Comparison of Maine Coon kittens and a regular cat. What you need to know about the cons of the Maine Coon breed, lovers of this breed. Maine Coon cat shits where it's wet, on the bed

The Maine Coon breed is an excellent representative of felines from America. They amazed many people with their unusual appearance, large size and playful character. If you want to make yourself such a friend, then you need to read the description of these cats.

Description and photo of the breed

Maine Coon is a breed native to North America. Cats are considered noble due to their extraordinary beauty: powerful bodies, sophisticated muzzles and ears with tassels like a lynx.

In addition, Maine Coons have very beautiful eyes: slightly slanted and large, golden, amber or green colors. The body has rectangular shape... The structure of the figure is completed by a large and powerful rib cage, the size of the body may be different.
This is not an artificially bred breed, Maine Coon cats are of natural origin. In their natural habitat - Maine - it is cold, therefore cats are thick and warm wool, cleaning them from freezing.

In addition, they often have to struggle with snow. In this they are helped by rough paws, between the toes of which you can find additional wool, which also warms them.

The most plausible and probable is the version of the origin of the breed, according to which the Maine Coons descended from the short-haired and long-haired, which the Vikings brought to America.


In the photo, you have already been able to admire the charm of Maine Coon cats, and from the description it became clear that the size of growth can be different, although at the same time they always remain large in comparison with other cats. In addition, they have different color and coat density.

The head of a real Maine Coon should be extended in length(usually in cats, it stretches out in width). The skull is massive, the cheekbones on the muzzle are raised up.

The eyes are similar in color to the coat. The neck is medium in size. The limbs are as large as the body and head of the animal. All these signs make Maine Coons the biggest cats.
The length of the fluffy tail always reaches the base of the cat's neck. Highest value weight - 15 kg, while other breeds of cats weigh 5 kg. The life span of a cat varies from 15 to 20 years old.

Character is another reason why the presented breed is in great demand among people in many countries. They are distinguished by a docile, playful disposition. Curious animals that are always ready to come to your rescue. This set of qualities makes Maine Coons real human friends.

Conditions for keeping

Let's say, after reading the description of the breed and character of Maine Coons, you wanted to purchase. Be careful, you will need to compose the right conditions for their content, which is not so cheap anymore. Most of the costs are spent on buying food for cats. The larger the body, the more it needs nutrients to restore energy and maintain health. That's why Maine Coons are animals that eat a lot.

In addition, you need to provide the cat with all the necessary things that may be needed after the examination. veterinarian(which is also a mandatory item).

If you plan to make your pet a participant in various exhibitions, then the conditions of detention will need to include such factors as the acquisition cosmetics and additional funds grooming, haircuts.
Maine Coon houses require a lot free space... In a small room, the cat will not feel comfortable, but due to the inability to throw out his energy through active ones, he will begin to experience stress.

It is desirable that the cat has its own corner in the house. It is preferable that it was some kind of hill. For example, you can free up the top shelf of your cupboards or make space on the refrigerator. Of course, the cat may not appreciate your efforts to prepare his personal place, but choose it for himself.

Care rules

During the first two weeks after the cat moves to your home, experts do not recommend carrying out any procedures other than the basic ones, as this can bring additional stress to the animal. An exception is brushing and, if necessary, bathing.

Necessary items and accessories

You can quench your thirst for cat games with any toy. It doesn't matter what it is. You can, for example, use a regular rubber ball. Maine Coons love to play with him, chasing all over the house for elusive fun.

When choosing a scratching post, you need to provide that cats should stretch out to their full height while they sharpen their claws. In addition to being long, these devices must also be strong to support the heavy weight. As a standard, the cat should have its own bowls (for water and for food) and. Better if it is closed. Bowls, on the other hand, must be strong, since it is likely that a strong animal will begin to play with it, rolling on the floor.

Bathing, brushing and other procedures

About caring for the Mei-kun breed (another version of their name, although not entirely correct), we can say that it is not so difficult. silk, so it is almost not confused and frequent combing does not require. Once a week is enough.

Careful attention should be paid to combing in certain period in spring and autumn, when the period of active molt begins.

Did you know? The Maine Coons began to lose their great popularity with the arrival Persian cats in 1900.

Bathing is an important procedure for caring for animals. First of all, the signal that it is time will be the detection of stains and any dirt on the wool. Bathing should be done with a special shampoo. Better if you get it from a veterinary clinic.
In addition, you need to carry out water treatments when found on the body of an animal. For this, you should also purchase specialized drugs. In other cases, bathing Maine Coon is not worth it. He may well take care of his cleanliness on his own by licking his coat.

The exceptions are cases when (if) you are preparing your pet for an exhibition, you want to give his coat a certain style.

Important! If there is no special need (the wool is not contaminated), then you need to bathe Maine Coon no more than 1 time in 3 months.

It is highly discouraged to bathe cats before and after vaccination, after suffering any disease and immediately after moving. The fact is that while bathing, the animal experiences discomfort, which can lead to stress.
In addition to the above factors, Maine Coon can experience very severe stress, and this in turn will lead to a decrease in immunity.

Maine Coon food

Even the photo shows the playful character of the Maine Coon cat. Such an active lifestyle requires and good food both adult cats and small kittens. They are slightly different.

Feeding the kitten

From month to stage active growth... At this time, you can read it to accustom to any food. At this time, milk porridge and scalded meat are well suited. Most of the time, however, the kitten will continue to drink its mother's milk.

If you have already acquired a more or less adult kitten (aged 2 to 3 months), then start limiting it in milk consumption. Focus more on solid food... It is better to feed the animal during this period often - 6-7 times a day. Daily rate is 150 g.
Over time, gradually reduce the number of servings, but increase their volume. By 1 year of age, the daily intake should be 200 g, divide them into 2 servings (morning and evening).

Important! Include in the diet not only meat, fish, poultry, but also plant foods.

Diet of an adult cat

There are several ways of feeding: one in which access to food is not limited, and one when you feed the cat at a strictly specified time. Everyone decides this individually.

Meat should be included in the diet of an adult cat. You can feed the Maine Coon dry food, but only high class... Make sure there is always enough fresh water in the bowl.

Did you know? Seafood is a delicacy for pets. Maine Coons are very fond of eating fish and mussels.

Among possible option the diet can be as follows:

  1. 100 g of meat, but only lean;
  2. 30-40 g of rice;
  3. 1 tsp sunflower oil;
  4. 2 tsp mashed vegetables.

All these components must be combined by mixing well. You can include dairy products in your diet.

Make sure that Maine Coon remains energetic and active, has healthy look... All these signs will indicate that you have chosen the right diet. If not, then something needs to be changed or added. In such cases, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Learning and communication

Maine Coons are very sociable animals, they love being in human society. It is necessary to bring up pets from the earliest possible age.

The first thing cats need to learn is how to use the toilet and scratching post. This breed lends itself well, they can easily be learned to anything in the language of the carrot and stick. But do not overdo it with the punishment system, otherwise the stress-prone animal will feel bad.
For example, you can stop an animal from jumping onto a sleeping bed or scratching a sofa with a spray bottle. The water in it should be warm, you need to splash the animal very little: do not allow the coat to be too wet for water to get into the eyes.

Before punishing an animal for disobedience, consider whether it is to blame for the situation. Perhaps you yourself did not take care of finding a comfortable place to sleep, installing a scratching post or tray in an insufficiently secluded place.

Walking with a cat

The characteristics of Maikunov cats tell us that they are very active, which means they must love to walk on the street. But in fact, not all pets prefer going out.

Determine for yourself what type your pet is. If he gives in to your calls to take a walk, then you can take him out.

On the other hand, due to their curiosity and playfulness, your pets will be grateful for the opportunity to visit for several hours a day or at least a week. fresh air, surrounded by other felines.

If your cat is not accustomed to walking, then it is better to lead him with a leash, which you can buy at the pet store.

Difficulties and possible illnesses

The breed is hardy and different good health, but still sometimes there are cases of ailments. Among the most common diseases is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Spinal muscular atrophy is also among the most common. This disease is hereditary, so the cat's parents and their health - important factor when buying a pet. Such a disease is incurable, it leads to muscle weakness and complete atrophy.
Hip dysplasia is also a hereditary disease. It is characterized severe pain and even the lameness of an animal. The disease is not fatal, but it often causes osteoarthritis.

In order not to face these and other diseases, periodically take your Maine Coon to the veterinarian. He must monitor the health of the animal, then you do not have to worry about the well-being of the pet.

The main rule of keeping a cat is love and respect for him. Before you decide to make yourself a four-legged friend, make sure you are ready to take on this responsibility.

The article will talk about the most famous cat breed, which many had to deal with, but not everyone knew about what kind of Maine Coon breed and what it happens to be.

Provides answers to frequently asked questions about the breed and its description with an emphasis on the most important points, which most often you have to deal with when permanently living in an apartment or a private house of these cats, kittens and cats.

Breed of cats and cats, Maine Coon kittens description and characteristics of the breed, character, size, maximum weight of an adult cat

Maine Coon cats stand out for their large size and weight. If average weight a kitten of most cat breeds is about 70 grams, then a Maine Coon kitten is born 2 times larger than its counterparts, and in some cases it can weigh up to 170-180 grams.

The weight of an adult cat reaches 10-15 kg, and its body length is 1-1.20 m.

Despite the impressive size, Maine Coons are reputed to be docile and friendly character and are successfully kept at home.

Maine Coon cat features of the breed, standard, origin, signs

The Maine Coon stands out from other domestic cats for its size. The history of their origin is not so distant. It is believed that the cats that lived on the Isle of Man became the ancestors of the breed, among which the largest individuals were selected for mating. Local farmers loved these animals so much that the image of the cat was featured on a 25p coin.

It is predetermined by the breed standards that these cats should have a large, muscular and broad-boned body, an equally massive head, a strong neck and large paws. The Maine Coon's coat is thick, water-repellent, short on the head and shoulders.

How much are Maine Coon cats, price in Ukraine

The price of a Maine Coon kitten in Ukraine is 7-15 thousand hryvnia. Such a significant difference in value is primarily due to the pedigree and color of the animal.

Maine Coon Asher cat breed features

The Maine Coon Asher cat breed is currently considered one of the most expensive. Outwardly, the Maine Coon Asher resembles a leopard - the cat is just as graceful and has a color characteristic of a leopard.

A feature of the breed is the fact that this cat reacts calmly to walks on a leash and has a friendly and playful disposition.

Maine Coon cats care, nutrition, health and character

Despite its exotic appearance, the Maine Coon cat does not need the same exotic care and nutrition. She may well be content with a large cat house and a scratching post. Its short coat does not form tangles and does not need daily brushing.

The main food of such a large animal is meat and dry food of premium or super premium classes.

Maine Coons, with the right maintenance and timely vaccination, do not suffer from any of their typical diseases. They are healthy cats with an inquisitive disposition and developed intelligence... Animals lend themselves well to training and are able to carry out some commands of their owners.

Maine Coon cat and Siamese cat and children, dog

When thinking about whether to have a Maine Coon cat, the question arises about the relationship of the new pet with the animals and children already in the house. Of course, it all depends on the nature of the animals, because in their own way they are attached to the owners and can be jealous of each other, but in most cases the Maine Coon is without special problems joins in new family... Despite its size, the cat has a calm and friendly disposition, not conflict.

Maine Coons are smart and can get along well not only with dogs and Siamese cats, but also with children.

Maine Coon cat hisses and aggressive, rushes

Maine Coon cats are known as animals with a balanced and peaceful character. The manifestation of aggression on their part can be explained as a defensive reaction to any threat or pain inflicted. Analyze what caused this behavior of the animal that does not suit him, and try to eliminate irritating factors.

Maine Coons are quick-witted and it is necessary to make them understand that such behavior on their part is not acceptable. Stop attempts to show aggression loud sounds(for example, clapping your hands, throwing a bunch of keys on the floor, etc.) or water, but doing this immediately, and not after a couple of minutes. If all attempts to re-educate the cat remain unsuccessful, then it is better to part with the "tyrant" and send him to an animal shelter.

Maine Coon cat and regular cat

The Maine Coon cat, in comparison with the ordinary cat, is Gulliver in the land of the Lilliputians. Nevertheless, blood relations makes itself felt and cats, so different in size, can get along well with each other.
In order not to get into a mess when buying a kitten and not to buy an ordinary cat or a half-breed instead of a Maine Coon, you should buy a new pet from breeders who have documents confirming the pedigree of the kitten.

What is the difference between the Maine Coon Siberian and Norwegian forest cat

Maine Coons, Norwegian forest and Siberian cats there are many similarities, especially when the animals have not reached puberty and the Maine Coons do not clearly stand out against their background with their size. Nevertheless, the Maine Coon cat breed has a number of features that make it possible to identify it among other kittens by the following outward signs, namely:
- elongated body and neck compared to other breeds;
large head with prominent cheekbones and a massive chin;
- large, erect ears, with tassels at the ends;
- slanted eyes.

Maine Coon cat is not gaining weight and does not eat well what to do

Maine Coons are large cats, but their maturation takes a long time and an individual that has crossed the 3-year line is considered an adult. Therefore, the fears of the owners about poor weight gain may be in vain, because the cat is not a pig, which must be fattened before winter.

Despite the impressive size, Maine Coons are not so voracious to maintain normal physical form they require slightly more food than other mustachioed relatives. Therefore, before taking any measures and implementing dubious advice, it is better to find out the reason for the decrease in appetite by visiting a veterinarian with your pet.

Maine Coon cat pregnancy and childbirth

A pregnant cat often wakes up appetite and decreases physical activity... This is normal, and in order to support the Maine Coon's body and ensure the health of future offspring in the cat's diet, vitamin and calcium containing foods should be increased. You should not limit food to the animal.

At the end of the expected gestational age, it is necessary to provide the cat with a place for childbirth. " Maternity hospital"Can serve cardboard box from under household appliances covered with newspapers or rags. Usually Maine Coons give birth on the 65th day after mating and last from 12 to 24 hours.

Maine Coon cat is afraid of new owners how to tame, how to name

A change of scenery is stressful for any animal, so the first time to a new family member should be shown Special attention... To make the adaptation easier and the Maine Coon quickly get used to your home, ask its old owners about the habits and diet of the future pet and try to create similar conditions for it.

Also ask former owners give the animal a little litter from the old litter box (then the cat will quickly learn where the latrine is in the new house). Do not force things, give the cat the opportunity to get used to it and gradually you will become best friends.
If the kitten did not have a nickname, or you don’t like it, then pick up suitable name you can look at the sites with animal names, which offer a lot of options for every taste.

How often the Maine Coon cat walks

Maine Coon cats and cats are very temperamental and the desire for mating in sexually mature individuals can manifest itself every 3 weeks.

Maine Coon cat shits where it's wet, on the bed

This type of behavior is found in the Maine Coon when he seeks to establish his leadership over family members. In order to avoid these incidents in the future, some cat owners give advice to castrate the prankster.

Maine Coon cat catches mice, fish, rats

Maine Coons, like other felines, are excellent hunters. In addition to mice and rats, cats of this breed can destroy bird nests and fish in a shallow body of water.

Maine Coon cats molt, what to do at home

Healthy Maine Coon cats molt gradually, so their owners should not have any special problems with their hair. If you brush your pet regularly, give it vitamin preparations or food with increased content amino acids, fatty acids, biotin and zinc, the molting process is almost imperceptible.

These amazing creatures cause genuine awe when they purr. It is more like singing, whose harmonious sound sinks deep into the hearts. It's about the very major representative cats of domestic breeds - Maine Coon.

Maine Coon description and features

This animal is considered a national treasure of North America, it is there that their homeland. Maine Coon cat breed characterized by enough unusual shape head and body, as well as an outstanding coat.

Their head is slightly longer than the rest, middle length ears with tassels seem to stand on it, thanks to this feature, you will never confuse Maine Coon with other cats.

Their unusually wide eyes are also noticeable, they seem to squint a little, but their expressive look cannot be compared with anything. The color is different, with the exception of the pronounced Siamese. The body is long, the neck is powerful, the tail is proportional to the structure of the body.

Maine Coon in the photo sometimes causes inimitable delight. The cat has a soft, docile character, although its appearance can scare an unknowing person, because its size sometimes goes beyond the possible. They love to play with their master, they are sociable enough, so you can safely invite guests, your pet will quickly make friends with them.

Maine Coon just loves to run and have fun, taking down everything that comes across on its way, therefore it is believed that these cats are better for people who have private house and enough space for games.

By the way, if mice venture into the house, they won't have to live long, these cats do an excellent job of catching rodents. Maine Coon breed it is also characterized as neat and tidy, they will never get into the dirt and will not mess around in the house.

In addition to spiritual kindness, Maine Coons have incredible pride, they will never tolerate rudeness and violence, anyone who tries to humiliate or offend them will receive what they deserve. Training also will not cause any inconvenience, these cats have phenomenal memory and quickly memorize commands, this is how he is, Maine Coon.

Maine Coon breed price

These are very expensive breeds. Average maine coon cattery will offer you kittens at a price of 25,000 rubles and above, the maximum level can reach almost 150-200 thousand rubles.

Maine Coon kitten

Such price spacing depends on the pedigree of the cat, its litter, documents, results medical examination and the breeder himself. However, do not think that they are trying to cash in on your wallet.

Just imagine, nurseries buy them in America, and for this you need to make an expensive flight, hire an interpreter, pay for accommodation and a permit to transport the animal.

Maine Coon, price which at first may seem high, in fact deserves such a cost. Be aware that in the bird markets you will never buy a purebred representative of this breed, no matter what you are told, it will always be a mixed representative.

Maine Coon at home

Since birth Maine Coon kittens require a special soft spot, it can be soft house, which now abound in stores, or a fluffy blanket. Be sure to arrange a place for him to sharpen his claws. If you do not, then your upholstered furniture will have to suffer.

Maine Coon cat it will be best to go to the tray that you put in the bathroom, remember, these are smart animals and they perfectly understand why their owner walks into this room, and therefore he will follow the example.

Buy a few for your pet soft toys, it is best without hard small parts, as they like to pull them in their teeth like dogs and can accidentally bite off buttons or buttons.

In addition, you need to take care of the safety in the apartment, Maine Coon cat curious as a child, so she can easily fall out the window, lick the medicine and taste washing powder.

Maine Coon breed care

The coat of this breed is quite thick, it requires careful combing during molting. To do this, buy a special brush with wide teeth, which your Maine Coon will be very happy with. The forum of his fans can tell about many subtleties and nuances of combing, so be sure to check it out.

As for nutrition, this is how the rule of healthy natural products, with a full complement of minerals and vitamins. No food on the table and cheap - meat, cottage cheese, sour cream and vegetable food. The Maine Coon breed is expensive both in value and in content, so when buying, think about the future.

Maine Coon red color

V regular care also includes clipping the nails as they grow, cleaning the ears and bathing with special shampoos... Maine Coon, which is difficult for most Russians to buy, justifies all the money spent. This is an extraordinary creature, which can easily be called a miracle of nature.

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats at first glance amaze with a combination of restrained power and external nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with a long fluffy wool, with tassels on the ears, like a lynx, with a long and beautifully pubescent tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection, people have nothing to do with its appearance: Maine Coons remain the same as nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention.

The Maine Coon cat breed is large, long-haired animals, their average weight is 4-8 kg in females and 8-12 kg in males, body length can be more than 1 m. Distinctive features of this large breed are ears with peculiar tassels and a beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon's tail.

Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians living for more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the Maine Coon cat's body as elongated, close to a rectangle, the chest is wide, the neck is of medium length. The characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard:

  • strong paws of medium length;
  • massive large head;
  • upright pointed ears;
  • long hair with a thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • allowed colors: black, white, red, tortie, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: the origin of the breed

The similarity with the lynx and the raccoon gave rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: supposedly there was a crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons with a lynx or a raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed has remained in its name. V North America, the birthplace of this breed, large pets were called the Manx raccoon cats. Maine - the name of the state of Maine (Maine), considered the birthplace of the breed, coon - a particle from the English name of the raccoon - raccoon.

The breed standard characterizes the Maine Coon cat's body as elongated, close to a rectangle, the chest is wide, the neck is of medium length

First big domestic cat in New England farms helped owners to protect harvested crop from pests, catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals began organizing exhibitions of their pets in the mid-1850s. Representatives of the breed began to settle from farms in the houses of large cities in America, competing in popularity with the Angora and Persian cat breeds.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around exotic breed began to decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons started only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Breeders' Club was opened, later the Maine Coon Breeders Association appeared. Official kennels of the breed began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has attracted great and unrelenting interest.

Maine Coon cats: breed features (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

Maine Coon character and behavior

Cats that seem outwardly ponderous are actually very mobile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need room for games, active image cat life.

This is not a couch cat. She, obeying natural hunting instincts, with pleasure will tirelessly track and catch a toy mouse or ball. Playing with the Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have flexible character, get along well with the owner's family, other pets. Aggressiveness is not inherent in this breed, but cats identify strangers unmistakably and maintain a distance of distrust in their relation.

Cats that look heavy on the outside are actually very agile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are distinguished by developed intelligence. They memorize not only a person's words and intonation, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside it seems that the cat understands the owner, not just from one word - from one glance. The Maine Coon cat is happy to learn a variety of tricks, especially if the training itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have a very sensitive hearing: being somewhere in the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the owner's call, whether it be a quiet command or a conventional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never like the shrill screams of cats of other breeds. This is a quiet musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purr has a very individual tone, it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring with the same voices. They publish not only the characteristic cat purr- may sound something similar to a bird chirp, squeak or trill.

Usually Maine Coon chooses a secluded place in which he will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere near the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, for hours closely following what the owner is doing. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the very unexpected place, in the apparent uncomfortable posture, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that the little Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this moment his future place of residence should be equipped for him and prepared:

  1. A lounger with dimensions of at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or self-built).
  2. A spacious litter box (for a kitten, the cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the litter for the toilet that was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the size of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and large enough.

Maine Coons need regular walking outside. It's good when it happens on the territory suburban area... Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In an urban setting, you need to find safe place for a walk and take the pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all the necessary vaccinations have been made.

Caring for a gorgeous Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to comb out the wool 1-2 times a week, and during the shedding - daily. For bathing Maine Coons use special shampoos for long hair. Unique wool is capable of self-cleaning, for this reason, the bathing procedure is not carried out very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a dampened boiled water swab. Dental care is performed with a special brush and paste, and the ear wax is carefully removed with the help of pharmacy cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and Maine Coon kittens (video)

What and how to feed Maine Coon

First of all, you need to assimilate information about what categorically cannot be given to a pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any foods with spices, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coon food can be organized with natural or prepared industrial food. The finished food is selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra premium feed is preferred for large breeds cats, they contain at least 50% meat in their composition.

Natural food does not imply that this breed of cats eats from the human table - it is unacceptable and dangerous for the pet's health. Healthy eating cat consists of:

  • a daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or frozen for 5-7 days);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea ​​fish give no more than 2 times a week raw or boiled).

Sour milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) are alternated instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in daily diet- it can cause obesity in Maine Coon, they are given 2-3 times a week.

The diet must contain vitamins and minerals, which ones and in what proportions are prescribed by the veterinarian. And drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

To feed kittens, use one type of food, for adult cats - another. The kitten needs more nutrients for the first 9-12 months rapid growth... After reaching one year old they are transferred to adult cat food. For feeding pregnant and lactating cats, kitten food is used.

Health, disease and vaccinations

Is different good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dysplasia hip joints and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat is not in the mood, it can react to weather changes. But it must be shown to the doctor if it is observed:

Vaccination of Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is given at 2 months, the second at 3, the third at 1 year, then annually. Antihelminthic drugs are given 10 days before vaccination. In some cases, you need to provide confirmation (a note about it is entered in a special column of the veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in an exhibition, accommodation in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • Maine Coon is a unique animal, adapted by nature itself to live in severe frosts. This is confirmed by the appearance: the special design of the paws, allowing you to walk on the snow, thick fluffy tail, in which the cat can wrap himself, as if in a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from water bodies, and the Maine Coon cat is able to voluntarily arrange a bath for itself.

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