Women's competition hairstyles. Modeling fancy and competitive hairstyles based on comprehension

Hairdressing services are constantly in demand. People will always get their hair cut and do their hair. A hairdresser is a profession that is always in demand. Who is a modern hairdresser? First of all, a professional high class... But, like any profession related to customer service, the profession of a hairdresser requires more than skill from a person. A hairdresser is an artist, a psychologist, and a confidant. People come to a hairdresser to become more attractive, to change their image, to feel more confident and to feel like a person they care about. The history of hairdressing begins in ancient times.

A hairstyle is the shape given to the hair. The hairstyle can be from natural and artificial hair with hairpieces and strands different colors... Often hats, ribbons, beads, ornaments become its components. The type and shape of the hairstyle depends on subjective and objective reasons... Hairstyle as a costume is a work of art. When changing artistic styles, trends in art, it changes the look and shape of the hairstyle. In any form of hairdressing, the influence of modern methods is manifested, the hairdressing business is improving, the appearance of new tools and devices, and hair care products. There are a lot of newcomers in hairdressing: hair styling products, varnishes, gels, foams, mousses and creams. Cream - dyes with simultaneous hair care and at the same time you get a large, bright and long-lasting hair color. A lot of tint products also appear, and it should be noted that they contain natural ingredients.

You can talk a lot about the latest in hairdressing. But one thing can be said with certainty that the hairstyle was and will be a kind of a person's passport. Despite the fact that in our country temporary difficulties, like all temporary failures come and go, and the desire to be beautiful will always be. For beauty is eternal. Despite all the difficulties in the country. Zverev proved that in our country there are experts in the art of hairdressing.

Creating a competitive hairstyle is an extremely difficult, painstaking process that requires maximum concentration, considerable imagination and excellent work skills. However, the effort and time spent, as a rule, always pay off - it turns out a real masterpiece of hairdressing art.

Mostly competition hairstyles are used in shows or competitions. Masters of various profiles show their skills and express their ideas and intentions. Examining the historical hairstyles of ancient times, as well as the current century, we see that they reflect separate epochs of fashion, that is, the taste of people of a certain time. Most people's taste for a new fashion trend develops gradually. At the present time, hairdressing contests contribute to a more rapid popularization of new hairstyles. Competitive hairstyles. Today, many competitions for hairdressers have become traditional and have acquired the stable name "competition-show", but it must be said that "show" in the context of the competition has its own specifics and is fundamentally different, for example, from the show of works during the demonstration of collections of hairstyles for the public. What's the difference?

In the general framework of fashion, two parallel paths of its development coexist. One way (say "fashion # 1") is what is mostly talked about in the pages of this book, that is, a gradual change in household models developed for direct use by people. Hairstyles that meet the requirements of this fashion can be seen in society, on the street, they are done every day in hairdressing salons - this is a “large-circulation fashion” (sometimes it is directly influenced by “street fashion” to change it). Another way (let's call it "mode 2") is, in principle, experimental. Fashion No. 2 is created by fashion designers, capturing and creatively comprehending the expected changes in fashion and offering their models, which are a step towards the new. The peculiarity of this fashion lies in the fact that searches are largely reduced to professionally specific experimentation with form. The development of models of a new form is often carried out in abstraction from such everyday requirements for a hairstyle, such as practicality, strength, convenience, simplicity, etc.

An unprepared viewer, seeing the competition models, may not notice their connection with fashion, so he will be stunned by the sophisticated complexity of their forms, the unusual decorative solutions, the filigree cleanliness of the work, that is, sometimes by absolute dissimilarity to what he is used to seeing in everyday hairstyles. However, most often there is a connection, and the professional is sensitive to it, because he knows what guides the fashion designer, who shows his work at the competition.

The master participating in the competition must show the model that most fully expresses his understanding of fashion, and, if possible, in its development, that is, meeting the requirements not only of today, but also of tomorrow. In order to show his intention as concretely as possible and draw the attention of professional viewers to a new solution, the fashion designer always exaggerates the details somewhat, fixing them in a certain place very clearly, which means that the new silhouette and form is shown in a static form. Taking into account the competitive nature of the competition, and for aesthetic reasons, it decorates the model with technically difficult details, etc., because a designer can convince professionals of the correctness of his idea only with the help of the highest execution technique, therefore many competitive models, especially of the "big fantasy" , acquire a truly unique character.

All these complications are designed to intrigue the viewer, arouse his interest and attention, that is, the fashion designer seeks to profitably present a new model, to show how a new silhouette can be played in an original way. Since the human eye is a very big conservative, new forms seem strange to people at first, sometimes ugly, an experienced fashion designer working in a competition, helping the viewer's eye to get used to a new form, to one degree or another uses the effect of recognition, that is, old and good details known, familiar to the eye, in a new form, or in a new way combines them with each other, or almost old form creates from new parts, etc.

The purpose of this course project is the implementation of the hairstyle model and the development of technological stages.

The objectives of the course project are to perform hairstyles, a description of actions, a selection of paints and care products, the ratio of the hairstyle and the model's appearance, as well as hair diagnostics.

Completing a course project will help, master the skills research activities, learn to formulate, generalize and systematize the text, develop the ability to analyze the text and develop confidence in achieving the set goals, turn to the material covered and understand it deeper, bring theoretical knowledge and the practical part of the course into line, determine the area of ​​active application of the results of the study.

When creating a hairstyle, you need to remember that the hairstyle is influenced not only by appearance and style, as well as the condition of the hair. Therefore, first you need to carry out a diagnosis.

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Hairdressing services are constantly in demand. People will always get their hair cut and do their hair. A hairdresser is a profession that is always in demand. Who is a modern hairdresser? First of all, a high-class professional. But, like any profession related to customer service, the profession of a hairdresser requires more than skill from a person. A hairdresser is an artist, a psychologist, and a confidant. People come to a hairdresser to become more attractive, to change their image, to feel more confident and to feel like a person they care about. The history of hairdressing begins in ancient times.

A hairstyle is the shape given to the hair. The hairstyle can be from natural and artificial hair with chignons and strands of different colors. Often hats, ribbons, beads, ornaments become its components. The type and shape of the hairstyle depends on subjective and objective reasons. Hairstyle as a costume is a work of art. When changing artistic styles, trends in art, it changes the look and shape of the hairstyle. In any form of hairdressing, the influence of modern methods is manifested, the hairdressing business is improving, the appearance of new tools and devices, and hair care products. There are a lot of newcomers in hairdressing: hair styling products, varnishes, gels, foams, mousses and creams. Cream - dyes with simultaneous hair care and at the same time you get a large, bright and long-lasting hair color. A lot of tint products also appear, and it should be noted that they contain natural ingredients.

You can talk a lot about the latest in hairdressing. But one thing can be said with certainty that the hairstyle was and will be a kind of a person's passport. Despite the fact that in our country temporary difficulties, like all temporary failures come and go, and the desire to be beautiful will always be. For beauty is eternal. Despite all the difficulties in the country. Zverev proved that in our country there are experts in the art of hairdressing.

Creating a competitive hairstyle is an extremely difficult, painstaking process that requires maximum concentration, considerable imagination and excellent work skills. However, the effort and time spent, as a rule, always pay off - it turns out a real masterpiece of hairdressing art.

Mostly competition hairstyles are used in shows or competitions. Masters of various profiles show their skills and express their ideas and intentions. Examining the historical hairstyles of ancient times, as well as the current century, we see that they reflect separate epochs of fashion, that is, the taste of people of a certain time. Most people's taste for a new fashion trend develops gradually. At the present time, hairdressing contests contribute to a more rapid popularization of new hairstyles. Competitive hairstyles. Today, many competitions for hairdressers have become traditional and have acquired the stable name "competition-show", but it must be said that "show" in the context of the competition has its own specifics and is fundamentally different, for example, from the show of works during the demonstration of collections of hairstyles for the public. What's the difference?

In the general framework of fashion, two parallel paths of its development coexist. One way (say "fashion # 1") is what is mostly talked about in the pages of this book, that is, a gradual change in household models developed for direct use by people. Hairstyles that meet the requirements of this fashion can be seen in society, on the street, they are done every day in hairdressing salons - this is a “large-circulation fashion” (sometimes it is directly influenced by “street fashion” to change it). Another way (let's call it "mode 2") is, in principle, experimental. Fashion No. 2 is created by fashion designers, capturing and creatively comprehending the expected changes in fashion and offering their models, which are a step towards the new. The peculiarity of this fashion lies in the fact that searches are largely reduced to professionally specific experimentation with form. The development of models of a new form is often carried out in abstraction from such everyday requirements for a hairstyle, such as practicality, strength, convenience, simplicity, etc.

An unprepared viewer, seeing the competition models, may not notice their connection with fashion, so he will be stunned by the sophisticated complexity of their forms, the unusual decorative solutions, the filigree cleanliness of the work, that is, sometimes by absolute dissimilarity to what he is used to seeing in everyday hairstyles. However, most often there is a connection, and the professional is sensitive to it, because he knows what guides the fashion designer, who shows his work at the competition.

The master participating in the competition must show the model that most fully expresses his understanding of fashion, and, if possible, in its development, that is, meeting the requirements not only of today, but also of tomorrow. In order to show his intention as concretely as possible and draw the attention of professional viewers to a new solution, the fashion designer always exaggerates the details somewhat, fixing them in a certain place very clearly, which means that the new silhouette and form is shown in a static form. Taking into account the competitive nature of the competition, and for aesthetic reasons, it decorates the model with technically difficult details, etc., because a designer can convince professionals of the correctness of his idea only with the help of the highest execution technique, therefore many competitive models, especially of the "big fantasy" , acquire a truly unique character.

All these complications are designed to intrigue the viewer, arouse his interest and attention, that is, the fashion designer seeks to profitably present a new model, to show how a new silhouette can be played in an original way. Since the human eye is a very big conservative, new forms seem strange to people at first, sometimes ugly, an experienced fashion designer working in a competition, helping the viewer's eye to get used to a new form, to one degree or another uses the effect of recognition, that is, old and good he inscribes known, familiar to the eye details into a new form, or combines them in a new way, or creates an almost old form from new details, etc.

The purpose of this course project is the implementation of the hairstyle model and the development of technological stages.

The objectives of the course project are to perform hairstyles, a description of actions, a selection of paints and care products, the ratio of the hairstyle and the model's appearance, as well as hair diagnostics.

The implementation of the course project will help, master the skills of research activities, learn to formulate, generalize and systematize the text, develop the ability to analyze the text and develop confidence in achieving the set goals, refer to the material covered and understand it deeper, bring theoretical knowledge and the practical part of the course into line, determine the area of ​​active application of the results of the study.

When creating a hairstyle, you need to remember that the hairstyle is influenced not only by the appearance and style, but also by the condition of the hair. Therefore, first you need to carry out a diagnosis.

1. Terms of Reference

1.1 Diagnostics of the hair and scalp of the object of study

Hair is a kind of "mineral passport" of our body. He does not receive food from the outside, all of his Construction Materials come with blood through the bulb and are deposited in the rod. Therefore, in the human hair, in the form of mineral compounds, all information about the presence or lack of minerals, about contamination with toxic metals or about metabolic disorders is "recorded". And with the help of hair analysis, this information can be read.

The main advantage of the analysis is that it allows you to diagnose the condition of the hair1. C

The connection between hairstyles and hair type is mainly due to the fact that certain hairstyles should not be worn for certain types of hair. First of all, this concerns problem hair, i.e. such hair that has certain cosmetic disadvantages. In particular, for oily hair it is not recommended to wear very long hair. If you can afford it, cut your hair as short as possible. Firstly, short hair does not quickly become unkempt. Secondly, it is easier to care for such hair: it can be washed often, it is well washed, dries quickly, etc. It is advisable not to wear bangs, as it usually loses its clean appearance first. In addition, with oily hair, a hairstyle with large curls which are not in direct contact with the head, which makes the hair dirty more slowly. If you do not want to part with long hair, and hairstyles with curls do not suit you, wear hairstyles with the effect of " wet hair". This hairstyle is easy to do with a gel. At the same time, you can apply it a lot, since such gels practically do not give the hair a greasy shine. These hairstyles tend to work well with a low side parting or when the hair is slicked back. Make sure your hair is slicked as slick as possible. With this hairstyle, large waves look good, which, due to the large amount of gel, are easy to form with the help of your hand.

Hair can be worn for dry or mixed hair that has split ends. middle length because in most cases sebum, which is a natural lubricant for hair, does not reach the ends of only very long hair. Of course, provided that reinforcing agents are used, this recommendation may not be followed. However, if you do not want to take care of your hair properly or do not have free time, this advice should be heeded. The main problem with thin hair is the lack of volume.

In this case, you can also advise cutting off too long hair, since under their own weight they stretch out, and it begins to seem that they are even thinner. In addition, short or medium length hair is easier to add volume with a dedicated product than long hair... In addition, for thin hair, stepped haircuts, haircuts with "teeth" and high hairstyles are beneficial.

Diagnostics should be carried out in this way. First, invite the model to a chair and comb her hair.

First, determine the texture (hair thickness), select one strand and drag it with two fingers .. This model has thin hair.

Then the porosity of the hair (this is the ability of the hair to absorb liquid). The hair is porous as it has been bleached many times and is very thin.

Determine the quality (elasticity) of the hair (this is the ability of the hair to straighten and shrink). To do this, pull the hair. Having carried out this action, we can conclude that the hair has weak elasticity, since it breaks with a weak tension.

Determine the density of the hair (this is the number of hairs per unit of head surface area). This model has an average hair density.

Determine the shape of the hair (it depends on the shape of the root), this model has wavy hair.

Determine the length of your hair. This model has an average hair length.

The hair was pre-lightened with the ESTEL brand S-OS series (color S-OS-101, S-OS-116), natural hair base 8/0.

Diseases of the hair and scalp were not found. Mixed hair.

All these steps will help you choose the desired line care products, cosmetics. But that is not all. Since the hairdresser needs to understand not only the condition of the hair, but also the appearance. Therefore, the author needs to characterize the object of research.

1.2 Characteristics of the research object

Hair is an essential part of any woman. They can turn her into a beauty or make her ugly. They are located on the most visible part of your body and are on display all day. You will never be able to disguise them with an elegant jacket. This is why people go crazy over them all the time. Naturally, when you have a good hairdo, you feel better and more confident. The hairstyle and hair length should be in harmony with the figure and costume. While hair cannot make you look heavier, it can affect your height and determine the proportionality of your overall look. If the hairstyle is not correctly chosen, then you will be in a spoiled mood.

But that's not all. When performing a hairstyle with coloring, the author should also be guided by the color type 2 of the model. There are 4 feeds of color type: winter, summer, spring and autumn.

This model has an oval face, a straight profile, which is ideal and, as a result, the choice of hairstyle is very diverse. You should focus on determining the color of the skin, eyes and hair of the model, which will help determine the color type of the girl, with which it will be easier to choose makeup and the range of clothes. After analyzing, the author noted that the model's skin is normal, does not have an oily sheen.

Analyzing the skin color, the author came to the conclusion that the skin color is light beige and has cold shade... Considering facial features, the author noted that the forehead is straight, the eyebrows correct shape, slightly raised. The eyes are almond-shaped, brown, lips of the correct shape, puffy. There are no downsides.

Having determined the color of the eyes and the color of the hair, it can be assumed that the model has a summer type of appearance.

Since many factors affect the look - facial features, personal style, lifestyle, posture, and so on - it is impossible to determine the ideal hairstyle based on the shape of the face alone. But you can still hide the flaws.

For those who have a round face, you need to visually lengthen it, that is, more volume at the crown, less at the temples. You can have asymmetrical haircuts and side partings. For those with a square face, you need to smooth out the angularity of the face and create additional volume. The volume is best concentrated at the crown. Best of all haircuts to the chin, asymmetrical and side bangs. For those who have rectangular face hairstyles that add volume to the temples are suitable. You should not do hairstyles from long, straight hair and add volume at the crown. For those who have diamond face it is necessary to create additional volume at the level lower jaw... Soft bangs are suitable, hairstyles covering the ears, voluminous from the bottom. For those who have triangular face it is necessary to create volume in the area of ​​the lower jaw. Better asymmetrical hairstyles with soft, light bangs, waves and curls. To those who Oval face all hairstyles are suitable as this face is perfectly balanced on its own.

In this case, the author's model has perfect face and the choice in hairstyles is varied. But in order to create a hairstyle, some means are needed both for care, since there is always an aggressive effect on the hair, and for the direct creation of a hairstyle. Therefore, the author needs to choose the means to create a hairstyle.

1.3 Rationale for the choice of professional tools

After diagnosing the hair and studying the characteristic features of the appearance of the research object, the author selects professional line products for care and work with hair.

Since the hair was pre-lightened, the author needs to choose a professional line of care products first.

CUREX products from ESTEL Professional provide the hair and scalp with complete care and contain unique restorative and nourishing components. The series includes shampoos, balms, fluids for intense shine and products for the restoration of color, damaged hair and hair after permanent curling.

Since your hair needs to be washed, first you need to pick up a shampoo and balm. But do not forget to take into account the original hair data. Since the hair has been repeatedly dyed, it will be correct if you choose a shampoo for dyed hair, since it contains a keratin complex to restore dyed hair. It needs to be applied to wet hair foam and rinse thoroughly. To comb your hair better, you need to apply a balm balm, but since the hair is dyed, you need a balm for dyed hair. It contains the innovative Sodium PCA color stabilizer that maintains color intensity and prolongs color fastness.

Provitamin B5, vitamin complex and peach oil actively moisturize and nourish, give silky shine to colored hair. Apply it to clean, damp hair, distribute it evenly over the entire length. After a few minutes, wash off with water.

Well, of course, you can't do without treatment, so for his model the author selected a suitable mask, sprays and serums. Since the hair becomes dry and damaged after dyeing, the author chose a nourishing hair mask. It contains chestnut extract and a balanced vitamin complex. Provides deep hydration and nutrition, restores the natural hydrobalance and structure of damaged hair and, with regular use, preserves the natural pigment. It is necessary to apply the mask to clean, damp hair, massage it evenly over the entire length. The exposure time is 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water. To make it easier to comb and add shine to the hair, the author selected a spray-care. It smoothes hair, evens out its structure, makes hair pleasant to the touch. It should be sprayed onto the hair for easy brushing and styling. Apply to both dry and damp hair. Since the hair is due natural conditions and constant aggressive effects on them begin to be cut, then the author picked up a serum for split ends. Serum with natural biopolymer repairs damaged and split ends.

Contains chitosan, provitamin B5 and glycerin. Restores, moisturizes and nourishes hair, gives a healthy shine. You need to rub a few drops of serum between your palms and apply to the ends of your hair. Do not rinse. Since every day the hair is strongly influenced by irons, curls, hair dryers, etc., the author selected a fluid-shine with thermal protection. The combination of its active regenerating substances creates a microfilm over the entire surface of the hair, protecting the hair from overheating when using an iron or hairdryer. Provides extra shine to both wet and dry hair. Before styling, apply a few drops of fluid gloss to clean, damp hair, dry with a hairdryer. Use an iron if necessary.

All this will provide the necessary protection, give shine, silkiness, alignment of the hair structure and, of course, beauty. But you can achieve this even if you apply folk remedies... Several examples of them are presented in the appendix.

The products presented above will help keep your hair beautiful and well-groomed. But the beauty of hair can be enhanced by changing the color of the hair. What woman does not dream of a beautiful hair color, and especially in order to emphasize her hairstyle. Therefore, the author of the course project selected a special paint for working with hair to emphasize the hairstyle. Before dyeing, the hair was pre-lightened with ESTEL S / OS paint. For this, the author chose 2 colors: S-OS / 101 - ash; S-OS / 161 - polar. Of course, you could have taken just an ashy color, but the model has a very pronounced yellow pigment, so a little purple should be added to the paint, since purple blocks yellow. Paints for the final result.

ESTEL series paint 4/99.

You will need Igora Action Paint, two tubes of pastel mikston and two tubes of pink and purple flame.


2.1 Compositional analysis of the hairstyle proposal

An equally important task when creating a hairstyle is a compositional analysis.

Artistic design of a hairstyle is usually called the process of creating, according to specific canons of beauty, both individual elements and the entire hairstyle in order to obtain certain associative sensations for the viewer. Thus, the hairstyle as a generalized artistic whole, together with the appearance of a person, is a kind of artistic image.

The decoration of the hairstyle is connected with the composition, that is, the harmonious combination, the arrangement of its constituent elements, and in turn, represents the result of the actions - the hairstyle itself.

The main composition of a hairstyle is a set of parts that form its shape, the ratio of these parts, general proportions (scale), silhouette. The beauty and expressiveness of the hairstyle depends on how successfully the composition is solved.

The proportions of the hairstyle, and the ratio with the face, figure, play a decisive role, since they give the form, and, consequently, the silhouette a certain character, since the figurative expressiveness of the hairstyle, that is, the composition.

To do this, it is necessary to know the objective laws of composition: composition components and compositional means. First, you need to come up with a hairstyle composition: determine the shape and silhouette, lines, proportions and much more.

To develop the composition of the hairstyle model - proposals, to achieve general harmony and accurate perception, the three fundamental laws on which the composition is based help.

The first law: the subordination of the components of the composition and compositional means to the purpose of the hairstyle, that is, all compositions must obey the purpose of the hairstyle and emphasize this purpose. The form of the hairstyle proposal is purposefully constructed and corresponds to its immediate purpose. This is a competition hairstyle that is not functional in everyday life, but it will look great in contests, big festivals.

The second law of composition: the presence of a compositional center. The compositional center of the hairstyle - the proposal is slightly displaced from the geometric center or the axis of symmetry.

In the hairstyle model, the compositional center of the proposal is the so-called tail on the crown, slightly shifted to the right, from which the hairstyle seems to follow. The finishing components are the backing from the left from the center on the edge line of the hair growth on the neck. These components, as a rule, act as the main focus of the composition, which contributes to more full disclosure design and imagery of the model.

An important property of the composition of the hairstyle is the balance of the form, that is, its state in which all the elements are balanced with each other. Thus, since the hairstyle is asymmetric, it is necessarily balanced by additional components.

An important role in creating a hairstyle is played by the third law of composition: the proportionality of the parts and components of the composition with each other, with the face, and the figure of a person. An important factor scale is in this law.

Scale has a direct relationship with color and shape, both of the entire hairstyle, and of its individual details. The hairstyle is made of hair of three colors so that one color flows smoothly from the other, the transition from dark to light. To achieve the desired result and create in general harmonious image, the author must not only study the laws of composition, but also the objective properties of the form in general and the property of the hairstyle as a volumetric spatial form in particular. When describing the form, the features of its surface or the elements that make it up, emotional assessments are very often used. The emotional components of a hairstyle are made up of its details. The geometric contour of the author's hairstyle evokes a sense of balance, the shape of the hairstyle is dynamic. But at the same time, the hairstyle is also static, since there is a roller.

The property of a hairstyle as a volumetric - spatial form is determined by its constituent elements, which are the primary material in the work of a hairdresser - fashion designer. Therefore, considering a hairstyle as a volumetric-spatial form, it is necessary, first of all, to keep in mind its following properties:

Geometric view of the form and its parts;

The size of the form and its parts;

The mass of the form and its parts;

Color and texture.

The shape of the hairstyle is characterized by its surface. The surface of the hairstyle is curved. Hairstyle - proposal worked out various elements: braiding, blunting and roller. Also, in the composition of the hairstyle, weight is very important. She compositionally brings together many factors that characterize the shape of the hairstyle: geometric appearance, size, color finish and much more. The hairstyle presents a dynamic shape and looks massive in the parietal zone. But the color transition on the parietal zone of the head generally makes the hairstyle easier.

Texture has a significant effect on the appearance of the hairstyle and its expressiveness. The term "texture" in hairdressing means the texture of the hair itself and, in addition, the nature of the surface of the hairstyle. As for the surface texture, the dynamic shape gives the author's hairstyle massiveness in the parietal zone. Skillful use of the texture of the hair opens up great opportunities for the author for a successful composition of the form.

Many qualities of the composition are associated not only with texture, they also find their expression in the silhouette of the hairstyle, which expresses the idea of ​​the volumetric form of the model. By the degree of volumetricness, the silhouette of the hairstyle model - the proposal can be attributed to a decorative silhouette, because it departs from the natural outlines of the head and visually transforms the shape of the head. The silhouette of the hairstyle of the proposal, to some extent, repeats the shape of the head, but at the same time its individual elements deviate from the natural outlines, somewhat changing the proportions of the head relative to the figure of the object of study.

Silhouette constructive, constructive - decorative, decorative. The hairstyle-proposal contains decorative lines formed by various elements.

When comparing the elements of the form, their equality, the harmonic connection in this case is based on contrast, since there is a difference and opposition of elements.

Symmetry is one of the most evident properties of a hairstyle composition.

The author's hairstyle is asymmetric, but it can be said that asymmetry, in this case, gives the hairstyle a calm balance separate parts and shape details. In this case, the axis of symmetry is not an axis of equilibrium.

The balance of the hairstyle and the harmonious combination of all elements is achieved by introducing decorative lines into the form.

In the process of compositional analysis of the hairstyle model - the proposal was found that the hairstyle model meets the specified requirements and does not contradict the three basic laws of composition. In general, the hairstyle hides flaws and emphasizes the advantages of the model's appearance, harmoniously combining with the features and shape of the face.

mask hair long model


3.1 Cosmetics, materials, tools and accessories

In order to create a hairstyle, you will need some tools, materials and tools. Without them, it will be difficult to create a hairstyle. So, you need:

1. Tools and fixtures:

Combination comb for women's haircuts;

Comb "ponytail";



Rubber bands;

Clips large and small;

A comb for a pile.

2. Cosmetics: (ESTEL Professional series)

Spray - care to facilitate hair combing;

Two-phase conditioner - Moisturizing hair spray;

Fluid - gloss with thermal protection;

All this is necessary to create a hairstyle. But do not forget that when modeling a hairstyle, first of all, its functionality and aesthetic purpose are clarified. Expressing an artistic image, a hairstyle can be either dominant when a person has to reincarnate (for example, a theatrical or competitive hairstyle), or emphasize the individuality of a particular person. When starting to work on any hairstyle (everyday, entertainment, etc.), first of all, you need to identify the artistic image of a particular person. A figurative idea of ​​a person is formed from his external data (anthropometric and clothing) and an assessment of his personality in terms of temperament and character (definition of type). When all these conditions are met, the hairstyle will express the intended image.

3.2 Technological stages of the proposal hairstyle model

Since the theme of the course project is a competitive hairstyle, it implies an interesting coloring. Without dyeing, the hairstyle looks unfinished, so the hair was dyed first. Below are the actions of the author of the course project.

Before dyeing, the hair was pre-lightened with ESTEL S / OS paint. For this, the author chose 2 colors: S-OS / 101 - ash; S-OS / 161 - polar. Of course, you could have taken just an ashy color, but the model has a very pronounced yellow pigment, so a little purple must be added to the paint, since purple blocks yellow.

We mix the paint. We need 2 bowls. Squeeze into the first bowl 60 grams of ash (101) and 30 grams of polar (161), add 180 grams of 3% oxygen. The paint is diluted 1: 2. Then squeeze 60 grams into the second bowl ashy color and 30 grams of polar, add 180 grams of 6% oxygen. After stirring the paint, we first apply the paint mixed with 6% oxygenate along the entire length of the hair, then on the roots (2-3 centimeters). The percentage of oxygen on the roots and hair length is different, because more heat is generated at the hair roots and the reaction proceeds faster.

After applying the paint and keeping it for 45 minutes, wash off the paint and wash your head with shampoo and conditioner for colored hair.

Hair coloring.

To begin with, we dilute the paint 4/99 of the ESTEL series. We squeeze out 60 grams of paint and add 60 grams of oxidizing agent. The paint is diluted 1: 1. We seal the hair in foil, leaving 2 centimeters at the roots. We paint over the roots, wash off and wash my head.

Then we dilute Igora Action Paint. You will need two tubes of pastel mixton and two tubes of pink and purple flame. It is necessary to get a soft pink and not very pronounced purple color. To do this, you need a pastel mixton for one tube, this is 150 ml, add 60 ml of purple flame and 50 ml of pink flame. We got the right colors. Then we select the strand, put the foil and apply from the previously painted roots first purple color, almost to the middle of the strand, then a pink flame on? from the unpainted part. The ends remain light. And we work out the joints of paints with a zagzag, a comb "tail". Thus, the whole head is painted. But you need to remember that Igora Action Paint is washed off after 5-10 times and you need to rinse it off with warm water, not hot. After washing off the paint and drying the hair, you can see that the result is a stretch3 along the entire length of the hair.

After you have painted your head, you can start doing the hairstyle.

Before performing a hairstyle, you must first invite the client into a chair, diagnose the hair and scalp, determine the type of color and the compatibility of the proposed shades, and study the anthropological characteristics of the head and figure. Methods for correcting both hairstyle and coloring options are being investigated. Cosmetics are selected.

After that, you can safely proceed with the hairstyle.

Stretching is used in contests and various shows. It should be completely combined with the hairstyle.

Technological sequence for performing hairstyles.

1) Thoroughly comb the hair so that it is convenient to work during the work.

2. Highlight the parting. From the hairline on the forehead (approximately from the tail of the eyebrow) to the highest point of the head, select a diagonal parting. From the highest point of the head to the hairline at the back of the head, select an arched parting so that the parting in the hairstyle is not visible. We pin the hair with clips.

3. From the highest point of the head to the tip of the ear, select the parting. This parting must match the parting previously highlighted.

4. From the previously selected parting, select in parallel a strand 2-1.5 cm wide. And in the same way select 3 more strands. They are needed for weaving.

5. We take the selected strand on the temporoparietal zone. We bend our head to the side in order to make it easier to weave. Select a small rectangle near the ear from the selected strand and divide it into 3 equal parts. We got three strands. Let's number them as shown in the figure, for the convenience of weaving. We take a strand under No. 3 right hand and put it on strand number 2, at this moment we hold strand number 1 in the left hand, and 2 and 3 in the right. They seemed to have changed places among themselves. Then take strand # 1 and place it in the middle on strand # 3. Then we put the strand No. 2 in the middle on the strand No. 1. After weaving, you need to pick up an additional strand, it joins the strand on one side and is woven into the pigtail in the same way. Having done this 2 times, you need to pull out the pigtail on one side. This is done with your thumb and forefinger, while you need to hold the pigtail, but relax it a little so that it is more convenient to pull it. Thus, we weave to the end. And we pin the resulting pigtail with a clamp.

6. Take the next strand and weave it in the same way. So weave all the selected strands. We fix the pigtails with varnish.

7. We can still pin the resulting pigtails so that they do not interfere. Then we go to the right highlighted occipital zone. Need to do high tail... Therefore, you need to prepare an elastic band with two pins in order to fix the strand.

We comb the hair and make a ponytail. The tail is located at the highest point of the head, but not in the center, but slightly to the right, as shown in the photo below. We fix the strand with an elastic band and two hairpins. We insert the hairpin into the tail, make three, four turns around the tail and insert the hairpin into the tail. We fix the tail with gel, and comb the hair with wax.

8. Select a strand from the tail, it will be needed later, pin it.

9. Select the next strand and tup4 it. Thus, we blunt the entire tail. We fix each strand with varnish.

10. Now you need to make the tape. We connect all the strands, direct the tail away from ourselves and carefully comb it out. Sprinkle with varnish.

11. Then we make a roller. You need to roll up the resulting tape. We wrap it on the face. And we fix it with a hairpin in the nutria of the roller. Sprinkle with varnish.

12. Now you need to make a tail on the back of the head on the left side at the edge hairline on the back of the head. We comb the hair with wax, make the tail, fixing it with an elastic band with two hairpins, in the same way as in the first case.

13. Now you need to lay out the pigtails on the roller. They need to be positioned with a distance of 2-2.5 cm and are perpendicular to the roller. We fix them with small clamps. Hide the remaining tails in a roller and sprinkle everything with varnish.

14. Take the previously left strand. You need to curl it with a corrugation. Since the strand is quite thick, it can be divided into several strands.

15. Divide curled hair into two equal parts. We pin the bottom strand for now. The top strand needs to be put in the shape of an arc. First you need to comb at the base of the tail so that the hair does not fall off. Sprinkle with varnish. The bottom strand needs to be combed. We comb it with our hands. A small strand is taken and, taking the tip with your left hand, you need to move the hair to the base with your right hand. In this way, you need to comb all the hair.

16. Then we proceed to the remaining hair in the tail, on the edge hairline at the back of the head, you need to curl with the help of a corrugation and divide into two strands. Comb the strand that is closer to the highest point of the head in the same way as in the first case. But first you need to spray the hair at the base well with varnish in order for it to hold better. When combing hair, they need to be fixed with varnish and clamped with clips. The rest of the hair is spread over the shoulder in a chaotic manner. Sprinkle everything with varnish.

17. We take out all unnecessary clamps and fix the entire hairstyle with varnish.

The creative process of creating hairstyles is closely related to creativity in any other form of human activity. The labor of creating new models of hairstyles is inherently closest to the art of a sculptor. A hairstyle is the same sculpture, because by participating in the design of a person, it contributes to the creation of an artistic image.

During the course of the course project, the author completed his goals and objectives. I learned to analyze, diagnose, compare information, perform a hairstyle model and develop technological stages of implementation. I also learned to select paints and care products, to correlate the hairstyle with the model's appearance.

The implementation of the course project helped, master the skills of research activities, learn to formulate, generalize and systematize the text, develop the ability to analyze the text and develop confidence in achieving the set goals, turn to the material covered and understand it deeper, bring the theoretical knowledge and the practical part of the course into line, determine the area of ​​active application of the results of the study. The implementation of this hairstyle is a complete fantasy of the author. With the help of imagination, a new form of hairstyle was revealed. Such a hairstyle can be easily used in contests and shows, but do not forget that you need to take into account the condition and length of the hair, external data and artistic image.


1.GOST R 50646 - 92 Services to the population, terms and definitions of quality

2.GOST R 51142 - 98 Household services, hairdressing services, general technological services

3. Alekseeva E. Beauty School: a tutorial for future hairdressers, stylists, cosmetologists and makeup artists. - M .: Kron - Press, 2000

4. Vetrova A.V. Hairdresser-stylist / "Textbook" series. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2003

5. Korneev V.D. Hair styling and decoration. - M .: Legprombytizdat, 1989

6. Kuleshkova ON Technology and equipment of hairdressing works / Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". - M.: ProfObrIzdat / 2006

7. Odinokova I.Yu., Chernichenko TA Technology of hairdressing works: textbook. manual for the beginning. professional education / Odinokova I.Yu., T.A. Chernichenko.-2nd ed., ster.-M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2006

8. Chernichenko T.A. Modeling hairstyles and decorative cosmetics... - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004

9. Sorina's sisters The origins of the image or the clothes of a woman in the alphabet of communication. - M .: Gnome - Press, 1999.

10 Feldon Lee "Basics of style. Image, mood, figure." - M: Eksmo Publishing House, 2003

12. DOLORES (winter 2007 \ 2008, spring 2008, autumn 2008, spring 2009)

13.O.A. Panchenko "Haircut, hairstyle, modeling" 2000

14.O.A. Panchenko "Elegant Hairstyles" 2000

15. E. Karpova “Hairdresser at home. Hairstyles and Makeup "1999

16. O. Sorokina "Encyclopedia of a hairdresser and make-up artist" 2000

17. A.S. Vasiliev "Hairdressing Art" 2000

18. D.G. Grigoriev "Hair Care" 1998

19. A.V. Kondratyev "Textbook on Trichology" 2000


Masks are an excellent cosmetic product for hair and scalp care. They have an excellent healing effect and are made from natural ingredients... The prepared mask must be rubbed into the hair roots, then tie the head with a plastic scarf and wrap it on top with a terry towel.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of aloe juice, a teaspoon garlic juice and yolk. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair well. Take 1 more yolk, apply to hair and rinse with water.

Mix a teaspoon of honey with 3 teaspoons castor oil... Heat the mixture slightly and apply to hair. Wash off after an hour.

Stir a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 minced garlic cloves and yolk. This mask can be left overnight. In the morning, wash your head and rinse with herbal infusion.

Stir in 2 teaspoons honey, 2 yolks, 2. teaspoons burdock oil... Rub the mixture into the scalp, rinse off after 40 minutes. This mask is effective for hair loss and dandruff formation. Do it once a week for 2-3 months.

Beat 1 egg and mix with 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons sunflower or olive oil... Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly into the scalp, then warm the hair and rinse with shampoo.

Mash 2 egg yolk with 2 tablespoons of honey. Massage the mixture into the hair roots, massaging the skin. It is better to do this mask in the evening, before going to bed, and wash your hair in the morning. This honey mask is suitable for oily hair.

Masks for damaged hair

Avocado hair mask. Ingredients: powdered almonds 2 tablespoons, avocado pulp 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons hot serum, 4 drops essential oil bay. Pour the almonds with hot whey, add all the other ingredients after 10 minutes. Apply this mask to hair and leave for 1 hour, rinse.

Hemp oil hair mask. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. hemp oil, 1 tablespoon carrot juice, 1 tbsp. honey, 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask to the hair for 1-1.5 hours. Wash off.

Vitamin hair mask. Mix 2 tbsp. linseed oil with 0.5 tsp. vitamin A, E and PP ( a nicotinic acid), 1 yolk and 1 tsp. tinctures of eleutherococcus. Apply the mask to hair and leave for 1 hour, rinse.

Mint hair mask. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. shea butter (shea butter), 1 tablespoon corn oil, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mint-ginger tea (herbal), 3 drops of peppermint essential oil. Shea butter should be put and melted in a water bath, just as olive oil with mint tea should be put in a water bath, olive oil with mint tea should be kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, then strain everything through cheesecloth. Combine shea butter, olive mint infusion, corn oil and mint essential oil. Apply the mask to hair for 1.5 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Hair mask with badger oil. Recommended for dry, brittle and damaged hair. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. badger fat, 1 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tablespoon colorless henna, 2 tbsp. warm serum, 3 drops of geranium essential oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply to hair for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

Hair mask with coconut oil. Mix 1 tbsp. slightly warmed up coconut oil from 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. onion juice, 3 drops of lemon essential oil, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. kefir. Apply the mask to the hair and leave for at least 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly, rinse with chamomile infusion.

Mayonnaise hair mask. Mix 1 tbsp. homemade mayonnaise, 1 tsp. butter, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. heated whey, 1 tsp. yeast, 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Apply this mask to hair and leave for 1 hour, rinse.

Cranberry hair mask. Mix 1 tbsp. cranberry juice with 1 tbsp. wheat germ oil, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 yolk, 5 drops of essential frankincense mala. Apply the mask to the hair, leave for 1.5 hours, rinse thoroughly.

Posted on Allbest.ur

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Competition hairstyles

Today, many hairdressing competitions have become traditional and have acquired the stable name "competition-show", but it must be said that "show" in the context of the competition has its own specifics and is fundamentally different, for example, from the show of works during the demonstration of collections of hairstyles for the public. What's the difference?

In the general framework of fashion, two parallel paths of its development coexist. One way (let's say "fashion # 1") is what is mostly talked about in the pages of this book, that is, a gradual change in household models developed for direct use by people. Hairstyles that meet the requirements of this fashion, we see in society, on the street, they are done every day in hairdressing salons - this is a "fashion in large circulation" (on its
the change sometimes has a direct impact on "street fashion").

Another way (let's call it "mode no. 2") is, in principle, experimental. Fashion No. 2 is created by fashion designers, capturing and creatively comprehending the expected changes in fashion and offering their models, which are a step towards the new. The peculiarity of this fashion lies in the fact that searches are largely reduced to professionally very specific experimentation with the form: the development of models of a new form is often carried out in abstraction from such everyday requirements for a hairstyle as practicality, strength, convenience, simplicity, etc. seeing the competition models, he may not notice their connection with fashion No. 1, he will be so stunned by the sophisticated complexity of their forms, unusual decorative solutions, filigree cleanliness of work, that is, sometimes by absolute dissimilarity to what he is used to seeing in everyday hairstyles. However, most often there is a connection, and the professional is sensitive to it, because he knows what guides the fashion designer, who shows his work at the competition.

The master participating in the competition must show the model that most fully expresses his understanding of fashion, and, if possible, in its development, that is, meeting the requirements not only of today, but also of tomorrow. In order to show his intention as concretely as possible and draw the attention of professional viewers to a new solution, the fashion designer always exaggerates the details somewhat, fixing them in a certain place very clearly, which means that the new silhouette and form is shown in a static form. Given the competitive nature of the competition, and for aesthetic reasons, it decorates the model with technically difficult details, etc.

performance, therefore, many competitive models, especially of the "big fantasy" type, acquire a truly unique character.

All these complications are designed to intrigue the viewer, arouse his interest and attention, that is, the fashion designer seeks to profitably present a new model, to show how a new silhouette can be played in an original way.

Since the human eye is a very big conservative, new forms seem strange to people at first, sometimes ugly, an experienced fashion designer working in a competition, helping the viewer's eye to get used to a new form, to one degree or another uses the effect of recognition, that is, old and well-known , he writes the details familiar to the eye into a new form, or combines them with each other in a new way, or creates an almost old form from new details, etc.

In order to more convincingly demonstrate his model, the fashion designer participating in the competition selects a fashion model, a toilet, completely creates a certain perfect image, whose goal is to present a new fashionable hairstyle in all its splendor.

The purpose of the competition models is to show the direction of further changes in fashion, to give impetus to further development on this basis (towards simplification) of household models.

Having mastered the main fashion ideas, the nature of fashionable details (that is, having understood how hair "works" in new details and shapes), having understood the basic principles of combining a new hairstyle with fashionable clothes, you can gradually try to introduce a fashionable silhouette or some fashion elements hairstyles of fashion no. 2 into everyday work, and then, after evaluating the results, try to develop a model for mass adoption, using decorative elements of hairstyles of fashion no. 2 (in a simplified form) in individual modeling.

It usually takes at least a year to implement an award-winning competitive model. And in everyday life, it appears in a strongly modified form, since a fashionable household model should be easily reproducible, comfortable enough, durable, acceptable for most people (household hairstyles serve to design images of specific people, that is, the hairstyle is adjusted to people).

Therefore, in the household model, most often only the general mood, silhouette remains from the competitive model, from complex elements - only the direction of combing the hair and only one (the principle of dominance) the most characteristic detail.

Thus, we can say that fashion no. 2 does not directly convey its findings into everyday life, but it has an impact. New silhouettes and details do not appear in everyday life immediately and in a rather simplified form. True, many do not appear at all: the household model conducts a very strict selection. Well, the finds that enter life and become familiar become those starting points that make fashion designers puzzle over new ones.

decisions, guess what people might like in the near future, look for new options and submit their ideas again to the competition. And this process of mutual influence constantly moves the fashion forward.

The competitive success of the hairdresser is based on his serious daily work.

How does the process of preparing a hairdresser for the competition go?

It has already been said that a change in fashion is often expressed in a change in silhouette, therefore Special attention it is necessary to draw precisely on the silhouette.

Everyday work in the salon on modern hairstyles, referring to professional magazines, exchanging opinions with colleagues, attending shows and competitions, attending fashion shows, etc. give the specialist the opportunity to thoroughly understand the silhouettes of today, the nature of the details, the features of technology as a preliminary hair treatment and combing, the direction of the strands and their combinations, to work out many options for solving modern models and grope for some ways further development hairstyle fashions. Creative, thoughtful "work at the armchair" allows the designer to "keep his finger on the pulse of the times", to take into account the nature of changes in fashion in clothes, changes in tastes. As a result of this, a vague and sometimes quite specific understanding of the general trends in the development of fashion appears.

The designer finds great support with his gaze when he turns to professional magazines. Working with magazines should not be casual, that is, it should not turn into a cursory glance at pictures. The magazines should be viewed regularly and analytically. In one magazine there may be a whole hundred photographs of hairstyles, but knowing the models of yesterday, well versed in today's lines and silhouettes, revealing the general trend of changing fashion, you can see only one or two models that say something about tomorrow.

Should not be limited to professional magazines only. Any information concerning the problems of fashion in general should arouse the close interest of the fashion designer. Even the change in fashion for hats should not be ignored by the hairdresser-fashion designer. A correct assessment of this fact indirectly gives an idea of ​​what details can be used to frame the face, that is, there is already something to look for for a daily hairstyle. The same can be said about the silhouette: it should be comfortable for the headdress and make a single ensemble with it. And although at competitions there is not even a thought about hats, nevertheless, such facts are reflected in the models of competitive hairstyles (the dependence of the collars of dresses and the length of the hair on the neck, etc., is read in a similar way).

Regularly looking through professional magazines, noting fashionable silhouettes, that is, observing fashion in development, a hairdresser-fashion designer should pay attention not only to the silhouettes, but also to the details from which they

created on strands with a fashionable direction of combing. It often happens that a fashionable silhouette, in essence, is created from old, well-known details, only they are combed out, let's say, in the other direction. A hairdresser who does not follow the development of fashion discovers this much later than others, and in his work there are great difficulties of a technical nature.

This is especially noticeable with a radical change in fashion. For example, in the late 60s - early 70s, parts located on the temporal-lateral parts were created from strands directed towards the face. And over a long period of work in this manner, most hairdressers have developed a certain skill: the eye saw beauty in this, and the hand combed out the necessary details. A gradual change in this situation, the search for new solutions by fashion designers in the light of the requirements of the changed fashion turned out to be unnoticed for such hairdressers. And when, in the new models, the strands of the temporo-lateral parts had to be combed from the face, for many hairdressers this turned out to be a downright daunting task. Inertia in work, the developed eye-hand connection, the nature of hand movement (stable stereotype) interfere with working in a new way. And although the hairstyles after the complex models of the 60s looked very simple and the details were generally familiar, but beautifully, purely "combing out" such a simple model for many turned out to be far from easy (in addition, in such cases, there is a lack of understanding of the logic the development of the form of the hairstyle: where do these details come from, what predetermines their occurrence in this direction, etc.).

Therefore, looking at photographs in magazines, the fashion designer needs to analyze and constantly try to perform the newest silhouettes and hairstyle elements that are encountered in his daily work. Firstly, in this way he fills his hand, secondly, new ideas are fixed in his mind (and in turn give impulses to new ones), and thirdly, many women generally like it when some new products are used in their work - all this allows him to try many options for one model, because in his daily work a hairdresser mainly uses 3-4 winding schemes (or, as they say, wrapping). With the same cheating scheme, you can do quite a lot of different hairstyles, achieving a variety of silhouettes and nuanced elements, only by varying the combing technique. To comb the hair to the face, we can rearrange the strands, connect them in different ways, etc. A hairdresser who has a good sense of fashion ideas, if he does not succeed in the conceived hairstyle or he sees that it does not suit a woman, he can look for another option that answers fashion requirements that will suit the client. Therefore, in the future, when working with fashion silhouettes he has practically no technical difficulties.

Competition is another matter. Sometimes, during a competitive combing, such a beautiful line may suddenly flicker that it is very difficult not to succumb to the temptation to better identify it and fix it. Most often, this means that the model has not been sufficiently worked out in training. In the preparation process, you need to try as many options as possible and choose the best one. But if something like that suddenly arises (suppose in the last

moment someone advised the "best" composition for styling - the texture of the hair has changed), and it seems that you can make the work more interesting, you need to try to resist the temptation, because then you will have to connect this line with other elements, fit it into the desired silhouette, correlate to the face of a fashion model, i.e., in essence, to make new composition, but the allotted time may not be enough for this. Even if the flashed detail is clearly of a secondary nature, it should probably be discarded anyway for fear of overloading the model. It seems that during the competition work there should be absolutely no place for improvisation, you need to try to brilliantly fulfill the previously found solutions, that is, the main attention should be paid only to the finishing of a model that has already been ready for a long time.

It is necessary to improvise as much as possible during the preparation process and then very strictly select the elements that allow you to accurately and logically "assemble" a silhouette that most specifically expresses the master's understanding of fashionable ideas.

In order to completely eliminate possible surprises at the competition, when developing a model, especially when working on a silhouette, you need to carefully consider the shape of the model's head and, having found the best wrap from this point of view, repeat the work several times, placing curlers of the required diameter or clips on one each time and in the same place, ensuring that the desired silhouette is obtained without misfires. This is the main feature of the competition work. The promotion of the competition model should be programmed rather rigidly for only one version, so as to spend as little time as possible on identifying the silhouette, so that the necessary elements are in the pre-planned places and all attention could be paid mainly to their decoration, i.e. technique.

There is a direct connection between hair styling and technique. When working with competitive models, this relationship becomes even more acute. And if a master strives to do his job as best he can, to find the most elegant solution, then he will certainly develop a good technique necessary for solving these problems. Correct execution the technical method itself is possible only when the hairdresser clearly sees what this particular technique of execution can give him, that is, he must first of all see the meaning in the expediency of using this or that technical method.

Only this attitude to work contributes to the improvement of technology.

The relationship between techniques and modeling is especially noticeable when working on a men's competition hairstyle. The master can count on the cleanliness of the styling only if he flawlessly performs the haircut, and he can correctly and accurately cut, that is, process all zones and shapes in general, only when he very accurately represents how he will style everything hair in shape. When working on a men's hairstyle, especially a competitive one, the cleanliness of styling by 90 percent depends on the accuracy and cleanliness of the haircut itself.

Only a fashion designer who possesses the technique, constantly working on its improvement in the light of fashionable requirements, is able to solve the problems of modeling more and more new hairstyles submitted to him for the competition. As for directly working on competitive hairstyles, it takes place practically according to the same rules and in the same order as in individual modeling, since in the conditions of a competition it is necessary to especially accurately tie your model to a fashion model.

However, before starting work on competitive hairstyles, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the conditions of the competition and only after that start modeling the hairstyles themselves and training, constantly keeping in mind the main points of these conditions. A clear knowledge of the regulations and requirements of the competition helps in many ways to successful performance in the competition.

What are such conditions and what is meant by them?

The conditions of each competition contain, firstly, the number of types of competition, secondly, more specific definitions of the restrictions or extensions of the requirements imposed by the organizers of the competition for a particular type of competition, and thirdly, precise indications of the deadlines for the execution of individual works.

The first two points require further clarification.

Competitions are possible in the most different options... The organizers of the competition introduce separate types of different reasons: this may be due, for example, to the slogan of the competition (as it was in the Moscow international competition for the "Friendship Cup" in 1978 - the type of hairstyle "Olympic fantasy") or to the appearance in the current fashion of some types of work that used to were not of particular interest.

In detailed definitions of the expansion or limitation of the conditions of one type of competition, we can talk about increasing requirements for the quality of work, for example, due to the peculiarities of the fashion of the current period, and in order to equalize the possibilities of all competitors, a certain hair length may be prescribed, the use of hair products, jewelry, etc. negotiate their size, the use of certain tools, accessories. In addition, often, according to the terms of the competition, it is necessary to comb, for example, a daily hairstyle in the evening or by adding a small chignon everyday hairstyle transform into a hairstyle "for a cocktail", etc. These transformations, especially their degree, require specific clarification. The work on the so-called promising hairstyle also requires special clarification. All these refinements largely determine the character preparatory work... The degree of transformation is especially important: when developing the technology of one model, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of designing another, which, according to the terms of the competition, may not look very different from the previous one.

A clear understanding of the conditions makes it possible to rationally organize your workplace directly during the competitive combing, that is, arrange the tools and accessories exactly in the order that requires technological sequence work (it can be very unpleasant when, in full swing of the competition, the absence of some important tool or supporting material).

Having tried to finish the work a little earlier than the allotted time, you need, moving away from the model for two or three steps, calmly, carefully and critically
inspect your model. This check should adhere to a specific system. First, you should pay attention to the general impression created by the hairstyle, that is, especially carefully check the shape as a whole, the silhouette, the shaping lines, the contours of the compositional nodes (if necessary, you can slightly refine the shape with a hairpin or ponytail, revealing volume, or with the same ponytail where drown the shape a little), then (going from general to particulars) check the decor, curls, curls, etc., and then cut off the protruding hair separately with scissors. Having found minor flaws and eliminating them, you need to help the model to take the most effective pose, taking into account her reflection in the mirror.

It is necessary to say a few words about the choice of a fashion model. For the high-quality performance of an outstanding competitive work and for its success, the model itself plays a significant role (in men's work, a successful choice of a model is half the success). Even the most beautiful model will not produce the desired impression on the audience, if the fashion model does not know how to present herself, her hairstyle.

When choosing a fashion model, a competitor from the very beginning experiences quite big difficulties. Among the large number of beautiful women, there are very few who, in terms of their profile, head shape, facial features, etc., are suitable for the model being created. At the same time, very essential It has desired quality hair, as well as the location of the fashion model to her master. A fashion model must fully trust the competitor, share with him the desire for success. She must be prepared for the tedious exercise of "modeling" both during long training sessions and during the competition itself. After all, it happens that during a competition a model is forced to sit still and often in an uncomfortable but effective pose for up to 30 minutes or more, and sometimes, demonstrating fantasy or historical models, wear rather significant weights on her head. So both the choice of a fashion model and her herself must be treated with the greatest care.

In conclusion, we add that the approach to modeling hairstyles like "fantasy" is somewhat reminiscent of the approach to modeling historical hairstyles with the only difference that the historical model impresses the audience mainly with its figurative form, while the competitive hairstyle is more interesting to the audience of outstanding the complexity of its

forms, sophisticated technique of working out both forms and individual elements, jewelry cleanliness of combing out (Fig. 107). Here, of course, the imagery of the form is also important, which finds support in interconnection with the clothes, face, features of the mannequin's make-up, but the main thing is still the technical embodiment of a new complex, sometimes unexpected form. It is impossible to give specific recommendations on this issue, since everything here depends on the imagination and technical skill of the author of the composition himself.

Rice. 107. Contest hairstyle "Stone Flower"

International fashion and beauty contests began to be held already in late XIX v. The first international beauty pageant was organized by P. T. Barnum in June 1853 in the United States. Hairdressing has become part of competition programs. In 1947, the first world hairdressing championship took place in Paris. By 1960, there were practically no official competitions between domestic hairdressers.

The art of hairdressing in the Soviet Union in the first post-war decade was only gaining momentum: new hairdressing salons were opened, acquiring regular customers and weights in the professional world. At the end of the 50s, city competitions for the best hairdressing and the best hairstyle... Moscow hairdressers began such a movement - the first competition took place in 1959. Republican teams began to form to participate in all-Union and international hairdressing competitions.

In 1961, for the first time, masters from the USSR, who were then considered real stars, went to a competition in Budapest, where they represented the Soviet hairdressing art. This competition caused great interest, and it was with him that the competitive movement among domestic hairdressers began. First All-Russian competition hairdressing took place in 1966, the magazine "Service of Life", the organ of workers of all communal services Soviet Union, wrote: “Muscovites have witnessed nine city tournaments and one regional one. But the eleventh competition opened a new account - it was the first All-Russian, organized by the Ministry of consumer services of the population of the RSFSR. " In the 70-80s, one of the largest enterprises in the service of everyday life in Kiev was the city association of the hairdressing industry.

At the disposal were more than three hundred hairdressing salons with equipped women's and men's rooms, manicure, pedicure and beauty parlors. The farm included a workshop for the manufacture and repair of wigs, hairpieces and other products. Every year the association rendered services to the people of Kiev and guests of the capital for almost 14 million rubles. The association also carried out consulting, subscription and other forms of service. It employed 2,700 qualified professionals, among them - 117 hairdressers-fashion designers. Following Budapest, the first international competition for the Friendship Cup was held between hairdressers from socialist countries.

It took place in 1962 in Berlin at the initiative of the hairdressing organizations of the German Democratic Republic. The Friendship Cup competition has become quite popular; it was decided to conduct it periodically. The competition showed that only those masters who, taking into account the requirements of modern fashion, who own hairstyles and constantly work on improving it, can successfully perform and win. According to the terms of the competition, a certain number of types of competitions (nominations), a specific list of rules for competitions of each type, and the timing of individual works were determined. Each work performed in the competition was evaluated by a qualified jury, which included representatives from all participating countries. An important condition This competition was that the master, speaking, was able to show a model that would reflect his understanding of fashion, demonstrate the possibilities of style in its development, that is, meet the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow.

In order to demonstrate his idea as vividly as possible and to draw the attention of professional viewers to the new solution, the fashion designer somewhat exaggerates the details, clearly fixing them, that is, he shows a new silhouette and form in a static form. Considering modern character competition, and for aesthetic reasons, he decorates the model with technically complex details. Thus, the fashion designer is trying to profitably present a new image. His task is to show his understanding of further changes in fashion, and also create on this basis the possibilities for performing everyday model hairstyles. At the beginning of the 70s, republican competitions of hairdressing art began to be held in Ukraine, their talented organizer was Anatoly Yampolsky, one of the brightest figures in the history of hairdressing in Ukraine, at that time the only judge of the international category (male nomination) in the USSR. Together with the Russian master Dolores Kondrashova, a judge of the international category in the women's category, he judged international competitions in the countries of the socialist community. Teams from socialist countries, consisting of eight masters - five women and three men - took part in the International Hairdressing Competition, which took place in 1970 in Moscow. Female masters performed evening, model and everyday hairstyles for men - everyday and classic. The main requirements for each model are modernity and maximum correspondence of the hairstyle to the appearance and the ensemble of the model's clothing.

The next step in the development of the competition movement was the VIII All-Union Competition of Professional Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, which took place in Kiev in 1988. It was at this competition that the Ukrainian team achieved the highest results! At different times, the national team of Ukrainian masters and the national team of the Soviet Union included Raisa Potapova, Alexander Lyapich, Evgeny Faktorovich, Lyudmila Stepanova, Tatyana Bondarenko, Lyudmila Derevyanko, Alexander Furman, Svetlana Sas, Ivan Shtyrevoy, Valentina Mikheeva. Some of them later became judges of national and international competitions, in addition, they brought up a galaxy of now famous Ukrainian masters. Compared to the first contests modern requirements to their members have increased significantly. The methods of hair coloring are becoming more complicated, which emphasize new forms and lines of hairstyles; original methods of hair styling appeared using modern cosmetic preparations, tools and equipment are being improved. Competition works became spectacular. They are clearly divided into casual, evening and fantasy. Hairstyles are made in accordance with the competition rules and the master's idea. Only when performing fancy hairstyles are exotic decorations and bright color hair. Participation in competitions requires significant technical knowledge from the master, creative imagination and the originality of artistic thinking. He must present a model, fully expresses his understanding of fashion in development. That is, one that meets not only the requirements, but also demonstrates an original vision of its prospects.

Nowadays important role in the development of the directions of hairdressing, in the improvement of the qualifications of masters in the field of hairstyle modeling, educational and methodological centers play, where high-class masters, winners of international competitions teach and work. Based on the generalization of foreign and domestic experience, studying proccess, a new generation of craftsmen is being brought up, refresher courses are working, new haircuts and hairstyles are being created, new fashion trends are being formed, new technologies are being developed, new types of services are being introduced, and previous ones are being improved. Participation in competitions promotes professional development and career growth participants, is an important event in the development of the domestic hairdressing art. The best of the best join the veterans, because it is a great happiness to defend the honor of their state in professional competitions. Now hairdressers, cosmetologists, designers, stylists can also take part and improve their professional skills at the most perfumery and cosmetic exhibitions, conferences, seminars, master classes, fashion shows, which are held famous manufacturers perfumery and cosmetic products.



In the UK on April 22, 2010, the Fantasy Hair & Modeling international hairdressing competition was held with the main prize of $ 7000.

International competition of hairdressing art "Fantasy Hair & Modeling"

The event took place at Manchester's Verizon Wireless Arena and was organized by New Hampshire Food Bank. All proceeds from ticket sales for the event will go towards fighting hunger. Hair stylists have shown the magic of hairstyles, constructing castles, tall farms and simply incredibly colorful compositions. The assessment was carried out not only for the hairstyle, but also for the suitability of the model's costume, as well as for creativity and the presentation itself. Craftsmen used wire nets, myriad flashing lights, artificial hair and much more in order to show all their professionalism and rich imagination.

Inspiration-2011 hairdressing competition took place in Mogilev



International competition of hairdressing / Style.uz 2012


Let's start with how the hairstyle should be. The only option is allowed - a bunch. All hair, including bangs, should be pulled back into the hairdo.

How do you do this so that your hairstyle looks neat and holds well?

There are many options for creating a hairstyle, depending on the type and structure of the hair.

1. Hairstyle is done on clean, damp, freshly washed hair. Hair is only slightly dry.

2. Hairstyle is done on clean, dry hair. In this case, the hair can be slightly moistened with a spray.

3. The hairstyle is done on hair that was washed 1-2 days ago (this option is more suitable for hair that becomes too soft and crumbles after washing).

If after washing your hair becomes unruly and difficult to comb, you should use a conditioner.

What do you need to create a hairstyle?

Comb with fine teeth
Hair dryer
Invisible elastic bands for hair color
Strong hold hairspray, foam, hair wax
Hairpins of different sizes (short hairpins "wave" - ​​with a zigzag in the middle are more suitable for children) - decorative hairpins with different decorations are not allowed!
Invisibles - simple, unadorned
Dance net to match your hair

If you wish, you can use a hair roller (at the end of the article there is a video tutorial on how to create a hairstyle using a roller)

The main stages of creating a hairstyle:

1. Parting. You can do without parting, just comb your hair back. The parting can be anything - straight (parting in the form of one straight line exactly in the center), oblique (parting in the form of a straight line to the right or left of the center), zig-zag (decorative parting in the form of triangles), cross-over (decorative parting - alternating several small side partings in a checkerboard pattern).

Master class - how to make a beautiful and neat parting

2. Collect your hair in a ponytail. The tail can be collected lower, at the back of the head, or higher, any option is allowed. A little trick- if the girl performs solo or she is about the same height as her partner, it is better to do the tail (and, accordingly, the bun) lower, if the difference in height is large, and the partner is much lower in height than the partner, the tail should be collected high, on the top of the head. Then the girl will visually appear taller.

3. After collecting the tail, comb the hair to an elastic band, the hair should lie as flat as possible. To do this, you can use a toothbrush and gel or hair wax. A fine-toothed comb is also suitable for this purpose.

4. When we combed our hair, a wave formed around the elastic. Remove the elastic and tie the tail again. The second time, the hair will gather much easier and more neatly.

5. If the external effect suits you, we fix it with varnish. If not, redo the tail again.

It is very important to carefully secure the hair with the hairspray at this stage. If the amount of styling product is insufficient, the bundle will not hold well.

There are many options for creating the bun itself, it all depends on the length, quantity, thickness of the hair and your imagination.

You can twist the tail into a bundle or several bundles, wrap it around an elastic band, stab it with hairpins, put on a hairnet on top.

You can braid a pigtail or several braids and secure them with hairpins in a bun.

Please note that the studs must be used correctly. You can't just stick the hairpin horizontally into your hair. You must first insert the hairpin from top to bottom, turn it outward from the bun, pick up a strand of hair next to the bun and only then insert it horizontally to the end (how to do this is shown in the video below)... If the size of the hairpin is chosen correctly, then the other end of the hairpin will not stick out of the hairstyle.

If you liked everything, fill it with varnish.

If you do not use styling products or use in insufficient quantity, the hairstyle looks sloppy, the hair sticks out, there is no shine. As a result, the appearance of the dancer suffers, which affects the judges' assessments, in addition, during the dance, the girl is distracted, corrects her hair, which introduces additional nervousness and reduces the quality of the performance.

Don't be afraid of large amounts of styling products. After the end of the performance at home, you just need to rinse your head with shampoo (do not forget to apply a hair conditioner after shampoo), and all the varnish will simply be washed off your hair.

Take care of the clothes your child will wear. If the child is wearing a high-necked sweater or turtleneck, the hairstyle will deteriorate in the process of dressing before the competition. Therefore, it is better to wear a jumper with a zipper or a button-down shirt. Another little trick - if you throw a scarf (like a silk one) over your head, the hat will not ruin your hair, and it will be easier to take off your clothes over your head.

Here you can watch a video tutorial on how to create classic beam(note !!! shows how CORRECT to use studs!):

Here's how to make a simple, fluffy and neat bun using a hair roller:

How to make a bun for short hair:

Another interesting hairstyle option:

Roller hairstyle option for long hair:

To create such a hairstyle, the hair is collected in a ponytail, as usual, then, as shown in the video above, a roller is put on. The remaining hair is divided into two sections and braided into two braids. Pigtails are fixed around the bundle with hairpins ( detailed master class Daria can guide you on creating this hairstyle).