How to make paraffin hand masks. Paraffin therapy for hands and feet at home. How to make a paraffin mask? Paraffin bath for hands and feet - how the procedure goes

For a long time, paraffin hand baths have been used in salons. This procedure is very popular among women. Paraffin heals cracks, reduces flaking and perfectly nourishes the skin of the hands. It is advisable to do this procedure about once a month, it even prevents the aging of the skin of the hands.

A paraffin hand mask should be applied correctly. First, wash your hands, exfoliate and pat dry with a towel. Next, a special cream is applied to the hands, because of which the paraffin does not stick to the skin. They put their hands in warm paraffin, wrap their hands in cellophane (or polyethylene) and put on terry mittens. The resulting paraffin film is removed after a quarter of an hour and a moisturizing cream is applied to the hands.

It would be unforgivable not to mention an alternative to this mask that can be made at home. After you treat the skin of your hands with a scrub, a dense layer is applied to it. nourishing mask, or glycerin, and, preferably at night, wear cotton gloves. Paraffin hand mask at home

Well, if you still want to make a full paraffin procedure for hands at home, then for this you need to purchase a special medical paraffin in a pharmacy. Pay attention to the temperature at which the wax melts. It should not be high, about 46 degrees, this will help reduce the likelihood of burns. The paraffin must be melted (in a water bath) and, wearing plastic gloves, immerse your hands in paraffin for 10 minutes. The paraffin will act as a warming substance that will accelerate blood circulation, increase the elasticity of the skin of the hands and smooth out small wrinkles. One session of such paraffin therapy is enough to relieve the skin of the hands from dryness, flaking and even cracks. In cosmetology, this procedure was nicknamed “ Velvet hands"Because it helps to smooth the skin, make it smooth, tender and soft. This mask is especially indispensable in the cold season. And the effect of the mask will last for a week.

If the paraffin is applied directly to the skin, then first check the temperature of the paraffin on the back of the hand to avoid burns while applying the mask. Scrub your hands and lubricate with cream. The effect of the mask directly depends on the cream. It is good if the cream is with collagen or with a rejuvenating effect. Next, the hands are dipped in paraffin for a couple of seconds, remove the hands and after 10 seconds, again lower the hands into paraffin. Repeat this procedure up to 8 times so that the paraffin layer on the hands becomes dense enough. Then put on cellophane and terry mittens. After about 20-25 minutes, all this is removed and the paraffin is removed in the direction from the wrist to the fingers. And this is the whole procedure. Ideally, it would be good to carry out "paraffin therapy" before bedtime, it perfectly relaxes and after it you can easily fall asleep.

Paraffin actions

A paraffin mask works in two main ways. First, paraffin has a thermal effect. As the paraffin cools, it generates heat, which expands the pores, increases sweat production and releases many nutrients onto the skin's surface. Basically, they do not linger on the skin, but thanks to the paraffin mask, they penetrate deeply into the skin and stay there. In addition to this, a good warming of the bones is carried out, which is important for pain in the hands. Paraffin is a good hand moisturizer. Secondly, when the paraffin finally cools down, it acts like a compress, therefore, it smoothes the skin and makes it more taut, that is, there is a lifting effect.

Paraffin is also useful for nails, and since it has a regenerating effect, it is also suitable for treating cuticles.

One mask, and how many useful properties. A real find, for women who are not indifferent to the health and beauty of their hands. Be healthy and beautiful!

For a paraffin mask you need cosmetic paraffin... It melts at a lower temperature than usual, and therefore does not leave burns during the procedure. In addition, moisturizing oils and vitamins A and E are usually added to cosmetic paraffin, which nourish the skin. Manufacturers of cosmetic paraffin also attribute antiseptic properties to it. It can speed up the healing of small wounds.

Of course, the characteristics of the paraffin will depend on the manufacturer, but even the simplest composition can be improved on your own. Just add a couple of drops essential oils lavender, ylang-ylang or liquid vitamin E.

Before the paraffin therapy procedure, a moisturizer or natural vegetable oil is rubbed into the skin. Paraffin, solidifying, creates a dense layer under which the action nutrients amplifies several times.

A full-fledged alternative to paraffin therapy will be wax mask... The difference is that paraffin wax can be either natural or artificial, while wax is always based on natural ingredients... The wax therapy procedure is absolutely identical to paraffin therapy.

Indications for the use of paraffin masks

A paraffin mask can help treat rough skin, dryness and flaking. Thanks to enhanced nutrition, the face will have a rejuvenating effect, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

However, it also has its own contraindications.

Paraffin baths are not suitable for people:

    With diabetes

    With hypertension

    With infectious diseases

    With eczema

Even if you do not have the above diseases, you should consult your doctor before performing the procedure.

Paraffin therapy should not be performed if there are cuts or wounds on the hands.

Paraffin bath for hands at home

If you decide to make a paraffin bath at home, you will need:

    Cosmetic paraffin

    Enamel bathtub that fits your hands

    Plastic gloves or bags

    Warm mittens

    Moisturizer or nourishing oil

Choose cosmetic paraffin from proven popular firms... Pay attention to its melting point. The lower it is, the better.

How to make a paraffin mask: step by step instructions

Before making a paraffin mask, the paraffin must be melted. Of course, this is much easier to do with a special electric bath, but you can use a regular steam bath.

Make sure that no water gets into the heated paraffin. Even a small droplet can cause burns during the procedure.

When the paraffin is completely melted, it must be poured into a bath and allowed to cool slightly.

While the paraffin is cooling down, you need to prepare your hands for the procedure in two steps.

Step 1: Clean your hands with a scrub.

You can use homemade coffee mixes or ground fruit pits. Make sure that the skin is not injured during cleansing. If this happens, paraffin therapy will have to be postponed until the wounds heal.

Step 2: Apply to hands nutritious cream or vegetable oil.

Coconut and almond oils are especially moisturizing. If cosmetic oils no, olive will do.

After that, you can carry out paraffin therapy. The procedure is done in 4 stages:

The paraffin must remain on the hands for 15-30 minutes, then it must be carefully removed and the procedure repeated for the other hand.

Used cosmetic paraffin must not be reused.

VIDEO. How to make a paraffin mask correctly:

After the first application, you will receive visible result... Will happen deep hydration skin and its visual rejuvenation. It may take up to 10 treatments to achieve a lasting effect. In this case, the baths should not be done more than once a week.

Paraffin masks at home, you can do it for the legs, after removing the hardened layer with a pumice stone.

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Women often decorate their hands jewelry without even realizing that the main decoration is delicate, well-groomed skin... This result can be achieved in not salon conditions and without special equipment... An effective paraffin hand mask at home comes to the rescue. It moisturizes, nourishes, cleanses, rejuvenates, tightens the skin and even heals.

Paraffin and cosmetology

The use of paraffin in home cosmetology has recently become widespread. If earlier only salons could boast of paraffin procedures, today it is real and at home.

The end result of homemade paraffin therapy leaves no one indifferent

For the use of a paraffin mask at home, comfortable conditions correctly required:

  1. cosmetic paraffin;
  2. rich in vitamins, useful micro- and macroelements, nutritional components;
  3. plastic gloves or cling film;
  4. a warm towel or mittens.

The effect of the paraffin procedure

Absolutely everyone is satisfied with the paraffin hand remedy made at home, not in the salon. And no wonder!

The advantages of a home procedure include:

  • the unique composition of the components is fully revealed;
  • the ingredients quickly, effectively act on the dermis of the hands, thanks to the heat factor;
  • paraffin masks at home even in active phase do not cause discomfort, burning sensation;
  • during the cooling of the paraffin, there is a micro-massage of the skin tissues. This only increases the success of the end effect;
  • a paraffin mask can be done at home, comfortable conditions without the help of a beautician, at any time;
  • the type of skin, the age of the patient does not in any way affect the conduct of the paraffin procedure at home. High efficiency guaranteed;
  • paraffin coating of hands prevents evaporation, loss of moisture by skin cells;
  • Besides cosmetic effect, paraffin home masks accelerate blood circulation, so the cells of all layers of the skin begin to function actively;
  • nutritional components penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin;
  • the effect lasts for a long time;
  • the use of essential oils makes the paraffin treatment at home even more pleasant. The aromatherapy effect soothes and improves mood.

Paraffin masks are considered the best at home for dealing with dermis problems. They surprise with a high incomparable result

Paraffin hand mask recipes

The body of each woman is individual, respectively, and the need for useful substances differ. In this case, the skin is no exception. It is possible to achieve an ideal effect on the epidermis of the hands thanks to various compositions at home, in a comfortable environment.

Mask No. 1 with the effect of intensive nutrition

A paraffin mask with the addition of cosmetic oils of almond, lavender, orange and natural liquid honey creates an ideal composition for enriching hand skin cells with vitamins, useful components, as well as a general soothing and toning effect at home.

To prepare a mask at home you will need:

  • 50 g of pure paraffin;
  • 2 tsp flowing natural honey;
  • 2 tsp almond oil extract;
  • 2-3 drops ether medium lavender;
  • 2-3 drops of orange extract.

Mask No. 2 for extra softness, tenderness of the skin of the hands

The skin of the hands requires special approach in care. She is exposed negative impact environment constantly. Plus, soap and detergents, aggressive powders weaken the protective qualities, make the skin dry, thin and weak.

A homemade paraffin mask with sea salt and olive oil will instantly replenish wasted nutrients, strengthen the structure of cells, and soften tissues.

To prepare a miracle remedy, you will need:

  • 40 g of paraffin;
  • 1 tsp beeswax;
  • 1 tsp cocoa butter;
  • 4 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp sea ​​salt medium to fine grain.

Mask No. 3 for sensitive skin

Sensitive hand skin requires individual selection of components. To prepare paraffin masks in non-salon conditions, prepare essential oils of jasmine, rose, green tea... A combination of these ingredients works well:

  • 40 g of paraffin;
  • 10 g beeswax;
  • 2 tsp olive (butter) oil;
  • 1 tsp essential extract of jasmine flowers.

Procedure for the procedure

Home paraffin therapy involves the following procedure:

  1. Clean your hands with a scrub or special milk. The nail polish also needs to be washed off.
  2. In a separate container on the bath, melt the paraffin to a liquid consistency.
  3. Add the rest of the nutrients to the heated paraffin.
  4. The temperature of the paraffin mask should be comfortable, so first try lowering only your finger and only then the whole brush.
  5. Dip your hands in the paraffin mixture for a few seconds. Make sure that the mask lies evenly over the entire surface.
  6. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times.
  7. Wear plastic gloves or wrap around a brush cling film.
  8. To keep warm, wrap your hands in a warm towel or use mittens for winter.
  9. Hold the paraffin mask on your hands for at least 25 minutes.
  10. When the feeling of warmth disappears, remove the mask.

For easy disposal of the paraffin composition, hands can be pretreated with a nourishing cream


An effective paraffin mask can be performed at home in the absence of diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus of all stages;
  • open wounds on the hands;
  • hypertension, diseases of the circulatory system;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • eczema, ulcers and dermatological defects in the area of ​​the hands;
  • heart failure;
  • signs of venous disease.

It would be useful to consult a dermatologist for patients in position and with a large number of moles

Fighting dry and skin problems with the help of paraffin masks at home, not in the salon is possible. The procedure takes place without pain and discomfort, and the effect will exceed all expectations.

All you need to do is buy cosmetic paraffin, beeswax, the rest of the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator. Paraffinic home procedure according to the reviews of women who have tried it on themselves, it is worthy of the highest rating. Treat your handles with warm home mask from paraffin and an amazing result!

Folk paraffin hand mask

We are all used to the fact that paraffin is used in the manufacture of candles. But it turns out that there is also a cosmetic paraffin that can be used as a component of face masks, for hands, for nails. This paraffin is different from the usual best quality, often it comes with the addition of various vitamins and skin-friendly substances.

Interestingly, there are “paraffin with aloe” or “honey” masks on sale. The mask is applied to the skin in a molten state, very thin layer... Its action is to create a sauna effect, that is, the skin under paraffin begins to sweat and release moisture, but due to the hardening of the waxy substance, the moisture does not leave, but is absorbed by the skin again.

As a result, the skin is well softened, which contributes to excellent penetration of all the nutrients found in paraffin. The skin temperature may even rise by a couple of degrees, but this is normal. It should be noted that as a result of applying such a mask, not only liquid, but also toxins are released from the skin. And the benefit is just that harmful substances do not penetrate back into the skin through the pores.

Homemade paraffin masks are very suitable for dry, flaky skin. They can also have a healing effect with slight redness, a feeling of a tight face. First of all, a mask with paraffin wax should be tried by women of age who wrinkled skin... In winter, it often happens that the skin becomes rough or chapped, so it will also be a good help. The result from the mask is instant and there is no need to wait additional time... Thanks to the thermal effect, the complexion is also improved, the earthy tint disappears from it.

So, what is the order of applying the mask?

There are several options. One of the simplest is the following: the paraffin is melted in a water bath and applied to the skin with a cotton swab or brush. Gradually it will cool down and harden. Then you can apply another layer. The more there are, the greater the effect the mask will have. Apply paraffin to the face strictly according to massage lines- from the bridge of the nose to the nose, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the cheeks.

You can make a gauze cut and apply it. To do this, a large piece of gauze is first dipped in paraffin. You need to act quickly so that the composition is frozen on the skin. And gauze bandages as well as layers of paraffin in the first case there can be several. If the wax seems to be too hot, a small swab may be done first.

The third option involves the addition of various useful components how - olive oil, almond oil, lanolin, cocoa, liquid honey, aloe juice. One teaspoon of each component will be enough, but you should not mix them in one mask. The components must be mixed into the already melted paraffin. The steam effect of the composition will be much greater if you put on top of the wax surface cotton pads or a fabric that you do not mind and cover with a terry towel on top. Thus, the heat will go away much more slowly.

Another option would be a paraffin mask with essential oils - lemon, peach, orange. It is also recommended to pour a few drops of oil into the melted wax.

On clean skin!

Before applying the composition to the skin, you need to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize it. light cream... The mask should last for at least 20-25 minutes. If you need to try not to show emotions and not talk, otherwise it may be deformed.

Remove the paraffin mask with your fingers or a spatula. If gauze was applied, then the removal process is very simple - you just need to pull on the ends. Paraffin hardens in gauze, so the entire bandage is removed at once. Whereas paraffin on the skin can come off in pieces. You can try to wash off its remnants. warm water and then apply a nourishing cream.

It is believed that it is enough to do a paraffin mask once every 8-10 days. Its effect will last for a long time. It is best to buy it in a salon or pharmacy. It is generally known that white paraffin has the most gentle and softening effect. This means if you suddenly have to choose from different options... When applying the mask to the skin of the hands using gauze, it can be difficult, because it will need to be wrapped around both surfaces of the palm. Using a brush for application will be much more convenient. You can invite a friend and use her help. Or, first treat one hand, and after removing the mask, the second.


A separate paragraph should be devoted to contraindications. If there are too many moles, warts, increased vegetation on the face, serious illness, then you first need to undergo a course of treatment, and then make masks. It is also not recommended to use the technique with poor blood clotting, dilated vessels, purulent inflammation, hypertrichosis, hypertension and pregnancy.

Perfect paraffin hand mask

Paraffin therapy is an excellent way to make your hands skin beautiful, hydrated and healthy. The paraffin therapy procedure becomes especially important during the change of seasons, when the skin of the hands reacts especially sensitively, dries, weathered, cracked, peeled off.


- Moisturized, soft, smooth, velvety and pleasant to the touch skin.

- Getting rid of flaking and dryness.

- Stronger and healthier nails.

Gentle care in cold weather.

Well maintained look sore and cracked skin.

- Relaxing and anti-stress effect.

- Paraffin therapy will be a salvation for people with very dry skin of the hands.

It is believed that such a mask can be made only in a beauty salon, but this opinion is erroneous. It is not difficult to prepare it at home, and it is enough to set aside a little time for the procedures at least once a week.

To restore elasticity and softness to the skin of the hands, it is enough to spend 10 sessions. Paraffin wax can be purchased at any pharmacy.

For achievement positive result you can use the most simple recipe preparation of paraffin wax. It is done like this:

  1. Cosmetic paraffin must be melted in a water bath. The substance melts already at 46 ° C. This temperature is quite comfortable for the skin.
  2. The product is placed in a special tray or bowl.
  3. Wash hands, scrubbed and oiled with cream should be immersed in the cooling mass (this will make it easier to remove the mask).
  4. After 15 seconds, the brushes are removed from the bath.
  5. The enveloping substance cools down rather quickly. After the first layer has solidified, the hands are again immersed in a container with paraffin. A total of 3 dives need to be completed.
  6. The mask remains on the hand for 1/3 hour.
  7. After applying it to the brushes, you need to put on plastic gloves and warm mittens(or wrap your hands in a woolen scarf).
  8. After the procedure, the mask is removed and the skin is treated with a nourishing cream.

When using paraffin for hand skin care, some rules cannot be neglected. The main one is that the mask should not be applied to the brushes in case of skin diseases and rashes on it. The substance that has been applied to the hands cannot be reused (this does not apply to the paraffin remaining in the bath).

It is forbidden to heat paraffin wax on the stove, as it can ignite.

Video: Paraffin hand mask

Paraffin nail masks are very useful for dry, brittle and flaking nails. Due to the gradual effect of healing components and a small but prolonged increase in temperature, metabolic processes in the hands are improved, which has a positive effect on the condition of the nail plates.

Features of the procedure

In terms of effectiveness, paraffin masks cannot be compared with any other nutritional cosmetic product... The main advantage of paraffin therapy is the long-term thermal effect on the skin of the hands and nails. The melting point of this substance is 53 degrees. With this heating, it turns into a plastic enveloping mass. On hands and nails, paraffin cools down a little, forming an airtight film on the surface. This allows the mask to cool down not so quickly in the future and provide a long-term therapeutic effect on the hands and nails.

At the same time, the composition of cosmetic paraffin contains anti-inflammatory and emollient substances that literally rejuvenate your hands, restoring their beauty and elasticity. In the process of prolonged heat exposure, the pores of the skin open, which contributes to a deeper penetration of healing components. Also, warm paraffin helps to cleanse the skin through open pores.

Nail masks with paraffin are useful in that they improve metabolic processes in the hands, promoting the flow of beneficial and nutrients to the nails. Due to the penetration of paraffin into the upper layers of the nail plates, they stop exfoliating and become more elastic and strong.

The effect of paraffin masks is noticeable from the first procedure and lasts for two weeks. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is enough to make a mask once a month, but to achieve a therapeutic effect, a course of ten procedures, one per week, is needed.

Benefits of paraffin nail masks

  • Paraffin baths and masks are useful for dry and brittle nails exfoliating nail plates with a dull color.
  • They help soften the skin of dry hands and heal dehydrated, chapped skin.
  • Masks restore the surface of the nail and the skin on the hands. Any places with rough skin, redness, cracks and delamination on the nails completely disappear after the procedure.
  • Masks improve blood circulation in the hands, contributing to the health of not only the hands, but also the nail plates.
  • Warm paraffin relieves pain in joints, improves blood circulation, cleanses the skin, and improves lymph flow.
  • The effectiveness of the masks is visible after the first procedure.
  • A paraffin mask for hands and nails with a long-lasting effect.

Who is not allowed to have paraffin masks?

Despite such a large list of advantages, not everyone is allowed to make paraffin masks for nails. The procedure should be abandoned if you have the following diseases:

  • If there is any damage skin in the form of wounds, cracks and ulcers, masks and paraffin baths are contraindicated.
  • Tumor and pustular processes should also be the reason for refusing the procedure.
  • All kinds of skin rashes, warts and papillomas are a serious contraindication for performing masks.
  • At high blood pressure and heart disease, it is better not to do warm paraffin baths.
  • Diabetics and asthmatics should not have paraffin baths and masks.
  • Blood clotting problems are a contraindication to the procedure.

Which paraffin is to be preferred?

It is equally important to choose a good paraffin for the procedure. Better to buy cosmetic paraffin wax. It is specially designed for this purpose. For one procedure, you will need about half a kilogram of material. This paraffin wax can be purchased at drugstores or specialty cosmetic stores.

Often, the composition of paraffin for cosmetic procedures is improved by adding essential oils to it, vitamin complexes and medicinal extracts from plants. Such paraffin can greatly increase the effectiveness of masks and baths.

It is important to know that only fresh paraffin wax should be used for each procedure. Do not reheat and reapply the substance that was previously used to make the mask. The thing is that toxins accumulate in paraffin, which are released from the skin through the open pores.

How to make paraffin nail masks?

To complete the procedure, you will need:

  • Electric baths that allow you to heat the paraffin up to the right temperature... Such a device is useful for performing paraffin baths and nail masks.
  • You also need polyethylene gloves, as well as cotton or woolen gloves.
  • At the end of the procedure, a nourishing hand and nail cream will come in handy.

If you do not have a special bath for warming up paraffin, then you can use an ordinary enamel or glass dish to perform the masks. To warm up paraffin in it, you can use:

  • a microwave oven, turning on the defrost function in it;
  • oven at a temperature of 70 degrees;
  • water bath.

Paraffin nail mask (technique):

  1. Hands should be washed well, and nails should be cleaned of old varnish. If you want to improve the skin of your hands along with your nails, then they need to be well treated with a scrub.
  2. The paraffin is melted and cooled to a temperature of 50 ° C.
  3. Now the hands are alternately lowered and then taken out of the container with molten paraffin.
  4. When will it gather in my arms thick layer paraffin wax, put on cellophane gloves, and then warm gloves.
  5. After half an hour, the paraffin can be removed from the hands, wipe the skin with a napkin and apply a nourishing cream to the hands and nails.

In the network of salons "Manicure" you can order paraffin masks for nails and hands at a bargain price. To register for the procedure and clarify the prices, call the phones indicated on the website.

Paraffin therapy is the procedure that any of us can do at home. Today, there is no longer any need to overpay, make an appointment in advance, or go somewhere specially to get an effective care or treatment procedure.

Yes, and there is no longer a need to go out into the cold after a pleasant and relaxing session, especially since temperature drops on the way home can negate all the advantages of the procedure received. The procedure can be performed for both adults and children. With its help, you can successfully treat a number of diseases and take care of your body, restoring your skin to its natural softness and healthy appearance.

Necessary accessories

For treatment procedure we need cosmetic paraffin and a container to warm it up.

In addition, you will need:

For face:

  • tonic or lotion that does not contain alcohol;
  • light face scrub or peeling roll with fruit acids;
  • a piece of gauze with slits for the nose and eyes;
  • a brush for applying paraffin;
  • cling film;
  • good moisturizer, serum or ampoule concentrate;

For arms and legs:

  • soap;
  • towel;
  • scrub;
  • moisturizer or nourishing cream;
  • cellophane gloves or cling film;
  • warm mittens and socks or terry towels for insulation;
  • protective cream to complete the procedure.

For parafango:

  • sea ​​mud or micronized seaweed;
  • salt scrub or other effective scrub for the body with an anti-cellulite effect;
  • good anti-cellulite serum or cream;
  • a large brush that will conveniently apply a mixture of paraffin and mud / algae to the body;
  • a large enough piece of film to wrap in;
  • a blanket to cover.

For some procedures, such as parafango or facial paraffin therapy, it is better to invite an assistant who will help you apply the paraffin and wrap yourself properly.

Video: Anti-wrinkle masks

How much paraffin is needed for the procedure?

Usually, one package weighing 500 grams is enough to warm up even a fairly large area of ​​the body. It can be used many times if you do not allow water to get into it and do not allow it to burn.

For cosmetic procedure for the face, hands or feet of paraffin, you need about 100-150 grams, so one package will be more than enough. But for carrying out a home analogue of parafango, it is better to take a kilogram package.

Warming up

Happy owners of a paraffin bath can turn on the device and get ready for the procedure. If you do not have a heating bath, you will have to melt the paraffin in a water bath.

It is not worth heating paraffin in a saucepan directly on the stove, as there is a risk of burning. Therefore, you will have to use two containers. We put crushed paraffin into a smaller diameter, pour water into a large one. We cover the container with a lid and put it in a container with water. We start to warm up the water.

The warming up process is slow and usually takes 1 to 2 hours. All this time, the paraffin in the container must be stirred with a wooden stick or spoon and make sure that no drops of water get inside, which can condense on the lid.

As soon as it melts, you must turn off the stove. But take out a smaller container from a container with hot water not worth it, as the paraffin can thicken quickly enough.

In order not to burn yourself, before applying to the skin, it is necessary to make a temperature test by scooping up the paraffin from the container with a brush or wooden stick, and applying it with a thin layer on the skin of the back of the hand.

For hands

The most popular skin care procedure both in salons and at home. Her hallmark is an pronounced effect after the first procedure, which does not disappear after the first washing of dishes, but lasts for several days.


  • peeling of the skin on the back of the hands;
  • dry skin that creams cannot moisturize for a long time;
  • constantly icy fingers hands (Raynaud's syndrome);
  • chronic joint diseases, accompanied by pain syndrome and stiffness;
  • brittle nails.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  • cuts, abrasions, wounds on the skin of the hands;
  • infectious diseases;

Video: Hand paraffin therapy

  • wash hands with soap, apply a scrub and massage gently;
  • wash off the remnants of the scrub and wipe your hands dry;
  • we process the cuticle, apply oil to the nail plate;
  • apply a caring cream, serum or ampoule concentrate, distribute the product with soft massage movements on the skin, we continue the massage until the product is completely absorbed;
  • if the size of the container allows you to dip your hand in paraffin, then immerse your hand in it 4-5 times, if not, then apply the paraffin with a brush in several layers;
  • we put on a cellophane glove, and on top of it a mitten or wrap our hand with a towel;
  • we rest completely relaxed for 25-30 minutes;
  • remove the paraffin layer along with the cellophane glove;
  • apply a protective hand cream.

For better effect you can put on cloth gloves immediately after the procedure and leave them overnight.

Do not limit yourself to just the hands. Elbows can be treated in the same way. If everything is really bad with the skin on the elbows, then you can even rub it lightly with a pumice stone, but without fanaticism.

For face

Can be performed at any age. And for each of the ages, the procedure will be useful.


  • gravitational ptosis (the appearance of nasolabial folds, a change in the oval of the face, the appearance of a double chin);
  • dry, dehydrated skin;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to external factors;
  • wrinkles and folds of the skin, especially those formed as a result of dehydration of the skin;
  • hyperpigmented spots at the site of acne;
  • scars and scars on the skin.


  • rosacea;
  • the presence of dilated blood vessels and spider veins;
  • pustular rash;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • angina physical stress severe vascular atherosclerosis;
  • claustrophobia;
  • wounds, scratches, abrasions on the skin of the face.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

  • wash your face with water mild remedy for washing, apply a scrub or peeling roll, gently massage the skin;
  • wash off the exfoliating agent and wipe your face dry;
  • apply cosmetic product(concentrate, serum, cream) and spread over the skin until completely absorbed;
  • we try the temperature of the paraffin, first on the back of the hand, then on the skin of the forehead;
  • if the temperature of the paraffin is comfortable, then apply the first layer of paraffin with a brush, bypassing the area of ​​the nose and eyes;
  • put the prepared gauze mask on top of the paraffin layer;
  • lay another 4-5 layers of paraffin on the gauze with a brush;
  • cover the paraffin with a film with cutouts for the nose and eyes, you can additionally put a towel on top;
  • we rest for 30 minutes;
  • cover your face with a protective cream.

Video: Procedure for hands and feet

For feet

Paraffin therapy for feet is just that procedure, thanks to which you can get legs as in advertising for products for feet or open summer sandals... If carried out constantly, you can forget about pumice and a file for hardened skin of the heels.


  • rough skin of the heels that cracks ugly;
  • lack of effect from applied foot creams;
  • dry skin of the legs.


  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • infectious diseases (fungus of the skin and nails, warts, etc.);
  • wounds and abrasions after depilation;
  • arterial hypertension with frequent hypertensive crises;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, angina pectoris);
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

  • wash your feet thoroughly, apply a foot scrub and actively massage your feet;
  • we treat the hardened heels with a pumice stone or a file for the feet;
  • wash off the scrub, wipe your feet dry;
  • apply an intensely moisturizing and softening scrub, rub it into the skin with massage movements until it is completely absorbed;
  • if the size of the paraffin bath or pan allows, immerse the foot in paraffin 4-5 times so that a thick layer of thickened paraffin forms on the skin, if the size of the container is small, then apply paraffin with a brush in 4-5 layers;
  • wrap the foot with cling film and put on a warm sock on top;
  • resting for 30 minutes or doing business;
  • remove the paraffin together with the film;
  • apply a protective foot cream and leave cotton socks on the legs overnight.

Likewise, you can process the skin of the knees, if necessary. If you cannot remove all the hardened skin from the feet with a pumice stone alone, you can use a special acid peeling for the feet, thanks to which the dead skin of the feet will come off in large pieces and be replaced by smooth, soft and youthful.

Parafango at home

It's magical, incredible efficient procedure, after completing this course, you can safely get things from the shelf "When I lose weight" and wear them as before.


  • cellulite;
  • excess weight;
  • Availability " problem areas":" Bun "on the thighs, areas of cellulite on the front of the thigh, protruding areas of the" breeches ";
  • accumulation of fluid in the body, edema;
  • flabbiness of the skin, prevention of loss of elasticity as a result of active weight loss.

Video: What is Parafango


  • pregnancy;
  • Availability gynecological diseases, endocrine ovarian pathology;
  • varicose veins of the legs, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • skin diseases of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature;
  • abrasions, scratches on the skin.

The sequence of stages of carrying out parafango is as follows.

Preparation of the mixture

  • Made of paraffin and mud.

We need:

  • 1 kg of paraffin;
  • 1 kg of mud dead sea(preference should be given to mud, which is sold in its usual state, not in powder);
  • micronized algae.

Mud and micronized algae can be bought in professional beauty salon stores and online stores. Taking into account the total savings on the course of parafango procedures professional cosmetics you can afford it. You can buy dried mud or replace it with clay, but the effect of the procedure in this case may be lower.

We warm up the paraffin. Add dirt to the heated paraffin in a 1: 1 ratio and stir vigorously. Micronized algae can also be added there for greater effect, or they can be applied to the skin after a paraffin scrub. The temperature of the mixture can be of the order of 65 ° C. If you wish, you can make the mixture even hotter, but the skin should be comfortable so as not to get burns instead of benefits.

  • Preparing the skin for wrapping.

We thoroughly cleanse the skin from impurities and cosmetics. We take a salt scrub, as it is perfect for losing weight and getting rid of excess fluid. We actively massage the body salt scrub, working especially carefully problem areas... We wash off the scrub.

  • Apply the parafango mix.

We lay on the spread film and ask the assistant to apply the parafango mixture that you prepared earlier to the skin. The mixture can be applied in several layers. When the parafango mix is ​​applied, cover the entire body with plastic and put a warm blanket on top. When the mixture on the skin has completely cooled down, it is removed in one large piece or in separate large layers.

  • Massage.

We apply an anti-cellulite serum to the skin and use this serum to perform an intensive massage. You can use special anti-cellulite massagers powered by the network, or massage massage jar... We do not regret the serum.

  • Completion of the procedure.

We rest after the procedure for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can drink mineral water or herbal tea for weight loss.

Paraffin therapy for children

Indications and contraindications for children should be determined by a doctor, especially when it comes to a child of the first year of life. Paraffin therapy for children can also be performed at home. To do this, you can carry out the first procedure in a medical institution and see what and how the nurse does in order to do it on her own.