What to do when the girl does not meet reciprocity. If a girl does not meet reciprocity? Why feelings are not mutual

For example, how to conquer a girl who does not meet reciprocity. Despite the freedom of relationships, in our time there are still girls who know their price, appreciate themselves, behave cautiously with guys. Also in category inaccessible girls Girls fall, who are not very positive to guys.

If still the guy decided to achieve his dreams? Nobody knows exactly the answer to this question, but still you can give some advice:

  1. Do not exercise arrogance, energetic. Arrogance is not always good assistant. First, it can scare it, secondly, to cause hostility in the future, which will be very difficult to beat off.
  2. Review her that, it is, you are the same hero. After all, you may not like her because she does not see the support in you, a serious option.
  3. Girls love guys of bold, selfless. If you possess such qualities, you do not need to hide them from the girl. She will definitely appreciate it, it may take interest to you.
  4. Some men make a mistake when they stop communicating with this girl at all. It should not be done. On the contrary, try to come across her eyes. Provocyat random meetings. She will begin to get used to you, even starts noticing.
  5. Very good try to enter the circle of communication with the beloved, through her friends, relatives. First it is worth tying friendly relations with them. Many doors will open for you, it will be possible to get closer to the selected object of rehabilitation.
  6. Even more doors will swing, if you make friends with its relatives.
  7. But the most important goat can be the fact that if your beloved has a child, this child tries to show sympathy for you, you easily find a common language with him.
  8. It is very important how you look, of course, dress in a fracture - extremes, at least follow the rules of personal hygiene every day costs. The prikid, which can not be on you not to be from the couture, but wrapping clothes, still stands. True, there are such cases when some representatives of the strong floor look in the robe much better than others in very branded, expensive clothes. In such cases, it is important not the price, but how clothes are worn. Therefore, it is not worth loaning at the price of the dress, his novelty, he simply should be ok as one who wears it. At least, an ordinary deodorant can be ruined.
  9. Sense of humor - very good method. True, it is necessary, at the beginning, give an assessment to this feeling, to understand how jokes, jokes that pass with a bang among the comrades for a glass of vodka are appropriate in a conversation with a girl. Whether they will not be the reason that pleasant man You will turn into an ordinary voyage. We must always know this line between humor and vulgarity. If suddenly you are sure that your sense of humor is coming, about jokes worth forgetting.

Sincerity, honest attitude It is very important that the girl becomes trusting you, because the ladies have a very strong intuition, if they feel at least a small lie in your words, in matters, you can not see reciprocity.

If you are not sure your chosen beautiful Figure, do not affect this topic at all, find those sides of its appearance that you seem the best in it, you can safely speak compliments about them.

Show interest not only to the appearance of the girl, but to its inner qualities. Girls like it when the guy is interested in her troubles, problems, if he will try to decide them, he will be her hero for life.

Questions, how was her day, flowers what color she loves, whether to buy tickets for football, melodrama, she is very polished. It will enable the girl to understand that she is interesting to you, not her body, the opportunity to spend the night with it.

Do not even be hints to talk that you expect for joint sex at the beginning of dating. If you are interested only in intimate relationship, then why spend a lot of time, works? Just find the girl who has the interests about sex. Then you do not have to spend the forces on what you are not interested.

If the guy wants to arrange a girl to himself, it is more likely to prone her name when conversation. It will help it very well. further events, if more than once she will hear about their eyes, the girl will begin to trust you for sure, will show interest to you.

From honest, cheerful, loyal comrade, little girl will refuse. While you are friends of the girl will begin to trust, will complain, ask for help. I will be happy to attend with you different holidays, Events. Someday it will be an understanding that it can not.

The girl will appreciate, will be interested in you if you understand that you real man, good man. It is worth proving your frankness. It will help to become a girl frank with you.

Nowadays with romantic relationship Not very well, free time for the relationship is not enough for any girls or guys. Therefore, get an invitation to a simple walk - a good ideawill not be bad to distract from everyday worries. Here you can take a walk on the streets of the park, take a break from a noisy, fussy city, such walks are very helpful to get closer, help the consolidation of trust.

Girls appreciate the guys generosity, the skill of the little things to make a holiday. This is the quality that all women likes always.

Generosity can not always be only material, the generosity of the soul can also be a pleasant quality in the guy. Generosity can be shown in any trifles of life.

How to win a young girl

It's not so difficult, as it seems at first glance, because most often, for the conquest, the young needed much less effort than on the conquest of a older woman, more expensive.

Won a young girl you can adhering to several rules:

  1. It is worth showing halanery if the girl is still young, most likely her peers were unlikely to have been inflicted when communicating with Gentelmen behavior.
  2. Do not constantly read morals, climb into her life, try to take it under control. She runs from this at its age. It has parents for this. Do not borrow their niche. It is necessary to maintain it in everything, give advice only if they ask about it.
  3. It is worth showing self-confidence. Do not be shy, get lost. Do not be obsessive, crumble in front of a young girl.
  4. It is not worth her to lie, make a queen from her, like her peers. Joke with her, jumped, podkalavay, treat how to younger sisterAs a stupid child. By this you can show that it is not such a queen, but an ordinary girl. This is very interested in this.
  5. It is not necessary too often to meet with her, frequent meetings can bind it to you, because at the young age, the girls are very impressionable, can greatly exercise stick, and if you want to win it, you should leave her time for dreams.
  6. It is necessary to show hardness, reliability. After all, young girls very often remember past failures with the opposite sex with experience, it is important that you can give her a sense of stability, protection, confidence.
  7. It is not worth paying a lot of attention to the girl, run behind her with unlimited obsession, it will soon begin to annoy what attracts her attention. Girls at this age love freedom, when the free space begins brazenly, someone intruders invading, it does not please it. No need to run behind her tail.
  8. Young ladies change very quickly. They are trying to grow, experiment, they want to know the new one. it normal features young age. So be prepared that having met one person through a short time Detect a completely different person near himself.

    1. If young girls choose older man, they want to find a person who will become a guarantor of stability. We must become a guru for her, teacher. She will be happy to trust you, you can properly help her enter adult life without consequences. So, it is in a relationship still take a major role.
    2. You never need to rush the events in intimate relations. No need to decline the young girl to Intim, if you are very little encountered if she is not ready. To begin with, you should make sure: your lady's age corresponds to what she told you. After all, girls who have not reached the age of majority are very like to exaggerate their age to seem adult.
  1. You can show generosity. After all, this quality in men respect all women from Mala to Velik. Generous men remained a bit, you will seem a representative of the extinction of the kind. It will greatly raise your value.
  2. Be fun, easy to rise, interesting, it is better to be a soul of a company in which it enters. Such men love girls, feel next to them queens.

In general, there are several rules that work out of the Poskov. Will help to win the girl these rules:

  1. Feed her. That is, any hiking in the cafe, restaurants, bistro - a good start.
  2. Remember her name. Anyone at the subconscious level is pleased to hear his name, and for women, this is a sign that she is interested in a man, since he remembered her name, did not use the names of different animals in his speech.
  3. Help her if she asks for help. Do not deny the girl in her requests. It will greatly increase your chances of conquest.
  4. Show generosity. Generous men, those whom girls love for sure.
  5. Cheer it. We must be able to call her smile if you have to make her laugh, a very big chance to become her beloved.
  6. Become a wall for her, support. This wants any girl, you can say - the dream of any woman so that the man becomes a support for her, the wall about which she can always rely on, if necessary, hide behind her. If you can become such a wall, you will not conquer the love of the girl for you will not be a lot of work.
  7. Be sincere. Sincerity - so good quality In any person, for a man, this quality is very important. After all, girls do not like lies, hypocrisy, honesty they will be appreciated.

How to fall in love with a girl? Mmm interest Askwho worries many men. In the video, I tried to reveal this topic, tell about certain tricks that help you. All in your hands, there is nothing impossible! The main thing is very wanted.

If you are very concerned that you have problems with the opposite sex, we will help you conquer the girl with the help of video, right Soviets, which for a long time you like, how to approach it, do not know. Girls love strengths, bold men.

Elegant man! How do you want to see your boyfriend, the husband is exactly the same! What is a sign of a real man? - True, good manners! Knowledge of the most elementary rules of etiquette will allow you, young people, to conquer the heart of the girl, take place in society.

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To seek love Girls is a romantic and noble occupation. But sometimes a guy may seem that there is no hope for reciprocity. Most bright example - hitting the "Fredson" when the girl considers a young man just a friend. Then it becomes even more difficult to achieve it: after all, it is scary to lose at least that little thread that binds with the beloved. But this does not mean that for his love does not need to fight.

Just do it need a skill and soberly assessing the situation - whether to expect reciprocity.

It's about it if ...

  1. 1. The girl is not ready for a relationship. Unfortunately, it also happens. Then to achieve the girl will not be easy. Perhaps she recently experienced a difficult gap with the former. Or now she has no personal life in priority, but studying and promotion over the career ladder. Reasons do not want relationships in this moment The girl can be a lot. In this case there will be waiting.
  2. 2. The girl has too high demands. If she reads too part glossy magazines And it looks modern TV, it is quite possible that her ideal is a young and romantic oligarch with a spruce in Monaco. Here you have to prove to her that the simple guy is worthy of attention.
  3. 3. The girl is in love with another. This is one of the most hopeless cases in the struggle for the heart of the beloved girl. Especially if she has a relationship with another guy. But this is not a reason to surrender. Although in this case in the struggle for the girl you like, you can pay a broken nose.

  1. 4. The guy does not like friends or a family family. This may also be. For example, mom or best friend They assure the girl that this guy is not a couple. To achieve the beloved in this case, you will have to enjoy her surround. Or at least, find out what does not suit those who set it up against the guy. And try to fix it.
  2. 5. She does not know what guy likes. It may happen that the girl does not even know that someone "hunts" behind her heart. In this case, everything is simple - it is necessary that the guy is experiencing sympathy, and wants to develop communication into something more.

The point is in it, if ...

  1. 1. The guy is too persistent. Expanded pressure can scare a girl. Especially if she does not want a relationship. Then too active manifestation of sympathy can be regarded as a persecution. It is unlikely that such a courtship will bring success.
  2. 2. Appearance The guy does not correspond to the taste of the girl. Unfortunately, modern girls Also look at " beautiful picture", Like many guys. Perhaps the impregnable lady is exactly these. Then it is worth: go to the gym, make fashionable hairstyle, update the wardrobe. Don't forget about regular hygiene: Visit the shower, shave, the use of deodorant. How strange it did not sound, but today not all guys are fragrant with freshness, with all affordable facilities Care.
  3. 3. The guy is boring and uninteresting. Especially often there is such a problem with guys who rarely communicate with girls or looped on themselves. It is worth thinking, is it interesting for her, is it having fun if it is easy? For the girl it is very important. After all, most often they are responsible for the reciprocity to those who make them smile.

  1. 4. The guy does not seek anything. Very often when the girl says he doesn't want a relationship now, it means that she does not want them with this specific boyfriend. Perhaps the reason for this is passive life position. No decent girl sees a guy next to him, whose interests end on a bottle of beer and computer games.
  2. 5. The guy is too modest and shy. Very often, girls offer to stay with friends to guys who seem to be too inconspicuous. Therefore, to pay attention to her attention. In the end, even quiet can become a soul of the company, if he has a goal.

If the girl once refused a guy, this is not at all reason to stop seeking her. As known, lovely Lady They love to be a knight, ready to fight for her heart. In addition, and for a man is always more expensive than the woman for which they had to fight.

It is not uncommon when the guy cannot achieve the attention of the girl. How to conquer the attention of the girl? There are many ways to achieve the attention of the girl. It is about this that we will talk.

You need to understand that very often girls love to suffer a potential guy. It is curious how interested she is. It also estimates your attempts to achieve attention. Sometimes the girl is fond of the guy's attempts that they begin to manipulate him. So it costs soberly to evaluate the actions of the girl. Perhaps she does not quite suit you. If suited, then you need to look for an approach to the girl. After all, N. the right approach Can push the girl.

Consider the methods how to achieve the attention of the girl:

1. Be unpredictable. Girls love intrigues and sudden surprises. Do something unusual. Give just so colors or invite to a restaurant. Or write to her romantic letter And throw in a handbag. And you will see what the girl's reaction will be.

2. The fewer girls we love ... Really, what less girl We love, the easier we like her. Do not be annoying. Girls are not very loved when. Try to cool down and discharge a bit. Then do good deed For the girl and go to the side. Then the girl will begin to miss and he will give you to understand what he wants your attention.

3. Girls love ears. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate beautifully. Perhaps you do not know how to flirt? Then it is worth a learn. There are many . Also girls love when a man says, confident and decisively. After all, you future husbandAnd it should be known to be the owner and defender.

4. Human paint his actions. Words of course good, but what in practice? The words of the girl reciprocity are not achieved. You need to surprise it with your actions. Give her something pleasant. Or make a deed that she just dreamed. Start act.

5. Inventiveness. If the girl is tense and turns away or avoids you, then it is worth thinking. Perhaps you didn't go to her heart. Love is like a battlefield. But war war, and then the main maneuver. Look for other ways. Perhaps you are knocking on the door of her heart, and in a deaf wall and she is not heard.

I advise you not to be upset if there is no reciprocity from the girl. You have thousands of options to experiment and achieve her attention. And try not to bother the girl. They don't like it very much. As they say knock and open you.

Unnecessary feelings cause a strong impact on the psyche and self-esteem. There is a sense of depression, dissatisfaction with itself and life up to depression.

From such feelings, you can and need to get rid of as soon as possible. We will tell you what to do not build air locks and turn this page of life.
We figured out how to forget about suffering, even if in personal life Fiaco overtake.

1. Take the fact that you do not need this person

If today it seems to you that the object of your frills still loves a little bit, and tomorrow it disappears for a week, it means that there is no choice about any love. Check if your story is like a classic relationship of two lovers. Recognition that your beloved does not give you reciprocity, has already step towards a worthy way out of the situation.
And when the next time you want to remind him of yourself or ask how his business, think about how it looks in his eyes. The person who does not need him constantly manifests the care of him. All that he feels is the condesception. Do you want to be a servant at the feet of Mr.? Better do something more enjoyable.

2. Show focus

"From the eye, one from the heart of Won" - here is the motto initial stage "Rehabilitation". Excluding as far as possible from the object of the rehabils: relatively long and long-term travel with information detox (it is not necessary to constantly monitor his / her profiles in social networks) - a great option.
If, because of the circumstances, it is not possible to avoid meetings, distancing mentally: Even if a person is with you in one space, it does not mean that you should think about him and only about him. Direct thoughts into a pleasant line: what are you still dreaming about, what do you want other than the notorious "happiness in your personal life"?

3. Find like-minded people

You are not alone worried a heart drama. The bitterness of unfortunate love has known many. And almost everything coped. Tell us near manwho visited your skin, about experiences. Carefully ask how his way was, what helped. Sometimes it is enough to hear simple words: "I really understand you". And it becomes easier.
Just do not make a mistake of many: do not turn this topic in favorite. So you will constantly think about one person and forget about it will be very difficult. In order to speak and listen to opinion, there is enough several conversations.
If you do not want to take amounted things beyond the boundaries of your personal space, please contact culture: the topic of unrequited feelings is relevant, find books or films, whose heroes will make you rise from the knees, is not difficult.

4. Take care of yourself

When thoughts are absorbed by unpleasant experiences, there are big risk Start yourself. Even if the cat screams on the soul, even if I don't want to do anything at all, you still pay attention to your appearance and health. Take a pleasant I. fragrant bath With foam. Brew yourself delicious and useful herbal tea. Update your wardrobe or hairstyle.
In no case begin to smoke (or do not increase the dose, if you smoke so much) and pour into the mountain alcohol, make stupid and rapid acts that threaten your health or even life. Especially if this self-esteem is directed to the fact that the Beloved will see how bad you, and immediately understand. This is not. But the health is spoiled.

5. Engage in sports

You can bring emotions to the balance in different ways. One of the most effective options - physical exercise. They release negative energy. Run every morning. Or sign up in the gym, fitness, in the pool. And even at all on horse riding: Get a positive charge not only from activity, but also to communicate with excellent animals.
Combined option - Dancing: and sport, and creativity. Turn on your favorite music and dance to fall, presenting yourself a star party. Or go to learn one or another type of dance in the studio. So you align a pleasant with useful.

6. Drop hopes

The Indians have good saying: "The horse died is a tear." Do not take yourself in vain hopes. There is nothing more destructive than waiting for a sudden interest in an empty place or the return of the fascinated feeling. If the "dislike" is systematically shown in relation to you, do not invent false excuses: "Yes, no! He / she is just shy, I will help him / she to overcome it. "
In fact, there is no desire, otherwise there would be a possibility and power would be found. Take this fact will help a sober view of what is happening: remember your behavior in a situation where you do not want to go on a date or party. Not a problem to find a hundred exclusion, right?

7. Do not be angry

Failures, including on a personal front, is part of life. If something went not according to your plan, it is not a reason to call all the representatives of the opposite sex and hate themselves for imperfection. Believe that in the end everything will go the best way. And do not want to evil the subject of unfortunate love, because no one is obliged to sacrifice the sake of your peace of mind.
You yourself would have tie to life with those who do not eat sympathies, only out of pity? It is better to appreciate that the good gave you this person, thank and go through life further with a highly raised head and smile.


Like a little philosophy into life. Come up with or find a personal motto and make it to be in front of your eyes, or regularly scroll it in thoughts. Let it be a phrase, who hesitates calm and faith in the best. On the ring of King Solomon, engraving was concerned with the inscription: "Everything passes, it will pass." Why not use the experience of the wise ruler?

Do you like the girl, but no reciprocity from her? Of course, in this situation, two options for the development of events are possible - or you will try to forget about this person and switch to someone else, or make efforts to conquer it. Weigh everything well, and make your choice.

Why girls may not reciprocate, despite all your efforts to conquer her

You are not her ideal manIn this case, the girl can be quite friendly to you, but this will not mean that she is ready for serious relationship with you. And the point is not at all that you do something wrong or generally a little interesting man - you just have no ideal. If you have liked the most principled and tries not to change your dreams, it is likely that it is ready to spend a few years to search for your perfect companion Life, not paying attention to other fans. What way can be found in this situation? Perhaps you know what kind of man dreams your chosen is - try to get closer to this image. You can also make a maximum effort to fall in love with a girl, and make forget about previous Gresses. If you are tuned for a long expectation, you have the opportunity to wait until the girl is being painful to find his ideal, and will begin to pay attention not to other men. Well, or just try to throw it out of my head, and try to build a relationship with someone else. She sees only a friend in youInitially, your relationship was only in a friendly format, and the girl is difficult to imagine what can be otherwise. Try to hint to her about your sympathy or say right about what you wanted to transfer your communication on new level. Give her to get rid of this thought, do not press it. By the way, it is worth noting that your chances of winning the choices are quite high - many happy couple Began their relationship from friendship. For a period of such communication, you have already managed to in many ways to learn a friend's friends, and some features of character and so on will not be a surprise for you, as it is often among the steam, which began their novel almost immediately after acquaintance. For what reason the girl can still not answer reciprocity? One of these reasons - you really good friendsAnd she is afraid that if in love you will not work out, she will lose a wonderful comrade in your face. You are too intrusive and accessible to herIt is not surprising, but girls do not always attract men who directly talk about their feelings before the beginning of the relationship, and in every way they will understand that they will not go anywhere, and will be waiting for "in their o'clock." IN similar situation Every intrigue is lost, and the interest of the girl can start fading. Of course, she wants to receive signs of attention from a man, it is natural for the development of relationships, but when the fan becomes too intrusive, it can push the girl. Your task to give her to understand, then you like it, and you would like more, but not to invade her personal space, at least until your feelings become mutual. If the girl feels love to another young man, it may be serious obstacle on the way to its conquest. However, everything may be as afraid, in case your opponent does not apply to it or does not feed mutual feelings. Here you can play "on the contrast" - show your selected that she is truly interesting to you, to give her signs of attention. If the girl is not prone to masochism, it will gradually begin to switch from the object of his sympathies to you. Give her the opportunity to compare you, but do not be intrusive, you should not look like a "spare option" or a person with which you can call jealousy. Pay a maximum of attention to the girl, but show that if the development of the relationship will not be, it can lose you - go away for some time aside.

If her feelings with another guy mutual, then here you are already much less chance, and in the near future you can hardly change something. It is better to try to find another person with which you can also know all the joys of mutual love. After the previous relations, all men are convertedThe last attitude of the girl was very painful for her - and it does not matter, has passed since the month or year. Anyway, it still can not finally come to himself and trust other men. Situations could be different - a tyrant, a modifier, an alphonse or any other affairmed subject came to her. Now she is looking for similar features in other young people, and convinces themselves that "they are the same." To cure this "ailment" can only time. Perhaps, gradually, she will begin to "deteriorate" and forget about all the horrors of the last relations, realizing that she was simply not lucky, and so, unfortunately, it happens. However, you can speed up this process, and show girls that you have nothing to do with her ex-guy, and everything will be different with you. In the second case, prepare for the fact that some effort will have to make, and first time you will be very difficult. She is not confident in itself and in your sincere intentionsSimply put, she is afraid to disappoint you, because as a whole doubts its attractiveness for the opposite sex. She may seem that if a man learn her better, he will immediately understand that she has many drawbacks (even if it is not so), and in the end it will remain in broken heart. It may also be such an option that she simply is uncertain that your intentions towards her are really serious. Perhaps she believes that they have no signs of attention "from nothing to do" or that behave like many girls. "Puts a price"Frequently, such situations. The girl seems to be that if she will "surrender too quickly", then in the end you will not truly appreciate it. She wants to make sure that you are configured or simply show you that she is a special girl, and it is not so easy to conquer. At the same time, it can be sincerely interested in you or even in love, but some "settings" do not allow her to show her true attitude Immediately. She has too overestimated requirementsShe has a number of requirements for a potential chosen one. This may relate to different life areas. Perhaps it is interested only in guys who have their own cars - for some reason, for her it important aspect. It may be so that he agrees to relationship with a man who has a level of income no lower than a certain plank. However, the requirements may not only have a material component. Some people do not accept relationships with young people who allow themselves to be friends or even friendly with other girls. Others are not ready to start a novel with those guys who do not have the opportunity to meet daily. Some may refuse the attention of the fan, learning that he likes to spend time with friends, and is not a domicor. Such items can be quite a lot, and some of them may be very unexpected. She herself does not know what he wants at the moment.She is not sure that at present she generally needs relationship with any guy. Perhaps she just recently left heavy relationship Lee was alone for too long, and can not decide to change. Your task is to designate your intentions, and give her time to think.

The girl does not meet reciprocity - what to do in such a situation

Find out the reason for her not sympathy for youTry to understand for what reason it happens. It is possible that these circumstances lie on the surface, and are not a secret for you. If this is not the case, then you can speak directly with the girl, and learn directly from her that it pushed it. Analyze all your licking errors for herIt is possible that it does not seem to you on your mistakes. In this case, you have to independently analyze your behavior, and reveal possible misses. Maybe you were not attentive to her or, on the contrary, "sought" her with their own communication? Maybe you turned out to be a stingy cavalier? We are not talking about dear gifts, but about elementary gentlemen, they did not pay for her coffee, for traveling in the tram or some other little thing. Many girls notice such nuances, and they are unpleasant. Perhaps, in parallel, you flirted with another special, and it did not cover the girl's gaze. In general, options, in fact, can be a lot. You can consult with some girlfriend, and ask her with female point Help you in the assessment of your behavior. Go to the new tactics of the girl's heart conquestIf the previous strategy for winning the chosen not gave their fruits, it is not excluded that it was time to change it. Previously, you tried not too imposing a girl? Perhaps it was so "not too" that she did not even understand what was interesting to you. In general, no matter how you behave before, once necessary results It did not bring, begin to behave differently.

How to achieve a girl who likes or who love

If it does not want or not ready for relationshipsIn this case, it all depends on the degree of your interest. If you are in love with it, you have to wait some time and during this period to try to prove the lover that she really is the road you and you want to make her happy. It is also important to realize why it is not ready to join new relationships - from understanding this problem may depend on its permission. Realizing that in fact it bothers your parent and what exactly prevents her to try to let anything new in the life, you will be easier to act further. When you understand the nature of the girl's fear, then you should give her to understand that in the case of you, she can not worry about it (if it really is). If she constantly ignores your messages and callsHere it is also important to understand the cause of this behavior. If you have already been or only tied relationships, it is possible that you have offended your chosen one, and now she simply does not want to communicate with you. Perhaps there were no hints on the novel yet, and you can't really meet a girl? This situation involves several options: it was the wrong opinion about you; She compiled the right opinion about you, and she did not like it; She is interested in another guy, and is not configured to exchange for someone else; she has serious problems in life, and now she is not at all fans; You do not cause her special interest. The solution to the problem is definitely depends on its main reason. Does not take gifts and does not react to complimentsThis behavior is characteristic of many girls, and it can be explained by some circumstances. Perhaps she considers it unacceptable to take gifts from a young man with whom it is not in a relationship, and her compliments are confused, so she prefers to ignore them, not knowing how to behave correctly. Perhaps you simply don't like her, and she does not want to give you extra hope, at least somehow reacting to your signs of attention. It is possible that she is offended for something on you, and thus demonstrates his insult. However, in the case of gifts, it may not want to be something obliged to you - some girls have such a "pillow". How to achieve a girl in this situation? Try to conquer it not material benefits, but by any other methods. Become a friend for her - tell her that if even she is not interested in you like in a guy, then you still would not want to lose touch with her, counting it a good man. These words can touch it, and it will agree to a friendly format of relations. Now you will need time in order to better understand this girl, and determine what you can help in its conquest.

Is it possible to conquer a girl if she loves another guy

In this situation, it all depends on what feelings your competitor feeds to this girl, and in general - at what stage their relationship is. Ex-boyfriendIf we are talking about former guner, then your chances are quite high. Perhaps for mutual feelings This couple would still be together, but since the girl still experiences love for the former, then it is probably another attitude towards her, otherwise they would be together. However, even if they confuse, there is high probability that immediately after this parting will be final, as, unfortunately, often happens in such cases. Your task is to give a girl to get out of the ending relationship, and to pay attention to her attention. Now she is most likely very vulnerable and needs care. If you are attentive to it, it will enhance your chances of success. Her friend who does not eat mutual feelingsWith this young man, the girl had no relationship, but she was in love with him without reciprocity. This situation is somewhat more complicated, but also quite decide. Since this couple did not in relationships, then, probably, the girl has no understanding of his chosen one, attributing to him some positive features And freely drawing his image, as it often happens with the girls in love. If you are present mental caseYou can tell her the disadvantages of this "knight", which she may simply notice. Another good option: give her to understand that you are much more interesting another guy. If there is no reciprocity in their relationship, then sooner or later it will still begin to go out, and then, probably, she can appreciate you. Mutual loveThis is the most unpromising situation. If they are in love with each other, and want to be together, it is unlikely that you can break this idyll. Moreover, your perseverance you have a chance only to strengthen their union. The only thing that really takes in this situation is to collect some kind of bad compromising on the opponent, if there is such a thing, and provide the girl with the opportunity to choose. However, not every person has serious "skeletons in the closet", and if we are talking about the past, then perhaps the girl already knows about it, and you will put yourself in a stupid light. You will have a chance to conquer this girl if one day it will discern your chosen one, but this can be waited for quite a long time, but never wait.

What if the girl refused

The most important thing in this situation is to behave "on male". It is better to be silently removed from the life of the girl, instead of insulting it, to be imposed on, to demand attention, arrange the scenes and the like. The more worthwhile to behave when goodbye, the more chances you have to return this girl in the future. However, even if you do not take such an attempt, in her memory will remain positive impression about you. You can also try to maintain a neutral friendly relationship, and time will put everything in places.