What color suits you. Suitable and unsuitable colors. How to find out which colors suit you. Color types of appearance

An elementary wardrobe update is not always trivially resolved: it seems that the blouse seems so fashionable, beautiful, stylish on a mannequin, but it does not look like a living figure, in addition, it also makes the hair dull, but on a suddenly become earthy color face clearly prints dark circles under the eyes ...

What if there is no financial opportunity to experiment with every design and color shade, and buying inappropriate things so that they lie until better times (which most likely will not come) is not an option for modest budget? Define your type of appearance and follow the recommendations for creating your own wardrobe based on it - and then even on a hanger in the store, you can even determine without trying on whether it will suit your fair skin and hair ashy shade this dress or blouse or it is better to leave it here to that burning brunette.

Appearance type happens:

1. Color

2. Stylevoy

We are not free to choose either one or the other, and the sooner we accept it, the better. Alas :) A romantic, dressed brightly and brightly, will look ridiculous, just like a pronounced "classic" who prefers country style in clothes.

Knowing your style type is desirable, and your color type is simply a must (of course, if you want all your advantages to come to the fore, and your shortcomings to go into the shadows).

By combining knowledge together, you can choose the most profitable wardrobe.

Before talking about choosing a wardrobe by color type, let's dwell on style types appearance. There are also four of them, like the well-known colors: Classic, Dramatic, Romantic and Natural.


1. Classic style

Signs of a classic type: an even oval of the face, straight rather high forehead, neat straight nose, clear eyebrow lines located in calm semi-arches, sculpted cheekbones and profile lines, not too full, but not very thin lips... Those. correct proportions and sculpturality.

Such women are especially suited classic suits- nothing surprising, the harmony of proportions and architectural cut are combined into one whole. Basic principles in clothing: high quality, minimum decor, conciseness, expensive jewelry... A restrained color scheme is best suited: all shades of gray, wood-brown tones. However, you should remember about your flavor.

2. Dramatic style

The appearance of people of this style is spectacular and bright. Faces - graphic and clear sculpting. In shape, such faces are most often angular (triangular, square). They are based not on softened rounded lines, but on sharp or massive ones. Almost all representatives of this style have well-defined cheekbones. The eyebrows rise up dynamically, have a break or, on the contrary, are low, as if pressing on the eyes. There is something predatory in the eyes, their cut often resembles a cat's. Lips are either overly full, sensual or very thin, and appear cold and pinched.

Representatives of this style can afford theatricality, pretentiousness, solemnity and sometimes aggressiveness in their clothes, without being afraid to look inappropriate.

3. Romantic style

The structure of the face is rather delicate, its shape is an oval, elongated or slightly rounded, the features are dominated by smooth soft lines, no otrykh and aggressive lines. A neat nose can be slightly turned up or slightly snub-nosed and is always thin and graceful. Never massive and wide. Eyes wide open, slightly childish, or soft and mysterious. Lips with a bow or slightly swollen, whimsical. Dimples on rounded cheeks are possible. For representatives romantic style typical up to mature age preserve cuteness and sophistication in appearance.

Sometimes "romantics" are subdivided into "naive" and "complex". In the image of the former, there is lightness, playfulness, tenderness, openness, while the latter are characterized by spirituality, detachment, silence, and mystery. "Naive Romantics" are Scarlett Johansson and Drew Barrymore, "complex" ones are Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett.

Representatives of this style need to include elements of romance in their clothes. First of all, make extensive use of a delicate color palette, simple shades or complex shades, depending on the subtype. Accessories should also emphasize the main feature of the style: small neat jewelry with round-cut stones, or in the form of flowers, fruits and berries - for a "naive" occasion and complex, sophisticated, fragile, shading the depth of creative natures.

4. Natural style

The freest and softest direction. The name itself speaks of the harmonious naturalness of the natural style, and its naturalness cannot be separated from the feeling of tranquility, comfort, simplicity. Hard graphics in facial features are completely absent. Features of the type - a rounded outline of the face, a soft chin, wide, almost straight eyebrows, a wide or rounded soft nose, indistinct lips. Such faces emanate simplicity and natural charm.

This type of appearance "loves" natural materials and the same shades: gray, beige / brown. Natural beauty will emphasize jewelry made of wood, leather, metal, bone - especially if they are made simply.


Human nature is such that we are all born individual outwardly - different colour hair and eyes, skin tone, characteristic physiological traits ... And, nevertheless, all this variety of human appearance can be distinguished into basic types: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Often, incorrect positioning of one's type leads to curiosities: Summer loves truly "winter" colors and things, and Autumn is eager to buy a coat intended only for Spring. Yes, life is unfair, but let it be comforting that colors that you don't really like will make you like others much more - and first of all yourself! Subjective opinion, perhaps, in this case, has a right to exist, but listen to the advice of fashion designers and stylists - the correct correspondence of clothes to the true color type will allow to blossom not only externally, but also internally.

Cold and warm types

Nature is rich in a great variety of colors, while the entire color palette is divided into three huge categories:

cool colors- frosty pink, lilac, violet and blue colors;

warm colors - orange-red, yellow-brown gamut and some warm shades of green;

neutral shades- some shades of brown, gray, white, black and some tones of the blue palette.

Also, the types of appearance of people are divided into two basic groups:

cool type of appearance- Winter and, paradoxically, Summer;

warm type of appearance- Spring and Autumn.

There are several methods for correctly and quickly determining your own color type, which are based on eye color, skin tone, natural (unpainted!) Eyebrow and hair color.


The type widespread among the Slavic population: light brown or cold ash-colored hair; light skin that acquires olive undertones when sunburned; green, blue or grey eyes with a silvery sheen.

Harmonizing with each other blonde hair and the skin is defined in Summer's clothes color range: it will certainly be bright pastel shades- lilac, pink, cold blue and gray with an ash tint. The main rule: a cold type of appearance - cold colors in clothes and the absence of bright, flashy colors. Bright colors (for example, yellow, orange, green) will simply “hammer” a fair girl, make the eyes on her face inconspicuous and expressionless.

Pure neutral tones - white and black - are recommended to be avoided in Letu's clothes, but platinum and silver shades, the color of white gold will emphasize the sophistication and cold elegance of the "summer" girl. Shoes are selected in the recommended "summer" pastel shades, as well as classic gray, gray-blue and sea color, cold brown or pink.


ima can be contrasting and non-contrasting, but in any case it is one of the most bright colors s types. Dark or black hair, blue or Brown eyes, light transparent (contrasting Winter) or dark olive (non-contrasting Winter) skin.

Representatives of this type are the only one who will naturally fit a pure black and white gamut in clothes. Since Winter is a cold color type, preference for muted cold shades is recommended in the wardrobe: frosty pink and cherry, cold blue and purple, including and purple shades, gray and its gradients, rich emerald. Silver, platinum, pearl and white gold will make a spectacular accent as a decor, decoration or when choosing fittings and accessories.

Just like "summer" girls, warm shades are contraindicated for "winter" ones - orange, red, yellow, warm blue and green. Gray-blue and chocolate tones should also be excluded from the wardrobe, this also applies to shoes - for boots, shoes, boots, steel, black, burgundy with a cold tint is preferable.


Hair - natural blond or a brown-haired woman with an obligatory redhead in the strands, eyes of any light shades- hazel is practically excluded. The skin, despite its sensitivity, tans easily and quickly, distinctive feature Warm springs are, of course, freckles.

For basic colors wardrobe, it is recommended to stay on golden beige and other light warm shades of brown - for example, caramel and milk chocolate are ideal for clothes, shoes, and additional accessories... Black shoes may be appropriate for specific occasions but are generally not recommended.

As already stated, White color ideal only for Winter, but stylists recommend ecru (ivory) or creamy color to refresh the “spring” type. It is better if the clothes have decorative elements or finishes in golden yellow or creamy whites.


Another warm type is bright and rich, characterized by a blush on the skin and freckles that appear with age or under the influence of active sun rays pigmentation. The color of the eyes can be any, but always clear, without blotches - blue, green, hazel. Hair, as for the "spring" type, is cast golden-red.

Of course, only the rich tones of autumn nature will suit such a sunny, calm and warm woman. In clothes, colors of a warm brown range will look amazing: from light honey and beige to reddish-rusty and deep color bitter chocolate. The red range is also suitable, which in saturation and boldness can vary depending on the age of Spring: orange, tomato and original red diversify the overall brown palette in the closet.

The violet range, which belongs to cold tones and is generally not suitable for warm types, only in Autumn allows you to dream up and, with some effort, choose a spectacular contrasting thing in a blurry and muted color of ripe eggplant or in lilac - most likely, such colors will look appropriate in evening dress.

Fading autumn nature, despite the clear predominance of brown tones, it still contains a little green. If you are Autumn, then khaki, olive or marsh green wardrobe items will certainly suit you.
Cold blue or royal blue will irrevocably absorb all the spiritual and external warmth of an "autumn" girl, pure black and snow-white clothes in the Autumn wardrobe will not take root either: if necessary, it is recommended to replace them with dark brown or cream and beige.

Listen to these recommendations and then in your wardrobe there will be no random things bought in an emotional outburst. Beauty can also be different: some of the most ideal cut things from the wrongly chosen tones basic wardrobe eyes and complexion will fade, while others, making right choice, gain self-confidence, pleasure from their own attractiveness will cheer you up and, undoubtedly, will attract admiring glances of others.

Do you doubt when choice of color clothes? Can you without fitting to say which style suits you and which one does not? Is it easy for you to choose new color hair?
Knowing your color type of appearance (coloring), you can easily select not only a wardrobe, but also accessories, cosmetics, hair dye, color scheme the interior in which you live or work.

An unsuccessfully chosen color palette will destroy the harmony of your natural color, reveal flaws in your appearance

Each person has an individual color scheme and only one for life - these colors are given to us by nature. But, unfortunately, the influence of family, friends and girlfriends, as well as new trends in fashion, often forces us to make the wrong choice. The result is long hesitations in choosing clothes and cosmetics, a wardrobe that is poorly matched in color and style.

Color also strongly influences our mood and our achievements, therefore it is advisable to select YOUR shades not only in clothes, but also in the interior.
Surrounding yourself with "alien" shades is like being in a company unpleasant people that greatly suppress you.

Do you know your shade? -

Color type of appearance

Colors are shared by a person's appearance for 4 groups : warm and bright, cold and muted, warm and muffled, cold and bright. Stylists call these color groups Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, respectively. .

Important in determining suitable color find the desired shade... Take brown, for example. It suits everyone, but which brown? There are many shades. And do not confuse them - you will spoil all the beauty of the natural color. warm yellow-brown earthy shades - for Autumn, light golden brown - for Spring and cool pink-brown - for Summer, bright cold black-brown- for winter.

Try to determine your color type, and the results will pleasantly surprise you. After all, Your colors are Your style, Your mood, Your life!

How to match your colors?

Firstly , choose a time, it may take you a whole day to test!

Secondly (and this is the most difficult thing), define your natural shades: complexion and lip color, iris color, hair color.

The main things when testing:
daytime natural (!) lighting without the sun, so that there is no glare, and complete absence makeup.
If your hair is dyed, tie it with a scarf neutral color... It is better to leave your neck and shoulders open so that only Your natural shades are reflected in the mirror.

Take a close look at yourself, take your time:
- Are your colors warm or cold?
- Does the skin color have a yellowish tint or pale blue, olive?
- Is there a distinct reddish sheen in the hair? Or is it blue? Or ashy, gray-brown?
- What color are freckles or age spots?

Third, do a color test.
Choose from the colors of the available things, shawls, fabrics those that suit you and that do not suit you.
The difficulty of this stage is that you will begin to confuse the shades that you like with the shades that suit.
For example, people with a cool summer color are often attracted to things of red shades, which absolutely do not suit them and are even contraindicated as the main color in clothes.
Try to detach yourself from your tastes a little.

Your dominant colors:
cold - Winter or Summer.
warm - Spring or Autumn
muted - Autumn or Summer.
bright - Spring or Winter
light - mainly Spring or Summer
dark - mostly Autumn or Winter

... the skin is mostly light, pale, clean; less often - dark, olive shade
... hair color - black, brown with a silvery or blue tint; very rarely - white (in combination with dark eyes, dark skin)
... eyes - always clear, saturated: black, dark brown, dark blue, light green cold, emerald, violet, gray-blue, amber. Sharp contrast between iris and squirrel.
... eyebrows and eyelashes black
... blush implicit pink, cold
... lips are cold pink, with olive tint
... there are almost no freckles
... tan rarely good, olive shade

Color palette

You are one of the only colors that black and white are strikingly suited to!

Color test.

Apply a smooth, clear black cloth to your face. Do you notice how the eyes stood out, even some kind of "devilishness" appeared? Does your face look healthy on a black background, don't you want to correct the tone? If you see yourself in full height, the first thing that attracts attention is Your face(not black cloth)?
Is that correct? Then, undoubtedly, You have the most spectacular and bright Winter color of appearance. Try on other shades winter palette- they should all suit you.
If you answer no to at least one question, look at other types of appearance.

Your colors:

Perfect white, steel, silver, bright yellow, cold red with a blue tint, hot pink, dark brown of a cold shade, rich purple, bright blue, emerald green, black-green, and other clear saturated colors

Not your colors:
all pastel shades, matte gray, orange, red and all warm shades Brown, yellow-red, yellow-green, ...


Both women and men of the winter type usually have a cold, beautiful appearance.
Classics, strict cut, abstract geometric patterns are ideal for all people of the winter type.

For creating own style choose your favorite color from your palette and build your wardrobe based on it.
If you are first faced with the choice of color, then the best basic option is black. You can buy the most necessary things in black without hesitation. Choose an additional shade to match your eye color: emerald - to green, blue - to blue, light gray - to gray, red - to brown.
White must be present in your wardrobe, it will help out perfectly in a situation of "nothing to wear".

The Winter Woman looks especially impressive in combination of red and black - an option for the evening, and men in white and black. In addition, clothes made of shiny fabrics look great on people with a winter type of appearance.

When you learn to "see" your colors, you can take more "complex" ones as the basic one. winter colors... For example, cold bright yellow.

Cloth. Choose simple styles, without frills, shuttlecocks. Elegant suits, classic straight fit are always a great choice for people of the winter type.

to be continued...

Good day, dear readers! Olga Ramazanova, the host of the beauty section, is with you. Have you ever wondered why one color suits one person, but absolutely does not suit another?

The thing is that nature has created us with completely different shades of skin, hair, eyes. However, there is a certain similarity in the appearance of people and they can be combined into conditional groups. In this article, I will introduce you to a very interesting topic- how to find out your color type.

Why do you need to know your color type?

The answer is very simple - so as not to make mistakes in choosing clothes, hair tone and even accessories. Knowing which color type a person belongs to, he can choose exactly what suits him. This knowledge will help you create your individual harmonious image. Agree, quite often you can see on the street, for example, blonde girl with bright dark eyebrows or repainted in a bright red color. This imbalance is very striking. Remember that fashion is fashion, but you need to know and present your nature of beauty correctly.

How to determine your appearance?

Most likely, you have already heard about the division of color types according to the names of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are other systems for determining the color type of a person, but this one is the most convenient (especially for makeup artists).

There are such concepts in color as cold and warm shades.

  • Cold ones are those in which there is a blue pigment: turquoise, lilac, fuchsia, burgundy, etc.
  • Warm ones have a yellow pigment: brown, gold, peach, herbal, etc.

To understand what kind of appearance I have, first you need to determine what shades prevail in appearance. Look carefully in the mirror and notice: is there a golden tint in the hair, what is the color of the eyes and freckles. The most important thing is to understand your skin tone. With a cold color type, the skin of the face has a slightly gray tone, and with a warm color, it is yellowish.

I'll tell you one more secret. Look at the color of the veins on the wrist. If there is yellow pigment in the skin, then the veins will be green (blue vein and yellow skin give green). In this case, you can be sure that the color type is warm. If the skin tone is cold, the veins will remain blue.

The colder color types are Winter and Summer. To warm - Spring and Autumn.

  • If you are the owner bright eyes, dark hair and eyebrows, the color type will be Winter or Autumn.
  • Spring and Summer are usually characterized by muted tones and gentle transitions. Light brown, ash or blonde hair combined with pale skin gives a feeling of lightness.

Description of color types

I hope you have already figured out which color type you belong to. If there are still doubts, then I give detailed description with recommendations on who goes what.

Winter is cold and bright. Often this oriental girls with an exotic appearance. Their skin can be dark olive, pale porcelain, cold beige. The eye color is bright - brown, green, blue, etc. The lips are well defined and rich in color. Hair - black, brown, dark blond without reddishness.

Such girls in clothes can do bright accents and not seem vulgar: red, purple, turquoise, a combination of black and white, pink and others. Make-up is also admissible saturated, although winter girls look amazing without it. Lipstick should be cold: red, burgundy, fuchsia, lilac and almost all shades of pink. It is also advisable to keep eye makeup in cold shades. The metal of these girls: silver, White gold.

Spring is warm and muted. This type is quite rare, but more often it is european girls... They have a tender and bright skin may have freckles. Hair is golden, light brown with light redhead... Eyebrows and hair color do not contrast with the tone of the face. The eyes are soft - blue, gray, green.

A spring girl needs to choose a wardrobe in her own color scheme. All gentle warm shades are suitable: yellow, mustard, grass, peach, etc. Will create contrast and add freshness to the blue color. The main thing in makeup is not to overdo it. Light tone, pastel shades, brown mascara, a warm lipstick and peach blush are all you need. Jewelry will fit in gold, wood and natural stones.

Summer is cold and muted. Most often, this type is found among us - Slavs. Light skin, porcelain or cold beige. The eyes are gray, green or blue - delicate. Hair color is mainly light brown with gray tint.

Clothes will fit dull light colors: tea rose, blue, lilac, gray, etc. The make-up is also kept in such tones. Almost all shades of pink, cold red and berry are suitable for lipstick. It is better to use brown mascara. Summer girls' metal is silver and white gold.

Autumn is warm and bright. These are fiery red-haired beasts - pale-faced and with freckles. Hair is deep red or brown with a golden tint. The eyes are very bright - green or blue.

The clothes of such girls should be bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, blue, etc. As a rule, they do not need special makeup. It is enough to highlight the eyes with brown eyeliner and mascara, apply a transparent shine and warm blush. You can not skimp on jewelry, so girls go almost everything.

To better understand which clothes will emphasize your advantages and individual style, I recommend subscribing to free course « 5 stylish lessons". The course is very high quality, with specific examples and a huge number of photos.

An excellent video about a different classification of color types:

Subscribe to new blog posts and tell your friends about this article. Until next time!

I think it's safe to say that everyone wants to be beautiful. But quite often you can observe that outwardly beautiful woman even the most graceful dress does not fit at all. And it's not about the style or design, but about the color. It has long been known that the color scheme of an outfit is able to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws of a person. Therefore, for sure every woman asks the question: what color suits me? Let's talk about this hot topic.

A little about the theory of color types

We all know that there are only three primary colors, and from them all possible shades are already obtained, of which there are about 20 thousand. And how from all this variety to choose the one that will best match the color of the skin, hair, eyes? For this, in the XX century, the theory of color types was invented. She says that all people belong to one or another time of the year - autumn, winter, spring or summer - depending on the characteristics of their appearance. And each season is suitable for certain colors of clothing and accessories. We already wrote about how to determine the color type in one of our articles - “How to determine the color type? ". Today this theory is criticized quite a lot, but more and more cosmetologists and designers are using it in their work. It is on her that we will stop.

What color suits me: color type winter

The first type of appearance is winter. People with this color type are characterized by a rather cold skin color of blue, pink or white shades, also the skin can be dark, but this dark skin is transparent, not intense. Eyes can be of any color, most often dark, but rather saturated color, crisp and bright. Primary colors: dark gray, blue, light blue, cold green, black and hazel. In addition, the exterior is quite contrasting. So, bright white proteins are combined with dark color iris. By the way, in eastern countries, oddly enough, most of all people with this color type. The hair of the representatives of "winter" is black, dark brown, sometimes ashy.

People with this color type of appearance are best suited for clear, distinct and cold tones. It is worth saying that this is the only type of appearance that cannot be spoiled by black and white shades in clothes. It is best to choose bright black or snow white outfits. In addition, black is combined with all other colors, emphasizing them.

It is better to refuse from saturated and bright colors (orange, yellow, green) in favor of more muted, deep ones. Deep pink, inky purple, turquoise and coffee shades work best.

If we talk about patterns, then it is best for people of the color "winter" to prefer strict geometric or abstract elements with clear, pronounced lines.

Jewelry and accessories should be chosen bright and shiny, but at the same time, strict austere design. The color of the jewelry should also be strong - ruby ​​red, bright black onyx, green emerald... In addition, it is desirable to prefer silver or platinum over gold.

What color suits me: color type summer

People with this color type are characterized by a very pale color skin, most often with a pink or olive tint. Hair color is also light, from blond to dark blond. And the eyes are most often blue, gray or green.

Muted and dull tones are best suited for people of the summer color type - various shades gray, blue, pink. In general, it is believed that if you have a rather pale skin color, and your hair is light in color, then blue and gray colors in clothes are perfect. By the way, denim clothes will look very harmonious on you.

Various shades of green, such as muted emerald, are best suited for formal wear.

You shouldn't choose black clothes orange flowers, as well as bright shades red. In addition, it is worth giving up both brown and milky shades.

If you like patterns on clothes, then they should be small, subtle and restrained. Of the jewelry, one should prefer accessories made "antique". The color of jewelry should be muted, delicate, for example, you can choose blue aquamarine, gray-green agate.

What color suits me: autumn color type

If you have a pleasant golden hue skin, hair is red or dark blond, preferably curly, and eyes are green, brown with shades of amber or cognac, then your color type is autumn.

People with this color type are best suited for cold colors - gray, black, blue, white. And to emphasize the warmth of appearance, clothes and accessories of various brown shades- brick, carrot, mustard.

Bright and flashy colors are undesirable - purple, violet, lemon, bright blue or pink.

In general, people of this color type should wear earthy tones, as well as shades of fading greens. Among the jewelry, it is better to prefer accessories made of copper, gold or wood. Stones should be warm shades - red, warm green or yellow-golden.

Folklore, abstract and tiger patterns on clothes will look best.

What color suits me: spring color type

The skin of people of the “spring” color type is light, cream, light golden or milky. The hair is golden, wheat-colored, with an amber tint. And the structure of the hair is curly, thin and fluffy. The eyes are usually gray, blue, or light green.

People with such features of appearance are best suited for various shades of green, turquoise, emerald, as well as golden, peach, faint red.

Too light, or vice versa dark tones should be avoided e.g. black, pastel summer tones, all dark shades blue, red and green colors.

The best decorations for this color type will be delicate and thin accessories from yellow or red gold, Ivory, light artificial materials... By the way, the best choice for the "spring" color type - monochromatic outfits, without patterns and ornaments.

I think that it will not be a secret for anyone that hair color also strongly affects appearance a person, and its change can sometimes radically change a person. We have already talked about which hair color is best suited in one of our articles - “Which hair color is right for me? ".

Hopefully now you can answer the question: which color is right for me? Knowing this, we will be able to choose a wardrobe that will be in harmony with the features of your appearance.

If it is still difficult for you to determine the color type, or you still cannot answer the question: which color is right for me, the test, which can be taken on many sites on the Internet, will help you. Happy color solutions!

As a rule, people can analyze someone else's appearance quite well, of course, with certain skills or simply developed taste and sense of style. And it is better with taste and knowledge of theory. But when it comes to your own appearance many make mistakes. They look and do not see, because they are extremely subjective and cannot evaluate themselves from the outside. Often this is what explains the problems in choosing the right things, in particular correct colors clothes. The right colors are the ones that brighten the appearance, make the face look fresher and healthier. And not at all those that a person likes, but at the same time do not harmonize with his color. We can like absolutely any color, and this is good, the world is beautiful in its diversity. However, you need to wear those that do not spoil the appearance, but show it in the best light... At least in the portrait area, wear suitable ones close to your face. At the bottom, it's not so critical anymore. But there will be a task to correctly combine the bottom with the top. But about the rules for combining colors a little later.

Why are some colors suitable for a person and others not?

It is important to understand the theory in order to know what to look for when analyzing color. So, the colors, being near, have a certain effect on each other. So, if a fabric with a pronounced cold undertones is placed next to a skin that has a warm shade, then the light, reflected from the fabric, will give glare of a different color on the skin and the skin color will look unhealthy - with a greenish, earthy or grayish tint. If the color of the skin is soft, with a grayish undertone, and the fabric is bright, then against the background of this fabric the skin will be lost, it will seem paler, the color of the fabric will drown it out. Etc.
Sometimes people ask if you can wear “not your” colors? In general, of course you can! Who are you forbidding? But you need to understand that at the same time such a person will not look the most the best way compared to what it might look like in shades that suit him. Do you want this result? Please wear any color you like and you don't need any analysis of your appearance.

And for those who are still ready to understand and accept the truth about their color and use the information for the good own beauty and attractiveness, the following information will be useful:

The color is suitable if:

  • Skin looks smoother, fresher and more youthful
  • It seems as if the face is lit from below
  • In the chin area, the shadow almost merges or highlights the skin tone
  • Eye color becomes brighter, more expressive, acquire shine
  • Lips appear redder
  • Circles under the eyes, wrinkles and spots on the skin are less noticeable
  • The face is visible first, not the fabric
  • At the same time, the fabric does not look too faded or, conversely, too bright and bright
  • The fabric looks richer, more luxurious

Color is NOT suitable if:

  • Complexion appears uneven, blotchy
  • Dark or colored shades appear in the chin area
  • The oval of the face looks indistinct, blurry
  • The face seems more mature, tired, painful
  • The whites of the eyes become yellowish or reddish.
  • A greenish tint appears around the lips
  • Facial features sharpen, wrinkles become more noticeable, nasolabial folds appear deeper, circles under the eyes appear darker
  • The color of the fabric suppresses and drowns out the complexion, first the fabric is visible, and then the face
  • The fabric looks too faded, as if washed, burnt out, or, conversely, synthetically bright, looks cheap

(When conducting a test to determine matching colors there should be no makeup on the face, the lighting should be natural, daylight (i.e. opposite the window, but the sun should not shine directly on the face), hair removed. If your current hair color is very different from your natural color, it is better to cover your hair with a white kerchief.)

Examples of colors that do not suit a person well, and which suit him.
Can you figure out for yourself what is wrong?

So, what result will you choose from choosing clothes colors for yourself?
It is clear why you need to be able to determine the colors that suit you and wear them on your face?

But here a conflict of interest can arise.
It happens that the group of colors that suit a person does not like it for some reason. On the contrary, he has a craving for those things, the color of which kills his appearance. In this case, you need to follow the same algorithm of actions that should be applied to all parameters of appearance:

1) See. Those. it is still correct to determine your color type. Without indulgences)) When analyzing, look not at the color, but at the face! Those. objectively discard personal “like / dislike”, “want / don’t want” and sensibly evaluate the influence of this or that shade on your appearance.

2) To accept. Understand that the color type of appearance is natural given... It practically does not change throughout life. In any case, in a natural way. There may, of course, be small transitions, but then adjustments will be required to the appropriate color palette... In the meantime - come to terms with what is. The most that can be done with the appearance is to increase the contrast due to brighter makeup.

If this stage is failed and you do not want to admit at close range that your favorite bright, dark or any other colors do not really suit you, you will never come close to creating your ideal harmonious image... There is a way for the selfless, of course - to regularly adjust ALL the colors of their appearance. Those. dye your hair, change your eye color with lenses, or the right shade shadows, cover the face with a thick layer foundation the right tone... In this case, with the harmony of all components, the color type can be radically different. This is the path taken, for example, by DitafonTiz. Having a naturally warm color, she changed it to a cold bright one. But it was necessary to create a stage image. And to constantly maintain this style, she has to work hard. Are you ready for this? Do you need it? It's up to you to decide. But in my opinion, life is too short to spend it fighting your natural beauty for the sake of false aspirations.