Proposal to marry a girl. How to propose to a girl to marry? Original ideas. Proposal to a girl: a ring at dinner

Well, you clearly realized that you have found your soul mate, and are ready to connect your life with her forever. Now it remains only to offer his beloved his hand and heart in an original way. This day must necessarily be the best and brightest in your life. We offer some tips that will help you organize everything and not rack your brains over how to propose to a girl to marry.

There are a lot of ways to offer your beloved a hand and a heart, but you must take into account the nature of your girlfriend. Surely she has told more than once what, in her opinion, the proposal should be. Remember and make her wish come true.

public offer

This type of offer is the most popular, it is often recorded on video so that there is something to remember in the future. On the Internet, these videos are gaining a lot of likes and views in a short period of time. To ask for a hand and a heart in this way means to make considerable efforts and, most importantly, to show imagination.

For example, you can take your beloved to a concert of her favorite group, arrange in advance with the performers to make something like this: “Irina, will you marry Alexander? just about you."

You can also go to the cinema with a girl and arrange in advance with the manager to put your video offer at the beginning of the movie. Before the session begins, the guy leaves supposedly for popcorn, then a video about their love begins, then a proposal follows. The girl is going through a whole storm of emotions at this moment. And she will be especially happy when her beloved returns, but not with popcorn, but with a bouquet of flowers and a ring.

If your girl is this moment is in long trip, that is great chance propose at the airport when she returns. Instead of a nameplate, as is usually done, take a sign that says "Marry me!"

An offer in a park or in another crowded place will surely be remembered by a girl on long years. Making an appointment at specified place, you must prepare carefully: musicians, actors, flowers, etc.

If your beloved has a car, and you are wondering how to propose a girl to marry using a car, then this method is just for you. Shower your car with rose petals and Windshield attach a postcard with the cherished words. At this point, hiding in the car is undesirable. It would be best to stand around the corner of the house or behind a tree growing nearby. Also, the trunk and interior of the car can be filled with flowers. Treat your loved one with such a pleasant surprise!

Proposal to a girl: a ring at dinner

Place the ring in a glass of wine or a croissant. Certainly a tempting offer. However, this should be done with caution so that your evening does not end within the walls of the hospital. Put the ring only in those drinks that the girl will drink through a straw. This way, she will be able to see the ring and not swallow it.

It is very impressive when the waiter brings a ring under the lid instead of the desired dish. The girl will be pleasantly surprised, and the young man, in turn, should make a beautiful proposal and put the lover's ring on his finger.

"Sweet" offer

If your girlfriend has a sweet tooth, then buy an ordinary chocolate egg in the store, cut it with a blade, place the ring inside and wrap the delicacy back in foil. The ring is best placed in a capsule, which usually comes with a chocolate egg.

If you don't want to go to any restaurants, but delicious surprise want to do, we offer a mini-recipe for home gatherings. You no longer have to puzzle over how to propose to a girl to marry. Just prepare a surprise cookie for her!


  • 50 grams of flour (1/3 cup);
  • 110 grams of powdered sugar (1/2 cup);
  • 2 egg whites (preferably chicken);
  • 60 grams of softened butter;
  • ring and note.

Melt the butter in a water bath, add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. Next we send the egg whites and flour, once again carefully stir the mass. While you knead the dough, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees. We cut circles of the same diameter from the dough and put in a preheated oven for 6-7 minutes, until the edges of the cookies begin to brown. Then we quickly take it out, put the prepared surprise in the center and fold the "flat cake" four times. Special forms for baking cupcakes are very convenient at this stage, although you can do without them. We place the cookies in a mold or just on a tray and put in a cool place to cool.

It is not necessary to propose in private. You can invite the family over, or go to a restaurant and ask the waiter to bring you the cookies you made. Be sure: your chosen one will appreciate your efforts. After all, she must have seen more than once how another guy proposes to a girl. Hit her too!

The most original proposal to a girl

Go to the mountains. This is where the most beautiful sunsets are. At this point, propose to your sweetheart. Be sure to get on one knee and hold the ring in your hands. In this situation, you will not need to say anything - the girl herself will understand everything.

In the sky

In the United States and Europe, "airline advertising" is becoming more and more popular. A poster with the inscription: "Marry me!" clings to the tail of a rented plane! IN Lately this method became possible to use in Russia.

Many countries offer hot air ballooning. It is when emotions are already going through the roof that it will be best to make an offer. Although there is only one "but". If you are not sure about the answer of your chosen one, if there is even the slightest chance that she will answer "no", we do not advise you to go to heaven. In this case, the girl will feel like she is in a submarine, from which she cannot get out.

Photo shoot offer

Photo session is great idea to propose to your girlfriend. Your beloved will not expect such a scenario in any way, which means that her unique emotions will be captured in the photographs.

Set up a tripod, camera, turn on the "series of photos" mode. Ask your girlfriend to take a photo. Give her a ring during the shoot. This way you will get photos with real feelings. The pictures will serve as a reminder for the rest of your life. In addition, there will be something to show to children and even grandchildren.

A dream come true

If you are thinking about how to properly propose to a girl, then this scenario can be called the most successful and at the same time the most difficult. Every man can casually ask his beloved about her cherished dream and then turn it into reality. Naturally, it all depends on the desire of the man himself and on his financial capabilities.

A girl may dream of a trip to another country, a parachute jump, and much more. A truly loving man will overcome all obstacles and become a real magician for his beloved.

Game style proposal

Waking up early in the morning, the girl does not see her lover next to her, and instead of him there is a note on the pillow. The text in the note will indicate the place where the girl should go. Collecting clues in this way, she will finally move to that part of the house / apartment where the groom will be waiting for her. This is also one of original ways propose to your girlfriend.

Of course, be sure to show imagination. The proposal should come from the heart, you can choose one of the methods proposed in this article and improve it a little, adjust it to the nature of your beloved and the style of your relationship.

show offer

There are many such scenarios. You can arrange with a musical or theater group to help you make a show that will win the heart of your chosen one. In any case, your girlfriend should be the center of attention. But if you are interested in the question of how to propose to a girl to get married and invest in a certain budget, then we advise you to re-read the options proposed above, since this method will cost a lot of money.

An offer worth the money

Arrange with a radio station and put on a romantic song own composition. However, be sure to find out if the girl is listening to your radio message, otherwise the surprise will fail.

Rent balloon, get up in the air. You will need a few helpers to do this. While you are flying, a heart or some kind of inscription should burn on the ground. Helpers are needed in order to set fire to the message, and they will also make sure that there is no fire and does not spoil the whole holiday. Yes, this method has its drawbacks, since you have to work with fire. But you still have quite a few options for places where to propose to a girl.

Leave for warm countries. You have to find a shell on the seashore, or maybe in the sea itself. During the rest, tell the girl that you will be away for a few minutes, and you yourself go to prepare a surprise. If the sink is large, fill it with sand and small shells. If your shell small size, you can pour quite a bit of sand into it, and put a ring on top. In this form, you present the ring to your chosen one and say the words that she has dreamed of hearing for so long.

Romance in simplicity

Get up early, go for fresh produce. Find a recipe ahead of time romantic breakfast Of course, don't forget to cook it. Wake up your chosen one with a passionate kiss and invite you to breakfast. An offer can be made at the beginning of the meal. From the received emotions, your girlfriend simply cannot hold back her tears.

Treat your future bride to a spa at home. Take a whole bath hot water, scatter rose petals throughout the room. If your loved one is still sleeping, then you can make a kind of path from the bed to the bathroom. When the girl takes a bath, lower the duckling with the ring into the water and tell her the cherished words.

So, you have a solid baggage of ideas and thoughts on how to propose to a girl to get married. In principle, the difficulties in organizing this important event you should not have now. We sincerely hope that your one and only will say "yes"!

How to propose to a girl to marry in an original way at home

If you have reached the page, then this day has come. You have found your soul mate, your ball of happiness and decided to take the most serious step in your life, that is propose marriage to a girl.

  • How to propose marriage
  • How to turn down a marriage proposal
  • How to make a romantic proposal

How to make a nice marriage proposal to a girl

Before you make the most important proposal to your chosen one, you must be completely sure that she is the one with whom you are ready to live until old age: you must have general concepts about life in general, family, children, advantages and disadvantages of each other.

No matter how you propose a hand and a heart, you still cannot do without a ring and flowers. So be sure to take care of this in advance.

Here are a few interesting scenarios how to propose to a girl to marry:

  • You can invite a girl to a gourmet restaurant for dinner. Sincerely tell how much she means to you, and then take out the ring and ask: “Will you marry me?”. Let the waiter bring a huge bouquet at this time.
  • Invite your girlfriend to ride the ferris wheel. Preferably in the evening. On the very high point get on your knee, picking up the ring, and ask the most desired question. Afterwards, you can have dinner at the restaurant.
  • If you would like to present unexpected surprise girl, you can propose to her during her working day: come with flowers in the midst of work and ask all colleagues if she agrees to become your wife. But think in advance whether your girlfriend will like it all. It all depends on her character. Do not forget also about refreshments and champagne for colleagues.
  • You can make an "offer" at any concert. You just need to agree in advance with the hosts so that she will be called on stage. Be sure to prepare your speech before you start speaking. Many girls like to be the center of attention.
  • You can also order a cake with the inscription "Be my wife". Any girl will be delighted with such a surprise.
  • Arrange for the chosen one romantic dinner in the apartment, scatter flower petals everywhere (of course, these should be roses), arrange and light candles. Let the ring lie in a conspicuous place, and after she opens the box, say that you would be happy to become her husband.

But the main rule can be formulated as follows: in whatever way you make an "offer", do it sincerely and with big love. Let her feel that you have taken this with great responsibility and awe.

13 original ways to propose to a girl

In the life of every man in love, there comes a day when he realizes that the time has come to propose to his beloved.

This moment should be approached with special responsibility, and we will share with you tips on how to spend everything beautifully.

Before the key moment, of course, you need to pick up a ring for your chosen one.

Find out in advance what size rings your sweetheart wears, as well as what metals she likes jewelry.

When proposing to your beloved, you must take into account her character - hardly modest and shy girl like to hear the cherished words in public place with many witnesses.

Think over in advance the phrases with which you will begin - tell the girl about your dreams, feelings and plans related to her. After such an introduction, one should move on to the cherished question: “Will you become my wife?”.

Following a long tradition, you can kneel before the chosen one: the effect will be brighter.

How to propose to your girlfriend

There are a huge number of ways to beautifully ask for a girl’s hand, and we will tell you about them.

If a solemn moment will take place at home, make sure that it becomes a surprise for your beloved. If you live together, then shortly before the arrival of your girlfriend from work or a walk, lay out a path with flower petals from front door to the threshold of the bedroom, which will be appropriately decorated (lit candles, subdued lights, quiet music).

Meet the chosen one with a luxurious bouquet of roses. Do not forget to put a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses on the bedside table to immediately celebrate the event.

When the girl enters the room, give her a few seconds to realize what is happening, then make a speech that you have prepared in advance, open the box that contains the ring and present it to your lover.

You can also propose in the morning. Bring your loved one breakfast in bed with some light meals or just a cup of coffee. Place a saucer in which the ring will lie in the breakfast service. Do not forget to buy flowers in advance and give them to your beloved after answering your offer.

With parents

If you want to ask the hands of your girlfriend from her parents, then you should prepare in advance for this. The ideal option it will if you wear a suit and tie to this meeting, and also buy a bouquet of flowers for a potential mother-in-law and a bottle of wine for a possible father-in-law.

You can also bring cake or sweets to the table. You should come to the meeting with the parents of the chosen one on time, having prepared in advance for a responsible conversation and having thought over the main words.

During the conversation, thank the bride's parents for their beautiful daughter- It will not be superfluous to list the qualities that conquered you in it.

Inform that you intend to legitimize your relationship with their daughter and ask for their blessing for marriage, thus showing respect to the parents.

At the restaurant

One of the most classic options is a proposal in a restaurant. Calm music, cozy interior, delicious dishes and drinks - all this is already conducive to romance.

Having given the girl flowers at the beginning of the evening, you can move on to the most important words in the middle of dinner.

Having taken out a box with a ring, open it and tell your chosen one about your feelings and intention to connect fate with her.

Ask the waiter in advance to bring you champagne immediately after such a responsible action.

Also, with the help of a waiter, you can do it a little differently: ask him to serve a cooked ring on a tray, under a cap, at the beginning of dinner. Then it will be up to you - explain to your beloved in love and ask the cherished question.

If you are worried and not very verbose, then with a box with a ring on a tray, there may be an envelope with your confession.

For a birthday

If you want to make the culminating action more memorable for the girl, you can make a request for marriage on her birthday.

This can be done at the height of the holiday - ask everyone for a moment of attention during dinner and confess your feelings to your chosen one. After that, you can get on one knee in front of her, and holding out the ring, ask if she will marry you.

It is worth remembering that not all girls like publicity, and if such a case is in front of you, and dinner with friends or relatives is already scheduled for this day, invite her to spend a little time together in front of him.

Create romantic atmosphere at home or invite a girl to a restaurant, saying that you have a gift for her.

After that, give your chosen one a box in which there will be a balloon filled with helium, with a ring tied to its string.

When the girl opens the box, the ball will soar up and after a couple of seconds, her lover will notice the ring. Make sure in advance that it is approximately at the level of her face. After that, get down to business.

You can also order a cake, on which the confectioner will beautifully write: “Will you marry me?”, And present it in a bright box.

Of course, you should prepare a ring in advance and say the right words, after the girl opens the box.


If you are going on a trip with your beloved, then this a great opportunity to confess the desire to connect by marriage in a new place. Cherished words can be heard during the first dinner in another country, near one of the most famous places in the city where you are staying or on the seashore, to the sound of oncoming waves.

You can also propose during a boat trip on a cruise ship or by renting a boat.

In addition, your confession can be heard in a hotel room. When your girlfriend is away for a while shopping, in the shower or somewhere else, decorate the room scented candles, rose petals and put a luxurious bouquet of flowers in a prominent place.

Make sure that the room has chilled champagne and some fruit or chocolate to go with it. When the chosen one enters the room, you can make her a long-awaited surprise.

Subsequently, the city in which the exciting words were spoken can be visited during honeymoon or wedding anniversary.

In a public place

If you and your chosen one are not afraid of declarations of love in public or you have noticed that your girlfriend is touched by melodramas in which the key character asks her beloved to become his wife in front of a large crowd, then you can propose to the girl on the square, in the subway, in the shopping mall. center and any other crowded places.

Bold owners of acting talent can pronounce the most important words and from the theater stage. To do this, you have to agree in advance with the theater administrator that you will have the opportunity to go on stage after the performance and invite your beloved to become your wife.

Invite a girl to a concert of your favorite musical group and ask one of its participants to voice the request of a hand and heart on your behalf or let you go on stage yourself and confess your feelings.

At work/study

Have someone give your sweetheart a note from you in the morning at work or school telling her that you will be waiting for her during a break at a nearby cafe or at some memorable landmark nearby.

When the girl comes to the meeting, present her with a bouquet of flowers and, getting down on one knee, make an offer.

What to ask a girl when texting? Read more list interesting topics for virtual communication.

Cherished words can be said in the middle of the working day - you can come to her office with a bouquet of flowers and a ring, or ask her to look out the window, behind which a performance will await her.

If you like the idea of ​​a performance, then you can prepare a serenade, read out loud touching poems, write main question on the pavement or launch fireworks after saying it.

Those who want to make performances more massive can use the help of friends or just acquaintances - each of them should keep big poster with one letter - as a result, the letters should form the question: “Will you marry me?”.

Book a romantic ride through the snow-covered city on a horse-drawn sleigh - invite your sweetheart to become your wife during a trip to a particularly picturesque place. After that, the evening can be continued in a warm and cozy place.

As a rule, before the New Year reigns everywhere festive mood, and it would be appropriate to ask for hands immediately after the chiming clock sounds - both of you will remember such a holiday for a lifetime.

Also, the cherished phrase can be uttered on Valentine's Day. Invite a girl for a walk, in advance, using edible paints, gouache or watercolor, writing a question on a snowy area, past which your route will lie.

If you want your request to sound especially beautiful, then you can use the works of the classics, praising the beauty of your beloved and describing your feelings, immediately after that go to the most important issue.

Perhaps you yourself are endowed with a poetic talent, which will allow you to write your own poem for your beloved, in which a marriage proposal will sound.

Poems can be read at romantic date or in a restaurant ask the chef to write the cherished lines on the dessert of your favorite cream.

Also, the verse with the proposal will look spectacular on the banner that she sees from the window of her home or work.

In addition, you can order a work from contemporary poets, who are easy to find on social networks.

The most original ways

What to avoid

  • Don't propose on the go, as if in between.
  • Don't propose marriage if you are in drunk It's disrespectful to a girl.
  • Shouldn't be chewed during the pronunciation of the cherished words or be distracted by something extraneous.
  • No need make a marriage proposal over the phone.
  • Hide the ring in food- this is no longer too original and such an idea may end for your chosen one with a visit to the dentist.
  • If the girl did not immediately agree and asked for time to think, do not make a tragedy out of this, because this is one of the most important decisions in a girl's life, which not everyone can take instantly.

Be sure to prepare for such an important and happy day, because the path to the joint future of two people in love begins with it!

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How to propose to a girl to marry: 12 original and beautiful ideas

The story of how you proposed to your girlfriend to marry will be told to friends and strangers, our advice will help you do it in an original and beautiful way so that your soul mate is delighted.

How to propose to a girl for marriage

#1. Send an unsuspecting bride a letter asking her to go on a treasure hunt that ends with your proposal. Start with clues in the house (handwritten letters or messages on the phone), which will eventually lead her to you across the city.

#2. Go to a night dance and ask the DJ to pass you the microphone so you can dedicate a song to her, proposing in front of the audience and asking the bride to dance.

#3. Select favorite place, be it a fountain, a rooftop hotel, a monument, or a national park that has a personal meaning just for the two of you. After you get to the exact spot, ask someone nearby to take a picture of you together as you drop down on one knee with the ring.

#4. A relic of childhood - propose by writing on the sidewalk with chalk "Name and Marry me, Name and You will marry me" on your street or on the road in front of the windows, call her to the window, and then you know what to do.

How to propose to a girl in an original way

#5. Put the ring on the girl's finger while she is still sleeping, then make a romantic morning call to wake up standing outside the door with a bottle of champagne and strawberries.

#6. Ask the baker or chef to make a special cake with a sentence written on the cake with icing. Bring the cake home in a closed package, and let your girlfriend open it, prepare the ring yourself, after she opens it and you can get up on your knees to be pleasantly surprised.

#7. Make a surprise ring in a Kinder surprise egg pack.

#8. Rent a studio and hire a director, tell your woman that you were invited for "Casting" married couple to the studio, and then propose to the girl to marry in front of the cameras.

#9. Collect a gift basket full of delicious treats - dark chocolate, coffee or fresh fruit that your girlfriend likes and hide the ring among the gifts.

#10. Tie a red velvet ribbon around the house that will stretch from one room to another. Along the way, tie little notes every inch, reminding her of the wonderful moments in your relationship. Wait until your partner reaches the end where you tie the ring, or stand with the ring on her knee.

#11. Go to the beach together and build a sandcastle together (a safe distance from the water!). When your partner turns away, insert the ring on the very top of the tall tower of your castle.

#12. Ask friends or family members to have a picnic complete with wine and cheese, chocolates of course, for you in the park. Then come up with an excuse to go out with the girl, where you randomly stumble upon this surprise, and then you know what to do.

For a long time I could not decide
But such a moment has come
I want to marry you
You alone are my ideal.

I offer my hand with my heart.
Be, please, my wife!
I only dream of one thing -
Live life together with you!

I'll get down on one knee
I handed you a ring
I'll get a bouquet of flowers
And I'll tell you to your face

that I adore you
What I want to be with you
Endlessly, I promise
I will love you.

I want to live my life with you
Be forever mine.
Sun, be my wife!
I ask for your hand!

My dear, tender, unique and beautiful, I want to tell you that from the day you appeared in my life, happiness and joy filled my soul, my life gained new meaning and big dream. Darling, I offer you my hand that will always support you and the heart that will forever be your possession and that will always love you. Be my wife, my joy.

You have no idea how worried I am.
The heart beats furiously in the chest.
But after thinking it over, I suggest:
For me, dear, come out!

I'm ready to go through life with you
And in trouble and in happiness to be near,
Become your support and support
And love to the grave!

You have no idea how worried...
Suddenly you will answer a stone "no".
But in my heart, of course, I believe:
There will be a positive answer!

Let's meet old age together with you,
Imagine walking together in the park, we have grandchildren,
'Cause you're my only weakness
I gently kiss your hands.

Come with you, share our lives
More precisely, we will weave them together with you,
You are my tenderness, holiness, infinity,
And only you are needed.

Come with you, drown in our love,
With you I used to fall asleep and wake up,
Tell me, will you be my wife?
So that until the end of my life, I could admire you!

You know how much I love you.
Because, a little worried,
I'm trying to find words
I just get lost in them.

Let me tell you about the main
I recently decided
I want a family with you.
Will you be my wife?

Love gave me wings
But the sky is closed without you
With you, everything in the world is different,
And I've known for a long time that
You were sent to me by fate
I want to ask a simple question
Would you like to be my wife?

One smile of yours is mischievous
My soul has destroyed peace;
Now in your hands are the keys to paradise:
You alone decide my fate.

Everything I need and want
The rest of my life to spend with you;
I call to your heart now
And I beg: be my wife!

With you we are so cool together
Do not sing any verses
We passionately reach for each other,
But that's not enough for me.

Deep feelings in our hearts
They sound like complicated stories.
We are a couple, we are not alone
But that's not enough for me.

I want fate and hope
We are forever tied to you,
My angel, beautiful and tender,
Please be my wife!

I want to share with you
And happiness, and any troubles,
I want to live as a family
So that in the house - fidget children,

Always their laughter to sound
I - went to you only one,
And in the heart the anthem of love played.
Dear, be my wife.

Today I want to confess to you
That you are my world and just an ideal,
I want to wake up next to you
I've never met anyone like you before!

And so without a shred of doubt
I say: dear, be with me!
Please accept an offer today
Become a beloved, affectionate wife!

This winter in our friendly company passed cheerfully, with songs, dances and doves. You probably already guessed that we are talking about weddings. And what more! One wedding was truly significant - my parents got married after many years of quarrel and life outside of marriage best friend- yes, like this, again White dress, excitement, rings, everything is like for the first time - it was extremely pleasant to make this wedding.

And the second wedding was even more amazing, because our best friend, an avid bachelor, a rake and a favorite of women! Frankly, we have been waiting for this moment since school, it seemed to us that it would be something unimaginable.

We almost guessed, the unimaginable began before the new year, when at the next party all the friends thought hard about how to propose to the girl so that she agreed. The guys were familiar not so long ago, and the wedding was not even discussed, but our friend was impatient, and we began to generate ideas.

I am sharing with you because we have come up with a lot of interesting things, and in order to choose exactly how to make an offer and say the most cherished words, it is better to imagine how this can be done in principle.

Classic ways

Well, what girl can resist if her beloved man proposes to her in a chic setting, saying before that touching speech and kneel before her? The answer suggests itself. So, for classic proposals are suitable:
  • family dinners and feasts;
  • chic restaurant;
  • any gala evening;
  • any holiday, if you make an inscription on the cake in advance with a proposal to get married.
Any girl will like such a proposal - this is moderately original, she will wear it in honor of the celebration Nice dress, and making an offer in a solemn atmosphere is always easier.

Mandatory attributes - a patriarchal diamond ring, an armful of roses, a good suit, and champagne. However, then we began to fantasize, and added a few more to the "classic" methods:

  • drown the ring in champagne;
  • hide the ring in the dessert;
  • ask the restaurant to serve the ring before dessert.
Just imagine - a good restaurant, well-trained waiters, live music is playing softly, laughter is heard, cutlery is ringing softly, and the waiter puts a new dish in front of the girl, removing the chrome lid with one movement. Fairy tale, right? Especially if you manage to withstand the face and not hint at all. At home, this trick is much more difficult to pull off.

romantic ways

Among our mutual friends there are two romantic persons whom you don’t feed with bread - let them cry out of the blue with emotion. They have compiled the following list:
  • proposal after the performance, having risen to the stage;
  • after a concert by her favorite band;
  • on a steamboat or a horseback ride (here it should be clarified that a horseback ride in the dreams of my girlfriends is something sublime and romantic in the highest degree, but not at all real and with the smell of hay);
  • writing a marriage proposal under the windows on the asphalt;
  • arrange a romantic walk (daughter suggests - a romantic photo shoot);
  • For new year's eve perfect ring on the tree - or under the tree, as a gift.
Romantic ways are suitable for inviting a girl to get married at home - in a warm family atmosphere. You can just decorate the apartment with flowers and balloons, and presenting a ring to her is quite original, and you don’t need to do anything special.

Virtual Ways

Since our friend is engaged in the creation of sites for his work, the brains of the boys immediately began to work in this direction too. How to make a virtual marriage proposal:
  • make a website or page with joint photos and a request to get married;
  • record a video message with a marriage proposal;
  • make a short film or record a romantic song - at least it will be very original;
  • arrange a small virtual quest - going from page to page, the girl will have to answer several questions correctly, entering the answers as a password, the final page will be their joint photo with a marriage proposal.
Making a virtual proposal only makes sense if the girl definitely likes it. Not every girl wants to receive an offer in this form, someone is waiting for everything to be right. But what to do, we are all different, and this must be taken into account.

Bulk ways

This section caused the most enthusiasm, since everyone really wanted to take part. How to propose to your beloved if you have a crowd of crazy friends:
  • arrange a dance flash mob and involve as many people as possible in it;
  • sing a serenade under her window - with instruments, theatrical (be careful, if there are inadequate neighbors, everything can turn into a tragicomedy);
  • print a lot of posters with declarations of love, distribute to friends and ask to watch for a friend near her house, and then standard way, down on one knee and with a ring in a velvet box;
  • having arranged a big role-playing quest, with chases, surprises and tasks for the future bride.
I confess that we wanted to do everything at once. But this idea failed, and we collected the most interesting ways in one wildly hilarious way.

Our amazing plan

Our friend decided to stop at a small quest, which we all helped to arrange together. Make an offer like this - really good idea It's original and interesting. I can also say that we filmed and photographed the whole process, so the guys have a lot of memorable pictures and records from this exciting day.

It all started with the fact that the girl who needed to propose was very responsive and always came to the rescue. She also wanted a kitten for a long time. In general, it all started with the fact that she had to meet with our friends and help them get a kitten from a tree - he is small, it is winter outside, and the kitten is simply afraid of guys.

future bride bravely went to the fine winter day in one of the city parks, after the kitten was caught, the guys had to go with him to the veterinarian - the friends who called her convinced that the kitten should be examined by a doctor. The veterinarian, as you may have guessed, was a dummy - he examined the kitten and advised him to leave him in the clinic until the morning, so that the doctors would monitor his condition.

Then the story developed very quickly. In the nearest hypermarket, where the girl and her friends went to buy all sorts of cat supplies, other guys caught her - they allegedly held an advertising campaign there and asked to take some photos of her with a big heart in her hands.

Literally five minutes later, notifications rained down on her phone - the photo got into social media, and below it were about a hundred comments congratulating her on "finding her heart."

The next step is a call from her parents, who asked her to come urgently. On the way, her car was cut off by her fiancé, and her friends gave them a real chase, everything ended on the main square of the city, from where the girl asked to pick her up own mother.

Several huge garlands balloons, friends who pretended to be promoters, a huge heart, a veterinary service car, a kitten in a carrier and her beloved who congratulated her on their most tender holiday.

And then a projector image appeared on one of the walls - their own short film, the story of their love, at the end of which our friend on video asked his beloved if she would become his wife.

The girl clutched the carrier with the kitten to her, laughed and did not believe that he was really asking her to marry him, and then the whole square and the crowd of our friends froze, raising a bunch of posters hidden for the time being with his declarations of love.

Her enthusiastic "Yes!" probably heard the whole city, and we happily shook hands and hugged - our great plan was a success, and she agreed to marry him! And the kitten was his first gift - couldn't we just use it to propose?

Of course, the plan was complicated, and the girl in it was assigned the main role- Basically, she had to save a kitten, participate in a promotion, drive around the city, participate in a race and do a bunch of things at the same time. However, the most cherished words are his words of love, his words asking him to marry him as well as possible communicated his feelings.

And my friends and I agreed that when the time comes for one of our friends to propose to his girlfriend, we will arrange another funny story- necessarily in the warm season, on the shores of some warm sea, what could be better? And the girl will be very pleased.

A young man who is preparing to take a very important step - to offer a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look worthy in front of his beloved, and in response to receive the desired “yes”. We advise you to explore all possible ways, how beautiful it is to propose to a girl, and then decide on an acceptable option for yourself.

7 ways to propose beautifully

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is modest, restrained, present wedding ring in a warm cozy home environment or tete-a-tete in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on the radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend the day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple baked potato picnic, everything must be organized the best way. Choose a picturesque place on the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a festive mood for a girl, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just rest from all worries, think only about you. Think of a way to set the impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Don't forget the grand opening of champagne huge bouquet flowers and about the highlight of the program - a ring, dressed on the finger of a beloved. You will need to get on one knee in front of the girl, gallantly deliver a speech or read a suitable poem.

Want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautifully you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, show yourself as a real hero-superman, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it has become popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, they prefer to keep everything personal for behind closed doors your home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with a girl? So, you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line the path from the front door to the bedroom with them, let her bare feet touch the sincerity of your feelings. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with big bouquet flowers while she is shocked by everything that is happening, hold your hand into the bedroom, kneel and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessing. Dress solidly, get yours for this holiday costume, tie, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle good wine or cognac for the father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, a gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think of words to thank your parents for this good daughter tell them why they loved her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - announce that you intend to legitimize the relationship and have come here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

You guess that the girl wants to hear a proposal from you not alone, but with in large numbers people, as confirmation of your boundless love? So follow your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play to your advantage. If you think carefully about how beautifully you can propose to a girl in public place, then for such a case the mass suitable places- metro, shopping mall, square, theater, concert venue, park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear a marriage proposal right from his stage. Gain courage, go on stage and say the cherished words in front of all the honest people. Believe Support great hall will play a role, the answer of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you shouldn't propose like that if the girl lives on top floor Very high house otherwise you won't be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lit small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Watch in the video how beautifully an ordinary guy proposed to a girl with the help of friends.

At the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is an unfading classic. That's how they did it in the old days, that's how connoisseurs do it now good taste and gallant manners. beautiful clothes, gourmet dishes, romantic music - all this is conducive to pleasant conversations, intimacy, not in vain the restaurant heard the most such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to a girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself beautiful bouquet colors. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all kinds of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When will it come right moment, take out a box with a ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the proposal more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered from above beautiful napkin or cap. And then take the initiative.

At work or school

Do you want to make this working or school day of your girlfriend the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a treasured ring - and head straight to where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what other way to beautifully propose to a girl! If a loved one listens to radio programs that convey congratulations on her birthday and other holidays, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more life! By doing this, you will reach the very depths of her soul.


Fork out, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers - Paris is suitable for this. The final destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be just the two of you, dedicate unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give vent to feelings. A new environment, a variety of impressions will enliven emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girl.