What cosmetics are suitable for 40 year old women. Makeup after thirty: secret tricks. Secrets of applying cosmetics

Previously, a woman over 40 was considered aging, and in some countries even a grandmother. Now everything has changed, and a woman at 40 is experiencing the most wonderful period In my life. Usually by this age she already has a family, a stable job, knows what she wants from life and for whom it is worth sacrificing her time.

Alas, no matter how cheerfully a woman feels, nature cannot be fooled, and by this age changes in appearance begin, which would be nice to correct. In any case, you won't be able to look like a teenage girl, and you don't want to, but you can still fight the opposite sex with your beauty on the spot, you just have to learn how to do the right makeup.

What should be in a cosmetic bag for women over 40?

Makeup after 40, which is rejuvenated, implies, first of all, the presence of high-quality cosmetics. Try to get in the habit of buying anti-aging products that prevent skin aging and fading. In addition, do not forget that beauty often comes from within and all skin problems directly depend on the health of the body as a whole and digestive system in particular. Therefore, do not neglect the advice of nutritionists, drink more often clean water and go in for sports.

First, check your makeup bag and immediately get rid of bright eyeshadows, rosy blushes, and anything that glitters, shines, and shimmers. Now it's time for the calm matte shades.

lipstick with a rejuvenating effect and lip balm;

lifting cream that tightens the skin;

tonal basis capable of reflecting light;

quality brushes;

loose eyeshadow and liquid blush;

high quality mascara.

Skin care and preparation

Rejuvenating makeup after 40 years implies, first of all, high-quality skin preparation. Naturally, the base of any makeup of all ages is deep cleansing and moisturizing. For daily washing, instead of soap, it is better to use various foams and use a facial scrub at least 2 times a week.

As for moisturizing, a light one will do. daily cream suitable for your skin type. It is advisable to make sure before buying that the tube has an SPF value of at least 30. Such a cream will help protect thinned skin from negative impact sun rays.

Protect facial skin and hide fine wrinkles v winter frosts will help nourishing creams saturated vitamin complexes and fats. Thanks to such creams, the foundation will lay down more evenly, but, as with any make-up, you need to have a sense of proportion in preparing the skin. If the moisturizer turns out to be too much, it is enough to remove the excess with a soft napkin.

Special focus on eyes: arrows, shadows, mascara

The skin around the eyes is always the most delicate part of the face, and after 40 years this area requires special attention and care. If you are wondering how to correctly perform makeup after 40, which is youthful, you should know that this is where the first wrinkles appear and it is the skin around the eyes that betrays a woman's age. Therefore, before applying a cosmetic, it would be good to use folk remedies For example, place ice cubes or grated potatoes on the bags under your eyes. In extreme cases, you can simply buy a special nourishing cream.

After reaching the forty-year milestone, clear arrow lines should be abandoned. It is better to shade everything well, and replace the usual thick lines with as thin as possible. Do not forget that it always looks more natural and more pleasant than black.

Bright colors in the eyeshadows at this age will look at least vulgar. Naturally, shadows should be present in any woman over 40, but it should be dry, crumbly shadows of pastel colors, instead of shadows with glitter and oily base.

Correctly chosen tone - make-up base after 40

Who does not dream of a perfectly flat matte skin? Unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with such luxury, but thanks to the correctly selected tonal base, amazing results can be achieved. There are two basic rules to consider when choosing a foundation: it should be water-based and a tone lighter than your natural complexion. This makeup base will give the skin a fresh and radiant look, visually hide wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of cream, but apply as thin as possible.

The difference between daytime and evening make-up after 40, which is younger, is that with evening make-up, more thick layer foundation, just after applying, do not forget to sprinkle your face thermal water and blot with a soft cloth. Be sure to blend well the transitions from the face to the hair and neck.

How to paint lips: step-by-step makeup after 40 that rejuvenates

Beautiful plump lips will forever remain secret weapon all women. According to statistics, the first thing men pay attention to are lips. Alas, with age, like everything else, lips also lose their attractiveness. They become dry, thinner, and many small wrinkles appear along the edges.

As we said above, age-related makeup, or makeup after 40 years, is primarily moisturizing. The same goes for the lips. First of all, it is worth getting a lip balm, it is ideal both as a base for lipstick and as an independent cosmetic product, especially in winter frosts. The base lipstick or lip gloss should also be moisturizing and preferably in neutral shades.

How to apply lipstick correctly, we will describe in more detail below in the description. step-by-step makeup after 40, which is younger.

Day make-up

The main rule of makeup for every day: you should emphasize one thing. If you are focusing on the eyes, the lips should remain in the background. All cosmetics are chosen in soothing matte colors, you can forget about mother-of-pearl and glitter forever.

For daily makeup light lip glosses are ideal instead of lipstick. In no case should you trace the lip contour with a pencil. Mascara is preferred Brown color, but in extreme cases, black is also suitable, but you certainly should not experiment with other colors, because you are an adult woman, not a teenage girl. Makeup for women after 40 should be more moderate and restrained.

Evening make-up

You are still a charming woman who has every right to social life. Perhaps the ladies of Balzac's age are no longer so comfortable among the wild youth of various nightclubs, but restaurants, theaters and concerts have not yet been canceled.

Makeup for the evening differs from the daytime in that now you can look slightly brighter than during the day. You can do this with an emphasis on the eyes. For this, shadows are selected in accordance with the color of the eyes and hair. Dark blue, purple colors are more suitable for light ladies, brunettes should choose from brown palette for example, mocha colors, redheads of the fairer sex can try dark browns or silvery tones.

Age makeup step by step for women 40 years old

Decorative cosmetics, with skillful use, can turn a woman of Balzac's age into a very young beautiful lady and in the same way is capable of making an old woman out of a young girl. Therefore, it is important to remember that better cosmetics on the face there will be little than a clear overkill.

The beauty of this age is that a woman probably already knows all the features of her skin, which shades and blush are more suitable for her, and which lipstick color she should refrain from. So, the description of step-by-step makeup after 40, which is younger, looks something like this:

    Thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your skin with lifting lotions. It is advisable to carry out the procedure 10-20 minutes before applying basic cosmetics.

    Use a concealer to mask blemishes and dark circles. Next, apply the foundation with a hammering motion all over the face and blend well with a soft brush. Powder on top of the foundation will only make the face heavier, so make-up artists recommend refraining from it.

    Dye your brows (if necessary) a brown or gray shade to keep the brows looking natural. This can be done both with a pencil and with shadows, but not black.

    The shadows should be of several tones, while the inner eyelid is lighter than the outer one. If you can't give up the eyeliner, then at least blend the lines well. And forget about liquid eyeshadows, especially pearlescent shades forever.

    Mascara can be either black or brown, but in moderation. It is highly discouraged to tint lower eyelashes, as in this way you can draw attention to bags and dark circles under the eyes.

    What color to paint your lips, it's up to you, the main thing is not to overdo it. Bright red lipstick on the lips of adult woman may look somewhat vulgar, and brown will add ten more years to you, about raspberry lipsticks, orange flowers and it’s not worth talking about. It is better to choose something neutral, not conspicuous.

Typical mistakes

Of course, makeup is a creative job, and every woman has the right to decide for herself how she looks. In any case, it is worth adhering to the basic rules of visage, and in all other respects, no one forbids the flight of fantasy. According to the beauty guru, many women often make a number of mistakes that are categorically not worth making.

    Applying makeup without pre-moisturizing.

    Incorrectly selected foundation color.

    Do not remove makeup from your face before bed.

    Too much powder.

    Incorrect eyebrow correction and color.

    A lot of mascara, which lies in lumps.

    Bright shadows.

    Curved arrows and eyeliner on the lower eyelid.

    Eye-catching lip contour.

    Focus on everything: eyes, lips, cheekbones.

Every year women discover more and more signs of aging on their faces - wrinkles, sagging skin, ptosis, flews, double chins, etc. Undoubtedly, care products play the first fiddle in the anti-age program. But real miracles can be created by rejuvenating makeup, which allows you to reset your true age by 5 years, or even more. Don't believe me? It's time to experience it yourself!

Distinctive features

What should be a make-up that will rejuvenate your face and hide your true age? If you are over 35, try to keep it according to the following rules:

  • Shades are exceptionally light, from pastel colors (beige, gray, olive, Ivory).
  • No bright colors shouldn't be.
  • The lines are soft, the tone transitions are imperceptible, a slight combination of muted shades, the absence of clear contrasts that will only emphasize wrinkles.
  • - light and airy (not dense structure).
  • No glitter, shimmer, mother of pearl.
  • Be sure to use or cream.
  • Particular attention is paid to eyebrows, which must be painted over after 35-40.
  • The contouring for clearer lines of the oval of the face must be flawless.
  • Multi-layer application techniques are excluded.

But this is just the basics. If you want to look perfect even in balzac age, you will have to delve into the technique of applying it a little deeper.

Study the rules written for separate parts faces. This will allow you to select those postulates that need to be accepted in the first place. For example, age-related pigmentation should be masked with tonal means, bags under the eyes - with concealer, blooming lips - with appropriate contouring.


  1. Work with concealer first to remove.
  2. If necessary, pigmentation, spider veins and skin irregularities can be hidden with a corrector.
  3. Instead of foundation after 35, it is better to start using BB cream.
  4. The powder should be translucent and match the natural skin color. Do not apply it to the area around the eyes, otherwise the crow's feet will become clogged with its microparticles and appear even stronger.
  5. Choose blush pastel shades and blend them carefully on the cheekbones.

Eyes and eyebrows

  1. Rejuvenating eye makeup after 40 excludes any mother-of-pearl.
  2. The ideal shade of eyeshadow is linen. They can be applied to the underbrow and the movable part of the eyelids.
  3. Draw the arrows with a liquid liner. Leave the pencil in the past. It is also better not to use black for eyeliner.
  4. The lower eyelid can be painted on with shadows or liner only in evening style.
  5. Highlighting the outer corners, try not to touch, which instantly appear under decorative cosmetics.
  6. The length of the eyebrows should be the same golden mean: the long ones will add a couple of years to you, the short ones will create a comical effect.
  7. Be sure to paint your eyebrows to match your hair with tint powder, eye shadow or pencil.
  8. Mascara can be of any color and with any additional effect(volume, elongation). The main thing is to apply it in 1 layer and not on the lower eyelashes (this will emphasize dark circles and bags under the eyes).


  1. Contouring is a must, but it should be invisible. To do this, take a pencil, the color of which will match the natural shade of the lips.
  2. At this age, cosmetologists insist on the use of moisturizing tint balms.
  3. If it is lipstick, then it should be matte.
  4. If you want gloss - drip it exclusively into the center of the lips, and then blend.

Make-up artists claim that ladies after 40 years old need to re-learn how to apply make-up. After all, from this moment it becomes necessary to hide age changes.

Typical mistakes

In addition to all the previous nuances, we reveal the secrets of rejuvenating makeup: try not to repeat the annoying and typical mistakes.

After 40 you cannot use:

  • carrot lipstick;
  • dark contour lip liner;
  • bright shades of lipstick and eye shadow;
  • sequins;
  • mascara on the lower eyelashes;
  • long, feline arrows;
  • lower eyeliner;
  • dense matting concealers;
  • too light foundation;
  • several layers of makeup;
  • concealment cream.

If you continue to apply similar funds and makeup techniques, it can hardly be called rejuvenating. But as soon as you gradually begin to break these habits, you will notice that people will begin to give you much less years than it really is.

Style options

Photo "before" and "after" rejuvenating makeup

Now directly on how to do it. Step-by-step recommendations for two style options will let you shine on business meeting, and at a gala event.


  1. Apply beige BB Cream to face and eyelids.
  2. Rashes, spider veins, pigmentation should be hidden with a corrector (it should be lighter in tone than the cream). Shade under eye bags with yellow concealer.
  3. Walk across your face wide brush to remove makeup residue.
  4. The forehead, cheeks, nose and chin are dusted with a transparent powder. The remains are brushed off again.
  5. Ivory blush is shaded on the cheekbones.
  6. Treat the upper eyelids and brow with a linen shade.
  7. An ultra-thin arrow is drawn along the upper eyelid with a liquid brown liner.
  8. Highlight the eyebrows with sand shadows.
  9. Apply 1 layer of brown mascara to the upper lashes.
  10. The lip contour is outlined with a pencil to match their natural color.
  11. A matte peach lipstick completes the natural look.


  1. Rejuvenating BB Cream is applied to the face, eyelids, lips, neck and décolleté.
  2. Imperfections are masked with concealer and corrector in the same way as described in the day make-up technique.
  3. It is better to fill in wrinkles separately with a highlighter.
  4. Blush will need cream, shade - pale pink.
  5. The first layer of shadows is purple. The second is blue. The third is blue. You get the original anti-aging. Do not forget to shade everything thoroughly. It is better not to experiment with mother-of-pearl.
  6. Draw not long, upward curved arrows with a black liner.
  7. Highlight the lower eyelid with a white liner.
  8. Draw the eyebrows with a brown pencil.
  9. For evening make-up, use black volumizing mascara. Paint over the upper eyelashes in 2 layers, the lower - only in 1.
  10. Contour lips with a pencil in the color of lipstick - rosewood. Translucent shine is allowed.

You need to understand that rejuvenating makeup for women after 40 is, if not the primary thing, it is still very important. Having mastered its basic techniques and secrets, you can not be complex about age and wrinkles. With it, you will always look fresh and young. At the same time, you need to be able to observe the border so as not to look vulgar and funny.

After 30-35 years, the structure of the skin and the oval of the face begin to change. This means that it is necessary to revise both the rules of care and the method of applying makeup. With age, you will have to adjust the make-up rules more and more. Skin after 40 years of age requires even more careful attention. Some of the methods of creating an image that were acceptable for a thirty-year-old woman become prohibited. Anti-aging makeup dictates its own rules that any woman should know.

Makeup after thirty: secret tricks

Between the ages of 30 and 35 the main task applying makeup - to even out skin tone. It is no coincidence that more attention is paid to this stage: the face should be even, smooth. This will visually rejuvenate him. Who can not care about the foundation is women 25 years old. Their skin has an even, healthy color.

First of all, you need to correctly determine the tone of the face. The basic rule of makeup artists "One tone lighter - five years younger" in this case should be made the main one. The ideal foundation should blend in with the natural skin pigment, or better, be a little lighter. But the use of dark tones is strictly prohibited: it is incredibly aging. Refreshes pinkish and light beige tones that need to be matched to the natural skin tone: pink or yellow.

Texture is also important. tonal basis... It should not be too dense and greasy, although a light fluid will not work. The product is applied pointwise, with light movements to evenly "stretch" the tone over the face. The layer should be neither thick nor thin. You can check the correctness of the distribution by subjective feelings: if the foundation can be felt on the skin, there is too much of it.

The following techniques visually refresh the face after 30-35 years.

Tonal means more light shade you can lighten the area of ​​lip folds, accumulations of fine wrinkles, the center of the forehead, inner corners of the eyes. This will hide the signs of active aging that began after 35 years.

To set the anti-aging makeup, use a light powder of the base shade or completely colorless. Then lighter powder or powdery concealer (without shimmer) needs to be lightened upper part cheekbones from temple to nose, draw a line in the center of the nose from the forehead to the chin.

Features of makeup after 35 years

After 35 years, you need to give up some of the usual cosmetic products... You need to add to the list of unwanted:

  • black eyeliner pencils;
  • black voluminous mascara;
  • oily tonal creams and correctors;
  • bright lipsticks or lip glosses;
  • bright blush;
  • crisp dark lip liners;
  • dark dense or, on the contrary, very light concealers;
  • shimmery shadows, especially with sheer sparkles.

Make-up of a woman of this age can be quite bright, but only if it does not emphasize age. Shimmer will make the emerging wrinkles visible, dense bright lipsticks will emphasize folds on the skin of the lips, and black eyeliners will visually add age.

What is in return? Gray, brown or green eyeliner pencils neutral lipsticks, pale pink or peach blush, matte eyeshadow. It is important to emphasize natural beauty hiding age-related changes.

Rejuvenating makeup step by step

The sequence of makeup after 35 years must obey certain rules. An example of rejuvenating makeup for convenience is considered step by step.

  1. After cleansing, apply a day cream to the skin, wait until it is completely absorbed, blot the rest with a dry napkin.
  2. Apply the foundation with light blotting movements (preferably with a cosmetic sponge). Stretch the tone over the entire face, including the area at the border of hair growth. A lighter means of drawing the cheekbones, forehead.
  3. Instead of regular powder, it is better to use a colorless mineral powder to set makeup. It will mask pores, wrinkles, irregularities, pigmented areas due to reflective particles.
  4. Dark gray or brown pencil draw an eyebrow line. It should not be too thin - it does not make you look young, but makes your face ridiculous. It is best not to use a pencil, but an eyebrow shadow.
  5. Blend a small amount of blush over the "apples" of the cheeks.
  6. Apply matte shadows of a neutral shade to the moving eyelid: beige, gray, peach, champagne. Darken the outer corners of the eyes. It is good to shade the borders of the transition.
  7. For Asian eyes, you can use dark eyeliner, but it should be shaded thoroughly.
  8. Draw the line of the upper eyelid with dark shades of shadows or with a pencil (with the exception of black). To open your eyes, you need to lead the eyeliner from the center of the eyelid to the temple, leaving the inside free. This technique is a must for the owners of Asian eyes.
  9. Apply lengthening or twisting brown ink in one or two layers. For the makeup of Asian eyes, you need mascara with a volume effect to visually open your eyes, expand narrow eyelids.
  10. Draw the line of the lips with a neutral pencil, apply matte lipstick in restrained colors: pinkish-neutral, beige, light brown. Instead of lipstick, you can use a gloss with a "wet" effect.

Particular attention should be paid not to use well-defined lines in the makeup. They can emphasize age, and a woman after 35 is hardly needed.

Makeup after 40 years

40-year-old women should be even more careful about applying both everyday and festive makeup... The foundation must be moderately light so as not to accentuate wrinkles, but also dense enough to even out the tone. Water base will do better than oil. After 40 years, you will also need protection from UV radiation (at least 15 points). It is better to give preference to light shades.

After 40 years, it is imperative to use concealer under the eyes and on problem areas. However, you need to choose it so that the product does not emphasize wrinkles and does not weigh down the look. Apply the product under the eyes in the lightest layer so that the concealer does not roll and in no case emphasize age-related changes. The job of the concealer is to mask deep wrinkles, shadows under the lower eyelid, dark spots, spider veins, align the face.

Eye makeup after 40

The eyes and brow line should be given special attention.

The color of the eyeshadow is of prime importance in eye makeup after 40 years. If possible, you need to abandon the eyeliner or replace it with shadows, a colored pencil of a soft, delicate shade.

Will give a healthy, rested look to the face after 40 years of shadows of the color of ice cream, peach, champagne, as well as gray, pale brown, olive shades... Brick, golden, beige shadows can make eye makeup more noble.

The texture of the shadows should be matte, the color is preferable to pastel shades. This will make the make-up noble, stylish, restrained. For owners of Asian eyes, green, golden, caramel shades are perfect. Pink pigment should be avoided. The technique of applying and shading eyeshadow for Asian eyes can be learned from the photo.

Eyebrows need to be combed thoroughly, remove all excess hairs, apply shadows suitable shade: dark gray, light brown. If desired, you can paint in the salon: experienced master will pick up perfect shade, will form an eyebrow line of the correct shape and need thickness.

After 40 years, it is worth giving up dyeing the lower eyelashes. This technique will visually open your eyes.

Lipstick and blush in age makeup

The use of blush is mandatory. Correctly selected shade (peach, very light) to refresh the aging face.

Lips cannot be drawn with a bright pencil. Visually, you should achieve greater plumpness, because after 40 years, the density of the skin and plumpness of the lips are irretrievably lost. It is necessary to circle the contour with a colorless or lipstick-matching contour pencil, apply lipstick in a neutral shade. Scarlet, burgundy, dark purple, raspberry lipstick visually ages. But the use of lip products with a volume or wet gloss effect is permissible.

Women after 35-40 years old need to use all the secrets of applying anti-aging makeup.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 are faced with the problem of the appearance of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You start to forget the moments when men complimented your flawless outward appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that old days will never return ...

Rejuvenating makeup

Decorative cosmetics, unlike face care products, are not able to prevent age-related changes. Of course, reputable cosmetics companies are keen to add various ingredients to their "face paint" that nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. However, treating your face with only one decorative cosmetics impossible. You can refuse make-up and use only medicinal cosmetics. But you will not be able to abandon face care products in favor of decorative cosmetics.

Makeup is a double-edged sword. It helps to reliably mask age-related changes and skin imperfections. But at the same time, with inept handling, it, on the contrary, emphasizes all wrinkles, folds, spots, pimples. Cosmetics can turn a young girl into an old woman, but it can also help a woman at the age of "throw off" several years.

What kind of decorative cosmetics should be preferred by a woman over 40? There is only one answer: quality. Mature skin is too vulnerable to experience the effects of cosmetics purchased from the underpass. The cosmetic bag of a woman over 40 does not differ in variety. Color experiments are no longer relevant, the choice of shades of cosmetics is limited compared to the choice that a young girl has. Find an opportunity to purchase good makeup: you have enough of it for a long time. Therefore, do not spare money for your beauty.

Review your cosmetic bag from time to time. Discard expired cosmetics ruthlessly. Expired products can cause allergies and other unpleasant consequences.

Makeup: step by step instructions

A young girl can afford to use a minimum of cosmetics. The make-up of a woman after 40 years should be worked out in detail. Any negligence - and instead of hiding age-related changes, you only focus on them, and in the worst case, even add yourself a few extra years.

Follow this procedure for applying cosmetics: cleanser, moisturizer, concealer, foundation, eyebrow tinting, shadows, eyeliner, mascara, blush, contour pencil, lipstick. This makeup sequence is justified: the likelihood that at a later stage you will ruin the results of the previous one decreases.

The make-up impression changes with the lighting. For example, in the light of a light bulb, your make-up can seem perfect, but in natural light it can turn into a death mask.

Therefore, you need to paint in natural light, avoiding, however, bright sunlight, since it also distorts the picture.

Cleansing and moisturizing

Make-up does not start with the application of foundation or other decorative cosmetics. In order for the "paint" to lie flat, and the cosmetics to fulfill their purpose and hide the imperfections of the face, the skin must be carefully prepared. Cleanse your face, wipe the skin with toner and lubricate it with a moisturizer or lifting product.

Decorative cosmetics, even the highest quality ones, contain a variety of dyes, preservatives and other substances that dry out the skin. Mature skin already suffers from a lack of water, you should not expose it to additional stress. A moisturizer will replenish the moisture deficit and create a "buffer zone" between the skin and makeup.

After 15-20 minutes after applying the cream, blot your face with a soft napkin. During this time, the skin will absorb as much cream as it needs. Excess cosmetics will only clog the pores and interfere with the natural breathing of the skin. In addition, decorative cosmetics are worse on a thick layer of cream.

Tone equalization

Apply foundation on your face to even out the color and make the skin velvety. If there are imperfections on the skin: pimples, scars, bruises, age spots, pre-mask them with a corrector.

The layer of cream should be thin and light, otherwise the face will turn into a mask. Some women try to hide skin imperfections under a thick layer of foundation. Alas, such a measure is not only useless, but also harmful. Under the thickness of the makeup, all the imperfections of the face become even more noticeable: pimples turn into huge hills, wrinkles are filled with tonal means, like ditches with water.

Spread the foundation all over your face. Even your earlobes and eyelids should be lubricated with a foundation. Carefully blend the border between the contour of the face and the neck: it should not be conspicuous. If the complexion is clearly different from that of the neck, the head appears to be detached from the torso and floating on its own (Fig.).

Drawing. Applying foundation

It is not recommended to apply powder over the foundation as well: the two-layer tone makes the face heavier. If you are still not used to doing without powder, choose light products with a transparent texture.

❧ Makeup is categorized as day or casual and evening or formal. Evening makeup is brighter than daytime, which tends to be natural.

With age, the shape of the face changes somewhat. Some parts of the face protrude, become visually too "heavy", others, on the contrary, sink, the contours lose their clarity. Light-shadow face correction helps to correct the position. You will need 2 different shades of foundation, lighter and darker, as well as patience and perseverance.

The general principle of light and shadow correction is simple: everything that needs to be hidden is darkened, everything that needs to be emphasized is lightened. This means that overly massive, protruding parts of the face are covered with a foundation of a darker shade, and the sunken areas that need to be "raised to the surface" are tinted more light cream(rice.). The boundaries of the light-shadow transition should be smooth and invisible, so they are shaded properly.

Drawing. Light-shadow face correction

In theory, everything is extremely simple. However, in practice, of course, a lot of difficulties arise.

First of all, make up detailed manual it is almost impossible for light and shadow correction, because then all the individual features of the face of each woman would have to be taken into account. Of course, on the Internet and in various publications you can find similar schemes for different types faces. However, they often contain errors or contradictions. Besides, as you understand, the so-called “type of person” is a conditional model. In reality, there are not so many women whose facial structure would fully correspond to a certain model. This must be remembered when working with any circuit. You don't have to blindly copy everything you see in the picture.

❧ Makeup colors can be “warm” or “cold”. In the first case, yellow, brown, beige and green shades prevail, in the second - blue, gray, purple, pink. The choice of shades depends on the color of the hair, eyes and skin.

Therefore, in order not to mislead our readers, we provide only general principle cut-off correction. The rest depends on you. Take a close look at your face, as if you were looking at a perfect a stranger... Try to objectively assess the structure of the face of the woman you see in the mirror. Mark bulky, bulging and sunken areas. And only after that proceed with the correction procedure itself.

A lot of time and patience will have to be spent on mastering the very technique of performing light and shadow adjustments. In the book, the description of this technique takes only one sentence: “Apply foundation creams different shades and carefully shade the boundaries of the transitions. " In reality, mastering this art takes hours and days. The face turns out to be "striped", the tonal means are not mixed in the right way, and as a result, the cheekbones "slide" to the ears, the forehead looks bumpy, the "dimple" on the chin is suddenly under the lip itself. There is no need to be afraid of such mistakes. And even more so, one should not abandon the light-shadow correction. She is really able to hide age-related changes. Just remember what mistakes you can make, and try not to make them. If you have never tried to "play" with different shades of foundation, practice at home first. Do not rush to immediately show the world the results of your labors. It is advisable to rate them first close person whose opinion you trust.

Eyebrow dyeing

After 40, experimenting with the shape of the eyebrows is no longer appropriate. Thin strings, as well as "Brezhnev's" shaggy eyebrows, age a woman. Make sure your brows look natural, so go for a simple one. classical form... Of course, nature has not endowed all women with beautiful eyebrows. In most cases, "simplicity and naturalness" is achieved artificially, using tweezers.

For brow tinting, choose pencils that match your natural shade. Black eyebrows go only to fair-skinned brunettes. If you are not one of them, look for "your" color among brown pencils.

Touch up the brows with strokes to simulate hairs. A solid line will look unnatural and heavy. Then lightly blend them with a brush, moving in the direction of hair growth.

Do not tint your eyebrows at the bridge of your nose, otherwise you will get the impression that you have close-set eyes. However, this feature of eyebrow makeup can be used for face correction if you have naturally far-set eyes.

Eyelid makeup

Saggy eyelids are one of the main problems that a woman over 40 faces when creating makeup. The shadows do not want to lie on the eyelid in an even layer, they collect in the folds of the skin or crumble, and the eyelids themselves hang over the eyes, giving the look an expression of eternal fatigue and sadness ...

Do not despair: all these troubles can be minimized.

Shadow texture

Give up liquid shadows and eyeliners. Eyeshadow of this consistency is very difficult to blend on skin covered with folds and wrinkles. It is difficult to draw a clear line with a liquid eyeliner, because the brush constantly "stumbles" over the unevenness of the skin, and the paint spreads along the skin grooves. Use firm or loose shadows, and so that the shadows crumble less and lay down more evenly, they can be mixed with transparent powder. Use pencils for eyeliner.

Choice of colors and their combinations

Get rid of bold, flashy eyeshadows and shimmery pearlescent eyeshadows. An exception can be made only for very light, weightless mother-of-pearl pale pink color: it will be needed for a small eyelid correction (more on that later).

For the rest, only matte shadows of "calm" tones should now exist for you: light gray, pearl, blue, golden, light green, silvery green, beige, mauve.

Be careful with dark brown eyeshadow, as it makes your eyes look tired.

You should not use shadows that are close in tone to the color of the iris of your eyes. For some time it was believed that this combination is the best, and green-eyed women are most suitable for green shadows, blue-eyed blue and gray, brown-eyed - brown. Today, makeup artists have a different opinion. Shadows should make the eyes more expressive. If the shade of the shadows matches the color of the iris, the eyes turn into a solid one-color spot.

The same thing happens when the eyes are painted with shadows of only one color. Use at least 2 shades of eyeshadow to add expression to your look. Classic makeup the eye is created using shadows of 2 similar shades.

The entire upper eyelid, from eyelashes to eyebrows, is covered with light shadows, and the movable eyelid is colored more dark tone, and closer to the outer corners of the eyes, shadows are applied wider and thicker. The lower eyelid is tinted along the lash line with the same dark shade.

❧ All makeup elements must fit into the overall color range and create a kind of unified harmonious ensemble. In addition, decorative cosmetics should be combined with the color of hair, eyes, clothes and manicure.

The shades of pink tones help to refresh the face and make it younger. By combining matte and pearlescent eyeshadows in this color, you can even out the eyelid. Matte shadows are applied to sagging skin, which conceal unnecessary bulges, and with the help of mother-of-pearl they "raise" sunken areas. However, pay attention again that pearlescent shadows should be light, and their layer is very thin, otherwise all the folds and wrinkles on the eyelids will become even more pronounced.

Eye shadow and eyeliner technique

Using a medium brush, apply a darker shade to the lower lid, saturated shade... You do not need to paint over the entire eyelid: this will add to you extra years... It is best to apply shadows in the shape of a triangle.

Have inner corner eyes, the strip of shadows should be narrower and less saturated. Then it should expand and become brighter (Fig.).

Drawing. Lower eyelid staining

Using a thinner brush, apply a lighter shade of shadow to the rest of the eyelid (fig.).

The outer corners of the eyes can be emphasized with shadows of an even darker or even black color (Fig.).

Of course, all the shades you use should be in harmony with each other.

Drawing. Upper eyelid staining

Drawing. Coloring of the outer corner of the eye

Thoroughly shade the boundaries of the transition from one shade to another.

If you are having trouble blending the eyeshadow, soften the edges by applying a little sheer powder. Remember to use a clean brush for this.

Take a very thin brush, moisten it and trace the inner corner of the eye (fig.).

Drawing. Outline the inner corner of the eye

Line up the lower eyelid with a not too sharp pencil. The eyeliner line should match as much as possible with the lash line. Make sure that it is not interrupted (fig.). If you have small eyes, it is better not to let your lower eyelids down, otherwise you will "close" your eyes even more.

Drawing. Lower eyelid insertion

To visually increase the size of the eyes and make the gaze more open, in the center of the moving eyelid, you need to make a smear with shadows of a lighter shade (Fig.).

Drawing. Light smear in the center of the movable eyelid

Eyelash coloring

it important stage makeup mature woman... A few strokes of ink - and your eyes "sparkle".

Purple, green, blue mascara are exclusively youth options. A woman after 40 is preferable to use mascara. natural colors... Black eyelashes, like black eyebrows, go only to brunettes. If your hair is even a little lighter than night, dye your eyelashes with brown mascara.

Apply mascara in a thin layer, spreading it over the entire length of the lashes, from root to tip. Leave no lumps. First, color the upper lashes, and then the lower ones (fig. A and b).

Then use a stiff brush to comb through the lashes, trying to separate the stuck lashes from each other.

Drawing. Coloring of eyelashes: a) coloring of the upper eyelashes; b) coloring of the lower eyelashes

False eyelashes... Eyelashes tend to thin out with age. If you are faced with such a problem, resort to using false eyelashes. They are usually sold in bundles or on transparent tape. In the kit, a special glue should be attached to the eyelashes. False eyelashes are reusable, meaning they can be removed and re-glued multiple times.

So, comb your eyelashes. If you are using new lashes, try them on first and compare with the length of your own lashes.

Trim your false eyelashes to fit your length as needed. Just don't cut your lashes in a straight line. Remember that the inner corner of the eyes has much shorter and less cilia than the outer one.

The eyelashes are glued from the outside of the eye to the inside. If you are using solid lashes, apply glue to the base of the tape. If you are using bundles, put some glue on the back of the brush and dip the lower ends of the bundle into it. In both cases, it will be necessary to wait about 30 seconds until the glue becomes tacky enough.

Lift up your lashes with tweezers and place them as close to the base of your lashes as possible. Do not "run into" the skin: there should be a small gap between the roots of natural and artificial eyelashes.

Press lightly on your lashes to fix them. For these purposes, it is most convenient to use special clamps (Fig.).

But as a last resort, this can be done with tweezers or just with your fingers. Be careful not to misalign your false eyelashes!

After you stick your eyelashes, try to blink less for 1-2 minutes.

When the glue “grasps”, paint your eyelashes with mascara.

Drawing. False Eyelash Clip


With age, the skin becomes paler, the natural glow disappears. Of course, the woman really wants to return the bright colors. The main thing is not to overdo it. Apple cheeks are no longer relevant today. Do not overuse blush: it weighs down your makeup. Compact blush does not blend well on mature skin so get a creamy blush.

Apply the blush from the bottom of the cheeks to the top, in an ascending line. It is also necessary to consider the shape of the face.

Owners triangular face you need to blush the protruding cheekbones and the edge of the chin (Fig. a). Wide square face can be visually narrowed by applying dark blush to the temples and cheekbones towards the corners of the mouth (Fig. b). Narrow face on the contrary, they are extended with light blush applied to the cheeks and chin (Fig. c). Round face correct by applying blush below the cheekbones, on both sides of the chin (Fig. d).

When in doubt where to apply blush, just smile. The protruding parts of the cheeks will need to be emphasized with cosmetics.

Too bright blush makes the face of a mature woman vulgar. Give preference brown shades, however, avoid overly dark tones.

Lip makeup

This is the final part of the makeup, so it is very important to do it on the very high level so as not to spoil the results of all previous efforts. With age, the lips lose their clear outlines, the mouth becomes blurred. You can fix this problem with a contour pencil. Before applying lipstick, outline your lips with a pencil. The contour should be 0.5-1 tone darker than lipstick. Do not draw too bright and clear line: such an outline looks unnatural. Visually, the contour line should blend in with the lipstick, and not stand out against its background. To give the lips extra volume, draw some vertical strokes from the outline to the middle. However, if the wrinkles around the mouth are too deep, you will have to refuse to use the contour: it will quickly smear and make the wrinkles more noticeable. After creating a new contour, cover your lips with lipstick. To mask the drooping corners of the mouth, leave them unpainted. Use a matte lipstick in calm, natural shades. Too bright lips make a woman old.

Rejuvenating makeup - a simple and affordable tool for ladies elegant age. Right choice and applying decorative cosmetics will help you to get rid of several years without painful operations, injections and other procedures. With the proper skill beautiful make-up you can do it yourself without resorting to the help of a professional make-up artist.

Skin preparation

Cleansing and moisturizing are important

Before starting makeup, you must thoroughly moisturize your face. Rub the skin with floral hydrolate, micellar water or a mild alcohol-free toner. If peeling is noticeable, you can treat your face with an exfoliant that gently polishes the surface.

A layer of moisturizer is applied to cleansed skin. Its task is to ensure a normal water-lipid balance and protect against overdrying. If fine wrinkles are visible, lifting moisturizers will do. These products are very mild, non-irritating and non-flaking.

In the warm season, you will need sunscreen... It is spread over the humidifier in a very thin layer, gently hammering in with the pads of your fingers. If your foundation contains SPF, you can do without a special protective agent.

Hide enlarged pores, earthy color face, burst capillaries and other small defective make-up base will help. A light product in the form of a cream, paste or gel, it glides effortlessly over the skin, erasing signs of fatigue, tightening and rejuvenating. On top of the base, the tonal means lay down more evenly, do not fall into the pores and do not change color during the day.

Advice: No need to apply foundation to eyelids and under eye area. For these areas, there are special bases that slightly tighten the skin and serve as a good base under the shadow.

Foundation and powder

Makeup that is youthful is difficult to create without a high-quality foundation. For ladies of an elegant age, liquid and creamy products without mineral oils and harsh fragrances are suitable. Foundation creams with reflective particles look especially impressive, transforming dull, tired skin... It is convenient to distribute the tone over the face with a soft latex sponge or a flat synthetic fiber brush.

Advice. The color of the foundation should match not only the skin tone on the face, but also the neck. Careful shading will help to avoid sharp edges.

You don't have to try to cover up every speck on your skin. Rejuvenating makeup should lie lightly without creating a mask effect. Small imperfections are removed with a corrector. A thick yellowish shade will help to hide spots and marks from acne, circles under the eyes are masked with a light beige concealer.

The final stage is powder. To create the perfect effect skin fit translucent product with reflective particles. You do not need to use matting products, they will mercilessly highlight every wrinkle. Will not fit and compact powder with a sponge, giving too dense coverage. The best way- a friable product that is applied with a fluffy brush, as if polishing the skin. The excess can be brushed off with a clean fan-shaped brush.

Eyes and eyebrows


Anti-aging makeup does not recognize multi-color stains on the eyelids. The best option is a calm beige-sandy, soft brown, pearl-gray range. You can use complex tones: burgundy will beautifully set off the blue iris, mossy green will suit brown eyes, calm blue will accentuate the grays. In makeup, it is recommended to use no more than 2 tones, one of which should be neutral, and the second darker, emphasizing the shape of the eyes. Apply the eyeshadow with a soft latex applicator or a densely packed brush from natural pile... The brush provides a lighter, translucent finish, ideal for age-related makeup.


Many women love eyeliner. Makeup artists recommend to emphasize only the upper eyelid, on the lower pencil it quickly smears and ages. Instead of an unstable powder pencil, you should use a cream or gel eyeliner, which is applied with a flat, beveled brush. There is no need to be limited to black, it makes the look tough and is only suitable for the evening. A softer effect is provided by eyeliners in graphite gray, muted green, chocolate brown.

Eyebrow shaping

Highly important point in rejuvenating makeup - eyebrow shaping. They need to be shaped with tweezers or wax. Excess hairs are removed from the bottom and on the bridge of the nose, while the arch itself should keep as much as possible natural look... For adult ladies, eyebrows that are too long or arched are not suitable. The shortened, perky raised ponytails make the face look alive and well-groomed.

Advice: Give eyebrows beautiful shape you can in the salon. After that, all that remains is to support it, timely removing the growing single hairs.

Thick dark eyebrows give the face a frowning look and visually add years. Professional make-up artists advise to lighten them slightly by painting with powder, pencil or gel in gray-beige or gray-brown tones. Light strokes are applied to the arcs, then they are rubbed with a round, stiff spiral brush to create a natural effect.


The final step in eye makeup is applying mascara. Instead of a thick black product, it is better to choose products in a brown maroon or gray shade. If your eyelashes are sparse and short, a mascara with a lengthening and volumizing effect will do.

Mascara is applied in thin layers, starting from the middle of the upper eyelid and moving to outer edge eyes. Then use the tip of the brush to paint the short eyelashes at the inner corner. Mascara is applied very carefully to the lower eyelashes; some manufacturers produce special mini-brushes for this purpose.
An example of good makeup after 40

Permanent makeup: is it worth doing

If the reflection in the mirror is not happy, many women begin to think about permanent makeup... The temptation is great: getting out of bed, you do not need to apply eyebrow tint, eyeliner or lipstick, the contours of the face are already marked. Tattooing involves the introduction of special safe dyes into the upper layers of the skin using thin sterile needles. There are many paint spreading techniques to create crisp lines of varying widths or soft feathering.

Permanent makeup is recommended for pronounced asymmetry of the lips or eyebrows. It is able to mask small scars, acne marks or other minor skin imperfections. Most often, clients of salons order eyebrow correction and eyeliner upper eyelids... These treatments save time on daily makeup.

However, the procedure has disadvantages, which you need to find out before contacting a beautician. Among the main disadvantages of tattooing:

  1. Paints change color after application. In the early days, they can be unnaturally bright, after a few weeks they will begin to fade. You will have to correct the contours in a couple of months.
  2. Poor quality dyes can cause irritation, and their color often has a noticeable green or blue-violet undertone. This applies to dyes used to define the contour of the eyebrows and eyeliner.
  3. Even the most delicate tattoo done by the hand of a master is visible at close range. "Drawn eyebrows" can be too dark, long or wide, they do not rejuvenate, but add age.
  4. Sharp contours are no longer in vogue. For age-related makeup, soft colors are suitable, which are shaded or applied in layers. With delicate watercolor makeup, a woman will look younger.

Lip shaping

With age, lips lose their natural pigments, become lighter and less visible. At the same time, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, the mouth can lose its attractive plumpness. Correctly selected cosmetics will help to improve the situation.

Women over 40 are suitable for:

  • soft lipsticks with a melting satin texture;
  • rich berry shine, non-spreading and non-sticky;
  • tinted balms that care for the skin and slightly enhance the natural color.

Advice: It is better to refuse from fashionable matte lipsticks. They visually shrink the mouth, thin lips and accentuate every wrinkle. For the same reason, you should not use persistent lipsticks that can quickly dry out the delicate skin of the lips.

Before coloring your lips, you can moisturize with a cream or a special balm. It will smooth out fine wrinkles, remove flaking, lipstick will lie smoother. The colored product is applied directly from the tube, the corners of the mouth can be corrected with a brush. Contour pencil not worth using, the line should be soft.

Advice: No need to be afraid of lipstick spreading. Modern products have a melting texture that adheres well to the lips. If the lipstick does blur, the lip contour can be outlined with a colorless wax pencil.

Permanent lip makeup is only necessary for women with noticeable asymmetry or other imperfections. A clear red outline on an unpainted face looks strange, moreover, over time, the lines begin to fade or change shade. It is better to spend money set aside for tattooing on quality lipstick fashionable shade.

Everyday make-up should create the effect of a very well-groomed, but practically untreated face. Its task is to hide minor defects, unobtrusively emphasize the advantages of appearance and enhance its own colors. Do not use for daytime makeup

  • shiny, iridescent, neon textures;
  • too thick and rich tonal creams;
  • bronzers and highlighters;
  • lipstick and blush in bright unusual tones;
  • bright mascara and eyeliner.

For creating daytime look instead of the classic toner, you can use a bb cream that adjusts to the skin tone. The product not only hides defects, but also moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The cream is spread with a sponge or fingertips, a small amount can be applied to the area under the chin and neck. Mandatory item- light translucent powder, as if merging with the skin.

Blush should be gentle and delicate. Best colors- beige-pink, muted coral, peach. For dry skin, a creamy product is suitable, for oily skin it is better to apply a compact or loose blush.

For the eyes, it is enough to use 1 shade of neutral eyeshadow and lengthening mascara. Without eyeliner in daytime you can do it. Lips are painted with lipstick or gloss 2-3 tones darker than the natural color. For adult ladies, vinyl, iridescent or emphasized matte textures are not suitable.
Day makeup

Do-it-yourself evening option

Evening makeup can be more intense. Paints appear duller under a bright fake color, so do not use pale shades. It is better to opt for saturated, complex, but not too dark colors.

Instead of a matte daytime powder, it is better to use a product with the smallest golden glitter. This powder will accentuate your tan and give pale skin a delicate glow. The blush is applied more intensively, it is possible to use two shades at once, and the light one is superimposed on top of the dark one.

Quickly transform day makeup a dark eyeliner with a glossy shine, an extra layer of mascara and a couple of tufts of fake eyelashes glued to the outer corners of the eyes will help the eye. For lips, it is better to use a satin lipstick with a volume effect, which is applied in 2 layers and complemented with a drop of transparent or golden gloss.

Advice: Ladies over 40 are better off avoiding pearlescent overflows on the eyes and lips. Such makeup is a thing of the past, visually adding age.

Common mistakes of home makeup artists

The most common drawbacks of self-makeup include

  1. Exact adherence to the fashion trends of your youth. Bright blue or green eyeshadows, crisp dark lip contours, brick-red blush strokes on the cheekbones and an abundance of sparkles make it possible to accurately determine a woman's age.
  2. Using colors that are too bright, dark, or washed out. Exotic tones add age. Color experiments are best left to the youngest. The choice of adult ladies is a noble complex palette, including both light and deepest tones.
  3. Incorrectly selected textures. Too shiny, matte, iridescent shades, an abundance of sparkles and other special effects are appropriate in a very limited amount. It is better to use products that are easy to use and create the effect of a naturally well-groomed face.
  4. Abundant makeup. It is not necessary to apply several layers of bright colors every day, imitating the stage make-up. For Everyday life just a few products that can be combined with each other, diluting with fashionable novelties.

Bad makeup

Makeup tips for women over 40 can be found in specialist magazines. It's a good idea to sign up for professional makeup artist, who will not only talk about fashion trends, but also demonstrate the most successful techniques.