What does a 2 month old baby look like? How to develop and what toys to choose. Feeding a 2 month old baby

Today your baby is 2 months old. This is your new date, a new frontier. Until recently, you were pregnant, and today you are holding a tiny toddler in your arms! You have almost learned to understand your baby, he recognizes you with might and main and loves to be in your arms. Now he not only sleeps and eats, but also tries to communicate with the outside world. Your child is growing at a rapid pace. By the end of the third month, the baby's weight may increase one and a half to two times compared to the weight at discharge.

What's new

The daily routine during this period consists of alternating three phases: sleep, feeding, wakefulness. And then - again a dream.

During the waking phase, the child is active most of the time. His interest in the outside world grows more and more. He pays attention to the surrounding sounds, listens to them, examines the room with his eyes, looking for new visual images. Seeing some new object, the baby holds his eyes on him and expresses his joy. For this age, the so-called "revitalization" complex is characteristic, when the baby reacts vividly to the appearance of people he knows and loves - he smiles, starts to walk, actively chatting with his arms and legs. We talked about this in detail last month.


This month, your baby will definitely please you with the first conscious smile. If earlier his smiles were sleepy and fleeting, now they become conscious and express positive emotions and pleasure. Most often, the baby smiles if he sees the native face of mom or dad.

By the end of the second month of life, the child begins to follow moving objects in his field of vision. For example, he is interested in a mobile hanging over a crib. He can see farther than before (objects more than 50 cm away). The child looks at the mother's face with interest. Due to the fact that the muscles of the face are not yet sufficiently developed, the baby can squint with his eyes. Don't worry, it will probably go away with time. The baby does not distinguish colors, except for black and white.

What is the difference between infant vision and adult vision?

Children begin to see from birth, they are born with this ability. In the first 2–3 months, children distinguish only black and white pictures, everything else appears to them as shades of gray.

This feature is associated with the structure of the human eye. The retina contains a series of cells called cones and rods. Rods allow you to see only black and white objects and drawings, and cones make it possible to see colors and their shades. When a baby is born, his wands work more actively, so he sees everything in black and white.

For the development of good vision of babies, it is recommended to use black and white pictures. There can be any number of them. It is quite acceptable to draw pictures yourself using a black felt-tip pen or marker, pencil, gouache, watercolor or ink, or you can download ready-made drawings.

Pictures can be made in various sizes: 10x10 cm or the size of an A4 page. Black and white drawings can contain images of any objects: vegetables and fruits, geometric shapes, trees, schematic images of faces, numbers, letters, etc. You can choose different sizes of black and white schemes, since objects in the world around you also differ in size.

Good to know

For the development of good vision in newborns, they should be placed at a distance of thirty centimeters from the eyes of newborns: during the first two months, children focus their vision best at this distance.

When a child looks at black-and-white diagrams, connections between neurons are established, which are most activated by eight months and remain at the same level until four years of age. It was noticed that the kids with whom they are engaged in black and white drawings show more attention, calmness during the wakefulness period. The stimulation of vision is favorable for the development of children.

How many, when and what black-and-white pictures for newborns to show, the child will tell himself: he will look at some black-and-white pictures with interest and glance at others only occasionally. .

What does a 2 month old baby look like?

Physical development of a child at 2 months

Lying on his back, raises his arms forward (from 2 months) and up - above the shoulders (at 2.5 months). The palms are more often open, less often - clenched into fists. There were some changes in the position on the stomach. The buttocks are flat, not raised up.

From 2 months, you can put a rattle in the child's hand - during involuntary movements of the hand, the rattle begins to rattle, and the child looks for the source of the sound with his eyes. Thus, the mutual coordination of vision and hand movements is trained.

A slight small tremor of the chin or hand in a healthy child at the beginning of the 2nd month of life can be observed only occasionally, with a sharp excitement of the child.


If this tremor is large-scale, rough, happens often, is caused by a slight agitation of the child, swaddling and other everyday situations, then you need to contact a neurologist.

Pull the child from a lying position to a sitting position. Place your thumbs across the palms of the child and grab his hands with your hands. With such a pull-up at 2.5 months, the child only slightly throws his head back.

By 2.5–3 months, the baby not only puts his hands in his mouth and sucks his finger, but also rubs his eyes with them, pulls his clothes, fingers the edge of the diaper or blanket, picks clothes. The child often examines his hands.

Mental development of a child at 2 months

At the age of two months, the child follows the movement of the toy you are moving or your face well, not only with a look, but also turning his head in this direction. the right side. Try to use toys that make different sounds. Move the sounding toys to attract the attention of your baby. Ring the toy left, right, top and bottom. Ask: “Where is it ringing? Ding Ding! Where now?".

From 2.5 months, the child begins active actions with the toy - he not only examines it, but also directs his hands to it and begins to touch it. To do this, starting from 2.5 months, the distance to the suspended toy should be somewhat closer than outstretched arms child. The easiest way is to hang two rattles on colored ribbons (balls with a diameter of 5-7 cm on rings with a diameter of 10-15 cm) to the right and left of the child. If the toy hangs low enough, then the child accidentally touches it with its handles, rejoices, straightens the handles and touches the toy again. The toy should easily come in oscillating motion. The toy itself from this age should be attractive not only for viewing, but also for touching: in a rattle it is better to have a ball with an uneven surface that is interesting to touch. You can make or buy a woolen, rag ball. Try hanging a bell. It is good to hang a special design of two to four toys: one or two are fixed directly on a rope or crossbar, one or two hang down on elastic bands, threads, ribbons. The easiest way is to buy in a toy store a special hanging device "rocker", "arch", "arc" - "bracket-trapeze" (a round or trapezoidal rack that can be securely attached to a crib, playpen) with toys already suspended. Rattles hanging on chains are suspended so that the child, with spontaneous, not yet coordinated hand movements, can accidentally touch them. When he touches the lower toys, the upper toys begin to move and ring. As a result, the baby forms a complex reflex connection - auditory-visual-motor. Toys must be well lit. Ophthalmologists advise even a child's daytime sleep in bright light. In their opinion, constant stimulation of the eyes with light prevents the development of myopia.

Pre-speech development of a child at 2 months

At the 3rd month of life, he is increasingly humming. Cooing is the pronunciation of melodious and drawn-out vowels (“a”, “o”, “y”, “e”) and their combinations with a small admixture of fuzzy consonants. Starts to roar and coo with a positive emotional state alone, and not just in response to adult flirtations.

Denver test at 2 months

Rough moves- Lying on his stomach, he rises on his hands

subtle movements- Follows the gaze of objects in front of the eyes

Speech- Gulit (cooing)

How to feed a baby at 2 months

Priority is breastfeeding. Only chest. Or just a mix. We breastfeed on demand. Do not forget your baby still needs your warmth and affection from you. Don't be afraid to breastfeed if your baby is crying and you just fed him, maybe he just wants to be comforted at the breast. In addition, the baby is still so small that the process of lactation is now in full swing, and this will only benefit both of you.

Good to know

A 2-month-old baby eats about 800-900 ml of milk per day, eating 130-150 grams in one feeding.

The interval between feedings gradually increases. At the age of 2 to 3 months, the child usually chooses a break between feedings of 3.5 hours. Night break it could be much more.

This month, you may discover something new about your baby's behavior when feeding. Now he sucks not constantly, but can come off several times and look at your face. This should not be a reason to stop feeding, just be patient for a while until the baby turns around and takes the breast again.

Perhaps in the third month, the frequency of night feedings will decrease, and your nightly rest will become more complete. But the number of regurgitations does not decrease, they occur after each feeding and are completely normal if the baby is gaining weight by age. It's also normal if your baby is NOT spitting up. Not all children do this.

About mixed feeding

If the proportion of the mixture in the child's diet is about half the daily amount of food, then the baby is on mixed feeding. With such feeding, the diet remains free. Supplementary feeding is given to the baby after applying to both breasts and holding control weighing. If the volume of supplementary feeding is small, feed the baby with a spoon, with large volume It is better to use a bottle with a pacifier.

About artificial feeding

If, nevertheless, you did not succeed in maintaining breastfeeding (HB), yes, unfortunately this happens according to different reasons, then you may have had to switch to artificial feeding (IV)

What is the feeding schedule for IV? Feeding on demand or at the request of the baby (relevant when breastfeeding) is usually not suitable for artificial: women's milk unique, it "knows how" to adapt to the needs of the baby, and the composition of the milk mixture is always the same. Therefore, you need to follow a certain diet so as not to overload the baby's gastrointestinal tract and kidneys with excess proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Individual doctor's recommendations, taking into account the characteristics of the child, will help you adjust even artificial feeding: if the baby does not eat the proposed volume of the mixture during one feeding, he may need more frequent feedings but in smaller portions. In this sense (maximum consideration of the individual characteristics and needs of the child, determined with the help of a specialist), we can talk about partial “free feeding”.

  • For children in the first months of life, 6-7 meals a day are recommended - after 3 or 3.5 hours, preferably with a 6-6.5-hour break at night, respectively. Artificial mixtures stay longer in the stomach, so the child is transferred to 5 meals a day earlier - after the introduction of the first complementary foods (about 5–5.5 months), it is recommended to feed the baby with milk mixtures 5 times a day. It is better to feed the artificial ones according to the schedule: up to 1 month - when asked, but up to 10 times a day.

  • 1-3 months - about 7 times.

  • 3-4 months - about 6 times.

  • From 4 months to a year - about 5 times a day. If the schedule does not work out - do not starve the child and look at the clock, feed more often, but little by little.

How to dress a 2 month old baby

If the child has so far grown mainly in diapers, now it's time to change his clothes - he needs sliders for the time of wakefulness. At room temperature at winter time 21–22°C there is no need to wear woolen socks over the sliders, although they can be used while walking. Wrapping up the baby leads to the fact that he sweats and easily catches a cold in drafts. At the room temperature indicated above, it is possible to wear short pants, socks or stockings to the child during wakefulness. Let him stay with bare knees, first 10-15 minutes, and then the entire period of wakefulness.

What kind of chair does a child have at 2 months and how much does he pee

Urination is still frequent, but the child is able to sleep dry and signal the mother when waking up. The chair can be either 5-8 times a day, or once a day and even every other day.

How much does a 2 month old baby sleep

In the third month, the baby can sleep all night without waking up to 6 hours in a row. daytime sleep shortened, decreased and total duration sleep.

At the age of 2-3 months, the child sleeps 16-18 hours a day, of which night sleep is about 8h 30m. During the day, the baby sleeps 3-4 times.

Baby care at 2 months

  • Washing. Baby care starts with daily hygiene procedures. Every morning you need to wash your baby - wipe it with a swab dipped in a simple warm water. Change tampons, rub his eyes - the lacrimal glands are already working in the baby.

  • clean cotton flagella ears and nose. Trim your nails as they grow, round off the x so that the baby does not scratch.

  • Bathing. Procedures should be carried out daily before feeding, at a temperature of 36-37 degrees, with soap you need to wash only 1-2 times a week.

  • Carry out hardening procedures and massage, rubdowns, usually they are introduced to such exercises in a children's clinic.

How to play with a 2 month old baby


At two months, the child turns his head, lying on his stomach, hears and distinguishes sounds. After ringing the bell, hang it on one side of the crib, from above. Then, having heard the bell, the baby will turn his head in that direction.

Affectionate mittens

While the little one is awake, stroke his hands different samples fabrics: knitted mittens, a silk handkerchief, a piece of fur. This will help develop the child's sense of touch.


Sew an elastic band to any soft toy and hang it over the crib. Let the toy “jump”, and the baby will follow it with interest with his eyes.


We continue to study poetry, nursery rhymes. There are jokes for any action: for a massage (sips, pots), for bathing (Vodichka, some water, wash my face: so that my eyes shine, so that my lips turn red, so that my teeth bite, my mouth smiles). The child will be happy to respond to you with a "goog".

"Parts of the body" from 2 months

Here, for example, is a wonderful washing game “Where are you, spout?” When washing or bathing the baby, tell or sing a nursery rhyme and at the same time touch the called parts of the baby's face. You can touch the cheek and nose with your finger or take the baby’s hand and bring it to the nose, then to the mouth ... If you don’t have a daughter, but a son, replace the last line. For example, you can say: “Here we washed our son!” And after some time, the baby will be happy to show you where his cheek is, and where his nose and mouth are.

Do I need to go to the clinic at 2 months? Vaccinations at 2 months.

You will have a monthly appointment with a pediatrician. There are no check-ins this month. Next month you have to do DTP vaccination, go through a pediatrician and a neurologist, take tests.

Video blog - 2 months


Tummy at 2 months

In the second month, the baby enters with a smile, he smiled before, but involuntarily, to some of his feelings. And in the fourth or fifth week he smiled for the first time in response to your sweet words smiled knowingly, joyfully. This smile is a sign of understanding, readiness for communication, for dialogue.

English psychologist T. Bauer, taking under close observation 86 infants, found at least four meanings of a smile addressed only to the mother: a smile like “Hurrah! I did it!”, a friendly smile, roughly meaning “I want to please you”, a smile of relief when the child realizes that some kind of sharp sound or unexpected movement is not dangerous for him.

Another discovery of Bauer: girls and boys smile differently. The boy first opens his mouth vertically, then opens his eyes wide, and the girl's lips first slowly curve at the corners, she bats her eyelashes, then slightly turns away, showing herself in profile. In general, it looks like some coquetry.

Whether it's true or not, you can check by smiling often. own child. And even if you do not find a special variety, you will still get great pleasure every time.

Another one salient feature second month - intensive development orienting reactions, the very ones that physiologists figuratively call the “What is it?” reactions.

Of course, you have already hung toys over the crib, but it’s better - so far only one bright ball. Now the child more and more stops his eyes on him. It is important that the toy hangs above his chest at a height of 50 cm - this is the distance that contributes to the correct fixation of the gaze. The attention of the baby began to attract moving objects. He is attentively watching the rattle, which you, having shown him, begin to move left and right. He is extremely interested in sounds - you can verify this by ringing the bell from one side of the crib, then the other. He listens to voices, and he obviously does not like sharp, loud intonations, but from affectionate, gentle ones he literally blossoms.

Of everything around him, he is more attracted to bright, brilliant, sounding. But the most favorite subject for consideration is your face. It is simply amazing with what close attention, how seriously the baby peers at his mother or father leaning over him. How can one disagree at such moments with psychologists and neurophysiologists who say that a newborn child already has intelligence and that the possibilities of mental development of children in the first months of life are much wider than we imagine!

The same Bauer, for example, believes that for a child, communication with an adult in its entertainment is equal to solving a puzzle: we try to understand him, and he - us ...

The second month is also marked by the increasing pace of physical development.

If in the first four weeks the body weight of the child increased by about 600 g, now you have to gain 800, grow another three centimeters (and in total from the moment of birth by six). Activity also increases - the baby moves his arms and legs more, begins to hold his head in an upright position, raises it, lying on his stomach.

All this requires an increase energy resources- gotta get it from mom more milk, 120-140 grams at a time, and for six feedings - about 800!

Nature provides for this - in the second month, as the needs of the child grow, lactation (milk production) also increases. But something may not work in this mechanism and then the milk begins to be missed.

As we said, still fixable. Experienced Specialists advise in such cases, first of all, to review your own diet. lactation requires increased amount proteins (see the chapters "Breastfeeding", "Nutrition of a nursing mother").

Finally, one more remedy, new to us, but, in fact, very ancient, biologically based: maximum bodily contact between mother and child during feeding, not through clothes, but with the skin.

Skin-to-skin feeding method

Before feeding, the child is undressed, leaving only a diaper and covering his back with a diaper. Mom also undresses to the waist. Heat exchange, irritation of certain skin receptors, emotional impact increase the flow of milk.

Vigorously sucking baby provides for and next feeding, because the very act of sucking and the complete emptying of the mammary gland reflexively contribute to the further production of milk. All that is left must be expressed literally to the last drop, and then for 5-10 minutes, substitute the chest under a hot shower.

It has been known for centuries that from worries, troubles, a woman may lose milk. And even just anxiety about the fact that the child does not have enough milk also exacerbates the situation. Therefore, in the treatment of hypogalactia ( underproduction milk) in Lately widely used psychotherapy. The best psychotherapist for a woman can be own husband. Remember, husbands: happy and calm mother - full child!

According to the classical old scheme feeding, from the second month of life, fruit and vegetable juices are introduced into the child's diet, starting with a few drops and bringing up to 5-6 teaspoons a day by the end of the second month.

Still, the introduction of juices is an additional burden on the digestive organs, and they already function in a stressful mode. So, if the baby has an unstable stool or you notice manifestations of diathesis in him, it is better to wait a bit with the introduction of juices. Moreover, when breastfeeding - it is with breastfeeding! - there is no need for them yet.

Massage and gymnastics for a child

When the feeding regime is established, the whole life of the child enters into a rut. Now he has more or less constant hours of sleep and wakefulness, he walks two or three times a day - at first for 20-30 minutes, and by the end of the month it’s already an hour and a half or even more (if the temperature is not lower than -10-12 °С and no strong wind). At the same time - before the evening feeding - he is bathed. It's time to set aside 6-8 minutes for a massage and the first light gymnastics. It is better to do this in the morning and, most importantly, not before bed and not immediately after feeding.

Our great-grandmothers even guessed about the benefits of massage, although they may not have known this word. Remember folk rhymes, the proverbs that accompanied the swaddling, all these “Pulls-pulls, on the legs of the feather, on the handles of the grip” or the immortal “Magpie-Crow” with stroking the palm and kneading each finger. Under the then tight swaddling the child simply could not do without it, but today's baby, who has received much more freedom, needs to be stimulated to be active.

Massage and gymnastics combine also air bath, that is, a hardening procedure, and skin-to-skin contact. And, last but not least, eight minutes of massage is minutes emotional communication and joy. The technique of gymnastics and massage is given in the following chapters.

"My stomach hurts!" "I want to be with you!"

For a day, or rather, for a day, the mood, well-being, facial expression of the child will change many times. He was calm, peaceful, and suddenly winces, whimpers, smiles again, but burst out into such a cry that it’s just a pity to look: he turned purple all over, tensed up, clenched his fists, uneasily moved his legs ... This usually happens with intestinal colic, so frequent in children in first months of life. “My stomach hurts! Do something!" he says with this cry.

What can be done if the child has a stomachache? Take him in your arms vertically, press him to you, walk around with him, lightly patting him on the back. Iron a flannel diaper folded several times with a hot iron and apply warm (not hot!) To the stomach. It is easy to massage the stomach in a clockwise direction.

These are all home remedies. And to intestinal colic become less frequent, you can resort to some harmless medicines. For example, activated carbon absorbs gases well. It is given three times a day, half a tablet crushed and mixed with water.

There is a special children's tea with fennel. Toddlers drink it willingly, and it works well, reducing intestinal spasms and facilitating the passage of gases.

Resorting to any of the listed means, it is also necessary to trace whether particularly persistent bouts of colic do not coincide with the errors of the mother's diet. The child may pay with abdominal pain for the fact that the mother eats too much sweets, vegetables with coarse fiber, grapes, or drinks more than half a liter of milk a day.

"Wailing hours" usually come in the evening. The baby cries when he is tired, if he wants to, but cannot sleep; by crying, he informs slow-witted adults about some kind of discomfort, by crying he calls out: “I want to see you!” Being in the arms of mom or dad, warming themselves with their warmth is not a whim, but a child's need, and often the only way to calm down.

Children whose nervous system has been damaged during prenatal period or in childbirth, are more sensitive to any unpleasant sensations, they cry more, and at the same time their chin trembles, their hands tremble. Often this is combined with the so-called Graefe symptom - with a sharp sound, a sudden flash of light, the child's eyes open so wide that a white stripe of the eyeball becomes visible above the iris.

Some more symptoms available to the mother's eye: the child burps very often, sleeps little. Tends to throw back the head so that the back of the head touches the back. His muscles are constantly tense - it is difficult to straighten the arm or leg. The mobility of the arms and legs is not the same - the left hand, for example, is clearly less mobile than the right, or vice versa.

A consultation with a neurologist in the first months of life is very desirable for any child, and for such it is simply necessary. And - urgently!

In the treatment complex neurological disorders usually include massage.

The one that mom does is completely insufficient in these cases. Massotherapy- it's a delicate matter, its sessions last for 30-40 minutes or more, only a specialist should conduct them.

The appointments of a neurologist must be carried out very accurately. And let the treatment not seem superfluous to you, even if, in your opinion, the child is already quite healthy. The fact is that early lesions of the central nervous system, albeit minimal, are capable, having faded outwardly for a while, then emerge again and again, manifesting themselves in different ways at different age periods: in a preschooler - increased motor excitability, capriciousness, stuttering, in a schoolchild - absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate, defects in handwriting, and even in an adult - difficult character traits. So treatment in the first months is protection for life!

What should a child be able to do by the end of the second month of life

By the end of 2 months of life, the baby:

  • Looks at a stationary object that has attracted attention for a long time and follows a moving object for a long time. Able to hold the gaze for 15-30 seconds.
    The look of the baby is stable, he is looking intently! Everything he sees surprises him. Surprise is the beginning of knowledge, the beginning of curiosity. The baby begins to perceive the world, highlighting individual items big and small, pleasant and unpleasant. He smiles!
  • There is a "revival reaction". This is a reaction to communication with adults, when the baby, along with a smile, moves his legs and arms animatedly!
  • Holds the head. Some babies are already able to visually focus in an upright position, turn the head after the object and follow it with their eyes at a distance of up to one and a half meters, listen to the sound, and stare at the light source.
  • Prefers to be held by an adult.
    For a complete mental development it is very important to take the baby in your arms! It is this position that gives him the opportunity to see and hear, which contributes to mental development. In the position on the hands, the baby satisfies the orienting reflex.
  • Spontaneously pronounces individual sounds, for example, “khe”, “ah”, etc.
    In the second month of life, in the cries and cries of the child, one can already clearly recognize the differences in his requirements. Hunger and pain cause a sharp cry, and a tired baby emits a “plaintive” grunt…
  • A lingering "aha", shaking the head, funny eyes, elongated lips - all this means pleasure!

Talk to your baby from the very first days of his life! Tell him about everything that worries you, or what you rejoice in, speak easily and simply, gently ... Do not be afraid to gesticulate and express facial expressions, all this will contribute to the development of your baby's speech. Speak the right language. Studies have shown that the speech of children who were early spoken in a language other than children's developed much faster ... Remember: the development of speech and intelligence are interconnected!

Physical and mental development a baby at 2 months old made a huge leap in the first 30 days of age. Every mother should remember that all the skills of the baby are purely individual. You cannot compare the skills of children in given age together. All the information provided in the article is provided to familiarize parents with the official weight and height standards from WHO, as well as the development and care of children from two to three months.

How to develop a baby at 2 months

A child should not receive too many emotions at 2 months, this will badly affect his sleep and nervous system. The development of the baby should be natural and smooth, without any excitement. The whole process should be guided by the mother, relying on her intuition. All other relatives, including dad, and especially wise grandmothers, should direct their perseverance and strength to mother care.

Only a mother knows exactly how to properly care for and develop her 2-month-old baby.

How much should babies weigh at 2 months

Normal weight boys 2 to 3 months old

weight chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Age (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) big (kg) extra large (kg)
4 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.4
5 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 6 6.8
6 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.2
7 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.5
8 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.9 7.8

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a boy should gain an average of 800 grams to 2 kilograms.

Normal weight for a 2 to 3 month old girl

weight chart from WHO for a girl from birth to 6 months
Age of girls (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) big (kg) extra large (kg)
4 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.1
5 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.3 5 5.7 6.5
6 3 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 6 6.8
7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.2 7.1
8 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.5 7.3

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a girl should gain an average of 700 grams to 1.2 kilograms.

Baby growth at 2 months

Growth of girls from two to three months

growth chart for girls from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Girl's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) big (cm) extra large (cm)
4 47.5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2
5 48.3 50.3 52.3 54.2 56.2 58.2 60.1
6 49.1 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59 61
7 49.8 51.8 53.8 55.8 57.8 59.9 61.9
8 50.5 52.5 54.6 56.6 58.6 60.6 62.6

According to WHO standards, a girl will grow by about 4 cm from two to three months.

Growth of boys from two to three months

growth chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Boy's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) big (cm) extra large (cm)
4 48.6 50.5 52.4 54.4 56.3 58.3 60.2
5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2 61.2
6 50.3 52.3 54.3 56.2 58.2 60.2 62.1
7 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59.1 61 63
8 51.9 53.9 55.9 57.9 59.9 61.9 63.9

According to WHO standards, a boy, like a girl, will grow up to one month by 4 cm.

Height and weight of premature babies at 2 months

A premature baby will be a little behind in development in the second month - this is normal. Children born before the appointed time continue the development that should have occurred in the womb, after birth. If the data significantly deviates from the norm, you should consult a doctor for advice. One of the first questions a pediatrician will have is about diet.


Unlike the first, at two months the child changes his diet. Breastfeeding mom gets bigger breast milk, respectively, the baby begins to eat more of it. The process of digestion of food in the baby is lengthened. You can feed your baby every 3.5 hours. Approximate time feeding:

  • 10:00
  • 13:30
  • 17:00
  • 20:30

Give the baby a boob on demand. If not, then don't wake him up.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat

A two month old baby who is on artificial feeding, you will need more minerals. From food additives you should choose fruit and vegetable juices. We recommend starting with apple juice. For the first time, give the baby a few drops of juice from a dropper. The next day, half a teaspoon. It is recommended to give juice to the baby after the second feeding in two hours. And finally, on the third day, a full spoonful. Do not mix juice with milk.

Important: Mom needs to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body to new juices. Examine the baby for rashes and red spots on the body.


When a mother's breast milk decreases in the second month of feeding a child, this means that it is time for her to think about increasing lactation. It is recommended to introduce new foods into the baby's diet from 6 months and continue for another 18-24 months. If you plan the baby's menu incorrectly, this can result in problems in the future. WHO estimates that two out of five children in low-income countries are at risk of not getting all the nutrients they need.

Should be timely, which means that all babies should start getting foods in addition to breast milk from 6 months onwards. Adding new foods to the baby's menu should be balanced in the frequency, quantity and type of new food, because only in this case will you fully cover all the needs of a small organism and will not affect the quality and composition of breast milk.


By 5 and a half months, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients from breast milk. There is no need for mom to add water, juice or cereal. 2 month old baby should eat at least 140-150 grams of mother's milk every 2-4 hours.

In addition, avoid using low-quality mixtures if the child is formula-fed, as they cannot fully provide a growing, young body with all necessary elements. Also in low quality blends low level iron, which can eventually lead to a risk of developing iron deficiency anemia (which is closely associated with poor growth, weight and development, and learning ability). With colic, constipation or other problems with the digestive system, you need to switch to mixtures with a lower iron content, but no less quality.

WHO recommends feeding children exclusively with breast milk for up to six months, in the first two months after the sixth, 2-3 times a day, introduce new foods in small quantities; then, between the ninth and eleventh months after birth, increase the amount of usual foods and try to replace 1-2 breastfeeds; at twelve to twenty-four months, the menu should mainly consist of regular foods plus some breast milk or formula.

Why does a child drool heavily at 2 months

Heavy salivation (hypersalivation) is normal physiological phenomena in a child from two to six months, the cause of which is teething and unformed salivary glands. Not worth it given period parents worry about the number of bubbles from the baby's mouth.

IN copious excretion saliva is a huge plus for babies - it will envelop toys with an antiseptic protein layer. This becomes a favorable condition during the period of study by the baby of everything that falls into his hands.

How long should a baby sleep at 2 months

The child should not be awake for more than two hours in a row in order to avoid overwork. The baby will rarely sleep peacefully during the day and at night for more than 4-5 hours in a row. Collectively, sleep duration varies from 16 to 18 hours per day. bad dream for an infant of this age, this is the average static norm.

What should be the chair of a child in the second month

A breastfed baby's stool changes 5-6 times a day. are rare, so should not be taken immediately radical measures in a long absence. When feeding juices, the poop becomes soft and frequent. In a bottle-fed infant, stools are more plentiful, but occur less frequently from 1 to 3 times. Pissing baby in two months often, about 10 times a day.

Why does a 2 month old baby yawn often?

In full-term babies, yawning at 2 months is rare from 1-3 times for 10-15 minutes, while the baby is naked. In severely preterm infants, yawning occurs long and often, but passes after the completion of the maturation of the baby. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of yawning - this is a sign of a brain disorder.

Development of motor skills

A baby at 2 months old will learn to dance and spin from side to side, however, most likely, only spin (make attempts). At two months, it will only turn out to turn from a position on the back to different sides. You will not be able to observe full rotation until 3 months of age, because the child, for this maneuver, will need more developed muscles of the back and arms.

Development motor abilities two month old baby will require more attention from parents during diaper changes. Never leave a child unattended or secured on a bed or other elevated surface, even for a second.

What should be able to

At 2 months old, the child knows how to control his body in a more coordinated way, movements become less and less chaotic. The ridiculous swings of the arms and legs of the baby in the first days of life give way to smoother and more circular movements, especially while observing others.

A two-month-old baby needs enough room for pull-ups and limb movements. Stretch the blanket on the floor and let the baby move freely. All inept movements help the baby develop physical abilities. The first step on the way to walking is the skill of pushing off with the legs from a position on the stomach.

A baby at this age can hold and turn his head in different directions. Parents need to develop the skills of turning the baby's head in such a way that they are equal in both directions in order to avoid torticollis.

Daily regime

Can you imagine two month old baby sleeping alone in a stroller or sharing a family bed with you, a smooth and predictable sleep pattern will give you the opportunity to get the rest you need. And do not worry, start setting the regimen from the second month of the baby's life.

Include in the child's day routine: dancing, singing, bathing, bedtime stories and hugs with soft toys. You can also carry the baby around the house, wishing everything around Good night. This list will be added to and changed as the baby grows.

The first acquaintances of a three-month-old baby

The child should be at 2 months open to relationships with adults. A smile will appear on the face of the baby every time someone enters the room, takes his hands or just wants to goog.

At two months, it is time to give the family the opportunity to look after the child. Give carers the opportunity to spend some time with the baby. Otherwise, the baby may be seized with a fear of strangers, which will make further communication impossible.

Do not forget that babies have different personality traits and some of them are less open to new acquaintances.


The kid a few weeks ago learned about the existence of his pens. At 2 months, the child is simply delighted with such a gift of nature. Watch how the baby examines his hands, puts them in his mouth and tries to suck. Mom should not worry about a new hobby that the baby has recently discovered for himself. Such knowledge of the surrounding world will be interesting and useful to him.

How can a mother develop a child's skills?

Holding the child in his arms, you can see how he knows how to raise his head and hold it for a couple of seconds. The baby, lying on his tummy, can raise his neck and chest by almost 45 degrees, as if doing mini push-ups. Parents can help develop this skill sitting down in front of a baby with a bright children's toy in his hand.

Education in the second month of life

Reading books to a child in the second month of his life will give amazing results in development and education in the future. This lesson will help the baby to quickly develop hearing for the perception of modulation human speech. Changing the intonation of the voice with the help of different accents and singing will make communication with him much more interesting. If the baby becomes uninterested and starts looking the other way, try to think of something other than reading. Perhaps the baby needs some rest. Watch for reactions.

Exists great amount children's books for children of two months of age. For example: "Good night to you, month" or "Sweet dreams, monkey." It is better to choose books with large and bright illustrations and simple text. You can even buy picture books so you can make up stories as you go. During this period, age guidelines can be ignored. Books written for older children, if they contain clear and bright pictures, can also easily captivate the baby.

A good idea at 2 months is to read adult literature for a child: newspapers, magazines, favorite novels. The main thing is to do it loudly and emotionally. Whether it's Shakespeare or the latest bestseller, if parents like to read it, then the baby will like to listen to the rhythm of his native voice.

How to develop hearing?

A baby becomes a better listener at 2 months and is aware of the difference between familiar and unfamiliar sounds. The kid can also show that he is on the same wavelength with environment. Observe how the baby is looking for the origin of certain sounds. Continued communication (albeit one-sided for now) helps the infant develop a sense of reality. The baby can even watch the movements of the mother's mouth and be surprised at how it all works.

Note: if the mother is concerned about the child's hearing, without hesitation for a long time, contact the pediatrician. For, despite the fact that the infant's hearing has been previously tested, new problems can still arise.

What can a child do by the end of the 2nd month (results)

The child should be able to maneuver the body at 2 months, rest on the legs and transfer the weight to the hands. Examine arms and legs while lying on your back. The baby can lift the chest resting on the legs. The baby learns to reach for close objects and grab them. A couple of minutes

The second month of the baby's life is overshadowed by active colic. There are bouts of colic mainly in the evening and are accompanied by strong crying. There are ways to relieve acute pain in colic and effective medications.

The kid dynamically develops and improves his skills and abilities. Now he regularly pampers those around him with his smile. Smiling is the baby's first means of communicating with the world. Activity, curiosity, sociability - the qualities with which the baby meets every new day. How a child behaves at 2 months of life is largely due to the acquired skills. This period is indicative of such emotional and physical skills:

  • The ability to focus and hold attention on a moving and moving object.
  • The appearance of a reaction to sound, which is expressed in turning the head and detecting the source of the sound.
  • Response to communication. The kid noticeably perks up and always smiles.
  • The range of spoken sounds is greatly expanded.
  • The motor activity of the crumbs is noticeably expanding. Now he can roll over from side to back, lift and hold his head while lying on his stomach.
  • Activation grasping reflex. The baby grabs the offered rattle firmly and holds it for a long time.

The behavior of a child at 2 months is due not only to the increasing pace of physical and emotional development. This period is indicative of frequent manifestations of imperfect work of the digestive system.

Why does a 2 month old baby cry?

This period of a baby's life is marked by active manifestations of colic. The so-called "infantile colic" appears at two weeks of age. In the second month of life, the acute phase of this condition passes. The third month is characterized by a decrease in colic. Complete release occurs before the age of six months. Infantile colic is paroxysmal sharp pain V abdominal cavity, which has a functional character and manifests itself in children of the first year of life. During the day, the state of health, mood, physical activity, appetite and facial expression crumbs. This normal process. And the reasons for the crying of a child at 2 months - colic are of a natural nature. During the newborn period, every baby experiences a similar condition. The etiology of colic is not clear, therefore universal recipe there is no way to get rid of them. The stability of colic is expressed in the constancy of their manifestation. It happens around the same time. There is a certain system of manifestation. Usually colic disturbs in the evening. That's why two month old baby screaming every night.
Characteristic signs of the onset of colic are: body tension, reddening of the face, clenched fists, erratic movement of the legs, pulling the legs to the stomach, passing gases and refusing to feed. There is an opinion that colic is not abdominal pain, but characteristic behavior child. If a baby is constantly screaming at 2 months, mothers sin on their diet and literally stop eating. Such extremes do not common sense. Compliance with the diet of a nursing mother is enough. Because several other factors influence the occurrence of colic:

  • Early introduction of complementary foods, in the form of foods or liquids.
  • unfavorable home atmosphere. In family frequent quarrels, swearing, manifestation of causeless anger.
  • The infant has increased intracranial pressure.
  • Mom carried the pregnancy hard or the course of childbirth was unfavorable.
  • The baby has increased weather sensitivity. Two months is the time when the baby begins to react to weather conditions and astronomical phenomena. Therefore, often a child at 2 months is naughty in the evening due to a sharp change in the weather.

How to calm a baby at 2 months?

When a two-month-old baby arches, twitches his arms and legs, it is not easy to alleviate his condition. Main - emotional contact with mom. The baby must understand that the mother is nearby and will help him. You need to take the crumbs in your arms, in a vertical position, attach to your stomach and vilify. A warm diaper applied to the baby's stomach will relieve an acute attack of pain. Gently massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction can also help. Many children feel better if colic time is spent in the bath. Water relieves spasms and relieves the condition.
fennel tea, Dill water- child-safe products. There are also a number of special medicines from colic and homeopathic remedies. Their purpose and dosage are within the competence of the pediatrician. The same rule should be followed for the application activated carbon as a remedy for colic.
Evening crying can be of a different nature. Inability to sleep due to excessive overexcitation, the presence of discomfort is also accompanied by crying. These conditions often occur in children who have experienced a difficult birth. Nervous shock is expressed in the fact that a child of 2 months of life shudders from every rustle and in a dream. In a situation where a child at 2 months is twitching and shaking his arms all the time, his chin is shaking in combination with crying, it is necessary urgent appeal to a specialist. A consultation with a neurologist will relieve parents of uncertainty and allow, if necessary, to start treatment in a timely manner. The fact is that such signs are inherent in Graefe's symptom. This is a manifestation of hydrocephalic syndrome, which disappears with proper and prompt treatment. The most prominent sign of this problem in an infant is the ability to see white stripe eyeball above the iris. This happens at the moment of wide eyes, due to a sharp sound or a sudden bright light. When identifying similar states for sedation and treatment are prescribed: nootropic and sedatives, soothing baths and massage, diuretic drugs.
The immaturity of the nervous system is the main thing that can disturb a child at 2 months. Restless behavior of the baby, crying, colic, obsessive movements of the hands and head are the results of this process. Therefore, the end of its formation will positively affect the state of the crumbs.

The first month - the most difficult - behind. At 2 months of life, the child gave you the most important achievement of the first weeks - a smile. This means that he is no longer afraid of it. vast world He got to know you and fell in love.

Height and weight of a child at 2 months

By the end of the second month, the child gains from 600 to 1000 g. He can grow by about 3 cm.

Norm indicators *. Child's age - 2 months

Lower limit of normal

Upper limit of normal

Boys weight, kg

Girls weight, kg

Boys height, cm

Girls height, cm

Head circumference of boys, cm

Head circumference of girls, cm

*Data are indicated according to the centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What can a child at 2 months:

Straighten your palms more often (the grasping reflex gradually disappears);

Make sounds resembling the cooing of a dove; I connect the sounds "a", "e" with "x";

Be frightened if you hear a strict and loud voice;

Vividly respond to the sound, waiting for its continuation;

See the outlines of objects and their details;

To attract attention, not only cry, but also change facial expressions;

Watch for an object moving at a distance of 15 cm from his face.

Baby development at 2 months

In the second month of life, the child does not just smile - he laughs, mischievously sparkling eyes. From that moment on, you have become even closer. The baby smiles at his mother, as they smile at the sun, he loves you endlessly. Mom causes admiration, surprise and jubilation in the baby. Cheerful laughter confirmation of this.

Cooing, training the child's hearing

At two months, the child is already trying to communicate with you, pronouncing simple sounds, humming. All children make similar sounds, even deaf-mutes.

Children subtly feel the shades of speech and the timbre of the voice of the interlocutor. The simplest thing you can do for the development of a child is to talk to him more often, and in faces. Change the intonation from narrative to interrogative, speak now quieter, then louder, falsetto and bass. And during the conversation, you do not have to stay in sight of the crumbs. Refer to it when you, for example, walk around the room. And the child will turn his head towards your voice. This good workout hearing. Also use a rattle. Shake it behind the child's back. He turns around curiously to see where the noise is coming from.

Vision of a 2 month old baby

Vision little man got a little sharper. He concentrates his gaze on the subject of interest to him for 20-30 seconds. For eye development, move the toy in different directions in front of the child's face at a distance of 50 cm (further than last month). Hang above the bed bright toy, and the baby will begin to watch her with pleasure.

Now every day will bring new discoveries - and not only to your child. Together with him, you will also know the world anew!

Daily routine of a 2 month old baby

Just a few weeks ago the main classes small child had sleep and food. Now he is more awake. Mom can only adapt to him and adjust the daily routine. Of course, you don't have to check your watch all the time. In the daily routine of the child, deviations of half an hour and even an hour are permissible. But when from the first days the child knows what awaits him in the morning, afternoon and evening, he feels more calm. Yes, and mom, in order to keep up with everything, you need to have at least an approximate schedule. After all, you need to find time for both your husband, and for household chores, and for rest.

Feeding on demand

Feed your baby on demand. However, do not keep the baby at the breast for a long time, try to put him to bed as soon as he falls asleep. Otherwise, feeding will take you most of the day.

For a walk with a two-month-old baby, it is better to use a carrycot. In it, the baby can be rocked, sheltered from the sun, noise and precipitation. The sling is also convenient, but then you will have to carry all the things you need on a walk (bottles, diapers, napkins, spare clothes) separately.

In the second month of life, the child sleeps a little less - about 17 hours a day. Sometimes children sleep during the day and wake up in the evening. If your child confuses day with night, then go to bed early every day. It will take a month for the baby to be able to rebuild in a new way.

If the child often wakes up and needs to be rocked for a long time, consult a pediatrician to find the reason for this behavior. Perhaps this is due to the temperament of the newborn. In this case, the doctor will tell you what needs to be changed in the daily routine: bathe the child early or walk with him more. Usually, sleep is interrupted if the baby is cold or hot, if he is disturbed by the light of a lamp or a wet diaper. The child will wake up even if mom and dad quarrel, even in a whisper. He feels that something is wrong in the family, and worries. But most often, newborn babies wake up because of abdominal pain.

Colic in newborns

In the second month of life, many children suffer from colic. The enzymes of the stomach are not yet fully formed, and the intestinal walls do not contract rhythmically enough. Usually pain in the abdomen appears after eating. At the same time, the child cries and tightens his legs.

Most the right remedy- to help waste gases from the digestive tract. Hold your baby upright after each feed to let the air swallowed during suckling come out. It is also useful to put the child on his back and raise both bent legs to the stomach. Great for colic in newborns and children's medicinal fennel tea.

With colic in a child, warmth helps. put on a warm sweater, hold the baby to your chest and walk with him like this. Or attach an ironed warm diaper to the baby's stomach, through it make a light massage in a clockwise direction.

Breastfeeding mother's diet

Colic means that the baby's body is not yet able to perceive the food that his mother eats. A nursing mother can eat white chicken or rabbit meat, potatoes, carrots, cereals, slightly dried bread, drink green weak tea, mineral water without gas. Often, a nursing mother should not consume milk and dairy products. After all, protein also enters the child, and its fragile digestive system is difficult to cope with. In order for the child not to have gases, mother should not eat cabbage, grapes, legumes. It is better for nursing mothers to replace fresh vegetables with baked or steamed ones, and quench their thirst with freshly brewed decoctions of chamomile and mint, which regulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

What to do, if:

- the child has crooked legs

The child's feet are turned inward, the legs do not touch at the knees when connected.

The legs of newborn children are not like the legs of an adult, children do not know how to walk. A slight clubfoot and curvature - within the normal range. If the legs are bred to the sides, bent, unbent, the pediatrician did not find any deviations, then everything is in order.

A massage will not be superfluous. Do it yourself: spread your legs, bend, unbend, “turn the bike”, massage your heels, knead each finger.

In the future, when the child's body receives an additional load: the baby learns to crawl, stand, walk - the legs will straighten.

when baby starts to smile

Some children are able to smile already at two weeks, and someone does not smile even at 5. All this is within the normal range. Talk to your child more often, caress him, and he will definitely answer you. The smile differs from the grimace of newborns in that the child consciously smiles at you with his whole face, rejoices, tries to repeat the smile again.

If the baby does not smile after 6-7 weeks, consult a pediatric neurologist