Genital tooth. Itchy labia: causes and treatment. Burning sensation in the intimate area. Causes of vaginal itching: female diseases

Itching in the perineum is the most common symptom of most female diseases, which can be accompanied by inflammation, irritation, redness of the skin and mucous membranes of the perineum and pathological discharge from the vaginal tract. The main reason burning sensation and itching in women, experts consider vaginal inflammation, which can be of an infectious nature or be the result of reactions to external stimuli.

This infection can be contracted through the vaginal or oral sex... Genital herpes can cause blistering. Lichen nitrate causes small papules to form in the penis, which can cause itching and mild pain. It is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Causes of itching in the head and foreskin

Genital herpes often affects the headache and foreskin, causing blisters to form, which, if ruptured, cause very painful sores. Penile candidiasis - fungal infection, which can be considered the first symptom of diabetes in men. This usually happens after long-term treatment antibiotics.

To find out the cause of itching and other unpleasant symptoms, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist and take required analyzes... In some cases, additional diagnostic measures may be needed, for example, colposcopy or biopsy of the tissues of the uterus and its cervix.

The most common cause of vaginal and vaginal itching is genital infections. In this case, the woman feels a characteristic burning sensation that appears both in the vaginal tract and in the perineal area and on the mucous membranes of the external genital organs. Another symptom confirming the infectious nature of the pathology is discharge with pungent odor... Their color and consistency depends on the causative agent of the infection: with fungal infections, discharge by outward appearance and the smell resembles sour cottage cheese, if the cause of the itching is a bacterial infection, the discharge is yellow-brown or green color and a putrid smell.

Impact of external causes

Itching in the intimate area, burning in the head, pain during intercourse, pain after urination, desquamation, skin rash. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease that results from a viral infection with the human papillomavirus. Warts usually appear on the head and foreskin and may be accompanied by itchy discharge. Warts can also appear on the shaft of the penis and in the pubic area. On initial stage small white spots appear on the heads.

Other diseases that can cause itching and are not sexually transmitted. Lichen, Psoriasis Seborrheic dermatitis. ... Absence intimate hygiene may cause a buildup of whitish material around the corona of the brain, causing itching. The following disorders can affect different parts of the male genital organs.

If itching is a reaction to exposure external factors, the nature of the discharge usually does not change (a slight increase in the volume of vaginal mucus is allowed), but other symptoms appear. Among them:

  • redness of the skin and mucous membranes in the perineal area;
  • increased vaginal dryness, manifested painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • acute burning sensation inside the vagina and on the surface of the intimate area;
  • dysuria (difficulty urinating);
  • dyspareunia (quite rare and is pain syndrome in the pelvic area, which has a psychogenic nature).

It is transmitted by direct skin contact and usually occurs in crowded areas such as hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. This condition is characterized by severe itching in infected areas of the skin, such as the buttocks, scrotum, and penis.

The rest of the body can also be affected in the same way, especially the fingers, navel, and armpits. Contact Dermatitis: This disorder occurs from direct contact with an irritant or allergen. We find among the causes of dermatitis. Medical soap, Bath gel, Rubber products. ... Allergy to perfumes or dyes present in soaps, lotions, or detergents is one of the most common causes of itchy penis, redness, swelling, and dryness. Although it is difficult to identify the product that is causing the symptoms, when it does, that is, when the substance is identified and eliminated, the itching goes away on its own.

Important! In some cases, vaginal itching can be an isolated symptom. Most often this happens when a strong emotional shock becomes the cause of the pathology. The intensity of the burning sensation in this case will depend on the individual psychological stability and the woman's reaction to the correction.

Causes of vaginal itching: female diseases

If the itching is of a pronounced intensity and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you must go to the hospital. Self-medication can delay the recovery period and worsen the patient's condition. There are a lot of reasons that can cause vaginal itching, so a person who does not have medical education, almost impossible.

It is advisable to avoid the use of latex condoms. Actually, allergic reaction in the heads causes discomfort, not itching, especially when it affects the scrotum. Contact dermatitis can cause an itchy scalp rash. The rash can spread to the shaft of the penis, the skin of the scrotum, and to the groin. Contact dermatitis can also affect the vulvar area of ​​a female partner. Likewise, spermicide use by a female partner can cause contact dermatitis in a male partner. It is important to keep the soap and bath gel in check.

Other causes of itchy and burning labia

Balanitis may be allergic to perfumes, soaps and detergents... Never use personal sanitizer as it can be very annoying. How to Treat Balanitis Avoid using scented soaps. Alternative treatment- use a water-based body wash in the pharmacy. Place two handfuls baking soda into the bath, without any other additives. Ask your partner to see your doctor or your genitourinary department to find out if you have candidiasis or a thrush infection.

Thrush (candidiasis)

The most common female disease, the symptoms of which are familiar to almost every woman reproductive age Is a thrush. A persistent decrease in immunity leads to the development of thrush, as well as the development of vaginal dysbiosis, in which the number of lactobacilli sharply decreases. This causes the growth of pathogenic flora, consisting of bacterial and fungal microorganisms.

How to treat itching in the head and foreskin?

Wash the penis with care, including the area under the foreskin in uncircumcised men. Keep the area dry as moisture in the genital area can lead to infection. Use a mild, fragrance-free detergent for washing your underwear. Dry your body after bathing or swimming. Avoid wearing wet clothes for a long time. Avoid unprotected sex, especially if your partner suspects an infection.

Natural remedies for itchy scalp

  • Using cornstarch during the summer is beneficial for absorbing moisture.
  • Wear underwear and outerwear that is not dense and natural fibers.
  • Keep your genital area clean and dry.
  • Use mild soap and rinse thoroughly.
Certain lifestyle changes can prevent or relieve itchy penis.

Distinguish candidiasis from others infectious diseases simple: simultaneously with severe itching, tingling and burning, a woman has uncharacteristic discharge white, similar to grains of curdled cottage cheese. There may be no smell in the discharge, but more often it resembles the smell of fermented milk products. Diagnosis of thrush does not cause difficulties, but to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor must take a smear on the fungal flora.

Adding not a large number baking soda or oatmeal in the bath is helpful in relieving itching. If none of the above methods are effective, it is advisable to see a doctor to rule out more serious diseases such as diabetes or sexually transmitted diseases. Usually, a doctor will prescribe hydrocortisone creams to relieve itchy penis.

How to relieve genital itching?

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Treatment for thrush should be comprehensive. The most popular drug for the treatment of this group of infections is a broad-spectrum drug " Pimafucin". It comes in the form of vaginal suppositories for topical destruction of pathogens and oral tablets that help destroy the site of infection in the intestines.

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Diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland

Many women complain that my vagina has shrunk during menopause. And it's a hard truth because the vagina adult woman suffers from many consequences with the onset of menopause. Hormonal changes make vaginal tissues drier and less sensitive. Subcutaneous tissue and fat are reduced in such a way that the labia and minora are depleted. This causes the opening of the vagina to shrink, which makes it easier to enter the vagina.

Important! Treatment of any genital infections must be undergone by both partners, otherwise there is a high likelihood of relapse. For men, drugs are usually prescribed in the form of creams and ointments, but in some cases, the doctor may recommend tablets for internal use.

How to prepare for a visit to a gynecologist?

Reducing the size of the vagina during menopause because female body produces less estrogen, which causes the female genital tissue to lose thickness and the vaginal lips to be less fleshy. In the years after menopause, the vaginal interior becomes softer and thinner and with fewer wrinkles. Wrinkle-free intercourse has less friction, resulting in less pleasure and less orgasm. Another effect of menopause is that women pubic hair begin to disappear.

To prevent the effects of menopause in the vagina, one of the first measures is very pleasant, increasing the frequency of intercourse or masturbation. Women who lead a sedentary life and do not maintain frequent sexual activity are more likely to suffer from the effects of menopause in the vagina. Staying sexually active is very important for maintaining the elasticity of the vagina. Often the presence of orgasms, in their relationship or masturbation, significantly reduces the intensity of the changes due to the increase in the blood of the tissues of the pelvic region and strengthens their muscles.

Vulvar pathology

In women over 45 intimate itching can be triggered by atrophic changes in the tissues of the vulva. The reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in estrogen synthesis, which occurs at the beginning of menopause. Normally, estrogens provide sufficient production of mucous secretions that maintain optimal moisture levels and favorable environment for the growth of beneficial vaginal microflora. When there are not enough female sex hormones, the epithelial layer of the vagina and external genital organs becomes thinner, and the amount of mucus decreases (with some hormonal pathologies, the mucous secretion ceases to be produced at all).

An interesting detail for mothers. Women who have given birth to their children have a larger and more complex network of veins in the genital area, which benefits them when it comes to sex that is more enjoyable during menopause. Women today have a lot of chances that sex will be enjoyable during menopause. The first option against the early effects of menopause in the vagina is to use lubricating gels that promote penetration of the penis.

Another option that you should ask your gynecologist is estrogen treatment to increase blood flow to the area. As more blood reaches the area, the tissues of the vagina and vulva become revitalized and increase their elasticity and lubrication. If estrogen treatment is contraindicated by your doctor, you can resort to local treatments that do not affect the female body.

Note! Vulvar atrophy is an irreversible pathology, therefore, there is no specific treatment for this condition. Women over 40-45 years old should pay enough attention to personal hygiene, eat right and maintain a healthy microflora of the vagina and intestines. For the prevention of contact bleeding with intimacy it is recommended to use special lubricants available from the pharmacy.

Did you know that most vaginal infections can be avoided by observing simple rules hygiene? What is true in the advice our mothers and grandmothers gave us? Can food affect our vaginal health? First, and if we want to have some confidence in advising our daughters about their health and sexual hygiene, we will naturally call things by their names.

Obviously, although male organs perfectly identified, and no one doubts what the penis and testicles are, not everyone knows the difference between the vulva and the vagina. The vagina is a muscular cylindrical canal covered with a mucous layer and very elastic and which is part of the internal female genital organs.

Another pathology of the vulva that has a hormonal nature is vulvar scleroderma. This is a chronic inflammation of the vulvar tissues, in which they thicken and harden. The only symptom of the disease may be itching and burning in intimate area... Symptoms may be aggravated by skin contact with tight underwear, washing accessories, etc. During the period of exacerbation, pale spots may appear on the skin of the vulva (the second name of the disease is Tsumbusha lichen white).

What is the foundation of vaginal health

Vaginal health is a state of balance in the vagina that allows you to maintain physiological conditions appropriate for each woman's age and enjoy a satisfactory sex life.

Key Factors for Achieving Vaginal Balance: Estrogen and Vaginal Flora

The importance of estrogen. They say that the vagina is a body with highest concentration estrogen receptors in the body, that is, your health in to a large extent depends on the level of estrogen you receive is adequate.

Treatment of the pathology is aimed at eliminating symptoms and relieving itching and may include taking oral contraceptives containing estrogens (" Janine», « Diane-35», « Yarina"), As well as the use of hormonal corticosteroid ointments and vitamin preparations.

Pediculosis (pubic lice)

The vagina is covered with tissue, epithelium formed by several layers that give it a certain thickness, consistency and elasticity, and which are constantly renewed due to the presence of these estrogens. When estrogen levels decrease, when menopause is the determining factor, the epithelial tissue of the vagina shrinks, the mucous membrane decreases with blood circulation, loses elasticity and changes the moisture level, pH and composition of vaginal secretions.

Vaginal ecosystem: vaginal flora or microbiota

The most common symptoms associated with low estrogen levels are. Dyspareunia, or pain during intercourse, which can lead to decreased desire and sexual activity, and even vaginismus. Recurrent infections urinary tract... Significantly increased risk of prolapse.

  • Vaginal atrophy.
  • Vaginal dryness.
The microbiota, or vaginal flora, is made up of a number of living microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli, that reside and ensure the balance and health of the vagina.

Enough unpleasant disease characterized by severe itching in the pubis and perineum. Treatment of head lice is carried out by a dermatologist under the supervision of a gynecologist, as some drugs can cause side effects and affect the functioning of the female genital organs. Pubic lice can be transmitted sexually, therefore, for the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to abandon intimacy (even with condoms). For couples for this period, it is better not to sleep in the same bed, since the risk of infection of a partner in in this case will be more than 90%.


Urogenital and rectovaginal fistulas may result from previous surgical interventions, pathological childbirth, caesarean section, trauma to the pelvic organs and cystic formations of the vagina. The first sign of pathology is severe itching in the genital area or on the surface of the vaginal walls. Itching is aggravated by irritating factors, the main of which is urine. If the burning sensation worsens after urination, it makes sense to get tested for urogenital fistulas.

Oncological diseases

Vaginal itching is most often accompanied by cancer of the vagina and cancer of the vulva (one of the varieties of squamous cell carcinoma of the perineum - Keir's erythroplasia). Vulvar cancer is considered a fairly rare cancer and occurs mainly in older women over 60 years of age. Treatment in this case depends on the stage of the malignant process.

Note! For cancers of the vulva, chemotherapy is not given. To avoid surgical treatment pathology, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations at a gynecologist in a timely manner, since conservative cancer treatment is possible only at the initial stage. Should alert following symptoms: long-lasting intimate itching, soreness of the tissues around the clitoris, periodically appearing discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Sexual infections

Severe itching in the intimate area is often a symptom of sexually transmitted infections. These include syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea(gonorrhea). Discharge in these diseases has a thick consistency and a sharp "fishy" smell. The color can range from gray and tan to green. With gonorrhea and chlamydia, copious yellow or green foamy discharge often occurs. The skin of the perineum is usually irritated.

Other clinical signs may include:

  • lack of lubricating mucous secretion on the surface of the vaginal walls;
  • soreness during urination or bowel movements;
  • temperature increase;
  • discomfort during intimacy.

Treatment of genital infections includes the use of antibacterial or antiviral agents(depending on the pathogen), local antiseptics and disinfectant solutions and drugs with antipruritic action.

Important! Any sexually transmitted disease should be treated by both partners, even if pathological symptoms one of them is missing.

Video - Itching and burning on the genitals

If a woman begins to worry about vaginal itching, you need to pay attention to personal hygiene. Toilet of the external genital organs must be performed at least once a day (not counting the daily shower) and after each bowel movement. For washing, use mild detergents specially formulated for intimate hygiene. They have an optimal acid-base balance and help maintain the health of the genitals by preserving the natural environment necessary for the reproduction of beneficial lactic bacteria.

If after emptying the intestines it is not possible to carry out hygiene measures, you can use wet wipes but you should buy them at the pharmacy. It is important that the wipes are free of strong fragrances and fragrances, as these substances increase the risk of irritation.

It is no less responsible to approach the choice of cosmetics for body care, toilet paper, funds daily hygiene, underwear. Underwear should be made of 100% cotton without the addition of synthetic additives. Beautiful kits made of synthetics can be worn only for special occasions, but in no case should such underwear be used for everyday wear.

Video - Causes of itching in the vagina

Vaginal itching is one of the most frequent symptoms gynecological diseases... If the hygiene measures and the change of accessories for caring for the skin of the intimate area have not yielded any result, and the itching remains, you should consult a doctor. Some female diseases in case of untimely treatment, they can cause infertility, so it is not worth delaying the trip to the clinic.

Itching and redness of the external genital organs is frequent companion fungal or bacterial infection, inflammation, allergies, as well as the result of non-observance of basic rules of personal intimate hygiene.

Biologically active substances, which are produced by the body's protective cells, irritate nerve receptors and dilate blood vessels. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant redness and annoying itching. Among a large number of biologically active substances generated by human body, histamine is secreted in a special way, which is often called the main culprit for itching. However, there are other essential substances and mechanisms.
The intensity of itching is determined by the cause of it that caused it, the degree of neglect of the process and individual characteristics person. It should also be understood that taking antihistamines, which are often used to treat pruritus, only provide temporary relief. For the complete disappearance of itching, it is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it. Consider the most common reasons in more detail.

Contact allergic dermatitis

The irritation develops more often in the area of ​​the scrotum. Close synthetic underwear (especially those dressed for the first time without preliminary washing and ironing), the use of new intimate hygiene products, especially those with bright color and strongly scented (eg shower gel, intimate soap).

In order to cope with the situation, it is enough to abandon synthetic underwear in favor of natural, use only baby soap... In advanced and severe cases, antihistamines should be taken in the form of tablets (Suprastin, Loratadin) or ointments (Fenistil, Psilo-Balm).


When genital itching bothers mainly at night, then possible reason this is head lice. When a pubic or body louse bites, it secretes special substances, which cause severe itching in the genital area, which a person tries to eliminate with the help of intense scratching.

Lice are clearly visible with the naked eye, they can appear upon contact with an untidy person, upon contact with objects or places common use(cheap hotels or motels, train carriages long distance). Treatment of the affected areas of the body is required special means(Spregal, Medifox, Nix or "homemade" in the form of a kerosene solution), as well as hot steam or water treatment of all clothing and underwear.


The defeat of the itch mite is accompanied by excruciating itching in the genital area and redness of the latter. Hallmark scabies is the presence of paired elements of the rash (through one the mite penetrates the skin, through the other it goes out).

You can get scabies in public places - trains, hotels, etc. As in the case of head lice, local treatment with special agents is required ( Benzyl benzoate, Jurax, Sodium thiosulfate) and careful personal hygiene.

Athlete's groin

Epidermophytosis is a disease of a fungal nature, transmitted by contact and household means, that is, either through direct contact with a sick person (including through sexual contact), or when using any common household items (washcloths, towels, etc.).

In addition to itching in the genital area, redness appears, then separate or merging round spots that transform into crusts and scales, pain and burning sensation in the perineum.


This is the name of one of skin diseases, derived from the Greek for "red staining". It is caused by a variety of corynebacteria, which, as currently established, are transmitted by direct contact from a sick person in a healthy or contact-household way. High humidity and a local increase in temperature, maceration, the presence of systemic diseases (diabetes, obesity).

In natural skin folds appear reddish brown spots, rising above the surface of the skin, prone to fusion, accompanied by moderate itching. Treatment involves the use of topical antifungal agents and intimate hygiene.

Allergies and poor hygiene

Allergic processes on the skin of the penis can be caused by the use of substandard condoms, all kinds of lubricants and local contraceptives, but with a bright color and pungent odor. As a rule, refusal to use them leads to the disappearance of the symptoms of an allergic disease.

Towards development inflammatory processes the penis lead to irregular and improper intimate hygiene procedures, especially against the background congenital anomalies development, for example, phimosis. The foreskin is not completely retracted, freeing the head of the penis, it accumulates under it natural lubrication, microbial agents. In addition, similar diseases develop in men whose sexual partner suffers from colpitis (inflammation of the vagina) or diseases oral cavity(oral sex).


Itching of the penis is often associated with bacterial, fungal, or viral infection, for example, candidiasis, herpes infection, balanoposthitis, as well as sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydial infection, gonorrhea).


The inflammatory process in the foreskin is balanitis, if inflammation also affects the penis, then this is balanoposthitis. Both diseases are characterized by nonspecific symptoms: itching and redness, burning and soreness when urinating, difficulty urinating. It is often necessary local treatment antifungal ointments and careful adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene.

Genital candidiasis

One of the names of the disease is thrush, characterized by genital itching (usually quite severe), reddening of the skin and profuse white-yellow cheesy discharge from the genitals.

Lack of treatment can lead to the development severe forms disease, the spread of the process to other organs and tissues, the occurrence of maceration and ulcers at the site of the lesion. For the treatment of candidiasis, specific antifungal drugs are used for both local and systemic use (Fluconazole, Itraconazole).

Herpetic infection

It is one of the most common infections in the globe... Many people live in a state of infection with the herpes virus, but they do not always face the clinical manifestations of the disease. In the presence of provoking factors, such as psycho-emotional stress, excessive physical exercise, excessive insolation, suppression of immunity, the herpes virus is activated and clinical picture diseases.

For genital herpes, vesicular eruptions in the affected area are characteristic, the appearance of which is preceded by an intense itchy skin and burning. When scratching, weeping ulcers are formed, a secondary bacterial infection can join.

In advanced cases, a general reaction of the body is observed: an increase in temperature, headache, malaise, decreased appetite. Local treatment with antiviral ointments containing Acyclovir is required, in severe cases, the systemic use of antiviral drugs ( Acyclovir, Valacyclovir).


Chlamydial infection is also among the most common among the adult population and transmitted through sexual contact. Chlamydia has only nonspecific Clinical signs: pain and redness in the genital area, itching. Unfortunately, untreated chlamydia often causes infertility.

In general, it should be said that itching and redness of the genitals is a reason to pay more attention to personal hygiene, and after that - to consult a urologist or andrologist for an examination and special studies... It is always best to treat the disease at an early stage.