How to make a romantic proposal of the hand of the heart. How to propose to a girl - original and romantic. How to make an unusual proposal

How to propose to a girl? You do not come to this question right away, but when it arises, you feel panic. Where to make an offer? What kind of music, drinks to choose? Are they needed at all? What about the ring? In addition, everything should be unbanal so that this moment will be remembered for a lifetime. We propose to consider 12 original ideas marriage proposals. But first, let's go over the important points of preparation.

How to make an unusual proposal

Find out the size ring finger right hand chosen ones. Asking directly is suspicious. Girlfriends are also not an option, because they will talk. It's safer to borrow a ring from the middle or index finger and show the jeweler. The diameter of the ring for the proposal will be one less than that of the test one.

Go shopping with a girl, and, as if by the way, invite you to a jewelry store. Considering the rings, offer to try on the ones you like. During this time, listen and observe. This way you will know the size and also general style products that your loved one prefers.

To do original proposal hands and hearts, consider the character and hobbies future bride. romantic girl will appreciate an evening in a good restaurant or a dinner by the sea during sunset. If she doesn't mind adventure, organize a quest or something extreme.

Marriage proposal: ideas

How nice to propose to a girl? These 12 ideas will help set the direction for planning. In each of them you can bring something personal that only the two of you will understand. This approach will make this event truly memorable:

  1. Original marriage proposal. If you know how to sail, rent a boat and arrange romantic dinner. Prepare flowers, champagne and a treasured box. Wait until sunset, kneel down and propose.
  2. Come home first, decorate the room with rose petals and line up the words "Marry me!" from small candles. Organize a romantic dinner in another room. This method can be used outdoors, as long as there is no wind.

  1. A simple yet cute way to propose. After shopping, put the box with the ring in the shopping bag. Returning from the store, wait until the girl disassembles the desired package. As soon as you see that she took out the box, take the prepared bouquet and ask the main question.
  2. Give the girl a box of tropical butterflies as a gift. When the beloved opens it, they will break free, and inside is a proposal ring. The result will be amazing. For best effect do it in a place where there is a lot of greenery and light.
  1. Order a laser show and adapt to your story. Beautiful animation your relationship with the cherished question at the end will make a stunning impression. To avert suspicion, the best moment for this is Valentine's Day or the anniversary of a relationship.
  2. The original way - remove quality video with a thoughtful plot and upload it to YouTube. When your chosen one is watching the video, quietly stand behind your back. There will be a question - let me know.
  3. Arm yourself with stereotypes. Since girls dream of a prince on a white horse, become him (a prince, not a horse). Rent a white horse, put on armor, jump to your beloved on the street and invite her to share the kingdom with you.
  4. Give a "marriage" ring for your birthday. Carefully pack, making a semblance of a nesting doll from ten boxes. When she gets to the gift, say the right question.
  5. The place where you met is great option for a marriage proposal. Prepare sweets, champagne, a bouquet of flowers. Of course, don't forget the traditional gesture - get down on one knee.

  1. Arrange a small quest within the city or apartment. Original riddles, small trials will intrigue the girl, who will be amazed at the outcome of the adventure.
  2. If you know how to do foot massage, you can put a ring on your toe at some point. As soon as the girl sees the ring, ask: "Will you become my wife?" This simple but fun way is sure to be remembered.
  3. A great option to make an unusual offer - on hot-air balloon. A warm summer evening is perfect for this moment. The main thing is that the weather does not let you down, and the potential bride is not afraid of heights.

It is important to propose right moment. Omissions, claims, resentment - this should not be. If there was a quarrel the day before, wait until everything gets better. We hope now you understand how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. To avoid banality, show imagination. If you can’t come up with something original, connect your friends: brainstorm works well.

A marriage proposal is one of the most important and romantic events in the life of people who love each other. The story of this romantic step towards a new happy life will be passed from mouth to mouth among relatives and friends, like a beautiful legend. Therefore, it is important to make the day of marriage proposal one of the happiest moments in the life of lovers.

A few tips for those who want to make a marriage proposal

  • It is important that the style of your marriage proposal fits the personality of your girlfriend. So, for example, if she is shy by nature and does not like excessive attention, then there is no need to arrange an offer in front of a large number strangers. Some representatives fair half humanity dream of a proposal when there are only two of you, and others would like to see in such important point their family and friends were present.
  • No matter how chic and expensive your proposal is, the most important thing is your sincerity in your intention to make her life happy. Keep it simple, but filled with true love.
  • Each sentence is unique in itself, but to make it more original, add a few unique details of your relationship to it.
  • It is best to write and rehearse in advance a short speech that you will say when you propose. It doesn't have to be pompous, you can just list the qualities you love about her and why you want her to be your wife.
  • If you want to propose outdoors, be sure to check the weather ahead of time and come up with an alternative just in case.
  • A marriage proposal is one of the most magnificent moments and it does not hurt to document it in order to remember everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, we recommend that you take a picture or video of your romantic confession.

How beautiful it is to propose a hand and heart in winter or autumn

Autumn leaves

If you and your loved one love to walk in the park or live in your own house, then the fall proposal with the help of leaves will suit you. To do this, you just need to choose beautiful place and lay out there with the help of leaves the words of the marriage proposal.

Snowman comes to the rescue

wonderful winter offer can be done with the help of our old friend from childhood - a snow-white snowman. To do this, you will need to mold it in advance, so choose a snowy and frosty day so that the snowman does not melt. Be sure to dress him up in a stylish hat and colorful scarf. Also, you will need to prepare a beautiful sign with the inscription: “Will you marry me?”, Which will be held by a snowman.

Ice rink offer

Highly romantic place for a declaration of love for life can be a skating rink. It is best to make an offer in the pre-holiday atmosphere of the New Year, when everything is beautifully decorated with colorful garlands. While riding, stop, hold your beloved's hands and tell her how much you love her. Then, get down on one knee, take out the ring and say the cherished words.

New Year's photo session

If you want your congratulations to look fabulous, then under the pretext of a winter romantic photo shoot, arrange a marriage proposal for her. Dress up in nice clothes to look great in photographs of such a happy and significant moment. For a ring, choose the original box in new year style and put it on one of the branches of the Christmas tree. When she spots him and opens the box, get down on one knee and say you love him.

How to make an original proposal in spring or summer

An excellent option could be an offer in a greenhouse or botanical garden when everything is in bloom and the atmosphere around is simply magnificent. Choose the most beautiful place in the garden, which you can beautifully decorate in advance with the permission of the administration. A good alternative would be a multi-colored flower field, where you offer your girlfriend your hand and heart.

If you and your sweetheart love to relax in nature, then arrange a romantic picnic for her, during which you will propose to her. Prepare a basket with her favorite food, prepare a bottle of champagne to celebrate later. Also take soft and warm blanket on which you can sit comfortably. Mandatory element besides the ring, is a luxurious bouquet of flowers. You can decorate everything around with flags with letters that say "I love you" or your joint photos.

Romance under the moon

If your loved one likes romantic deeds, then choose a beautiful place in the open air, where you can admire the stars together. Then hand her a bouquet beautiful flowers and make an offer pure heart confessing his love to her.

If you live in a city where there is a beach, then it could be a great place to propose to your lovely sweetheart. The day before the proposal, write a romantic poem at the end of which you ask your girlfriend to become your wife. You can decorate a leaflet with recognition with rose petals. Put the leaf in beautiful bottle(possible in the old style) and seal with a cork (you can immediately write the date on it significant event not to forget later). Bury the bottle in the sand in advance or ask a friend to hide "your treasure" a few minutes before you arrive. In order not to confuse the place, you need to put some kind of identification mark near it (a large shell, for example). Then tell your beloved that you have a surprise for her and she needs to find a bottle for this. When she opens it, be prepared for a positive response.

You can have a luxurious picnic on the beach, decorating the place with rose petals, lit candles and lots of cute pillows. Or put a small table on the beach, and create a heart from burning candles around it. And the ring itself can be put not in an ordinary box, but in a beautiful opening shell.

Ideas for a marriage proposal in a public place

romantic meeting

Arrange with your loved one to meet in a crowded place with beautiful scenery. When she arrives, emerge from the crowd and go to meet her in a chic suit, in full dress, with a huge bouquet of magnificent flowers that she likes. Then, get down on one knee and tell her that she is the one for you. best person in the world, you want to spend your whole life with her and that she would honor you and become your wife.

If you do not want to make dates, then during a joint walk, pretend that you want to take a picture together, you can ask one of the passers-by (best of all, if it is a professional “disguised as ordinary person" photographer). So, you can capture a happy moment. Then, get down on one knee, open the ring box and ask to be your wife.

For a surprisingly great offer, you will need to find musical group who will agree to help you. It's good if she plays in the park or some other picturesque place. When you get there, tell your girlfriend that you will leave for a minute, and let her listen to the musicians for now. Then, you quietly go up to the stage and sing her a romantic song about your feelings and at the end ask her to marry you.

For your proposal, you will need a street artist who paints portraits to order. Agree with him in advance that you will approach him with a girl and “spontaneously” decide to draw a joint portrait, and then he will draw a special picture, which will depict your couple and write the cherished phrase: “Will you become my wife?”.

An offer from the depths of the ocean

Arrange with the divers at the aquarium so that during their introduction, they take a waterproof poster (which you will give them in advance) and hold it closer to the glass. It will have the most romantic phrase all over the earth: "Will you marry me?".

Let the dolphins do everything for you

If there is no oceanarium in your city, then an original marriage proposal to a girl can be made in a dolphinarium. This is now a fairly popular service and the staff of the dolphinarium will be happy to meet you.

A great suggestion would be a romantic graffiti with the most important romantic confession in the world: "Will you be my wife?". In addition to a confession phrase, you can write some kind of romantic poem in order to express your positive feelings.

Choosing for you the ideas of a romantic declaration of love and a marriage proposal, we tried to move away from a banal trip to a restaurant and presenting a ring, and we hope that we tried in vain. Be original and romantic, and most importantly, be sincere and we are sure that your girlfriend will definitely agree with you!

Every girl dreams of an unusual, bright, romantic confession and marriage proposal! About a moment that would make her soma happy and remembered for a lifetime! But, for some reason, young people are reluctant to fantasize, preferring the traditional banal way of proposing: “Let's get married” or “Move to me”, that the girl, instead of enjoying a happy moment, is upset for several more days because of this situation. To make this moment unforgettable, you need to know exactly what women really want.

We offer you as many as 50 original ways make a marriage proposal to a girl and win her heart!

1. Do it the old tried and true way: get down on one knee with a rose in your mouth and a ring in your hand. The place here is no longer important: an expensive restaurant or a noisy intersection, the edge of a forest or the very center of a metropolis. The main thing is the unique romance of the gesture itself.

2. Arrange with the waiter to bring her favorite dessert with a ring inside. (Be careful that she doesn't swallow it).

3. Invite her to the theater and ask the administrator to let you go on stage and propose immediately after the performance.

4. Show up at her office in the middle of the day with a red rose, a bottle of champagne and a glass in which to put the ring.

5. Write with chalk on the street under her windows: "(girl's name)! Will you marry me?"

6. Call your local radio station and ask them to play your proposal in live at a time when you will know for sure that she / he will hear it. Dedicate a song to her, like Oxygenz's romantic "I'm Flying After You"

7. Gather all your friends and family together in some cafe, restaurant or at home and propose your hand and heart.

8. Gather your friends and family around her house and give them posters that say, "Will you marry me?" and stand in front of everyone on one knee, holding the ring in your hands.

9. Arrange with someone to bring her a telegram to work, which will describe your romantic feelings. A couple of minutes after the delivery (after all, she still has to read all this), go in yourself and ask your question.

10. Create a web page on the net: everything about your life together. Photos, places that mean a lot to both of you. Send her an SMS with the address of your page and a few romantic phrases. Most importantly: do not forget to write a cherished question on the main page of the site.

11. Take big box, put a smaller one in it, then even less and put a ring in the last smallest box. It will be more interesting if each box is presented as a gift (it will be interesting for her to unfold them all). Or you can take a plastic box or something glass and fill it all with foam, and put a ring on the bottom. No one has ever given such a gift to your girlfriend!

12. Find a big box and bring it to work with your loved one. Decorate it (the box, not the girl) beautifully and ask someone to tell your friend that a package has been brought for her. At this time, climb into the box yourself and when she opens the present, she will see you there - the man of her dreams with a ring in his hand. Dare!

13. Call her to nature (picnic) and there, “to the sounds of a nightingale,” tell her about your feelings.

14. Get up early, cook her favorite breakfast, don't forget the rose and champagne. Wake up your love passionate kiss and ask your question.

15. Or get up a little earlier than your beloved, put a letter with beautiful declarations of love and a ring on your pillow, and retire to the shower yourself. May your awakening be pleasant.

16. Sprinkle rose petals all over her bed and place a wrapped ring in the center, tell her you bought her a present to show how much you love her. When she opens it, tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

17. Prepare a romantic dinner and put around napkins with inscriptions, for example: the person sitting opposite wants to marry you. Or slip a napkin (use cloth, not paper!) through the ring, when she unrolls the napkin to place on her lap, she will find the ring.

18. Take her on a date to the place where you first met, take a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses with you to celebrate your engagement (after you propose to her).

19. Bake a cake or order a cake from the store that says: “Will you marry me?

20. Buy your loved one a watch and write "let's get married"!

21. Pour her a glass of wine and put a ring on the bottom, when she finishes the drink, the ring will also be revealed.

22. new year idea: Hang the ring on the Christmas tree and invite her to find a new decoration.

23. If you are dining in a restaurant, ask the waiter/waitress to write, "Will you marry me?" chocolate cream on a saucer around her dessert.

24. Prepare her a bath with fragrant candles, throw rose petals into it and after your beloved is comfortable in her, lower a rubber duck with a ring into the water in front of her.

25. Give her oysters in bed and put the ring in the shell.

26. Write your proposal on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. When you are at the beach, pretend to have fished it out of the sea. Have her open the bottle and read the message.

27. Write your proposal on glow-in-the-dark stars and glue them to the ceiling.

28. Explain your proposal in detail on the star heat in the dark labels on the ceiling. When she goes to bed, she will definitely see them.

29. Paste arrows in various places in her apartment and tell her that if she goes all the way to the end, she will see the surprise that you have prepared. The last arrow will point to you holding the ring.

30. Write your proposal in the cold on the windshield of her car.

31. Invite your girlfriend to go to football (hockey) - your favorite team is playing! Ask the commenter to say your suggestion.

32. Propose after returning from the store. Let the ring seem to be accidentally lost among the purchases. For example, if you know for sure that your beloved will not miss the chance to enjoy hot donuts, place the ring next to them, and at the same time prepare a touching speech.

33. Go to the beach and write in the sand capital letters: "Will you marry me?"

34. Offer her a ride on the ship and ask your question.

35. Go up with her in a hot air balloon, take a bottle of champagne with you and say and make a romantic proposal.

36. Invite her to a concert of her favorite band and ask one of the participants to propose on your behalf, in such a situation everyone will make concessions to you.

37. Go looking for treasure. Make a small chest, put the ring in it and lock it with a key, and hide the key. Post your clues about the location of the key everywhere (at work, at home, around the city - fantasize!). When she finds the key, she can open the chest and find the engagement ring.

38. Compose a sentence in verse and tell it under her window.

39. Throw a birthday party, invite friends and family, and propose.

40. Give her a thick, dated album full of photos, memorabilia, and miscellaneous commentary. The last date should be the date of the day when you present your gift, and opposite it beautiful letters let the question come out.

41. Offer your beloved a break from the hustle and bustle by going to Venice, Prague, Paris for the weekend to inhale the romance of these cities and make the most unforgettable declaration of love.

42. A rainy day is not the time to be sad at home, and even more so for two loving friend friend to people. Stretch multi-colored rubber boots, waterproof jackets and go ahead - conquer wet sidewalks. Carefully drop something into a puddle, let her raise the ring herself.

43. On a day like this, you can afford a fancy car, expensive champagne and a sparkling ring. Arrange your favorite real holiday let him enjoy this time full program. You will need a personal driver who will take you to a picturesque place, leave for a short time, and then rush off to celebrate such a significant event.

44. Are you waiting for your beloved from work? Prepare her a hot bath with abundant foam, light an aroma lamp that exudes the aroma of lemon, decorate everything with rose petals. Let your beloved relax, and then kiss and put a ring on your finger. Nice offer in a pleasant environment.

45. Pamper her after sound sleep woke up with a cup fragrant coffee and a light breakfast served in bed. Put a rose and a box with a ring on the tray. With sleepy eyes, she may not immediately notice her, but how much joy will be upon discovery pleasant surprise. Good start day, a successful start to a new, joint life.

Have you ever been anxious, restless, trying to squeeze a brilliant idea out of yourself how to propose? We have prepared for you 20 wonderful and far from boring ways to ask your loved one the main question.

1. Red roses in the trunk of a car

Put huge bouquet red roses in your trunk, make sure they cover the entire area, and place the ring box on top. Take her to a picnic, and when you get there, ask her to help you get things from the trunk. When you open the trunk, she will be amazed by the flowers. Grab the ring and propose to your beloved!

2. Machine gun with a ring

When you walk, take the girl to the vending machine and ask her what she will drink. You can pretend that you are tossing coins, choosing a drink and as if reaching for it. Then turn to your lady and say "There are no drinks, but look what I found." Show her the ring and make a marriage proposal.

3. Prophecy comes true

Ask your beloved to go to a fortuneteller - women love this! Leave her alone with the soothsayer, hide and watch what happens. Of course, you should arrange in advance for your girlfriend to be told that she will soon get married. And then you appear, ready to turn the prophecy into reality.

4. Propose in the bathroom

Write "Will you marry me?" back to front on a large sheet of paper and stick on the bathroom door. When a girl enters the bathroom, closes the door and looks in the mirror, she will see an offer. At this time, you are standing near the bath in anticipation of her inevitable admiration. She will immediately run out to you - meet her with a ring in your hand.

5. Empty ring box

A similar way to propose was shown in the movie Intuition. Prepare some boxes different sizes, put them in each other and give to your beloved. She certainly expects to see in the middle wedding ring. Instead, he finds a bunch of boxes and hopes that the last one will contain the treasured ring. But no! Then you come up - already with a ring - and say "Be my wife."

6. Mangosteen ring

If you are bored with the monotonous style of boxes, try this: invite your chosen one to dinner and ask to wait in a restaurant - you will come running as soon as you are free. Be a little late and say you're sorry. Then put three mangosteens (peeled) on a plate and ask her to take a look.

In the first mangosteen, hide a note with the words "I'm sorry I'm late."
In the second - a note "all these mangosteens are not just like that."
In the third - a ring and a note "Marry me."

7. Picture to help

Ask a street artist to draw you with a girl. Agree with him in advance so that in the picture you should kneel when proposing to her. You sit quietly, and the cartoonist does his job. When your loved one sees the result, she will be confused. What to do next - you know.

8. Surprise enough?

Ask your loved one for ring size. She will think that you are going to buy her a ring and will complain that you didn't surprise her. Smile sweetly and show the ring with the words “How about this? Surprise enough?"

9. Annoying questions

This method only works with certain types of women! You need to prepare a bunch of questions for the most different topics– from politics to senseless. When you walk with your chosen one, bombard her with questions and make sure they are annoying enough. When she gets bored and asks you to stop, say "Okay, but let me ask you one last question." Then kneel down and ask "Are you ready to be my wife?"

10. Underwater marriage proposal

Invite her to the aquarium. Hire divers to demonstrate your offer in a beautiful huge aquarium. Write on a canvas or any water-repellent material "Will you marry me?" and subscribe. Ask the divers to keep it in front of the girl's eyes. When she finishes the question, take out the ring and propose.

11. With the help of lit candles

Write a sentence in front of the windows of her house using candles. Call and ask to look out the window.

12. Pet as a helper

If a girl loves pets, a rabbit, puppy or kitten will help in your important work! You can buy a cute little animal and tie a ring around her neck. As soon as your beloved sees him, propose to her in front of a small witness.

13. Offer on the windshield

If she has a car, write on a sawed-off windshield cherished question (the main thing is that she sees it before washing the car).

14. Love is on her way

Do you know which way she gets home or to work every day? Take advantage of this. Write on posters capital letters"Marry me", your name, and stick it on trees, poles, etc. Wait for her at home. What to do next, after her arrival, you know.

15. Under one umbrella

Write a proposal on an umbrella and hang a wedding ring. If it rains during the walk, open it, hug your beloved tightly, and she will see a proposal with a ring.

16. Surrender to her heart

Invite a girl to a competition (not serious) in which you yourself participate. After half an hour of play or during halftime, raise a white flag that says "I surrender." This behavior will puzzle her. Then go up to her and raise another flag with the inscription “I surrender to your heart. Will you marry me?"

17. Conference room for lovers

If your girlfriend is a workaholic, take this opportunity to propose to her. in an unusual way.
First, ask her boss for help. Let him call and ask to immediately come to an emergency meeting on a day off. Ask colleagues to launch a PowerPoint presentation on a big screen. When she enters, the title “Most Important Project in Life” will appear on the screen, and “Marry Me” will appear on the next slide. Then enter the room with a bouquet of red roses and a ring.

18. Star in your hand

Select romantic place where you can admire starry sky. While you are looking at the stars together, say "I can get a star for you", and with the words "You are the best bright Star in my life, are you willing to be my wife?"
Open your hand with the ring.

19. Rehearse the proposal

While your girlfriend is sitting on the couch reading a book, pretend to talk to yourself and wander around the house until she asks what you're looking for. Ignore, and only on the third time answer "I'm rehearsing." Undoubtedly, she will be curious: “What are you rehearsing ?!”. To which you say: "I'm rehearsing a proposal." Then kneel in front of her with a ring in your hand and ask “Will you marry me? This time I'm serious."

20. Unexpected offer

You romantic evening you are cooking dinner. During a candlelit meal, suddenly declare, "I'm giving you 10 seconds to prepare, and then I'll propose to you." She would be completely speechless in shock. Start counting to ten and propose.

For a long time I could not decide
But such a moment has come
I want to marry you
You alone are my ideal.

I offer my hand with my heart.
Be, please, my wife!
I only dream of one thing -
Live life together with you!

I'll get down on one knee
I handed you a ring
I'll get a bouquet of flowers
And I'll tell you to your face

that I adore you
What I want to be with you
Endlessly, I promise
I will love you.

I want to live my life with you
Be forever mine.
Sun, be my wife!
I ask for your hand!

My dear, tender, unique and beautiful, I want to tell you that from the day you appeared in my life, happiness and joy filled my soul, my life gained new meaning and big dream. Darling, I offer you my hand that will always support you and the heart that will forever be your possession and that will always love you. Be my wife, my joy.

You have no idea how worried I am.
The heart beats furiously in the chest.
But after thinking it over, I suggest:
For me, dear, come out!

I'm ready to go through life with you
And in trouble and in happiness to be near,
Become your support and support
And love to the grave!

You have no idea how worried...
Suddenly you will answer a stone "no".
But in my heart, of course, I believe:
There will be a positive answer!

Let's meet old age together with you,
Imagine walking together in the park, we have grandchildren,
'Cause you're my only weakness
I gently kiss your hands.

Come with you, share our lives
More precisely, we will weave them together with you,
You are my tenderness, holiness, infinity,
And only you are needed.

Come with you, drown in our love,
With you I used to fall asleep and wake up,
Tell me, will you be my wife?
So that until the end of my life, I could admire you!

You know how much I love you.
Because, a little worried,
I'm trying to find words
I just get lost in them.

Let me tell you about the main
I recently decided
I want a family with you.
Will you be my wife?

Love gave me wings
But the sky is closed without you
With you, everything in the world is different,
And I've known for a long time that
You were sent to me by fate
I want to ask a simple question
Would you like to be my wife?

One smile of yours is mischievous
My soul has destroyed peace;
Now in your hands are the keys to paradise:
You alone decide my fate.

Everything I need and want
The rest of my life to spend with you;
I call to your heart now
And I beg: be my wife!

With you we are so cool together
Do not sing any verses
We passionately reach for each other,
But that's not enough for me.

Deep feelings in our hearts
They sound like complicated stories.
We are a couple, we are not alone
But that's not enough for me.

I want fate and hope
We are forever tied to you,
My angel, beautiful and gentle,
Please be my wife!

I want to share with you
And happiness, and any troubles,
I want to live as a family
So that in the house - fidget children,

Always their laughter to sound
I - went to you only one,
And in the heart the anthem of love played.
Dear, be my wife.

Today I want to confess to you
That you are my world and just an ideal,
I want to wake up next to you
I've never met anyone like you before!

And so without a shred of doubt
I say: dear, be with me!
Please accept an offer today
Become a beloved, affectionate wife!