The question of the timing of replacing water meters. How often should the spark plugs be changed? Should i wake my baby up at night to change diapers?

Perhaps every motorist is aware of the important function of engine oil and the need for regular replacement. The efficiency of the car engine, its durability and the duration of service intervals largely depend on the timeliness of this procedure. The frequency of engine oil change depends on a number of factors, and therefore it is often very difficult for an inexperienced car owner to decide on specific terms... In addition, one cannot ignore the factor of labor intensity of the operation, as well as the very considerable cost of the lubricant itself. To avoid wasting money on oil changes, while maintaining the proper level of engine protection, you should choose the optimal service interval.

No specialist will give a universal answer to the question of how often the oil in a car engine needs to be changed. There are time frames that manufacturers recommend for their cars. They are indicated in the machine's service book. But specific operating conditions usually make their own adjustments to the definition of the time interval.

Thus, when deciding when it is necessary to change the engine oil of your car, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer, while assessing the conditions and intensity of operation of your vehicle. As a rule, the period for changing the oil in the engine, declared by the automaker, can only be shortened, because when setting the service interval at the factory, the manufacturer takes into account the average operating conditions of the car.

Information from the service book

In the service book attached to any new car, the frequency of replacement of filters, oils and other technical fluids of the car will be indicated. This information is advisory in nature, since it is not a value for a specific car, but an average indicator for cars of a certain class. At the same time, manufacturers usually indicate such an interval both in time terms (at least once a year or once every two years) and in kilometers (every 20 thousand km). In general, the indication of the service interval is rather a marketing ploy of automakers, because it has long been unprofitable for large corporations to produce cars that could drive for years without breakdowns and maintenance. In this case, it would be practically impossible to maintain service centers, increase production rates and stimulate sales of new cars.

The service interval, after which the oil in the engine should be changed, is increasingly used as one of the criteria for the economic attractiveness of a particular car. After all, the less often you need to carry out this operation, the cheaper it will cost to maintain the car as a whole. But, when calculating the value of the period for changing the oil in the engine of the car, the concerns are guided exclusively by the warranty period for servicing the car. The subsequent smooth operation of the powertrain is not the direct responsibility of the vehicle designers. In this regard, a specific car owner will have to determine the timing of replacing lubricants for his car on his own.

Using the interval suggested by the automaker as the only and unconditional guide to action will not be correct, since even in the same region, cars of the same class are operated in different modes and with different loads. Perhaps the primary criterion for determining the need to change engine oil is the intensity of the vehicle's mileage. Naturally, the more often you have to use the car and the more mileage on its odometer, the more attention should be paid to the condition of the oil in its engine. With a high intensity of car use, experts recommend shortening the engine oil change interval, taking as a basis not the temporary service interval, but the number of kilometers traveled.

Criteria for determining the frequency of oil change

The use of a number of modern brands of automotive oils can help extend the service interval. Thus, manufacturers of auto chemical goods offer to save the car owner's budget on car maintenance. But, despite the seemingly obviousness of all the advantages of such lubricants, the effectiveness of the use of such products is not so unambiguous. Automotive chemicals with an increased replacement period can be used only if certain requirements are met. First of all, we are talking about the obligatory certification of a particular car oil by the automaker, and secondly, the operation of the machine should not contradict the conditions for the use of lubricants for automobile engines. But, unfortunately, such information is often not contained in the technical documentation for the car. In this case, it is worthwhile to independently analyze for which circle of buyers and which region a particular car model is designed for.

In addition to the mileage, there are other factors that should be taken into account when calculating the engine oil change frequency. Of course, these factors include the climatic zone and the mode of operation of the machine. There are so-called difficult conditions, which include:

frequent trips to short distances or discontinuity in vehicle operation. In this case, the engine does not have time to warm up properly, which leads to frequent accumulation of condensate, which, mixing with the fuel, forms an acid that has a destructive effect on the engine;
driving in traffic jams is one of the most serious challenges for any engine. Every time the engine is started, as well as when the car starts up and accelerates, its motor is under extreme load. At such moments, the temperature of the oil in the engine reaches its maximum values, which is why the lubricant loses its operational properties;
frequent driving with a maximum load;
dusty air. Unfortunately, the cleanliness of domestic roads cannot be compared to the cleanliness of roads in Europe. The overwhelming majority of European car manufacturers calculate the oil and filter change intervals based on the purity of the air in accordance with European standards. Thus, the mileage of 30 thousand km in Germany is not at all the same as the mileage of a similar car on Russian roads;
do not abuse and frequent idling of the engine. Long engine idle operation leads to an increase in working temperature lubricants, provoking its premature oxidation;
finally, the express replacement of engine oil harms the operation of the power unit. This procedure leads to the deposition of a significant amount of waste product in the system. When regular use for express engine oil changes, the duration of the intervals between changes should be reduced.

Optimal conditions for engine operation will be long and regular driving without overspeeding, with an average load and using high-quality fuel. For any deviations from the listed factors, it makes sense to deviate from the factory instructions. Speaking about specific numbers, experts recommend adhering to the recommendations below.

It is better to change the engine oil between maintenance periods. So, if the maintenance of a car with a gasoline engine needs to be done every 15 thousand km, then it is best to change the oil after 7.5 thousand km of run. On cars with diesel engines, the service interval should be reduced to 10 thousand km. A very important requirement will be to use only oil brands recommended by the car manufacturer. At the same time, despite the popular belief that mineral and semi-synthetic oils are significantly inferior in their characteristics to synthetic substances, exactly the type of lubricant recommended by the manufacturer should be poured into the engine.

It is impossible to neglect the timely replacement of the engine oil. Regardless of the brand and grade of automotive lubricant, its aging occurs over time. As the mileage increases, the engine oil oxidizes, its useful additives burn out, and impurities accumulate in the oil. The consequences of traveling by car with waste engine oil are expressed in engine overheating, increased friction of engine parts, significant load on its components. "Working off" clogs the oil channels, in addition, the internal parts of the engine become less protected from corrosion.

Anna Petrova, who came to Moscow from the small Volga town of Engels, works in company for almost a year now. Unfortunately, she realized that she was not satisfied with much in this company, only now. She is afraid to quit, because she is not sure that future employers will normally accept such a short period of her work in her previous place. She cannot be in search of work longer than 2-3 months - she has to pay for rented housing, which is very expensive in Moscow. And to change "an awl for soap" - to quickly get a similar position in another company, where in a year she may also be disappointed, she does not want.

Injustice or Regularity?

Experts The International Organization Labor (ILO) argue that the upward trend in unemployment in the world labor market in 2014 will continue: in 2013 alone, the number of unemployed increased by 5 million, and by 2016 this figure will approach more than 200 million.

At the end of 2013, the unemployment rate in Russia, according to Federal Service state statistics of the Russian Federation amounted to 5.2% of the economically active population - four million people. “Today the unemployment rate in Russia is one of the lowest - less than 6%. For 2014, this figure will remain within this figure, - experts of the company predict ManpowerGroup- Another thing is that unemployment rates vary significantly in regions and large cities and in some regions they reach critical levels: Trans-Baikal Territory - about 10%, Tyva - more than 18%, Ingushetia - about 48%. It is necessary to fight this phenomenon ”. What exactly is needed to ensure that the unemployment rate not only does not grow, but also decreases?

One of the many factors affecting the rise in unemployment is the lack of flexibility russian market labor. Experts argue that it is necessary to stimulate part-time and short-term employment. Unfortunately, Russian employers are often extremely dismissive of people who have average term work in one company - two years or less.

Executive. ru asked the experts of recruiting agencies what is better - to build a career within one company, or to gain versatile experience, moving from one company to another, without staying in one for more than a year and a half. Why is both not considered normal, in which companies and industries people change jobs more often, and what experience is more appreciated in the Russian market.

"IN recent times for the Russian labor market, says Yuri Dorfman, partner of a headhunting company Cornerstone, - a typical situation is when candidates change jobs quite often. In most cases frequent change the employer is, if not negative, then alarming. For example, if a candidate changes employers within one or two years within the same position, without having good reason, a potential employer will approach such candidates with great care, asking them at an interview a large number of clarifying questions, trying to find out whether such an employee will bring benefits to the company or is it better to find alternative options... However, there are exceptions. When it comes to initial stage career, the candidate is allowed to change jobs frequently. For example, a candidate motivates his actions by the desire to work in companies in various industries, to gain experience in the field, or in connection with receiving an offer for a promotion. In such cases ideal solution there will be an annual job change for the candidate ”.

Nevertheless, at an interview with the next employer, it will be very difficult for such people to explain the reason for the frequent job change and prove that it is in this company that he will be late for more than a year.

Olga Stepanova, managing director RATIONAL GRAIN, I agree with the fact that personnel departments in companies, when selecting candidates for a particular vacancy, are always especially suspicious of candidates who often change jobs. “This happens even if the reasons for the transition, which are voiced by the candidate, sound quite logical. The fears and concerns of HR managers are related to the fact that such a candidate can also quickly leave their company. Also, private referrals can be associated with the fact that people earn a little, and even minimum increase salary is important for them - for the sake of it they often choose a new employer. But often this is due to conflicts, lack of results, violation of labor discipline, and so on - these are risk factors for the company. You can check everything, of course, by collecting recommendations. But, often, resumes with short jobs are rejected a priori, ”she says.

Tatiana Karpova, recruiting specialist for recruiting agency Unity: “Today you rarely meet people on the market who have worked within the same company for 20-30 years. As a rule, these are people of the older generation who value peace, stability and continuity of generations. Young people, for the most part, by the age of 30 already have 2-4 or even more jobs. Moreover, modern realities they simply force specialists to change jobs in order to be "in the market", "in trend", to broaden their horizons, to get new experience and develop expertise.

Not better alternative

Are people who have worked for the same company for more than 10 years valued? No - all experts agree with this opinion.

Olga Stepanova: “The second bias is when an employee, for example, got a job in a company after graduation, and worked in it for 7-10 years. I often noticed that after such candidates move to a new job, they stay there for a short time, and start looking again. As a rule, these situations are associated with the fact that the candidate gets used to a certain environment, corporate culture, it becomes familiar to him, and everything new is not easy for him to accept. He begins to compare his current place of work with the one where he worked for a long time. Another disadvantage of long-term work in one company is that the candidate ceases to accumulate experience in the market and the eye becomes blurred. Exceptions - either the employee is moving up the career ladder within the company all this time, receives additional education, or the company is very rapidly and actively developing at this moment, and therefore, the employee manages to replenish his experience with new methods and knowledge. "

Tatyana Karpova: “It is almost impossible for an employee who has been working in one company for more than 10 years to avoid stagnation. Only promotions can save here, a change of department or location - any serious internal changes».

Lydia Lepeshkova, head of recruitment department, ANCOR Professional, believes that in different cases are absolutely critical different terms job change: "Long experience in one company is appreciated only in case of growth within this organization, if the candidate has been working for more than 3-5 years in one position and does not plan career changes, this, as a rule, indicates his passivity and lack of potential."

Almost all experts point out that the people who change jobs most often these days are sales and administrative staff. The reason is that it is very easy to find jobs for them on the market now. At the same time, people working in their company for more than long term, are most often employees of state and budgetary institutions... Tatyana Karpova: “Teachers, doctors, employees of research institutes - they are definitely not in the habit of changing jobs frequently. Production workers are also relatively consistent. But do not forget that this division is still applicable only to large cities, in the periphery the situation is much more complicated, so there people are forced to work for decades in one company simply because there are no alternatives. "

“Students often change jobs,” says Olga Stepanova, “because some of them earn extra money, combining work with study, and if something starts to interfere with work, they change it to a more convenient one, while others are looking for themselves, trying different industries and activities".

Olga also says that the migration of workers from small companies is more active: “The fate of medium and small businesses in Russia is not easy, and often they have problems where they are not in big business... During the crisis years and after, most of the candidates preferred to get jobs in large companies, preferably state corporations, since this guaranteed them at least some kind of stability. Moreover, large companies are often engaged in staff training, which allows a person to develop together with the company. And in small companies there are fewer opportunities for growth and advancement than in large companies».

But Tatyana Karpova asserts the opposite: “There are no uniform tendencies in the duration of work within a company, depending on whether it is small or large. It is not true to say that people work longer in large or Western companies. In our experience, we have come across small Russian companies, from which it was almost impossible to "entice" employees, since everything suited them in the current employer. For an employee, it is not the size of the company that matters, but how he feels within the company. A “warm” place for employees can be both a multi-thousand corporation and a company of 15 people. Indexing wages, comfortable conditions labor, training, opportunities for growth and development, corporate culture - these are the factors that keep employees for a long time within one company ”.

“Our parents and grandparents did not see any expediency and necessity in changing jobs every two or three years, and they worked quietly within the same organization for decades,” says Tatyana Karpova. with this, the employees of the companies are forced to change something. Today's market leaders may become "second echelon" tomorrow and vice versa - whole new industries are quickly dying out and emerging. The only way avoiding your own stagnation in such an environment means changing your place of work from time to time in search of better wages, satisfying career ambitions, striving for more interesting tasks».

Without going to extremes

What to do? I worked a little - badly, worked a lot - too bad. What should be the optimal average length of work in one company so as not to alert the HR manager the next time he is hired?

All experts agree on what people should look for the golden mean, and now it is equal to about two to three years of work in one company, preferably in one industry.

Lydia Lepeshkova: “Of course, the notorious generation Y and its values \u200b\u200bhave already made serious adjustments to the duration of work in one place. These terms are decreasing, and today the term of work in one company for two or three years is normal, whereas five or seven years ago it would have been a sign of instability. "

However, most Russians are confident that they will easily find a new job, no matter how many years they have worked for their current employer. According to a survey conducted in December 2013 by the " Public opinion ", Which was attended by one and a half thousand respondents from 100 settlements of the country, 63% russian citizens believe that they will be able to get a new job on similar conditions and with a similar salary in less than two or three months.


Happened that you are suddenly tired of your old place of work? Do you want a change? Do you want to do something different and from a different professional field?

If such thoughts come to your mind, it means that the time has really come for changes - cardinal changes in your life - the time has come to change your job. Passionate desire changes means that you are morally ready for them, it remains only to perform this action, which for some reason begin to interfere with experiences, even doubts may be whether you are doing the right thing.

Gather the courage not to be afraid of the unknown future, put aside worries and fears, this is your life and you do not commit anything illegal. You don't have to worry about how your boss will react at work, what your colleagues think, or what your friends or girlfriends say. There is only one advisor in this matter - you yourself. Everyone with whom you communicate can help in only one thing - in bringing new information into your consciousness. For example, tell a similar story from your own life or heard from friends, but no good advice, they, most likely, will not be able to give now. By the way, you yourself will not listen to other people's advice.

Time changes the rules of the game

How often you need to change jobs is up to you and no one else. Times are changing, morals are changing, and the fact that in the middle of the last century working at one enterprise for as long as possible was considered the norm, is now perceived as an attribute of another era and is not decisive.

It used to be important to work out continuous experience - it was reflected in pensions, was encouraged by state policy, today there are different rules and priorities - modern man nothing and no one obliges to work at one enterprise for decades. To change jobs negative attitude no, on the contrary, it is believed that in a new place a person works with great diligence, as a result, with greater productivity.

A job change promises an employee new perspectives, positive emotions from communication with new people and increased wages.

Not all people from childhood know who they will be when they become adults, it happens that, already working, you suddenly realize that this place is not happy and, not that you cannot do it at all, you just want to do other work.

They say that you cannot order the heart, this is true both in relations between people and for the relationship of a person and his beloved business.
All that has been said here is not advice to leave or stay, but information, therefore the situation is described in relative detail and with answers to possible "Why?".

Do all people need to change jobs? What for?

Of course, you cannot rush to extremes. If earlier work in one single place was welcomed, this does not mean that now everyone has to look for a new job with strict periodicity.

If everything suits you, and the working conditions, and the salary, and the team, then it is illogical to look for a new place.
But when the existing work becomes an unbearable burden, it will irritate, depress, then there is a desire to leave. When this happens, you will immediately feel it.

How often can you get a new job and why?

Everyone has their own reasons for changing jobs, they either arise or not, so there is no correct answer to the question "How often" one needs to get a new job. If everything suits you at your current job, then you don't need to leave, it's another matter objective reasons, for example, included in -

Burnout syndrome.

This is the accumulation of negative energy received in the process professional activity, concerns wide range professions, arises from very many specific reasons, of which there are several dozen. Among them:

The need to communicate with people negatively disposed towards you;
unsuitable working conditions, lack of career advancement, low salary;
daily unpredictability of work-related events;
chronic fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion;
feeling of uselessness, apathy, indifference to work;
irritability, constant feeling anxiety, depression;
and many others - the list of reasons is very capacious.

If you think that you have reasons for changing jobs, then it does not matter what anyone's opinion is, if you are with a job at all "Became friends", it does not matter how long you have worked on it, if you think it is necessary - leave.

For many people it is difficult to work in one place for more than 3, maximum 5 years. By the way, according to psychologists, after about the same period of time, most people get tired of the routine monotony of working relationships - between the daily journey back and forth, the team, the bosses, the work itself, the lunchtime exercise - the fatigue that has arisen easily develops into stress. Someone copes with this condition, someone does not.

On a note:
For a modern employer, the job seeker's long job at previous location not seen as positive qualityrather, on the contrary, he will prefer to employ a person who has worked in the previous place for 3-4 years, rather than 10 years.

Is it possible to work all your life in one job and remain inquisitive and interesting person? Yes and no - it depends on what special person deals with his character. A person in a creative profession most often remains interesting conversationalist, after all, creativity is impossible without the development of the person himself, but there is a huge number of professions and positions where the professional circle of occupations is monotonous. In such positions, not all employees have a desire to work, and they are not able to work for a long time.

Long-term performance over a number of years in one place of the same actions and functions creates in the employee a feeling of a kind of a kind that has arisen around him. "Warm little world", this is the so-called comfort zone, which dulls all aspirations and leads to social apathy.

Availability "Warm little world" contributes to the fear of any novelty, reluctance to change, a person now does not even think about changing jobs, even if the salary has ceased to be competitive. In economics, there is a term - "stagnation" with the meaning "stay", "Do not develop", something similar happens to a person, though for him the conditions are more stringent - he cannot "stay" - it either develops or degrades, there is no middle position. Most vivid example such a situation is when, when talking with a person, it is difficult to find a topic for communication outside of his usual work. It may sound unpleasant, but this is our nature.

On a note:
Lack of desire for new knowledge is the path to depression. If a person has been sitting in one place for a very long time, the new employer may think: "Is everything in order with the candidate's psyche?", this is how things are in our time.

Today it is not prestigious to work in one place for a long time.

Performing the same job from day to day, the employee loses initiative, the work becomes so habitual that it begins to seem boring, possibly useless. The employee stops generating ideas, he himself and all of him work activity move inertially at a pace that was gained in the first year after employment. So the employee becomes uncommunicative and closes in "My own little world"... Behavior when a person loses interest in communicating with others is called asocial.

Thus, a generalized portrait of the applicant emerges, which will be of interest to the employer, and of the two applicants for employment, the applicant with a long experience in the previous job ends up at the end of the queue or is not noticed at all. This is how his asocial image is perceived negatively.

What does a person feel when changing jobs

Job change creates an outlet in the routine family relations, and personal conflicts, which also happen, but new job fascinates, it satisfies the natural human desire to learn new things. Learning something new, you get fresh topics for conversation, including in the family, you again become an interesting interlocutor.

At the new workplace, for the first time you will get to know people, get used to it, by the second year you will become an expert, and in the third year - a specialist in your field. During this period, as a rule, there is a surge of strength and enthusiasm from work.

On a note:
Do not forget that job seekers who have worked in the previous job for several weeks or months will also be of no interest to the employer. It is generally accepted that for them, changing jobs is so familiar that it becomes on a par with the work itself in importance, which means that such workers will be a burden. Even the names have been invented for them - "Flyers", "jumpers", "runners"... If you are one of them, reduce your ardor, because one day they will not even talk to you at all.

Job search time can be long

The long search for a new job can be very frustrating, but you shouldn't despair. According to statistics, the applicant finds the desired job after many months, he is in search of six months or more. Therefore, if you are looking for a job only for another month, do not despair, this is the norm, otherwise it is extremely rare. Just keep looking constantly, and not from time to time - the more effort you put in, the faster you will achieve desired result.

You decide how often you need to change jobs, the main thing is to pay attention to your condition, because even a seemingly insignificant, but constant feeling of fatigue can be an important signal when you need to think about changes in your working life.

Try to keep up with the times. We do not know the rules of the future, but we know that the customs of the past no longer work today, we know that now it is not in the order of things to hold on to workplace in a company where you are not at all comfortable to be.

American sociologists conducted a study on the basis of which they established that work should be changed at least once every 5-7 years. It is after this period that labor productivity sharply decreases and tends to zero. Don't be afraid to change jobs so you don't lose interest in life.

If you ask this question to people of the older generation, then, most likely, the answer will be negative.

During the period of socialism, as a rule, they tended to stay at work in the same organization as long as possible. The titles "Veteran of Labor", "Honored Worker", as well as labor dynasties, when several generations of one family worked in a row at the same enterprise, were in high esteem.

IN modern society frequent job changes have ceased to be a rarity, and with each new entry in the work book, the employee asks the question: how many years do you need to work in one place, and how the employer will react to this. According to research conducted by the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel on changing jobs for top and middle managers aged 22-26, 23% of them changed jobs 4 times, 21% - respectively 3 times, 20% changed the company 5 times, 15 % have work experience with two employers, 13% changed jobs 6-10 times.

The smallest part of the surveyed - only 8% of the total - worked in one workplace. As it turned out, the duration of work in one place is influenced, first of all, by the sphere of business to which the employing company belongs. There are still areas in which a person retains a job for 5-10 years or more, and a career within the same organization is encouraged. These are quite conservative metallurgical and oil and gas companies today.

They are interested in the employee staying in the workplace longer, providing him with opportunities for growth, while developing his own infrastructure, making significant investments in health care, housing construction, and kindergartens. These companies implement motivational programs for employees, they are provided with compensation.

Moreover, work in one workplace in this case is reflected in career development. As a rule, personal results can be assessed in at least three years. labor activity in one company. When positive results there is a gradual ascent up the career ladder. Similar schemes career growth observed in health care, in the field of finance, in teaching staff in the education system, higher educational institutions.

But there are types of modern business, such as advertising, media, Internet business, where a different scenario operates. A change of team is often necessary here. Therefore, in this area, the employer makes different demands on his staff.

Experience of at least a year - as you can see, the time interval for being in one position or workplace is much shorter. In such areas, workers with diverse experience are preferred. These are designers, sales managers, project managers. Experience of at least 3 years in such areas is desirable for heads of departments.

A new trend has emerged among young people: about 70% of them are determined to open their own business. Often they, having become successful and having acquired the necessary experience and knowledge in the company, unite to start their own business, often quite successfully. It should be noted that modern manager mobile enough. Job changes are often due to more advantageous offers... Therefore, recruiters are initially confident that a person is ready to change a job, no matter what it is, and no matter how much they like it.

According to statistics, more than half of the "defectors" are people aged 22 to 29, who are quite satisfied with their work. As the labor market develops, there are more and more new opportunities for professionals, especially in large cities. For 53% of people, when changing jobs, the material component is important, 35% are interested in career growth in a new job, and only a minority - 32% - are driven by the desire to increase and diversify professional experience.

A competent employee knows and monitors the labor market well, knows the right companies. As a rule, it meets their requirements. Such a specialist will not miss the opportunity for career growth, which in modern conditions often not possible within a single company, where higher management positions are occupied by young workers and will be retired very far in the future.

In traditional industries, frequent job changes put the employer on guard. When hiring, a person must adapt for some time. This usually takes about six months. The return on the newly hired specialist should be expected only by the end of the year.

Therefore, for Western companies optimal time a candidate's work in one place is 3-5 years, the requirements of Russian companies are not so strict. In some firms, it is believed that a person who has worked in one place for a long time will find it difficult to adapt to a different corporate culture, and they refuse to hire him.

However, there are also some employers who welcome work in one place for a long time, 10 years or more. They consider this a criterion for literacy, stability and high loyalty. As you can see, the requirements of modern employers are diverse and often contradictory. But no company welcomes so-called job-seekers. Moreover, the employer is especially wary of a sharp change in specialization.

For example, a person today runs a transport company, tomorrow a restaurant, and then looks for a position in the insurance business. According to experts, this does not in any way indicate a high and versatile professionalism. The constant change of work is often perceived by the employer as an indicator of a person's conflict or a person's conflict in himself.

Most likely, this is an unstable and immature person who has not decided what he wants or does not know how to achieve it. The employer justifiably has doubts: how long will such an employee stay in a new place?

Whether to change your workplace for a new one is up to you. The main thing is to analyze what is the main prerequisite for a change of place. It must be remembered that by changing your job to an equivalent job, you practically do not gain in anything in the sense of professional growth... Not in all professions, changing jobs can make it more varied: an accountant, for example, will never escape routine.

Each person, when changing a workplace, is guided by many factors, general recommendations don't work here. Is it possible to convince the employer that when changing jobs you were guided by the desire for the best, to focus on the desire for a professional and personal growth, which was difficult in the previous workplace, to prove their activity and the presence of ideas. The main thing is the skills and knowledge that you have acquired, and now you can offer the employer.

The government has adopted several acts that regulate the means and methods of measuring the water supply. Federal Law No. 102 of 26. 06. 2008 - this law governs the provision of uniform measuring instruments. The document defines the need to check the instruments for metrology requirements.

The purpose of the act is to protect the rights of citizens, society and the state from negative impact incorrect measurements. This document also sets the deadline after which the check must be carried out. During this period, the device works unimpeded, given the supply of cold / hot water... It is allowed to install only those meters that are approved by the register of measuring instruments of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 261 of 23.11.2009. This law "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation "obliges all subscribers of the water utility in apartment buildings in mandatory establish water metering devices. To do this, you need to draw up an agreement with the water utility, and 180 days are given for all installation procedures.

Mandatory installation of the meter provides the following advantages:

  1. Economical management of resources.
  2. The measuring tool allows you to determine possible losses.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06.05.2011 This document explains the features of payment for the use of water and other services in apartment buildings, as well as the rules for providing utilities... The resolution clearly defines the concept of the amount of amounts payable in the presence of a meter, as well as in its absence.

Why check the meters without fail

The device for measuring the amount of water supplied is an accurate measuring instrument. The latter, over time, can simply work out and show a false expense, for which you can overpay.

Neither the water utility nor the end customer in your person will like this situation. What is the reason for the loss of measurement accuracy and how large is the error, as well as in which direction?

Hot / cold water affects metering devices in different ways. Hot water contains chemical additives that, in tandem with high temperatures, aggressively affect the parts and mechanisms of the measuring instrument. Therefore, checks of such devices should be done more often.

The result of such a check can show complete serviceability, while the failed equipment should be repaired or replaced.

Free legal advice:

When it is necessary to change water meters

The test period for the installed meter in the hot water system is 4 years. As for cold water supply, the meters are checked every 6 years. The deadline does not mean that replacement will be required. The water meter must be replaced when a breakdown is detected and accounting occurs with errors.

The average service life of the meter is 12 years. From this, one can easily conclude that one copy can last 6 years, and the other - all 18. It is important to note that you need to start the meter verification procedure in advance, and not on the last day of the end of the verification interval. It is best to do this in one to one and a half months.

If the deadline is close to the need for verification, the supplier may also notify you by written notice.

How water meters are checked

The check is performed on specialized equipment, but not everyone knows that the same check can be done right on the spot. To carry out the procedure, the subscriber can choose an organization that has the right to perform this kind of work.

Meter replacement procedure:

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  • before starting work, it is imperative to turn off the water with prior approval from the housing office;
  • open access to water pipes;
  • the condition of the pipes must be satisfactory;
  • the apartment should provide for locking nodes for local water shut-off.

The check is performed in several ways:

  1. With the removal of the counter.
  2. Without removing the counter.

If you use the services of a specialized company, call the plumber around the house to dismantle the water meter. The removed meter will be taken into operation, a document of withdrawal will be drawn up, which indicates the serial number and brand of the device. Keep the documents on the counter with you - your passport and your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The verification procedure is performed using a calibration device that verifies the readings as accurately as possible. The duration of the check ranges from several hours to several days. Upon receiving the water meter back, you will be given the following documents:

  1. Meter installation agreement.
  2. Act of work done.
  3. Document confirming the commissioning of the water meter.
  4. Passport for the cold water supply meter.
  5. Passport for a hot water meter.
  6. Equipment certificates.
  7. Maintenance contract.

If, after checking, it turns out that the water meter is broken, a replacement will be required. A working device is installed in the same place, all changes are documented. The new water meter can be used until the next check comes.

Checking the water meter on site per year

When selecting a company to check the meter, make sure of its profile specialization and the availability of appropriate permits for such activities. Upon the arrival of specialists, all the necessary tests of the water meter are performed. This approach is the most convenient - you save a lot of time. The company's representatives for checking the equipment independently contact the water utility, which, in turn, remove the need for verification. As a customer, you will receive a document on the date and results of the meter testing.

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This on-site verification approach has its drawbacks. During the test, up to 250 liters of water is passed through the device, for which you will need to pay. If a malfunction is found, you will not be able to repair or readjust the water meter on site - it will still need to be dismantled.

If the check was not done on time: what to do

If there is an act of checking the water meter, its owner is obliged to monitor so as not to miss the date of the next procedure.

An incorrectly working meter is considered unusable, and payment according to these indications is impossible. Thus, in a similar situation you will pay for the services of the water utility according to the average rates. In simple wordsas if you do not have a meter installed, taking into account the number of people living in the apartment.

These numbers will be much higher than what you paid for if you had a properly working meter.

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The verification service is paid or not

You have to pay for this kind of checks. The cost varies from 370 rubles. You can pay via the Internet without a commission. It is not at all difficult to organize the verification procedure. How to perform the check is up to you.

Summing up, we note that the meters need to be checked every 6 years for cold water supply, once every 4 years for hot water. The procedure is paid, and the maximum cost for the service does not go beyond one thousand rubles. There are only three ways to check:

  1. Checking by a water utility with dismantling the water meter.
  2. Self-diagnosis on site with the involvement of a specialized organization that has all the permits to carry out such work.
  3. Dismantling and inspection by the same specialized company on site, only for more short termthan diagnostics at a water utility.

The last two methods allow you to quickly complete the procedure, and the company's specialists contact suppliers and notify them of the completed check.

Do not ignore the end of the interval and the need to test the water meter. With this, you can only overpay for the received water supply services at prices that are considered average.

Checking the meter does not mean that it is time to change it, perhaps everything is in order or you need to slightly correct the operation of the device.

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In case of failure, the water meter must be replaced. As a result, be alert to measuring instruments not only for water, but also for all other services, and you will save a lot of money. All payment is made only for what you have used.

After how many years should hot and cold water meters be replaced?

The question of water meters is being heard from apartment owners more and more often. The use of water meters is due to the obvious savings in the process of water consumption. The availability of devices is due to their relatively low cost.

To date, the purchase of water meters does not amount to hard work... At the time of purchase, you should check the certification of the water meters, the availability of a device passport, a warranty card from the manufacturer and pay attention to the date of its initial check.

The water meter is represented by a measuring plumbing device that helps to measure, store and display the water volumes flowing through it. It must without fail be equipped with a protective device (in the form of a seal or a cover), ensuring its dismantling or reconfigurable impossibility. According to the technical regulations, the declared operational life of water meters is about 12 years. However, everyone is interested in the question of when to change the hot and cold water meters. Water metering devices installed in a residential building and at the entrance to an apartment building are characterized by a periodic check carried out within one month.

Do I need to replace the water meters in the apartment

It is possible to determine whether it is necessary to change the water meters only after checking the device, which consists in identifying deviations in its readings. In the presence of significant errors, a situation arises when water meters are changed or calibrated. To carry out the check, an application is submitted to the management organization for dismantling and taking readings. The process can last more than one week, after which the reverse procedure for installation, taking readings and sealing is performed. Such manipulations are troublesome, so many residents are replacing the old meter with a new one.

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It is possible to understand whether a meter replacement is needed only after checking it

Most firms offer fast and inexpensive water meter testing. For example, the metering device is replaced with another, already tested one, and the old company keeps it for itself.

The cost of the service is several times lower than the installation of a new water meter. However, there are frequent cases when, after a short time after the verification period, the water meters break down. Therefore, after how much to change water meters, it is necessary to find out in advance, during their installation. The functioning of the devices directly depends on the sewage water, the poor quality of which leads to malfunctions within the normalized time frame. In this case, it will be necessary to install a new meter.

After how many years do you need to change water meters according to the law

To determine how often the meters need to be changed, you can only check their status. The calibration interval of water meters, the readings of which are used in the calculation in the field of household and utility services, is 3 years. The law does not set strict deadlines for replacing meters. Water meters should be changed when they are out of order or when the operating period has expired. Many people replace the meters after the valid verification deadlines have expired. This is due to the time and money spent on verification activities, comparable to the cost of a new water meter.

Who should install and why

The installation of water meters for both cold and hot water in a residential building should be carried out with the participation of specialized organizations, performers, manufacturers or suppliers at the consumer's expense. When choosing companies servicing water meters, it is necessary to be guided by information about their reliability and responsibility due to the presence of licenses, certificates of conformity, certificates of SRO membership and permission for installation from the water utility. Many companies offer a comprehensive service that includes the sale, installation, registration and replacement of water meters, which is ergonomic.

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Installation of meters is carried out with the participation qualified specialists, but self-replacement is also allowed

After the installation manipulations, the devices can be sealed by the employees of the water utility or the housing office, with their subsequent registration. However, there is a lot of controversy when it comes to who should change the water meters. Repair measures for water meters should be carried out at the executive expense. At the same time, all payments for verification work must be provided by the water utility not to the tenants, but to the organization serving the apartment building. In the event that tenants do not deduct a certain amount for the planned renovation works by apartment meters, then checking the water meters is carried out for own account... An unscheduled check of devices is carried out for the individual budget of the residents.

How to replace water meters yourself

First you need to purchase a high-quality device that will ensure their long-term operation. For work, you will need a pipe or adjustable wrench. It is not difficult to carry out the procedure for replacing water meters, it does not require certain skills and consists of the following stages:

  1. Cutting off the water supply.
  2. If the nuts "stick" to the water meter, they must be held with an adjustable wrench or pipe wrench.
  3. If it is impossible to unscrew the nuts, they will need to be gas annealed, followed by repackaging of all connections.
  4. The nuts are unscrewed counterclockwise, followed by the removal of the old counter.
  5. Cleaning the fitting from worn gaskets.
  6. Insert new gaskets. The use of silicone or rubber seals is recommended. The use of paranite is impractical due to sticking.
  7. Manual tightening of nuts with simultaneous support of the meter body.
  8. Turning on the water and checking the water meters for leaks. If a leak is found, tighten the nuts.

When performing these manipulations, it will be advisable to clean the coarse filter. Threaded wrapping with "fum" tape or linen strands is not allowed.

Video: replacing hot and cold water meters with your own hands

It is imperative to check water meters, in the end it is your money. When choosing water meters, always pay attention to technical characteristics - manufacturers indicate not only the volume of water consumption, working pressure, but after how much the meter should be changed.

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The question of the timing of replacing water meters

Hot and cold water meters allow precise control of water consumption. Metering devices built into the pipes of hot and cold water supply constantly "read" the volumes of water passing through them. But water meters are conventional mechanical or electronic devices.

The constant operation of the elements of the device will sooner or later lead to their wear and tear and failure, a change in the performance of components can affect the display of readings of water consumption, both upward and downward. In such situations, the inevitable fact becomes the need to replace metering devices.

The procedure for replacing water meters is strictly regulated by law.

Replacement of measuring devices: why, legislative regulation

The water meter has a certain period effective service. Hot and cold water meters must be installed in each apartment on the appropriate water supply lines. In most situations, each of us uses water quite often. Over the years, the elements of the device wear out and can cause breakdowns. Any change in the operation of the instrument may result in incorrect data transfer.

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Each meter manufacturer conducts laboratory tests, according to the results of which the approximate life of the device is established. According to most experts real time the service life of high-quality devices under optimal conditions of use reaches about 15-20 years.

But it is worthwhile to understand that in our apartments there are no optimal conditions - the presence of impurities and foreign elements in the water, as well as constant pressure drops, accelerate the wear of device elements and reduce the period effective work... For this reason, the so-called intertesting period has been established - the period between manufacturing and testing the device's performance. It composes:

  • for hot water meters - 4 years;
  • for cold water meters - 6 years.

The difference in terms is due to the nature of use - hot water is a more aggressive medium. In addition, do not forget that hot water is expensive, and this circumstance requires more careful control.

Do you need to change water meters legally? The main normative act, which laid the foundations for regulating issues related to metering devices, is Federal Law No. 102 dated 26.06.2008. The law sets out the key requirements for controlling the expenditure of resources. If the device is not assigned a register number, it cannot be considered serviceable and cannot be used to control water consumption.

Each water meter has its own register number

Verification or replacement

After the intertesting period has expired, it is required to calibrate the meters. The procedure for checking the meters implies the determination of the error in the transmission of data on the volumes of water using a high-precision weighing equipment. All actions are carried out in an apartment, without dismantling the equipment and take several tens of minutes.

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After the verification procedure, a specialist of an organization that has the appropriate accreditation fills out an act and makes the appropriate entries in the instrument passports about the verification.

If the authorized water meter is in good working order, it will work until the end of the next verification period. After expiration next period verification will also be carried out, and so on. That is, the meter does not need to be changed after the expiration of the calibration period; it should be replaced only in the event of a malfunction. In practice, a high-quality meter can work without problems for two verification periods.

If we consider the question of how much more profitable it is to calibrate or replace water meters, then the first option looks more attractive in all respects:

  • it is not required to dismantle the device;
  • the cost of verification is lower than the price for buying a new meter and installing it.

Procedure for replacing water meters

When do you need to change the meter? Replacement is required in the following cases:

  1. The device is defective.
  2. During the verification, critical deviations in the transmitted readings were detected, requiring replacement or repair of the device.

The malfunction of the water meter is determined by the following criteria:

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  • a sharp change in the readings of the monthly water consumption, which has no objective reasons;
  • motion indicator or flow dial does not function.

But only a specialist from an authorized company can officially determine the malfunction. To do this, it is necessary to carry out verification in a timely manner. Do not hesitate to replace if your meter is faulty.

If you do not change it in time, sooner or later the controlling authority will identify the malfunction and calculate the consumption according to the general standard until the moment when the serviceability can be confirmed. Such recalculation can take several years and result in a significant amount. Better to spend a little money on the purchase and installation of the meter.

Self-installation of the water meter is not rational

  1. You still have to notify the management company of the replacement and invite a specialist to check the correctness of the procedures performed, as well as to seal.
  2. Installation by a specialist from a management company or a specialized company will allow you to receive guarantees and avoid liability in case of violations or breakdowns.

The rules for replacing the water meter imply the following sequence of actions:

  1. Submitting an application to the management company to replace the meter.
  2. Coordination of the timing of the arrival of the master.
  3. Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  4. A visit by the master of the apartment, carrying out the procedure for replacing the device.
  5. Installation of seals and commissioning. The changing master must provide all the necessary documentation.

To facilitate the procedure for replacing and checking metering devices, general requirements are imposed on their installation:

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  1. Counters should be available.
  2. The pipes must be kept in good condition.
  3. Valve and ball equipment must tightly shut off the water.
  4. In a private house, the replacement of meters is made on a general basis.

Thus, the replacement of devices should be carried out only in case of malfunctions in its operation. No one can force you to change the metering device, but in case of malfunctions, payment will be made according to the standards, so it is better to monitor the performance of control devices, check them in a timely manner and change them if necessary.

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Hot and cold water meters - how often do they have to be changed by law?

Everyone who installed meters on pipelines supplying cold and hot water from central networks was able to see that it is profitable. There is a category of the population who believes that it is fair to pay for exactly what you use, and this is the most correct approach.

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Water meter installation laws

The government has adopted a number of legislative acts related to measuring instruments and methods.

Federal Law No. 102 dated 26.06.2008.

Federal Law "On ensuring the uniformity of measuring instruments", it defines the need for verification of measuring instruments to the requirements of metrology.

The purpose of the Federal Law is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state from negative consequences unreliable results measurements.

Verification (verification) is a set of activities performed in order to confirm the compliance of metering devices with metrological requirements.

Verification of the device is a check of its serviceability and accuracy using special equipment.

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The law regulates the period during which the meter can work without hindrance and what intervals are permissible between the checks of the metering devices for the consumption of hot and cold water.

Metering devices are allowed to be installed only those that are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

ФЗ No. 261 dated 23.11.2009.

The Federal Law “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” obliges all water consumers in apartment buildings, in summer cottages, as well as at temporary use facilities to establish water metering devices without fail.

This law approves the need to draw up contracts between the service provider and their consumer, 180 days are allocated by this act to fulfill the requirements.

The law on energy saving defines the obligation to measure the consumption of utility resources.

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Mandatory installation of metering devices will make it possible to:

  1. Increase the ability to save resources;
  2. Allows you to determine the loss.

You may be interested in an article on how to save electricity at home, you can read about it here.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 06.05.2011.

This act clarifies the nuances of the amount of payment for the use of water and other services for residents of apartment buildings and residential buildings, as well as the rules for the provision of utilities.

Here the concept of the size of the board is clearly divided in the presence of a metering device and in its absence.

Why are water meters subject to mandatory verification?

A water meter is a fairly accurate and sensitive device, which, after a time has elapsed, may malfunction, that is, show an incorrect water flow rate.

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Such indicators are of no interest to either the consumer or the supplier. Why did the readings on the meter cease to be accurate, and how much the device data differ from the actual ones, and in which direction?

Hot and cold water has a different effect on metering devices. It is clear that hot water contains chemical additives, therefore its composition and heat more aggressive in relation to the parts of the meter, and therefore the calibration of metering devices on hot water pipelines is required to be done more often.

The check can show that the device is in good working order, and the damaged accounting equipment must be repaired or replaced.

When do you need to change water meters?

The calibration interval for a meter installed in a hot water supply system is 4 years, for a meter installed on a pipe with cold water - 6 years.

Cold water meters should be checked no later than after 6 years, and hot water meters after 4 years.

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Do not think that the period set for verification means replacement of equipment for metering consumption. The water meter needs to be changed only if it does not work or shows incorrect figures for water consumption.

The average service life of a water meter is 12 years, which means that one device can last 6 years until it breaks down, and another 18 years.

It should be remembered that it is better to attend to the issue of checking the water meter in advance, 1-1.5 months before the end of the calibration interval.

The service provider company maintains records for each apartment, each house or other object. If the user himself has forgotten that the period between verifications is coming to an end, he will be reminded - they will send a notification.

The procedure for checking water meters

How are water meters checked? Since it is necessary to carry out verification only with the help of special equipment, not everyone knows that verification can be carried out not only in stationary conditions, but also on site.

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To carry out the work, citizens independently choose an organization that has the necessary permits.

How to replace the water meter?

  1. Before starting work, you need to take care of turning off the water, agreeing this with the housing office;
  2. Provide access to water supply pipes;
  3. The pipes must be in satisfactory condition;
  4. Taps (valves, ball valves) must completely shut off the water in the apartment.

The check can be done in several ways:

  • With the removal of metering devices
  • Without removing metering devices

If the verification will be carried out by a specialized company, then a plumber serving the house should be called to remove the meter. The dismantled device will be put into operation by drawing up an act of withdrawal, indicating the brand and serial numbers... You need to have a document for a water meter with you - a passport and your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

For the verification procedure, special calibration settings are used, which allow the correctness of the readings to be verified as accurately as possible.

Read the article who is eligible for subsidies for housing and communal services here.

Having received after a while, from several hours to several days, his accounting equipment back, the consumer will receive the following documents:

A water meter recognized as unsuitable will have to be changed, a serviceable one must be installed in its original place and used until the next check comes.

There are methods in which the removal of meters is not required - verification will be done right on the spot.

It is necessary to make sure that the company is accredited and that its employees are certified.

How are water meters checked? We invite you to watch the video.

Of course, this verification method is extremely convenient. Representatives of the company will contact the supplier themselves and remove the question of verification. The consumer of the service will receive a paper on the date and results of the procedure performed.

This method also has disadvantages. In order to make an accurate calibration, about 250 liters must pass through the device connected to the tap. water, for which the owner of the apartment will have to pay.

If an error is found on the water meter, you will not be able to repair or correct the device on the spot. The device will still have to be removed.

What is the threat to the owner of the living quarters if he did not check on time?

Having in his hands the certificate of verification of the IPU, the owner must watch so as not to miss the deadline for the next check.

An uncalculated water meter, both hot and cold, is considered unsuitable, which means that it is impossible to pay according to the indications of such a device.

In the future, bills for payment for the use of water will be issued at average rates, as for users who do not have meters, taking into account the number of residents registered in the apartment.

These norms will force the consumer to spend a significantly larger amount monthly than when the meter readings were taken into account.

Is the verification of the IPU a paid service or not?

Citizens are obliged to carry out verification of the IPU (individual metering devices) at their own expense within the time specified by the manufacturer and indicated in the passport of the meter.

You have to pay for verification. IN different regions the cost is different, but the average figures are from 370 rubles. up to 1000 rubles

If you want to know how to pay for utility bills via the Internet without a commission, we advise you to read the article.

At the same time, it will be useful to note that the price of work when using a portable standard, that is, on site, without dismantling the water meter, and in the case of removal, are practically equal.

Tracking the verification period and organizing its implementation is not so difficult. A self-respecting home owner will always be interested in the equipment in his living space working correctly, in good condition. You can choose any of the methods for checking water meters.

I was told that after four years it is necessary to replace the water meter with a new one. When installing the meters, four years ago, the housing and communal services employee did not issue any act, but only asked to sign his paper that the work on installing the meter had been completed. What should I do. Buy new meters?

valentine, you were simply divorced, since the acts were not issued. Your counters are not taken into account anywhere. Look in the receipts for payment of the LCD which you will be charged with the readings for the water consumption.

i didn’t check the IPU on time, then I did it without removing it, the meter was recognized as serviceable, I counted it in 2 months at an increased standard of 22 cubic meters should I recalculate

Did they do it right or not?

I'm also interested ...

I signed an agreement that every year they would come and check the meter. For this I pay 700 rubles. For 4 years now. I have counters for 5 years. They called me and said that the cold water meter should be changed. Why? I am fine. And you have to pay to change. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group. Ate collected for the supply of these counters. How to be?

Meters must be CHECKED every 6 years for cold water and every 4 years for hot water. This should be notified by the service provider. The cost of VERIFICATION is on average from 400 rubles. up to 1000 p. After verification, the service life is increased by more plaque. Replacement is optional.

Therefore, the service is imposed on you, as well as frequent checks (every six months). Verification is done at will


1. The terms of verification of 4 and 5 years were stated in Appendix No. 1, clause 7.9 of the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 77 of 2004.

2. However, the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 831 dated December 26, 2012, clause 3.1 (Appendix No. 1 in its entirety) decided: “to recognize as invalid”. (Clause 1.2: “Clause 3.1 of the Resolution (77th - VA) shall be declared invalid”.).

3. ФЗ № 102 dated 26.6.08. Art. 13, clause 7: “Measuring instruments not intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements may be verified on a voluntary basis.

4. Federal Law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements". "A unified list of measurements related to the sphere of state regulation." In this list, there is not a word about utilities, only global ones. government services up to the defense industry.

5. The provision that verification should be carried out only in the field of state. regulation, moreover - only legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, clearly spelled out in the same Federal Law No. 102, Art. 13, item 1.

6. There is a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation (not to be confused with the state law) No. 354 of 6.5.11. But it has no right to contradict the Law. It does not contradict. In all of its numerous clauses and sub-clauses, nowhere is it said that an individual is obliged to do the verification. Consequently, verification is required only in the field of state. regulation and only legal. persons and ind. entrepreneurs.

7. In Definition The Supreme Court from 24.10.12 it is also explained that only legal entities are obliged to calibrate water meters. persons and ind. entrepreneurs.

8. This issue was dealt with not only by the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, but also by the Prosecutor General's Office. Here is what the 1st deputy writes. Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman: “In the course of an audit carried out earlier by the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, it was established that the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 02.10.04 No. 77 regarding the establishment of the timing of calibration intervals for cold and hot water meters does not comply with the current legislation. In order to eliminate the violation of the law ... amendments ... about cancellation earlier deadlines calibration intervals for water metering devices ”. (See on the Internet the article by Alisa Agrant dated 5.3.16 "Fraudsters and water and electricity meters: how it is done", information publishing house "Regnum".).

9. And finally, the last. The verification of personal individual water meters of individuals under duress (extortion of a lot of money just for the signature that my meter is working) contradicts elementary logic. Tell me how often you trust (and, most importantly, how often you pay for it) your own wristwatches, the mechanism of which is much more complicated than the mechanism of an individual, personal water meter. Obviously, you both trust and repair watches only when necessary. Let's say if the clock starts to rush or lag behind. The same should be the case with the counter. In any case, this is how the articles of the law, and the decisions of the governments of both Moscow and Russia, and the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, and the General Prosecutor's Office interpret it. Best regards, Vladimir Antonov

PS: I will be glad if you refute it.

Here I am also interested in the question about this stupid law on verification: why should I prove to “someone out there” that my meter is working properly? I claim that I have it in good condition and does not need verification. Do you doubt it? Come and check. Why should I pay for this?

01/10/2017 The Moscow City Court dominated the decision of Lublinsky district court Moscow to refuse me to recalculate the amount of payment for cold water, counted to me by the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilischnik" according to the SHOPPING (. and not according to the standard, as indicated in the RF LC and in Rules No. 354.) to the counter due to my failure to verify my apartment cold water meter. And my arguments against the illegality of the requirement to verify the individual water meter to natural person in the housing and communal sphere, they contained far from 9 points, but are set out on 14 pages. Here both the RF JK and the RF Civil Code on its supremacy in the field of civil law relations (verification is payable service) and on the prevention of coercion to conclude an agreement, and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation on the application of the norm of an act that has the greatest legal force, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", FKZ No. 2-FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation" that government acts should not contradict legislative actshigher in the hierarchy, Federal Law No. 102 "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", Federal Law No. 416 "On Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal", Federal Law No. 261 "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency", Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 1815 Procedure for verifying measuring instruments (in execution of the Federal Law No. 102), the Rules for the Provision of Utilities No. 354 themselves, ONLY ONLY ON THE BASIS OF WHICH I WAS REFUSED, referring to subparagraphs "d" paragraph 81.12 of Rules No. 354, and the Constitution on the restriction civil rights only federal laws and only for the indicated purposes, and Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court and the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 6/8, and Definitions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 439-O on conflicts between laws and the legal hierarchy. So what? She even attached a photocopy of the appeal ruling in another case to the appeal, in which the same Pilgun A.S., the presiding judge, overturned the decision of the Lublin court indicating that acc. with article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, compulsion to conclude an agreement is not allowed, except in cases where the obligation to conclude an agreement is directly provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by law or by a voluntarily accepted obligation. So what? Well, nothing! I have not yet received an appeal, and in the decision of the district court there is not a single word of reason for all my references to federal legislation, as if I had not written or said anything about it at all! Only "in accordance with the Rules ... No. 354 ..." And that's it! No federal legislation. For us, now everything is decided by the Rules.

Natalia, I would like to know how you ended up. I was very glad to read your message.

need to be called from management company if the meters are in good working order, although the deadlines have passed

all this is a scam. the counter is broken and then change it. and the verification does not need to be done as it (verification), is not taken into account anywhere (verified by personal experience) send these kompashki to hell.

One fine day in my receipts the count on the hot water meter disappeared, I called the ERC, they say “you need a verification for this meter, how do you do it - bring a verification certificate” ... and you say “not taken into account”!

Yes, and even at a double rate, they take it according to some kind of verification you will not do

in the new building, the water meters were lamented, but they were not used, now it turned out that their term has expired and whether it is necessary to change them if they were not in operation

Hello Please tell me what to do I paid for water on the meter according to the city system and this time I received a bill for 4375 rubles it turns out that I have a debt due to the delay in checking the meter I have been registered with my family 5 people, based on this I counted the same amount without even taking into account the fact that I regularly paid by the counter and I live alone can I call people who have the right to check the meters to check to prove that I paid everything I am a pensioner and for me this amount is very large and is half of my pension and no one warned me that it should be changed, but she just I didn’t know the inspectors were checked about four years ago

Hot water meters installed in 2011 passed scheduled calibration in 2015. Recognized as serviceable. The next verification should be in 2019. But for half a year I have been bombarded with pieces of paper with the requirement to undergo verification, referring to paragraph 85 of the rules, approved by the RF PP 354 of 05/06/2011. Is this natural? What is the point of installing meters to save money, if every year they will rip off decent sums from you at a time?

if you don’t live in the apartment, the seals are installed, the readings are not violated, but the verification period has expired, why are they charged according to the average standard for water? after all, if no one lives. not logical?

And money? The main thing here is money! They did not supply you with 14 cubic meters of water, which they will write to you in the receipt, but they will take for them. And a month, and two and more. And so with millions of citizens who also do not understand why, if no one lives, or spends only 3 cubic meters of water a month, and a neighbor has 10 people who live and wash, then all the same, everyone should do this verification! If the verification was free, then these freaks would not have fought for it! Everything is lobbied! All have meters, and they need to be verified. This means - every day at the checker whole list addresses where you need to come. This is how money is earned with the help of the state, on an already impoverished population. Where is the Consumer Protection Society? Why has this issue still not been resolved since December 29, 2012, when the Moscow Prosecutor's Office forced the Moscow government to cancel its Resolution No. 77 indicating the time frame for verification? Today is 2017.

The counters were installed by "specialists" with DEU. A year later, an accident happened - the crane was knocked out. DEU admitted guilt, but refused to pay for the repairs without a court decision. The meter was not used for five years, the apartment was empty. But at the next check, it was rejected. Betar-Gov **? And the main reason is that they are not anti-magnetic (IMHO). The water ran only 6-17 cubes. Now I install all the counters myself. From trust "specialists" - bruises came out.

Resisted the installation of meters while there was some opportunity. Now, alas, she is gone. I was informed that I would have to choose between a ten-minute (.) Bathing or three or four times the payment, in comparison with the previous one. My financial position now not happy. I will wash and take care of the apartment in the same way as all my life. Long and careful. Well, and, of course, prepare for death from starvation. I am a fragile, lightweight creature, so you won't have to wait long. Thanks to everyone involved in this outrage, for bringing my meeting with my deceased relatives closer.

Wow how cruel

It is better to replace the meters and not believe it from experience I know after checking the meters live for two years and flow and have to be changed to new ones

Zhenya, do not introduce grenade to the masses! Some meters run 2 cubes / month through themselves, others 40 cubes / month! The wear, of course, is different !! If your business is to install meters, then look for fools!….

It is time to cancel the verification of meters by resource providers and entrust it to the residents themselves. After all, the state trusts the state to draw up income declarations for millions and billions of rubles to the citizens themselves, and here are penny counters. Spinning means it works, no - change it.

The verification is simple, on the small scale of the counter there are 20 divisions or 1 liter of water per turn of the arrow, 5 revolutions is 5 liters, or 100 divisions. 2 divisions is 2% i.e. error, class 2. If you poured 5 liters and fit into 2 divisions by error. This means that the meter is fit for further use. You submit a declaration about it on a receipt for payment for water. This is how it should be done to make life easier for millions of its citizens.

In general, I decided for myself - if the column for filling in the readings disappeared in the receipt for any meter, I call the ERC and if the answer is “the meter verification period is overdue,” I order a meter calibration (or a replacement, if they said that it was necessary to change) ... If all the counters are present in the receipt, then I am not worried and live peacefully.

in the subscriber's acceptance certificate for operation, the installation dates and the end date of verification are indicated, these documents are in 2 copies for us and for them, so look at your documents

i got a call from the engineering service: they said that I had to change the hot water meter. I passed the verification. my devices are in working order and show the readings correctly. Every month I pay 100 rubles for the maintenance of the meters, although during this time I have not seen a single inspector. there is a law on the exchange of meters, if they are serviceable

Tell me when does the service life of the meter end from the date of issue or from the date of installation?

The expiration date of the counters is determined by the counter manufacturer (this is stated in the passport for the counter). German and Italian counters have a shelf life of a year, but their cost is high. Russian manufacturers give a more modest period (5-6 years), but the quality is low, only 80-90% of the meters are tested, so the advice is not to steam with checks, but buy new ones, or buy imported ones.

That's right, why bother, the cost of verification is equal to the cost of an inexpensive meter, we call our plumber and replace the meter, he also seals it, and we don't run with any checks, and time is saved, and nerves)

Natasha, if Pts want to call your plumber, then you're right!)) .... And if in numbers, then no! And where are you going to run ?! You call - a specialist comes with his device! 10 minutes and the act is ready!….

05/02/17 the hot water meter expired. a new one was installed on 05/21/17 in the payment added to 18 cubic meters used on the counter 11.5 cubic meters is it legal?

Good afternoon! We are forced to change the cold water meter. referred to warranty period service 24months Verifications are all done for October 2017.

As ze№;%: whether these pid-sy until October, just send a complaint to the prosecutor's office, better to UKashka

In the Federal Law 102 On ensuring the uniformity of measurements

Article 13. Verification of measuring instruments

7. Measuring instruments not intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements may be subject to verification on a voluntary basis.

Water meters DO NOT fall into the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements google "List of measurements related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements"

Therefore, verification is carried out in a VOLUNTARY order.

By the way, the paragraph on verification has been removed from the Rules for Cold Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal since 2017.

So this is all a scam. Will break down - you will repair and believe or change

From what time does the countdown start for the initial verification of the meter? From the day of the start of operation or

factory release? Thank.

From the date at the factory, the date is indicated in the passport.

Good day! Today they called and said that it is urgent to change the meters of cold and hot water, and today, or they will write out a fine of 9,000 rubles! Although in December last year a woman came with some crusts and made a check, she did not leave the paper (we signed her in the magazine). The meters were installed in December 2013.

And you more often than not let everyone in your apartment. And most importantly, sign. We live badly because we do not want to bother to improve our literacy. And we are ready, at any instruction, to stand on our hind legs, that is, to kick out everything that anyone demands of us. There is FEDERAL LAW # read it. And demand its fulfillment. They profit from us because we all like to be suckers.

In normal countries, where there is no "field of miracles", water meters are installed at their own expense by the sellers of the service, which is natural! And they read their readings on the Internet around the clock! As a result, ONE-decreases more than 10 times! ... ... so what-money no, but you hold on !!

What we are - such is the country. Look above: everyone wants to do a verification. Everyone is too lazy to read what Vladimir Antonov and Mikhail write (I shake their hand and admire them). Natalia is doing a good job. I've been calling for a year now different companies make a verification. I don’t give up yet. Now I'm butting with our Housing. And if there were thousands of us who did not give up and were not indifferent, then these moral monsters would also act differently with us. And we ourselves give them money on a silver platter. So why would they refuse? I am with own sister I quarreled over these counters: I tell her not to believe. she secretly did. At what I help her with money, I told her: if you do a second check - I will be offended and will not talk to you. This is an insult to me. People, let's stand up for our rights and respect ourselves.

Regarding the verification of PU water, this is the case when it is easier to “surrender” than to explain why I don’t want to. I also tried for half a year to send all the callers to spammers and sent monthly data to the website of state services. This month, on the website of state services, the transfer of testimony is blocked with information that the verification period has been missed. I found an accredited company, called the master by phone, and paid 1000 rubles for two devices. Everything, for the next 4 years I can live without problems. Do you propose to fight the system? Is the issue price too high?

Tatyana writes: What kind of country we are)) Strange, however, we have a country: Everything is for the people! I don't live in an apartment in my city, that's why a meter is installed. And then suddenly, without warning, charges for cold water not according to the counter , but according to the standards. And the debt is 5000 rubles. We find out in the accounting department what is happening? Answer: The management company ordered to charge, since there is no access to the apartment to check the meter, and the statement of absence in Russia is "outdated" - a year has passed. The question is asked: A Who sets the deadlines for such statements? That's why I put a meter that I have been absent from the apartment for years? And the second question: Will they now recalculate what they charged when providing documents confirming my absence from Russia? And the third question is the same and the answer: upon arrival in Russia for a short time, it is probably easier to install a new meter than to bother with verification ... Lord, well, when will we have "Everything for the people", as in other countries? we put, we are obliged to check and change them for they will laugh at their account. They are already laughing! But I’m not funny, I’m coming to Russia (((

Well, first of all, the article says, check. CHECKING the counter. Well, and secondly, this is a real deception. Correctly someone here said, if you doubt the correctness, believe it! Before, specialists came and checked the counters. And now they did the verification at their own expense, without breaking the seals, without removing the meter. the workers of the water utility came and tore off the seal, installed a new one. not only was this “profitable” service imposed on us in order to save our money! It's a paradox.

Yesterday a little man came and checked the counters, I told him what kind of check, the counters are sealed, some stickers are glued to them, new counters 11 months have passed already, I did not let him in, you have no idea how he pounded on my door and shouted accrual you will pay for water according to the standard. Lord, what have you reached, the impudence of the house was with a child of 13 years old, the pressure jumped. and I think what if the child is alone?

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