Can I wear a ring on my finger? The symbolic meaning of the rings is on which of the fingers it is better to wear the ring. Ancient "language of rings"

"Wedding ring - difficult decoration..." For many, warm memories of happy day weddings, when the bride in white is the most beautiful in the world, and the groom glows with happiness. A large number of beliefs and folk beliefs are intertwined with modern ideas about how to spend the day. What and how to wear? Where to go and even how to cross the threshold correctly? Each people and culture has its own special traditions and rituals, but one feature is characteristic of all. Wedding rings are worn on the ring finger. In most countries, on the right hand, and somewhere on the left, but the finger remains unchanged. So what's the reason? Where does this tradition come from?

How was it in ancient Rome and Greece?

One of the most ancient references to wedding rings is the mention by the ancient Greek thinker Plutarch of the work of Apion "On Egypt", in which there is a justification for wearing this symbol of love on ring finger due to scientific experiments over the human body. So, the ancient Egyptians, examining the human body from the inside, discovered a barely noticeable nerve that connects the ring finger directly to the heart, which is not observed in the rest of the fingers. Paying tribute to the importance of the spouses and the involvement of the symbol of love in the heart, it was decided to wear the ring on this finger. Of course, many may be confused by such a rationale and methods for discovering this connection. Therefore, it is necessary to mention beautiful parable that came to us from ancient China.

Ancient China

Chinese culture is rich in symbols and beautiful justifications for simple things. Yes, very simple and beautiful. Chinese tradition talking about choosing a finger to wear the ring.

Chinese culture encourages us to consider our hands as symbols of the closest people. In their opinion, thumbs will denote the father and mother of a person. Index fingers are a symbol of close relatives (brothers, sisters). For the man himself, the symbol will be middle finger. The ring finger is a partner, and the little fingers are symbols of descendants. If we connect all the fingers together, while removing the middle fingers inside the palm, we can see real situation things in the world. In this position of the hands, the thumbs that represent the parents are very easy to spread in different directions, showing that the parents are not always next to the person. With brothers and sisters, life paths also diverge, as a result of which the index fingers can be opened. No matter how much we are attached to our children, they will leave the parental hearth and go their own way - the little fingers can be opened. And only the ring fingers, no matter how hard you try, will not be able to open. In such a simple and clear form, Ancient China showed that everything in the world is changing, and people who are with us can leave our lives, but only our partner will remain nearby.

Medical justification

It is interesting that no matter how many legends and beliefs answering the question of why wedding ring worn on the ring finger, we did not know, few people can believe that there is a rationale and with medical point vision. Probably, with some inner feeling, our ancestors determined that it was on the ring finger that nerve endings, which are literally responsible for sexual attraction V human body. Regulate endocrine system, command the sacrococcygeal zone of the spine, maintain the tone of the vessels of the pelvic organs. So, if you easily massage the skin on the ring finger, you can activate the production of hormones responsible for sexual desire.

Why do some wear on the right and some on the left?

The choice of the hand on which the wedding ring will be worn is directly related to the traditions and faith of a certain territory. So, Orthodox believers have the concept that everything connected with the right side of the body is correct, as a result of this, the correct concept of marriage is displayed in wearing a wedding ring on right hand.

Unlike the Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants wear it on the left hand, as it is located closer to the heart.

Features in wearing wedding rings in different countries

Answering the question of why a wedding ring is put on the ring finger, you can see that this action, despite its seemingly universality for different countries, may have its own characteristics. They are due to cultural traditions and the acceptance of the wedding itself as important event. So, for example, in Germany and Holland, young people who decide to get married indicate their intentions by putting rings on left hand. But after the marriage ritual, a wedding ring is put on the ring finger of the right hand. This marks the change that has taken place in life.

An interesting fact when searching for an answer to the question of why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger was traditional behavior at a Jewish wedding. Ringing the finger of the right hand as the main one, the groom knows that after the ceremony his wife will independently transfer the ring to the left hand.

In most countries, it is customary for spouses to wear rings on one side. But things are different in Sri Lanka. It is customary to wear a symbol of marriage with different parties. The groom wears the fidelity symbol on his right hand, and his bride on her left.

IN Muslim countries it is rare to find a ritual exchange of rings, but they can be seen in ordinary life. Which hand the ring will be on depends only on the person who wears it.

Thus, we can conclude that to the question of why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger and why the choice of hand for different countries is different, the answer for each individual region has its own rationale. It lies in the historical past, religion and culture of a certain people.

Despite the fact that all Catholics and Protestants wear rings on their left hands, Austria, where mainly representatives of these areas of Christianity live, has a different approach. Rings don't disappear predominantly on the right hand.

One of the justifications for wearing the symbol of marriage among the Orthodox is that it is with the right hand that a person does most of the work.

In the Orthodox tradition, in the event of the death of a spouse, what would testify his loyalty, the symbol of love is transferred from the right hand to the left. Therefore, if a visitor puts a ring on his left hand, he may be mistaken for a widower or widow.

Interestingly, the tradition of wearing wedding rings at first concerned only women. It was only during the Second World War that men began to wear a fidelity symbol permanently, when they took rings with them to remember that they were waiting for them at home.
In order to say why a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger in your region, you need to turn to history and understand why your ancestors adopted one of the versions or they had their own.

Ring of power. In the 21st century, this phrase is associated with an item from the story of the Lord of the Rings, written by Ronald Tolkien. However, a couple of centuries ago they called rings of omnipotence, worn on index finger. It placed their seals, for example, Cardinal Rechelier and Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The peoples of different countries noticed the imperious disposition of those who put jewelry on pointing fingers. In the 20th century, psychologists, astrologers and physicians joined the discussion. They studied the features of wearing on all fingers. Conclusions of scientists and people, further.

Ring on index finger

In addition to Richelieu and the Terrible, Caesar had such a ring. He wore it on the index finger of his right hand. It is controlled by the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, a penchant for the exact sciences. The subconscious desire to place a jewel on the right hand indicates strategists and reasonable people. They crave power, but have a "cold" mind.

The ring on the left hand is evidence of megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. Enters the "game" right hemisphere brain. It is responsible for the humanitarian path and creativity, and creative people rarely have a "cold" mind.

Which finger to wear the ring on, according to astrologers, tells not only the brain, but also the stars. The index fingers are energetically associated with Jupiter. This planet bestows strength for accomplishments and eliminates self-doubt. The result is increased self-esteem. Conclusion: - many leaders suffer from doubts and subconsciously look for a way to get rid of them. The way out is to strengthen the personal EGO with the help of a ring on the index finger.

Doctors add that the hands are the concentration of biologically active points. It is best to work them out with the help of massage and acupuncture. But, little impact on energy centers renders and wearing jewelry. A meridian connected with the digestive tract passes through the pointing finger.

The ring may indicate hidden problems with him. The body sends signals. A person cannot recognize them, but feels a subconscious craving to influence the biologically active points of the index finger.

Middle finger ring

On which finger are rings worn, meaning has for narcissists too. People who are confident in their beauty, flaunting it, put jewelry on their middle fingers. They are the longest and most visible. Remember the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes? It has a song about diamonds. Performed by Marilyn Monroe. The hands of the actress enter the frame. The ring is worn on the middle finger. Psychologists notice: what larger stone and by itself stronger man tries to convince the public of its irresistibility.

Astrologers see the connection of the middle finger with Saturn. It enhances the energy of the family. Therefore, it is advised to wear family jewels on the middle fingers. They, and the energy of the planet, will help overcome life's difficulties and achieve goals. At the same time, it will remain healthy heart. Biologically active points responsible for the "human motor" and circulatory system located exactly in the middle of the brush.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring finger is the answer to questions on which finger is a wedding ring worn And Which finger is an engagement ring worn on?. Evidence of a spiritual connection, marriage in heaven is placed here for a reason. The tradition is rooted in Ancient Egypt. The doctors of the country found out that the artery of love passes through the ring finger.

It was named so because the vessel leads to the heart. The Egyptians, like modern people, believed that high feeling originates in the chest. You can ring it, make it continuous and endless by putting a rim on your ring finger. Therefore, on it, first of all, it testifies to cordial affection and marital status.

IN different countries wedding rings are worn different hands. For example, in America, the ring fingers of the left hands are decorated. This is the tradition of Catholics, of whom the majority in the United States. In Russia, wedding bands are worn on the right hand. This is the tradition of the Orthodox people. At the same time, the product on the ring finger of the left hand is interpreted as a readiness for a new relationship.

The ring finger of the left hand is the answer to the question, Which finger is the widow's ring worn on?. That is, the hoop may be evidence that the lady buried her beloved. In the West, widows wear rings on their right hand.

Astrologers associate ring fingers with the Sun. Rings are acquired positively thinking people, or those who lack warmth, life comfort. A jewel on the finger without a name will also help get rid of depression, headaches, epilepsy. Doctors talk about it traditional medicine, based on the scheme of biologically active points of the hands.

pinky ring

Which fingers to wear rings for women often expressed by Marlene Dietrich. The famous actress of the 20th century saw a special chic and charm in the rings on her little fingers. They are small, graceful and defenseless, like true ladies. Psychologists explained the celebrity's craving for the arrangement of rings on the little fingers with a creative nature. Rings on the smallest fingers - frequent companions not only actors, but also singers, artists, fashion designers.

Putting a jewel on the little finger also pulls entrepreneurs. This is explained by the connection of the finger with the planet Mercury. She is responsible for the sphere of finance, attracts them into a person's life. Not only merchants and bankers use the chance, but also, for example, casino regulars. To the question Which finger should a man wear a ring on?, they answer: - "Of course, on the little finger, because the gentleman should be the earner."

In the body on the little fingers can affect the functioning of the heart and small intestine. Biologically active points are located in the upper region of the finger. However, the acupuncture meridian runs the entire length of the little finger. Even being at its base, the jewel affects the right centers, and those transmit impulses to internal organs.

ring on thumb

Among the answers to the question What fingers can you wear rings on?, there is also a thumb. In the decorations on it, psychologists see an attempt at self-affirmation. Jewelry on the thumbs is worn by those who want to take their worthy place in society, but, so far, have not achieved this. For men, one of the areas of self-affirmation is the bed. Therefore, the ring big finger often indicates a desire to dominate women, command them.

Of the celestial bodies, the thumb is associated with Venus. This is the planet of charm and beauty. It is not surprising that Casanova himself wore the signet on his thumb. Among those who put jewelry on the largest fingers, there are many womanizers. Decoration can also indicate problems with the lungs, as well as become a prevention of their disease. This is the verdict of the doctors of oriental medicine.

Additional nuances of wearing rings

There are categories, the rules for wearing which do not depend on the needs of the body, or character traits. It's not just about engagement models. Restrictions are also imposed on some church samples. Eg, on which finger is the “Save, save” ring worn?

The priests favor the location of the hoop on one of the fingers with which sign of the cross. Not spelled out which fingers should not wear rings. But, by exception, you understand that the little finger and ring finger are not suitable for the Christian symbol. The Old Believers, at all, are baptized with two fingers.

For many people, rings are a symbol of exceptional beauty. In pursuit of her, several products are put on at once. This is acceptable in ethnic images. The harmony is not broken even if the jewelry is miniature, the hoops of the jewelry are thin. If the rings are massive, it is worth choosing only one of them.

At the same time, a discreet manicure is needed. Bright varnish, on the contrary, will shade not big rings and tiny stones. By the way, about the stones. Stylists do not recommend wearing models with different colors, even on different hands. Such ensembles look clumsy. If you want to pick up a “comrade” ring with a colorful mineral, you should choose a ring with a transparent stone.

It turns out, from the point of view of style and fashion, there is no difference on which finger the jewelry is worn. The main thing is that it complements the image, and does not go against it. Questions of religion, psychology and astrology are thrown aside. Dominating the catwalks good taste... and fashion designers with rings on their little fingers.

An engagement ring is a ring worn on the ring finger of either the right or left hand. It is a symbol of such qualities as devotion and fidelity, which spouses who respect each other should possess.

History and various versions
Today, no one can say for sure when wedding rings appeared in this world, but historians assure that this happened either in Ancient Greece or in Ancient Egypt. One of the ancient Greek writers wrote about the ring finger that when a person was opened, a certain nerve process was found near the ring finger, which reached the heart. In order to somehow distinguish this finger from the rest, it was customary to decorate it with rings.

As for the tradition of giving rings at a wedding, it probably appeared a little later. Then people gave each other rings, which were most often created from reeds - even then they were a symbol of devotion and love. After some time, the rite changed a little - the groom was obliged to give a metal ring to the girl's parents.

If we talk specifically about the ring finger, then in addition to the version of the nerve process, there is another legend - it says that it was with this finger that the Egyptians rubbed various miraculous ointments. Moreover, this finger was used much more often in those days than it is now. Perhaps this is what influenced the emergence of the tradition.

Interestingly, wearing a ring on one or another finger could tell a lot about a person. So, if he wore a ring on his middle finger, then this indicates that he is very popular with the opposite sex. If the ring is worn on the ring finger, then the heart of its owner is already occupied; if on the little finger, then a person is not yet ready to marry or get married; if on the index finger, then the person is in search of his soulmate. Such was the system of signals to the opposite sex.

If speak about modern world, then over the past few centuries appearance wedding rings has changed a lot. So, if once in the past the rings were extremely simple and were not decorated precious stones, then today's young couples often order very expensive rings studded with diamonds. As for the material for making jewelry, today it is not only gold, but also tungsten, titanium and even ceramics. It only depends on the taste and thickness of the wallet. However, if you follow Orthodox traditions, then the bride should give silver ring to his beloved (sign of the Moon), while the young man gives only a gold ring (sign of the Sun).

Meanwhile, for a long time in our country, the rings were divided into wedding and engagement rings. The first was presented by the groom exclusively during the marriage ceremony. But he gave the second to his bride at any other time, and if she agreed to marry young man I wore this ring. During the celebration, the wedding ring was worn over the wedding ring. However, today this tradition is almost completely forgotten.

By the way
Wedding rings are worn on the ring finger, this is known even to schoolchildren. But which hand? And this is a more difficult question.

On the left hand, rings are worn in countries such as the USA, Italy, Australia, Armenia, Turkey, England, Canada, Mexico, Syria, Korea, Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia, France, Ireland, Cuba, Armenia, Brazil, Azerbaijan.
On the right they are worn in Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Greece, Spain and so on.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the Jews - according to tradition, it is customary for them to wear a ring on their index finger. By the way, the same method was once common in Rus'.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Consider what is the meaning of the rings on the fingers of women and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes the image, they see them as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both wearing rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, it is useful for every woman to know the meanings of the rings on her fingers. Modern girls put on 2-5 rings on 1 brush. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed out of fear of losing the family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. So that the abundance of rings does not look vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put on 1 brush accessories made of one metal;
  • do not combine jewelry with jewelry;
  • avoid ugliness.

Made in the same style, two rings on one finger look like a solid piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide massive products look ridiculous on short and plump hands. Often, women have a question: on which fingers should you not wear rings? It is possible on any, even on all at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does the ring on the girl's thumb mean? In modern times, women have thus adapted to wear their adornments. dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. The ring worn on the thumb speaks of perseverance, energy. Such a woman is difficult to convince. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with an unconventional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can catch different signs: on the left hand, it says about the readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right, that she already has a couple. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made of metal Ivory, leather and stone, varied in style, and many self-confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a stone of a cold shade contributes to the development of insight and getting rid of excessive practicality. golden decoration with red, orange or yellow stone strengthen logical thinking. Usually more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.

Index - symbol of Jupiter

It symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and guiding. If you wear it constantly, self-esteem increases. On the index finger of the right hand, vainglorious and leadership-minded people most often wear rings. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn for the development and realization of abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with a low level of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly seen, so if you wish, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women are specifically looking for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their mistress.

If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise color in a silver frame.

Middle - under the sign of Saturn

What does the ring he wears mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself - the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and conceited the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of a feeling dignity. Often they are worn by those who believe in magic and fate. The rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday fuss. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on reputation and protects against gossip. The family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with the ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. A wedding ring on the finger of the right hand says that its owner is engaged, on the left - about widowhood.

On which finger is the ring put on (video)

Nameless - the finger of the Sun

Wedding rings represent Family status women. She herself emphasizes the fact of marriage or betrothal, wearing a ring on her right hand. Often a ring with a stone is put on with him, wanting to emphasize special meaning marriage. Unusual wedding rings (with notches or stones) are chosen by people who do not allow passive relationships. They want bright married life. The ring on the ring finger of the left hand speaks of widowhood. A miniature jewelry with a ruby ​​protects the family from quarrels and betrayals, an unmarried girl with his help on subconscious level may indicate a sensual and dreamy nature and a desire for passionate love.

Most often, women wear the ring on the ring finger. Ordinary decoration speaks of a calm character and an even attitude towards people. Artsy and extravagant are peculiar creative people who prefer pleasure and luxury. If the ring fingers of both hands are ringed, then the girl is at the peak positive emotions. It is impossible for someone to try on the ring from your ring finger. In this case, your personal space is too open. On which finger should a bride wear a ring after the engagement? During the engagement of the Slavic peoples, they put it on the right hand. On the day of the wedding, the bride takes it off to never wear it again. It becomes family heirloom and passed on to children.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? One of the versions is as follows: if you fold the brushes into a lock and start raising them in pairs (index, middle, and so on), it turns out that the ring fingers do not come off the lock, thereby symbolizing strong bonds.

The meaning of rings on the fingers for spouses, as a symbol of fidelity and love, is important for modern people like a thousand years ago. And on which finger to wear a ring after a divorce? The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Mehdi advises to hide and keep it as a sign of respect for the past. If a woman wants to return ex-husband after her divorce, she wears an engagement ring given to him on the ring finger of her left hand.

The little finger is the symbol of Mercury.

The ring on the little finger is often worn by coquettes, prone to intrigue, subject to frequent mood swings, but always pleased with themselves. Usually they are very reckless, often sexually available. The ring on the little finger emphasizes the peculiarity of people associated with art. If this person is not creative, he has other talents and claims social significance. His peculiarity is in sociability and ability to convince. However, you should be careful with him, because he can be cunning and lie. put on expensive jewelry on the little finger of the left hand is not recommended, as this can lead to loneliness and poverty. On the right, one ring of any metal can be worn, but green and yellow stones are preferable.

How to pick up a gem

The ring always draws the eye to the hand, so it must be well-groomed. To color minerals it is necessary to select suitable shade nail polish. In addition, accessories should be combined with clothing. Before ringing your fingers, think about how the jewelry will fit. this occasion. For business style clothes are unacceptable placers of stones, even if they are an imitation of precious ones. Everyday Jewelry should look like a natural addition. It is excluded to wear massive and exquisite rings with light dress or sportswear. Catchy and unusual jewels are suitable for a solemn atmosphere. WITH evening dress you can wear stones of 2-3 colors.

Before choosing a piece of jewelry, you should determine on which finger it will be worn. You should go to the fitting in the evening. At this time of day, the brush swells a little and becomes more voluminous.

When choosing an ornament, it is necessary to take into account the age and structure of the brush. Massive jewelry looks better on the hand of an elderly lady. The gaze from the ringed finger does not switch to the skin, which betrays the true age. Delicate rings look better on the finger of a young girl's hand. Women's hearts At any age, they are drawn to jewelry.

This jewelry is one of the oldest amulets that belonged to man. Rings appeared much earlier than Scythian mounds, Egyptian pyramids and Sumerian cuneiform.
Why are the rings so fateful? According to ancient beliefs, each of the fingers of the hand has its own "character". The index finger is associated with the centers of "will", the nameless one is responsible for the area of ​​sensuality, the middle one characterizes the self-esteem of the individual, and the little finger indicates the aesthetic perception of the world. Modern research show that in the energy pictures of a person, which display his energy field, the fingers literally “sparkle”, exuding energy flows.

ancient language of jewelry

Ancient ideas about wearing rings originated in ancient times. With this decoration classical form(not necessarily from precious metal), which was worn on various fingers left hand, one could learn a lot about its owner. Those around could, seeing a ring on one of the fingers of a person, immediately get very important information. different fingers reflected specific and symbolic meanings. Experts of different levels recommend a lot of rules for wearing jewelry on your hands. At the same time, it is noted that each of the fingers is a bright characterizing element of the personality.

Little finger

The piece of jewelry on the little finger meant that the wearer's heart was on this moment freely, but to the step of joining marriage he/she is not yet ready. For unmarried girls such a place to wear jewelry was just right. For those who are a little lacking in the flexibility of the mind, as well as eloquence or manual dexterity, it is necessary to wear rings on the little finger. This finger patronizes Mercury, which is favorable to doctors and diplomats, politicians and businessmen, speakers and analysts. On the little finger, it is better to wear such jewelry for those who need support in such areas of activity.

The decoration of this finger should help to establish friendly and business contacts, as well as find common ground with any people. Also, this finger is suitable for those who love gambling or flirting, the ring would help curb such perverse hobbies. Psychologists say that some of the ring-bearers on this finger can tell a lie, while they are prone to treason and dodgy, and also love adventures.


The decoration on this finger reported that its owner had a lover (or beloved). Jewelry on the ring finger will emphasize the passion for wealth, beauty and exquisite things. It will be great for lovers of pleasure, aesthetes, as well as thirsty for fame or fortune. For calm and self-confident people, small products are perfect. For hot and emotional personalities, big rings will fit. Those who wish to quickly find their soul mate can put the ring on their left hand, demonstrating their freedom. On the right hand, the ring is worn by people connected by marriage. Rings in this case will be a symbol of readiness to link their relationship. The metal of the Sun - gold, is the best suited for decorating this finger, as well as for strengthening marriage. jewelry decoration here it can attract love and bring good luck.


When the ring was put on him, it could tell about an experienced love affairs man. It meant that its owner was "on you" with Cupid. On the middle finger, it is recommended to wear jewelry for the unlucky, who meet many obstacles. It is also desirable to wear tribal jewelry (if any), which are inherited in the family. Such a ring will help to cope with difficulties, while it helps to get through all the hardships, and also gives strength and confidence. For those who like to meditate and engage in self-contemplation, wearing jewelry like this will help focus and gain new horizons of knowledge. It is better to decorate this finger with iron products.


If this finger was topped with an ornament, it meant that its owner was actively looking for future wife(or spouse). It should be noted that women tried not to wear jewelry on their index finger, for fear of being misinterpreted.

For shy and indecisive individuals, it is better to wear rings on the index finger, it will be the embodiment and personification of the forces of Jupiter. Such decoration will make the owner more confident and will increase his self-esteem. It is believed that the ring on the index finger will bring success and good luck. People will be able to gain confidence in their abilities, as well as expand the horizons of their knowledge and even become more insightful. It should be noted that famous ring Omnipotence was worn precisely on this finger. It is recommended to wear items made of gold or tin.


For emotional and expansive people, as well as those who have a huge supply of energy, it is recommended to wear a ring on the thumb. Such decoration, according to experts, will restrain the temperament and pacify the aggression of its owner, making the owner more harmonious. Wearers of jewelry on this finger are stubborn and domineering natures, they are trying by any means to establish themselves in this world. It is better to decorate this finger with copper products.

Other rules for wearing rings

At present, only the tradition of wearing wedding rings on the ring finger on the right hand has remained from the customs of this ancient "language".
Many of the decorations are not just a symbolic meaning. They can serve as some kind of talisman or be evidence of religious preferences. For example, the “Save and Save” ring is not allowed to be worn on any finger of the hand. There is no single answer explaining the rules for wearing it. However, there is an opinion that it is worn on the fingers with which it is customary to be baptized (indicative medium or large). It is also not recommended for girls to wear it on the ring finger if they are married. For unmarried woman or a single man, this is allowed if the rite of baptism was performed.

There are also beliefs that warn against wearing other people's jewelry. For example, you should not try on a diamond ring, or let them try on your own. By doing this, you can let lies or even treason into your life. It is also not recommended to even try on any rings from the ring fingers, this can lead to the destruction of relationships, if any.

If the engagement ring is decorated with carvings, drawings, notches, or with small diamonds, then its owner, on a subconscious level, strives for a more passionate and passionate relationship. Or he fears that such a “fire-breathing lava of passions” will not last long, and in the near future will turn into a boring routine. Experts believe that wedding rings should be smooth and not have any decorations or patterns (in order to living together marriage was smooth and calm). There are also two rings in one, which symbolize the separate concepts of "wedding" and "engagement".

For clairvoyants or esotericists are better suited silver jewelry. This metal promotes intuition and helps develop magical abilities. It will help strengthen the gift of foresight and help make predictions. You can wear such rings on any fingers, but for magicians and esotericists, it is better to wear them on your wrists.

Using these guidelines, you can choose best option wearing rings. At the same time, one should remember why this should be done carefully and not be guided by what is fashionable and popular. Such jewelry can be an informative element that clearly tells about the essence or nuances of a person's character and tell a lot about him.