Stepanova's conspiracies from childhood enuresis. The effectiveness of the conspiracy from enuresis. Water conspiracy for the waning moon

Urinary incontinence during sleep is called enuresis. Sometimes this disease is not so much physiological as psychological character. Maybe that's why conspiracies and prayers for enuresis in children have been used for many centuries. Ancient conspiracies help not only small children, but also teenagers and even adults. If the mother of the child wants him to no longer write to bed, she needs to read prayers and perform magical rites until complete healing occurs.

You can cure enuresis in a child with the help of conspiracies

In the special medical literature, doctors write that enuresis is not a pathology. People practicing white magic, argue that enuresis is a consequence of the evil eye or damage induced on a person. Strong prayers from childhood or adult enuresis can correct the situation for the better.

Important aspects:

  • you can speak enuresis in a teenager or child with the help of a special ritual at home. It would be better if one of the family members does this;
  • even better if a prayer from childhood enuresis the baby's mother will read;
  • teenagers can read conspiracies and perform rituals themselves.

Strong conspiracies to help get rid of enuresis

A strong prayer for a child from nocturnal enuresis can help him if you follow everything the necessary conditions for the ritual. It is necessary to observe all the conditions of the ritual and sincerely believe in the healing of the baby. Relatives should help the baby and conduct a special ritual so that the child no longer pees in bed. The Lord will surely hear and help the sick.

Conspiracy for a baptized baby

This strong conspiracy from enuresis in children can be carried out if the child is baptized and he is not yet 10 years old.

Early in the morning they pour holy water into a cup and say:

“I whisper, I’m not silent, it’s not in vain that I torture water in a mortar. As a servant of God (the name of the child - if a girl, then you read - a servant of God) needs a need, so he goes to the toilet to relieve himself. And it will be unpleasant for him to lie in wet sheets, as once he does it for himself, it will become disgusting for him and he will never go under himself again in his life. Amen, amen, amen."

In the morning you need to give the child to drink holy water

As soon as the child wakes up, he is given half the holy water to drink. The rest is used during morning wash. Healers say that such a ceremony should be performed at least three times. After that, the baby will no longer write at night.

Ritual from enuresis of a hereditary Siberian healer

In the evening, when the moon is in its waning phase, dial into the basin plain water from the tap. While the water is pouring, read such a conspiracy ׃

“A conspiracy from enuresis The girl carries water On the holy spring, That water would not have spilled, Urine from a slave (such and such) would not have flowed. Not now, not in an hour. Save, save, Lord, us. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Place the basin in such a way that it receives light from the window. It would be even better to perform the ritual on the street, in an open space, so that the light of the waning moon is reflected in the water. Pick up a new knife and stir the water counterclockwise. Simultaneously say ׃

“The moon is waning, strength is coming. The moon melts, the urine disappears. Keys on the horns, I'm on my feet. The key is in the water, the urine is in me. Amen".

In the basin, while the water is still swaying, the patient should urinate. If at this time the moon is reflected in the water and it seems to “walk” in the water, the effect of the ritual is doubled.

Pour out the water at the first crossroads you meet along the way, where there are usually a lot of people passing by. To give the ritual even more magical power pour a basin of urine under a dried tree or a dry stump with the words ׃

“Like your songs, the roots are dry, so that my bed will be dry in the morning. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A conspiracy from nighttime wetting on a dried tree

In ancient conspiracies, they often turn to the elements of nature for help or attract the power of inanimate objects, plants during rituals. This strong rite so that the child does not urinate in bed, our grandmothers also spent. It is suitable for children of all ages, even teenagers.

The urine of the child must be poured under a dried tree

The patient should urinate in a jar. Then, with this jar, the mother, grandmother or sister (female relatives) must find a dry tree. It would be better if "during life" this tree was big and powerful.

Urine from a jar is poured onto a tree and such a prayer is read׃

“As the stump is dry and dry, so the servant of God (name of the child) will now have a dry bed. With a word on the lock, with a key across, and no one can break my verbal seal.

The jar must be brought back home, rinsed well with water and only then thrown into the trash. It is very important that there is not even a drop of urine in it.

Ancient ritual for bedwetting

This vintage conspiracy from enuresis goes back to ancient times. It should be carried out by a blood relative of the patient. Before going to bed, mother or grandmother read following words on the baby's bed. The text must be repeated three times.

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the incontinence of urine from the slave (s) (child's name). As a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (s) (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off and throw away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (s) (name). Amen".

As soon as the baby wakes up, before 12 noon, you need to take a wet sheet and go to the nearest body of water with running water. It can be a river, a stream or a spring. Stavok, swamp or lake are not suitable. magical rites for deliverance and purification, it is better to carry out in reservoirs with running water.

The woman performing the ritual rinses the sheet in water and says ׃

“River-voditsa, fast sister, carry and do not bring all pains and sins. River-voditsa, how do you flow, so my child, slave (e) (name), be dry on the floors.

In the evening, when the child is already asleep, the closest male relative (preferably the father) should read “Our Father” three times over the sleeping son or daughter. If there are no men in the family, any man he knows can do this - a neighbor, godfather, work colleague, etc.

How to help a teenager get rid of urinary incontinence during sleep

A strong old conspiracy to help get rid of enuresis is suitable even for children who are already over 12 years old. The ritual can also be performed in relation to an adult.

Before the ritual, you need to attend church for seven days. In the Temple, they ask the Lord for help. Then they put a candle near the icons of the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker and ask them for health for the teenager.

Parent and child need to attend church for 7 days

On the morning of the eighth day, with the first rays of the sun, the table is covered with a white tablecloth and a glass of holy water is placed on it. Around there are seven lit church candles. Above them, a prayer is said from enuresis to the water׃

"How water will enter, and it will come out, but when it is necessary and where it is necessary. It will become dry, dry, but it will not wet anything, but it will sleep in dry, but as if it were necessary, it will wake up and go where it is ordered. I make a word with a word, I stop the water with water. Yes, God's power to help me, the servant of God (the name of the person) will stop urinating under himself. Amen, amen, amen."

As soon as the patient wakes up, let him drink a glass of charmed water to the bottom.

In order for the action of the ritual to be fast and strong, while reading the text, you need to keep looking at the water and see the reflection of the flame of candles in it. Therefore, you will have to learn the words of the conspiracy by heart.

A strong conspiracy from enuresis to the waning moon

Immediately after the full moon, the following ritual can be performed.

Collect drinking water in a cup or glass. Dishes must be natural material. A ceramic or wooden cup will do. It would be even better to take a crystal glass. Crystal is a good conductor magical energy, and also the rays of the moon or the sun pass through it, repeatedly reflected in the faces.

In the evening, before going to bed, the child is allowed to take only one sip of prepared water. Then the dishes are taken out into the open space under the light of the night star. A cup or glass is placed near the threshold of the house, on the windowsill of an open window or on the balcony. Place a slice of black bread on top. After that, read the following words׃

“How can this glass be full until the morning, so the servant of God (name of the child) would not wet himself until the morning.”

In the morning, as soon as the sun rises, the dishes with water are placed under Sun rays and then brought home. As soon as the child wakes up, he must completely eat bread and drink it with charmed water. While he is doing this, they say the magic words׃

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. So it was. So it will be, forever and ever will not decrease!

In the morning the child should eat the charmed bread

Dishes are not washed or rinsed. Put in a secluded place until the next morning. An old, time-tested conspiracy from nocturnal enuresis will definitely help if you believe in the power of higher powers.

A mother's prayer for her child to get rid of enuresis

Mother's love is the most strong magic. Turning to the higher mind or forces of nature for help, the mother puts her whole soul into asking for help.

At night, you need to light a church candle, go around the children's bedroom with it clockwise. Then they read over the child, being at the head of the crib׃

“As the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every night. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I beg you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

The text of the plot is repeated three times. The ritual is carried out for ten days. After that, the baby stops urinating on the bed at night.

Sheet conspiracy

This conspiracy from enuresis is read only when the moon is in a waning phase. In the morning, a little holy water is added to a basin of water. Remove the sheet from the child's bed and lower it into the prepared water. Without squeezing, hang the sheet to dry. Then they say these words

“Water flows, it will take urine. Water flows away, urine knows its place. Water dries up, urine disappears. The keys of the moon are on the horns, and I am on my feet. So the urine of the servant of God (name) knew its place, stood, did not expire. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

It is best to hang the sheet outside so that it is blown by the wind and dried in the sun.

Prayers to help save a child from enuresis

Healing prayers have been recited since time immemorial. The main thing is to believe in their miraculous power, and then the Lord will definitely help those who ask.

A teenager's prayer for deliverance from enuresis should be read by the child himself. Therefore, it is more suitable for children over the age of 12.

A teenager reads a prayer from enuresis himself

Early in the morning, while people are still sleeping, go to the crossroads. Pick up a small ball of thread. The threads should be thick, but easily torn. You can take any yarn. They tear off a piece of thread and read such a text on it.

“As the Virgin Mary went for her son, so I, a creature of God, came to the road. The coarse thread has broken, so God forbid that my urine subsides! Do not suffer me any more with heaviness, I will live only joy! May it be easy and sufficient for me, and let me defecate at will! Lord, to Your glory, let everything be so! Amen".

Magic words are pronounced three times in a row. Then the thread must be burned or buried in a secluded place.

Prayer for healing to Seraphim of Sarov

This Orthodox prayer is very powerful. With her, they turn to the saint and ask him to help in getting rid of the disease.

You need to go to church and buy an odd number of candles. Put one of them for health near the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. Cross yourself and ask the saint for help in your own words, then say ׃

“Sarov Seraphim, deliver the child from enuresis, direct me to the path of salvation. Amen".

Place other candles for health near other icons. Keep one for yourself. Also, collect holy water in the prepared dishes and go home. In the morning, place a lighted candle near the child's wet bed. It is important that no one else is in the room.

Take in one hand a piece of paper where the words of the prayer are written with your own hand, in the other - a lit church candle. Standing over the child's bed, read the words of the prayer׃

“Seraphim of Sarov, God's Pleasure. Heal the child from bedwetting, breathe into me holy abstinence. Hear the prayer, help with advice, weaken all unlucky sins. My protector, do not leave on the road when you are no longer able to move your legs. Teach my children to pray, teach enemies sworn by anger. I believe in Christ and grace, without your help I can not cope. May your will be done. Amen".

Put a candle, then cross yourself and cross the child's bed. Blow out the candle. Take in your hands the water brought from the church and sprinkle it wet bed child. Drink a little yourself and give this water to drink to your child. Take the candle back to the Temple. Place it near the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. This conspiracy from childhood enuresis should definitely help, the Lord is merciful!

Bedwetting, the so-called enuresis, is essentially not a disease, therefore, its treatment by the methods of our official medicine does not good results. At the same time, with the help of conspiracies and prayers, you can get rid of enuresis almost instantly. One has only to read the plot correctly and your child stops urinating at night for himself. Conspiracies can help not only children, but also adults, but in an adult, the result, as a rule, does not come so quickly.

What is enuresis?

First, it is worth understanding what enuresis is and why it is almost impossible to cure it with the help of drug therapy. You can read about how doctors see this condition in the article Enuresis in children. Surprisingly, even doctors in their specialized literature write that in 97% of cases enuresis is not a pathology. And they are completely right. This condition usually develops in children after strong evil eye. The child begins to suffer and as a result of this, at night he has a relief Bladder. But it’s too late to simply remove the evil eye, since enuresis is a neglected condition that requires a special approach and special conspiracies(and in some cases - special prayers). In this article, I will talk about several conspiracies that can help cope with this problem in both children and adults.

I'll write one first. strong prayer.

Prayer for enuresis in children

A powerful prayer in which the appeal takes place to the brightest forces of nature. Can only pray own mother child. Evening prayer, you need to pray standing at the crib of the child after he falls asleep. Pray every evening. Prayer text:

“Just as the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every evening. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he will wake up and go to the toilet himself. you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

You have to whisper three times. By time - usually the problem of urinary incontinence with the help of prayer is solved within 5-10 days.

A simple conspiracy from enuresis

This conspiracy is suitable for helping a child under 10 years of age (necessarily baptized!), Suffering from nocturnal enuresis. You need to speak some water, which you then give your child to drink in the morning, and also wash him with spoken water. The conspiracy is carried out as follows.

Pour into a cup drinking water- two hundred grams. In the morning, when you wake up, whisper the following to this water:

“I whisper, I’m not silent, it’s not in vain that I torment the water in a mortar. As a servant of God (the name of the child - if a girl, then you read - a servant of God) has a need, so he goes to the toilet to relieve himself. And it’s unpleasant for him to lie in wet sheets if he does it once for himself, he will become disgusted with it and never again in his life will he go under himself. Amen, amen, amen.

Whisper three times, and then, when your child gets up, wash him with this water, and give him a little to drink. A conspiracy is made once. Usually, after it, the child goes under himself again the next night, but then the enuresis stops completely.

A plot from urinary incontinence on a dry tree

This plot helps with enuresis in a child of any age. To carry out the conspiracy, you need the urine of a child - let him go into a jar in the morning. Then, with this jar, you need to go to the nearest dry stump (the best is a stump from a sawn tree that is completely dry). Pour urine from a jar onto this stump and say the following words:

"Just as the stump is dry and dry, so the servant of God (name of the child) will now have a dry bed. With a word on the lock, with a key across, and no one will break my verbal seal."

Once said and all. Yes, don’t throw the jar at the stump, throw it in the trash can.

A conspiracy to get rid of enuresis in an adult

Helping an adult is much more difficult than helping a child. The fact is that in adults the process is so introduced that it’s impossible to get rid of it just like that.

Therefore, before the conspiracy, go to church for seven days in a row in the morning and put a candle for the health of this person to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. And then, when you go for seven days, next morning make a conspiracy.

Place three candles and a glass of water in front of them. Light the candles and whisper into the water:

"As the water enters, it will come out, but when it is necessary and where it is necessary. It will become dry, dry, but it will not wet anything, but it will sleep in dry, but as it needs, it will wake up and go where it is ordered. I do the word with water I stop the water. Yes, God's power to help me, the servant of God (the name of the person) will stop urinating under himself. Amen, amen, amen. "

And let the man drink this water. As soon as he drinks this water, the enuresis will go away forever.

Highly important point- the texts of conspiracies must be learned by heart. You can’t read from a piece of paper or from a phone!
Especially for www.

Enuresis is a disease of the body that is related to negative influence energy on highest level on the body. It is expressed in urinary incontinence at night. It occurs in both children and adults. official medicine can only relieve some of the symptoms. But to cure the disease and its root cause is not in her power.

Children's enuresis is much more difficult to cure. It is often provoked by fear or the evil eye. It is much harder for children to control nighttime urination than for adults. Fortunately, there is always a way out. In order for the child not to write at night, you can read a conspiracy or prayer, perform the necessary ceremony or ritual.

Prayer for childhood enuresis

A mother in order to help her child not urinate at night can read a strong prayer. In the words of the prayer lies great strength, which, in combination with maternal love, activates and tunes in for healing. energy flow is directed to the most powerful and valuable thing that a mother can have - a baby. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the baby is already so scared, as a result, he got problems with bladder he experiences discomfort in the night.

Mom should read the prayer. A rare exception and only for good reasons can be a grandmother or loving woman. There is no link to the phase of the moon. Prayer should be read every evening after the child falls asleep. Prayer words:

“As the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every night. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I beg you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

The mother kneels in front of the child's bed and whispers a prayer three times. The ceremony should be performed every evening for 5-10 days. During this time, the baby should be healed thanks to the love and faith of the mother. If the disease is in running form- read the prayer for so long until the disease is gone for good.

Enuresis conspiracy in children

One of the simplest conspiracies from enuresis is a ritual for water. It is performed by the mother of the child. The ceremony is performed in the morning. The moon can be in any phase. After all, the disease does not wait for a specific time. A conspiracy from enuresis is carried out once. To do this, mom is gaining a glass of water. And, before you wash the child with it and give it a drink, you should read the words of the conspiracy. Healing text:

“The water is clean, the water is spring, I ask you, dear, heal my child, the child who sleeps and suffers, who lies and tosses and turns and wraps himself in wet sheets! Take the sore to distant lands, to distant places, to other states, other kingdoms. I thank you for this, and I pass on your strength to the child! May it be so! Amen!"

After reading the spell, wash the baby with some water and let him drink a little. At night, after a miraculous washing, the child can still describe himself, but within a day the rite should work and the child will be cured.

Conspiracies for urinary incontinence

Enuresis can be treated in other ways. Lots of options. When choosing a ritual that suits you best, pay attention to inner feelings.

With threads

A ritual with threads can be carried out, both for a child by a mother, and for oneself. To conduct a conspiracy from urinary incontinence, you should take a skein woolen threads. Every night before going to bed, take a hank and, tearing off a piece, say the words of a whisper from the sore. Healing text:

“As I tear off the thread, I remove the sore. How easily it will come off, so my illness will quickly say goodbye to me! May it be so!"

The ritual is carried out for as long as necessary for a complete cure. As soon as everything passes, burn the remaining skein of thread.

With water

To heal both a child and an adult, a conspiracy on water and rye bread is well suited. To enhance the energy of the ritual, you can take holy water. It is good if the water is consecrated not on a simple Sunday, but on a big Christian holiday. Thus, you will connect the power of this egregore.

Take a glass of water, cover it with bread and, before taking it out of the house, give a sip to the one suffering from a sore. Put the glass where it will stand safe and sound until the morning, and say the words:

“The glass will stand whole until the morning, and the sick person will improve his health at night and sleep peacefully! Amen"

In the morning on an empty stomach it is worth drinking a glass to the bottom and eating bread. Then cross yourself and calmly do your business. The disease will go away in the same days, and will never make itself felt again!

With urine

To heal a baby, you can perform a ritual on the baby's morning urine. A jar of urine should be taken out under the stump. You should find the largest and driest, this is important, a stump. Pour out the urine and say the magic words:

“Even the stump has dried up, the roots have dried up, which means that my baby’s bed will be able to stay dry tonight. You, stump, I will give moisture, and you will give me my baby Good night give! May it be so!"

The ritual will work on the first night. But, in severe cases, it can be repeated three times. Then it is recommended to take a break and allow the forces to act. At speed, the child will sleep peacefully.

On the water with a waning moon

To cure enuresis in a child or an adult, you can perform a ceremony on a sheet. This is the rare case when the time of the ritual is important. This ceremony is performed on the falling moon. Her energy will take with it all the negativity and sores that are in the family. In the morning, on a wet bed, they say the words:

“Wide river, deep river, you are strong and fast, take away all diseases, evil eye, fears and incontinence from (name of the patient). As the desert is dry, so is the bed clean. May it be so!"

Then they take a sheet and on the same day, before sunset, they carry it to the reservoir. There is a need to wash the sheets. But, if this is not possible, at least rinse in water and say the words:

“The river gave, the river took: all the troubles, sores, evil eye, fears, fears, negativity and bad thoughts! May (name of the patient) sleep peacefully. Amen!"

With urinary incontinence in a woman, it is fashionable to carry out such a ceremony either by herself or by another woman. A man is strictly forbidden to do this. On the new moon, the result will already make itself felt!

A conspiracy from enuresis in children and adults can be read by all interested people. To cast spells against urinary incontinence, no special skills are needed. It is enough to whisper words to the child during his sleep. You can make drugs that will help strengthen the bladder.

Strong Enuresis Spell

Enuresis is the incontinence of urine in the bladder, which mainly occurs during sleep, but it can also be the other way around. The cause of incontinence is various factors, weak bladder, psychological overload. So you can find a dozen reasons, but there are cases in which doctors shrug. As a rule, children and the elderly are most often affected by this disease.

In children, urinary incontinence is often associated with fear, how to get rid of it.

As for the elderly, then enuresis is associated with a number of diseases, due to which the muscle tissue of the bladder relaxes.

Get strangers out of the room. Sit on the bed, lay down right hand on a wet spot and read the slander from enuresis. You need to read the words three times, then collect all the dirty laundry and wash it with your hands. Hang to dry at 11 pm. All actions must remain secret, otherwise you will not succeed. Magic spell:

“I want to heal a person, good spirits come, help. Heal my illness so that he can sleep dry and warm. I whisper, I heal, I deliver.

Conspiracy for urinary incontinence

To get rid of urinary incontinence, during the waning moon, use Bay leaf and slander. healing ritual Suitable for both child and adult. For the magic potion you will need:

  1. Three leaves of laurel;
  2. 200 milliliters of water;
  3. Two tablespoons of honey.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil, reduce the heat, stir the broth with a spoon and read the plot three times:

“Turn back time, restore health again. Live, do not get sick, do not suffer from incontinence, do not rinse with urine. Time runs, flows away, worries and troubles do not know. You run away time, run, but remove the sore from the servant of God (name). Get rid of sinful night suffering. Do not be a sore in the body of a servant of God (name), do not live, do not torment. Laurel came, brought the smell. Heals, cleans, and time takes everything. Amen (three times)."

Bay leaves are brewed for seven days in a row. Drink infusion 3 times a day, before meals, 50 grams.

Conspiracy against enuresis

You can read a slander against enuresis on a pickle. Everything is very simple, you need to charge the vegetable with the help of white magic. And then feed the person who suffers from this problem. The most important thing is that the cucumber should be eaten before going to bed. You can cast a spell on a cucumber at any time, put it on a plate and cover with a dry towel. Put your right palm on top and read the plot:

"Help dear, save me, there is no rest for me from urine, key, tongue, lock."

Spell to strengthen the bladder

So that a person can wake up in a dry bed, magicians recommend reading a conspiracy on special blend which strengthens the bladder. To get rid of bedwetting, you will need:

  • Onion - 20 grams;
  • Green apple - half;
  • Honey - three tablespoons.

All ingredients are rubbed on a grater, put in one plate and altered until smooth. At the same time, the spell is read three times:

“I interfere, I mix, I will strengthen the body, I will stop urine at night. Amen".

You need to use 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Prayers for enuresis

The Church denies the existence of white magic and confidently declares that all people who use it have power from the evil one. These prayers need to be whispered in the baby's ear, or you can speak in a half-whisper in his room while he sleeps. Suitable for this:

  1. Unmercenaries Diamin;
  2. Venerable Makar of Alexandria;
  3. Venerable Seraphim of Sarov and Nil (Wonderworker).

Enuresis conspiracies.

Three blood-water sisters.

Heavenly water - rain,

Ground water - sea water,

Groundwater is key

I conjure you, sea waters,

Rain, underground, saints.

All waters are internal.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the bed of the servant of God (name)

Was dry in the morning.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strawberry roots - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Rowan flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon

White syllant flowers - 1 tbsp. a spoon

urine disappears. Keys on the horns, I'm on my feet.

Enuresis conspiracy

Enuresis, or bedwetting, has been known for a long time. Unfortunately, the causes of incontinence are still completely unclear. In some cases, medicine is powerless in front of this. unpleasant disease therefore, traditional medicine comes to her aid in the form of conspiracies.

To date, there are several main reasons why urinary incontinence occurs:

  • Underdevelopment or disease of organs genitourinary system;
  • Infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • Stress and excessive loads;
  • Psychophysiological trauma;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Unfavorable living conditions.

The conspiracy of urinary incontinence is very common in young children and is a consequence of fright. The child is inherently very curious and therefore, from a banal surprise, he can be frightened so that he will have enuresis. But not only children suffer from incontinence. This disease is quite common among the adult population. It is very common among the elderly.

Not every person suffering from enuresis is able, due to their shyness, to seek help from a specialist. Therefore, in folk medicine there are a lot of conspiracies on this topic.

Conspiracy on holy water and bread

A conspiracy from enuresis with the help of holy water is carried out in the evening, before going to bed. In a glass you need to pour holy water, recently brought from the church. A sick person should take one sip from the glass. After that, the water is taken out into the street and covered with a piece rye bread, and say:

“How can this glass be full until morning, so such and such a servant of God would not wet himself until morning.”

In the morning, the patient must be told to eat this piece of bread and drink all the water. At this point, you should say:

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. So it was, so it will be, forever and ever will not decrease!

Treatment is continued daily, for several weeks in a row, and the result will not be long in coming.

The following rite is also very effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence in an adult.

For the ritual, you will need a ball of hard thread. It is necessary to tear off a piece of thread from the ball, always from two ends (cutting the thread is by no means recommended). Read the prayer nine times in a row:

“As the Virgin Mary went for her son, so I, a creature of God, came to the road. The coarse thread has broken, so God forbid that my urine subsides! Do not suffer me any more with heaviness, I will live only joy! May it be easy and sufficient for me, and I will defecate freely! Lord, to Your glory, let everything be so! Amen".

If you perform a ritual during the waning moon for several days in a row, then there will soon be no trace of enuresis.

Conspiracies on a wet bed

Prayer is said in the morning when the bed is wet:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (name) is dry, unsoaked. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash it off and throw it away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (name). Amen".

Then they take a mug filled with holy water, so that thumb hands were at the top, they say these words:

“Spring water, not mine, do not rinse the steep banks. And wash it off, rinse it off the servant of God (name) (if the child is under three years old, they say: “from a small baby” all the lessons, all the commotion, so that it doesn’t grow, so that it doesn’t rinse. At the morning dawn of Mary, at the evening dawn of Maremyan, at red from the sun, from the golden moon, from the clear stars, wash it off from the whole composition: from the hands, from the legs, from the bones, from the eyes, from the liver, from the hot blood, from the zealous heart, from the lungs and kidneys, from the sick brains and brown eyes, from black eyebrows, So that there is no pinch of alkalis, So that there is no pain in the servant of God (name) (or a small baby (name)). Mother, Holy Mother of God, let's go sleep-easily and good health. Sleep, rest, know nothing, forever and ever, from now to forever. Amen".

After saying a prayer, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder. The slander is pronounced three times, and then the slandered water is given to the sick person to drink. This ritual is good for little kids.

Here is another rite that is performed on a wet sheet. They take a sheet on which a person with enuresis urinated at night, rinse it in river water and pronounce the following spell:

“Water flows, it will take urine. Water flows away, urine knows its place. Water dries up, urine disappears. The keys of the moon on the horns, And I'm on my feet. So the urine of the servant of God (name) knew its place, stood, did not expire. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Ancient spell for urinary incontinence

When your child is sick with enuresis, then you need to talk to his wet bed. The ritual is performed with a waning moon. After your child wakes up, say this prayer three times:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (s) (child's name). As a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (s) (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off and throw away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (s) (name). Amen".

A wet sheet cannot be washed in the house, so it must be rinsed in an open body of water (river or lake). Washing a sheet in water, say:

“River-voditsa, fast sister, carry and do not bring all pains and sins. River-voditsa, how do you flow, so my child, slave (e) (name), be dry on the floors.

The slander is pronounced seven times in a row. And in the evening, when your child falls asleep, the father should read "Our Father" over him three times in a row.

Soon after your ritual, you will notice that your child has stopped urinating on the bed at night.

Willow bud conspiracy

For such a ceremony, you need to take the willow buds collected in Palm Sunday, brew them in holy water and read a prayer:

“I strengthen, heal, lift: body, flesh, soul. Amen!"

A sick person should drink a charmed willow decoction. And his wet bed is slandered in this way:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the Shores, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (name) is dry, not soaked. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash it off and throw it to the other side of the Illness, forfeit from the slave (name). Amen".

In an adult, urinary incontinence is much more difficult to treat than in a small child. Adults take more care of their children, dress them warmer, make sure that they do not get cold. And they themselves, in turn, walk down the street barely covered with clothes, sit on cold benches, drink alcohol. Hard working conditions and rare rest also affect the body. A good prevention against a disease such as enuresis is considered to be healthy lifestyle life.

Remember, in order not to get sick with such an unpleasant and shameful disease, try to be more careful with your body. Dress warmly, be less nervous and take care of your precious health.

Visitor reviews


My granddaughter was 5 years old. She peed in bed. Then even in the USSR they did not distribute about

conspiracies. A neighbor gave a text about a river-underground river. I read it 3 times and she Perez

tala to urinate at night. She is now 28 years old mother herself. Then this conspiracy helped the man

who was already 49 years old. He was shy, treated, but did not help. He didn't even get married

this. The conspiracy helped him. He immediately married and successfully. After that, the conspiracy written

My neighbor went secretly to people! I don't know how much I helped! But I know what he's doing

works amazingly. I believed!

Good afternoon! My son started writing at night. Please give text

Good afternoon. What's the conspiracy? Can you write?

Please write a plot, my daughter is 13 years old.

Please write the text of the plot, it is very necessary. Thanks in advance

and you can write me this plot. please

write to me too, thanks in advance

Please write a plot. My son is 9 years old. Pissing in bed.

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Enuresis conspiracies

In children different ages at night, a type of disorder such as enuresis may occur. This violation is characterized by the fact that the child involuntarily emptys the bladder at night. Despite the prevalence of the disease, quite often medicine cannot explain the cause of enuresis and, accordingly, cope with the problem, since it does not consider that such a deviation is a disease.

Therefore, the most effective method, oddly enough, is a conspiracy from enuresis. Thanks to simple prayers or conspiracies to get rid of bedwetting can be done quite quickly and without special efforts or unpleasant procedures for the child.

Simple and Effective Prayers

There are several simple rules which must be followed before reading a prayer or conspiracy:
  1. Read special words necessary only over a baptized child. Any healer follows this rule, so mothers or close relative one must also follow it;
  2. Before reading, it is necessary to go through a kind of purification of the soul: pray, positively tune in and turn to light energy;
  3. You need to pronounce the words out loud, but you can do it quietly or in a whisper so as not to wake a sleeping child or simply not to frighten a waking child.

The most powerful motherly prayer

Most powerful prayer the one that faces the light natural forces. Such a text can only be read by a mother. It refers to evening prayers, which must be said over a sleeping child, standing by his bed:

“As the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every night. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I beg you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

The prayer is whispered three times. After five or ten days of daily reading, positive results will appear.

Prayer to the Almighty

A prayer consisting of two stages is also very effective: reading addressed to the Lord, the Almighty to bestow his mercy and forgiveness of all sins, so that the healing is successful:

“Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow correct. We pray to You, our God, to the servant (slave) of Yours (your) weak, visit with Your mercy, forgive him (her) any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, Thy healing fire, tame passion and every weakness that is hidden, and from the bed of embitterment is whole and perfect, grant it to Thy Church, pleasing and doing Thy will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

And the second stage reads direct words that affect the problem of incontinence:

“There are three forces, there are three waters,

Three blood-water sisters.

Heavenly water - rain,

Ground water - sea water,

Groundwater is key

And there is also God's holy water,

In the human body, water is internal.

I conjure you, sea waters,

Rain, underground, saints.

Stop you in the servant of God (name)

All waters are internal.

On you, interior water, stone wilderness,

And to the servant of God (name) sandy land.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Effective and simple conspiracies

The most common and effective conspiracies are mainly done on the water., since it has a special energy charge that can be made positive or negative.

Charmed water for drinking and washing

Enough powerful conspiracy, which is designed for children no older than ten years. Water is collected in a volume of up to two hundred grams in a glass and special words are whispered in the morning:

“I whisper, I’m not silent, it’s not in vain that I torture water in a mortar. As a servant of God (the name of the child - if a girl, then you read - a servant of God) has a need, so he goes to the toilet to relieve himself. And it will be unpleasant for him to lie in wet sheets, as once he does it for himself, it will become disgusting for him and he will never go under himself again in his life. Amen, amen, amen"

The plot is whispered three times over the water. Such water is given to the child and washed as soon as he wakes up. Do this procedure only once. A night or two after that, the child will not urinate on himself.

Water conspiracy for the waning moon

Such a conspiracy is also made on the water. When the moon starts waning, before the child goes to bed, in a ceramic or glass container, a glass is filled with drinking water. From this glass they give the child just one sip, and then they take him out of the house or put him on the threshold, balcony, cornice. The container is covered with a piece of black bread and they say:

“How can this glass be full until the morning, so the servant of God (name of the child) would not wet himself until the morning”

In the morning, when the child wakes up, he eats this piece of bread and drinks it with water from this glass. In the process of this, you need to pronounce special words:

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. So it was. So it will be, forever and ever will not decrease!

An old spell on a sheet

They make such a conspiracy on the waning moon. Before going to bed on the child's bed, one of the parents or close relatives reads a plot three times:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the incontinence of urine from the slave (s) (child's name). As a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (s) (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off and throw away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (s) (name). Amen"

In the morning wet sheets should be taken out of the house before lunch and rinsed in any available body of water: river, lake, stream and so on. Rinse sheets need to pronounce:

“River-voditsa, fast sister, carry and do not bring all pains and sins. River-voditsa, how do you flow, so my child, slave (e) (name), be dry on the floors "

In the evening, when the baby falls asleep, the father should read the prayer “Our Father” over him three times. After such a prayer, improvements will come in a few days.

A conspiracy on a dry tree

Such a conspiracy can be carried out for a child of any age. For its implementation, the morning urine of the child is needed.. A jar of urine is carried to a dry stump. It is best if it is a stump of a large and strong tree that has been cut down and has already dried. Urine is poured onto a stump, saying:

“As the stump is dry and dry, so the servant of God (name of the child) will now have a dry bed. With a word on the lock, with a key across, and no one can break my verbal seal.

The plot is pronounced once, and the jar is taken away to the trash can.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

Coming to the crossroads of two roads, it is necessary to unwind a ball of coarse thread. Tear off the thread from both ends, reading the special words nine times:

“As the Virgin Mary went for her son, so I, a creature of God, came to the road. The coarse thread has broken, so God forbid that my urine subsides! Do not suffer me any more with heaviness, I will live only joy! May it be easy and sufficient for me, and let me defecate at will! Lord, to Your glory, let everything be so! Amen"

It is better to wrap a charmed piece of thread in dark cloth and burn. It is not necessary to leave at the intersection, as another adult or child can take over such an ailment.

  • List item
December 19, 2017 2 lunar day - New Moon. Time to bring good things to life.

The effectiveness of the conspiracy from enuresis

Enuresis is a fairly common disease that occurs in both adults and children, although many do not consider it a disease. Very often, such a violation is observed in children. As medical practice shows, the causes of such a violation are not fully known. In this regard, medicine cannot provide the maximum effective results and save a person from urinary incontinence, so people resort to unconventional methods which include magic. Very often, people use conspiracies and prayers that help to cope with the disease. You can perform a conspiracy from enuresis different ways.

Enuresis conspiracies

How to fulfill a conspiracy?

The main cause of urinary incontinence is the underdevelopment of the genitourinary system. This disorder can also be caused various diseases, infections, stress, hypothermia and other factors. Especially unclear are the causes of children's nighttime urination in bed. In most cases, this happens as a result of fear. Although it is more childhood disease, it is also inherent in adults. The way out of this situation will be conspiracies and prayers that have helped many.

The ritual can be performed in a variety of ways. Below we consider the most common of them.

  1. Conspiracy with enuresis on maternal traces. The ritual is used in cases where urinary incontinence in a child. It is necessary to perform on the new moon. The mother goes to a clearing located not far from the dwelling and becomes barefoot on the ground so that traces form. After that, she returns home. In the morning, you need to take the baby to the clearing and put his legs on the tracks, first the right, then the left. At the same time, the following words are pronounced: “She herself gave birth, she helped the child (name).” The words must be repeated three times and the ceremony performed several times in order to completely cure the child.
  2. Bread conspiracy on consecrated water. Suitable for both adults and children. Holy water is collected in a glass, a sip of which should be drunk by one who suffers from enuresis. Then take the glass out of the house and put a piece of bread on it from rye flour, saying: "(Name) will not urinate in the bed, as this glass will be full.". In the morning, bread and water are given to the patient, with the words: “At night, sleep is water in the morning. At night, rest - bread in the morning. May it be so". In order for the enuresis conspiracy to help, it must be carried out once within 7 days.
  3. Conspiracy on a wet bed. Such a ritual should be performed by a woman who is a relative of the patient. Most often, it is used for urinary incontinence in a child. If the baby wet himself at night, in the morning you need to say the following words over a wet place: “Stream, spring water. You are strong and cold. Relieve (name) of urinary incontinence. As everything withers without you, so let the bed dry out without urine. Wash and dry diseases (name). May it be so". Having spoken such words, it is necessary to take a glass with illuminated water and whisper over it: “Holy water, strong and miraculous. As you wash the shores, wash away all ailments from a little baby. Rinse off your hands, rinse off your feet, rinse off your head and whole body. May all illnesses pass from (name). Blessed Mother of God, give me a peaceful sleep and health strong baby small. From now on and forever. Amen.". When the prayer is read, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times and give the charmed water to the child. This method is one of the best. It helps to get rid of not only urinary incontinence, but also other ailments.

Such simple conspiracies and prayers, allow you to overcome the disease, both in women, men, and in children.

How to plot with threads and sheets?

There are two very effective conspiracies that help to cope with enuresis in adults. For the ritual you need strong threads. A few threads come off the ball, they need to be torn off with your hands and not cut with scissors, then read these words:

“As the Mother of God went for her son, so I, a slave (a), came to the road (la). The tough thread broke, so God forbid that my urine would calm down. I do not live with litigation, but only joy. Let it become easy and calm for me, and I will empty myself of my own free will. Amen".

You need to repeat the plot nine times. The ritual is performed at the crossroads. Threads that have been used are wrapped in a dark patch and burned.

Conspiracies with enuresis must be spoken constantly until the disease recedes.

There is also another effective conspiracy from urinary incontinence. In order for it to work, it is advisable to carry out the ritual for a waning month, for several days. You need to pronounce it in the morning, when the sheets are still damp after the night:

“Mother river, key water, how do you wash the shore, wash urinary incontinence with (name). As branches without water die, let the sheet (name) be dry as well. Mother river, key water, as you wash the banks, wash away all ailments from (name). Amen".

The patient should drink the charmed water. Say the words three times. The plot helps with enuresis and other diseases.

What other simple conspiracies are there?

There are also other rituals, using which you can get rid of the unpleasant problem in question.

  1. Conspiracy with enuresis on a dry stump. The ritual helps with enuresis in a child. You will need to take the urine of the baby and go to the dry stump. Then the urine is poured onto the stump and the words are pronounced: “As this stump dried up, so do (name), let the sheet be dry. I close it with my speech, I close it with a key, and no one will open my seal with a word. It is enough to speak the plot once.
  2. In adulthood, enuresis is more difficult to treat, so before you perform the ceremony, you need to attend church for a week. To conduct the ceremony, you will need three candles and a glass of water. When the candle is lit, the following words are pronounced over the water: “As the water comes, so it goes, but when it is necessary and where it is necessary. It will be dry and not wet, it will become dry to sleep, and if there is a need, it will move away from sleep and go where ordered. Amen". The charmed water is given to the patient, after which the disease recedes.

Summing up

The options considered are far from the only conspiracies and prayers, there are many more. Treatment of frequent nighttime urination in bed in a child is always more effective and faster. In order to cure an adult, it will take more time.

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While there was no light in the office, they sang a plot from enuresis about Bedwetting in children in our

See Simple and quick deliverance from enuresis (not