Which cream is best to use in the fall. Skin care in the fall which cream to choose. Light cream for intense hydration Botanical Kinetics Intense Hydrating Soft Crème, Aveda

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In the fall, you are so wrong that you don’t even believe it yourself. Which cream to use, which products are better to hide and how many minutes to take hot shower- we'll tell you today.

The need for a new skin care regimen comes every season and board-certified dermatologist and surgeon Denis Gross knows this firsthand. His advice will help you keep your skin flawless throughout the fall season.

Secret # 1: Don't use physical exfoliants

Exfoliants can be roughly divided into two main types - physical and chemical. The first, of course, include scrubs that imply a harsh effect on the skin and complete removal dead cells, and the second - peels, which are specially designed to minimize irritation. So, instead of a scrub for exfoliation in the fall, it is wiser to choose peels and, as a professional advises, preferably with alpha and beta hydroxyl acids.

Secret # 2: Don't use a light moisturizer

Your favorite moisturizer cream light consistency was your "magic wand" all summer months but it's time to say goodbye to him. Switch to intense facial moisturizers to help your skin look firmer and more elastic. A moisturizing cream containing hyaluronic acid will easily smoothen and revitalize the skin. We recommend Aquaphor Healing Ointment for dry skin and Cetaphil Dermacontrol Oil Moisturizer for oily skin. Optimal in terms of price and quality option for normal skin - Yves rocher Hydra Vegetal.

Secret # 3: Use multifunctional products

Products that have only one purpose are definitely worse for your skin than multipurpose products. As a rule, due to the fact that it contains more preservatives in its composition, which may be harmful. Take a closer look at remedies with vitamins C and E, extract green tea or grape seeds, because they will most successfully fight free radicals that destroy collagen.

Secret # 4: Use sunscreen

Sun damage is a year-round phenomenon. Snowy ground sometimes multiplies the likelihood of sun damage due to reflective white background and it affects you even when you are indoors. If your windows are not UV-protected, then sitting near a window in a sun-drenched living room, driving a car or on an airplane can lead to premature wrinkles. Apply a drop sunscreen on all exposed parts of the body (and especially on the face) daily.

Secret # 5: Use a tonal moisturizer

You could opt for a makeup foundation with full spectrum actions, but BB creams with good level SPF will not only moisturize the face, provide necessary protection from the sun, but also hide skin imperfections without weighting. Use thick foundation for autumn period just doesn't make sense.

Secret # 6: Don't take a bath or shower for too long

It sounds very nice, because it's not + 15 ° C outside for a long time, but high temperatures will not have a positive effect on the skin of your body. If you are going to take a hot shower, then let it last no longer than 15 minutes.

Secret # 7: Don't Let Dry Air Dry Your Skin

Household heaters help keep warm during the cold fall / winter months, but they suck moisture out of the air so that your skin reacts instantly. The only way out is to buy a humidifier.

Secret # 8: Don't Overdo Acne Products

Acne treatments can irritate sensitive skin and cause it to redden and flake off. Dr. Gross advises using steam baths for the face at least twice a week for 15 minutes to effectively counteract this. Use more gentle products in the autumn-winter period.

Secret # 9: Don't use alcohol-based products

Alcohol is one of the leading ingredients found in skin care products, but it tends to dry out the skin excessively. Dr. Gross recommends witch hazel tonics.

Summer is over, and it's time for cold weather. Autumn has fully entered into force and the sun does not please us with the same warmth. And for the fall and winter will not keep you waiting. Time flies so fast. Sometimes you don't even notice how frost has come. V winter time our skin is most vulnerable. Especially the skin of the face, because it is always open. Therefore, it requires special care and worries.

Winter face creams

It so happens that the face is probably the only thing that we cannot hide from the piercing wind or frost. Under influence external factors and without proper care, the skin of the face coarsens and begins to crack, peel off. In winter, when the outside temperature is below zero, the intensity of work sebaceous glands decreases, less quantity is produced sebum... Because of this, the natural protection of the skin converges to zero, it becomes necessary to use creams that will help fill the lack of sebum.

A winter face cream should compensate for the missing elements of the skin. In its composition, it must necessarily contain natural oils. If the skin is dry: jojoba, rose hips, shea, avocado. At : grape seed... At mixed type, suitable oils: calendula, almond, wheat germ. If the cream is prepared using natural oil, it is able to form a protective film on the skin. It will help prevent moisture freezing and protect the skin from the negative influences of the external environment.

This cream should be applied half an hour before leaving the house. Just apply it thin layer on the face, and dehydration of the skin is no longer threatened. However, there is also another side. Such creams create a kind of mask on the face, which clogs the pores in warmth and prevents the skin from breathing freely. This leads to acne and inflammation. Therefore, when you come home from the street, wash yourself first. Then apply a soothing cream to your skin to help restore the lipid layer.

A good winter cream should not contain any moisturizing ingredients. Look carefully to make sure it suits your skin type. If it happens that in the cold before going out for a walk, you apply a moisturizer, you will expect unpleasant consequences. The fact is that such a cream contains water particles, they will simply freeze both on the skin and inside it, and this will lead to injury to the upper layer of the epidermis. Do not forget that she constantly needs a vitamin supplement. This means it is necessary to choose creams containing natural ingredients.

Winter face masks

In winter, the skin becomes most sensitive. Change in temperature, dry winds, minimal amount moisture in the air. That is why in this period time she needs especially careful care. In addition to using creams, you need to do nourishing masks... They will help the skin to maintain balance nutrients and will give a fresh look.

Mask for dry skin

Dry skin always requires hydration and nutrition. To nourish your skin, you need:

  • Vitamins A and E. They are sold in any pharmacy and;
  • Olive oil.

Application: Heat olive oil in a water bath, add a couple of drops of vitamins A and E. Prepare a piece of gauze, moisten it in oil and put it on your face. As soon as you feel the oil has been absorbed, renew the gauze and reapply it on your face. Continue doing this for 30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cleanser.

Sour cream mask

Cooking requires:

  • Sour cream 30 g;
  • Vitamin E.

Application: mix sour cream with a couple of drops of vitamin E. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes. Then wash it off. This mask will moisturize the skin of the face, tighten it, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

In addition to the masks that are made on their own, you can use ready-made ones. For its purchase, it is better to contact special shop or a pharmacy. Before using the mask, read the instructions and contraindications.

Use face masks based on your skin condition.

"Winter" care: how to protect the skin

Winter skin care does not mean only the use of masks or creams. Cold weather entails more careful care than at other times of the year. To avoid, use the following tips:

  • Do not wash your face with soap, use milk and tonic.
  • Apply masks to your face at least twice a week to help nourish your skin with vitamins.
  • facial skin, at least once a week.
  • Use face creams: day, night.
  • The cream is best bought in tubes small size, since oxygen and dust do not enter them. This significantly increases its service life.
  • Use different brands of cream, as the skin has a tendency to get used to it, and it will no longer help. Because as soon as one tube runs out, take another new company.

With the onset of autumn, not only dampness and cold come, but also new tests for the skin. Natural factors negatively affect its condition. That is why skin care in autumn is radically different from summer.

Major skin problems

The main problem in cold weather is dryness, which can lead to flaky skin. This is facilitated by temperature drops, frost and heating in rooms, which dry out the air. To get rid of this problem, experts recommend periodically nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The selection of special cosmetics is rich in variety, ranging from aqueous (oil) solutions to creams containing vitamins.

Also, many are faced with the problem of oily skin. The main provocateur is wrong cleansing. With frequent use of cosmetics, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. This is what leads to oily sheen... Care oily skin in the fall should be careful so as not to aggravate her condition.

Why do you need care in autumn and winter?

In the cool period, it's time to start to restore the skin, since in the summer the skin was overdried by salt water and sunbeams, and this, in turn, promoted the elimination of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Because of the loss nutrients and important vitamins there is a decrease in elasticity, the skin becomes pale, loses its freshness.

With the onset of cold weather, the skin becomes more sensitive to negative factors which can cause dryness and irritation. Features of skin care in the fall are nutrition, hydration and increased blood circulation.

Cleansing and toning

The amount of sebum released in the heat is significantly reduced in the cool season. That is why skin care in autumn and winter does not mean as thorough cleansing as in summer. It is necessary to reconsider and choose the right peeling products. Cosmetologists recommend using soft scrubs on oil based... They help remove dead cells without causing damage. But for sensitive skin liquid cosmetical tools in the form of foam or mousse.

Skin toning plays an important role. The tonic does an excellent job with this task. It removes not only the remains of cosmetics, grease and impurities, but also tightens pores, helps to enrich the skin with useful components.

It is important to remember: in order not to overdry the skin in the autumn, it is necessary to avoid products containing alcohol or glycerin.

Skin nourishment and hydration

Nutrition and hydration are also included in skin care in the fall. Which cream is right for this? Let's take a closer look.

To restore the structure and restore freshness to the skin, it is necessary to enrich it with vitamins (A, C and E). For this, creams are suitable, in which they are included. It is important to remember that the texture should be denser than summer creams.

Serum is also a great care solution. She not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also nourishes, and, moreover, much deeper than a cream.

Do not forget about cosmetic masks with fruits or vitamins. It is recommended to do them three times a week before bedtime.

Protecting the epidermis

Here are some simple tips on how to protect your epidermis during the cool season. First of all, on cold days it is necessary to protect the skin from dehydration. This will help creams and serums (description in this article).

It's important to know: frequent use oily creams can clog pores. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe the face with herbal decoctions.

  1. Skin care in the fall includes the rule of enough body fluids. When the heat subsides, water intake decreases, and this negatively affects the skin. You can replenish your fluid supply with warm herbal teas.
  2. During the heated period, if possible, it is necessary to get rid of dry air in the room. Regular airing and wet cleaning helps.
  3. In windy weather, a protective cream is applied 15 minutes before going outside. This method will help protect the skin from chapping, and later from flaking.

Proper skin care

In order for your skin to always look great, you need to remember just four simple tips from cosmetologists.

  1. When you are in a heated room all day long, you must have thermal water... To moisturize the skin, it is sprinkled a little on the face and hands. This makeup water doesn't do any harm.
  2. A cream is applied half an hour before going outside. For better protection it should not be completely absorbed into the skin.
  3. In a cool period, it is best to use not powder, but tone cream... For dry skin - with moisturizing ingredients, for oily skin - nourishing.
  4. After washing before going to bed, apply night nutritious cream containing vitamins.

The skin of the hands is the most testable. Not only natural factors, but also different detergents that are used daily. To save your hands, consider some expert advice.

  1. Hand skin care in the fall primarily includes cleansers (soaps, lotions, gels). It is recommended to do cleansing regularly, but with one condition, the products must contain organic components.
  2. It is not recommended to go outside with wet hands in cool weather.
  3. You can protect your hands from chapping. in a simple way- always wear gloves.
  4. Choose gentle detergents and wear protective clothing (rubber gloves) when using them.
  5. Use nourishing creams with vitamins.

Salon procedures

Nowadays, there are a huge number of salon procedures. For skin care in the fall, there are two main ones, such as peeling and masks.

Peeling is deep cleaning skin. Even a light treatment cleans the skin better than home scrubs. Thanks to the manipulations performed, it is removed upper layer epidermis, and the skin is renewed.

Peeling types:

  • deep and middle;
  • mechanical, done with rotating brushes of different diameters;
  • diamond, is cleaning with diamond grit;
  • acidic, burning of the upper layer of the skin with fruit acids;
  • physical, this procedure uses a laser;
  • chemical, cleaning is carried out with special acids or phenolic solutions.

Masks in cosmetology centers enriched with essential vitamins and amino acids. Modern salon procedures rich in a variety of masks for skin regeneration.

Let's consider some types.

  • Wax-based (paraffinic).
  • Vegetable.
  • Plasticizing, designed to simulate the contour of the face. The composition includes gels and special powders... Alginate, based on seaweed.
  • Biomatrix (gel). It is a one-piece canvas; a piece of the required size is cut off for the procedure.

Skin care in the fall: home treatments

  1. Washing. It is not recommended to perform this procedure in hot water, the temperature should be around 30 degrees.
  2. Purification. It is necessary to select special products for the type of skin.
  3. Nutrition and hydration. Mandatory use of day and night cream.
  4. Masks (regenerating, soothing and moisturizing). The procedure must be done twice a week.
  5. When caring for your face, you need to remember about the neck and décolleté, which also need care.

Homemade mask recipes

We consider in our article skin care in the fall and which cream to choose is better. Many are interested in how to properly care for the epidermis at home? If you carefully approach the choice of funds, then you can achieve good result... Let's analyze in more detail effective recipes homemade masks to help your skin look great.

1) Soothing masks

  • Based on parsley. It is necessary to mix chopped parsley and low-fat cream (one tablespoon each). Apply an even layer to the skin and keep for 15 minutes. This remedy helps relieve fatigue and minimize flaking.
  • Cucumber-based. For cooking you will need: chopped fresh cucumber, two tbsp. and milk, literally two drops apple cider vinegar, ice on request. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for 10 minutes.

2) Moisturizers

  • Banana-based. Add 4 tablespoons to the chopped banana. l. low-fat kefir and a teaspoon of vitamin E. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Oatmeal flakes. Grind a teaspoon of flakes and add two tbsp. l. warm milk. When the mixture is swollen, carefully pour in 0.5 tbsp. l. castor oil... All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes.
  • Based carrot juice... 3 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed juice mixed with two yolks and 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream. Apply for 10 minutes.

3) Toning

  • White clay. Mixes up with honey and lemon juice (one tablespoon each). Apply to the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Lemon zest. Mix in equal proportions with sour cream, carefully pour in the yolk. Before applying, steam the skin of the face a little. The mask is kept for about 20 minutes.
  • Coffee. Mix one tbsp. l. finely ground coffee with olive oil and lemon balm (0.5 tablespoons each). Apply for 3 minutes, remove this scrub with warm calendula tincture.
  • Soda. At 2 tbsp. l. baking soda take one tbsp. l. lemon zest. Steam the skin and apply in a circular motion for 5 min.
  • Honey. At 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey take one tbsp. l. St. John's wort oil. It is necessary to do this manipulation before bedtime. Apply in a circular motion to the skin and incubate for 5 minutes. After the procedure, a cream is applied.

5) Hand masks

  • Based on boiled potatoes. Helps relieve flaking and redness. Grind until smooth and mix with warm milk. The resulting product is applied for 20 minutes.
  • Draw a grid with iodine three times a week. Wash off after half an hour and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Olive oil. The easiest way, just grease your hands.

These simple tips every woman should know specialists. They will help you understand the steps of home care.

  1. Obligatory makeup rinsing.
  2. Care products are best selected according to skin type and age.
  3. It is necessary to apply the cream on massage lines(from the center of the face to the hairline).
  4. The face towel should be separate and clean.
  5. Hyaluronic acid serums are suitable for all skin types.
  6. It is not recommended to go out into the cold after masks or cleansing with scrubs, so it is better to do such procedures before bedtime.
  7. In cool weather, do not use creams containing glycerin.
  8. You can moisturize the skin after the street with cosmetic oils.

If you take a little time every day to care for the epidermis, then the result will not be long in coming. Always fresh and radiant skin will be the best reward.

The needs of the epidermis vary with the seasons. The face is most acutely experiencing a change in climate and weather conditions. Skin care in the fall should be comprehensive, slightly different from summer and winter, and focused on the use of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

There is a specific list of recommendations within comprehensive care for the skin in the fall. The face needs not only moisturizing and cleansing, but also protection and special toning. The composition of autumn products should include more fatty acids and vegetable oils as they help against dryness and cold weather.

In autumn, the features of skin care are based on several principles, each of which involves the use of special means... They should include nourishing components, protecting from cold, whitening possible freckles and age spots.

Fighting Summer Pigmentation

After vacations, beaches and sunbathing spots and freckles appear on the skin of many women. Radical methods should not be used to combat them. It is better to start home procedures after the beginning of the rainy season, coolness and cloudy skies.

Important! Start whitening during sunny days not, as the skin will be exposed to even more intense sun exposure.

To combat pigmentation, the composition of cosmetics should include delicate components - plant extracts, kojic acid, hydroquinone. In addition to using store cosmetics, you can use home scrubs.

Read: Almond peeling- an effective way of facial care


In autumn, the emphasis in the washing process is shifted to protecting the skin and providing it with nutrients:

  • the water should be warm, since hot water contributes to dehydration, and cold water is harmful to the epidermis;
  • soap destroys the protective film, so in the morning you should wash yourself without funds, but use delicate products in the evening;
  • when taking baths should be added to water olive oil to soften its characteristics.

Next important stage care - ensuring adequate nutrition.

Vitamins for the skin

In the fall, you need to pay Special attention following principles leaving:

  1. The epidermis's need for vitamin C increases. The season for vegetables and fruits rich in this component - peppers, apples and cabbage - is just beginning.
  2. Pay attention to the use of recipes for masks made from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries.
  3. At the end of September, you can drink a course of fish oil - it will prevent dryness and help avoid depression, which negatively affects the condition of the skin.

The next step in facial skin care is toning.

Toning and moisturizing procedures

The process must be approached immediately after washing, since the pores remain open at this time. Toning will close the pores and remove the remnants of the epidermis care products.

Important! Hydration becomes an integral part of the process, which plays a major role in facial skin care.

Moisturizing procedures will eliminate uneven tanning from the face, for this you need to use special masks and creams. Drinking enough water internally will prevent skin dehydration.

The cream should be selected according to the type of skin, applied during the day and in the evening, and also applied to the area around the eyes.

Cleansing procedure

It is impossible to take good care of the skin and allow it to absorb all the beneficial substances without the use of cleansers. They will help remove dirt, remove small scars and scars:

  • glycolic peeling with mechanical cleansing devices is ideal;
  • deep exfoliation is carried out no more than 2 times a week.

Read: Natural masks with blue clay: rules for combining components

After use similar method the epidermis absorbs nourishing creams much better.

Protecting the epidermis

Skin care routines in the fall and winter should protect against negative impact residual sun. At the beginning of the cool season, you need to use creams, level SPF protection which is not less than 10-15. In late autumn and during winter days additionally you can use protective creams by applying them for 20 minutes and removing with a napkin. Creams with hyaluronic acid will be a win-win solution.

Home cosmetics for face

Autumn is rich in a harvest of various fruits and vegetables, so every woman needs to use masks from them. These products contain maximum amount vitamins and nutrients. You can combine natural fruits with useful oils... Shea and olive are ideal for dry skin, and avocado and the same olive substance are ideal for oily skin.

Universal mask with zucchini

By the beginning of August, zucchini has become one of the most fruitful vegetables that should be included in the facial skin care program in the fall, regardless of its type. The properties of this vegetable are amazing: it moisturizes, rejuvenates and fights pigmentation. You can use it 2 times a week:

  • about 200 g zucchini and 200 ml of milk;
  • mix with a blender;
  • simmer for 10 minutes;
  • applied for 20 minutes, washed off with water.

Apples for dry skin

If you take a mixture of 1 apple, 30 g of olive oil and 20 g of honey, you get great recipe for dry skin. Apply it 2 times a week:

  • grated apple mixed with honey;
  • add olive oil and whipped yolk;
  • applied for 20 minutes and washed off.

It is advisable to use a nourishing cream after the procedure in order to neutralize the long-term effects of fruit acids.

Grapes and pumpkin for oily skin

The substances included in pumpkin and grapes perfectly eliminate inflammatory processes, greasy shines and dirt deep from the pores. A mask is made once a week, and it is prepared from a handful of grapes of any kind and a tablespoon of ground pumpkin seeds.

Read: Gelatin based masks and face cream

The mass is thoroughly mixed, crushed and applied to the face for 3 minutes, after which massage movements process the skin for about 5 minutes more. Rinse off with warm water.

The first cold breath of winter is taken by the skin of the face and hands - no matter how much clothes you put on, these parts of the body cannot be completely covered from wind, snow, frost. The most comfortable for all living beings is the warm season of the year. What happens to the skin in winter months? It turns out that when approaching zero temperature, humidity in the air disappears and the amount of oxygen decreases. Dry air begins to dehydrate the skin, taking away moisture from the cells. The skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum. The renewal of the cellular structures of the epidermis slows down, the productivity of the sebaceous glands decreases - when sub-zero temperature the body falls asleep, as it were. Let's add here the effect of external stimuli in the form of a cold wind, ice crystals of snow pellets. The result is dryness and roughness of the skin, coarser appearance, red spots. The skin becomes less elastic, easily injured, and prone to inflammation. There is a threat of loss of tone and the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles ahead of time.

Preparing the skin for winter from autumn

Since the winter hardships are ahead, we will take care of the skin in advance. Enriched with ultraviolet light and vitamins over the summer, by autumn it should look smooth, elastic and soft. If something is wrong, we take action before the onset of frost and cold weather. If the skin is dehydrated, we intensively moisturize it with lotions and serums. Sebaceous glands work at half strength? We use fat cream... Have you found signs of skin aging - lethargy, unevenness? Remembering vitamin creams and creams with “rejuvenating” ingredients.

Do you need a moisturizer in winter?

For many years, both women and cosmetologists have been debating whether or not it is possible to use a moisturizer in winter. Some categorically say “no” and believe that the water molecules contained in such a cream, crystallizing in the cold, have a detrimental effect on skin tissue... Others argue the opposite: the basis of moisturizers is not moisture, but substances that prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin, and, therefore, there is nothing there to turn into ice crystals. In addition, due to its 36.6 ° C human body can not allow anything applied to the skin to freeze, even in frost.

Which side to believe, let each one decide for himself. One thing is undoubtedly clear: the skin dries up in winter and needs additional moisture, it needs to be moisturized. In order not to experiment on yourself, it is best to do this, for example, in the evening, and not just before going out. This remark especially applies to gels that create a cooling effect, as well as scrubs and masks.

Cream No. 1 - nutritious

As soon as the thermometer outside the window starts to show values ​​below zero degrees, the skin needs a nourishing cream and protection. Frost dries the skin, and a rich nourishing cream will protect it from overdrying and frostbite. If there is no special lock for winter conditions, temporarily any night cream- it is more fatty, more nutritious than daytime. Special “winter” creams only have their own texture. They envelop the skin, as it were, and thereby relieve the feeling of discomfort from the aggressive effects of cold. Acids, Omega 6, magnesium and vitamin C contained in nourishing creams preserve vitality the skin and its radiant beauty.

But what about acne? Perhaps a rich nourishing cream will further block the sebaceous ducts and increase the number of acne? Acne in winter it can really worsen, but the reason for this is reduced immunity, thickening of the skin as a reaction to a cold snap. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen measures for cleaning skin and do the procedures no later than 3-5 hours before going out the door, but the protection from frosty air and wind is still the same - a nourishing cream.