Holiday dates in February. What are the holidays in February

February is the last month of winter. It is cold and at the same time long-awaited. Spring is not far off! The calendar of holidays in February is not as rich as in January. But this month also has something to celebrate. For example, such unusual holidays as Groundhog Day or International Optimist Day. Do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the last days of winter to create a festive mood for yourself!

February Traditions

What are the holidays in February? Many of the forces will be able to name two holidays: February 23 and Valentine's Day. In fact, in February great amount unusual and varied holidays. Don't know the traditions? They are easy to create on your own and stick with them for years to come. For example, to see off the first day of the last month of winter on February 1, and try to compliment everyone around on this day, because the corresponding holiday obliges. And do not forget on the same day, making a rearrangement in the garage, remember your childhood. Required condition Memories must be happy! Spend February 2 without nicotine and play hide and seek with the cat.

When do we light up?

What do we celebrate in February? This is a matter of your taste. Unusual holidays a lot this month. For example, February 1st is Triple Cologne Day. This day has no ancient traditions, so you can celebrate it as you please. Just remember that "Alain de Launes doesn't drink cologne," as the once-popular song used to sing. It is best to follow the example of the star and celebrate this day, for example, with a bottle of wine in a pleasant company of friends. On February 3, think about the passage of time. This includes old photo albums and diaries. Check them out with family and friends. Surely the memories that come flooding back will be pleasant. Girls can spend this day without bright makeup to please and surprise/scare guys. On February 4, do something crazy, just don't jump from the 9th floor.

When do we work?

In total, there are 19 working days in February and one of them is reduced. Accordingly, there are 9 days on the weekend. However, the work is not for indulging in despondency. The holidays of February will be enough for you and me weekdays. Look for your strengths on February 4, ask your loved ones, friends and relatives about them. You are guaranteed to learn a lot about yourself. On February 5, celebrate the day of faith in real miracles and share with friends wonderful stories from your life. On this day, it's time to count your savings so that there is something to celebrate other February holidays.

Affairs of the Heart

In addition to February 14, lovers have something else to celebrate this month. For example, February 4 is the Day of reading poetry to a loved one. Why not dedicate a poem to your beloved? Or, in extreme cases, do not read him something from the classics? February 3 can be taken prisoner own husband, such a day is also provided in holiday calendar, and on February 7 - to hunt for men. On February 5, you can celebrate the day of the naive mistress. The nuances of the holiday will vary, depending on who you consider yourself to be - main character day, a hero deceiving a heroine or a woman who has never been and never will be in a similar role. By the way, on the same day it is recommended to analyze your sex life.

Shopping and gifts

On February 3, give yourself, your lover or beloved sexy lingerie, because the holiday obliges. On February 6, buy a gift for your parents, out of gratitude. When choosing a gift, rely not only on your impeccable taste, but also try to take into account the preferences of your parents. February 7 - the day of dreaming about a vacation, buy yourself a ticket to an exotic country.

Days of power have powerful energy. In this mystical time, everyone has a chance to succeed in life without much effort.

Any day of power is a strong burst of energy, which is caused by something special. Change of seasons lunar phase, religious ceremonies- all this can be attributed to mystical time, which has increased energy. In determining the days of power, it is customary to coordinate dates with important events in the world of numerology, astrology and esotericism. Such days increase the energy of a person and, importantly, require decisive measures from a person to improve his life.

February 1 - balance day

The moon in the third phase, which is in the constellation Leo, is a rather harmonious time when the whole world is in balance. The positive energy of this day will push you to start something new. It can be anything: starting a relationship, looking for a job, buying an apartment, solving old problems. This day will be like a runway for you.

Under the influence of Leo, it is easiest to deal with shortcomings and insecurities. The gaze of the astrological king is directed forward, fears and doubts are alien to him, he advances without hesitation. Leo will give confidence to you. This is perhaps the only day that will help to come to an internal agreement. People will see only their own strengths, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings, and this feeling is worth keeping for the whole month.

There will be a sharp feeling of an overabundance of energy, which would be better directed to creative development. Otherwise unused energy force can be realized in rash and negative actions and actions.

February 2 - Day of Universal Joy

This is the most important day from an astrological point of view, which is ideal for those who want to look into the future or decide to connect their lives with another person. According to lunar calendar, the waning moon will be in the sign of Virgo. This is one of best positions Moon, so the energy of the day will be especially strong.

This is the day of gaining inner freedom, liberation, purification and restructuring of energy. This is a special time in terms of numerology, too, because 02.02 is a mirror date. The day will have a dual character, as the world will fall under the power of the four. Two deuces add up to a four, so we all have an irresistible desire to improve our lives. Selfish intentions should not scare you. Now it is important to use them for your own purposes. The only thing you have to remember is your conscience. You can become more successful if you let others into your heart. Try to help your loved ones so that they can help you in the future.

February 5 - Morena Day

This pagan holiday dedicated to Morena - the goddess of death, disease, winter and cold. The mythology of the Slavs connects Morena with seasonal rituals, rituals and conspiracies that are dedicated to nature and its resurrection. On this day, our ancestors connected their lives with nature, attracting love, prosperity and well-being into it through rituals.

February 10 - brownie day

Belief in the supernatural is still alive, despite the fact that knowledge of modern world have expanded markedly over the past century. Many people are sure that the main owner in the house is not the husband or wife, but the brownie. The day of the main mythological master is marked in the Slavic calendar on February 10. On this date, gaining strength supernatural world, boundaries are erased, people's intuition is sharpened and others. the main task on this day - appease your brownieso that he will help you let happiness and prosperity into your house.

February 16 - New Moon in Pisces

Astrologers celebrate the February New Moon as one of the most joyful and good days. That is why February 16 can be called the strongest and most important in February. The renewal of the Moon will be energetically favorable. February 16 is the best day to improve your life. By the time of the rebirth of the moon, cosmic energy is normalized, which will not cause dissonance and problems.

February 15 - Meeting of the Lord

The Presentation of the Lord is a Christian holiday filled with joy and sorrow, memory of the past and thoughts of the future. This is a special day for believers, but we should not forget that it also has strength and happiness for each individual due to enhanced energy. On February 15, it is advisable to spend time with loved ones, in the family circle.

In the old days, protective rites from negativity were performed on this day. Water was considered healing, so it was collected in large quantities. Now much has changed, many traditions have already been forgotten, but the day has not lost its strength from this. It will be a calm and happy day, which is worth spending with pleasure. Get some rest from the hustle and bustle intrusive thoughts and all the negativity that we used to face during every day. The positive energy that you let into your heart today will last for a long time.

February 18 - seeing off Maslenitsa

Remote Maslenitsa - favorite folk holiday, as well as a powerful day in its energy. At this time, it is not cosmic energy that charges the world, but people charge the space around with their enthusiasm.

Seeing off winter, cold weather, despondency and apathy begin. Nature is preparing for an imminent resurrection, which is why the energy around is being rebuilt. The traditional and enchanting rite of this day is the burning of an effigy, symbolizing winter. According to popular beliefs, everything bad, obsolete and negative burns along with the straw doll.

February 28 - astrological day of strength

On this day, the heavenly bodies will be in special harmony with each other, which will give people freedom. This time is great for introspection: you will be able to correctly prioritize and find meaning in life. Your dreams will lead you in the right direction, so try to make them come true. No need to lock yourself away from the world and people. On February 28, you will have a chance to pick up the key to all the doors. Try to negotiate with your inner self and move from words to an active offensive.

You can change your destiny in one day. It doesn't have to be a power day. It’s just that on days like these, the Universe gives us more opportunities to succeed. splash positive energy will push you forward, all you need is the desire to change your life. Whether you like it or not is up to you, but do not forget that missed chances tend not to return. We wish you happiness, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The third month of winter is short. It either has twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. And, of course, the number of significant, important for the history of Russia and the world and holidays in it is less - it does not even reach three dozen. However, everything is in order!

The second of February appears on calendars, especially American and Canadian ones, as Groundhog Day. The season is already turning closer to spring. How fast is she coming? According to folk signs, the groundhog tells about its approach. Here he got out, say, from a hole, and does not see his own shadow, therefore, get ready to change warm coats or "Alaskans" on light jackets, otherwise you will sweat in your previous attire. The groundhog noticed his shadow under the sun, and instantly returned to the hole. There are still six weeks of cold ahead. Groundhog Day - both in the US and Canada - is a national event, it is carefully prepared for, and it is a breathy ritual!
But the seventh of February - the most important day for Christians - the Icon of the Mother of God. There are lists of it in every Orthodox church, large or small church. In the hands of the Mother of God, propping up her cheek, is a God-child with a scroll unfolded in his hands. The icon was brought to Moscow back in 1640 during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. And placed in the church of St. Nicholas. She helped Belokamennaya more than once in her troubles - fires, natural and other hardships. She also responded to the very requests of mere mortals, about which there are many miraculous testimonies.

Two days later, that is, on February 9, the International Dentist Day comes. In English of this profile, doctors are called dentists. The truly world-class event has long roots. They leave in 249. Apollonia of Alexandria then lived in the world, passionately believing in Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church did not like this very much, she was arrested, mercilessly tortured, her teeth pulled out with tongs - it did not help. Sent to the fire. And she, with her unshakable faith in God, stepped into the flame herself. Ranked among the saints. If you are tormented by intolerable toothache, say two words: "Santa Apollonia!" ?, and relief will come to you - the saint helped. In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since relatively recent times.
But the tenth of February is a holiday, consider, of all hostesses, and even the heads of families represented by husbands - Brownie Day. Celebrate housewarming - be sure to call him with you. He is the keeper of the hearth and comfort. But very strict and picky. If you wake up quarreling with him - don’t expect good: disasters will surely come upon you - unexpected losses, breaking dishes for no reason, other misfortunes. The brownie loves peace and order in the family. Keep them and he will be merciful to you. Just don’t forget to thank him for this and by all means on the night of the ninth to the tenth of February - leave various goodies for him, put one or another penny on a plate. Appreciate your generosity, and thank you!
On February 14, Valentine's Day comes or. All lovers of the world know about him. Bookstores, newsstands, and other kiosks sell a variety of colorfully designed warm words and even in the verses of "valentines" - with declarations of love, devotion, wishes to a young man or girl for a long and happy life. And everyone knows the story of Valentine himself by heart. It was a priest who lived during the time of the cruel emperor Claudius II. He had in mind that conquest campaigns. He recruited all the young men in a row, categorically not allowing them to marry. And Valentine secretly married couples. He paid dearly for this. He was executed. But before that, he was in love with the daughter of his jailer. Before his death, he left her a note with a fiery explanation of his feelings. The note became a "valentine", now it is exchanged by all lovers, including Russia. And the holiday on February 14 did not appear by chance. It was established by Pope Gelasius himself. And it happened exactly on February 14, 496, far from us.
February 21 - International Mother Language Day. The decision that appeared, as they say, with light hand UNESCO in 1999. But it began to be celebrated since the year 2000. As for languages, dialects, adverbs, there are a great many of them in the world. So, consider the entire adult population of the earth to be involved in the holiday. By the way, not only native languages ​​are studied in countries, but foreign languages, which brings different nations helps to better study their mentality, to establish a lively cultural exchange between them.
Well, there is no need to talk about Defender of the Fatherland Day for a long time. It is widely celebrated not only in Russia, but also in the CIS, although they have long had similar holidays, but on different dates. The significant day dates back to 1922, from the birth of the Red Army. And on February 23, a lot of important things fall out. In 1942, Stalin summed up the last eight months of a fierce struggle Soviet people with the Nazi invaders, who defeated the Nazis near Moscow. A year later, on this very day, Field Marshal Paulus was captured. And nowhere else, but in Stalingrad itself. Moreover, not one - but together with his entire encircled group of more than two hundred thousand people, from which Hitler in Berlin tore and threw, and after that his hands began to shake from a nervous tic. February 23 ladies give " strong half"flowers and gifts, congratulations to men are heard at meetings in groups, they are covered holiday tables. In general, everything is as it should be. Then the "stronger sex" will thank the ladies in the same manner on March 8 Day.
February 27 is International Polar Bear Day. We call a clubfoot a polar bear. It lives in the ice of the Arctic Ocean, in the Arctic. But here's the problem - with the melting of ice, its numbers are decreasing. Now there are about 25 thousand polar bears left. And by 2050, if we do not help them, there will be one third less. Because clubfoot and listed in the Red Book. Measures have been developed and are being implemented to increase the number of this population.
Such are the holidays in February, significant and important events for Russia and the world!

The beginning of the year is always marked by a large number of holidays. February was no exception. The "Fierce" month, which changed its name under the influence of Byzantium, was associated in our culture with many traditions, folk signs and believe. cold february talked about the upcoming dry summer. The month was divided into three parts, depending on the onset of "special" frosts: Timofeevsky, Sretensky and Vlasevsky. It's safe to say that February is rich cultural history associated with the traditions of the Russian people. Last month winter, although it will not please with an abundance of weekends, unlike January, everyone will have a reason to have a great time.

Official holidays in February in Russia

Most little month year not offended significant dates. TO official holidays in February, only Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in Russia, it will give citizens an extra day of rest. But in our society, Valentine's Day is also widely celebrated, especially popular among young people and the younger generation, when romance rules the world, uniting loving hearts together.

Which holidays in February 2019 will make adjustments to the production schedule.
Resting like a regular weekend - days in a row 23, 24. On Friday work on the 22nd, but this pre-holiday day will be shortened.

It should be noted that given month rich in various professional celebrations and memorable historical events and is far from being limited only to the above red date. Orthodox Christians also fall on holidays in February 2019 significant days, for example, the Presentation of the Lord and others.

The month is also unique in that many unusual, unique and funny dates are associated with it. The holidays in February include Groundhog Day, Kindness Day, International Day of the Sick, etc.

List of February holidays and significant dates in 2019

In fact, the most “compact” month of the year turned out to be full of various interesting dates:

The holidays of February 2019 in Russia will delight every citizen of our country: Orthodox believers, youth, and workers various areas activities, and all men without exception.

International Bartender's Day is a professional holiday celebrated annually on February 6th. Growing popularity this holiday in Russia led to the emergence of some traditions of its celebration: various competitions, quizzes and competitions between bartenders...>>

IN Lately a sufficient number of Russians have great desire gain financial independence. The most profitable way to achieve the goal is to do business. Of course, for its successful conduct it is necessary to have certain, very specific knowledge...>>

The long tradition of celebrating domestic scientific achievements in Russia was interrupted, unfortunately, in the early 90s and was resumed only by the presidential decree of June 7, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day Russian science". According to this decree, the date of February 8 was not chosen by chance ...>>

No matter how difficult the profession of a military topographer, no matter how responsible the main thing is qualified specialist- He has no interest in it. But it is known that the work comes out especially high-quality, if you feel for the performance of office ...>>

At the start of the last winter month pilots, stewardesses, mechanics who ensure the operation of airliners have been receiving congratulations for almost 90 years. The story has begun civil aviation back in 1923, when on February 9 the decree “On the imposition of technical supervision…>>

The tradition of celebrating February 9 "International Dentist Day" is gaining momentum around the world. Celebrate the Day of the dentist on February 9, the day of St. Apollonia has good reasons, the first of which is amazing attractive image Apollonius, which has come down to us through the centuries. Apollonia is the daughter of...>>

Decree of the President Russian Federation On October 31, 2002, a professional holiday was established - the Day of the Diplomatic Worker, the celebration of which is scheduled for February 10. It was on February 10, 1549 that the earliest mention of the Ambassadorial order - the first ...>>

The date of February 10 (January 29, old style) cannot be considered a holiday. On the contrary, this memorable date tragic, because on this day in 1837 A. S. Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, whose name and work is widely known throughout the world, died. He was only 37 years old...>>

In 1979, Aeroflot Day was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of February. The official birthday of a civil air fleet Russia is considered February 9, 1923. It was on this day that the Council of Labor and Defense adopted ...>>

Let's remember the Winter Games that took place in 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, when the whole country was rooting for its heroes: talented skaters, virtuoso skiers, brave snowboarders and many, many other great athletes. February 7, 2015 in Russia for the first time winter views sports…>>

The most important thing in human life is health. It, as old people like to repeat, cannot be bought for any money. Here is a wise part of the population and is engaged in maintaining wellness brewing herbal teas, regularly taking vitamin and mineral complexes, continuing ...>>

Maslenitsa is one of the most joyful and bright holidays. For a whole week, people see off the boring winter, bake pancakes and visit each other. Shrovetide is called differently, but all names mean the same thing. During Maslenitsa in Russia, all estates were fond of wild life and fun ...>>

According to statistics, employees of marriage agencies - namely, these institutions will be discussed in this material - manage to connect the hearts of a considerable number of citizens around the world for more than 3.5 centuries! Representatives of the marriage business celebrate their professional holiday...>>

In order to “swing” faster after sleep in the morning and get a charge of vivacity for further achievements, you can turn on the radio, where popular music tracks are broadcast around the clock. On February 13, lovers of being always on their own wave have a joyful event - World Radio Day ...>>

Every year on February 14, people send out tens of millions of cards decorated with hearts, roses, kittens, kissing angels or doves. With a bang, boxes of chocolate are sold out, red roses with meter stems, touching Stuffed Toys, velvet pillows…>>

Computer scientists are people who handed humanity a ticket to wonderful world virtual reality. For a great opportunity to take a break from everyday problems, to get rid of many difficulties in the process of study and work, you must certainly thank the aces of cybernetics ...>>

International Book Giving Day is celebrated in the most different countries since 2012. On this day, it is customary to hand over books completely free of charge, especially to children. However, for adults, International Book Giving Day is also very important. Many more people refer to the book as a source of spiritual values...>>

No civilized individual can imagine life without electricity. His disappearance, shutdown without the possibility of recovery would mean literally the end of the world. Once a year, there is an excellent occasion to reflect on all this at your leisure: on February 16, Russians celebrate the Day of the Archives ...>>

The modern world dictates its own rules. And, unfortunately, one of them was to extract the maximum benefit from any act. Few people today are able to carry out even a simple good deed disinterestedly. But it is precisely this quality - the ability to lend a helping hand to those in need from pure heart- there is ...>>

The fuel service of the RF Armed Forces has been operating for more than 70 years. Despite this seemingly respectable age, the structure that provides the army with fuel and lubricants, is still very young by military standards. The prototype of the Fuel Service arose 3 years before the appearance of the main unit - in the winter of 1933 ...>>

In the past, the creative activity of young people was intensively developed in our country, due to the good will of its representatives. Such a flourishing reached in the era of the USSR. Then student movements gained great popularity. This trend is now picking up again...>>

Transport Police Day. Employees of the transport police of Russia celebrate their professional holiday on February 18. On this day in 1919, a decree was signed "On the organization of an interdepartmental commission for the protection of railways". The document was the first on the way to the creation of protection of the railway…>>

In our state, the obligation to provide soldiers with everything necessary for normal life and activities are undertaken by employees of a specific unit - the food and clothing service of the armed forces. These people celebrate their professional holiday every year on February 18…>>

Whale Day - this is the second name of the holiday - the planet celebrates every year on February 19, since 1986. Reason for establishing ecological date served as a significant event for marine mammals: the official entry into force of the moratorium (ban) on whaling...>>

International Mother Language Day is celebrated annually around the world on February 21st. This holiday was established on November 17, 1999 by the General Conference of UNESCO, and it began to be celebrated in February 2000. The main objective of the holiday "International Mother Language Day" can be called the promotion of linguistic ...>>

Every year on February 21, cruise word specialists find themselves in a stream of congratulations and a heap of gifts - on the occasion of their professional holidayworld day tour guide. A full definition of the specialty "guide" was given in 1940 and included ...>>

IN Russian history February 23 as Day Soviet army and the Navy is celebrated "in commemoration of the general mobilization of revolutionary forces to defend the socialist Fatherland, as well as the courageous resistance of the Red Army units to the invaders ...>>

Life in the modern world is distinguished, first of all, by its frantic rhythm. Rapid development of science and technology, abundance of information, maximum workload similar friend on the other, like two drops of water, days - all this does not allow us to fully enjoy our short earthly existence ...>>

Among ecological holidays Special attention attract those that are dedicated to animals. Such dates call for protection a certain kind, manifestation of humanity to the representatives of the latter, and in general to the awareness of the importance of "our smaller brothers." Every year on February 27, the planet celebrates...>>

In our country, throughout the calendar year, many holidays are celebrated dedicated to a particular military profession and even entire military units and structures. In the current year, 2015, we have acquired new date from voiced category: Happy Forces special operations(MTR)…>>

Russian holidays in February, February holidays, Christian holidays February