How to raise vital energy. How to increase your own energy. The practice of increasing vibrations. Special exercises for energy storage and concentration

How does a successful person differ from a loser? First of all - high energy... Take the same billionaires. I myself have not communicated with such people, but those who happened to, as one say, that when you are next to such a person, his colossal energy is felt almost on physical level... Is that lightning does not throw πŸ™‚

Really, it takes a good boost of energy to achieve even a small amount of success. But where can we get such a charge ?! In order not to experience a lack of energy, you need increase the level of your energy. I have studied this question and today I will tell you, my friend, what ways to increase energy exist.

Energy types

First of all, you need to know that Energy Science Connoisseurs distinguish 2 types of energypossessed by a person - vital (physical) and free (creative, creative) .

Vital energy - the energy necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body and ensure all its functions. Health, in short.

When there is a lot of vital energy, it can turn into free energy... When it is not enough, a person starts to get sick. If it is at zero, the person dies.

Free energy - energy that gives the desire and the ability to think and act - to create and create. For example, to write this article, I had to spend some of this very energy.

When there is a lot of this energy, you are real "Energizer" and a generator of ideas that you easily and naturally bring to life. When it’s not enough, the mood to do something disappears, things do not start to go as easily as we would like. When she is at zero - you don't want to do absolutely anything, you want to fall on the sofa and watch TV (but not "What? Where? When?", but, for example, The Simpsons - in order to relax the brain as much as possible).

I think it is clear that vital energy is the foundation, and if it is not enough, there can be no talk of any free energy. In such a situation, you will most likely want only one thing - to sleep.

To increase energy, you first need to tidy up the level of vital energy, and then you can begin to increase the level of free energy.

Ways to increase energy

Vital energy

Full rest. During rest, energy tends to recover. AND best rest for the body it is a dream. It is during sleep that the body's forces are restored, our energy batteries are charged.

If possible stay asleep - try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. The average person needs 7-9 hours sleep per day. But if you feel tired, try increasing your sleep dose. Moreover, each person is individual - for someone it is enough and 4 hours sleep to feel invigorated, and for someone it is not enough and 10 hours. It all depends on the body and on the degree of general fatigue.

Besides, do not forget about daytime sleep. Rumor has it that half an hour-hour an afternoon nap can recharge your energy batteries to capacity.

Good nutrition. On the topic of nutrition, I have where I laid out the basic principles. I recommend reading.

In general, your diet should contain a balanced set proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The most healthy foods to raise energy:

  • Carbohydrates: cereals, whole grain black bread
  • Proteins: eggs, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, legumes, lean meat and fish
  • Fats: olive oil, nuts, salmon

Besides, eat more fruits and vegetables Is a treasure vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are necessary for the body to work well, and therefore to generate a powerful stream of vital energy.

Drink plenty of water - not less than 30 grams per kilogram of its own weight. Man on 80% consists of water, and its shortage has an extremely negative impact on health and energy. Remember, water is liquid energy. But only don't overdo it, they say that 7 liters water per day - lethal dose:

As the old man used to say Paracelsus – "Everything is poison, and everything is medicine!"

By itself, to raise energy, you should give up junk food – fatty, smoked, fried, sweets, carbonated drinks, etc. But since it is still tasty, and giving up all this means depriving yourself of many positive emotions, which can also increase energy, try at least reduce the consumption of such food to the maximum. Try to find a certain balance for yourself in which you will consume junk food to a minimum and get from it maximum pleasure... For example, you can encourage yourself pizza hamburger cakes, in case you have achieved some goal or fulfilled difficult taskthat has benefited. Or make one of the days of the week a belly holiday.

Also, I want to write a few words about such methods of raising energy as starvation and vegetarianism ... In favor of the first is the fact that when a person is hungry, the body supplies energy evenly to the whole body. When a person is full, energy goes to the stomach to digest food. In addition, fasting is a matter that must be approached carefully and with knowledge of the materiel, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Concerning vegetarianism then his supporters argue that avoiding meat completely increases energy. This is enough controversial issue, therefore, I cannot say unequivocally about vegetarianism. Most likely, everything is individual here and it really gives someone energy. If you're interested, try it. If you have experience - welcome to the comments! Share your experience with us!

Free energy

Let's move on to more subtle energies. To increase free energy there is 2 approaches:

1. Limiting the outflow of energy

2. Increased energy flow

Let's start by limiting the outflow of energy.

Bad habits. Alcohol, drugs and energy - artificially cause short-term surges of energy, which is then taken in even greater quantities. These substances give you a certain energy loan, which you will have to give away with high interest. If you are familiar with the term "hangover", then you perfectly understand what I mean.

It is for the reason "Energy lending" alcoholics and drug addicts do not live long. With the help of substances, they literally burn through a supply of energy designed for long years, in a very short time.

Smoking - one more bad habit, which, in addition to harm to health, takes away free energy from the smoker.

Energy vampires. Try to minimize contact with people who cause you negative emotions as much as possible. Typical representatives energy vampires – angry boss, jealous husband, grumpy wife, an evil mother-in-law, an evil mother-in-law, a friend complaining about life, etc. Free yourself from such people, they steal your energy.

Stress ... Try to get rid of anything that brings negative emotions into your life, such as fear, anger, feelings, envy, jealousy, regret, etc.... Negative emotions take away vitality, devastate you. In addition to the people mentioned in the points above, negative emotions can be provoked by some situations or the media. For example, from newspapers and TV, tons of negativity and bad news are poured on us. If you want everything to be in order with your energy, it is better not to watch the news at all. And if you still want to be aware, try not to take them to heart. If somewhere in the world there is war, cataclysms, famine and terrorist attacks, you still cannot change anything. So why waste your vital energy on the worries about humanity ?! It is better to direct her to ensure that your family and friends are doing well. You can do it!

Also, feelings such as resentment and guilt. The easiest way to get rid of this forgiveness. Forgive those who offended you and ask for forgiveness from those to whom you did something bad.

Multitasking. If you take on several tasks in a row, then, most likely, none of them will be performed normally, because of which you will be gnawed by worries, and accordingly, you will lose free energy necessary to complete these tasks (I wrote about this in ). It turns out vicious circle... Therefore, taking on several tasks at the same time is the wrong approach.

The correct approach is to do things on a first come, first served basis. In this case, you will be able to concentrate on the task being performed, which means that the energy for its implementation will not be wasted, and will be spent with maximum efficiency... In addition, when solving one problem, a bonus will await you - a portion of energy from satisfaction from the completed task. You will approach the next task already inspired by success πŸ™‚

So, I have listed the main reasons for the leakage of free energy, therefore move on to ways to increase the flow of energy.

Sport. Lead active image life - do some sports, exercise, run in the morning, or at least do the usual exercises for 10-15 minutes in a day. Do you feel what word? "Charging"! Speaks for itself πŸ™‚

The fact is that during classes sports and physical education we give physical energy, and in return we get free energy. Thus, we remove moral fatigue, and get physical.

Communication with positive people. If communication with energy vampires takes away your energy, then communication with positive peopleon the contrary, it gives you energy. So, after you get rid of people who bring negative emotions into your life, try to surround yourself with people who will evoke only positive emotions in you and, thereby, increase your energy.

Dream. Dreams, desires and goals - are able to generously endow us with the free energy required to achieve them. And the more you want to achieve something, the more you will feel in yourself the energy required to achieve what you want. This is nothing but motivation - the release of a powerful source of energy with the anticipation of success.

So, as it is sung in one of the songs Castes - "Compose Dreams - there are millions of chances that soon everything will come true!"

Vera. faith in Higher power gives a powerful influx of energy. That is why people who have a serious lack of energy (drug addicts in rehabilitation, prisoners, terminally ill people, people who have experienced losses or are in serious life situation) often turn to faith. She gives them the strength to live on.

Love. Love is a very powerful feeling, and it can inspire.

Energy is given to us positive emotions... AND sex - this is perhaps the best source of positive emotions.

Creation. During any creativity, you can feel a surge of strength in yourself, the so-called inspiration... People versed in fine matters, they say that at this moment channels of communication with space are opened, through which energy enters you.

However, inspiration may not always be felt. If your energy batteries are discharged, the likelihood of inspiration decreases significantly. And when you have enough energy, you can open this "Communication channel with space" with the help of creativity and begin to draw cosmic energy with buckets, immediately spending it on your created masterpiece.

Music. Music is made of energy. At the same time, music can carry, as negative energy and positive... That is, if you do not like certain music, then while listening to it, you will experience negative emotions and, accordingly, lose energy. For example, this can easily happen when listening Potap and Nastya Kamenskaya. Although if pimples you like it, then you can get charged with this song πŸ™‚

That is, absolutely any music can charge you with energy, if you like it. At the same time, the same music can take away energy from another person if he does not like it (or he just wants silence).

Hobby. A hobby is what you love to do. Accordingly, when you are busy with what you love, you experience positive emotions, and accordingly increase your energy. The principle is the same as with sex. By the way, sex can also be a good hobby if you have no other hobbies πŸ™‚

Breathing exercises. Such practices can increase your energy at times. There is a wide variety of different breathing practices, but they have the same essence - an increase in the volume of inhaled air and, as a result, an increase in the flow oxygen to the brain and all cells of the body, which inevitably increases energy and, in general, has a very good effect on health.

Charity. Spending money on charity and helping people in every possible way, you, thereby, give your energy to the world (money is also energy embodied in paper)... And the world will always thank you by generously giving you free energy. A kind of circulation of energy in The universe.

Pets. Our smaller brothers are ready to generously share their inexhaustible energy. Particularly generous in sharing energy dogs... But cats, on the contrary, are an exception - they are by nature prone to energy intake. But, on the other hand, they can eat and negative energy ... Many people know that cats can heal by lying on sore spot person and taking away bad energy.

Self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis, setting yourself up for success and visualization able to work miracles. If you convince yourself that you are full of energy, then in the end this energy will really appear in you.

Thanks. Be grateful to this world for all the good things in your life. Feel sincere thanks to everyone who deserves it even a little. This sensation will fill you with plenty of free energy.

Special practices. There are special energy gymnasticsaimed at increasing the level of energy. Energy gymnastics - this is a complex of procedures that includes breathing practices, self-hypnosis, physical exercises etc. Thanks to synergistic effect from combining several methods of raising energy at once, such gymnastics are very effective.

Lots of energy gymnastics can be easily found in the public domain. Here's an example of one of the exercises:


Energy boost – this is a whole teaching, which cannot be conveyed within the framework of one article. The Chinese, for example, call vital energy – Qi, and they have a whole teaching about this energy - Qigong.

But if you want to increase your energy without studying Qigong, and not memorizing all the ways to increase energy by heart, you just need to remember one rule: "You receive energy by experiencing positive emotions, and spend it by experiencing negative."

Good energy to you!

It has already been proven that energy is necessary for our existence. There are many descriptions energy channels and the principles of their work. For a successful and happy life you need to constantly replenish your energy reserves.

What determines the energy of a person

Accumulated energy reserve spent by our body on the necessary needs. In this case, a person is able to lead an active rich life. He practically does not feel tired and is satisfied with the day he has lived. By the end of the day, all his planned affairs are completed, and there is still enough strength for entertainment.

If a person spends more energy than he enters, then over time fatigue accumulates, nervous collapse or a disease overtakes. Factors that affect the state of the energy sector:

  • Emotions, especially strong ones, can both charge a person with energy and quickly deplete it. It all depends on the nature of the feeling.
  • Attitude towards life and the world around us, art and physical development.
  • Constant focusing on an event reduces the level of energy, especially if this event is negative for a person.
  • Communication with energy vampires. These people include brawlers and people who constantly complain about their problems.
  • Opportunity to rest and develop spiritually on time and fully. This also includes a passionate occupation of your favorite business.

How to understand that a person has bad energy

See the symptoms poor energy it is possible not only in another person, but also in oneself. Most often, after talking with a person who has bad energy, the person begins to experience clear signs physical ailment. Headaches, tingling or squeezing begin in various organs of the body.

You begin to feel a weight compressing your heart, which can spread to your chest as a whole. Especially impressionable people may experience mood swings. At one point, a person can suddenly become aggressive or, on the contrary, whiny. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness rolls over, thoughts of suicide may even arise. With especially long-term communication with negative energy nightmares begin.

Negative energy harms its owner. Such a person is often sick, depressed. By the end of the day, he literally collapses from fatigue. People who are in his close environment gradually adopt from him forever bad mood and they start to mope constantly. From this point of view, such people are like energy vampires... The difference is that the energy pumped out of others does not benefit them.

People with bad energy are often referred to as "nakarkal". They tend to always see bad result deeds and lure, and when they negative outlook comes true, with a sad face they broadcast about their innocence.

How to increase female energy

It is very important for us to be in a state of constant energy filling. Not only her own well-being depends on this, but also emotional condition her loved ones. There are many ways to level up female energy... They all require increased attention to yourself and your health. For example, you need to directly deal with your physical condition - solve health problems, pay more attention to physical activity... Very good effect on female energy yoga, swimming or fitness classes. Keep track of your appearance, eat right and visit beauty salons regularly.

Constantly expand your social circle to exchange positive energy. Better if it's funny, positive thinking girlfriendswith whom you will have common hobbies and pleasant topics for communication. It is better to discuss issues of a problematic nature with a wise woman psychologist. Communication with nature works very well. It can be either trips out of town or just morning jogging in the park.

Keep your home in order - clean regularly and get rid of unnecessary things. At the same time, it is not necessary to throw them away - give them to those in need. Doing so will also attract positive energy to you. Compliance with these simple recommendations will not only improve your energy, but also just cheer you up.

Awesome article by Alexander Andreev, which will help you increase your vitality!

How to increase energy

There are two types of energy:

  • Physical;
  • Free.
  • Physical energy is the energy that maintains the vitality of the physical body. Physical energy is essential to maintain high tone free (vital energy).

    To maintain a high level of physical energy, only 2 conditions are necessary:

  • Good and nutritious food;
  • A good and complete rest.
  • Physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high vitality. Free energy is also needed. But before you tackle increasing your free energy, you must have high level physical energy. When you are sick, what do you want the most? Sleep and rest. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is absolutely no desire to work, and especially to create anything. Keep track of your physical body... If it is in abundance, then you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, sleep a lot, and eat well. In general, dedicate certain time just rest. Take a vacation, go to the sea, to the mountains, to the country house, in general, to where you can have a great rest.

    So, let's say you have enough physical energy, and now comes the most interesting moment: how to increase vitality. The first thing you should do is determine your current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, reluctant to go to work or school, if you become limp in the afternoon, and you feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires but to settle down near the TV, then your free energy level is negligible. It is, perhaps, only enough to maintain the current state.

    So, whatever your energy level is at this moment, it can always be increased.

    There are 2 approaches to increasing your free energy level:

  • Reduce costs free energy;
  • Increase income free energy.
  • First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

  • Any kind of negative emotion. Anything that causes bad emotions siphons creative energy from you! In particular, feelings of guilt, anxiety, fear;
  • Stress. Any stress is triggered by a sense of importance;
  • Feeling important;
  • Artificial methods of increasing energy:
    a. Energy drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to borrowing money at interest (in other words, a loan). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later you will give much more. Therefore, try to use them, and especially alcohol, as little as possible;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Waste on little things.
  • Tell me, do you have clear priorities in your life? If not, do it now. This will save you from wasting energy on little things. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really have great importancewhich team will win? When you worry, you waste energy, because the result is important to you.

    Are you experiencing what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If so, then again you are wasting energy. But notice that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot influence the economy. And is it worth giving your energy to it?

    But think, for sure one of your highest priorities is your family and children. You can significantly influence their life. Maybe it’s worth spending your energy to improve their lives?

    Once you have clear priorities, you will realize that everything that is not on the list is not worth spending your energy on!

    Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bon everything else! When you waste energy on little things, you give it up irrevocably. By spending energy on really important things, you are investing it, for which you get even more energy.

    Well, now is the time to talk about how to increase your energy level:

    1. Dreams, goals

    Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you an enormous amount of free energy. But this only happens when dreams and goals are yours and not imposed on you by other people. When soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you gain a huge amount of energy for your use. Not better feelingthan the feeling that your dream is moving towards you. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and supply you with the necessary amount of energy always!

    2. Faith

    It doesn't matter what you believe in: in God, in the Higher Mind, in the Universe, in the superconsciousness or in anything else, your faith in this Supreme Being should give you free energy in a sufficient amount. If you don't feel it, then maybe. you should develop your faith. A very good affirmation: "my world is taking care of me." By repeating this affirmation, after a few days you will begin to feel absolute calmness and a huge influx of energy, because you no longer need to be afraid. Your world will take care of everything. You can replace the phrase my world with what you believe, for example, "God cares about me."

    3. Love

    Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you have tremendous enthusiasm and the feeling that you can accomplish anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

    4. Energy gymnastics

    Energy gymnastics is exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. We will talk about this point in the next mailing list. I will present one very powerful exercise in the next mailing list.

    5. Acknowledgments

    How do you feel when you wholeheartedly thank someone for a service? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional amount of free energy.

    6. Art

    What kind of art do you like the most? Art revives the soul. In times of information, art fades into the background. It is being replaced by the Internet. But don't forget to make time for art. It is important for the soul. In general, in times of information, more and more means and activities for the mind appear, and everything that is for the soul fades into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

    7. Music

    Music is energy in pure form... Play the music you like. You can turn it up to make the flow of energy more, and take as much as you can.

    8. Hobbies

    A hobby is nothing more than an occupation for the soul. Everything you do for the soul. gives you energy.

    9. Communication with people who have high energy

    There are people who have a very high amount of energy. They have enough of this energy with abundance and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily passes to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings for such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore, after communicating with such people, you always go out in high spirits. When they enter a room, it is simply filled with invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is flooded with light when they leave it. Such people always take your energy away from you.

    10. Self-hypnosis

    As you understand, with the help of self-hypnosis, you can achieve anything you want. It is also possible to increase the level of energy. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-hypnosis in its purest form to increase the level of energy.

    11. Pets

    I think there is no need for an explanation. Whenever you look at your favorites, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

    12. Exchange for physical energy

    While doing sports, active rest you are physically tired, but your vitality always going up. Morning jogging, swimming, class in gyms always gives you extra energy.

    13. Exchange for money

    This is nothing more than a donation. You give money without expecting a return, and in return the Universe gives you energy.

    14. Sex

    The most powerful source of free energy.


    You can forget everything that is said above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have gained a lot by reading this article:
    You get energy when you have positive feelings, and you waste energy when you have negative feelings.

    Alexander Andreev

    How to boost your energy? First you need to figure out what it depends on. Of course, sleep, nutrition, stress and physical activity affect vital energy. But that is not all.

    We often mark places and people magic words "Good energy" or " bad energy”When we mean not only vital energy, but also the general vibrations of our home.

    Home is our defense. We always take refuge in it after hard work, calm down, relax, or just want to be alone. But if we are completely exhausted, the house will not be able to protect us.

    In scientific terms, energy is described as high or low, depending on your strength, speed, general well-being, and even the vibrations of your home. In this article we will try to figure out how to increase vitality at home. .

    The higher the energy of a person or the place in which he lives, the better we feel. And the higher the vibration of our home, the better we feel in it. Home becomes our refuge, a space to recharge our life and lift our spirits.

    Here are 30 ways to boost the vitality and vibrancy of your home for health and happiness:

    1) clean up the clutter

    Eliminating clutter, unnecessary unnecessary things and elements in your home that are not used will easily free up space and leave you feeling free and comfortable.

    Trim your wardrobe. You will never use "just in case" dump trucks if you don't like them. Always choose quality over quantity.

    Other ways to eliminate clutter at home include borrowing rather than buying, using reusable products, and smart spending based on experience rather than just buying a new "thing."

    Some people may feel comforted when they shop. But think carefully, is this particular thing needed? Rather than buying a bunch of trinkets, it's better to save up money for a long-awaited trip and calm your nerves on vacation, not in a store!

    2) Burning grass

    Burning herbs is a well-known practice that has been used for thousands of years to remove contaminants such as bacteria and viruses from the air. Some peoples use burning as a traditional mystical ritual, change state of mindcleaning the surrounding air. But you have to follow some rules of caution, because it is better not to joke with fire. And remember that not only the combustion process itself, but also the smoke that forms has healing properties to increase vital energy.

    Take a dried bunch of herbs and light it, then quickly extinguish the flame, allowing the smoke to dissipate in the house. AND healing properties, and the scent of herbs is released directly into the air. Sage is by far the most popular herb, but pine, rosemary, and lavender are also good options.

    This technique is good to use to boost vitality and clear space:

    • When moving to a new home;
    • When switching to new job or a career;
    • An unwanted guest leaves your home;
    • Before meditation;
    • When you've just had a fight or suffered from a severe illness.

    You can also use herbal mixture by mixing ground herbs together and leaving small pieces on top of your incense burner.

    Sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, mint, pine needles, incense, or patchouli are great for purifying the air and your space.

    3) Diffuse essential oils

    Essential oils help you relax, cleanse your home and give a sense of light thanks to their unique and pleasant aroma around the house. Many of them also have powerful antimicrobial properties that can kill viruses and bacteria in the air.

    How to increase vital energy and vibrations in living space using oils of rose, basil, cypress, frankincense, juniper, lavender, myrrh, sage, mint, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus?

    Mix 1 tbsp. l. vodka, 6 tbsp. l. filtered water and from 10 to 40 drops of any essential oil of your choice in a small spray bottle. Shake well before each use.

    Spray simply into the air, on a pillow half an hour before bedtime, near the workplace, but away from equipment. They give a sense of peace and tranquility, a bright mind and energy.

    4) Turn on the salt lamp (from Himalayan salt)

    This softly glowing salt lamp - a natural source of fresh clean air - just what you need to increase vibration and clean the air in your home, providing strong aura calmness.

    Because they attract water, lamps have incredible strength remove dust, pollen, smoke and other impurities from the air. The Himalayan salt lamp also emits negative ions, which increase energy levels, remove static electricity, neutralize electromagnetic radiation, stimulate good dream and improve overall mood.

    Well, quite an impressive list!

    5) Music

    Music is more than a simple entertainment or art form. It has a calming effect on your entire body and changes vibrations in any space it fills.

    The right kind of music provides pain relief, benefits for the heart, blood and the immune system, enhances learning, fights fatigue and promotes healthy sleep.

    Of course, its ability to improve our mood is undeniable. Choose classical, jazz, folk, orchestra, brass or opera for a more energizing mood and positive vibrational effect. If these genres don't work for you, change the music to one that makes you feel good.

    6) Plants and natural flowers

    Reuniting with nature, and all that a sure way to enjoy positive vibrations, mindfulness and uplifting moods has to offer is the love of caring for sentient beings. Ecotherapy has even attracted the attention of the scientific community: many researchers believe that it can be used to overcome depression and improve mental health and well-being.

    Why not bring a bit of nature into your space and bring positive energy into your home? One way to do this is to fill your living space with potted plants and fresh flowers: their bright colors and fragrances will also contribute to your home corner.

    According to experts, some plants are better than others at promoting positive energy and improving welfare. These are cactus, bamboo, jasmine, lavender, miniature roses, rosemary, mint, chrysanthemum, aloe vera and orchids. Others are fine.

    7) Pick yourself some crystals

    The use of crystals for healing and positivity dates back to ancient times. The Sumerians made magic potions from quartz, the Greeks wore amethyst as amulets, and the Chinese used jade in medicine.

    Try to find a place for these popular crystals in your home, and they will endow you with numerous benefits:

    • Turquoise Is a master healer, highly regarded for its protective properties.
    • Heliotrope - a powerful antidepressant, increases enthusiasm and emotional state.
    • Smoky quartz - helps to release negative energy.
    • Rose quartz - opens and heals the energy of the heart.
    • Cornelian - attracts good luck and encourages creativity and motivation.
    • Quartz - balances the body and purifies the mind.
    • Celestine - relieves stress and inspires happiness.
    • Citrine - will help you adapt and live in your present life.
    • Aventurine - attracts new opportunities.

    Even if you don't have much faith in healing powers crystals, they will add some chic to your home, soothe your eyes, which is guaranteed to improve your mood!

    8) choose colors that have a positive effect on mood

    The colors used in the home are a direct reflection of our personality and can affect our mood and our thoughts at the most unexpected moment!

    Our reaction to color is unique in our choice of how we really feel. Let's touch on the general colors:

    • Red - raises energy levels and increases adrenaline in the blood. But for some people, it can be overly stimulating and cause certain mood problems.
    • Crimson evokes feelings of anger and hostility.
    • Yellow - cheers up, it captures the joy of the sun and signals of happiness. Too much yellow can lead to feelings of frustration and anger.
    • Blue - soothing, relaxing and calm, but can also cause feelings of sadness.
    • Green Is the calmest color for the eyes, it promotes comfort, serenity and career growth.
    • Purple β€” dark tones associated with luxury, creativity and sharpness. The light versions bring the same calmness as the blue, but with a lot of warmth.
    • Orange - evokes excitement, enthusiasm and energy.

    9) light the candles

    Candles have been used for thousands of years to provide light, convey tranquility and highlight celebration. Their deep yellow glow acts as a hypnotic, reflects and coordinates the center for meditation.

    15) create a space for relaxation

    IN home you should feel like a place where you can relax and enjoy the peace or quiet by carving out at least a small refuge in a room, closet or corner. Appreciate your space and enjoy the time that you spend personally on yourself for at least ten minutes every day.

    You can use this time for reading, meditation, yoga, or anything else that will revitalize you and boost your energy!

    16) exercise

    To boost your vitality, you have to get off the couch and get busy with your body. Workouts - the best way increase energy levels naturally.

    Healthy, sedentary adults who exercise for at least 20 minutes three times a week increase 20% energy level and reduce fatigue by 65%.

    Go out on fresh air for easy jogging, brisk walking or cycling.

    17) take a break for your liver

    If your liver cannot function to the best of its ability, it will lead to a variety of problems, one of which is - chronic fatigue... It occurs because the body is working hard to remove excess toxins.

    18) Get enough sleep at night

    This is one of the daunting tasks. If you are running low on energy, make sure you get enough sleep so your body can rebuild and rejuvenate itself overnight.

    Unfortunately, not everyone can fall asleep as soon as their head touches the pillow! Millions of people around the world suffer from occasional or long-term sleep problems.

    19) Take a 15 minute nap

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, taking a quick 15 or 20 minute nap in the afternoon will reset your system and get a boost.

    Research shows that 20 minutes of sleep is good for general alertness and learning skills; 30 to 60 minutes of sleep will help decision-making skills; and 60 to 90 minutes of sleep is needed to create new connections in the brain and solve creative problems.

    20) cut sugar from your diet

    A sugary donut or chocolate bar is exactly what most of us want after 3pm.

    A study in rats found that those fed fats, sugar, and flour were more obese and less willing to work for reward (i.e. lazy) than rats fed a balanced diet.

    Avoid such sweet treats and go for healthier alternatives.

    21) Moisturizing

    Water does not contain calories, and therefore does not provide energy, but it facilitates all reactions in the body, which means that dehydration can cause fatigue.

    Do not forget that herbal teas and coconut water also counts as fluid intake

    22) trade coffee for green tea

    When we are exhausted, coffee can lead to more headaches, nervousness, anxiety and more.

    Try swapping your latte for a cup of green tea. It also contains caffeine (albeit in lower amounts than coffee), which will give you an immediate boost. Moreover, regular use powerful antioxidants called catechins prevent fatigue.

    23) Give up alcohol

    Alcohol high in sugar can cause stress, anxiety and depression, so it's no surprise to hear that bingeing is one of the major energy leaks.

    Alcohol leads to sleep disturbance, which in turn causes drowsiness in daytime and general lethargy.

    24) eat well

    Food is fuel for the body, therefore it is simply not possible to increase vital energy without food. But some foods are definitely better than others when it comes to providing sustained vigor.

    Make sure to eat enough complex carbohydrates to energize you. These include whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, and beans.

    Do not neglect fat - this is the most concentrated source of energy for the body. Choose β€œgood fats,” like avocado, nut oil, olive oil, and coconut oil.

    When it comes to snacks, choose chia nuts and seeds, pumpkins, almonds, and walnuts.

    25) don't drink energy drinks

    Energy can come in liquid form... Forget those sugar-filled energy drinks and focus on cool drinks made with healthier ingredients.

    26) Don't overeat

    Overeating can make you sleepy as your body has to channel its energy into digesting food. Therefore, always eat everything in moderation.

    27) Soak up the sun

    The sun reduces levels of the chemical melatonin in the body, which causes drowsiness.

    This is just one of the reasons why we feel more energized during the summer months.

    We also get vitamin D from the sun, the lack of which causes disturbed sleep, problems with thyroid gland, frequent infections, anxiety and anemia, all lead to fatigue or decreased vitality.

    28) Breathe deeply

    Sometimes all it takes to activate your consciousness is a few deep breaths! Deep breathing improves the flow of oxygen in the blood, which energizes you and keeps you on alert.

    Try it and see for yourself!

    Inhale quickly and deeply through your nose for a count of four, then pause and exhale quickly through your mouth.

    Take eight to ten quick, deep breaths per minute for three minutes at a time (but stop if you feel dizzy).

    29) Yawn

    Scientists believe that yawning helps cool the brain, stop it from overheating, which reduces alertness.

    When we're tired or bored, our core brain temperature rises, and yawning is one way to combat this effect!

    30) Laugh

    How to increase vitality with a constant dull state? We must understand that laughter is the best way to improve our mood.

    When we laugh, the muscles of our face and body are stretched, the pulse quickens, arterial pressure rises, respiration increases, sending more oxygen to the brain.

    The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Each person should be able to save, accumulate and properly distribute their energy. Because when there is not enough of it, a person becomes lethargic, his working capacity decreases, and he begins to tire quickly. Someone might think that this mainly applies to older people, but also in young generation there is also a decrease in the energy of the body.

    Energy of the body - what is it?

    The energy of the body is its potential and a certain amount of energy within each person required for life. Energy fills every person and everyone has their own level of energy. Our health, vitality and, of course, mood depend on its quantity. When enough energy in the body, we are less likely to get sick, feel enough strength to take action and enjoy life.

    We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processesoccurring within us and immunity. There is an opinion that our body gets energy from food or physical activityafter which we feel a surge of strength. We need loads to keep the body in good shape, and food is just building material for cells. These processes generate only rough energy for the vital activity of the physical body.

    The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels. It is very good if a person has his physical energy is on the same level with the energy of the body, then everything is in order for a person and all processes proceed normally. The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your the physical state will be fine

    How to increase the energy of the body

    The easiest way to increase and increase the energy of the body is to get in touch with beauty. It is in these moments when we look at beautiful objects, masterpieces of art, we are walking in a beautiful park or we are in an extraordinary beautiful place, our energy increases, we are overwhelmed with positive emotions and vitality appears. The energy that is contained in the surrounding space and which we are able to perceive through breathing has 4 states of vibrations, corresponds to 4 colors and 4 chakras.

    Red color - the energy necessary for the vital activity of the physical organism, vital energy.

    Yellow energy is necessary for thinking, mental processes.

    Blue energy is necessary for the development of the higher chakras, develops super consciousness.

    White energy is necessary for higher mental activity: clairvoyance, perception of thoughts.

    The following parts of the body should be saturated with red energy - lower part abdomen, genitals and the back of the head.

    Yellow energy must be saturated upper part chest, throat chakra and forehead.

    Blue energy - solar plexus, heart chakra and crown of the head.

    It is necessary to fill the arms, legs, feet, hands and face with white energy.

    Sit in a chair. Keep your spine straight. Relax. Legs a short distance away, they should not join. First of all, exhale all the air that is in chest... Then within 7 seconds. inhale slowly, closing your eyes, imagining that you are inhaling red energy in the form of a red mist, 1 sec. holding your breath, then on the count of 7 exhale into the lower abdomen, genitals, filling them with red energy and back heads. You can imagine 2 rivulets, one flowing down and the other up.

    Then inhale the yellow energy as well, directing it as you exhale to your upper chest and forehead.

    Then you breathe in the blue energy, directing it as you exhale into the solar plexus, heart chakra and lotus.

    After that, you breathe in white energy, filling your hands, feet, face with it.

    All these exercises will take 3 minutes. 12 sec.

    Exercises increase the reserve of energy, develop clairvoyance, the ability to feel more subtle vibrations.

    How energy affects the body

    The energy of the body has two states - weak and strong. Each of them affects and manifests itself in completely different ways.

    When weak energy the human body manifests itself: depression, apathy, fatigue; poor health, chronic diseases, frequent viral diseases; insecurity, lack of interest in life, phobias and other symptoms.