Sensory second junior group Lesson notes three. "Fabulous journey". Sensing lesson in the younger group. The course of educational activities

Topic. Drawing an ornament (lesson number 25).

Software content.Development of ideas about light shades of colors when using white.

Material. Demo: 2 ornamental patterns with a light red circle in the middle and bright red stripes around the edges. Handout: paper, brushes, red and white gouache, a palette for each child.

Course of the lesson

Look, children, what is in my hands beautiful picture... A circle is drawn here, it is light red. And around the edges there is a frame, it is bright red. This is light red and this is bright red. And you and I can also paint such a picture. I'll show you how easy it is to do it. I take red paint on the tip of the brush and draw stripes, from which I make a frame. Now I’ll draw a circle. First, rinse the brush thoroughly in water.

I can draw a circle

I'll draw it all around

I will draw again and again.

I can draw a circle

I can draw it on the floor

I will draw all around

And I can repeat it endlessly.

I can draw a circle

I will draw on your back

I'll draw it all around

Who will draw for me?

To get a light red paint, I take a palette and put white paint on it. Now I take the red paint on the tip of the brush and mix it well, thoroughly with the white paint in the palette. I got a light red paint and with it I will draw a circle. Everything is easy and simple. Now I suggest you do the same. You will be great!

Children draw an ornament.

Note. In the stronger subgroup, 2 samples of the ornament are given, and the children make their own ornament according to one of the samples of their choice. In the weaker subgroup, 1 sample of the ornament is given.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Geometric lotto (lesson # 26).

Software content.The development of actions of correlating the form of the depicted object with a geometric figure and the selection of objects according to a geometric pattern.

Material. Five cards are divided into 6 parts of the cell, one corner cell is cut out. For the slot, cards are made with the image of geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, oval, rectangle) - only 5 pcs. For the remaining five cells, cards are made with the image of objects of different shapes, 5 of each shape, 25 in total.

Course of the lesson

First, they consider cards depicting objects of various shapes, discussing what it is: round shape ball, apple, ball, etc., square - rug, handkerchief, cube, etc.

Game progress:

  1. Played by 5 people.
  2. Cards are dealt.
  3. Cards with geometric shapes are face down. The players choose one of the cards at random and place it in the corner of the card. This is a sample for picking items.
  4. Cards with objects of different shapes are placed face down. The teacher shows them to the children one by one, asking: "Who needs an object of this shape?" Children pick up objects for themselves, focusing on the figure in the corner of the card, and close the cells on the card.
  5. The winner is the one who was the first to cover all the cells on the map.

The game is repeated 2-3 times, the children change shapes each time. The game is transferred to free activity.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Let's build a tower (lesson number 9).

Software content.Consolidation of the method of correlating objects in size (superposition and application) when comparing two serial series of objects.

Material. Demonstration: pictures depicting animals - bear, fox, mouse. Cubes of different sizes (large, smaller, smallest). Handout: flannelegraphs, three squares of gradually decreasing size.

Course of the lesson

Once three friends met - a bear, a fox and a mouse. They were very different: the bear was big, the fox was smaller, and the mouse was the smallest, but they had been friends for a long time and decided to live together. Build one big house, multi-storey, and live together.

Bear: I am the biggest, I need the biggest room, let it be downstairs.

Fox: I am smaller, I need a smaller room, let it be higher.

Mouse: I am the smallest, I need the smallest room, let it be at the very top.

Look, girls and boys, what a house the animals have, like a tower. Let's compare the rooms - this one is large, this one is smaller, this one is the smallest. Can you build such a tower? Let's try. I think you will be fine. We go to the tables and build a tower.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Guests (lesson number 11).

Software content.

Material. Demonstration: two large sheet paper with a contour image of a circle and a shaft - "houses" of figures-men. Dispensing : circles and ovals different colors and sizes of 3-4 pieces for each child.

Course of the lesson

Today we meet again Sjallkallamllai with the inhabitants of the Human Figurine Kingdom. Let's remember their names. This is the Circle. This is the Oval. How are they similar? That's right, they roll, no corners. How are circle and oval different from each other? The oval is elongated, long, and has larger cheeks than a circle.

Look, this is the house of the circle, this is the house of the oval. Today guests will come to them - their younger brothers and sisters. We need to help them find the necessary houses, not to get lost. But first, let's remember how to properly visit:

  1. Dress smartly, but so as not to look better than the owner or hostess.
  2. Don't talk or laugh loudly. But don't whisper either.
  3. They go on a visit with good mood to have a good time with your friends.

How to properly receive guests:

  1. Prepare in advance - get yourself and your house in order.
  2. Be kind, don't highlight any of the guests with your attention.
  1. What are these shapes called?
  2. Draw the outlines on the sheets.
  3. Help the younger brothers and sisters of the circle and the oval find their way to the houses of their older brothers (lay out all the circles on a sheet with a circle, all ovals on a sheet of paper with an oval).


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Guests (lesson number 11).

Software content.The development of the action of correlating with the standard of geometric shapes, different in color, size, proportions.

Material. Demonstration: three large sheets of paper with a contour image of a triangle, a square and a rectangle - the "houses" of the little figures. Dispensing : triangles, squares and rectangles of different colors and sizes, 3-4 pieces for each child.

Course of the lesson

Today we again meet with the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Figurines-Men. Let's remember their names. This is the Square. This is a Rectangle. How are they similar? That's right, they have equal sides and angles. How are Square and Rectangles different from each other? The rectangle is elongated, long, and has larger cheeks than a square. What is the name of this little man? Yes, it's a triangle.

Look, this is a square house, this is a rectangle house, and this is a triangle house. Today guests will come to them - their younger brothers and sisters. We need to help them find the necessary houses, not to get lost.

So, let's help the guests find the houses of their older brothers. You will be fine.Children are called one at a time and perform tasks:

  1. What are these shapes called?
  2. Trace them with your finger along the contour.
  3. Draw the outlines on the sheets.
  4. Help the younger brothers and sisters of the square, rectangle and triangle find their way to the houses of their older brothers (lay out all squares on a sheet with a square image, all rectangles on a sheet of paper with a rectangle image, all triangles on a sheet with a triangle).


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Application "Fir-tree" (lesson 12).

Software content.Using the method of constructing a series series when placing objects on a plane in decreasing order of magnitude.

Material. Demo:a picture with a picture of a Christmas tree; Christmas tree applique pattern. Dispensing: 4-5 triangles of gradually decreasing size, sheets of paper for applique, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson

Take a look at this picture. This is a spruce. What color is the spruce? Yes, green. Even in autumn, when all the trees turn yellow, the spruce remains green. And even in winter, the spruce is green. There is such a riddle: in winter and summer in one color. This is a Christmas tree. It looks like skirts are worn on the tree trunk: a large one at the bottom, then a smaller one, even smaller and the smallest one.

Look, I made a Christmas tree out of colored paper: there is a large skirt below, i.e. a large triangle, then a smaller one, an even smaller one, and the smallest triangle at the very top. I made this tree especially for you. Now I want you to make Christmas trees for me. Will you fulfill my request? To make the tree look beautiful and slender, you need to be very careful: from below there is a large triangle, then a smaller one, even smaller and the smallest one.

First, the applique elements are placed on the sheet, then the Christmas tree is glued.

From individual children's works, gluing them together, you can get a fir tree, then decorate it with snow, glue animals.


Sensory education, 2 younger group.

Topic. Rugs for little figures.

Software content.Development of ideas about basic geometric shapes. The development of the initial forms of cooperation of children with each other (joint actions according to the rule).

Material. Demo:cardboard figures-men circle and oval, square and rectangle; toys - a cat and a hare; geometric figures- square and rectangle; 2 sheets of colored paper for applique, brush, glue. Dispensing: for each pair of children, one pair of geometric shapes - a circle and an oval; 2 sheets of colored paper for applique, brushes, glue; small toys- a cat and a hare.

Course of the lesson

Today we again meet with the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Figurines-Men. Let's remember their names. This is the Circle. This is the Oval. How are they similar? That's right, they roll, no corners. How are circle and oval different from each other? The oval is elongated, long, and has larger cheeks than a circle.

And this is Rectangle and its brother - the Square. How are they similar? And the corners are equally, and the sides are equally. And how is a rectangle different from a square? The rectangle is elongated, long, and has larger cheeks than a square.

I'll tell you what happened to Rectangle and Square, his sibling. Kiska and Zayka came to visit them and presented them with exactly the same rugs. How can the brothers figure it out and not fight over the rugs?

Pussy and Bunny said that they needed to stick pictures on the rugs. It was very good idea... After all, in our d / s, pictures are pasted on cabinets, cots, towels and even pots and the children do not confuse anything, they only take their own.

Pussy: Do you mind if I make a rug for the Square?

Bunny: OK, deal. And I will make a rug for the Rectangle.

Pussy took a square and pasted it on one rug. Bunny took a rectangle and pasted it on another rug. Now Rectangle and Square will not confuse their rugs. See how beautiful the rugs are. This is because Pussy and Bunny worked together, together. Look, Square and Rectangle are smiling, they liked the rugs.

Now I want to tell you what happened to the Circle and the Oval. They bought exactly the same rugs and now they cannot figure out where whose. Will we help them? Yes, let's try. I think we will be fine.

Children are divided into pairs at will, the teacher distributes to each pair of toy cats and hares, talking with them who will be Kiska and who will be Bunny and what figures they will stick on. Each child in a pair sticks one of the geometric shapes - a circle or an oval - on his sheet of paper (rug).

Well done, girls and boys, the rugs turned out to be so beautiful, because the children agreed well and worked together, amicably.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Who is higher (lesson number 21).

Software content.Development of ideas about the need for a single reference point when comparing objects in size (height).

Material. Dolls girls different heights, the difference in the height of the dolls should be insignificant, cube.

Course of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to play with the dolls: the children came to the d / s and argued which of them is higher. Dolls are measured in height. The dolls argue. Children help to resolve the dispute: they put the dolls on their backs, determine who is higher. The dolls continue to be measured in height, the teacher imperceptibly substitutes a cube under the feet of the smaller doll. Before the children problematic task- Did you measure the height of the girl doll correctly? Children independently come to the conclusion that when measuring, the legs of girls dolls should be at the same height.

Sample questions:

Children: The doll has become larger because it is on the cube.

Educator: Is it really important? You think it's all about the cube, why?

Children: The cube made the doll taller.

Educator: And if I put this cube under another doll, will it also become taller than it was? Let's check. Tell me, does this cube help us to compare, measure dolls or does it interfere? What to do with this cube if it interferes with us? And if instead of a cube we substitute something else, maybe it will turn out better, more precisely to compare, to measure the dolls? How do you compare dolls in order to measure everything correctly? What should the dolls stand on?

Today we learned: in order to correctly measure dolls in height, the legs of the dolls must be at the same height. The legs are the same, and on the head we look at which doll is higher and which doll is lower.

The teacher invites several children to repeat the conclusion: when measuring, the legs of the girls-dolls should be at the same height, and on the head we look at which doll is higher and which doll is lower.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Who sleeps where (lesson number 8).

Software content.Introduce children to five geometric shapes, their names and the action of equating to the standard.

Material. Demonstration: large figures - a circle, a square, a triangle, an oval, a rectangle (little figures). Handout: the same figures smaller with faces, one set for each child. Cards with contour images of the same figures of the same size.

Course of the lesson

The lesson begins on the carpet.

Today we again meet with the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Figurines-Men. Let's remember their names. It's a circle.

I can draw a circle

I can draw it in the air

I'll draw it all around

I will draw again and again.

I can draw a circle

I can draw it on the floor

I will draw all around

And I can repeat it endlessly.

I can draw a circle

I will draw on your back

I'll draw it all around

Who will draw for me?

Draw circles in the air

Outline a demo figure

Outline a demo figure

one child.

What is the name of this little man? Oval. (I trace an oval with my finger, children draw an oval in the air.)This is a relative of the circle. They are similar to each other: both are smooth, without corners.I put a circle on an oval:only the oval is elongated.

We also remember the names of the rest of the figures, I draw a finger around the demonstration ones, the children draw them in the air. Compare the square and the rectangle.

Let's play with the little man figures. We'll put them to bed. Here are their cribs. This is a crib for a circle. Look, she just fits him, etc. Let's put everyone to sleep in our beds.

Children go to the tables, where they carry out the task.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Ladder (lesson number 24).

Software content.Consolidation of the action of comparing objects in size with a sequential arrangement, taking into account a single reference point.

Material. Demo:5 bars, differing in height, toys - matryoshka, butterfly. Dispensing: flannelegraphs, 5 rectangles made of cardboard, differing successively in height by 1 cm, one matryoshka each.

Course of the lesson

Look, guys, a butterfly flew into our group, probably, it got lost. Let's tell the butterfly where to fly:

Butterfly is a box

Fly away under the cloud.

That's how high the butterfly flew! Who is crying? This is a matryoshka crying, she wants to get a butterfly, but she cannot - a little one. Don't cry, butterfly, the kids and I will build a ladder, and you will get the butterfly.

We will build a ladder from bars, that's what they are! First, we will take the largest block and place it on the floor. Now we take the biggest of the remaining bars and finish building the ladder: here we put it evenly, and there we get a step. Now we take the biggest of the remaining bars and finish building the ladder: here we put it evenly, and there we get a step. Etc. The ladder is ready: here it is even, and there are steps. Go, matryoshka, up the steps. Top-top-top-top-top - and took out the bow tie. Now the matryoshka and the butterfly will play together. And we will play with you too - we will build a ladder! Can you? Yes, I know - everything will work out great for you!

Children independently build ladders from cardboard rectangles on their flannelegraphs. The teacher reminds the rule: here we put the rectangles evenly (single point of reference), and there we get a step. Children play with nesting dolls that walk up the stairs.

Note: in the "stronger" subgroup - a ladder of 6-8 bars and 6-8 rectangles.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic ... Lotto "Color" (option 2).

Software content... Development of ideas about the basic colors of the spectrum; selection of items for verbal description.


Course of the lesson

Today we are going to play the Tsvet lotto. Here are the cards, look at them. Each card contains objects of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Look, Dani has an airplane and Vanya has an airplane. But Dani has a red plane, while Vanya has a blue one. Now we will look for completely identical pictures. Be careful and you will be fine. I take a picture out of the box, but I don't show it to you. I can only say that there is an airplane in this picture. Find an airplane on your map. On the card, the plane is blue. Who has a blue plane on the map?Who has a blue plane?... That's right, Vanya, your plane is blue. Take a picture and cover your map with it, etc.



Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Didactic game"Shop" (lesson number 23).

Software content.Pinning Shape Matching Actions various subjects with a reference. The development of the initial forms of cooperation of children with each other (joint actions according to the role).

Material. Demonstration: geometric figures of five shapes (checks), one object of each of these shapes. Handout: The same material for every pair of children.

Course of the lesson

We came to the store from work

Raccoon shoppers

Buy from a seller

Two pickles.

Who is in the store? Yes, sellers and buyers. What does the seller do? What does the buyer do?

Me and Danil will play in the store. Danil, will you be a buyer or a seller? The rules of the game: the buyer gives the seller this or that figure (check), the seller selects objects of the appropriate shape. Now we will switch roles.

Further, children are invited to play in the same way. They choose their partners, assign roles. Children play, change roles with each other, or invite new partners. Couples of children can check with neighbors to see if they bought the right items and toys.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Let's feed the bears (lesson number 15).

Software content.Familiarization of children with relationships in size when establishing correspondence between 2-3 subject series.

Material. Demo:a picture depicting 8-10 bears standing in height with a difference of 2 cm, 8-10 bowls of gradually decreasing size, 8-10 spoons in accordance with the size of the bowls. Dispensing: 8-10 bowls, 8-10 spoons of gradually decreasing size.

Course of the lesson

The teacher places the children on the carpet around him and shows the children the house.Children, look what beautiful house! Who do you think lives in it? Find out who lives in this house, a riddle will help us:sleeps in winter, turns hives in summer(bear). Now I will go up and see who lives in this house. Yes, we guessed the riddle correctly, bears live in this house. Now they will come to our meadow for a walk. And I will tell you a story about these bears.

Once upon a time there was a large and friendly family of bears. They always and everywhere walked together: in front of the biggest bear, then smaller, then even smaller, etc.The story is accompanied by the display of a picture depicting bears, arranged in decreasing size.When the bears came home and sat down to dinner, each took his own bowl and spoon. The largest bear had the largest bowl and the largest spoon; a smaller bear had a slightly smaller bowl and a slightly smaller spoon; the bear, which is even smaller, has a bowl and a smaller spoon too ...

But then one day, when the bears came from a walk, they saw that all the bowls and spoons were mixed up. Apparently, someone entered the house!

Let's get up and show how the bears walked in the meadow: how the bear moves - a heavy waddling step, but without stomping, I'm softly springing in my knees; hands are gently rounded to the sides,the whole pose is "extended" outward - for transmission large sizes character.Bears walk and talk. The bears went to their house.The teacher brings the children to the tables on which bowls and spoons lying in a mess are located.Show how upset the bears are that the bowls and spoons are mixed up.

So that the bears don't get upset, let's help them! Let's feed the bears: we will find and give each bear its bowl and spoon. First, we will find the bears their bowls.

This is the largest bear. We have to give him the biggest bowl. Where is she? What's the largest bowl? This one and this one are big, but which one is the biggest? I put these bowls on top of each other and see that this one is the largest, and this one is the smallest. Let's give the biggest bowl to the biggest bear.

Now let's look at the bears that are left without a bowl so far. This is a big bear without a bowl. Let's choose a large bowl for him from the rest. Which bowl is the largest of the rest? Nastya, choose a large bowl from the rest. Let's check by superposition.

Valya, show me a big bear without a bowl. We will find him a large bowl from the rest ... Well done, girls and boys, we have arranged the bowls perfectly.

Porridge was cooked on the stove.

Where is our big spoon?(Z. Aleksandrova My bear).

Now we will help the bears find their spoons. This is the largest bowl. We have to pick up the largest spoon for her. Where is she? What's the biggest spoon? This one and this one are big, but which one is the biggest? I put these spoons on top of each other and see that this spoon is the largest, and this one is smaller. Place the largest spoon next to the largest bowl.

Now let's look at the bowls, to which we have not yet picked up the spoons. This is a large bowl without a spoon. Let's pick up a large spoon from the rest to her. Which spoon is the largest of the rest? Julia, choose the largest spoon from the rest. Let's check by superposition.

This is now a large bowl without a spoon. We will find a large spoon for her from the rest ... Well done, girls and boys, we have laid out the spoons perfectly.

And now I invite you to help other bears. You will be fine.

Children first lay out the bowls in decreasing size, correlating the size of the bowl with the size of the bear (the largest is the largest, etc.), then in the same way they lay out the spoons to the bowls (to the largest bowl - the largest spoon, etc.) ... the teacher helps by asking leading questions: "Compare, which of the bowls is larger?" or “Look, which spoon is bigger? So, to which bowl should you put it? ").

Now let's play the game "Bears and Mice":

Small mice lived in one clearing, they often went out for a walk. And in the neighborhood lived big bears, they also liked to walk around the meadow and even run. As soon as the bears appeared, the mice immediately ran to their burrow, and left there only when the bears were not nearby. Girls will be mice, and boys will be bears. Let's play!


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Find an object of the same shape (lesson number 14).

Software content.Development of the action of correlating the form of various objects with standards.

Material. Geometric figures of five shapes, two objects of each of these shapes, a hoop.

Course of the lesson

Objects and toys of various shapes lie on the table in front of the children. Children determine their shape - round, oval, etc.

Game: the teacher shows one of the figures and invites the one to whom the hoop has rolled, take the figure, choose a toy of the same shape and name this shape. The selected item is transferred to another table next to the sample form. The game continues until all the items are matched to the samples.

Note: in a stronger subgroup, three objects of each shape can lie on the table.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. In the kingdom of the Tsar - Multicolored (lesson number 22).

Software content.Development of actions of correlating the color of objects (including shades) with a color standard; grouping by color.

Material. Demo:sheets of paper of six colors, and toys and objects of six colors and their shades, a toy - Tsar-Multicolored. Dispensing: sheets of paper, divided into six cells, painted in 6 colors of the spectrum, a set of toys in six colors and their shades for each child.

Course of the lesson

In a certain kingdom there lived a king. Here it is!

Hello Your Majesty! What is your name?

I am Multicolor!

Indeed, children, Multicolor! His royal robe - a robe - is dyed in a variety of colors. This is the Tsar-Multicolor.

Your Majesty, tell us about your kingdom, how is your people living?

Toys live in my kingdom. All the toys live in their houses: all the blue toys are in the blue room, all the green toys are in the green room, and the red (orange, yellow, purple) toys? ... Do you want to see for yourself?

These toys go home from kindergarten and each must get into its own room. This toy is yellow, its room is yellow, etc.

Do you want to try to distribute the toys yourself?

Note: In a stronger subgroup, you can give more toys and their shades.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. In the kingdom of the Tsar - Multicolored (lesson # 28).

Software content.Development of ideas about the varieties of color standards in the process of comparing color shades with a standard. Development of the initial forms of cooperation of children with each other (joint actions according to the plan).

Material. Dispensing: for each pair of children - a sheet of paper divided into six cells of six colors of the spectrum; a set of small cardboard silhouettes of toys: 6 pieces - light shades colors of the spectrum, 6 pcs - dark shades.

Course of the lesson

In a certain kingdom there lived a king. This is the Tsar-Multicolor. Indeed, children, Multicolor! His royal robe - a robe - is dyed in a variety of colors. Toys live in his kingdom. All toys live in their houses: all blue toys are in the blue room. Here is a light blue toy, here is a dark blue toy, and they both live in a blue room. All green toys live in a green room. Here is a light green toy, here is a dark green toy, and they both live in a green room.

Let's play a game together: Nastya will choose light-colored toys and put them around the rooms, I will choose dark toys and put them around the rooms.

Children choose their partners, play, after completing the assignment, they change toys. The teacher invites the children to invite other partners and play with them.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Application "Napkins for little figures" (lesson number 4).

Software content.Introducing children to the oval, rectangle and their names. Acquaintance with the technique of examining the shape (drawing a contour of a figure with a finger) and the action of equating to a standard.

Material. Demo:figurines-men (cardboard oval and rectangle). Dispensing: two rectangular sheets of paper for applique work: one with a contour image of an oval, the other with an image of a rectangle; one oval and one rectangle, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths.

Course of the lesson

Children are sitting on the carpet.

Today we again go to visit the inhabitants of the Kingdom of figurines-men.

This is a Rectangle. What figure does he look like? ... Yes, a rectangle looks like a square. Only the rectangle is more elongated, longer, it has larger cheeks than the square. If we trace a rectangle with our finger, we will feel that it looks like a square, only elongated, long. Draw a rectangle in the air with your finger. Well done.

And this is Oval. What figure does he look like? Yes, the oval is like a circle. Only the oval is more elongated, longer, it has larger cheeks than the circle. If we trace an oval with our finger, then we will feel that it looks like a circle, only elongated, long. Draw an oval in the air with your finger. You have a lovely oval!

Soon there is a holiday in the Kingdom of Man Figurines and all the inhabitants are preparing for it. Today our friends are making napkins for the festive table. See what multi-colored napkins the little figures will have on their holiday. Nice, but our friends want to decorate them a little more - Rectangle wants to stick rectangles on his napkins, Oval wants to stick ovals on his napkins. Let's help them decorate the napkins.

Children sit at the tables and perform the applique, pasting an oval or rectangle on a sheet of paper with a contour image; give napkins to the figure for whom it was made.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic. Who will quickly roll up the tape (lesson number 27).

Software content.Development of ideas about the individual parameters of the size of the object (length).

Material. Two ribbons of the same width, but different lengths and different color(red - 1m, blue - 50 cm), fixed on sticks.

Course of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet. The teacher lays out in front of the children two tapes of the same width with a contrasting difference in length and suggests playing the game "Who will quickly roll the tape." The rules of the game: the summoned children, upon a signal, fold the tape, like this (show by the teacher); the one who quickly folds the tape wins. Attention to the length of the tapes is not fixed. The winner, of course, is the one with the shorter tape. The rest of the children, after the first attempt, notice that the one with the longer tape loses. When the game is repeated, the summoned children tend to choose a short tape in order to ensure that they win the competition. "Why do you choose the blue ribbon?"

Children explain their actions: if the tape is longer, then it curls longer, and if shorter, then faster. Let's check if the tapes are of different lengths - we compare them by applying them to each other. Let's remember how to compare correctly - we lay out the ribbons so that their sticks are on the same imaginary line. This is important because it is easier to compare the two. To summarize: indeed, the ribbons are not the same - the red is longer, the blue is shorter. Twist a long tape longer, and a short one faster.


Sensory education No. 1, 2 younger group

Theme: Hide Mouse

Software content.Introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, their name and the action of equating to the standard.

Material. Demonstration: sheets of paper (20x15cm) of six colors, in the middle is a white square (8x8cm), on which a mouse is drawn - a little house; squares (10x10) of the same six colors - doors; a toy - a cat. Handout: the same smaller material - colored sheets (10x8cm), white squares on them (5x5cm); colored squares (6x6cm); three houses and six doors for each child.

The course of the lesson.

1 Game moment

Guess the riddle: Shaggy,


Drinks milk

Sings songs. (Cat or kitty.)

Meow meow! Whoa, who is meowing? ... Probably, a cat came to visit us. Indeed, here it is! (I show a toy - a cat). This is Vaska the cat.

Cat-cat - gray pubis. Laskov Vasya, but cunning, velvet legs, sharp marigold. Vasyutka has sensitive ears, a long mustache, and a silk coat.

The cat caresses, bends, wags its tail, closes its eyes, sings a song, but a mouse is caught - do not be angry! The eyes are big, the legs are steel, the teeth are crooked, the claws are graduation!

(Vaska. K.D. Ushinsky)

Pee-pee-pee! Oh, and who is this beeping? ... This is a mouse beeping, Vaska was frightened.(I show a demo cat in the house Green colour ). Indeed, there is something to be afraid of - if Vaska gets a mouse, he will eat it. Vaska has big eyes, steel paws, crooked teeth, graduation claws!

2 Play with a tutor

The mouse is afraid of Vaska, hid in the house, but forgot to close the door. (Show with a pointer what exactly is meant by a house and a door). Oh yes mouse! I didn’t take good care of my safety - I didn’t close the door. Girls and boys, look at my mouse. Now I will help her hide better from Vaska. I will close the door in the mouse house. My mouse has a green house. What color is my mouse's house? ... I take the door ( deliberately yellow ) and close the entrance. Oh guys, look how ugly it turned out! This door is not the same color as the house. The house of my mouse is green, and I put the door in yellow. No, a green door is needed here. I will try again. (I deliberately take the red door). And this door is that color, is it green? … No, this door is red. (The same with the orange, blue, purple door). And this door is of this color (I put on the green door), how is the house? … Yes, right. The house is green and the door is green. Remember: the door should be the same color as the house. The mouse hid in the house, the cat Vaska is looking for it, the cat Vaska smells the mouse, but cannot get it. Well done, they saved the mouse. But Vaska does not give up either, he went to look for other mice.

3 Independent play of children

Beware, mouse race,

Vaska is going to catch everyone!

And the truth is, look, this mouse is not the only one who came to visit us, with her all her relatives - the entire mouse genus. (With my hand I show the children the tables on which the handouts are prepared). Come to the tables, we go like mice, quietly, on tiptoes, we look at the mice with our eyes, we do not touch the pens.

These are mice. Every mouse in the house. Mice are afraid of Vaska and therefore hid in their houses. But they forgot to close the doors. We need to help the mice close the doors, not forgetting that the color of the door and the house should be the same. See how I close the doors:

the red house has a red door,

orange house orange door,

the yellow house has a yellow door,

green house green door,

blue house blue door,

purple house purple door.

Now it's your turn to close the doors. Help the mice hide from Vaska. Close the doors carefully so that the mouse is not visible. I think you will be great!

Place the first mouse in front of you. Vanya has the first mouse in the purple house, Vanya, what door will you look for for the house? ... That's right, purple. What do you think is the purple door here? ... Let's check - put the door in its place. Does this door fit this house? … That's right, it does / No, it doesn't fit, try another door. Let's check if Vaska can eat your mouse. No, it doesn't work. Vaska cannot get your mouse. Well done, Vanya, you did it with the first house. Put it aside and close the door of the second house. I'll watch the other guys close the doors. The cat walks, the cat looks, whose mouse he should eat. Well done guys, they hid all the mice, they did everything right. So Vaska remained hungry. Don't eat, Vaska mice. There is a special cat food. I'll go home, buy food at the store and treat you to.


Sensory education No. 2, 2 younger group

Topic: In the kingdom of figurines - men

Software content.Introducing children to the circle, square, triangle and their names. Acquaintance with the technique of examining the shape (drawing a contour of a figure with a finger) and the action of equating to a standard.

Material. Demonstration: large cardboard figures: a circle, a square, a triangle with painted "faces" - little figures.

Handout: one-color circles, squares, triangles of the same size for each child.

The course of the lesson.

1 Getting to know the shapes

A straight, tight-fitting track (elastic band) is fixed on the flannelgraph.

Grandma baked Kolobok and put it on the window to cool. The gingerbread man jumped off the window and rolled along the path. (The story is accompanied by a demonstration of Kolobok - a demonstration circle)... The bun is rolling, rolling, and towards him ... Children, who is it? … You do not know? And I don’t know. And Kolobok doesn't know. Gingerbread man decided to meet, asks:

Who are you? What is your name?

I am the Triangle.(Circle).

Hello Triangle. Why are you so weird?

I'm not weird, I'm triangular.(Circle). I have three corners - one, two, three. In our Kingdom there are many such triangular(circle) people.

And what is this Kingdom?

This is the kingdom of the little figures.

And I am Kolobok.

Ha ha ha! You are not a Kolobok, you are a Circle.(Circle). I know this for sure, tk. in our Kingdom of human figurines there are many such round(circle) little men and they are all called the Circle. You are the Circle.(Circle).

I can draw a circle

I can draw it in the air

I'll draw it all around

I will draw again and again.

I can draw a circle

I can draw it on the floor

I will draw all around

And I can repeat it endlessly.

I can draw a circle

I will draw on your back

I'll draw it all around

Who will draw for me?

Outline a demo figure

Draw circles in the air

Outline a demo figure

Draw imaginary circles on the floor

Outline a demo figure

Draw an imaginary circle on the back

one child.

Call another child to draw a circle on the teacher's back.

Okay, friend Triangle, go on a journey with me, let's ride together along the path.

The gingerbread man is rolling along the path, the Triangle is trying to roll, but it fails.

Oh, but I, it turns out, do not know how to roll on the track!

Why? ...

My corners prevent me from rolling. Look here. But I can jump at one angle. Like this.

The gingerbread man rolled along the path, like this. The triangle jumped up the path, like that. Suddenly, another man from the Kingdom of human figures met them. The gingerbread man asks:

Who are you? What is your name?

I am the Square. (Circle).

Hello Square. Why are you so weird?

I'm not weird, I'm square.(Circle). And you are the Circle, and this is the Triangle. I know everyone in our Kingdom of human figurines.

Okay, friend Kvadrat, go on a journey with us, let's ride along the path together.

And I do not know how to roll on the track!

Why? ...

My corners prevent me from rolling. Look here. But I can slide. Like this.

2 D / and "Find the same"

The gingerbread man rolled along the path, like this. The triangle jumped up the path, like that. The square slid along the path, like this. Whether it took a long time or a short time - they came to the same city. Let us and you and I go to this city. We will jump like a triangle. (Children jump to tables). Evening came in this city, and mothers began to call the children from the street home. Now I will give you moms, you repeat their names after me and circle them with your finger. (I distribute one piece at a time - a circle, calling). And here are the kids. ( I lay out several figures on the table for equating to the standard). Find moms their babies. Like this: take, apply and see if it fits or not; if it does not fit, then we are looking for another figure. We must find the same figure. (Same with triangle and square).

3 Securing

For the night, all the mothers in the Kingdom of Little Figures sang the following lullaby for the children:

Draw a circle in the air

Round on all sides

Draw a circle in the airSix lotto cards with five geometrical figures arranged in different order (all figures on the card are of different colors); thirty cut-out figures of five shapes, six colors, of greater size.

Course of the lesson

The teacher is the presenter, takes one figure out of the box and asks: "Who has this?" If the child responds, he receives it and covers the corresponding figure on the card. If no one responds, the figure is set aside. The game continues until all the pieces on the children's cards are covered.


Sensory education, 2 younger group

Topic ... Lotto "Color" (option 1).

Software content... Development of ideas about the basic colors of the spectrum; selection of objects according to a given criterion (color) with a distraction from other properties of objects.

Material ... Six lotto cards with images of six items of primary colors arranged in different order. Small cards with the same images.

Course of the lesson

Today we will learn to play one very interesting game, we will play with you the "Color" loto! I open the box and take out something ... These are cards, consider them. Each card contains objects of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple ( showing ). Look, Dani has an airplane and Vanya has an airplane. But Dani has a red plane, while Vanya has a blue one. Not only Dani and Vanya have an airplane, look carefully at your maps, who else has an airplane? Now I take a picture out of the box, look at it. This is a plane. I have a blue plane in my hands. Who has a blue plane on the map?Who has the same picture, the same and the same color? ... That's right, Vanya, you have the same picture. Take a picture from me and cover it the same picture on your card.

In this game, you need to find on your cards exactly the same object, exactly the same color as on my card. Be careful and you will be fine. I take out the next picture, look at it carefully. Who has the same one? ... etc.

The game continues until all the pictures on the cards of the children are closed.

Note. In the "stronger" subgroup, the children receive two lotto cards (thus three children are playing). In the "weaker" subgroup, the children receive one lotto card each (that is, six children play).

E. V. Pleskovskaya

The plan of the circle work "Entertaining sensing"

in the second younger group

The circle works during the academic year (September - May - inclusive), once a week - Thursday. The plan of the circle is designed for a year. The number of children attended the "Entertaining sensorics" club - 28 people. Children age: 3 to 4 years old.

Explanatory note.

Sensory development (from Latin sensus - feeling, sensation) involves the formation of a child's processes of perception and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The baby is born with sensory organs ready for functioning.

But these are only prerequisites for the perception of the surrounding reality. Full sensory development is carried out only in the process of sensory education, when children purposefully form reference ideas about color, shape, size, signs and properties of various objects and materials, their position in space, etc., all types of perception develop, thereby laying the foundation for the development of mental activity. Sensory education creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation of mental functions, which are of paramount importance for the possibility of further education. It is aimed at the development of visual, auditory, tactile, kinetic, kinesthetic and other types of sensations and perceptions.

The leading role of sensorimotor in the perception and cognition of various objects with the help of active touch was emphasized by B.G. Ananiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, and others. palpated objects. The development of the child's sensory actions does not occur by itself, but only in the course of assimilating social sensory experience, under the influence of practice and learning. The efficiency of this process is significantly increased if the child is specially trained in the way of examining objects using appropriate sensory standards. So, sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child's general mental development, and on the other, it has an independent meaning, since full-fledged perception is basic for the successful mastering of many types of activity.

Early stage child development involves the formation of a broad orientation in the objective environment.

That is, not only the traditional acquaintance with the color, shape, size of objects, but also the improvement of the sound analysis of speech, the formation of musical hearing, the development of muscle feeling, etc. important role which these processes play in the implementation of the musical, visual activity, verbal communication, the simplest labor operations (A. V. Zaporozhets, A. P. Usova).

The need to accurately and fully perceive the properties of objects clearly arises before the child in those cases when he must recreate these properties in the process of his activity, since the result depends on how successfully the perception is carried out.

Cognition of the properties and qualities of objects, phenomena, mastering generalized knowledge and skills related to orientation in the environment, occur in the process different types meaningful activity (initially - in the process substantive activity). The modern system of sensory development of children in domestic science is based on this position (V. N. Avanesova, L. A. Venger, A. N. Lebedeva, N. N. Poddyakov, N. P. Sakulina, etc.).

The purpose of the circle work:

Development mental abilities in younger children preschool age through sensory development.


    To give children ideas about sensory standards, which are samples of the main varieties of each property: 6, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometric shapes, 3 gradations of magnitude.

    To shape cognitive activity children when conducting direct educational activities (games, didactic exercises, experiments, game tasks and assignments).

    Reinforce clear ideas about the varieties of each property.

    To teach correctly, to understand the words: "shape", "color", "the same." Because “Magnitude” has no “absolute” meaning, to learn to perceive it only in comparison with another value.

Participants: Teachers - educator, children, parents.

Duration: circle work is carried out throughout the school year once a week in the form of didactic games and exercises. Once a month in the fourth week final lesson to consolidate the passed material.

Expected Result:

    enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children;

    cognitive interest in the GCD of the circle;

    preparation of attributes for games, gcd.

Preparatory stage:

    Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games.

    Preparation of attributes for GCD, games.

The main stage:

Forward planning play activities for circle work

The final stage:

1. Diagnostics of children by sensory development in the 2nd junior group at the end of the academic year 2016 -2017.

2. Summing up the results of the project (the work of the circle).

3. Preparation of a presentation based on photographs.

4. Making a wall newspaper for parents based on the results.


    Advanced planning.


Annex 1.

Long-term planning of the circle work for (2016-2017)


    Acquaintance with colors: yellow, red, blue, green, white, black. Didactic game "Hide the mouse".

    Acquaintance with the shape: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle. Didactic game: "Bird in a cage".

    Acquaintance with the parameters of three quantities. Didactic exercise "Feed the Bears"

    Integrated GCD: "Find the same in color and shape."

    "Hide the bunny from the fox" - color.

    "Who sleeps where" - the form.

    "Ball game" is a magnitude.

    Integrated GCD: « Wonderful pouch» - shape and size.

    The color of the water is the color.

    What is the shape of the items in our group.

    Let's build a tower.

    Integrated GCD Colorful rooms- color and size.

    "Decoration for the Christmas tree" - color.

    "Christmas trees" - size.

    "Composite pictures" - form.

    Lotto "color and shape".

    Didactic game "Rooster's tail" - color.

    Didactic game "Shop" - form.

    The didactic game "Who is higher" is a magnitude.

    Didactic game "Live Domino" - color.

    Game - competition "Who will roll up the tape faster" - value.

    "Let's build a tower" is a value.

    Integrated GCD "Rainbow"- color and size.

    Game orders - color and size.

    The didactic game "Let's Gather Fruit" is a magnitude.

    Game exercise "Find your house" - form.

    Integrated GCD "Handkerchief for Mom"- form.

    Didactic game " Multicolored flags" - color.

    Didactic game "Bring and Show" - form and size.

    Game exercise "Find your meadow" - color.

    Didactic exercise "How the animals chose their place."

    Consolidation - didactic game "Spring has come" - color, shape and size.

    Docking - collective drawing "Colors of Spring".

    Fastening - collective application " Spring drops"- value.

Appendix 2.

Scheduling of circle work.


Lesson 1. Didactic game "Hide the mouse".

Target: Introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum and naming them. Formation of the ability to indicate color.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20 / 15cm), in the middle is a white square (8 / 8cm) on which a mouse is drawn (Myshkin's house), squares of the same six colors are doors (10 / 10cm), a toy is a cat.

Handout: the same smaller material - colored sheets (10 / 8cm), white squares on them (5 / 5cm), colored squares (6 / 6cm); three houses and six "doors" for each child.

Course of the lesson:

(Children sit around the table with the teacher).

The teacher conducts the game "Hide the mouse" with the children. First, he introduces the children to the rules of the game: “Meet the guys - mice have come to visit us, each has its own house. Let's name what color (red, yellow, blue, green, black, white). Mice are very afraid of a cat, and hide behind the doors as soon as they see it. Each has its own door, you see a red door at the mouse in the red house. The mouse has a blue door in the blue house. Let's take a mouse together for their doors. "

Children play with the teacher. Then the children play on their own. They hide the mice from the cat, matching the windows of the same color as the house to the multi-colored houses, and closing the windows so that the mouse cannot be seen. Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum.

Lesson 2. Didactic game "Bird in a cage".

Target: Acquaintance of children with basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle). To develop the skills of receiving the survey of the form - tracing the contour of the form with your finger. Formation of the skill of form identification.

Material: Demonstration: large cardboard circle, square, triangle, with painted "faces" - figures - little men. Handout: sets of the game "Birds in cages" - sheets with windows - geometric shapes, which depict a bird and separate "doors" in the form of a triangle, a circle.

Course of the lesson:(Children sit in a circle at a table with a teacher). The teacher shows cheerful geometric people. - We have guests with unusual geometric shapes, they smile at you. Meet, this is a circle, this is an oval, this is a square, this is a triangle, this is a rectangle. Take them, circle them with your finger along the contour. The circle and the oval have no corners, their side is smooth, you can hold your finger for a long time. And the triangle, the square, the rectangle have corners, feel the sharp ones with your finger.

(The teacher lays out a sheet for the game "Birds in a Cage") - The birds flew to us and sat in the cages, but they can fly away, let's close the doors in their cages. Just pick the right door. Here is a bird in a circle, it needs a round door, and here a bird in a square - find its square door. (The teacher conducts a game with all children)

In conclusion, the kids are invited outdoor game"Birds and a car".

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise "Feed the Bears".

Target: Acquaintance with the parameters of three quantities (large, medium, small). To develop the ability to highlight the parameters of the size of objects.

Material: Three toys of different sizes - bears, respectively, three chairs, three plates, three cups, three spoons. Two exercise benches of different heights, depicting bridges over rivers.

The course of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to visit three bears. Children go on a journey, on their way there are two rivers with bridges: a bridge is lower across one handle, and higher through the other. On a low bridge, children easily cross to the other side, on a high one, it is scary to fall into the river.

Well, we came to visit our bears. We will tell you about our journey, about how we crossed the river on the bridge. - Which bridge was easier to walk on, which one was more difficult, why - one bridge is low, the other is high. Guys, our bears are also different, one is higher than the other below, the third is very low. How else can you say? - One big size, the second is medium (or smaller), and the third is small.

The teacher explains the rules didactic exercise: - Our bears have gathered for lunch, but cannot decide which plate to choose, a cup and a spoon for. Let's help: for a big bear, choose a large plate, for a smaller (medium) bear - a smaller plate, and for a small bear - a small plate. (according to the same principle, children select the rest of the dishes for the bears).

In conclusion, grateful bears play with children an outdoor game "Bear and Children".

Lesson 4."Find the same color and shape"

Target: To develop the skills of comparing the color of an object with a color standard, classifying according to the main six colors, comparing the shape of objects with form standards.

Material: By color - a hoop, squares of six colors, 3-4 objects (colored cubes) of each of these six colors. In form - geometric figures of three forms, 2 objects of each of these forms. Hoop.

The course of the lesson.With color. The teacher lays out all the colored cubes and objects (toys) of different colors. Then a game is carried out: the teacher shows a sample (a cube of one of six colors) and rolls the hoop to one of the children. The child chooses an object of the same color as the sample and chooses a child who will name the color of the object. The selected item is placed next to the sample on a separate table. Then the game continues in the same way. With a form. The teacher, together with the children, examines objects and toys of various shapes lying on the table in front of them, they say what shape the object and toys are - round, square, triangular. Further, the game: the teacher shows one of the figures and invites the child to whom the hoop is rolling, choose a toy of the same shape and name what shape it is. The selected item is transferred to another table next to the sample form. The game continues until all the items are matched to the samples.

In conclusion: two hoops are placed on the floor, in one you need to bring a round-shaped toy and red, in the other put square-shaped objects and green. You can repeat the game with different shape and color options.


Lesson 1. Didactic game "Hide the bunny from the fox".

Target: To form the ability to correlate objects, taking into account color and shape.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20 / 15cm), in the middle there are white "windows" of different shapes (3 types) (8 / 8cm), on which are drawn hares (house bunnies), "doors" of different shapes and corresponding (10/10 ). Fox toy. Handout: the same smaller material - color sheets (10 / 8cm), and "doors" (6 / 6cm), and "windows" (5 / 5cm). Three houses and six doors for each child.

The course of the lesson. The teacher conducts the game "Hide the bunny from the fox" with the children. First, he draws the children's attention to the color of the "houses" and the shape of the "doors". Shows how to choose the right "doors" in the houses of hares, taking into account the color and shape. Then he invites the children to play on their own. They hide the bunnies from the fox, picking up to the multi-colored houses with different form windows, exactly the same color as the house and the same shape as the window.

In conclusion, an outdoor game "Fox and Hares".

Lesson 2."Who sleeps where."

Target: We continue to acquaint children with three geometric shapes and their names. Formation of a pattern matching action.

Material: Demonstration: large circle, square, triangle (little figures). Handout: the same smaller figures with “faces, one set for each child. Cards with contour images of the same figures of the same size.

The course of the lesson. Children remember the names of familiar figures - little men. The teacher alternately names the figures in the following order: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle. Drawing a finger around the figure, the teacher asks what shape this little man is. Particular attention is paid to the angles and proportions of the figures (oval and rectangle are elongated). Children "draw" the outlines of figures in the air. Then the teacher offers to play with small figures - men. Children are given cards showing "cribs" for each of the figures. The "little people" must be put "to sleep" in suitable beds for them, that is, put all the figures on cards so that they coincide with the ones drawn.

Note. In a stronger subgroup of children, the size of the figures may be smaller than the outlines on the card.

Lesson 3."Ball game".

Target: To form the ability to highlight the parameters of the size of objects.

Material: Ball. Handout: for each child sets for the game "Find the ball in your place" - cut balls of different diameters and colors and a cardboard card with the image of balls of the same colors and sizes.

Course of the lesson: Children stand in a circle with the teacher. The teacher plays ball with them, throwing it to each other. Then the teacher offers to close your eyes and hides the ball. The ball hides either high (it cannot be reached from the floor), then low (the ball is easy to reach). Children determine the position of the ball (high, low), looking for a way to get the ball if it is high. The game is repeated several times.

The teacher offers the children the game "Find your place for the ball", sets of games are laid out on the tables in front of the children, and after the teacher shows them, the children play on their own.

Lesson 4."Wonderful bag".

Target: To develop the skills of selecting figures by touch according to a visually perceived sample. Consolidation of knowledge of color shades.

Material: A wonderful bag containing plastic cubes and balls of different colors.

The course of the lesson.(Children sit in a circle on high chairs). The teacher shows the children a wonderful bag and says: - Now I will take a cube out of the bag, and I will not look into it. He takes out a cube by touch and asks the children to name what color the object is. And now I will take out a round ball, and I will not pry. He puts his hand into the bag and takes out the ball. Now you try it.

The teacher brings the bag to each child in turn and offers to get a cube or ball out of it without looking. The child takes out and names the color of the object. When all the objects are taken out of the bag, the teacher proposes to arrange the objects by color shades into groups. Finally, the children help put the cubes in one box and the balls in another.


Lesson 1."Coloring water".

Target: To acquaint children with shades of color by lightness and their verbal designations: "light", "dark", "lighter", "darker".

Material: Demonstration: 14 transparent glasses, 2 of them with stickers - light red and dark red, gouache paints, a separate container with water. Handout: red gouache, 2 cups of water for each child, brushes.

Course of the lesson: The teacher asks the children to prepare water for making colored ice. The teacher shows how to make light red water by taking a little paint on a brush and diluting it in water, and then a darker one, dipping the brush into the paint 2 times. Then the children prepare two shades of water. Under the guidance of a teacher, they first make light red water in one glass, and then dark red water in another glass. Having prepared colored water, they bring it to the teacher, naming where is light red water, where is dark red. (Then the teacher will take their glasses for freezing).

And he proposes to dilute other shades of paints. For this, pre-prepared disposable cups with water and other gouache colors are taken. Asks the children to name which colors came out in the cups.

Lesson 2."What is the shape of the items in our group."

Target: Develop the skill of visual examination of objects and a verbal description of their shape.

Material: Items in group room.

The course of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the objects in the group, determining what shape they are. Then a game is carried out: the teacher names an object, the child independently determines the form of this object. For example, what shape is the mirror, what shape is the window, wardrobe, etc.

Lesson 3."Let's build a tower."

Target: To form an understanding of the relationship in size between volumetric and flat objects, the correlation of 2-3 series of quantities among themselves.

Material... Demonstration: pictures depicting animals: bear, fox, mouse. Cubes of different sizes (large, smaller, smallest). Handout: three squares of different sizes for each child.

The course of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals shown in the pictures, arranging them in order: the largest bear, by less fox, most little mouse... Then the children, together with the teacher, build a tower of cubes for animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of their "apartments" - cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, observing the sequence of selecting squares by superimposing them upon each other when comparing (house for animals).

Lesson 4."Multi-colored rooms".

Target: Consolidation of knowledge of primary colors. Develop the skills of highlighting color with a distraction from other signs of the subject.

Material: Each child has a card (30 / 20cm) divided into 6 cells (10 / 10cm) of different colors; small cardboard silhouettes of toys - one of each color.

The course of the lesson. The teacher draws the children's attention to the multi-colored "rooms" on the card, explains that all objects in them must be of a suitable color so that they cannot be seen. Examines and names toys and objects with children, notes that there are the same objects and toys of different colors. Then the children put toys and objects in their rooms so that they cannot be seen. A doll or a bear checks the correctness of the task.


Lesson 1."Decoration for the Christmas tree".

Target: Consolidation of the idea of ​​basic colors, exercise in the arrangement of objects on a plane in a given color order.

Material: Demonstration: flannelegraph, planar figures of the herringbone and Christmas balls one size and six basic colors. Handout: for each child, a set of flat figures of the Christmas tree and multi-colored Christmas balls.

The course of the lesson.(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle near the flannelgraph). The teacher draws the attention of children to a bright, green Christmas tree on a flannelgraph. - Guys, she came to us forest guest, take a look at what a Christmas tree. What color is it? Coming soon New Year and in every house, there will be such a beauty, only something is missing for festive mood what do you think? (decorations, balls, tinsel) - Christmas balls are laid out in front of you on the table. Let's call them by color. (The teacher shows in turn balls of different colors, the children call)

Let's decorate our guest, I will name who will come up and take the red ball (blue, green, yellow). Let's start, Lera, take a red ball and fix it at the very top of our Christmas tree. (children, together with the teacher, decorate the Christmas tree).

Then the teacher invites the children to go to the table and decorate their Christmas trees according to the pattern from the flannelgraph. He approaches each child and specifies what color his ball is and where he will hang it.

In conclusion, there is a round dance "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter ...".

Lesson 2."Christmas trees".

Target: To form the ability of children to use measurements to determine the parameters of the size.

Material: Three sets of Christmas trees: each set contains three Christmas trees with a difference in height of five centimeters. The same sets of rooms (rectangular sheets of paper), narrow cardboard strips(measurements) corresponding to the height of the trees and rooms.

Course of the lesson... The educator creates game situation: it is necessary that in each house there is a Christmas tree up to the ceiling. The teacher invites all children to “go to the forest” so that they can choose the Christmas trees of the desired height, distributes cardboard strips to them - measurements. By this measure, each child will pick up a tree of the right height. The teacher shows the children how to select a Christmas tree to measure (applies a measurement from the base of the tree to its top. If the ends coincide, the tree "fits"). Then the children “go to the forest” for the trees, and each one picks up the tree. Children "take the selected trees to the city" and install them in those houses where the trees are placed right up to the ceiling (they try it on).

Lesson 3."Composite pictures".

Target: To form the ability to dismember images of objects into their component parts and recreate complex shape from parts.

Material: Samples of drawings made up of geometric shapes: herringbone, house, rocket. Handout: sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles for drawing pictures.

Course of the lesson: The teacher, together with the children, examines the sample drawings. Drawings are analyzed from the point of view of their constituent parts: features of size, proportions and shapes, especially their location in space. Then the children put different pictures on the tables.

Lesson 4. Lotto "color and shape".

Target: To develop skills of orientation on two signs at the same time (color and shape) with distraction from the third (value).

Material: Six lotto cards with three geometrical figures arranged in different order, all figures on the card are of different colors; thirty cut figures in three shapes, six colors.

Course of the lesson... The teacher is the presenter, takes one figure out of the box and asks: "Who has such a figure?" If the child responds, he receives it and covers the corresponding figure on the card. If no one responds, the figure is set aside. The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the pieces on the card.


Lesson 1. Didactic game "Rooster's tail".

Target: Consolidation of ideas about primary colors and correlation in accordance with the parameters of the value.

Material: Demonstration: flannelegraph, 2 cockerels - one with a beautiful bright tail, the second without a tail; feathers (6 pcs. of different sizes, the difference is 5 cm) from his tail in a separate set. Handout: for each child, a cockerel and a set of feathers of different sizes and colors.

Course of the lesson... The teacher makes a riddle about the cockerel. Two cockerels are displayed on the flannelegraph, how they are similar, how they differ. That's right, one cock doesn't have a tail, that's the problem, you can't do without a tail. Invites the children to help the cockerel, shows the feathers, the children name them by color. How to properly secure the tail of the cockerel? The feathers are not only different in color, but also in size. The teacher shows how to find the largest feather and fixes the cock, then calls the children in turn and fix the cock's tail together.

Then the teacher pays attention to the cockerels at the table and asks the guys to help them with tails. Children independently complete the task, the teacher controls the process.

Lesson 2. Didactic game "Shop".

Target: To consolidate the ability to compare the colors of an object with a color standard, classification by color, grouping of shades.

Material: Toys and objects of six colors and their shades (3-4 each), multi-colored rectangles ("checks").

Course of the lesson... The teacher offers to play in the store. Children come to the "store" and examine toys and objects, noting what color and shade they are (it is necessary to achieve a clear definition of color and shade: light green, light purple, dark red, etc.). Examining toys, children compare the lightness of pairs of objects of the same color tone. Then the children receive "Checks" (rectangles of different colors). To buy a toy, its color must match the color of the receipt (shades of colors are included). Initially, the role of the seller is performed by the educator, then the children can be divided into “sellers” and “buyers”.

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise "Who is higher".

Target: Introduce the rules for comparing objects using a single point of reference.

Material: Dolls - girls of different heights, cubic meters

Course of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to play with the dolls. He creates a playful situation: the children came to kindergarten and argued which of them is higher. Dolls are measured in height (the difference in the height of the dolls should be negligible). The dolls continue to be measured in height, the teacher imperceptibly substitutes a cube under the feet of one of the (smaller) dolls. The problematic task for children is whether it is possible to measure growth in such a way. Children should independently come to the conclusion that when measuring the legs of girls - dolls should be on the same line.

In conclusion, children are measured by their height among themselves.


Lesson 1."Live dominoes"

Target: Consolidation of knowledge of primary colors, the ability to highlight colors with a distraction from other signs of objects.

Material: Each child has a card (30 / 20cm), divided into six cells (10 / 10cm) with pasted silhouettes of animals and birds of different colors. And small silhouettes on cut cards.

Course of the lesson... The teacher draws attention to the large cards with six colored silhouettes of animals and birds, and suggests that each child should choose one such card. The teacher himself - the presenter offers to choose a pair for each image, showing one cut card. The winner is the one who picks up a pair for all his animals before the rest of the children.

Lesson 2. Game competition "Who will roll up the tape faster."

Target: Strengthen the skills of highlighting the parameters of the size of objects.

Material: 2 ribbons, fixed on sticks, of the same width, but different lengths and different colors: red - 1m, blue - 50cm.

Course of the lesson... The teacher shows the children 2 tapes of the same width with a contrasting difference in length, teaches how to roll the tape. Attention to the length of the tapes is not fixed. Next, a game is carried out: the teacher names a couple of children, each takes a ribbon, a competition game is held. Naturally, the one with the shorter tape wins. The rest of the guys notice that the one with the longer tape loses. When the game is repeated, the summoned children tend to "take possession" of the short tape in order to secure themselves a victory in the competition. Children explain their actions, compare the ribbons in length, applying them to each other.

In conclusion, you can invite the guys to compete only to distribute ribbons equal length.

Lesson 3. Let's build a tower.

Target: To form an understanding of the relationship in size between volumetric and flat objects, the ability to correlate 2-3 series of quantities with each other.

Material: Demonstration: pictures depicting animals: bear, wolf, fox, hare, mouse. Five cubes of different sizes. Handout: 5 squares of different sizes.

The course of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals depicted in the pictures. Arranging them in order: the largest (bear), smaller - the wolf, even smaller - the fox, even smaller - the hare and the smallest - the hare. Further, the teacher, together with the children, builds a tower of cubes for animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of the cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, observing the sequence of selecting squares by superimposing them on each other when comparing.

Lesson 4."Rainbow".

Target: Introducing children to the color system, including a new blue color for them.

Material: Demonstration: picture "Rainbow", flannelegraph, a set of separate stripes "Rainbow". Handout: sheets of paper with unfinished rainbow, sets of strips for each child to complete Rainbow.

The course of the lesson. Children look at a picture of a rainbow, listen to the poem "The Colors of the Rainbow". The teacher proposes to put together a rainbow from a set of stripes in front of them on a flannelgraph and names the colors of the rainbow. In this case, the teacher pays attention to the sequence of colors in the picture. Further, children are invited to finish their own "rainbow" at the tables. Children complete the task, and the teacher controls the process, approaches the children and asks them to name the colors of the rainbow.

In conclusion, an outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain" is proposed.


Lesson 1. Game assignments.

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish and name toys, highlight their main qualities (color, size). Develop auditory perception, improve verbal communication.

Material: big and small toy dog ​​(or cubs), toy car, red or blue ball, big and small cups, nesting dolls.

Course of the lesson... The teacher shows the children toys, asks them to name them, tell them what color and size they are. Then he gives instructions to the children.

Give a large dog tea from a large cup.

(If the child is wrong, the dog growls, turns away from the cup)

Place the matryoshka next to the red ball.

Give a little dog a blue ball.

Take a small dog and put it on the rug. - Plant big dog next to the little one.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children to put the toys and objects used in the game into place.

(The teacher monitors the correct execution of instructions).

Lesson 2."Let's collect fruits"

Target: Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the size of objects (fruits). Develop auditory perception.

Material: Demonstration: Volumetric dummies of fruits of 2 sizes (large and small), two baskets (large and small). Handout: sets of the game "Collect fruits" for each child in a flat version (fruits large and small and baskets large and small).

The course of the lesson. The teacher points to the table, where volumetric dummies of fruits of different sizes are laid out. He offers to name the fruit and choose one fruit for himself, then puts two baskets and says: - We will put large fruits in a large basket, so I put one large pear. And in a small basket, I will put a small apple. Now you, one at a time, come and put your fruit in the desired basket. (Children come up and decide where to put their fruit, the teacher asks them to name the size of their fruit and the size of the selected basket).

The teacher offers to play a game at tables with plane figures (fruits and baskets). At the end of the lesson, offer a physical minute.

Lesson 3. Game exercise "Find your house".

Target: Continue acquaintance with objects of various shapes and sizes. To form the ability to correlate parts, to carry out a set of objects of two different forms(ball, cube) and three sizes (large, smaller, small). Act according to verbal instructions, observe the actions of other children.

Material:"Entertaining box" with slots of three sizes: square (7, 5, 3 cm) and round (7, 5, 3 cm in diameter); cubes (2, 4, 6cm) and balls (2, 4, 6cm) for each child. Or the use of a didactic manual - inserts in the form for each child.

The course of the lesson. Option 1. - The teacher draws the children’s attention to cubes and balls of different sizes, offering to find “their own house”, put them in an “entertaining” box, and for this it is necessary to separate the cubes from the balls. When the children complete this part of the task, the teacher in a circle, from one child to another, moves the box, inviting everyone to drop a cube into it first, and then a ball. Children choose figures, arbitrarily focusing on their size: small item can be lowered into any hole of the "house", a medium-sized object - into a large or medium hole, a large object - only into the largest hole. So children learn not only to relate objects in size, but also to perform this action in more rational ways.

Likewise, each child places a second and then a third pair of objects in the "house". The teacher evaluates the "work" from the point of view of the rational solution of the problem.

Option 2. Children are offered inserts with six different windows and shapes for them. The teacher invites each form to find "its own house".

Lesson 4."A handkerchief for mom."

Target: To develop the ability to lay out an ornament from one-color geometric shapes, analyze, arrange objects in space. Develop form perception.

Material: For each child, a sheet of paper of a square shape with drawn outlines of figures, the same size (5 pieces), glue stick, cut geometric shapes. A sample of the finished "handkerchief".

Course of the lesson: The teacher shows the children an application - a sample (a handkerchief for mom). Allows children to name familiar geometric shapes, draw them in the air with their finger. Pay attention to the blanks on the tables, carefully examine all the figures and arrange them in their drawn places. Then offer to paste, the teacher helps the children to complete the application. Offer ready-made handkerchiefs to give to mothers.


Lesson 1."Multi-colored flags".

Target: Form the ability to distinguish color tones by comparing them with each other and applying them to the sample. To improve visual perception... Train to accurately and diligently carry out the instructions of the group.

Material: colored flags of four primary colors - 4 sets each.

Course of the lesson: The teacher draws the children's attention to the flags lying on the table, names the color of each flag, and suggests playing with them.

Take any checkbox, name its color and find the same using the application trick.

Four children are chosen, the teacher points to the table on which the child will look for his flag. Anyone who finds a flag of his color should show it to all the children, and they will see if the task was completed correctly. If the task is completed correctly, everyone will clap their hands.

(Having picked up a flag by color, each child gives one flag to the teacher, and the other takes it to the table and returns to the highchair.)

Lesson 2."Bring it and show it."

Target: continue to develop the ability to methods of visual examination of the form in complicated conditions; foster a sense of responsibility for the fulfillment of the assignment; replenish the experience of a friendly gaming partnership.

Material: small cards (6 / 8cm) with the image of geometric shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square, a rectangle according to the number of children; large cards depicting the same figures.

The course of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, lays out one set of figures, first on one table, then on the other three; enables children to see if all the figures are in place; it is not allowed to touch or pick up the figurines.

Children sit on high chairs. The teacher calls out four children, puts them in front of the rest. Having chosen the contour of one of the figures, the teacher shows it first to the sitting children, and then to the summoned four.

Bring us, please, such a triangle, but first carefully consider it! (The teacher slowly traces the outline of the figure with his finger, and the children follow his movements, then he invites them to look around the figure again on their own and after a few seconds removes it.)

Children - Look for one, two, three.

With the last words, each of the four called children goes to their table and carries out the assignment. The teacher at this time lays out a sample on the table or board. Each child who has completed the assignment independently imposes a figure of his choice on the sample, brings and shows it to the children.

The game is of a control nature. The teacher thinks over the composition of each four, selecting children of approximately the same abilities. In a specially prepared list after the game, notes the child's success (+ or -).

Lesson 3."Find your clearing."

Target: To consolidate the ability to correlate the color of different objects and the same objects of different colors.

Material: large colored sheets of paper, silhouettes of toys of different colors.

Course of the lesson: The teacher shows different ways completing the assignment: on the "clearing" - a large sheet of colored paper puts objects of the same color. If the children are mistaken when selecting the same objects of different colors, the teacher shows that not all toys have the same color as the color of the meadow on which they lie.

It is important to draw the attention of children to the fact that different subjects may be of the same color (a red flower and a tumbler) - then their meadow is the same, and the same objects may be of different colors (yellow and green leaves) - then their meadows are different.

Lesson 4."How the animals chose their place."

Target: To form the ability to distinguish and name toys depicting animals, to understand and use the words "near", "in front", "behind".

Material: medium-sized toys.

Course of the lesson: Educator: Chest with nuts.

The squirrel has a chest, Click and click of a tooth -

It contains hazelnuts. Shells are flying.

Squirrels gathered for gatherings. For all the cheese - boron conversation!

E. Moshkovskaya.

Her forest friends ran to the squirrel. A runaway bunny galloped up and stood next to the squirrel. Andryushka, put the bunny next to the squirrel. The child performs. Nastya, tell me how the bunny and the squirrel stand. (Child - next).

Educator. They gnaw nuts, play together. Then the chanterelle came running, stood far away and watched the squirrel and the bunny play, came closer and began to play with them too. Sasha, tell me, where was the chanterelle first? Child - Far away. Educator - And then where did she go? Child. - Get closer. Educator - That's right, the fox came closer to the squirrel and stood behind her. Camilla, tell me, where did the fox stand? The child answers. - That's right, behind the squirrel. And the bunny came running and stood in front of the chanterelle. Akim, put the bunny in front of the chanterelle. The child performs. Where did Akim put the bunny? Children answer. - And now, children, take your toys and we will also choose our place. Children take a toy. Adeline, come out with the squirrel into the clearing. Pavlik, stay ahead of Adeline. The children get up.

Right. Where did Pavlik stand? Children answer.

Denis, stand next to Adelina. Where did Denis stand? Children answer.

Well done, you all have well found your place. Now we will play with toys.

This month, three reinforcement classes are held, children, together with the teacher, create drawings, publish a newspaper, and hold a competition with the participation of parents.

The teacher also conducts diagnostics on sensory education in children of the group, the results of the knowledge gained are recorded in the diagnostic table.

Reporting parent-teacher meeting o Summing up the results of the circle work using ICT in the form of a slide presentation.

Educational task: To fix the colors with the children: blue, yellow, green and red. Develop fine motor skills hands, children's speech, imagination and ingenuity. Foster a love of exercise. Continue to create conditions for teaching children about color. Improve children's perception using the senses.

Developing task: develop orientation in space.

Educational task: foster friendly relationships.

Integration of educational areas:

OO " Speech development»: replenish vocabulary;

OO " Physical development»: continue to develop the ability to perform movements in the text.


Colored clothespins, laces, ribbons, "wonderful bag", colored rings, boxes from "kinder-surprises", "polka-dot" candies, for a surprise moment.

Preliminary work: didactic games for sensory education.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Children, guests have come to us. Let's smile at the guests and say hello.

Children: Hello!

There is a knock on the door, the Clown enters, greets the children, he has a chest in his hands.

Clown: - Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us? (children's answers). Right. But he’s very sad. Clown, what's wrong with you?

Clown:- I lost all my colored rings. And now I am very sad without them.

Educator: Guys, let's cheer up the clown? Give him colored rings, let him play with them. Go, Veronica, give the clown a red ring, and you are Cyril, blue, and you are Christina yellow, Timofey green. Well done children, maybe now he will have fun and play with us?

Clown: Thank you guys, you made me laugh. How smart and beautiful you are. Today I came to visit you to play with you and have fun!

Now, as soon as I open mine magic chest and we'll start.

Oh, what is this, guys, do I have?

That's right, "wonderful bag". Sit down nicely, let's start the game.

The game "Wonderful bag". Children take geometric shapes from the bag (square, triangle, circle, determine the color).

Well done! We played well with you.

Educator: Now sit down on the chairs at the tables. Dear clown, you still have something in your magic chest.

Clown: Of course have. Here. (Takes out multi-colored ribbons.)

Educator:- What is it, children?

That's right, ribbons! (What color is this ribbon? And what is this? Etc.)

Come on, guys, we will briefly turn into wizards and make various figures out of ribbons. (Children on the tables perform the task together with the Clown, they make a path from ribbons, (finger gymnastics "Walk with your fingers on the path"), a ball ( breathing exercises"Inflate the balloon"), leaves, etc.

Clown: - What, you are great! Like real wizards!

Educator: Come on guys, we'll have fun with the clown!

Game "Funny man"

Lyrics by Vyacheslav Bredis.

I am a cheerful person.

All around are my friends.

Good day with you

I will clap my hands ...

I will stomp my feet ...

And then with everyone together

I will jump in place.

With you if I want,

I'm jumping on one leg ...

I'm having fun with everyone

I squat and spin.

(The clown and children perform movements according to the poem.)

That's how good you and I had fun

Educator: Children sit on the chairs. Dear clown, do you have something else in your trunk.

Clown: Certainly! - Sit quietly, and I will now look into my magic chest. There is something rattling here (The clown pulls out a string.) Oh, guys, these are clothespins rattling. My clothespins were detached from the laces, everything was messed up, and in fact they were attached according to the colors.

Educator: Let's help the clown attach the clothespins correctly? (Children attach clothespins to shoelaces of the same color.)

Well done!

Clown: - Guys! Something is making noise in my bag! What's this? That's right, funny noisemakers! (Multi-colored noisemakers.) I always carry them with me. Let me give them to you and we will have fun with you and make some noise!

What color is your noisemaker, Ksyusha? And you, Roma?

And now everyone is with me!

All listen, please

Shu-shu-shu (children)

I rustle with a noise.

Shu-shu-shu (children)

I carry it with me

Shu-shu-shu (children)

And rustle, rustle, rustle

Shu-shu-shu (children)

Come on, children, all get up and make some merry noise with me.

Good fellows!

Clown: - Quiet, something else is making noise here. Let me hand it out to you, and you look what lies there. (The clown takes out packages with colorful candies inside, distributes them to the children. The children treat themselves to them.)

These are gifts from me for you! Help yourself! I say goodbye to you guys, goodbye, I have to go to another kindergarten. (The clown leaves.)

GCD II junior development sensory culture "Colorful rooms"

Sensory education of children of primary preschool age "Colorful rooms"

An outline of joint educational activities with children of the II junior group on the topic "Colorful rooms" involves the integration of the following educational areas:
- Cognitive development,
- Speech development,
- Socially - communicative development,
- Physical development.
Target: education of the sensory culture of preschoolers.
Educational tasks:
1. To develop an idea of ​​the basic colors of the spectrum by means of equating them to the standard, with a distraction from other signs of objects.
2. Strengthen the ability to clearly pronounce the main colors of the spectrum.
3. Foster a desire to do the job right.
Equipment: figures - little men (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle), 6 sheets of rooms (blue, red, green, purple, orange, yellow); for each child - colorful rooms and figures.
Individually - differentiated work:
Misha Sh., Alice - to form the ability to distinguish between blue and purple colors.
Seryozha F. - to bring up the ability not to interrupt the respondent.
Preliminary work:

D / and "Pick the same color";
- d / and "Geometric Lotto".
Social partnership with parents:
- invite parents, together with their children, to cut 5 geometric shapes out of cardboard, circle them with a pencil and paint.
Subsequent work:
- making and using the game "Who sleeps where".

Course of the lesson:

Children are sitting on the carpet. There is a screen in front of them. The teacher puts 5 geometric shapes on it. On the table are plates with figures and colorful rooms.
Educator: Guys, today geometric shapes have come to visit us. Let's say hello to them.
Children: Hello!
Educator: The figures also greeted you and want to know - do you know their names?
The teacher shows the figures to the children, and the children call them in chorus.
The teacher shows the figures, and the children answer individually. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher asks for help from other children and offers him another figure.
Educator: And now the figures offer you a walk through the colorful rooms. Now we will close our eyes. And when we open it, we will find ourselves in a room of the color that I will show.
Children close their eyes. And the teacher shows the colors one by one. Children respond in chorus. Then follows individual work with kids.
Educator: Well done, everyone coped with the tasks! And now I suggest you go to your desks and place the figures in the rooms of your color. In the red room - red figures, in the blue - blue ... But before that we will play with your fingers. Repeat words and actions after me.
Mom, dad, brother and me
(bend 1 finger)
Together we are one family
(clench - unclench fist)
One two three four
(bend 1 finger)
We live in the same apartment
(clench - unclench fist)
The game is played with each hand.
Educator: Let's go to the tables.
Held independent work.
If necessary, the teacher helps.
Educator: You guys are so great, everyone coped with the task!
Children and the teacher go to the carpet.
Figures: Guys, how interesting it is with you! But it's time for us to leave. Goodbye!
Children say goodbye to each figure separately, calling it by name.

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 194"

about. Samara

Sensory development of the child - this is a way of knowing the world around, which is based on the work of the senses. Sensations give us an idea of ​​the various properties environment and help to form holistic images of objects. So, visual perception involves distinguishing objects of the surrounding world by color, shape, size. Skin perception includes tactile sensations(distinguishing objects by texture - smooth / rough, hard / soft), tactile sensations (determining the shape of an object to the touch - flat / volumetric), temperature sensations, pressure sensations (weight, heaviness).

The best way to develop and reinforce your child's sensory skills is to turn any activities and responsibilities into play., because. object play is the leading activity and the basis for the formation of a child under 3 years old. Consequently, the main thing at this age is the child's enrichment of the sensory experience necessary for a full-fledged perception of the world around him, and first of all, the replenishment of ideas about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space, etc.

Usually a child with high level development of fine motor skills, is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention and coherent speech.Child's work with small items very important for mental development child.

Unfortunately, even older preschoolers, as a rule, cannot compare objects in length visually, but resort to such methods as superimposing them on top of each other or applying one to the other. They have difficulty establishing identity. external properties different volumetric objects or finding the differences between them. They do not always manage to cope with the task.

Didactic games for sensory development during II younger group

1. Development board "Vegetables".

Target: develop visual perception, tactile functions, fine motor skills, logical and spatial thinking.

Material: Board with holes, silhouettes of vegetables.

Game progress: the child lists the items on the board. Arrange the vegetables on the table. Offer to set aside cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers separately. What is the difference? Color and size. Consider the sequence of ripening vegetables. Suggest matching the vegetables to the holes.

2. "Smart Christmas tree".

Target: learn to work according to the model, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Material: cards with samples, a Christmas tree, circles of different colors.

Game progress: laying out circles in a Christmas tree according to the pattern;

circle the tree and circles on paper and paint.

3. Educational game "Learning the figures".

Target: develop fine motor skills of hands, improve associative thinking.

Material: cards with geometric shapes, object cards.

Game progress: large cards are laid out in front of the child. It is proposed to compare the cut-off mini-cards with what is shown on the large ones, according to the general principle.

4. "Compare and match".

Target: learn the concepts of light-heavy, long-short, small-large.

Material: 11 large cards, 66 small cards, 6 tokens.

Game progress: the teacher distributes one card at a time and reads the inscriptions on them. He places small cards in a mix on the middle of the table, face up. Then he draws the attention of the players to the color of the borders of large cards and sets the tasks for the players:

1) collect small cards with the same frame color;

2) find right place each card on a large map: in the upper row, you need to lay out cards with the same objects, and in the lower row - with different ones, comparing them according to the signs that are written at the top of the card;

3) find the correct place for each card on a large map: in the top row, lay out cards with flat geometric shapes and name them, for example: "This circle is small, this is big." In the bottom row, lay out cards with volumetric geometric shapes and also name them.

5. Frames-inserts M. Montessori "Cobwebs".

Target: learn geometric shapes, develop an eye and hand coordination.

Material: liner frames geometric shapes.

Game progress: the child learns to correlate objects in shape and size; inserts can be traced on paper and colored.

6. Mini-rug "Geometry".

Target: to learn correlates geometric shapes with windows.

Material: rug with holes, geometric shapes with Velcro.

Game progress: select suitable frames for the figures and stick them with Velcro; name the colors of the shapes; play "associations" - take any figurine and think about what objects are similar to it.

7. Seguin's boards

Target: development of fine motor skills, visual perception, logical and spatial thinking, tactile functions; acquaintance with the concepts of color and shape; development of fantasy.

Material: 18 planks with grooves, 18 inserts (geometric shapes) in a wooden box.

Game progress:

1) consider and name geometric shapes;

2) nest shapes in suitable frames, matching them in color;

3) using frames as stencils (outline shapes and paint);

4) play "Wonderful Sack". Fold the shapes into an opaque bag. Put your hand in the bag, take some figure, and. without pulling out your hands, try to guess its name;

5) game "Mosaic". Laying out silhouettes of animals, vehicles, various objects from the figures.

8. "Smart cloud"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, thinking; development of eye accuracy, coordination of movements and sequence of actions;the formation of the ability to work according to the model.

Material: 15 laminated cards, 1 wooden cloud,

60 mugs (5 colors, 12 pcs. Each) in a wooden box.

Game progress:

What are clouds for? Just? Not at all! Our cloud is hardworking and has a lot to do! Let's find out what the cloud has to do!

Blue circle hang over the lake and absorb its vapor.

Green circle create a shade for the flowers so that they are not very hot.

Red circle - water the strawberries in the garden.

Yellow circle - together with a friend, transfer tree seeds to the ground with a breeze.

Orange circle - wash paths on city streets.

Let's help the cloud! Let's take the card and take a close look. How many tasks do you need to complete the cloud today? Select the circles you need by color and insert them into the cloud!

9. "Magic chest of drawers"

Target : learn geometric shapes; make patterns according to the sample.

Material: 4 drawers with double-sided engraving of geometric shapes; one drawer with 10 multi-colored dies inside; 48 geometric shapes (8 types, 6 pieces each).

Game progress:

1) Introduce the child to the name of the geometric shapes. Discuss colors.

2) Sort the figures according to the drawers of the dresser. Throw figurines into the holes at the top of the dresser. Then open the drawers and make sure everything is done correctly. After the child has mastered the 4 basic shapes, turn the boxes over to the other side - there will be 4 more shapes for sorting.

3) In the lower drawer of the chest of drawers there are magic paths - multi-colored dies. Show how to lay out geometric shapes on them.

4) The game "Wonderful bag". Place the figures in an opaque bag. Put your hand in the bag, take some figurine, and try to guess by touch which figure you got.

5) The game "What has changed?" Place 5-6 figures in a row. Close your eyes and swap some shapes or remove some of them. Ask your child to say what has changed.

6) Laying out from geometric shapes various patterns and ornaments, silhouettes of animals, cars, clothes, etc.

10. Didactic game "Who eats what?" (with clothespins).

Target: to consolidate knowledge on the topics "Wild and domestic animals";

to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name animals; development of fine motor skills of the hands; development in children of visual analysis of the depicted objects.

Material: figurines of animals on clothespins, a circle with sectors.

Game progress: the child is invited to attach clothespins with animal faces to the circle in such a way as to indicate the correspondence between the animal and the type of food.

In this case, the educator is interested in the name of the animal, what it eats. Moreover, one animal may have several addictions to food. You can talk about this and clarify.

11. "Magic clothespins."

Target: teach how to take and open a clothespin correctly; consolidate knowledge of colors; develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of actions of both hands, visual perception, attention, imagination.

Material: different subject pictures, a set of colored clothespins.

Game progress: in the dweller offers the game to several (2-4) children at once. Children correlate the color of clothespins with pictures.

12. "Funny rubber bands".

Target: learn to pull rubber bands; fix colors; develop fine motor skills and accuracy of hand movements, visual perception, memory.

Material: multi-colored rubber bands, bell, cards.

Game progress: the bell is placed in the center of the table so that each player can easily reach it. The rubber bands are located around the bell, the cards are face down.

The first player turns over one card, puts it down for everyone to see. The players try, as quickly as possible, to pick up the rubber bands by color and put them on their fingers, as shown on the card.

The one who completes the task first rings the bell.

13. "Plant a butterfly on a flower."

Target: learn to correlate figures in color and shape; develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, thinking.

Material: silhouettes of flowers and butterflies of different sizes and colors.

Game progress: arrange the butterflies according to the color and size of the flowers.

14. "Pick up the figures."

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands; coordination of actions of both hands, visual perception, attention; fix colors and names of geometric shapes.

Material: cards with geometric shapes, set of geometric shapes in different colors.

Game progress: children correlate geometric shapes by color on cards.

15. "Clothing store".

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands, fix the main colors.

Material: silhouettes of clothes, cards.

Game progress: children "hang" clothes of different colors.

16. Lacing.

Target : development of fine motor skills of hands, refinement of finger movements, concentration of attention, contributes to the development of accuracy of the eye, coordination and sequence of actions.

Material: laces of different colors, wooden objects with holes.

Game progress: children stretch the laces through the holes.

I develop sleight of hand

I play with lacing.

I train logic

And fine motor skills!

17. Labyrinths.

Target: develop fine motor skills; training the muscles of the hand and working out the circular movement.

Material: labyrinths on a stand with moving objects.

Game progress: lead objects through the maze.

18. "Noise boxes".

Target: development auditory attention and auditory memory; the ability to distinguish and differentiate noise; development of logics; concentration training.

Material: 22 noise boxes (paired) with different fillings that emit different sounds, color cards with images of what is in the boxes.

Game progress:

For the game, 22 noise boxes were made from containers from under the kinder surprises. They are all paired. Used as fillers:










pearl barley;


Option 1. Find a pair by sound.

To begin with, we introduce children to all the noise boxes. Let's explore the sound of each of them together. We draw the attention of children to the fact that all boxes sound differently. After the children get acquainted with the sound of each of the noise boxes, you can start the actual developmental game - ring one of the boxes and invite the children to find a box with exactly the same sound. Among all the noise boxes, the child should try to find boxes with the same sound, that is, find pairs by sound. In the process of playing, the child learns to concentrate his attention on sounds (which is very important for the development of hearing and speech). In addition, to find a box that sounds similar in sound, you need to use logical thinking.

Option 2. Drawing up the rows.

It is necessary to arrange noise boxes in rows. Find the loudest noise first, then the quietest noise and determine the average by comparing it to the first two noises. You should start with three boxes. If the child has learned to classify three boxes, then all the others can be entered one after the other. Each new box is compared with all boxes already classified and ranked relative to them. The number of boxes for classification is determined based on the child's ability and interest.

Option 3. Sound lotto.

Hear with children how containers sound differently. Then draw the attention of the children to the picture and talk about what is depicted on it. Then invite the children to guess what is in the containers and put them on the corresponding picture.

19. Didactic game "Colored jars".

Target: fix the names of fruits and berries; learn to distinguish and name colors;

develop color perception, memory, attention, thinking; develop fine motor skills of hands, train coordination of movements.

Material: silhouettes of jars with colorful lids, fruits and years.

Game progress: children correlate the color of fruits and berries with the color of the jars.

20. Didactic game "Birdhouse".

Target: learn to lay out a birdhouse from geometric shapes; develop fine motor skills of the hands; fix colors and geometric shapes; learn to distinguish between size, correlate objects by size.

Material : a set of geometric shapes in different colors, birds of different sizes.

Game progress: children lay out birdhouses from geometric shapes and correlate with the size of the birds.

21. "Logical dominoes".

Target: consolidate knowledge about color; develop visual perception, memory and attention.

Material: chips with geometric shapes of different colors.

Game progress: children make up a row of tiles with geometric shapes.

22. Didactic game "Choose the size".

Target: develop visual memory, attention; learn to name colors; develop the ability to correlate shapes with the size of the hole.

Material: circles of different sizes with holes.

Game progress: children correlate the size of the circle with the size of the hole.

23. "Fold the square" by B. P. Nikitin

Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands; learn to recognize and name geometric shapes; learn to make a whole square from several parts.

Material: wooden board with squares, consisting of several parts.

Game progress:

1) collect squares from fewer parts;

2) the game "Mosaic". Use details from different squares, coming up with your own drawings, objects and ornaments;

3) trace details from squares on paper and paint.