From homemade yogurt, acne on the face. The benefits of yogurt. Natural yoghurt in face masks. Anti-wrinkle yogurt mask for all skin types

Fermented milk products in cosmetology are an irreplaceable thing. Yoghurt has proven itself especially well, being excellent remedy face care. It is included in many face masks for different types skin aimed at solving many problems. Regular use of yoghurt masks transforms the skin and makes it healthy and radiant.

Benefits of yogurt for facial skin

For the mask to be useful, a product without preservatives and dyes should be used for it. Perfect option Is the use of homemade yoghurt for the face.

  1. The niacin contained in the product protects the skin from aggressive effects external factors, launches metabolic processes in them, preventing aging.
  2. Choline restores correct work sebaceous glands and relieves inflammation.
  3. Potassium provides hydration and nutrition, which is especially important for aging skin.
  4. Calcium gives it a soft and even tone.
  5. Vitamins A, C, and B help relieve inflammation, strengthen cell walls, tone the skin and activate the production of natural collagen, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

All these components combined in yogurt provide effective action on the skin of the face, significantly improving its condition. The beneficial properties of yogurt for the skin have already been tested by many women and cannot harm any type of skin.

Indications for the use of products with yogurt- this is the desire to preserve beauty without the use of artificial cosmetics. Contraindications are only the presence open wounds on the skin.

The best recipes for proven yogurt masks

From yoghurt and honey

This yogurt face pack is an excellent nourishing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory. She gives the face solid color and a healthy glow.

Requires the following components:

  • natural yogurt (preferably homemade) - one tablespoon;
  • one teaspoon of liquid flower honey;
  • wheat flour in an amount sufficient to obtain a mask of the thickness of liquid sour cream.

First, you need to mix yogurt and honey, and then add flour until the desired thickness is achieved. The product is applied slightly wet skin... The duration of exposure to the agent is no more than 15-20 minutes. After the composition is washed off with chilled water.

Banana yoghurt mask

This home mask provides the skin good nutrition and support youth. You will find the ingredients for this cosmetic product in your kitchen.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention should be given to the shampoos that you use. Scary figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the Mulsan Сosmetic company. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics... All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • low-fat natural yogurt (two teaspoons);
  • ripe banana (one piece);
  • fresh melted honey (one teaspoon).

First, the banana is chopped, bringing to a puree state. Then yogurt and honey are added to it. After mixing the composition well until smooth, it is applied to the skin. The duration of this yoghurt and banana mask is determined as the composition dries. Once it is completely dry, it is washed off with water.

From yogurt and aspirin

This aspirin and yoghurt face mask has a moisturizing and cleansing effect. It relieves acne and inflammation.

It requires:

  • three teaspoons of yogurt;
  • four aspirin tablets;
  • cotton pads soaked in green tea (for the area around the eyes).

Crushed aspirin is added to yogurt and the composition is applied to the face. Discs with green tea are placed on the eyelids. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes. Regular use of these natural yogurt face masks will help you quickly get rid of teenage breakouts.

Yoghurt Yeast Mask

This DIY mask is designed for combination skin and eliminates dryness and greasy shine.

It requires:

  • one tablespoon of brewer's yeast;
  • two teaspoons of yogurt;
  • one teaspoon of olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of wheat germ oil;
  • oat flour.

All components are mixed in random order and brought oat flour to the state of sour cream of medium fat content. The mixture is applied for ten minutes. Wash off the product using chilled boiled water.

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Mask for dry skin

In this case, a yoghurt mask for the skin of the face becomes an excellent moisturizer, eliminating tightness and flaking.


  • two tablespoons of homemade yogurt;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Both ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the skin for 10 minutes. Remove the composition with warm water. Folk recipes recommend this mask also as a rejuvenating mask.

Recipe for increased oily skin of the face

This product helps to remove shine and tighten pores. Also, the composition helps to even out skin tone.

The cosmetic product requires:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - one tablespoon;
  • natural yogurt - two tablespoons.

The ingredients are mixed until a uniform mass is obtained and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. After that, the mask should be washed off with cool water.

Rejuvenating mask for aging skin

Yogurt for facial skin is a powerful anti-wrinkle agent as well as a stimulant for cell rejuvenation. Therefore, masks made from pure yogurt should be used as a rejuvenating agent. Freshly made homemade yogurt is smeared all over the face and the mask is left on for thirty minutes. After that, it is removed with cool water. The tool can be used daily. We advise you to use oatmeal for skin rejuvenation, which also perfectly nourishes and cleanses.

Recipe Video: Homemade Yogurt Peeling Facial Mask

V home cosmetology use natural yoghurt without additives, including sugar-free. For cooking vitamin masks it is better to add fresh fruit to yogurt yourself, since it is in fresh products contains maximum amount nutrients.

The proportions of such masks are easy to remember: for two tablespoons of yogurt, one tablespoon of fruit pulp is required. This amount of products is enough for one mask. Grind the ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture to the skin and wash off after 15 minutes.

Recipe number 1

Masks with sour fruits are suitable. The way to prepare them is the same as in the previous recipe. For one mask, grind two tablespoons of yogurt with a tablespoon of juice or fruit pulp.

It is good to use in such masks: cherries, cranberries, strawberries, mountain ash, tangerine, orange and grapefruit. To eliminate the oily sheen, you can mix yogurt with pomegranate or lemon juice. And when it is highly recommended to use the pulp of melon, apricot, persimmon and banana.
These masks lighten the skin a little, even out the complexion.

Recipe number 2

Masks made from yoghurt with vegetables are just as popular as those with fruits. The proportions are the same: for two tablespoons of yogurt, you need a tablespoon of vegetable gruel.
To dry well make masks with fresh tomato, for cleansing the same skin type, it is recommended raw potatoes.
or yogurt can be mixed with cucumber, fresh cabbage, grated carrots, bell pepper, zucchini, beets, radishes and eggplants.
At the same time, masks with cucumber slightly brighten the skin, and carrot masks, on the contrary, give a tan tint.
Before cooking vegetables should be washed as thoroughly as possible, then chopped in a blender or grated on the finest grater. The mask should not be kept on the skin for more than a quarter of an hour, but it is best to rinse it off with cool water.

Recipe number 3

For lightening freckles and whitening the skin, use masks made from fresh herbs and yogurt.
To prepare the mask, you should carefully chop the herbs (dill, parsley), then mix a tablespoon of chopped herbs with two tablespoons of natural yogurt. Apply to skin for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
It is recommended to add a teaspoon to the mask. vegetable oil... And for the problematic oily skin chop a few sorrel leaves together with parsley and dill.

Recipe number 4

In the care of oily and combination skin yoghurt mask helps to cleanse and tighten pores. To do this, the skin can be greased with yogurt (no additives) and left for 15-20 minutes. And then do not rinse off the mask, but roll it up with wet fingers.
Another option for a cleansing mask for: Mix two tablespoons of yogurt and egg white... You can add a little wheat or rice flour to make the mass thicker.

Recipe number 5

The following yogurt-based mask is suitable for cleansing all skin types:
Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Then, combine three tablespoons of yogurt, oatmeal, and a teaspoon of honey. It is highly recommended to add two teaspoons of vegetable oil. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, rinse off with cool water.

Recipe number 6

Yogurt mask with brewer's yeast removes oily sheen and dries.
Grind a few tablets of brewer's yeast in a mortar, then mix a tablespoon of the resulting powder with two tablespoons of yogurt. You should get a creamy mass. Then apply the mask, wait for it to dry (about 15 minutes), and rinse off with cool water.

Recipe number 7

Another option for a cleansing mask with brewer's yeast:
Mash and mix brewer's yeast with yogurt as in the previous recipe (a tablespoon of yeast + two tablespoons of yogurt). Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice (you can add the juice of any other citrus), as well as a teaspoon carrot juice... Mix thoroughly and apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water.
This mask dries and smoothes the skin, evens out the complexion.

Recipe number 8

The following mask, based on yogurt and oily skin, has an astringent effect:

Add yogurt to a tablespoon of potato or wheat flour for a creamy mixture. Then grate the plum or pear on a fine grater, add a tablespoon of fruit gruel to the yogurt. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Recipe number 9

A mask of yoghurt and zest increases the tone and firmness of oily or
Grind dried lemon, tangerine, orange or grapefruit zest in a coffee grinder. Then mix a tablespoon of this flour with three tablespoons of yogurt, add a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face and neck in cool water.

Recipe number 10

For oily skin with inflammation, masks made from yogurt with yeast are well suited:
Grind natural yeast, then mix three tablespoons of yogurt with a tablespoon of yeast, add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir well to make a gruel, and apply to your face. Keep the mask for about 12 minutes, rinse off with water at room temperature.

Recipe number 11

Yogurt-based masks can be made from cosmetic clay that cleanse the skin well and tighten pores:
For the mask, you can use white, green and black clay. For problem skin with pimples is recommended blue clay... For combined and - pink and red. And for the best, yellow clay.
Mix half a tablespoon of clay with two tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe number 12

Yogurt mask with green salad - natural remedy"Rescuer". This remedy helps with sunburned skin, as well as irritation or redness.
Grind the lettuce leaves until juicing, then rub the juice over your face. And mix the remaining tablespoon of gruel with two tablespoons of yogurt (chilled in the refrigerator). Wash off the mask with cool water after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 13

For dry and flaky skin based on yogurt, you can prepare a mask with a gentle scrub effect. This mask will require almond oil and almonds.
Instead of almond oil, you can use other vegetable oils, for example, stone fruit (peach, grape, apricot kernels), olive, or rose hips.
Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, but not too finely. Instead of nuts, you can chop cereals... Then mix a tablespoon of crushed almonds with the same amount of oil and two tablespoons of yogurt, add a teaspoon of honey.
Apply the mixture massage movements, additionally massage the skin for about two minutes. Then leave the mask for another 10 minutes, rinse off with water at room temperature.

Recipe number 14

For sensitive and irritable skin, yoghurt masks with essential oils... This mask is also good for fading and.
Mix three drops with the same amount of verbena oil, add two tablespoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin. Leave the mask for about 13 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.
Instead of l, you can use herbal infusions... Pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Prepare the verbena infusion in the same way. Strain before use.
To prepare the mask, mix a tablespoon of chamomile infusion and the same amount of verbena with two tablespoons of yogurt. Lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture and wash off after a quarter of an hour.
This mask has a calming effect, it also rejuvenates and smoothes the skin, and improves complexion.

Recipe number 15

The following yoghurt-based mask moisturizes the skin and produces a refreshing and toning effect. After such a mask, the texture of the skin is leveled. This remedy is suitable for normal and
Mix a tablespoon, two tablespoons of yogurt, and two teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply the mask for 12-15 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.

Recipe number 16

And for dry skin, it is good to mix yogurt with fatty dairy products. This mask soothes, softens, moisturizes and refreshes dry skin.
Mix two tablespoons of yogurt and a tablespoon of cottage cheese, a teaspoon of sour cream and the same amount of sweet fruit gruel. The mask can be used if some ingredient is missing or they can be replaced with each other.
Apply the mask to your face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

Recipe number 17

The yogurt and egg yolk mask moisturizes and refreshes the skin.
One egg yolk should be mixed with two tablespoons of yogurt. it is good to add two teaspoons of vegetable oil or a teaspoon of heavy milk cream. All ingredients can be used at the same time.
Lubricate the skin liberally with this mixture and leave it on for 12-15 minutes. Then wash yourself in lukewarm water.

Also, do not forget about skin care products.

The content of the article:

Yogurt - fermented milk product, the need for which is experienced by both the body as a whole and the skin separately. The use of yogurt for the skin is associated with its ability to slow down the aging process, stimulate the production of important collagen and elastin, and also saturate the epidermis with useful microelements and vitamins.

Composition of yoghurt for skin rejuvenation

Currently, there are many ways to rejuvenate the skin. They differ in the way of exposure, effectiveness, cost, active composition active ingredients, mixtures, etc. (if we are not talking about hardware exposure), the complexity of the procedures.

One of the most inexpensive and proven ways home rejuvenation the face is to apply yoghurt directly to the skin. Natural composition yoghurt provides high efficiency of anti-aging procedures due to the inclusion of the following useful components:

  • Live bacteria... Stimulates the processes associated with collagen production.
  • Lactic acid... Smoothes skin, exfoliates dead skin particles, saturates dry skin with moisture, restores skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.
  • Zinc... It is an anti-inflammatory component, thereby reducing irritation of various origins... Its astringent properties regulate the sebaceous glands, reducing up to normal level working out sebum, which in turn prevents the formation of blackheads and acne.
  • Calcium... Stimulates tissue regeneration, so the skin renews itself faster. Thanks to this, the antioxidant effect is manifested.
  • B vitamins... Promote hydration of the epidermis, regeneration. Thanks to these components, the skin receives necessary protection from oxidative damage free radicals... Speaking of vitamin B5, it is worth mentioning that it improves the production of healthy fats in cells.
  • Magnesium... Stimulates the cleansing of epidermal cells from toxic substances, fights acne, accelerates the healing process, helps to cope with the development of wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Iron... Gives to the skin healthy look, eliminates the roughness of the skin.
  • Iodine... The properties of this chemical element, among other merits, include giving the skin smoothness, firmness and elasticity, which significantly improves appearance... In addition, its important function is considered to be participation in the metabolic processes of the body, which help it to function correctly.
Yogurt also includes other useful substances, for example, vitamins A, C, PP, choline, potassium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, chromium, etc.

Yogurt face masks are universal, suitable for rejuvenating any skin type. But they have their own characteristics: for oily skin, yogurt can be used more often, for dry skin - less often.

Benefits of Yogurt Rejuvenation

This option for maintaining or restoring youthful skin has many advantages over other types of rejuvenation. Let's describe them in more detail:
  1. Cheapness. The cost of natural yogurt is not high, there is no need, for example, to pay for a brand of advertised anti-aging cosmetics.
  2. Availability. Yogurt can be easily purchased at any grocery store. To make natural yoghurt at home, you can also simply purchase a special starter culture, for example, at a pharmacy.
  3. Natural composition. All the ingredients in yoghurt are of natural origin. The only exceptions are products with fillers and artificial additives, the action of which is aimed at extending the shelf life of the product.
  4. The simplicity of the procedures. It can be carried out at home, which significantly saves time and money.
  5. Application safety. The application of yoghurt is not mechanical and chemical attack, therefore, does not violate the integrity of the skin, which cannot be said, for example, about Botox injections, involving skin punctures and the introduction dangerous drug affecting the nerve endings.
  6. No direct contraindications.
The benefits of yoghurt for skin rejuvenation can be substantiated by describing the process of exposure, i.e. telling what exactly happens when the epidermis receives a mask from this fermented milk product.

The procedure preceding the direct application of yogurt should be peeling, during which the skin is not only cleansed of old particles, and begins to produce collagen and elastin more actively, but also gets an irritating effect. After peeling, the skin is slightly damaged, which is an incentive to start a protective process - the production of macrophages.

The live bacteria of the applied yoghurt are baited and absorbed by macrophages, and the production of important anti-aging cells is enhanced. Cleansed and irritated skin begins to more actively absorb the rest of the beneficial ingredients of yogurt.

Contraindications to the use of yogurt for facial skin

Since natural yoghurt contains many spicy necessary components for the body and does not include artificial and toxic substances, there are no direct contraindications to its use. The exception is cases of individual intolerance to certain components, ingestion or application to the skin of which can cause a disruption in the activity of the body or allergic reactions.

Often additional ingredients are added to the yogurt for the face, for example, sea buckthorn, honey, cocoa, etc. This factor should also be taken into account when determining contraindications. Individual components can pose a certain hazard if there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

It should be noted that not every yogurt is healthy and safe for the body as a whole and for the skin cells. Let's describe in more detail the undesirable characteristics of this product:

  • Pasteurization, which can extend the shelf life of the product, but reduces the nutrient content.
  • The presence of any third-party additives in the product, such as flavors or colors.
  • Long shelf life indicated on the packaging. The shelf life of live yoghurt does not exceed 5 days.
Due to the dishonesty of some manufacturers of fermented milk products, it is desirable home making yoghurt made from fresh milk using a special starter culture.

Recipes for yogurt face masks

The use of yoghurt for the skin of the face can be perfectly done at home, starting with making a homemade fermented milk product, continuing with direct application and ending with an assessment of the results that will not be long in coming with systematic anti-aging procedures. A legitimate question arises as to how to make masks correctly. Let's start with a detailed description of possible recipes for yoghurt mixes.

Natural yogurt kiwi mask for face skin

The skin health benefits of yogurt can be enhanced with an ingredient such as kiwi. A similar mask contains a third component - olive oil.

Such a trio will help correct the following shortcomings and problems: aging, rough, dry skin, the presence of age spots, the need to lighten scars, malnutrition tissues, the presence of acne and acne, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, reducing the elasticity of the epidermis.

Use 1 tsp ripe kiwi puree, 1 tbsp natural yogurt, and 1 tsp fresh olive oil to prepare the mixture. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and proceed to apply to cleansed and treated skin, for example, with a scrub.

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to pin the hair. The optimal duration of the mask is 30 minutes. After this time, wash off the anti-aging solution with warm water... Finally, rinse your skin with a cold rinse to tighten pores.

It is noteworthy that this mixture can even be used every day, then the fight against acne will be more effective. However, a beneficial effect on dry skin is possible only if the procedures are carried out no more than once every 7 days.

Homemade yogurt for the face combined with sea buckthorn

Another additive for yogurt masks is sea buckthorn. Harvested from thorny bushes, these fruits also have anti-aging properties.

Sea buckthorn is a universal cosmetic product, therefore, in combination with a fermented milk product, it can perform the following functions: additional food, moisturizing the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles, recovery natural color skin, increasing local immunity, deep cleansing, the fight against excessive oily skin, restoration of elasticity, smoothness, velvety skin.

The method of preparation is quite simple: squeezed juice from the mashed fruits of sea buckthorn (1 tbsp. L.) Mix with thick yogurt (1 tbsp. L.). Massage this solution onto slightly moisturized skin for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

This composition is more suitable for normal, oily or combined type skin. For owners of dry skin, it is better to replace yogurt with sour cream.

Yoghurt face mask with honey and cocoa

You can enhance the beneficial effects of yogurt on the face by using cocoa powder and honey. The nourishing and caring mixture will have a pleasant, appetizing smell, therefore, it will have an effect not only on the skin, but also on the nervous system.

Use a mixture of yogurt, cocoa and honey for any skin type to restore a healthy look to the skin, narrow pores, even out skin tone, overcome dry skin, tighten the epidermis, smooth wrinkles, actively fight inflammation, acne, acne, improve metabolic processes, saturate skin with moisture and nutrients.

For a rejuvenating nutrient solution, take 1 tbsp each. l. yogurt and cocoa powder and 1 tsp. honey. After mixing, apply the mask in a thick layer. Wait 25 minutes, rinse off the mixture and treat your face with cream. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a week.

Yogurt mask with vitamin E for face skin

Shock dose nutrients enters the skin with a quartet of yogurt, lemon, honey and vitamin E. Systematically using this complex for 3-4 weeks, you can largely be sure of useful properties such a mask, which include: rejuvenation, reduction of large and getting rid of small wrinkles, cleansing of toxins, dead cells, nutrition and hydration, skin structure correction, skin whitening.

A home rejuvenating procedure consists of the usual steps:

  • Preparation... Mix together one part honey and lemon juice, add 2 parts yogurt, and then stir in vitamin E (contents of 3 capsules) into the solution.
  • Application... The mixture must be evenly applied to the skin of the face and neck. The mixture is not intended for the treatment of areas with thin, delicate skin, which is the area around the eyes.
  • Washing... After 20 minutes of exposure, wash off healing mask warm water.

Facial mask with yoghurt and yeast

This rejuvenating solution is suitable for oily skin. Use it to narrow pores, smooth out the structure of the skin, matting, and drying.

Natural yoghurt acts as a basis, but do not forget about the quality. additional ingredient... The yeast should not be dry friable, it is better to buy live yeast in briquettes.

Preliminarily, the product from microscopic fungi must be kneaded in order to properly maintain the proportions. The ratio of yoghurt to yeast should be 2 to 1, i.e. you need to take 1 part of yeast and 2 parts of a fermented milk product. The mixture, diluted to homogeneity, is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. And it should be washed off with cool water.

Yoghurt face mask with cucumber

Quite popular is the refreshing mask made from cucumber circles, which are amusingly hanging on the face. Usually such a sight makes outsiders smile, but even more positive emotions from pleasant sensations experienced by a "client" receiving such a mask.

This is not surprising, because cucumber juice can give results almost instantly, for example: give the face freshness, increase the tone of the epidermis, make it smooth, elastic, replenish the lack of nutrients, overcome excessive fat content skin, and, therefore, effectively fight acne, even out the tone of the face, reduce the appearance of expression lines.

If you combine juice fresh cucumber with yogurt, you can achieve great results in skin care.

So, for a cucumber-yoghurt mask, you need a small peeled cucumber, grated on a coarse grater, and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes.

Remember, freshly plucked cucumber contains the maximum possible amount of nutrients, which is significantly reduced 15 minutes after harvest.

Results after using yoghurt for the face

Most yoghurt formulations bring desired results quickly enough, this is justified by the high activity of the components. Let's describe the approximate stages of obtaining the results:
  1. Already after the first procedures, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness appears. It seems as if the skin has begun to breathe more actively.
  2. The effect of yoghurt, as described above, stimulates the production of proteins necessary for maintaining youth (elastin and collagen) - this is the main function of yoghurt masks.
  3. The metabolism is improving in skin, due to which the blood supply to the cells of the epidermis improves, decay products are removed faster, and toxins are removed.
  4. On the 4th-6th procedures, the leveling of the tone, slight lightening of the skin is visually noticed. Through literally 7 procedures dark spots become subtle or even disappear altogether.
  5. There is a tangible filling of the skin, which helps to increase its elasticity, and the number of wrinkles decreases. Tightened skin looks noticeably younger.
It is important not to give up yoghurt procedures when results have already been achieved. And the frequency of using a fermented milk product in order to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin should be the more often the older you get.

How to make a yogurt face mask - watch the video:

Keeping beauty and youthfulness is constant work that can be enjoyable if done with the help of natural products at home.

Homemade yogurt is not only used as a delicious drink, but also as a natural skin care cosmetic. A yogurt face mask will help to heal the skin and give it beauty and youth. All this is due to the significant amount of active substances that make up the natural product.

Benefits of a yoghurt mask for skin

As mentioned above, yogurt contains great amount useful components, vitamins. Using it as a drink, you heal and normalize work. digestive system... Applying it to the skin - healing and rejuvenation. What is the usefulness of a home product for female beauty:

  • moisturizes the cover, since the composition contains almost 50% of water;
  • prevents aging and soothes the skin;
  • normalizes fat balance;
  • removes various inflammatory processes- acne, blackheads, etc.;
  • has a strengthening effect on blood vessels;
  • promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, due to which the skin becomes elastic and taut;
  • cleans pores from various types of impurities;
  • removes fine wrinkles;
  • softens and nourishes.

Homemade yogurt is very good for female skin, and this can be seen from the above useful qualities product. To achieve maximum results, you should regularly use homemade yogurt masks.

Do not forget about your skin type, and accordingly select the correct recipe, as well as the product itself in terms of fat content:

  • for aged and dry skin it is necessary to use yogurt, the fat content of which ranges from 6 to 9%. In this case, the yogurt face mask will moisturize and nourish the skin much better;
  • for oily or combination skin, it is best to use yoghurt with the least amount of fat or completely fat-free.

As such, the yoghurt composition has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the main component or other products that make up the mask.

By the way, this product also used to prepare hair care products. We have yogurt hair mask recipes to help moisturize hair and restore hair follicles.

Preparing a yoghurt-based face mask is easy as similar funds do not take much time and Money... Despite this, it is important to know a few rules before starting the preparation of such an amazing product.

  1. You need to purchase yogurt exclusively without additives and flavors. The best would be to use a homemade drink.
  2. Yogurt-mask for the face is used for excessive dryness, acne, with a lack of vitamins, small wrinkles, and peeling of the skin.
  3. Finished cosmetic product must be applied exclusively to clean skin faces. You can do it simple scrub or foam for washing.
  4. It is necessary to withstand the agent exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. As a rule, homemade yogurt formulations are allowed to be kept for no more than 1 hour.
  5. Observe the cooking technology and the rate of ingredients. At correct preparation the product will be washed off easily and without difficulty.
  6. After washing off the mask from the face, apply a cream suitable for your type on the skin.
  7. You can apply yoghurt products daily, as such negative reviews no regular use was found.
  8. The course of the masks is 15 procedures. Then it is recommended to rest a little and you can repeat again. This is required so that the skin does not get used to the composition of the home remedy.

From all of the above, we can conclude: by choosing the right mask recipe, you can easily improve your appearance, get rid of age-related changes, give the skin natural color and shine.

Yogurt face mask recipes

    For dry type faces fit next lineup:
    yolk - 1 pc;
    olive oil - 20 ml;
    homemade yogurt - 20 ml.

    Beat the yolk and add butter to it, continue beating. Then add yogurt and beat everything again. Apply the composition to the face and keep it for a quarter of an hour. We remove it with plain water.

    Rinse the banana and avocado and remove the skin and pits. Put the ingredients in a container and mash with a fork. Pour in the required amount of yoghurt and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the composition evenly on the face and keep it for 15 minutes, rinse it off.

    For oily and combination skin types:
    yeast tablets - 4 pcs;
    yogurt - 40 ml.

    The yeast must be kneaded and powdered. We put it in a plate and fill it with yogurt. Mix well and apply the composition to the face. We keep the mixture on the face until it dries. Wash off with plain water.

    The following composition will help to narrow pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous sebum:
    low-fat cottage cheese - 40 g;
    homemade yogurt - 40 ml.

    Mash the curd with a fork and add a fermented milk drink. Stir well and spread over the skin. We soak for 15 minutes and wash off.

    For normal and sensitive type faces:
    black currant - 20 g;
    homemade yogurt - 20 ml.

    Grind currants in a blender and combine with yogurt. Stir and apply to face. We hold for 30 minutes and wash off.

    Yogurt Moisturizing Mask:
    fermented milk drink - 2 tsp;
    from chicken eggs one yolk;
    fresh beets - 2 tsp

    Peel and grate the beets. Add yolk and pour in yoghurt, move everything well. Apply in an even layer on the skin of the face and hold for half an hour. We wash with warm water.

    Cleansing Composition:
    premium flour - 1 tbsp;
    ripe plum - 1 pc;
    homemade yogurt - 1 tablespoon

    Rinse the drain under water. Cut into 2 parts, peel and remove pits. Mash the pulp. Then add flour to it and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. Then pour in the yogurt and mix again. Apply on face and keep for 30 minutes. We remove it with plain water.

    Anti-wrinkle recipe:
    yogurt - 1.5 tbsp;
    seedless grapes - 1 tbsp

    Rinse and grind the grapes in a blender. Then add yogurt to the resulting puree and mix everything thoroughly. Distribute the composition evenly over the face and hold it for a quarter of an hour, rinse it off.

    To get rid of excessive pigmentation:
    fresh leaves parsley - 1 tbsp;
    yogurt - 1.5 tbsp;
    olive oil - 2 tsp;
    vitamin A in ampoules - 1 tsp

    Rinse and chop the parsley. Put in a small bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix thoroughly and apply the composition to the face. We keep it for a quarter of an hour and wash it off with plain water.

    For problem skin (from blackheads and acne):
    fermented milk product - 15 ml;
    aspirin tablets - 4 pcs;
    freshly brewed green tea.

    Grind the aspirin. Put the finished powder in a small container and pour in the fermented milk product. Mix thoroughly and distribute evenly over the face. Soaked cotton pads should be carefully placed in the eye area. green tea... We soak for 15 minutes and remove.

    This composition is especially suitable for adolescents suffering from acne.