Home remedies for moisturizing hair. How to moisturize dry hair in one treatment. Homemade hair moisturizing masks

Every woman should know how to moisturize hair at home. After all, moisturizing hair treatments are the first step towards making the curls thick, silky, and therefore healthy. For the female sex, this is certainly important, therefore, special attention must be paid to this procedure. Such recreational activities need to be carried out both in winter and in summer.

Dry curls can be affected various factors: sudden temperature changes, dry air in the apartment, hair drying with a hairdryer, use of curling iron. All this negatively affects the condition of the hair and makes it look like straw.

Some foods and preparations are used as home moisturizers medicinal herbs... Of these, several of the most effective can be distinguished:

  • essential oils;
  • herbal decoctions and tinctures;
  • fermented milk products;
  • Bee Honey.

All of these products have a beneficial effect on hair follicle and makes the hair healthy, shiny and voluminous.

Essential oils, due to the content of phospholeptides, a large amount of vitamins and fatty acids, nourish the hair from the inside. Moreover, all masks based on them can be made independently, and the effectiveness will be no worse than purchased ones. professional tools... In addition, such products are considered universal - they can moisturize both ends and roots.

Dairy and fermented milk products are an excellent moisturizer for curls. Whey and homemade sour milk are considered especially useful, and in combination with yolk or herbal infusions they do wonders at all.

Bee honey is especially popular with home moisturizers for its beneficial properties. Honey is able to quickly eliminate the dryness of the dermis on the head, besides, it perfectly heals various inflammations and fills the hair follicles with microelements and vitamins. For the product to really benefit, you need to take a high-quality and fresh product.

Deep moisturizing products

Before proceeding with the moisturizing procedure itself, you must rinse your hair well and dry it. naturally... Then a mask is applied to them and left for 30 minutes to 2 hours, after which it is thoroughly washed off. For better removal the rest of honey can be additionally washed curls with decoctions of herbs or lemon juice mixed with water in a ratio of 3: 1.

It should be added that if you cover your head with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel while moisturizing, then the effectiveness of the mask for moisturizing hair at home will noticeably increase. Such natural masks can be done regularly, especially if the curls have undergone a dyeing or highlighting procedure. By the way, these are great folk recipes and for hair extensions.

Fermented milk recipes

  • fresh kefir - 0.5 liters;
  • egg yolk - 1 piece;
  • olive oil - 1 spoon.

The prepared components are thoroughly whipped; you can do this with a mixer. After whipping mask light rub it into the roots with movements, and then distribute the kefir mixture along the entire length. Now you need to wrap your hair with foil and wrap it with a scarf on top. After 30 minutes, you can wash off the mixture. The first results can be seen already after the first procedure - the curls become soft and beautiful. Instead of kefir, you can take homemade whey, the effectiveness of such a mask will not change.

One more good recipe from kefir, but with the addition of black bread. For production, you just need to soak the bread pieces in kefir for 40 minutes, knead them a little so that the resulting mixture does not have bread lumps. Essential or vegetable oils can be added to such a mask, if desired. After production, the kefir composition is applied to the hair and left for exactly one hour. ... If the strands are streaked, then such an event must be repeated twice a week.

Bee honey for dryness

How to moisturize your hair with honey can be found in the following recipe. To create such a honey-onion mask, you will need to take a tablespoon of the following ingredients:

  • onion juice;
  • liquid honey;
  • burdock oil.

We mix all the available ingredients and apply them to dry curls. It is necessary to withstand this mixture on the hair for an hour and rinse thoroughly. Similar remedy has an intense and deep effect. Especially useful are cosmetic procedures girls whose hair is dry frequent use hair dryer, curling iron or iron.

To make the next mask, you need to prepare 2 tablespoons of melted honey and 1 tablespoon of peach, olive and almond oil... We mix all the products until homogeneous, heat the composition a little until warm. And after that, gently apply the mixture to the hairline, while not forgetting about wrapping the curls with polyethylene. After 30 minutes, the mixture must be washed off... Such honey masks allow you to quickly moisturize and revive weak and dry curls.

The following remedy is suitable for women who have only the ends to dry and the rest of the hair is in good condition... So, to make a mask, you need a moisturizing hand cream. It is desirable that the composition includes vitamins A, E, as well as panthenol. The event is best done at night. Squeeze a little moisturizer onto the palm of your hand, rub it a little and apply it to the ends of the hair with blotting movements. During the night, the cream is completely absorbed, and in the morning the ends will look great, and there will be no trace of dryness. Here's a simple and inexpensive way to moisturize the ends of your hair with a cream.

Herbal masks

Trichologists say that after washing the head, it is necessary to rinse with tinctures or decoctions of herbs. It will help to heal the hair and nourish it. essential substances... It is clear that herbal masks also have a positive effect on the strands.

There are special recipes to help get rid of dryness. hairline. The best of them are:

All such masks must be carried out in a course, only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired result. As a rule, it is enough 10 times to completely get rid of dryness.

Essential and vegetable oils

Regardless of the reason why the curls have become dry and lifeless, the essential oil will help eliminate dryness and give them beautiful shine and liveliness. Find the necessary ether mixture it will be quite easy, since such oils are striking in their variety.

The most effective are the following types masks:

By the way, besides essential masks, aroma oils can be used in another way. For example, enrich cosmetics with them, add to shampoo, gel or special lotions. But it is extremely important to consider that aromatic oils tend to quickly evaporate. That is why it is worth stirring them immediately before use.

They are also suitable as a rinse aid. To make a rinse solution, do not need to be diluted a large number of essential oil in warm water and after washing your head, simply rinse your hair with this solution.

My hair from a young age needed special care, as it has always been dry and brittle. Therefore, I nourish and moisturize my hair every five days. special masks which I make myself. Fermented milk is especially helpful to me, since the product is always available, and I estimate the effectiveness of such a tool one hundred percent. I advise people with the same problem to try it.

Valentine 34 years old

I don't really trust folk remedies but here are honey masks with egg yolks became a real discovery for me. Therefore, I try to carry out such moisturizing activities at least once a month. But I often process the ends with olive oil, so they are constantly in my fluffy form. Of course, until complete disposal has come, but still after each procedure, a temporary result is noticeable. That is why, whenever possible, I try not to skip moisturizing procedures.

Evgeniya 29 years old

I personally used many of the recipes given. Of course, some of them did not suit me, but I consider this to be the characteristics of my body. My favorite is the essential oils, which are really great for the hair. After each use, the hair looks perfectly smooth for 3 days, does not flake or magnetise. And after a month of use, I forgot what split ends are. Therefore, I consider these funds to be very effective.

Dry hair needs to be moisturized regularly. Otherwise, they will lose their shine, strength, and the hairstyle will look unkempt, will not be able to keep its shape, the strands will be naughty, tough, like a washcloth.

You can use a variety of products to moisturize dry hair at home. You need to start with a choice the right shampoo ... You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made in a store, pharmacy.

After that, you need to choose the right care products: masks, rinses after washing the strands. They may be ready-made, but it is better to choose home options. It's easy to prepare them.

Wash your hair with shampoo, pamper your strands masks twice a week... Protect your hair with a serum spray every day.

Oils occupy a special place. They need to be applied to the strands once a week. It is better to choose the first cold pressing, without cleaning, refining, deodorizing.

Oils such as:

  • sesame;
  • grape, apricot seeds;
  • amaranth;
  • avocado;
  • wheat germ;
  • chamomile;
  • and etc.

How to properly care for them?

To protect hair from dryness and improve its health, maintain shine, strength and beauty, it is important to properly care for the strands. At home, you need to give your hair such care:

  • wash your hair useful shampoos(better for homemade recipes);
  • regularly make moisturizing masks;
  • use a hairdryer, other equipment less often (no more than once a week);
  • refuse staining or apply more natural remedies(without ammonia, peroxide);
  • comb the strands only with wooden combs, start from the ends and gradually move towards the roots;
  • never comb wet hair;
  • wear scarves and hats in summer, and wear hats in winter;
  • apply serum and others protective equipment before visiting the pool or swimming in the sea;
  • do not do too tight hairstyles, give up combing;
  • carry with you a serum, fortified water in a small bottle to moisturize dry hair throughout the day;
  • apply oil to the strands once a month(and, wrapping your head in a towel, walk like this for several hours);
  • any grooming procedures (including shampooing) should be done before bedtime.

Wash your hair only soft water(add soda to it).

Dry hair: how to moisturize it at home - folk remedies

Exists different means for dry hair. All of them can be divided into ready-made (they are sold in stores, pharmacies) and homemade (which need to be prepared at home from various natural products).

At the pharmacy you can buy various means for moisturizing dry strands: base oils, essential oils, vitamins in capsules, nicotinic acid, Dimexide, herbs.

The stores sell professional and regular ( mass production) masks, sprays, serums, conditioners. All of them need to be selected according to the type of hair.

But it's better to use home remedies.... Yes, they need to be cooked. But sometimes it only takes a couple of minutes. But the result will please for a very long time.

So, how to moisturize dry hair at home with folk remedies?

Bread and kefir recipe

Promotes recovery, perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, improves the structure of each hair.

  • 100 g of bread;
  • 100 ml of kefir (fatty).

Break the bread into small pieces... Pour with kefir. Leave for 1 hour in warm room... Beat with a blender. Keep on hair for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Store leftovers for no more than 18 hours.

Gelatinous egg

This shampoo will make the strands soft, give them volume.

  • 1 tbsp gelatin;
  • 1 yolk chicken eggs(or 4 quail);
  • 100 ml of pure water.

Pour gelatin with water. Leave for half an hour. Let it swell. Warm up in a water bath. Strain, add the yolk. Mix. Keep on hair for 20 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.

Important: Leftover product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.


  • 2 tbsp castor oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix the ingredients. Keep on hair for a quarter of an hour. Massage the skin. Wash off with warm water. If anything remains, store in a cold place for up to two days.


This recipe stimulates hair growth, nourishes strands, moisturizes them.

  • 1 tbsp mustard;
  • 2 tbsp strong tea;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix the products. Keep on the strands for a third of an hour. Wash off with water. You can store it for up to three days.

Jasmine honey

With this recipe you you can nourish the strands, give them shine, health.

  • 2 tbsp simple shampoo;
  • 1 tbsp jasmine petals;
  • 1 tbsp liquid honey.

If the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath, but do not boil it (this is harmful for honey). Combine all products.

Massage into the skin, gently distribute over the strands. Rinse off with warm water.

You can store in a dark, cool place for up to 1 month.

Masks are very beneficial for the health of the strands. To prepare the recipes listed below, you just need to combine the products and leave on your hair for half an hour. Sea options:

  • 2 drops of essential oil (pine or ylang-ylang), 1 aloe leaf (mashed), 1 tsp. chamomile / sea buckthorn oils;
  • 1.5 tbsp butter, 1 tsp. heavy cream;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. sesame oil.

These recipes are very helpful, especially after dyeing. The proportions are indicated for strands with a length of 20 cm.

It is best to rinse the strands with herbal infusions or decoctions.... For their preparation, you can take 1 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers or dry nettle.

What can you do at home?

How to moisturize dry hair at home? Some hair moisturizing treatments can be done at home.

The most simple option is an scalp massage.

It stimulates blood circulation in the dermis, which helps to normalize cell metabolism.

But with gelatin, not yolks and oils are used, but shop mask... The result is pleasantly surprising.

You don't have to go to the salon to get moisture for your hair: just apply on the strands Sesame oil... It will quickly restore health to your hair.

Useful video

Moisturizing and nourishing hair ends with various home remedies:

Ecology of life. Beauty: Moisturizing is the key to beautiful, shiny and healthy hair that's why moisturizing hair masks have become an essential part of home hair care

Moisturizing is the key to beautiful, shiny and healthy hair, which is why moisturizing hair masks have become an essential part of home hair care.

How to properly make moisturizing hair masks at home

Very often, women complain that they do not see the effect of homemade moisturizing hair masks. But if you follow the technology, a moisturizing hair mask at home will be no worse than a similar one from a beauty salon.

1. The moisturizing mask should be applied to clean hair, which distinguishes homemade moisturizing masks from most others that are made before shampooing. Therefore, wash your hair with shampoo, blot with a towel and dry them slightly (so that they are moist, but no water drips from them). V clean hair the moisturizing ingredients of the mask will be absorbed much better.

2. It is very important that the homemade moisturizing mask is distributed throughout hair length, from roots to tips. You can use a wide-toothed comb for this purpose.

3. After applying the mask on the head, you need to create heat protection for the hair, so that wet head protect from colds, and create comfortable conditions to absorb the moisturizing mask. Therefore, immediately put on either a shower cap or a plastic bag, and then, for more warmth, it is advisable to tie a scarf or towel on top.

4. At home, moisturizing hair masks last longer than others, from half an hour to an hour and a half, consider this in your schedule. We will give the exact time for each of the below home masks separately.

5. Rinse off the moisturizing hair mask with warm water, approximately body temperature (37 degrees).

6. Apply a homemade moisturizing mask in preventive purposes recommended once a week, for treatment - 3 times a week.

Moisturizing kefir hair mask

In Russia, traditionally, homemade moisturizing hair masks were made from fermented milk products, which perfectly nourished and moisturized the hair - just remember what gorgeous braids the Slavic girls had.

You can take spoiled milk, yogurt, kefir, and make an excellent moisturizing hair mask from any of the options presented. Pour half a glass of the product, place it for a few minutes in a plate with hot water to warm it slightly, and spread the mixture over the entire length of your hair. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes, after which the mask is washed off. You will be pleasantly surprised how effective this simple mask moisturizes hair.

Egg Moisturizing Hair Mask

People still argue about which appeared earlier, the chicken or the egg, but about the effectiveness egg mask there is no controversy for moisturizing hair, everyone agrees with this statement. If you have dry hair, you only need yolk, if oily hair, only protein, and girls with normal hair can take the whole egg. Add to the egg or part of it in a one-to-one ratio mineral water with gas, 5-6 drops of lemon, shake everything well and distribute the resulting mixture over the entire length of the hair and put on a hat for about 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo for your hair type.

Moisturizing Yogurt Mask

Natural yogurt is an excellent balanced product that helps not only from the inside, but also from the outside. For example, yogurt can be used to create a quality homemade moisturizing hair mask. You will need a glass natural yoghurt, without sugar, flavors and colors, and orange. Squeeze juice from an orange, mix with yogurt, add two tablespoons of flour or starch there and mix again.

It is important that you apply the mask immediately after preparation in order to maximize the moisturizing effect, stretch it over the entire length of the hair. You can remove the mask and rinse your hair after 20-30 minutes.

Cucumber Moisturizing Hair Mask

Everyone knows that water in a cucumber occupies up to 80 percent of its volume, and the water is not simple, but structured. Therefore, it is natural to use a cucumber mask at home to moisturize your hair.

The simplest recipe - just clean fresh cucumber from the peel, grate and rub the resulting gruel into the roots and length of the hair for half an hour. But you can also diversify it, for example, by adding 2-3 tablespoons of natural sugar-free yogurt to a cucumber, which contains big number nutrients... For the purpose of moisturizing, you can also replace yogurt with good sour cream, but without any chemicals, so it is better to take homemade, from the market.

Moisturizing hair mask with oils

An oil mask is an ideal home solution for moisturizing dry hair and hair with damaged ends, because oils can penetrate deeply into the hair structure and form a protective film, while retaining moisture inside.

Mix in a glass cup 1 tbsp each. l. olive, almond and castor oil, they are all sold in pharmacies. Then heat the mixture in a water bath to body temperature, add 4 drops of essential oils (choice of lavender, ylag-ylang, geranium, tea tree, rosemary). Apply the mask to your hair and hold for an hour and a half.

Aloe Moisturizing Hair Mask

Homemade aloe moisturizing hair masks have the best reviews among fair half mankind - they moisturize the hair, and give it density, and reduce fragility, and do not give the split ends a descent - in a word, this moisturizing hair mask can be safely called a home doctor.

It is important here not to add many components to the aloe, so as not to interfere with its work. So, combine two tablespoons of aloe juice (buy at the pharmacy) and the same amount of natural unsweetened yogurt in glass containers, then follow the rules that we described at the very beginning of the article. Hydrate your hair with this mask for one hour.

Moisturizing gelatin hair mask

Gelatin is simple and cheap way moisturize hair at home, restore shine to it, restore strength. It applies to home lamination, as well as seals exfoliated hair scales and fills any damage.

To prepare this moisturizing mask, pour 2 tbsp. l. gelatin 4 tbsp. l. cold water... Wait for the gelatin to swell, then place on water bath, after the gelatin is completely dissolved, remove from heat and let cool slightly. Spread over the entire length of your hair, hold for an hour and rinse.

Moisturizing hair mask with honey and glycerin

This moisturizing home hair mask works universally - honey brings beneficial nutrients, and glycerin (can be replaced with burdock oil) closes the hair scales, due to which we get a double effect.

This moisturizing mask works great at any age, the reviews about it are the most positive. Mix 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold in a pharmacy) and vegetable oil, carefully distribute the composition over the hair and scalp. Let sit for 40 minutes, then rinse.

Moisturizing Banana Cucumber Hair Mask

A mask with banana and cucumber shows excellent results for dry hair at home. Both of these products, as you know, already contain moisture at the cellular level, so the moisturizing effect of this mask is noticeable almost immediately.

So, mash one banana to the state of gruel, cut the skin from the cucumber and grate it into a fine grater. Combine both products, add two tablespoons olive oil and rub into hairy part heads for half an hour. Then just rinse your hair under running water, you can use shampoo if necessary. We recommend making this moisturizing hair mask twice a week with a break of 3 days.

What else, besides masks, can be used to moisturize hair at home

    If you add 1 tsp. honey in your regular conditioner balm, you get excellent remedy which will retain moisture in the hair and prevent splitting and breakage.

    Decoctions of herbs - chamomile, calendula, horsetail and nettle - help well to moisturize the hair. Pour a mixture of the listed herbs with a liter of boiling water (1 tsp of each of the ingredients), leave for about 1 hour. You can use one herb rinse as well, if you like.

    The following essential oils have proven to be excellent for moisturizing hair - ylang-ylang, orange, sandalwood, rosewood, incense, chamomile, myrtle. Add 3-5 drops to shampoos, balms, factory and homemade moisturizing masks, as well as simply to the water with which you rinse your hair. published by

It will be interesting for you:

Owners of dry hair need to make every effort to restore them. natural strength, gloss and silkiness. Moisturizing dry hair should be carried out in a comprehensive manner: professional moisturizing lines cosmetics together with the use of homemade masks prepared independently using natural products, reception vitamin complexes. Regular use homemade masks and moisturizing shampoos can get rid of the problem forever.

There are many different internal and external factors, under the influence of which the curls become dry and brittle. The most common causes of dryness are:

  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • the presence of chronic infectious foci in the body;
  • the action of ultraviolet rays;
  • frequent staining, use of a hair dryer, irons, curling irons;
  • stressful situations.

Moisturizing and nourishing dry curls using folk recipes

Traditional methods for improving the condition of hair have been used for a long time, their beneficial features effectively affect not only the strands, but also the body as a whole. How to moisturize dry hair effectively and cost-effectively?

Homemade gelatin-based mask

The main ingredients are gelatin (1 tablespoon), the yolk of one egg (or 4 quail eggs) and half a glass of purified water. Gelatin seals the core damaged hair, forming a capsule around it (the action is similar to salon procedure lamination), the yolk intensively moisturizes them from the inside, nourishing them with vitamins. After the first procedure, the curls look well-groomed and moisturized, the ends are straightened and dryness disappears.

The resulting mixture is applied to pre-washed strands along the entire length, after standing for 30-40 minutes, washed off with shampoo and warm water.

Kefir moisturizing mask

Kefir contains many fortified components, lactic acid bacteria, protein, magnesium and many other useful substances. Action fermented milk product directed to intense hydration and nourishment for very dry hair.

The natural remedy is easy to use: heated kefir to 35-37 degrees, it is applied along the entire length, covered with a film and a scarf on top of the head. The procedure takes from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. At the end of the recovery, the mask is washed off with running water and shampoo.

Double effect of moisturizing and nourishing

There is nothing better than moisturizing very dry hair with a homemade mask based on aloe and onion juice. By combining the two ingredients, the juice is carefully rubbed into skin scalp and covered with plastic for 20-30 minutes. Then prepare a moisturizing mixture of several tablespoons. fat sour cream(cream), honey and burdock oil, which is applied over the hair (onion and aloe juice is not washed out). The product is washed off after 1 hour with shampoo.

After the first use, the strands revive, become shiny and moisturized.

Advice! To improve scalp nutrition and function sebaceous glands it is recommended to replace running water when washing hair with decoctions of medicinal plants.

Over-the-counter moisturizers for fast, effective hydration

At severe dryness curls are recommended to be used only professional shampoos with a moisturizing and nourishing effect. The series of leading cosmetics have a deep moisturizing effect and nourish the shaft from the inside, smoothing the curls along the entire length.

The best solutions from leading companies to moisturize dry hair:

  • ESTEL OTIUM Aqua Mild - shampoo with a pronounced moisturizing effect, normalizes the acid-lipid balance of the scalp, strengthens the hair follicle; shampoo cost from 420 rubles;
  • Vichy "Dercos" - cream shampoo for nourishing and restoring damaged and brittle curls; the ceramides included in the composition act on the rod, forming a capsule around and protecting it from external detrimental factors; average cost the funds are 200 - 250 rubles;
  • series of intensive restoration Dove Repair therapy - shampoo has a pronounced nourishing effect, therefore it is used to wash very dry curls; the cost of the shampoo is from 170 rubles.

Hair is an indicator internal state organism. Shiny, sleek and beautiful, they can attract thousands of admiring glances. Correct and regular care behind the curls will make them well-groomed and give self-confidence to any woman.

Hair can become dry for many reasons: frequent blow-drying, using a curling iron, perm, staining, sun exposure and sea ​​water etc. Also, the problem may be associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals, dysfunction internal organs, hormonal problems. Some women have dry hair from birth due to genetic factors.

When should you moisturize your hair?

The main signs of dry hair are:

  • dullness;
  • fragility;
  • rigidity;
  • constant confusion;

At the same time, such a nuisance as dandruff is also often added, which is associated with improper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

First of all, you should find out the cause of dry hair, for which sometimes it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. It is imperative to pay attention to the food ration, enrich it with fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, and stop eating smoked, fried and salty foods. Also, with dry hair, special care should be taken to ensure its moisture and nutrition.

Moisturizing shampoos for dry hair

One of the main steps in dry hair care is correct washing... After all, before moisturizing very dry, coarse hair additional funds, they need to be cleaned of contamination, and do it carefully. Experts recommend washing such hair no more than once a week and using boiled water or soften it by adding boric or acetic acid(1 teaspoon per liter of water).

It is important to choose a good moisturizing shampoo for dry hair, paying attention to its composition. Such funds should contain the following components:

  • moisturizing agents (panthenol, glycerin, glycine, biotin, hyaluronic acid and etc.);
  • silicone oils (dimethicone, cyclodimethicone, etc.);
  • emollient ingredients (quaterium, etc.);
  • amino acids;
  • vegetable oils;
  • herbal extracts;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is undesirable to use sulfate-containing shampoos for dry hair, as well as those containing mineral oils, formaldehydes, parabens. Since use even good shampoo not enough to moisturize dry hair, apply a balm or mask after washing. It is desirable that the shampoo, balm and mask are from one cosmetic line... It should be borne in mind that after 2 months of using one line of hair products, it is recommended to replace it with another.

Homemade moisturizing masks for dry hair

Masks that can be prepared at home from simple ingredients that will be in every home have a beneficial effect on dry hair. Here are some recipes.

Mask # 1:

  1. Heat 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Add one yolk and one teaspoon each of honey and brandy.
  3. Apply to hair, rinse off after 2-3 hours.

Mask number 2:

  1. Grind one yolk, add a teaspoon of glycerin to it.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and a teaspoon of vinegar.
  3. Apply to hair, wrap with a warm towel.
  4. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Mask number 3:

  1. Warm up a little curdled milk or kefir.
  2. Apply to hair, wrap up.
  3. Wash off after an hour without shampoo.

How to moisturize dry hair ends?

Very common mixed type hair, in which the hair at the roots is normal or oily, and the ends are dry and split. V In this case, after washing the hair, it is recommended to rub the heated into the ends of the hair vegetable oil(olive, jojoba, coconut, etc.). Dry ends should also be trimmed regularly (every 8-10 weeks).

How to moisturize dry curly hair?

For dry curly hair effective is home mask which is prepared like this:

  1. Mash one ripe banana into pulp.
  2. Add one yolk and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  3. Apply to hair, warm.
  4. Wash off after 40-60 minutes.