Second pregnancy 28 weeks. What does a woman feel? health care

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby finally opens its eyes. The pupillary membrane that protects the baby's eyeballs falls off, and now he can explore everything around not only with the help of touch. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it can be seen that the eyes of the fetus have the usual blue color for newborns, which will change to genetically incorporated immediately before childbirth.

  1. The hairs on the head begin to grow quickly, and the vellus hair that protects the baby's body gradually disappears.
  2. The eyes become more expressive and clearer due to the final formation of the eyelids and eyelashes.
  3. It is at the 28th week of pregnancy that the active preparation of the fetus for the world outside the uterus takes place. The formed adrenal glands of the child begin to produce a special hormone that stimulates the formation of an inner film on the alveoli. At the same time, the alveoli first come into direct contact with the blood vessels of the bronchi. This simulation of oxygen exchange prepares the baby's lungs and bronchi for breathing.
  4. The baby is no longer comfortable in the stomach at the 28th week of pregnancy, and he is constantly trying to roll over. But special success it is difficult for him to achieve in conditions of limited space, so he flounders more and worries his mother.
  5. The fetus at week 28 already weighs quite a lot, in the range of 98 - 1100 g. Due to this, the load on the woman's lower back is very large.

28 weeks pregnant: what a woman feels

  1. There are no special changes, except for increasing back pain, in the condition of a pregnant mother.
  2. with might and main preparations are underway for childbirth: a woman visits a doctor every 10 days, passes a standard set of blood and urine tests. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it is important to control the inflammatory processes in the mother's body, as well as the levels of antibodies, glucose and iron.
  3. With the growth of an already impressive belly, even if you regularly care for the skin in these places, it is more and more stretched and itchy. Crimson stripes appear more, and they become more and more noticeable. Subsequently, they can turn into stretch marks, which you can no longer get rid of - they will remain folds of sagging epidermis. Today, preventing a similar outcome after childbirth is easier than it used to be. Specialized medical creams and gels from postpartum stretch marks perfectly moisturize the skin, seal the walls of the vessels of the cells and provide its elasticity. To select a cream, you can consult with your doctor or decide on your own. Just carefully read the composition, contraindications and the production time of the product you have chosen. Also good for moisturizing natural cosmetic oils, but it is more effective to use them in combination with modern medicine products.
  4. The fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is very active. future mommy every now and then he feels his distinct movements. These contacts become important for a woman not only from a maternal point of view, but also from the point of view of controlling him. normal state, development and indications of vital activity. Some doctors even advise mothers to observe and record regular time and the duration of the activity of the baby, in order to better control and understand his condition. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby is usually less active in daytime. This happens because the movement during the day makes him sick. But in the evening, when the mother is at rest, he begins to wake up and actively rolls over. The child may also react violently to specific foods consumed by the mother, strong emotional arousal or stress. On average, a woman experiences about 7 - 9 baby movements in 10 minutes during his active wakefulness. But this is by no means a panacea. It's just that some kids are less temperamental, and some are more.

Pain at 28 weeks pregnant

  1. Increasing pain in the back is the result of not only a shifting center of gravity due to the size of the abdomen, but also a weakening of the supporting muscles and joints due to prolonged increasing load. At the same time, at the 28th week of pregnancy, the back hurts as if the woman was seized by sciatica.
  2. Don't be alarmed if you sometimes feel pain in your legs, especially around your knees and ankles. Similar sharp, sharp, but short-lived pains arise due to the pressure of the uterus on sciatic nerve.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the likelihood of frequent, jerky pains in the lumbar region is high. These are the symptoms of the first contractions so manifested in premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. In such a situation, you should immediately come to the hospital and notify your doctor.
  4. Special pains that make every mother shudder for the entire duration of pregnancy are pains in the lower abdomen. It happens, therefore, gives pain in the lower rib. Then you have nothing to worry about - it's just a baby crawling close to this painful place for you. If you long time you feel a dull pain in the area of ​​​​the ribs, your appetite has worsened, vomiting occurs after eating and heartburn torments - this is most likely the cause of urolithiasis. Report this to your doctor immediately necessary tests and get accelerated treatment before delivery.
  5. The second problem that worries every pregnant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy is swelling. In some women, it does not appear much, and they practically do not notice such a change of his body, while others, on the contrary, are noticeably too strong. Moreover, in this case, everything swells - from the face to the legs, that even putting on the usual shoes does not work. If you experience severe discomfort associated with this problem, see your doctor immediately. It is not worth starting this, so as not to get complications during childbirth. Further accumulation of fluid in the body can develop into late toxicosis in a pregnant woman. In this case, you need to strictly adhere to the diet and the amount of fluid consumed per day.

28th week of pregnancy: tests

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, active preparation for childbirth takes place. Therefore, in addition to standard urine tests for sugar, and blood for inflammatory processes, an analysis for antibodies is mandatory. Already at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can determine the blood type and Rh of the child. Comparison of Rhesus mother and baby - important point for childbirth. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus is positive, an Rh conflict can form, which will greatly complicate childbirth. warning similar situation, mothers are injected with a special drug immunoglobulin, which suppresses her immune system. Protective antibodies to the child's blood practically cease to be produced in the body of a woman. Thus, doctors neutralize all the dangerous and unpleasant consequences of such a “dispute” before childbirth.
  2. A planned ultrasound is usually performed 3 times for the entire period of bearing a child. At a period of 28 weeks, two ultrasound examinations are already behind, and the third is usually prescribed immediately before childbirth. In case of any pathologies or doubtful indicators, the doctor prescribes a more frequent ultrasound schedule. If you wish, you can, of course, do individual examinations more often. So future parents can follow the changes of their baby, observe his growth, location, development and gender. Only at the 28th week of pregnancy without a doctor, you are unlikely to understand anything on an ultrasound photo. So only your doctor can explain the results of such an analysis and explain to you in the smallest detail the norms and stages of development of your baby.

Uterus at 28 weeks pregnant

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already quite large, but this is not the limit. It will continue to grow until the very birth. Now the stomach is already protruding about 7-8 cm from the level of the navel, and about 25-27 cm - in its lower part.
  2. Periodically, at the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman feels slight contractions, sometimes even more significant and painful. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "false contractions": in this way, the muscles are prepared for the upcoming early delivery. If you feel a sharp short-term tension in the abdomen, this is normal. Frequent contractions, accompanied by spotting, should definitely alert you. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the child reaches a certain development and in the uterus it is located on its own most often with the head down. However, cases of the opposite position of babies are also frequent - legs and buttocks forward. From the practice of obstetrics, it has been noticed that it is easier to give birth when the fetus is head down, although each case is individual in its own way.

28 weeks pregnant: premature birth

  1. In general, the level of development of the child at the 28th week of pregnancy is already quite enough to leave the mother's womb and continue independent growth. Your baby is already quite capable of life and often it is at this time that the so-called premature birth. According to statistics, childbirth at this stage is positive for the child, and only in isolated cases - with complications and possible lethal outcome. This, of course, does not exclude specialized care and monitoring of the baby for some time, but in our time it is quite affordable.
  2. Unlike the baby, the mother's body is not ready for the time of premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. All its functioning is configured to maintain labor activity and the process of bearing the fetus for another 3 months. Such forced events can cause unwanted complications in a woman. Such cases include: the unpreparedness of the birth canal for the exit of the baby, irregular and insufficient contractions, damage to the cervix at the exit of the child, bleeding during childbirth and a long postpartum recovery process.
  3. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant for the first time, then the birth will take longer. Therefore, doctors take maximum measures to prevent contractions and stop premature birth. If the contractions are infrequent and weak, the probability of suspending labor activity is quite large.

28th week of pregnancy: late preeclampsia

  1. The complication of puffiness at the 28th week of pregnancy can cause a disease such as preeclampsia. The body of a woman is changing so rapidly that sometimes not all internal organs are able to keep up with such changes. At the end of the second trimester, the placenta begins to produce special enzymes that thin the vascular tissue. internal organs and by week 28 form microscopic holes. Blood, fluid, and plasma seep through these small openings. They accumulate under the skin, forming edema. Until the 28th week of pregnancy, a slight swelling is almost imperceptible, but with an increase in the term, it begins to deliver expectant mother more and more discomfort.
  2. In particular, through the leakage of the vessels of the kidneys, protein enters the feces. Such a loss is essential for the body of a woman and a child. And the larger it is, the more the disease is aggravated.
  3. Urine tests at all stages can prevent preeclampsia. When elevated protein, the doctor will immediately prescribe measures to combat the problem.
  4. The more such holes appear, the more fluid is lost. Compensating for the loss, the body increases arterial pressure. This leads to thickening of the blood, increased clotting and the formation of blood clots.
  5. The development of all of the above takes place without burdening the woman at all. In fact, the swelling of the visible parts of the body of a pregnant mother is not as dangerous as the swelling of the placenta. This can lead to an uneven supply of oxygen to the fetus and the brain in particular, the development of pathologies and underdevelopment.

28 weeks pregnant: video

The long-awaited 28th week of pregnancy is a significant stage in the life of a pregnant woman and a baby, which is actively developing in her tummy.

On the one hand, the most exciting period is behind us.

On the other hand, start last trimester- a time of increased responsibility: right now, when the previous week has ended, a thorough preparation of the body for a grand event will begin.

A woman will wait for the approaching birth with special trepidation, paying sensitive attention to every movement of the fetus.

What's going on with mom

Looking at herself in the mirror, the expectant mother will see a familiar picture: as in the previous period, the silhouette is noticeably rounded.

  • The belly is large and rather heavy, because the fetus at this time can weigh more than 1 kg. Until the 29th week, no noticeable visual changes in appearance will occur.
  • By the beginning of the 28th week, the body begins to prepare itself for the upcoming labor activity, so at this time a woman is likely to encounter such a phenomenon as prenatal contractions.

Usually, the so-called "do not carry any danger, but may be accompanied by moderate painful sensations pulling character.

A woman feels a slight tension in her stomach, she can feel how the uterus “learns” to contract. Training contractions in no way harm the child and do not affect the development of the fetus.

  • Looking at the photo of a woman who is at 28 weeks, you note: by this time, the stomach has acquired impressive dimensions. But a pleasant load is a serious test for your spine!

Now more often there is a feeling of discomfort and pain in the waist. When in the womb, it is especially difficult for a fragile lady with a thin physique.

  • Moderate spasms on the eve of the next seven days can be considered the norm and a reason for a well-deserved rest, but sharp cramping pains are an alarming sign that can be a signal of premature birth.

If you experience severe back pain, you should immediately call your doctor.

  • At 28-29 weeks, purple oblong spots are likely to appear on the abdomen, which will turn into stretch marks.

Those who have given birth know that it is extremely problematic to deal with stretch marks, so it is better to prevent their appearance in a timely manner with the help of special cosmetic products- gels, creams or ointments.

Regularly lubricating the skin of the abdomen and thighs with cream, you can not only avoid their appearance, but also alleviate the itching that is characteristic of this period.

The development of the baby, how he behaves

After 27 weeks, we can safely say that not just a fetus develops in the mother’s stomach, but a full-fledged personality.

The kid opened his eyes and began to explore the cramped space in which he is.

Proven: at 28 weeks future baby uses all methods of perception of reality:

  • taste,
  • hearing,
  • vision,
  • touch.

The child inside you listens attentively to voices and sounds, and reminds you of itself with pushes and turns.

By now, the baby has developed a more or less constant pattern of wakefulness and sleep. You can notice: in the evening, the fetus behaves more actively than in the morning and afternoon.

Such a “wrong” schedule is explained simply: walking and other body movements of the mother, carried out throughout the day, have a lulling effect.

In the evening, when she herself wants to relax and lie down calmly, the baby begins to entertain her with his acrobatic exercises.

Sometimes the increased activity of the child is perceived by the woman as possible sign multiple pregnancy- it seems to her that one baby is not capable of pushing so hard and often. Only a doctor can confirm guesses.

Normally, one fetus makes about 10 pushing movements within an hour.

Adjusted for the temperament of a growing man this indicator may deviate slightly to either side.

However, no matter how calm or restless a child may be, he must certainly move in the womb.

It is recommended to carefully monitor the movement: if the child has stopped pushing and does not carry out any movements for more than a day, you need to visit the doctor as soon as possible - let the specialist check if development has been disturbed.

What happens to the baby

By the beginning of the 28th week, the development of the child enters the final stage.

Despite the fact that the fetus has already turned into full-fledged child and in the case of premature birth will be a full-fledged personality, it is extremely important that he continues to develop in the womb of his mother.

  • After all, it is at week 28 that a decisive stage in brain development begins.

If before this period the cerebral cortex was smooth, now distinct grooves and convolutions appear on it. It is desirable that this process takes place in the mother's womb, and not in a soulless incubator.

The baby is not yet able to breathe on his own - he is only training to make the first respiratory movements.

  • The development of the pulmonary alveoli is not completed, which means: in the case of premature birth at 28, 29 weeks, the child will not survive without artificial ventilation lungs.
  • Now the fetus weighs a little over 1 kg, and the size of the fetus, the full length from the heels to the crown, is about 35-39 cm.
  • Bone tissue is rapidly growing stronger, and under wrinkled skin layer gradually builds up subcutaneous tissue. By the beginning of the next 7 days, the baby will become heavier by another 200-300 grams.

If twins develop in the tummy, each fetus weighs about 900 g. At this stage, both babies actively use all the senses and delight their mother with a quick movement.

And on the 29th, the twins will certainly gain weight and continue to actively prepare for the birth.

Restrictions and Responsibilities

The main task of a woman at any time is to listen to her feelings and keep herself in good psycho-emotional shape.

Proven: a pregnant woman needs good vacation and healthy sleep.

If the girl still goes to work, then during the working day she is obliged to arrange small breaks for herself (during which it is necessary to raise higher and put her feet on a horizontal surface).

plays a decisive role now. Literally all experts insist on the need.

The essence of such a diet is not only the consumption useful products but also in the rejection of bad gastronomic habits.

A woman who has twins should pay special attention to her diet. For multiple pregnancies excess weight especially dangerous.

It must be remembered: the 28th week of pregnancy with twins is exactly the period from which the most rapid weight gain begins.

By controlling your body weight and adhering to correct mode nutrition, the expectant mother supports the normal development of the baby.

According to experts, in the seventh month it is recommended to consume no more than 3100 calories per day, while the entire amount of daily food is recommended to be divided into 5-6 meals.

In addition to taste pleasure, food should benefit the expectant mother and developing baby inside.

Since swelling of the body is characteristic during the expectation of the child, with this period it is important to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters and.

Favorite light carbohydrates that contribute to weight gain will also have to be eliminated, replacing them with complex counterparts and high-fiber foods.

Here are the foods that should form the basis of the diet now:

  • porridge,
  • whole grains,
  • wholemeal bread,
  • brown rice,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • dairy products.

Worrying about proper nutrition, the girl should not forget about the need to stay in the fresh air and the importance of feasible physical activity.

unhurried walking tour- an event that will provide the expectant mother with oxygen and the necessary.

When walking in the fresh air, it is important to think about something positive, cheerful, pacifying - for example, about how wonderful the baby, and probably the twins, will be.

Depressive, anxious thoughts, fears and experiences are categorically contraindicated.

Advice: in order to get a portion of positive, you can go with your husband to a photo shoot for pregnant women.

If such an event is in your plans, it is better to take a photo right now - at 28-29 weeks, when the tummy seems to be quite large and rounded, but has not yet reached maximum dimensions hindering normal movement.

Necessary activities

In addition to traditional general blood and urine tests, a blood sugar test and an iron level test are added. For women with a negative Rh factor at 28 weeks of gestation, an antibody test is mandatory.

It is at 28 weeks with an unfavorable course of pregnancy that the risk of premature birth is likely. What are the consequences, will it be possible to save the life of the child? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, but the level of modern medicine is high enough to help a baby who was born prematurely. The fetus itself can already exist outside the womb with proper care. According to statistics, in most cases, preterm birth ends positively for the child, deaths are rarely recorded.

As for the mother's body, it is experiencing serious shocks. Premature birth is complicated by the fact that the birth canal is not ready to accept the child, there are no regular contractions and, as a result, extensive bleeding occurs. Recovery from a preterm birth, unlike a term birth, will be long and difficult. That is why gynecologists do everything in their power to prevent the early birth of a child.

Possible problems


Along with the growth of the fetus, the body weight of the pregnant woman also increases, which leads to unpleasant painful sensations in the most different parts body. Most of the time the pain goes away quickly. If they bother a woman more and more often and intensify, then you should definitely see a doctor.

  • Lower back pain is caused by a shift in the center of gravity and an increase in the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back. Dangerous sharp and jerky pains that often occur in the process of premature birth.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the hypochondrium can be disturbing due to excessive activity child. Usually, discomfort pass as soon as the baby is in a comfortable position. However, if the pain increases, nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite are observed, then this may be urolithiasis. Need urgent expert advice.
  • Pain in the legs is caused by swelling. The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is a period when the amount of fluid in a woman’s body increases sharply due to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid and the mother’s increased need for plenty of fluids. If the accumulation of fluid is not controlled and causes severe discomfort and even pain, this is a problem that can cause complications. The most common include varicose veins in the legs and late toxicosis (preeclampsia). With gestosis, the pregnant woman suffers from severe edema and high pressure. The expectant mother is constantly sick, dizzy and ringing in the ears.

Allocations at the 28th obstetric week

At week 28, you should be careful about the discharge. If they have a uniform consistency, a whitish color and a slightly sour smell, this is the norm. If the smell has become sharp, streaks of pus or blood have appeared, then this is an alarming sign of infection in the genital tract. The first step is to visit a doctor to diagnose and treat the disease.

Watery discharge can signal the onset of preterm labor. If there is an abundant outflow of water, it is urgent to call the doctors who hospitalize the pregnant woman.

When fluid is released in small amounts, it is best to immediately inform your gynecologist about this. The doctor will examine the patient and determine whether preterm labor can be prevented.

Uterus at 28 weeks pregnant

The height of the uterine fundus is on average 28 cm. The gynecologist measures this indicator at each appointment to make sure that the child is developing correctly. The walls of the uterus stretch as the fetus grows until the moment of delivery.

  • The expectant mother periodically feels tension in the muscles of the uterus. These are Braxton-Hicks contractions, which prepare the uterus for the birth process. Normally, they last no more than 1-2 minutes, do not increase and do not cause severe discomfort.
  • The uterus, increasing in size, displaces nearby organs, primarily the stomach and bladder. As a result, the urge to urinate appears more and more often, many mothers have to go to the restroom even at night. Due to compression of the esophagus, gastric juice enters it, heartburn and indigestion occur.
  • Weakness and dizziness may appear, especially after resting in the supine position. Sleeping in this position is not recommended: a heavy uterus compresses the vena cava, which supplies blood from the lower body to the heart. This leads to a sharp drop in blood pressure, which can cause a woman to faint.


In the early stages of pregnancy, open bleeding is a sign of an unfavorable course of pregnancy, which can lead to miscarriage. In the third trimester, suddenly appearing bloody discharge from their vagina is no less dangerous. They say that complications develop in the body of the expectant mother, among which may be:

  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of the placental sac;
  • uterine fibroids or cervical erosion.

Whatever the reason, if bleeding occurs, you should immediately call a doctor. The pregnant woman needs urgent hospitalization and in some cases surgical intervention(C-section).

Necessary analyzes and studies

By this time, the expectant mother already knows about the state of health of her child, having passed the second pregnancy screening at 20-22 weeks and having passed a triple test, including an analysis for the hormone hCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. When the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy comes, a woman needs to go for an examination at least twice a month. For each appointment, you must pass a standard set of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • smear on the microflora of the vagina.

At the appointment, the gynecologist carefully examines the results obtained in order to prescribe treatment if necessary. In addition, the doctor measures the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, the pressure and weight of the pregnant woman. At 28 weeks, according to indications, an analysis for sugar and antibodies is prescribed.

fetal ultrasound

At week 28, an ultrasound examination is performed if the pregnant woman has complaints about her well-being, and the gynecologist needs help in making a diagnosis. On an unscheduled ultrasound, the diagnostician evaluates the main indicators of fetal development: compliance with its size to age norms, the degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition of the umbilical cord and amniotic fluid.

For parents expecting girls and expecting boys, the ultrasound method allows you to dispel doubts about the sex of the baby. Given that the baby's genitals are fully formed, the doctor can tell the mother and father who lives in the tummy. In addition, it determines the position of the fetus in the uterus. If he still has not taken a position convenient for childbirth - head down, then there is nothing wrong with this: the child still has time to roll over by the time of birth into the world.

The course of pregnancy at the 28th week

28th week of pregnancy - the end of the seventh month, ahead. Now the visit and the process of taking tests will be even more frequent in the life of the expectant mother, because carrying a baby is not an easy task, and if the pregnancy takes place in a city where the environment is unhealthy, there is a lack of fresh air and an accelerated pace of life, you should treat your health and the condition of the fetus even more carefully.

In the atmosphere of large cities there are a lot of industrial emissions and exhaust gases, as a result of which there is not enough oxygen. If it is difficult for the expectant mother to breathe, she may complain about headache, weakness, dizziness, and the baby in this case begins to suffer from hypoxia. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to be in nature as often as possible, walk in the nearest park, square, forest park, get out of the city, into the fresh air.

For bearing a child female body spends an average of 600-700 mg of iron, and its amount entering the body is not always sufficient. To replenish the reserves of an important trace element, the expectant mother should take the appropriate vitamin complexes that will protect against pregnant women .

What happens at 28 weeks pregnant

The child grows, gradually his movements become less sweeping, he rarely changes his position in the uterus, but having contrived, he is still able to roll over from his head to his feet. The child is most active when the uterus is relaxed, that is, when the expectant mother lies and rests. When a woman works, actively moves, the baby calms down and practically does not move. To assess the condition of the fetus, it is necessary to consider its movements. Depending on the recommendations of the doctor, such calculations are made for 12 hours, while the pregnant woman lives a normal life and performs her duties at work or at home, or for 1 hour of rest in the supine position. Normally, the child should move at least 10 times in half a day, or at least 4 times, if you count within an hour.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, in some expectant mothers, breast tissue may begin to produce, as the body prepares for the future. breastfeeding. Also, most often during this period, a pregnant woman has signs such as pigmentation and stretch marks on the skin, varicose veins, heartburn and swelling.

future baby

28th week of pregnancy: the length of the fetus is 35 cm, the weight is already slightly over 1 kg, the diameter of the head increases to 70.5 mm, the diameter chest- up to 71.9 mm., and the abdomen - up to 73.5 mm.

The fetus continues to grow and develop actively, the features of his face become softer, the cheeks are rounded, the first constrictions appear on the arms and legs. The hair on the head begins to accumulate pigment and becomes darker. The development of the cerebral cortex continues and now, at the 28th week of pregnancy, it is already possible to assume which hemisphere of the brain will be leading. In classical right-handers, who are already pulling the fingers of their right hand into their mouths, the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain will predominate, while in left-handers, who use their left hand more often, the right will be more active.

In the lungs of a child, all respiratory structures have already formed. At this time, the amount of surfactant responsible for maintaining the airiness of the alveoli after inspiration reaches its first maximum. premature babies, who were born at week 28, already have the opportunity to breathe on their own. However, due to the imperfection of thermoregulation and other body functions, they certainly need special care in the incubator, where favorable conditions are created for further development baby, the constancy of air composition, temperature and humidity is maintained.

How a mother's life changes

Sometimes pregnant women are concerned that they spread throughout the thigh, up to the knee and even the ankle. These symptoms appear as a result of pressure from the growing uterus on the sciatic nerve, located nearby, in the pelvic cavity.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, women are often worried numbness and a feeling of crawling on the arms. The cause of such disorders may be the accumulation of fluid in the body, squeezing of sensitive tissues by edematous tissues. nerve endings. Along with this, the expectant mother may experience limbs caused by a lack of calcium in the body.

By this time, a pregnant woman can gain 5-9 kg in weight, and although she feels a little awkward, she is still quite active both at work and in preparing things for the baby.

Mom's nutrition

Beef liver, nuts, buckwheat, tomato juice, pomegranates, Antonovka apples.

Problems with defecation will help solve fermented milk products, for example, kefir, which contains probiotics, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic organisms in the intestines and their penetration into the blood. Reception of kefirs and bioyogurts promotes growth beneficial organisms, renders positive influence for the health of mother and baby.

Confectionery, products made from premium flour, chocolate, sweets, white rice and potatoes are poor in nutrients and vitamins, but they are extremely high in calories. It is advisable to use such products as little as possible, reduce sugar intake to 4-5 tablespoons per day, and it is better to replace it with honey.

Cereals, wholemeal bread, brown rice, corn are digested for a long time and do not cause a sharp increase in glucose in human blood, their use will improve and normalize digestion, compensate for the lack of B vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, magnesium and selenium.

Possible problems

If, after a couple of hours after eating, the expectant mother pulls her stomach under the spoon or appears Blunt pain in the right hypochondrium, this may indicate the development gallstone cholecystitis .

Stress - frequent companion pregnancy. When the expectant mother is worried, adrenal hormones enter her bloodstream, which increase pressure, cause vasospasm and make the heart beat faster. nervous tension violates placental circulation, and excess cortisol - the risk of premature birth.

Required tests

If the expectant mother is the owner rhesus negative blood test, most likely at the 28th week of pregnancy, she will be prescribed an antibody test. This check is necessary in order to diagnose whether the Rhesus conflict between mother and baby is developing.

Also this week, most often you should pass the already familiar general analysis urine and complete blood count to see a doctor antenatal clinic had their results for the next inspection. Ultrasound at week 28 is performed according to special indications.

Helpful Hints

Pregnancy is not the time for smoking, but everything does not end with its own limitations. Do not allow smoking in your presence, because even with passive smoking, the child risks getting malformations and undermining his health.

If the expectant mother feels good, it makes no sense to give up the role of a car driver. Of course, it is desirable that the car has air conditioning - it is impossible for the expectant mother to breathe exhaust gases. Also, while driving, take care of comfortable shoes, move the seat so that there is enough space for the stomach and, if necessary, put a pillow under the lower back.

Move more, this will serve as a prevention of hypoxia, and it is also worth signing up for swimming. In water, movements become smooth, it supports a growing tummy, water procedures invigorate and soothe nervous system, as well as veins are unloaded, reducing the likelihood of varicose veins.

Thank you

From the twelfth week, the gestational age is indicated exclusively in obstetric weeks, since various parameters of growth and development, with which the current state of the fetus is compared, are verified specifically for the obstetric period.


The body weight of the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy averages 1124 plus or minus 183 g, but can reach up to 1300 g. The body length of the fetus can reach up to 38 cm, and averages 35.9 plus or minus 1.8 cm It must be remembered that at this time the body length and weight of the fetus may vary different women over a wide range, since they are due to a number of individual features such as the genetically predetermined constitution, the nature of the nutrition of the expectant mother, etc.

At the 28th week, the fetus has its own the immune system, his lungs are ready for gas exchange - that is, the alveoli can already release carbon dioxide and bind oxygen.

The digestive system functions: the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, the pancreas - enzymes, the liver - bile, and the intestines make peristaltic movements. In other words, gastrointestinal tract ready to digest milk, which the baby will eat in the first year after birth.

If the results of cardiotocography and dopplerography revealed fetal hypoxia or circulatory disorders in the mother-placenta-fetus system (for example, fetoplacental insufficiency), then the woman may be recommended hospitalization for the treatment of these pathologies or even early delivery if the baby suffers too much and may die.

As for the tests, at the 28th week, women with a negative Rh factor and the first (0 (I)) blood group should definitely pass a test for antibody titers (an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor and proteins of the AB0 system). This analysis allows you to assess whether the Rhesus conflict develops between the organisms of the mother and the fetus, which, if present, leads to hemolytic disease of the newborn.

At the 28th week, a test for antibody titers is mandatory, since at this gestational age, in the absence of antibodies to the Rh factor in the blood (no Rh conflict), a special anti-Rhesus (anti-D) immunoglobulin must be administered. Such anti-rhesus immunoglobulin allows you to prevent the risk of Rh-conflict for the remainder of the pregnancy. However, in practice, at the 28th week, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is not always administered. As a rule, this is due to the lack of the necessary drug in medical institution. Also, immunoglobulin is not administered to women with a positive antibody titer.

If a woman was injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin at the 28th week of pregnancy, then in the future, until the very birth, an analysis for antibody titers is not performed, since it will be false positive. But if anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin was not introduced at the 28th week, then until the very birth, antibody titers are determined every two weeks, that is, at 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 weeks.

Regardless of whether anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin was administered at 28 weeks, within three days after delivery, women with negative Rh blood who gave birth to babies with positive Rh factor blood, immunoglobulin must be administered. Thus, women with a negative Rh blood factor still receive an injection of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin after childbirth if a baby with Rh positive blood.

In addition, at the 28th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass a complete blood count, a general urinalysis and a blood sugar test. These tests will need to be taken at each visit to the gynecologist, that is, once every two weeks, namely at 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 weeks. Complete blood count, urinalysis and sugar test are simple laboratory tests that can detect dangerous diseases and complications of pregnancy, fraught with loss of pregnancy, death of the fetus or mother, premature birth, etc.

So, a general urine test allows you to assess the risk of preeclampsia by the presence of protein. And assessing the risk of preeclampsia is very important, since this formidable complication of pregnancy can lead to the death of both the fetus and the mother. Therefore, doctors evaluate the risk of preeclampsia, and if it is high, prescribe preventive treatment.

The risk of preeclampsia is considered high if protein is present in the urine of a pregnant woman. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes calcium (1 g per day until the 40th week) and Aspirin (75-125 mg per day until the 36th week). If there is no protein in the urine, then the risk of preeclampsia is considered low, and prophylactic calcium and Aspirin are not prescribed.

If, in addition to protein in the urine, a woman has high blood pressure, severe edema, persistent headaches and visual disturbances such as flashing flies or spots before her eyes, then gestosis should be suspected - also a formidable complication of pregnancy. Therefore, in the presence of the triad "edema + blood pressure + protein in the urine", the doctor sends the woman for hospitalization in maternity hospital.

In addition, a general urine test allows you to assess the condition and functioning of the kidneys, as well as to identify hidden diseases of the urinary system. So, if there are leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders, mucus, bacteria or epithelial cells in large quantities in the urine, then this indicates the presence of diseases of the urinary system organs that need to be treated.

A complete blood count can detect anemia, a well-known pathological syndrome that develops in many pregnant women due to an increased need for iron. And since anemia negatively affects the growth and development of the fetus, creating a condition chronic hypoxia, then this syndrome must be cured, and the sooner this is done, the better. Therefore, doctors prescribe a complete blood count, starting from the 28th week, every two weeks, in order to timely detect anemia and cure it in the early stages.

A blood sugar test can detect diabetes, which can develop in about 2% of pregnant women.

No other tests are scheduled for the 28th week. However, if the doctor has suspicions about the presence of any diseases or complications of pregnancy, then he can prescribe any examinations and laboratory tests that he considers necessary.

Visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist

On the 28th week, the period begins scheduled visit gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Moreover, doctors always try to set the date of the planned visit exactly for the 28th week, since this is very important for further visits to the doctor, which from this date until the 37th week will occur every two weeks. And so that the visits fall on certain dates on which examinations should be carried out, doctors appoint a "starting" visit for the 28th week.

At the appointment with the doctor, you must take the results of all tests and examinations that the doctor has not yet seen, as well as exchange card, which is in the hands of a woman. The results of tests and examinations will be analyzed by the doctor and, based on them, a conclusion will be made about the condition of the child, the mother and the course of pregnancy.

The doctor always begins the appointment with a conversation, during which he asks the following questions to find out the woman's well-being, the development of the fetus and the presence of complications or diseases:
1. Does the woman worry about anything, how often do complaints appear, how can they be eliminated, etc.?
2. How often does a woman feel movements and when did she last feel them?
3. Has there been any unusual or bloody discharge from the vagina?
4. Have you had vaginal discharge that causes discomfort, pain, itching, or burning?
5. Have there been episodes of vaginal discharge regarding a large number a liquid that looks like yellowish cloudy water?
6. Have there been episodes of constant wetness or wetness in the perineum?
7. Are there persistent headaches?
8. Did your face and hands swell?
9. Was there redness, swelling, redness, itching in the genital area?
10. Were there episodes of flies, spots and flashes of light before the eyes?
11. What kind of vaginal discharge does a woman have (color, smell, texture)?
12. Do you have pain or burning when urinating?
13. Is it stubborn and strong pain in the stomach, not passing with time?

Because of rapid growth uterus, there is a strong stretching of the skin on the abdomen, which can lead to stretch marks and itching. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you need to lubricate the skin of the abdomen, sides and thighs with regular nourishing cream, special cosmetics or conventional vegetable oil daily. Lubricating the skin with these products when red stretch marks have just appeared on it will help make them more invisible. Itching of the skin on the abdomen and sides cannot be relieved, as it is caused by stretching skin, but there is no need to worry about its presence. However, if itching spreads from the abdomen and to other areas of the skin, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of an allergy or skin disease.

Often pregnant women at the 28th week suffer from cramps calf muscles, which can be caused by a deficiency of calcium, vitamin B 12, low concentration of glucose in the blood, varicose veins veins, diabetes, as well as a strong load on the legs. If a cramp occurs, you need to strongly pull the foot towards you until the pain stops, and then massage the caviar. To prevent the occurrence of seizures, you should take calcium supplements, B vitamins and avoid heavy stress on the legs.

The breast at the 28th week may increase, and colostrum is periodically secreted from the nipples. When colostrum is released, you just need to wipe the breast with a dry and soft cloth. You can not squeeze colostrum from the breast. It is also recommended to start preparing the breast for feeding the baby, for which you should wash the mammary glands with cool water and wipe with a rough towel.

Finally, at the 28th week, a woman can periodically feel painless contractions lasting 1 to 2 minutes. Such fights are called training. They are not dangerous, and only reflect the process of preparing the uterus for childbirth. But if the contractions become painful, regular and their number exceeded 5 per hour, then you should immediately be hospitalized in the maternity hospital, as this may indicate the onset of premature birth.


Discharges that are normal for the 28th week of pregnancy have a homogeneous, liquid consistency, are whitish or translucent in color, have a slight sour smell, and do not cause discomfort. There are no impurities of pus, blood, mucus, etc. in the secretions.

If the nature of the discharge changes, their color becomes greenish, yellowish, grayish, earthy, the consistency becomes heterogeneous with lumps, flakes or bubbles, or impurities of pus, blood, mucus appear, then this indicates the development of an infectious disease. -inflammatory disease genitals. Also about inflammatory process says itching, swelling, redness or pain in the genital area. Accordingly, if such symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist at the clinic.

Appearance watery discharge is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. Moreover, water can leak in different ways: for example, a relatively large amount of cloudy, yellowish water with a sweet aftertaste is possible at one time. The sweetness of water is easy to determine - after contact with it, the skin of the perineum and pubis becomes sticky. Or water can leak imperceptibly, in small portions, but in this case the woman constantly feels in the crotch that she is wet and sticky. If you suspect a leak of amniotic fluid, you should contact a gynecologist at the clinic.

If suddenly there was an outpouring of a large amount of muddy water, which wetted all the clothes of a woman, then you should immediately call " ambulance", as this may be a sign of the onset of preterm labor.


Bleeding at the 28th week can be of a different nature - be plentiful, scanty, spotting. The released blood can also be different - scarlet, burgundy, with reddish tint or even brownish. Almost always, bleeding is combined with pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen. However, regardless of the nature, bleeding at 28 weeks is always dangerous - it indicates the development of complications that can lead to pregnancy loss (for example, placental abruption, premature birth, etc.). Therefore, when bleeding occurs in any amount and of any nature, you should call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a maternity hospital.

uterus and belly

The uterus at the 28th week is large, the height of its fundus is 28 cm. But the height of the fundus of the uterus (VFH), depending on the individual characteristics of the woman, can vary from 24 to 30 cm, however, on average, it is still 28 cm. From this date on, the ARHD in centimeters will correspond to the gestational age in weeks. That is, at 30 weeks, the ARHD will be 30 cm, and so on.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, so during the day, 10-15 times a woman feels short training contractions of Braxton Hicks (1-2 minutes each). Such contractions are not dangerous, occur irregularly and are not too painful. However, if suddenly the contractions become painful, regular, there are more than 5 of them per hour, then you should call an ambulance and be hospitalized in a maternity hospital, since such symptoms indicate the onset of premature birth.

The abdomen at the 28th week strongly protrudes forward, its circumference is normally 80 - 85 cm. In addition, the skin on the abdomen can itch and become covered with rashes due to its rapid stretching. Itching and rashes on the skin of the abdomen are completely normal, and are associated with its stretching. But if the rash or itching spreads to other areas of the skin, then you should visit a doctor, as this may be a sign allergic reaction, skin disease or jaundice .

Pain in the abdomen and other parts of the body

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman can experience any pain of any localization, because she is, first of all, an ordinary living person. But we will consider only the physiological pains provoked directly by pregnancy and the changes in the body that have occurred because of it. Such physiological pains are normal, as they reflect the ongoing changes and the impact of pregnancy.

So, very often women at the 28th week of pregnancy suffer from pain in the abdomen, hypochondrium, back, lower back, sacrum, coccyx, pelvic bones, hips and legs.

Often on the 28th week, women feel pain in the anus, which, as a rule, is caused by hemorrhoids, which occurs due to compression of the vessels of the lower body by a large uterus.


The twenty-eighth week of pregnancy is the last in which a woman has a pronounced libido, she actively desires intimacy and goes to her with pleasure. For long periods, starting from the 29th week, libido will decrease, the stomach will increase, which will create natural physiological difficulties for sexual intercourse. Therefore, couples can enjoy the 28th week last days, When sexual activity desirable by both, and is not associated with strong physical stress. Of course, sex at the 28th week is allowed if the woman does not have pregnancy complications.


Weight gain at week 28 is normally 5.4 - 9.8 kg. Moreover, the fuller the woman, the less weight she should add. In other words, initially plump women Normally, they should add within 5.4 - 8.2 kg, and thin ones - 8.2 - 9.8 kg. Avoid weight gain more than normal, as this will lead to the appearance of fatty deposits, which can provoke difficult childbirth and, of course, worsen the figure after childbirth.

Women can control their own weight gain by weighing themselves every day or once a week. With daily weighing, the increase should be no more than 50 - 70 g, and with weekly - 350 - 500 g. If weight gain occurs within the specified limits, then everything is in order. If the mass increases more than the norm, then it is advisable to reconsider the diet, excluding high-calorie and low-nutrient foods from it, such as flour, confectionery, chocolate, white