He said that I like her. How to tell a girl that she needs to lose weight? If a girl is busy with another man

Img by Satterwhite.B

The Compliment website has been successfully operating for several months. During this time, we have received a huge amount of your attention, for which a special thank you, dear readers. People really liked the idea of ​​complimenting each other. Today we decided to present you the top - 50 most favorite compliments of our users (by the number of views) to the girl.

  1. Your eyes and smile are simply charming.
  2. You clever! You are so Beautiful! You're my princess!
  3. I am mesmerized by your dimples on your cheeks when you smile.
  4. You have wonderful Brown eyes... An enchanting light every time gives them different meaning.
  5. I like your redheads fire hair.
  6. There is a piece of the sky in your eyes.
  7. All girls are angels. But you are a special angel! You're my guardian angel!
  8. You have an amazing smile - you leave, but she remains.
  9. You are perfection itself! Stunning in everything.
  10. You are the most charming and attractive girl.
  11. Sometimes you are not serious, like a little girl, and I like that. After all, then you can also become a child and fool around a little.
  12. Oh, God, what a woman! A real man's dream!
  13. Girl, I agree with you on everything! Especially happily ever after!
  14. You have the most beautiful eyes, hiding in themselves some kind of secret.
  15. You have such expressive look that I can feel your touch in the distance.
  16. You have very sensual lips!
  17. How are you gold fish from a fairy tale - you can fulfill any desire!
  18. Your eyes are two bottomless lakes reflecting blue sky.
  19. You are unique! You are irresistible! You are unsurpassed!
  20. The mesmerizing gaze of a tigress red lips filled with passion - this is your portrait.
  21. Your mole on your cheek makes you look like a sophisticated French mademoiselle.
  22. You attract me like a magnet! I am looking forward to seeing you!
  23. Your radiant smile delights even the sky!
  24. Wow, what legs! Stunned, what a figure!
  25. You look stunning! When you walk down the street, try not to step on the fainted men.
  26. You are impossibly beautiful and charming, charming and attractive!
  27. You are special and extraordinary. I have never met a girl even a little like you.
  28. It is impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!
  29. You are my soul mate!
  30. You are my affectionate spring sun.
  31. Girl, I would give you the title of "The most beautiful girl in the world."
  32. Your smile shines brighter than the sun!
  33. A charming beauty - there is nothing more to add!
  34. If, because of your dazzling beauty, I stop seeing, then the responsibility will be entirely on you! You can't be so bright and captivate men with impunity!
  35. There is something elusive in you that attracts and fascinates!
  36. Looking at your unearthly beauty, I want to write poems and devote them only to you alone.
  37. You are the Queen of Tenderness! You are the Queen of Passion! You are the Goddess of Love!
  38. Only you have such an incomparable look with a taste of mystery.
  39. I have no words to express my admiration! You disarmed me!
  40. You are my sweet candy! I'm turning into a sweet tooth ...
  41. You look like a super model before an important photo shoot!
  42. Shine! Awesome! You look great!
  43. You smile at me!
  44. Your tan is amazing, like the dark flame of a sunset!
  45. You are my drop of water in the desert, a breath of air in the abyss of the sea.
  46. Yours blue eyes- like the sky, your Golden hair- like a sun! You are more beautiful than all women living on earth!
  47. You are the most sparkling blonde of all blondes in the world!
  48. In these glasses, you look like a young, strict teacher.
  49. This rich black hair color suits you very much! Even the tan is more bronze!
  50. It feels like kindness is concentrated in your lovely hands: your touch makes you warm and comfortable.

Here is your pick of the best compliments for girls, friends!


Compliments to a girl about her beauty: 6 rules, examples of compliments

The ability to give pleasant compliments to young ladies is a very effective "weapon" in the hands of a gallant gentleman. However, not every man uses this tool correctly. It is extremely difficult not to cross fine line between light, natural courtesy and rude flattery and sycophant.

Good compliments must be simple, original, and of course intended. specific girl... In this case, not only words are important, but also additional "indicators": voice, tone, smile. In addition, there are also courtesies that are generally better not to utter.

6 main rules of a good compliment

How to compliment a girl about her beauty? To produce pleasant impression to a pretty young lady, to stand out from the crowd of numerous fans, you must observe following rules and recommendations.

Rule # 1. Sincerity

The basic principle of correct praise beautiful woman- honesty and sincerity of your words. Refuse gross flattery, outright deception, or wishful thinking. Say only what you really like about the girl's appearance or character, otherwise she will feel fake, and the result from the courtesy will be the opposite.

Rule # 2. Specificity

To make the young lady like your compliments, try to notice small details. For example, instead of a standard phrase like “You look great” say something like “You have great taste. This blouse looks a lot like your blue eyes! "

Rule # 3. Originality

This principle complements the previous point. You can, of course, give out the banality about beauty and attractiveness, but your words do not stand out from hundreds of other compliments. Say the following courtesy to the beauty: “Your image today is associated with spring and freshness”.

Rule number 4. Emphasis on personality

Faceless phrases about beautiful hairstyle or a blouse, perhaps, pleasant to the girl, but the most gallant gentlemen prefers to praise not a thing, but feminine taste and her ability to combine clothes. In practice, this principle looks like this: "You have great taste, in this blouse you look just charming!" In other words, compliments should be given not to things, but to a specific woman.

Rule # 5. Communication with you

Compliments to a girl about her beauty must be associated with yourself, this will add a few points in your favor. Beautiful women are already confident in their own irresistibility, so one more phrase about this is taken for granted. Of course, you can just tell her about the attractiveness, but it is more correct to note the following fact: "I like you very much!" These personalized phrases associate the compliment and pleasant girly emotions with you.

Rule No. 6. Minimum quantity

You should not overdo it with the amount of pleasantries, since a compliment is a pinpoint "weapon". Try to work on its quality by reducing the number of praises to 2-3 for a date, and when you meet, one, but a stunning compliment will be enough.

It is also important to accept rejection with dignity. For example, unfamiliar girls may ignore your words or respond a little rudely. You should not impose, refuse a compliment, just say that it came from pure heart and you spoke without intent.

What compliments are best to refuse?

Not all compliments are equally “useful” and pleasant to a beautiful woman. A man caring for a lovely lady can be compared to a man walking through a minefield. Some words, quite innocent on male gaze, can upset or offend a girl.

For example:

  1. Ambiguous phrases - “This is how the new dress suits you. You are very slender in it! " The young lady may consider that in common days she's pretty chubby.
  2. Emphasis on Appearance Imperfections - "I like plump people like you." A girl can perceive such words as a direct insult.
  3. Lesson - “You have slender and thin legs. Why do you wear so long skirts? " A similar phrase can only be said close girlfriend, not a man, and a woman herself must decide what she will wear.
  4. Vulgarity - "Cool breasts, just right under my palms." Such phrases are too intimate, so the result can be embarrassment of the girl or a slap in the face of the author of such a compliment.

So to do perfect compliment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of intimacy, character traits and sense of humor of the young lady and her own capabilities. The main condition for adequate courtesy is sincerity and naturalness.

Beautiful words in sms

Pleasant and funny compliments can be done not only in person, but also via SMS. Messages can be very different - in prose or in poetic form... It all depends on your imagination. Here are some examples of SMS:

  • "The smell of your hair drives me crazy";
  • "Your eyes are so deep that it is easy to drown in them";
  • “Only the acuteness of your sense of humor can be compared with the charm of your smile”;
  • “I admired you all evening, forgetting about all the problems. Thank you for this opportunity ... "
Such SMS can and should be sent not only at the stage of courtship, but also at the moment when the chosen one becomes legal spouse... The most beautiful and unusual phrases in SMS, they will return freshness to your relationship and remind you of the candy-bouquet period.

Comic phrases

Another category of pleasant and ambiguous phrases is funny compliments. However, they are not suitable for all girls, because for their correct perception, your chosen one must have a sense of humor and an easy attitude to life.

You can use the following compliments as such phrases:

  • “You may not have the easiest character, but your eyes and figure are just perfect!”;
  • "Just awful! Wherever you appear, work freezes everywhere. Everyone is in a hurry to admire you. Are not you ashamed?";
  • “You're like a flu virus! I am constantly next to you infected with optimism and cheerfulness! ".

Similar unusual compliments will smooth out the conflict, help to forget the insult. It is unlikely that your chosen one will become angry with you after hearing such a phrase in her address.

Summing up

  • The best compliments are phrases spoken from the heart;
  • Funny phrases said as a joke will help improve relationships, reduce the heat and cheer up the girl;
  • Gross flattery can only alienate a woman;
  • The quality is important, not the quantity of compliments. Work on the content and semantic content of phrases;
  • Do not give vulgar compliments to unfamiliar people or modest girls(such phrases are permissible only when communicating with close friends);
  • Reinforce courtesy with a smile, a confidential tone, and an admiring look.

Beautiful women are simply made for admiration and admiration. Flattering words can be said in person or sent via SMS.

In addition, girls will like compliments in prose or poetry, it all depends on your imagination and the character of the chosen one. The main thing is to be sincere, and the young lady will definitely appreciate it!


Beautiful and unusual compliments for girls.

Many men and guys have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Especially when it comes to beautiful girls, to such representatives strong half, especially afraid to approach and even more so to speak with them.

As they say, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. In this article we are going to give a couple of tips on how to please a girl or a woman, what beautiful words you can tell her how to properly compliment and, in the end, how to confess your love.

There are many songs about love ...

Of course in everyone a separate case everything is individual and there is no universal approach to girls. But there are certain moments and actions that most of them enjoy. For example, very good form and sometimes the best remedy, able to win the heart of the most unapproachable lady is a subtle compliment.

First of all, you need to improvise, notice some peculiarities and specific traits this or that girl and talk about it, there is nothing complicated about it. The beauty and depth of the meaning of such compliments is limited only by your vocabulary.

A simple compliment to a loved one is an art that can be learned.

Of course, we will offer you a list of original, unusual and pleasant compliments for every girl. But you should also do some exercise yourself. To do this, say pleasant words girls and women as often as possible and watch their reactions. As they say, it will be pleasant for them and you will practice.

Also, if you want to become a master of compliments, read more novels, better classical ones, love poems, parables about love and other works in one way or another related to love. This will help you to learn some of the subtleties of the emotional component of this difficult endeavor. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men.

Simple compliments - best gift girl and also perfect way make amends or ask for forgiveness!

Based on the above, the main features of an ideal compliment can be distinguished:

  • It is better to say compliments about the inner qualities of a person, the appearance must be played up very subtly, for example: "You are so beautiful in this dress."
  • Try to be as sincere and honest as possible, believe me it is noticeable.
  • A win-win option there will also be compliments about the girl's taste and preferences, for example, "You always dress so elegantly."
  • If she is proud of something, praise her, for example, if she reads a lot, say: "You are so erudite", after that you can discuss some book that you read together.
  • Main enemy compliment - ambiguity, you should avoid phrases like: "Your girl is such a beautiful dog, she looks like you."
  • If you borrowed a phrase for a compliment from a book, try to concretize it as much as possible and apply it to this particular case, use names, situation, environment, bring your vision.
  • Do not overpraise or overdo it, or you can ruin everything, and it will look like flattery.
  • Keep it simple and clear.
  • Well, you need to crush advice and teachings, state the facts.

And now we bring to your attention a list of compliments for any occasion:

“When I saw you, I forgot where I was going ...” “How are you bright Star against the clear night sky. I am drawn to you ... "" You are like a bouquet spring flowers, your smell drives me crazy ... "" Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever ... "" When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thank you for being ... "" You know, looking at your legs, I'm starting to doubt that someone else is slimmer. " "Your skin is so soft, I just calm down when I touch it." "It's hard to believe, but you cook even better than my grandmother!" "Your earrings are as sparkling as your smile." "I'm sorry, what modeling agency are you from?" "You look like a business lady in this elegant suit!" "I'm trying to understand why I can't take my eyes off you and can't even imagine" "To a wife like you, I would fly from work like a superman in 5 minutes." “This suit perfectly complements your sports figure. " “If Mother Nature creates ideal forms- these are yours! " "You are not like everyone else, I like that you have your own opinion!" "If I compared you to cars, you would be a Ferrari." “You have very beautiful voice, I can't hear enough, say something else. " "It seems to me that we have met somewhere before, maybe in a dream?" "If I were a girl, I would be as beautiful and smart as you!" "What dragon must be killed to become worthy of such a princess?" "It seems to me that every day, I love you more and more."

"I am sure you will be a good wife!"

Compliment more often, good luck! 🙂


How to compliment a girl: beautiful, correct, spontaneous, a list of ready-made

Saying beautiful compliments to your girlfriend at any time was mandatory rule every man. However, compliments should not be overdone, and they should be said deliberately. For example, if you said a lot of compliments at once, then this will already be called flattery, or you may be called a sucker. In any case, a lot of compliments for the girl will be expressed from the side of ridicule. It is necessary to skillfully flirt with girls and compliment them. Telling a girl beautiful compliments know that this is just a slight exaggeration. positive qualities girls.

How to say compliments correctly

What is the right way to compliment your loved ones? In choosing compliments, you must choose the golden mean, for example, a girl may misunderstand many beautiful compliments, but not giving compliments to a girl at all is also very bad.

Unfortunately, there is no standard use of compliments in the world. The compliment should come from the soul sincerely, and not be the one that you were looking for. Even the simplest compliment that you say with sincerity will deliver multiple pleasure to the girl. Any girl can understand if, by saying a compliment, you expect more from her.

A compliment to benefit you

When choosing compliments for your girlfriend, you need to pay attention to changes in the girl's appearance, for example, hairstyle, makeup or a new blouse. Any approval in the girl's act can be received in the form of a compliment, only this must be done in a timely manner and correctly. At the right choice compliments, know that the girl will try to get as close as possible to the ideal that you called her.

Take a close look at the girl and tell her what kind of brooch or hairstyle she has. If you cannot come up with a worthy compliment, then you can simply admire her behavior or deed. When you compliment a girl, you need to keep a calm tone and it is advisable to adhere to a sincere smile. When complimenting a girl, be as specific as possible, pay your attention to even the smallest detail, in your opinion. Try to avoid ambiguity in your compliment to your girlfriend.

Before you want to say nice compliment for the girl, you need to make her voice more convincing, preferably before that you need to rehearse in front of the mirror at home even before your date with her. Indeed, depending on how you pronounce and in what tone you say your compliment to your girlfriend, it will depend on how relaxed she will be all evening and how confident she will be in herself.

Refrain from complimenting the girl on her beauty if the girl is already pretty and attractive. Surely she has already heard this kind of simulated compliments from many other fans, so you shouldn't say what the girl already knows. Give unique compliments to the girl only in the direction that the girl wants to improve it in herself, there is no need to compliment the shortcomings or those traits that girls do not need or from which she would like to get rid

How to give spontaneous compliments correctly

Your success lies precisely in an unexpected compliment, but how to say it correctly. If you don't know which spontaneous compliment better tell the girl, then compliment her on the trait that you like.

The most casual approval of a girl will make her very happy, and your chance of getting the girl's attention will be higher.

Having made the best compliment at a meeting, it is necessary in the future to move on to a specific conversation. This must be done in order for the girl to correctly accept and understand this nice compliment... Better one enthusiastic and sincere compliment than a lot of fake compliments.

Often guys, before recognizing a girl in sympathy, they want to make sure that they are also not indifferent. Only then do they begin to act. As a result, life is divided into two parts: before and after recognition.

Girls prefer bold and determined guys. At the same time, outwardly, they may not demonstrate this. Recognition is nice in any case.

If the confession is unobtrusive and delicate, everyone will like it. It's good if you decide to do such a favor to someone who is really dear to you. It is worth trying yourself as a generous donor. How to admit to a girl that you like her, we'll figure it out.

How to confess correctly

What are the ways of recognition? How do you tell a girl that you like her? How to make sure that you are not rejected completely and irrevocably. What does it take to prolong the hope of a relationship?

Before you declare yourself in words, it is worthwhile to prove yourself in something good, to stand out from a positive point of view. After that, you need to wait for the effect and observe how the girl will behave. Then you just have to wait for a certain decision. If it's your first date, it's worth mentioning it at the end of your meeting.

If the situation is such that it is impossible to see each other, you should not miss the moment. An indirect suggestion or question will help here.

Find out how she would react if you asked her to ride a motorcycle, take a walk, and so on. There are tons of options. Do not ask directly the question of how the girl treats you. It will sound ridiculous. A direct answer is unlikely to follow.

It's good to make a lead for new meeting... You can ask for or give something. Then it will have to be returned. Another option is to forget next to the girl a book with romantic poems... When you return, find out if the girl wants this collection to be hers. It is also good to tell how you feel about romance. If daydreaming is difficult, just keep going in the same direction. Watch the girl. If communication with you is pleasant to her, then it will certainly be noticeable.

You can give a flower or an uncomplicated gift. This is necessary in order to observe the reaction. Much will become clear to you. Touch her casually. If a girl looks at you carefully, and in her eyes you see inexpressible tenderness, it will be much easier for you to confess your feelings.

It is worth showing courtship in the little things. Fetch-serve-help. Give the girl your jacket if she is cold. If you want to understand how a girl treats you, you can tell by her behavior. She will smile, express gratitude, and perhaps express irritation.

You need to skillfully use humor. It is always appropriate and at the same time does not oblige to anything at all. It is likely that the girl herself likes humor. If she responds in the same way, thereby hinting that the continuation of the relationship is possible.

You can tell the girl about yourself. If she listens to you carefully, this speaks of clear sympathy... After that, you can safely move on to others. decisive action... Be sure to challenge her to be frank. This will help you understand what the girl prefers. You can once again give her some pleasant surprise.

To make communication much easier, it's good to make mutual friends and be sure to enlist their support.

If you are making a confession and feel stiff, then it is worth choosing a side-by-side position. In this case, you will look at the same point with different sides... A kind of triangle is formed. It is much easier to speak this way than in an eye-to-eye position.

For easy and casual communication, be sure to find common interests With girl.

Do not think, but act

Usually men think for a long time and only then act. Confessing to a girl that I like her should be decisive. You should not hesitate, since during this time the girl you like can simply go to another.

1. Weigh all the positive and negative points and make sure to do the right choice... If you are sure, then tell the girl that you have sympathy for her.
2. It is important to turn off your brain so that fears and insecurities do not slow you down. You just need to make a decision and no longer think about how balanced it is. Then just do it. If you don't know how to beautifully tell a girl that I like her, remember that words should come from the heart.
3. It is only natural that you will be worried before confessing. You will start scrolling in your head different variants how events will develop. Perhaps you are indifferent to her? Maybe she already has one? She's probably that little thing that seeks to put the boyfriend on a kind of leash and enjoy his attention. Told the girl that I like her, what's next? And suddenly there may be thousands of them. All this must be forgotten. She can say and react in different ways. It's clear. But the world will not collapse. Nothing catastrophic will happen in your life. Uncertainty will stop tormenting you, and this is the main thing.
4. If you have a lump of words in your throat, and you cannot tell the girl about your sympathy, you can demonstrate this by actions. Behave as you should behave with the person you care about. Show interest in her affairs, provide assistance, show gallantry and courtesy. Don't just overdo it and control. If the girl finds your attention inappropriate, she will definitely tell you about it. On this score, you can not worry at all.

Another option is to write. How to write to a girl that I like her beautifully? Your words must be sincere.

Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. You can confirm what was said in verses

5. You should be sincere and honest. All uncertainty must be discarded. You should be fine.
6. There is no need to be afraid. It is better if you do, than you will then regret all the time that was not done. Be sure to be decisive and think about how you tell the girl that you care about her.

How to correctly tell a girl about sympathy

If you do not know how to tell a girl that I like her in words, we will help you.

The main condition is to be natural. Don't play rich or bad guy... Everything will be revealed soon. As a result, you will lose your girlfriend.

Show decisiveness. Girls like guys who act, not sit back. Don't mumble or show insecurity. But this does not mean that you need to talk about your sympathy right away. First, just hint at it.

You can also confess in the process of communicating with a girl on social networks. If you are interested in how to admit to a girl that you like her in contact, remember that sincerity and decisiveness are valued here too.

You can invite a girl to a disco or a party. The invitation should be delicate, since you don't yet know her tastes.

Great option- give flowers. So you unobtrusively hint at your sympathy. It is worth choosing roses or other flowers that the girl likes. It is only important that they are white, red or pink.

In no case do not immediately tune in to the fact that the result will be negative. Be sure to tell yourself that the girl is extremely dear to you, and you want to continue the relationship with her.

Never hide your emotions. Strive to make your feelings visible. Do not move away, but do not be too zealous. Nobody will like intrusiveness. You need to behave within a certain framework of decency.

It is best to confess to a girl by looking into her eyes. In this case, she will more believe in your sincerity and reciprocate.

Do not forget about the appearance. Be sure to watch how you look.

Intuition in women is highly developed. They always feel when guys are not indifferent to them.

Girls lead close observation for behavior and want to show initiative. You cannot think that much depends on the first words in life.

What is the best way to tell a girl that I like her? We hope our tips will help you do this. Do not miss the chance that will allow your relationship to develop.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than confessing sympathy for a girl, but in reality it may not be so easy. So, what words to choose to convince the chosen one of your feelings? Of course, if a certain girl makes you sympathetic, and you hope for reciprocal feelings, then tell her about it, show her in some way or hint. It is so accepted that often men take the first step in expressing their feelings. Not all girls are ready to take the initiative in this regard, so even if you like the person who attracts you, then you may not even know about it until you yourself indicate your position in relation to her. brought up in such a way that it is unacceptable for them to be the first to show their sympathy for a guy. Perhaps she believes that by this act she will not expose herself to the best light, because "decent girls do not impose." It may be that she had negative experience v school years- she showed her sympathy, but did not achieve it in return. In any case, if you want to know for sure whether you have a chance of building a relationship with this girl, you should make her understand that you care about her. How best to do this, you can determine for yourself. Of course, the character of the girl, the duration of the acquaintance and many other factors matter. Moreover, it is important to remember that girls love decisive guys, so even if initially she did not consider you as potential partner, your confession can make her look at you from a completely different side.

How to tell a girl about your feelings

When you are very afraid to confess If you are afraid to confess your feelings and you cannot do anything about this fear yet, then, apparently, you are completely unsure of how the girl treats you. If this is the case, you should get close to her to learn more about her and understand what your chances are of being together. It is better not to delay the process of rapprochement, so as not to move to the friend zone.
    Be attentive to her - listen to what she is talking about, ask leading questions. free time what is her mood, is everything in order - be sympathetic. Try to cheer her up more often - with the help of jokes, smiles, and so on. Show interest in her personality - what she likes and what not, what films she can recommend viewing and so on.
When she's your friend Remember that friendships often add up to loving couples- perhaps the same will happen in your case! Many girls are secretly in love with their friends, but they often try to overcome this feeling, fearing that it will turn out to be non-reciprocal and eventually they will lose each other. However, even if this is not so, your chances are very high, because if a girl is friends with you, then you are at least pleasant to her. You can start moving towards the point by simply starting a conversation, what does she even think about friendship between a man and a woman, how much is frequent occurrence in her opinion, and how much good couples It is worth noting that, in fact, such alliances are often stronger than others. Many people strike up a relationship without really knowing each other, and then part because of the "surprises" that have opened up to them. Friends, in turn, are usually already well aware of not best sides each other, and enter into romantic relationship already realized. When she loves another guy The situation is rather difficult and too harsh actions you can only harm. First, try to understand the relationship between the girl and her lover. If they are not a couple, or if he does not treat her well in a relationship, which makes her suffer, then your chances are very high. Try to be with her as often as possible, showing your clear advantages over the object of her sympathy. Be attentive to her, take an interest in her affairs, make surprises without hinting at a serious relationship. Chances are, if she gets more attention from you than from the guy who initially interested her, her interest will be redirected to you. When she said she liked me In this case, it is easiest to act, because the girl has already given you " green light". If you did not immediately find your way, and did not admit to reciprocal sympathy, then do not postpone this matter until later. Call her, write or offer to meet, admitting that you really like her too.

Compliments about her taste and figure

Every girl loves compliments, even if she doesn't admit it. Usually, girls are attentive to the choice of their clothes, hairstyles, and you can draw her attention to the fact that you notice this and admire her taste. For example, you can say that she has a funny T-shirt, very Nice dress, shiny hair, cool jeans and the like. As a rule, girls like these words. Many women believe that they have a special eye color, and even if you still don’t poop, still give the girl a compliment on this score: “You have such a beautiful and interesting color eye". Make any comparison. If the eyes are green, then say that they have an emerald shine, if blue - compare with the endless sea, yellow - with cat look, gray - with an alarming sky, on the eve of rain (specify that you like rain). It is also important to note that many girls doubt their figure. however, your chosen one is pleased with her, then the confirmation of her thoughts will only delight her. Highly skinny girl no need to say: “Oh, you need to eat more, otherwise it will blow away by the wind,” instead say: “You are as fragile as Thumbelina! I like!". If a girl is inclined to be overweight, then on occasion, note that she has ideal figure... If a girl goes to the gym a lot, tell her it’s noticeable by adding, “Guys are probably turning their heads.”

Flowers and commonplace amenities

Probably, all girls love flowers, and if someone does not like bouquets, it is only because they prefer flowers in pots rather than cut flowers. Although someone, on the contrary, loves exactly bouquets, not finding the time and much craving for the houseplants. However, you will most likely find out about this circumstance after you have handed the flowers, if you do not casually ask about it in advance. Also, girls love various goodies - casually learn about her tastes either in person, or by studying the page in social network(it is often possible to determine by the profile what exactly this or that person likes).

Write poetry with a hint of love

If you do not have confidence in your own poetic abilities, then it is better to find a work of some classic - Asadov, Yesenin, Pushkin, Rozhdestvensky, and so on. Let there not be more obvious declarations of love, but the topic should be close to that. You can send her the work by a personal message in SMS or social network, commenting that today you caught your eye and really liked it. At the very least, the girl will think that romance is not alien to you.

Movie or coffee invitation

This is already quite radical step, and if in previous cases the girl may still doubt your sympathy, then after such an invitation, even the most slow-witted will suspect that you like her. Choose a cozy coffee shop where you can have a quiet conversation. If you are not yet sure that because of the feelings that have gripped you, you will be able to conduct a free conversation, then it is better to choose an art cafe where some musical groups perform. You can also invite a girl to the cinema for an interesting premiere.

SMS confession

If you cannot decide to confess to a girl, although you assume that feelings can be mutual, then an SMS message can be a way out of the situation. For some girls, this option is even preferable because with "live" recognition, they are often lost and do not know how to react. In the case of a message, the girl will have the opportunity to think about her answer, and approach it carefully. True, afterwards all important conversations with this girl, if you have a relationship, it is better to lead personally, so that she does not have the impression that you are afraid of any serious topics.

Selfless help

Help the girl without hinting at anything in return. Do it as if in passing, as if you did it for close relative or a friend. Help can be very different. Perhaps she is late somewhere, and you have the opportunity to give her a lift. It is possible that she has problems with the laptop, and you could have it repaired and so on.

Let her know that she is the best

This can be done by commenting, for example, on a star (it is better to avoid comparison with real acquaintances, if they are not obvious enemies of the girl). For example, she is delighted with some actress - notice that you do not understand what she found in her. if she herself is much prettier. Or especially note her merits: “I have never met a girl who cooks so deliciously”, “You have perfect height"," Go crazy, what is your eye color "," You are so graceful, probably did ballet? " etc.

You can say "I love" in other words or actions.

There are many ways to show your chosen one your feelings. If you have a meeting in the cold season, or you are working together, grab a glass of her favorite hot drink for her. If he gets sick, offer to bring her some medicine or give her some fruit (you can also use a friend or a courier): “Eat vitamins, get better”. You can also send a bouquet of flowers with a courier on any holiday or "Just like that, for the mood." Do not hesitate - such actions are likely to be appreciated.

To gently hint at a relationship, you need

Explain why she is special and you need her Make it clear that you don't just want a relationship with some girl, but that you are interested in her. Tell us what you like best about her, why you think that your couple has a chance at happy relationship... Tell her about when you first realized that you like him, what exactly you felt. Girls especially love stories like this. Show how a woman is very dear to you It happens that words are not always enough, and many women no longer take words seriously. Therefore, do not neglect actions that could show her your true attitude To her. Many men have forgotten what it means to “courting” a woman, thereby increasing the “value” of those who are still doing it. Bend her to the first kiss Most women believe that the beginning Serious relationships is on the first date or declaration of love, and the first kiss. If you bring your meeting to the conclusion that it ends with the first kiss (you can do this when parting, taking the chosen one home), it means that you were completely able to win her over. To voice the desire that you want to see her next to Some women do not take hints or are reluctant to take them seriously for fear of embarrassment. Typically adults who are employed or business women who don't have time to “pick up” your signals. In this case, it is best to speak directly about your feelings.

What to do if the girl refused

In this situation, of course, you need to behave like a man - not making scenes, not insulting the girl and not making fun of her later in the company of friends. If you behave with dignity in this situation, then, perhaps, the girl will look at you from a completely different side and soon she herself will want to be with such a balanced guy. If she refused, then just say: "Well, then the topic is closed." If you have been to friendly relations, then you do not need to avoid her now, behave as if nothing happened, and do not return to this topic, even in hints, until she herself initiates such a conversation. If you haven't communicated before, then just periodically congratulate her on the social network Happy New Year, Happy Birthday and March 8, for example. If she has an interest in you, she will somehow let you know about it.

If at the sight of a charming person you are speechless and awkwardly stumble out of the blue, then this definitely means that you have fallen in love. But to know wonderful feeling is just the beginning. After all, the most difficult thing is ahead - to inform the beauty of your intentions. This is perhaps the most actual problem among young people. "But how can a girl say that I like her?" - you ask. This important issue we will dedicate our article.


It should be remembered that persistence and rudeness will not please any girl. Therefore, the recognition of feelings should be unobtrusive and easy. Don't ask her out on a date when you don't know each other well. First, try to find common interests. Find out what the girl is fond of and where she most often goes, then the question "How can a girl say that I like her?" will disappear by itself.

For example, if you visit the same section or you have mutual friends, invite the girl to accompany her. This will be the first gesture on the way to achieving the goal.


After you've chatted a few times, you might consider dating. There is no need to offer her expensive restaurants or gifts. First, go to the park, eat ice cream. This will help you get to know each other better. In communication, you should behave openly. It's better if you are yourself. It is this quality in men that attracts all girls.

So, to make the date go with a bang, be sure to present the girl with flowers. No need to give a luxurious bouquet. A few spring flowers will be enough (if the time of the year allows).

Remember: appearance in this situation is also important. No expensive tuxedos needed. Enough clean and tidy clothes. It is very important in this situation to smell good.


You shouldn't brag. Girls do not like this very much. It is also important not to ask stupid and frank questions... "How can a girl tell me that I like her if the date is drawing to a close?" - you ask. Very simple. The most the best time- when you come to her house. It is this romantic moment that will allow you to confess your feelings. Go for it!

After you say the cherished words, you should remember: do not try to kiss a girl. If she wants it, then you yourself will understand. Be sure to ask if she enjoyed the date, if she wants to see you again. If the answer is yes, then you can safely invite her to a restaurant (if funds allow).

What if a young man is shy

“How can a girl say that she likes her? Which SMS is suitable for this? " - you ask. Very easy. Write the confession in a humorous way or in the form of a poem. Only it is necessary to do this after the first date, otherwise you may confuse her.

A great option would be a luxurious bouquet that should be sent to her home or work. This will certainly delight the beauty.

If a girl doesn't know you

"How can a girl say that I like her if we don't know each other?" - and you can ask such a question. This is, of course, more difficult. But in this world, nothing is impossible. So, below we will give some advice regarding this situation.

  1. More often catch the girl's eyes. When she sees you, show your best.
  2. Get to know her friends or classmates (classmates).
  3. Watch her reaction when she sees you among her friends.
  4. During a general walk, throw glances at her (just do not overdo it).
  5. Invite your friends (including her) to go on a boat ride together, or invite them to your holiday.
  6. Try to be alone with her.
  7. When this happens, ask an indirect question, something like, "Would you like to eat ice cream or take a walk?"
  8. When the answer is yes, proceed with the steps described above.

Don't worry if you hear a response you don't like. After all, there is still a whole life ahead.

If a girl is busy with another man

"Should I tell a girl that I like her if she is dating someone else?" - the question is very delicate. In this situation, it all depends on your intentions. If you are driven by light sympathy, it is better to take a closer look at another person. If your feelings have already passed into something more, then it's still worth trying your luck.


Not sure what to say to the girl you like? The answer is pretty commonplace. Tell it as it is. After all, soon there may be someone who will say this before you. Good luck!

A lot of people turn to search engines as the ultimate truth. And he receives completely blurred answers, such as: be yourself, believe in yourself, trust your intuition ... There are very few benefits from them, and disappointment and Lost time can be measured in decalitres. And if you have a painful question, what to write to the girl so that she understands that I need her, you will need practical advice, not empty sentences.

The form

How the letter will be written is the first signal for her to understand what is happening. Wrote a short love sms? Apparently, you suddenly remembered about her and felt a surge of tenderness. A long message with a couple of specific compliments? She will think that you want to communicate further, somehow build relationships. A long letter where you describe your feelings, pour out your soul, talk about your relationship? Be careful: such a text can frighten a modern young lady. Suddenly, you are a rare bore and will now loom on the horizon day and night?

Successful examples of SMS with text:

  • I drove past your house and remembered about you, smile.
  • Today I really want to see you - I have an important secret that I want to reveal to you, you will like its plot.
  • The evening city is so good! I hope you will make it even more beautiful by agreeing to take a walk with me.

The ubiquitous advice to write messages with humor and imagination is a dangerous thing. When you decide what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, examples of successful light humor will be something like this:

  • I can't say that everyone around is crocodiles, but without such a beauty as you, put up with the surrounding reality it would be more difficult.
  • What handbag will you be with tonight? I want to look decent and match my socks.
  • Your work and girlfriends ... We will send the chief to hard labor, and I will give my friends to my sheikh friends. That's when you will be with me all the time!

And do not forget that there are two things in the world in which women are sure, but constantly doubt: this is your love and hers. irresistible appearance... So do not forget to tell her that she is divinely beautiful, at the same time smart and dearer to you than all the treasures of the world.

Typical mistakes

Here you sit in front of a computer or phone and decide what to write to the girl so that she understands that I need her in your own words ... Just try not to do some typical mistakes male representatives. Sometimes this is quite enough - your chosen one will think of the rest herself:

  • Intrusiveness. If the messages fly literally one after the other, then at some point they will either become a background in her life - she will stop actively responding to them, or will start to annoy. What's worse is up to you.
  • Aggressiveness. If a young man constantly insists on dating, hints at sex quite transparently, requires a specific decision, an answer from his passion, most likely, it will close. Nobody likes to change something in their life, especially if it is not yet very clear what such a decision will entail.
  • Nagging. "I feel bad without you", "I suffer", "I feel lonely", "I am so unhappy" - not best phrases to conquer the girl. Perhaps she will pity you - the female sex is weak in this regard, but such a relationship is unlikely to last long. She will run away from you to cheerful friends or to a cheerful successful guy.
  • To the best of quotes. Sometimes her words are not enough, and she so wants to quote a good moment from a film, song, book ... Be careful: your associations will not always be clear to her.

What does a woman want

If you chose an ordinary girl for yourself, and not Mother Teresa, then she absolutely does not care what you want. Therefore, it is pointless to talk and write about it. Understand what she wants and show that you can give it to her.

  1. Male reliability. You don't have to be an oligarch with a big bank account. If you position yourself as a promising young man, this will be enough in almost 100% of cases.
  2. Obligations. Again, no need to move mountains. Just do not forget to congratulate her on some date of your acquaintance, call in for her on time, call back when you promised. And then she will believe that you will treat other tasks the same way.
  3. Self-confidence and positive. Unhappy young people offended by life are not needed by anyone. If you constantly complain, and even blame others for your misfortunes, there will be no sense in your relationship. You don't need her, but a nanny.
  4. A little spontaneity. Be able to do pleasant surprises - woman's life without romance is insipid and dull. What will it be? Maybe a sudden dance in the rain, huge Teddy bear as a gift, pizza with delivery to her work ... Who knows? Learn to surprise her.


Do not drive her into a corner with your frank letter: she will be forced to give an answer, and it is not a fact that you will like it. Bring her to the idea that she is vital to you, very gradually. Do not put such a serious decision on fragile women's shoulders. Become a part of her every day, albeit small, but obligatory and enjoyable, and do not miss the moment when she is ready to take the opposite step.