Secrets of our grandmothers: beauty recipes from the past. Ancient beauty recipes or what our grandmothers used. Secret from Sophia Loren

My grandmother had teeth like Sophia Loren until she was very old, and when she hennaed her curls and curled them into curls from my old school notebooks, our phone was torn from calls from elderly gentlemen inviting my grandmother on a date. And I still use her recipe for exfoliating the skin of the face with a piece of suede and I hope that at 85 I will look 20 years younger, like my beloved grandmother. Our grandmothers had to dodge to look like fresh roses, and, you see, they sometimes succeeded better than us, who have countless tubes and jars in the bathroom shelves.

Most master recipe of youth, which I kept from my grandmother, is the advice to always smile and always be in love. Well, as a bonus, all of the following!

1. “Curlers” from rags

Stripes from an old pillowcase - these were the best "curlers", thanks to which tight, elastic and resistant curls were obtained. Sleeping with such “curlers” is not a problem at all! When it was necessary to make a larger wave, my grandmother took notebook leaves, twisted them into a tube - “boomerang curlers” were obtained. So it is quite possible to adopt this a budget option if for some reason you don’t have the usual curlers in your house. This is normal for me - the dog regularly eats these expensive accessories so grandma's advice always helps out.

2. Suede “massage”

We take a piece natural suede and begin to rub the face, neck and décolleté area massage lines. We do this procedure in the morning and in the evening for 5-7 minutes. You will not believe, but the face becomes well, just perfectly smooth! True, you need to try to find a suede that is not treated with chemicals. My grandmother used her old suede gloves for this purpose. Eh, give up on the flea market, or what?

3. Satin against electricity

Have you ever encountered such a phenomenon as electrified hair? I had this often, until my grandmother advised me to put a satin pillowcase on my pillow. Not only did the static tension disappear by some miracle, my grandmother also claimed that the smoothness of satin protects against premature wrinkles. I believe her, remembering her rosy cheeks!

4. Glycerin hand cream

In those days, glycerin was almost a panacea, they smeared the face with it, and the doors so that they would not creak, and did enemas. My grandmother took a pharmacy vial of glycerin and dissolved a piece of brewer's yeast in it. With this mixture, she smeared her hands at night, putting on cotton gloves. I don’t remember something on the hands of my 85-year-old grandmother of age spots.

6. Calcium chloride peeling

The vile-tasting liquid that was fed to me as a child for health, managed not to hate for only one reason. Calcium chloride is an incredibly chic skin peel that can seriously compete with expensive salon peels and French-based products. glycolic acid. wet cotton pad calcium chloride(this is a liquid) and massage your face along the massage lines, rinse your face with water. You will be really surprised by the effect of smoothness and softness with the help of such a simple penny liquid (5 ampoules of 5 ml each cost about 8 hryvnias). You can treat any coarsened or dry parts of the body - knees, elbows, heels.

7. Potatoes for circles under the eyes

Our grandmothers without exception went with nickels of potatoes on their faces, I think you remember these wonderful shots from your childhood! I also remember circles of cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries stuck on the faces of my grandmother and mother. The starch contained in the potato somehow affected the condition of the skin around the eyes. And later, when fashionable tea bags appeared on sale, these same bags replaced potatoes and cucumbers.

8. Laundry soap for acne

When my brother began to grow up and he developed acne on his forehead and cheeks, my mother bought a bunch of lotions. The poor fellow smeared, smeared, smeared, smeared, but all to no avail. And then one day my grandmother came to us and handed her brother a bundle. There was a piece of soap in the package dark brown With pungent odor. The brother grimaced, and the grandmother said: “In a week, there will be no trace of your acne.” Don't doubt it - it happened. Laundry soap has active alkaline properties, and, as you know, most microorganisms in alkaline environment- lid. Yes, by the way, doctors still advise: if you are bitten by a dog, you need to thoroughly wash the wound with abundant foam from laundry soap. In general, any wounds can be treated with this natural antiseptic. Just keep in mind - all newfangled laundry soaps of white and yellow flowers With pleasant smell does not work. Only grandma's "black" soap!

9. Laundry soap for gorgeous hair

This super soap, the same one, almost black in color and with an unbearably “pleasant” smell, also served as a great shampoo. If you find just such an “old” soap, you will never want to spend money on expensive ones again. medicinal products for hair, especially if you have dandruff (dry or oily, in this case doesn't matter).

The algorithm is as follows: wash your hair, as usual, with shampoo, then wash the hair roots abundantly with soap, rubbing the foam into the skin, then rinse thoroughly and apply either conditioner, or, if the hair is not prone to dryness, rinse with a decoction of herbs with the addition of lemon juice. Try what you deserve. My grandmother had curls - wow!

10. Miracle dishwashing detergent that does not kill hands

There were no fairies in those days, but grandmother's dishes always shone like new. And her hands were always soft and gentle. In a box on the kitchen sink, we always had detergent: soda, mustard powder, shavings of the same household miracle soap, tooth powder. During the wash, my grandmother added a little vinegar to this mixture - and the result was always impressive. I well remember how she carefully rubbed the back of her hands with the remnants of this “faerie”. Perhaps that is also why she did not have any pigmentation.

11. A bunch more useful things from laundry soap

Briefly, what I remember from my grandmother: laundry soap Fine…

  • ... make an intimate toilet with thrush and any inflammatory diseases vagina.
  • ... to clean the face of makeup.
  • ... with a runny nose, insert tampons moistened with a solution of soap into the nose - this kills microorganisms and creates a protective film against the virus.
  • ... in case of fungal diseases, thoroughly wash the affected areas.
  • ... in case of burns, lather sore spot foam and let dry. There will be no blister!
  • … to process vegetables, fruits and even meat. Make a very weak solution of soap and rinse the products thoroughly in it, then rinse with running water. Microorganisms, helminth eggs and other muck dissolve without a trace.

As you can see, so many new and unexpected useful information. You do not need to go into waste and do a bunch of exhausting procedures. Try grandma's recipes. And don't forget the main one! Do you remember which one?

Not youth and beauty should be envied, but the state of a woman who has freed herself from the fear of age. (April 1913)

Use stand up more often lipstick so as not to leave marks on the cheeks of other people. And most importantly, so as not to stain the cheeks of your girlfriend's child. (October 1949)

A face that glows with health, and a figure radiating energy, have a 4 out of 5 chance of appearing beautiful. (March 1916)

In fact, today it is easy to become beautiful. After all, we know that beauty is the sum of several noticeable components: a good haircut, a slim body, perfect makeup- and a few other subtle details. (January 1954)

As we all know, true beauty lies within us. This is the love that every woman exudes. It shines brighter and opens up in caring for others, in the enthusiasm with which you communicate with people, trying to get to know them better. (December 1966)

Never be the type of woman who says, "I don't care what I look like, I'm already married." (February 1940)

Your motto when applying makeup should be the words: "Use less, but carefully selected." (January 1933)

And now we come to a simple but important rule to maintain the beauty of the neck: always keep your head high. (February 1952)

Here's our uplifting strategy for the January 1961 fashion (it's a time-honored tool, by the way): add bright colors to your wardrobe. fresh colors. Forget the basic Blue colour. Refresh your image with the brightest clothes you have. Or buy at least one bright dress! Main spring trends

Skin beauty secrets

Apply a protective oily cream or softening lotion to your face every time you go outside, where wind and cold can damage the skin. Also use sunscreen more often to avoid sunburn on the delicate skin of the face. (November 1947)

Keep a jar of eye cream on your bedside table. Then you won't forget to use it in the evening. (March 1969)

The worst effect on appearance women and facial skin condition: malnutrition, going to bed too late, bad air, infrequent bathing and restlessness. (February 1895)

In the summer at sea you need an efficient sunscreen to avoid burns. Apply it more often, without being stingy, not only when you sunbathe, but also when you get out of the water. Here it is, the secret of female beauty, which we do not get tired of repeating! (June 1950)

Beautiful look: beauty secrets at home

The beauty of the eyes largely depends on the shape of the eyebrows. (May 1890)

To make your look more open and expressive, curl your eyelashes. This will add shine and sparkle to the eyes. (March 1955)

To hide puffy eyelids, give them depth with the help of shadows. Use a deep smoky eyeshadow shade in browns, greens, blues or grays. Apply shadow all over the eyelid and into the crease. And under the eyebrows, apply a light, lighter contrasting shade. (October 1976)

your hands

Home beauty secret: if the cuticles near the nails become dry, lubricate them more often with warm vegetable oil or special cuticle oil. So it will be easier to move them away, and not cut them off. (March 1948)

Be kind to your hands, they need care as much as your face. Remember that hands are incorrigible informers, and nothing betrays the age and status of a woman like they do. Make sure your hands say only good things about you. (July 1927)

Paint your nails bright color, it will remind you not to bite your nails! (May 1958)

How to dress to be successful

This advice, written in October 1915, is still relevant 100 years later. So to look successful business woman, you should purchase a well-tailored and perfectly fitting suit made of quality dark-colored fabric. It is desirable that it does not have any decoration. Let the perfection of cut lines be its hallmark. You should have two skirts to match this suit, as the jacket wears out 2 times slower than the skirt. And a couple of blouses simple style in immaculate condition. A business office is not a place for ruffles and frills.

look younger

Every woman needs blush sometimes, and some just can't go out without it. Pink blush gives a fresh and healthy look pale and tired skin faces. (October 1956)

It is much easier to prevent wrinkles than to try to get rid of them later. (July 1919)

Dark powder of a dense consistence will emphasize your wrinkles. Choose a lighter and airy powder, it will hide skin imperfections and wrinkles. (May 1932)

Hair Beauty Secrets

A little curl in your hair will soften your expression and make you look years younger. (May 1897)

A professional haircut is essential for a good haircut and is something you should leave to the professionals rather than doing it yourself. (March 1957)

Prepare everything you need for hair coloring in one place. Then your hair won't suffer too much. long staining when you're looking for something you forgot to cook. (June 1977)

We take note of the beauty secrets of our grandmothers!

For example, you drank a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk in the morning. Lubricate the remnants on the skin of the face, with light in a circular motion. And five minutes will be enough for a refreshing and nourishing effect.

If it is yogurt, its bacteria tend to activate the biological activity of the skin, causing natural processes updates in the epidermis.

Ryazhenka perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin of the face. But these are options, so to speak, hastily. And it is better to approach this constructively and even creatively. Do not forget about the atmosphere of harmony and beauty, which would be great to accompany all these manipulations.

Does traditional medicine help with wrinkles?

Certainly - yes! And do not be fooled by the skeptical remarks of the ladies who fell victim to advertising expensive ways rejuvenation.

The cost does not always guarantee the result, especially in the case of expensive cosmetics - the lion's share of their cost pays for the advertising necessary for their sale.

There is, however, one moment ...

The really effective cosmetics oh from wrinkles, it happens cream textures are used that allow very deep penetration into the layers of the epidermis, saturating and revitalizing the skin due to the peculiarity of their molecular structure, which is not achievable at home.

There are also ready-made funds from wrinkles, extremely affecting the skin, which has a powerful, but short-term effect of smoothing wrinkles.

On this a short time the effect is amazing - you can not argue. But if you look at the long term, then the picture appears different - life potential is literally “knocked out” of the skin, its reserve abilities for regeneration, renewal.

Excessive consumption of its potential to renew over time brings the skin to severe and almost irreversible depletion. Get to know the recipes folk remedies which can help get rid of wrinkles.

Grandma's homemade recipes


From cocoa butter

Cocoa butter will make the texture of the cream lighter. Add just enough to form an air mass. This cream can be further enriched essential oil geraniums.

Perfect for smoothing deep wrinkles, for the eyelids. It will be effective in the fight against wrinkles in the forehead. Good for dry skin at any time of the day.

For normal and oily skin- best used as night cream. Keep refrigerated. Storage time - 2-3 weeks.

From cream

Perfectly nourishes and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes.

How to make wrinkle cream depending on skin type, you will learn from this video:


Based on beeswax

This ointment is especially good for restoring weathered skin on the lips, rough skin on the elbows.

With ghee

It nourishes the skin very well and makes it soft.

How to make an ointment beeswax And cosmetic oils you will learn here:


From aloe vera

Perfectly rejuvenates!

From oatmeal

The skin after application becomes radiant and smooth. Suitable even for the delicate skin around the eyes.

From banana and kiwi

This mask improves skin metabolism, nourishes and moisturizes.

The complexion becomes even and beautiful.

The skin becomes smooth and elastic.

A positive effect on the skin will have a mask with the effect of Botox. This wrinkle remedy has a lot of positive reviews. Here is the recipe for this wonderful mask:



This compress will cleanse the skin, activate its vitality.

The procedure time is 10 minutes.

After that, be sure to apply nutritious cream or make a nourishing mask.


very interesting and effective remedy to get rid of wrinkles - lavender.

Namely, lavender flowers. They can be found on sale in tea shops.

If you are lucky enough to find it, be sure to try making this miraculous compress.

  1. Make an infusion of lavender flowers (a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water).
  2. Soak gauze folded in several layers with a warm solution, at least 10 layers of gauze (!).
  3. Apply to your face as a mask. Take 15-20 minutes.

The skin after such a compress is nourished, straightened, becomes fresh and young, which also helps to remove wrinkles.




Get a scrub for delicate sensitive skin.

It not only cleanses the skin, but also perfectly relieves inflammation.

It can also be applied as a mask, and after 10-20 minutes, moisten with plenty of water and massage the skin of the face as usual when applying a scrub.

In this video, we will tell you about what you can make a face scrub at home from:

Now, you have familiarized yourself with some of the tools from folk secrets beauty guarding the youthfulness of the skin. I brought here universal options, which will suit, perhaps, everyone. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to the components.

You also need to remember that the creams and ointments offered by folk school beauty, not suitable for oily skin, not always suitable for normal, but will almost always be successful when applied to dry depleted facial skin.

This is because to create light cream textures, gel-like bases with special thickeners are needed. However, their home craftsmen do it themselves, thickening herbal decoctions with xanth gum, for example, and using the resulting gel as the basis for a light cream. But these are not quite folk recipes, although they are certainly very interesting and effective.

Owners of oily skin should not overdo it with oils as well, so as not to clog pores.

A oily creams and ointments for folk recipes can be used locally– lubricating especially deep grooves of wrinkles or on the skin around the eyes, there is usually no problem with oiliness.

And of course steam baths with decoctions of herbs - nutritional value or antiseptic - suitable for everyone, except for those whose capillaries are close to the skin.

This is skin with vascular network, it reacts negatively to such thermal effects.

But masks, scrubs, compresses - there are a lot of them and they are for all skin types. And finally, one more pleasant remedy Let's call it popular. Walks in the winter forest.

Frosty air has powerful rejuvenating properties, as it has a very high ozone content. The skin after such walks acquires freshness, regeneration processes are activated.

I must say - moderate walks and not on the most frosty days.

So it’s not for nothing that you noticed after such events that the skin looks younger. This is not only an effect good mood and the beneficial effects of ozone.

By the way, there is a wonderful modern invention, devices for ozonizing rooms. Get yourself one. Turn it on, audio with the sounds of the forest, lie down with a traditional medicine mask and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of harmony, beauty and boundless relaxation for 20 minutes ...

And now the new you with radiant and beautiful smooth skin. And great mood!

Not always healthy beauty is the result of increased rubbing into the skin of expensive cosmetics. Great look in adulthood- this is often the fruit of painstaking work on your lifestyle and habits. Old grandmother's notebooks sometimes store very interesting things ... Following the advice that has been tested by more than one generation of beauties, you will keep your skin young and healthy on long years! For recovery digestive system and mild bowel cleansing every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds, chewing them thoroughly and drinking water. Correct work digestive organs will immediately affect the condition of the skin: minor inflammation, redness, excessive greasiness will disappear, the complexion will improve. For ease of use, you can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. Since flax has a strong choleretic effect, use it with caution, especially if you have gallstones. To maintain normal body weight, consume 150 g of boiled beets daily. Beet betaine, which is not destroyed by heat treatment, regulates fat metabolism. In addition, this root vegetable is extremely useful for cleansing the blood. Every day, eat a handful of any nuts that you prefer. In a month, the result will be reflected on the face in the literal sense. Unsaturated fatty acids found in in large numbers in all nuts, have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails and even reduce the appearance of PMS symptoms! Face mask Purchase vitamin E capsules and a vial of glycerin at the pharmacy. Prepare a mixture of 30 ml of glycerin and the contents of 10 capsules. Use this mixture in the evening, applying it 2 hours before bed to cleansed skin. Wipe excess paper napkin.Mask of dry mustard powder in just a month can transform your hair beyond recognition! Hair Loss Mix 2 tsp. mustard powder from 2 tbsp. l. olive or burdock oil, add to the mixture 2 tsp. sugar and the same amount of warm water. Mix well to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream, apply to damp hair for 15 minutes. before washing. Use this mask to prevent hair loss, increase growth, give them shine and silkiness once a week. Mustard can cause a slight burning sensation. If tolerable - keep the mask for the prescribed time, but at a very unpleasant sensations it is better to wash off. Rinse your hair after every wash apple cider vinegar- Mix 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. Not a single purchased balm or conditioner will have such an effect! Calluses To get rid of calluses, soften the rough skin of the legs, lubricate the feet every evening with a mixture of butter and a few drops of essential lavender or mint oil. Put on your cotton socks and go to bed! Take care of the beauty of eyelashes Castor oil. Make it a rule before going to bed to lubricate their cilia. For ease of application, use a brush from the old carcass, after washing it. Rejuvenate the skin of the body and help fight cellulite salt scrub. Prepare it just before taking a shower or bath: mix stone table salt with sour cream in equal proportions. After water procedures Apply the scrub all over your body in circular motions, then rinse. Get such a valuable beauty product as amaranth oil (sold in pharmacies), which contains squalene in large quantities. Absorbing almost 100%, this miracle product is able to smooth even deep wrinkles, rejuvenate and tighten the skin of the face and body. The price of oil bites, but the result of its use, the stunning Squalene was first isolated from the liver of deep-sea sharks back in the thirties of the twentieth century and until recently it was believed that this was the only source for obtaining this incredibly powerful antioxidant. Only the content of squalene in shark liver is only 1.5%, while in amaranth oil its share reaches 8%. .Regularly following these tips will ensure you look great and feel great for years to come. Time will pass, and perhaps you will already share them with your granddaughters!


If a woman does not take care of herself properly, the main reason for inattention to herself is usually called the lack of time. In fact, it is a lack of motivation. And if she can love herself, then there will definitely be time.

The second reason is called: "Expensive, there are not enough funds." This is where we can look for a solution to the problem. Let's delve into grandmother's recipes?

Our grandmothers went through a hard time, but take a look at the old photos from their youth: lush curls, hats, luxurious hairstyles, clean faces, beautiful figures, emphasized by the lightness of chiffon or formal dresses. Under any conditions, a woman must remain a woman, and nothing can justify the opposite. Let's not let grandmothers down, let's take care of ourselves!

Let's start, of course, with hair. Even short haircut requires healthy skin head, live hair, especially since at any moment a whim can come to change boyish perkyness into the image of a beauty with lush hair.

Grandma's shampoo

How to wash your hair? You will be surprised, but I will say that you can do without shampoo.

Take a loaf of black bread. A large one can be cut into three or four parts, and a small one hundred gram can be used as a whole. Bread needs to be crumbled or finely chopped, pour hot water so that he is only covered by it. Let the bread swell, turn into a homogeneous porridge.

When the mixture has cooled to a tolerable temperature, it must be applied to wet hair and wrap with a plastic scarf. We wash everything off after 15-30 minutes. Hair will be clean and shiny. You will have to rinse with plenty of water to wash out the remnants of the bread. You can add a spoonful of honey to the bread mask, egg yolk, a little lemon juice (for oily hair), just don't overdo it. All the same, the task is to wash your hair. Too many ingredients can mess things up. Washing with black bread is useful for hair loss, brittle hair, and poor hair growth.

Hair conditioner

Natural "conditioner" for hair. Conditioner is a product that improves the structure of the hair, their appearance. How did our grandmothers achieve this? The most common rinsing agent in those days was ordinary warm water with the addition of vinegar. When rinsing, it is immediately felt that the hair becomes soft, pliable. Vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. Water should be slightly acidified; for two or three liters - a couple of tablespoons of vinegar or a tablespoon of lemon juice.

You can wet your hair with any beer, and wash it off after two or three minutes. plain water. Beer contains brewer's yeast, malt made from germinated grain. This is an excellent nutrition for hair, a stimulator of their growth.

For those who are not lazy. Prepare herbal tea. Raw materials medicinal herbs it is inexpensive, besides, it can be prepared in the summer, in advance. Just a couple of teaspoons of the collection need to be poured with a liter of water, insisted, cooled to comfortable temperature, strain and rinse hair after washing. It can be chamomile, burdock root, nettle, calamus root, birch leaves, twigs of willow and coniferous trees. All these natural ingredients can be part of your wonderful rinsing balm.

Hair masks

In the Caucasus and Central Asia, sour milk and whey are considered the best means for hair growth and nutrition. Spoiled milk apply to dry hair for a while, rinse the hair with warmed serum and only then rinse with water. Here is a shampoo, conditioner and conditioner in one product.

Chopped onion is considered a good mask. Recipes onion masks a lot of. I'll bring one.

Grate the onion or chop it in a blender, add a spoonful of honey, one yolk, a spoonful of olive, castor or burdock oil, on the tip of a knife of red ground hot pepper. The mixture is applied to the hair, more to the roots, then the head should be wrapped with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel for an hour. After washing off with regular shampoo or bread mass. The mask is very effective, stimulates hair growth, heals damaged hair. The only inconvenience is the smell of onions, which stays on the hair for a long time. There is only one way out - to apply a similar mask once a week, on the night before the weekend, or during the holidays, set aside a few days and take it in a course. The result is worth it.

Hair nutrition

Healthy hair is an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Therefore, if there are problems - hair loss, split ends, brittleness and dryness, increased greasiness of the scalp - it is better to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. If this is not possible, try to cleanse the intestines, cleanse the liver, buy good vitamins.

Sea buckthorn helps the hair “from the inside” very well. Sea buckthorn jam, grated berries, sea ​​buckthorn oil added to grated carrots - include these additives in your menu. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.

Perfectly help decoctions from cones and buds of coniferous trees. One cone or a handful of growth buds (endings coniferous branches) pour cold water, bring to a boil over a small fire and let cool, brew. Drink two to three times a day for a quarter cup. By the way, coniferous decoction is useful not only for hair, the skin and body will also feel the vitamin "feeding".

What are the good recipes of our grandmothers? The fact that they used affordable, natural, inexpensive ingredients to maintain their beauty. In practice, they used the gifts of nature, products from their table, and the results were not bad. Maybe now some ladies look twenty years younger than their age, using achievements plastic surgery, but at the same time they lose their liveliness of sight, their naturalness, charm. So let's take care of our youth. Let's continue to get acquainted with the secrets of our grandmothers.

Let's talk about skin

Most the best remedy For female skin- olive oil. Small bottle of unrefined olive oil, called by our grandmothers "Provencal", will replace both the cream and the mask for any skin. If it is not possible to buy a wide range of cosmetics, buy olive oil. Even if you just apply a little olive oil on your face every evening and after half an hour remove the excess with a soft cloth, after a couple of weeks you will see changes on your face. The skin seems to come to life, smoothed, becomes elastic. Olive oil solves the problem of excessive dryness, irritation, provokes the regeneration of skin cells. A valuable tool that can replace several jars of cream.

Butter can be thickened natural wax. Heat in a water bath in a small glass jar baby food three tablespoons of olive oil and a piece of natural wax the size of Walnut. Heating must be carried out until the wax melts, it is impossible to overheat. Mix the oil mixture well, after hardening it will look like vaseline. Before hardening, you can add a few drops of natural aromatic oil. For example, avocado oil, cardamom, almond. The cream is well applied, after half an hour the excess must be removed. This is an old recipe and it has stood the test of time.

Face masks for our grandmothers

It is pointless to list recipes for masks, there are an infinite number of them, but about a few masks that can always be made from what is at hand, and which have always served faithfully female beauty from generation to generation, I'll tell you all the same.

- Egg-yolk mask. Grind the yolk of one egg, adding olive oil drop by drop, with a tablespoon, until thickened. Then add a teaspoon of honey and rub again. The mask is best used in the evening, applying for 20-30 minutes. Then just rinse. Wipe your face well with an herbal ice cube. Look at yourself in the mirror. Well, how? I say that our grandmothers knew magical remedies. The mask can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The mask perfectly nourishes, stimulates and rejuvenates the skin.

- Sour milk or creamy mask . Yes Yes. Kefir, sour cream and cream, which we buy every day, are wonderful cosmetologists. They should trust their skin. It is good to buy bran or grind finely cereals. Pour a spoonful of bran or ground flakes with cream or kefir (a quarter cup) and let stand for half an hour in a water bath, hot water. Can be mixed with sour cream. The mask should warm up to a pleasantly warm temperature. Apply for 15-30 minutes and wash off. No soap!

This mask nourishes, brightens the skin, tones and tightens it. For dry skin, you can add a few drops of olive oil. For oily skin - a few drops of lemon juice. For inflamed, prone acne add ½ teaspoon of fenugreek powder. It's such a spice. He does great with inflammatory processes skin. Unfortunately, the mask is not stored, it must be used immediately.

- Potato mask. Wash one small potato well, wipe dry and grate on a fine grater, right with the skin, you can add bran and a few drops of lemon juice. All! Apply to the face, covering the top with a paper towel so that the liquid does not spread. Wash off with cool water after twenty minutes. The mask refreshes, relieves swelling, fatigue. So simple and so useful, try it.

- Yeast mask . For this mask, you need real live yeast, as before, which is now rarely on sale. But, if you can buy them, be sure to try this mask. You can use brewer's yeast, they are sold in pharmacies. Mix a tablespoon of bran, a teaspoon of yeast and a teaspoon of honey (if you can’t tolerate honey, you can do without it) mix and heat for about five minutes in a hot water bath, until warm. Everything can be applied. For 15-30 minutes. The mask is very helpful. It affects the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes in them, relieves irritation and soothes.

Masks should not be overused. They can be applied, alternating, once or twice a week, or in courses, every other day, for two weeks. Then you should give the skin a rest, use only the cream. If you are not too lazy to brew herbal decoction and wash your face with it in the morning and evening, it will be fine. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Brew the most common herbs: chamomile, linden blossom, nettle, burdock and dandelion roots, St. John's wort and plantain. Everything that is available to you from this list can be used to prepare cosmetic decoctions for washing.

Of course, it's good when there are funds to buy new ones. cosmetic products and visits dear beauty salons. And if there are no funds or opportunities? Such little things never stopped women in the struggle for their attractiveness. I hope grandmother's secrets will help you feel the most beautiful!