Is it possible to restore the turgor of the skin on the face. Ways to improve skin elasticity. Cosmetics that preserve the youthfulness of the skin

Smooth, silky, firm skin, even healthy color faces - natural desire every woman. With age, the epidermis loses its turgor, becomes lethargic, flabby, wrinkled, and acquires an unhealthy shade. Are there methods of dealing with age-related changes? How to improve the elasticity of the facial skin? We will answer these questions in our article.

The reasons for the loss of elasticity

Age - not the only reason negative changes in the epidermis. The condition of the skin is influenced by nutrition, lifestyle, hobbies of a woman. Regularly used cosmetics and facial hygiene products are of great importance. The most common factors provoking the wilting of the epidermis:

  • aggressive impact external environment (severe frost, wind, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight);
  • not proper nutrition, abuse of unhealthy food, fast foods, fatty, fried, salty, spicy, pickled foods. Alcohol is the enemy of the epidermis. Regular use alcoholic beverages leads to loss of healthy color of the skin, sagging "bags" under the eyes, cheeks;
  • improperly selected makeup plays important role... The epidermis reacts negatively to alkaline soaps, products with chemical additives (parabens, dyes, preservatives, fragrances, fragrances);

For firmness and elasticity skin affects not only age, but also the state of health

  • insufficient fluid intake leads to dehydration of the skin. Observed fine wrinkles, sagging, flabbiness. Prefer clean raw water. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks harm the epidermis;
  • rapid weight loss affects the appearance of the face. The mature dermis slowly adapts to abrupt changes in shape, drooping in places of weight loss. You need to fight obesity gradually, avoiding sudden jumps;
  • living in ecologically polluted areas negatively affects the skin;
  • elasticity of the dermis also depends on general condition health, tone, strength of facial muscles, genetic factors.

By eliminating the above factors in time, you can preserve turgor, health, and facial beauty for many years.

If contrary to the right way life, healthy eating, sports, the first wrinkles appeared, sagging of the epidermis - do not be alarmed, this is a natural age process that cannot be avoided.

Is it possible to restore the elasticity of the skin of the face and how to do it, read on.

If the youth of the skin is not maintained, then by the age of 35, many women may notice rapidly progressive signs of aging.

Methods for restoring the elasticity of the skin

There are three ways to improve the condition of the epidermis: folk remedies, cosmetic preparations ( anti-aging creams, emulsions, serums), physiotherapy. How to make your face smooth and supple?

  1. Cosmetics that improve the condition of the epidermis. This includes creams, correctors, anti-aging serums, fluids. They increase turgor, restore elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Innovative technologies allow the production of unique cosmetics that enrich the dermis nutrientsrestoring its former beauty and freshness. Under influence cosmetic preparations the level of collagen produced, which is responsible for the turgor of the dermis, increases. Manufacturers promise a lasting effect after a few days of regular use. Each remedy has unique properties... For example, the anti-aging line from Dior includes stem cells that have a positive effect on the condition of the upper and deep layers of the dermis. Thanks to this, there is a complex effect on the skin, it instantly becomes smooth and elastic. The advantage of anti-aging creams, emulsions, fluids, serums is that they are used for the face at home. For achievement desired result no need to go to a beauty salon, look for a highly professional cosmetologist. It is enough to carry out cosmetic procedures in a comfortable home environment. The only negative is the cost of anti-aging products. The pricing policy is high. Than better known manufacturer, the higher the cost of the series.
  2. How to restore firmness to the skin of the face? Pay attention to physiotherapy to restore elasticity, epidermis turgor. They allow you to quickly return to its former elasticity, fresh complexion. This includes:

Procedures in beauty salons to improve skin condition are selected by cosmetologists

  • botox injections are a common method of dealing with mimic wrinkles, sagging dermis. By blocking nerve impulses in muscle fibers, they provide long-term muscle relaxation. The dermis becomes smooth, even, silky. An alternative to botox is fillers with hyaluronic acid. Acid injections help moisturize the skin, restore the natural moisture balance, and replenish moisture deficit. As a result, sagging areas are tightened, wrinkles, folds, irregularities of the upper layer of the dermis are smoothed;
  • high frequency radio wave therapy (radio frequency lifting) produces electromagnetic radiation. The treated area heats up, intramolecular, structural changes are activated, contributing to the increased production of collagen and elastin. It is these proteins that are responsible for turgor, elasticity of the dermis;
  • dermabrasion is a deep mechanical peeling carried out using an apparatus with abrasive nozzles. Deep resurfacing of the dermis allows you to get rid of wrinkles, scars, post-acne, restore the previous smoothness, even skin. Due to the increase in collagen production, active tissue regeneration processes are launched, and facial rejuvenation occurs;
  • laser restoration. Has your facial skin lost its elasticity? Use laser resurfacing. Under the influence of an erbium or carbon dioxide laser, the production of collagen protein is stimulated, which is responsible for the elasticity of the dermis. As a result, flabbiness, sagging will go away, it will be smoothed fine wrinkles, deep defects of the skin are noticeably reduced;
  • massage for skin elasticity - effective method return of the former turgor, healthy skin color. It consists in carrying out regular sessions of stroking, rubbing, pinching, tapping the epidermis. This effect improves blood circulation, stimulates collagen production. Daily ten-minute procedures will restore firmness, elasticity, eliminate mimic wrinkles. The complexion will acquire a fresh, healthy complexion. Massage is done from the bottom up, from the chin towards hairline heads. The movements are soft, light, relaxed. Excessive mechanical impact leads to stretching of the dermis, the formation of new wrinkles, aggravated flabbiness.

Biorevitalization. This method is injection or laser injection hyaluronic acid

There are other methods of dealing with the loss of elasticity: chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, photorejuvenation, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, dermal stabilization, plasmolifting, redermalization, fractional laser resurfacing, restyling, microcellular lifting, laser plasma modeling.

Choose the most effective remedy for skin elasticity, a cosmetologist who understands all the intricacies of the listed procedures will help.

Before the rejuvenation session, the patient's age, the condition of the dermis are taken into account, the presence of additional pathologies, intolerance to certain substances.

The above means for the elasticity of the skin of the face have main drawback - high cost. Not all young ladies have the material opportunity to undergo a rejuvenation course. How to restore firmness to the skin of the face without excessive financial costs?

  1. Folk remedies will help to achieve a lasting effect without additional material investments. Essential oils (almond, olive, peach, avocado, wheat germ, walnut) and some food products are popular among women. Facilities alternative medicine have a number of advantages. They are cheaper than cosmetic creams (emulsions, fluids), affordable, easy to use, safe for health. Allowed for use in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers. Ingredients for homemade anti-aging products are found in every home. To cook medicinal mixture simple, just follow simple recipe... How to keep the elasticity of the facial skin at home using folk remedies?

  • Use essential oils (almond, castor, peach, olive, wheat germ, rosemary, rice oil). Natural vegetable oils are used as a supplement to cream, soap, face masks. A huge number of biologically useful active substances, vitamins have a therapeutic effect on the epidermis, nourish, tighten aging skin, eliminate fine wrinkles, regulate water balance. The aging process is noticeably inhibited, tone and turgor increase. Cell renewal is stimulated, collagen production is activated, natural cellular metabolism is triggered. Regular use of essential oils will restore firmness, elasticity, eliminate minor defects, wrinkles. The disadvantage of using vegetable oils is that a noticeable effect does not come immediately. After two months of regular use, the dermis will recover, regain its former beauty and freshness. How to restore elasticity with essential substances? Add a few drops of healing raw materials to the cream for daily use. Make face masks, add to the soap for washing. Some oils are suitable for pure application. Apply to problem areas, including the area around the eyes;
  • How to restore the old youth? Pay attention to products for skin elasticity. Eat food rich in silicon, iron, selenium, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins K, C, E, B. Vitamin complexes that help restore elasticity contain berries (strawberries, blackberries, bananas, mango), vegetables (celery, rhubarb, potatoes , cucumbers, leeks, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, turnips), cereals (barley, oats, wheat germ, bran), linseed oil, tuna, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, oily red fish, beans, yolk chicken eggs, corn, artichokes, dark green vegetables. For long-term preservation youthful epidermis, enrich your diet with the listed products.

Balanced nutrition supplies you with the nutrients you need for healthy skin and restores skin firmness

Now you know how to restore elasticity to the face with the help of cosmetics and folk remedies. Exercise, go to the sauna, drink plenty of clean raw water, exclude prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, ensure complete care behind the epidermis. Cosmetologists advise you to bring your emotional state back to normal. Stress, shock, emotional overload negatively affect the appearance of a woman. Positive attitude, adherence to the rules healthy eating, regular physical exercise - a guarantee of youth and beauty. An integrated approach will help to quickly solve the problem of premature aging, maintain the health and freshness of the epidermis.

Under the influence of many factors, human skin undergoes the aging process. And often skin aging is manifested not only as a result age-related changes, but due to the deterioration of the general condition of the body. This phenomenon is caused by:

  • lack of trace elements and vitamin complex;
  • the occurrence of diseases internal organs, infectious and viral type;
  • eating poor quality food;
  • bad habits of a person.

The surrounding world also has a great influence on the skin: the effect sun rays, environmental pollution. The aging process of the skin can develop as a result of a genetic predisposition.

As a result, a problem arises that requires a solution in the quality of facial skin rejuvenation. The generally accepted rules for maintaining the health and youthfulness of facial skin are full sleep and rest, proper diet, avoidance of stress and psychological disorders, appropriate gymnastics for the face, provision of comprehensive care.

The last point, in turn, includes compliance with the basic rules:

  • need for daily cleaning faces;
  • timely removal of cosmetics;
  • regular provision of facial skin with nutrients and hydration;
  • use of home procedures.

The modern world of cosmetology allows you to use the most different ways facial skin rejuvenation, ranging from minor non-surgical interventions and ending with serious plastic methods.

For elimination mild aging skin use mesotherapy method... Introduction under the skin special composition based on hyaluronic acid tones up muscle tissue and skin itself, balances moisture levels, and smoothes wrinkles and wrinkles.

If necessary, a professional doctor can choose a more serious intervention method to rejuvenate the skin of the face. These methods include the use of botox, ozone, laser technology, a method of photorejuvenation, plasma therapy or thread lifting. In some cases, a complex combination of several procedures is provided.

It is highly effective in the process of facial skin rejuvenation. laser resurfacing... This method allows you to radically rejuvenate the face due to the penetration of a light beam into the dermis.

Laser resurfacing is also used for the surface layer of the skin to eliminate old cells that are incapable of functioning. Thus, the laser is able to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. The cellular structure undergoes a renewal process, and as a result, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a natural shade. Facial contours are tightened and defined.

An innovation in cosmetology is considered method of thread tightening of the face skin... For the procedure, the doctor identifies problem areas, which are subsequently corrected with the help of micro-notched threads. Such micro-notches are then straightened under the skin and fix their location. Thus, the threads trigger the rejuvenation process under the skin as a result of the formation of new collage. new structure.

Achieve high results in facial skin rejuvenation allows photorejuvenation method, which is based on the use of intense light pulses. The procedure takes only 10 minutes, but the result after it is simply amazing.

Achieve a certain effect of facial rejuvenation and help folk methods using only natural ingredients... You can prepare one of the following lotions:

  • Grind with a grater fresh cucumbers and pour them with vodka, let it brew in sunlight for about two weeks. After preparation and infusion of lotion, wipe your face with it every day.
  • Insist parsley leaves and roots in a water bath for about half an hour. Cool the broth and pour over with white wine small amount... Wipe your face in the morning or evening.

Ways to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

The problems associated with aging of the skin around the eyes can be of different nature:

  • manifestation of wrinkles;
  • pigmentation around the eyes;
  • deterioration skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of "bags" or swelling;
  • the presence of a nasolacrimal groove;
  • the appearance of dark circles;
  • hernia of the eyelid: lower or upper.

It often happens that several problems of a certain nature arise at once, or one phenomenon entails another.

Experts say that rejuvenating the skin around the eyes should begin with the restoration process of elasticity, as well as strengthening the muscles and activating the metabolic process at the cellular level in the eye area. Therefore, for a specific problem, it is provided and a certain way its solutions.

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes and remove wrinkles, resort to botulinum toxin injection method... Sometimes before the introduction of Botox, a mesotherapy procedure is required to improve blood circulation.

Certain combinations of procedures will help to eliminate pigmentation around the eyes, as well as significantly increase the level of skin elasticity in this area, for example, peeling, biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

To eliminate the so-called bags or swelling in the eye area, a special massage is carried out using equipment in integrated use microcurrent therapy... As a result, the skin is strengthened and the manifestations of congestion disappear.

Relieve from the nasolacrimal groove gels containing hyaluronic acid and collagen... The gel is painlessly injected into the furrow and instantly gives an effective result.

Hernia of the eyelids can be closed with the same gels. And if necessary, use surgical methodblepharoplasty.

A therapy called oxygen-nitrogen, removes dark circles in the eye area. Basically, patients who smoke or who rarely breathe fresh air resort to this procedure.

Complex and deep facial rejuvenation

Sometimes use special masks and anti-aging creams are not enough to transform the face and restore youthful skin. Therefore, very often patients resort to complex facial rejuvenation methods.

Such a complex includes:

  • botox injections;
  • injections of drugs based on hyaluronic acid;
  • lifting with threads.

After the complex procedures to rejuvenate the face, several rules must be observed, which are:

  • refusal to visit the solarium, bath or sauna;
  • limitation of facial movements;
  • careful attitude to the face and avoidance of traumatic effects;
  • compliance with medical prescriptions.

Deep facial rejuvenation

Sometimes there is a need for deep facial rejuvenation. This procedure has the following indications:

  • distorted facial contours;
  • increased porosity of the skin;
  • the presence of wrinkles;
  • manifestation " crow's feet»;
  • loss of natural complexion;
  • photoaging process.

A deep facial rejuvenation procedure is performed using a laser. To achieve a good result, it takes about 5 sessions with an interval of six months. After each of the procedures, the skin becomes firm and elastic, the skin structure is renewed, a natural complexion appears, the contours become clear and pronounced, and wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear.

In a nutshell, we can say that deep facial rejuvenation is a procedure for building a new structure of the skin frame from collagen. Laser energy is able to thicken collagen fibers and stimulate the synthesis of new ones, and as a result, a rejuvenating and lifting effect is manifested.

There is no recovery period after such a procedure. Perhaps only the appearance of redness or slight swelling, which will disappear in a couple of days.

How to restore the elasticity of the facial skin

In addition to cosmetic procedures in salons or clinics, there are certain methods of restoring the elasticity of the skin of the face, which you can carry out yourself.

How to restore the elasticity of the facial skin in this way?

  • Providing the skin of the face with proper hydration. When dehydrated, the skin stops producing collagen and becomes dry and inelastic. Therefore, you should take care of enriching the dermis with moisture from the outside and from the inside (drink about 7 glasses a day of water).
  • Regular facial massages that restore blood circulation and metabolic processes in the cells of the skin. It is recommended to use argan oil, wheat germ oil, almond or coconut oil for massage.
  • Use of quality makeup products.
  • Avoidance long stay exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Carry out peeling and scrubbing procedures for the face once a week.
  • Make a proper diet with the use of berries, vegetables, fruits, fish and olive oil.
  • Drink antioxidant tea, such as green tea.
  • Use ice cubes in herbal infusions in the morning washing process.
  • Apply face masks with avocado oil, vitamin E or coconut oil.
  • Maintain psychological peace and not succumb to stressful situations.

Modern ways of facial rejuvenation

According to experts, there is a list of the most modern and common methods of facial rejuvenation today.

  1. Rejuvenation process with the use of stem cells, which improve the patient's well-being, eliminate wrinkles and restore metabolic processes. But, it should be said that such a technique was developed relatively recently and is currently at the level of an incompletely studied method. Considered the most in a modern way rejuvenation of the face.
  2. Photorejuvenation procedure under the influence of a light flux on the skin. As a result, the skin is toned, wrinkles disappear, pigmentation disappears, and the complexion improves.
  3. Mesotherapy with the introduction of special substances under the skinwhich can eliminate acne and wrinkles.
  4. Deep peeling, which consists in the elimination of dead cells and the restoration of new cells. As a result of peeling wrinkles are eliminated, acne and some skin defects.
  5. Method plastic surgery , including operations to tighten or remove excess skin.
  6. Peeling chemical purposes , which is a procedure for removing the top layer of the skin using appropriate acids, for example phenol, trichloroacetic acid etc.
  7. The use of biological gels and threads for rejuvenation... The introduction of biological stimulants under the skin leads to the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes taut, elastic, wrinkles disappear and the face acquires its natural color.
  8. Using masks for rejuvenation... You can use homemade masks from natural ingredients or cosmetic masks.
  9. ELOS technology rejuvenation, which provides for a combined effect on the skin of the energy of the luminous flux and the current of a certain radio range. As a result, pigments disappear, skin imperfections and defects, including wrinkles, are eliminated.
  10. Rejuvenation through the use of medicines... For this, there are various medications, hormonal substances, vitamin complexes and supplements.

Our skin is elastic. This allows it to stretch well, and then take its original shape. Unfortunately, with age, the elasticity of the skin is lost, so wrinkles and stretch marks form on the face and body. Women are especially sensitive to this process. Still would! After all, each of us so desperately wants to stay young and attractive on for a long time.

Modern means cosmetology and medicine can partly solve the problem of reducing the elasticity of the skin, but much also depends on the person, for example, on his habits, on the amount of water drunk per day, on the work of the body as a whole. Be aware that if a person smokes, his skin will lose elasticity faster, become yellow and dry. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun is not entirely harmless to the skin. If you recover sharply, stretch marks will appear on the skin, and even a sharp decrease in weight by 100% will ensure the appearance of ugly folds.

It is important to know that the elasticity of the skin is primarily provided by moisture.

Inelastic often feels dry and constricted, and is aggravated in winter by the dry air of heated rooms. In this case, a moisturizer can become a real lifesaver. There are several requirements for it. First, it shouldn't be too greasy. This will definitely not add moisture to the skin, and secondly, it must contain special substances such as, for example, soy extract, collagen, and also vitamin A, which will help moisturize the deepest layers of the skin, coenzymes.

However, no cream can compare in effectiveness with water, which needs to be treated as often as possible. True, there is one caveat, in order to achieve a positive effect, the skin must retain moisture well. This ability can be increased by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. You can take special vitamins for skin elasticity, such as vitamin C, which is involved in the process of creating collagen and cartilage tissue, and vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. However, it must be remembered that they must be taken without exceeding the indicated dosage, and the effect will come only with prolonged and regular use.

Widely used in cosmetology to maintain skin elasticity, various oils... They have properties that anyone, even a very expensive cream, can envy. One of the most common is almond oil, which is rich in this remedy for a long period of time to restore youthfulness and freshness to the skin.

Like its related apricot, it is fairly well known in cosmetics industry... These products increase the elasticity of the skin, help relieve inflammation, and have a brightening, softening and toning effect. For example, avocado oil is great for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, especially around the eyes. And for any type skin fit oil from which will be especially valuable for people predisposed or already suffering from rosacea. Castor and even aromatic are effective for increasing the elasticity of the skin. It should be noted that all of the above products are called basic. That is, they can be used both separately and to create aromatic and useful compositions from essential oils on their basis. You can add them to shampoo, face or body cream, soap.

Restoring skin elasticity is a long and laborious process. However, there are cases when all means are powerless against loss of elasticity, except for plastic surgery. This applies to stretch marks and folds after rapid weight loss. Therefore, all nutritionists warn that weight should be lost gradually, while including in your diet buckwheat porridgewhich contains a lot of a substance like rutin.

Carrots, cabbage, fresh herbs and cucumbers will provide the body with silicon, but oatmeal, red meat and liver will fill the body with iron. will give the consumption of foods rich in selenium - tuna, sardines, liver, eggs and garlic. In addition, seafood is rich in zinc, which our body needs. It is also found in wheat bran. pumpkin seeds, cocoa, yeast, mushrooms and nuts.

How to keep your face and body skin firm and elastic? And if it has already been lost - how to restore elasticity to the skin? It is quite possible at home, but it will take a lot of effort.
"There are three periods in a woman's life: when she is not afraid to give away her age, when she is afraid to give out her age, and when age gives her away." Leszek Kumor.
Upon reaching a certain age our skin loses some of its properties, loses its elasticity, density, the subcutaneous adipose tissue, elastic fibers are destroyed, muscles weaken and fall. In the mirror, we no longer see the face that was given to us by nature, but which we ourselves have acquired over many years: the eyelids seem to have dropped, the line lower jaw and the chin sags, the clarity and tone of the face is generally lost. When did this happen? And why is it so imperceptible?
If you do not take into account hereditary characteristics and possible diseases, as a result of which such changes can be even earlier than 30 years, then the violation of the outlines of the face (so far we are talking only about the face) begins from about 30 years old. After 40 years, the contours of the face change to a greater extent, and as cosmetologists note, the probability of violations reaches 80%.

Nobody stays young forever, changes come with age. But if everything happened so unexpectedly for you, think about what is the reason in your case? And try to eliminate it. Perhaps the mistake is that you remembered about it, or rather saw it, in your 50s, and before that you didn’t do anything and didn’t undertake anything?
By the way, take pictures of each other more often, maybe you will notice the changes much earlier.
Let's remember wise words: « a wise man it will be better to avoid diseases than to choose medicines for them. "
Restoring skin elasticity at home
Now let's figure out how to avoid violation of the contours of the face and is it possible to correct something already in the situation when these violations have occurred?
Let's try to answer the first question today?
When you are 15 - 16 years old, and you do not see a single imperfection on your face, it is natural. But this will not last long. Prevention of the appearance of oval disorders should be started at the age of 20-25. If you get together earlier, so much the better.
It is very important to closely monitor changes in your appearance and if they arise, analyze what is happening, immediately finding the cause.
One of the main reasons is the way of life - how it has changed over recent times? Perhaps sleep is disturbed (working late or having fun), or maybe you have lost weight or, on the contrary, gained excess weightwhat foods are on your table? Do you often resort to different strict weight loss diets? Do you often fluctuate in weight (from 3 kg or more)?
If everything is organized correctly here, then let's move on to even more simple rulesthat will help maintain the clarity of the oval and the elasticity of the skin. These rules are so simple that many will not believe they work, but they are.

Rules for skin firmness
1. It is necessary to wash the face from the bottom up, and the eyes - from the temples to the nose.
2. The face, after washing, it is better to lightly pat it dry with a towel, leaving it slightly damp.
3. In the evening, wash your face with cool water.
4. Vitamins. If your skin becomes flabby, you definitely need vitamins. Lack of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and amino acids leads to loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. 5. Try to sleep on your back. Why is it so important? If you lie on your side, wrinkles appear on your face, neck, and chest. Look at yourself in the mirror as soon as you wake up. Is your face and neck as fresh? If there is any "bruising", you are lying incorrectly. Correct the situation faster. Wrong position the body provokes stretching of the skin and the appearance of new wrinkles.
6. See how you sit when you are thinking about something - are you leaning on your chin, cheek, or forehead? What muscles are you shifting?
7. Are you slouching? Militta, not seeing and not knowing you by sight, will give the answer to this question herself. - Yes. Why you can answer so confidently. All the girls do not part with their smartphones, which means they sit with their heads bowed all the time. Then you contribute to the appearance of folds, passing from the chin to the cheeks. Soon you will notice how your face shape will change. And also, over time, a rare girl can be called slender, everyone will have a posture adapted to a smartphone. If everything written concerns you, correct it before it's too late. Start doing exercises to strengthen your back and neck muscles. Insufficient back muscle tone causes the muscles of the neck and chin to tense, pushing all the tissues of the face downward. And leave your smartphone in your purse, at least in public transport.
8. Let us remind you once again that a good sleep is a tightened and elastic skin.
9. Balanced diet and no sharp fluctuations in weight.
10. Correct organization working day. Overwork is bound to negatively affect the elasticity of the skin.
11. Try to be always positive. Anger and irritability, depression and oppression do not decorate. If negative emotions often show up in you, it will undoubtedly affect your face, and very soon. The “imprint” of the state of mind that you possess will remain on your face. As you can see, the soul should be thought about too, and not least.
12. A lazy mind ages faster. Boredom, simple "killing time" in empty entertainment, lack of mental activity create conditions for the degradation of the brain, which in turn affects the entire body, destroying it and accelerating aging.

As you can see, two last rules are not so simple at all, and at first glance seem quite insignificant and even unnecessary in order to keep the skin young, elastic and healthy. But these rules work, and in a very serious way. It is these two rules that will help to find beautiful faces among elderly people.
Pay attention to people with a positive mental attitude, their faces glow with beauty, despite the fact that age is "written" on their faces. Or intellectually active womenwhich in old age amaze us with their special beauty, charm and sharpness of mind. We examined the rules, moving from the simplest to the more complex ones, which prevent the rapid aging of the body.
And now, let's point out the simplest and possible ways, which will help us with the first violations of skin tone and facial contour.
1. Salt lifting. (Militta has already told about this).
2. Massage.
3. Lifting masks.
4. Fitness for the face and not only the face, but also the body.
5. Technique of relaxation.
6. Cosmetics (at home).
But Militta will tell you more about these methods and other possibilities of maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
Everything that is listed here can be done independently, and at home. If you are 25 - 30, the result will be amazing and very soon. If you are at the initial stage of wilting, the result will force itself to wait. Otherwise, there will be improvement, but far from what you would like to see. And here the methods of restoring skin firmness and elasticity are completely different.

To restore the natural level of moisture, you can use various cosmetics for skin elasticity, a mask for skin elasticity from the products that are always at hand will help to restore smoothness and elasticity. Particular attention should be paid to the face, neck, décolleté and arms.

What affects the elasticity of the skin

The firmness and elasticity of the skin is influenced not only by age, but also by the state of health, as well as ecology, food and many other factors. Firmness and elasticity greatly depend on whether there is enough moisture in the skin.

If the youthful skin is not maintained, then by the age of 35, many women may notice rapidly progressive signs of aging. It is recommended to take care not only of the face, but also of the whole body. The condition of the hands can be especially pronounced for a woman's age.
The elasticity of the skin depends directly on the production:

  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • hyaluron.

Collagen has a direct effect on the elasticity and density of connective tissues. Elastin contained in the skin allows them to stretch if necessary and return to original form... Hydration depends mainly on the production of hyaluron.

In cases where, for some reason, the production of these substances in the body is disrupted, the skin begins to quickly lose its elasticity and age. The hormone estrogen regulates the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluron.


To increase the elasticity of the skin of the face, you can use oily vegetable oils... The substances contained in them stimulate regeneration processes in cells, improve metabolic processes, strengthen cell membranes, cleanse the epidermis and increase its moisture level.

You can preserve youth with the help almond oil, which contains a lot of vitamin E. This oil smoothes wrinkles, improves complexion, moisturizes and protects from ultraviolet radiation. If the dermis loses its elasticity, you can acquire castor oil or walnut oil.

In case of loss of elasticity, for lightening and rejuvenation, for healing wounds and scratches, you can use peach oil... You can restore the elasticity of the skin with the help of apricot or rosemary oil.

Wheat germ oil will not only improve the elasticity of the skin, but also relieve irritation, relieve flaking, and relieve itching. When regular use this remedy will reduce the manifestations of rosacea.


The youthfulness of the skin is promoted by the use of certain food products. For example, in buckwheat and unsaturated fatty acids - they slow down the aging process. Other grains that contain silicon also have a good effect on the condition of the skin. Foods such as vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries contain a lot of silicon.

If the facial skin loses its elasticity and turns pale, this may signal a lack of iron. In this case, it is recommended to eat foods such as liver, veal, chicken, oatmeal and yolks.

Foods containing an element such as selenium help prevent moisture loss. It is contained in a large number in seafood, eggs, liver and garlic. Another useful element is zinc, which is found in bran, yeast, mushrooms, nuts and cocoa.

To support normal level moisture can be obtained not only with the help of products, but also with the help of ordinary pure water (for this, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day). But this method will have a noticeable effect only on young skin, but older women should think about using special cosmetics.

Facial firming masks

If the dermis begins to lose elasticity and age, then you can support it at home with the help of masks from products that can be found in the refrigerator. You need to apply such masks on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse them off with warm water.

The simplest and mask available - potato mask... It should be done this way: grate peeled raw potatoes and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply a potato mask to clean skin faces.

Effective masks for the elasticity of the skin of the face from egg white ... They can be made only from protein (for this you just need to beat it to a foam state and apply to the skin) or from protein with a spoon oat flour (for this you need to mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to the skin thin layer).

Dry mustard can be used as a skin firming agent.: you need to make this mask from a spoonful of mustard, olive oil and boiled water (according to st. l. of each ingredient). Apply the product in a thin layer, and rinse off after 5 minutes.

An excellent remedy for increasing the elasticity of the skin at home - cosmetic clay (kaolin). For a tablespoon of clay, you need to take a tsp. honey and a couple of drops lemon juice... All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed before applying.

Bath and sauna

To preserve the youthfulness of the skin, it is recommended to visit the sauna (bath) once a week. This procedure helps to remove toxins and excess water, as well as exfoliate keratinized particles. In addition, the sauna is able to activate metabolic processes, improving blood circulation in the skin.

You can enhance the effect of this procedure with the help of such means as scrubs, masks and wraps (you can buy them in a store and a pharmacy or make yourself from sour cream, kefir, coffee, sugar, honey, salt and essential oils). They need to be applied after leaving the steam room. Absorption and assimilation of beneficial substances from cosmetics by the skin after a bath or sauna occurs much faster due to the expansion of pores at high temperatures.

When you see that the skin is losing elasticity, you can start taking baths at home. They will not only contribute to a good appearance, but also help to lose weight, get rid of cellulite, stretch marks and give it a healthy color. It is recommended to take a rejuvenating bath twice a week (about 20 minutes). The water temperature during this procedure should not be higher than 37 ° C, otherwise cardiovascular system harm could be done.

The most effective and inexpensive remedies for preserving youthful skin are:

Salt bath - an inexpensive and effective means for prolonging youth. You need to take 400 g (preferably sea) salt per bath. Additionally, you can add a few drops of any essential oil.

Milk bath nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has a relaxing effect. You need to take 3 liters for one bath fat milk and half a glass of liquid honey.

The green tea bathroom is very affordable and easy to prepare. You need to brew strong green tea (take 3 tsp for a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes).

The herbal infusion bath will moisturize, tone and nourish. To prepare an infusion for one bath, it will be enough to take two tbsp. l. herbs that need to be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. For this procedure, you can take chamomile, lemon balm, rosemary, mint, tartar and juniper.

Daily skin care

At home, you can do simple procedures daily:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • applying moisturizers;
  • conducting healthy way life.

Cold and hot shower - excellent remedy to prevent skin laxity. The water temperature should be comfortable for you, trigger the release of endorphins, and improve your mood. Regular use contrast shower tones up the body and accelerates blood circulation.

It is very useful to wash your face at night. cold water, after which you can wipe it with herbal infusion. You can make ice cubes from herbal infusion... Regularly carrying out such procedures will allow you to maintain elasticity and a healthy complexion for a long time.

To keep the skin hydrated, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer in the morning and a nourishing agent in the evening. This will help prolong youthfulness and ensure a healthy appearance... Suitable for this cream, serum and balm. It is recommended to start using moisturizing and nourishing creams after 25 years.

Lifestyle and skin condition

If the skin has not yet lost its elasticity, then you can maintain their condition simply by adhering to a healthy lifestyle and eating rationally. Recommended to consume organic productscooked at home. Fried and salty foods and sugary or fatty foods make the skin worse. Good sleep is very important for the youthfulness of the skin.

Need to be given special attention choice decorative cosmetics... It should be of high quality and as natural as possible. Cosmetics must be selected in accordance with the type of epidermis.

Nicotine is a skin poison. In women who smoke, the skin quickly becomes dry or, conversely, too oily. Smokers start to wrinkle early and have an earthy complexion.

Various diets, in which the diet is not balanced in terms of the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Loss of firmness can occur with a sharp increase in body weight or with a sharp loss of it. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your weight, nutrition and health.

Beauty Salon Procedures

By virtue of different reasons (age, disease, bad ecology) daily care and different proceduresat home may not be enough.

  • mesotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • myostimulation;
  • phytolifting.

Procedures in beauty salons to improve the condition of the skin are selected by cosmetologists. They are very effective, but they are expensive and require regular use to maintain the effect. You will have to resort to them after 50 years or in case of a serious malfunction in the body due to a violation hormonal background, stress, bad habits.

Daily skin care with inexpensive funds and simple procedures, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits, are able to keep young and firm skin for a long time without any complicated and expensive procedures.