How to make your face beautiful. How to get perfect skin at home. How to make skin beautiful? Another little trick

Beauty is a subjective concept. Someone likes blondes, someone likes brunettes or brown-haired women. Some consider skinny women to be the standard of beauty, others - plump women. But grooming is always in the price. Looking at well-groomed women, regardless of age, suit and complexion, you understand - this is the point. These are always the center of attention. It doesn't even have to be beautiful in this case. Just work on yourself and your appearance.

By the way, even in today's fashionable Vedic and Old Believer traditions, which are promoted as a standard, they indicate that taking care of oneself is one of the duties of a woman. And to provide a woman with such an opportunity is one of the duties of a man.

Okay, back to grooming. Of course, it's not just about the face. Hairstyle, hands, choice of clothes, and posture matter. List the ingredients female attractiveness can be long. But let's start with the face. Don't you consider yourself beautiful? Trivia! The main thing is to correctly correct your shortcomings and emphasize your merits.

In pursuit of beauty: what affects the condition of the skin

When they talk about beauty, they always list whole line factors on which it depends. Well, for example, with regard to the skin. Among the unfavorable factors, bad ecology is always called. But let's take a resident of a dusty metropolis and, for comparison, a woman from an ecologically clean outback. Let them be the same age, with a similar marital status and others. Who do you think will look younger? Obviously a city girl. And not because she is a "loafer" - both of them work from morning to night. And why? Because one has the conditions for self-care and, as a result, such a habit. And the second - no. It turns out that it's not about ecology, but about proper and systematic self-care.

The second popular adverse factor is smoking and alcohol. Well, with smoking, perhaps, we can agree. Tobacco smoke noticeably spoils skin color. But as far as alcohol is concerned, it's all about quality and quantity. Of course, if you lay it down day after day, it’s not up to beauty at all. And if we are talking about a glass of dry red wine for lunch or dinner ... Then there is a benefit.

They are also often referred to improper care behind the skin. Obviously, if your skin care routine consists of smearing your face before bed with the first cream that comes across, this is not enough. Or maybe it's enough young age when beauty is just a gift of nature. And when you are already over ... if you want, you don’t want, you have to resort to heavy artillery: masks, lifting, proper nutrition enough sleep physical exercise, right drinking regimen and so on and so forth. If you give yourself at least half an hour a day and follow most of these rules, the result will be much better. But this is no longer a natural gift, but real work. And discipline.

Beautiful face: the rules of life of a beautiful woman

What is the first thing that shows up on your face? Sleep deprivation! Hence the first rule: get enough sleep. Do your best to get your eight hours of sleep in bed. For sleep.

As soon as there are problems in the work of the intestines, acne appears on the face, and if at the same time you still eat fast food several days a week, the skin will deteriorate and fade. And all because she also needs vitamins and minerals. Hence the second rule: choose a balanced menu in terms of vitamins.

The third and fourth rules are not so difficult if you seriously decide to take care of yourself: right choice skin care cosmetics and decorative cosmetics. As well as proper makeup. You can do it yourself, but it is appropriate, if necessary, and contact a professional.

And the fifth rule: contrast procedures, facial massage, facial gymnastics - all this is useful. And if you find the time and energy for all these procedures, the results will not be long in coming. And it remains only to break the applause.

Perhaps you have perfect skin and you never wonder: "how to make your skin beautiful." But, alas, this is a rarity. Even if you are a happy owner of a smooth, even and velvet skin, it doesn’t hurt you to familiarize yourself with our beauty tips, because even gorgeous facial skin needs careful care 🙂

Facial skin is a mirror image of how our body works. We wrote about it here: And now let's talk a little about cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing it.

How to make skin beautiful? Start cleansing!

All women want their face to be radiant. To do this, you need to take care of it, make masks for wrinkles and acne, clean the pores.

Beauty is there! Home scrubs for different skin types

Scrubs have excellent exfoliating properties and delicately remove dead skin cells of the epidermis, cleanse clogged pores. How well to cleanse the face depends on the type of skin:

  • natural scrub is perfect for sea ​​salt with the addition of sour cream, read more about scrubs here:
  • clean dry and sensitive skin a homemade scrub made from ground oat grains mixed with olive oil will help
  • as a basis for preparing a scrub for problematic and inflamed skin, you can take well-soaked in herbal decoction cereals. For a decoction, succession grass or chamomile is suitable. It is necessary to pour flakes with hot broth.

After you thoroughly cleanse, make yourself such a simple but very useful mask from black clay, which (as you know) has the ability to draw out all sorts of "harm" from the body and is suitable for almost any type of skin.

Clay mask for beautiful You!

  • Dilute black clay with warm water, apply to the skin, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After three or four such procedures, your face will become soft and clean.
  • It can also be made from other types of clay (white, blue, green, etc.) We have posted information about which clay is suitable for which skin type. Dilute the type of clay of your choice with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, drop 1-2 drops of essential oil into the mass (you can take tea tree, lemon, lavender or any other), apply the mixture on skin covering, avoiding the area around the eyes, wash off after 15 minutes. For a more effective result, instead of water, you can use an infusion of chamomile. It is very good to pre-steam the face in a water bath.

How to make skin beautiful? Moisturizing

Our next no less important process Facial Skin Care - Moisturizing. But before revealing the secrets to you to the maximum effective moisturizing please check out these tips:

  • Drink as much water as possible at the rate of 30 grams for every kilogram of your weight. For example, a girl weighing 56 kg should drink at least 1.7 liters of clean, filtered water per day (preferably thawed).
  • The skin stops responding to the ones that we have been using for a long time and often, so it’s worth changing them periodically (once every three to four months, approximately).
  • Hot water can adversely affect the skin of the face, it is better to use warm water for washing (ideally, wash with a decoction of herbs or mineral non-carbonated water).

A beautiful face is well-moisturized skin. Best Hydration Recipes

We give you simple, but very effective folk recipes on deep hydration skin based natural ingredients, which a priori cannot harm (unless, of course, you have an individual intolerance or allergy to one or another ingredient)

  • Poppy tincture - pour poppy seeds with water or hot milk, leave for several hours, soak a cotton pad with tincture and gently apply on the face. By the way! - on the area around the eyes, too! Poppy infusion can be used as a homemade moisturizing tonic when infused with water. It doesn't need to be washed off. If your infusion is on milk, wash it off after 15-20 minutes after application.
  • Vegetable procedures - you can use: tomato, cabbage, cucumber and any other vegetables and fruits. Squeeze out the juice, apply on gauze and put on your face for 10-15 minutes. Facial skin care with vegetables and fruit masks we have described. Such masks nourish the skin at a deep cellular level so well that they allow the skin to remain hydrated for a long time.
  • Herbal masks and decoctions for washing - one of the ways: pour mint leaves with hot milk, let cool until room temperature and apply with cotton on the face, wash off after half an hour soft water. For the beauty of the skin of the face, it is good to use greens (especially in season and fresh from your dacha) - dill, parsley, celery ... We presented a very good dill mask for facial skin care here: "".

How to make skin beautiful? Another little trick

Very effective way how to make the skin beautiful is cold-hot application, - compresses. Fill two small containers with cold and hot water. Put two small towels there and apply it on your face in turn.

IMPORTANT! It will be much better if the water in the containers is on herbs or natural juices diluted 1: 1 with water, this will significantly increase the result of the compress. It will be enough for 4 applications, which will end with the application of a hot towel. After this procedure, you can apply a cream or lotion to the skin of the face.

Of course, every woman has her own skin care tricks. But the above tips are good because they are suitable for almost every woman who cares about her beauty and wonders: "how to make the skin of the face beautiful."

And what female tricks facial skin care products you have, dear readers magazine " Facial skin care? Please share in the comments 🙂

Every girl wants to become a happy owner clean skin, and this is not surprising. The modern rhythm of life and bad ecology leave their mark on the society. More and more people neglect the rules of nutrition and basic facial care due to lack of time. As a result, black dots and inflammation appear, which do not add attractiveness. To make the skin of the face clean and even, it is enough to observe actionable recommendations. Let's consider each aspect in turn.

Method number 1. Keep Hygiene

  1. Change bed sheets 1-2 times a week, especially for pillowcases. Make sure that Bath towels always clean, wash them every other day if possible.
  2. Do not apply skin care creams just before bedtime, otherwise the composition will be absorbed into the pillowcase, causing the development of bacteria. Always wash off makeup before going to bed.
  3. Change powder and foundation 2 times a year at least, despite the fact that the expiration date has not yet expired. For makeup sponges, use a new powder pad every month. Don't forget to wash the brushes you use to apply blush, eye shadow, and foundation.

Method number 2. Steam your skin

  1. In order for the skin of the face to always remain clean, it must be steamed. steam baths will help open the pores and remove excess subcutaneous fat with sweat.
  2. To effectively carry out the procedure, remove excess makeup, wash your face with water at room temperature, and dry your face.
  3. Brew in 3 l. boiling water 80 gr. any medicinal plant. The most common are birch bark, chamomile, coltsfoot, rosemary, yarrow, horsetail, dandelion, thyme.
  4. After you give hot water herbs, let them brew for about 40 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a saucepan, put it on a stool, and sit down next to it.
  5. Gather your hair in a ponytail, cover your head with a towel and lower yourself over the tub. Keep a distance of about 35-45 cm so as not to burn the dermis. As a result of the steam effect, the pores will begin to open, and the face will sweat.
  6. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes - for normal skin, 7 minutes - for dry epidermis, 15 minutes - for fatty type. After taking a bath, wipe your face with a cleansing tonic.
  7. wash your face cold water to close the pores. Wipe your face with ice cubes to fix the result. Carry out such manipulations 2 times a week. In addition to cleansing, the composition has a beneficial effect on Airways and sinuses.

Method number 3. Don't pop blackheads

  1. To become the owner of a clean epidermis, give up the habit of squeezing pimples, abscesses and blackheads. The recommendation is especially relevant in cases where such manipulations are carried out with nails.
  2. To cope with ulcers and blackheads, purchase masks designed specifically for this purpose. Typically, they include acetylsalicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide or Activated carbon.
  3. No need to touch up makeup with dirty hands when you are away from home. Make it a rule to use cosmetic disks and sticks for these purposes. AT summer time years, the skin sweats a lot, take off products activity sebaceous glands not with dirty hands, but with matting or wet wipes.

Method number 4. Balance your diet

  1. The condition of the skin directly depends on what you eat. As mentioned earlier, not everyone modern man can afford to eat well and regularly. To make the epidermis clean, eat 3 times a day with two snacks.
  2. Skip hamburgers, hot dogs, and other fast foods. Exclude from daily menu homemade pickles and canned food, fried, fatty and too sweet dishes. The listed food forms sebaceous plugs and purulent acne, which is very difficult to get rid of.
  3. To provide the body useful elements, go to lunch not at McDonald's, but at the office canteen. Order the first, second course and fresh vegetable salad.
  4. Make it a habit to eat steamed fish, meat or seafood once a day. Stew vegetables, eat legumes and cereals. Do not refuse breakfast, after waking up, eat cottage cheese, oatmeal or flax porridge with berries, low-fat yogurt.
  5. Give up the habit of eating heavily during a late dinner, observe food hygiene. The last meal should not be made later than 4 hours before bedtime. After this period, eat only fruits, dairy products, berries.
  6. The skin is prone to rapid dehydration, so it is extremely important to observe the drinking regimen. Use at least 2.7 liters. clean water per day (for girls of average build). In the summer, increase the indicated amount to 3 liters.
  7. Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet salt water, packaged juices, flavored teas. Give up alcohol or drink no more than 200 ml. dry wine (no more than 2 times a week).

Method number 5. Moisturize your skin properly

  1. by the most effective method moisture is considered pure water. As mentioned earlier, keep the drinking regimen. Lack of moisture will lead to peeling and inflammation of the dermis.
  2. Regularly apply hydrogel and serums to the skin, which are 80% moisturizing ingredients. Choose cosmetics according to age.
  3. To keep the skin from drying out, summer period use products with UV protection, they form a moisturizing film. Smear your face while visiting the solarium special cream, which is sold in a tanning studio.
  4. Get a juicer, cook fresh with celery, carrots, cabbage, apple, orange or pear. To avoid a rash, dilute the drink with filtered water in a 1:1 ratio.
  5. Lean on seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables, they best moisturize the skin and saturate the body with vitamins. Make it a habit to drink kefir or ryazhenka with chopped dill before going to bed.

Method number 6. Use quality cosmetics

  1. Poor-quality cosmetics (caring, decorative) leads to premature aging skin, clogs pores, promotes the formation of purulent acne. Refuse to buy such funds in the market or in the underpass.
  2. quality decorative cosmetics sold in specialized stores for makeup artists. Give preference to products natural basis. Take a closer look at the Korean brand "VOV", their products are completely hypoallergenic.
  3. If possible, use foundation in minimum quantities and no more than 2 times a week. The same applies to applying powder, under-eye concealers, correctors, blush. Replace your foundation with a moisturizing serum-based BB formula.
  4. Choose cosmetics according to age-related changes. If you have recently turned 20, you do not need to buy a cream or tonic for girls 30+. Get a non-ageing formula for young skin, which is aimed at combating the problems of the epidermis at your age.
  5. When shopping for lipstick, foundation, or powder, do not apply directly from the tester to your face. As a rule, the shelf life of such products expires quickly, moreover, this step is not hygienic. Ask your consultant for disposable samples.

Method number 7. Wipe your skin with ice

  1. Usage cosmetic ice has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanses and smoothes it. Frequency of application - 2 times a day, more often. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.
  2. To prepare the composition, take 30 gr. chamomile, 25 gr. birch bark, 10 gr. rosemary. Brew these herbs with boiling water (the amount depends on the volume of the ice mold), leave for 1 hour. After specified period strain the solution, pour it into compartments and freeze.
  3. You can make ice based on green or black tea. To do this, make a strong brew, pour in about 45 ml. lemon juice for 200 ml. infusion. Pack in bags or ice molds, send to freeze.
  4. Make ice from grapefruit juice diluted 2:1 with water. Add your favorites if you like. essential oils such as lavender, geranium, ginseng or eucalyptus. After preparation, pour the infusion into molds, wait for freezing and use as directed.

Method number 8. Do peeling

  1. It is difficult to achieve clean facial skin if you neglect the peeling or scrubbing procedure. Experts recommend preparing formulations at least 2 times a week for oily and combination skin. In the case of a dry type of dermis, scrubbing is necessary once every 10 days.
  2. If you wish, you can use not homemade, but purchased scrubs. The main thing is to choose a composition in which activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide or acetylsalicylic acid is present.
  3. To make a scrub, mix 35 ml. corn or almond oil with 15 gr. edible gelatin, leave for a quarter of an hour until swelling. At this time, grind a handful of almonds in a blender and add to the previous composition. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to add used coffee (grounds).
  4. Apply the peeling composition to the entire surface of the face, concentrating Special attention wings of the nose, forehead, chin. Leave for 10 minutes, then start massaging your face in a circular motion. The duration of rubbing is 5 minutes, no less. After all the manipulations, wash with ice water.

Drink a course of multivitamins once every six months, supplement the complex with fish and badger fat in ampoules. Such a move will remove toxins and poisons from the body, bring to tone immune system, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Make masks from available products.

Video: 5 secrets of clean and healthy skin

Since ancient times, people have been trying to determine what makes a face beautiful. Fashions and ideas about beauty have changed, but, you see, today we admire when we look at very Beautiful face, even if we see it in the picture of an old master.

Apparently, there is some secret that allows us to perceive a face not just well-groomed, fit, but objectively beautiful. What is this secret and is it possible to achieve such a result?

We have been in Platinental for more than 10 years to figure out what type of face is admired from the start human history. We managed to uncover the secrets of attractiveness and develop a correction technique that brings the face closer to the ideal without surgery.

The most beautiful face shape in women - what is it?

For starters, just a little theory. Let's talk about beautiful half humanity.

What do you think is a beautiful oval face? Can you tell me what facial features are considered beautiful in girls? Of course, there is no dispute about tastes: if you ask different people what you need for a beautiful face, someone will remember the deer eyes of Audrey Hepburn, and someone will like the slightly sharp features of Angelina Jolie more ...

Expert comment:

The facial features of women of this type can be large or smaller, all the same, the face looks harmonious and beautiful. In addition, in our age of instagram and social networks, it is very important that this particular type of face is the most photogenic, since the light falling on the face from high cheekbones, refracted exactly as needed to create the perfect image.

Photos "before" and "after"

Roza Syabitova before and after the V-lift procedure

What face is considered beautiful in a man

Of course, men have other priorities: a heart-shaped face does not work for them. Then what male face considered the most attractive? What form allows you to emphasize strength and courage?

There is also an answer to this question: the most beautiful face of a man is a pentagon, which is made up of a wide forehead, clear cheekbones and a strong “strong-willed” chin. Studies show that it is this type of face that indicates the active production of testosterone (by the way, women read this information subconsciously).

Well, of course, both a woman and a man need a smooth fresh skin, no wrinkles, age spots, harmonious correct features and a friendly expression on the face of a person who is confident in himself and his attractiveness.

Is it possible to make a beautiful face at home

More often than not, when deciding “I want a beautiful face,” a woman limits herself to trying to do a beautiful face make-up, which is best described by the phrase “spend five hours in front of a mirror to look natural.”

Even if makeup is done at home, in order to change facial features, you have to do it using Kim Kardashian's complex technology - use several layers of base, concealer, a whole set tonal means contrasting shades, highlighter. Are you ready to “make” such a face every day only to wash it off after a few hours?

However, in fairness, even the secrets of makeup artist Kim will not help to visually enlarge , significantly raise flat cheekbones and make them sunken .

As for men, it’s even sadder here: it’s not given, so it’s not given, and no make-up can fix the matter.

How to create the most beautiful facial features for yourself

The unique V-lift service was born after Allergan introduced the amazing VYCROSS hyaluronic acid to the market.

New formula hyaluronic acid VYCROSS is made up of low molecular weight molecules. They penetrate deep into the skin and effectively trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin. This strengthens the skin throughout its thickness and enriches the tissues with oxygen.

The new formula of hyaluronic acid VYCROSS keeps around itself not a large number of water and provides natural correction without drunk face effect.

Madonna "in edema": the excess volume in the cheekbones is clearly visible. This is how the face usually looks after surgical intervention or excessive injection of a gel based on hyaluronic acid.

The swelling on Tom Cruise's face at the 2016 BAFTAs in London has nothing to do with it either. plastic surgery, nor to the attack of a bee swarm. This type of face acquires 1.5-2 weeks after the introduction of hyaluronic acid gels. "Hyaluronka" retains a large amount of water, so it must be used very carefully in the cheekbones and on the face. If you want to keep the sculptural features, give preference to new formula hyaluronic acid VYCROSS.

Thanks to VYCROSS technology, the gel has acquired greater uniformity and previously unattainable plasticity. Retaining the ability to push out wrinkles and fill tissues with volume, these gels are evenly and imperceptibly distributed - no one will suspect you of external interference.

The innovative low molecular weight technology of VYCROSS hyaluronic acid increases the efficiency of cross-linking.

All gels of the new line contain the anesthetic Lidocaine, which makes the process of drug administration and the first hours after the procedure more comfortable.

The gel has a slow absorption period, so the aesthetic effect of the procedures lasts up to 1 - 1.5 years.

The VYCROSS collection includes three fillers different density: Voluma, Volift and Volbella. Each drug is designed to solve certain aesthetic problems.

The advantage of drugs of the same line is that they are perfectly compatible with each other. And now - attention, a secret! - to achieve a phenomenal effect, we use these drugs in one procedure.

The densest drug - Voluma– is introduced into the area of ​​the cheekbones and the lower third of the face.

It is used to change proportions - creates the necessary , increases the chin(as we have seen, this is true for both women and men). Men with the help of this drug can create more pronounced angles. mandible and give the face the shape of a pentagon. In addition, Voluma allows . With its help, even deep creases can be smoothed out - it straightens like a spring and pushes out a wrinkle.

The secret of the drug is in its unique plasticity. Volift is evenly distributed under the skin without the formation of transition boundaries and "tunnel effect". This property makes it the drug of choice for people with thin skin and for thin faces, which have a risk of "shine through" fillers.

This part of the procedure makes the skin smooth, youthful, radiant, firm, well-groomed, "full" and gives the face a beautiful look. healthy look. After all, the request “I want a beautiful face” always includes the request “I want beautiful skin face, otherwise it does not happen.

Finally, the lightest Volbell filler used to give beautiful shape lips, for and crow's feet around the eyes, injected into the forehead area and into brow wrinkles, eliminates nasolacrimal wrinkles.

The preparation very carefully and naturally corrects the volume and shape of the lips, preserves their natural softness. The result resembles the effect of kissed lips.

This drug contains the anesthetic Lidocaine in its composition, which makes its introduction into the sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips almost painless.

Ideal facial skin is the absence of small and deep wrinkles, age spots, redness due to dilated blood vessels, black spots and red pimples; this is even tone and beautiful shining look. A major obstacle to impeccable appearance are also increased greasiness or dryness of the skin. Is it possible to make the skin of the face perfect at home? Cosmetologists say that this is quite possible.

What affects the condition of the skin?
The deepest delusion is the opinion that to achieve perfect skin can only be used expensive cosmetics and doing special procedures. Facial treatment involves A complex approach. After all, the skin is an organ that is highly dependent on general condition body health. And very often, external skin defects are the result of the dysfunction of individual organs.
Therefore, the first and main condition for maintaining the skin in perfect condition is absolute health. Even the great Avicenna, who lived at the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia, argued that the complexion acquires an unpleasant shade if a woman is sick, if her life is full of worries (in modern terms, full of stress), if the diet contains a lot of salty foods, if a woman long stays in the cold, piercing wind or heat. Modern cosmetology fully shares the opinion of the ancient Aesculapius. Factors such as frosty wind, long standing at the stove, increased dryness of the air in the rooms, washing with too cold or hot water, vigorous rubbing with a towel after washing negatively affect the skin condition. The face looks especially depressing if these factors are superimposed on not quite healthy body. External negative manifestations in the presence of certain diseases in such cases only get worse.

Before starting to bring the skin into ideal condition You need to take care of your own health. Most on appearance skin diseases of the liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, and especially gastrointestinal tract. Problems in the activity of these organs lead to the appearance of pimples, swelling, the appearance of bags and dark circles under the eyes, pigmentation and increased porosity of the skin.

Not in the best way bad habits affect the skin condition. Smoking rather quickly leads to a steady state earthy color a face that only gets stronger with time. Therefore, many women who smoke are forced to use foundation creams and blush to give the face more fresh look. Excessive addiction to alcohol affects the functioning of the liver, honor, heart, which necessarily manifests itself in the form of puffiness and bags.

Less visually noticeable are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of regular walks on fresh air. In such cases, the skin simply begins to fade earlier and lose its natural colors. Young women usually notice this when they meet with their peers, the presenter active image life. Only then do some begin to understand why they look worse than their peers.

How to make your skin perfect?
If you are determined to achieve perfect appearance Please consider all of the above points. Then simple manipulations at home will help you create real miracles with your own skin.

Many cosmetologists admit that home remedies are far superior in effectiveness to many industrial creams. But due to the fact that they deteriorate quickly, it is impossible to fix them. industrial production. Although very often cosmetologists themselves prepare creams with a shelf life of 3 to 10 days for their regular patients. And it is these tools that help to quickly achieve the desired results.

The rules of skin care are simple and known to everyone: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing. For the period when you decide to seriously take up the skin, try to reconsider the set of products that you use in daily care behind the face. Avoid those that contain petroleum-based substances: propylene glycol, parabens, crystalline paraffin, sodium loret sulfate, petrolatum, and mineral oils. Even Vaseline, which is useful in small doses, which is part of a cream or lipstick, with regular use, will negatively affect the condition of the skin, so give it up as well.

If all your products turned out to contain chemicals, it's not scary. Everything from cleansers to nourishing masks, you can cook yourself.

Skin cleansing
Make it a habit to thoroughly cleanse your skin every morning and every evening. It can be done low-fat kefir, applying it with two cotton pads all over the face and neck. Wait 1-2 minutes for the layer of dirt, oil and dead skin cells to soften, and rub your face well, changing pads until they are clean. Regardless of whether you cleanse your face with kefir, purchased gel or milk, after cleansing they must be carefully removed from the skin. To do this, you can use a decoction of green or black tea, and with very fair skin faces - a decoction of chamomile. Dipping and lightly squeezing cotton pads, wipe your face well several times. The effect of clear skin will be felt immediately. To save it, apply thin layer moisturizer. It is also better to do it yourself.

Skin hydration
The composition of the cream will depend on your skin type. But it always contains oil and water. It is good to add a few drops to such a cream. oil solution vitamin E. Many homemade recipes for making creams contain recommendations for the use of emulsifiers, waxes and thickeners. But this will bring your cream closer in composition to that produced under industrial conditions. Therefore, it is better to do without chemical additives. In this case, your moisturizer will have one significant drawback - fatty base and the water will stratify pretty quickly. Therefore, the cream will have to be done every time immediately before applying to the skin. As fatty component used depending on skin type almond oil, sour cream, jojoba oil, and herbal decoctions, rose or distilled water are used as a water component.

A homemade moisturizer can be used as a base for daytime makeup.

Skin nutrition
Every night at night, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. Its composition also depends on the type of skin. Along with vegetable fats, more saturated animal fats can also be used in a nourishing cream.

For nourishing cream you can take the sunken lard or margarine that does not contain chemicals and vegetable oils. Pick an herb that suits your skin type. You can use herbs that are equally useful to everyone - chamomile, sage, succession, celandine. Finely crush it in a mortar and mix with softened fat or margarine. For 100 grams of fat - 3 tablespoons of crushed grass. You need to apply such a cream on your face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is good to blot the remaining fat with a napkin. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

Home peeling
Peeling is used for effective removal dead skin cells. It also has a good rejuvenating effect - the skin is updated. You can use leftover boiled ground coffee from a coffee pot, pine nut shells ground in a coffee grinder. For cooking homemade scrub fit large clean sand or not too liquid healing mud. But the most useful and safe for the skin will be bran and oatmeal scrubs.

After grinding half a glass of bran or flakes, fill them with water until a thick slurry is formed. Apply immediately to face light with slightly pressing movements. After 2-3 minutes of massage, leave the mask for 1-2 minutes, then begin to gently rinse it off with warm water in a circular motion.

Peeling is considered a rather aggressive procedure, so you should not abuse it. It is quite enough for owners of dry skin to resort to peeling once every 2 weeks, and if you have oily skin you can do it once a week.

So, it's simple: skin care based on natural remedies, active lifestyle, rejection bad habits, proper nutrition, care for own health- this is what will ensure the ideal condition of the skin of the face and the whole organism as a whole.