Parent meeting "Modern ICT. Pluses and minuses". Questionnaire for teachers "identifying the level of readiness for work using ICT"

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type" of the city of Pikalevo


At the computer since the age of three?

Computer learning technologies are the process of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer. At the same time, the computer does not replace the teacher or parent, but complements them.

In preschool educational institutions, the recommended continuous duration of work with a PC on developing game lessons for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes, for children 6 years old - 15 minutes.

The 3-6-9-12 Rule

It is important for parents to remember a simple rule:

up to 3 years no computer;

up to 6 years no prefixes;

up to 9 years no internet;

up to 12 years of age to use the Internet with an adult.

After classes with children spend eye gymnastics.

1. Keep your head straight. Blink, without straining the eye muscles, about 10 - 15.

2. Without turning your head (head straight) with eyes closed, look to the right at a count of 1 - 4, then to the left at a count of 1 - 4 and straight ahead at a count of 1 - 6. Raise your eyes up to a count of 1 - 4, look down at a count of 1 - 4 and look directly at a count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. Look at forefinger, removed from the eyes at a distance of 25 - 30 cm, at the expense of 1 - 4, then look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

4. At an average pace, do 3 - 4 circular motion V right side, the same in left side and, having relaxed the eye muscles, look into the distance at the expense of 1 - 6. Repeat 1 - 2 times.

The official website of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type" of the city of Pikalevo:

Address Email institutions: [email protected]



I consider it possible to use them in kindergarten;

their use should be limited;

· should not be used.


Watching videos, listening to audio fairy tales;


Engaged in special children's developmental programs;

The child is not allowed to use the computer.


I try, but it doesn't always work out. Rarely...


· computer games develop the speed of reaction in the child, fine motor skills hands, visual perception of objects, memory and attention, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination ... (we are talking about games that have age recommendation);

a child who has been oriented in a computer since childhood feels more confident because he has access to the world modern technologies;

· No good points in using a computer.


I find interesting Internet resources for myself and my child;

· Active Internet user;

· No computer at home.


1. yes; 2. No, this is the first time I hear about the site.




for parents on information computer technologies

Dear parents, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your attitude to the use of information computer technologies in kindergarten?
  • I consider it possible to use them in kindergarten;
  • their use should be limited;
  • should not be used.
  1. For which of the following does a child in your family usually use a computer at home?
  • watching videos, listening to audio fairy tales;
  • plays;
  • engages in special children's developmental programs;
  • The child is not allowed to use the computer.
  1. Do you monitor what your child is doing on the computer?
  • No;
  • I try, but it doesn't always work. Rarely...
  1. What aspects of the use of ICT do you agree with?
  • computer games develop a child's speed of reaction, fine motor skills of hands, visual perception of objects, memory and attention, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination ... (we are talking about games that have an age recommendation);
  • a child who has been oriented in a computer since childhood feels more confident, because he has access to the world of modern technologies;
  • there are no positive aspects to using a computer.
  1. What can you say about yourself...
  • I find interesting Internet resources for myself and my child;
  • Active Internet user;
  • No computer at home.
  1. Do you visit the site of our institution?

1. Yes; 2. No, this is the first time I hear about the site.

Thank you for participating in the survey.



parent surveys

on information computer technologies

The survey included middle, senior and preparatory groups parents actively responded to the questions asked.

The questions offered to parents in the questionnaire were aimed at identifying their attitude to the use of information and computer technologies in kindergarten and family, the level of computer proficiency of parents, and ways of using ICT in the family.

Very important question about the knowledge and visit of the parents of the site kindergarten.

  1. To the question "What is your attitude to the use of information computer technologies in kindergarten?" the opinions of parents were divided: only 11% believe that ICT should not be used in kindergarten, the rest of the number was divided approximately equally 45% and believe possible use ICT in preschools, 44% believe that their use should be limited. This proves that most parents understand that a computer can bring certain benefits in the process of teaching a child. And it is really necessary to adhere established norms use of information computer technologies in kindergarten.
  1. The question “For which of the following does a child in your family usually use a computer at home?” was asked to determine how parents see computer use and how they use it at home. A positive moment was revealed: children listen to audio fairy tales at home, they are engaged in special developmental programs. The answer option “plays” implies that the game does not have educational and developmental properties, therefore it makes one think about the quality of these games, since everyone understands that there are many low-quality games whose plots leave much to be desired (shooters, chases, murders). The fact that parents do not allow them to study on the computer at home can also be considered in different positions: the restriction in order to protect against negative information and harmful radiation, on the other hand, limits the child's modern horizons, since already in the first grade of school, textbooks contain certain tasks, performance which is impossible without a computer.
  1. Very important questionDo you monitor what your child is doing on the computer?The answers of parents can please us, since in most cases 90% of parents clearly monitor the child, 10% admitted that they try, but rarely succeed, which means that they can not always control and restrict children from information they do not need.
  1. Question "What can you say about yourself..."aims to understand as well how parents see themselves as Internet users. The results are in line with the spirit of the time, since the computer has firmly entered our lives, the vast majority of parents use a computer. Only 2% of respondents do not have a computer at home. At the same time, the same 2% are not opposed to the use of ICT in kindergarten.
  1. The answer to the question “Which aspects of the use of ICT do you agree with?”shows that, in general, parents correctly perceive the positive aspects of information and computer technologies. Naturally, the use of ICT should be strictly dosed and used only in accordance with age. However, 5% of the parents surveyed do not see positive aspects in using a computer.
  1. The most revealing question is “Do you visit the site of our institution?”

The website of the institution exists for almost a year, but only 27% know about its existence, it can be concluded that they have not received sufficient information about it. Therefore, I propose to post an information sheet about the website and e-mail of the institution on the stands in groups.

The effectiveness of computerization of education in preschool educational organizations depends on the quality of the pedagogical software used, on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process. Information and computer technologies can be used both in the educational work of a teacher, and in methodical work preschool educational institution, as well as cooperation with parents, the public, as the popularization of the activities of the kindergarten.

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"Questionnaire for teachers "Identification of the level of readiness for work using ICT""


Dear colleagues! To determine the extent to which ICT is used in your work, answer the following questions by underlining the correct answer.

1. Do you own a computer?

A) yes, I am a confident user;

C) no, I don't need it;

C) No, but I want to learn.

2. Where and how did you acquire the skills?

A) mastered independently;

C) attended PC courses;

C) I don't.

3. Availability of access to a computer in the institution:

A) there is a possibility

B) not possible

I use my personal computer.

4. What modern equipment You are using?

A) a computer

B) a camera

C) multimedia projector;

D) tape recorder/

5. What ICT tools do you use?

A) presentations

B) text editor

C) educational DVD films.

6. Scope of ICT application in your practice:

A) working with children

C) working with colleagues

C) working with parents.

7. How often do you use ICT in your work?

A) regularly

B) as needed

C) do not use.

8. What difficulties do you face in using ICT?

A) insufficient equipment;

c) I don't have a computer

C) no time.

other: ___________________________________________________________


MADOU No. 20 "Friendly round dance",


Use of information - communication technologies in working with parents in preschool.

Close cooperation is essential for a full-fledged preschool and families. But it is no secret to anyone that in our time, on the one hand, parents are mainly busy making money, and they have absolutely no time to communicate with educators, and on the other hand, the educator often does not have the opportunity to pay enough attention to each parent. How to be in such a situation? Here, information and communication tools come to our aid, which are now great amount. Today, the use of ICT is one of the most important areas in improving the quality of education in general, and preschool education, in particular. It improves the effectiveness of educational educational process and reach a new level of relations between all participants in this process: teachers, specialists, parents and the children themselves.

In a modern preschool institution, the most common, as before, remain collective forms interaction between the educator and parents (conducting parent meetings, days open doors in preschool educational institutions, etc.). Teachers use group (group consultations, trainings, practical lessons etc.) and individual (consulting, conversation, correspondence) forms of work. But very often the conversations of modern parents with educators are spontaneous, they are short in time, and, as a result, they are ineffective.

When using ICT tools in organizing work with parents, not only are the educational opportunities these forms of activity, but also attracted much more moms and dads to participate in pedagogical process. In addition, the material intended for parents will be much better absorbed by them if there is visibility. The main advantages of using visual aids:

Great for holding attention. Oral speech becomes clearer. Increase the professional competence of the teacher. Enhance memory. Confucius: “I hear and I forget. I see and remember. I do - and I comprehend. Minimize misunderstandings.

What ICT tools can be used in preschool? These are: computers, laptops, printers, copiers, DWD players, TVs, tablets, stereos, scanners, cameras, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards. Many of the above are already actively used by educators in the process of interacting with children. It is necessary that all this is also actively used in work with parents. To do this, teachers themselves need to be computer literate. If earlier the computer was used only to search for information and pictures for, now it is an excellent tool for working with parents: modern parents are literate people who know the technical capabilities of the computer, and, as a rule, have the skills to work with it.

In what ways is it possible to use computer technologies in the process of interaction between educators and parents of pupils. There are four ways:

Using the Power Point program ( multimedia presentations, making collages). Application of the Move Maker program (films and phototapes from the life of children). Creation of multimedia libraries on various issues. Organization of online interaction (using the site of the group and the preschool educational institution, e-mail, social networks, forums).

Let's take a look at the possibilities offered by each of these paths. At parent meetings and group consultations, computer presentations made in Power Point can be of great help. Thanks to the presentations, the teacher gets the opportunity to present not only basic theoretical information, comparative graphs, for example, anthropometric data, and so on, but also to demonstrate a slide show about the activities carried out in the group and kindergarten. Modern features using this program, even frames from films can be included, which would set parents up for the perception of the material, would give parents additional visual information on the topic of meetings, consultations, training, etc. The knowledge gained in this way is much better absorbed by parents and stored in memory for much longer, since they were obtained through various analyzers: auditory and visual. Also, for a positive attitude of parents, using the Power Point program, you can make interesting collages with the participation of children.

How can Move Maker help? Every mom, every dad is interested to know how a child's life goes in kindergarten. Therefore, we hold Open Days for parents, but not everyone can visit a preschool educational institution during the day, so parental activity is often very small. In addition to a tour of the preschool with visiting groups and conversations with visiting parents, thanks to ICT, all this can be shown in the form of a beautifully designed video on the official website of the kindergarten for those who could not attend this event.

With the Move Maker program, you can create videos and photos on any topic of interest to parents. For example: "One day in kindergarten", where to show the most interesting moments ordinary day. You can show such a film at any time convenient for everyone. This can greatly increase the activity of parents, because they will be very pleased to see how their child plays, studies, walks.

Another way is media libraries. What it is? The terms "media", "media library" in Russia came into use in the early nineties of the last century. “Media” is not only hardware devices, but also information carriers that can be distributed and stored without using hardware. Information can be stored not only in books, but also on disks, flash drives, audio and. It will be easier for uncommunicative and withdrawn parents to get acquainted with topical issues on the upbringing, development or education of children using such a media library.

Significantly increase the effectiveness of communication with parents Internet resources. Experts offer several ways to use Internet resources in cooperation with the families of pupils:

    education of parents through the Internet; creation of a site for a kindergarten, a group; remote conferences; seminars and consultations of specialists and educators for parents - at a remote level via e-mail; communication with parents in social networks(creating a page for a specific group; creating an information and methodological magazine on-line; telecommunications project; teleconference.

Let us consider in more detail: the easiest way, but, for some reason, little used to solve pedagogical issues, is communication with parents on the Internet. Modern parents they began to pay little attention to information folders-movers in groups, they rarely notice announcements until the educator pays their attention. Now almost every family has an e-mail. No matter how busy you are, there is always time to check your email. Having collected parental addresses, the teacher can send to everyone at the same time, or specific people certain information, both general and personal. Parents can get up-to-date information from the e-mail pages:

    on methods of preserving the health of children; their safety; about the rules of the child's behavior in the family and in society; helpful tips for training and preschool education; interesting photos children from various events; obtaining information about the group that the child attends; schedule ; about ongoing events, holidays, entertainment; and much more useful and interesting.

As well as via e-mail, it is possible to communicate in a group created on social networks or in real time on Skype. Such communication is the most dynamic. The current possibilities of the Internet are such that you can immediately get an answer to your question.

Using the site builder, you can create a group site, where the necessary information will also be posted, where each parent can find out group and garden events, the time the teacher meets with the parents, and much more. On the site's forum, a parent can ask the teacher any question regarding their child, as well as make suggestions on the organization of the educational process in the group, and, possibly, make claims to the teacher ...

Remote teleconferences can be held both in real time and via e-mail. Such a conference must be carefully prepared. The coordinator (most often a teacher or a specialist) develops an approximate schedule for a chat conference. Preparing for a remote conference, the moderator invites participants to write in advance for themselves their questions and opinions on the stated topics. The moderator of the conference also prepares his main questions to the participants, whose composition he already knows. During an electronic discussion, pre-written key phrases help the facilitator to quickly conduct a dialogue without spending extra time typing. At the same time, the presenter is required to quickly react to what is happening, to quickly include his remarks in the thread of the discussion, to make decisions about changing the topic or conference participants.

The coordinator must adhere to the schedule declared by him. Since the connection of individual participants may be interrupted, and they enter the conversation window, losing sight of the thread of the conference, the coordinator through certain time should repeat key questions or judgments already made at the conference for newly connected participants.

In a chat conference, the presenter can communicate both with all conference participants, and at the same time in a separate room with those participants who wish to discuss the issue or problem personally with the presenter. Similarly, conference participants can start a private conversation with each other.

All this is a rather laborious process that requires certain knowledge not only from the teacher, but also from the parents. That is why such chat conferences, as well as teleconferences and telecommunication projects, are not very popular in the work of preschool educational institutions. Correspondence consultations for parents on various topics are much more popular. For such consultations, you can use Internet resources (social networks, e-mail, kindergarten sites and groups). This type of consultation is very convenient for parents. After all, you can get acquainted with it at any convenient time.

In our kindergarten, almost all groups are equipped with ICT tools, therefore, keeping pace with technical progress, we decided this year to start introducing these technologies not only to work with children, but also to work with parents. At the first meeting, we introduced the parents to the topic of our work, conducted a survey on the topic: “Computer in the family”, asked us to write us a valid e-mail address to which information could be sent, and provided the address of the DOW website and the group’s pages on social networks. In the beginning, the parents were distrustful of our plan, but, later on, we began to notice that they are increasingly involved in the projects we offer, they ask a lot, and they themselves offer various topics for discussion. There are those in our group among parents who do not have the technical ability to access the Internet and do not use a computer. For these families, we print information on paper or provide individual consultations.

Despite the obvious "advantages" of using ICT in the work of a teacher with parents, such work in preschool institutions does not take place in real time. high level. We believe that this is due mainly to three reasons:

    insufficient for this moment provision of preschool institutions with ICT facilities; the problem of low ICT competence of teachers; there are no clear methods of using ICT in preschool educational institutions;

And, nevertheless, when these problems are solved, it will be possible to implement a systematic approach to the introduction of ICT for the closest cooperation between the teacher and the parents of pupils.

List of information sources

Ivanova with her parents: why? How? M.: Enlightenment, 1993. Voronkova teak: methodical piggy bank teacher. Rostov-on-Don, 2007. Mayer with parents in kindergarten: Ethnopedagogical approach. M .: TC Sphere, 2005. , Zuykov preschool institution with society. M .: TC Sphere, 2005. , Grizik with his family: a guide to the interaction of preschool educational institutions and parents. M.: Education, 2005.

Use of ICT in work with parents

Dear forum participants! Today I want to introduce you to the use of information and communication technologies in working with parents.
The changes that are currently taking place in preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality, which in turn depends on close interaction between parents (legal representatives) and the kindergarten. The GEF DO formulates the requirements for the interaction of the Organization with parents. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Organization is obliged to:
Inform parents (legal representatives) and the public about the goals preschool education, common to all educational space RF, as well as about the Program, and not only the family, but also all interested persons involved in educational activities;
Ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation educational projects together with the family on the basis of identifying the needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family;
Create conditions for adults to search for, use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including information environment, as well as to discuss with the parents (legal representatives) of children of issues related to the implementation of the Program.
requirements for teachers.
Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementation and evaluation educational work with young children and preschool age
Build partnerships with parents (legal representatives) of children of early and preschool age to solve educational problems, use methods and means for their psychological and pedagogical education.

The choice of certain forms of work with parents is explained, first of all, by confidence in their effectiveness. traditional forms with all their positive characteristics, have objective difficulties: a limited amount of time for parents (both for attending parent-teacher meetings and attending consultations in kindergarten) and the lack of opportunities for timely provision necessary information parents.
Therefore, we turned our attention to non-traditional forms of work. And in particular - the use of ICT in working with parents. Today, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is one of the priority areas for the modernization of education.
Efficiency of using computer technologies:
parents better perceive the purpose of correctional and developmental education due to the fact that the use of computer technology carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to all participants in the educational process;
parents are more motivated to work with their child at home, due to the attractiveness of the computer and multimedia effects. Movement, sound, animation attract the attention of children for a long time;
acquired knowledge remains in memory for more long term and are easier to recover for practical use after a brief repetition;
implementation of the principle feedbackessential condition in construction interactions with families of pupils;
promotion of pedagogical knowledge – parent education – individual work parents with a child;
unlimited volume of dissemination of information and educational material both in printed form and on information media (disk, flash card);
attraction of various sources of information and training material (in particular, Internet resources);
aesthetics in the presentation of the material.

The implementation of the use of computer technology by me was carried out in 3 stages:
Stage 1: Preparatory stage:
study of literature on the topic,
visits to teachers' councils and seminars (last year the team faced an annual task - to increase the professional competence of teachers in the field of information technologies),
participation in the work of master classes on the development of information and communication technologies:
Stage 2: practical:
development non-traditional forms working with parents in kindergarten,
creating your site.
The following activities were carried out with the help of the Internet resource:
1. Development of presentations (informational, multimedia) in consultations, conversations.
2. Production and distribution of booklets, memos, manuals, recommendations.
3. Development of classes, exercises and distribution on information media.
4. Study and selection of computer learning games.
5. Attracting Internet resources in search of information.
Recommended sites:
Sites that can be used in preparation for classes, for working with parents, for self-education, if you wish to take part in various competitions, you see on the screen.
At parent-teacher meetings, presentations on the organization of a particular type of activity for children are presented to the attention of parents.
Powerpoint presentations are created to increase efficiency educational activities with children and pedagogical competence of parents for holding parent-teacher meetings. I created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, pedagogical councils, parent meetings.
Page in CONTACT.
Many parents are online daily. So why not use the Internet to communicate with parents. After all, very often parents face difficult questions that are very difficult to resolve alone, and with the help of modern network services they can get help from educators, teachers on issues of interest.
For this purpose, a survey of parents was conducted last year. A questionnaire was offered in which it was reported that the child would be included in educational program using computer technology. Only after parents have familiarized themselves with the information on this topic presented on the stand and in the folder for parents, thoughtfully, consciously filling out the proposed questionnaire by parents and, having received the approval of the parents and their consent to the reasonable rules of safe and correct application information and communication technologies, I created a page for parents in KONTAKTE.
The group was created as a photo and video exchange between parents. But it also has an informative and cognitive function.
Group members in CONTACT.
There are currently 18 parents in the group.
Photo reports from events are posted on the group page.
Master Class.
On this site, parents receive:
useful tips for teaching and educating preschoolers,
getting group information,
Timetable of classes,
about ongoing events, holidays, entertainment.
and much more useful and interesting.
In this way, the parent can learn as much as possible about the place and the people who spend most of the day with their child.
Such communication with parents of children who are at home due to illness is especially important. They need to be aware of garden life, educational activities.
Documents, videos.
The page also contains information about the most significant events that took place in the group.
Group statistics.
Using these graphs, you can analyze the total number of visitors and views over the past 30 days, as well as the gender and age of the visitors who most often visit the group page.
The advantages of this interaction:
The parent can ask the teacher any question regarding his child, as well as make suggestions on the organization of the educational process in the group.
Saving time.
Creating a space for information exchange and discussion.
High motivation of parents.
Mutual understanding between parents and teachers.
Perspective to secure individual approach to the pupils.
Placement of links to Web-resources.
If a parent systematically reads information materials, then finds out what material his child is mastering in the current month; how to explain the missing or not very well learned material to the child, get recommendations, advice from the educator, teacher.
Stage 3 - analysis of the technology used for interaction with parents.
After conducting a comparative monitoring of the level of interest of parents, I come to the conclusion that the interest of parents has increased not only in the life of the kindergarten, but also in educational process.
So success pedagogical interaction preschool institution and family today largely depends on how the teacher-educator uses new information and communication technologies in their work, which have great potential, designed to interest parents and create conditions for their active participation in the educational process of a modern educational institution.

Presentation on the topic: The use of information and communication technologies in working with parents