To have a good tan. What is a tan - how to sunbathe properly so that it is beautiful and safe? Proper use of sunscreen for proper tanning

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 5 minutes


Summer, heat. It's time to relax and enjoy sunbeams, accept sunbathing. Moreover, white porcelain skin was considered beautiful before, but today it is considered attractive tanned skin, especially since tanning helps hide small imperfections in the skin, makes it smoother and reduces the number of acne. Therefore, you can gladly devote to sunny days for an hour of time in the morning or evening to the sun's rays, especially, as you know, it is not worth abusing a tan, both natural and solar.

What are the advantages of sun tanning over a solarium?

  • Firstly, you get a tan in the sun for free, you don’t need to buy a subscription for it, just put on a swimsuit, take a coverlet with you and go to the nearest park.
  • Secondly, any sunburn, like sunburn, requires a temporary dosage of application. special cosmetics so as not to get unwanted painful burns. But tanning in the sun allows you to be somewhere in nature at the same time, and not in a small cabin.
  • Thirdly, sun tanning is very easy to combine with active pursuits, especially if you do not like to lie down for a long time and you want to move, you can completely play volleyball or badminton, the process of sunbathing is very well combined with swimming. What can I say, the process of sunbathing can also be combined with weeding the beds in the country. So you can completely combine business with pleasure, especially since it is much better to go to bed if you are constantly on the move.

The sun sets differently in different countries

If you still prefer a vacation at sea, then you should know that in different latitudes the tan will fall on your skin in different ways. Turkish tan will be significantly different from Egyptian.

So, if you want to get a golden tan, then it would be best to go to the Mediterranean Sea, and these are countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey.

If you would like to receive bronze tan , then it is best for you to prefer the coast of the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. To do this, you should go to Greece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania or Bulgaria. Here as well as on the shore mediterranean sea moderate skin protection will suffice and sunbathing should be done either in the morning or after 4 pm.

If you want to return from vacation with chocolate tan , then it would be best to go closer to the equator, to the Congo, Kenya, Uganda or Somalia, to the islands of Indonesia, to Ecuador. Brazil or Colombia. But here it should be remembered that it is worth starting to sunbathe from a short time, even from minutes, and at the same time use powerful sunscreens.

And here dark coffee tan can be obtained on the coast of the Indian Ocean. To do this, you should go to India or the Maldives. But here, as when traveling to the equator, you need to limit your time in the sun and use creams with high protection, because if you burn, the symptoms of a burn will appear more slowly.

And finally cinnamon shade tan can be obtained in the Persian Gulf and on the Red Sea. For this, a tour to Egypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain. But even here you cannot do without solid protection.

But before traveling south, it is best to sunbathe a little under the local sun so that the skin is not too receptive to the brighter sun. If you are going on vacation in the cold season, then first go to the solarium a couple of times.

Rules for tanning on the beach

When sunbathing on the beach, you should remember not only about your skin and the fact that it needs protection, but also about your eyes and hair, which are no less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Hide your favorite hair under a panama or hat, and hide your eyes behind sunglasses.

Also, do not get carried away with books and magazines, because, after reading an interesting article, you may not notice how time has flown by and burn out at the same time, for this reason you should not sleep on the beach.

Moderation is important in everything, and in tanning too. Therefore, the tanning time should be gradually increased, gradually adding 10-20 minutes. This will allow you to get a nice even tan.

How to get an even tan?

And to get an even and beautiful tan, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • You should not, going to the beach, apply perfume or other products containing alcohol to the skin, after which stains may remain on the skin.
  • Sunbathing is best not lying down, but walking along the beach, in which case it lies evenly and beautifully on your skin.
  • After bathing, try to wipe the skin dry, water drops on the skin increase the activity of the sun's rays and the tan is uneven.
  • Action sunscreens will be more effective if kept in a cool place.
  • Before going to the beach, your skin will not hurt light scrub or peeling, it makes the skin smoother and better tanned.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables orange color, peaches, apricots, carrots, peppers, they contain vitamin A, which affects the production of melanin, which is responsible for beautiful shade your skin.

How to get an even tan - reviews from the forums


The first two or three days in Thailand, sunbathe in the morning until 10 o'clock and in the afternoon from 3 o'clock. At this time, the sun is more gentle. Always use sunscreen. Buy a cream of well-known European brands with a degree of protection of at least "40", and preferably "50". If you sunbathe near the water, on islands with light sand and emerald-clear water, smear the cream with a thick layer. The fact is that White sand and clean and transparent water tend to reflect ultraviolet, and you sunbathe (burn) doubly. Very often, tourists visiting the islands burn themselves. Never skimp on cream.
Upon returning from the beach, in the evening, treat the body with “after-shower lotions” or “...after-sun”. Very good, after sun, use Coconut oil. There are special coconut oils for massage or after sun. The fluid contains natural coconut oil, skin moisturizer and vitamin E.


And before you go out in the sun you can drink tomato juice. It contains a substance - lutein, which contributes to the production of melanin (in fact, the substance that contributes to tanning). My grandmother also recommended to always drink Apple juice, To obtain even tan, and less plain water.
I have very light skin that burns quickly in the sun, literally in a couple of hours. I can then walk all red weeks 1.5. So here's what I do last years! The first day 3-4 I use sunscreen with SPF 35-40, very, very plentifully. I can stay in the sun all day, except for the period from 14 to 16 hours. Next days 2 I use protection with SPF 15, and then SPF 8-10 is enough. As a result, during the holidays I get an even tan, without any hint of burning!


And there is also a cool Payot serum for getting an even tan. It must be used 10 days before the start of the holiday.

First, apply the sun protective cream. Then lie down in the sun. After approximately 45 minutes, apply more sunscreen. People look beautiful when they are tanned - tanning gives the skin a warm glow, masks imperfections and helps colored things look more expressive. A beautiful tan can be not an easy task- it is worth worrying about ultraviolet rays, avoiding ugly orange spots, and remember about light stripes. With your knowledge and foresight, you can overcome any obstacle and get the tan you've been dreaming of. And we'll show you how to do it. Follow these simple steps and get a radiant tan in no time!


enjoy the sun

    Choose your UV source. For an ultraviolet tan, nothing beats the good old sun. If the season or weather doesn't allow you to sunbathe, then a tanning bed is an effective year-round alternative for maintaining a slightly bronzed complexion.

    • Know when to stop - skin that looks beautiful will no longer look like human skin if you stay in the "oven" for too long.
  1. Moisturize your skin. Well-moisturized skin will tan better than dry, dusty skin. Before you properly prepare your skin for tanning, do the following:

    • When taking a shower, exfoliate dry, dead cells epidermis, gently cleansing the skin with a terry cloth, washcloth, scrub or peeling agent.
    • Moisturize your skin with a lotion containing pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (sodium PCA). This natural component human skin, which helps keep the epidermis healthy and works by attracting moisture from the air.
    • Apply an appropriate level of sunscreen to your skin. If you have fair skin, use a lotion with a higher SPF than those with darker skin. Regardless of your skin type and how tanned you are, always use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
    • If you are going to swim, make sure you have a waterproof sunscreen or reapply it to your skin after being in the water. If you're not swimming, reapply sunscreen according to package directions—usually every couple of hours.
  2. Be sure to use sunscreen when you tan! If you're just going to lie on the beach and sunbathe for about an hour, apply a cream with an SPF of 4 to 15, depending on how fair your skin type is and how tanned you already are.

    • If you don't use sunscreen when you tan, then ultra-violet rays can harm your skin even if you are not burned!
    • Use lip balm the same way you use sunscreen. Ideally, you should apply sunscreen in the shade and let it soak in for 20-25 minutes before going out into the sun. If needed, reapply the cream after bathing if it is not waterproof, or reapply every couple of hours as directed on the package.
    • If you notice that your skin is reddening, hide in the shade - you are already sunburned, and if you continue to bake in the sun, this will only aggravate the burn and increase the likelihood of serious damage to the skin.
  3. Get naked for a good tan. If you don't want a patterned tan, wear the swimsuit you wear when you go swimming! If you wear the same swimsuit, then you will have a smooth, even tan all over the skin to the swimsuit.

    • Take off your bathing suit if you can. The only thing better than a minimum of light streaks is no light streaks!
  4. Find your place in the sun. You can sunbathe in your own backyard, on the beach, or wherever the sun shines. All you need is suntan lotion, water, and a lounger or towel.

    • Place your sunbed or towel in a place where the sun will fully hit your skin.
  5. Move when you sunbathe. Think grilled chicken. To get the same beautiful, even bronze color, you have to spin. Front, back, sides and places where the sun's rays do not always reach, such as underarms. Or lie on your back one day and on your stomach the next.

    • If you don't want to lie down all day but still want to have a beautiful tan, a long run or just a walk can be an alternative. So you will not only tan, but will keep your body in good shape all the time. Om-Nom-nom!
  6. Protect your eyes. They can burn out too. When sunbathing, it is better to wear a hat or just close your eyes than to wear Sunglasses. Bright light, falling on the optic nerve, stimulates the hypothalamus, which in turn produces melanin, which helps to achieve a deeper tan.

    Get hydrated! Make sure you drink enough water. From time to time you can jump into the pool to cool off. Don't worry, it won't harm your tan even in the slightest. Don't forget to reapply sunscreen afterwards.

    After you tan, moisturize your skin. Use an aloe-based lotion to soothe and hydrate your skin. This will help keep it healthy and prevent it from peeling and drying out in the sun.

    Apply tan to skin

    1. Get rid of the sun. If your skin is too fair or you burn easily, or if you want to minimize the damage to your health, then sunbathing may be the worst choice. You won't know you've been burned until you've burned yourself, and the damage has already been done.

      Do it yourself. There are many products different brands for a smooth, even tan.

      • Apply the lotion or spray evenly as instructed, being careful to cover all of the skin. Best Option lotion will be educative comedones, that is, one that will not clog pores.
      • If you don't have super long or super flexible arms, you'll need to ask a friend to help apply the lotion to your back.
    2. Forget about your prejudices. Visit a tanning studio and get an even tan. In just a few minutes, they will professionally apply a self-tanner to your entire body.

    3. Read what is written on the package. Read the reviews for both this product and the service before you give away money - stay away from self-tanners that will turn you orange.

      • If you get sunburned, be sure to use an aloe vera lotion. It will heal burns and moisturize your skin!
      • When sunbathing, be sure to roll over different sides so that it does not appear on the skin light spots when you dress favorite dress going to prom or on a date.
      • Aloe vera helps soothe sunburns and get rid of them quickly.
      • When sunbathing, make sure that the glasses do not leave circles around the eyes.
      • Sunbathing naked? Be careful when exposing new areas to direct sunlight. You don't want to get burned "there".
      • Aloe vera can be used as an after-sun lotion and/or as a soothing and soothing treatment for burns.
      • Apply more lotion to those areas where there is redness. This will help them burn.
      • Spend a little time in the sun at first, say 10 minutes a day for sensitive skin. If there are no problems, you can increase the time spent in the sun. In case of red spots or itching, take a break and do not sunbathe for a few days.
      • Apply more lotion to the shoulders, face, ears and feet, and areas that have not yet been exposed to the sun.
      • Bright skin? Do not use baby oil- you will burn.
      • Rubbing vinegar on your burns will take the heat off and make you feel better, but it will give you a funny smell. So don't use it before going to a meeting, a date, a long drive in a hot car, or just before interacting with people.
      • If you are going to sunbathe for the first time, do not stay in the sun for too long.
      • It takes time, so don't expect to see results on the first day.
      • If you choose artificial tan, which is safer and looks like the real thing, find one that definitely won't make you orange.
      • Wear clothes that show off your tan. If you are not tanned, wear dark greens, blues and purple shades. If you have a moderate tan, wear black or White color to accentuate your tan. If you have achieved the skin tone you want and you are well tanned, wear any color.
      • If you get sunburn, try using olive oil and iodine, or 100% cocoa butter, and stay out of the sun for a few days. This will ultimately help you get good tan.
      • Don't go to the solarium! It damages the skin and can cause skin cancer!


      • Remember to drink plenty of water during and after sunbathing. If your skin is on fire, use after-sun lotion to cool it down, as showering can tingle if you get burned.
      • Watch for moles, changes in color or shape.
      • Sunburns can take any form from mild to moderate. If you received severe burns, see a doctor.
      • Prolonged sun exposure and exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, the worst form of which is called melanoma. It is safer to use self-tanner. If you want to get a tan and are not afraid to turn a little orange, you can save your life.
      • As people become more aware of the health risks associated with sunburn, they may begin to realize that fair skin is just as attractive as dark skin. Be yourself and people will accept you for who you are, no matter what color you are.
      • Tanning beds, like other forms of UV exposure, can be dangerous, especially if you use them for long periods of time.
      • daily sunbathing not good for your health!
      • If you stay in the sun for too long, you can get heatstroke.
      • Don't take tanning pills. There are many cases of crystallization of precipitation of certain substances of these tablets in the eyes. This precipitation can lead to blindness.
      • People with naturally pale skin cannot tan well! Instead, try a moisturizing self-tanner. It will look natural and not be too orange or bronze.

Most of the fair sex fair skin dream of a vacation that will allow them to transform. Namely, to change the painful pallor of the skin to a bronze tint of an even tan. But often, instead of the desired bronze tint, girls get bright red skin and the appearance of a fried chicken. In addition to this, the surface of the skin becomes painful, burns do not allow you to sleep normally and continue to rest, in the end everything is covered with a terrible spectacle of a sliding thin skin. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, as they say.

To avoid this, you need to follow some rules that will help you not burn out in the sun, but get a uniform, beautiful tan.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before going to the sea or to a body of water for the first time in this bathing season, you need to peel the skin. Removing dead scales will allow the tan to lie more evenly on your skin. For this you can use professional tools Or use what you have at home. Mix kefir with sugar, lemon juice and coffee. Apply the prepared mixture on the body and carefully wipe the skin with your hands. Lemon juice eats away dead skin cells. Sugar and coffee, like a brush, remove the dead layer. And kefir helps to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Instead of all this, you can use a hard washcloth.

Do not do anything serious before sunbathing. cosmetic procedures. Deep peeling, facial cleansing, pigmentation removal and other operations imply complete UV protection for some time.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

  1. As soon as you set foot on the beach, do not rush to rush into the open sun. Especially if this is your first tan since. winter season. The skin is still quite tender and can acquire a bright red hue in half an hour. You need to get used to it gradually - 5 minutes in the morning on the first day, 10 minutes in the evening, 15 minutes in the morning on the second day, 20 minutes in the evening and so on. Subsequently, when the skin is already a little tanned, you can not be in direct sunlight for more than an hour.
  2. As you know, you can be in the sun only in the morning and in the evening, when the sun's rays fall on the ground at an oblique angle. Sunbathing from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is strictly prohibited - powerful ultraviolet rays can provoke early aging epidermis and even skin cancer.
  3. Regardless of the fact that you want to get a tan, be sure to use sunscreen. It will help you avoid burns and help your tan go on more evenly. Remember that sunscreen should be applied every two hours. If you swim in a pond, after water procedures you need to renew the layer of the washed off cream, or use a waterproof cosmetic product. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its SPF score. It indicates the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Usually creams are produced with SPF from 10 to 50. Children, as well as people with fair skin and blue eyes the maximum protection level is 50.
  4. To get a good tan, the skin must be enriched with vitamins E and C. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. It is very useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before a day at the beach.
  5. So that the nose and the area of ​​the skin under the eyes do not burn out and do not seem especially red, it is important to wear a headdress, or better, a hat with wide brim.
  6. In the sun, and even more so, in sea windy weather, it is very easy to choke your lips. Use special hygienic lipsticks that will protect delicate skin lips from the sun.
  7. To get an even tan, you need to purchase open swimsuit, which does not leave a colorful pattern on the body. After all, such a tan is of little use - unless you put it on with it open dress? Maybe you have the opportunity to go to wild beaches and sunbathe naked?
  8. In no case do not manage to fall asleep while sunbathing. In this case, you can forget about an even tan. In addition, such carelessness can lead to burns and sunstroke.
  9. Very often, many girls complain that their shoulders and back are sunbathing the most. But the stomach, chest and thighs remain without a bronze coating. But remember yourself on the beach - we run, swim, build sand castles so that the back is more exposed to ultraviolet rays. To tan from all sides, move more and lie on a sunbed on your back - facing the sun.
  10. If you have very white skin that instantly turns red, you need to tan in the shade. The shadow scatters ultraviolet rays and only small portions of it fall on the skin. This is the only option for such people to get a beautiful and even tan.
  11. If you want to get a more intense tan, you need to use a cream with a tingle effect. It is applied to the skin, it promotes the production of more melanin, which makes your tan darker and more beautiful.

After sunbathing, do not forget about proper care behind your skin. When you come back from the beach, take a shower, but do not rub your skin with a washcloth - you can injure it. Then apply on skin light moisturizer, preferably based on aloe extract. The juice of this plant will not only give the skin lost moisture, but also saturate it with micronutrients.

Speaking of sunburn, I would like to consider everything alternative ways receiving it.

To get the right, beautiful and even tan in a solarium, you need to determine your skin type. This can be done by a solarium worker. Depending on the type of skin, the time spent in the capsule is determined, as well as the frequency of visits to the solarium. Usually, a session is recommended for beginners, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of exposure to ultraviolet rays can increase to 15 minutes.

What is the solarium visit schedule? You can not be exposed to UV rays more than once a day, this is even prescribed by law in some foreign countries. Therefore, not a single salon will accept you twice a day. It is best to take ultraviolet every other day for the first time, until the tan is sufficiently developed. When your skin has acquired a pleasant shade, you can visit the solarium once every two weeks to maintain a tan. And remember that any tingling, unnaturally hot sensations are a signal to complete the procedure. Be attentive to your body.

When visiting the solarium, do not forget to remove all jewelry and contact lenses. Take care of availability bathing suit before entering the capsule. Ensure that employees beauty salon offered you special goggles that protect your eyes from UV radiation. And, of course, before visiting the solarium, do not apply on the face. decorative cosmetics You can only use sunscreen. And so that the tan in the capsule lies evenly, move your arms and legs slightly, change position. Do not press your chin to the grid, otherwise you will get in this place White spot. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

A beautiful tan hides many skin imperfections - freckles, cellulite, stretch marks. In addition, clothes on a beautiful tanned body look much prettier and sexier. Sunbathe, strive for perfection and look like summer!

Video: how to get an even tan

The summer sun is deceptive - it warms gently, but burns strongly.

Contraindications for tanning

Before you decide to sunbathe, make sure that exposure to bright rays will not harm your health.

Tanning contraindications:

  1. People of the Celtic phototype- blondes and redheads with fair skin. The skin of such people produces little melanin (the pigment responsible for tanning). the main task melanin - protect the deep layers of the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet. Its small amount provokes the development of melanoma (skin cancer).
  2. Children under 5 years old and adults over 60 years old, pregnant and lactating women. You don't have to completely exclude the sun. It is enough to limit exposure to direct sunlight to reduce the risks of heat and sunstroke. Pregnant women should not sunbathe early and later dates, since an increase in body temperature can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. People with individual contraindications for medical reasons. These include malignant and benign tumors, female diseases(myomas, erosions), tuberculosis in acute form, hypertension, skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), disturbances in work thyroid gland, diabetes infectious (mononucleosis, chickenpox, hepatitis), neuropsychiatric diseases, fever.

By ignoring the above diagnoses, you risk aggravating your health condition.

With tuberculosis in active phase the risk of spreading infection increases.

After suffering mononucleosis, it is better to refrain from ultraviolet rays for 8 months.

After chickenpox arise dark spots.

How not to get sunburned

  • Before going out in the sun for the first time, prepare your skin for ultraviolet radiation by visiting the solarium several times.
  • Control your time in the sun. Limit this period to 6-10 minutes. Change positions often. Do not stay in the open sun for more than an hour.
  • Protect your eyes and hair from UV rays with goggles and a hat.
  • Do not use deodorants and perfumes on the beach. Substances in them cause photodermatosis and increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun.
  • Drink more water! During tanning, a person loses a lot of moisture.
  • Dry off with a towel after swimming. Water droplets focus the sun's rays and can cause burns.
  • Use sunscreen and lotions.

By following these rules, you will get a golden and even tan, while maintaining good health.

Facial protection before and after tanning

Take Special attention face before and after sunburn. Apply a protective cream before going out, and when you return, wash it off and apply a layer of moisturizing milk or lotion. Do not get carried away with tanning the skin on your face. In this place, it is more prone to burns.

How to choose sunscreen

Sunscreens are labeled with SPF. It is marked with points from 2 to 50. The number shows the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation - the higher, the better the protection.

On average, a person with white skin can stay in the sun for 15 minutes without getting burned, and the SPF index shows how many times longer you can stay in the sun without reddening your skin. For example, by applying a product with SPF10, you can enjoy the sun 10 times more.

Celtic type people will need SPF50+ for sun protection, Nordic type SPF 35 to 50, Dark European type SPF 25 to 35, Mediterranean type SPF 15 to 25, Indonesian and African American types can do without them altogether.

All people tan differently. For some, 5 minutes is enough, and for some, a 1.5-hour stay in the sun will not do any harm. You can get an even tan by following the recommendations for your skin type. In total there are 6 main phototypes:

  • Celtic type. These are people with blond or red hair. They have pale skin, rich in freckles and moles, bright eyes. They cannot sunbathe in direct sunlight. 5 minutes and instead of a tan, red skin with blisters appears. If you consider yourself to be this type, stay sunbathing in the shade. Use sunscreen with high level protection.
  • Nordic type. These are people with fair skin, few moles, freckles are rare, light or brown eyes, light brown or chestnut hair. They burn easily in the sun, but over time, the skin becomes golden hue. Sunbathing with fair skin should be done with caution. In the early days, use products with a high degree UV protection. With them, the skin will get used to and get an even tan. Limit sun exposure to 10-15 minutes.
  • Dark European type. People with fair skin, brown or bright eyes, brown or dark hair. They tan easily but can burn. Do not stay in the active sun for more than half an hour.
  • Mediterranean type. People with olive skin, dark eyes and dark hair. Such tan lies evenly and beautifully, they do not burn. Can be in the sun up to 2 hours.
  • Indonesian type. dark brown skin, dark hair and eyes. There is no restriction on sun exposure.
  • African American type. People with dark skin, hair and eyes. Representatives negroid race the skin is deeply pigmented and does not need additional protection.

Hello friends!

Tanned skin of an amazing bronze hue is beautiful, it is useful, it is, after all, fashionable now!

Many seek, using the spring-summer days, to achieve a beautiful, even tan on the skin, and also to maintain this beauty for as long as possible.

The sun's rays are very useful for our body, this has long been no secret to anyone.

And everything would be fine, but many, trying to get perfect beautiful tone tanned skin and as much vitamin D as possible, which our body produces under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, make many mistakes.

And the consequences of such mistakes can be very deplorable.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly sunbathe in the sun, so as not to harm yourself.

From this article you will learn:

How to sunbathe in the sun - useful tips and tricks

What is a tan?

Tan - darkening skin, to which our skin reacts in response to exposure to ultraviolet sunlight, as well as artificial sources (tanning beds).

Under such influence, responses begin to occur in the skin (in its surface layer - the epidermis), and the skin begins to actively produce a special pigment - melanin.

It is melanin that colors our skin in brown shades.

The essence of melanin production is the protection of the skin, and, accordingly, the whole organism as a whole from the damaging factor of ultraviolet sunlight, which, despite the fact that they have a certain and very significant benefit to the body, are still quite aggressive.

There is no doubt that sunbathing is useful, and a beautiful, competent tan has its own “pluses”.

Why is sunbathing good for you?

Consider the main beneficial features correct tanning in the sun:

  • Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, our body begins to actively produce vitamin D in the skin.

This essential vitamin, which helps to ensure that the calcium that we get from food is fully absorbed by our body.

If there is an incomplete absorption of calcium by the body, then soon it will be fraught with the development of osteoporosis (softening of bone tissue) and the development of rickets in children.


In order for the body to produce daily rate vitamin D, it is enough to stay in the sun for 15 minutes daily, preferably with the minimum amount clothes on the body (in the warm season), and this must be done all year round and not only in spring and summer days.

Moreover, if the sun does not shine brightly and it is cold outside, then staying on fresh air in the open air will still deliver a certain portion of ultraviolet radiation to our cells, thanks to which our body will produce as much vitamin D as it can. It's better than nothing!

Therefore, walking in the fresh air, all year round, it should be in the daily routine MANDATORY!

What to do if a person lives in the region of the north, especially his extreme regions, where there is very little sun in the year, where are the “northern nights”, when it is dark both during the day and at night?

There is an exit!

In this case, it is necessary to take vitamin D additionally, from the outside. Perfectly help in this special preparations.

They exist great amount to this day, they are very affordable, and you can choose what suits you best - huge selection can be found here

  • In the process of tanning, strengthening occurs immune system, the body develops excellent resistance to all sorts of unpleasant infectious diseases(both bacterial and viral).
  • The sun's rays contribute to the production of a special hormone in the body - serotonin, it is also called the "hormone of joy." Surely everyone noticed how after being in the open sun the mood improves, the soul becomes joyful and calm, the person feels a surge vitality and harmony.
  • When the body is stimulated by the sun's rays, the most important healing processes occur in all internal organs and systems, the body starts the processes of rejuvenation and detoxification.
  • Ultraviolet is excellent at dealing with such skin problems like pimples, blackheads, eczema and even, in some cases, psoriasis!

An interesting fact is recent scientific and medical research, which suggests that ultraviolet rays help increase the production of sex hormones in women and men, which has a positive effect on health. reproductive system in general, and, in particular, increases the level of libido!

Despite so many benefits that our body receives from sunbathing, tanning has its “cons”.

What harm can you do to yourself from sunburn?

It must always be remembered that the tan itself (darkening of the skin of the body) is, first of all, a protective reaction of our body, which is designed to protect our body from excessive ultraviolet radiation and overheating. internal organs(Which is very dangerous!).

It is logical that if exposure to sunlight was 100% safe, then the body would not defend itself against it!

  • Excessive UV exposure can lead to sunburn as well as dermatitis (allergies).
  • With the abuse of sunburn, photoaging of the skin occurs. Too much ultraviolet light destroys collagen fibers in the tissues, and the skin becomes lethargic, flabby, loses its elasticity, becomes dry, rough, completely unattractive and unhealthy in appearance, wrinkles appear.
  • Dermatologists of all lovers of active sunbathing warn that the harm from an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation may not appear immediately quickly, but have a delayed effect. This means that the cumulative effect of excessive-harmful radiation will slowly and surely occur, and later this can lead to skin cancer!!!
  • Therefore, for safe and proper tanning it will be quite enough to stay in the sun for only 15-20 minutes daily.

How to properly and safely sunbathe in the sun?

Remember these basic points - how to sunbathe in the sun:

  1. It is necessary to carefully take care of protecting the body from a harmful excess of sunlight, to sunbathe without fanaticism, especially during the spring-summer period, when the sun is most active. This is especially true of red-haired and white-skinned people, because their skin produces much less melanin than dark-skinned and dark-haired people.
  2. In no case should you sunbathe for a long time on the first day! You can get at least a sunburn, as a maximum - and completely ruin your entire upcoming vacation (if you went on vacation).
  3. The principle of healthy and safe tanning is gradual. Start with a few minutes, gradually increasing your exposure to sunlight.
  4. Dermatologists say that the safest and most beneficial stay in the sun is from dawn to 9-10 am, and in the evening - after 16 to sunset.
  5. And the period from 11 to 16 is the most dangerous!
  6. Remember that the sun in spring, although it seems gentle and gentle, and not at all as burning as in summer, is quite active, and in spring you can get the same skin problems as in summer! Any woman will say that such troubles as age spots on the skin appear in the spring!
  7. Be sure, ALWAYS, every day you need to use sunscreen for the skin! Regardless of whether the first day you sunbathe, the tenth or the whole summer already!
  8. SPF should always be on hand.
  9. Not possible during active sun leave the house without first applying sunscreen to the face, neck, décolleté and other exposed skin on the body!
  10. All sunscreens should be chosen according to your skin type.
  11. In the first days of exposure to the sun, you need to choose the maximum protection for yourself in order to prevent burns, dry skin and the appearance of age spots.
  12. Be sure to purchase protective lip balms with an SPF factor.
  13. Especially sensitive skin protect around the eyes with a large layer of cream. exist special means for especially sensitive areas of the skin.
  14. Hair also needs to be protected, and numerous products (sprays, balms, oils, fluids with a sun protection factor) are designed to help with this.
  15. Be sure to buy sunglasses with lenses that have a good level of SPF filter.
  16. Be sure to use a hat. It's great if it's a wide-brimmed hat that covers your face.
  17. Remember that a beautiful, and most importantly, safe tan can be obtained in the shade! There is no need to “roast” in the sun for this, exposing your skin to rapid aging and the risk of burns and cancer!
  18. Know that a tan will be more beautiful and more even on your skin if you actively move in the sun, and not lie still in a sun lounger.
  19. To do this, take balls, rackets, "plates" with you to the beach and move! Play volleyball, badminton, throw “boomerang plates” to each other, have fun and have fun!
  20. And there are more benefits for the body, and the level of serotonin will go off scale, and the tan will be more even, beautiful and bronzed! And about the fact that getting a sunburn while actively moving is almost impossible, the risk of this is minimal, this is 100% true!
  21. Do not use before solar procedures perfume. This can cause skin allergies and even burns!
  22. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while in the sun!!!
  23. Be sure to drink enough a large number water, preferably in small portions, but often, since the skin is actively dehydrated in the sun, and this will lead to its aging, at least, and dryness. As a maximum, you will feel bad, even a sharp decline in strength and even fainting from dehydration is possible. Remember this and take MAXIMUM care of yourself!!!

How to choose the right sunscreen?

The numbers on the packaging of a tube of cream correspond to the maximum permissible safe time in the sun.

The higher this number, the longer the UV protection will last.

Any sunscreen must be applied BEFORE sun exposure, preferably at least 30-40 minutes before.

It also needs to be periodically updated on the skin as its “expiration date” expires or because you swam in the sea (river).

Buy quality sunscreens with a high level SPF protection 50-70, you can here

Secrets of fast and safe tanning - how to tan quickly?

Basic moments:

  • One of the simplest, but very effective secrets is daily use carrot and orange juice, at least half a liter (two glasses), preferably in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Use special cosmetics, referred to as "tanning" in the form of oils, various sprays, balms, serums, milk.
  • On the eve of visiting the beach, you can spend a soft and gentle (scrubbed), then the tan will lie more evenly, faster, will last longer.

Essential healthy products for a beautiful and even tan

It must be understood that what we eat directly affects not only how we feel and how we look, but also how beautiful and even a tan we get from being in the sun!

And also how long it will stay on the skin!

  • All smoked meats, fried foods.
  • Dishes, during the preparation of which the oil was heated thermally - vegetables stewed in oil, grilled vegetables with oil, dishes with "fried" onions and carrots. They should be eliminated at least two weeks in advance, otherwise the first thing you get on your skin will not be a beautiful tan, but age spots!
  • All sweet carbonated drinks.
  • Chocolate, cakes, pies.
  • Coffee, cocoa, too strong tea.
  • Alcohol.
  • A categorical ban on any diet that contributes to the fact that the body begins to receive less nutrients, vitamins and minerals!

What to eat to tan?

Tan enhancing products:

  • Products containing carotene

This substance is found in many fruits and vegetables. green color, in green tea, especially in, in matcha tea.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood and fish, especially fatty varieties.

Best Source of Omega-3 plant origin- this (do not forget to grind it in a coffee grinder beforehand, otherwise there will be no benefit!).

  • Spinach and broccoli

This is a wonderful skin protection, including cancer! And thanks to the daily large portion in fresh you can get a very beautiful bronze skin tone.

  • Asparagus

It is rich in vitamins, especially group B. In addition, it is an excellent protection against cancer.

It is found in tomatoes, prevents skin aging and the appearance of malignant cell transformations.

  • Melon

It promotes rapid development dark tone skin, enhances color saturation, and also helps to restore the skin after sunbathing, prevents its aging.

  • Grape

He strengthens protective functions skin, rejuvenates it, normalizes the water-salt balance throughout the body.

First aid for sunburn - how to sunbathe properly

Consider the basic rules:

  • The most famous and proven folk remedy- this is kefir or sour cream, homemade is best, of course.
  • Instant cooling of the skin. It could be ice, cold herbal tea, cool bath.
  • Remedies for burns, such as "D-panthenol", purchased at a pharmacy.
  • If on the skin strong pain You can take painkillers.
  • If you have a temperature, fever, chills, you can take antipyretic drugs.
  • If blisters still appear on the skin, in no case do not open them! Be very careful to keep them intact. It will be necessary to protect them from mechanical impact from the outside, applying gently sterile gauze bandage and carefully recorded.
  • But the best remedy first aid is PREVENTION sunburn! Remember this always and protect your skin with sunscreen and follow the rules of safe exposure to the sun!

How to sunbathe in the sun - video

Ways to keep a beautiful tan for a long time

To make the beauty of your tanned body please you for as long as possible, use homemade, folk, natural “beauty recipes” for these purposes.

  • Carrot mask

Grate finely required amount carrots, mix it with olive oil, or with any other suitable for your skin. The consistency is like porridge. Apply to face and body for half an hour, then rinse.

Instead of butter, you can use sour cream or cream, as well as fatty cottage cheese.

  • coffee scrub

In add a few drops of any good vegetable oil. Stir and apply to the body and face with circular massaging movements. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse.

  • Tomato mask

Chop the tomatoes in a blender along with fatty cottage cheese (preferably homemade). You can additionally add vegetable oil, an excellent choice is olive, wheat germ oil, sesame.

Apply to body and face for at least twenty to thirty minutes. Wash away.

  • Mask based on oregano

Take the herb and oregano flowers, grind in a coffee grinder and pour completely a small amount boiling water, so that a thick slurry of grass is obtained. Cover. After fifteen to twenty minutes, add the egg yolk and a little honey to the chilled grass. Stir.

Apply to the skin for half an hour, then rinse and follow with a nourishing cream.

Well that's all.

I hope, friends, now you will definitely learn how to sunbathe properly and do it safely.

Be Beautiful and take care of your Health, it is PRICELESS!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!