Dress code and jewelry - how to match. What kind of jewelry can be worn in the office. Basic rules for business dress code for accessories

Almost every woman is faced with the main question that arises before her every morning: what to wear? V modern world women spend most of their personal time devoting it to work and building a career. If you have chosen the path of a business woman, then you should adhere to a certain style of clothing and jewelry. A work dress code is an integral part of business culture. A woman in all her manifestations must be at her best. The image of a real business woman is filled with restraint, grace, lightness and laconicism. This does not mean that you need to stop being feminine, dress like a man in formal suits and completely forget about luxurious jewelry. Not at all! On the contrary, an exquisite business lady, skillfully emphasizing her taste in refined details, can evoke respect, interest and admiration.

Over time, the strict rules of working tone in clothes soften. Gone are the days when black and white unadorned style was adopted in offices. But at the same time, there are basic rules that a business woman should pay attention to. In the world of accessories, there is a great variety of jewelry, and their correct selection can harmoniously complement and emphasize any image. We will talk about how to choose jewelry in a business look in this article.

Irina Morgulis, director of business development at Newbreed, talks about the jewelry dress code of a modern business woman:
"It all depends on what kind of company and what exactly the company does. If it is a banking institution with strict dress code then jewelry is part of the dress code. This means that you cannot wear all the chains and bracelets. In many large companies, especially international ones, all the details of the dress code are clearly spelled out, for both women and men. As a rule, it is permissible for female employees to wear a discreet watch on a non-flashy strap. Good tone it is considered if it is a classic non-massive watch. "

Irina, as an expert in the field business dress code, advises women with taste to have the following things in their casket: pearls, earrings with small stones that can shine in the right moment and emphasize the superiority of the hostess, rings, harmoniously combined with each other. Say no to big stones and rhinestones. Jewelry should not stand out against the background of the owner, but only modestly emphasize his taste. Such things often tell others about the situation in society and the status of their mistress, emphasize the level of culture in a person, tell about his taste.

Below are some tips to help a business lady choose jewelry:

  • Moderation... it important quality should be applied when drawing up the style of a business woman (in relation to jewelry). There is a "golden" rule: on business meeting or work should not be worn more than three or four pieces of jewelry, and wedding ring is one of them. Before leaving the house, look in the mirror, and if you find something extra in the accessories, do not hesitate, shoot. You can collect accessories in the following kits:

    * earrings, ring and chain;
    * earrings, brooch and ring;
    * earrings, ring and beads;
    * earrings, ring and bracelet.

  • Courage. Many fashion professionals advise to bypass jewelry that is extravagant and bright. However, this does not mean that you should completely abandon them. For example, with the help of a large pendant, a woman can elegantly complement and transform her image, consisting of simple dress... In addition, such jewelry is now in vogue.

By harmoniously placing such a product in your wardrobe, you will not only look stylish, but also emphasize your knowledge fashion trends... But be careful not to forget that other decorations should be discarded in such cases. Otherwise, you will look rude and vulgar.

Choose calm, elegant and stylish jewelry... Let them be few, but with a twist. Discreet chic is always seen in a business environment. Better put on one expensive ring than a few cheap, dubious quality. If you are a business woman, then your partners and clients in jewelry will be able to determine your niche, “read” about your success in work and conclude whether it is worth doing business with you and concluding large contracts.

In every serious and large company a provision is being developed, in which the style policy of the company is prescribed. This document discusses the appearance of employees, from shoes to manicure. This is partly where the overall image of the company is formed. Only small businesses pay such close attention to the jewelry dress code. Externally, accessories can globally change a person's appearance. Let's look at jewelry that can highlight the business style of a woman.

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Earrings... This type of accessories is able to perfectly complement business image... The earrings will accentuate the shine of the eyes, give a refreshing look and even visually correct the shape of the face. It is worth approaching the choice of earrings with care and caution and adhere to several rules. V business style it is appropriate to wear earrings small size... Jewelry is large or too long, such as oriental style, are completely unacceptable in the image of a business lady. If you prefer hanging earrings, then they should be no more than 2.5 centimeters and not go below the jaw. Too large accessories spoil the image of a business woman and can create a feeling of discomfort. Another reason for avoiding wide and long earrings is that they can be too noisy when walking. This will distract from work and attract unnecessary glances from employees.

On modern market a great variety of earrings different forms and colors. There is also a place for adornments with a touch of infantilism: in the form of bunnies, bears, flowers, etc. Save these accessories for meeting friends or going to the movies. In a business style, infantilism is unacceptable.

Ring... Business style does not prohibit wearing rings, but limits their number. In addition to the wedding ring, it is permissible to wear another small ring. Rings and seals large sizes completely incompatible with the business image. Hands, on which each finger is hung with rings, look just as vulgar. Stylists do not recommend wearing rings with images of animals, skulls, etc. Prefer rings with small stones. They will gracefully and harmoniously decorate your hands.

If you spend most of your time in the office at the computer, then to cheer you up, buy yourself beautiful ring... But it is worth knowing that the massiveness of the jewelry does not emphasize the business style, but has a detrimental effect on its content. Remember also that rings are worn on the middle or ring fingers.

Chains and pendants... The neckline will be nicely complemented by pendant chains and necklaces. They are able to transform a strict business style and highlight the dignity of a woman. But the main thing is not to overdo it. You should not put on many different chains intertwined with each other. Give preference to one, but original piece. Pendants should not be defiant. Discard massive pendant chains. Pendants decorated with small stones will be appropriate in your look. If you romantic nature and love jewelry that equates to it high feeling, then you should be very careful about the choice of jewelry. You should not wear heart pendants to work. Also, be selective about religious pendants, be it a cross or a crescent. Such decorations are not put on display, but are hidden under clothes.

It is customary to choose a necklace or necklace in a business style that is very restrained, capable only of decorating the neckline with its outline. Say no to large and wide necklaces, they are inappropriate in a business style.

Bracelets... In a business dress code, bracelets with elegant and subtle shapes... Several bracelets on the wrist will look rather frivolous in the image of a business woman, and also interfere with their noise in working moments. A bracelet in the shape of a chain will gently fall off your wrist, and if it is decorated with stones, then it is better to choose it according to the shape of your hand - tight-fitting. In any case, try to avoid bulkiness in business bracelets. Give preference to minimalism when thinking about a business image. Simplicity is the main rule of business style.

Try to choose jewelry for your image that will look harmonious and attractive and complement your image of a business woman.

A few tips to help you not get confused and do right choice:

  1. Combine jewelry made of solid gold or gilded with clothes in the main colors of a business style: black, red, white and burgundy. And if the accessory is also complemented by precious or semiprecious stones, then choose a color spectrum of warm shades: reds, burgundy, orange and yellow.
  2. If you prefer clothes in cold colors, then try to focus on silver when choosing jewelry. Among the incredible palette of stones, it is also worth choosing colors of cold shades: white, purple, blue, gray, green.
  3. If you are a dark-haired lady, then bright and juicy colors will suit you. For example, earrings with emeralds, rubies or sapphires will look very beautiful.
  4. Ladies with blond hair stones with transparent and opaque texture are perfect light shades... Match the jewelry to your eye color and it will gracefully complement your image. It can be topaz, zircon, turquoise, crystal, emeralds and other minerals.
  5. Women who prefer lightweight clothing should focus on jewelry with delicate openwork carvings. And if dense textures of fabrics prevail in your wardrobe, choose discreet accessories, mainly with natural stones.
  6. Yes mom balzac age, and married lady it is better to choose jewelry with precious stones: emeralds, diamonds, sapphires and rubies, but with the condition of their slight shine in the decoration. And for young girls, minerals are more suitable - amethyst, turquoise, pearls, rhinestone and other stones.

If your work involves cooperation with colleagues from other countries, then pearls should be treated with close attention, since in different countries it is interpreted in different ways. For example, in England it is a symbol of respectability and prestige, but in Spain it is an element of mourning (especially black pearls).

Knowing the basics of business style is very valuable. Decorations play in it important role and are able to emphasize the professionalism of a business woman. Any woman should look decent in any situation, regardless of her desires and preferences. Correctly and harmoniously selected jewelry in the image of a business lady contributes to the advancement of her career, since professional charm is an important part of success. In addition, business jewelry enhances the mood, inspires the daring and creative ideas, which is very important in work.

I admit, I am very lucky! I work for a company that does not have a strict dress code. To be honest, he is not here at all. Naturally, no one comes in torn blouses and dirty trousers. It's just that you can wear jeans and T-shirts here, not only on "Free Friday". But what can we hide: in the sweltering hot summer, we sported the office in short shorts and micro-dresses ... In a word, my creative soul of a stylist rejoices!

But, there are not so many such lucky ones (in many companies there is a dress code that imposes very strict restrictions on employees both in clothes and in jewelry.
And, if such "infringements" in clothes are not so scary, then accessories ... After all, accessories help to emphasize our individuality! It is not at all necessary to refuse them, the main thing is to stay on the brink and not cross the line.

Business ladies often prefer rings, earrings, watches, chains and bracelets. Of course, putting on everything at once is not worth it. However, each of these little things can complement the image of a successful business woman.

The business lady's jewelry is considered a symbol of status and prestige. At the same time, they speak volumes about her taste and sense of style.

The choice of these or those jewelry depends on:

- areas of activity (government agency, publishing house, gallery, etc.);
- the significance of the event (negotiations, presentation or corporate party);
- time of day (daytime or evening);
- age and position (an ordinary employee cannot afford jewelry at a cost higher than that worn by the head) ... At least in the office))).

What can and cannot be worn in the office?

Experts (by the way, I largely agree with them) offer us seven basic rules of office jewelry dress code:
1. Focusing on elegant minimalism. This one is forever fashion trend especially relevant for a business dress code. And both in clothes and jewelry. Give preference to modest, not catchy gizmos that captivate not with brightness, but with unobtrusive chic and style.

2. Nothing personal. Business style excludes the presence of any personal intimate elements. Heart pendants, bracelets with numerous pendants, earrings with angels ... leave all this for a meeting with your friends.

3. Relevance. Don't wear vintage necklaces or large wooden or plastic bracelets to the office. It is also better to save exclusive jewelry for evening out or a date. Jewelry should fit harmoniously into general image without focusing on yourself.

4. Remember the "three things" rule. The office dress code provides for a woman to wear no more than three pieces of jewelry. For example, a wedding ring can be complemented with earrings or a chain and bracelet.

5. White or yellow. A combination of jewelry made of yellow and white metals is considered bad taste. But, modern jewelry trends fully admit this union. So, if the product itself is made using both metals, then why not ?!

6. Stones. Within the framework of office style jewelry with small stones, such as diamonds, is acceptable. Pearl carnations will also perfectly accentuate your business look.
True, it is somehow silent about wedding rings, which can be with 1- or 2-carat diamonds ...

7. Time is money. Real business women count every minute. In a word, without a watch - nowhere! The best option is classic models with calm dial and leather straps neutral colors... And here is a watch-ring, watch-pendant, watch-bracelet (in jewelry design), the case of which is made of precious metals or with inlaid from precious stones, suitable for evening and special occasions.

8. The price of the issue. For their price of your jewelry business partners will judge how well things are going in the firm where you work. Conclusion - you shouldn't skimp on jewelry, but you don't need to rush to extremes either. Buy something that matches your income level.

Galina Maslennikova - star stylist, whose clients include a whole galaxy of brands with the biggest names: Jaguar, Kia, Oriflame, Faberlic, Avon, SOKOLOV, Cosmopolitan magazine, OK! Magazine. Among the personalities are Lena Letuchaya, Agnia Ditkovskite, Ekaterina Varnava, Vlad Sokolovsky. We asked Galina about how to dress properly in the office in order to always look presentable and not break any dress code taboo. And at the same time they picked up perfect decorations and accessories - for both men and women - so that any "dressing meeting" ends with mutually beneficial cooperation and, possibly, a couple of compliments.

What does the concept of a manager's dress code mean today? Does it have strict frameworks and rules?

Galina Maslennikova: As you know, to a stranger a few seconds are enough to get the first impression of the interlocutor. If this interlocutor is the head of the company, then in addition to the first impression of the person himself, the impression of the whole company is created. Indeed, the appearance of the head of a company can tell a lot about the organization itself. Correctly chosen clothing for a leader can convey the ideas of stability, composure and success of his enterprise.

In our time, clear boundaries office dress code eroded, many modern managers prefer a more relaxed style of clothing, which may not always play positive role in their positioning. General rules working dress code, which we will talk about below, remain and work for the benefit of the image of both an individual employee and the overall image of the company.

What does the creation of the desired image for a leader give from the point of view of psychology?

Galina Maslennikova: In an informal suit, it is difficult to enter the role of a collected and respectable leader: rather, it is conducive to relaxed communication "on an equal footing". While the framework business suit create correct representation about the personality of the head, emphasize his importance and create the effect of persuasiveness and authority, and this, in turn, ensures the correct perception of the head of the company by employees, business partners and the public. If you follow the dress code, the rule works: learn to dress impeccably and your image will invariably work for you.

If you dig even deeper and figure out why strict business clothes evokes certain associations, it is necessary to refer to the data of numerous studies of the prevailing archetypes. Surely you met psychological tests, in which it was proposed to choose one you like geometric shape: circle, triangle or square. Analysis of the data led scientists to interesting conclusions.

Please tell us more.

Galina Maslennikova: For example, a triangle is associated with masculine, power, leadership, domination. Circles are associated with feminine, gentleness and thoughtfulness. Squares, in turn, are associated with a solid frame, the embodiment of reliability and stability. If we apply this data to business clothes, we get that a jacket with all its strict lines is a combination of triangular and square shapes, an expression of power and stability. This also applies to the tie, this accessory - bright symbol masculinity. On the other hand, when it is necessary to emphasize creative streak and creativity, rounded silhouettes, soft or thin fabrics, rounded cut lines, draperies will come to the rescue.

Indispensable things in the wardrobe of a male leader and a female leader are ...?

Galina Maslennikova: According to the rules of the business dress code, a senior male executive for official events, business negotiations and meetings at high level it is advisable to give preference to the most conservative suit in dark blue or dark gray with a single-breasted jacket, complementing it with a white shirt and a plain dark tie, black or dark brown oxford or derby shoes, ideally with leather sole... Even to the socks of the leader are presented special requirements: they must match in color with either the tone of the shoes or the tone of the trousers. Shirts dark color, costume fabric plaid or striped is more related to the business casual style, which is more appropriate for business trips, informal meetings and corporate informal events.

First of all, a woman leader should have a suit: a jacket with a classic skirt straight cut or trousers, again straight cut, or a dress complete with a jacket - the latter can be either double-breasted or single-breasted. Variants of a skirt with a blouse are acceptable, but in this case the skirt must be supplemented with a belt. For managers in highly conservative circles, government and power structures, it is extremely important to accompany the image with thin matte stockings or tights.

Let's talk about the details. What accessories should you look out for and which ones should you avoid?

Galina Maslennikova: Accessories in a business image are quite standard. It seems boring to many, but it is with classic accessories that you can correctly place accents in your image and emphasize a business mood. When choosing a watch, a business woman should take into account the complexion and proportions of the body - for short ladies of a fragile build, a small watch for thin strap when on tall women miniature watches will look frivolous. They should pay attention to the average size dial and strap width. But on miniature employees such large watch will look heavy and cumbersome.

Basic rules for business dress code for accessories:

For women:

  • it is allowed to wear no more than one ring on one hand;
  • earrings no more than 2.5 cm in diameter (no chandeliers and long swinging models, no matter how beautiful they are);
  • large colored gems are unacceptable in the office in daytime;
  • it is allowed to wear one small pendant or string of pearls;
  • large bracelets that can make unnecessary sounds, several rings on one hand, baubles, piercings and massive signet rings are prohibited.

For men:

  • it is imperative to follow the length of the tie: it is not allowed that its end is significantly lower or higher than the belt buckle;
  • white or sports socks are strictly not allowed;
  • shoes made of exotic leather (python, crocodile, ostrich), suede shoes is considered an element of informal style, so it is best to give preference to classic shoes from smooth genuine leather;
  • it is also better not to display rings and noticeable underwear crosses and chains within the walls of the company.

Classic "set" of accessories successful man considered a tie clip, cufflinks and watches. How has it modernized today?

Galina Maslennikova: main feature managers in Russia - an ineradicable commitment to the status and expensive accessories... The appearance in the business community characterizes a person as a person, emphasizes his belonging to a certain circle. And if earlier the main indicative accessory was a watch, now a serious leader, in addition to status watches, stylish cufflinks and a tie clip, should also have a gadget of the most modern model.

What watch should a male leader choose?

Galina Maslennikova: Men should choose flat models so that they can easily be removed under the shirt's cuff. Watch classic forms(round, rectangular, square, oval are worn on a genuine leather strap or on a thin metal bracelet.

What rules should a business woman follow when choosing jewelry? (what to choose for the office, for a business meeting, for a presentation / cocktail?)

Galina Maslennikova: When choosing jewelry for the office and for a business meeting, first of all, one should start from corporate dress code... If the company has very strict requirements for the appearance of employees, then the rule “the less the better” works. This literally means a minimum of jewelry at work: an engagement ring, small earrings, a pendant on a chain, and a watch. But this does not mean that if the company is more liberal in terms of the appearance of employees, then you need to put on all the most beautiful and elegant in several rows. The fashion for massive necklaces and bracelets has passed, therefore, choosing elegant minimalistic jewelry, you will not only be in trend, but also comply with the requirements of a business style of clothing.

What details of the image should not be saved on under any circumstances?

Galina Maslennikova: First of all, you need to take care of yourself, take care of your appearance, because the absence of a neat hairstyle will not be saved by any earrings, and a beautiful watch will not make the proper impression without a fresh manicure. Undoubtedly, you do not need to save money in choosing these very watches, they will be with you for more than one season. Also, when choosing a chronometer, pay attention to whether alternative straps are offered for it, with them it will be possible to slightly change your accessory, and therefore the whole image as a whole. Also, special attention should be paid to business paraphernalia: bags, briefcases, folders for documents, business card holders, pens, cases for mobile devices - all these details can say a lot about your attitude to work.

Jewelry is the most important component of a modern business woman. Regardless of the level - you are a business owner or an ordinary employee - the office jewelry dress code has its own laws that apply to everyone. The only question is the cost of jewelry, which just emphasize the status of a woman.

Business style and only

The appropriateness of the situation is the most important feature of office decorations in general and a business woman in particular. No matter how you like the author's hand-made, jewelry from felted wool or exclusive colored rhinestones - it is better to save all this for a weekend and a long airy sundress.

Make way for stylish elegance

Elegant minimalism is a fashion trend in the jewelry industry recent years, especially relevant for the "business style". Give preference to humble, but stylish gizmos, captivating not with brightness and catchiness, but with unobtrusive chic. Prefer quality over quantity - one ring is better, but expensive, than many, but like everyone else.

We'll leave our personal at home

Nothing personal is one of the principles of business jewelry style... Business style does not imply the presence of any personal intimate elements in the appearance of an employee. Heart pendants, jewelry in the shape of your zodiac sign, all sorts of feng shui signs, names, cute kitty dogs should be left on romantic evening Friday.

The rule of three

The most important rule of jewelry dress code is the law of "three things". That is, the office dress code provides for the presence of no more than three jewelry on a woman. This number also includes a wedding ring, which can be complemented with earrings or a chain and bracelet.

White and yellow are bad taste

Business style, and indeed all the rules for wearing jewelry, consider the combination of gold and silver jewelry... As an exception, it is sometimes possible to allow products made with the involvement of both metals, for example, this famous ring Cartier, but such things are rare. Therefore, choose either yellow or white jewelry, pairing them with your clothes whenever possible. So, to black things and clothes warm colors gold jewelry is better suited, but silver items should be preferred to a suit of cold colors. And explain to your husband why you sometimes take off your wedding ring ...

Choosing a noble metal

The most fashionable metals of recent seasons are platinum, White gold, silver top class... They look more strict than yellow gold, and are more suitable for business style.

Choosing stones

Classic stones for office style are pearls, cubic zirconias and small “friends of all girls” diamonds. If you work in a creative company where a certain bright variety is permissible, focus on the natural color type - brunettes and brown-haired women can choose emerald, amber or sapphire, but blondes or women with light blond hair stylists recommend stones of transparent, translucent or light colors. It can be the same diamond, topaz, amethyst, chrysolite.

Watch as decoration

Time is money. Let's not forget about this essential accessory business woman like a watch. Most the best option- classic gold watch with a calm dial and leather straps in traditional black, white or neutral beige colors... Avoid models with shiny stones, as brightly colored straps will be inappropriate.

About the cost of jewelry

So we come to the question of how a businesswoman differs from an ordinary employee. Alas, there is nothing new here, the question is in the price. By the value of your jewelry, business partners and clients will judge how well you are doing and, therefore, whether it is worth working with you. In Europe, it is customary that a watch cellular telephone, ladies handbag cost about one salary. Hence the conclusion - you should not either save on jewelry or buy something super-expensive that does not correspond to your income level. And don't think that the price of jewelry will solve all the issues - in business business qualities, the ability to work will always be ranked higher than any jewelry.

Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved

Each piece of jewelry has its own purpose. Some products are suitable for gala evening, others for daily wear. Let's talk about which decorations will be most appropriate at work and how to choose them.

Wearing unnecessarily provocative jewelry in the office is the height of vulgarity. You need to know how to pair items, how to choose outfits for everyday wear, and what to avoid. The jewelry dress code is not as simple as it sounds. So let's get started.

What should be the jewelry for the office?

The choice of jewelry for work should follow five fundamental principles:

1. Moderation.

2. Courage.

3. Relevance.

4. Combination of materials.

5. Quality.

Let's figure out what each of them means. These criteria and rules will allow you to select products that will look harmonious in the office.

Moderation implies the application of the "golden" rule - no more than three or four decorations per image. Note that this quantity includes an engagement ring if you are wearing one. One of the following combinations will be optimal:

· Earrings + ring + chain;

· Earrings + brooch + ring;

· Earrings + ring + beads;

· Earrings + ring + bracelet.

Despite the principle of moderation, bright products should not be ignored. For example, large pendant or a necklace will perfectly complement a strict monochromatic office dress simple cut... However, so bold decision implies the rejection of other jewelry.

Always remember that what is appropriate in a restaurant or theater will not always look harmonious in the office. Avoid overly variegated textures, shine and massive stones.

The workplace is not an environment where you need to shine with extravagant ideas. Give preference to laconic classics.

Combining different metals is not the best solution... In a business style, such liberties are not acceptable. If you are wearing a gold wedding ring, then all other products must be made of this metal. The combination of silver and gold in one look is bad manners.

Business style is primarily minimalism. Don't skimp on jewelry. They must be of high quality and aesthetically pleasing.

Remember, they are greeted by their clothes. Elegant image will give you confidence and, as a result, success.

Pay attention to the color of your clothes. This is very important when choosing the metal from which the jewelry will be made.

So, gold goes better with black, red, white and burgundy. With clothes of cold shades, preference is given to silver. The stones are selected accordingly.

Jewelry with bright stones is suitable for dark-haired women. For example, earrings with emeralds or sapphires. For fair-haired ladies, transparent or pastel shades stones - topaz, zircon, turquoise.

If the garment is light in texture, neat jewelry with delicate outlines and delicate carvings will do. TO thick fabric such decorations will not work. You should choose more discreet accessories with or without natural stones.

Pearl jewelry is very popular now. However, you need to be careful with them. If your work is related to international cooperation, keep in mind that in some countries pearls are a symbol of tragedy (for example, in Spain).

Nevertheless, pearl products are relevant. For the office, discreet jewelry from the Rivoli brand is perfect.

What Jewelry Should I Avoid?

You should not wear exclusive jewelry to work that attracts attention with its brightness and extravagance. Such products should be left for receptions and cultural events.

Choose earrings carefully for your business look. They should not be excessively massive and long. It is worth giving up symbolic products - in the form of butterflies, flowers, etc. They will not be appropriate with a formal business style.

Avoid woven bracelets and feathers. Leave such decorations for friendly gatherings.

Individualized and "personal" decorations would also be inappropriate. This refers to products according to the signs of the zodiac, hearts and similar things. Such decorations absolutely do not fit into the office style.

Remember the rule of "three things" and the above principles for choosing jewelry for the office. By following these simple guidelines, you will not only fit perfectly into the office dress code, but you will still look feminine and elegant.

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