Aids for the prevention of juvenile addictive behavior. the presence of a traumatic situation from which the teenager does not find a constructive way out. c) Smoking is allowed only in strictly designated places

Prevention of addictive behavior

Having become familiar with the concepts of addictive behavior and youth as a risk group, we can move on to the problem of prevention of addictive behavior.

Before considering the issue of prevention of addictive behavior, we will study the essence of prevention, the concept of prevention in social work.

Prevention refers to scientifically based and timely action taken to:

1. Prevention of possible physical, psychological or socio-cultural collisions in individual individuals and risk groups;

2. Preservation, maintenance and protection of a normal standard of living and health of people;

3. Assisting them in achieving their goals and disclosing their internal potentials.

Preventive measures are important in all spheres of human life. The World Health Organization defines the main direction of public health protection as preventive, designed to eradicate the causes of the onset and development of diseases, to create the most favorable conditions for health protection, and the upbringing of physically and spiritually strong people.

Prevention is the responsibility of a component of daily work at only medical and preventive institutions, but also all social organizations and institutions in carrying out measures for the protection, improvement of the environment, compliance with hygiene standards and requirements. The implementation of the tasks of preventing a healthy lifestyle is possible only with the participation of the population itself and is implemented through medical examination, widespread implementation of measures for hygienic education and sanitary conduct, in which social workers are called upon to take part on an equal basis with physicians.

Prevention is one of the main and promising areas of activity in social work. Everyday life convinces us that it is easier, with much lower costs for society and the individual, to prevent possible deviations in the actions or behavior of a social object than to deal with the negative consequences that have already occurred.

Preventive social work implies the implementation of measures to prevent socially dependent disorders of somatic, mental and reproductive health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and the provision of social protection of citizens' rights in health protection. (32; 405)

Preventive social work is divided into two types:

1) primary prevention;

2) secondary prevention.

The task of primary prevention is to prevent the development of pathological conditions in humans, i.e. carrying out a socio-economic analysis, the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among the population, an active life position in relation to their health.

Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing further progression of the disease and provides for a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures, as well as the solution of a number of social tasks... At the same time, a social examination of the ability to work is carried out, the work prognosis is determined, the influence of social factors on human health is studied.

When working with a sick person, it is necessary to purposefully form an active life position in him that prevents the development of social dependency, an arrangement of life, material and moral support for his family, his employment and compliance with his state of health. If necessary, retraining is carried out, the provision of an abbreviated working week, reduction of working hours and working week. (32; 405)

An important direction of preventive social work is to increase the level of medical education of the population, to form in them an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and its importance in the prevention of diseases. For this purpose, television, radio, print, lectures, seminars, individual sanitary and educational work, training in "schools" organized in health care institutions for organized groups of patients are used.

The second significant direction of preventive social work is the identification of the most important social factors that have a negative impact on human health, and their direct elimination or reduction of their impact on the body: providing material assistance to the poor or large families, psychological correction of the state, patronage of "families of social risk", assistance to clients in solving legal problems, providing them with food, medicines, observance of social guarantees determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. (32; 406)

An active direction of preventive social work is joint work with clients to prevent bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). The specificity of specific social work with people is determined by many factors: the age of the client, his type social activities, the economic situation of his family, the state of his health, the degree of social activity, the presence of certain factors that affect human health, the possibilities of society. (32; 406)

The priority direction of pathogenetic social work is the rehabilitation of patients, that is, a complex of medical, socio-economic, pedagogical measures aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent disability, full or partial restoration of impaired body functions, increasing the adaptive resources of a person, his social activity.

The degree of recovery of a person's social activity and his adaptive resources is a kind of result of social work. The absence of social workers on the staff of medical institutions explains the fact that the rehabilitation of patients is carried out by medical workers. (32; 406)

Prevention of such social pathologies as crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse is currently relevant.

The purpose of prevention is to create the preconditions for the formation of law-abiding, highly moral behavior of citizens. The forms and types of preventive measures are varied. Based on the precautionary action stage, they can be defined as:



Preventing the occurrence of circumstances conducive to social deviations;

Eliminating these circumstances;

Measures for the implementation of follow-up control over the preventive work carried out and its results.

Let's take a closer look at drug addiction prevention.

Efforts to prevent drug addiction are now needed more than ever, as the substances used today have many times more strong action than previously used drugs. In addition, the use of psychoactive substances in organized social activities (for example, for healing, for religious or ceremonial purposes) has opened the way for a rampant increase in drug use in the outside world in violation of social contracts, which is also encouraged by a developed and partly criminal industrial complex that produces and distributing drugs for the sole purpose of making a profit. The power, availability and destructive potential of drugs used today for purely recreational purposes is a new phenomenon, amplified by other relatively new factors, such as the development of hypodermic syringes and the emergence of HIV / AIDS.

Drug addiction has become a global problem affecting both developed and developing countries alike. In addition, over the past twenty years or so, countries around the world have seen an alarming increase in substance abuse / addiction among young people. (21; 65)

It should also be noted that there are three main areas of drug addiction prevention:

Demand reduction strategies aim to reduce drug cravings and readiness to obtain and use drugs.

Such a strategy, which aims to prevent, reduce use and / or increase the interval between harmful drugs, includes activities aimed at eliminating drugs completely.

Supply reduction strategies are aimed at cutting off the production and supply of illicit drugs and, in some cases, at limiting access to legal drugs. Within the school, this strategy includes measures to ban the consumption, possession and sale of illicit drugs on school premises.

A drug abuse reduction strategy aims to reduce the impact of drugs and drug-related activities on individuals and the community. This strategy is sometimes referred to as a "harm reduction" strategy.

As stated above, drug abuse harms both individuals and society as a whole. For example:

Harmful effect on physical health ranging from minor disturbances such as digestive problems or respiratory infections to potentially fatal diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis C and various types of cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2020, more people will die from smoking-related diseases than from any particular disease. Many psychoactive substances are highly addictive (physiological, psychological, or both), which makes the fight against drugs difficult and painful. (21; 66)

Since psychoactive substances affect the functioning of the brain and change the way it responds to external influences, the harmful psychological effects of the abuse of these substances include a distorted perception of reality; confused and disordered thinking; feelings of invincibility, paranoia, loss of control, anger, hopelessness, and depression; and counterproductive and / or self-destructive behavior.

The negative impact of substance abuse on society includes losses associated with untapped opportunities and abilities, all types of drug-related criminal activities and related losses, as well as the costs of medical and social services necessary for drug addicts and those who become addicts. victims.

It should be clearly defined that the use of psychoactive substances is a problem associated with the characteristics of the individual, the environment and the nature of the interaction between them. Surveys conducted in various regions of the world show that many adolescents and young people are at risk of developing drug and alcohol dependence, profound personality and psychosocial disorders such as juvenile depression, suicidal deviant and delinquent behavior, alcoholism and drug addiction. As a rule, psychoactive substances are used by adolescents with various mental and behavioral disorders or with physical disabilities. Based on this, the need for a complex is obvious. preventive measures in order to prevent negative outcomes and enhance the positive results of human development. (8; 80)

In Russia, USA and Western Europe various directions of anti-drug prophylaxis have developed. We will now consider these areas.

One of the directions can be called prohibitive. It is usually realized through a system of moralizing about the fact that initiation through a system of moralizing that drug use is a violation of all kinds of social, moral, ethical and other norms existing in society, or through a system of measures associated with intimidation of a person. This mechanism of influencing young people is realized through the idea of ​​promoting the danger of drug use. In Russia, this practice was carried out until 1985. The low effectiveness of such a policy in the field of anti-drug prevention has been proven in practice.

The next direction can be called informational. It is popular in various aspects these days. Children and adolescents are told a lot about the dangers of drugs, about the mechanism of their action on the human body, about the consequences of the use of various surfactants. Now in our country it has become fashionable to distribute brochures and hang posters about the dangers of drugs. This kind of work, naturally, brings certain benefits. (14; 14)

The question is what information can be given to children and adolescents about drugs, in what form and what effect it will have on their minds.

We are living in a so-called "information revolution". Nowadays, it is practically impossible to manage the flows of information received by the young generation in any way. Moreover, all the information that interested adults and specialists conducting anti-drug prevention try to convey to young people contains elements of a ban. "The drug will destroy your soul and freedom", "Using drugs, you will get AIDS." Moreover, children and adolescents are often characterized by a reverse reaction, a reaction of protest.

The next area of ​​anti-drug prevention is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the implementation of various health promotion programs. In the course of such work, the development of alternative habits (playing sports, active leisure without tobacco and alcohol, a reasonable and healthy regime of work and nutrition, etc.) is encouraged, which can become a barrier that prevents health-damaging behavior and serve as an alternative to drug use. and other surfactants. The practice of implementing this direction has proven its effectiveness. (14; 15)

The next direction is personality-oriented. The mechanism of its implementation is aimed at using various forms of training to form a person's skills for independent decision-making, resisting group pressure, overcoming life stressful situations, as well as communication problems.

There are various programs in this direction. Their common goal- to teach a person to manage himself and objectively assess his actions and deeds, to develop his faith in his strengths and capabilities, to help him achieve socially significant results in life.

Each of the above areas has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to be able to use these areas of anti-drug prevention adequately and in combination. (14; 161)

The experience of anti-drug prevention work abroad is interesting. This work is carried out within the framework of two different concepts - risk reduction, the other - harm reduction.

The concept of risk reduction assumes a decrease in the illegal distribution of drugs and a decrease in "consumer demand" for this product.

At the same time, severe repressive and restrictive social measures, medical practice, administrative decisions aimed at "fighting" drugs and consumers are used. This policy is carried out mainly in countries that have recently joined the problem of drug addiction. (14; 161)

Countries that have extensive experience in solving the drug problem are based on the opposite concept - harm reduction. Its implementation is based on monitoring the drug situation in the form of specially conducted research. This concept does not deny the need to fight the drug business with police measures, but at the same time, it involves work aimed at convincing young people to abandon the very idea of ​​drug use, at creating a system of measures that neutralize risk factors, and conditions conducive to at least that young men and girls first tried drugs and as late as possible. This concept is also focused not only on the treatment of drug addicts, but also on reducing the harm associated with drug use.

The work is carried out in two directions: with the environment and the personality itself. Any success is appreciated. There are no ideal goals. If a drug addict has switched from "hard" drugs to "light" drugs, this is already recognized as a positive result, gradually leading to a decrease in drug use among young people. (14; 161)

In the prevention of substance abuse, we can distinguish three types of it: prevention - primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary prevention is a complex of social, educational and medico-psychological measures to prevent the introduction to the use of psychoactive substances that cause painful addiction.

Primary prevention of drug addiction is based on a long-term national policy aimed at creating an irreconcilable attitude towards drug use in society. Such a policy gives hope that the fight against drug addiction will become a truly national affair and will include efforts both at the government level and through non-governmental structures and movements.

When developing a new holistic system of primary prevention in our country, one should proceed from the following basic conditions:

socio-economic and legal support of the state system of primary prevention;

stages of formation of the state system of primary prevention with a clear definition of the strategic and tactical goals of each stage;

support for scientific research in the field of drug abuse prevention;

implementation of a long-term anti-drug propaganda and information campaign, primarily aimed at children and youth, the educational environment and the family;

purposeful and broad involvement of public movements, organizations and citizens in anti-drug activities;

stimulation of commercial and financial structures interested in the implementation of measures for the prevention of drug addiction;

mandatory inclusion in the primary prevention program of the monitoring system not only the prevalence of use, but also the effectiveness of the primary prevention system at every stage of its formation and functioning. (24; 86)

The goals of primary preventive activities at this stage of the formation of the state system for the prevention of substance abuse and drug addiction in the educational environment are:

change in the value attitudes of children and youth towards drugs,

the formation of personal responsibility for their behavior, leading to a decrease in the demand for psychoactive substances in the child and youth population;

curbing the involvement of children and young people in taking drugs by promoting a healthy lifestyle, forming anti-drug attitudes and preventive work carried out by employees of educational institutions.

Secondary prevention is a complex of social, educational and medical-psychological measures that prevent the formation of a disease and complications of drug addiction in persons who occasionally use psychoactive substances, but have not yet become ill. (24; 91)

Tertiary prevention, or rehabilitation, is a complex of social, educational and medico-psychological measures aimed at preventing disruptions and relapses of the disease, i.e. contributing to the restoration of the personal and social status of the patient (drug addict, drug addict, alcoholic) and his return to the family, to an educational institution, in labor collective, to the public useful activities. (24; 105)

Thus, we can say that primary prevention is aimed at preventing the use and testing of narcotic and other psychoactive substances and is work with all categories of young people.

Secondary prevention is work with those young people who have already tried drugs or other psychoactive substances or have a positive attitude to trying them, and even more so to their regular use. Tertiary prevention is no longer even prevention in terms of understanding it as a prevention of a process, phenomenon or action, but a complex of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures of a different nature. Therefore, talking about the main directions of anti-drug prevention, we mean primary and secondary, which can be carried out both individually and in a group form based on various programs and using various techniques. (24; 105)

Thus, preventive work implies the implementation of measures to prevent socially dependent disorders of somatic, mental and reproductive health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and the provision of social protection of citizens' rights in matters of health protection. For our country, prevention of such social pathologies as crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse is currently relevant, the solution of which is aimed at primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Prevention is a necessary set of preventive measures in order to prevent negative outcomes and enhance the positive results of human development.

The abuse of drugs, alcohol and other psychoactive substances is currently one of the problems that accompanies the process of reforming Russian society.

The results of numerous studies show the existence of a steady trend towards a significant and constant increase in drug use among young people.

One of the fundamental documents for educators in the course of organizing preventive work at school is the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2000 No. 619, which defines the prevention of substance abuse as a complex of social, educational and medical-psychological measures aimed at identifying and eliminating reasons and conditions conducive to the spread and use of psychoactive substances, to prevent the development and elimination of negative personal, social and medical consequences of the abuse of psychoactive substances (neglect, homelessness, crime, an increase in the incidence of HIV infection, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. .)

We consider it necessary to turn to the strategy of primary prevention of the use of psychoactive substances, which we are proceeding to consider.

Primary prevention strategy

The modern concept of primary, early prevention of drug use and the growth of drug addiction among children and adolescents is based on the fact that it should be centered on the personality of a minor and three main areas in which his life is realized - family, educational institution and leisure, including the associated microsocial environment.

The primary prevention strategy provides for the activity of preventive measures aimed at:

the formation of personal resources that ensure the development of a social and normative life style in children and young people with the dominance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, an effective attitude towards refusing to take psychoactive substances;

the formation of family resources that help children and adolescents educate law-abiding, successful and responsible behavior, as well as family resources that provide support to a child who has begun to use drugs, restrain his break with his family and help him at the stage of social and medical rehabilitation after stopping drug use;

introduction in the educational environment of innovative pedagogical and psychological technologies that ensure the development of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and motives for refusing to "try" and taking drugs, as well as technologies for early detection of drug use cases by students;

development of socially supporting infrastructure, including the family in the microsocial environment of a child "at risk of drug addiction" and a child with drug addiction. (13; 3)

The listed conditions determine the need for a strategic direction for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances and the development of drug addiction. All things considered, the most adequate strategy is containment. It is absolutely unrealistic to raise today the question of complete prevention of drug use and getting rid of drug addiction.

It should be said that negatively oriented prevention of substance abuse, i.e. traditional problem-oriented approach, focusing on negative consequences taking surfactants does not ensure the achievement of the set goals. Specific problem-oriented interventions are certainly necessary, but not sufficient. The problem of preventing the abuse of psychoactive substances only on their basis cannot be solved in principle, since the reasons that give rise to mental and personal maladjustment and induce children and young people to turn to psychoactive substances again and again are not eliminated.

That is why the strategic priority of primary prevention should be considered the creation of a system of positive prevention, which is focused not on pathology, not on the problem and its consequences, but on the health potential that protects against the emergence of problems - the development and disclosure of the resources of the psyche and personality, support young man and help him in the self-realization of his own life purpose.

The obvious goal of positively directed primary prevention is to educate a mentally healthy, personality-developed person who is able to independently cope with his own psychological difficulties and life problems, who does not need to take psychoactive substances. (13; 3)

Based on the above analysis and relying on the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2000 No. 619 "On the concept of prevention of substance abuse in the educational environment", which provides for the introduction of a new concept in three stages (the first is the stage of urgent -organizational measures, the third is the stage of full deployment of the concept of complex active prevention and rehabilitation, i.e. KAPR), the principles of preventive activities are highlighted.

Preventive activities in the educational environment according to the KAPR concept are based on following principles. (13; 4)

1. Complexity. It presupposes coordinated interaction at interdepartmental and professional levels, interaction of educational authorities at all levels.

2. Differentiation. Differentiation of goals, objectives, means and planned results, taking into account the age of students and the degree of their involvement in a drug-related situation. By age, it is proposed to distinguish children of senior preschool age (5-6 years), primary school age (7-10 years), middle school age (11-14 years), older adolescence (15-16 years), adolescence (17- 18 years old) and young people (over 18 years old).

3. Axiology (value orientation). Acceptance of common human values ​​and norms of behavior is one of the main moral and ethical barriers to the consumption of psychoactive substances.

4. Multidimensionality. The leading aspects of preventive activities in the educational environment are: the social aspect, focused on the formation of positive moral and ethical values; the psychological aspect, aimed at the formation of stress-resistant personal attitudes; the educational aspect, which forms the system of ideas and knowledge about the socio-psychological, medical, legal and moral-ethical consequences of the abuse of psychoactive substances.

5. Sequence (stages).

6. Legitimacy - creation of a legal basis for anti-drug prevention activities.

Having studied the strategy of primary prevention of the use of psychoactive substances, we will consider the specifics of prevention in the educational space.

Prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment

The properties of the educational space can contribute to both identification with it and its norms, and rejection, the adoption of antisocial norms and rules. In the latter case, there is a high probability of adolescents' involvement in drugs, the acquisition of which puts the teenager in the position of a criminal in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. (17; 3)

Drugs have become so much available to the child-age population that they have become part of the structure of the surrounding reality. Therefore, help should become no less accessible, first of all, in educational institutions, where children and adolescents spend a lot of time, where they are in plain sight.

We will highlight what an educational institution can give students in this regard:

Strengthen the moral education of schoolchildren

· Harmoniously include anti-drug ideological information in the educational process.

· Provide information to children and parents about drug addiction as a disease that a person acquires by his own choice.

· To provide information to children and parents about the technology of drug addiction as a technology of instrumental aggression aimed at destroying the Russian gene pool.

· To educate parents on the problem of drug addiction as addictive behavior that is gaining a mass character, their role in this problem, to familiarize them with the signs of drug use by children.

· Explore with children and adolescents the reasons why they are offered drugs; factors contributing to the acceptance of the proposal and its rejection. Emphasize the weakness of the nature of a person who makes his choice in favor of drugs in order to use them to solve emotional problems; lack of responsibility of choice, since it deprives loved ones of the choice, becoming in the position of codependents not of their own free will.

· Explore, together with children and adolescents, the process of forming addictive behavior, discriminating against it in the discussion. Prove the addict's bankruptcy: first he pays for curiosity, then for dubious pleasure, then for avoiding pain and short-term condition comfort, for the opportunity to feel the way he felt before, even in the presence of problems, the way you and I now feel.

· To acquaint with the history of the study of drug states by scientists. (Timothy Leary, as a result of experiments with LSD, lost professional quality and was stripped of his license as a psychologist. John Lily, after the second drug test, made a suicidal attempt, went blind for several days. Dolphin, who was injected with LSD, committed suicide, which is an exceptional case among the animal world)

· To acquaint schoolchildren with the interpretation of the causes of drug addiction and alcoholism, given by Orthodoxy.

· To acquaint schoolchildren with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to the distribution and acquisition of illegal drugs.

· Discuss the relationship of drug addiction with crime, AIDS, sexual promiscuity, measures to prevent them.

· Provide timely assistance to schoolchildren in solving their emotional problems. Special attention should be paid to psychological and pedagogical support of adolescents at risk: codependent, hyperactive, with experience of deviant behavior, with academic and emotional problems.

Organize training for children and adolescents in small groups in basic social skills:

1) Communicate

2) Resolve conflict situations

3) Overcome stress

4) make decisions

5) Plan your future.

6) Manage your behavior based on self-knowledge

7) When identifying cases of the use of psychoactive substances in a timely manner, together with parents, form the motivation for refusal, identify the reasons, provide the necessary psychological assistance. (17; 4-5)

In case of formation psychological dependence(when using heroin in 55% of cases after the first try) to provide psychological assistance aimed at the destruction of psychological dependence, the search for compensatory mechanisms and their implementation.

· In case of revealing the presence of chemical dependence, form the attitude towards treatment. And later on for rehabilitation

· Provide psychological assistance to adolescents after clinical treatment or independent overcoming withdrawal, aimed at prolonging the period of remission and rehabilitation.

· Ensure that children and adolescents gain experience of a healthy lifestyle, an experience of healthy entertainment. (5; 46)

Teachers, psychologists, valeologists, medical workers, parents, trained high school students can form a single team adhering to a single concept and become a real force against the aggression of the drug business. It is absolutely clear that only people specially trained for this activity can engage in drug addiction prevention at the information and technological levels. (17; 5)

It should be recognized that making the educational space safe, protective, identical, attractive, accessible is necessary for solving the problem of drug addiction, but not enough. It is important that children feel like citizens of a country that is safe for them, worthy of trust, which they can be proud of, in which they can live with dignity and not be afraid of the future.

To a distrustful, insecure, complex teenager, awareness of his own individuality and identification with any social group can be overwhelming. Such a teenager will show symptoms of confusion of roles, uncertainty in understanding who he is, what he strives for, what environment he belongs to. Identification difficulties can lead to the fact that a teenager begins to strive for a negative identity, for an image of his "I", which is the opposite of what parents, teachers, society would like to see. It is easier for such a teenager to identify with antisocial groups, including drug addicts. than not to find your social self at all. " (17; 8)

The solution to the main conflict of adolescence largely depends on the group norms of his environment, and since a teenager realizes himself a significant portion of the time in the educational space, then also on its norms and rules. If a healthy lifestyle is the norm in the educational space, then a student who is not rejected by this space will most likely be motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle (if there are other favorable conditions for this). As a part of a single whole, he can possess his properties, which, in combination with his personality, will determine the degree of stability of dynamic equilibrium, mental health, independence. (17; 9)

It should be noted that the properties of the educational space can contribute to both identification with it and its norms, and rejection, the adoption of antisocial norms and rules. In the latter case, there is a high probability of adolescents' involvement in drugs, the acquisition of which puts the teenager in the position of a criminal in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

We will notice that drugs have become so accessible to the child-age population that they have entered the structure of the surrounding reality. Therefore, help should become no less accessible, first of all, in educational institutions, where children and adolescents spend a lot of time, where they are in plain sight. What can an educational institution give schoolchildren in this regard?

Since drug addiction is especially prevalent among young people, and the well-known rule states that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, it is clear that young people are the primary target of efforts to prevent and reduce drug abuse. Unfortunately, the prevention of drug addiction among young people is complicated by a number of factors:

Children and adolescents tend to ignore and underestimate the long-term consequences of their behavior. Their ability to assess the dangers of drugs, to understand what drug addiction is, how easily it appears and how difficult it is to deal with it, is simply not sufficiently developed.

Adolescence is a period of rapid physical, emotional and social development, often accompanied by intense stress, self-doubt, mood swings and manifestations of indiscipline. Experimentation and risky behavior are inherent in adolescence, and drug abuse is an ideal prerequisite for this behavior. (14; 149)

It should be noted once again that during this period the influence of peers, especially older youth, is very significant. Often peers put pressure on young people to take drugs.

Adults use drugs and young people tend to imitate the behavior of adults.

In many areas, laws that are supposed to help combat drug addiction or prevent drug abuse are not being strict enough or well enforced. As a result, many drugs are readily available to young people, especially legal drugs such as alcohol, tobacco and volatile substances, but often illegal drugs as well.

Pop culture and the media tend to lend a certain appeal to addiction. Aggressive advertising of tobacco and alcohol products is deliberately targeted at young people.

In general, the momentary effects of drugs are enjoyable, while the negative consequences of taking them are long-term.

Making a free and conscious decision not to use drugs and adhering to that decision, especially in the face of peer pressure and other factors that contribute to drug addiction, is a difficult process. (14; 149)

We can say that the prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment is of great importance - the school is a unique and very important "platform" for taking preventive measures. This is because a holistic, long-term approach that combines policy, environmental, education and health services is most effective in addressing these predisposing factors by providing young people with the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to consciously quit drugs. ... For example, we can note the following:

Schools can be used to educate students before they start using drugs and during critical adolescence. (36; 176)

Schools develop and implement policies to create an environment that protects students from drug and drug abuse and promotes healthy lifestyles.

Schools can provide a large, coherent drug education course to help students develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to consciously quit drugs.

Schools can offer students alternatives to drug addiction to meet their needs for self-expression, social development, entertainment, risky ventures, and more. For example, exercise and sports are great stress relievers and are well received by peers.

Teachers and other school staff can play the role of mentors and positive role models for children.

Through peer education programs, schools can develop positive peer influence.

By employing students, schools can provide drug education to parents, supporting their efforts to protect children from the influence of drugs.

Schools are the channel through which information on drug prevention strategies and outcomes is communicated to the local community; schools also play a leading role in educational activities and in the provision of services to reduce drug abuse.

School staff can be trained to recognize the signs of addiction and to intervene at an early stage to help students get the treatment and counseling they need.

Schools provide an effective way to reach large numbers of people, including school staff, families and community members, and students. (36; 176)

We also consider it necessary to take into account a number of essential points when designing educational preventive programs for adolescents and young people.

1. In adolescence and adolescence, a value-semantic ideological picture begins to take shape, ideals and ideas about oneself are formed, which largely determine the meaning of the totality of activities that a young person enters into and which begins to independently build. Therefore, the first principled position is to agree on the targets of educational processes. The educator maintains a cultural norm (for example, the values ​​of a culture of health), which has not yet become the norm for a teenager or young man. Moreover, in cases where the adolescent has formed a norm that is different from the one held by the teacher, then the basic educational process will be the co-organization of these norms, during which the development of the adolescent - private - norm to the cultural one will take place. This educational process, the result of which can be the value-semantic guidelines of a teenager / young man, will fundamentally affect the organization of all educational programs. The appearance in a teenager / young man of his own and meaningful (not superficial) cultural meanings and norms is the basis for the growth of his self-confidence and his destiny. (25; 240)

2. The second fundamental point is the teacher's understanding of adolescent and youthful activity and mastery of ways of working with it. Activity, which does not find an adequate form, manifests itself in aggressiveness, opposing the world of adolescents to the world of adults, negativism and, as a consequence, withdrawing into asocial and self-destructive forms of behavior. Therefore, one of the central points in the design of educational prevention programs for specialists is the initiation (induction) of the activity of the adolescent / young man, the selection of significant interesting shapes in which this activity can unfold, and the development of ways of acceptance and social and personal confirmation of the status of adolescent and youthful activity. When building a system of preventive maintenance work, a specialist needs to abandon the formula "Don't do this!" and go to the formula "Do it as a step towards your ideal." (25; 240)

3. The third fundamental point is related to the fact that adolescents and young people should become subjects of preventive work. The basic principle in the design of a system for the prevention of substance abuse is the formation of such an adolescent and youth environment in which young people themselves become active subjects of prevention. (25; 240).

As the monitoring of the use of psychoactive substances in adolescents and young people shows, three positions are distinguished among adolescents and young people:

the first position - have a positive attitude to the use of surfactants;

the second position - "undecided", do not have their own clear position in relation to surfactants;

the third position - active opponents of the use of surfactants. In this sense, the strategic line is to cultivate and increase the number of adolescents and young people who have an active negative attitude towards the use of psychoactive substances. At the same time, it is important not only to form a negative attitude, but also to provide methods of social activity that make it possible to move from passive disapproval of the use of psychoactive substances to active actions in adolescents and young people. (5; 69)

The concept of subjectivity (adolescents and young people as a subject of prevention of substance abuse) presupposes the presence of activities, activity, initiatives that are developed by adolescents and young people. This activity can have different targets (from organizing youth leisure to youth riot police, etc.), which are determined by specific regional conditions. It is important to note that the formation of a subjective (activity) position is fundamentally different from the approach that forms particular patterns of behavior (individual skills to act) in certain situations. The main emphasis is that young people, becoming a subject, themselves begin to form situations and organize their living space. The implementation of this setting is related to the following.

First, providing young people with the opportunity to meet their needs in a socially acceptable form and thereby influence attitudes, including towards drugs.

Second, help adolescents form their own value system and make a personal decision for themselves about how they will be realized. To give them the opportunity to evaluate all aspects of life, one way or another connected with the problem of drug addiction.

Third, learn ways to help and support your friends who need it.

Fourth, to create such a system of joint activities of adolescents and adults, which would make it possible to achieve socially positive and personally significant results for the adolescent, on the basis of which his self-esteem grows.

A clear formulation and understanding of the tasks facing the performer of any work, no doubt, make it more organized and successful. (4; 23)

By definition, prevention is a system of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of a phenomenon. The goal is to maximize the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances, i.e. complete rejection of them by children and adolescents.

The following tasks of preventive work with children in schools and other educational institutions should be highlighted:

1. Give children objective information about the effect of chemicals on the body;

2. Focus them on the ability to make their own choices; children and adolescents should feel that they can really make the right choice for themselves, that they are trusted, but in no case according to the principle "here, now and at once";

3. To give children the opportunity to master certain behavioral skills that make it easier to follow a healthy lifestyle;

4. To form a reflexive position of a young person on the basis of creating a field for his self-realization as a person and individuality, which will contribute to the fact that the child can independently find his social niche, evaluate his actions, deeds, think about their consequences and how these consequences will be able to influence his fate.

According to these objectives, preventive work can include three components. (31; 32)

1. Educational component

Specific - to give students an idea about the action of chemicals that change the state of consciousness, about the mechanisms of development of the disease, about the disease and the consequences of chemical addiction.

Purpose: to teach a child to understand and be aware of what happens to a person when using surfactants.

Non-specific - to help children gain knowledge about the peculiarities of their psychophysical health, teach them to take care of themselves.

Purpose: to form a developed concept of self-knowledge in a young person.

2. Psychological component - correction of certain psychological characteristics of the personality, creating dependence on the use of chemicals, creating a favorable, trusting climate in the team, psychological adaptation adolescents at risk, etc.

Objectives: psychological support for the child, the formation of decision-making skills, the ability to say "no", to stand up for oneself, to determine and be responsible for oneself, one's actions and one's choices.

3. Social component - assistance in social adaptation of the child to environmental conditions, teaching communication skills, healthy lifestyle.

Purpose: the formation of social skills necessary for a healthy lifestyle and comfortable existence in the surrounding social reality.

Lack of knowledge, skills and socially adaptive strategies of behavior among the adult population - parents, teachers - often prevents them from providing the necessary educational impact, psychological and social support to children and adolescents. Our youth turned out to be lonely and psychologically helpless because of the lost ties with the older generation. Professional groups of people working with children and adolescents - teachers, school psychologists, inspectors of the IDN and others - also need to develop a completely new approach to interacting with their wards.

In order to teach them new forms of behavior, to form a stress-resistant personality capable of independently, effectively and responsibly building their lives, it is required, firstly, to have the necessary qualities for this and demonstrate them in the process of professional interaction with adolescents, and, secondly , possess knowledge, skills and abilities of teaching others the ability to effectively overcome life problems, develop stereotypes of healthy behavior.

All these extreme conditions in a socio-psychological sense lead to the need to develop a new, specific for a given situation, approach to the prevention of substance abuse. It is possible to ensure the implementation of this approach on the basis of the development and implementation of conceptually grounded preventive generation programs.

The tasks of such a program are as follows (31; 43):

1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle, highly functional strategies of behavior and personal resources that prevent the abuse of psychoactive substances,

2. Creation of conditions for open, confidential communication, perception of information, creative work atmosphere.

3. Informing about the action and consequences of substance abuse, about the causes and forms of diseases associated with them, about the ways to recovery, about the connection between drug abuse and other forms of self-destructive behavior with personality traits, communication, with stress, about ways to overcome the latter.

4. Directed awareness of the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior:

Self-concept (self-esteem, attitude towards oneself, one's capabilities and shortcomings);

Own system of values, goals and attitudes, the ability to make independent choices, control your behavior and life, solve simple and complex life problems, the ability to assess a particular situation and your ability to control it;

Ability to communicate with others, understand their behavior and prospects, empathize and provide psychological and social support;

Needs to receive and support others.

5. Development of personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavior:

A positive attitude towards oneself, critical self-esteem and a positive attitude towards the possibilities not only to make mistakes, but also to correct them;

Adequately assess problematic and solve life problems, manage oneself and change oneself;

Set short-term and long-term goals for yourself and achieve them;

Control your behavior and change your life;

Realize what is happening with your own personality and why, analyze your condition;

Empathize with others and understand them, be aware of the motives and prospects of their behavior (the formation of skills of empathy, affiliation, listening, dialogue, resolving conflict situations, expressing feelings, decision-making);

Receive from others and provide them with psychological and social support.

6. Development of strategies and behavioral skills leading to health and preventing substance abuse:

Decision making and overcoming life problems;

Perception, use and provision of psychological and social support;

Assessment of the social situation and taking responsibility for one's own behavior in it;

Lagging behind your borders and protecting your personal space;

Protection of your "I", self-support and mutual support;

Avoiding situations associated with the use of psychoactive substances and with other forms of self-destructive behavior;

Development of the ability to use alternative surfactants to obtain joy and pleasure;

Development of skills to communicate effectively and without conflict.

The program involves working with children and adolescents of older and middle age. (31; 44)

The following sections of the program can be distinguished:

1. Informational.

2. Cognitive development.

3. Development of personal resources.

4. Development of personal resources.

5. Development of strategies for highly functional behavior.

Based on the sections, the following areas of work are distinguished:

Training of specialists from among school psychologists, social educators and teachers to work with at-risk children prone to drug use;

Preventive work with all children and adolescents with a priority focus on children at risk;

Work with parents of children who are prone to or use surfactants.

We will highlight the following methods of work that can be used in the course of prevention:

1. Group work.

2. Behavior training.

3. Cognitive modification and therapy.

4. Personal training.

5. Discussions.

6. Brainstorming.

7. Conversations.

8. Lectures.

9. Role-playing games.

10. Psycho-gymnastics.

11. Psychodrama.

12. Elements of individual and group psychotherapy.

13. "Round tables".

14. Meetings.

15. Supervision.

16. Conducting methodological sessions with supervisors.

The expected outcomes may include the following:

Reducing the risk factors for the use of psychoactive substances in the youth environment.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children and adolescents.

Development of an integrated approach to the prevention of substance abuse. (31; 45)

Thus, it is advisable to build anti-drug preventive work in an educational institution on the basis of programs, the idea of ​​which should be the idea of ​​forming a reflexive position of a young person to create a field for his self-realization as a person and individuality in the process of various forms of training.

This activity should contribute to the realization of the frustrated needs accumulating in children and adolescents and ensure the discharge of the energy of unreacted negative emotions.

We highlight the following key problems of primary prevention of psychoactive substance use by children and adolescents in the educational environment (12; 5)

The first problem is how and at what age to form in children an active psychological defense, resistance to the first try and taking drugs, to the lifestyle associated with drug addiction?

The second problem is how and how can teachers, educators, social workers, and parents accurately and accurately determine that a child has begun to use drugs, and what is the most optimal tactic to use in relation to such a child?

The third problem is how and in what way to actively intervene and correct the systematic use of psychoactive (narcotic) substances? What are the best means to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents who have stopped drug addiction?

On the first problem - How and at what age to form in children an active psychological defense, counteraction to drug addiction and early alcoholism? Which children are at high risk and what forms of targeted primary psychoprophylactic care do they need? - it is advisable to indicate the following.

In the Russian adolescent environment the use of surfactants for the purpose of stupefying takes an essential place in leisure, group communication. From 20 to 30% of schoolchildren 12-17 years old are directly involved in the samples of drugs and other psychoactive substances. Drugs are readily available for purchase today.

We can talk about the real insecurity of the younger generation from the aggressive expansion of drug seduction. At the same time, the majority of children and adolescents lack preventive psychological protection, a value barrier against involvement in the use of narcotic substances. A minor who begins to take drugs is in a kind of socio-psychological situation. This is a powerful pressure on advertising proposals for a new lifestyle and new sensations associated with drug addiction. It is especially threatening for children and adolescents, because in the situation of a teenager's choice, the motives of curiosity and imitation often turn out to be the leading ones. At the same time, there is an indifferent attitude towards drug addiction on the part of fellow practitioners of the same age, friends, as well as adults responsible for upbringing and poorly informed parents. This situation is aggravated by the fact that narcotic drugs that are used in the adolescent environment are characterized by a rapid consolidation of addiction and addiction (according to some data, in a month or less). (12; 5)

In this situation, educational institutions, school psychological services, centers of social and psychological rehabilitation clearly do not work on the primary prevention of early alcoholism and drug addiction in children and adolescents.

We believe that actively directed preventive work requires a transition from attitudes to inform children about negative consequences smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction to the formation of a value attitude towards health in children, active psychological defense against offers to "try, take a drug"; to the formation of not only individual resilience, but also group forms of opposition (at the level of the children's collective) to various forms of drug addiction and behavioral deviations.

When creating educational programs focused on the preventive aspects of combating drug use, a very important point is their targeting for certain age periods: 5-7 years old, 8-11 years old, 12-14 years old, 15-17 years old. Educational preventive programs should be multifaceted, include "life skills lessons" in counteracting the first try of alcohol and drugs; to form in children attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, towards rejection of asocial values.

The second problem is how and how to determine exactly that the child has started taking toxic-narcotic drugs and what is the optimal tactics to choose in this case? (12; 6)

Currently, medical specialists are quite clear about the trajectory of the path of a novice drug addict and drug addict. At the first stage of his, as a rule, provoked by older adolescents or imitative acquaintance with toxic or narcotic substances, he seeks to establish himself through a new substance abuse behavior for him among friends and fellow practitioners in the school environment; seeks to get some support for his behavior, flaunts them.

When a teenager is drawn into drug addiction, at the very beginning, distributors use the first "free trial treats". It is at this stage that experiments with various drugs take place and addictive behavior is formed. During this period, there is a choice of the most suitable company, a circle of "new friends", the usual places and times of drug addiction. At the same time, the teenager himself becomes a kind of drug distribution agent, begins to participate in the development and maintenance of a certain distribution network. Outside the company, neither alcohol nor other toxic and narcotic substances are used.

At this stage, the most significant gaps in prevention work and care are identified. In this situation, the school collective quite often takes a "position of silence", maintaining the appearance that no one notices the changes taking place in the adolescent. As a rule, this practice is observed in cases where there are no gross violations of discipline at school during drug addiction. (12; 6)

We consider it necessary to also highlight the general signs of the onset of psychoactive substance use by adolescents.

* Decreased interest in studies, ordinary hobbies.

* Alienation appears, emotionally<холодное>attitude towards others, such traits as secrecy and deceit may increase.

* Often episodes of aggressiveness, irritability are possible, which are replaced by periods of unnatural complacency.

* The company with which the teenager communicates is often composed of older people.

* Occasional presence of large or unknown origin of small amounts of money that do not correspond to the income of the family. There is a desire to borrow money or take it away from the weaker ones.

* The tendency to communicate predominantly with adolescents who knowingly use drugs and / or other psychoactive substances.

* Increased interest in children from wealthy families, an annoying desire to make friends with them.

* The presence of such attributes of anesthesia as syringes, needles, small bubbles, pill wafers, small bags made of cellophane or foil, glue tubes, plastic bags from strong-smelling substances, the presence of a specific chemical odor from clothes and from the mouth.

* Change in appetite - from complete absence to a sharp increase, gluttony; occasionally nausea, vomiting.

* The presence of traces of injections in the area of ​​the elbows, forearms, hands, irritations on the skin, mucous membranes.

* "Unreasonable" constriction or dilation of the pupils. (12; 7)

The decisive sign of the adolescent's use of psychoactive drugs is the identification of the state of narcotic intoxication.

Currently, the leading is the diagnosis of drug intoxication by a psychiatrist-narcologist. Naturally, this form of diagnostics cannot be implemented under conditions educational institution.

The second and more promising direction should be considered the control of probable cases of drug intoxication through diagnostic non-device express tests (Progressive Bio-Medical Technologies. LTD). These tests for the detection of drugs: morphine, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine, methadone, benzodiazepine, phencyclidine, barbiturates have been comprehensively tested at the Research Institute of Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and are recommended for use both at home and in general medical practice. (3; 39)

As part of the primary preventive work carried out in educational institutions, as an experiment, in some regions, in the conditions of school medical offices, on a voluntary basis, high-quality pre-medical diagnostics of drug use among students is carried out.

This form of active primary drug prevention work is undoubtedly an important deterrent to drug use by children and adolescents.

The difficulties of widespread dissemination of this preventive approach are associated, firstly, with some technical features of the strip test for drugs (the need to collect urine in a container, which in most adolescents, as a rule, causes negative reaction) and, secondly, the lack of development of the regulatory framework for the widespread and mandatory use in educational institutions of methods of test, pre-medical diagnosis of drug use. (14; 152)

In evaluating substance use, tact and caution must always be exercised. This is especially true when working with minors who have drug problems, since unreasonable suspicions of drug use may in themselves turn out to be a traumatic factor and, in turn, push them towards their actual use.

Let's highlight the sequence of actions of the teacher and the administration of the educational institution in case of suspicion of drug use by minors:

1. to provide the teenager with sufficient information about the negative consequences of the consumption of intoxicating substances. It is advisable, at the first contact, to avoid repressive and judgmental tactics, to try to convince the child of the advisability of seeking medical help. Point out the inadmissibility of appearing at school in a state of intoxication, involving peers in the use of psychoactive substances; inform that in this case the administration of the educational institution will act in accordance with the procedure established for such a situation.

2. to offer help to the teenager in a correct and, if the situation allows, preferably in an unobtrusive way.

3. Do not disclose information about the adolescent's drug addiction problems, as this leads to a complete cessation of productive contact and may have harmful consequences for a minor.

4. to have information about the institutions providing drug treatment to minors. You should be especially aware of the possibility of anonymous treatment. Information about public organizations actually working with this problem is expedient.

5. Know exactly when working with a minor user of psychoactive substances: What is the situation in his family? Can parents really influence their child's behavior? What is his micro-social environment in the place of residence?

6. constantly, not "companionably" introduce and conduct mandatory anti-drug training programs, seminars and trainings for teachers, teach them forms of active primary preventive work among parents and forms of counteraction to youth drug addiction. (14; 159)

If a specialist of a general education institution suspects that a teenager is using drugs, then the following actions are most justified:

1. Correctly report your suspicions to the parents or legal representatives, guardians of the student child.

2. In case of suspicion of group drug use, conduct repeated interviews with the parents of all members of the "drug addiction" group. In some cases, it is advisable to carry out this in the form of a meeting with the invitation of a psychiatrist-narcologist, an employee of legal

security organs.

3. Organize individual meetings of adolescents and / or their parents with the doctor of the district adolescent drug treatment room.

4. Provide adolescents and their parents with information about the possibility of anonymous examination and treatment, indicate the addresses and phone numbers of organizations operating in this mode.

If a specialist of a general education institution has suspicions that a teenager is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. In this case, it is necessary:

1. Remove the student from the class, separate him from his classmates.

2. Notify school leaders immediately.

3. Call the school health worker urgently.

4. In the case when the teenager's condition can be regarded as alcohol or drug intoxication, it is necessary to notify the parents or guardians of the teenager about the incident.

5. It is inappropriate to immediately investigate the reasons and circumstances of the use of alcohol or drugs. The teenager should be interviewed on this occasion after meeting with the parents and health worker, i.e. after receiving objective information about the possibilities and ways of corrective intervention.

6. When a teenager commits hooligan actions in drug intoxication or alcohol intoxication, it is advisable to resort to the help of law enforcement agencies.

Students who are noticed in cases of the use of psychoactive substances must, in agreement with the school doctor, be registered in the school medical office for in-school records. In those cases when, despite the preventive measures being taken, drug addiction continues quickly enough, the beginner addict begins to skip classes, extort money from the younger ones, group students from knowingly wealthy families around him, and control the area around the school. Faced with such forms of behavior, the school usually switches to the tactics of "actively pushing" the difficult student with addiction problems out of the school environment, leaving him his students, the entire social space around the school. Thus, the school is losing its struggle with a teenager who is beginning to get addicted to his fate and for the fate of other pupils in charge. (4; 23)

We'll light up the following points which must be taken into account in this situation.

1. Social-prophylactic and medical-psychological assistance focused on individual cases of intervention for individual children and adolescents, without work in a microenvironment, without separating a group of drug addicted minors is practically ineffective, as well as temporary isolation of a child at home, or also temporary placement in narcological hospital, or a one-time invitation of the inspector of the juvenile delinquency prevention department, often used "for the purpose of intimidation."

2. The novice drug addict, despite his intention to leave school, should stay as long as possible in the school environment and continue his studies, since this is one of the essential socio-psychological factors in counteracting the growing social maladjustment of the adolescent.

3. Preventive work should be not only preventive, but also actively directed, and at the stage of the emerging dependence must be complex with the involvement of all specialists working with children who abuse alcohol and drugs.

The target tasks of such a complex activity are:

Separation of asocial groups in which the constant intake of toxic and narcotic substances is practiced;

Joint assistance to the children of a social educator, school psychologist, doctor, specialists of the commission on juvenile affairs in overcoming the emerging addiction and behavioral deviations;

Restoration of the school status of a child who quit taking toxic-narcotic substances with the correction of the gaps in his education and upbringing. (14; 23)

The third problem is how and in what way to actively intervene and correct the systematic use of psychoactive (narcotic) substances? What are the best means to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with addiction problems and persistent illegal behavior?

Children and adolescents who regularly use psychoactive substances, as a rule, are characterized by already pronounced forms of social maladjustment with "domestic theft", constant leaving the family, unauthorized abandonment of school, persistent antisocial attitudes and a tendency to delinquency. At the same time, they may experience pronounced forms of dependence, i.e. the disease begins. However, first of all it is a child, and then a drug addict or drug addict and he needs optimal support and effective rehabilitation... Let us dwell on the basic principles of ensuring active primary anti-drug preventive work in the educational environment. (12; 9)

Active anti-drug prophylaxis at the territorial level should be based on the interaction of teachers, school psychological services, psychiatrists-narcologists, workers of social services and law enforcement agencies. Their joint activity should be based on the following basic provisions:

Addiction to narcotic, psychoactive substances is easier to prevent than to cure, therefore, preventive anti-drug work in the educational environment should be systematic and conceptually based on the model of active anti-drug preventive care and is legally allowed in educational institutions (conceptual and legislative framework);

The targeted impact should be comprehensive and be carried out with personal, family and social (school, society) interaction (the formation and development of a social system for the prevention of psychoactive substances use and social support based on the joint work of specialists, public associations (parental support groups) and volunteers who carry out an active prevention in the region):

In preventive educational programs in a threatening drug situation, the main attention should be paid to the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of personal resources that prevent the use of psychoactive substances, as well as the development of life skills in minors to resist the aggressive environment that provokes drug use (development of a complex of differentiated training programs for prevention drug use among children and adolescents);

In preventive educational programs, the aspect of training specialists in the field of prevention of the use of psychoactive substances should be separately presented from among teachers, school psychologists, social educators, inspectors of juvenile delinquency prevention departments (ODPU). (13; 4)

For this purpose, for the methodological provision of primary preventive care, it is advisable in each region on an ongoing basis to organize training seminars for teachers, school psychologists, social teachers of educational institutions, social workers on forms of abuse prevention drugs in children and adolescents.

In its foundations, primary preventive care in the spread of drug addiction among children and adolescents should rely on the school psychological service, on the subdivisions of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation centers, on the formation of a wide network of counseling centers for children and adolescents. Together, they must provide close interagency cooperation when specialists work with "problem children" at their place of residence, as well as parent associations, adolescent self-help and self-help groups in schools and neighborhoods. (13; 4)

The main directions of active anti-drug prevention in the educational environment.

The first direction is the development of educational programs focused on the formation of students' value attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.

Currently, it is necessary to find a worthy place in general education programs for the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of simple values ​​of joy and happiness from health, using the methods of active education and directed, effective education. To form in the child the need to be healthy, to teach him to avoid acquired diseases, to know the threatening dangers and ways to prevent them. We are not talking about a minimum of information about what is "good" and what is "bad", but about the task of the school in the formation of a new system of values, the leading place among which is taken by health. Exactly the definition of health, which is formulated by the World Health Organization - "Health" - is a condition characterized not only by the absence of diseases or physical, mental defects, but also by complete physical, spiritual and social well-being.

In our opinion, it is necessary to pay special attention to the health problem, because the motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle is undoubtedly one of the leading preventive factors of protection against drug use. The formation of the values ​​and style of a healthy lifestyle, undoubtedly, should go not through moralizing, but through the organization of physical physical activity saturated with positive emotions, sports activities, through instilling sustainable hygiene skills, through a communication skills workshop, to create peer support.

Educational preventive programs should be based on a differentiated approach to children in terms of their age (primary and secondary school age) and their involvement in the drug situation. This approach is most effective for children with an intact nature of ideas about the drug situation and about drugs, for children who have no experience of contact with adolescents who are involved in the drug environment).

This area should include educational programs focused on the formation in children, starting from primary school age, the values ​​and skills of a healthy lifestyle. Such programs belong to the level of primary prevention work and are carried out through "learning through the subject". This direction of educational work is provided primarily through the deputy. director for educational work and is implemented on the basis of the teaching activities of a valeologist teacher, a life safety teacher, a physical education teacher, and also partly lecturers - specialists on certain problems of development and a healthy lifestyle ( sex education). For these forms of work in certain sections of preventive educational programs, a school doctor can also be involved. (13; 5)

It should be noted that at present, many programs in these subjects (valeology, OBZH) need some modification in order to strengthen the aspects of effective, anti-drug prevention in them, including strengthening the following components.

These are preventive, i.e. carrying a certain potential of prevention from the use of psychoactive substances, educational programs refer to the level of active primary preventive work. They are also based on learning through the subject, namely, subjects such as history, biology, chemistry, literature and partly OBZH.

Preventive educational programs fulfill their purpose if the following components of effective, anti-drug prevention are thoroughly worked out in them:

educational component - minimal knowledge about narcotic substances and the characteristics of the development of addiction; knowledge of social and medical consequences, to which addiction leads to the use of psychoactive substances;

psychological component - knowledge about oneself and ways of correcting the psychological characteristics of the personality that contribute to the development of dependence on the use of psychoactive substances, the formation of a stable self-esteem, the ability to say "no", to be responsible for oneself and one's choice, the ability, if necessary, to seek psychological, social or drug treatment ;

social component - the formation of communication skills, overcoming feelings of guilt, insecurity, psychological dependence.

The third direction is the development and implementation of preventive educational programs - trainings for students into the practice of an educational institution. (13; 6)

This form of primary preventive work at school can be carried out with adolescents of middle and senior school age.

In this direction, the primary preventive level is provided not by pedagogical and educational, but by psychological methods focused on the development of students' personal resources and strategies for their positive behavior.

In this regard, the development of this direction of primary prevention at school can be solved only on the basis of a deeply thought-out strategy for the development of anti-drug work on the part of the heads of the institution - the director, deputy. director for educational work. This direction should be considered effective, but rather laborious and requiring qualified training of a school psychologist, social teacher, as well as the help of teachers, prepared for active cooperation with psychologists in carrying out active preventive work at school).

In the most advanced educational institutions for such anti-drug work, it is carried out with adolescents of senior school age (15-17 years old) in the form of school thematic "round tables", educational discussions and " brainstorming", as well as role-playing games on topical problems of counteracting the formation of addiction. This direction is most fully implemented when groups of volunteers are formed from adolescents of senior school age (15-17 years old) for further preventive work in self-help groups between adolescents of the same age, in support groups at school drug post on the basis of a school medical office.

The fourth direction is the development of preventive educational programs - trainings for specialists of an educational institution. (13; 6)

This direction of active preventive anti-drug work is focused primarily on teaching and retraining methods of primary prevention of the teaching staff of the school and teachers-leaders who have shown an interest in actively cooperating with a school psychologist, school doctor, social educators.

in carrying out anti-drug programs. This direction should also be attributed to the level of primary preventive work, which includes two leading methods. One of them - lecture and informational - is familiar to teachers; the other - psychological - is aimed at developing personal resources and strategies of positive behavior in school professionals... This usually causes a critical or nihilistic attitude at the first stage, which, as a rule, is subsequently overcome.

The development of this area of ​​work in the school is ensured primarily by the efforts of the school leadership, which sets such a task for the teaching staff (director, deputy director of the school for educational work). The methodological foundations of this direction in the school are being developed by such specialists as a school psychologist, a social educator, and teachers who are trained for active cooperation with psychologists in carrying out active preventive work at school. In some cases, such work at the first stage can be provided by specialists of the narcological service, who are trained in psychotherapy and for active preventive work at school.

This direction of primary prevention is implemented by the following means (13; 6):

Lectures on personality psychology, the specifics of adolescence, the characteristics of a dysfunctional family and stress disorders, the problems of addiction and codependency, the characteristics of recovery and rehabilitation for drug addiction;

Practical seminars on the methodological equipment of preventive educational training programs for students.

Therefore, in order to ensure the development of all areas of primary preventive work in an educational institution, it is necessary in each territory for the methodological provision of primary preventive care on an ongoing basis to organize interschool training seminars for teachers, school psychologists, social teachers of educational institutions, social workers of childhood on the methods and forms of active preventive work in an educational environment, as well as ways to exchange new experience in this work. The seminar programs should be practical in nature, teach the skills of attitudes towards a child who began to use psychoactive substances, the skills to counteract aggressive behavior of children, the means of restoring the school status of a child who quit using psychoactive substances.

Consistent, staged and comprehensive implementation of measures aimed at resolving the identified "key" problems will make the work on the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism among children and adolescents systemic, constructive and will allow to overcome the negative trends in the development of the drug situation in the child and adolescent population of Russia. (13; 7)

In conclusion, it should be noted that, within the framework of territorial programs, it is necessary to organize and conduct (together with the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Committee for Family and Youth Affairs) regular monitoring of the prevalence of psychoactive substances use for a systematic analysis of the regional characteristics of the drug situation in the child and adolescent population, to identify negative trends in its development and taking proactive measures to control and actively influence the drug situation in the region.

Thus, the prevention of addictive behavior is an essential component of efforts to combat negative influences on young people as a risk group, including those with the risk of starting to use psychoactive substances and a tendency to chemical dependence. Schools play an important role in this plan, which plays a key role in shaping the knowledge, attitudes and skills of young people to consciously quit drugs, as well as in providing them with the opportunities and means to do so, which confirms the need for preventive programs to prevent addictive behavior. ...

So, we can say about the prevention of addictive behavior as a necessary measure when working with young people in an educational environment.

Having considered the theoretical aspects of the prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment, we turn to empirical research this behavior among students.

Children are our old age.

Proper upbringing is our happy old age,

bad parenting is future grief, these are our tears,

it is our fault before other people, before the whole country.

A.S. Makarenko

Memo to parents

for the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents

Dear dads and moms!
A conflict situation can radically change your life! Try to keep these changes in better side!

1. Before you enter into a conflict situation, think about what result you want to get from it.
2. Confirm that this result is really important to you.
3. In a conflict, acknowledge not only your own interests, but also the interests of the other person.
4. Observe ethics of behavior in a conflict situation, solve the problem, and do not settle scores.
5. Be firm and open if you are convinced that you are right.
6. Force yourself to hear your opponent's argument.
7. Do not humiliate or insult another person, so as not to burn out with shame when meeting with him and not be tormented by repentance.
8. Be fair and honest in conflict, do not feel sorry for yourself.
9. Know how to stop in time so as not to be left without an opponent.
10. Cherish respect for yourself, deciding to go into conflict with someone who is weaker than you.

1. One should not see in the independence of the child a threat to lose it.
2. Remember that the child needs not only independence, but the right to it.
3. For the child to do what you need, try to make him want it.
4. Do not abuse guardianship and control, do not overload the child.
5. Do not create a “revolutionary situation” in the family, and if you did, then make every effort to resolve it peacefully.
6. Do not forget the words of I.-V. Goethe: "In adolescence, many human dignity is manifested in eccentric and inappropriate actions."

on the prevention of addictive behavior

Addictiveness- propensity, bad habit.

Addictive behavior is characterized by a desire to escape from the reality of the surrounding world by changing one's mental state through the use of psychoactive substances or by constantly fixing attention on certain objects or types of activity.

The presence of addictive behavior indicates impaired adaptation to the changed conditions of the micro- and macroenvironment. The child, by his behavior, "screams" about the need to provide him with emergency assistance, and measures in these cases require preventive, psychological, pedagogical, and educational measures to a greater extent than medical ones.

Most deviations in the behavior of minors: neglect, delinquency, use of psychoactive substances, are based on one source - social maladjustment, the roots of which lie in a maladjusted family.

The main motive for the behavior of adolescents who are prone to addictive forms of behavior is escape from an unbearable reality. But more often there are internal reasons, such as the experience of persistent failures in school and conflicts with parents, teachers, peers, feelings of loneliness, loss of meaning in life, complete lack of demand in the future and personal failure in all types of activities, and much more. From all this I want to run away, drown out and change my mental condition, albeit temporarily, but for the "better" side.

Personal life, educational activities and their environment are considered by them most often as "gray", "boring", "monotonous", "apathetic". These children do not manage to find in reality any spheres of activity that can attract their attention, captivate, educate, and cause an emotional reaction. And only after using various psychoactive substances do they achieve a feeling of elation without actually improving the situation.

Rassmotrim one of the types of addictiveobehavior is smoking.

If you find out that your child, son or daughter smokes. What to do? This is a surprise for you. The first thought that comes to mind is to punish severely, to ban it once and for all, so that it never happens again. However, let's not rush.

1. Is punishment a smoking cessation tool? Many parents think the stricter the punishment for smoking, the better it will work. However, this is far from the case, punishment hardens the child, destroys trusting relationships with parents, causes resentment, but does not always lead to quitting smoking. All supporters of "cruel" methods know this: one punishment will be followed by another, even more severe. But the teenager continues to smoke. Punishment does not eliminate the causes of early smoking! It only damages the child's trust in the parents.

2. Should I be intimidated by the consequences of smoking? Upon discovering that a child smokes, parents, as a rule, seek to urgently inform him about the dangers of smoking. At the same time, wanting to immediately achieve the desired effect, along with useful, important information for a teenager, they give useless information. For example, they talk about the harmful effects of smoking in the distant future: in 50 years you will have cancer, a bad heart, a bad complexion ...

Such a "payback" delayed for tens of years does not make the expected impression on the teenager. The distant future seems unlikely to him. In addition, many teens do not understand that it is difficult to quit smoking. They believe they can give up cigarettes whenever they want. This illusion must be destroyed.

Parents often resort to unreliable but intimidating information, for example: “If you smoke, your hair and teeth will fall out,” “You will become mentally disabled,” etc. Such information, of course, scares a teenager, if he is suspicious, maybe lead to a mental disorder - to cause constant fear for your health. At the same time, over time, a teenager will become convinced of the falsity of this information (after all, TV shows and popular science magazines are available to everyone) and will lose confidence in their parents, not only due to the problem of smoking.

Do not intimidate a teenager, information about the dangers of smoking must be accurate and up-to-date.

3. Why do teens violate the smoking ban?

Teenagers are not allowed to smoke. This legitimate requirement must be respected for the benefit of the children themselves. However, this fair prohibition is violated by adolescents if a number of conditions are violated:

When the prohibition is of an external, formal nature: you cannot smoke at home or at school, but on the street, in the courtyard - you can, no one will make a remark, although now, by law, smoking is prohibited in public places;

When the ban is not motivated. Often adults do not take the trouble to substantiate their claims. As, for example, in such a dialogue: "You can't smoke" - "Why?" - "Because it is impossible ...".

Such a "justification", perhaps, will satisfy the younger student, but not the teenager, who is inclined to analyze the statements of adults.

When the ban is “unfair”. Often, both parents and teachers appeal to the "adulthood" of a teenager, demand from him independence in actions and decision-making. And at the same time, they smoke with him, thereby clearly demonstrating the “abyss” that separates “real” adults from “fake” ones.

Open smoking of adults is perceived by adolescents as an age privilege, smoking becomes in their eyes a material attribute of adulthood.

Smoking of parents in the presence of teenagers is unacceptable! Smoking bans for adolescents must be justified and motivated.

Live not side by side, but with your child.

Family prevention should not only involve talking about the dangers of intoxicating substances. It is much more important to form in the child vital skills (the ability to communicate constructively, to behave adequately in a stressful situation, the ability to say “no”, to resist psychological pressure, etc.), which give him the opportunity to solve emerging problems and realize his needs without resorting to Surfactant.

Encourage your teenager to be interested in any activity - social, sports, creative. Do not be hindered when children begin to try many circles and sections, without staying for a long time in any of them. This is normal, so they try on various activities, gain experience and self-actualize.

Always show your child that you love him - with words, hugs, a smile, encouragement. Cultivate in him self-esteem and awareness of his own value, significance for family and friends. Try to be as interested in the affairs and life of the child as possible, build trusting relationships.

Trust but verify.

Adequate parental supervision is a good deterrent to substance use. If a teenager knows that he will be tested, then he will think again before trying alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Every parent needs to know their child's social circle, so try to get to know your son or daughter's friends. Remember that the ban on communication can be used only in the most extreme situations, when you have no doubt that the influence of this person is dangerous for your child.

Even following all these recommendations, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of a teenager testing psychoactive substances. In this situation, one must clearly understand that the problem faced by the family is serious enough to rely only on its own strength. The sooner you seek professional help, the more likely you are to help your teenager avoid the medical and social consequences of using PAB.

Children learn to live with life

    If a child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

    If a child lives in enmity, he learns to be aggressive.

    If a child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn.

    If a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt.

    As a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to accept others.

    When a child is encouraged, he learns to believe in himself.

    When a child is praised, he learns to be grateful.

    If a child grows up to be honest, he learns to be fair.

    If a child lives in safety, he learns to believe in people.

    When a child is supported, he learns to value himself.

    If a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social rehabilitation of juvenile addictive behavior
  • 1.1 Concept, essence of features of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors
    • 1.2 Specific features of psychological counseling for juvenile addictive behavior
  • Chapter 2. The system of psychological counseling of juvenile addictive behavior
    • 2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the peculiarities of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors
    • 2.2 The main directions of psychological counseling for juvenile addicts
    • 2.3 Research results
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Applications


The transformation of the social structure of society as a result of the economic and political reforms carried out by the state, the dynamism of social processes and the current crisis situation in many spheres of public life inevitably led to an increase in the number of deviations manifested in behavioral patterns deviating from social norms. An increase in the number of carriers of deviant behavior, the multiplication of their types and forms create an unfavorable environment for children, which leads to violations of the moral stability of society.

Economic and political instability in Russian society provokes smoking, an increase in alcohol and drug use among adolescents and young people. With these, which have already become traditional forms of addictive behavior, gambling addictions stand in one row, i.e. gambling and computer addictions (from the English "gamble" - a game of chance), dependence on destructive cults, etc., which have an equally destructive effect on the emerging personality of a teenager.

In recent decades, the problem of addictive behavior of minors associated with the use of various psychoactive substances and not reaching the stage of mental and physical dependence on them has become especially acute.

The urgency of this problem led to the choice research topics: Specificity of psychological counseling associated with addictive behavior.

Research object is addictive behavior of minors.

Subject of study- the process of psychological counseling with underage addicts.

Purpose of the study- to scientifically substantiate the specifics of psychological counseling with underage addicts.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of research, the following are formulated research objectives:

1. Determine the social and psychological-pedagogical aspect of the addictive behavior of minors;

2. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the peculiarities of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors;

4. To develop the main directions of psychological counseling for juvenile addictive behavior.

Research hypothesis: we assume that the rehabilitation program for juvenile addictive behavior will become more effective if:

1) include means of artistic and creative activity;

2) is aimed at the formation and development of skills (protection from the involvement of minors in antisocial activity, the motive for refusing to take psychoactive substances), preventing further use of psychoactive substances.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the research are fundamental works in the field of studying the addictive behavior of minors, the study of the problems of social, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of minors of addictive behavior (E.I. Kholostova, N.A. Sirota, V.V. artistic and creative technologies in social work (E.Yu. Gerasimova, E.R. Guzhvinskaya, N.A. Zhivolupova, G.G. Karpova, O.A. Khakhova, N.I. Lovtsova, N.R. E.V. Terelyanskaya, M.G. Yartseva and others).

To achieve the goal and solve the assigned tasks, a complex was used research methods:

Theoretical: theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological, pedagogical, sociological literature; study and generalization of domestic experience in the study of addictive behavior of minors;

Empirical: observation, conversation, questionnaire, survey.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social rehabilitation of juvenile addictive behavior

1.1 Concept, essence of features of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors

Social rejection, formalization of the activities of public youth structures, the lack of intimate-personal contact with close adults aggravate the tendency inherent in adolescents to overestimate traditional values, lead to a crisis of authorities, opposing oneself to the adult world, various forms of deviant behavior, in particular, addictive behavior. The possibility of the appearance of deviations in the behavior of minors is also associated with the peculiarities of physical development, the conditions of upbringing and social environment... According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, "a minor is a person under the age of eighteen years." ...

Expanded periodization mental development a child from birth to 17 years old was created by D.B. Elkonin and presented in the article "On the problem of periodization of mental development in childhood." In the development of children, D.B. Elkonin considered it necessary to distinguish stages, age periods, and not just time intervals. He considered age as "a relatively closed period, the value of which is determined, first of all, by its place and functional significance on the general curve of child development." Each psychological age is characterized by indicators that are in complex relationships with each other: the social situation of development; leading activity; major neoplasms.

The social situation of development is defined as the actual place of the child in social conditions, his attitude towards them and the nature of activity in them. The child's life in a particular social situation is inextricably linked with the child's typical activities for a given age, which constitute his second most important characteristic. D.B. Elkonin used the concept of leading activity, developed by A.N. Leontiev as a criterion for identifying psychological ages. At each age there is a system of various types of activity, but the leading one occupies a special place in it. Leading activity goes a long way of formation, development (under the guidance of adults), and does not appear immediately in a finished form.

Leading activities are not the activities that take up the most of the child's time. This is the main activity in terms of its significance for mental development: in the form of the leading activity, other, new types of activity arise and differentiate within it (for example, in the game in preschool childhood, elements of learning first appear and take shape); in the leading activity, private mental processes are formed or rearranged ( the processes of the child's active imagination are formed in the game); the changes in the child's personality observed in a given period of development depend on the leading activity (in play, the child learns the motives and norms of people's behavior, which is an important aspect of personality formation). D.B. Elkonin presented the sequence of psychological ages in childhood as follows:

Neonatal crisis; infancy (2 months - 1 year) directly - emotional communication with an adult; crisis of one year; early age

- (1-3 years) tool-subject (subject-manipulative) activity; crisis of three years; preschool age (3-7 years old) - role play; crisis of seven years; primary school age (8-12 years old) - educational activities; crisis 11-12 years old; adolescence (11-15 years)

Intimate personal communication with peers; crisis 15 years.

Within activity, the so-called psychological neoplasms arise and develop. When one leading activity is replaced by another (when, for example, the play activity of preschool age is replaced by another leading activity - educational, which is already characteristic of primary school age), a crisis occurs. Depending on the content, crises of relations (3 years and 11 years) and crises of worldview (1 year and 7 years) are distinguished. Elkonin, in the scheme of mental development in childhood presented by him, developed the idea of ​​a periodic change, alternation in ontogenesis of two types of activity.

This step was prepared by the works of A.V. Zaporozhets and P.Ya. Halperin, devoted to the analysis of the structure and formation of objective action. According to A.V. Zaporozhets mental processes are varieties of orienting processes. So, perception is an orientation in the properties and qualities of objects, thinking is an orientation in their connections and relationships, and emotions are an orientation in personal senses. In the study of voluntary movements and their formation in children, Zaporozhets came to the conclusion about the role of orientation as the leading part of the action and about the passage of orientation through several stages - from external, expanded, to internal, folded. P.Ya. Halperin studied the development of internal, mental activity. He believed that of the three components of action - orientation, execution and control - orientation is the most important. A correctly set reference basis makes it possible to perform the action correctly the first time. Gradually (step by step) there is an internalization of the action and its transformation into an internal, mental action.

So, in every human action, two sides of it can be distinguished, two parts - indicative and executive. The orientation phase precedes execution. It is especially developed at the initial stages of mastering a new objective action. It is the orienting part of the action that undergoes interiorization, which is the main content of the functional development of the psyche.

In activity, two sides can be distinguished - motivational and operational; they develop unevenly, and the rate of development of a separate side of activity in each age period changes. According to the hypothesis of D. B. Elkonin, all childhood ages can be divided into two types: - at the ages of the first type (this is infancy, preschool childhood, adolescence), the child develops mainly the socially motivational side of some activity; the orientation of the child in the system of relationships, motives, and meanings of human actions develops; - in the ages of the second type, following the first (this is early childhood, primary school age, early adolescence), the child already develops the operational side of this activity.

There is a natural alternation of some ages (in which children predominantly develop needs and motives) with other ages (when children form specific operations of this or that activity). So, in infancy, in emotional communication with a close adult, needs and motives for business cooperation and the development of the objective world arise, which are realized in objective activity at an early age, when the corresponding operations take shape. But in preschool age, in play activity, the needs and motives of those activities that become leading in the next, primary school age, develop predominantly. Therefore, two definite adjacent ages are, as it were, linked to each other, and this "linkage" (or, in the words of DB Elkonin, "epoch") is reproduced throughout childhood (or is periodically repeated).

Thus, D.B. Elkonin suggested that the pattern of advancing development of orientation in comparison with the executive part acts not only in the functional, but also in the age-related development of the psyche: in the process of the child's development, the development of the motivational side of the activity first takes place, and then the operational-technical side. From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, periodically there is a gap between the level of development of the operational and motivational sides of the activity, one gets ahead and outstrips the other, and it is necessary to change the activity so that the lagging side reaches the required level of development. The driving forces of development are associated with a contradiction that develops in the process of mastering the motivational and objective aspects of activity by the child.

The hypothesis of periodicity in the mental development of a child, formulated by D.B. Elkonin, creatively develops the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, she explains the formation of not only the cognitive, but also the motivational-need-spheres of the personality in the child, the child's mastery of the world of people and the world of objects, reveals the mechanism of self-movement in mental development.

For our study of juvenile addictive behavior, it is more relevant to consider the age limit from 15-17 years.

In the formation of addictive behavior, social and spiritual needs are significantly affected, and the fundamental forms of behavior are organic and material. The person turns into a hedonic being. This leads to the formation of addictive behavior. Addictive behavior has dynamics, i.e. a certain development, consisting in the progressive deepening of violations in cases where the process will not be stopped.

According to the research of E.V. Zmanovskaya, addictive (lat. Addictio - evading) behavior is expressed in the desire to escape from reality by changing one's mental state through the intake of certain substances or constant fixation of attention on certain objects or types of activity, which is accompanied by the development of intense emotions. The process of using one or another substance (alcohol, psychotropic, narcotic substances, etc.) that changes the mental state, attachment to any object or participation in activity takes on such dimensions that it begins to control a person's life, make him helpless, deprive him of the will to counteracting addiction.

Foreign researchers usually understand addictive behavior as abuse various substances that alter mental health, including alcohol and tobacco smoking, before addiction developed.

In the works of N.A. Orphans, N.A. Shilova, “addictive behavior” is understood as one of the forms of deviant behavior, expressed in the desire to escape from the real by changing one's mental state by taking certain substances or constantly fixing attention on certain objects or activities (types of activity), accompanied by the development of intense emotions. In our work, the problems of the formation of addictive behavior in minors are considered.

Most authors of studies on the problems of addiction (K.S.Yang, Yu.S. Shevchenko; L.G. Leonova, N.L.Bochkareva, etc.) are unanimous in the opinion that in the process of developing addictive behavior, a person's control over their own behavior is lost ... According to M. Gaulston, F. Godberg, K. Sweet, any kind of activity or object can become an object of dependence.

In the studies of A.G. Leonova and N.L. Bochkareva group different types of addictive behavior into two main categories, which are pharmacological and non-pharmacological in nature. Desire to change mood by addictive mechanism. These agents include substances that alter the mental state: alcohol, drugs, drugs, toxic substances. Artificial change mood is also promoted by involvement in some types of activity: gambling, computer, sex, overeating or starvation, work, listening to rhythmic music. The authors associate the reasons for the emergence of addictive behavior with age-related, individual personality traits, conditions of the social environment.

The behavioral features of adolescents with addictive behavior are stereotyped, i.e. the same patterns of behavior are repeated, they become, as it were, a painful ritual. Therefore, once the common features of the schema are established, the behavior of addicts is relatively easy to predict. Unfortunately, it is much more difficult to change this stereotype, since the defensive reactions of denial and rationalization are a serious obstacle.

In juvenile addictive behavior, the trait of addiction is sometimes found. Addiction often manifests itself in the form of subordinate motivation for taking alcohol or other substances, i.e. subjecting addictive behavior to pressure from authoritative adolescents with addictive behavior. Most adolescents are also characterized by passivity, lack of independence. Addicts of this kind usually strive to gain support from the "authoritative" figures for them among the same alcoholic, drug addicts, easily falling under their influence.

Addictive behavior as a type of deviant personality behavior has several forms: chemical dependence (smoking, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol dependence); eating disorder (overeating, starvation, refusal to eat); gambling - gambling addiction (computer addiction, gambling); religiously destructive behavior (religious fanaticism, involvement in a sect).

The severity of addictive behavior can be different: from practically normal behavior to severe forms of biological dependence, accompanied by severe somatic and mental pathology.

In this regard, some authors, such as E. V. Zmanovskaya distinguish between addictive behavior and just bad habits that do not reach the degree of dependence and do not pose a fatal threat, for example, overeating or smoking. Various forms of addictive behavior tend to combine or pass into each other, which proves the commonality of the mechanisms of their functioning.

Addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs In the international classification of diseases, smoking is classified as addiction (tobacco dependence syndrome). The pharmacological and behavioral processes that determine tobacco dependence are similar to those that determine dependence on drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The psychological effect of drinking alcohol in small doses is expressed in the weakening of internal inhibitions, stiffness and acceleration of the sense of time.

Thus, drinking alcohol gives a sense of acquiring identity, while the person does not expend any internal effort, and with the disappearance of the external source of well-being, the sense of identity also disappears.

Psychological dependence syndrome, the essence of which is that a person ceases to feel comfortable in life and to cope with difficulties without taking drugs. The drug becomes the most important condition for a person's contact with life, himself, and other people.

The syndrome of physical dependence consists in the gradual incorporation of the drug into various chains of metabolic processes in the body. If the addict does not take the appropriate amount of the drug, then he experiences physical suffering of varying severity: aches, dry skin (or sweating), i.e. withdrawal syndrome develops. To remove it, you need to take a drug, the doses of which are constantly increasing.

Syndrome of altered reactivity of the body to the drug. Tolerance plays the most important role in the structure of this syndrome. Its increase, stabilization at a high level, decrease are attributed to the core symptoms of drug addiction.

In the studies of V.V. Shabalina points out that at different stages of the development of drug addiction, different functions dominate: cognitive function (satisfaction of curiosity, change in perception, expansion of consciousness); hedonic function (getting pleasure); psychotherapeutic function (relaxation in the presence of stressful situations or emotional stress; increasing the level of comfort; removing barriers to behavior); compensatory function (replacement of problematic functioning in the spheres of sex life, communication, entertainment, etc.); stimulating function (increasing the productivity of activity); adaptive function (adaptation to a group of peers who use drugs); anesthetic function (avoidance of pain).

The functions listed above, which can be realized through the use of psychoactive substances, indicate that dependence (in particular, drug addiction) increases adaptive capabilities. With the help of a drug, a teenager compensates for the lack of socio-psychological adaptation.

According to T.I. Petrakova, D.L. Limonova, E.S. Menshikova et al., Studying the motivation for drug use by adolescents, found that adolescents gave the greatest percentage of positive responses to drug use in situations: when the drug was used as a "medicine" for strong emotional experiences: fear, hatred, resentment, annoyance, loneliness, etc. ; responsibility for their behavior, opposition to the group, authority; conformism, demonstrations of protest against the opinion of elders, inclination to take risks, curiosity.

Among the reasons for the actualization of psychological readiness to use drugs are distinguished (SV Berezin, KS Lisetskiy, etc.): the inability of a teenager to get out of a situation when the satisfaction of urgent needs is difficult; lack of formation or ineffectiveness of methods of psychological protection; the presence of a traumatic situation from which the teenager does not find a constructive way out; a tendency towards confrontation with danger.

Food addiction. We are talking about food addiction only when food is not used as a means of satisfying hunger, when the component of getting pleasure from eating begins to prevail and the process of eating becomes a way of distraction from something. Thus, on the one hand, there is an escape from troubles, and on the other hand, fixation on pleasant taste sensations. An analysis of this phenomenon allows us to note one more point: in the case when there is nothing to occupy the free time or fill the spiritual emptiness, to lower the internal discomfort, it quickly becomes involved in the chemical mechanism. In the absence of food, even if there is no hunger, substances that stimulate the appetite are produced.

Thus, the amount of food eaten increases and the frequency of food intake increases, which entails an increase in weight, vascular disorders. This problem is especially relevant in countries with a high standard of living, along with which there is a high level of stress in society. Realistically, the development of food addiction in a situation of food availability due to the specifics of the profession (bar, restaurant, canteen). The other side of food addiction is fasting. The danger lies in a peculiar way of self-realization, namely in overcoming oneself, defeating one's "weakness". This is a specific way to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of. In the period of such a "struggle" with oneself, an elevated mood, a feeling of lightness is manifested. Restrictions on food are beginning to be absurd. The periods of fasting are followed by periods of active overeating. There is no criticism of their behavior. Along with this, there are serious violations in the perception of reality.

Internet addiction. In modern studies, Internet addiction is studied as a type of computer addiction (cyber addiction). Studying the relationship of identity and behavior on the Internet, A. Zhichkina revealed that the peculiarity of the identity of Internet addicted users is the desire to get rid of the requirements of the social environment and satisfy the need for emotional support. For Internet users, the creation of virtual personalities is characteristic, which is based on motivational reasons (satisfaction of existing desires). Virtual personalities are compensation for the shortcomings of the real situation. They can exist both "for themselves", realizing the ideal "I", or, conversely, realizing the destructive tendencies of the user, and "for others" - in order to impress others.

According to research conducted in 2000-2001. connection between cyber addiction and personal characteristics of E.D. Lvina, L.F. Lvin, N.I. Lebedev found that almost 9% of students aged 15-17 have computer addiction. It was revealed that the use of a computer and the Internet for games and entertainment is associated with certain personality traits (high dominance, low tolerance, low self-esteem, etc.). It has also been found that there is a negative correlation between cyber addiction and positive (self) identity.

Addiction to destructive cults . Those minors who cannot independently resolve the emerging intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, do not see life prospects, need support and recognition, which they do not receive in their environment, may be involved in non-traditional religious systems (sects), should be considered as a form of negative mental dependence ...

Negative dependence is called dependence on any object that is addictive and the impossibility of abandoning it and which destructively affects the psychological and physiological state of a person. The object can be both a psychoactive substance (and then we are talking about various forms of drug addiction), and a pathological system of relationships (and then we are talking, among other things, about sectarianism as a form of pathogenic relationships).

The types of addictive behavior we have considered are forms of compensation for deficiencies in personality development. The object of dependence, despite the specificity of each type of addictive behavior, is only a means that gives an illusory satisfaction of needs (not to be confused with the illusory sensations, they are real) or the resolution of actual conflicts, a weakening of internal tension. A teenager cannot get rid of addiction, since he does not have another more constructive way to resolve the constantly arising difficulties.

The choice of the object of addiction and, therefore, the formation of the corresponding type of addictive behavior is accidental. For example, an object can change to another, but addiction will remain), a drug addict can become an alcoholic and vice versa). This is due to the fact that the formation of various types of addictive behavior is one in its psychological basis.

Thus, from considering the problem of addictive behavior of minors, it follows that certain measures must be taken, which made it possible to systematically resolve the current situation. One of the more effective ways is the social rehabilitation of juvenile addictive behavior.

1.2 Specific features of psychological counseling for juvenile addictive behavior

As noted in paragraph 1.1, the addictive behavior of minors is accompanied by a deformation of their social ties and alienation from the main institutions of socialization and, above all, from the family and from the school.

To overcome this alienation, to include minors in the system of socially significant relations, it is necessary to implement a complex of social measures. An analysis of psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical literature on the problem of rehabilitation of children and adolescents indicates that social and pedagogical rehabilitation in specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation can be carried out only on the basis of deep integration of educational, educational, social and medical health programs aimed at the socialization of minors, and is a complex multi-level system of interaction between social workers, teachers, educators, psychologists, doctors, representatives of law enforcement agencies, organizers of education and health care.

Regulatory documents adopted in recent years on this issue (Federal Law “On the Foundations of the System of Prevention and Offenses of Minors”, “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”), state reports “On the Situation of Children in the Russian Federation”, “On the Situation of Families in Of the Russian Federation "and others establish the foundations of the legal regulation of relations in this area, allow to create a fundamentally new model of the state system of prevention and rehabilitation of minors."

However, in general, the existing system of social and rehabilitation work in the country is not adequate to the current situation and is aimed mainly at social control and punitive actions in relation to asocial families and minors in need of social rehabilitation, as well as at ensuring the elementary conditions of their life - the provision of housing, food, clothing. Scientific research in recent years, as well as the positive practice of the regions of Russia in solving the problem of the rehabilitation of minors, convincingly prove that the basis of rehabilitation activities should be based on the ideas of humanistic education, based on respect for the minor and trust in him.

A multifaceted pedagogical study of the problem of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of adolescents was carried out in domestic pedagogy by such scientists as G.M. Andreeva, V.V. Zayekov, L.P. Kolchin, N. D. Levitov, T.G. Rumyantseva, etc.

Scientists N.S. Vorontsova, E.V. Kolesnikova, H.A. Rychkova, R. Steiner and others.

The works of L.S. Alekseeva, V.G. Bocharova, S.A. Belicheva, M.P. Guryanova, V.I. Zhukova, N.Yu. Klimenko, V.Sh. Maslennikova, G.V. Mukhametzyanova, A.B. Mudrik, L.E. Nikitina, L. Ya. Oliferenko, V.A. Slastenin, E.I. Kholostovoy, N.B. Shmeleva, E.R. Yarskoy-Smirnova and others.

In research on social work, social rehabilitation is understood as a set of measures aimed at restoring a person's rights, social status, health, and legal capacity. This process is aimed not only at restoring a person's ability to live in a social environment, but also in the social environment itself, living conditions, disturbed or limited for any reason.

According to M.A. Galaguzova's definition of rehabilitation in relation to family relations is a system of measures aimed at the fastest and most complete restoration of the full functioning of various categories of the population. She considers the rehabilitation level, which consists of three sublevels - individual, group and community.

In the work of A.V. Mudrik explains the concept of correctional education, which is consonant with the concept of rehabilitation. This is the creation of conditions for adapting to life in society, overcoming or weakening the shortcomings or defects in the development of certain categories of people. This type of upbringing is necessary and is implemented for a number of categories of victims of unfavorable conditions of socialization and is suitable not only for children who are deprived of speech, hearing, vision or who have psychological developmental deficiencies, but also for certain categories of offenders.

The tasks and content of rehabilitation education depend on the nature and severity of the child's development. In this regard, special work is needed to reorient a person's attitude to his destiny. It becomes real if certain social attitudes on yourself, your present and possible future, on those around you, on various spheres of life and relationships as potential spheres of self-realization. A very important aspect of rehabilitation education is working with the family and the immediate environment, because it depends on them whether the efforts made by the educators will receive reinforcement.

Currently, there are different forms, methods and means of social rehabilitation, juvenile addictive behavior.

Rehabilitation of minors who abuse psychoactive substances is considered as a system of pedagogical, psychological, medical, social, legal, labor measures aimed at abandoning psychoactive substances, the formation of a stable anti-drug attitude of the individual, its resocialization and reintegration into society.

The goal of rehabilitation is the return of a minor to life in society based on the restoration of physical and mental health, refusal from psychoactive substances, restoration (or formation) of his normative personal and social status.

Achievement of this goal is carried out by solving specific problems of rehabilitation of minors who abuse psychoactive substances.

The main tasks of rehabilitation are:

Formation of a conscious motivation (attitudes) in a minor for inclusion in the rehabilitation process, subsequent long-term participation in it and the final refusal to use drugs and other psychoactive substances;

Creation of a rehabilitation environment in a rehabilitation institution for juveniles who abuse psychoactive substances, influencing the recovery and formation of socially acceptable personal and behavioral skills (qualities) among the rehabilitated, contributing to their re-adaptation and resocialization;

Correction and development of the structure of the positive personality of a minor;

Implementation of educational and educational (educational) activities at all stages of rehabilitation, taking into account the age characteristics of minors who abuse psychoactive substances;

Implementation of a set of therapeutic measures aimed at deactualizing pathological craving for psychoactive substances, eliminating mental and somatic disorders, preventing breakdowns and relapses;

Restoring family relationships, correcting relationships and communicative ties with significant others and with the closest social environment;

Formation of a real life perspective on the basis of continuing education, developing work skills, providing social support and legal protection of a minor.

Rehabilitation involves the use of the following set of principles in the implementation of programs: Voluntary consent to participate in rehabilitation activities. This principle presupposes obtaining the consent of a minor who abuse psychoactive substances and his parents (legal representatives) to participate in the rehabilitation process. It is advisable to register the consent by signing between the minor and his legal representative - on the one hand and the rehabilitation institution - on the other, an agreement specifying the rights and obligations of the parties, including the conditions under which an early termination of the agreement is possible. Stop taking psychoactive substances. Strengthening the personal attitude or the formation of the patient's motivation to completely stop the use of psychoactive substances that cause painful addiction. Confidentiality. All participants in the rehabilitation process must respect the minor's right not to disclose information regarding his participation in rehabilitation. The transfer of information to third parties is possible only with the consent of the minors themselves or their legal representatives, with the exception of cases provided for by applicable law. The systematic nature of rehabilitation measures. Rehabilitation programs are based on the unification and coordination of a complex of pedagogical, psychological, medical, social and other rehabilitation activities and on the integration of the efforts of all interested parties.

The systemic nature of the rehabilitation process is ensured by the coordinated efforts of specialists of various profiles, interacting in one structure (team, team of specialists).

Stages of rehabilitation measures. The rehabilitation process is built in stages, taking into account an objective assessment of the real state of the minor and its natural dynamics. The following main stages of rehabilitation are distinguished: initial (entry into the rehabilitation program), detailed, final (exit from the rehabilitation program).

Positive focus of rehabilitation measures. Positively oriented influences are given priority over negatively oriented sanctions and punishments. Instead of chronic conflicting relationships with the normative society, minors develop a positive personal orientation. This is achieved by orienting rehabilitation activities towards the formation of a sense of trust, collectivism, honesty, hard work, through the use of methods of support, encouragement, etc. An atmosphere is created that ensures personal growth and development.

A responsibility. In the course of the rehabilitation process, minors become more and more independent, are freed from overprotection, learn to make informed decisions, take responsibility for completely stopping the use of psychoactive substances, participate in rehabilitation programs, and positive interaction with the staff of the rehabilitation institution. In turn, the staff of the institution is responsible for organizing the rehabilitation environment, implementing rehabilitation programs, protecting the interests of the person being rehabilitated.

Inclusion of significant others in rehabilitation. Counseling, diagnostics and correction of problems existing among family members and significant other persons from the immediate environment of minors are carried out. The participation of significant others in the rehabilitation process is specially stipulated in the contract to work with existing problems.

Formation of a rehabilitation environment and reorganization of the microsocial (living) environment. It is supposed to create a rehabilitation environment, which is an artificial intermediate link in the process of freeing a minor from a painful dependence on psychoactive substances to stabilizing health and functioning in a normative social environment (family, place of study, leisure). Multilateral support for socially acceptable behavior and corresponding changes in the lifestyle of a minor is carried out through the impact on the main components of the rehabilitation and living environment.

A differentiated approach to the rehabilitation of various groups of minors. It is assumed that there is a range of differentiated rehabilitation programs and the inclusion of a minor in a particular program, taking into account his rehabilitation potential and in accordance with indications and contraindications.

Social and personal support for minors. It is carried out after the patient is discharged from the rehabilitation institution in order to prevent breakdowns and relapses of substance abuse, personal and social decompensation (Yu.V. Valentik, N.V. Vostroknutov, A.A. Gerish, T.N. Dudko, L.A. Kotelnikova ).

Artistic and creative activity is of the greatest interest for our work.

The main theoretical approaches in the social sciences boil down to the fact that creativity plays one of the main roles in the life of any person.

According to S. L. Rubinstein, creativity is an activity "creating something new, original, which, moreover, is included not only in the history of the development of the creator himself, but also in the history of the development of science, art, etc." Criticism of this definition with reference to the creativity of nature, animals, etc. is unproductive, because it breaks with the principle of the cultural-historical determination of creativity. The identification of creativity with development (which is always a product of the new) does not advance us in explaining the factors of the mechanisms of creativity as a product of new cultural values. A. Adler considered creativity as a way to compensate for an inferiority complex. C. Jung paid the greatest attention to the phenomenon of creativity, who saw in it a manifestation of the collective unconscious.

According to R. Assagioli's research, creativity is the process of the individual's ascent to the "ideal I", a way of self-disclosure. Psychologists of the humanistic direction (studies by G. Allport and A. Maslow) believed that the initial source of creativity is the motivation for personal growth, which does not obey the homeostatic principle of pleasure; according to Maslow, this is the need for self-actualization, full and free realization of one's abilities and life possibilities.

However, most authors are still convinced that the presence of any motivation and personal passion is the main sign of a creative personality. Features such as independence and conviction are often added to this. Independence, focus on personal values, and not on external assessments, perhaps, can be considered the main personal quality of creativity.

Understanding creativity as an activity leading to going beyond the given allows us to insist on its irreducibility to expression in individual results - productivity (studies by G.S. Batishchev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, N.A. Berdyaev).

It is more important for us to understand creativity as "building a person" (GS Batishchev), as "creating destiny" (Camus), as "realizing a personality" (NA Berdyaev).

Going beyond the closed limits of oneself is a creative act of a person. Creativity is not an impersonal process, it represents a certain life position (research by N.A. Berdyaev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, Camus, E. Fromm), which is confirmed by the manifestation of personal characteristics creative people such as independence, openness of mind, high tolerance, developed aesthetic sense, positive self-concept.

The development of a positive creative life strategy requires a number of prerequisites: security, justice, freedom (E. Fromm).

Such scientists as E.R. Guzhvinskaya, N.I. Lovtsova, O.A. Khakhova, G.G. Karpova, N.R. Milyutina, E.V. Terelyanskaya, N.A. Zhivolupova and others.

Of the various artistic and creative means used in the practice of social rehabilitation of juvenile addictive behavior, it is especially worth highlighting such as:

Artistic (arts and crafts, painting, graphic, etc.);

Musical (playing musical instruments, singing to music);

Choreographic (plastic, dance movements);

Dramatic (staging, staging of performances, etc.);

Literary and narrative (reading fiction, writing stories and stories);


From the above, it can be concluded that in the process of social rehabilitation of minors of addictive behavior when using artistic and creative means, the impact on the cognitive, behavioral, emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of the individual is primarily carried out.

addictive juvenile diagnostics counseling

Chapter 2. The system of psychological counseling of juvenile addictive behavior

2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the peculiarities of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors

An analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of the study gives grounds to assert that all rehabilitation measures carried out in institutions with minors of addictive behavior using diagnostic programs aimed at studying the features of manifestations of addictive behavior.

Our study involved 25 people. Of these, 19 are boys (60.1%) and 6 are girls (39.1%). Age of participants 15 years old (75%), 16 years old (15%), 17 years old (10%).

Before the study, the study group was informed, i.e. provides information characterizing addictive behavior.

In order to make communication more informal and comfortable, to get to know the group and to position the group members for open communication, the "Sheep's head" exercise was carried out. Everyone chose a play name, which during this lesson everyone had to call. Some immediately asked the question of whether it is possible to leave their own name, which his bearer is quite happy with. Someone came up with a nickname. Someone changed the name. After the presentation, we set about testing this group for addictive behavior.

It should be noted that the communication took place in a calm atmosphere; during the study, everyone took a place convenient for themselves in the room.

We also state that most of the research group immediately came into contact, apparently, the rest of the group was hindered by the short time of our acquaintance and still little trust for conversations and frank conversations.

During their acquaintance with the concept of "addictive behavior", young men and women showed interest, actively expressed their point of view, asked questions of interest to them on this topic, but nevertheless, several people were noted, distracting from the communication process at the beginning of our conversation by demonstrative behavior, switching to them all attention. But in the course of this conversation, the attention was gradually transferred to the mainstream of work on the topic, the interest of the research group was obvious.

The group was also presented with a plan for our further joint work, the main events. It is also worth noting the high attention with which this information was listened to. The last organizational moment before the study was familiarity with the basic principles of group work.

Our research took place in two stages.

Before the start of the survey, the respondents were explained the goals and objectives of the survey.

We used the method "Express-diagnostics of chemical dependence in adolescents" (AE Lichko, IY Lavkai), aimed at identifying a tendency to addictive behavior and directly identifying chemical dependence (see Appendix 1).

At the second stage of the study, we turned to the methodology "Propensity for addictive behavior" (questionnaire of VD Mendelevich), aimed at identifying the propensity of both dependence, in general, and, in particular, alcohol dependence and drug addiction.

Since the methodology contained a large volume of questions, by the end of this test, the study group was tired. In the course of filling out the test, some questions were clarified related to the explanation of some expressions, for example, such as "get into a mess". It is also worth noting the diligence with which the group answered the questions.

At the end of the survey, we proceeded to analyze and interpret the data obtained.

Having analyzed the respondents' answers according to the first method "Express-diagnostics of chemical dependence", we can note that 3 out of 25 respondents have a high propensity to addiction.

It should be noted that 11 respondents (44%) gave a positive answer to the question by his close relative of alcohol and drugs, i.e. the danger to the respondents comes from the immediate environment.

Also, 24% of respondents noted that their family has problems associated with alcohol consumption, which indicates the use of psychoactive substances, i.e. addiction grows.

56% of respondents noted that they drank alcohol while being alone, i.e. in this case, it is necessary to work with the skills of overcoming behavior of the use of psychoactive substances.

Also, one of the respondents (Sergey D.) noted that he drinks alcohol in order to relax, feel better or fit into the company, which once again testifies to the psychological and physical dependence of this respondent.

To confirm the results this study, we turn to the analysis of respondents' answers following method- "Addictive behavior".

It should be noted that when assessing the propensity to alcohol and drug addiction, the respondents' answers were interpreted according to the signs of addiction and the likelihood of addictive behavior.

So, we identified the following (propensity for alcohol dependence):

In 24% of respondents, there are signs of a tendency to use psychoactive substances, i.e. the respondents' answers demonstrate the likelihood of developing addictive behavior. In this case, we can talk about the periodic use of alcohol, which increases the risk of addiction;

16% of respondents - with signs of increased propensity for addictive behavior, i.e. this group of respondents is characterized by a higher probability than the previous respondents to the emergence of dependence on psychoactive substances.

It is worth noting also the variability of the dependencies of responding:

In 12% of the respondents, there is a complete coincidence of the levels of propensity, both to alcohol and drug addiction;

In 24%, there is a slight fluctuation in the level of inclinations for this trait (division into alcohol and drug addiction)

Thus, 4 out of 25 respondents have a tendency to addictive behavior, we can conclude that we have achieved the goal of diagnostics of the study: we revealed a tendency to addictive behavior in young people. Those. we can draw a conclusion about the propensity of student youth to addictive behavior, characterized by an equal predisposition to both alcohol and drug addiction.

Based on the results of the study, we decided to develop a social preventive program, including a detailed description of classes, using the means of artistic activity.

2.2 The main directions of psychological counseling for juvenile addicts

One of the types of innovative technologies of social work that allows a specialist to comprehensively approach the solution of professional problems in a situation of assistance is artistic and creative technologies.

For the first time, artistic and creative technologies as technologies of social work began to be used in the United States and Europe in the mid-50s. 20th century. As a component of the content of vocational education in the field of social work and social pedagogy, these technologies began to appear only in the late 70s - early 80s, when there was a need for specialists who could use artistic and creative activities in the field of professional social work and social pedagogy.

Specialists in the social sphere, facing different categories of clients in their work, are increasingly turning to artistic and creative methods. This is justified, first of all, by the fact that creative activity has a huge developmental potential, and the interaction and communication of the participants in the creative act is positively emotionally colored.

Taking into account the data obtained at the stage of the diagnostic experiment, we have developed a program for the prevention of juvenile addictive behavior.

A prevention program is a purposeful, specially organized activity.

The objectives of our program are:

1) increasing the level of awareness of students about the effects on the body of tobacco, alcohol, drugs;

2) the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

It defines the main stages of implementation: preparatory, main and final.

In the preparatory stage, the goal becomes: selection of artistic and creative techniques from this category of clients

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Teacher: Karabut M.A.

MBOU NOSH 95, Chelyabinsk

The program of the teacher's activities on the prevention of addictive behavior in primary school children by means of interaction with the family

Preserving and strengthening the health of students is one of the important areas of modernization of modern education. The most urgent problem in this area can be attributed to: educational overload, leading to overwork of students, school and home stress, the spread of bad habits, insufficient competence of parents in providing psychological assistance or creating a favorable atmosphere in the family.

VA Sukhomlinsky said that “taking care of a child's health, not only physical, but also mental, is not just a complex of sanitary, hygienic norms and rules ..., requirements for work, rest and nutrition. This is, first of all, concern for the harmonious completeness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity. "

This implies the pedagogical expediency of creating a special program of teacher's activities in conjunction with the activities of parents to prevent the prevention of addictive behavior in children of primary school age.

Target programs: creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for joint work of schools and families to prevent addictive behavior in younger students.

Tasks :

1) Formation of a system of knowledge on the topic of addictive behavior;

2) Formation of socially significant attitudes aimed at enhancing the joint activities of the school and the family;

3) Promotion of prevention of addictive behavior among primary schoolchildren and their parents;

4) Involvement of all family members in solving the problem of addictive behavior of children, a means of interaction between the teacher and parents and their children.

The mainprinciples program implementation:

* Collaboration - the work is based on a relationship of partnership, respect and trust of all program participants (students and their parents)

* Integrity of the educational space

* Activity approach

* Taking into account age characteristics

* Person-centered approach

The content of the teacher's activity program can be presented in the following areas:

* Work with students:

Comprehensive study of primary schoolchildren, their state of physical and mental health

Inclusion of children in joint activities

Establishing friendly relations between all members of the team

* Working with parents

studying family relationships

assistance to parents pedagogical assistance

involving parents in the life of the class

organization of joint events with children

The mainmethods program implementation:

1) Conversations

2) Lectures

3) Meetings

4) Games

5) Contests

6) Holidays

The program includes the followingstages implementation:

1) Analysis of screening diagnostics

2) Study of psychological and pedagogical literature

3) Implementation of a teacher's activity program for the prevention of addictive behavior in younger students by means of interaction between the teacher and the family

The expected result of the implementation of this program:

* Organization of a system of collective, creative work to prevent the addictive behavior of students.

* Formation of friendly, stable relationships between all family members / 8

* Consolidation of the results of the program for the prevention of addictive behavior in junior schoolchildren

The content of the teacher's activities on the prevention of addictive behavior in primary school children by means of interaction between the teacher and the family

1) Conducting screening diagnostics of computer addiction (L. N. Yurieva) (Appendix 1);

2) analysis of diagnostic results

1) providing parents with the results of screening diagnostics at the parent meeting;

2) analysis of the results of the parents together with the teacher


Class hour on the topic “deviant behavior. Is it good or bad?"

1) Parents' meeting "What is addictive behavior?"

(Appendix 2)

2) a conversation with a psychologist


1) Working with a psychologist

2) Conversation "your health"

(Appendix 3)

1) Talking to parents about the need for joint activities to prevent addictive behavior

2) parent lecture hall

"Habits and their prevention are bad"


1) Holding a joint holiday " New Year»

Parents and children organize a carnival. Parents who want to write the script. Parents prepare costumes for children and themselves. The teacher helps the parents in organizing the holiday. Negotiates with the venue of the holiday.

2) After the holiday, the teacher conducts reflection, both with students and with their parents. Compiles the analysis. Concludes about the influence of joint activities on the psychological state of children and their parents.

(Appendix 4)


Lesson dispute

" Healthy lifestyle"

"The art of being a parent"

Meeting for parents with the school administration, social worker, psychologist on the issues of raising children of primary school age


Class hour on the topic

“Let's save our health. The benefits and harms of computer technology "

Day - health. (parents organize a joint trip to the ice rink or to the ski lodge.


1) Children prepare reports on the topic "My hobby". Convincing children that leisure time should be beneficial;

2) learning outdoor games

1) "Effective parent" - training for parents (together with a psychologist);

2) integration of healthy lifestyle issues, to prevent addictive behavior of younger students.


The teacher conducts a sports event "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family";

The use of health-saving technologies in the learning process.

(Appendix 5)


1) Repeated screening diagnostics of computer addiction (L.N. Yurieva)

(Annex 1);

1) providing parents with diagnostic results; Comparison of results at the beginning of the program and at the end;

2) "The world of our family hobbies" (exhibition family drawings, photos, crafts)

Appendix 2

Development of a parent meeting on the topic:

"Addictive behavior of adolescents"

Resume: Content: addictive behavior of adolescents, problems of diagnostics of pupils' upbringing.

Purpose: awareness of the addictive behavior of students and awareness of the need for purposeful

work on its prevention.

Form of holding: thematic parent meeting.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

“Children are our judgment on the world, our mirror, in which our mind, conscience, honesty, neatness are all

to see it outright.

Children can hide with us, we can never use them. "

V.P. Astafiev.

Content : addictive behavior of students, problems of diagnostics of students' upbringing.

Target : awareness of students' addictive behavior and awareness of the need for purposeful work to prevent it ..

Form of conducting : thematic parent meeting.

Equipment : multimedia projector, presentation (attached).

Parent meeting plan .

1. Results of the level of survey of students in the school.

2 .. Addictive behavior of students and the reasons for its manifestation.

3. The role of the family in education

4. Outcome

Event progress .

1. The results of the previously conducted diagnostics to identify the level of computer addiction are placed on the slide and demonstrated.

2. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the expression "addictive behavior" is often used - this is the tendency of a teenager to acquire bad habits. At school, a lot of attention is paid to combating the bad habits of students. Let's try to understand what is called the words "habit", "addiction".

3. Participants receive sheets of paper and fold them several times, strongly smoothing the folds.

Then they unfold the sheet and try to fold it using the new folds.

After completing the assignment, you need to ask the participants if it was easy for them to bend the sheet along the new lines.

Mainoutput : our whole life is a collection of different habits. In which a person exercises throughout his life. From the beginning it is quite difficult for a person, then it becomes easier and easier to practice in the usual business. And if suddenly, due to circumstances, a person changes his habit, do

a new habit of my own, my own is not easy enough. Results can be achieved only if the exercises are constant and necessary for the person himself.

The famous American scientist James said: “Habit is capital acquired through exercise. They must first save up, and then live on interest from this capital. "

There is no one more unhappy than a person who has to decide every day when to get up, then dress, etc.

How can you cultivate a positive habit in your child? To do this, you need to know five important rules. .

First rule - in order to cultivate a positive habit in a person, it is necessary to teach him to realize that life without it turns into a catastrophe. The student is irresponsible - this leads to delays, unlearned lessons, negative learning outcomes, etc.

Second rule - a person must learn never to give himself indulgence in the manifestation of this or that habit. You can tell a child 1000 times that he has a bad habit, but this will not lead to a correction. It is necessary to create the conditions for correcting bad habits. Even if it is necessary to show firmness and cruelty.

Third rule - it is necessary to teach a person to use every opportunity to manifest a positive habit. Training in positive habits leads to their consolidation and becomes "second nature".

Fourth rule - you cannot endlessly talk to the owner of a bad habit. That he is her master. Many students already know very well that they have bad habits. You have to be a very authoritative person among children. So that they begin to listen to adults and want to correct their habits.

The fifth rule - for the manifestation of positive habits, you need to create conditions. But for this you need to know what bad habits have become part of the child's lifestyle.

3.1 To study the problem of the level of computer addiction, the following diagnostics were carried out:

1. How often do you feel revitalized, pleased, satisfied or relieved while at the computer (online)?

2. How often do you look forward to being at the computer (on the network), thinking and reflecting on how you will find yourself at the computer, open a certain site, find certain information, make new acquaintances?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

3. How often do you need to spend more and more time at the computer (on the net) or spend more and more money in order to get the same sensations?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

4. How often do you manage to independently stop working at the computer (in the network)?

(4) - never (3) - rarely (2) - often (1) - very often

5. How often do you feel nervous, low mood, irritable or empty outside the computer (offline)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

6. How often do you feel the need to return to your computer (to the network) to improve your mood or get away from life's problems?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

7. How often do you neglect family, social responsibilities and study due to frequent computer work (being online)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

8. How often do you have to lie, hide from your parents or teachers the amount of time you spend at the computer (on the network)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

9. How often is there an actualization or threat of loss of friendship and / or family relations, changes in financial stability, academic success due to frequent work at the computer (being on the network)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

10. How often do you notice physical symptoms such as: numbness and pain in the hand, back pain, dry eyes, headaches; neglect of personal hygiene, eating near the computer?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

11. How often do you notice sleep disorders or changes in sleep patterns due to frequent work at the computer (network)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

Evaluation of results:

Up to 15 points - 0% risk of developing computer addiction;

16-22 points - the stage of enthusiasm;

23-37 points - the risk of developing computer addiction (the need to carry out preventive programs in the future);

more than 38 points -presence of computer addiction!

Since our children are younger students, this diagnosis is the most suitable for us. The results indicate that there is this type of addiction in our class.

The reasons for this type of addiction:

    The child does not feel heard;

    There are problems in the family and the parents do not have time for the child;

    The child has no opinion of his own;

    The child has too much free time, which he does not know what to spend.

After reading the questionnaire by the parents, the teacher explains the results and invites parents to take a small test to determine what leisure role they play in the life of their children.

Questionnaire # 2 For parents at a meeting.

What are you doing with your child?

Leisure time 2-3 times daily On weekends

Reading newspapers and magazines

Reading fiction

Going to the cinema

Theaters, concerts


meetings with friends

Watching TV

Sports activities

Doing classroom chores

Classes in the circle, sections

Passion for music

Additional training sessions

Pet care

Helping parents around the house



Abstracts, reports, research

Work with computer

Participation in school affairs

Communication with nature, hiking, excursions

Aimless pastime

Free time work

3.2 Material handling the questionnaire takes place right there ... the percentage of interaction between parents and children is found out.

4. Outcome

Dear parents, according to the results of your questionnaire, we can conclude that in most cases, parents do not take part in the leisure activities of their children. From this, the problem that we are faced with arises. The children preferred to spend their time playing computer games. This problem cannot be left unresolved. To solve this problem, we need continuous cooperation throughout the whole year, and at the end we will again carry out this diagnosis and check the new level.

I am ready to listen to your questions about the accomplished and work ahead!?

End of the meeting.

Appendix 3

"Human health"


    To form a concept of what health is;

    To generalize and systematize the knowledge of students about health and conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of health;

    To cultivate a respectful attitude towards your health;

    Develop curiosity and observation:

    Develop the ability to work in a team

Equipment: Cards with proverbs, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a newspaper with a weather forecast, a disc with the recording "Music of the Sea".



The advance class is divided into two groups


Warm up. "Collect the proverb"

Each group of students are given envelopes with fragments of a proverb, which they must compose and explain its meaning.

1 proverb. A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them.

2 proverb. What you get used to when you are young, you cannot get used to it when you are old.

Teacher: What is the theme of these proverbs?

Students: Proverbs are related to the topic of health.

Teacher: Right. The topic of our lesson is "Human health". Today we have to answer the question "What is health"? consider conditions that are conducive to maintaining and promoting health.

Conversation. "Make a guess."

Teacher: guys, how do you understand what health is?

Students make their assumptions.

Conclusion: Health is one or another state of the body.

Teacher: Surgeon Nikolai Amosov gave such a definition of health.

If a student has not been sick for a year, he has a high level of health.

If a student was sick only during an epidemic, his health is at an average level

If he was often ill, the student has a low level of health.

Teacher: Guys, try who has high, medium and low health.

3. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Teacher: Let's look at what conditions are conducive to maintaining and promoting health.

Students name conditions, prove and a diagram appears on the blackboard

After discussing each condition, students come up with theoretical information or practical work or didactic game is carried out.

Theoretical and practical material used in the lesson

Teacher: already in ancient times, people knew the rules of a healthy lifestyle. There are three basic rules that are widely known in eastern countries (China, Japan, India)


Rule 1: Good mood.

When you wake up, immediately think of something good, pleasant. Tell yourself, “I'm going to have a good day. I deal with difficulties well, calmly and confidently. " Get out of bed, stretch your whole body, look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Place your hands on your face. Give him the warmth of your hands.


I'll take the light in my palm

And I'll put it to my heart.

And everything will be around

Lighter and kinder.


Rule 2. About hardening

Quenching with water is of great benefit. If you accustom yourself to take a cool shower, you will forget about a runny nose and colds.


Rule 3. Teaches you to relax

Before doing mental work, prepare yourself for work. Sit in a chair or lie down on the sofa. Turn on quiet pleasant music. Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on the shore of a warm sea, waves caress your feet, you feel good and pleasant. Or imagine yourself as a bird flying high in the sky. There is space and beauty all around. Ten minutes of such rest - and you are ready to solve the most difficult problems.

When pupils mention proper nutrition as one of the conditions, they are invited to play the game "Vitaminka".

The "vitamin box" contains dummies of fruits and vegetables. Students take out objects one after another.

Target : Determine which vitamin will be retained in a fruit or vegetable. At the end of the game, a summary is made. Do the guys know vitamins well?

When students name the weather as one of the conditions, they conduct a conversation about people who are dependent on the weather and practical work.

Teacher: There are people whose health depends to one degree or another on the state of the weather. Such people are called meteorological or meteosensitive. Often for such people in the weather forecast, additional information is provided to warn them.

Practical work:

Each group is given a newspaper.

Student challenge :

    Find in the section "Weather and Health" information for weather-sensitive people.

    In each group, choose a TV presenter who will introduce this information.

After practical work self-assessment of students is in progress.

    Correctly or incorrectly selected information.

    Is the TV presenter a good choice?

4 Summing up

In your opinion, what conditions affecting human health depend on you?

What conditions do not depend on you?

Do you think each of you can grow up healthy if you follow the rules? healthy person?

Students and teacher grade their work per class.

Appendix 4

Scenario of the New Year's carnival for children of primary school age "The old man Hottabych at the guys' Christmas tree!"

New Year Carnival Scenario

"The old man Khattabych at the guys' tree."

Children enter the hall to music.

DANCE: "Tick - tock watch." They sit down.

Leading:Dear kids! Boys and girls! It's time to open our ball. Noisy, sonorous carnival! Because today is a holiday, a glorious New Year holiday! Let him come to us today with a fairy tale!


1. It will be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

Hello New Years holiday

We came to meet you.

2. Here the tree is dressed up,

All lit up in lights.

And the toys sparkled

On her large branches.

3. Good we have today

You can't find a better place!

Near the New Year tree

Do not pass, do not pass.

4. We have a holiday today,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy-tale heroes

He gathered here today.

5. Fluffy herringbone

She came to visit us.

Gold beads

Braided into the branches.

Bright balls

Pleases the people.

Let's say with us:

Hello hello

New Year.

All in chorus:Hello, hello new year.

Song: "Shine the Christmas tree with lights."

Leading:The bell is mischievous, it is always with me everywhere. Ding-dong, Ding-dong! He invites you to a fairy tale!

(The light goes out partially, a magpie flies in).

Magpie:Stre - ke - ke! I have brought good news. Now, or maybe at exactly six, a big guest will come to you. The guest is gray-haired, with a beard. Guess who he is?

Children:Father Frost!

Magpie:I'll look outside the door, maybe he's coming, friends! (goes to the door, brings out a large jug to the tree).

(The light goes out completely).

Magpie:(flies around the hall). Stre - ke - ke! The guest is gray-haired, gray-haired with a long, white beard. He killed me to tears, he is not Santa Claus at all! Hush - hush - silence! (flies away) .

(The light turns on, the old man Khattabych stands by the tree, shakes himself off, looks around).

Khattabych:Peace be to this house! Hello, the most educated of the educated, and the loveliest of the lovely! Children and dear guests!

Leading:Hello grandfather! Where are you from? And why did you come here?

Khattabych:Oh, how, tibidah! Do you know who you won't let in? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand! I will order the wind, and it will scatter you, across the entire white world!

Leading:Oh guys! Why, this is old man Khattabych!

Khattabych:Right! O wise of the wisest! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this beautiful? Where are there so many children?

Children:to our school!

Khattabych:How beautiful you are, light. What a beautiful palm tree!

Leading:This is not a palm tree.

Children:It's a tree!

Khattabych:Christmas tree! Wah, wah, wah beautiful tree! What a strange tree! What strange fruits on it! But the apple, I'll pick it now!

Leading:You can't, Gassan Khattab! This apple is not real. This is a Christmas tree toy made of glass.

Khattabych:What miracles! How do you eat glass apples?

Leading:Every year for the New Year holiday, people in our country bring a Christmas tree from the forest and decorate with glass toys. Yes, guys, they will tell you everything themselves.


1. We are a Christmas tree from the forest

We were invited to the garden.

Dressed up a Christmas tree

In a festive outfit.

2. You need to get up near the tree

And the desire to make.

The day will come, the hour will come.

Everything will celebrate the New Year!

3. On cheerful children's trees

Miracles glisten in needles.

And under the tree on New Year's!

Everyone will find something.

You just need to advance

Make a wish.

4. Our tree is all in toys

And the balls shine on it.

Our New Year tree

Congratulations to all the guys.

Leading:Dear Khattabych. On New Year's Eve, everyone decorates the Christmas tree, but not only with glass toys, but even sweets. Now the guys will sing you a funny song.

Song: "Delicious toys".

Leading:Khattabych, we know you as a kind wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattabych:With great pleasure dear! Although I am old, I am not weak by will and I will help you. Order incomparable!

Leading:We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Khattabych:Freezing? What for? I'm afraid of frost. Where I live is warm, the sun is shining, there is no snow. Why do you need Santa Claus?

Leading:We cannot light the tree without him! We want it to light up now!

Khattabych:O cruel of the cruel! O evil children! Do you want this tree to burn?

Leading:No grandpa! We want colored lights to light up on the tree - lights!

Khattabych:So I'll do it now. Conjures: Oh - la - lam, la - lam!

(The lights don't come on).

Leading:Calm down, Khattabych! Maybe you can invite the Snow Maiden? She will be able to light the lights on the tree.

Khattabych:Snow Maiden, good! Conjures: You are sweeping a blizzard, invite the Snow Maiden to us.

Leading:I hear someone's voices. Someone stomps loudly and claps their hands.


We have been waiting for this hour all year

And to the thunder of crackers.

Let's start a round dance

Christmas toys.

(Children run out to dance).

Dance: "Christmas toys".

Khattabych:Here's how many Snow Maidens I have invited to you.

Leading:Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens, but Christmas decorations. Maybe you will try to invite Santa Claus again, he will come and bring fun.

Khattabych:Conjures: Ay, la - lam, ai-la - lam. You a blizzard, don't sweep, invite Frost to us.

(Music sounds, snowmen run out to the tree).

1. I'm a snowman made of snow.

2. I'm blinded to glory.

3. I look funny.

4. And the outfit is funny.

"Dance of the Snowmen".

Khattabych:Wah, wah, wah! What are these miracles? I was wrong again in witchcraft.

Leading:Yes, old man Khattabych, something incomprehensible is happening with your magic - sorcery.

Khattabych:(thinks): Don't be upset, lady! I figured out how to cheer you up! Conjures: Ay, la - lam, ai-la - lam. Takes a toy Santa Claus out of the basket.

(Santa Claus walks on the carpet, sings a song).

Leading:Oh, yes, this is not a real Santa Claus. Khattabych, because of your absent-mindedness, neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden can come to our Christmas tree.

Khattabych:It happens. Aren't you guys scattered?

Leading:No, our guys are attentive. If you want, let's check it out. Guys, answer the questions: This is me, This is me, These are all my friends!


Who sings and has fun and is not afraid of work?

Who ever got sick from overeating?

Who is not afraid of frost, flies along the rink like a bird?

Who of you, tell me brothers, forgets to wash?

Who knows how to rest, jump, run and play?

Who is a good fisherman who catches cows with a line?

How many of you walk down the pavement with your head down?

Which of you is the most nimble here, the first to meet the snow maiden is glad?

Leading:Khattabych, I seem to know what the matter is. You forgot the magic word, think what?

Khattabych:Right! I know this word, everyone should pronounce it when he asks for something. Do you guys know this word?


Khattabych:Right! Well, now let's check it out. Ay - la - lam, ay - la - lam! You are a blizzard, do not sweep, and Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, please invite us to the holiday!

And it’s time for me to say goodbye, it’s cold, and I’m afraid of the frost. Goodbye, wisest of the wisest. Leaves.

(Music sounds, Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter).

Leading:Here he comes, a welcome guest, all overgrown with a beard, and cheerful and ruddy. Who is this?

Children:Father Frost!

D. Moroz:Hello my friends! I visited you a year ago. I am glad to see you all again. You dressed up in costumes. Everyone started dancing merry. So, in this hall there is a Ball, a New Year's Carnival!

Oh, why doesn't the Christmas tree burn? Not in order! Let's say together: One, two, three well - ka, burn the Christmas tree!

(The tree does not light up).

Snow Maiden:Santa Claus, and maybe read poems for the Christmas tree, and sing a song, you look, and she will smile at us with her lights.


1. Hello Christmas tree, how glad we are

That you came to us again.

And in little green needles

Brought the freshness of the forest!

2. Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair.

And the needles keep thick

The smell of a tar forest.

3. How smart you are

With a silver star!

How huge you are

How fun it is with you.

4. The tree will sparkle with lights

Covered in silver dust.

From Santa Claus to us.

This tree was brought.

5. Well, the tree! It's just amazing!

How smart! How beautiful!

The branches rustle weakly.

The beads shine brightly.

And toys swing -

Flags, stars, crackers.

6. The tree stretched out the branches,

Smells like a forest in winter.

Sweets hung from the tree

And fringed crackers.

We clapped our hands

We got up together in a round dance.

Came so good

And Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:So that no one frowns, start playing, dancing. Become a round dance. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance: "It's snowing!"

D. Moroz:Well, thank you guys, you danced with me. Now let's try to light the Christmas tree together. One - two - three, burn the Christmas tree!

(The tree lights up with bright lights).

D. Moroz:Tell me, are you grandfather, do you have fun in winter?


1. Frost does not matter to us,

We are not afraid of the cold.

We wear fur coats and earflaps

And we go sledging.

D. Moroz:But as?

That's how. Sit down Frost, I'll pump it.

(They depict sledding to the music).

D. Moroz:And then?

2. And then we'll get up on skis

And we will begin to ride from the mountain.

D. Moroz:But as?

That's how. Let's go, I'll show you.

(Simulates skiing to the music).

D. Moroz:What else?

3. We also take skates

And we run to the skating rinks.

D. Moroz:But as?

That's how. Let's go, Snow Maiden, I'll show you.

(Simulate ice skating to the music).

D. Moroz:Do other guys like tobogganing, skiing and skating?


D. Moroz:Let's go, we'll all ride.

(They imitate sledding, skiing, ice skating to the music).

D. Moroz:And my granddaughter Snegurochka also has a favorite game. Do you know which one?


D. Moroz:Correctly in snowballs. Yes, not just throw snowballs, but who will be able to lift a snowball faster.

"Snowball game".

D. Moroz:Oh, and I'm tired. Yes, and it became hot from the game. Call your girlfriends - snowflakes, Snow Maiden, let them bring coolness.

Snow Maiden:Fly out snowflakes, cool Santa Claus.

Dance: "Snowflakes".

D. Moroz:Well done, snowflakes, chilled grandfather.

Snow Maiden:Now, Grandpa, listen to the poems that the kids read to you.


1. Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered

Good Santa Claus!

Decorated everything in fluffy snow

And he brought gifts!

Let the lights burn on the branches

Round dances are found!

Let about all obedient children

Happiness will be taken care of!

2. Santa Claus for the new year

Anything you want will bring.

Make a wish you.

And dreams will come true.

I didn’t just make up my mind

I drew on the sheets.

And put it under the tree

He carefully covered it with cotton wool.

Dad and mom didn’t tell

What I wished for myself.

And so it happened

Santa Claus brought everything I wanted.

It's a pity just once a year

He takes care of us.

3. Snow in the forest wrapped up the tree,

I hid the tree from the guys.

At night, the Christmas tree is secretly

I ran to kindergarten.

And we have fun in the garden

A noisy round dance is dancing.

Under a young spruce

We are celebrating the New Year!

4. Before the holiday winter

For a green tree

The dress is white itself

Sewed without a needle.

Shook off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is more beautiful than everyone

In a green dress.

Her green color to the face,

The tree knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve

Well dressed!

5. Who is smart warm fur coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy and gray?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

6. Santa Claus, though old,

But he is naughty like a little one:

It pinches the cheeks, the nose tickles,

He wants to grab it by the ears.

Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,

Enough, do you hear

Do not spoil!

D. Moroz:Yes, I'm an old mischief-maker, I love to play, I know, and you love to play. Come out all in a circle.

Game "Mitten".

D. Moroz:Yes, you like to play, and whether your parents like to play, now we will check.

Rope game. A game for children and parents.

Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost, we had great fun, and now the time has come, to distribute gifts!

D. Moroz:The children deserve the gifts, I have a surprise for you. As a crystal snowball, the year of the horse is coming to us, and everyone is lucky with gifts.

(Santa Claus leads a horse into the hall, which is carrying gifts.

The horse is dancing, everyone is clapping).

D. Moroz and Snegurochka give out gifts.

Leading:Guys, thank Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for the gifts. And let's take grandfather with a merry round dance.

D. Moroz:Guys, get up in a friendly round dance, invite your parents.

Round dance: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest! ".

D. Moroz and Snegurochka say goodbye, wish everyone a Happy New Year! Leave.

Appendix 5

Sports event "Dad, Mom and I - Sports Family"

Regulations for the sporting event "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family."


- promotion of healthy lifestyles

- strengthening the connection between the family and the school

- strengthening the child's relationship with parents, with the school

- identification of a friendly and close-knit team.

Place and time

Competitions are held ___ 20__ in the sports hall of MBOU Secondary School No. ___

The beginning of the competition at ___


The general management of the organization and conduct of the competition is carried out by a physical education teacher ___, as well as assistants at the following stages: ___ The jury is responsible for scoring and identifying the winners, the composition of the jury: additional education teacher __, parent __, senior pupil __


A full family is allowed to participate in the competition (dad, mom, child)

All participants must, belongs to the main medical group... Participants must be: in sportswear and shoes. Each team has a name, a motto.

Competition program

Stage 1: "Running with a relay baton"

Stage 2: "Ferry in the hoop"

Contest for dads "Hugs"

Stage 3: "Big Ball"

Stage 4: "Through bumps and stumps"

Competition for mothers "Moving ring"

Stage 5: "Tie a bow"

Captains competition "Blow the ball"

Stage 6: "Combined Relay"

Determination of the winner of the competition

The winners are determined by the highest number of points scored at stages and competitions, i.e. if there are 4 teams, then the maximum number of points for 1st place is 4, 2nd place -3, 3rd place-2, 4th place -1. AND top scores in competitions for the highest number of points. Penalty points at stages are - 0, 1


Teams are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes. Contestants with valuable prizes

Event scenario

According to the sound of music, the participants of the competition, accompanied by assistants, enter the gymnasium, line up in front of the jury.


O! The joy of our meeting is endless.

Oh, happiness to see sincere friends!

We believe everyone will perform well

And the spirit will become firmer and stronger!

Good afternoon, our dear guests, competitors, teachers and students of our school! We are delighted to welcome you to this room. Today we have a holiday, a holiday of true lovers of physical culture, connoisseurs of beauty and health. Today is a sports holiday for the whole family, for family teams.

The presenter introduces the participants; in turn, the teams represent: the name of the team, the motto. Introduces the jury, physical education teacher, assistants to Ch. judges-teachers of physical education; with the competition program and stage evaluation. Each team has one accompanying assistant.Music accompanies each stage of the competition and during the break (the theme of music is focused on the task by stages and pause)

Physical education teacher: Equal teams, attention! Alignment to the middle.

Marching to the chairman of the jury

Physical education teacher: I report to the chairman of the jury. The teams are lined up and the start of the competition is ready.

Leading: The competition will be judged by the most worthy, fair and skillful - this is our jury. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury


There are no short paths in sports,

And there are no random luck,

Learn at the games

We are all formulas for victories.

This is resilience and courage

The strength of the hands and the vigilance of the eye,

This is the honor of the family

Covering us.

Teacher: participants at the start - step march!

The first stage of the competition begins. The assistants show the task at the stage.

Then the participants start at the signal (whistle). And so each stage is shown in advance by the assistants.

By stages

Stage 1 "Running with a relay baton": the child starts the first on the whistle, runs in a straight line around the rack, reaches the finish line and passes the baton to his mother; mom hands it over to dad after running.

Penalties: if the stick is dropped; incorrectly passed and accepted (CORRECT in the CLOSE RELAY, the transmitter holds the stick in his right hand and passes to his right, slightly shifting to the left in the run without interfering with the next runner); and also did not run around the rack.

Stage 2 "Crossing in the hoop": opposite each team is one hoop # 1, and the other hoop # 2 is in the hands of any of the team; on the whistle the whole family moves into the hoop # 1 on the floor and places the hoop # 2 in front of the hoop # 1 on the floor. Then the whole family moves from the hoop # 1 to the hoop # 2, and the hoop # 1 will be placed in front of the hoop # 2. And so the whole family, being inside the hoop, is transported to the other side of the gym, then they leave the hoops near the counter and they all run to the finish line.

Penalties: left the hoop (touched the floor with your feet or one foot behind the hoop, did not go around the rack.

COMPETITION for dads "Hugs". Teams in pairs: mom and dad; lined up in one line. An inflatable ball is located between the torso of dad and mom in front

At the whistle, couples should hug tightly and burst the balloon faster than others without using hands, but only hugging.

Penalties: burst the balloon with your hands

Stage 3: "Big Ball". Each team has large rubber, inflatable balls. Dads at the start in a lying position, the balls are at the mother and the child. On the whistle, mom will lay the ball in front of dad, and dad walks on top of the ball in support, the child will immediately lay the ball in front of dad and dad must always move forward on top of the balls in the lying position. The ball under their feet is always passed forward so that the daddy moves on the ball, so they move to the rack, then they leave the balls and all run back together.

Penalties: dad does not move on the ball, does not run around the rack.

Stage 4: "Through the bumps and stumps" Hoops lie opposite each team: 1 row of hoops is placed one after another, 2 in two rows, a short distance (2 m) between row 1 and 2 rows of hoops. - 1 row, with one foot, then stepping into the right hoop with the right foot in the 2nd row, and stepping into the left hoop with the left; runs around the rack and runs in a straight line, passes the baton with his hand (as in the oncoming baton with a stick).

Penalties: stepped on the hoop, moved the hoop out of place (yours or someone else's); have not passed the baton.

COMPETITION moms "Moving ring": participants are located in a square, that is, each in its own corner; there is a "ring" - a rope on the square; a ball (volleyball or soccer) is placed opposite each. The participants stand with their backs to the center of the "ring" and take the "ring" in their hands, but so that the red ribbon on the rope is in the center of the participant's torso and tries to kick the ball first with the whistle.

Penalties: did not hold the rope, ie "ring"

Stage 5: "Tie a bow": everyone in the team has a bow in their hands, on the whistle the first one runs in a straight line to the volleyball net and ties a bow; back at a run passes the baton by hand. And so is each participant.

Penalties: the bow is not tied; did not pass the baton

COMPETITION for captains "Inflate the balloon": each child has an inflatable deflated balloon. At the whistle for a while, the children should inflate the ball, the time to complete is 2 minutes, hold it so that it does not deflate and lift it up if he considered that he coped with the task. It is determined who finished first and who inflated the balloon well. In the event that a balloon bursts, everyone will have a spare balloon.

Note: if you could not inflate, but fought to the end, 0.5 points are given. The size of the ball is shown in advance by the helpers.

6 stage "Combined relay": Run around the pins in a zigzag, crawl into the hoop - lying on the floor, get from a prone position into the skittles opposite, run around the rack and pass the baton by hand.

Penalties: touched the pins while running in a zigzag, threw the hoop, but did not put it back; did not run around the counter.

Host: the fairest and most honest judges summed up the competition. The word of the jury.

Rewarding of participants and announcement of the winner.

Host: We wish you that physical education will become your constant companion in life, so that physical exercise will become a natural necessity in your life

and that you, dear parents, become our allies in fostering a child's interest and love for physical culture, for physical exercises. Until next time!




Talk about the problem of addictive behavior in modern society completely new is categorically wrong. So, for example, in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries, despite the socio-economic and cultural upsurge, purposeful and systematic work was carried out to prevent various types of addictive behavior among young people. One of the most urgent tasks in this activity was the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction. At the same time, during this period in Russia there was a clear system of anti-alcohol education of students, including cultural and educational, educational and organizational and methodological directions. During that historical period, a large number of journals were published in Russia dealing with the issue of improving the nation's health (Pedagogical Collection (1871), Russian Pedagogical Bulletin (1860), Sober Life (1861), Yasnaya Polyana (1864)), on the pages of which the issues of mainly anti-alcohol education were solved.

Therefore, it would be more correct to say that the problem of preventing addictive behavior not only continues to remain relevant to this day, but has acquired an extremely acute character today. According to the Russian Academy of Education, at the present time, “the scale and rates of the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse in the country are such that they call into question the physical and moral health of young people, the future of a significant part of it. And this in the near future may lead to social instability in Russian society. "

Over time, many of our actions and behaviors become habits, that is, behavioral stereotypes. Habit makes movements more precise and free. It reduces the degree of conscious attention with which actions are performed. That is, the tendency to habitual behavioral actions is an action, the fulfillment of which becomes a need. In the complex of nervous structures that provide the usual way of actions of a person, as a rule, mechanisms of emotional response are also included. At the same time, during the period of implementation of habits, they cause emotionally positive states and, conversely, under circumstances that interfere with their implementation, cause discomfort.

Given this important property of the nervous system, it is possible to form and consolidate certain habits, even if they are unnecessary or harmful (smoking, alcohol, etc.). It can be argued with some certainty that the process of rational management of habits is, in essence, the management of behavior. After all, even bad habits, clearly damaging the health of the body, over time begin to be perceived as a normal phenomenon, as something necessary and pleasant. And then the meaning of behavior management is to notice in time the prerequisites for the formation of an unnecessary or bad habit and eliminate it so as not to be captured by it, in the captivity of addictive behavior.

A negative information background has developed in society, contributing to the involvement of people in the consumption of psychoactive substances. In this case, the emergence of manifestations of addictive behavior occurs in adolescence. Currently, "there is a noticeable decrease in the number of minors who consider narcotic substances harmful and dangerous, and an increase in the number of adolescents who are confident that the consumption of certain substances is acceptable and possible."

The system of building relationships in a modern society with exposed naked nerves of social inequality is very peculiar. The tendentiousness of social inequality, characterized by the saying "what is allowed to Jupiter, is not allowed to a bull ..." causes mistrust and wariness in building relationships, and sometimes inability to interact and not even willingness to compromise. The ability to display aggression turns into a well-established stereotype of behavior, showing others a willingness to defend themselves. And here there is a dangerous tendency for the formation in the depths of the youth subculture of a new system of socio-cultural values ​​of society, incl. ideological. This is a decline in the authority of the values ​​associated with the collective beginning and the principles adopted in the old days.

And speaking of addictive behavior as a social phenomenon, we can say the following: if earlier in the category of persons at risk of such manifestations, “a certain circle of people (socially disadvantaged, with mental disorders, criminal history, etc.) fell into at the present time it is becoming a behavior characteristic of a significant part of young people. "

It is important for us to understand that the so-called "risk group" can involve not only those whom we are used to considering potentially causing increased psychological and pedagogical interest, but also ordinary people.


§ 1. The essence, classification and types of addictive behavior of students. Alcoholism.

Addictive behavior (from the English addiction - addiction, vicious addiction) is one of the forms of deviant, deviant behavior with the formation of a desire to escape from reality.

Addictus (addictus) is a term used at one time in Roman law, which refers to a person who is subordinate, convicted: “addicere liberum corpus in servitutem” means “to sentence a free person to slavery for debts”; An addictus is one who is in debt.

Thus, metaphorically, addictive behavior is a deep, slavish dependence on some kind of power, on an irresistible compelling force, which is usually perceived and experienced as coming from the outside, whether it be drugs or alcohol - that is, any system or object that requires total obedience from a person and receives it. ...

The root cause of all addictive disorders is suffering, not the success of drug dealers, the availability of drugs, the pressure of the social environment, or the pursuit of pleasure and self-destruction. The suffering that addicts try to alleviate or prolong with the help of their desires in some kind of addiction reflects the basic difficulties in the field of self-regulation, which includes the four main aspects of psychological life: feelings, self-esteem, human relationships and self-care.

The presence of addictive behavior indicates impaired adaptation to the changed conditions of the micro- and macroenvironment. A person by his behavior provokes increased attention to himself, "informs" aboutthe need to provide him with emergency assistance. In these cases, preventive, psychological, pedagogical, educational, and sometimes medical measures are required.

Addictive behavior can be characterized by the abuse of one or more psychoactive substances in combination with other behavioral disorders, sometimes of a criminal nature. Among them, experts identify the occasional, periodic and constant use of psychoactive substances (PAS).

Talking about the majority existing forms, the most socially dangerous can be identified, these are alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, tobacco smoking, that is, chemical addiction, and non-chemical addiction - computer addiction, gambling,religious destructive behavior (fanaticism, involvement in a sect).

Over the past ten years, the spectrum of addictive behaviors has grown significantly. Even computer addiction currently has a number of varieties. So, let's talk about different addictions one by one. Let's start with chemical addiction and its most common form, alcoholism.

Alcoholism - a chronic disease that develops as a result of prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages. Such a disease, in itself, is not a mental disorder, but psychoses can occur with it. In the last stage of this disease, dementia (dementia) develops.

Alcoholism, a disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, characterized by craving for them, leading to mental and physical disorders and disrupting the social relations of the person suffering from this disease.

Alcoholism is a disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages; manifests itself as a constant need for intoxication, mental disorder, a decline in working capacity, loss of social ties, personality degradation.

The beginning of the development of alcohol addiction can be the first meeting with alcohol, when intoxication is accompanied by intense emotional experiences. They are fixed in memory and provoke repeated use of alcohol. The symbolic nature of drinking is lost, and the person begins to feel the need to drink alcohol in order to achieve a certain desired state. At some stage, thanks to the action of alcohol, activity rises, creativity rises, mood and performance improve, but these sensations are usually short-lived. They can be replaced by low mood, apathy and psychological discomfort. The emergence of such a state is one of the options for the development of alcoholic addictive behavior, since a person begins to strive to "reproduce" it, for which he intensively resorts to alcohol. Long-term alcohol consumption leads to physical dependence.

§ 2. Types of drugs of natural and synthetic origin. The process of drug addiction, its stages, physical dependence on drugs

Consider the next type of addictive behavior - this is drug addiction.

Addiction - a painful condition characterized by the phenomena of mental and physical dependence, an urgent need for repeated repeated use of psychoactive drugs, which takes the form of an irresistible attraction. In the international classification of diseases, drug addiction is "mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances." All drugs can cause strong mental dependence, but physical dependence to some is expressed (opium preparations), to others - it remains unclear, questionable (marijuana, cocaine).

Currently, this problem is more than urgent in the country. According to statistical estimates provided by the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation in 2013, the number of drug users in the country is 8.5 million, which on average is about 6% of the total population of Russia. At the same time, about 20% of them are schoolchildren (only 1.7 million consumers, i.e. every 8th student of the school, and in the senior grades it is every 4th), and 60% are people aged 16 to 30 years old, which is 5.1 million consumers. Therefore, the problem of the appearance in educational institutions of persons inclined to use drugs is quite serious.

In most cases, the use of drugs is associated with the desire for new sensations, to expand their spectrum. New methods of administration, new substances and different combinations of these substances are being sought in order to achieve maximum effect. The most common soft drugs (marijuana series). They quickly cause psychological addiction. There is a fairly rapid transition from soft drugs to stronger substances in the form of inhalants (cocaine, ecstasy) and in the form of intravenous injections (heroin), which almost immediately cause physical dependence. But the path from marijuana to heroin and so on is not always a mandatory phenomenon, often the case starts with alcohol, or immediately with heroin or other drugs, or marijuana remains a "drug for life." Long-term use of marijuana and many other substances (mescaline, LSD, etc.) provoke mental illness.

Drug addiction is more pronounced in comparison with alcohol. Everything that is not addiction is quickly squeezed out, and emptiness sets in faster. The social circle covers mainly those who are united by drug addiction. Drug abusers try to involve more people in their circle and prevent them from leaving this environment. In parallel with personal breakdown, serious disorders develop on somatic and mental levels... The increasing need to increase the dose can lead to loss of control and death from overdose. Drug addiction is often associated with criminal activity, since the problem of the availability of funds to purchase drugs is always relevant. Now the number of drugs of synthetic origin has increased, which, in turn, are more detrimental to the addict. They are obtained with the help of various drugs and chemicals in an artisanal way and, in terms of the speed and degree of destructive action, they are many times superior to drugs of natural origin.

It makes sense to talk about the types of drugs that can be found in an educational institution and their effect on a person. In doing so, we will look at classic drugs.

Hemp derivatives.

The dried or not dried green herbaceous portion of hemp, also called marijuana. These are tobacco-like, usually light, greenish-brown, finely ground dried leaves and stems. Sometimes it is tightly compressed into lumps, then it is called "anasha", "hashish" or "plan". A pressed mixture of resin, pollen and finely ground hemp tops is a dark brown dense substance, similar in consistency to plasticine (but less plastic), leaves greasy stains on the paper.

All hemp preparations have a rather pungent specific smell and bitter taste, as a rule, they are smoked, hammered into cigarettes along with tobacco. Although at present, improvised means for smoking are actively used (plastic bottles, foil from the packaging material of cigarettes, etc.). The active (active) substance in hemp is a group of alkaloids under the general name "tetrahydrocannabiols".

Signs of cannabis drunkenness are largely dependent on the dose and amount of drug taken. Usually, intoxication with small and medium doses is characterized by dilated pupils, dry mouth, redness of the lips and sclera of the eyes and face.

In this state, the intoxicated are mobile, dynamic. Decisions are made easily and thoughtlessly. Speech is often accelerated, wordy, and hasty. Cannabis and its derivatives are usually called a "group drug" because the mood of the intoxicated person exaggeratedly repeats the mood of those around him. If everyone is having fun, he laughs; if sad, he cries.

The brain begins to work in much the same way as it works in a patient with schizophrenia. When the intoxication passes, the brain functions are restored, but not completely. At first, subtle changes remain, which psychiatrists call a "defect." Depending on the intensity of the abuse, these changes accumulate faster or slower ("accumulate") and as a result, the previously cheerful and energetic person turns into a sad, apathetic, lethargic, slow-thinking, anxious about the most insignificant subject, extremely painful for himself and for loved ones ... He no longer wants to smoke cannabis, but, unfortunately, this condition is irreversible.

Opium derivatives.

"Poppy straw", "straw" or "hay" - finely ground (sometimes to a state of dust) brownish-yellow dry parts of plants: leaves, stems and capsules.

"Khanka" - frozen dark brown juice of poppy pods (aka raw opium), formed into flat cakes 1-1.5 cm in diameter.

All unprocessed plant-based opiate drugs have a mild astringent effect when placed on the tongue. Contains opium alkaloids - morphine, codeine and some others.

In the processed form, they look like solutions:

In the case of handicraft production from plant materials - a brown solution, similar to more or less strongly brewed tea, with a distinct, sometimes pungent vinegar smell. When it settles, it becomes lighter and more transparent, gives a precipitate in the form of small dark particles.

Transparent solution in ampoules or in vials similar to penicillin. Vials can be made of dark glass and be labeled as "Morphine hydrochloride".

Heroin is a drug made in clandestine laboratories. Light grayish-brown powder in the form of small crystals with an unpleasant odor, looks and feels like washing powder. Usually bitter if diluted with powdered sugar - with a sweet aftertaste.

Codeine is also an opiate drug, found in the form of official (i.e., manufactured) cough and headache tablets.

Methadone is a synthetic opiate drug that looks like heroin, its production and any use in Russia is prohibited by law.

Opiates are usually given by injection (i.e. given intravenously). Plant raw materials are pretreated with chemicals, and powdered drugs are simply diluted. Signs of intoxication with drugs of the opiate group:

Unusual sleepiness at the wrong time. If you leave the drunk alone, he begins to fall asleep in any position and nodding off, periodically waking up. If you call him, he immediately joins in the conversation, as if he had not slept. At the same time, he has a slow speech, he stretches the words, begins to talk about what has long been discussed and forgotten, he can tell the same thing several times. The pupil (an extremely important feature) at this time is unusually narrow and does not expand at all in the dark, therefore, in twilight lighting, visual acuity is noticeably reduced. The skin is pale, dry, and warm. Pain sensitivity is reduced, he can burn himself on a cigarette or a hot frying pan without feeling pain. The rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disturbed (go to bed late - get up late). This state does not last more than 8-12 hours, and sometimes lasts 4-5 hours. When it gradually goes away, withdrawal symptoms begin. At this time, the addict is restless. He is tense, irritable for no reason, nervous. He needs to find drugs.

Novice drug addicts who do not yet have severe physical dependence are able to "endure withdrawal symptoms." In this case, they can tell their relatives "sick". Indeed, the picture of mild opiate withdrawal is reminiscent of acute respiratory infections or indigestion.

It all starts with a sharp dilation of the pupils, lethargy, malaise, chills, severe sweating and low mood. They are nauseous, and then vomiting may begin. Torments exhausting, 7-10 days, insomnia. The patient experiences unbearable pain in muscles, joints, lower back.

To endure such a condition (it will take at least 5-6 days until it becomes a little easier) are only able to those who either abuse drugs for a short time, or those who enjoy the support and care of their relatives. And even then not always. Therefore, usually the addict does not stand up and on the third day the disease suddenly "passes": this means that he resumed drug addiction and again feels well.

§ 3. The emergence of dependence on volatile narcotic active substances (substance abuse), its stages, physical dependence on toxic substances.

Substance abuse - a disease manifested by mental and sometimes physical dependence on a substance not included in the official list of drugs. Psychoactive toxic substances have the same properties as a drug (cause an attractive mental state and addiction).

Volatile Narcotic Drugs (VLAD)

These include a variety of solvents, Moment glue, gasoline, acetone and others. While not actually drugs, they are extremely dangerous to physical and mental health.

LNDV intoxication outwardly also very much resembles alcohol intoxication.

LNDV intoxication should be suspected if the subject is small - between 10 and 14 years old. Usually adolescents under the influence of LNDV behave extremely defiantly and noisily: they shout loudly, laugh, fight among themselves, if the taken dose was small. At the same time, there is no smell of alcohol, but sometimes you can smell a faint smell of solvent, acetone or gasoline, usually from hair or clothes.

With the systematic use of LNDV, not too close people become noticeably lagging behind in mental development, slowing down of thinking, deterioration of academic performance and behavior. It is more difficult for loved ones to notice, since they are in constant contact with a toxicomaniac, and the changes occur gradually.

The systematically abusing LNDV has an earthy skin, the bridge of the nose and eyelids is somewhat swollen, and the hair is dry and brittle.

The intoxicating effect of LNDV is possible only if the amount of toxic substance ingested is very large compared to other types of drugs. After all, each of us many times in our life smelled acetone or gasoline, and did not experience intoxication. But precisely because intoxication requires a large amount of toxin, the abuse of LNDV is so dangerous.

With regular use of LNDV once a week, the following occurs:

The death of liver cells and its toxic damage (dystrophy). Formation period is about 8-10 months. As a result, chronic liver failure, impaired blood clotting, decreased immunity, edema, and finally cirrhosis.

Brain cell death and encephalopathy (permanent damage to the brain). The term of formation is 12-16 months. The result is a lag in mental development (possibly dementia), as well as a sharp change in character towards irritability; irascibility, incontinence and uncontrollable aggressiveness.

Cell death of the lungs and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Especially common for the abuse of gasoline. Pneumonia can occur in the first months of abuse. Often the outcome of pneumonia is pneumosclerosis (replacement of lung tissue with scarring).

LNDV damages all organs and tissues of the body, just the listed ones suffer the most. In terms of toxicity and harm to the body, no drug can compare with LNDV, even sleeping pills and "crack". Since LNDV is mainly used by minors, their developmental lag in comparison with their peers is very noticeable.

§ 4. Other types of dependencies. Computer addiction... Religious destructive behavior.

The problem of computer addiction has features of the formation and dynamics of the addictive process in Internet addiction with access to the limitless possibilities of the virtual world.

Games are conventionally divided into non-role-playing and role-playing. Role-playing are those where the player takes on the role of a computer character. Here, the process of integration of a person with a computer takes place, and in clinical cases, the loss of individuality and identification with a computer character. This is a qualitatively new level of psychological dependence on a computer, rather than role-playing computer games or any types of non-gaming computer activities. It is impossible to talk about the strength of the role-playing game itself, as opposed to non-role playing. Rather, what is important here is the aspect of the psychological impact that the role-playing game has. Thus, we can talk about a low addiction to such games as logic games, games for reaction speed and for quick wits. Arcade games where the character also performs the task ("runners" and "shooters") do not imply "entering" the role and are based on a different motivation, that is, there is first of all excitement, because the main task is not to "save", "win" , and accumulate as many "bonuses" as possible. Thus, the player fixes his attention precisely on the result of his activity, and not on the process of the game.

The peculiarity of role-playing games is the greatest influence on the psyche of the player, the greatest depth of "entry" into the game, as well as the motivation of playing activity based on the needs of accepting a role and avoiding reality. There are three subtypes: according to the nature of their influence on the player, the strength of "pulling" into the game and the degree of depth of psychological dependence.

At the same time, one cannot but talk about the existence of Internet addiction. This topic is very relevant and serious today, because millions of people around the world spend hours on the Internet chatting, e-mail, various social networks. It is possible to speak with some confidence about such a term as "Internet addiction" Moreover, "the researchers proceed from the possibility of the development of addiction not only from the material entities introduced into the body, but also from the actions performed by the subject and the accompanying emotions." Here we can talk about the absence of a pattern in the formation of addiction as in alcoholics or pathological gamblers. While the formation of traditional types of addiction (with the exception of synthetic drugs) takes a certain amount of time, for Internet addiction this time is sharply reduced.

The data given in the work of AE Voiskunsky "Psychological phenomena of Internet addiction" indicate that 25% of addicts acquired addiction within six months after starting to work on the Internet, 58% - during the second half of the year, and 17% - after a year ...

Symptoms of the formation of computer gaming and Internet addiction include the following symptoms:

Unwillingness to be distracted from work or play on the computer;

Irritation with forced distraction;

Inability to plan the end of work or play on the computer;

Spending significant amounts of money to provide permanent software (including games) and computer devices;

Forgetting about household chores, work duties, studies, meetings and agreements while working or playing on the computer;

Neglect of your own health, hygiene and sleep, in favor of spending more time at the computer;

Drinking coffee and other similar psychostimulants;

Willingness to be satisfied with irregular, random and monotonous food without looking up from the computer;

Feeling emotionally uplifted when working on a computer;

Discussion of computer topics with all people in the slightest degree versed in this area.

Totalitarian sects

Sects in their current format are a fairly new phenomenon. As long as humanity has existed, so many sects have existed, consisting of groups of fanatics following a certain charismatic leader. But in the XX century, they had something new, this is the systematic use of modern psychological developments aimed at suppressing the will of a person and controlling his thoughts, feelings and behavior.

Each of the sects represents a certain kind of synthesis; they always (with rare exceptions) have a rather complex, ambiguous origin. A very difficult question: can such sects be called a religion at all? The word religion comes from the Latin word religare, which means "to restore the connection", that is, the connection with God, but in sects the connection always takes place with the leader, with the leader of the sect, who actually takes the place of God, and for his followers there is actually God. Almost always, the leader, in the eyes of his adepts, actually assumes divine functions and becomes an object of divine veneration. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the commercial background that is present in almost every totalitarian sect.

We can say that the criterion that best characterizes a sect is the use of faith to achieve goals that have nothing to do with spirituality (money, personal ambitions, politics, etc.).

Sects are characterized by the following six characteristics:

1. The sect is always busy spreading its teachings and recruiting new members by special means, in forms that exclude rational understanding.

2. In sects there is a double doctrine: one - for advertising their sect, to give it a "human face", and the other - for internal use.

3. The presence of a hierarchy. To get acquainted with the hidden teaching, a person needs to be initiated at a certain level of the hierarchy in the sect. The organization of all sects is strictly hierarchical.

4. Programming of consciousness. Sect members are mainly people with an unstable psyche who do not have clear moral criteria, spiritual and cultural knowledge. Such people, who are looking for but unable to find solid foundations in spiritual life, are, as a rule, easily suggested, that is, they are ready to give up their freedom and accept the directives of their teachers. Psychologists sometimes compare sectarian addiction with drug addiction.

5. Claim of Exclusivity. The members of the sect are inspired with the idea that only they are the only righteous “chosen of God”, that all people around are “second-class” creatures doomed to perish because they do not share the teachings of the sect.

6. Totalitarianism, that is, control over many, and ideally over all spheres of human life. For this, special settlements of sectarians are used in houses or apartments converted into "monasteries", the involvement of members of the sect in continuous intense activity, leaving no opportunity to critically comprehend the sectarian creed and the personalities of the leaders. Power over members of the sect is the most important goal of the sectarian elite.

The sects currently operating in Russia can be classified as follows:

1. Confessions or sects that are relatively traditional for Russia - Catholics, Baptists, Adventists, etc.

2. Totalitarian sects of pseudo-biblical orientation - "Church of Christ", "New Apostolic Church", charismatic movements.

3. Sects claiming to have a new "revelation" - "Mormons" (or "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"), Jehovah's Witnesses, "White Brotherhood", "Theotokos Center", Moon's movement (or "Unification Church"), Aum Senrique, "Church of the Last Testament" of the false Christ Vissarion, etc.

4. Teachings and sects of an occult nature, setting as their task the development of paranormal and extrasensory abilities in a person: healers and sorcerers, Eastern cults - Krishnaism, yogic practice, transcendental meditation, neo-Vedicism, theosophy, anthroposophy, "living ethics of the Roerichs", the sect of Scientology Ron Hubbard (Dianetics Center), astrology, Juvenir neo-pagan center, etc.

5. Satanic cults, which are fanatical in nature and rely mainly on young people. Such groups of young people are pushed by youthful nihilism, denial of the authority of parents and God, and a thirst for impunity. Recruiting for them is carried out at various youth gatherings, where children are attracted by occult tricks or drugs. Sometimes Satanists hide under the guise of philosophical or cultural societies. Teens are seduced with the promise of miraculous power, complete freedom, and an enriching sexual experience. The motto is "do whatever you want, you have the right to do everything and you can kill those who infringe on your rights." All moral barriers are deliberately violated, immorality is elevated into a principle, strength and ruthlessness into a cult.

The main thing for recruiters into sects is to establish contact and lure into their territory. There, in the course of a seminar, lecture, discussion of a film or musical works, group influence will be directed at you, which is very difficult to resist. The first step is to pique curiosity.

The following techniques are used to make initial contact:

Free brochures and booklets, beautifully designed inexpensive informational and educational books with small excerpts about a movement, organization that is new to you;

Free psychological testing and an offer to discuss some personal problems;

An offer to talk about life's problems and suggest simple and quick ways to solve them;

Psychological support in a difficult situation (empathy, getting rid of loneliness);

An offer to take part in an environmental forum (humanitarian seminar, self-improvement group ...) addressed to you personally. New acquaintances are touting exciting prospects for healing ailments and developing hidden abilities. They know that many people have a particular need to stay healthy.

Often they offer religious, mystical or occult literature “to broaden their horizons” and maintain contact, and are attracted to spending time together (singing, meditative music, etc.). Large gatherings of people are well directed, magical moments are skillfully woven into them. In a crowd, a person's ancient herd instincts intensify, reasonable regulation and a critical attitude to what is happening weakens.

Continued recruitment. If the invitation to come to the group is accepted, the recruiter has already done a lot. It is difficult for any person not to succumb to group influence and pressure. This is how our psyche works.

Gradually, the newcomer falls under the increasingly strict control of the "ranks" of the totalitarian sect and its rank-and-file members. He develops the habit of transferring the right to make decisions to others, subordinating his needs to the needs of other people, and the fear of loneliness increases. The psyche acquires a number of features of the child's psyche, individuality is blurred.


Any evil is easier to prevent than to fight with it later. That is why preventive work should be considered the main direction in counteracting the addictive behavior of students of an educational institution. It should be conducted systematically, with full coverage of all students in the school and taking into account their individual characteristics. The social educator should not be alone in confronting evil. First of all, he is obliged to coordinate his efforts with all specialists of the school service of social and pedagogical support, to establish close ties with the police, specialists from other social institutions. Let's begin our consideration of this issue with the emergence of addictive behavior itself and the factors contributing to this negative phenomenon.

§ 1. Factors provoking addictive behavior

Maladapted family

Most of the deviations in the behavior of students: neglect, delinquency, use of psychoactive substances, are based on one source - social maladjustment, the roots of which lie in a maladjusted family. A socially maladjusted person, being in a difficult life situation, is a victim, whose rights in childhood to full-fledged development were grossly violated. According to the accepted definition, social maladjustment means a violation of the interaction of an individual with the environment, characterized by the impossibility of realizing his positive social role in specific micro-social conditions, corresponding to his capabilities.

We are more interested in the possibility of the initial diagnostics of the predicted behavior of the individual at the stage of her entering the classroom. Those. when certain information about the child's family can be obtained from him. In this case, it is possible to take into account various features of the course of the upbringing process, relying on the information received in the family. Consider the risk factors and defense factors classified by modern psychologists.

Risk factors

Health problems (physical or mental);

Parents' use of psychoactive substances;

High level of family stress, family instability, low level of family income;

Personal characteristics (self-doubt, low self-esteem, mood swings, low level of intelligence, rejection of social norms and values, etc.;

Early sexual activity;

Problems of interpersonal communication in the family, at school, among peers;

Regular communication with peers who use psychoactive substances, lack of resistance to negative influences;

Low quality of medical care;

Inaccessibility of social assistance services;

High crime rate in the region.

Protection factors

Stability and cohesion, adequate upbringing and warm, trusting relationships in the family;

Average and high level of family income, housing provision;

High self-esteem, self-problem solving skills, resistance to the negative impact of peers, the ability to control their behavior;

High level of intelligence and resistance to stress, physical and mental well-being;

Compliance with social norms in the use of psychoactive substances;

High quality of medical care;

Availability of social assistance services;

Low crime rate in the region.

Let's take a closer look at the family. The family is the fundamental unit where socialization takes place. Of all the defects of personality socialization, the most dangerous are family defects. The process of socialization in the family presupposes the assimilation by the child of samples of the normative, socially approved behavior of the parents. Until a certain age, their behavior becomes a model for imitation. Knowledge of parental norms and patterns of behavior allows the adolescent not to look for solutions anew in standard situations, but to behave as if automatically, in accordance with the patterns accepted in the given environment and learned by the personality. Family rituals (weddings, family traditions, receiving guests, etc.) are most closely related to the standards of the model, since the degree of repetition of situations in everyday family life is extremely high. Non-standard situations are regulated with the help of norms-principles that determine the value orientation of the actions of the child and all family members. The normative influence in the family is taken by the adolescent in the name of maintaining interpersonal status and obtaining the approval of other family members. However, this does not mean that the adolescent in all cases necessarily shares the opinions he accepts. The family lays the foundations for the ability to quickly switch from "ours" to "someone else's" and vice versa.

The functions, structure and dynamics of the family should also be noted. Functions are subdivided into: a) educational; b) household; c) emotional; d) spiritual (cultural) communication; e) primary social control; f) sexually erotic. Over time, changes occur in the functions of the family: some are lost, others appear in accordance with new social conditions... The functions of primary social control are changing qualitatively and the level of tolerance for violations of norms of behavior in the sphere of marriage and family relations is increasing.

Violations of certain functions entail a deformation of family relations. A very wide range of factors can contribute to violations: the characteristics of the personalities of its members and the relationship between them, certain conditions of family life. For example, the reason for violations of the upbringing function of the family may be the lack of relevant knowledge and skills of parents (conflicts over upbringing, interference of other family members) and household and economic relations between family members. Thus, the dysfunction of the family makes it dysfunctional, creating conditions for the desocialization of the child.

The process of socialization in adolescence takes on particularly acute forms. Parental demands and disciplinary action have a profound effect on a child's socialization. And first of all, this is manifested in the child's desire to free himself from parental care in adolescence. Getting rid of parental care is a universal goal of adolescence. In Western psychology, it is noted that emancipation is carried out through the successive replacement of the role of parents in the process of socialization by a group of peers. The family gradually loses its attractiveness and attractiveness in comparison with the peer group, which is now the bearer of the system of values, norms of behavior and the source of a certain status.

Families, which are characterized by the most profound defects of socialization, willingly or unwillingly provoke children to early use of psychoactive substances and committing offenses. Criminologists distinguish the following types dysfunctional, dysfunctional families:

1. A pseudo-well-being family that uses the wrong methods of education.

2. An incomplete family, characterized by defects in structure.

3. A problem family characterized by a constant conflict atmosphere.

4. An immoral family characterized by alcoholic, immoral and sexual demoralization.

5. Criminal family.

A pseudo-well-being family. A pseudo-well-being family is distinguished by a pronounced despotic character, unconditional domination of one of the parents, complete submission of the rest of the family to him, the presence of cruel relationships (keeping everyone in the "tight-knit gloves"), the use of physical punishment as the main means of education.

Particular harm to the development of the personality of a child and especially a teenager is caused by frequent physical punishment. Psychologically, this harm is as follows:

1. Parents (father, mother, guardian, caregiver) who systematically punish a child or a teenager physically act as an anti-ideal for him. He will never respect such a parent, take an example from him, as a result of this, the formation of an "ideal" self is delayed in a child, a teenager.

2. Frequent physical punishment causes frustration in a child or adolescent. The resentment, irritability, and malice accumulating in him are taken out on the people available to him, primarily on his peers. As a result, he develops aggressive behavior in all frustrating situations.

3. Frequent physical punishment damages the self-esteem of the personality of a child, adolescent, as a result of which he develops a painfully sensitive self-awareness, easily vulnerable pride.

Systematic physical punishment in early childhood can lead to a loss of responsiveness, the ability to empathize and empathize with others. Negativeism often develops towards parents, which develops into hostility.

Thus, the relationship of a dysfunctional, dysfunctional family is reflected in all spheres of a child's life: school performance declines, a street company replaces parental authority, and the child gains recognition in it. All this leads to social and pedagogical neglect of the child, sometimes to mental retardation and mental deviations, the consequence of this is the use of psychoactive substances, delinquency.

Single-parent family ... Defects in the structure of the parental family in modern conditions can negatively affect the formation of the personality of a child, adolescent and also contribute to his desocialization. One of the negative factors of an incomplete family is the emotional discomfort experienced by a child or teenager in such a family. It is characterized by a complex of psychological reactions and experiences: feeling own inferiority, inferiority, envy, emotional hunger, etc. This situation causes in children and adolescents an increased interest in their experiences with disregard for the experiences of adults, an unfriendly, sometimes aggressive attitude towards a father or mother who has abandoned the family.

Boys who are brought up without fathers experience the greatest emotional discomfort. A boy, and above all a teenager, needs a father as a role model for the formation of the male role of behavior. It is from his father that the boy learns such qualities as courage, courage, determination, nobility, respect for a woman. In families without a father, the danger of feminization of boys increases, who are unconsciously afraid of this and begin to demonstratively show masculinity in their behavior: they are prone to aggressiveness, pugnacity, rudeness.

Divorce of parents has a very painful effect on the upbringing of a child. Parental divorce affects a teenager more than children of all other ages. However, it should be noted that the fact of breaking family ties in itself does not always mean harm. The child does not need cruel, rude parents, alcoholic parents, despotic fathers. Therefore, liberation from a cruel, immoral personality often brings relief to the child, and to the adult who remains with him - father or mother - peace and normal conditions for upbringing.

Divorce is preceded by a general deterioration in family relations. The child becomes a witness to scandals between parents, sees scenes of rudeness, humiliation, violence. In these conditions, he feels alienated in the family and tries to spend as much time as possible outside the home. An uncontrolled, criminally dangerous situation arises, since the role of the educator is taken over by the street.

Problem family... A problem family is a type of a dysfunctional family. It is characterized by rivalry between parents for the dominant position in the family, lack of any cooperation between family members, disunity, isolation between parents and children. Dominant in the family conflict situation creates a constant atmosphere of tension, which is unbearable for children, adolescents, and they strive to be at home as little as possible, to “sneak away” under any pretext to the street, where they spend most of their time. Problem families in many cases create conditions for the formation of criminals of minors, since the process of social control is violated in them, there are no emotional connections between parents and children.

Immoral family... There are such negative factors, as offenses committed by parents and other family members, drunkenness and alcoholism, systematic conflicts resulting in scandals and fights, depraved behavior of parents. Alcoholism of parents causes impoverishment of the family, deterioration of everyday life and a complete distortion of norms of behavior. Children find themselves abandoned, they lose affection and respect for their parents, a gloomy, embittered character develops. Each of these factors individually can distort the process of socialization of the child, but all together they practically exclude the full development of the personality. Thus, studies carried out among convicted minors have shown that these children have 6-7 times more drunken parents than law-abiding ones.

Such families cripple children not only morally, physically, but also intellectually. Children are not provided with optimal conditions for physical, intellectual and emotional development. The researchers note that psychopathic character traits are formed in these families, various kinds of diseases are not detected in a timely manner, parents injure children as a result of beatings, and kick them out of the house. Teenagers are forced to wander the streets, entrances and train stations. They come to school poorly or not at all prepared. They often lack normal conditions for homework due to scandals caused by drunken parents. As a result, they lag sharply behind in their studies. Often in the classroom they are called "dumb", which gives them resentment, increased sensitivity and emotional vulnerability, leads to bitterness and aggression, such guys come into conflict with peers and teachers. Finding themselves in a position of isolated or neglected, they do not find support among classmates and teachers, in the family and school, they begin to look for comrades on the side, in street companies where exactly the same peers gather.

Crime family- a family whose members commit crimes. Sometimes it has to be stated that criminal activity is the main activity of a particular person or family as a whole. According to criminological studies, the conviction of one of the family members (most often they are fathers or older brothers) increases the likelihood of committing a crime by other family members, primarily minors, by 4-5 times. Every fourth of the convicted minors lived with their convicted brothers and sisters.

The criminal behavior of adult family members demonstrates to children and adolescents “norms-examples”, “norms-principles” of antisocial behavior, generates or deepens intra-family conflicts, and enhances its criminogenic potential.

In criminogenic and immoral families, the defects of socialization are most prominent in the structure of communication. Emotional connections are absent or distorted between parents and children, there is practically no social control, the process of assimilation of social roles, norms-samples and norms-principles of behavior is distorted, which ultimately leads to the formation of a deformed structure of needs in children and adolescents, its primitivization, thus, a delinquent, asocial personality is being formed.

The formation of such a personality occurs, as a rule, in the form of a reaction of protest against parents, teachers, schools, and even against society as a whole. This leads to the choice of a reference group (reference group) or a person with an asocial orientation, in relations with whom the teenager is forced to assimilate their values, behavior, roles, jargon, etc.

§ 2. Personal and age features addictive personality

The provoking factors of deviant, addictive behavior are considered neuropsychic instability, character accentuations (hyperthymic, unstable, conformal, hysteroid, epileptoid types), behavioral grouping reactions, emancipation reactions and other features of adolescence. These factors should include the features caused by the reactions characteristic of this period: emancipation, grouping, hobbies (hobbies), and emerging sexual desires. There are a number of behavioral stereotypes. These include opposition response, imitation response, negative imitation response, compensation response, hypercompensation response, emancipation response, grouping response, and entrainment response. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Opposition reactionis caused by overestimated claims to the activities and behavior of the adolescent, excessive restrictions, inattention to his interests of the surrounding adults. The reaction of the opposition can also be caused by extraordinary demands on the child, an unbearable academic or any other load, conflicts in the family, school failure, injustice. Depending on the characterological and emotional characteristics of the adolescent, protest sometimes manifests itself actively in the form of rudeness, aggressiveness, cruelty, demonstrative attempts at suicide, etc., or in a passive form - in the form of refusal to eat, absenteeism, and escape from home.

Imitation reactionmanifests itself in imitation of a certain person, a model. In childhood, the behavior of parents, close relatives, educators, etc. is imitated. Sometimes the antisocial hero can also become a model. It is well known what effect the exaltation of the superman criminal has on juvenile delinquency. The promotion of criminal romanticism can have a negative indirect impact on the self-awareness of a teenager.

Negative Imitation Response- behavior deliberately opposed to the imposed model. If the model is negative, then this reaction is positive.

Compensation response- making up for failures in one area with emphasized success in another area. Academic failure can be compensated for by “bold” behavior.

Hypercompensation reaction- unstable striving for success in the most difficult area of ​​activity. The shyness inherent in a teenager can induce him to desperate behavior, to a defiant act. An extremely sensitive and shy teenager chooses a courageous sport: boxing, karate, etc.

Emancipation reaction- the desire to get rid of the obsessive care of elders, to assert themselves. The extreme manifestation is the denial of standards, generally accepted values, the rule of law, vagrancy.

Bunching reaction- unification into peer groups. Teenage groups are distinguished by their one-sidedness, homogeneous orientation, territorial community, the struggle for domination on their territory (in the yard, on their street), primitive symbolism. The grouping reaction in to a large extent explains that the vast majority of adolescents are addicted to psychoactive substances in a peer group.

It is the reaction of grouping with peers, taking into account the "tendency of status divergence" - "the higher the status of a teenager in a spontaneous group, the lower he is in the official team" - that gives the teenager an opportunity to achieve and express his authority.

The reaction of infatuation is manifested in a wide variety of teenage hobbies: pop music, clothing style, the desire to receive light information that does not require much thought and is used for the communication process itself (empty hours of conversation at the entrance), hobbies associated with a sense of passion; hobbies that ensure universal success, attention (artist, guitarist, champion, fashionista, etc.); hobbies associated with physical self-affirmation, mastering prestigious skills (driving a car, motorcycle).

The main motive for the behavior of adolescents who are prone to addictive forms of behavior is escape from an unbearable reality. But more often there are internal reasons, such as the experience of persistent failures in school and conflicts with parents, teachers, peers, feelings of loneliness, loss of meaning in life, complete lack of demand in the future and personal failure in all types of activities, and much more. From all this I want to run away, drown out and change my mental state, albeit temporarily, but for the "better" side. Personal life, educational activities and their environment are considered by them most often as "gray", "boring", "monotonous", "apathetic". These children do not manage to find in reality any spheres of activity that can attract their attention, captivate, please, cause an emotional reaction. And only after using various psychoactive substances do they achieve a feeling of elation without actually improving the situation. They are in the group, they are accepted, they are understood. Further, the situation in the micro and macro environment (family, school, classmates, etc.) becomes even more intolerable, conflict. So there is an increasing dependence and rejection of reality.

Addiction syndromes make up the core clinical manifestations alcoholic and non-alcoholic forms of drug addiction (morphinism, barbituromania, hashishism), substance abuse (gasoline, acetone, etc.), drug addiction (addiction to psychotropic drugs), expressing various degrees of addiction and addiction to a wide range of toxic substances and drugs with psychedelic properties ...

Addictive activity is selective - in those areas of life that, albeit temporarily, but bring a person satisfaction and pull him out of the world of emotional emptiness, stagnation (insensitivity). They can be very active to achieve the goal associated with obtaining alcohol, drugs, etc., up to committing immoral and criminal offenses.

Highlight the following psychological characteristics persons with addictive behaviors:

Decreased tolerance to the difficulties of everyday life, along with good tolerance to crisis situations;

Latent inferiority complex, combined with outwardly manifested superiority;

External sociability, combined with fear of persistent emotional contacts;

The desire to tell the truth;

Seeking to blame others, knowing that they are innocent;

The desire to evade responsibility in decision-making;

Stereotype, repetitive behavior;



Thus, the main thing in the behavior of an addictive personality is the desire to escape from reality, fear of an ordinary, boring life filled with obligations and regulations, a tendency to search for emotional transcendental experiences even at the cost of a serious risk to life and the inability to be responsible for their actions.

§ 3. The influence of society on the formation of addictive mechanisms. Education.

Great influence on daily life and the prospects for the development of a growing up person are provided by the school. The school is entrusted with the most important functions: the transfer of knowledge, cultural and moral values, assistance in social adaptation and the development of adequate social behavior, assistance to personal growth. But the school does not always fulfill its functions. Moreover, some educational systems and approaches can contribute to the formation and strengthening of addictive mechanisms.

The overload of educational activities and, at times, the boundless desire of teachers and parents to engage children so that they do not have time for "all sorts of nonsense" (according to adults), lead to the fact that children do not have time to belong to themselves, to play , communicate with peers. Instead of intelligent acquaintance with reality, there is a disconnection from reality. Thus, children are distracted from their own sensations, conscious and unconscious needs, from self-knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. This is how the inability to live “here and now” is gradually formed. Without acquiring the necessary experience of colliding with reality, with random and natural encounters with problems the real world, the child is helpless. Difficulties become not stages of development, but phenomena associated with fear, uncertainty and discomfort, which you want to avoid by any means. Frustration occurs not only because a problem has arisen, but also because there is a need to make a decision, make a choice, take responsibility for what happened and for the consequences.

The school not only does not prevent one-sided fixation on educational activity or its individual types, but can itself provoke this fixation, reinforce it as a desired and approved activity. There are frequent cases when former excellent students, gifted children, becoming adults, but retaining the habitual strategy of avoidance and the search for sensations, choose such severe forms of addictive behavior as alcoholism or drug addiction.

The personality of the teacher plays an important role in the educational process. The profession of a teacher, unfortunately, can contribute to the deformation of the personality of a person who has chosen this specialty for himself. And such a deformed personality, transmitting knowledge, also translates part of its deformation. Speaking of professional deformation, we mean complete identification with the profession, when personality traits are lost. Teacher strategies are transferred to the sphere of interpersonal relationships, which is sometimes one of the reasons for conflicts in the family and with other people. The work of a teacher can become, due to various circumstances, his agent of addictive realization. Work addiction is a fairly common phenomenon in the field of education. There are also addictive educational organizations. All work in them is built purely in the interests of the institution. Employees who spend an infinite amount of time in the workplace, sacrifice themselves, children and family in general are encouraged and exemplified. The staff is working hard. The work plan in such institutions is very busy, and significant time is devoted to monitoring the educational process, what accompanies it and the staff. Such collectives have an unhealthy psychological atmosphere, many people with chronic diseases and unresolved problems in families, in personal life.

Mass media.

An equally important institution of socialization is the mass media. Their merit is great in many spheres of public life: culture, politics, economics, education and upbringing, etc. But at the same time, they contribute to the separation of people from reality, offering a whole industry of sensations instead of full-fledged relationships, give ready-made samples of thoughts and actions ...

Television divides people to a greater extent. They forget how to communicate. Family members can gather at the screen for several hours in the evenings after work and school, throwing only remarks about what they have watched, not paying attention to each other's problems and interests. Many people find in television an effective, in their opinion, means of avoiding problems. Sometimes on-screen characters say that reality is boring, complex, unpredictable, and therefore it is necessary to be distracted, relax, and rest. Some people may take this as a formula for survival and conclude for themselves that taking some action, reorganizing your life plan is an increasing cost, that it is better to just step back.


Socio - economic difficulties exacerbate interpersonal conflicts, which contributes to the separation of members of society. The loss of a sense of inner comfort, balance, and security in a time of crisis becomes for many a decisive factor in choosing an addictive behavior strategy in response to the demands of the environment. The level of alcoholism and drug addiction in society is growing. More and more young people are drawn into these addictions. Along with socio-economic factors, some wrong beliefs, persistent stereotypes and attitudes contribute to the development and strengthening of the line of addictive behavior. First of all, many people are not inclined to take responsibility for what happens to them. This largely gives rise to inaction or the search for those responsible. So many place responsibility on the government, bosses, their loved ones, etc. Some are convinced that everything is God's will, and nothing depends on a person. The so-called magical thinking, which fosters belief in karmic hopelessness, in “your own cross,” in the fact that you cannot escape fate, finds its distribution.

The inability and unwillingness to live in the present is manifested in an overvalued attitude to the past, when people live with constant memories of the past. They plunge into nostalgia if the past was a bright spot in their lives, or into deep universal grief if the past brought a lot of pain and disappointment. In contrast to this phenomenon, another thing is observed, when a person is immersed in fantasies about the future, illusory pictures of the future for himself in the light in which he would like to see it, while not thinking that he himself could do something real in the present to secure a future.

Excessive passion for romance also contributes to the separation of a person from reality. In their romantic impulses, people become avid lovers of nature. This does not apply to those who sometimes leave the hustle and bustle of cities and go to the pristine world. natural beauty and harmony to rest and gain strength. The danger is that some make it their lifestyle. Despising the disorder and unpredictability of reality, not solving problems, they constantly go to the forest, mountains, sea, fishing, hunting, knowing that there they will receive those feelings thanks to which harmony will reign. But these people become dependent on such harmony. In families, they often run into misunderstandings and reproaches, because, it turns out, real problems need to be solved - raising children, equipping housing, earning money, paying attention to spouses, etc.

I would also like to mention such a phenomenon as social support. Many people in need of support do not seek help or refuse it out of fear of parting with their usual way of escaping reality or because of a low level of perception of social support. The other side of this phenomenon is that more often than not, people surrounding the addict do not know that he needs support or do not know what kind of support he needs to be provided, because alcoholics or drug addicts in society are usually ridiculed or despised. Of course, the addicts themselves often make the life of their loved ones unbearable, but perhaps if information about general addictive mechanisms, about the nature of their origin, was understandable and accessible to people, many complications associated with addictive behavior could have been avoided.


§ 1. The focus of preventive activities in connection with the problem of addictive behavior.

The addictive strategy of interacting with reality is gaining momentum. The tradition that has developed in our society to deal with the consequences does not solve the problem properly. Dealing with the consequences requires huge costs: physical, moral, financial. Getting rid of alcohol or drug addiction alone does not mean complete healing. Unfortunately underestimated destructive character mechanisms common to all types of addictive behavior, which are based on the desire to escape from reality. These mechanisms do not disappear with the removal of addiction. Having got rid of one addiction, a person may be at the mercy of another, because the ways of interacting with the environment remain unchanged. The younger generation borrows these patterns. A vicious circle is formed, from which it is very difficult to get out. Childhood addictive behavior is quite common. But it is important to pay attention not only to extremely severe forms of this phenomenon. Great attention Demand for themselves are those whose escape from reality has not yet found its vivid expression, who are just beginning to assimilate addictive patterns of behavior in difficult collisions with the requirements of the environment, who can potentially be involved in different types of addictive realization.

Prevention of addictive behavior is of particular importance in adolescence. First, this is a difficult crisis period of development, reflecting not only the subjective phenomena of the formation process, but also the crisis phenomena of society. And secondly, it is in adolescence that very important qualities personalities, the appeal to which could become one of the most important components of the prevention of addiction. These are such qualities as the desire for development and self-awareness, interest in one's personality and its potentials, the ability to self-observation. Important features of this period are the emergence of reflection and the formation of moral convictions. Adolescents begin to recognize themselves as part of society and acquire new socially significant positions; make attempts at self-determination.

§ 2. Stages of preventive activities.

Diagnostic,including diagnostics of personality traits that can affect the formation of addictive behavior (increased anxiety, low stress resistance, unstable self-concept, inability to empathy, lack of communication, avoidance strategy when overcoming stressful situations, focus on the search for sensations, etc.), and also obtaining information about the child's position in the family, about the nature of family relationships, about the composition of the family, about his hobbies and abilities, about his friends and other possible reference groups.

Outreachstage, which is the expansion of the adolescent's competence in such important areas as psycho-sexual development, the culture of interpersonal relations, communication technology, methods of overcoming stressful situations, conflictology and the problems of addictive behavior proper, considering the main addictive mechanisms, types of addictive implementation, the dynamics of the development of the addictive process and consequences.

Personal growth trainingswith elements of correction of individual personality traits and forms of behavior, including the formation and development of skills to work on oneself.

Prevention of addictive behavior should affect all spheres of a teenager's life: family, educational environment, social life in general.

In a family for a teenager, significant factors are emotional stability and security, mutual trust of family members. The adolescent needs moderate control of his actions and moderate care with a tendency to develop independence and the ability to take responsibility for his own life. Robert T. and Gina Bayard write in this regard: “... the contrast between those children who resist” excessive “parental control and those who do not do so is striking. Sometimes a capable child turns out to be so dependent on the decisions made by his parents that he reaches maturity completely unprepared for independent life. "

In connection with the problem of addictive behavior, such parties are relevant school life, as an adequate educational load for children, giving special importance to the personal aspect, concerning both the children and the pedagogical contingent. It is advisable to include subjects, integrated courses, special courses and electives in the educational cycle, aimed in their content at expanding the volume of knowledge about real life. This information is necessary for gaining freedom of choice, for developing adaptive abilities and understanding the importance of being able to live in real life and solve vital problems without fear of reality.

Full prevention of addictive behavior is impossible without the participation of the mass media - an authoritative and popular propaganda body. This powerful industry should be given moral responsibility for the quality of information products and for their content. In print and television programs, information for the younger generation is now primarily entertainment in nature. Children perceive the media, especially television, only as entertainment, which can lead them away from the problems of the real world in general and the problems of adolescence in particular.

In adolescence, "the desire of children to find their place in society becomes crucial." “Teenagers strive to determine their place in life, actively looking for the ideal -“ to make life with whom? ”. In this regard, it is very important what patterns of behavior society offers. In public life, the system of psychological and social support for adolescents can play an important role, providing assistance to the young generation in becoming, in healthy satisfaction of needs.


In conclusion, I would like to note that at present the problem of the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction among children and adolescents is one of the most acute problems of modern Russian society.

An analysis of the indicators of official medical statistics indicates the continuing active involvement of a significant part of children and adolescents in the illegal use of drugs and other psychoactive substances.

To date, the following trends are clearly visible:

- "rejuvenation" of the contingent of alcohol and drug users;

Decrease in the age of those who try drugs and other psychoactive substances for the first time;

Lack of accounting for the proportion of children and adolescents who think about the problem of using psychoactive substances.

The best method of combating drug addiction and alcoholism is prevention. A real way out of this situation is to involve teachers and psychologists of secondary schools and other educational institutions in preventive work. Obviously, people who have constant contact with children and adolescents, who can grasp the nuances of the state and behavior that often elude parents and specialists in narcology, have the maximum opportunity for prevention.


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