Tonic method of application. What do massage lines mean? How to dye your hair with tonic

To begin with, we note that with the help of a hair tonic, you can change the shade only within the original level of color depth. Therefore, to transform from a burning brunette into blond blonde using tonic will not work.

Deciding whether to tonic is worth it or whether it is better to choose another way to change hair color becomes easier when there is an understanding of the essence of this procedure. Let's start with the fact that the hair shaft consists of a cuticle and a cortex. Hair tonics belong to the class of semi-permanent surface dyes and work only in the cuticle layers. This explains such a short staining effect.

If you look at the tinting process under a microscope, it looks something like this: the dye molecules fall under the cuticle scales and settle there. Penetration into the deep layers of the cortex does not occur, therefore, already after 3-6 shampoos, the shampoo displaces the dye molecules from under the scales and the color is washed out.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, how to properly paint your head with a tonic so that the strands turn out desired shade, not everyone knows. Some, for example, without reading the instructions, apply highly concentrated tinting agents directly from the bottle to bleached hair and get as a result not declared by the manufacturer pearl shade, but a deep blue.

Attention! Tonics designed for blondes must be diluted! Water, balm or special products - depends on the brand of tint and the features of its use.

How to paint with tonic at home

You do not need special skills to use a hair tonic. For self-coloring at home you will need:

  • tonic
  • plastic or glass mixing bowl
  • protective cape
  • tassel
  • balm for colored hair

What is a facial tonic and what is it for? How to apply tonic on the face? Recipes for making tonic at home.

Today, the cosmetics market is just a myriad of various facial skin care products. These are all kinds of creams, masks, serums, micellar waters, cleansing gels, etc. Among them there is such a tool as a facial tonic. Everyone heard about it, even used it, but not everyone fully figured out what it is and what it is intended for. All the main characteristics of the tonic will be discussed in this article.

What can facial tonic do?

  • It will seem obvious to any woman that by removing cosmetics from her face and washing her face, she completes his preparation for applying night cream or going to bed. However, if, after even the most thorough washing with the help of cleansing cosmetics, you wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in tonic, you can notice traces of cosmetics on the disk or the remains of the same cleanser. This is exactly the main function of the facial tonic.
  • In addition, many cosmetic cleansers have an effect on the epidermis. irritant effect and disturb its PH balance. Acid-alkaline flora weakens the defense function of the skin, and bacteria get the opportunity to multiply even more actively. Tonic, in turn, balances all acidity indicators to the desired values.
  • Also, the tonic is able to prepare the ground for the activity of the cream or mask and prolong the effect of their impact. Its active particles help cosmetic products to be better absorbed into the skin and retain much-needed moisture inside the epidermis.

The choice of facial tonic depending on skin type

Choosing a tonic for the face, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin and its type. The composition of tonics may include such elements that not only will not benefit the skin, but can also harm it.

  • For oily skin a tonic with an alcohol content of at least 50% is suitable. Such a large amount of it is due to the active production of sebaceous secretions and the rapid contamination of the skin of the face. It is alcohol that is able to eliminate dirt and destroy all unnecessary microorganisms. Also acceptable for oily skin is the content of salicylic
    acid, essential oils, herbal extracts and matting elements
  • In turn, for dry skin, the presence of at least a small amount of an alcohol solution is extremely contraindicated. It will dry out and irritate already overdried skin even more. For this type, it is desirable to select a tonic containing various oils and vitamins to help nourish and hydrate it
  • Problematic skin requires the addition of surface-active elements and BHA- and AHA-acids to the tonic. It is best for skin with rashes and acne to use a lotion instead of a tonic, which allows you to more thoroughly cleanse the skin and eliminate all inflammation on it.
  • Tonic for normal skin may contain a small percentage of alcohol (about 10%). The remaining components are selected individually, based on the age of the woman and other features of her skin.

Rules for applying tonic on the face

There are several ways to apply tonic on the face:

  • with a spray
  • with gauze
  • fingers
  • cotton pads
  • For the same reason, you can use a piece of gauze. It is cut into the shape of a face and soaked in tonic and then placed on the face for a while.
  • Many cosmetologists consider the interaction of the skin with cotton wool quite traumatic. They are confident that cotton microfibers can irritate the epidermis and cause wrinkles. Because the best way applying any cosmetic among professionals is considered a subtle tapping of the fingertips
  • For those who are not afraid of cotton wool, you can cover your face with tonic using cotton pads. It is enough just to soak it in a tonic and apply it on the face in the direction of the massage lines with light, imperceptible movements. Moreover, those same massage lines are also used in "finger" application

Why are massage lines needed?

If applied regularly cosmetical tools along the massage lines, the following positive changes can be observed:

  1. Pressing movements along the massage lines prevent the skin from stretching
  2. No pressure or damage to elastane and collagen fibers
  3. Old wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones stop appearing
  4. More intense pore cleansing
  5. Eliminates puffiness and puffiness of the eyes
  6. Double chin has no chance

How to apply tonic on the face along the massage lines?

To maximize the effect of any cosmetic product, you need to apply it strictly following the direction of the massage lines:

  1. As for the forehead, the tonic should be applied from its center to the temporal part.
  2. The area around the eyes is moistened with light movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer along the closed eyelid and from the outer to the inner - under the eyes.
  3. The vector of the nose line first descends from top to bottom from between the eyebrows to the tip, and then diverges from the nasal bone towards the ears
  4. The line connecting the lips and ears originates from upper lip and ends almost at the earlobe
  5. On the chin, tonic is applied from the center to the ear along the face line.
  6. The neck area requires smooth movements from the bottom up from the neckline to the chin

How often can I use facial toner?

  • Cosmetologists advise using tonic every time during cosmetic procedures. As a rule, women repeat such manipulations at least twice a day. In the morning, after sleep, it is recommended to wash your face and moisturize it with tonic.
  • This is done in order to prepare the skin for application. day cream and makeup. In the evening, after carefully removing makeup and washing, it is necessary to apply a tonic for the face. It will remove the remains of cosmetics and cleanser, and also help the night cream.
    have a positive effect on the skin more intensively and for a long time
  • If cosmetic procedures are carried out more than twice a day, it is desirable to accompany each of them with the application of a tonic
  • In the summer, when the skin constantly sweats and the risk of contamination increases many times, it is recommended to wipe the face with tonic several times a day.

Tonic at home

Recipes for making facial tonic at home are just a myriad. However, you should stop your choice only on the one that suits your skin type. Here are some examples:

Tonic for oily skin

The composition of the tonic for oily skin must necessarily include alcohol. It will get rid of sebaceous secretions and contribute to disinfection.

  1. We take fifty grams of lemon and grapefruit juice and pour them with a tablespoon of vodka. We put all this in a vial, shake it thoroughly and insist for three days.
  2. We take four tablespoons of chopped cucumber and one tablespoon of chopped lemon zest, pour two tablespoons of lemon juice and one glass of vodka. The whole mixture is placed in a bottle and insisted for about a crescent. After infusion, filter the tonic, dilute a small amount cold boiled water and add to it egg white and a teaspoon of honey
  3. We take one hundred grams of strawberries, grind them into puree and pour a glass of vodka. Pour the mixture into a vial, shake well and leave for about a month. After this period, dilute the infusion boiled water in a one to one ratio

Tonic for dry skin

  1. We take a tablespoon of banana and orange puree, add ten grams powdered sugar, pour a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Such a tonic must be washed off after application after ten minutes.
  2. Grind two tablespoons oatmeal, pour them with hot milk, cover with a lid and let it brew. Use already chilled
  3. Mix one yolk, twenty grams of peaches (pulp) and fifty grams of cream
  4. Boil half a glass of birch sap, add a teaspoon of honey and mix. After cooling, the tonic is ready for use.

Tonic for normal/combination skin

  1. Pour fifty grams into a bowl grape juice, a teaspoon of honey and a couple of grams table salt. After infusing the tonic for about an hour, you can apply it on your face.
  2. Pour three glasses of rose petals with any cosmetic oil so that its level covers them completely. Put the petals on water bath and remove them only when they are already discolored. We filter the decoction of roses and cool it

Tonic for problem skin

  1. We take two tablespoons of aloe juice (you can onion) and cucumber and a teaspoon of lemon juice. We treat problem areas of the skin with such a tonic and wash it off with cool water after half an hour.
  2. Two tablespoons herbal collection(chamomile, lavender, calendula, mint) pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain the broth and wipe the face with it.

Using a regularly suitable tonic, you can drastically change your best condition facial skin and get rid of many of its problems.

Video: Preparation of a moisturizing face tonic

The main purpose of the hair tonic is to give the curls a brighter and more saturated shade while maintaining the health of the hair. Differences this tool from regular paint are as follows:

  1. Hair tonic is sold as a ready-made balm, its components do not need to be mixed. In some cases, it should be diluted with water, and in some cases it can be used as is. These features are always written in the instructions for use.
  2. The basis of the product are natural coloring agents, as well as oily compounds that have the property of protecting hair from damage and drying out.
  3. Tonics do not contain ammonia, unlike most paints. Thanks to this, they not only spare healthy structure hair, but also deprive them of an unpleasant smell in the first days after dyeing.

The main characteristics of hair tonic

main feature similar means is that with its help, curls can be made not only bright and shiny, but also give them a healthy well-groomed appearance. Main hallmarks of such a balm are the following properties:

  • coloring pigments act on the strands in a gentle way, penetrating not too deep into the hair structure and without damaging it;
  • since the product is washed off quite quickly, in about 2 weeks, you have the opportunity to often change your image, experimenting with different shades;
  • the tonic does not dry out the curls, relieving them of brittleness and dullness;
  • there is no need to use special hair care products after using this product;
  • tonic is useful for hair not only because it does not contain harmful ammonia, but also because it often contains various caring components;
  • thanks to the content of oils and vitamins, the coloring balm makes the strands shiny, elastic and healthy, helping to create a great look;
  • the process of changing hair color occurs quite quickly - in just 15-30 minutes. In addition, you have the ability to control the saturation of the hue by shortening or extending this time;
  • the tonic does not dry the hair, retaining their natural moisture content;
  • in the event that you want to drastically change the image and change the color of your curls, the shade can be washed off using special tools, which we will discuss below.

What are tonics

MirSovetov found out that coloring tonics are usually divided into two categories:

  1. Means of shallow action. They have the most gentle properties and stay on the hair for no longer than two weeks.
  2. Intensive tonics are the second name for ammonia-free paints. They are able to penetrate the hair structure a little deeper and allow the curls to keep saturated color about two months.

Tools needed for dyeing hair with tonic

If you decide to use such a tool, you will probably need the following:

  • coloring balm;
  • disposable gloves;
  • container for stirring the tonic - glass, ceramic or a vessel made of special plastic;
  • a wide brush for a similar procedure;
  • comb-comb;
  • sponge;
  • towel.

How to dye your hair with this tool

To begin with, it should be said that the result you get will directly depend on whether yours have been painted before. Remember that in the event that you use such a composition for the first time, you need to conduct 2 tests: for allergenicity and for the expected result. First, put some balm on your wrist and wait a while. If after an hour you do not experience redness, itching, burning, you can use a tonic. To see what color your hair will turn out, try dyeing one small strand. After a while, wash off, if you like the result, boldly paint the whole head.

Let's look at the whole procedure in the form of a sequence of actions:

  1. First of all, decide on the shade you need. Remember that tonic in its principle of action differs from ordinary paint. This means to color dark hair blonde won't work. Choose a color close to your natural color or a few shades darker.
  2. Pour into prepared container required amount facilities. If according to the recipe it needs to be diluted with water, do this and stir the mass until smooth.
  3. Wet your hair with water and lightly dry with a towel.
  4. Put on disposable gloves.
  5. Apply tonic to individual strands, moving from the parting to the tips. Make sure that all curls are dyed.
  6. When the entire head is covered with this product, comb the hair with a comb and massage it until a foam forms.
  7. Leave the toner on for 15-30 minutes. The right time depends on your original shade and how intense the color you want to end up with.
  8. When the minutes are up, wash your hair thoroughly warm water, dry and .

How to wash off the tonic

Some of the fair sex often like to change their appearance. Sometimes the desire to change hair color comes suddenly and you want to do it as quickly as possible. It also happens that after coloring the strands with tonic, you understand that you don’t like the chosen shade or don’t suit it. In this case, washing off the product will not be difficult. We'll show you how to do it below. So, in this situation, the following tools will help you:

  1. Mask from . Take about a glass of burdock oil and mix it with the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Cover your hair liberally with this composition and put a waterproof cap on your head. Wash off after 30-50 minutes. If the shade did not completely disappear from the first time, repeat the procedure after 2 days.
  2. Mask from . In order to remove the coloring tonic from curls, you can use ordinary kefir. Remember that its temperature should be comfortable. If you previously stored it in the refrigerator, leave the product at room temperature for several hours before use. Then apply kefir on your hair, hold for about an hour and rinse with warm water.
  3. Special means for removing color. They can be found on sale, often such compositions are used in beauty salons and hairdressing salons.

Theoretically, you can discolor the tonic using a daily one. However, it should be said that this method is not the best. Washing too often causes sebaceous glands secrete the secret more intensively, because of which, through a short time your hair will get greasy quickly.

Every woman who takes care of her appearance dreams of having beautiful colour faces, healthy and tightened skin. This can be achieved only through daily complex care, which negates the effects of stress, physical fatigue and exposure to harmful natural factors.

Otherwise, the skin of the face begins to fade, acquires an unhealthy shade and, losing elasticity, becomes covered with a network of wrinkles. Proper care followed by three mandatory milestones: cleansing, applying tonic and cream.


Applying tonic is a step that is often neglected in facial skin care, and completely in vain. Let's understand the essence of this procedure.

When applied:

  • After washing using special cleansers: gel, foam or toilet soap. Before applying, you can do, for example,.
  • After removing make-up with help cosmetic milk and other cleaning agents.

It would seem that the skin is cleared. But not to the end. The purpose of the tonic is to complete its cleansing, making it better. An eloquent confirmation of these words is the soiled surface of the cotton pad, with which they rubbed pre-washed skin.

The most important thing to remember when using toners is that they are not meant to replace cleansers. They are used only for additional cleansing of the skin, preceding the application of the cream. But the purpose of the tonic is not limited to the cleaning function alone, it is much wider.

The video shows how to use the face toner:

  • For the final removal of residues of cleansers that irritate the skin.
  • To complete the flushing process sebaceous glands(from the very depths of the pores) and particles of decorative cosmetics.
  • To restore the normal acid-base balance in the skin of the face.
  • To improve skin turgor and tone the epidermis.
  • To stimulate the exfoliation of particles of dead epithelium.
  • To accelerate the processes of cellular renewal.
  • To neutralize the action of too hard water.
  • For the purpose of additional antiseptics.
  • To saturate the skin with biologically active substances - antioxidants that slow down the aging process skin.

Thanks to the use of tonic and well-cleansed skin, the penetration of creams and nourishing serums into the deep layers of the dermis is significantly improved. This is reflected in the effectiveness and duration of their useful action.

On video - more information how to use facial toner:

Application rules

How to wipe your face with tonic? There are several ways to apply toner on the face. With any of them, the skin of the face must be washed using special agent for washing.

  • The most common method of additional cleaning of the face is to wipe it with a cotton swab or disc soaked in tonic. The movements should be circular and light. First, from the "apples" of the cheeks, they move towards the ears. After that, the disk is directed from the center of the forehead to the temples. The skin is treated, moving from the central part of the chin to the auricles. From the outer corners of the eyeball, bypassing the lower eyelid, the disk is moved to the inner corners, after which it is moved to the upper eyelid (from inner corners to the outside).
  • Professional cosmetologists and make-up artists never use cotton products for this purpose, arguing that this method injures the skin, contributing to its rapid withering and the appearance of a mesh of the smallest mimic wrinkles OK. They prefer to apply any cosmetic products with light patting movements with their fingertips. Such movements not only contribute to the faster absorption of the tonic, but also significantly accelerate its active action. Another argument in favor of this method is the exclusion of contact of sensitive skin with cotton wool fibers. Sometimes they can provoke the development allergic reaction manifested in irritation or redness of the skin.
  • Girls with very delicate skin can use a bottle of spray tonic. Thermal water is sprayed on the face in a similar way.
  • The last method on our list is used quite rarely, but we cannot but mention it. Some girls prefer to cover their faces with gauze soaked in tonic. The exposure time of the tonic lasts a few minutes.

Before moving on to the next section of our story, we will focus on the fact that when caring for facial skin, it is advisable to use the products of one cosmetic line. Only in this case, you can be sure that the components of each of these funds will not provoke unwanted side effects.

How often can you use

It is advisable to use a tonic for the face twice a day: in the morning it contributes to:

  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Purity and freshness of the face.
  • Restoring the elasticity of the skin.
  • Visual reduction in the number of mimic wrinkles.
  • narrowing skin pores. This effect is a consequence of the above process of improving skin turgor.

IN evening hours tonic helps to finally get rid of particles of dead epithelium, remnants of used cosmetics and sebum, which clog pores on the face and often cause acne.

If you already have a problem with acne, then you can try to do or.

There is also an opinion that correct selection high-quality cosmetics (used at least twice a day) can be dispensed with without a tonic. However, this rule does not apply to owners of oily skin. For them, the use of tonic is a mandatory procedure.

The video shows how to choose and use a facial tonic:


In order for the tonic to be beneficial, it is necessary to choose it correctly for your skin type. To do this, you should listen to the recommendations of cosmetics manufacturers and carefully read the information on the label of any cosmetic product, since their recipe is compiled taking into account the tasks to be solved.

Types of tonics

  • dry and sensitive skin, which is in dire need of normalizing the water balance, eliminating irritation, peeling and redness, should be treated with hydrant tonics, which necessarily include glycerin and a composition of essential oils. The means based on rose water will be very effective here.
  • Oily and combination skin, characterized active work sebaceous glands, it is recommended to clean alcohol tinctures(sometimes the alcohol content in them reaches 50% chemical composition), containing a number of soothing elements: extracts of ginseng, calendula, chamomile and aloe. Exposure to alcohol dries the skin and normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • On problematic skin, which is prone to the formation of acne, comedones and acne, should be treated with disinfectant tonics, in the formulation of which glycolic and salicylic acid, hoods medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile and extract tea tree. Beneficial effect chamomile will help shrink enlarged pores.

For aging and mature skin effective tonics containing a combination of essential oils of coconut, rose and lavender, mint extract, honey extract. The high content of antioxidants and substances that increase the elasticity and firmness of the upper layers of the dermis leads to a slowdown in the aging process and visually improves the appearance of the skin.

Additional nuances of choice

Girls with sensitive skin should avoid tonics containing camphor, acetone, menthol, mint, citrus and all kinds of fragrances. All of these substances are highly irritating to the skin.

Tonic agents containing the composition have a number of advantages:

  • Fruit acids (ANA-acids).
  • Surfactants.
  • Panthenol.
  • Urea.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E).

We emphasize once again that all cosmetic products used for facial skin care must belong to the same series. To a greater extent, this applies to natural tonic products containing aroma composition and a large number of medicinal components. They are incompatible, for example, with cosmetics, which include sea minerals.

Home cosmetology

Many girls who do not trust their skin to the effects of industrial cosmetics prefer to use homemade tonics. They are not only very effective, but also absolutely safe, since their recipe is known in advance and is selected taking into account individual features skin.

herbal composition

This remedy can be used for any skin. It can have a slight anti-aging effect and improve complexion. Taking a pinch of dried rowan berries, dandelion flowers, coltsfoot leaves, rowan, wormwood and St. John's wort, they are put into a thermos and poured with a glass of boiling water. After twelve hours of infusion, a teaspoon of dry wine (white) is poured into the product. The finished drug wipe the skin at least twice a day.

Uses of green tea

Freshly brewed and slightly chilled green tea can be used to wipe problematic oily skin prone to irritation. This should be done in the morning and evening hours. Green tea used for brewing should only be large leaf.

watermelon freshness

Dehydrated and tired skin can be put in order with the help of a potion prepared from fresh watermelon. Half a glass of watermelon pulp (along with seeds), crushed in a blender, mixed with a dessert spoon of water and the same amount of witch hazel tincture. After moisturizing clean skin with the product, wash it off with cool water after five minutes. Apply twice a day.

Mint tincture

The action of this tool has a rejuvenating effect. Grinding a dessert spoon dried leaves mint, they are poured with warm distilled water with a dessert spoon apple cider vinegar. After mixing thoroughly, the drug is insisted for at least three days. Dry skin is afraid of exposure to acid, so the composition intended for it is prepared without the participation of vinegar.

At home, you can prepare a tonic, but also other cosmetics, such as a gelatin face mask. Recipe gelatin mask can be found out. An effective remedy is also peeling with calcium chloride. Find out how to make peeling with calcium chloride at home.

Summing up everything that has been said above, I would like to once again emphasize that the procedure for toning the skin of the face is by no means an excessive link in comprehensive care for her. Regular use tonics, narrowing pores and qualitatively cleansing the surface of the skin, can delay the appearance of mimic wrinkles for a long time, preserving the youthful appearance, freshness of the face and the natural beauty of its outlines.

It is common for any girl to change her image from time to time, but you don’t always want to take drastic steps for this. Hair tonic is ideal option, whether you want to color the tips or the whole mop.

Harmful or not

Tonic is an ammonia-free hair dye at home, it can have different colors, is quickly washed off and is practically harmless. Unlike conventional ammonia-based dye (Estel Essex, C: EHKO Energy Care), the tonic does not penetrate the hair structure, so it does not harm their condition. It forms a film on their surface, which can have various shades(purple, black, mocha, etc.). The palette is very large, which will greatly appeal to lovers of bright images.

There are two types of tonics.:

  1. Foams or shampoos (Advancedline Advanced, Alerana, Paul Mitchell, Revlon Color Silk, Estel Solo tone). They act on the curls while washing the head. The principle of use is very similar to applying a regular ready-made mask;
  2. Special formulations (Manic Panic, Wella, Nouvelle, Avon Advance Techniques, L'Oreal CASTING Cream gloss). This bright means for tinting, which in form and method of application are as close as possible to ordinary paints.

Depending on the brand, the tonic stays on the hair from a month to three, but some types (Irida, Tonic, Bark, Londa - Londa, Palette, FLOID Hair Tonic Antigiallo, Otome) can "eat" for a long time - almost up to a year. In fact, this is such an indelible balm that colors the strands in certain colors, but does not require correction as when painting. Over time, the shade itself fades away, at first it becomes a little lighter and faded, and then it is practically washed out (with the exception of Loreal - Loreal and Green Mama - green mom- they give curls a grayish tint).

Benefits of using:

  1. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the absence of ammonia, the health of mother and child is completely safe;
  2. It is very easy to use, in addition, the color palette of hair tonics will appeal to everyone (there are pink, blue, yellow, chestnut, milky and many other shades);
  3. Professional tonic-activator suitable for lightening dark curls. This is not just a coloring composition, but a means of bleaching the strand. It does not damage the structure of the curls and gives them shine, while brightening them by several shades. Therefore, it is suitable for both blondes and brunettes;
  4. Affordable price. Compared to the price of paints, tonics are very cheap and last for a longer period of time;
  5. Suitable for damaged hair. The paint can be used on highlighted, gray, dyed curls, as well as those that are subject to regular thermal exposure. Some brands (Belita Vitex Cashmere, Oriflame, Rocolor, Fitonika, Hemany Hair tonic wiht argan oil, Indola Hairgrowth) contain substances that are necessary to improve the growth of strands and strengthen them. That is why some girls use tonics with pepper extract not only for coloring, but also for giving volume, from falling out and improving shine (Alpecin Medical Special, MATRIX Biolage hydratherapie, Hairvolume, Finish Hi-repair, Genive Hair Tonic, Sim Sensitive System 4 Therapeutic Climbazole Scalp Tonic, Shiseido Adenogen).

Photo – Loreal

But even after such a track record, it is very difficult to say for sure whether a hair coloring tonic is harmful or not. Certainly, natural dye will not do harm, but still any cosmetics worsens the condition of the integument somewhat. In particular, curls can become brittle and dry due to the presence of a film and a deterioration in oxygen circulation after dyeing. Therefore, experts do not recommend using it for more than six months.

In addition to coloring compounds, medicinal ones are also actively used. They are used to treat dandruff, hair loss, restore strength and shine. Among them are Cutrin Lux, Less Is More, Foam Argan, Day 2 Day Care, Mandom Lucido Plus Oil, Lac Sante Hair lotion, Livon Hair and Balea.

How to dye your hair with tonic

As we said, there are two types of these coloring agents, their use varies depending on the type. Let's consider both options. How to apply tonic paint(Rowan Acme Color, Estel - Estel, Schwarzkopf Igora - Schwarzkopf Igora, Tiande, Crazy Color, Estel love nuance, Fiona Vintage):

  1. First, prepare improvised means of protection. You will need gloves, an old towel, unwanted clothes, hair comb, greasy cream. We process the ears and temples with a fat cream (this is necessary so that the paint does not pass to the skin). It is better to dress in something that is not a pity, because tonics spread and can damage a good outfit;
  2. Painting starts from the back of the head. You need to separate a small strand and process it with paint. Gradually, capturing an increasing amount of hair, carefully paint over them. It will be easier to do this if you divide the curls into two large strands in advance;
  3. After dyeing, you need to remove the entire head of hair under a plastic wrap and cover with a towel. Of course, many girls will say that these are relics of the past, but this approach is ideal for stimulating the absorption of paint;
  4. The product is kept for the time specified in the instructions. After you need to wash it off the strand using shampoo or mild soap;
  5. To consolidate the effect and improve the quality of the hair, it is recommended to apply almond or coconut oil afterwards.

Photo – Londa

Such paints can be used for lightening, shading or highlighting. This good remedy from yellowness blonde hair, moreover, such a balm lasts longer than foam.

But a light tinted cream is safer (and it also rinses off faster). Many reviews claim that after such a hair tonic, their combing improved and the loss of strands was significantly reduced. Instructions for using tonic-foam(Concept, Karel Hadek, Framesi, Subrina Professional Energy, Kapous Life Color, Weleda):

  1. It is applied to clean curls, which is why it is called "balm". You can choose any shade, but it should be darker than natural (light brown, red, green, chocolate, wild plum). Therefore, this option is not suitable for brunettes. The only exception is pearl ash, which is lighter than natural blond, but is used to shade it;
  2. The foam is driven into the curls and gently smeared over the entire area of ​​​​the head;
  3. You can not cover it, but if you want to get bright highlights, we highly recommend wrapping yourself in a film and a towel;
  4. Rinse without shampoo.

Photo - Color-optics

On average, the effect of the tonic lasts two weeks, but depending on the type of hair and care, it can be dyed for up to a month.

You can buy tonic in any store where there is a beauty department, the price for them varies from 2 dollars to several tens. The cost depends on the brand and properties of the selected product. Very good reviews about the brands By Fama Aroma Care & Color¸ Bonacure Hair Activator, Richenna, Activ F Dr. Hoting, Bergamot Hair Tonic Reduces, Yanagiya Fresh.
Video: how to use Tonic

How to wash off

No less topical issue is how to wash off the tonic, because it does not always come off the hair completely. You can pick up a special paint remover of the same brand.

  1. The easiest option is to simply wash your hair with a special shampoo several times. Although you can use any favorite remedy(Shampoo Nivea, Garnier Fructis, Head & Shoulders, Syoss Men Growth Factor, Utena Atlas);
  2. There is also a proven way - to do oil mask based on olive castor oil. These tools will quickly help remove the pigment;
  3. You can also make a brightening mask based on honey or clay (kaolin, Cambrian);
  4. If this does not help, then try rinsing the curls with a solution of vinegar and water. It is necessary to take three waters for one part of the vinegar and rinse the strands thoroughly.

Photo - Tonika

Of course, you should immediately buy not only a tonic, but also a special solvent, so that, in case of failure, you can quickly return your natural color. This will greatly facilitate the flushing process.