eyes often run up, resembling a squint.

Tummy pain (colic) increased gassing Are quite common problems in newborn babies that parents face. Nowadays, pharmacies sell a lot of all kinds of medicines, including those from natural ingredients(homeopathic), quickly and effectively relieving the baby from colic.

With tears, he will start crying at 3-4 weeks of his life. Often, the cry of a newborn does not mean something bad or dangerous. In a similar way, the baby informs you about hunger, the desire to sleep, a full diaper. In general, about any inconvenience. He is also just bored and attracts attention in this way.

I see, I hear, I feel

In general, by the end of 1 month of life, babies acquire a standard set of certain skills, but there are often some differences depending on the nature of the child. There are children - real workers, such will puff and try until they achieve their goal. And there are kids who are lazier, who do everything reluctantly. Parents should consider this point.

So, the development of the first month of the newborn includes:

  • the ability to distinguish the voice of the mother. Hearing her, the baby begins to vigorously move the arms and legs. He also listens to other familiar voices;
  • the ability to make the first sounds, in addition to screaming. During wakefulness, the baby can puff, grunt, sniff, begins to gurgle;
  • fixing a gaze on objects. Even a newborn follows moving objects with his eyes;
  • reaction to loud sounds. The newborn shudders and turns its head in the direction from which the sound was heard.

Proper care - a happy child

Proper care for a baby of the first month includes a number of priority, but absolutely simple procedures:

  • feeding;
  • wakefulness;
  • bathing;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • hardening and strengthening the baby's body;
  • stroll.

During the procedures, it is imperative to monitor the reaction of your baby to certain actions, so that in case of dissatisfaction and whims, you can quickly stop the procedure.

Slept - you can eat

The baby's feeding, sleeping and wakefulness regimen returns to normal at about 1-2 weeks. A newborn usually sets his own daily routine, parents just need to adapt to it. Most children at this age mostly sleep and eat, the periods of wakefulness are short enough.

Pediatricians advise feeding newborns every 3–3.5 hours, then you get about 6-7 feedings per day... However, it is worth taking a 6-hour break at night, so that you and your baby will get enough sleep. It is permissible to feed more often, at every request of the baby, i.e. about 11-12 times. Among the children there are also sleepyheads, who arrange a break of 5-6 hours between feedings, and sleep the rest of the time. There is nothing to worry about here. The child will in any case eat the amount of milk he needs. The artificial man just needs to increase the portion of the diluted mixture.

The waking time usually takes from 30 to 60 minutes. V the given time it is useful to work out with the baby, play, carry out the necessary hygienic and tempering procedures.

During sleep, you need to create an appropriate atmosphere: dim the lights, draw the curtains, remove extraneous noise. You can preliminarily rock the child, but it is better not to abuse the motion sickness, otherwise the baby will get used to falling asleep in his arms. Many children fall asleep well to the sounds of a rotating mobile, following the moving figures with their eyes.

Water procedures

It is best to bathe your baby before the last feeding. night sleep... Firstly, by this time, the daytime bustle in the house usually stops. And secondly, bathing will help you fall asleep quickly.

When bathing you will need: a bath, a towel, baby soap and shampoo for newborns, clean clothes, cotton balls, you can prepare baby milk, gel.

Make the water warm, about 35-36 ° C. It is easy to check the water with your elbow: if you are not hot, then the temperature will be right for the baby. It is useful to add to water various herbs... For example, an infusion of a series is added when diaper rash and rashes are observed on the baby's skin. Valerian is too helpful active kids... It calms and adjusts to sleep. Sold and special herbal mixtures used in bathtubs, used for several purposes at once.

Usually water treatments give great pleasure to both the child and the parents. But there are also special individuals who do not like swimming. It is better to bathe them during the day, otherwise it is easy to ruin their mood for the night.

In general, it is enough for newborns to bathe 3-4 times a week.

Do you want to be healthy? Temper yourself!

Even for babies 1 month old, hardening procedures are very useful as strengthening the baby's immunity and increasing the body's resistance to diseases.

Tempering procedures involve laying the baby naked for short periods of time. Similar air baths have a beneficial effect on the skin of the newborn, allowing it to breathe. Sleeping with an open window is also a tempering procedure. Plus, you always sleep better in the cool air. But before the baby wakes up, the room should be warmed up to normal temperature.

Massage is very useful for babies. Basically, it includes soft stroking movements on the baby's back, tummy, arms and legs. Correct execution massage movements look at the video. The procedure is simple, the main thing is not to be afraid to start.

Walks in the open air

For the first time, it is allowed to go out with the baby the very next day after discharge from the hospital. The main condition is that the weather should not interfere with walks. In winter, they walk with newborns when the temperature is not lower than -10 ° C. For the first time, it is better to limit yourself to 15 minutes for fresh air, it is allowed not even to put the baby in the stroller, but to walk in his arms with him. Further, the duration of the walks is gradually increased. Starting from 2 weeks, it is allowed to walk for one and a half to two hours.

You need to dress the baby for the weather. Rule of thumb: Dress as yourself, plus another layer (like a blanket). It is not worth wrapping up the child strongly, overheating in this case will affect the baby's body worse than cooling.

Hygiene comes first

The main hygiene procedures for a newborn include:

  • washing away;
  • washing;
  • skin care;
  • ear care;
  • spout care;
  • treatment umbilical wound(in the first two weeks);
  • trimming marigolds on the arms and legs;
  • removal of crusts from the scalp.

These procedures are not difficult at all. Some of these, such as trimming your nails, cleaning your nose and ears, are best done while you sleep. Proceed carefully and the baby will not wake up. And in a state of wakefulness, babies are usually not given, they pull out their arms and legs, shake their head.

Scalp crusts are usually removed before bathing. The head is lubricated with oil (preferably apricot oil), lightly scratched the skin with a brush, comb, and then washed off in the bathroom using baby shampoo.

The development of the baby in the first month depends entirely on the mood and desire of the parents. Approach everything with love and optimism, and nothing can interfere with your communication with the smallest member of the family.

Almost all young mothers recall their return from the hospital like this: “I put the baby in the crib and realized with horror that I didn’t know what to do next ...”. The first month of a child's life is a kind of "baptism of fire" for young parents.

Mom and baby first day at home

The stress of the first days when the parents are left alone with the child should be minimized. For this:

  1. Postpone all other matters not related to the adaptation of the child and family to new living conditions. Other things will wait!
  2. In the early days, keep visiting strangers (coworkers, neighbors, friends) to a minimum. While in the hospital, the baby and mother were in stressful situation: baby - being born, adapted to new living conditions, and my mother, experienced the strongest emotions - from incredible pain, fear, anxiety to peace and happiness. Therefore, once at home, both are in dire need of care, comfort and attention.
  3. On the first day of return, it is important for the mother and the baby to maintain the baby's feeding and sleeping regimen established in the maternity hospital.
  4. Right now, the mother will need the experience and skills in caring for the child, acquired by her in the maternity hospital.

Do not be afraid if ...

And now the baby is at home, and the parents have the opportunity to be constantly near and watch him. And then anxiety may arise: a lot of small pimples, the complexion is red or yellowish, flaky skin has appeared, the arms and legs are bluish in color. Sometimes parents notice that the child's eyes seem to "run in different sides", Are uncoordinated or start to" mow ". Anxiety is caused by the periodic crying of the child, and without the appearance of tears.

Yes, in fact, a newborn baby in the first month may have all these signs, but over time they will go away. This is the adaptation of the child to new conditions after intrauterine stay.

A normal complexion will appear within a week, and tears in babies - after 3-4 weeks.

Do not be afraid if the head of the newborn has a slightly deformed shape. This is due to its passage through the birth canal. Over time, the head will take on a normal shape, for which it is enough to periodically turn the baby from one side to the other during sleep.

Crying is not always a manifestation painful condition... By crying, the child draws attention to himself, asks for food, indicates discomfort and a desire to sleep. Literally, in a week, the mother will perfectly learn to recognize the baby's demands, transmitted through crying ().

Often infant crying because of anxiety due to so-called intestinal colic, so we strongly recommend that you read the article? Because of colic, many mothers simply go crazy and do not understand, well, what worries their baby so much.

The baby can also be bothered by gaziks:

Baby care

The first month of a child's life is an adaptation period that the newborn and the family go through. At the same time, there is a redistribution of responsibilities between parents and the rhythm of life of the whole family changes.

The most important and important thing that a baby needs now is care. It implies a number of procedures:

  • Feeding;
  • Wakefulness;
  • Bathing;
  • Hygiene;
  • Walking on the street;
  • Tempering and massage.

Video: Caring for a baby in the first days of life

Should a child be given a regime?

Sleep-feed-wake mode healthy child will install on its own, depending on its physiology. Sleep (up to 2-3 hours), staying awake (30-60 minutes) and feeding are the main "work" of the newborn. Do not worry if the baby did not fall asleep, as you think, on time. The fact is that the biorhythms in newborns are so clearly debugged that parents can only maintain this rhythm, and having studied the behavior of the baby, they can very easily recognize the "requirements" of the child. By the end of the second month of life, the crumbs will have their own daily routine.

When to take your first bath

Bathing the newborn can be done after the umbilical cord has fallen off and healed. umbilical wound... Until this moment, it is better to wipe the child, having previously prepared everything you need: warm water, changing table, cotton balls, baby soap, wrap diapers, cream and powder.

Parents choose the bathing regimen in the first month of life on their own. State skin does not require a child daily bathing... This, in most cases, pleasant procedure for a newborn. However, not all children love to swim. If so, do a daily rubdown. Bathing is enough 2-3 times a week. Herbal infusions can be added to the water. The use of soap is also determined individually, based on the sensitivity of the baby's skin.

Video: first bathing of a newborn baby - tips

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Mandatory hygiene procedures

Hygiene procedures should be performed daily. This includes:

  • Washing;
  • Washing;
  • Care for eyes, nose, ears;
  • Examination of the skin;
  • If necessary, treatment of the navel ();
  • Combing;
  • Deleting seborrheic crusts on the head;
  • Cutting marigolds on the toes of the arms and legs;

We read on the topic of hygiene and care:

Video: newborn hygiene - ears, eyes, nose, skin

Walking and hardening procedures are a guarantee of health

Important in development healthy baby has a walk. The newborn took the first breath of air upon leaving the hospital. In the future, walks will depend on the time of year and the temperature outside the window.

The system for regulating heat exchange in newborns is imperfect, so parents need to seriously approach the issue of walking in the cold season. In some cases, it makes sense to take the child out to the balcony for a few minutes or arrange for him to sleep with an open window.

Until the end of sleep, the room should be warmed to normal temperature (). Naturally, the child for such "walks" must be appropriately dressed. Dress and cover your child as you would, and add another layer (such as an extra blanket or blouse).

From the second week of life you can start by hardening and combining this in one procedure. To begin with, the baby can be left in a vest for literally 1 minute, making light strokes all over the body. As long as the child does not show discontent, this should become a daily routine. The massage serves as a strengthening and developing agent for the muscles.

Observe the child, study his behavior and in the future you will "feel" and easily understand him.

Video: walking with a newborn

Reflexes of a healthy baby in the first month of life

The fact that the development of a child in the first month of life occurs in accordance with established norms, parents can check at home themselves. Below are the basic reflexes that are common in healthy newborn babies.

  1. Grasping - the child reflexively grasps and holds what touches his palm.
  2. Searching and sucking - if they touch the baby's cheeks or hold the nipple around the lips, the baby turns its head and makes a sucking movement with its lips, looking for the breast.
  3. If you press lightly in the area of ​​the toes, the toes will bend, and if you press lightly on the heel, the toes will fan out and the baby will move the foot.
  4. There is a reaction to loud noise- the baby brings and spreads arms and legs.
  5. Swimming reflex - if the baby is put on his tummy, he makes movements similar to swimming.
  6. Imitation of walking - if the child is placed upright and the legs are supported, he will perform movements similar to walking.

Video: Reflexes of a Newborn

Reactions and skills of the child

The development of the child in the first month of life occurs as if imperceptibly, but constantly: during feeding, on walks, while awake, while bathing. And, first of all, when communicating with mom, whom the baby is already beginning to recognize. He hears her voice, feels the intonation, the touch of her hands and, most importantly, very sensitively reacts to all actions. And if you trace the development of the child of the first month, then you can determine the acquired reactions and skills of the newborn, namely.

It would seem that one month is very short term, but for the kid - this is a whole life milestone, marked by a number of important changes, the acquisition of new skills. When the child is 1 month old, parents should focus all efforts not only on proper care behind him, but also to engage in the development of his physical and psychological abilities.

1 month old baby - weight and height

One of the main questions that worries almost all young mothers is related to how much a newborn is gaining in the first month of life. If in the first week most babies lose weight (by about 10%), which is associated with the presence of an additional supply of fluid in the body at birth, then later on, body weight gain begins. At 3-4 weeks of life, under conditions of adequate care, nutrition and the absence of pathologies, the weight increases rapidly and steadily - daily by 15-30 g.

How much a baby weighs at 1 month depends on his initial birth weight, which increases over a thirty-day period by about 600-1000 g, sometimes a little more. It should be noted that at artificial feeding Babies gain weight faster. According to the norms The World Organization health, average weight a baby in 1 month is:

  • for girls - 4.2 kg;
  • for boys - 4.5 kg.

As for the growth of one-month-old babies, this parameter increases by 3-4.5 units, and the average rates are considered to be:

  • for girls - 53.7 cm;
  • for boys - 54.7 cm.

1 month old baby - development

The baby's nervous system is still at the initial stage of formation, but he already knows a lot, and the development of a baby at 1 month is at an accelerated pace. It is very important that parents are aware that one-month-old babies are full participants in everything that happens and are sensitive to what is reigning around emotional background... That is why, if there are calm people nearby, joyful mom and dad, the child feels comfortable, and if someone is annoyed and angry, the baby becomes anxious and cries.

What can a baby at 1 month old do?

In order for the baby to adapt to the world around him and prepare for conscious movements, nature has endowed him with important reflexes. In a healthy baby, they are clearly manifested, and if desired, parents can check them (while the child should not be hungry, tired, wet). Consider the basic reflexes inherent in a 1 month old baby:

  1. Sucking- if any object (nipple, nipple) gets into the baby's mouth, he begins to make rhythmic sucking movements.
  2. Search- with a gentle touch to the cheek and the corners of the baby's mouth, he pulls out the lower lip and begins to look for the mother's breast.
  3. Upper protective- if the baby is laid down with his stomach, he immediately turns his head to one side.
  4. Prehensile- the baby involuntarily squeezes his hand into a fist and firmly holds the finger in his palm.
  5. Crawl reflex- when touching the soles of the baby with his palm in the position on the tummy, he will try to push off, as if making an attempt to crawl.
  6. Reflex "automatic" gait- when holding the crumbs vertically and approaching his feet to a solid support, he will begin to make movements with his legs, reminiscent of walking.

By studying the behavior of a newborn in the first month of life, one can easily learn to understand his needs and desires. Crying is still the only way communication with adults, but an attentive mother may notice that he is not always the same, but has different intonations, volume, and so on. So, if the baby does not see anyone nearby, but needs communication, is bored, his cry is characterized by the fact that it sounds for several seconds with small pauses. Hungry crying often gradually gains volume, and crying from pain is monotonous, continuous, with a periodic increase in screaming.

What many kids at this age can already do:

  • keep your head on weight for a few seconds when transferring to your tummy;
  • react to surrounding sounds (blinks or flinches at harsh sounds, listens to the ringing of the bell, turns his head towards the sounds);
  • recognize my mother's voice;
  • during feeding, focus your gaze on your mother's face, consider motionless and smoothly moving objects at a distance of 20-30 cm;
  • distinguish between bright solid colors;
  • deliberately smile when seeing familiar faces;
  • try to repeat the facial expressions of your "interlocutor";
  • pronounce "gurgling", sniffling and guttural sounds, "respond" to an appeal to him.

During wakefulness, the baby makes uncoordinated movements of the arms and legs, which is associated with the physiological hypertonicity of its muscles, which often disappears by fourth month life. A favorite position in a dream is the "frog pose" - lying on your back, bent arms are raised up, bent legs are spread apart. When the baby lies on its stomach, its knees are pulled up to the chest, the arms are bent at the elbows.

Toys for babies in 1 month

When a baby is 1 month old, the development of his psychological and motor skills can already be improved through toys. These must be safe and beneficial items that develop tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception:

  • mechanical carousel, attached to the bed, with soft music and small amount different toys calm colors;
  • rattles that can be held in the handle;
  • soft rattles-bracelets on a leg or a handle;
  • toys attached with an elastic band (colored and black and white).

Small toys, laces with knots, ribbons can be put into the baby's handles. Having drawn black and white on cardboard geometric figures, smiling or sad face, it is useful to let him look at such images. In addition, it is important already at this age to tell a little rhyme, short stories singing songs. You should often take him in your arms, talk, comment on your actions, name the objects around.

Baby food at 1 month

Feeding month old baby- the most important ritual, necessary not only for its saturation, but also for close tactile contact with the mother, giving the baby psycho-emotional comfort. Without a doubt, the most beneficial breastfeeding a month-old baby, in which the body of the crumbs receives a maximum of valuable substances, and also stimulates all the senses.

Breastfeeding at 1 month

Often, when the baby is 1 month old, the mother is already adjusted, and the feedings take place according to the established schedule or on demand. It is also important to maintain night feedings, which guarantee stable lactation and get the most valuable components with milk, produced only at night. How much a baby should eat at 1 month breastfeeding, depends on his needs, and pediatricians advise allowing infants to regulate the duration of attachment to the breast by themselves.

Artificial feeding at 1 month

Feeding a month-old baby with a formula is used when the mother does not produce milk or, for some reason, the baby cannot or does not want to drink milk. If you had to suddenly stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial, the question of selection suitable mixture should be discussed with your doctor. It is advisable to place the baby when feeding with a mixture in the same way as during natural feeding, without depriving him of bodily contact. It should be remembered that the amount of the mixture must be dosed. When the baby is 1 month old, daily rate food makes up a fifth of its weight.

Mixed feeding at 1 month

This type is practiced when there is reduced lactation, a lack of milk nutrients due to a violation of the mother's health, if it is required to enter medicinal mixtures for the kid. In this case, it is important how much a child eats in 1 month, for which they weigh before and after feeding. The lack of milk is filled with an artificial substitute, which is desirable to offer from a spoon, a syringe without a needle, or a pipette.

1 month baby regimen

The first month of a newborn's life, as well as several subsequent months, to a greater extent passes in a dream, but you can already begin to gradually accustom him to natural biorhythms. To do this, it is recommended to play and talk with him during the day, and not to allow excessive activity... By the end of 1 month, the baby will be awake longer and longer, and sleep more soundly at night.

How much does a baby sleep in 1 month?

Sleep at 1 month is irregular and mostly consists of a phase of shallow REM sleep, which is why babies can wake up as unexpectedly as they fall asleep. Average daily sleep duration is approximately 18-20 hours, with periods of wakefulness lasting approximately 30-60 minutes. V daytime the baby often sleeps 5-8 times. Mom is recommended to sleep with her baby 1-2 times a day to restore her strength.

1 month walks

In the first month of life, you must definitely include walks in the fresh air. In good weather, both in warm and cold seasons, you should go outside two or three times a day. The minimum time in the air required for hardening the crumbs, saturating its body with oxygen, and producing it is 1.5 hours a day. Using a stroller for walks, while awake, you should sometimes hold the baby in your arms, allowing him to look at everything around.

Every parent needs to know what skills their child should acquire by the end of their first month of life in order to be able to lay the foundation for the physical and mental health of the baby. It seems to a young mother that her child eats and sleeps all the time during the first days after birth, but he already has certain skills that need to be developed. It is better to do it with special exercises, and you can engage in short intervals of activity between sleep and feeding the newborn.

A baby at 1 month is not yet very active, he is just beginning to adapt to the world around him. Nevertheless, mother's care and her communication with the baby are very important for his development.

What should a baby be able to do at 1 month old?

A baby can adapt to new living conditions with the help of innate reflexes. Some of them disappear after 1-2 months, and there are those that, being transformed into conditional (acquired) ones, remain until the end of their lives. So, what can a child do in the first month of his life? Neonatologists (specialists in the development and health of newborns) identify 8 main reflexes that can be considered indicators of the development of infants. These are the following reflexes:

  • Grasping: If you stroke the baby's tiny palm or just touch it with your finger, the baby will squeeze it tightly. You will be surprised how tightly he squeezes your finger.
  • Search reflex: if you lightly touch any of the newborn's cheeks, he will immediately turn the head in that direction. So the natural instinct helps the baby to find a food source - mother's breast or a bottle of baby food.
  • Sucking: When the tip of the finger is circled around the baby's mouth, he makes a sucking motion with his mouth. This reflex is also responsible for finding food.
  • Moro's reflex: if you hit once on the surface where the child lies, 20-25 centimeters further than his head, the baby will spread the handles to the sides, straightening his fingers, and then return them to their original position.
  • Reflex Babinsky: stroking the arch of the foot with outer edge, you will notice how the baby's toes diverge, and the whole foot is retracted to the side.
  • Babkin's reflex: by the end of 1 month of life, the baby should confidently turn its head and open its mouth if you press on the tubercle of the palm under the thumb of the handle.
  • Crawling: When the child is placed on his stomach and touched his feet, he will try to push off from the palm of an adult.
  • Automatic walking: while supporting the child in the armpit area, lower him so that the feet touch a firm horizontal surface - little man will perform movements that resemble walking.

Features of the physical development of a newborn

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A newborn baby is considered during 1 month of his life. Having been born, having made his first cry, the baby adapts to life outside of mother's tummy. It adapts to new conditions and this entails a change in parameters physical development. Cardinally the child's circulatory system changes: those blood cells that supplied oxygen and nutrition to the fetus during pregnancy have already collapsed.

The baby develops its own immunity, because he was born absolutely sterile. In the "working" mode begins to function endocrine system, the child's digestive system is being improved, and it is during this period that the baby may experience colic, because his intestines adapt to independent work.

Basic Skills Summary

Development sphereWhat's happening?
MovementThe arms and legs are bent at the joints, move involuntarily and uncoordinated - muscle tone increased. All actions are controlled by unconditioned reflexes.
VisionBy the 10th day, the baby keeps moving objects in the field of view. Can follow an object (toy) at a distance of about 30 cm, but only in one direction. By the 20th day, it keeps stationary objects (the face of an adult) in the field of view for up to 5-10 seconds.
HearingBy the 10th day, he shudders and blinks at harsh sounds (clap, hitting the table) at a distance of about 30 cm. Can focus on sounds and voice for up to 10 seconds.
SensoricsDistinguishes between salty, sweet and sour tastes. Reacts to strong odors crying and grimacing.
SpeechThe vocal apparatus is trained by ringing shouts, grunting, smacking his lips.
IntelligenceStarted sensory development crumbs (sensory-motor). Now he is practicing the skills given to him from birth: sucking, responding to sounds, light stimuli, temperature. The first conditioned (not congenital) reflexes are developed.

- It seems that I am absolutely helpless, but I can already do a lot!

Psychomotor development of a child

Psychologists believe that a newborn by the end of 1 month of his life already knows a lot. Inexperienced parents cannot always appreciate the new achievements of their baby. When he smiles or lifts his head, they take it for granted (we recommend reading :). At the same time, each parent needs to know what a month-old baby already can do:

  • He knows how to distinguish between the voices of his own and those of others, and from them it is his mother's voice that he can distinguish and actively respond to his sound.
  • The baby has developed vision. He can focus his gaze on a separate subject and watch its movement. Also, the child begins to distinguish between bright or contrasting colors.
  • General the physical state baby is still weak, however physical activity- an obligatory part of his life. One of the main movements is the following: the baby, lying on his tummy, tries to raise his head in order to turn it in different directions.

When your baby begins daytime wakefulness, be sure to talk to him. Install the first eye contact and the baby will feel safe. When changing a diaper or changing swaddling, watch the condition of your hands: they must be dry and warm. You can soften your palms by rubbing in the cream, because babies in the first month of life have very delicate and susceptible skin to various irritants, which causes tactile sensitivity in them.

Of particular importance for a newborn is his third week of life, because during this period, innate (unconditioned) reflexes turn into conditioned ones. A baby at 1 month old begins to live according to the "rules": for example, when he is left alone, he calls his mother to him with a drawn-out and loud cry. As soon as the mother is near, he stops screaming - this is the "rules" of the baby's behavior.

Psycho-emotional state of the child

The kid always feels emotional condition his mother is at the level of intuition: if she is calm, he is also calm. When he feels Mom's irritation, he immediately lets out a rebellious cry. In fact, the baby is a mirror of mother's emotions: she will smile, and so will he, mother will show her tongue, and the baby will repeat after her. In the second month of life, sound signals are connected to the emotions of the baby. If you constantly communicate with a child, he starts "gagging" already at the age of 2 months, that is, making sounds that imitate a person's speech. They are still meaningless, but these are the most accurate indicators. developing baby- this is how you can conduct whole "conversations".

For a 1 month old baby, safety is most important: small quarrels, other unpleasant emotions can negatively affect the child's psyche. Calm environment, a friendly atmosphere, close environment and relatives are the best contributors to wellbeing baby.

The mood and emotions of the baby at this age are highly dependent on the mother, her own state. Children's doctors strongly advise not to swear in the presence of a baby, not to discuss unpleasant things with him - the baby feels all this

How to help your newborn learn important skills

According to pediatricians, from the very birth of a child, it is necessary to pay attention to its development and upbringing. great value... How can you help him make more discoveries? The list of recommendations looks like this:

  • In the house where the newborn is growing up, there must always be favorable atmosphere... Allocate a distant room for him so that no extraneous sounds can be heard there: the noise of the TV, the barking of a dog, car horns. Harsh sounds can only scare the baby. You must have a feeding table in order to once again do not irritate the baby.
  • To maintain baby's tactile sensitivity for the first month and a half, adults need to properly touch the baby. The contact can be comfortable for both the baby and the parents, so no cold hands and drafts.
  • To develop the baby's hearing and speech, often tell him fairy tales, nursery rhymes, simple rhymes, hum beautiful melodies. In this case, the baby will enter into a "dialogue", start smiling and actively pronounce various sounds. When talking with your child, try to always be only in good mood.

It seems that the first month after the birth of a baby lasts an infinitely long time. Still would! Your whole life is fundamentally changing. If before mom I could calmly leave the house, go shopping, visit a friend, but now she is mainly busy with one thing: caring for her precious baby.

Not only parents are getting used to a new life. For a child, the first month is also a kind of adaptation to a new world, new conditions of existence. Nevertheless, by the mark on the calendar at 28 days after birth, your baby goes from the category of "newborn" to honorary title"Baby", which will remain for him up to a year. And even that says a lot about the developmental relationship of the infant. The baby has acquired certain skills, and he begins new period in life. So, your baby is 1 month old, what's changing?

Physical indicators

The child grows and develops at an incredible rate. For the first month, the gained weight of the toddler will be about 800-900 grams, and the growth will increase by 3 centimeters. So don't buy too many newborn items, especially if your baby is due in the summer.

It may happen that the weight gain in a month is 600 grams. This is not critical, because lactation is developing, the body “works” a lot to rebuild the circulatory system, start the functioning of the kidneys, digestion, and so on. Therefore, by the time of discharge from the hospital, the weight will be less than at birth. However, a rapid decrease in body weight during the first month should not be allowed. If this happens, be sure to check with your pediatrician.

"Strong grip" is explained by the presence of protective reflexes that accompany the baby from birth

About reflexes

Often, the infant's behavior and movements are controlled by congenital reflexes... They are used to judge development nervous system, because each has its own time of appearance and extinction. By the end of the first month, most of the reflexes are still present and can be clearly demonstrated:

  1. Place your finger in the baby's palm: he will firmly squeeze his fists and hold on to it (grasping reflex).
  2. Touch his cheek with your hand - he will immediately turn his head in search of a “stimulus” (search reflex).
  3. Swipe your finger near the mouth - the baby will immediately begin to smack, as if sucking on something (sucking reflex).
  4. Try to put the baby on its legs, holding its armpits, and, as it were, walk with it - it's amazing, but the little one walks as if he always knew how to do it (automatic gait reflex).
  5. Put the baby on his stomach - he will immediately turn his head to the side (protective reflex).
  6. Slap the table with your palm not far from the lying toddler - he will sharply spread his arms and legs to the sides (Moro reflex).

Sleep "like a baby"

Babies sleep 18-20 hours a day in the first month. The first week after birth is characterized by sound, restful sleep. However, do not expect that the baby will sleep for 3 hours without a break. Modern children, starting from the second week, sleep an hour during the day, maximum one and a half. Then they wake up to refresh themselves. The regime of the day has yet to be established.

In a state of wakefulness, the baby spends all the time lying on his back, the pose resembles a frog: the arms are bent at the elbows and raised, the legs are spread apart and also bent. This is due to physiological hypertonicity. The child has been in the fetal position for a long time, and now he needs time to relax.

The room where the newborn sleeps should be comfortable, without drafts, but at the same time well ventilated. Since the baby's thermoregulation is only adjustable, make sure that he does not overheat. How to check if a baby is hot or not? Feel the back of your head and neck with your palm. If they are wet, feel free to remove the "layer" of clothing. Remember: overheating is more dangerous than hypothermia.

Hearing in a newborn is not very sensitive at first, so it is not at all necessary to accustom the child to complete silence. You can talk in an undertone in the room.

Most healthy sleep- lying on your back or on your side. To avoid deformation of the head, do not allow it to be turned to one side all the time. Pediatricians say that children under one year old do not need a pillow, it can even harm. Sometimes there are cases of strangulation of a child sleeping on his stomach with his nose buried in a pillow. In addition, the flat hard surface helps to shape the curves of the spine properly.

Whether to swaddle a baby for restful sleep? At your discretion. Many parents note that children then sleep more soundly and do not wake themselves up. sharp movements handles. Just give preference free swaddling, because tight can contribute to the development of dysplasia hip joints... While awake, give the baby complete freedom in movements.

The room where the baby sleeps should be comfortable and have enough fresh air.

A month-old baby's sleep may be accompanied by sneezing, sharp movements resembling flinching. It is absolutely normal for this period provided that there are no pronounced signs of the disease.

Vision and hearing at 1 month

All newborns are nearsighted. They don't even see Mom's face very clearly. But they like to look at people bent over the bed more than inanimate objects. By the middle of the first month, the baby is able to fix his gaze on a bright object in motion.

For the first month, the eyes may slightly squint, which is not a cause for concern, because the visual system is also tuned, and the muscles of the eyeball should strengthen. But if the squint does not go away by the third month, you need to see a doctor.

Hearing in newborns is also underdeveloped, but by the end of the first month the baby will catch up. The kid really likes the native voices, familiar to him from the womb. By the way, babies prefer high-pitched conversations more than low-pitched ones. Closer to the month, the baby reacts not only to harsh sounds, but also listens to the ticking of the clock, the noise of the water, and the signals of the car. Hearing a voice, he turns his head towards its sound.

But the sense of smell in babies is very well developed. They easily find breasts and grab the nipple by the smell of milk, recognize their mother by the smell. Therefore, it is not recommended to use perfumery: a child may not recognize a loved one.

Power features

Without a doubt the most the best food for newborns - breast milk... And although there is only one product on the menu, milk strengthens child immunity, gives the baby all the necessary microelements and, moreover, is "cheap". Therefore, the mother needs to strive to maintain and maintain lactation with all her might.

O breastfeeding you can talk endlessly. We have devoted separate articles on the site to many questions. There are two ways of feeding: on demand and on an hourly basis. However, when nutrition is just getting better, pediatricians tend to feed on demand, but not more often than after 1.5-2 hours. The interval will increase over time.


By the middle of the first month, many babies experience excruciating colic along with bloating and intestinal cramps. Behavior becomes restless. It is still not fully understood why colic occurs. It is recommended to give the baby a tummy massage, apply heat, give drops based on simethicone. Colic disappears by about three months.

Colic is a real challenge for the whole family, but do not forget: they are temporary.


Due to the underdeveloped muscles of the digestive organs and the swallowing of air, the newborn can often spit up in the first month of life. In general, the phenomenon is also normal and physiological for given age, but you can try to minimize it. To do this, after each feeding, wear the baby in a column until the swallowed air leaves; make sure that you are latching the baby to the breast correctly; lay the baby on his tummy before feeding.

Visit to doctors

When you reach your first month, plan your first visit to your pediatrician. At the reception, they will measure the height and weight, head circumference, listen to how the heart beats, feel the tummy, examine the throat. The doctor will answer all your questions about breastfeeding.

An important factor in health research is an ultrasound scan of a newborn. Safe ultrasound scan will allow you to assess whether dysplasia of the hip joints is developing (ultrasound of the hip joints), whether intracerebral circulation is normal (sonography - ultrasound of the brain), how they work internal organs(Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity).

It makes sense to carry out such examinations as early as possible, because the diseases identified on initial stages, are treated easier and faster. In a month, blood is usually donated for biochemistry, as well as urine and feces analysis. At the same time, a surgeon, an orthopedist and a neuropathologist are undergoing a routine course.

If the baby is healthy, do the second B (the first was in the hospital). Then comes a series of vaccinations against whooping cough, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, tetanus with an interval of at least 30 days. Therefore, over the next 12 months, you will have to visit the clinic regularly.

Baby care

The treatment includes daily hygiene procedures and outdoor walks. In the second week of life, as a rule, disappears umbilical cord, but the wound still needs to be treated with brilliant green for some time.

If the umbilical ring is oozing, swollen, or oozing pus, see your doctor. It is also necessary to consult in the case when the crust from the wound has not disappeared after two weeks.

Observe that there is no protrusion in the area of ​​the navel, groin and scrotum during crying or exertion. Umbilical or inguinal hernia often appear due to underdeveloped muscles and tension when screaming.

You have probably already noticed 2 fontanelles on the baby's head: frontal and parietal. These areas are especially vulnerable, since they are not covered by the bones of the skull, but you should not be afraid to gently wash them. They also need to be looked after.

It is advisable to carry out water procedures daily. Remember girls are washed from front to back to prevent infection from entering the genitals. In boys, the glans of the penis is still closed. foreskin, which is an absolutely physiological phenomenon. Rinse your penis as much as your circumstances allow, but don't overdo it. Caring for him should be without unnecessary "interference".

Mental development

While the baby's actions are aimed at satisfying his physical needs, but also in emotional communication he also needs. Crying is the main way to express feelings. Parents quickly learn to recognize what the baby is trying to say by crying: he is hungry, wants to sleep, has a stomach ache, or just needs attention to his person.

Let your baby "bathe" in love and affection

By the end of the first month, many children delight with a conscious first smile. It arises in response to gentle treatment mother and gives unforgettable emotions. Have one month old baby you can develop facial movements of the face, bending over it while awake and communicating. Over time, a certain variety of sounds appears: snorting, peculiar squeaks, vaguely reminiscent of humming.

Normal mental development involves frequent carrying of an infant in your arms. Don't be afraid to spoil him. He has every right to the warmth and affection of his mother. Skin contact plays important role in the first month of life.

How to play with a baby

It seems that it is difficult to communicate with a child who is constantly lying and cannot speak. But if the initiative now comes from you, the foundation is laid for trusting relationship in future. How to keep a one-month-old baby busy?

  • Place a mobile with toys and pleasant music above the bed at a level of 60-70 cm from your face.
  • Sing lullabies to the baby, putting your feelings into it.
  • Grimace (wink, stick out your tongue, fold your lips with a tube) - all this little one will very soon want to repeat.
  • Turn on quietly classical music(Strauss, Vivaldi).
  • Talk to your baby about how the day went, something about dad, grandmother, grandfather, etc. The tone of voice matters: keep him calm.

Little wannabe copies everything he can

How about exercise?

Strengthening your muscles is just as important as feeding and walking in the fresh air. Massage is done 30 minutes after feeding, if the baby is in a good mood. So:

  • stroking the whole body: from the chest to the shoulders, from the foot to the bootleg;
  • fingers on the arms and legs can be massaged, knead your foot, drawing "eights" with your finger;
  • in the supine position, put the baby in your handles index fingers- he will immediately grab hold of them; then the hands are lightly spread apart and, as it were, shaken;
  • during the massage, talk to the baby, showing in a tone of voice that the procedure is necessary and pleasant;
  • charging is reduced to flexion and extension of the limbs; gymnastic classes in the first month last no more than 10 minutes.

Summarize... Your child has achieved tremendous results in a month. He studies hard and remembers everything he sees. With each subsequent month, he will delight you with his successes. Do not forget to praise him and rejoice with him on new achievements. Enjoy your motherhood!